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Estate near the house. Landscaping and landscaping of the site. Landscape design of the courtyard of a private house: photos and comments

A private house good because it has its own yard. It's a good place to relax, you can decorate it the way you want. But everything should be done according to certain rules - landscape design of the yard, that's what it's called. The task is not as simple as it seems.

General principles

To make your yard beautiful, harmonious and comfortable, it is advisable to create a plan before starting work, and then implement this plan into reality. And, by the way, in most cases, when independently developing landscape design, the result is very different from the project. Either we saw a new plant that was not on the plan, or we didn’t like in reality what looked “super” in the picture. However, the landscaping of your home’s yard should be done according to the rules, otherwise you may end up with an uncomfortable yard and an unpresentable appearance.

Preparing a site plan

The first thing you will need is a site plan to scale. You can draw it on a checkered sheet or on graph paper. Accept a certain scale, for example, one meter is one or two cells. In the second option it will be possible to draw in more detail small parts, but the plan will be big. The plan should indicate:

With this initial plan, you can begin planning your yard. On this plan, it is immediately necessary to highlight shaded areas (the sun appears only for a few hours), partial shade (half of the day is illuminated by the sun) and sunny areas (there is almost no shadow at all) zones. To do this, it is best to take colored pencils and shade the areas with different colors.

A large area for parking cars, a little smaller for barbecue, swimming pool and summer holiday Big or small plot- doesn't matter. Anyone can be cozy Plantings are only around the perimeter of the site, the main area is free - for lawns and flower beds

If there are lower and higher zones on the site, they should also be highlighted. It is also necessary to indicate sources, springs, retaining walls or their intended installation locations, and all other landscape features. All this information should be taken into account when developing the landscape design of the yard.

Deciding on the central object

Before you begin landscaping your yard, you need to decide what you would like to focus on. This refers to a large object: a pond, a fountain, a gazebo with or without a barbecue, a pergola. This object is placed in the central place, and all the other, smaller ones are placed around it. Moreover, if you have chosen a pond, it does not mean that there will be no gazebo or fountain on the site, just that the main object will be the pond. It is the main “feature”, and all other structures will only play on it and complement it.

In this case, the central zone is a recreation area and a lawn

The same rule applies if you want to make the main “theme of the yard” a recreation area - a gazebo or pergola, just a platform with sofas, benches, a hammock, etc. A pond, a fountain, and small architectural objects may well be located next to them. The idea is that this zone is the highlight of your yard, and all other objects will play off it. Because, in a usually small space, two or three competing ideas mean chaos and lack of harmony.

We find a place for everything

Having decided on the set of desired objects, take a sheet of cardboard and cut out all the objects from it. We cut it out to the scale in which the map was drawn, of the shape in which the construction is planned. You can color it, you can sign it.

We take the images and lay them out on the plan. Place the selected “main object” in the center of the composition. This does not mean that its place is strictly in the center - it can also be on the side of the site. This corner just needs to be visible from the windows and/or from the entrance. After all, you should receive aesthetic pleasure from your yard.

When we have found a place for the central zone, we begin to figure out where to put all the other larger objects. Some may be located close to each other, others at a certain distance. If everything you want doesn’t fit in your space, you’ll have to sacrifice something or downsize. Here everyone decides what is more important to him.

We lay paths and develop a lighting system

When everything you want to see on the site is placed on the plan, it’s time to lay paths and think through the lighting system. Why these two different systems do you need to plan at the same time? Because the paths are usually illuminated, otherwise walking along them at night is not very convenient. So they pull the cables along them, supplying voltage to the lamps, and also extending the lighting to all key points of the yard - to the gazebo, fountain, stream, etc.

When planning paths, there are two basic rules. First, if you need to visually bring an object closer, we lay a straight path. This rule applies if the site is large in area or long and narrow. Another possible area of ​​application is a courtyard decorated in a minimalist style. Here other forms are simply unacceptable - only strict geometric forms. Although, broken lines are also welcome.

In all other cases, they try to avoid straight paths. There is no need to “loop” too much, but winding, smoothly turning paths fit harmoniously into any other yard design style.

When you have outlined it on the plan, draw the lamps to illuminate the yard. Along the paths - every one and a half to two meters, for lighting gazebos and platforms - more often. Illumination of water also looks beautiful if there are “water” objects.

