In a private house      04/17/2019

Bright capricious: types of fittonia for growing at home. Fittonia - reproduction and care at home

Fittonia home - perennial herbaceous plant originally from South America, is a member of the Acanthus family. Fittonia has thin, flexible, creeping shoots.

Leaves are ovate. Color: background - all shades of green, with streaks of white, pink, red. The motley pattern seems to envelop the leaf plates with a mesh, giving the plant an exotic look.

How does Fittonia bloom?

Fittonia bloom is a spike-shaped inflorescence, consisting of small flowers of a yellowish hue.

The plant loves humidity and heat, so it was originally grown in greenhouses, because it died under room conditions. To date, less capricious varieties have been bred for home cultivation. Experienced flower growers grow fittonia in glass bottles, florariums.

How to care for Fittonia at home

For successful cultivation Fittonia must adhere to certain rules. Beautiful appearance and relative unpretentiousness in care contributes to the popularity of the plant in home floriculture.

Air temperature

The plant is thermophilic. Optimum temperature air in spring-autumn will be an interval of 22-25 ° C. In winter, reduce to 20 ° C. Air temperatures below 18 ° C will provoke leaf shedding. Fittonia does not like drafts, a sharp drop in temperature, so even in the summer you should not take it out to the balcony.


Fittonia needs bright diffused lighting without direct sunlight, which will simply destroy the plant. The best place there will be east and west window sills. Tolerates light shade well. IN winter time daylight is not enough. In order for the leaves to retain their bright color, it is necessary to resort to the use of special lamps.

Air humidity

Humidity should be high throughout the year. It is necessary to spray daily, preferably several times a day. It is strictly forbidden to place in winter near heating systems. You can't wipe the leaves. To increase the level of humidity, you can periodically place a pot of Fittonia on a pallet with wet moss, pebbles, expanded clay.

How to water fittonia

Between waterings, the soil in a Fittonia pot should dry out slightly by 2/3 of the height of the pot.

Fittonia? In watering, a balance is needed: even a short-term overdrying of an earthen clod leads to a drop in leaves, and excess moisture can provoke decay. The soil needs to be slightly dried between waterings (about two-thirds of the height of the pot), and after watering, be sure to drain excess water from the pan. In the warm season, water more often; from late autumn, slightly reduce watering.

For watering and spraying, use only soft water. room temperature.

top dressing

During the period of active vegetation (April-September), it is necessary to regularly, 2-3 times a month, make complex mineral fertilizers. Apply half the dose recommended by the manufacturer. Fertilizers must be dissolved in water for irrigation and applied to the soil.


  • To prevent the shoots from stretching and not being exposed, it is necessary to regularly pinch the tops of the shoots.
  • Every spring, shorten the shoots by half the length.
  • Pruning is carried out in several stages, since a radical shortening of the shoots will provoke a slowdown in growth.

Fittonia transplant after purchase and during further vegetation

  • Young plants will need an annual spring.
  • Adult Fittonias are transplanted every 2-3 years.
  • The plant has a shallow root system, so choose a wide and shallow container. A plastic bowl is ideal.
  • Lay a drainage layer at the bottom. The soil needs loose, nutritious.
  • An earth mixture is suitable, consisting of 3 parts of leafy soil with the addition of 1 part of humus, peat, sand.

Growing fittonia from seeds

Apply seed and vegetative: dividing the bush, cuttings, layering.

  • Sow seeds in spring in a container with peat-sandy soil.
  • Spread the seeds over the surface as little as possible, cover the crops with film or glass, maintain a temperature of at least 22 ° C.
  • Ventilate the greenhouse regularly, spray the crops.
  • With the advent of seedlings, gradually accustom to life without shelter.
  • When the plants get stronger, you can sit in separate containers.

In spring, the seeds are planted in a container with soil, which is constantly kept moist at a temperature of at least 22 degrees.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

Apply to adult plants during transplantation. Plant delenki in separate pots with suitable soil.

Propagation of Fittonia by cuttings and layering

  • spend spring and summer.
  • cut off apical stalk 6-7 cm long with 3-5 leaves.
  • Can be rooted in water (water level should be 1 cm), in wet sand, peat or peat tablet, moss-sphagnum.
  • It is necessary to create greenhouse conditions by covering with a bag and maintaining a temperature of 22-30 ° C. Ventilate regularly, moisten the soil.

For propagation by layering, it is necessary to put a pot of soil next to the mother plant, bend the shoot there, cut off the leaves from the shoot and sprinkle this place with earth. Separate the rooted layer from mother plant and grow separately.

