In a private house      04/21/2019

Principles of zoning a common room into a bedroom and living room. How to combine a bedroom and a living room: zoning options, interior ideas, photos with design examples

To make the room comfortable and practical in its use, several techniques are used and design solutions, with the help of which a universal design of the apartment is created. A common design option is the zoning of the room into the bedroom and living room.

To arrange it for all residents comfortably and functionally, look at many photo examples, according to which it is as simple as possible to deal with this problem.

After separation, the room gets practical and convenient places for living, in which every meter is distributed rationally and functionally. This distributional attitude is well suited to private and apartment building, and for a one-room apartment, this solution is one of the ways to improve your living conditions.

Relevance of the issue

Combining or dividing into zones is a practical and necessary solution for most one-room apartments or lack of space. The purpose of combining space is to create a multifunctional and comfortable room, in which they are competently located: a place to sleep, to receive guests, a wardrobe and a corner for possible work or cooking. After evaluating numerous examples of photos with a competent arrangement of furniture and lighting, it is possible to create comfort with the presence minimum quantity square meters area.

To start delimiting a living room, you need to carefully plan where the furniture will be placed, how to install competent lighting, and what will help to expand the space visually. For harmonious improvement, it is not necessary to divide a room into more than two.

Pile of items and combination different designs will make the room heavier, and it will become uncomfortable to be in it. It is possible to combine any zones with each other, the main thing at the same time is not to contradict the functions and that it is convenient for you.

It’s good when the tastes and preferences of all family members are taken into account when creating a design, then everyone will feel comfortable in every corner. The main reasons for zoning are a small amount of space in the apartment. There are usually several goals in design planning. It all depends on the number of people and how comfortable and functional you plan to create it.

Common zoning methods

Here are some common tricks for creating a similar interior design.

Mirror sliding doors will be another plus, because the mirror visually enlarges the room.

Multifunctional furniture is one of the convenient and practical ways to solve the problem. It is worth noting that this method is not cheap and is not always suitable for people with limited time. Such furniture saves space, where during the day the room looks completely like a living room, and at night it turns into cozy bedroom for relax. However, the eternal folding and unfolding of furniture takes a lot of time and effort.

Functional connection of space

If the number of people in the house is greater than the number of rooms, the question of delimitation arises by itself. Some practical examples designed for this purpose by interior designers.

In the first case of a practical way out of the situation, it is possible to use the location of the bed. Having finalized the back with the help of a lattice or an additional wall, a place appears above the bed - a TV stand. In this case, the bed will automatically become a place for the owners to relax, and the wall will divide the zone.

Another way is suitable if the bed is located by the window. Make a partition large enough to separate the headboard, in which case natural light is not lost.

Another example, separation occurs by delimiting the sleeping and living areas with a shelving. The design of the rack is varied, it is created with a drawer for the bed or equipped in the form of shelves for books and things. The rack is made monolithic and opaque or with shelves through and through, which can be used from any side.

original solutions

In the case when it is necessary not only to divide, but also to create a unique and original atmosphere, techniques are used, as shown in the photo, that can significantly decorate without taking up additional space.

Curtains - inexpensive and original version for zoning. If necessary, it is possible to remove them, change the texture and ornament, creating a unique atmosphere.

  • Floor covering of different colors or textures will favorably emphasize the design performance, expand and divide the space visually.

Dividing a zone with wall design

Not only with the help of floor or ceiling design, it is possible to create a visual and functional separation. Most often, wallpaper is used for this. Zoning with wallpaper occurs in two ways:

  • horizontal zoning;
  • vertical zoning.

In the first case, part of the room (lower part) is pasted over in more dark color, and the top one is a few tones lighter, the other part is done in the same way, but with different shades of color.

The second is more common, with it two color schemes are selected in which the walls are pasted over. For example, the bedroom area is made in softer and lighter colors, and the living room in rich and dense shades. Photos of such options are widely presented on the Internet. The choice of such a division delimits and expands even a small space.

Wall hangings are also a great way to divide a space. Decorating the interior and creating extra comfort, favorably distinguish one of the zones located in one room.

Proper lighting provides a wide scope for experimentation and imagination of the owner of the house. Diode strips, lamps, table and wall lamps performed in different design, can clearly and unobtrusively divide the guest area into a sleeping area. Light flow different direction able to create a unique design and delimit the room visually. Lucky Combination light creates a unique interior.

