In a private house      04/05/2019

How to start a bathroom renovation - the secrets of proper bathroom renovation planning. How to start a bathroom renovation - competent organization of repair work

In any type of repair of the premises, there is a certain sequence that allows you to break down all the work into separate stages, analyze each stage in detail, accurately calculate the amount consumable and display the total amount of the repair. As in other rooms, it is necessary to follow the sequence of repairs in the bathroom, since a violation of the algorithm of actions can lead to unforeseen financial costs, and sometimes to repeated alteration. Often, if the sequence of work is not performed, then you may encounter damage to the finishing material from construction dust and dirt. In order for the work to be done quickly and efficiently, you need to divide the whole process into separate stages and study each in detail.

Repair sequence

The first question that inevitably arises for any novice master is where to start bathroom renovation. In order to facilitate the task, we will take the standard algorithm as a basis and analyze its sequence in detail. Step-by-step repair instructions will consist of the following items:

  • drawing up a project plan;
  • dismantling of plumbing and old finishing material;
  • surface preparation;
  • replacement of communication systems;
  • pre-finishing the premises;
  • finishing facing;
  • installation of appliances and plumbing fixtures;
  • general cleaning of the premises.

The listed stages of work must be carried out in the strict sequence indicated in the list, otherwise there is a high probability of damage facing material.

Drafting a project

At the stage of creating a project, it is important to remember that the bathroom is considered quite complex from a technical point of view, since it contains a large number of various communications, and the renovation plan in the bathroom should be as detailed as possible, indicating all the main dimensions. In order to avoid trouble as a result of the work, experts recommend drawing up a general plan of the room, and then on separate sheets of paper, make detailed calculations for each surface separately, describing the stages of bathroom renovation. This instruction should contain a scale drawing of the floor, ceiling and each wall with exact dimensions, and it is also necessary to indicate in advance, down to the millimeter, the exact location of such elements as:

  • wash basin;
  • mirror;
  • electric hand dryer;
  • towel dryer;
  • lighting;
  • sockets and switches;
  • bathroom and toilet;
  • furniture and accessories;
  • washing machine, bidet, urinal, water filters and other plumbing items that require the installation of additional water and sewer lines.

Also, the bathroom renovation plan should contain records of the power of all electrical appliances and the required cross-section of the electrical cable to provide them.

Dismantling of plumbing and finishing materials

After drawing up a plan and a preliminary estimate, you can start work. The beginning of repairs in the bathroom is always carried out with the dismantling of all plumbing elements. It is important to remember that you first need to remove the furniture from the room and all other volumetric elements that will occupy the workspace. This will not only free up space, but also help protect furniture and plumbing from damage when dismantling old tiles and preparing the room.

By implementing step by step repair bathroom, it is important to remember that when dismantling main task is not to break quickly, but to carefully remove the old finish without causing much damage to the base, since you will need to eliminate all these damages later. As a result, the room should look like in the photo above.

Also, the procedure for carrying out repairs in the bathroom at this stage provides for wall chasing for laying electrical cables to consumers, drilling holes for sockets and switches.

Replacing old communications with new ones

In this area of ​​work, it is necessary to dismantle all old pipelines and electrical wiring. Next, the installation of new plumbing is carried out step by step, starting from the central plumbing system to each consumer according to the plan. Then the order of repair in the bathroom involves the installation of a sewer line and laying electrical wires into pre-drilled grooves in the walls. At this stage of work, all additional units of the plumbing system, such as filters and sedimentation tanks, are connected.

Many mistakenly believe that it is possible to break the order of repairs in the bathroom and not change the old ones. metal pipes on plastic, but experts do not recommend leaving the old plumbing, since the pipes are sewn up under the lining and in case of a leak, you will have to disassemble everything again.

Pre-finishing the premises

Observing the sequence of work in the bathroom, after installing plumbing, sewerage and all additional elements, step by step follows a rough or preliminary finish. If the use of drywall is envisaged for leveling the walls, then first you need to equip the floor surface, lay waterproofing and pour the screed. If the repair stages in the bathroom are designed to use putty or plaster to level the plane, then the floors are laid last.

Waterproofing of the room is achieved by processing the floor surface epoxy resins or use a dense polyethylene film before pouring the screed.

Further, the procedure for repairing a bathroom at this stage involves the construction of boxes to hide plumbing, the installation of plasterboard partitions and the construction of a frame for hanging or stretch ceiling. At the end of the pre-finishing, the premises are cleaned from construction debris.