Fittonia Care Mistakes

  • The tips of the leaves dry out when the air in the room is dry - do not forget to spray the plant.
  • Leaf plates acquire a yellow-brown hue from a lack or, conversely, an excess of nutrients - reconsider the feeding regimen.
  • Twisted, spotted leaves indicate insufficient watering.
  • Sluggish leaves, rotten shoots - air humidity is too high in combination with low temperature.
  • Fittonia leaves lose color, become thin, dry out. The reason is intense sunlight.
  • From dry air or with excessive watering, the leaves fall off.
  • Intense lighting provokes a loss of color brightness, the leaves become thin, dry.

Pests and diseases

Due to the defeat of fungal infections, the following diseases develop: powdery mildew, root rot, mosaic. It is necessary to remove the affected areas, treat with a fungicide. Keep the plant in isolation from healthy specimens. When the stage of decay is advanced, carry out an emergency transplant.

Remember that all problems arise due to improper care. Follow the recommendations and Fittonia will delight you with its colorful appearance.

Types and varieties of fittonia with photos and names

Fittonia Verschaffelt or white-veined fittonia verschaffeltii = Fittonia albivenis

Low-growing herbaceous plant about 25 cm high. Creeping shoots, stems branch well. Large leaves have a dark green color with a pattern of veins of white, red, pink.


Fittonia Verschaffelt red and pink photo

  • Fittonia silver - leaf plates are smaller, veins of a white-silver shade.
  • Fittonia red - the color of the veins is red, purple, pink, the center or edge may be more pronounced.

  • Josan - the edges of the leaf plate are wavy, the main color is dark green, the veins have a coral hue.

  • White Anna - dark green leaves bordered by a darker stripe, the pattern has a white-silver color.

  • Fittonia Skeleton - the name was obtained due to the structure and color of the leaf plate. The leaves are small, matte, velvety. A dense network of red-burgundy veins adorns the leaf surface. The main color is olive.

Fittonia giant or large Fittonia gigantea

The only species with upright shoots. They are pubescent. The plant reaches a height of about 60 cm. Leaves 10-16 cm long and 4-10 cm wide are attached on short petioles. The leaf plate is glossy, painted in dark green with a pattern of veins of a dark pink shade.

Fittonia Mix photo

Mixed plantings of Fittonia of various shades make anyone passing by freeze: after all, this is a real storm of colors, frozen with unimaginable patterns on the leaves. exotic plants. Mix white Fittonia with red, silver or pink, add colors of all shades and get an extraordinary miracle of unpretentious plants that delight the eye all year round.

I welcome you friends to the site about home flowers. Popular potted herbaceous representatives of the genus flora with the name Fittonia, the Latin name Fittonia belong to the Acanthus plant family.

In nature, they grow in the humid tropics of Central America. Most of them are low-growing ground cover perennials with oval leaves covered with a decorative mesh of beige, yellow, white, red and purple.

Is it possible to grow fittonia at home

Considering natural features at home tropical plant, an elegant indoor decorative fittonia will grow well and feel comfortable in a moist and fairly warm environment, it is not easy to create it while providing care at home.

It is these conditions that are a certain difficulty for growing a plant at home.

Relatively small white flowers of the plant are collected in medium-sized spike-shaped inflorescences. The size of Fittonia, depending on the species, varies from 30 to 60 cm.

Gardeners fans of Fittonia love them for decorative leaves of bright, juicy and exotic color, contrasting veiny patterns on them.

Fittonia is best to decorate and decorate:

  • Public and service premises;
  • flower shelves and showcases,
  • living rooms and children's
  • florariums,
  • balconies,
  • offices,
  • foyer.

The leaves of the plant in white, red, purple, green, burgundy, lilac shades will decorate any room as a result and will delight.

Fittonia care at home

Caring for fittonia at home, undoubtedly a plant that is capricious of growing conditions, will depend on its type and size, and there are enough nuances in creating a favorable environment for its growth.

The larger the Fittonia, the more care it takes. To ensure decorativeness and bright coloring in room conditions, the flower needs sufficient lighting.

Only with sufficient lighting, the Fittonia flower will show all the beauty of its mosaic leaves, where the venation pattern will appear with a bright contrasting mesh in the light.

To maintain the decorativeness of exotic Fittonia, special care measures are the creation comfortable temperature in the room, its ventilation, selection of a suitable type of soil, moderate watering, spraying with rain or melt water, sufficient diffused lighting and timely fertilizer.