Any of the above methods of differentiation will become ideal option just for your home. By changing the choice of partition, combining furniture of different sizes and styles, playing with color and light, everyone will create a comfortable atmosphere even in a small room.

The photos shown are excellent. good example of how it is possible to formalize the idea and present the division without compromising the area. A large selection of options with which the combination of zones in one room does not create inconvenience to the owners. Harmonizing free space by rearranging furniture and proper lighting is a way to create the perfect atmosphere.

It must be remembered that the bedroom, in any case, should remain a privacy zone and, choosing suitable way separation, you should try to leave it not passable. Minimalism in the choice of furniture and accessories will help not to clutter up the space and optimize the functions of the furniture. Consider the number of people living in the house, try to take into account all their addictions, while allocating a corner for everyone.

Zoning a room into a bedroom and living room: 40 options

Zoning is the division of a room into zones, each of which has its own purpose. To learn how to rationally use space, you do not need to be a designer.

A studio room can be zoned into a bedroom and a living room in two ways:

  • Reversible zoning. Mobile partitions, screens, pieces of furniture are used.
  • irreversible zoning. Construction of a podium, stationary partitions, compartment doors.

So that ultimately zoning does not turn into disappointment, designers recommend considering the following points:

  • It is better to place the bedroom area in the far corner of the room - then movement along it will be minimized.
  • If there is one window in the room - let it be in the bedroom area, artificial lighting is enough for the living room.
  • All areas of the room are best designed in the same style. If the partition or shelving is removed, the design of the room will remain harmonious.
  • Visually expand the space will help glossy and mirror surfaces.
  • It is better to minimize the number of accessories and furniture - only the most necessary, otherwise the room will seem cluttered.

Room zoning ideas

Color zoning

Walls can be painted different shades or paste over with wallpaper of various textures. It is better to stick to one color scheme, you can make an accent with the help of photo wallpapers, stencils or interior stickers.

Curtains and curtains

Curtains can be hung on a slatted track or ceiling cornice. Translucent tulle makes the border ephemeral and airy, blackout curtains visually weight the room. Curtains can be combined. Instead of textiles, it is permissible to use thread curtains, products made of beads or beads, bamboo, ribbons.

Important! Curtains located at different levels look interesting. By the way, textiles should be combined with window decoration.

Mobile partitions

Textile and lightweight are popular wooden screens. If necessary, they can be folded and removed to the far corner of the room. Presented in different sizes and design variations - suitable for any interior.

Furniture transformer

Folding armchairs, a bed that is put away at night in a closet or niche. There are also models that rise to the ceiling with a special mechanism, but they are not cheap. At night, such furniture serves as a place to relax, and during the day it frees up space in the living room.

Zoning with a podium

Even an elevation of 15-20 cm will visually separate the sleeping area. For greater privacy, you can use a canopy or false partitions. By the way, in the podium, you can also provide storage space - drawers and shelves.

High-rise zoning

Suitable for happy owners of rooms with high ceilings. By itself, sleeping area will be placed under the very ceiling, and to access it you will have to build a ladder. Such a solution has many advantages: the usable area increases, there is no need to bother with screens or curtains, privacy is guaranteed at any time of the day.

Sliding doors

Mechanism a la wardrobe. An excellent solution is frosted glass doors: they provide privacy and at the same time let in light. Deaf doors can also be used, but the level of natural light will decrease.

False walls and partitions

Deaf false walls are best avoided, otherwise one of the zones risks turning into an unventilated pantry. Partitions look good, up to 1.2 m high or figuratively carved.

Cabinets and racks

If everything is clear with the cabinet, then the rack can be solid, with empty “windows” or deaf from only one wall. In small rooms, it is better not to use this method - otherwise the zones will seem quite tiny.

Important! Each zone must have good lighting! If natural light is not enough, you need to consider the main light source, spotlights and several auxiliary lights ( desk lamp, lampshades, floor lamps). A dark room seems small, uninhabited and gloomy!

Small objects can also be used for visual differentiation:

  • Tall indoor plants.
  • Whatnots.
  • Aquariums.
  • Vases.
  • Columns.

Advice! Items are easiest to group according to the rule of three: one main element and two auxiliary ones.

