Water pipes      06/26/2020

Recommendations for building a greenhouse from PVC (polyvinyl chloride) pipes with your own hands: frame, drawings, photos. Building a greenhouse from plastic pipes Building a greenhouse from sewer pipes

In gardening stores you can find any ready-made greenhouse, but it does not always meet the wishes of people. For this reason, many gardeners build such structures on their own.

Often used for greenhouse frames different types plastic pipes. They are strong, do not rust and can take any shape.

Types of pipe greenhouse structures

Due to the practicality of the material, making a greenhouse is easy. On garden plots there are different forms of greenhouse structures:

  • arched;
  • single-sided (rectangular);
  • gable (rectangular);
  • wall-mounted (they are attached to the walls of buildings).

Varieties of PVC pipes, which are better

There are two kinds plastic pipes. They are constantly used by gardeners. Strict and direct structures of greenhouses are erected from rigid pipes. Most often they look like small houses with double pitched roofs. The second type of material is flexible pipes made of polypropylene and polyvinyl chloride. They are suitable for creating beautiful arched structures.

Any type of these materials is completed with fitting elements. They connect the pipes together. Fittings are similar to tees, reducers and connectors on bends.

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Advantages and disadvantages of the material

Flexible and rigid PVC pipes have the following advantages:

  • resistance to rust and corrosive processes. It is known that the metal profile always rusts, and the tree is unstable to moisture. This makes gardeners prefer plastic;
  • ease of processing. Pipes are easy to cut, they can be bent in any direction;
  • ease of assembly and disassembly;
  • compactness and low weight during transportation;
  • long service life - up to 50 years;
  • resistance to temperature extremes and harsh weather conditions;
  • fire resistance (plastic is not subject to rapid ignition. It ceases to melt after the elimination of the source of ignition).

Among the shortcomings, the high cost of the material and the inconvenience of designs purchased in the store are noted.

The choice of location on the site, the type and size of the greenhouse

The site on which the greenhouse is erected should be light, and the soil should be even. It is necessary to decide in advance what time of the year the greenhouse will be used. If you want to grow plants and vegetables in winter, you should take care of heating system. The type and size of the greenhouse is determined by paying attention to the shape, foundation and plant species. It is better not to build a large greenhouse: this is associated with high costs. Support optimal conditions microclimate is not easy - including, and from the point of view of finance.

On a note!

standard height greenhouse or greenhouse is 2 meters.

The width depends on the number of crops that will grow in the greenhouse. It is also determined, taking into account the door and the paths laid between the ridges.

Calculation of materials and tools for work

First of all, determine the shape, length, height and width of the product. Inside the greenhouse there are two beds, between which a path is laid. If you plan the width of the beds from 0.8 to 1.1 m, you can plant plants in two rows, observing the desired interval. When calculating the width of the passage, it is necessary to take into account the size of the gardening equipment. The standard track has a width of 0.6 to 0.8 m, with a total greenhouse width of 2.0 - 2.3 m.

The optimal length of greenhouses is from 3 to 6 m. If you install a large structure, it requires high-strength materials and a different installation technology. The length of the polycarbonate sheet for coating is chosen as a multiple of its width. This will help save material. The height of the greenhouse should be such that freedom of movement is not limited in it. Between the tops of vegetables, plants and flowers, a space of half a meter wide should be left - for effective air circulation.

Low vegetables (eggplants, peppers, certain types of tomatoes) grow well at a height of 1.80 cm to 2 m. For tall plants, you need to build a high greenhouse - from 2.30 cm to 2.4 m.

The distance between the arches also plays a big role. If the design is collapsible, you should adhere to the norms from 0.8 to 1 meter. If the owner wants to build a collapsible greenhouse, this value should be less: from half a meter to 0.7 m.


A small distance between the arches will save the non-separable greenhouse from the severity of snow and deformation.

Also in the greenhouse are:

  • doors;
  • window vents;
  • longitudinal ties;
  • end walls.

They also need to be taken into account when calculating the material. The length of the ties is the length of the greenhouse, which is multiplied by their number. The structure has five ties: two on the side, two on the bottom and one on the roof ridge. For more durable structures install a few additional screeds on the sides.

You will need the following set of tools:

  • drill or screwdriver;
  • grinder (for cutting polycarbonate);
  • self-tapping screws;
  • fasteners;
  • building spirit level (or level);
  • hammer;
  • nails;
  • roulette.

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Assembly steps

Collect the greenhouse in several stages. First, a site is prepared (with or without a foundation), then a foundation is built and a frame is assembled. After the frame is assembled, sheathing is made and the structure is installed on the site.

Preparatory work

First, prepare the construction site. A layer of soil is removed from it. The area freed from turf should be larger future greenhouse by 1 m. Such a distance is necessary for a deviation from either side by 50 cm. Using a building spirit level, the soil surface is measured and leveled.


For every 2 m of soil, a difference in its height of up to 5 cm is allowed.

Base for frame

After leveling the site, you need to take 4 large boards. Dimensions are calculated in advance. To fasten them, two or three strong galvanized self-tapping screws will be enough. After assembly, the frame is installed on the site. It is fixed with four pieces of reinforcement, hammering them inside the corners. In this case, the length of the rods is from 70 to 80 cm.

Making a frame from plastic pipes

You will need the following set of materials and accessories:

  • polypropylene pipe;
  • fasteners;
  • several tees and corner adapters;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • metal rods for reinforcement (the length of each is 0.8 m).

It is necessary to place a rectangle on the site and drive the rods along each long side of the figure. In this case, the reinforcement bars are at a distance of 0.5 to 0.9 m. The depth of entry of the reinforcing bars into the ground is 40 cm. They should be located opposite each other. This will help avoid distortion.

Now the pipes must be put on the reinforcing bars from the opposite side. So, get a symmetrical arc. At the end of the installation of all arcs, the pipe is laid horizontally - so that it is in contact with the upper points of the arches. Attach the structure with anchor bolts.

Today, the market offers a huge number of greenhouse complexes: gable and arched, capital and lighter, mobile, film-lined and glazed, expensive and not very expensive. Among all this variety, of course, you can choose a suitable model, or you can build it yourself. Today we will tell you about how to make a greenhouse from polypropylene pipes with your own hands.