Finish lining

The order of repair in the bathroom at the stage finishing involves the installation of the facing material that was chosen for the decoration of the room. Usually the first thing they put on the walls ceramic tiles, then spread the flooring and already final stages work is devoted to the installation of tension or false ceiling. No wonder the renovation order in the bathroom leaves the ceiling finish at the very least.

If the preparation of the bathroom for renovation was carried out correctly and the surface was leveled, then the laying of wall tiles usually starts from the top corner, this allows you to significantly save material and lay all segments and residues in the lower part of the room, where they are least noticeable. In order not to damage the suspended or suspended ceiling, it is laid last. After the end of the facing of all surfaces, the phased renovation of the bathroom proceeds to the stage of installing equipment and plumbing.

Installation of plumbing and electrical appliances

The final stage of the repair is considered the most interesting, because at this stage the room is already acquiring its normal appearance and gradually begins to please the owners. If a step-by-step renovation of the bathroom was followed, now we have a fully finished room with plumbing outlets, sewers and wires sticking out of the wall.

Now, a toilet bowl, a bathroom, electrical appliances, lighting elements, a mirror and all additional fittings along with furniture are installed in their predetermined places. If the sequence of repairs in the bathroom has been observed, then at the end of the installation of all elements and partial decoration, you can safely carry out general cleaning and enjoy a chic and cozy bathroom. You can get more information by watching the video in the article.

After reading this material, you will have in your hands a complete step-by-step instruction renovation of the bathroom, compliance with which guarantees high-quality and fast completion of all tasks.

If you decide to do your own bathroom renovation, it is important to know the sequence of bathroom renovation. One step must follow the other, because the violation of the order of operations leads to errors that appear during operation.


Before proceeding with the repair in the bathroom, you need to determine the scope of work and roughly calculate the costs that await you. The easiest way is to make a list of questions. By answering them, you will have an idea of ​​the work that is needed. Here is a sample list of questions:

Only after you answer these questions, you can roughly estimate how much the repair will cost you. But this is without finishing materials.

Choice of finishes

The next stage of the bathroom renovation is the choice of finishing materials. The most common option is tiles on the walls and on the floor. This finishing method is popular as it is durable and easy to clean. But the cost of such finishing is high. There are cheaper options, but no less interesting. For example, on the floor you can or. Walls can be painted, pasted over with special wallpaper,.

Not fewer options for decorating the ceiling. The standard way of finishing is a bleached or painted ceiling. But in Lately suspension or tension systems are more popular. They allow you to hide communications, although they take a few centimeters in height. Ceilings in the bathroom can be:

Depending on the type of ceiling, the sequence of repairs in the bathroom changes. When choosing a stretch ceiling, it is done last. After all other finishing work is completed, the doors are installed. The plasterboard ceiling, as well as bleached or painted plaster, is finished simultaneously with the walls or a little earlier - so that whitewash or paint does not fall on the walls. Suspension systems (except drywall) are assembled after finishing the walls.

Drawing up a plan and procedure

After you have decided on all these issues, have chosen plumbing and finishing materials, you begin to draw up a plan. After all the old decoration has been removed, the dimensions of the room are measured with an accuracy of up to a centimeter, and the dimensions are transferred to the plan. On this plan, all communications are drawn, distances to all points of their exit are drawn, plumbing and furniture are drawn on a scale. After all, the location of the outlets of the water supply, sewerage depends on the position of the plumbing and its size. The following is the work plan:

This step by step plan bathroom renovation. There is only one caveat: when to install doors. Usually door frame put after they prepare the walls for decoration. In this case, the wall decoration will fit close to the box. This is important if platbands are not provided from the inside. Door leaf you can hang it later - after the end of all the "dirty" work or immediately, but protect it with a tight plastic wrap. Otherwise, it is desirable to follow the sequence of repairs in the bathroom without changes.

You see that your plumbing unit is in poor condition. But where to start renovating the bathroom in order to achieve the maximum result? Today we will talk about the preparation and the main stages of repair, the sequence of work and the importance of each step.