Site layout from improvised means

How else, besides a site plan on graph paper and cardboard analogues of various landscape objects, can you visualize your design project? There is a simple way - using ordinary plasticine or other improvised means. It is better to make a house and other buildings from foam plastic and cardboard, and a gazebo from sticks. Lay out the paths from a material similar to the planned “original”. This will help evaluate the invented texture and color scheme. Everything else - benches, a pond, fountains, trees, bushes, flowers - we sculpt all this from plasticine. To make it look more realistic, trees and shrubs can be made from twigs by attaching “foliage” of approximately the same shade. And yes, we do everything to scale (for example, 1 meter is equal to 1 cm or 2 cm). This is definitely a three-dimensional 3D image that will accurately convey to you the proportions, convenience and all other nuances of the yard landscape design you created.

Plasticine yard design project - excellent 3D visualization

Landscape design software

If you are a confident PC user, landscape design programs will help simplify the task of developing a design. The bad news is that they are paid, but creating a landscape design for the yard of a private house will be easy and interesting. There are about a dozen programs, but here are the most popular:

  • Our garden. There is a large built-in library of plants, a planner for paving, fences, gates, etc. It is possible to load missing materials or textures, plants.
  • Google ScatchUp. This is not a specialized program, but it has a landscape planning section, which is very good - it’s full of lessons on working specifically with creating a landscape.
  • Punch. The disadvantage of the program is that it is not possible to add your own objects. You can only use those that are in the software library. Another disadvantage is that there is no way to export the results, that is, you will not be able to use the created project in other programs. But it is simple and requires almost no time to learn.
  • Sierra LandDesigner 3D. Large database of plants and other objects. It is possible to enter your own data and use it in your work. Each possible action has a hint, so it's easy to figure it out as you go. The program specifies the soil type and style you want to decorate your yard. The program will automatically select suitable objects. Once the work is completed, you can print the project and receive an estimate.

Examples of local area planning

Independent landscape design of the yard of a private house is not an easy task. The difficulty is that often what looks good in a picture or “in your head” turns out “not so good” in reality. Therefore, it is easier to rely on photos of real objects. At least you can see what happened there. You can take the idea “entirely”, or you can partially adapt it to your own desires or conditions.

Example one - with water bodies

For example, center - . Do you also want to have a gazebo, a fountain and a stream, flower beds, benches? In this case, this option would look good:

The option with a “real” stream is easily implemented if there is at least a slight difference in height on the site. The fountain is then placed at the highest point, the pond at the lowest. With this arrangement, water flows by gravity; you just need to organize its supply from the pond to the fountain (using a pump of a certain power and a pipe system).

Landscape design of the courtyard of a private house with a swimming pool opposite the doors

If there is no difference in elevation, there are two options - to make it artificially (a very large amount of work and significant material costs) or to make two autonomous water bodies - a fountain and a pond, and make a “fake” stream out of stones. Another option is not to make a stream at all. The unconnected pond and fountain are also very viable and nice option registration local area.

Example two - in the center there is a recreation area

If the pond is usually located at some distance from the entrance to the house, then a recreation area is often made nearby. But the “recreation area” can be perceived in different ways. For some, these are comfortable sofas and benches on which it is convenient to read; for others, it is a platform with a gazebo and a table, with a barbecue located nearby.

Recreation area - everyone understands it differently

Depending on your wishes, a recreation area of ​​any type can be close to the entrance, or maybe at the opposite end of the site. And near the same gazebo there may be a pond or fountain. But not a gazebo near a pond, but a pond near a gazebo. This is the difference. The path from the entrance leads to the gazebo, and from it you can get to the pond.

Near the gazebo, indoor or outdoor area for recreation, flower beds, rock gardens, and rock gardens can be located. Along the path there are flower beds, taller plants - bushes and trees, in the shade of which it is reasonable to place benches. But no matter what you plant along the path, the main object should be visible in perspective - a gazebo or area with sofas.

Photo ideas of beautiful corners of private courtyards

Landscaping a yard is not an easy task even for professionals, and even more so for amateurs. There are too many nuances to know. It’s much easier to find a design you like and then reproduce the photo on your site.

Front garden

They don't call it a front garden most area between the facade of the house and the fence. Not everyone wants to place a house close to the sidewalk, just as not everyone wants to move it far into the interior of the site. So you end up with a narrow (a meter or two) strip of land in front of the house, which cannot be improved in any way except with flowers and shrubs.

No matter how narrow the strip between the fence and the house is, it is advisable to divide it into two zones - a flower garden and a path. A path is not necessarily a continuous tile or other covering. It could be lawn grass with tiles laid in random order (with gaps).

