Toilet      06/15/2019

Workshop equipment: do-it-yourself cyclone for a vacuum cleaner. Homemade filter cyclone from pvc sewer pipes Connecting a cyclone

A great way to save on chip removal is to make a homemade chip blower in the workshop. Its cost today starts at about 9,000 rubles, so the savings are considerable. It was this project that Sergey Yurkevich, a master from Dzerzhinsk, offered us.

It all started with the fact that there was a problem to equip the thickness gauge with chip removal, since the workshop is small and sawdust underfoot is very unnerving, at first I did it, under which I even stole the last Soviet vacuum cleaner "Rocket" from my mother-in-law)) But not for long, it burned down. But his work time was enough to draw a conclusion: for chip removal this is not the best option.

The idea and its implementation was found on YouTube. Namely, the manufacture of a snail without a vacuum cleaner .. I didn’t make any drawings, all the design work went right along the manufacturing process, approximately as the creators of the video said ...

The first thing that was made was the fan disk itself. It was made from 9 mm plywood with a diameter of 300 mm.... The lower circle is solid - with a hole for the spindle. In this place, it is advisable to stick one or two more amplifying circles so that the shaft does not hang out. Upper circle with a hole for "suction"

It is easy to make such circles using, for example, milling table, there are methods with the help of a circular ....

Then it was necessary to make a body, what was at hand went into action. On the sheet old chipboard before that, I twisted the box, marking the location of the fan on it, inserted a curved strip of fiberboard inside the box, closed the corners with foam rubber and the seams on PUR glue .. To prevent the fiberboard strip from untwisting, I reinforced it with wedges at the corners of the box.

There is practically no vibration during rotation, balancing was carried out by drilling recesses on the heavier side until the impeller began to stop easily in different places on your weight...

At first, this drum was put on an asynchronous engine 500W 2800 rpm. For normal operation, at least 3000 rpm is required. But, the engine turned out to be rather weak, there was too much resistance .. - it overheated quickly ... I put the engine from washing machine but even here 10 minutes of work and the thermal protection cuts down, but this is already through a small shaft on bearings ..

On the side I put an old barrel made of aluminum which I already found) I need to put the chips somewhere)) It’s like in factory chippers .. The bottom of the barrel was removed, and a hole was cut on the side for the exit from the snail. In this case, the air flow twists along the wall, like a cyclone, depositing sawdust.

The resulting pipe is attached to the chip blower body with a pair of bolts. A sawdust bag is attached to the bottom of this tank with a clamp, and a fabric filter bag is attached to the top.

Then he made the main cover on the snail, the entry of the chips was a pipe with a diameter of 80 mm, (again, I borrowed from my wife in the kitchen from all sorts of cereals))

In tests, the suction showed such power that it calmly held the bar.

Well, now, since there are problems with the engine, I spat on everything, put it with homemade machine 2.2 kilowatts through capacitors with a starter .. It became absolutely fine ..

It was necessary to put some kind of air filter on top, I asked everyone what kind of fabric is used for this, but I didn’t find a clear answer, The mother-in-law suggested the solution! Pillowcase from a pillow, I don’t know what the fabric is called, but the dust doesn’t let through.

So far, the chip blower is used only on the thickness gauge Makita 2010NB ... It is necessary to make a distributor for other equipment, but this is still in the project.

The distributor is needed not only to disperse the flow to several devices. When working with a thickness gauge, 30 mm can become clogged with chips. Here is its concept.

The design, of course, turns out to be more cumbersome, but more versatile.

No matter how extensive the range of vacuum cleaners on the market is, not everyone can afford to provide themselves with the appropriate units for industrial and domestic needs. The reason for this is often the high cost of industrial vacuum cleaners. On the one hand, cleaning in a garage or workshop takes a lot of time, and on the other hand, a vacuum cleaner costing from $ 500 to $ 1000 with a large dust container and good suction performance. Great solution problems can serve homemade vacuum cleaner for the workshop, made by hand. It is enough to remember how well we know how to make something. The same principles can be applied when a factory-made home assistant fails in terms of breaking the integrity of filters or dust collectors. To implement such a project, you will need to be patient and have some improvised means that may be gathering dust in the far corner of the garage. A homemade vacuum cleaner is easily suitable for indoor cleaning, helps to collect construction debris, and allows you to remove dust flying out from under working surface power tool.

