Toilet      06/12/2019

The pipe with cold water fogs up. How to install thermal insulation on your own. Methods for dealing with the product of condensation

This problem is faced by many owners of not only apartments, but also private houses: seemingly harmless, wet pipes with cold water(both non-pressure sewers and plumbing) are a source of dampness in the kitchen, toilet or bathroom. Condensation on the pipes can cause mold development, as well as a reduction in the time interval between repair work in wet areas. Our short article is devoted to solving this problem: below we will talk about why condensation forms on the pipes, as well as how to deal with this scourge.

Causes of condensation on pipes

Most often, the formation of condensate on pipes with cold water is associated with poor ventilation in the room. That is why on sewer riser or pipes supplying cold water, drip moisture forms: moist air fully contributes to this process. Therefore, before thinking about it, you need to take care of creating an additional heat-insulating layer that will prevent such a strong temperature drop on the surface of the product. Often a similar situation is faced by those who have risers with hot and cold water laid too close to each other.

Wet pipes in the bathroom

First of all, it is necessary to check the operation of the ventilation system. Over the years of operation, it could well become clogged with dust and debris. Therefore, to begin with, we unscrew the grate covering the ventilation duct, and thoroughly clean everything. If this was the reason, then a thrust should appear, the presence of which can be checked with a lit match.

Another point is the features of the wiring of cold and hot water in the bathroom. Most often, pipes are allowed very close to each other, without worrying about additional thermal insulation. It is not surprising that in the place where water is supplied to the plumbing equipment (simply - a mixer), a pipe with cold water “cries”. If the eyeliner is open, then you can easily use any suitable heat insulating material. If it goes in the wall - the decision suggests itself and is associated with more complex work, including repairs. If you need to change the geometry of the product, then you can read about it in the article on this issue on our website.

Often the cause of condensation on the pipes in the bathroom is a malfunction of the faucet. If water drips from the tap, then you not only pay extra money for it, but also contribute to the constant cooling of the pipes: even at night, the heat exchange between them and the air continues with all the ensuing consequences. The solution is obvious - it's time to repair the crane!

Dealing with condensation on pipes in the toilet

The situation is similar to the one described above, with only one “but” - there are much more pipes in the toilet, and they are all laid in a small space. If you live in a private house and the internal was carried out by you on your own, then already on this stage it was worth thinking about potential problems with condensate: either remove cold pipes from hot ones, or additionally isolate the first ones.

A constant leak from the tank can also cause the pipes to become wet. The situation is the same as in the case of faulty plumbing in the bathroom: water constantly passes through the pipes, so it does not have time to warm up, and humid air only exacerbates the problem. Therefore, it is obvious that the most budgetary solution would be a simple repair of the intake valve and adjustment of the tank fittings.

Thermal conductivity various materials is different. But this does not mean that in order to eliminate condensate on pipes, it is necessary to change from cast iron to PVC. It is better to go one of the ways, which we will discuss below. We will talk about the device of the heat-insulating layer.

Pipe insulation

The simplest option involves the purchase of factory-made thermal insulation material: K-Flex, energy flex, penofol, etc. It can be made in the form of a porous material, foam, basalt fiber, self-adhesive tape, etc. In fact, any pipe can be used as a heater thermal insulation material. If buying it is not included in your plans, you can go in other ways:

  • use a plastic pipe with a larger diameter and mounting foam. We cut the product in such a way that it can “grasp” the pipe on which condensate forms. We foam the annular space with mounting foam;
  • use old rags and epoxy putty. Previously, the pipe is cleaned of rust with sanding paper, degreased with acetone. Next, we apply the first layer of putty on it, after which we literally bandage the pipe with a cloth so that it is impregnated with epoxy. After it has hardened, we apply the final layer of putty - the impromptu thermal insulation is ready!

Now you know what to do if condensation forms on the pipes in your apartment!

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In fact, condensation is considered to be the result of the accumulation of excess moisture on any surfaces that have a temperature lower than that of the surrounding air. Basically, condensate appears on pipes and containers in which cold water flows, or it appears in rooms in which there is a source of high humidity. Such premises include: a toilet, a boiler room, basements, laundries and bathrooms.