The optimal temperature environment for the growth of Fittonia is + 20-24 ° С. The gardener needs to know that the temperature during the growth of fittonia should not be below + 18 ° C. Generally, this normal temperature for an apartment, and does not cause much trouble.

It is necessary to avoid a draft and a sharp temperature drop, the plant may even die. The plant should not be placed outdoors in the open sun.

Regular and plentiful spraying with water and watering for Fittonia is extremely important, she loves a humid climate in nature, but do not allow excess water in the soil. There are drainage holes on the bottom of the pot so that excess water drains into the pan. It is important that the soil in the flower pot does not dry out.

Note! All types of Fittonia are photophilous, but the lack and excess of light cause the leaves to fade. The sun's direct rays are detrimental to moisture-loving plants.

It is advisable to put the Fittonia pot in the shade, the light is better bright, but diffused. In winter, the plant may not have enough light, so with the help of lamps it is necessary to make the backlight.

It is not difficult to pick up soil mixtures for growing fittonia, soils that are labeled "Geranium", "Azalea" or "Violet" are suitable.

After 3-4 years, the fittonia stem is exposed from below and its decorative effect suffers. To return the decorative effect, it is necessary to carry out the manipulation of rejuvenating the plant.

At the same time, the tops of the stems are cut off and later rooted, pinching the tops. To ensure decorativeness, fittonia is also pruned and nondescript flowers are removed.

Propagation of Fittonia by flower growers at home

Gardeners propagate Fittonia by rooting the apical young shoots-cuttings, they take root well and grow quickly.

For propagation, cuttings are taken from 5 to 8 cm with 3-4 leaves, they are quite suitable for seating.

For cuttings with regular watering and spraying to take root, 1.5 months are enough, it is better to do this in the spring.

As soon as the roots appear in moist soil, sand or water, the cuttings can be transplanted into shallow but wide flower pots. Fittonia propagates by layering and quite often by seeds.

Indoor Fittonia is also propagated by dividing an adult bush. Plants should be transplanted in the spring into loose, light soil, consisting of sod, needles containing soil, peat and sand.

What are the types of fittonia

The most common species are silver and white fittonia, mix, skeleton and verschaffelta. They differ in the color of the leaves and form greens of various shades. Very good to match different types fittonia in wonderful compositions.

Good in individual pots and flower arrangements Fittonia Verschaffelt, Latin name Fittonia verschaffeltii, her homeland in the humid tropics of America.

It is a low, creeping-stemmed, profusely branching plant with large oval leaves. Their color is juicy olive or different shades of green, with a clearly visible mesh of reddish or burgundy vein patterns.

Silver Fittonia is not inferior to this species in decorativeness, it is often called silver-veined, the Latin name is Fittonia argyroneura.

The name of the species reflects its phenological features, its bright green leaves are decorated with a network of silver and white decorative veins.

Very popular among gardeners is a viable, small-leaved hybrid of fittonia "Nana", magnificent in decorativeness, it is resistant to somewhat dry indoor air.

Very attractive view with magnificent decorative properties is Giant Fittonia, the Latin name Fittonia gigantea, a fastidious moisture-loving representative of the tropical flora of Peru, its height can reach up to 60 cm.

Tall, erect shoots of a reddish hue branch out strongly and are decorated with dark and bright green leaves with burgundy bright veins.

Fittonia diseases

Fittonia diseases, despite the capricious nature of the flower, are rare. Most often, they can appear due to the ignorance of the owner of the features of agricultural technology. With excessive watering, the leaves wither and turn yellow.

The flower can get burns from direct sunlight. From dry air, the leaves wrinkle and wither. With a lack of light, the plant stretches, the leaves fade.

Sometimes the leaves can remain sluggish even after watering, this is a sign of damage to the roots, they are either dried out or rotted.

When the air is dry, yellow-brown borders may appear on the leaves, this is also a sign of a lack of nutrition in the soil mixture.

Pests dangerous for Fittonia are most often aphids, less often worms, scale insects, thrips and spider mites.

Reproduction of Fittonia at home

To get delicious fittonia decorative greenery, you need to choose a good place in the room for a flower pot.

Light is important, but not bright, rather diffused. Even a small lack of it is detrimental to the life of Fittonia.

Instead of an attractive creeping variegated greenery, the bush loses its color and stretches upwards. In summer, Fittonia will grow well on the east and west side, in winter on window sills from the south.

Fittonia does not like proximity to heaters and radiators, they dry the air in the rooms, which is unacceptable for a moisture-loving tropical resident.