  • 1 Consecutive steps of bathroom renovation
    • 1.1 Repair planning
    • 1.2 Purchasing bathroom renovation materials
    • 1.3 Dismantling
    • 1.4 Working with hidden communications in the bathroom
    • 1.5 Waterproofing
    • 1.6 Leveling the surfaces of the bathroom
    • 1.7 Finishing touches of repair

Bathroom renovation steps

All repairs performed by oneself or with the help of specialists can be divided into several stages. Moreover, it is extremely important to follow the specified sequence. Violation of the stages entails backfire, and ignoring some steps can negatively affect the bathroom in a month or a couple of years.

There are many reasons to start a bathroom renovation: plumbing equipment has broken, the bathtub has lost its original luster, has fallen off old tiles and there was mold in the corners.

As a rule, one attempt to change something in the interior pulls whole line design ideas, and as a result, light cosmetic touches turn into a global overhaul. Let's try to put everything on the shelves and understand the nuances repair work.

There are two ways of drawing up a design project. You can contact the bureau and order a bathroom project by providing the dimensions of the room and choosing one of the fashion styles. The specialists of the company will make calculations and, taking into account your wishes, will select several options for the possible construction of the interior.

Get ready that the imagination of designers will have to pay, and remember: what better known company, the more expensive the finished project.

However, there is no guarantee that the proposed options will suit you - you may not be satisfied with the color, the choice of plumbing, the price range of repair materials or the recommended style.

Having completed a bathroom sketch in color, you will be able to imagine the interior picture as a whole and understand what needs to be added or removed so that the room fully matches the chosen style.

Thanks to the abundance of information in magazines, books and the World Wide Web, you can independently draw up a sketch of a future bathroom, study the characteristics of modern plumbing, and choose wall cladding to your taste.

And most importantly, you can draw up a project based on your own style preferences. Cold high-tech, strict classics, luxurious art deco, sophisticated rococo - reflect any ideas first on a sheet of paper, and then in life.

So, in order for the design project to be complete and meaningful, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • detailed procedure;
  • list of materials and tools;
  • approximate estimate (including the purchase of new plumbing and furniture);
  • several sketches from different angles;
  • communications scheme - water supply, sewerage, electric cables;
  • the exact dimensions of all planes and the planned dimensions of plumbing equipment.

Owners of small premises should be especially careful, since limited space is less functional. You will have to choose a compact-sized bathtub, abandon convenient floor cabinets and, possibly, a washbasin, as a washing machine is often installed in its place.

Consider installing hanging cabinets for storing hygiene and cosmetics, effectively use the space under the bathroom.

A small space does not make it possible to fully realize the design intent and forces you to choose which is better: a shower or corner bath, multi-row heated towel rail or shelves for accessories

To visually expand the boundaries small room, choose shiny cladding, glossy ceiling panels and large mirrors. Light pastel colors of fixtures and finishes will also make the bathroom more spacious and bright.

And a few words about the most popular styles. The classical direction is characterized by a noble palace style: light light shades, a lot of space and light, exquisite furniture and sanitary ware, the use of elegant interior details - mirrors in a baguette, candlesticks, elegant gilded trinkets.

Features classical style with a touch of luxury: a bathtub on a decorative podium, light curtains with tassels, antique columns, a chandelier with a set of sconces

Hi-tech is characterized by minimalism and functionality, it is characterized by cold tones in design and lighting, lack of decorations, a large amount of glass, plastic and chrome parts. Plumbing meets the requirements high technology furniture is simple and practical.

High-tech style involves the use of one accent shade that would dilute the monotony of the interior, in this case it is a lighting feature - bright blue backlight

The main features of a romantic bathroom are coziness and comfort. Furniture can be modern or old-fashioned, but always elegant, decorated with hand-painted or pictorial ornaments.

Upholstered armchair, wicker basket on the floor and steam decorative shelves also will not be redundant.

Often a bathroom decorated in a romantic style resembles an expensive spa: refined interior decorate with flowers, and the air is filled with fragrance essential oils and cosmetics

Necessary steps for bathroom renovation

All work performed must be performed sequentially. For convenience, all actions are divided according to the order of execution. And it is right. The quality of the final result depends on the most complete implementation of previous work.

Stage # 1: Calculation and selection of building materials

If you have roughly determined the amount of expenses for the purchase of materials and plumbing and are sure that it does not make sense to calculate the cost of each tile or each bag of glue, then you will be very surprised to find out the exact figure. As a rule, it is two times higher than the planned spending.