Homemade vacuum cleaner filter

Initially, before you start stocking up on materials for the manufacture of the unit, you should clearly define the tasks that the vacuum cleaner must solve. So, a garbage collection container can be a couple of liters for cleaning in an apartment and other domestic premises, or several tens of liters for cleaning construction waste at work sites or in garages. For such a container, a large barrel or a small bucket from under any building material is perfect, the main thing is that you have the opportunity to ensure the sealing of this container during the garbage collection process. If the required degree of tightness is not achieved, fine dust fractions sucked in by the air flow through the holes will enter the air of the home or air working area. Things are much worse when cleaning harmful chemical substances And building materials, since in the form of dust or aerosol in the air of the working area, they can worsen well-being and harm human health.

Apart from air pollution, poor sealing will result in loss of suction power. If instead of a garbage container, you decide to make homemade bag for a vacuum cleaner, it must also hold dust and keep it out of the environment.

The size of the meshes between the fibers should be such that dust of a certain size is contained inside the bag and is not blown back into the room. Of course, in domestic premises the type of dust and its dimensions are larger than the dust of construction waste and dust flying out from under a working power tool.

How to choose a pump?

The device for creating an air flow can be taken from a ready-made vacuum cleaner that was in use, but for one reason or another unsuitable for further operation, or you can use any pumping device that meets the requirements:

  • Should work in the rated load mode for a long time, sufficient to complete the tasks and all manipulations;
  • Must be able to withstand both short-term and long-term overload so that a clogged hose does not cause overheating and failure.
  • It must provide sufficient suction power, taking into account the installed filters and other obstacles in the path of the air flow.

In rooms where high suction power is not required, a conventional household vacuum cleaner, for example with a bag dust collector, can play the role of a pump. To do this, the bag dust collector is removed, and the necessary components are attached to it.

Making a filter

The best solution for creating a filtering device for a homemade vacuum cleaner will be cyclonic filter made by hand. The manufacturing principle is quite simple: you will need to make a structure from a cylinder with two holes for the inlet and outlet of the air flow sucked in by the vacuum cleaner and a truncated cone pointing down. For these purposes, any material from metal to plastic can be suitable. The only requirement for the entire design of the cyclone is high-quality sealing of all slots and openings. The reason is the same as for the dust collector: the appearance of a dusty fraction in the air and a decrease in the performance of the unit. Consider the option of making a homemade cyclone for a vacuum cleaner from plastic pipes. The only difficulty in manufacturing will be the conical part, which will have to be selected from finished parts or made independently. To make you will need:

  1. a pipe with a width of 100 mm and higher, the larger the pipe, the better the work of the cyclone filter can be obtained;
  2. two small diameter pipes for inlet and outlet. On average, pipes from 50 mm and below are taken, depending on the diameter of the working hose.
  3. cone detail, larger diameter, which corresponds to the diameter big pipe(cylinder).
  4. For wide cylinders, from 150 mm in diameter and more, a small diameter cord or flexible tube will be required for the filter guide.
  5. A cap that will fit snugly into the top bore of the cylinder.
  6. glue or material for soldering, sealant.

A homemade cyclone vacuum cleaner will turn out in this way much cheaper than a factory one due to a cheap filter, the cost of which will cost 8 - 10 dollars, unlike the original factory cyclone filter. Initially, a wide pipe is taken, selected for the role of a cylinder, and cut to the required height (if you did not manage to purchase right size). The holes for the inlet and outlet should be cut as accurately as possible, avoiding chips and uneven edges. If the air intake hole should be placed in a horizontal plane, then the air outlet hole can be located both on the pipe itself and on the top cover of the cyclone filter. It is worth proceeding from where it is most convenient to provide high-quality sealing. If the material of the cover is much easier to cut and the sealant is fixed normally, then it is better to give preference to the cover, otherwise, the outlet should be placed on the body. The main condition is that the outlet pipe must be located above the inlet. This will allow the debris to sink down, passing only air and fine dust to the outlet. To trap such dust, you can also use some home-made filters, for example, fabric filters or adapt a car filter, this will protect the home-made construction vacuum cleaner from types of debris that are dangerous for the engine.