A path is desirable - you will need to take care of the plants once again without worrying about the cleanliness of your shoes

If the climate is hot, the area is dry, or there is no desire/opportunity to tinker with the grass, you can replace the grass with mulch or fine gravel. Great composition made from dyed colored gravel and some beautiful plants.

Pay attention to the location of the plants - it depends on the type of fence. If the fence is solid, you need to develop a planting plan so that they look good from the windows. In this case, the tallest plants are located closer to the fence, the shortest - closer to the house. If the fence is sparse, more decorative, and you want it beautiful view opened from the street, we change the planting plan exactly the opposite: the tallest plants are along the house, the shortest ones are closer to the street.

If the “face” of the front garden is facing the street Flowers or plants of approximately the same height - if you need everything to look decent from all sides Interesting option- convenient, beautiful and unusual Traditional design of the area in front of the fence

If you want a beautiful view from both sides, there are two options. First, we plant small and medium-sized varieties of flowers and greenery in the flower garden. Secondly, we divide the front garden into several zones, make separate flower beds or alpine slides/rock gardens that look good from any point.

Entrance/entrance group

The entrance group is the area near the porch, the entrance group is near the gate. As you understand, the design is different, although there are common features: all “decorations” should not block the view. You should be able to clearly see who is entering or entering your territory. Therefore, mainly medium-sized and low-growing plants are used.

The traditional way to design an area near a porch or gate is flower beds or flower beds. They can be of a standard type - only plants different types, which create a constantly blooming or greening carpet.

Dwarf trees - unusual and beautiful

You can also follow the latest trends in landscape design - occupy most of the area with decorative crushed stone or mulch, and plant plants at a distance from each other. Except modern look This option is good because fewer plants require less care, and less money will be spent on purchasing. This will really help you get by with “little blood” if you have just started to implement the landscape design you created for the courtyard of a private house into reality. Buying and planting too many plants at one time requires a lot of money and time. And so, you can add plants step by step, at the same time adjusting the plan along the way.

Path design

Having planned the paths, you still need to choose the material from which they will be made. Standard approach - paving slabs, but it requires a lot of money, although the coating is reliable and convenient. If finances are tight, you can temporarily. Some of them require little money, but they look great and are good to use.

You can plant low-growing shrubs along the edge of the paths - make it low-growing. If you have no time to wait until the shrub grows, plant low-growing varieties colors. They come in different heights, colors and flowering times.

The second often built-in design option for places along paths is flower beds. And, again, they can be made “in a modern way” - against the background of backfilling with crushed stone or mulch. This cannot be called a rockery, although the idea was taken from there.


All theoretical calculations about landscape design of the yard were, in fact, about how to arrange the backyard. It is this part of the courtyard that is closed from prying eyes and it is here that you want it to be beautiful, cozy and comfortable. We won’t talk about planning again, but we’ll talk about how and what is the best way to pave this area.

If you are planning a piece of paradise in your backyard, you have no problems. Plants, lawns, paths, everything will be described, how and what to do is clear. But if you want to make a recreation area here so that you can put a table for the summer, lounge chairs to lie in the sun, maybe install a pool? What should the backyard cover be like then? There are options:

  • Lawn. This great option, if the groundwater level is low, the soil drains water well or the area is well-drained. If not, there will be puddles, mud, problems with the grass.

    For some, comfort is tall grass. A barbecue area at the far end of the yard is reasonable. In the backyard of a private house, you can arrange a waterfall, and also a brick barbecue. The most natural landscape possible.

  • Laying paving slabs or pave everything with flagstone is a good option even for clay soils with high level groundwater, easy to maintain. But he is too “urban”, tough and unforgiving.
  • Combine lawn with tiles. A very correct approach. It’s comfortable, and beautiful, and there’s not much dirt, and there’s room to walk around barefoot.

As you can see, there are three options, but there are thousands, or even more ways to implement them. Different styles registration, various plants, combinations of materials, furniture, decorations, ponds/fountains/benches/swings. It’s impossible to count everything. All this allows you to create your own yard. Individual and different from others.

Just a photo

Fence off the rest area - perfect solution for many

Rules for selecting plants: the highest ones are near a wall or fence, further away - lower

The courtyard of a private house with a fountain and a stream - stylish and beautiful

Beautiful paths are not always difficult and expensive

Recreational flooring can be made of planks or planken, a polymer similar to wood.

Retaining walls - difficult and expensive, but unusual and beautiful

Depending on the type of house itself, whether it is individual or guest, huge or small, built in a village, cottage community, historical part of the city or on endless expanses of land measured in tens of hectares, the design of the yard of a private house changes. Starting from the location of the hacienda, relying on possible use land and taking into account your own preferences, you can begin planning landscape areas of the yard and choosing objects to decorate them.