It is difficult to imagine a modern dacha without a reliable and strong greenhouse, because we love it so much early radish, and like children we rejoice at the first tomatoes, and in the fall we want to get a rich harvest of heat-loving crops. All this is possible if there is a covered greenhouse complex with a solid construction and a solid canopy on your site.

The frame made of plastic pipes is very light and at the same time quite durable.

There are many different greenhouses and a lot of materials for their construction, which means that there are opinions about what should be best greenhouse, also a lot. One of the most important criteria for choosing a particular greenhouse is the durability of the structure, and it is from this that one should proceed when building a greenhouse complex. The most durable and, importantly, inexpensive is considered a greenhouse with a frame made of a profile pipe.

But if your budget is limited or you just don’t want to overpay for the installation of a greenhouse on the site, then you will definitely be interested in designs from PVC pipes. A do-it-yourself greenhouse made of polypropylene pipes, in comparison with more expensive counterparts, has a number of advantages. One of the most bright merits- this is the ability to quickly assemble / disassemble the structure, which allows you not only to choose the dimensions of the greenhouse complex yourself, but also to fold it for the winter for storage in the garage.

Greenhouse made of plastic pipes covered with foil

Another advantage of a PVC greenhouse is its lightness. However, this quality is often taken by experts as the main drawback of such structures.

Other advantages of greenhouses made of polypropylene and PVC pipes include:

Types of greenhouse complexes made of plastic pipes

There are many modifications of greenhouses, we will give only some of the most common of them:

Light greenhouse made of film and plastic pipes
  1. Arch type greenhouses with a durable film coating (can be equipped with a wooden box and arches on steel rods, as well as arches and a plastic frame on tees).
  2. Models with gable roof film coated.
  3. Design arch type covered with polycarbonate.
  4. Products equipped with gable roof and coated polycarbonate.

Materials for self-construction

To construct a greenhouse with your own hands, you will have to arm yourself with an aluminum profile, polypropylene or metal-plastic pipes and PVC pipes. The status of truly durable and ultra-reliable complexes was deservedly won by products based on profile pipes. Traditionally, pipes with a rectangular or square section (40 x 20, 20 x 20, 40 x 40) are used for construction.

Arched greenhouse frame

The frame of the structure based on profile pipes is the best suited for subsequent glass cladding. Many gardeners prefer greenhouse complexes made of galvanized pipes. Certainly, similar products have a number of advantages: the frame does not rust and deteriorate from corrosion, successfully withstands any vagaries of the weather, and the service life of such a structure is decades.

For an accurate calculation of the amount necessary materials you must first design the structure. This is done either independently, with the appropriate knowledge and training, or simply downloaded from the Internet.

Attention! Anyone can construct a greenhouse based on plastic pipes: from a professional builder to a beginner who has never held a tool in his life. The main thing is desire, patience and utmost accuracy!

Frame construction

To carry out the work, we need fittings, PVC pipes, 4 beams 10 x 10, bars 50 x 50 in the amount of 10 pieces, plastic clamps, nails, screws, several sheets of polycarbonate, accessories for vents and doors of the future design, as well as some free time and desire.

Installation of the greenhouse frame

Construction work, as usual, is preceded by milestone preparatory measures: the site for the construction is selected and carefully leveled. The beam must be treated with a special antiseptic, which will retain its original quality for a long time and protect it from moisture and soil exposure. Using a beam, the base frame is carefully made.

Attachment to the base of the greenhouse

To give the structure maximum stability, reinforcing bars are used. Special blanks no longer than 80 cm long are cut from them. They are driven in around the entire perimeter of the future greenhouse at a distance of 50 cm from each other and to a depth of 40 cm. On the left side, a PVC pipe is put on the reinforcing bar, carefully bent. The second end is put on the reinforcing bar placed on the right. As a result, arcs are obtained at an equidistant distance from each other (50 cm). The pipes are fixed very simply: they are screwed to the base frame with clamps. We will need bars 50 x 50 for the construction of openings for future doors from the end of the greenhouse.

Greenhouse frame fastening

In order for the finished structure to be really strong and as durable as possible, it is recommended to install stiffeners. To do this, a pipe is attached to the central part of the end bars and is attached to all arcs by means of clamps.

Doors are installed in prepared doorways. The most simple design greenhouses are considered ready.

We select the skin


It is impossible to disagree that film is the most common coating. Yes, at first glance it may seem that the cost of film coating will be minimal. However, looking into the near future, we note that a new film will have to be bought every season, which means that the costs will only grow every year. If this does not scare you, then feel free to buy this inexpensive coating and carefully fasten it along the bottom edge of the structure. Then the film is lifted, carefully stretched, nailed in the middle with the help of rails, stretched again and fixed in the lower plane on the other side of the greenhouse. The whole procedure will take 1-2 hours on the strength. The main thing is to do everything slowly and very carefully. To install the film, choose as calm a weather as possible.

Greenhouse covered with foil

Attention! To prevent drafts and cracks, lightly weight the edges of the film coating. Use stones or fragments of bricks, which can almost always be found on any personal plot.


Despite the many advantages, a glass-coated greenhouse complex is a somewhat costly business. To build a solid and durable greenhouse, it is necessary to prepare the foundation, weld the base from shaped pipes, carefully work out the watering and ventilation of the air, and glaze it. Final stage- glazing - requires special skills and abilities from the performer, because the material is quite fragile and unsafe. Yes, and there are a lot of hooligans: inadvertently they can damage not only the structure itself, but also ruin the entire greenhouse crop.


If you are interested in a really practical, reliable and durable sheathing, then use polycarbonate. This universal material winters excellently, does not need to be dismantled at low temperatures, and in spring the soil thaws in such a greenhouse almost instantly. The coating retains heat, condensation is never visible on it, and the service life of polycarbonate reaches 10 years. No wonder experts consider it the best coverage for modern greenhouse complexes.