In order not to make a mistake in counting the number of tiles, panels, fasteners, cables, mortars, take the dimensions of the room and enter the data into the project. Then you can determine the exact amount. Here is an approximate scheme for counting the number of ceramic tiles for wall cladding:

The diagram should display all the walls separately, based on the perimeter indicators, and draw a “grid” using the dimensions of the tile - this way you will find out the exact number of ceramic elements of each type

Do not forget that during cutting and laying part of the tile may be damaged, so add 5% to the total. In the same way, count the number of floor tiles, ceiling panels, decorative elements.

Prices for plumbing equipment, furniture, finishing material can be found on the websites of trade depots and stores, but please note that the product you have chosen is not always in stock, so take care of buying it in advance.

Before counting the number building materials you must know exactly the layout of the room, the arrangement of furniture, the type of finish, the communications scheme and the dimensions of all planes

Stage #2: Dismantling the old cladding

It is necessary to carry out repairs in the bathroom in stages, that is, start with dismantling old finishceiling panels, floor covering, wall plastic or ceramics. It seems easier to break than to build, but this is far from the case.

If the tilers tried with all their heart, it will not be easy to dismantle the tiles from the walls, and even more so from the floor, given the quality of modern glue. In the best case, you will need a hammer and a chisel, but most likely a drill or puncher.

remember, that construction works V apartment buildings allowed from 8.00 to 21.00 (in some regions - until 20.00), and continuous repair work should last no more than 6 hours, after which it is necessary to take a break

There are two methods of dismantling: sparing and emergency. In the first case, you carefully soak the grout, scrape it out and carefully, using a hammer and chisel, try to separate each element from the wall. In the second - take a puncher and much faster, but with noise and dust, demolish the entire finish in layers.

As you can see, both methods have disadvantages, so experts recommend saving time and effort for repairs by calling a team (or one master) for dismantling. In just a few hours, your bathroom will be completely free of old finishes and ready for repair work.

Stage #3: Update communications

Home communications usually mean:

  • sewerage;
  • water pipes;
  • electrical wiring;
  • ventilation.

Ventilation shafts are not touched during repairs, but sometimes the exit grate is changed, as it must match the surrounding finish.

The most difficult thing will be the owners of old apartments and houses in which cast iron pipes. They will have to be completely dismantled, and sewerage and water supply will be built from plastic pipes. It is necessary to make an eyeliner to all points of water intake - a bath, a washbasin, a washing machine.

To work with pvc pipes special soldering equipment is required, which can be rented.

When laying the pipeline, do not forget about important functional details - water meters, plugs, outlets for washing equipment, taps for shutting off hot and cold water

To let the water flow freely sewer pipes set as low as possible. For this reason, for showers with a low descent, a podium has to be installed - minimum angle The slope of the drain must be at least 5 degrees.

You should also consider a way to mask the pipes: you will have to ditch the walls or equip drywall boxes. In addition to pipes, I also lay electrical cables in the walls, having previously drawn up the layout of all electrical appliances, lamps and sockets.

Stage # 4: Warming and waterproofing the floor

Repair of the floor in the bathroom begins with a screed device. Its height depends on the method of insulation. If additional thermal insulation is not provided, only the thickness of the tile should be taken into account - 1-1.5 cm. When installing the "Warm Floor" system, the screed resembles a pie, the middle layer of which is the heating system.

In this case, the total thickness of the screed is at least 3-4 cm.

There are several types of screed: dry (not suitable for the bathroom), semi-dry (with fillers that lighten the load) and wet - the most suitable for rooms with a high level of humidity


  • processing the base ( concrete slab) deep penetration primer;
  • install beacons with an interval of 60-80 cm, using the level;
  • we dilute the sand-cement or concrete mixture with water;
  • we fill the floor areas between the beacons with a solution, level them;
  • at the end, remove the beacons, overwrite the bumps;
  • cover the floor with a film and wait for it to “ripen”.

Insulation is used to insulate the floor. Modern mineral wool is not suitable, as it has a property that is not necessary for a bathroom - high hygroscopicity. However, sometimes it is used, carefully isolated from moisture. Styrofoam (expanded polystyrene) perfectly resists water.

It is usually placed on concrete base in front of the screed device, reinforcing with a reinforcing mesh. Similar functions are performed by elastic and flexible foam.

Used as waterproofing in bathrooms, toilets and kitchens the following materials: films with a thermal reflective layer, cement-polymer coating, liquid silicone membranes

More comfortable option is the "warm floor" system. It has several versions, here are the main ones:

  • water - a flexible system of plastic or metal tubes, heated by centralized (boiler) heating;
  • film - infrared design with electrical wiring and thermostat;
  • electric - assembled from heating elements operating on electric current.