To create a swirl of the air flow that is sucked into the cyclone, a flexible hose or cord made of waterproof material should be glued spirally on the surface of the cylinder. Such a spiral will increase the efficiency of the cyclone filter. It should be noted that such an addition will only work for the pipe large diameter into which you can easily penetrate with your hands. The inlet and outlet pipe is fixed in the respective holes with sealant, heat shrink, adhesives or pieces of pipe, which are soldered with a soldering iron. The main task of this material is to firmly fix and seal the tubes. The top cover should fit snugly against the edges of the cylinder, you can, if desired, fix it with a sealant, but then the cleaning process will become more complicated internal surfaces cyclone filter from accumulated debris. We should also not forget that the surface can become electrified and accumulate a static charge that will hold dust. Therefore, it is better to immediately install the cover on the door seal, this will prevent dust from entering the room and will allow you to freely open the cover at the right time. The conical part can be strengthened with sealant or glue, since it is unlikely to have to be removed. Through the hole in the truncated cone, the debris will fall into the bin.

Such a device can be useful not only for those who are thinking about how to make a homemade vacuum cleaner, but also for owners of working factory-made vacuum cleaners. If you are tired of constantly changing the dust bag or the filters are clogged, then installing a homemade cyclone will help solve this problem without extra costs to buy a new vacuum cleaner.

If you undertook to make an industrial vacuum cleaner, then you can mount a socket on it for connecting a power tool, which will allow you to ensure parallel operation of the vacuum cleaner and the tool. You can connect the system to the socket circuit automatic start vacuum cleaner, which will ensure the suction of dust when starting the tool. In addition, such a system can provide a delay in turning off the vacuum cleaner after opening the power tool circuit. This will allow the industrial vacuum cleaner to collect the debris and dust that have flown out within a few seconds after turning off the power tool.

What should be considered when making a homemade vacuum cleaner?

In the manufacture of home-made vacuum cleaners, some craftsmen, in order to save their own time and effort, include factory parts and spare parts in the unit. In most cases, such a step is quite justified, with the exception of the installation of filters. For a homemade vacuum cleaner, you should by all means avoid installing the notorious HEPA filters. These filters work on the principle of retaining fine dust particles in the pores of the filter itself. Because of this, as the filter fills with debris, suction power and, consequently, the quality of cleaning will gradually be lost. All kinds of attempts to clean such filters do not lead to the expected results, since the dust is not completely blown out, and when washed and washed out, it leads to the processes of decay and the development of bacteria. It is clear that these bacteria are blown back into the room during operation, this process is expressed in bad smell while the vacuum cleaner is running.

To optimize the operation of the vacuum cleaner, you can connect two hoses - one for suction, the other for blowing, the blowing hose will allow you to effectively clean various surfaces And hard-to-reach places, because the immediately blown dust will be collected by the suction hose. However, the absence of a filter in a conventional vacuum cleaner can also lead to the opposite effect, because in order not to use it, it is necessary to provide the device with an ideal cleaning system, and oh, how difficult it is to do it at home. So if you need real cleanliness, it’s better to save on something else, and choose a reliable and filterless cleaner to clean both air and surfaces. And all this about the separator apparatus! So good luck with choosing and using a vacuum cleaner.

Repair and construction works not only are they difficult, but also leave a lot of dust and debris, which is often too lazy to clean up, and ordinary home vacuum cleaners are simply not able to cope with the task. A cyclone for a vacuum cleaner will help, capable of sifting out chips, sawdust and other debris without clogging the dust collector itself.

Operating principle

Many people know what construction rubbish is and how difficult it is to clean, especially on an industrial scale. There are special construction vacuum cleaners on the market that have high power, in comparison with household ones, but at the same time they have large dimensions and a considerable price. Therefore, masters of their craft create cyclone type chip blowers with their own hands, thereby improving their household vacuum cleaners and facilitating their work.

The filter is a design of two compartments: external and internal. Under the action of centrifugal force, all rubbish entering the dust collector, based on the cyclone principle, sorted into large and small particles.

Large ones settle in the outer chamber, and small ones - in the inner one. It is because of this principle of operation of the filter that it was called a cyclone.

DIY manufacturing

Before starting work, you need to remember that it will not be difficult to build such a simple device, therefore, after mastering the principles, you can immediately make your own masterful improvements to the mechanism.

When making a cyclone with your own hands from improvised materials, you need:

To make a vacuum cleaner with your own hands, you need:

  • In the lid of the container, it is necessary to make a hole for a 90-degree polypropylene elbow and in the side of the container itself the same hole for a 30-degree elbow.
  • A filter is placed inside the container, already connected to a polypropylene elbow.
  • All openings should be sealed tightly with sealant.