Greenhouse made of polycarbonate with a frame made of plastic pipes

Attaching polycarbonate to the frame is a simple procedure that does not take much time.
To cover the structure with polycarbonate, first you need to deploy it (the material is sold in rolls), remove protective film from the bottom surface and fix the canvas at the bottom with self-tapping screws. Then the sheet gently rises and along the way is screwed to the frame every 70 cm. Having reached the opposite side of the greenhouse, the sheet is again fixed at the bottom. If the greenhouse is installed perfectly evenly, then the coating will be smooth and uniform over the entire surface.

In addition to the above materials for sheathing, you can also use non-woven materials (spunbond, agrospan, agrotex). Bubble film coatings and reinforced ones are very common, capable of withstanding any bad weather, including large hail and storm winds.

As you noticed, to build a greenhouse from PVC pipes, plastic or polyethylene pipes not only simple, but also affordable even within a limited budget. An inexpensive and properly built PVC greenhouse will last quite a long time and will be an excellent alternative to expensive factory-made greenhouse complexes.

We build a greenhouse from polypropylene pipes: video

For the construction of greenhouses and greenhouses in the country, various improvised materials are used - ranging from metal rods to wooden block. Plastic pipes are especially popular, allowing you to assemble a strong and durable structure for growing vegetables with your own hands.

Advantages and disadvantages of plastic construction

On the left - pitched, on the right - arched greenhouse made of plastic pipes

In terms of popularity, greenhouses made of plastic pipes have long bypassed similar structures made of wood and metal. This is largely due to the high performance of pipes, their availability and durability.

Among the advantages of such greenhouses are the following:

Greenhouses made of PVC pipes are aesthetically pleasing and fit easily into landscape design cottage or suburban area. The main disadvantage of plastic structures is the general instability in strong gusty winds.

The greenhouse can swing strongly and come off the ground, which is fraught with damage to the frame. But this problem is easily solved by arranging special supports at the corners or perimeter of the base.

Preparing to build a greenhouse with your own hands

Before proceeding with the manufacture of a greenhouse from PVC pipes, you will need to make a design drawing, select and calculate the amount of material needed, and also prepare a place for installing the frame.

Pipe greenhouse project

Schematic design of a greenhouse made of polypropylene pipes

If you are a builder or have some experience in construction, then the project and drawing of the future greenhouse can be done independently. In other cases, we recommend using ready-made solutions and perform the necessary calculations on their basis.

Above is a similar diagram of an arched PVC pipe greenhouse. On its basis, we will calculate the materials that will be required for the construction of the structure, and also consider the process of its assembly.

Calculation of the required material

One of the options for an arched greenhouse made of PVC pipes

The diagram above shows a standard arched greenhouse 6 m long, 3 m wide and 2 m high. This length and width provide enough space for plants to grow, and the height makes it possible to move freely around the greenhouse. If necessary, the length can be increased.

To assemble the greenhouse you will need:

In the described version, a project is given for a greenhouse, from which the coating will be removed for the winter. If you do not plan to remove the film, then the step between the arches should be reduced to 0.5–0.7 m. This will allow you not to worry that the structure will deform under the weight of snow. At the same time, the amount of pipe required is increased to 90 m.

Polypropylene pipe is well suited for the construction of a strong and durable greenhouse frame

Plastic pipes have several varieties. For the manufacture of greenhouses, it is better to use polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or metal-plastic pipes. All the above types of pipes are resistant to low and high temperatures, moisture and mechanical damage.

The polypropylene pipe does not bend well and has thick walls, but with enough effort it is not difficult to bend the arch. Metal-plastic and PVC pipes are made of softer plastic - the wall thickness is not more than 1.5 mm, which guarantees higher plasticity. The pipe can be easily bent with bare hands. When using softer pipes, it is recommended to reduce the step between the arches.

As boards, it is better to choose larch products. Pine and spruce wood is not as resistant to constant exposure to moisture, and after 2-3 seasons it may be necessary to replace the planks. The same applies to boards for the base. If possible, it is recommended to use antiseptic impregnation.

Required tool

When using a PVC pipe, it is recommended to reduce the step between the arches

To make an arched greenhouse, you will need the following tool:

  • hammer and mallet;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • wood saw;
  • screwdriver or Phillips screwdriver;
  • bubble level;
  • construction knife;
  • tape measure 7 m long.

Step-by-step instructions for building a greenhouse

After the purchase and delivery of the necessary materials to the place of work, you can proceed to the construction of the structure. It is optimal if two people will assemble the frame - the help of a partner will not interfere with bending and installing a rigid pipe.

Arrangement of a place for a greenhouse

The greenhouse is installed on an unshaded area, well lit by the sun, throughout the day. The place for installing the greenhouse should be flat, without bumps, holes and other flaws - to prepare the base, you will need a shovel, wooden pegs and nylon thread.

Preparation of a place for the installation of the box and frame of the greenhouse

The process of preparing a site for a greenhouse consists of the following:

  1. At the selected place, a rectangular area is marked with a tape measure. On each side, you need to retreat about 30–50 cm, taking into account the size of the future greenhouse. For example, a 3x6m greenhouse will require a 3.5x7m plot. Wooden pegs are hammered in the corners of the site, and the thread is pulled.
  2. Along the perimeter of the marked area, the top layer of turf is removed and a trench 20–30 cm deep breaks out. A roofing material is laid on the bottom of the trench with an overlap of 10 cm on each side and a 10 cm layer of crushed stone is filled up.
  3. If there is a slope of more than 5 cm on the site, then before digging the trench, the place under the greenhouse is leveled. This can be done in two ways: adding soil or removing soil. The first way is more preferable.

If the height difference is significant, for example, a greenhouse is installed on a slope, then a wall of brick or timber impregnated with an antiseptic is laid under the sagging side. After that, backfilling is carried out until the site is leveled.

Assembling the box for the greenhouse

The box under the greenhouse and the "anchors" go deep into the ground by 15-20 cm

According to the diagram above, a support base is not required for the installation of a greenhouse from pipes. Instead, "anchors" in the form of tees and a wooden box are used, which are installed in the trench.

To assemble and install the box you will need:

At the end, the trench is backfilled and the location of the “anchors” is checked by level. To do this, a level is applied to the ends of the protruding pipe and the correct location relative to the horizon is checked.

