Toilet      08.03.2020

Projects of baths with a terrace and a barbecue: photos of different options. Bath projects with a relaxation room Bath project with a glass terrace veranda

In terms of quality, practicality, as well as aesthetic characteristics, a bathhouse made of wood beams practically does not differ in any way from a building made of rounded logs, but at the same time, the construction process is much simpler and does not require special skill.

A wooden bath is considered truly Russian, since once in Rus' every building was erected without the use of nails, but as soundly as possible.

So, let's talk about the construction of a bath from a natural bar.

What are the criteria for choosing a beam for a steam room?

One of milestones when building a bath, of course, the choice of an array is considered. After all, the characteristics of the bath directly depend on this.

First of all, pay attention Special attention on the absence of any cracks in the logs, which, having expanded in the future, will become the cause of defects and decay of the massif during shrinkage.

In addition, there should be no blue highlights on the wood, indicating internal decay, which is associated with the presence of fungi.

It is not recommended to build a building from such material. In addition, the beam is defective if there is a wormhole on it.

Wherein good timber absolutely smooth. If there are defects, as well as various distortions, then this will not have the best effect on the arrangement of the crowns, respectively, the construction of a steam room can stretch for a long period of time.

There are several varieties of timber: solid, as well as profiled. The second option is equipped with spikes, grooves that are subject to grinding. Similar parts are easier to connect to each other.

The most important plus is the non-susceptibility of such walls to the adverse effects of moisture. As for the minuses, the material has a low degree of refractoriness, which means that it must be subjected to additional processing with propylene.

Solid timber is also used in construction. However, outwardly, it does not look attractive, so it is covered with siding.

Types of modern baths

Today there is a variety of species modern baths, namely:

with attic

This is one of the common options for a steam room with mansard roof as well as a veranda. In the upper part of the building there is a bedroom where you can comfortably relax after taking a bath.

And the veranda is a great place where you can drink a cup of fragrant tea.

with terrace

Are you going to build a barbecue in the country? Then build a steam room with a terrace where you can equip the stove directly. After the expiration of time, you can create a pond in front of the steam room.

with veranda

A bath with a spacious veranda is considered one of the simplest structures.

At the same time, it is preferable to glaze the veranda and use it as summer zone recreation, kitchen space.

with a porch

Are you a true Russian banya fan? Then build it with a spacious porch, which is not only beautiful, but also as practical as possible.

A small table, a traditional samovar and the splendor of the surrounding nature.

With a veranda, as well as a spacious roof

Such a steam room is distinguished by great dignity - a covered veranda, as well as a wide attic area. In this option, you get a small foundation.


A durable bath created from a bar can be erected on a strip or column foundation.

For building a foundation belt type formwork is being built, poured concrete mix. Inside the foundation there will be a strip of sand or gravel.

A couple of weeks after the concrete has completely hardened, you can start laying the log house.

To create a columnar foundation, it is necessary to set up brick pillars, under each of which a concrete pillow is arranged to prevent subsidence.

However, no matter what type of foundation you prefer, it is important to strengthen it with reinforcement for durability.

Also, you can not do without a practical waterproofing created between the original crown and the base. For these purposes, molten bitumen is applied to the foundation surface, which is covered with an even roofing material layer. As soon as it hardens, the procedure must be repeated.

If you have decided to build a reliable and beautiful bath, then by all means get a project and, focusing on our recommendations, make your dreams come true.

Photo of a bath from a bar

What we are really proud of is the build quality. Our teams of carpenters have good experience in assembling saunas, we come to the construction site with complete set tools.

  • Adjustable poles. On verandas and terraces, we use special adjustable poles, which gives an undeniable advantage in the shrinkage of the building. Any wooden bath subject to shrinkage (the timber can both take on water and dry), due to which distortions are possible. Thanks to the adjustment system, the posts can be adjusted to the required level. We install them by default, no additional fees are required for this!
  • Beautiful balusters. Usually, open terraces baths and houses are decorated with carved balusters. We do not nail the glazing bead remaining from the construction instead of balusters - we use only materials intended for this, made in the conditions of the workshop. At the same time, we do not use clumsy work technologies - both preila and balusters will be nailed neatly, without cracks and ugly protruding nails.
  • Open and closed terraces. If the project provides covered veranda, and you want open (or vice versa) - no problem. These changes are easily introduced into the project at the stage of discussion. You can also change the size of the takeaway, install benches and a table, and provide lighting.