Any of these systems improves the microclimate in the bathroom, while it has a low cost and is easy to fit.

Stage # 5: Wall decoration with modern materials

Traditionally, tiles are used to finish the bathroom - ceramic tiles made of baked clay, but often the process is reduced in price by covering the walls with plastic panels or plaster for painting. Before you do your own bathroom renovation, consider the pros and cons of the options listed.

Always fashionable ceramics

Diversity tiles allows you to choose any option - from budget to exclusive.

In building supermarkets you can find monocottura, bicottura, mosaic, monoporosa and majolica for internal works, as well as durable porcelain stoneware, which is equally good for finishing the bathroom, and for facing the stairs or the facade of the building.

The greatest demand is for collectible ceramics, which is most often a set of wall and floor elements, border, decor and panels

The cost of tiles largely depends on the manufacturer. The highest quality and, accordingly, expensive tiles are produced by Italian brands: Gardenia Orchidea, Fondovalle, Roberto Cavalli, Rex Ceramiche, Vitrex.

Only the Spanish manufacturers are not inferior to the Italians. Cheaper tiles are made in Poland, Russia, Belarus, Lithuania.

Before laying the tiles, it is necessary to plaster the walls so that they are perfectly even, and then prime them and cover them with waterproofing mastic. Then proceed as standard:

  • lay the tiles on the adhesive according to the pre-applied markings;
  • remove excess glue from the seams;
  • fill the seams with grout.

Along with the usual classics, they actively use seamless tile. All elements of the seamless collection do not have a chamfer on the edges, so wall covering visually looks monolithic.

Practical and inexpensive plastic

A democratic alternative to tiles is plastic panels designed specifically for rooms with high level humidity.

Along with traditional snow-white products, there are many options in a variety of color scheme: monophonic and "under the stone", with geometric shapes and floristic compositions, with bright ornaments and metallic coating.

To complete the interior, use the same plastic panels for wall decoration, making a screen under the bathroom and creating boxes for communications.

By using plastic panels you can clad the walls in just one evening. If the walls are perfectly even, then the panels are fixed liquid nails or brackets, however, the most acceptable option is mounting on a profile. First, a profile frame (crate) is installed, and panels are already attached to it, alternately “gathering” them.

You may have to cut off part of the product in the corners, so purchase 1-2 pieces more. In addition to the panels, you need to buy a guide profile, plastic corner for masking gaps and fasteners (self-tapping screws).

Decorative plaster

Modern artistic (decorative) plaster perfectly tolerates humid air, exposure to detergents and chemical substances, therefore suitable for wall decoration in the bathroom.

Its main condition correct application- perfectly smooth walls. For leveling, ordinary mortar is not used, a sanitizing plaster with waterproofing properties is required.

For creating original style along with color accents often use the effect of a cracked surface, hand-painted or stencil ornament

Venetian is in great demand - smooth plaster, which has a wide range of shades and a glossy finish. It does not absorb moisture and retains its original appearance for a long time. It can be contrasted with structural plaster, the texture of which retains water droplets.

For some time it will look perfect, but the impurities of lime or iron contained in tap water, sooner or later spoil the aesthetics of the wall covering.

Stage #6: Ceiling

The design of the ceiling largely depends on the decoration of the walls and the overall style concept. Simple plaster is used less and less, as it limits the possibilities for lighting, and, on the contrary, suspended structures are very popular, which can be divided into the following types:

  • rack;
  • drywall;
  • tension.

Plastic panel ceilings are chosen by those who want to save money. The rails and the profile on which they are attached are inexpensive, and the installation of the ceiling takes a minimum of time. Despite the low cost, some types of panels look very attractive - they have a mirror or colored surface, decorated with gold or silver plating.

The shape of the panels also varies: in addition to narrow and wide rails, rectangular and square plastic modules are used.

Mirror and "metal" plastic is not suitable for rooms in a classic or french style, but for art deco or high-tech bathrooms, it is more than appropriate

Suspended plasterboard structures allow you to build multi-tiered ceilings and experiment with the placement of fixtures. It should be remembered that levels are good where there is a lot of space and there is no likelihood of a strong reduction in the ceiling surface.

For indoor work with high humidity produce a special moisture-resistant type of drywall, the surface of which is painted green.