In addition to the aesthetic appearance, condensate on pipes can be quite dangerous consequences so it's best to get rid of it.

Why is condensation on pipes dangerous?

Condensation on water pipes is not only not beautiful, but also dangerous. I explain why it is better to get rid of condensate on pipes. If you have metal pipes, then corrosion can occur from condensate, which leads to destruction. And for people, this will be reflected in the source of the respiratory and allergic disease. All this will happen due to the fact that mold will begin to appear on the pipes. Mold is a type of fungus that is quite harmful to humans. It can cause serious illness in people. I would especially like to mention bronchial asthma and a noticeable decrease in immunity. In my opinion, I have given sufficient arguments to convince you to get rid of the condensate on the pipes. And to put it in everyday language, to make sure that the pipes do not sweat.

Why do pipes sweat?

Consider the causes of condensation on pipes. The main reasons include the following:

  • poor ventilation
  • low level of thermal insulation of sewerage and water supply pipes,

Here it can be noted that the sources with a high level of humidity include the following reasons:

  • terrain features,
  • defects in the operation of technological communications,
  • building defects,
  • external weather conditions, climate.
How to get rid of condensation?

Now let's look at how to get rid of the condensate that appears on the pipes.

  • If there is a high level of humidity in the room, then first of all you need to eliminate the occurrence of high humidity. For example, it's best to hang wet laundry in another ventilated area, or you can use airtight lids to seal water containers.
  • The next step, how to get rid of condensate on the pipes, is to provide ventilation. In this case, you can set ventilation window with a grid that will help to display excess moisture outside your premises. In order to make such ventilation, you will need to drill a hole with a puncher and a drill in the form of a crown. Then insert the ventilation grille and fix it using self-tapping screws or construction adhesive.
  • If all this is not enough to correct the situation in the room and get rid of condensate on the pipes, then you will need to do active ventilation.

Active ventilation looks like exhaust fan, which can be fixed on the exhaust hole, and it works in two modes, namely: manual and forced. The forced option is considered more preferable, and the manual mode is used for limited temporary actions. In manual mode, you will need to attach a timer, or a special humidity sensor, which will help drive the fan into action. Forced ventilation will be inappropriate if your room has a high level of humidity.

  • If the humidity in the room is very high, your best bet is to insulate the pipes with special thermal insulation materials to get rid of condensation on the pipes. All heat-insulating materials are made in the form of mats, which consist of metal heat-reflecting foil and mineral wool. They can also be made in the form of pipes, in which the inner diameter will match the outer diameter of the pipe. Such thermal insulation materials are made from different material, and they take not only rubber, but also various polystyrenes, foam plastics. Such material must be carefully wrapped around the pipes and fixed.

If you are taking heat-insulating tubular material, then you will need to cut it along the entire length. After that, you will need to wipe the pipe dry, and put heat-insulating material on it, so that it is completely tight. If you make a mistake, then you won’t be able to get rid of the condensate on the pipes, it will begin to appear again, and the work will be done for nothing.

Condensation on pipes occurs due to the temperature difference between the ambient air and water in the pipe. Especially often this phenomenon can be seen in the warm season. Excessive moisture on metal pipes leads to their rapid destruction, and on plastic pipes - to the formation of mold, so the cause of condensation must be eliminated in a timely manner.

Causes of condensation and solutions

Causes of moisture

If condensation accumulates on a pipe with cold water, in order to figure out how to fix the problem, it is necessary to identify the main causes of this phenomenon. There are several reasons for the accumulation of moisture on the pipes:

  • if condensate mainly accumulates on the water pipes of the riser in the bathroom or sewer, then the neighbors living on the floor above may have a problem with the formation of a leak;
  • poor ventilation in the room. The reason for the lack of air movement may be clogging ventilation duct or metal-plastic windows which, when closed, do not let air in from the outside. With poor ventilation in the living room, water vapor accumulates, which subsequently settles on plastic pipes (metal pipes, and so on). You can check for proper ventilation with a match or a lighter. The flame from any object should be "drawn" into the hood. If this effect does not occur, then the channel is either clogged or unable to cope with its task.

Elimination of leaks

Why condensate forms on the pipes, found out. Now let's figure out how to fix leaks.