When buying a land plot, not everyone can afford a huge territory, so you need to carefully consider the location of buildings. If there is not enough free space, then it is necessary to combine the buildings with each other, combine them under one roof. One of these options is a bath with a veranda, where you can build a barbecue and create a comfortable seating area. Thus, it will be possible to save not only on the usable area, but also on building materials.

Constructing a veranda with a bath under common roof you can think about creating attic floor or guest rooms, thereby increasing the functional load on the building without compromising square meters already small plot. Creating one multifunctional complex is much more profitable than building several separate buildings. If you carefully consider the layout of the building, you can make it not only functional, but also attractive in appearance. Harmoniously fitting the design into landscape design plot, the bath complex can become a real highlight, an outlet for the owner of the territory.

The veranda can be used as a seating area or dining area. Having placed a brazier on the veranda, you can bring together the whole family, who will be happy to relax both at the table and in the bath. If the bath will be operated only in the summer, then the veranda can be made open, but if the use of the bath is year-round, then the veranda is being built closed type. In general, the building is mounted in such a way that the roof of the bathhouse and the veranda are common, and they are connected to each other by a common wall.

Varieties of verandas and features of their layout

Depending on its location, the veranda is divided into several categories:

  • Frontal - attached from the side of the facade.
  • Lateral - is constructed from the side of the bath, attached to the outer wall.
  • Circular - encircles the house, surrounding it from all sides.
  • Corner - located at the junction of capital walls. In this case, the veranda will act as defensive redoubts for the bath, protecting it from the cold and gusts of wind.
  • Semicircular - this option not recommended as the veranda will not have direct access to the street.

IN classic version a rectangular or square veranda is used, as it has right kind and it is much more convenient to operate it than rounded options. It is necessary to erect both parts of the building from the same material in order to create the impression of a single structure, best option- wood. This is an environmentally friendly and safe option, the advantages of which are invaluable. The only nuance that must be taken into account when creating a building is that a gap of one centimeter must be left between the bath and the veranda to avoid skew.

If ordering an individual plan and building is expensive, but you can’t build it yourself, then you can use a ready-made factory project, the assembly of which can be done in a week. Combining a bath and a veranda, you need to immediately find a project that provides for their combination.

The first step in the construction of a veranda and a bath from a bar will be the choice of the project and dimensions of the building. On this moment the ideal option would be a veranda, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is 6-10 square meters. They are quite enough to install a barbecue or fireplace, arrange beautiful furniture and a small table. In general, a simple rule can be traced here - the larger the area, the more expensive the construction, so everything depends on the finances and desires of the owner.

Planning to build land plot it is important to position it correctly. Ideally, the exit from the veranda to the street should be located on the south side, so the entrance will always be less snowy, which means it will be easier to get to it. If there is an artificial reservoir on the territory, then the bath is best placed closer to it.
According to the recommendation of experts, the distance between the bathhouse and a private house should be no more than ten meters, so the veranda can be used as a connecting element. In this case, the foundation must be laid immediately under three buildings, or they must be erected simultaneously. If the bath and veranda are to be used all year round, then the veranda must be closed. Having made the glazing, you can place it in the veranda winter Garden, thereby increasing comfort and coziness, because it will be very pleasant to relax here after a bath.

Foundation for the veranda

The bathhouse and the veranda, located under the same roof and made of timber, are light in weight, however, the foundation must be built correctly and in accordance with all the rules. With the right approach, the foundation should be laid simultaneously under both rooms and be of the same type. Perfect option, both in terms of strength and cost - columnar, block or brick.

Foundation pillars are laid in the corners, after which the rest are lined up along the perimeter, the distance between them should be about 60 centimeters. In places for posts, they dig a hole, the depth of which is one meter, after which sand, gravel and melted bitumen are poured into the bottom - thus, reliable waterproofing is made.
The next step in creating the foundation for the building is pouring concrete, after which you need to create pillars from blocks or bricks. The upper part is connected thanks to the grillage, it is best to use a reinforced concrete type. If the land plot has unstable soil, groundwater or slopes, then it is better to use a pile foundation.
The flooring in the veranda should be made a little lower, the difference in the height of the floors should be about twenty centimeters. In this way, the canopy can be brought under the roof of the bath, thereby creating a single roof structure. This option is especially relevant in the case when the veranda is being completed to the finished bath.