Frame assembly technology

The frame assembly technology for an arched greenhouse consists of the following steps:

  1. A PVC tee is put on the end of each pipe sticking out of the ground. For the manufacture of longitudinal sections at the bottom of the frame, it will be necessary to measure the distance between the crosses and cut off the corresponding blank from a polypropylene pipe.

    Down tube with cross, recessed into the ground by 20 cm

  2. The resulting blanks are installed in the cross. If necessary, the crosspiece rotates. To ensure a tighter fit, the pipe can be lightly hammered with a mallet.
  3. Before installing the arc, it is recommended to bend the PVC pipe until the desired bend is formed. Then, with the help of a partner, install the pipe in the tee and bend until an arc of the desired height is formed.
  4. After installing the arches, it is necessary to strengthen the greenhouse structure with the help of longitudinal and ridge strips. For this, a board 20x90x6000 mm is taken and inserted from the inside of the frame. For fastening, galvanized self-tapping screws of 2 pcs are used. for each arch.

    Longitudinal rail made of wood to strengthen the greenhouse

  5. The ridge bar is attached outside the frame. To do this, the board is laid on top of the frame and fixed to the screws, one each per arch. The length of the screws is not more than 40 mm.
  6. To strengthen the gables or the end wall of the greenhouse, a board 20x70x3000 mm is used. To do this, measure the distance in the center of the arc from the ground to the top point. Then, with the help of a hacksaw, two blanks are sawn off the tree. A hole is cut in the upper part of the supports according to the shape and diameter of the pipe.
  7. End supports are being installed. For stability, a longitudinal bar is fixed between adjacent supports. Further, similar work is carried out for the manufacture and installation of supports along the edges of the end wall.
  8. To make a door, you will need to measure the distance from ground level to the longitudinal bar that connects the supports in the center end wall. The resulting dimensions must be reduced by 2 cm to ensure free opening.

    The end part of the greenhouse after the installation of supports

  9. From a board 20x70x3000 mm, 4 blanks are made for assembling the door. Then, using self-tapping screws and a steel corner, the frame is assembled under the door. For sheathing the bottom of the door, you can use plywood or OSB.

To hang the door on the supports, you will need to divide the loop into two parts. One part is attached to the top and bottom of the central supports. The other part of the hinges is on the door frame. After that, the door is covered with a film and hung in the prepared opening.

How to cover the frame with a film

Various types of clamps for stretching the film on the greenhouse from plastic pipes

To cover the frame with a plastic film, you will need:

  1. Reinforced film with a thickness of 200 microns is distributed over the frame of the greenhouse so that the same margin remains at the ends and at the bottom of the greenhouse.
  2. To fix the film, blanks from a pipe 60–70 cm long are used, which are fixed in the lower part of the greenhouse. The workpiece is applied to the longitudinal pipe (between the cross) and fastened with 2 self-tapping screws along the edges.
  3. The blind walls along the pediments of the greenhouse are covered in a similar way. The film is carefully stretched between the supports and fixed with wooden slats and galvanized nails 40 mm long.

To prevent the film from fluttering in strong gusty winds, it is recommended to fix it in several places on the frame. This can be done using special sliding brackets or using a small piece of plastic pipe cut lengthwise.

You can build a greenhouse with your own hands from plastic pipes with ease and without large financial outlays. However, it does not hurt to learn about the possible nuances.

Advantages and disadvantages of plastic pipes

Every day, polymers are increasingly replacing wood, glass and other materials from the industrial sector. Plastic is durable and lightweight, it is not corroded by mold. The material is not afraid of evaporation, chemical substances and moisture.

Plastic structures last longer than products made from other materials, as they are able to withstand negative environmental influences without problems.

The disadvantage is the cost of greenhouses from manufacturers, as well as sizes that do not in all cases meet the needs of summer residents. However, you do not need to be upset, as you can build a high-quality greenhouse yourself.

The most high-quality and budgetary are greenhouses with frame structure from profile pipes. However, if the budget is limited or there is no desire to overpay for the installation of such a greenhouse on the site, then it is possible to build a structure from plastic tubes. Such a product has a number of advantages over more expensive analogues. The main advantages of the material include:

  1. Low cost. Aluminum buildings are much more expensive.
  2. Easy to mount and dismantle. This makes it possible not only to independently choose the dimensions of the structure, but also to dismantle it and store it in a garage in winter. Without special skills, you can build a greenhouse from pipes in one day.
  3. Light weight. This quality is often taken by experts as the main drawback of the product.
  4. Mobility. The building can be easily moved from one place to another.
  5. Manufacturing versatility. During the construction and drafting of the project, it is possible to choose any parameters and sizes, taking into account the characteristics of the estate.
  6. Resistance to negative influences of the atmosphere.
  7. Long period of service.
  8. Great look. You can independently build a structure, the appearance of which will not be inferior to the factory product.
  9. Environmental friendliness. Plastic is a safe and environmentally friendly material. Accordingly, nothing will threaten the crop and the soil.

The only disadvantage of plastic buildings is that factory structures are not always suitable for the existing site. If there is a desire to build a product of a complex shape, then you should know that the structure will be unstable with gusts of wind.

Construction dimensions

In most cases, two beds are placed in the greenhouse, which are separated by a path.

Beds in a greenhouse made of plastic pipes

The width of the beds is on average 0.9–1.1 m - this makes it possible to plant plants in two rows with the required spacing and provide unhindered access to them.

The width of the path must be made such that it is possible to move comfortably with a bucket and other summer cottages, including a wheelbarrow.

Correct aisle width

The optimal width of the track is 0.7–0.8 m. In this case, the width of the structure will be 2.3–3 m.

The length of the product will depend on the needs and requirements for the location of the vegetables that are planned to be grown. Landing rates per 1 m 2 can be seen in the table below:

Using the table, you can determine the length of the building. Usually, structures with a length of 4–6 m are made, since it is not advisable to install a greenhouse of smaller dimensions, and for buildings of greater length, it will be necessary to use materials of increased strength. Construction technology will also be different.

It is important to know: if it is planned to use polycarbonate as a material for covering the structure, then it is recommended to choose a length that is a multiple of the width of the sheets (2 m). In this case, it will be possible to avoid extra pieces.