Ways to implement the plan:

  • on one's own;
  • by the craftsmen of a company specializing in landscape work;
  • by hired workers, who are organized and controlled by the owner of the house himself.

Each owner has his own home

Bench among a luxurious flower garden

The location of the home dictates the corresponding design requirements for the surrounding area.

buildingsHouse in a cottage villageHouse in the villageHouse in the historical centerEstateCountry house in gardening
Features affecting the design projectClosed area

Same type buildings

Regulated height, transparency and fence material (or lack thereof)

Strict requirements for appearance secondary buildings on the site

You can choose a style according to your desires, but build, be sure to comply with technical standards

If the appointment land plot Private household plots, then outbuildings in the yard are allowed

It is prohibited to violate urban planning norms or urban development plans

Its appearance must correspond to the existing image of the city

Fulfillment of any fantasy, limited only by available meansPlot small area designed for relaxation and gardening work. Due to the minimal space, mini-zones of the yard landscape are planned

In addition to the above features, each type of private house has characteristics that influence the main design solutions when developing a zonal landscape project for a courtyard area.

Planning of private areas

The styles most often used in the design of the courtyard of any private house are English landscape, Japanese garden, French regular, Mediterranean, Russian estate style, as well as “domestic”, free from all signs of the times, i.e. eclecticism, a combination of a variety of elements. When implementing the landscape design of your property, there is no need to maintain the style completely; you can limit yourself to only a few techniques and “throw” a stylistic flair over the object.

No matter how you position the house (it is recommended to plan the construction of the main building so as not to shade the garden area), it is still the center of the yard. Pedestrian paths, a driveway, and the rest of the estate's buildings are connected to it. Each of the elements must correspond to the main building on the site, emphasize it, and present the author’s design of the courtyard of a private house to the view of the visiting guest in the best possible way.

All private property can be divided into three large areas, according to their purpose. These include: a recreation area, an area bordering the main house, a green area with outbuildings.

Read more about landscape design zones

The recreation area can be divided into a place where the active part of the family spends time, a “summer kitchen” sector and a relaxation corner, have a relaxing holiday. The first includes a gazebo, children's Corner(sandbox, swing, ladder), tree house, sports ground. The second consists of a barbecue, barbecue, and oven complex. The third unites a pond, a bath complex, shady corners of the garden: an openwork bench for book lovers under a tall tree, summer house creative solitude. They should be decorated with flowerpots that support the overall garden color scheme. The combination of color, peace and aroma is what relaxation in a country house is all about.

The “green” zone includes a vegetable garden, orchard, hedges from berry bushes. It should be located away from the entrance to the site in order to minimize the contact of roadside dust and exhaust smoke with the plants. Outbuildings can be designed in a rustic or fairytale style. A fad that has become fashionable among absolutely urban residents is a chicken coop for laying hens, made according to an original design, which will decorate the site. And the cellar - Bilbo's hobbit house with an earthen grass roof - will allow you to show your creative imagination.

Sometimes it is recommended to make a green roof “pseudo-grass”, to replace freezing grasses, which require a significant layer of soil, fertilizing, and regular watering, with drought-resistant creeping succulents and low-growing sedums. These plants create a spectacular voluminous carpet that does not require special care.

The adjacent territory, consisting of a facade entrance zone ( entry group, parking, garage, gate) and the area adjacent to the house with reverse side, is the business card of the owners. It is very important not only what is behind the fence, but also what others see when approaching the house. A paved driveway, an attractive fence, a beautiful mailbox on a gate or a stone fence post, blooming bindweed - everything creates the atmosphere of a friendly, hospitable home, pleases the eyes of neighbors, and evokes the admiration of people passing by.

The private side implies access from the house to the garden, the presence of a patio where groups of forged or wicker furniture, an alpine slide or a man-made fountain are placed. Plan your yard design so that the living room window, the central room in the house, has a beautiful view. Looking at the garden changing from season to season - snow-covered, blooming, bright autumn - you will admire the creation of your own hands every time.