With enough desire and funds, you can create not just a combined building, which is a complex, but a real zone comfortable rest not only for yourself and the whole family, but also for guests or friends.

A terrace is a platform with flooring, which is arranged on a prepared base. There are a lot of types and varieties of this architectural addition:

  • It can be located near the house, or it can be completely unrelated to it, or connected by a path.
  • Maybe without a roof - then they say that it is open. Or with a roof - covered.
  • May or may not have walls. The walls can be solid or in the form of a fence.
  • There are single or multi-level.

There are a lot of types of terraces: both in form, and in the number of levels, and in materials

If we talk about terraces that adjoin the house, then they are lateral and frontal, they can cover one, two, three or four sides. Sometimes they have irregular shape. They can be under the same roof with the main building or have their own.

Given that a variety of materials can be used in the manufacture, it is clear that the variations are simply innumerable.

  • 1 Projects of baths from a bar with a terrace
    • 1.1 Sauna 4 by 4.5 with a terrace
    • 1.2 Bath project 4 by 6 with a terrace
    • 1.3 Drawing of a bath 6 by 5 (with a protruding terrace)
    • 1.4 Bath project 6 by 6 with an open terrace
  • 2 What materials are they made of?
  • 3 How to make a wooden terrace on a pile foundation
    • 3.1 Preparing piles
      • 3.1.1 Piles of roofing material
      • 3.1.2 Columns of bricks
    • 3.2 How to make the bottom harness
    • 3.3 Flooring
  • 4 Tiled terrace
    • 4.1 Easy option
Projects of baths from a bar with a terrace

It is not so difficult to build a terrace in front of the bathhouse or next to it. In general, most often the difficulties are caused by the lack of a project. If funds allow, it is better to order it, describing in detail what and how you imagine, what you want to achieve, and what things you absolutely do not like. If it is impossible to order the production of a personal project, there is an option to find one of the ready-made ones, slightly adjust it for your own needs. Here are a few projects of baths with different terraces that are easy to do with your own hands.

Bath 4 by 4.5 with a terrace

According to the project, the bathhouse consists of three rooms, a terrace is attached to it on a separate incoherent foundation (read about one of the options for its construction below). There are three rooms in the bath building:

The parameters of the premises can be changed by moving the partition separating the rest room. If a bathhouse is being built for a dry-air sauna, a large volume of a steam room is not needed: calculate the number of people who should fit in one run, then calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bshelves for their comfortable arrangement: for “sitting” places, you can take 1-1.2 meters per person, per "lying" - 2.1-1.2 m. The width of the shelves - 0.7-0.9 m. Calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shelves, add space for the stove and its fence, and some area for free movement. Get the required area.

The calculation of the area of ​​​​the steam room in the Russian bath is similar, then if you can not do “lying” places in the sauna - they usually only sit there, then in the Russian steam room they are required. Another difference is that the fence for the sauna stove is wooden structure, which prevents you from touching the hot walls. In the Russian steam room, if a metal stove is installed, then it must be covered with a brick screen, and these are completely different sizes. Therefore, the area required to allocate a large.

Read more about the layout of the baths, the size of the premises, read here. About where and what windows to place is written in the article "Bath windows: where to put and what sizes." About what doors and their sizes are needed in the steam room and other rooms, read the article "Which doors to choose for a bath and sauna"

This is an example of what the implementation of the project looks like.

Using such a bath in winter will not be comfortable: the entrance to the rest room is directly from the street and cold air would be a clear hindrance. To eliminate this drawback, you can either fence off part of the rest room under the vestibule, or make part of the veranda closed. The second option looks preferable because of the small dimensions of the premises. But then you need to either make an entrance from the other side, or move the doors.

Optionally wood stove for a bath: for this project, you will need a compact version, possibly tall and narrow, but you can try to enter just a small one. The volume will turn out to be quite small, so small capacities should be enough. This project provides for a stove that is heated from the rest room. At the same time, it will heat it too, so you need some power reserve, do not forget about it (if you plan to visit the bathhouse in winter). For example, “Heat “Baby”, Varvara stoves - models “Palenitsa” and “Mini”, or “Compact”, “Osa”, “Shilka” and “Biryusa” at “Termofor”.