The height of the building should allow you to comfortably move around it. It is worth knowing that at least 50 cm of free space should remain above the landings.

Correct greenhouse height

This place will accumulate warm air and air exchange occurs during ventilation. If you plan to grow undersized vegetables, then a height of 1.9–2 m is sufficient. For tall crops, the minimum greenhouse height is 2.3–2.4 m.

The frame of the tube structure forms half a circle. The product width is the diameter of this parameter. If the diameter is known, then the radius can also be determined. The values ​​allow you to calculate the length of the county. This can be done using the following formula:

L = 2πR = πD where L is the circumference, R is the radius, and D is the diameter. The number π is 3.14.

For example, if you plan to make a greenhouse 200 cm high, then with the correct arc, the width should be 400 cm. In this case, the diameter of the circle is 400 cm, and the radius is 200 cm.

Accordingly, the length of the district: L = 2 x 3.14 x 2000 = 12560 mm. Only half of the circle is needed, so the length of the arc is calculated as follows: 12560 / 2 = 6280 mm.

The arc consists of 2 tubes and a cross, so the resulting value must be divided again: 6280 / 2 = 3140 mm. This will be the size of the pipe.

Drawing of a greenhouse from pipes

There are many ready-made schemes that will help you assemble a greenhouse yourself. If you choose a simple option, then you can assemble the structure in a few days. The first step is to prepare a design drawing, with which it will be possible to easily calculate the required pipe footage. The volume of materials depends on the dimensions of the building.

The greenhouse assembly scheme includes the installation of fencing boards.

An example of a drawing of a greenhouse made of plastic pipes can be seen in the figure:

Drawing of a greenhouse made of plastic pipes

The project must include:

  • dimensions and shape of the product;
  • methods of fixing elements;
  • quantity the right materials and parts for fasteners.

After drawing up the drawing, you can proceed to the selection of materials.

You will need to buy large-section plastic pipes from which the frame is made. In addition to the main frame parts, smaller diameter tubes will be needed. The elements will connect the main arcs to each other. This is necessary to give rigidity to the structure.

Plastic tubes can be easily cut, bent, glued and welded. in greenhouse production polymer elements often fastened with self-tapping screws, since liquid will not flow through the parts. The manufacturability of plastic makes it possible to implement projects of almost any complexity: from a greenhouse or a small arched greenhouse to a huge all-weather product with a gable roof. You just need to pre-determine the design and buy necessary fixtures and materials.

For the manufacture of the structure, such pipes are suitable:

All types of plastic pipes are sold with fittings, including:

  • cross and tee splitters;
  • swivel connectors;
  • adapters for joining tubes of various sizes.

The use of fittings will speed up the execution process several times construction works but at the same time increase financial costs.

Fittings for plastic pipes

It all depends on the capabilities and preferences of the owner. He must choose whether to use fittings or not.

To fix the frame, metal rods 1.2 m long will be needed. Their diameter should be such that the rod freely enters the tube.

The railings are made from edged boards. The recommended section is 150 mm. The number of parts and length will depend on the dimensions of the greenhouse.

The fixation of the transverse parts of the frame is carried out using plastic tees, which are used for plumbing. Another option is to use steel wire.

At the end, the structure will need to be covered with a reinforced film of polyethylene or polycarbonate.

There is one more nuance that is important to consider even before the start of construction work. A greenhouse made of plastic pipes can be stationary and portable. In the first case, the parts will need to be welded or glued, in the second, the elements are fastened with screws.

Plastic pipe greenhouse project

The choice must be made based on needs.

Calculation of the required amount of material

To calculate the materials, you will need to know exactly the dimensions of the structure. It is also important to determine the distance between the arches. If it is planned to dismantle the covering of the building in winter, then the arches can be located in increments of 0.9–1 m.

Arch installation step

For a stationary structure, the step should be reduced to 0.6–0.7 m. This will protect the product from damage after heavy snowfalls.

It is important to consider the material for the construction of screeds, end walls, doors and windows. The total length of the longitudinal ties is calculated by multiplying the length of the greenhouse by the number of ties. Most often, at least 5 pieces are mounted: two lower, two side and one ridge. To strengthen the structure, it is recommended to provide for the installation of additional side ties.

Tubes with a total length of 17–20 m will be needed on the end walls. A minimum of 5 m of pipe will be required for one door, and 2.2–2.5 m for a window. For convenience, you can make a detailed sketch, which will indicate all dimensions and the number of parts for fixation. An example can be seen in the image:

Scheme of a greenhouse from pipes indicating the location of parts

As an example, a greenhouse of the following sizes will be considered:

  • length - 4 m;
  • width - 2.4 m;
  • height - 2 m;
  • arc length - 3.8 m;
  • step of placing arches - 0.67 m.

For the frame, pipes 6 m long and 25 mm in diameter will be needed. Such details are able to provide reliability and rigidity of the structure. Fittings of 25 mm are applied to a fastening of tubes. You will also need glue.

List of materials that will be needed to build a greenhouse from plastic pipes:

  • reinforcing bars;
  • cross for tube 25 mm;
  • slats 50x100 mm;
  • plastic pipes 25 mm;
  • oblique tees;
  • nails;
  • metal strip;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • adhesive mixture;
  • tees for pipes 25 mm.

For a greenhouse of these sizes with two doors and windows, materials will be needed in the following quantities:

  • steel corner 90 ° with a diameter of 25 mm - 16 pcs.;
  • plastic pipe 6 m long and 25 mm in diameter - 16 pcs.;
  • wide adhesive tape or metal profile for connection (when using polycarbonate) - 1 pc.;
  • two-plane tee - 4 pcs.;
  • cross - 5 pcs.;
  • polycarbonate - 3 sheets 2x6 m in size;
  • single-plane tee with an angle of 90 ° - 28 pcs.;
  • two-arm clamps - 18 pcs.;
  • self-tapping screws for fixing polycarbonate with thermal washers - 100 pcs.;
  • furniture bolts for fixing side ties - 36 pcs.;
  • single-plane tee with an angle of 45 ° - 4 pcs.;
  • door hinges - 8 pcs.;
  • self-tapping screws 24 mm - 48 pcs.;
  • self-tapping screws 55 mm - 36 pcs.