Special objects of a large-scale estate

When designing a large space, the priorities of the owners, the direction of their activities, and hobbies are taken into account. On the territory of the estate, special areas include stables, alleys for riding and walking, a garden, and a park with trees connected by lawns. For the owners, their adult children, and service personnel, several buildings are provided far from each other. Other buildings - a garage housing a collection of vintage cars, a pseudo-barn as a place for an art gallery, an elevated belvedere allowing views of the surrounding area, an indoor swimming pool, a winter greenhouse - reflect the hobbies of the owners. A tennis court, a football field, a mini-golf course, a boat pier, large bodies of water surrounded by canals, with passages connecting individual corners of the estate can also be planned.

In addition to large objects, a large space must be filled with “highlights”, corners where it is interesting to look, and once you get there, you will not want to leave. A gazebo entwined with grapes, a white statue in the thickets of blooming jasmine, a sun lounger behind a plant curtain where you can hide from your family, feel the taste of solitude, merging with nature.

As a special decorative technique on the territory of a large estate, it is interesting to use signs with the names of routes, designed based on the style general design. This is organizationally correct, and in addition, it will allow you to play “Find Me” with guests.

Gardening fun

Let’s pay a little more attention to the design of the “green” zone of a private house. IN garden design favorite recent years there was a regular vegetable garden, a replica of the French royal gardens. In addition to the aesthetic impression, this arrangement option garden area convenient to maintain and work in. Paved paths, high borders, bordering beds, symmetry, clear lines, adherence to proportions make it almost ideal. Plant objects planted as if on a ruler, necessarily ranked by height, the configuration of bushes maintained by annual formative pruning, fruit trees on trellises - all this makes the garden mathematically harmonious, visible in different planes with a pronounced volume of details. And the lush colors of garden vegetation smooth out the impression of a soulless standard, introducing the turbulence of life.

Regular planning organizes a garden of minimal dimensions well. Clearly calculated space required for each plant, high or stepped beds, flatly distributed fruit tree branches occupying less space, compacted plantings vegetable crops provide the opportunity to realize all desires, to show an unlimited flight of imagination in a limited area.

The complete opposite of a regular garden is a free-style garden, where different plants are mixed, and their presence is determined only by desire. Following the principle “dear to my heart,” rose bushes, ornamental cabbage, marigolds, and potatoes are placed here next to each other. The vegetable garden is separated from other space and the barbarity of domestic animals. And the guard in front of the gate can be a figurine of a funny man in a wide-brimmed hat. An interesting technique is to plant succulents on the brim of a hat in a thin layer of substrate, which do not require a lot of soil and moisture.

Site lighting is an effective design technique

The landscape design of the yard cannot be imagined without lighting at night. At night, the garden and houses take on different shapes, emphasized by the rays of lamps, matched in style and material to the overall design of the local area.

You can organize the illumination of paths by laying a network of electrical cables, powering them from the main source of electricity, or provide for the use of completely free solar energy. When using the latter option, you won’t get fabulously bright lighting, but the storage batteries will perform their main function – to ensure the safe movement of people along private paths in the evening.

With light you can play up a special object in the adjacent space. Well-thought-out light groups will limit the recreation area that goes around the path, highlighting a pond with shining lights on the water surface - a charming sight that attracts you like a magnet. Sitting on the shore of an illuminated pond, looking at the stars - it’s for the sake of this pleasure that Vacation home, the design of his yard is being thought through.

In order to arrange the yard of a private house with your own hands, you do not need to have any special skills. And yet this is a responsible process, because creating a truly multifunctional, comfortable and pleasing area requires a lot of creative effort at the design stage.

Even the smallest details can affect the convenience of the entire yard as a whole, and correcting critical errors will take a lot of money, time and effort.

Layout and functional areas

The first step is to decide on your primary needs; they may be influenced by the presence of children, pets, several cars, etc., as well as the main purposes of use - noisy parties, a peaceful place pleasing to the eye, or an extension of the workshop.

And based on this, begin dividing the site into functional zones. But the following objects are the basis in any plan:

Parking or garage, if there is not one attached to the house. It is worth considering possible guests or an increase in the number Vehicle in family. Exit should be convenient and not cross other zones.

Children's playground, if there are none, then for the future. It should be located away from parking areas and cooking over an open fire. It can be combined with a sports complex, provided that the exercise equipment does not pose a danger to the child.

A place to relax. Here you should let your imagination run wild and create a cozy corner for a comfortable time in company or solitude. A fireplace with comfortable seating will create a warm atmosphere, and a barbecue or Pompeian oven will allow you to delight your household and guests with delicious dishes.

If space allows, a full-fledged summer kitchen will fit well. The ideal combination would be with a covered terrace in case of rain.

The remaining elements of arrangement and decor can be entered into the remaining space. Depending on the owner’s requirements, a swimming pool, a separate bathhouse or other outbuildings may appear on the site.