Bath project 4 by 6 with a terrace

This option for planning a small bath immediately provides for the allocation of a small vestibule, so this bath without alterations is suitable for winter use. The steam room and sink are separate, have almost the same size, which is not always justified. If the washing room will only use the shower, then it can be made a little more compact, blocking out more space for the steam room (for the Russian bath). You can also install a shower device in the shower. If the ceiling height allows, it is mounted above the "gander" of the shower, if not, on the side.

Bath project 4 by 6 with a terrace

Bath drawing 6 by 5 (with a protruding terrace)

This log bath project also has a fenced-off closed vestibule. It occupies part of the terrace, but in order not to reduce its area, it was "pushed" beyond the foundation of the building. If desired, you can increase it even more by making it in the form of the letter "G". Get a spacious platform for summer holiday. It will be possible to fence off a part for installing a barbecue on it (there are several projects here).

Sauna 4 by 5 with an adjoining terrace

Bath project 6 by 6 with an open terrace

This layout option manages the same number of rooms. It's just that their area has become larger: now the dimensions allow. In this embodiment, it is already possible to fence off a small room for a locker room. And for winter use, it will be necessary to organize a vestibule somewhere.

Bath project 6 by 6 with a terrace

If there is still an opportunity to add a little dimensions, you can already “fit in” the bathroom. Get already a guest bath house, especially if you make a two-story bath. One of the options, however, on the same floor, is located in the photo below. More projects two-story baths can be found here.

Large sauna-guest house with a terrace

What materials are they built from?

You can use any building material to cover the terrace: wood, brick, building blocks, natural or fake diamond, paving, ceramic, porcelain tiles, natural or artificial stone, etc.

Despite the fact that wood outdoors is not the easiest material to maintain, most often terraces are made of wood. In this case, use pine and spruce - have a constant headache: service, repair is necessary very often. More hardwood It is expensive, but it lasts longer and causes less trouble.

Near brick bath looks good terrace with a fence made of bricks

Near a brick bath, a terrace looks good, which also has a fence made of bricks; in this case, it is rational to lay out the terrace itself with tiles or stone. Much more practical option. True, for such sites it will be necessary to pour a concrete slab.

If your soil is dry and not prone to heaving, it will be enough to fill it with crushed stone and sand. It will be possible to lay paving slabs. It is available in different shapes and colors, so it can also look more than interesting.

The terrace with laid paving slabs looks very good. It can be combined with the blind area around the house. In this case, you will kill two birds with one stone

How to make a wooden terrace on a pile foundation

The most problematic option is wood. If you plan to use it, then you need to choose from varieties that tolerate being on the street well. It is also necessary to treat it with protective impregnations, varnishing or staining.

Preparing piles

To create normal operating conditions for wooden terraces, it is necessary to think over the design so that water does not accumulate under the structure. In general, it is advisable to make a wooden platform elevated above the ground level so that the boards from below are well blown and ventilated. Therefore, most often for such structures they make a pile or column foundation. Moreover, the fertile layer is removed under the terrace, the remaining soil is leveled and rammed, and then covered with rubble and also compacted. They do this so that the vegetation does not rot and does not spread “aromas” and spores.

The installation step of the posts is at least 1-1.5 meters apart - so the boards will not sag. Production material - any. It is possible to hammer asbestos or iron pipes pour concrete into them. This is a very durable, but expensive option.

Piles from roofing material

Much less money (but more labor) will require piles with roofing material formwork.

So you can do fixed formwork for piles from roofing material

The roofing material is rolled into round columns two or three layers. Diameter - 20-22 cm, height - about 1 meter (70 cm is recessed into the ground, 30 cm is on top). This is for soils of medium propensity to heaving. In order not to suffer with measuring the diameter of this formwork, you can use a template. If you find an eggplant from under the water of a suitable diameter (these are nine-liter containers), it will work simply: they screwed on the roofing material, secured it with tape, and took out the “pattern” by the handle.

Fastening, as usual, is more convenient with adhesive tape. Only on the powder, he does not want to stick. To ensure adhesion, we remove the crumbs in the right places with a brush, wipe the cleaned place with white spirit. After drying, the fixation is excellent. So cook required amount columns.

With the help of a drill, the required number of recesses is made slightly larger in diameter than the formed columns and 25 cm deeper. These 25 cm go to the pillow device: they are covered with a 15 cm layer of rubble, rammed. Sand is added, which is also rammed.