Polycarbonate or film can be used as a coating material. If the second option is chosen, then approximately 8 running meters of polyethylene are needed. with a width of 6 m.

Tools that will be needed:

  • hammer;
  • device for welding pipes made of plastic;
  • hacksaw;
  • building level;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • construction roulette;
  • hacksaw for metal.
  • Desktop;
  • ventilation system;
  • heating boiler;
  • racks;
  • shelves;
  • design for automatic watering;
  • fluorescent light bulbs;
  • thermometer with hygrometer.

After preparing the materials, you can proceed to site planning and construction work.

How to build a greenhouse from plastic pipes with your own hands - step by step guide

To exclude the possibility of skewing the building during installation and use, the area under the greenhouse must be leveled.

Leveling the area under the greenhouse

To do this, mark the location of the future structure on the soil with the help of pegs and a rope.

Marking the area with pegs

After that, the site should be checked building level. If there is a slope of more than 1 °, then the site must be leveled.

Under the base, a pillow of sand 6-10 cm thick should be made.

Determination of a place to place a structure

First of all, you need to determine the place on the site for the construction of the structure. It should be:

  • in flat terrain so that the frame can be easily mounted;
  • have a direct hit by the rays of the sun, otherwise the greenhouse will not have its main property;
  • in open area.

The main condition for the correct development of plants is light. This is especially true in winter and in early spring. If the greenhouse is located in a place with insufficient lighting, then additional lighting fixtures will need to be installed.

Lighting fixtures in the greenhouse

It should be understood that this can lead to a high cost of grown vegetables. To make a greenhouse, you need to choose the most illuminated area, which is located at a great distance from trees and buildings. It is important to protect crops from excess shade.

The placement of the greenhouse relative to the cardinal points is an important factor when determining the location. The most preferred option is the location of the building from west to east.

The location of the greenhouse relative to the cardinal points

Only in this case can crops be covered from morning to evening.

If it is not possible to place the greenhouse in such a place, then the frame must be installed so that the sun's rays fall through the cover at the beginning of the day. The morning hours are the coldest, and if the sun does not warm up the air in the greenhouse, then many plants can stop growing and throw off the ovaries.

With insufficient lighting, fungal diseases can develop. This often results in yield loss.

Another important factor influencing the efficiency of a greenhouse is its placement in relation to the prevailing winds. This is of great importance in the case of using a protective building throughout the year. In winter, the presence of a cold wind can increase heating costs several times. If you plan to place the greenhouse in an open area, it is recommended to build barriers that can protect from the wind. Can be used hedge or wooden fence mounted around the greenhouse at a distance of at least 10 m.

Hedge for wind protection

This placement will not create a shadow.

The design is best placed next to a private house, so that in winter there is free passage during snow drifts. The track must be made of hard surface. This will protect the product from dirt during rain. The width of the track is determined based on the size of the wheelbarrow.

Making the base

A frame will be used as the basis, which will be able to hold a lightweight frame and save its geometry parameters. The choice of the required base option is not associated with the scheme or type of construction. It depends on financial capabilities and whether the product will be stationary or portable.

To make a frame, you will need to prepare the following elements:

  • board 6 or 8 mm thick;
  • bar 6x12 or 8x12 mm;
  • rigid plastic pipe for the bottom trim.

The basis is made of a board of big thickness. If financial possibilities allow, then it is recommended to use a bar. The elements are fastened by cutting half a tree without the use of fasteners. Accordingly, there will be no metal elements in the frame that can rust.

The base of the bars will need to be buried in the soil. To do this, you first need to dig a pit. Along the perimeter, the trench should be laid only so that the bottom and walls of the pit are closed. Next is the installation of the frame.

Greenhouse wooden frame

A frame buried in a trench will serve as a foundation, but it should be understood that it is not necessary to arrange such a foundation for a seasonal structure.

A frame made of tubes cannot be an independent base. It is made if there is a foundation made of wood, brick or concrete. Fixed with staples to bars or anchor bolts fixed in concrete during the curing process.

If the foundation is made, then it will not be possible to transfer the structure. Therefore, it makes sense to consider the process of making a plank frame as a basis. Sequencing:

  1. First of all, you need to prepare a site for the manufacture of a greenhouse. It is necessary to remove a layer of turf from the territory so that the site is longer and wider than the structure being erected by approximately 1 m. This will allow an indent of 0.5 m on each side.
  2. The surface must be measured with a building level. If necessary, the site must be leveled. A difference of 5 cm is allowed at a distance of 2 m.
  3. A frame should be assembled from four boards. Dimensions must be determined in advance. The structure is fixed with several self-tapping screws or nails. Length fastener determined taking into account the thickness of the attached part: it should be 2.5 times the thickness of the rail.
  4. The frame must be measured with a tape measure diagonally in both directions. If the values ​​match, then the base is flat. If not, the errors should be corrected.
  5. The frame is mounted and fixed by driving reinforcing bars with inside angle. The length of the rod is 75–80 cm. The segments are driven flush with the frame.

Visually, the process of building a frame can be seen in the image:

Greenhouse base device

The base will be in contact with moist soil. Therefore, the material for manufacturing must be thoroughly dried. Before assembly, the parts must be coated with hot bitumen and an antiseptic.

Fabrication of a frame structure

First of all, you should do the following:

  1. Along the long walls on both sides of the frame, it is necessary to hammer the rods with a sledgehammer so that no more than 40 cm remain above the base.
  2. A piece of plastic tube is put on the armature.

To make internal arcs, you need to connect 2 pieces of a tube of 3000 mm each by welding so that a cross is located in the center.

Installation of frame arcs

For external parts, the tubes in the center must be connected not with a cross, but with tees.

The frame is assembled in the following way:

On this stage openings are being prepared for the installation of windows and doors. Structures are needed for ventilation.