One of the most common models suspended structure from drywall: a backlit box is installed along opposite walls (or along the perimeter), and the middle remains intact

elastic vinyl film, used for tension structures, is also suitable for finishing the ceiling in the bathroom. And although the installation of the coating steals 7-10 cm, the gloss visually “raises” the ceilings up.

Unfortunately, traces of condensation are clearly visible on it, while the matte surface hides dried moisture and goes well with tiles and plastic.

Polyvinyl chloride - perfect option for the bathroom: does not lose color, resistant to moisture, easy to care for. The fabric canvas is not suitable, as it easily dampens, which contributes to the appearance of mold

Final actions

When the finishing work is completed, you can install a bath, furniture and connect equipment. As you can see, self-repair is a difficult task, requiring certain skills, but, nevertheless, interesting and informative!

For filling the finished repaired bath with the necessary, you can see in this video:

Sometimes people try to save money and make only selective cosmetic finishes in the living space. But this principle is not entirely acceptable for a bathroom or bathroom. Here it is recommended to renovate the bathroom from scratch in order to avoid serious costs in the future. This is due to the functionality of the premises and the concentration of the main communications. It is about repair from scratch that will be discussed in our article.

What is refurbishment from scratch

When they talk about repairs from scratch, they mean all stages of work in the bathroom:

    1. replacement or connection of sewer and water pipes of cold and hot supply;
    2. posting electricians on walls and ceilings;
    3. wall finishing from the base to the final coating;
    4. floor work from screed to finishing layer;
    5. ceiling finish;
    6. plumbing installation;
    7. connection of mixers and household appliances;
    8. ventilation system;
    9. installation of an interior door;
    10. installation of bathroom furniture;
    11. filling the space with accessories.

Photos increase, click!

Important! Regardless of the room in which the bathroom is being renovated ( new flat or secondary), from scratch - this means everything is updated to the smallest detail. Such repairs require a careful approach at the design stage, because the costs can be different in absolutely identical bathrooms. It is during this period that it is necessary to decide on the design of the bathroom and understand what materials and components will be needed for the project.

  • In new apartments, the developer only makes the connection of communications to the bathroom, and leaves the distribution of engineering structures to the discretion of the residents.
  • In apartments that have been renovated for more than five years, communications are usually not in the best condition, which requires their replacement to prevent breakdowns. If you do not carry out a replacement, it will be a pity and costly to eliminate the consequences in the future. For modern renovation in the bathroom from scratch, hidden installation of communications is acceptable so as not to spoil the aesthetic appearance of the room. Doing this with old pipes is risky. It is more economical to replace old communications with new ones, not forgetting about plumbing.

Sequence of work during the repair from scratch

Having imagined the scale of work when renovating a bathroom from scratch, it is necessary to draw up an estimate. Without a detailed analysis of the space and drawings on paper, it is difficult to compile a list necessary materials. If you are far from design views and have no experience finishing works entrust the repair of the bathroom from scratch to the experts. Believe me, this option will cost less than reworking after the master of incompetence.

When choosing a team, find out the prices of different companies and stop at the best option for the budget. Typically, the range of services includes plumbing, electrical work. At self repair you will have to invite them to connect water, sewerage and electricity.

Important! Bathroom refurbishment times vary depending on the condition of the space. If a new floor screed is required, the time frame is long so that the solution has time to dry. It also takes time to dry the walls if the alignment is done with plaster on beacons. But to achieve perfect evenness of surfaces is to get beautiful walls, floor without level differences.

When a bathroom is renovated from scratch, there is the possibility of redevelopment:

  • combine toilet and bathroom;
  • move the door
  • change the geometry of the room to a more functional one;
  • install underfloor heating;
  • add a heating element;
  • replace bulky plumbing with a compact option if the space is small.

Important! The choice of materials must be made in advance, because many are brought only to order and the terms can be long. Designer's advice will help to avoid such expectation by offering analogues.

If the repair is done from scratch, then the choice of style is the wishes and tastes of the owner. An important criterion here is the size of the bathroom. Not all styles are suitable for small rooms, but for spacious ones there are a lot of ideas. For any style, it is possible to choose both expensive finishes and budget materials. good quality. And this is an important question when deciding to make repairs from scratch in the bathroom.

If you are going to have major changes in the bathroom, then you should be patient for a certain period. The term depends on the type of work and the experience of the team or home master.

See photo:

Video footage:

Watch a video of finishing a bathroom from scratch.