In a private house      07.03.2020

Crafts from milk caps. For the garden with love: cork crafts. Plastic cork magnets

Plastic bottles are a familiar material, crafts from which you will not surprise anyone. Another thing is the lids, which, due to their ignorance, are thrown away by many along with the bottles. But from them you can make so many useful and interesting crafts, including mosaics, fridge magnets, wall art and massage mats!

Plastic cork magnets

You will need:

  • Covers;
  • Small magnets;
  • Glue or double-sided tape;
  • Medical alcohol;
  • Markers.


  1. Degrease plastic cover using medical alcohol, glue a magnet inside. Draw a funny face on the front side.
  2. If you glue special decorative elements with a moving bead in a plastic shell to the lid, the eyes in the image will turn out to be more alive.

Mosaic from plastic corks: manufacturing rules

More skill requires mosaics from plastic stoppers, which can be both an independent craft and an element of decor. Due to the strength of the material, you can decorate the country yard or the facade of the house with the product.

During manufacture, the covers are fastened together using a special adhesive for gluing polyethylene BF-2 or BF-4. For more complex drawings, it is worth making markings on a primed plywood sheet in advance, and then acrylic paints draw the desired figure. When the paint is dry, you can start gluing the corks with a glue gun. To make a mosaic of corks, you will need a large amount of material of different colors and some drawing skills.

If you decide to make a mosaic on the surface of the wall, the technology for its implementation is somewhat different. First you need to select a pattern or pattern that will be applied to the surface of the wall. After selecting the surface, it must be marked. When marking, set marks at the level of the height and width of the pattern. It is also necessary to divide the proposed wall into equal squares - this will help control the shape of the pattern and pattern. Additionally, you can mark the colors of the corks that will be fixed in the marked squares.

After marking, you can begin to place traffic jams. You can nail corks to the wall with the front or inside. If you decide to attach plugs front side, you will face the difficulty of cleaning the surface of the wall, because debris and dust will collect in traffic jams. Fastening with the inside is convenient because after work you can mask the seams of the mosaic with a cement-sand mortar.

If the wall on which you plan to lay out the mosaic is concrete or brick, it is recommended to use special fastening compounds. The surface of the wall is plastered simultaneously with the application of covers. At the end of the mosaic, wait until it dries, then you can eliminate the shortcomings. On wooden structures optimal way attachment is considered to be nailing. You can use self-tapping screws or ordinary nails.

How to make a rug out of plastic bottle caps?

Do massage Mat from traffic jams can be fast enough. Ready product looks beautiful, especially if you use multi-colored lids. You can get a lot of benefits from a massage mat made of lids. First, it is wonderfully relaxing. Secondly, doctors advise walking on such rugs every day for about 10-15 minutes. This improves health.

The effect of a massage mat made of covers is explained by the fact that there are a large number of sensitive nerve endings on the feet, which are responsible for various organs and systems of the body. During the massage, the whole body is charged.

You will need:


  1. There should be approximately 10 to 15 lids on each side of the hexagonal mat. To correctly calculate their number, you need to multiply the number of covers on the 1st side by the number of sides and subtract the number of covers that are repeated.
  2. When you collect required amount parts, pierce with an awl six holes in each cover. All extreme are going to 1 strong fishing line. Then, the covers must be braided with a piece of fishing line so that they hold tightly. Thus, collect the blanks in a hexagon, securing with a fishing line.
  3. To make the massage mat beautiful, use colorful lids and lay out a certain pattern. It can be designed in advance, and then only proceed with the assembly.

Crafts from corks from plastic bottles: photo

Plastic bottle caps can be found in almost every home. If you collect them, then in the future you can build absolutely amazing things. For example, you can make coasters for a dining table, rugs, curtains for a country house, a creative lampshade, a summer bag, and more. others

If desired, the tracks can be made with your own hands, but this is suitable for this unusual material like corks from plastic bottles. Turn on your imagination and, using the tips, create a unique and practical art object in your country house. And you need quite a bit for this: diligence, free time and our advice.

When it comes to waste material, many believe that it is much easier to work with it with construction material. This is not entirely true. If you want the garden path to become not only a practical element landscape design, but also his calling card, you need to follow some rules. They primarily concern the choice of material and its preparation.