Zoning a square room into a bedroom and living room

  • The sleeping area is best placed in the corner of the room.
  • It is desirable that part of the window remains open, and there is natural light in the living area.
  • The zone can be separated not only in the form of a rectangle, but also a semicircle by making a radius partition or hanging curtains on rounded guides.

Zoning a rectangular room into a bedroom and living room

In a rectangular room, there is a high risk of blocking the window and darkening the room, so solid partitions and cabinets are canceled:

  • The bedroom area can be distinguished using the podium.
  • Place the bed in a niche and surround it with a translucent tulle or canopy.
  • Install a translucent rack or a low partition.

You need to know the advantages and disadvantages of the room and skillfully use them. Columns, niches, arches, furniture are great zoning tools that will help you create a whole composition!

Photo of successful examples of zoning in a small room

Used podium, light zoning and curtains

Sliding doors with unusual design successfully combine the functions of space zoning and interior decoration

Another use case sliding doors. In this case, translucent.

Vertical and horizontal zoning. The space of the room is used to the maximum.

Likewise. Only the style is Scandinavian.

Wardrobe built into the false wall. Great idea.

AND decorative screen and place for flowers.

We separate the kitchen area with a kind of arch.

A small room seems huge due to proper zoning.

Highlight in the living room working area with a podium.

Another good example using the podium for zoning the living room space.

Translucent curtains separate the bedroom area without disturbing the unity of space.

What ideas did you like the most? Write in the comments!

Zoning a room is a favorite tool of "minimalists" - people who want to optimize the functionality of space through the efficient use of every centimeter of space. Designers manage to do the impossible even in small spaces, using various techniques and methods.

Basic principles of room division

Zoning a room into two or more functionally separate spaces is necessary to solve various problems, when combined, several main groups can be classified:

  • The common space is divided into zones of different functionality. For example, visually highlight a recreation area in a dining table or a separate kitchen space, delimit working space from the place of rest.
  • The division of the room into two main zones: public and private. An example of the implementation of such a solution would be the separation of the drinks bar and play area from the area for needlework and reading.
  • Changing the functionality of the zone depending on the time of day, with an additional visual change in the proportions of these zones.
  • Creating optical illusions to give the room the necessary interior characteristics: visual magnification a small room, or downsizing a large

For zoning a room, you can use different techniques.

You can change the interior by zoning the space, as a rule, in two main ways: use the services of professional designers or do everything yourself. For independent decision such a task, it is necessary to devote time to the theoretical component: to find out the correct combinations of colors, modern tendencies in the field of design and things that have long proven themselves. If these difficulties do not frighten, then you can safely proceed to the implementation of the most daring decisions.

The division of a room into several separate sections can be organized in several ways, each of which will be useful and convenient in a particular case.

Before you start work, you need to measure the room, draw up a plan, a general design concept and outline ways to implement the plan.

We use decorative partitions and podiums for zoning the space in the room

most convenient and inexpensive way divide the room - a partition. They can be made from any material and can be of any configuration.


This option would be preferable if the zoning could be temporary. They allow you to easily change the design of the room and zone the space. If the need for this disappears, you can easily return to the original version, only by removing the partitions and rearranging the furniture.


A great option to zone a room. Doors are able to reliably hide a private room, for example. Such doors look original, and decorating them with fusing or stained glass will give the doors the most elegant look.

Sliding partitions will help separate the recreation area from the common

From drywall

Excellent material for the construction of stationary partitions or arches. It is worth noting that having a small space it is better to combine partitions with glass block inserts, or to build a decorative delimiting structure in the form of cabinets, shelves or other elements of functional decor.

Curtains as a partition

An economical and beautiful way of zoning. A variety of curtains by price, material of manufacture and color scheme will satisfy even the most demanding people.

Curtains can also be a partition


This method is doubly useful, because it will be used both as a partition and as a place for storing things.


The organization of the podium is best suited for separating the sleeping area from the main room. At the same time, the free space under it can be used for storing things.

The podium can be placed in the far corner of the room

Separation of space in a small quart

The owners of one-room apartments have limited options for redevelopment of the premises, but each family member would like to have their own zone. To do this, you need to pay attention to some design tricks, as an example - zoning. When zoning a one-room apartment, you need to give preference light colors, lamps and mirrors built into the ceiling (they visually increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment).