The hose is tightly fixed with a polypropylene elbow and is directed clearly down, thereby setting a stable trajectory. Testing is carried out on a hard litter.

Aquafilter from improvised means

If you have problems finding a store-bought aquafilter, you can safely make a cyclone filter for a vacuum cleaner with your own hands. To do this, you only need plastic pipe, the dimensions of which are set based on the size of the tank (suitable sewer small diameter).

To make the filter yourself, you need to cut the pipe into pieces and tightly connect it into T-shape so that air can pass freely between the chambers, and the side branches must be muffled with breathable fabric material.

From below, at the base of the wide part, it is necessary to drill holes in a checkerboard pattern (for water intake). Next, you need to connect the cyclone filter to the water filter using a polypropylene elbow so that the water filter, while inside the tank, slightly touches the water.

Water is added just before the vacuum cleaner is used.

Dust bag

When making a bag for a vacuum cleaner with your own hands, any material will do, but it is important that it is dense. In order to make such a bag, you need only three materials:

  • Textolite (the size is selected individually for each vacuum cleaner).
  • Any textile tight bag (many use shoe bags).
  • Clamp for debris dump part.

A hole is made in the textolite with a diameter of the outlet of the dust collection valve, the sizes are different for everyone, depending on the model of the vacuum cleaner. Further, the same hole is made in the bag and fixed between the textolite and the bag.

In the opposite part of the bag, a hole is made to dump dust and litter, after which the bag is fixed with a clamp.

Cyclone was created in 1986 Jameson Dyson and since then has gained its authority in the sales market and holds its position to this day.

Not a single industrial field can do without this invention, which has such qualities as speed and reliability.

Article about how I did homemade construction vacuum cleaner with cyclone filter. The performance of this useful homemade for home can be appreciated by watching the video of his work.

To demonstrate the work, I collected a bucket of sand. In general, I am satisfied with the result of the work done (given that this is, so to speak, a working prototype layout).

I will say right away: this article is a presentation of my history of creating my first (and I think not the last) homemade cyclone vacuum cleaner , and I am in no way going to impose anything on anyone, prove and claim that the solutions described here are the only correct and infallible ones. Therefore, I ask you to treat with understanding, so to speak, "understand and forgive." I hope my little experience will be useful to “sick” people like me, to whom “a bad head does not give rest to their hands” (in the good sense of this expression).

I somehow thought about the upcoming repair and the consequences arising from this in the form of dust, construction debris, etc. And since it is necessary to ditch, saw concrete and “perforate”, the experience of the past suggested that it is necessary to look for a solution to these problems. It’s expensive to buy a ready-made construction vacuum cleaner, and most of them still include a filter (in some models even with a special “shaker”) or a paper bag + filter that clogs, worsens traction, needs to be replaced periodically and also costs a lot of money. Yes, and just this topic interested, and appeared, so to speak, "purely sporting interest." In general, it was decided to make a cyclone vacuum cleaner. A lot of information was gleaned here: I did not make special calculations (for example, according to Bill Pentz), I did it from what came to hand and according to my own instinct. By chance, on the ad site (for 1100 rubles) and very close to my place of residence, I came across such a vacuum cleaner. I looked at the parameters, they seem to be satisfied - it will be a donor!

The body of the cyclone itself was decided to be made of metal, because there were strong doubts about how long they would last, for example, plastic walls under the influence of “sandpaper” from a jet of sand and pieces of concrete. And also about static electricity when rubbish rubs against its walls, and I didn’t want the future homemade vacuum cleaner threw sparks at its users. And personally, I think that the buildup of dust due to static will not have a positive effect on the operation of the cyclone.

The general scheme for constructing a vacuum cleaner is as follows:

Polluted air passes through a cyclone, in which large particles settle into the lower container-garbage collector. The rest goes through the automobile air filter, engine and through the outlet pipe to the outside. It was decided to make a branch pipe for the outlet, and the dimensions of the inlet and outlet should be the same. This will allow you to use a vacuum cleaner, for example, to blow something. You can also use an additional hose to make the “exhaust” air exit to the street so as not to raise dust in the room (this suggests attaching this unit as a “built-in” stationary vacuum cleaner somewhere in the basement or on the balcony). Using two hoses at the same time, you can clean all kinds of filters without blowing dust around (blow with one hose, retract with the other).