Choosing plastic bottles and caps (corks)

They say that plastic decomposes after 100 years. It's wonderful! Indeed, in this case, it is ideal for garden paths(for garden). The palette of plastic covers is quite extensive.

To create beauty, you can use:

  • caps from plastic bottles of different sizes;
  • lids from tetrapacks, eggplants, and cans;
  • metal bottle caps;
  • wine corks.

The main requirement for plastic lids is high density. After all, the tracks have a serious load. And it will be a pity for the spent effort if the coating does not last long.

For the track you will need a lot of this material. You can do the calculation yourself:

  • measure the diameter of the cork, in 1–2 liter bottles it is 3 cm;
  • 33.5 corks are placed in 1 meter;
  • 1122.5 plugs will be needed for 1m 2;
  • multiply this figure by the area of ​​​​your track, and you will get the total number of caps.

One family cannot handle such a number of drinks, even if you collect all the caps from bottles and cans, including water, beer, yoghurts and even medicines. Connect everyone you can to the project:

  • announce your decision to create an extraordinary element garden design friends, acquaintances and neighbors;
  • give a call to collect caps on social networks;
  • try to negotiate the supply of material with the employees of the nearest cafe.

How to do it yourself in the country

Corks can be laid in different ways:

  • face up (resulting in a flat surface);
  • ribs up (this track can be used instead of a massager);
  • inside up (the coating is textured).

The latter option is only suitable for small areas under a canopy. Otherwise, during precipitation, water and dirt will accumulate in the recesses of the plugs. And for such uneven surface hard to care for.

With varieties of crafts from cans introduce .

Mosaic laying scheme

This is the most creative part of the job. Before you start paving directly, you need to decide exactly how your path should look. You can lay out the covers in even rows, regardless of color. As a result, you will get a multi-colored scattering of colored highlights in your garden. Such a path attracts the eye and looks impressive.

But if you want something more extraordinary, choose a pattern for your track yourself. Cross stitch patterns will help you with this. Tracks with colored geometric patterns look good. If you are confident in your abilities, you can choose drawings more difficult. Some summer residents create real plot panels under their feet in their garden. It is in the country that such decorations are popular.

Tools and materials

Despite the cheapness of the material, the approach to creating paths from traffic jams must be serious. Sometimes it is advised to simply level the ground before laying the cork mosaic and start creating by sticking the caps directly into the ground or a layer of sand.

This carpet will not last long. Not only will the covers not hold out for a long time and will begin to fly out one after another, but also the grass will hasten to sprout between them. It is better to spend more time, but do everything soundly.

You will need:

  • covers of different colors;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • construction adhesive or ceramic tiles;
  • wooden blocks and boards for formwork.

For the construction of the track you need:

  • determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe track and make markings;
  • remove the sod and upper layer soil;
  • dig a trench 10 cm deep;
  • drive supports along the edge of the recess;
  • make a wooden formwork, and nails need to be hammered with inside constructions;
  • install spacers for reliability (the optimal distance between them is 1 m);
  • fill up a layer of rubble, gravel, broken bricks;
  • prepare a solution of cement and sand (4: 1) and add one part of the glue to it, the mass should be of medium consistency;
  • pour a small amount of solution onto the prepared site;
  • quickly lay the covers, according to the chosen scheme, slightly press them into the cement;
  • the solution should almost completely cover the lids;
  • after the cement has hardened, go over the top layer with a stiff brush in order to remove excess cement.

The mortar hardens quickly, especially in hot weather, and laying mosaics is time consuming. Do not fill the entire track with cement. Work in sectors. Break your drawing into parts or conditional squares and fill in small areas.

Advantages of garden paths

  • The coating performs an aesthetic function not to the detriment of the practical one.
  • The material does not require material investments.
  • Plastic handles temperature fluctuations well.
  • Such paths do not lose their aesthetic appearance for a long time.
  • Paths made of unusual mosaics are easy to repair: any cover can always be replaced.

Disadvantages and methods of dealing with them

But such tracks are not ideal, they have serious drawbacks. But knowing in advance what difficulties can arise with them, you can easily avoid them.