The use of several zoning techniques at once will help to achieve an irresistible result. The main thing here is the right approach in combination.

Furniture in this case can also be an excellent optimization tool: a retractable sofa or bed, drawers for clothes hidden in the podium, wardrobes. good option can be .

In the first case, it is necessary to divide the apartment into four functional zones: for work, rest, sleep and cooking. A popular solution today is the organization of a studio apartment.

  1. Divide zones with light accents.
  2. The sleeping area is created by the podium.
  3. Each zone is separated by a separate floor covering.
  4. Use of furniture - transformers.

Living room design example

If a child lives in the apartment, some adjustments should be made:

  1. Each child needs their own space, so you need to zone the room using partitions, screens or curtains.
  2. Children's space can be finished with wallpaper-coloring or a special marker coating.
  3. As the baby grows up, he will need areas for study and games, each of which is desirable to distinguish.

In a small apartment, there must be an organized place for a child.

Living room zoning

Zoning will allow you to use the space with benefit

Zoning the living room, it is desirable to achieve a compromise solution that would suit all family members.

The main options for zoning the living room:

  1. Dividing the room into a living room and a bedroom.
  2. Combination of living room with kitchen.
  3. The living room where the child will live.

To implement zoning, all the same methods are used: partitions, screens, podiums, playing with, using different floor coverings.

The option of combining the kitchen with the living room

However, it should be said that the combination of colors in the living room and the overall stylistic direction of the design should be similar. It would seem that highlighting zones and maintaining the integrity of the design are two diametrically opposed things. But, despite this, through trial and error, you need to find the optimal balance that would help solve the problem.

Proper zoning of the children's room

There is also space for sports equipment.

If the child has become the proud owner of a large children's room, then you can expand its functionality with additional zones: a reading room, an exhibition hall and a reception area.

Photo gallery: zoning options in the design of the living room, bedroom and nursery

With the right approach, you can zone a room so that it is convenient and comfortable for the whole family.

The reception area is the face of your home. Its interior is very important, because it represents for the first time people who appeared in these walls how you live. However, often in the modern world, we are unable to allocate an entire room for the living room. It often turns out differently, and in one room several functional zones are forced to crowd at once.

Such a neighborhood can be inconvenient. On the other hand, it can also become an incentive to create a truly interesting and original design living room with zoning. To do this, you just need to wisely approach the combination of different functions in a single space.

Design techniques for distinguishing between different zones

Eat different ways visually divide the space so that its parts are independent of each other, but at the same time continue to work as a whole. The most commonplace of them is the installation of a decorative partition or its analogues - screens and curtains.

If you look at the decisions of professional decorators, another ingenious method is often found in the photo of living room zoning. Some pieces of furniture are appropriate to use as a kind of separators. For example, a wardrobe, a sofa, a bar counter, a table can act as such a delimiting element.

And, finally, zoning is perfectly carried out without any barriers at the physical level, exclusively by means of contrasting finishes and lighting. Artistic solutions based on these techniques are often very expressive.

The use of decorative partitions and their analogues

Such a partition can be as neutral as possible, only performing its main function of separating one part of the room from another. In this case, it is permissible to use a sheet of drywall, a simple screen or curtain.

The main requirements for a separating object in such a situation will be uniformity, matching its color and texture with other surfaces in the room.

However, modern interior designers are not afraid to experiment with bright, unusual, eye-catching elements.

A decorative partition can not only divide, but also serve as a decoration for the hall, act as a visual accent, set the tone. In this case, it is permissible to use stained-glass windows, light openwork partitions, walls made of bamboo stalks and much more.

It is now popular to include floral and floral ornaments in the artistic solution of the interior of the living room. However, for some styles, complex geometric patterns are better suited.

Furniture as a tool for zoning a room

As mentioned above, a sofa, a table, a wardrobe with open shelves, a bar counter can be used as such. This option zoning the living room is good for its practicality.

The object, which is necessary in terms of a decorative design solution, will also be actively used during the operation of the premises. Things will be stored in the closet. Sit on the sofa. And so on.

Separation of space with contrasting finishes

This technique involves the use of different functions for different functions. facing materials. So you can highlight some of the areas of the hall, while others, on the contrary, make it more neutral. Apply costly, damage-resistant coatings exactly where needed.