There is no need to rush to implement the plan; a good idea comes later. A gazebo built out of place can result in significant losses. Therefore, planning should be taken as seriously as possible in order to create a truly comfortable and beautiful yard.

It is best to separate functional zones visually by paths. The overall design of the project will depend on the material from which they are made.

The most practical, durable, but at the same time expensive solution would be paving slabs. It gives you the opportunity to experiment with the most daring design finds.

So, modern materials allow you to embed lamps directly into the path; in daylight they will differ little from other elements. In addition to the price, the disadvantages include the relative complexity of installation - without compliance with technological standards, high-quality substrate and drainage, such a path will quickly lose its presentable appearance.

IN Lately become fashionable wooden paths, but this is an option for everyone. Cheap and cheerful - ordinary gravel paths. When you decide to walk through them barefoot, stinginess will remind you of itself.

Landscape design

When all the vital objects are ready for use, the time will come to think about how to decorate the yard of a private house without overloading yourself with care responsibilities. First of all, the topography of the site is assessed, and adjustments are made if necessary.

Artificial embankments or depressions for reservoirs should be designed taking into account the characteristics of local soil, groundwater and spring floods. A competent drainage and stormwater system will eliminate a lot of possible problems during the period of snow melting.

When installing a swimming pool or pond, safety aspects are important, especially if there are children in the family. There should be no slippery surfaces along the reservoir; auxiliary handrails must be present.

The next step is green spaces. Before choosing certain green pets, you need to study their characteristics, vitality, requirements for soil, light and care.

Botanical knowledge is not at all necessary; you can look at all the options you like in photos of the courtyards of private houses, which are full of them on thematic forums, and ask the owners what kind of plants they are.

If the goal is to emphasize the architectural ensemble of the entire site and house, there are a huge variety of landscape styles, but you should understand that not every plant will take root specifically in your region.

Therefore, if you do not want to spend a lot of time and money on caring for foreign picky animals, take a closer look at ours, who live in the vast expanses of the CIS. With their help, you can easily create beautiful compositions without creating unnecessary problems with adaptation and survival.

In order for the site to have a complete look, there should be no gaps in it. They can be successfully filled perennial shrubs, flower beds or trees with a high crown, if they are fruitful - only a plus. A deliberately designed lawn is not a gap.


The final stage is to place on the site decorative elements with the confidence that they will no longer interfere with either people or plants. The following will add charm and comfort to the yard:

  • sculptures, from garden gnomes to full-fledged plaster sculptures in the antique style;
  • additional lighting devices, including those operating autonomously from natural energy sources;
  • buildings can be decorated climbing plants, such as hops, grapes or ivy;
  • various decorative slides and compositions made of stones;
  • fountains.

A great way to not only save money, but also try yourself in the creative endeavors of a designer, is to use unnecessary things in decorative purposes. For example, unusable garden supplies, old bicycles, car tires can be painted and placed among plant arrangements as a stylish element.

From wooden pallets They have been creating practically free garden furniture for a long time. You will only have to spend money on paint and stylized upholstery. Old boxes and barrels will work as original flower beds.

Some decorative elements can also have a practical function. For example, a doghouse or a summer cat house, and of course the classics represented by birdhouses.

Windmills and solar panels are created more for utility than for beauty, but many will like the high-tech notes of the site and the savings on electricity, which quickly pay for the expensive purchase.

Photo of the courtyard of a private house

Landscaping design, created by a professional or the owner himself, turns an ordinary village house into a real one. country estate.

Every owner of a plot (regardless of the number of acres) is aware that creating a landscape design for a private house will be much more difficult than making repairs, for example, in a standard apartment. And yet, the efforts spent will be more than rewarded by the beauty that will delight you every day.

By far the easiest way to create a beautiful yard is to hire a professional landscape designer. However, this service is not cheap, and there are no guarantees that a stranger will correctly understand your preferences and create your dream plot.

Considering the abundance of information on this topic in the public domain, you can plan and create a piece of paradise in your yard yourself. You can see how to arrange a plot near a private house in the photo in our photo gallery.

Such a landscaped yard will become not only a beautiful area near the house, but also a favorite place for meeting with friends, for gatherings with family, and for relaxing in the lap of nature.

Preliminary preparation

Landscaping the courtyard of a private house is a very complex and responsible undertaking, so when starting this on your own, you should carry out a whole series of preparatory work, including theoretical training.