  • The plastic paths from the lids become very slippery after rain. Such coatings should not be arranged on the central paths. Their place is in the garden and near recreation areas.
  • The icy path becomes dangerous. If you need to walk on it in winter, it is better to combine plastic cover mosaics with cement, ceramic or wood designs.

Other options

Covers from combinations of plastic caps with a bat look good ceramic tiles. small size elements allow you to lay out bizarre and extraordinary patterns. The result is an original track from bright elements. Such a garden patchwork will decorate the garden and place accents on the site.

Drawings can also be varied with metal covers. And adherents of ecodesign will like the paths from wine corks. Cork wood is a noble material with unique properties.

Health track from different covers

Homemade massage paths in the garden have become quite popular. They are loved by children and adults. After all, walking barefoot on a textured surface is not only pleasant, but also useful. For such paths, you will need a cement base on which different materials are laid.

Suitable juice lids glass jars, corks, buttons, sticks. All this stuff is sorted by color and size. Then a sketch is developed. Here you can play not only with color and texture, but also with the way of laying. Covers laid on the end will create a convex surface, and glued with a notch down will give a smoother plane.

From bottles

This material can serve as a wonderful material not only for manufacturing, but also for arranging exclusive paths in the garden. For this, whole bottles or their parts are used.

How to make from plastic bottles

Empty bottles do not withstand serious loads. Therefore, before building a path, they need to be filled with sand, fine gravel or dry soil. If you want to make a color path, then put colored paper, foil or pour a little dye inside the bottle, and only then fill in the sand. When the material is ready, start laying it.

In this case, you can not do without a cement cushion. Only the hole for it needs to be dug deeper - by 1.5 bayonet spades.

  • Gravel is poured at the bottom, formwork is being built.
  • The bottles are laid sideways in a trench and poured with cement mortar.
  • Seal the masonry. To do this, put a board on the track and walk along it.
  • After drying, the formwork is removed.
  • Decorate the edges. Any mosaic is suitable for this.

You can make interesting paths from the bottom of the bottle. To do this, prepare a trench about 15 cm deep.

  • Cut off the bottom of the bottles (leave 1/5 of the height).
  • Make formwork and concrete pad.
  • Put the bottom into the wet solution.

From the remains of bottles you can build interesting garden sculptures or greenhouses for seedlings.

Greenhouse for seedlings from a plastic bottle.

About how to put paving slabs told.

How to make glass bottles

The technology is largely similar to the previous one. Only glass bottles it is not necessary to fill them with sand, although the sand will give them extra strength. It is better to take bottles of champagne or wine, but beer ones are also suitable.

They are usually installed upside down. For such a path, a fairly deep trench is needed. Therefore, lane bottles are often cut and only the bottom is used. The laying technology is the same as that of plastic.

The backlit track looks great. To do this, you need to mount small bulbs under the bottles. It is better to take LEDs - they are durable and economical. Bottles are also suitable for building walls, fences and borders.


On the video: do-it-yourself traffic jam paths.

Ordinary caps are a cheap and practical material. They are well suited for paving paths of varying degrees of sinuosity. Surfaces decorated in this way look cozy and colorful. And so that they do not get out of general style plot, complement the garden with bright mosaic sculptures and panels in the same color scheme.

Crafts from plastic corks Lately gained recognition among lovers of original things due to the ease of implementation. After all, plastic bottles are in every home. Therefore, do not rush to part with them, but turn on your imagination and start ennobling your home or garden plot.

As you know, children have a very well developed imagination. They can create anything from any materials that are at hand. The thing is that from early childhood, parents and educators in kindergarten develop their interest in crafts.

For children's creativity material such as plastic corks is perfect. They are good because they stick to any surface, which means that you can create all kinds of pictures, shapes. Crafts from plastic corks are very popular with children, and they are happy to make voluminous and interesting products.

Usually from d With this material, they perform 3 types of crafts: applications, toys and figures.

The simplest application to perform is a caterpillar. It can be any size and color. You can complement it with a beautiful background and various small details. For example, make a sun and a flower as a background by gluing corks together according to the pattern.

Another interesting application is birds. To do this, you will need 2 covers for the head and body, as well as cardboard, fabric or real feathers for the wings.

You can make a wide variety of crafts from corks from plastic bottles, trusting your imagination or displaying them in stages in the pictures.