Then the formwork is installed in the prepared pits. All columns must be leveled. This can be done with the help of two bars hammered along the edges of the planned terrace, and a cord stretched between them. Its verticality can be checked building level, adjusting the height of the bars as necessary. The second way is to set the height of the bars using a hydraulic level (you can also use a laser, but it is difficult to work with it on the street - the beam is visible only in the evening or in cloudy weather). Having fiddled with setting the cord, then quickly bring all the columns in one row to the same height. Repeat the procedure in the following.

How to attach support posts to concrete piles - one of the options

You need to set the columns vertically. Here you can not do without a plumb line. A simple tool, but nothing better has yet been invented.

Further, to increase the strength inside, it is desirable to insert several bars of reinforcement - 2-3 per column. You can use smooth rods with a diameter of 8-10 mm. Then pour concrete inside. It needs to be compacted, since it is not worth knocking on the roofing material, you will need to take a long metal rod and bayonet (pierce through and pull a little from side to side). As a result of such actions, the concrete level will become slightly lower - air will come out, you will have to add a little. Everything becomes easier if you have a submersible manual or mobile concrete vibrator. When the solution sets, you can proceed to further work.

Columns of bricks

On heaving soils, the columns can simply be squeezed out, which will lead to the terrace. Here you need a wider platform that will stabilize the situation. For such a foundation, small pits are dug out, 50 * 50 or 60 * 60 cm in size. Soil is rammed into them, crushed stone is poured in, it is also rammed, formwork is installed from boards 20-25 cm high.

The foundation for the terrace can be made of brick columns

Several pieces of reinforcement are laid on the halves of the bricks - along and across - to make a cage (2-3 bars each). A pipe is inserted into the middle (verticality is checked). All this is poured with concrete (it is possible with gravel). Thickness - 20 cm.

After the mortar has set, a brick column is made around the pipe. The height is brought out just below the required flooring height - leave room for bottom strapping.

How to make a bottom harness

There are two installation options support pillars:

The first method is more commonly used, but the second is also the case. He needs a little less cost, but there will be more fuss with laying the lag.

In the manufacture of the lower trim, a beam of 100 * 75 mm, 75 * 75 mm or wider is used - it depends on the size of the terrace and the load on it. They are treated with antibacterial impregnations, laid on concrete column, covered with a layer of waterproofing (lay a double-folded roofing material or coat with mastic, liquid waterproofing).

There are a lot of bars, but you can cheat by making a spliced ​​timber from the boards. It is not suitable for supporting pillars - the appearance is not the same, but for the lag it is even better, as it has increased strength. How to make a beam from boards:

Regardless of the chosen method, all wooden elements must be impregnated with protective and antifungal compounds. For improvement appearance and extending the service life, they are varnished. Use better lineups for outdoor work, and if we talk about varnishes, then yachting is preferable - it is well adapted to a humid environment and protects wood from salt exposure.

It is possible to create a frame made of metal. You can use a powerful corner, square pipe. This base is more reliable and durable. It is well primed, then carefully painted and will serve for decades. In order not to be damaged by contact with metal, the board is glued to the metal waterproofing material- type "TechnoNIKOL", etc. When fixing the flooring, you will have to drill holes - it is unlikely that you will be able to screw the screws directly.

The frame can be welded from metal. Such a terrace will be much more maintainable


After making and fixing the strapping, you can start making the flooring. Usually used edged board. There is a special terrace board- it has not a flat, but a wavy front surface, but it is more often laid around fonts or pools built into the terrace. The wavy surface, even when wet, does not allow slipping, and if you make a slight slope, the water will quickly drain without lingering on the flooring.

The thickness of the board, as for the floor, is rarely thinner than 20 mm, although its thickness depends on the distance between the piles. At a distance of 1.5 meters, the thickness of the board is 25 mm, then it will not bend when walking.

Boards for boardwalk need a decent thickness. To make them last longer, they are treated with antiseptics and varnished or painted.

Tiled terrace

If you decide to make a platform not from wood, but from tiles, you can go in several ways. It all depends on how you imagine your terrace.

If you are satisfied paving slabs as a coating, the technology can be greatly simplified. The process is very similar to the blind area around the house. The technology is similar, you can use the same techniques.

Easy option

The simplest, but very reliable and effective option is using profiled membranes and geotextiles. In this case, the soil is removed to the width of the future terrace, the depth is small - 20-25 cm is enough. If there is a roof on top, the site can be made even, if the roof is not provided, a slope of 3-5 cm is formed per meter (from the foundation).