First of all, you need to determine the place where the water leak occurs. The leak may be:

  • due to a malfunction of the taps or mixer. In this situation, water will drip from the faucet;
  • after a pipe rupture;
  • due to wear of fittings on polypropylene pipes (metal-plastic pipes).

It is most difficult to detect pipe breaks or worn fittings if the pipes are hidden in the wall. To detect a leak, you will need to partially disassemble the box that closes the pipes, or resort to the help of specialists who will identify the malfunction with special devices - thermal imagers. Both of these methods will incur significant costs.

If a leak is detected in a mixer or faucet, then you can:

  1. change all gaskets. Buy repair kit for the mixer can be in any specialized store. To select a repair kit, you need to know the brand and manufacturer of the mixer. You can replace the gaskets yourself;

  1. if after the repair the formation of condensate on the pipes has not stopped, then it is necessary to replace the mixer.

If a leak is detected in the pipes, then you can:

  1. solder the pipe, that is, install the plug in place of the leak. This method is considered the least reliable, therefore it is recommended for use as a temporary measure.

Replacing fittings is no problem. It is enough to remove the leaking part and install a similar new product.

Before carrying out any operation, it is necessary to first shut off the water supply to the dwelling.

Troubleshooting ventilation problems

How to get rid of condensate on the pipes, if the reason lies in insufficient ventilation of the room? Required:

  1. apply to management company with a request to inspect and clean the ventilation shaft of the house. The specified work must be done free of charge and in a short time, since monitoring the technical condition of the house is the direct responsibility of managers;
  2. what to do if the problems in the mine at home are eliminated, but condensate still accumulates. Can be installed indoor bath, toilet, etc. additional fan built into the hood. The fan can be forced to turn on or work, for example, when the light is turned on;

  1. get rid of the condensation cold pipe can be installed by air conditioning or kitchen hood for stove or .

Do-it-yourself thermal insulation of pipes

How to remove condensate from pipes cold water, if all of the above malfunctions are eliminated, but the problem remains? You can make thermal insulation of pipes using:

  • chemicals;
  • specialized heaters.

Insulation with chemicals

For pipe insulation, mixtures can be used:

How to deal with condensate with chemicals:

  1. first of all, it is required to clean the surface of the pipe from dirt and rust (if metal pipes are used). To get rid of rust, you can also use various chemicals;
  2. further, the entire surface of the pipe is treated with a primer for the best fit of the insulating mixture to the pipe. The time for complete drying of the pipe is indicated on the package with a primer. On average, this takes 30 minutes - 1 hour;
  3. a protective mixture is applied to the surface of the pipe. To do the job, you can use a brush, roller or spray gun. Usually, chemical drug it is recommended to apply in 3-5 layers, and each layer requires preliminary drying, the time of which is indicated on the package;
  4. to increase the service life of pipes over the insulating material, it is recommended to apply a kind of fixer, which, in addition to its direct function, will give the pipes an aesthetic appearance.

You can learn more about pipe processing with Teplomett mixture from the video.

Usage liquid mixtures as a heat insulator, it allows not only to reliably protect pipes from condensate, but also to extend the life of the plumbing system.

Insulation with heaters

As insulating materials for pipes can be used:

  • Styrofoam;
  • basalt;
  • foamed polyethylene;
  • mineral wool.

As a rule, pipe insulation material is ready-made rolls, inside of which a pipe is inserted. The roll consists of:

To insulate pipes insulation materials, required:

  1. prepare the surface of the pipe, having previously removed all dirt and rust from it;
  2. if glue-based insulation is used, then remove it from inside protective film and wrap the pipe. If the insulation is not equipped with an adhesive base, then the entire pipe must be covered with a special adhesive;

The diameter of the insulation roll must match the diameter of the pipe. Otherwise, it will not be possible to get rid of the condensate, since moisture will penetrate under the insulation.

  1. press the material against the pipe for the best grip;
  2. seal the hole through which the pipe was wrapped.

Condensation on pipes can destroy or destroy the sewers of a house, as well as harm the health of people around, therefore it is necessary to get rid of the accumulation of moisture on pipes in a timely manner by any of the most effective and affordable methods.