So, you can make an application, for example, in the form of a rabbit. It is made in the same way as a bird, with two covers of different diameters, cardboard for the ears and a small pom-pom for the tail. In this way, you can create any animals that your child likes.

Volumetric crafts that look more interesting than applications are also easy to manufacture. Try to make a turtle.

To do this, you will need a large shell cover, cotton swabs for the limbs and an ice cream stick for the calf. They need to be dyed green color or in any other, stick a cap on an ice cream stick and crossed cotton buds, draw spots on top, attach eyes - and the funny turtle is ready.

The same principle is applied in the manufacture of spiders, only instead of cotton swabs, pieces of chenille wire can be used.

Easily can make a child and crafts in the form ladybugs or bees, which are done by painting the lids with the appropriate colors. The antennae can be made from black fishing line, and the wings can be made from cardboard.

With the help of fishing line and wire, by stringing corks on them, you can get a snake.

Mosaic panels made of plastic corks

Mosaic compositions made from bottle caps are also very popular. To create such paintings, many covers of different colors are required. It is absolutely easy to do the job - by gluing the corks together.

Important! The glue must have increased tenacity, as an option, you can use a glue gun.

Details are attached to the base. If fastened with the reverse side, then in this case it is advisable to screw them to the base with screws.

If you have a lot of plastic corks of the same color, say, yellow, then you can make crafts in the form of the sun out of them. It will look interesting if you take covers of different diameters and put them one into one.

From a large number of multi-colored corks from plastic bottles, you can make a cockerel craft. True, some skills will be needed here, and such work will take much more time, but you will get an original picture that will delight you for a long time.

A piece of plywood is suitable as a base, which must first be opened with a primer, then apply a contour and glue the corks themselves according to the pattern of the picture.

Plastic bottle cap magnets

If you just decided to try your hand at this exciting activity, then the most simple crafts from corks from plastic bottles look like ordinary magnets that can be found on the refrigerator of every housewife. After all, we need them not only for beauty or for fixing lists, but also for masking possible defects formed on the surface of equipment. To make them, you do not need too much time.

Materials that will be required in the manufacture of magnets:

  • multi-colored corks;
  • magnets (can be bought at a craft store);
  • glue;
  • alcohol;
  • paints and colored paper;
  • colored markers or pencils.

First of all, it is necessary to completely degrease the cork with alcohol. Then put a magnet on the glue inside. From colored paper, cut out circles of exactly the same diameter as the cork itself. On the resulting blanks, write letters and fix them at the bottom of the cork. You can additionally decorate the magnet with a small bow. The result is a bright and fun alphabet. Using this method, you can also assemble a picture by cutting out circles of the required diameter and various shades. The description of this craft from plastic corks can be found in more detail from the master class on specialized sites on the Internet.

Cork mat as a foot massage

Among the most popular DIY plastic cork crafts is a massage mat. To make it, you do not need to make special efforts, but it looks very unusual and attractive, especially from multi-colored corks. This product has some benefits. Even doctors recommend walking on such rugs daily for 15 minutes to improve health. Because massage has a relaxing effect. The principle of its action is that when walking on it, the nerve endings located on the feet, which are responsible for certain organs, are activated. Such a massage is a kind of exercise for the whole body.

To make it you will need:

  1. plastic stoppers;
  2. awl;
  3. strong line.

Each side of the hexagonal rug contains 10-15 corks. To do correct calculation, it is necessary to multiply the number of plugs on one side by the number of sides of the product and subtract the number of repeating plugs. After you have the required amount ready, you should make 6 holes in each part with an awl. The end plugs must be collected on one fishing line. Next, firmly braid the covers with fishing line, forming a hexagon. And to make the rug pleasing to the eye, you can use covers different shades, from which the whole picture will turn out. The pattern of crafts from corks from plastic bottles can be selected from a photo on the Internet, focusing on the selected image, you can lay it out in advance, and then proceed directly to the assembly itself.

Corridor mat made of plastic corks

Among the original and at the same time practical crafts from do-it-yourself plastic bottle caps, a rug enters the corridor. It is made by gluing the lids with silicone adhesive in glue gun. You can make any pattern, for this you need to take only corks of various shades to make the product colorful.