In addition to the lack of light, Fittonia can capriciously drop leaves with a lack of watering.

Watering is extremely important, because in nature Fittonia grows in a humid forest, regular spraying of the plant from a spray bottle is useful.

Even a one-time fact of the drying of the soil in a pot is a disaster for Fittonia. Therefore, next to the fittonia pot there should be a supply of settled soft, rain or melt warm water. It is important not to overwater, drainage holes are needed in the pot, otherwise the roots will rot.

Pots for the annual spring transplant Fittonia is better to choose wide, as the plant grows quite well in breadth and spreads. High flower pot fittonia is useless, its root system does not go deep into the soil.

The bottom of such a pot should be covered with small pebbles or expanded clay, filled with loose and nutritious soil. Elongated rooted shoots should be shortened during transplantation.

When rooting Fittonia, it is important to choose viable cuttings that will root well in light soil or moist sand under a plastic cover or clear glass dome.

Young cuttings for the appearance of roots, it is advisable to place in a container with water. The appearance of roots in optimally created conditions, 25 ° C and high humidity will not take long.

Fittonia cuttings are well rooted in greenhouses, it is important to create transitional plants when transplanting plants into a pot. comfortable conditions to adapt to permanent place. To achieve the density and accuracy of greenery, it is recommended to pinch young shoots and shoots from time to time.

When transplanting fittonia into a pot or breeding simple division bush, it is extremely important not to damage the delicate and vulnerable root system of the plant.

Fittonia can be well propagated by layering right in the pot, it is enough to cover only part of the stalk with moistened soil.

In the place of sprinkling, young roots will also appear quickly enough. Only after full rooting in this way, the shoot is carefully separated and transplanted into a separate pot.

In spacious and wide flower containers, due to the peculiarities of the creeping stem, Fittonia can take root on its own.

Jun 08 2017

Fittonia: description, photos of species and varieties

Fittonia came to us from the rainforests of South America and painted the interiors in our houses and apartments. Its leaves, so beautiful in shape and brightly colored, attract the eyes of others. And the unique patterns of multi-colored veins over the emerald green of the leaves are works of art. You never get tired of admiring them, either live or in the photo. We will talk about the popular types and varieties of Fittonia below.


Fittonia (Fittonia) is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the large Acanthus family. Only four species belong to this genus. It is a dicotyledonous plant, since its seed is divided into two cotyledons. One of the Fittonia species has erect stems, the other three have shoots that creep along the ground. In the wild, the flower grows in swampy South American forests. It was first discovered in Peru, from where it was brought to England in 1867. Likes moisture and warmth. Most of species are densely covering the soil undersized perennials with bright green oval leaves, covered with veins of various colors. The main role in the juicy color of this exotic is played by good lighting.

The Fittonia flower got its name in honor of the two Fitton sisters - Elizabeth and Sare-Mary. Living in Victorian England, the Fitton sisters co-authored the book Conversations on Botany. At that time, these small, decoratively colored perennial flowers were used to create solid carpets of greenery in winter gardens and greenhouses. The height of Fittonia is from 10 to 60 cm, depending on the variety. She has flexible branched stems, which in one type of plant are erect, and in the other three they creep along the ground. This feature of it allows you to grow Fittonia in the form of an ampelous or ground cover crop. The length of one stem is about 10 cm. They are Brown and often pubescent. But in a pot, usually, shoots are not visible, it seems that the plant consists of leaves alone. And Fittonia leaves are an amazing sight! They are located along the entire length of the shoot in pairs, opposite each other. In shape, they resemble an egg with a pointed tip. Fittonia leaves are quite large for such a low plant: from 6 to 10 cm in length. The surface of the leaf plate, thanks to the network of veins, is embossed-corrugated, velvety and soft and very pleasant to the touch. On this velvet field, nature has drawn the thinnest, cobweb-like mesh of white, yellow, red, pink, lilac, silver and other fantastic veins, similar to a lace pattern on fabric. The color of the leaf itself is also not always green. Often there are purple leaves, gray, grayish-silver, and if green, then a bright and saturated tone.

Fittonia is a flowering plant. In the wild, Fittonia blooms in spring, and at home in summer, and very rarely. It blooms with small white or yellowish flowers, collected in inflorescences in the form of a panicle or spikelet. But the flowering of Fittonia passes almost imperceptibly to the eyes of others, as the inconspicuous-looking flowers are odorless and are lost among the bright fabulous leaves of the flower. Experienced flower growers usually cut off the formed buds so as not to weaken the plant with a completely uninteresting flowering. Hybrid varieties of Fittonia do not bloom at all.