Condensation can almost always be observed on cold water pipes. This phenomenon not only spoils the appearance of the bathroom to some extent, but can cause serious problems. Constantly wet tubular elements have a limited service life.

Therefore, such a problem should be solved very quickly. In this case, questions arise about what to do if drops of water are found on the pipeline and how to remove condensate from cold water pipes. First, there is no need to over-dramatize the situation. Secondly, you need to familiarize yourself with all the methods for eliminating this problem. Third, choose the most best option and put it into practice.

Causes of condensation

Condensation on cold water pipes can appear for the following reasons:

  • The presence of a source in the room high humidity.
  • Insufficient ventilation.
  • Water supply pipes have poor quality thermal insulation.
  • Temperature changes. For this reason, in the summer, there may be a stronger formation of condensate, which simply flows down the surface of the pipes.

The main part of the reasons for the formation of condensate does not require explanation. As for the first item from the list, some clarifications are required.

Sources of high humidity include the following:

  • Problems arising in the process of functioning of communication systems and buildings. These can be steam from cooking, evaporation from wet laundry, a flooded basement, a pipe failure, and a clogged vent.
  • Defects in the building resulting from a violation of construction technology.
  • Geographical features of the region: the proximity of large bodies of water or high levels of humidity in combination with rocky soil, which contributes to the formation of condensate.
  • Unfavorable natural phenomena: sleet, prolonged rains or humid climate of the area.

Prerequisites for the appearance of condensate on cold water pipes

In most cases, condensate appears on pipes located in bathrooms. Despite the specifics of these rooms, it is not only for this reason that the pipes become wet.

There are a number of factors that can cause condensation to form on the pipes in a toilet:

  • Insufficient ventilation. To determine that condensation appears precisely because of this, it is enough to leave the doors to the toilet open at night. If the pipeline turns out to be dry in the morning, then you should repair the ventilation system and make it better.
  • Constant flow of water in the tank due to a malfunction of the valve. This leads to the fact that the pipeline begins to cool, resulting in a greater accumulation of condensate on its surface. A simple repair of the inlet valve and tank taps will help fix the problem.
  • Leak in the toilet of the neighbors living on the top floor. In this case, you need to inform the owners about the situation. In their absence, you can temporarily eliminate the condensate with your own hands. To do this, the section of the pipeline, on which the accumulation of water drops is found, is wrapped with a bandage in several layers and one end of the winding is lowered into a container, the accumulated water is regularly poured out. See also: "".

The accumulation of water on the cold water pipes in the bathroom can occur in the following situations:

  • Incorrect location of the water supply system. If the pipes of hot and cold water supply pass close enough to each other and do not have thermal insulation, then accumulation of water drops is observed on the elements through which cold water flows. The way out of this situation is to ensure high-quality thermal insulation of pipe elements using suitable materials.
  • Mixer failure. If water constantly drips from the tap, the overall temperature of the working medium decreases, which leads to cooling of the pipes and the formation of condensate on their surface. Repairing the mixer will help solve the problem.

How to remove condensate, how to wrap pipes

For those who have encountered such a phenomenon, the question immediately arises of how to wrap the pipe so that there is no condensate. There are several ways to prevent the appearance of water droplets on the surface of cold water supply pipes, one of which is thermal insulation. This option is considered the most effective, as it eliminates the cause of their appearance - a temperature drop. The easiest and fastest way to resolve the issue is by means of an insulating tube, cutting it lengthwise for convenient placement. For the manufacture of the tube, polyethylene foam, energy flex or thermoflex is used.

There is another way to deal with condensate on tubular elements, but it is considered more complicated. Using this option requires the following materials: epoxy putty, acetone, rust remover, sanding paper, spatula, nylon thread and strips of fabric about 5 cm wide.

The process looks like this:

  • The pipe is cleaned with sanding paper to improve surface adhesion.
  • Degrease the skinned area with acetone.
  • The surface is treated with a rust remover and allowed to dry (read also: "").
  • A thick epoxy putty is applied to the pipe and wrapped with strips of fabric. The edges are fixed with a thread.
  • Another layer of putty is applied on top and again wrapped with a cloth.
  • Cover the fabric with putty and leave to dry completely.
  • After all layers have dried, the pipe is sanded and painted.