Attention! The main advantage of the material taken for the rug is its ability to be easily and quickly cleaned of various kinds of contaminants.

However, in a room where linoleum lies, it can be harmful, since the edges of the covers are quite sharp and can scratch the coating. It is recommended to lay such a rug on a tile, which means it is suitable for a bathroom.

Plastic is characterized by such a property as wear resistance, so it will withstand any temperature regime and humidity. The only thing that can suffer is the color. However, if desired, it can also be restored by painting over with special paints, or another can be made from new covers, because, as mentioned above, given material is very cheap. Therefore, crafts from plastic corks can be made very often and are different all the time, experimenting with color and shapes.

Filament curtains - decoration of a country house

Crafts from plastic corks can be very diverse. It all depends on the richness of your imagination. However, one of the most interesting and original ideas, which can be found on the Internet, are filament curtains made of covers, which is especially important for those who have a dacha. Such a product will save your budget, because it does not require special costs Plus, they are easy to make. The result is unusual filament curtains.

All you need to make them are lids in in large numbers, you can use one-color or different shades, if some kind of pattern is planned. It is important to note that its scheme should be selected in an elongated shape. You also need: fishing line, hammer, nails, awl, and if necessary, also a needle.

Cork curtains are made in the following sequence:

  1. Make holes in the lids on both sides with an awl.
  2. Lay out the details according to the picture, you can keep it near you when stringing the corks.
  3. String 2 vertical rows on a long fishing line, starting from the bottom of the 1st, moving to the 2nd.
  4. Fasten with knots received on both sides, you can singe the ends of the fishing line.
  5. String the third-fourth row, the fifth-sixth and the seventh-eighth according to the same principle.
  6. To facilitate the assembly of the curtains, it is advisable to make some kind of mark when you move to the next row.
  7. If the door frame is wooden, then the product can be attached to it by nailing separately taken fixing plugs.
  8. Before attaching the corks, it is necessary to make markings, determining the same distance between them.
  9. Take the first thread with the first or second rows of caps. Find the middle mark, which indicates the transition from row to row.
  10. Nail an additional cover to the door frame, while the nail head should protrude from the wood, and the 1st thread should be hung on it in the middle. Then beat it to the end.

This design will look good in summer shower in the country, because because of its density.

Metal caps from bottles of beer, mineral water and carbonated drinks are an excellent material for crafts and decor different surfaces. A number of features make them a more convenient, beautiful and versatile raw material for creativity than plastic lids. Firstly, the metal can be bent, bent and used with a soldering iron, and secondly, the corrugated edges of the cap themselves look very interesting. We offer several interesting ideas what crafts from bottle caps can be made for the interior.

Methods for decorating surfaces with lids

If you have managed to collect dozens or even hundreds of metal caps, pay attention to this project - the inlay of any surface. You can decorate with caps the old coffee table or a bedside table, a tray or a drawer for things, a dining table or kitchen countertop, the surface of a chest of drawers or a cabinet, even lay out a wall or floor with a mosaic of lids! The result can exceed all expectations!

The appearance of the finished inlaid surface depends on the chosen method of fixing the caps, as well as on color solution and laid out pattern. Let's look at the main ways to decorate surfaces with metal bottle caps.

Put on glue

The most obvious and commonly used method is to put the lids on with glue or liquid nails. With this method, the caps protrude above the main surface, creating a three-dimensional corrugated pattern. For gluing, use high-quality thick glue, liquid nails or mounting foam. Make sure that the adhesive mass does not protrude beyond the edges of the caps and at the same time securely fix each one. If desired, then the entire surface can be varnished.

In terms of the design of the surface inlaid with lids, you can completely trust your imagination. No rules or restrictions. Try to use the original caps with the names of drinks, spray paint them in specific color or manually paint with acrylics. You can also lay out any pattern, ornament or image from the caps, like a mosaic. On a large scale, such decor with metal lids will look very impressive!

The adhesive gluing method is used for decorative tables, mirror frames, furniture walls, i.e. for surfaces that will not be used often, such as dining tables or gender. For them, it is better to choose the second method, which will be discussed below.