The air filter is chosen “flat” not annular, so that when it is turned off, the debris that gets there falls into the garbage bin. If we take into account that only the dust remaining after the cyclone gets into the filter, then its replacement will not be required soon, as in the usual construction vacuum cleaner with filter without cyclone. Moreover, at the price of such a filter (about 130 rubles), it is much cheaper than the “branded” ones that are used in industrial vacuum cleaners. It is also possible to partially clean such a filter with an ordinary household vacuum cleaner by attaching it to the “cyclone” inlet pipe. In this case, the garbage from the garbage bin will not be sucked in. The filter mount is made collapsible to simplify its cleaning and replacement.

For the body of the cyclone, it was very handy to find a suitable can, and the central pipe is made from a can of polyurethane foam.

The inlet pipe is made with the expectation of a 50 mm plastic sewer pipe into which, with an appropriate rubber coupling, the hose in the vacuum cleaner is inserted quite tightly.

The second end of the pipe goes into a rectangle, so to speak, to "straighten" the flow. Its width was chosen for the smallest hose inlet diameter (32mm) to avoid clogging. Approximate calculation: L \u003d (3.14 * 50 mm - 2 * 32) / 2 \u003d 46.5 mm. Those. branch pipe section 32*46 mm.

I assembled the entire structure on soldering with acid and a 100-watt soldering iron (I worked with tin for almost the first time, except for the soldering of boats in childhood, so I apologize for the beauty of the seams)

Soldered the center pipe. The cone was made according to a pre-fitted cardboard template-scan.

The housing for the autofilter is also made according to galvanized patterns.

The upper part of the central pipe of the air duct was bent in the shape of a square and the lower opening of the body (pyramid) of the autofilter was fitted under it. Gathered everything together. On the sides of the can of the cyclone, I made three guides to increase rigidity and fastening. It turned out here is such a "gravitsapa".

For the garbage collector and the engine compartment, I used 2 barrels of engine oil (60 liters). Too big, of course, but this is what we managed to find. At the bottom of the engine compartment, I made holes for attaching the cyclone, and glued sponge rubber on the surface of the garbage bin to seal around the perimeter. After that, I cut a hole in the sidewall for the inlet pipe, taking into account the thickness of the rubber cuff.

The cyclone-“gravitap” was fastened with M10 studs and nuts with fluoroplastic to prevent loosening from vibration. Hereinafter, all the places where tightness is necessary, articulated with a rubber seal (or rubber washers) and auto-sealant.

To connect the engine compartment and the garbage collector, I used latches from the military wooden boxes(special thanks to Igor Sanych!). I had to ferment them a little in a solvent and “correct” them with a hammer. Fastened with rivets (with rubber gaskets from the chamber).

After that, for greater rigidity and noise reduction, I foamed the entire structure. mounting foam. You can, of course, fill everything to the top, but I decided to play it safe, suddenly there will be a need to disassemble it. In addition, everything turned out pretty hard and strong.

For ease of movement and carrying the garbage can attached 2 door handles and 4 wheels with brakes. Since the garbage container has a flanging at the bottom, it was necessary to make an additional “bottom” from a 10 mm thick plastic sheet to install the wheels. In addition, this made it possible to strengthen the bottom of the barrel so that it would not “squish” when the vacuum cleaner was running.

The base for attaching the filter funnel and the engine platform was made of chipboard with fastening to the barrel along the perimeter with furniture "Euro screws". To fix the engine platform, I glued 8 M10 bolts onto the epoxy (I think 4 would be enough). Painted. I glued sponge rubber around the perimeter of the filter installation site.

When assembling, I smeared the neck of the autofilter housing around the perimeter with sealant and pulled it to the base with flat-head screws.

The engine platform was made from 21 mm plywood. For a more uniform distribution of air over the filter area, I chose a recess of 7 mm in the area with a milling cutter.

To collect the outgoing air and mount the engine, the plastic engine compartment available in the vacuum cleaner was used. “Everything superfluous” was cut off from it and the outlet pipe was glued onto the epoxy reinforced with self-tapping screws. Everything is assembled together on a sealant and with the help of metal profile(thick sponge rubber is inserted into it) is attracted to the engine platform with two long M12 bolts. Their heads are recessed flush into the platform and filled with hot glue for tightness. Nuts with PTFE to prevent loosening due to vibration.