In the case when water drops appear as a result of a malfunction of the plastic pipeline, you can independently replace the damaged section of the pipeline with a new elbow. Metal pipelines can only be replaced by plumbers with special equipment and skills.

To prevent condensation on plastic cold water pipes, the following types of insulating materials are recommended:

  • Styrofoam or expanded polystyrene is considered a universal insulation for pipelines made of polymeric materials. It comes in the form of a shell, consisting of two halves. They are connected to each other by means of a tongue-and-groove lock. The use of such insulation is quite simple: the shell halves are put on the pipe and fixed with adhesive tape.
  • Mineral wool for insulation of pipelines is produced in rolls, which greatly simplifies the use of this material.
  • Polyurethane foam refers to heaters with high insulating characteristics. The temperature range of such material is quite wide, from -160 0 C to +150 0 C. Almost all polypropylene pipes have such a layer, it is formed on products during the production process. In this case, the thickness of the insulation reaches 5 cm.

Chemical elements that help get rid of condensate

Products of the chemical industry help to protect cold water supply pipes from condensate formation: Stermizol, Korund, Teplomett and others.

The use of these insulating compounds implies the following actions:

  • The pipe is cleaned of dirt and rust.
  • Apply a layer of primer for better adhesion of the insulation to the surface and leave to dry.
  • Using a roller, brush or spray, cover the surface with a protective mixture. The most effective is the application of 5 layers of insulation, and each layer must dry well before the next application. The optimal drying time for such mixtures is about 1 hour.
  • A special fixer helps to extend the service life of a heat-insulated pipeline, which in parallel will make the pipes more attractive.

Which method to use to deal with condensate on cold water pipes depends on the reasons for the formation of this phenomenon and the specific operating conditions. It is very important to consider how often the problem occurs, as well as at what stage it is.

Condensate drain - condensate trap

To remove the formed condensate in automatic mode, a float-operated condensate trap is used. This device is installed at the outlet of the apparatus that provides heat exchange, including water heaters and heaters. Through such technical device the water accumulated in the system simply evaporates.

Steam traps fall into three main groups:

  • Combined devices.
  • thermostatic.
  • Float.

The operation of float type steam traps is based on the use of the difference between the density of condensate and steam. These devices are very popular due to a large number positive characteristics.

The main advantages of this type of device are the following:

  • High degree of reliability.
  • Excellent performance figures.
  • Possibility of work at the minimum loadings.
  • No need for condensate cooling.
  • Resistant to sudden temperature changes.
  • Uninterrupted operation under increased loads.

It should also be noted optimal performance energy saving of thermal systems with float-type steam traps.

To deal with condensate, you can choose any of the following methods. In most cases, their use helps to eliminate unwanted moisture. If these options are not effective enough, it is possible to get rid of the formation of condensate on cold water pipes by waterproofing all surfaces of the room. High-quality performance of this type of work is possible only with special knowledge and skills.

Small droplets of condensate form on cold water and sewer pipes in apartments and private houses all the time. Most often, this process can be observed in the summer. Despite the fact that such a phenomenon is considered natural and quite natural, it causes many inconveniences to many. We are trying to come up with something, but still, having seen the condensate on the cold water pipes, we don’t know what to do. Why are these droplets so harmful?

It would seem that harmless condensate can create significant problems for the owners of an apartment or house:

  • Accumulating and uniting, drops of water end up on the floor and form whole puddles there, which can even flow to the neighbors below. Flooring it can suffer so much that in a couple of years it will have to be changed.
  • Harmless drops also greatly reduce the operational period of the water supply, because this is an aggressive environment for metal. Pipes rust, deform and after a while will require major repairs.
  • Condensation on pipes in a toilet, kitchen or bathroom can cause bad smell dampness. But the smell is not so bad. Much worse, that the consequence of this is the formation of fungus and mold. Bacteria also multiply much more actively in a humid environment, exposing people living in an apartment to the risk of disease.

Reasons for the formation of drops

Why does condensation form on pipes? Most often this is due to the temperature difference between the surface of the pipes and the air in the room. And if there is still no ventilation in the room, or it does not function well enough, then nasty drops appear without fail. Contributes to this and too humid air in the room. Moisture quickly settles on risers and pipes that conduct cold liquid. Every room has its own causes of condensation.