Put on glue and rub the seams

If you want to decorate with lids the tabletop of a dining or desktop, floor or "apron" above the working kitchen area, then it is advisable to fill the space between the lids with grout to prevent the accumulation of dust, grease and dirt. To do this, glue the caps in the same order in the chosen order, let the glue dry and then fill the space between the caps with grout or primer using rubber spatula. It is very important to keep the lid caps clean, so clean the lids with a damp sponge at the same time as grouting.

There are options when they use cement mortar. While the poured cement is still not completely dry, the caps are gently pressed into the solution. This method is quite laborious, requiring you to act quickly with a confident hand and without hesitation. After complete drying, the surface is varnished.

Fill with epoxy resin (acrylic water)

This method is suitable for surfaces with sides, such as a tray, drawer or countertop with a recess. As a fixative and grout for lids, you can use epoxy resin (acrylic water). Since this chemical solution- liquid, we need bumpers. Lay the lids on the surface, and then fill the mosaic with epoxy mortar according to the instructions for it. It is very convenient and fast, because you do not need to glue each cap, or then rub the seams between them.

By the way, almost the same effect can be achieved if a sheet of glass is laid on top of the lids, this is especially true for countertops.

to nail

Lids can be simply nailed to wooden surface small carnations. A nail cap will spoil the drawing a little, but in principle it can become a highlight and a unifying element of all caps. Alternatively, the covers can be pre-painted in a solid color, then the middle in the form of a nail head will look natural and harmonious. In order to bend the lid itself when driving a nail, place a nut of a suitable height under each piece of plywood and a nut.

Ways to connect caps to each other in crafts

With metal bottle caps, you can not only decorate surfaces in the interior, but also make individual crafts - jewelry, magnets, coasters and toys. How to assemble the caps into a single structure?

Holes and wire

With a thin nail or drill, make holes in the embossed sidewalls, and then connect the caps together with a wire or fishing line.

soldering iron

You can use a soldering iron and solder to securely connect the caps.

Glue and fasteners

In some crafts, for example, for jewelry, it is necessary to use special parts. They can be either soldered to the lid or glued with super glue suitable for metal surfaces.

bend, bend, straighten

Unlike plastic, metal caps can be bent in half, bent into a spherical shape, or completely straightened with a hammer blow. It is easy to make jewelry, jewelry, Christmas decorations and other decorative elements from such blanks.

Decor and crafts from bottle caps

And now let's see what original crafts and decor can be made from caps.



Floor and walls

Other bottle cap crafts

Plastic bottles are waste material, crafts from which you will not surprise anyone. But, whether it's the caps from these same bottles! Usually we send them to the landfill without thinking, but in vain! original crafts making plastic bottle caps is both easy and interesting. And most importantly - no costs. Well, except maybe glue or screws.

At first glance, it may seem that no large-scale products from plastic corks can be made, since there is nowhere to take them. But this opinion is wrong! If you set out to collect a lot of caps, connect friends and acquaintances, then in a month it will be possible to fill the bag with them.

What can be done with plastic corks? Anything from simple fridge magnets to large prints, rugs and wall art.

Simple and creative!

Do you want to decorate your refrigerator with an unusual magnet?

We will need:

  • caps;
  • small magnets;
  • glue;
  • markers.

We degrease the plastic cover, glue a magnet inside, and draw a funny face on its front side. You can make the eyes more “alive” by gluing special decorative elements with a moving bead in a plastic shell. That's all!

It's just as easy to make a stand for a guest name plate. To do this, attach five small ones in a circle to one large cap, and place the craft on a stand using a wire twisted in a spiral and attached to the “core” of the flower.

plastic fantasy

Greater skill requires drawings or a mosaic of plastic bottle caps, which can be either an independent craft or an element of decor. Due to the strength of this material, you can safely decorate the yard, because plastic is not afraid of rain, frost, or snow. The technology remains the same: the caps are fastened together with glue (BF-2, BF-4).

Unusual pictures from plastic bottle caps can be made by turning them over with a rim on the front side. In this case, it is better to fasten them with small screws, screwing the cork to the surface in the center.

For more complex drawings, it is worth making a markup on a primed plywood sheet in advance, and then draw the desired figure with acrylic paints. After the paint has dried, start gluing the corks with a glue gun.

Make the butterfly's head out of foam rubber, and screws can become eyes. Ready!