Every owner understands that landscape design near the house has two main goals:

  • make the local area as comfortable and practical as possible;
  • improve the area, give it shine and emphasize its beauty.

In order for both of these tasks to be successfully completed, in your work you need to take into account many factors that affect the overall result. So, where to start and what must be taken into account?

Building codes

Over many years of construction country houses and the development of the territory around them, certain standards have been developed that make it possible to properly organize the work and avoid errors in planning.

Basic building regulations relate to maintaining the distance between objects:

  • a residential building is at least 3 m behind a regular road and 6 m behind a highway;
  • residential buildings and utility buildings should be located no closer than 7 m from each other;
  • the dog's enclosure is located 4 m from the house;
  • outdoor toilet, compost pit and even the well must be placed at a distance of 15 m from the main buildings;
  • the distance from the fence to the nearest building is 1-1.5 m, but large trees and shrubs should be planted no closer than 1-3 m from the border of the territory.

Strict rules also apply to the laying of all communications. The depth of the ditches, the distance from buildings, as well as cables from each other, the possibility of planting certain plants near communications - all this must be taken into account before the actual arrangement of the site. It is necessary to connect light to the gazebo, lay water to the pool or organize drainage from it safely.

Thanks to compliance with these standards, in the future it will be pleasant to enjoy beauty and peace, and spend time comfortably renovation work, drive up to the house and move around the territory, in general, it will be comfortable to live.

Individual characteristics and preferences

At independent work on the design of the site of a private house, you will be able to fully realize all your dreams, make the surrounding area unique and inimitable.

It is important to take into account not only your personal preferences, but also listen to the wishes of all household members. Agree, a house where children live cannot but have a playground, and avid lovers of gatherings around the fire cannot do without a gazebo and barbecue. Professional design of the courtyard of a private house and photos of modern courtyards confirm this.

Lifestyle, family composition, presence or absence of pets - all this significantly influences the design of a personal plot. And if you take into account all the nuances at the planning stage, you won’t have to rebuild, redo or regret in the future.

Climatic features of the region

Having formed a general idea of ​​what exactly will be placed on the site, where and how the main objects will be located and, having chosen your favorite plants, be sure to take into account the climate.

The landscape design of the courtyard of a private house in the photos that you will find on our website proves that outdoor outdoor pools, for example, or huge fountains are difficult to design where winter lasts 9 months a year. A closed, windproof gazebo with a huge stove would be completely out of place somewhere in the tropics.

Of course, the plants that you can plant in your dream garden directly depend on weather conditions.

Thus, the weather and temperature background throughout the year largely determine not only the flora on your site, but also dictate the possibility and features of the placement of certain objects.


Many are sure that good plot- This is a flat area. Therefore, owners often try, at the cost of incredible effort and financial costs, to cut off all the elevations and fill in all the depressions at all costs. And yet, it is most advisable to think through the landscape design of the yard, taking into account the features of the relief.

If the area near your house is initially more or less flat, you can do anything on it: lay out a garden, plant a lawn, build a gazebo or dig a pool.

An uneven plot allows you to equip different functional areas in different planes, dividing them with decorative steps or terraces. An alpine slide would look appropriate on a hilly area, and depressions are perfect for arranging a pond. Huge differences in heights also open up space for creativity - the vertical layout is fraught with a lot of surprises.

So, the whole yard will sparkle, acquire complexity and uniqueness. It will be your individual creation that no one can reproduce.

Combination with buildings and structures

Very often, planning a yard landscape comes at a time when the main buildings (including a residential building) have already been built. In this regard, it is important to think through the design in such a way that the house fits organically into the environment, does not stand out from the overall composition and is compatible in style with the surrounding area.

Given the scale, the cottage will play a dominant role on the entire site, so all other elements should emphasize its advantages. At the same time, outbuildings can be hidden behind greenery.

Proper consideration of all the features of the site, construction norms and rules, laying communications, as well as your own taste will help create a picture on the site that will delight you and your loved ones for many years.


From general ideas and reasoning, it’s time to move on to more specific planning of your own site.

Admiring the beautiful landscapes of private houses in the photo, many owners strive to embody everything they saw. But you need to be able to control yourself and, with all the variety, choose exactly what is really necessary and appropriate in each specific case.

At the planning stage, it is necessary not only to draw a scaled sketch of the site and all the objects available on it, but also to place there those that will appear in the future. There are a number of “mandatory” attributes of any country farm (not counting a residential building):

  • garden house(for inventory);
  • garage and parking space;
  • terrace or courtyard;
  • gazebo for relaxation (with fireplace);
  • paths;
  • street lighting;
  • green spaces;
  • decorative elements.