Thus, a removable motor module was obtained. For ease of access to the autofilter, it is attached with eight wing nuts. Enlarged washers are glued (Schaub did not run away).

I made a hole for the outlet pipe.

I painted the entire “pepelats” black from a spray can, after cleaning it with sandpaper and degreasing it.

The engine speed controller used the existing one (see photo), supplementing it homemade scheme to automatically start the vacuum cleaner when you turn on the power tool.

Explanations on the scheme of a homemade vacuum cleaner:

Circuit breakers (2-pole) QF1 and QF2 protect, respectively, the circuits for connecting power tools (socket XS1) and the speed control circuit of the vacuum cleaner motor. When the tool is turned on, its load current flows through the diodes VD2-VD4 and VD5. They are selected from the reference book because of the large voltage drop across them with direct current. On a chain of three diodes, when one (let's call it “positive”) half-wave of current flows, a pulsating voltage drop is created, which charges the capacitor C1 through the fuse FU1, the Schottky diode VD1 and the resistor R2. Fuse FU1 and varistor RU1 (16 volts) protect the control circuit from damage during overvoltage, which can occur, for example, during a break (burnout) in the chain of diodes VD2-VD4. The Schottky diode VD1 is selected with a low voltage drop (to “save” the already small Volts) and prevents the discharge of the capacitor C1 during the “negative” half-wave of current through the diode VD5. Resistor R2 limits the charge current of capacitor C1. The voltage received at C1 opens the DA1 optocoupler, the thyristor of which is included in the control circuit of the engine speed controller. The variable resistor R4 for controlling the motor speed is selected with the same rating as in the controller board of the vacuum cleaner (it is removed) and made remote (in the housing from the dimmer) to be placed on the top cover of the vacuum cleaner. A resistor R removed from the board is soldered in parallel to it. The on / off switch S2 in the open circuit of the resistor R4 serves to manually turn on the vacuum cleaner. Switch S1 "automatic / manual". In manual control mode, S1 is on and the regulator current flows through the chain R4 (R) - S2 is on - S1. In automatic mode, S1 is turned off and the regulator current flows through the chain R4 (R) -pins 6-4 DA1. After turning off the power tool due to the large capacitance of the capacitor C1 and the inertia of the engine, the vacuum cleaner continues to work for about 3-5 seconds. This time is enough to draw the remaining debris from the hose into the vacuum cleaner.

The automatic start circuit is assembled on breadboard. Switches S1, S2, dimmer housing (to accommodate the variable resistor R4) and socket XS1 are selected from one not very expensive series, so to speak, for aesthetics. All elements are located on the top cover of the vacuum cleaner, made of 16 mm chipboard and glued with PVC edging. In the future, it will be necessary to make insulated cases for the boards in order to protect live parts from accidental contact.

To power the vacuum cleaner, a three-core flexible cable in rubber insulation KG 3 * 2.5 (5 meters) and a plug with a grounding contact were selected (do not forget about electrical safety and fight static electricity). Given the short-term intermittent operation of the vacuum cleaner together with a power tool, the selected cable section is sufficient so as not to heat up. A thicker cable (for example, KG 3*4) is correspondingly heavier and coarser, which would create inconvenience when using a vacuum cleaner. It was decided to abandon the device for winding the cable, which was in the donor vacuum cleaner, since the contacts existing there would not withstand the total load of the vacuum cleaner and power tools.

The top cover is fixed with a stud and a wing nut.

For ease of removal top cover the motor is connected to the control circuit via a connector. The body of the motor and the vacuum cleaner are connected to a protective earth conductor. To cool the regulator circuit, I drilled a small hole in the outlet pipe to create an air flow inside the engine compartment housing.

In order to insert a garbage bag into the garbage bin, I pasted over the upper edge with a rubber door seal cut along.

And so that the garbage bag is not sucked into the cyclone due to air suction through leaks, it is necessary to make a small hole in it.

The completion and testing of the resulting vacuum cleaner took place already at the beginning of the repair, so to speak, in “combat” conditions. The thrust, of course, is many times more powerful than that of a household vacuum cleaner, which would not be enough for a couple of minutes of working with construction debris. Relatively heavy debris from concrete is almost completely deposited in the bin and the additional filter does not need to be cleaned for a long time, while the draft is uniform and does not depend on the degree of filling of the bin. Putty dust (in the form of flour) is very light and, accordingly, is filtered out worse by the cyclone, which makes it necessary to periodically clean the autofilter. The task of making a vacuum cleaner was not set and therefore no test was carried out for this function.