Two pieces of reinforcement that were installed earlier are places for mounting windows and doors. Installation sequence:

  1. From the reinforcement, which is driven in width, you need to draw a line up and make a mark on the extreme arch.
  2. As tools you will need: a flat plank of wood, a marker and a building level.
  3. Next, you need to embed oblique tees. You will need to measure the distance from the bottom of the reinforcing bars to the mark.
  4. Cut a piece of plastic tubing to size.
  5. A tee is welded to the part so that a design with a tee in the upper part is obtained. The bevel should mate with the tube.
  6. The arc is cut at the mark. The part is under load, so the work must be done carefully.
  7. The tee is welded into the prepared space. It is recommended to work with an assistant.

After that, a door is made from tubes. The construction process can be seen in the diagram:

Making windows from pipes

Windows should be inserted into prepared frames without much effort.

As canopies, you can use segments of a plastic tube, but larger diameter. The 25mm tube should fit easily into the canopy.

How to cover the greenhouse with polyethylene or polycarbonate?

The next step is to cover the greenhouse:

Covering the greenhouse with polyethylene film

The process is not difficult. To do this, attach the film to the wooden frame using nails and planks. The windows will also need to be covered with polyethylene and installed in their places. The following steps should be followed:

  1. The stock must be distributed evenly. Pieces of polyethylene film, identical in size, should remain at the ends.
  2. The covering should be nailed through the boards to the frame.
  3. First of all, you need to pin the film along the long wall.
  4. You need to start from the middle of the surface, heading towards the corners.
  5. When the coating is stretched, according to this scheme, it must be nailed to the second wall of the frame.
  6. In the end parts, the film is folded, after which it is nailed.

In the coating, which is fixed on the frame, it is necessary to cut holes for doors and windows so that there is an overlap in the extreme parts of the holes for attaching the plastic film to the rails.

Pipe greenhouse doors

This method allows you to quickly make a budget greenhouse from plastic tubes. The principle of its device is taken as the basis for many variations. End pieces can be made from plywood sheet, change the dimensions of the door, the location and size of windows, mount stiffeners diagonally in the end parts, etc.

Fastening plastic film with a stapler

Reinforced film can be fixed with tube clamps. In the lower part, it must be dug in with soil and strengthened by laying stones or slats on top.

If you plan to sheathe the greenhouse with polycarbonate, then you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. On the frame between the ribs you need to fill wooden slats.
  2. A solid surface is being prepared. The ribs should be recessed inward.
  3. Holes are drilled into which fasteners will be installed.
  4. Polycarbonate is fixed with self-tapping screws. Be sure to install thermal washers.

Fastening polycarbonate with self-tapping screws with thermal washers

The diameter of the recesses in polycarbonate should exceed the diameter of the self-tapping screws by several mm. The gap is necessary to compensate for the expansion of the material from atmospheric influences.

Products from pipes are popular with summer residents. Many amateurs are engaged in their manufacture. year-round cultivation vegetables. Each owner has his own secret, which facilitates the process of construction work and reduces the cost of construction.

Some useful tips:

If you take into account these tips, then you can make a high-quality greenhouse with your own hands.

Video: greenhouse construction

Any frame made of plastic tubes can be covered with polyethylene film or polycarbonate. The only material that cannot be used to cover this type of greenhouse is glass.

With your own hands you can make a greenhouse that will delight fresh cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, strawberries and herbs all year round. In order for the design to turn out to be of high quality, it is important to follow the instructions.

Our man traditionally likes to grow trees, vegetables and fruits on his suburban area. But we have different weather and temperatures, and some crops require early planting and a long ripening period. Hence the need for greenhouses. Factory greenhouse - they are capital and very light, arched and "house", their glass and plastic are expensive and do not always fit the area in size and shape. But there is always the possibility the simplest greenhouse with their own hands - for example, from plastic pipes.

What is a greenhouse and how is it different from a greenhouse

Often these concepts are confused. These designs, of course, are similar in material and design - frames and a transparent coating - plastic, film or glass. But the greenhouse is most often a place where you can stand and look after the beds or bushes, and important condition: it must be capital.

Greenhouses have endless variety forms and materials

Greenhouses for protection from cold, wind, precipitation cover plastic wrap or plastic sheets.

Greenhouse-greenhouse on the basis of wood from metal pipes under the film

Plastic sheets - usually cellular polycarbonate - are used for stationary heavy greenhouses that are used throughout the year.

Greenhouse made of polycarbonate - reliable design

A greenhouse is a low long shelter for a garden bed, more often a semicircular section. As a rule, it is used for growing seedlings in the spring. Sometimes they are made on a wooden base and also stand stationary, on the boxes of their timber and boards.

A stationary greenhouse of this design is easier to make from metal pipes

And often they are placed directly on the ground above the garden. Then it is easier to make them from plastic pipes, so that it is easy to carry from place to place.

Semicircular greenhouse made of plastic pipes with a folded-back film

Advantages and disadvantages of plastic pipes for construction

The greenhouse has a lot of advantages and very few disadvantages.


Availability - such a greenhouse will cost less than all other analogues

Ease of assembly - such a greenhouse is easy to design and manufacture, and if not needed (for example, in winter), you can always disassemble it and store it somewhere.

Versatility - can be used in different places site.

Ease - if necessary, move from place to place, this can be done without even disassembling the structure.

Durability - plastic pipes are absolutely durable, they are not afraid of dampness, cold, heat, fumes, fungus, decay. The film or joints may become unusable (from frequent assembly and disassembly), but replacement will also be quite cheap.

Aesthetics - a greenhouse made of plastic pipes always looks bright and does not look like homemade from improvised materials.

Safety - such a greenhouse is absolutely safe for plants and soil.

A plastic pipe with a diameter of 20 mm is an excellent material for a light greenhouse


All material must be purchased according to the calculation. Getting by with improvised means will not work.

Do-it-yourself construction

Here are two options for greenhouses - a very simple one for one garden bed and a more complex and high one.

The simplest greenhouse

This is the simplest greenhouse design. It just doesn't get easier. Above the bed, curved pipe sections are dug in from two sides in increments of approximately 50 to 70 centimeters. The step depends on the thickness of the film used, and the number of segments depends on the length of the bed.

Let's say our garden bed is 6 meters long. So, we need 12 pieces of pipe with a length of one and a half meters. Since pipes are usually sold cut into 4 meter pieces, we will cut them into 2 meter lengths. So, pipes will go 6 pieces. Fittings (devices for connecting pipes) will not be needed. Ideally, fasteners can be used, but it is also possible to fix the film on pipes by tying its ends into knots and pressing down the edges with stones.