Fittonia is not poisonous, but medicinal properties does not have. They say that her numerous bright bushes are able to defuse the tense atmosphere in the family, as they draw in all the negative energy after conflicts and scandals. It has been established that Fittonia purifies the air of the room from harmful microbes, and its leaves saturate the air with moisture. Sleep better in a room next to a plant.

Varieties and types of Fittonia

white veined

Fittonia White-veined or White-veined is the most common and favorite species of Fittonia flower growers, which combines several species that were previously considered separate: Verschaffelt and Silver-veined.

photo by Fitton Verschaffelt

Fittonia Verschaffelt is a perennial indoor plant with strongly branching stems and creeping shoots covered with thick soft fluff. Over time, the shoots change their color from silver to olive. This plant is not tall at all, about 10 cm in height, sometimes a little higher, but not more than 20 cm. Its olive-green large leaves, up to 10 cm, are decorated with patterns of crimson-pink and red veins. Like all plants of this species, it prefers high humidity and warm. Looks especially good in flower arrangements. Fittonia Verschaffelt is the mother of most Fittonia hybrid varieties bred by breeders.


Fittonia Silver or Silver Vein (Argyroneura) is a small decorative leafy plant with creeping shoots. On its large, oval-shaped, green leaves there are shiny patterns of silver- white color. For this, she was nicknamed the Mosaic Plant. Under natural conditions, it grows in a thick carpet, its shoots easily take root when in contact with the soil. This type of Fittonia is able to survive indoors.

Variety Nana

This Fittonia, in turn, has its own hybrid Nana (Nana) with small leaves no more than 2.5 cm long. But this does not lose the complexity of coloring at all, and the pattern in the form of a mesh of veins on miniature leaves seems even more interesting. This hybrid is very popular with flower growers, it is hardy and tolerant of the dry air of our apartments.

Fittonia Perseus (Pearcei). Its distinctive feature is a darker, green leaf with an olive tint, adorned with mixed luminous white streaks with dark pink. The underside of the leaf is light scarlet. This hybrid is successfully grown indoors.

Fittonia White Anna (White Anne) differs in that the pattern on the leaves is white, and along the edge of the leaf plate there is a border that is darker than its main tone. There are other popular hybrid varieties of Fittonia with a white pattern - White Star, Frankie.


Fittonia Skeleton is a very elegant indoor plant with creeping shoots. Its small matte leaves have a velvety to the touch surface, which is covered with a dense network of red veins. Sometimes, it seems that the blood-red pattern on the leaves literally shines in the sun or glows in the dark. There are other hybrid varieties with red patterns. different shades: brick to dark purple. These are Purple vein, Red Anne, Fortissimo.

Fittonia Josan. The leaf surface of this hybrid is of an emerald tone, but thick, sometimes almost interlocking bright pink veins make the color of the leaf plate light pink with shades of emerald. A dark green olive border runs along the edge of the sheet, which, from a distance, seems black.

Fittonia Juanita (Juanita) is similar to the previous hybrid, and has patterns on the leaves of a similar shade.

Fittonia Giantica

Fittonia Giant or Large is the only representative of the genus with erect stems. It grows up to 60 cm in height. Large leaves reach 15 cm in length and 10 cm in width. The shoots are pubescent, have a beautiful, reddish-purple color. The leaves are glossy, shiny, covered with fantastic patterns of bright red stains, spots and stripes. It is very difficult to grow Giant Fittonia at home - its large leaves intensively absorb moisture and, if it is lacking, dry immediately.

Fittonia miniature in various colors

Fittonia Miniature - hybrid variety, which is small in size. Small leaves, up to 5 cm in length, are painted in all sorts of beautiful colors.

But contrary to popular belief, Fittonia Mix is ​​not a type of plant - this is the name of the assembly into one flowerpot of several varieties of low indoor perennials with leaves of various shades: from light to dark green, painted with multi-colored bright veins. Such magnificence of colors is rarely seen in other indoor plants. This flowerpot looks especially elegant and exotic.

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March madness - this is how those who grow seedlings of their favorite vegetables themselves perceive the first calendar month of spring. In March, they sow their favorite tomatoes and peppers, carry out the first crops in the greenhouse and even sow vegetables in the beds. Growing seedlings require not only timely diving, but also considerable care. But only her efforts are not limited. It is worth continuing to sow in greenhouses and on window sills, because fresh greens from the beds will not appear so soon.