The reception area is often highlighted with bright colors. There it is also appropriate to use more active textures, such as wood or stone. Kitchen and bedroom, on the contrary, it is better to veneer with light solid colors.

Organization of lighting as a way to delimit space

Of course, each part of the room should have an independent group of lamps. It is irrational to illuminate the space above the bed if you are spending time with friends. It is unnecessary to turn on the light above the soft corner when you are busy cooking. And so on. Lamps in any case will work for visual differentiation different parts rooms.

However, this effect can be enhanced by using different functional areas lighting of dissimilar intensity and warmth. Or arrange the lamps so that they visually display the border. For example, a stripe LED backlight, circling the ceiling above the area that you want to highlight as an independent one, clearly and unambiguously outlines its contours.

What is appropriate to combine the guest area

Most often there is a zoning of a room into a bedroom and a living room. A little less often, the latter is connected to the kitchen or dining room, or both at once. It is these options that should be considered as the most preferable.

Basic rules for zoning the living room and bedroom

In a situation where you are trying to harmoniously combine these two functions in a room, it is better not to use a contrasting finish. It most likely will not be enough for a successful separation of zones. Because one of them is characterized as active, and the second belongs to complete peace and tranquility. They interfere with each other. It is worth separating them at the physical level.

Partitions, curtains, cabinets with open shelves are just perfect here. Something real that you can touch with your hands. A uniform style finishes, on the contrary, will connect the room in this case, preventing it from disintegrating into components.

Neighborhood of a place for receiving guests and a kitchen

This combination plays out very differently. The only condition is that the front space in this case should be more active than the place for eating. For zoning the living room and kitchen, you can use different techniques.

But in any case, the kitchen requires a floor and wall surface that is easy to clean, resistant to temperature changes and moisture. And the living room goes well with carpets, wood, wallpaper. What's good for a food prep area isn't great for a guest space. And vice versa.

Contrasting cladding can also be combined with other methods of dividing the room. It works great in conjunction with decorative partitions or furniture. Very often, a bar counter is used as a delimiting element.

Combination of living room and dining room

These two features work great together. Their connection within the same room is not only harmonious from a visual point of view, but also convenient. Both zones are needed for a group of people to spend time together.

From a design point of view, a certain freedom is allowed in the connection of these two spaces. You can use any of the methods listed above to differentiate them - or even several of them together.

Of course, there are more exotic combinations of functions. For example, connecting a guest area with a library or a bar. And in today's popular studio apartments, all functions coexist in a common space - sometimes very harmoniously.

Photo of living room zoning

When you have only one room at your disposal, you involuntarily forget about aesthetics, occupying your head with solving primary tasks: where to put a double bed, how many square meters to allocate for the living room and where in all this chaos to find space for storage? Not to mention free movement. In general, zoning a one-room apartment is not an easy job. The good news is that you don't need to "reinvent the wheel" - just get ideas from our article!

Basic zoning methods

Owners of one-room apartments can be proud of their housing, as open space, like studio apartments, is very popular today. In them, the number of partitions is kept to a minimum, while the emphasis is on space and freedom.

But in order to harmoniously organize the interior, it is necessary to resort to zoning. This is a kind of magic wand in the world of design, which allows you to divide the room into visible living areas, while maintaining its functionality. To do this, you can use anything: from fabric to furniture.


Traditionally, ladies hid behind screens to change their outfit and maintain their dignity. For a long time, this element was forgotten - either because even in the smallest apartment you can find a place to change clothes, or because of the variability of morals. But in vain, because this is the simplest version of the partition.

Screens are ideal for those cases when you need to divide the space into two squares. At the same time, they are mobile, do not require complex installation, do not take up much space when assembled. You can purchase products that fit into any style, hide part of the room from prying eyes or create light outlines, decorating the interior.

Curtains and curtains

To avoid a clear division of the room into zones, you can use curtains. They are best suited for enclosing the bedroom, creating an intimate, cozy environment inside that is conducive to sound sleep.

However, the effect depends on the material. For example, light tulle will only visually separate the area from the rest of the room, but will give it a feeling of airiness. More massive curtains will do an excellent job of zoning, but for small spaces it is better to give preference to light-colored textiles.

You can install a curtain-partition on a regular cornice inside the room or create a design like holders for canopies.