If there is abundant rainfall in the region, underground water is close, it is better to lay a drainage pipe along the edge of the terrace. This is a special corrugated pipe with holes. For her, they dig a small recess (about half the diameter), where they put it. The end of the drain pipe is brought out to drainage well or into the sewer system.

One of the options for arranging a terrace (with drainage pipe under tiles)

So that plants do not germinate under the coating, they are processed special chemistry. After processing, the profiled membrane is spread over the entire width. If you are laying drainage, then the edge of the membrane should go into the dug groove, reaching its opposite edge. A drainage pipe is placed on the membrane. Now all the moisture will roll down the film and get into it.

On the other hand, near the house, a 10-15 cm membrane is placed on the wall. They fix it there. A layer of geotextile is rolled out from above. They also put him on the wall. Both films can be fixed clamping bar. The second edge of the geotextile ends above the drainage pipe (it is not fixed).

Now a layer of crushed stone of large and medium fractions is poured. A curb stone is installed along the edge of the site (not above the drainage pipe, but closer to the house). Crushed stone is well rammed (preferably with a vibrating plate, but do not ram the plate over the pipe). A layer of sand is poured on top, it is leveled, spilled with water and rammed. You can already lay tiles on it.

What would such a terrace look like?

The thickness of the layers is 10-15 cm. The depth of the pit for the terrace is selected so that the tiles are laid at the required height. It is difficult to say exactly, since the tiles can be of different thicknesses. Based on the purchased coverage, calculate the desired depth of the pit around the house.

One "but": the described method is suitable for the case when the foundation and basement are insulated. If there is no insulation, half of the sand is poured onto the rubble, slabs of extruded polystyrene foam are laid out, then sand is added, and then tiles are laid on top of it. At the same time, the foundation of the house is also covered with expanded polystyrene plates to the entire depth of the dug pit.

A visit to the bathhouse was considered in Russia not only as a way of taking water procedures but also as a form of leisure, beneficial to health. Therefore, the owners of suburban areas are always engaged in the construction of such a building, selecting projects of baths with a terrace and a barbecue. Photo, presented below, offer ways to organize backyard space for picnics after visiting the steam room.

The design of country buildings, tailored to the individual needs of the owners, allows you to optimally equip the space in the country. If necessary, you can build an object in two floors. Outbuildings equipped with a recreation area can significantly improve the quality of life in a cottage and make it possible to organize leisure activities in comfortable conditions.

How to choose the right type?

Architectural bureaus offer ready-made developments with an extension, and can also create an individual plan. When choosing a suitable type of architectural appearance, one must proceed from the size of the dressing room, steam room, veranda, dining room, guest room and the number of people who should fit in them.

Optimal for summer holidays will be a covered space with a total area of ​​8 m 2. However, if you plan to invite a large number of guests, then you need a larger room.

When developing a project, a number of nuances should be taken into account:

  • seasonality of use;
  • the number of visitors;
  • planning;
  • material;
  • construction cost;
  • location of buildings on the site.

When choosing the appropriate type, the intensity of operation of such buildings should be taken into account. If you plan to steam only in the summer, then you can save on insulation and on the dressing room.

If the steam room will be used in the winter, then it is necessary to provide for a convenient location for the entrance even at the stage of drawing development.

If you choose the right layout of the premises, you can reduce construction costs. By developing a spacious open structure for barbecues, you can save on a guest room.

An example of a terraced structure

Tip! If you already have a ready-made bathhouse outside the city, then you can build a terrace. To do this, consider its location. Installing a new building to an old building does not make sense. You can place a covered building for barbecue between the house and the bath.

Arrangement of unprotected space is chosen according to individual preferences and based on the architectural style of the entire suburban complex. The layout of the indoor facility is also important, in which it is necessary to take into account correct location barbecue, summer stove or other cooking device. It must be remembered that the smoke from the stove should not go inside.

Tip! When choosing a stove, you need to proceed from the general style of the interior. This will create a single architectural ensemble.

Types of extensions

Usually as an extension are:

  • terrace;
  • veranda;
  • alcove.

The choice depends on a number of factors, which include:

  • the cost of construction work;
  • individual preferences;
  • architectural style;
  • placement.

The terrace is usually made open. It requires the construction of a not very deep foundation. The construction of such an extension will be cheaper than the construction of a veranda or gazebo.