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A shrimp and avocado sandwich for breakfast or dinner is easy to make! Such a breakfast contains almost all the necessary products that will recharge you with energy so that you don’t want to eat before lunch, while extra centimeters will not appear on your waist. This is the most delicious and light sandwich, after, perhaps, the classic cucumber sandwich. Such a breakfast contains almost all the necessary products that will recharge you with energy so that you don’t want to eat before lunch.

Fittonia - elegant, ornamental plant which is native to Peru. Fittonia got its name in honor of Sar and Elizabeth Fitton, who described in detail the features and varietal characteristics of the flowers of the acanthus family in their book, published in 1850. Despite the fact that the plant is thermophilic and rather exotic, it gets along well on the windowsills along with violets and orchids and, with proper care, blooms and grows very well.


  1. Fittonia Verschaffelt. A plant with large, oval leaves, which are the main decorative value of the plant. The dark green surface of the leaves is decorated with wine-red veins.
  2. Fittonia Josan. Distinctive feature of this variety is a graceful, olive border on the edge of the leaves. They themselves are painted in dark green and emerald shades with carmine streaks.
  3. Fittonia White Anna(Fittonia white anne). Surprisingly delicate and refined flower with subtly elegant leaves. The coloring is unusual - dark green leaves are covered with silver-white veins, and the edges have an emerald border.
  4. Fittonia Skeleton(Fittonia Skeleton). A bright and elegant plant, whose pale green leaves are decorated with scarlet veins. All this splendor looks very bright and elegant.
  5. Fittonia white. It is very similar to White Anna Fittonia, but differs in that there is no border around the edges of the leaves, and the white veins look much thicker and take up more space on the sheet. This plant looks white-green and it is quite difficult to decide which color prevails.
  6. Fittonia Mix- This is a mixture of varieties that sellers in flower shops plant in one pot for more decorative. This mini columbarium looks very bright, elegant and surprisingly exotic.

How to water

Fittonia needs constant, regular watering from early spring to late autumn. It is necessary to moisten the soil in a pot as the soil dries. Do not allow the earth to dry out! This can lead to shedding of leaves, as in natural conditions the plant is thus protected from drought. It is advisable to put a jug of settled water next to the pot in order to gradually solder the plant. Fittonia very intensively evaporates (transpires) moisture through the leaves, so it needs to be watered every other day or two.

In addition to frequent watering, the flower needs high humidity. It should be sprayed with water at room temperature at least once or twice a day.

The soil

Soil mixtures for fittonia are prepared either from leaf and sod land, or from peat and sand. For two parts of soddy soil, one part of sheet soil is taken and everything is thoroughly mixed. To prepare peat soil, it is necessary to mix sand (1 part) with peat (2 parts).


The plant is extremely demanding on lighting and must be protected from bright sunlight. It is best to place fittonia pots on the east or west windows and shade the leaves a little in the summer using fabric screens for this. It is not recommended to keep the plant on the southern windows, but the northern ones are perfect for growing this capricious, but surprisingly beautiful flower.
In winter, Fittonia needs additional lighting, so it is recommended to use fluorescent lamps.

Important! If there is not enough light, the plant loses its decorative qualities. Its leaves will look dull, the shoots will stretch out, and the beauty will fade slightly.

Trimming, pinching

Pinching the tops of the plant is simply necessary. This will give impetus to the appearance of side shoots and the flower will become more magnificent. Try to pinch off the tops of the longest lashes to stop their growth and encourage new branches to grow.

Fittonia pruning is done at the age of 3-4 years, when it begins to age and the branches lose their lower leaves. It is best to do this during the spring transplant, shortening the old branches by 2/3 of the length.

Temperature regime

Minimum +18, maximum +25-26 degrees. This is the optimal temperature regime for growing Fittonia. The plant is afraid of drafts, so you should not “ventilate” it on the balcony.

Diseases, pests and possible risks when growing

Fittonia rarely gets sick. But as a result of improper care, the following problems may occur:

  • Leaves wrinkled. The reason is too dry air (spraying was carried out on time) and too bright light.
  • Leaves withered and withered. The reason is too frequent watering. It is necessary to moisten, and not fill the soil in a pot with fittonia.
  • The stems became bare and the leaves remained only at the top. This is a natural process, just at the next transplant, the plant needs to be rejuvenated (cut off) and then it will become lush again.

Pests that can harm the plant: thrips, spider mite, mealybug.