Drywall partitions

You can visually zone a one-room apartment with the help of drywall partitions. It is problematic to remove them if necessary, as, for example, mobile screen, but in appearance you can’t distinguish it from the main wall.

Drywall construction is cheap, lightweight, easy to install and has good sound insulation. It can be flat, rounded, arched, helping to create unique design. Depending on the needs of space, it is made bright accent in the interior or an inconspicuous part of the wall, which in any case will perfectly cope with the mission of zoning.

Shelving and cabinets

We are used to putting bookcases and shelving along the wall, thus "taking" a huge part of the room. To save space and divide it into two zones, it is enough to place such furniture perpendicular to the wall.

For this, cabinets with through shelves are more suitable, but in the case of a closed structure, the back side can be made mirrored or used as a slate board, coated with special paint. Items that combine several functions at once - modern solution not only for small apartments, but also for spacious rooms.


A small podium is another great way to zone a studio apartment. Holders of high ceilings can place a living room, dining room or study on it. But with low ceilings, you can only afford a bedroom, which involves minimal movement.

Such elevation can serve extra bed storage thanks to drawers. For very high podiums, steps are recommended. The advantage of podiums is that they do not take up extra space and help to highlight some area.

Sliding partitions

Created on the principle of sliding doors, such partitions allow you to completely separate the area or make it open. Modern products in open form occupy a minimum of space, and thanks to different materials help create the right atmosphere.

For example, if there are no windows in the resulting area, it is better to choose a translucent surface that provides privacy, but allows some light to pass through. This solution would ideally fit into Japanese style or minimalism.

A one-room apartment is a solution not only for bachelors. A married couple with a child can also comfortably accommodate here, if you choose suitable option zoning.

For a small child, you need to choose the warmest and brightest part of the room, which can be expanded or modified over time.

To be able to monitor the safety of the child, but at the same time providing him with personal space, you can use an ordinary screen, curtain or sliding partition.

Children of any age will like children's on the catwalk, and the higher, the better. To do this, you can purchase bunk furniture. Transforming structures with a table crossing two zones will help control the child's activities.

You can visually separate the nursery from the living room in a one-room apartment with the help of flowers. Often, children are greedy for everything bright and cheerful, so children's Corner will be easy to distinguish from the rest. You just need to make sure that the shades in the interior are combined.

For such typical variant zoning fit any kind of partitions. You need to build on the features of the layout, design and the desired effect.

In square-shaped studio apartments, it is customary to allocate the bedroom area with dense partitions, which practically create the feeling of a separate room. This can be achieved by combining different types. For example, shelving on one side and curtains on the other.

Zoning ideas for a 1-room apartment - photo

Nothing better illustrates the theoretical material than the implemented projects of one-room apartments, in which the principles of zoning are involved. By studying them, you can learn for yourself interesting ideas and verify the effectiveness of different solutions.

1. Wooden aesthetics in Moscow

Designers from the Welcome Studio in the Wood & Stone project managed to combine two opposite properties - intimacy and openness. Typical odnushka 49 sq.m. turned into a proportional space, divided into convenient squares. The apartment includes the following areas from the mandatory "set for a comfortable life": a bedroom, an office, a living room and a kitchen with a small dining room.

Zoning is done with wooden partitions, the design of which resembles blinds. They transmit light and are used everywhere, creating a holistic image, inseparable from the overall interior. natural Decoration Materials create a light atmosphere in the home.

Housing of this type can hardly be called a dream apartment. small size And low ceilings only complicate the redevelopment, limiting the choice of "tools". But the designer Alena Ganko was able to comfortably organize these apartments.

The initial layout required the dismantling of several walls, after which a functional zoning structure was placed between the bedroom and the hallway. It is both a niche for books, a wardrobe, and also separates the recreation area, making it as compact and comfortable as possible.

Located in the same space as the living room, the kitchen is visually separated by a narrow dining table. The neutral color scheme of the finishes is the perfect backdrop for bright pieces of furniture.

3. Bright apartment-vest

Designer Marcel Kadyrov turned this walk-through long apartment into a stylish studio.

It is difficult to design such an interior without resorting to zoning. After all, even in bachelor housing there should be comfortable boundaries.

In the center of the space are two closets, forming a small walk-in closet. She, in addition to the main purpose, helps to share the hallway with residential areas. For the same purpose, several pipes with shelves were installed between the sofa and the bed - a rack of an unusual design.