The resulting apparatus eventually turned out to be functional and has already passed the test during the repair of one room. Now I consider it more like a working layout from the series “will it work or not for the sake of interest”.

The main disadvantages of this design:

- relatively large dimensions are not convenient for transportation in a car, although the vacuum cleaner moves around the room on wheels very easily. You can use barrels of liters of 30 for example. As the operation has shown, such a large garbage bin is inconvenient for cleaning, and a bag with a lot of garbage can break.

- the diameter of the hose can be increased, for example, up to 50 mm and a hose from an industrial vacuum cleaner can be used (but the question arises of a price of 2000 rubles). Although, even with the existing hose, the garbage is collected quite cheerfully, unless of course you try to draw in half of the brick.

- it is necessary to make an easily removable mount for an additional autofilter and engine, for more convenient and efficient maintenance and cleaning.

- a thermal relay can be included in the control circuit (only determine the response temperature) to protect the engine from overheating.

Poor screening of light fine dust, which can be solved by introducing a second stage of smaller cyclones.

In conclusion, I would like to thank all my friends who helped with ideas and materials in the construction of this "pepelats". And special thanks to my beloved wife Yulia for supporting me in my hobbies.

I hope my little experience will be useful to readers.

A special vacuum cleaner is different from a regular one. If the latter is applicable for a small amount of small debris, then a special model is intended for collection, for example, in home workshops. However, it is expensive. And why pay the right money if you can make a cyclone for a vacuum cleaner with your own hands? Why exactly a cyclone and what is it? This is an important element, with the help of which the capacity of the garbage vacuum cleaner is increased, which means that it brings more benefits. If you need, then we have already prepared detailed instructions.

Features and Benefits

The purchase of a vacuum cleaner should be approached with all seriousness, because low power apparatus can create a lot of problems and will not allow you to achieve the purity that you aspire to. Listen to the advice of a sales assistant, which will not only save money, but also make a rational choice.

It is best to stop at models with a cyclone filter, whose power is about 1800 watts. Fortunately, today many manufacturers produce similar models so the choice is easy to make.

The principle of operation of the cyclone filter for a vacuum cleaner

The advantages of cyclone dust collectors include:

  • transparency. You can always notice if a random object gets inside;
  • high power. Due to the maximum possible power, there is no need to slow down even with a fully loaded container;
  • due to its low weight, such a device can significantly save storage space;
  • no need to spend money on paper bags for a vacuum cleaner;
  • when filling, the vacuum cleaner does not lose its power in operation;
  • this vacuum cleaner is easy to clean and dry;
  • it is easy to do it yourself, since everything you need can be found in your home. To make a cyclone-type vacuum cleaner, you can use any engine - from the old washing machine or a broken vacuum cleaner.


There are a number of disadvantages to keep in mind when choosing a cyclonic vacuum cleaner. These include:

  • the centrifuge of this model does not retain the smallest dust, so it is better for allergy sufferers to refuse to work with such a device;
  • during operation, the vacuum cleaner makes a loud, shrill sound;
  • an uncomfortable hose, which, due to frequent entanglement, can break at any time;
  • due to the frequent clogging of the filter, the suction capacity of the vacuum cleaner is sharply reduced.

Cyclone vacuum cleaner


Cyclone vacuum cleaners have a number of important characteristics, depending on which models differ from each other:

  • container volume. It makes no sense to buy a vacuum cleaner with a flask volume of less than one and a half liters, given the garbage that this device has to collect. In addition, it should be checked that it is as easy as possible to clean the vacuum cleaner after work;
  • suction power. The quality of cleaning depends on it, but this indicator should not be confused with the power consumption;
  • filtration system. It depends on it how clean the outgoing air will be, which is especially important for allergy sufferers. Most modern models HEPA filters are installed at the outlet, which can stop the exit of even the smallest dust particles. Remember, not all filters are washable;
  • convenience of a hose design. When buying a vacuum cleaner, check the maximum length of the telescopic tube to see if it is long enough. For high-quality units, all joints are tightly fixed, but at the same time they are easily disconnected if necessary;
  • placement of control buttons. They can be on the body or handle;
  • the length of the cord to connect to the network. The optimal length, which is sufficient for the full use of the vacuum cleaner, can be from 8 to 10 meters;
  • equipment. A good vacuum cleaner should come with maximum amount nozzles.