The veranda has its advantages. It is erected closed, so it can be well insulated and used throughout the year. Pergolas with a specially arranged grill area are more expensive, as they require the use a large number decorative elements, building materials and special design drawings.

The owner of the cottage needs to choose the best development option for him, which will be used as a place for leisure.

Layout and location

Before you start building a gazebo, you should find a suitable location for it. Usually it is done along the entire facade of the building. This arrangement saves on materials and makes moving more comfortable for those leaving the steam room. In this type of construction, there is no need to talk about the lack of space for cooking and feasting. With this placement, the veranda or terrace can be partially open or partially closed. The use of external walls allows you to save on building materials. The choice of a suitable layout will ensure the construction of an object of architectural appearance, which is in the general style of the entire complex of buildings.

The option of building a structure along one of the walls is also used. This type of layout is suitable for those cases where there is a shortage of space. Creating optimal zoning, you need to provide places for eating and cooking, for entertainment. To do this, you should correctly determine the size of the object being built in the country.

Can be used corner option construction. In this case, the stove will be installed on the covered area itself. corner model used when there is a shortage of adjacent territory in the country.

In some cases covered area for the barbecue they build separately, close to the bath complex. Then there is a small transition between the steam room and the resting place. This option is suitable for summer use.

pile foundation

Individual projects

When developing individual projects architects will be able to take into account all the preferences of the customer, the features of the planning of the territory of the cottage and the size of the buildings. With the help of modern finishing materials specialists create original solutions for the entertainment area in the country. So, you can install French glass, and thereby partially turn it into a veranda.

Multi-level structures are used when the site is created from several floors. This option is good for a small area. For a classic Russian-style steam room, they offer standard project, which provides guest apartments, a place to relax, barbecue and a dressing room in which clothes are left before washing. Such a space can be used for household needs, at a time when the bath is not heated. It is possible to make the object two-story. In this case, the guest rooms are located on the top floor.

Common Mistakes

For friendly gatherings at the end of the working week, there is nothing better than a comfortable terrace or gazebo, where you can gather with friends after a steam room, drink aromatic tea, taste fresh, freshly prepared meat dishes on a nearby barbecue or grill. To receive guests or arrange fun family picnics with relatives, you need to properly build a sauna log house, in which there would be a place for a steam room, a relaxation room, a closed or open space for a barbecue.

When choosing a suitable project, cottage owners forget to take into account how often the object will be used. In the case of year-round use of the soap, you will have to take care of the heat capacity of the building and the comfort of visitors, who will need to undress and dress in warmth, and not in the cold.

Today, they often make an open structure with a low fence. For landscaping, paving slabs or stone are used. When constructing such objects, the owners forget about the need to install the right pile foundation for the terrace, which would give the whole object greater stability and would protect against swelling of the soil in winter.

Important! In order for the paving slabs not to deteriorate after the first wintering, it is necessary to build a shallow slab foundation for such structures. Insulation is laid on the slabs, and only after that it is possible to carry out the installation of paving slabs.

The disadvantage of a simple pile foundation is the lack of solid foundation and insulation, protecting the structure from destruction.

Such a base is not suitable for intumescent soils and soils with a close occurrence of groundwater. Pile light foundation can only be done on dry sandy soils.

Stove installation

For rational use heat, it is required to install the stove in such a way that it can heat all the rooms adjacent to the steam room, including extensions, if they are of a closed type.

For the winter operation of the suburban steam room and adjacent premises, it is necessary to provide for the installation of heating for guest rooms, since the heat of one stove will not be enough in the cold season to keep the rooms in good condition. During off-season operation of the facility, a vestibule is installed, which protects the entire space from the cold and saves fuel consumption.

The stove in such a structure can be heated with wood, coal or gas. The choice of heating depends on the budget of the cottage owner and the designer's intent.

The hearth for cooking on the site must have an open fire, as required by the preparation of shish kebabs and grills. With the help of a detailed plan, the issue of arranging the territory around the steam room outside the city is taken into account. If everything is provided for at the stage of developing technical documents, then you can reasonably invest in the improvement of your own suburban area and improve their living conditions on it.

Today, people prefer to choose a recreation complex with a steam room in Russian style, made of logs and modern building materials. Saunas are built less often, but wood is also chosen as a material for them. Wood has a lot of advantages, it is environmentally friendly, durable and fits into various architectural styles. Therefore, wooden building materials are used for the construction of such structures in summer cottages and country cottages.