The film can be primary and secondary processing. The latter is much cheaper, but, as a rule, either has an unpleasant brown, yellow or gray tint, or is generally opaque - gray or black, so it will not suit us. The film is sold in a sleeve, so we will need to cut it lengthwise. We will choose a thin film with a thickness of 150 micrometers.

Film-sleeve is sold in rolls of 10 meters



  1. Scissors
  2. Shovel

Making a simple greenhouse

  1. We cut the four-meter pipe in half. We get 12 pieces.
  2. We alternately stick each piece into the ground stronger, knock it off and stick it on the other side of the bed. The bed is under the arc.
  3. We cut the film roll lengthwise and cover the resulting structure with it so that the edges have the same “tails”.
  4. We fasten the film to the resulting arches with clamps - two or three per arch.
  5. We press the sides of the film to the ground with bricks or cobblestones.
  6. We tie the “tails” with twine - if desired, they can be untied to give way to the air.

Greenhouse over a bed of dug plastic pipes

Our greenhouse is ready. This is a primitive design, but it will fully perform all the functions required for a greenhouse.

Making a greenhouse of a more complex design

Greenhouse more complex design taller, longer, it covers a larger plot of land and is suitable for taller plants, has a door or two doors, sometimes vents, requires more pipes, complex elements systems for their connection, more film fastenings to pipes (if film is used) or polycarbonate sheets (if polycarbonate is used). You can use non-woven materials - agrotex, agrospan, spunbond, you can - reinforced, which have much greater strength and withstand strong winds and even hail. Even bubble wrap is used. They conduct the sun's rays worse, but retain heat much better.

Therefore, with special care it is worth approaching the choice of a greenhouse model and, accordingly, the choice of material.

Choosing a greenhouse model

We choose a structure model of average complexity. Let it be a greenhouse made of pipes on wooden frame(it's easier, no need to concrete the rods). We find a drawing on the Internet and, if necessary, adjust it to the dimensions we need and our capabilities.

Greenhouse drawing with wooden details includes all fasteners

In more detail, all nodes are visible in another drawing; this drawing suits us better, it does not assume the presence of wooden planks. It can be seen that everything is very simple - our greenhouse is assembled like a children's designer.

The system of fastening pipes to each other and to the base

Material selection

The length of our greenhouse is about seven meters. According to the drawing, we select pipes. Of course, we will need a pipe with a larger diameter and with a greater wall thickness than in the previous one. simple version. We choose a pipe with a diameter of 25 millimeters.

A simple plastic pipe is the most budget option

Fasteners must match. We need quite a few cross fittings of the appropriate diameter for a cross-connection of pipes.

The cross fitting will hold the pipes together perpendicularly

You will also need tees for the ends of the greenhouse.

We connect pipes from the ends of the greenhouse with tees

The boards for the frame should also not be very thin, so we choose their thickness of 25 millimeters.

Edged board will serve as the base of the greenhouse

Glasses for fixing pipes are difficult to find, so you can purchase ordinary external plugs.

The cap can also serve as a glass

It is better to choose a film not ordinary polyethylene, but heat-resistant reinforced one - so that it can withstand serious atmospheric phenomena - heavy rains, hail, wind, which often happen in our summer.

Reinforced film will last much longer

PositionNameSpecificationQuantityUnit pricePriceNotes
1 Plastic pipe FORA PN10Ø 25x2.3 mm70 meters33 rub/m2310 rublesIt is necessary to find a supplier who sells pipes by the meter, and not cut into segments of several meters. Otherwise, the consumption of pipes will increase greatly
2 Cross fitting SPK 18110 single-planeØ 25 mm56 pieces18 rub1008 rub
3 Tee fitting Enkor PPRC single-planeØ 25 mm14 pieces9 rub126 rub
4 PVC plugØ 25 mm10 pieces8 rubles80 rubles
5 Set of clamps for fixing the film to the frame of the greenhouse GRINDA 422317–25 (12 pieces)Ø 25 mm5 sets60 rub/set300 rubles
6 25x200x6000 mm3 pieces370 rub/piece1110 rubles
7 Reinforced PET polyethylene film200 microns (120 g/m2), 2x25 m per roll1 roll1 180 rubles1 180 rubles
8 self-tapping screws About 2 kg On demand
Total5114 rubles (excluding the cost of self-tapping screws)

Required Tools

  1. Shovels bayonet and shovel
  2. Power saw (regular saw)
  3. Drill
  4. screwdriver

Step by step process of making a greenhouse

  1. We choose a place. Must have good access, sunny, close to water, level.

    An example of a polycarbonate greenhouse in the landscape of the site

  2. We level the area for the greenhouse with a shovel. We add, if necessary, fertile land and peat.

    An example of a polycarbonate greenhouse on a leveled area

  3. We mount the panic frame from the boards. Cut them into pieces desired length and connect with screws. You can strengthen the connections with large steel corners. Carefully treated with impregnation against decay.

    The basis of the greenhouse from the boards is easy to assemble

  4. We attach plugs to the boards in marked places with self-tapping screws - they will serve us as glasses for pipes.

    Cups for pipes will serve as plugs

  5. We cut pipes into segments of the required length for arcs and horizontal sections.
  6. We insert the segments, which should be the lowest, into the glasses and fix them with self-tapping screws.
  7. Collecting further sections. We fix all joints with self-tapping screws directly through the fittings.

    Connecting pipes with fittings and self-tapping screws

    Tee connections look like this.

    Tee connection from the ends of the greenhouse

  8. The greenhouse is gradually gaining constructive completeness.

    An example of a greenhouse that is close to completion

  9. We hang under the central top longitudinal pipe wooden plank for mounting lamps.

    The bar for lamps is suspended from the central upper longitudinal tube

  10. We cover the greenhouse with a pre-cut reinforced film and fix it.

    Covering with a film goes something like this

  11. We cut through the door and vents, strengthen the edges with tape. There is full scope for creativity here: you can carve out a door and vents from additional pieces of film, you can cut them directly on the structure, sew or glue zippers or buttons for fastening.