Industrial vacuum cleaners of the cyclone system

In the woodworking industry, production, places where there is a large accumulation of dust, a cyclone vacuum cleaner is indispensable. Thanks to constant strength garbage suction, increased efficiency Such a device guarantees fast and most importantly high-quality cleaning of a room of any area. Subject to characteristics, industrial models cyclone vacuum cleaners divided into:

  • vacuum cleaners that collect low-hazard garbage and dust;
  • for garbage of medium and high danger, which includes concrete dust, asbestos, carcinogens;
  • for explosive dust. Often used in elevators.

Industrial cyclone vacuum cleaner

Principle of operation

Before you start making such an important mechanism, you should understand its principle of operation. So, a cyclone is a filter, in other words, a cyclone filter for a workshop. In fact, this is a miracle, as it significantly simplifies the work of the masters, more precisely, their cleaning for the fruits of their creativity.

How does a cyclone vacuum cleaner work?

The work is based on the fact that any dust and sawdust do not get to the vacuum cleaner itself, the power does not decrease, unnecessary debris that clogs them does not get into ordinary filters. The tube draws air into itself, its flow twists in a spiral. Weighty dust, such as sawdust, enters the narrow passage of the cone, and the air flow or suspension is sent to the vacuum cleaner.

It is not difficult to make such a cyclone, you just need to have necessary materials and know how to use them. There are several options for how to do this.

First option

Necessary materials Stages of work Add-ons
  • oil type filter (filters small fingers);
  • the bucket, to which the lid fits snugly, is the main container;
  • polypropylene elbows (they must be designed for water supply, have a straight and forty-five degree angle, the diameter of one piece is 40 millimeters;
  • plumbing pipe made of plastic, meter, with a forty-millimeter diameter;
  • corrugated pipe with a forty-millimeter diameter and a two-meter length
  • cut a hole in the center of the bucket lid;
  • seal the resulting cracks with sealant;
  • cut a hole in the side wall of the bucket;
  • insert a 45 degree corner into it;
  • the corrugation with the knee is connected by a part of the pipe;
  • you can put nylon material on the filter, this will extend its service life;
  • the filter outlet is connected to the elbow in the cover
If you can’t put the filter on the pipe, you need to make an adapter. They can be a rubber hose. All connections should be coated with sealant.

When the inlet closes, the bucket may crack. In this regard, it is necessary to strengthen its walls or install a valve, the main thing is to make the right measurements.

Oil filter

Exit from the cyclone

Entry assembly

Second option

Another option is based on the use of a cone for the road, the height of which is 520 millimeters. It is made of non-rigid plastic. So, in the design you need:

  • conical shape;
  • twenty-liter container and a well-closing lid;
  • a pair of plumbing pipes with a diameter of forty millimeters;
  • corner adapter;
  • 16mm wood plywood.

In essence, the creation is similar to the above example. Just a few additions - a pair of identical circular shapes should be cut out onto the flask cover and glued together. This will keep the cone firmly in place. Connections need to be put on thermal glue, guns can be used. The last part of the vertical pipe must be lowered below the horizontal one, which will allow creating the movement of the vortex nature of the garbage particles exactly along the cone, after which they will fall into the flask.

Do-it-yourself manufacturing nuances

Although it will not be difficult to make a cyclone-type vacuum cleaner on your own, some nuances that can affect the quality of the device in the future should be taken into account. Here are some tips:

  • refuse to install a HEPA filter, because due to the failure of the smallest particles to reach the surface, the suction power will constantly decrease, and the cleaning quality will deteriorate. Immediately be prepared that without such a filter, an unpleasant odor will occur during the operation of the vacuum cleaner;
  • to optimize the operation of the vacuum cleaner will allow the connection of two hoses - for suction and for blowing;
  • choose a motor with more than 6 thousand revolutions. As a motor, you can use a part from an old vacuum cleaner or a refrigerator compressor;
  • in order to avoid malfunctions, be sure to install a fan on the vacuum cleaner and monitor the tightness of the container;
  • if necessary, the device can be equipped with a water tank.

It's so easy to make a cyclone, the main thing is to keep the proportions, and also tune in to the fact that everything will definitely work out!