Wet pipes in the toilet

In the toilet to the most common reasons condensation on pipes can be attributed to:

Condensation in the bathroom

To know how to deal with condensate on pipes in the bathroom, you must first find out the cause of this phenomenon. Some factors are similar to the "toilet", but there are some nuances:

How to get rid of moisture on pipes?

There are several ways to remove condensate from pipes:


inspect air vent. If debris, cobwebs and dust deposits are found there, it is necessary to thoroughly clean it all. After that, it is advisable to purchase a special fan, which is installed instead of the ventilation grill. In plumbing and building materials stores there are a lot of such devices from various manufacturers. They can be different in power, price and design.

New tank

In the toilet, the problem of condensate can be solved with a double tank. Inside such a device there is an additional plastic container into which cold water is collected. The outer walls do not cool too quickly, and therefore are not covered with water drops. Of the minuses is the high cost of the tank, which is most often sold only as a set along with the toilet.

natural ventilation

If your bathroom or bathroom does not have supply and exhaust ventilation, organize life in your home so that everyone who takes a shower or bath leaves the door wide open when leaving the bathroom.

Pipe insulation

How to get rid of condensate on cold water pipes by thickening the walls? To reduce the temperature difference between the air and the pipe, it is desirable to insulate the pipe. In stores you can find several types of modern heaters. They are characterized by high fire safety, high thermal insulation properties, ease of installation, tightness and a completely low price. Special cases made of foamed polyethylene - energy flex - are very popular now. This material is very flexible, so installation should not be a problem. And multiple closed pores will protect very well from temperature "inconsistencies".

To put the pipe in energy flex, you need to do the following:

  • dry the pipe thoroughly, after wiping it with a dry cloth;
  • the energy flex pipe must be cut lengthwise;
  • starting from one end, gradually put the insulating material on the entire pipe with cold water;
  • the longitudinal seam of the energy flex is fastened with clamps or glued with glue;
  • if the pipe is long, then, using several pieces of insulation, you need to glue its ends together;
  • after that, the insulating material, if desired, can be painted with paint from an aerosol can.

Another pipe and mounting foam

How to eliminate condensate on a cold water pipe using improvised materials? If for some reason you cannot buy this modern insulating material, then you can try using a plastic pipe with a little large diameter and mounting foam. plastic pipe also cut lengthwise and carefully put on the water pipe. The foam is then injected into the annulus. This simple design will last long enough, and will not interfere with the repair work.

Note: Instead of a plastic pipe, many use a metal corrugated pipe. Inside, you can also run mounting foam.


Another option is to use rags (bandages, any other cotton fabric) and epoxy putty. Before proceeding with the insulation of the pipe, it must be thoroughly cleaned of rust. sandpaper and then degrease with acetone and treat with a rust converter. Only after that the first layer of putty is applied, which is immediately “bandaged” with a cloth. When this coating hardens, you need to apply another layer of epoxy.

Isollat ​​and other similar materials

In the issue of thermal insulation of cold water pipes, the universal insulating material Isollat ​​helps a lot. This is a thermos paint in the form of a water-based suspension. After drying, the liquid mass solidifies and turns into a polymer coating with excellent thermal insulation characteristics.

It is very simple to paint the pipe with Isollat:

  • clean well with “sandpaper” and degrease the surface of the pipe;
  • apply one layer of insulating substance;
  • wait for drying;
  • use silicone varnish finish coat and giving a glossy shine to the pipe.

Moisture absorbers

In large construction supermarkets, you can find wonderful household devices - moisture absorbers. They will help you quickly and without hassle to deal with the problem. Their design is quite simple: an absorbent substance is placed in a plastic box. It will help not only to eliminate condensate on the pipes, but also to get rid of excessive humidity throughout the room.

Air conditioner

This is the most expensive option, but some people use it too. Installing an air conditioner with climate control will ensure that the humidity level is always optimal.

What to do when the water condensate on the pipes keeps constantly? When you see water droplets on the waterways of your apartment, don't ignore the problem in the hope that "it will somehow disappear by itself." Try one of the above methods, and unpleasant consequences can be avoided.