Among the frequently encountered objects in suburban areas are:

  • bath;
  • dog enclosure;
  • children's playground;
  • pool, pond or fountain, etc.

All this needs to be placed correctly so that the yard is not only beautiful, but also functional. Only after sketches and drawings on paper (or in special programs where the design of private plots of private houses looks like in the photo), when the layout is optimal, can you begin marking the area.


Even at the planning stage, the owners determine the functional load that their site will subsequently bear. In accordance with this, the entire yard is divided into certain zones.

Among the main zones that are found in almost everyone suburban area, the following can be distinguished:

  • entrance (front door);
  • household;
  • gardening;
  • recreation area (quiet or active);
  • children's area (if there are children).

If the territory is small, then often functional zones are combined and not separated from each other. The main emphasis in this case is on the design of the recreation area in a private house.

When the size of the plot allows, it is convenient to isolate each of the designated areas so that when sunbathing, for example, by a pond, you do not have to breathe in the exhaust fumes of an approaching car.

To delimit each element of the site, the following methods are used:

  • green spaces (hedges);
  • decorative fences;
  • paths;
  • arches, pergolas;
  • trellises, screens, screens, etc.

When planning the location of each zone, it is important to take into account how they will look from above, for example, from a balcony or from the windows of the second floor of the house. Look at the courtyard projects of private houses, photos that we have selected for you, and you will understand that admiring the parking lot from the bedroom is not very romantic, but children's playgrounds, on the contrary, should be in sight.

Style selection

The landscape design of the courtyard of a private house looks solid and complete only when it is maintained in general style with a house and other permanent buildings.

There are a great many styles. However, at the first stage of species gradation there are:

  • regular (classical) style;
  • landscape (natural) style.

A regular park appeared in France during the reign of Louis XIV, so this concept of site design is often called French. It is enough to remember Versailles to understand the main features of the regular style:

  • large area of ​​the site;
  • strict geometry in everything (paths, flower beds, trimming bushes and trees);
  • order and regularity.

It is very difficult to maintain such a park, so usually the regular style is found only in large estates, where its beauty is maintained by a whole team of professionals.

It is quite natural that the landscape design of a private house is often created in a natural (landscape) style. Here, care does not require such colossal efforts and is quite within the capabilities of the owner himself.

Mostly, natural design classified according to the place of origin of a particular design model for the area around the house:

  • English (as close as possible to the natural landscape, characterized by smooth lines, winding paths, cascades, artificial reservoirs);
  • Slavic ( natural materials, an abundance of wood, stone, rural decor, an abundance of perennials and a lack of flower beds with the correct outlines) Even the design of the garden of a private house will be important here;
  • European country (a little more orderly than Slavic, but overall the same “careless”, slightly neglected in appearance);
  • Japanese (restrained, strict, with artificial ponds and the obligatory rock garden, evergreens, mostly low);
  • Mediterranean (ideal for outdoor recreation: patios, gazebos, fountains, shady corners, bright plants in clay pots);
  • Moorish (there is always a small artificial pond in the center, surrounded by lush vegetation) and many others.

The choice of style depends on personal tastes and climatic conditions, but the starting point is always the house, which sets the tone for the entire composition.

Design of platforms and paths

On the plan of a personal plot, not only permanent buildings are indicated, future functional areas are highlighted, but also all objects are connected by a network of paths, paths and paved areas.

For maximum convenience of movement, the tracks are laid along the shortest path. And at the same time, if you want to create something original and unique in your yard, you can make the paths winding, and the areas (for example, under a car or for a patio) uneven and asymmetrical.

Of course, paving paths and areas in the local area depends on the chosen design style of the entire garden.

Judging by the photos of the landscape design of the adjacent areas of private houses, designers often try to choose a more restrained option closer to home, but in thematic corners and various zones they allow themselves to play with the shape and choice of materials.

Today, there are many means for laying paths:

  • concrete tiles;
  • paving stones;
  • cut stone;
  • wood cuts;
  • crushed stone and gravel;
  • decking, etc.

Whatever option you choose for your site, the main thing is to properly plan the road and path network so that you don’t have to subsequently shorten the path along the lawns; and also follow all installation rules so that the paths perform their function for a long time.


Although landscaping the yard of a private house (photo below) does not look so difficult, in fact this is the most problematic stage when designing a yard landscape yourself. And all because serious theoretical preparation is required here (botanical knowledge allows you to choose the right plant depending on their growing conditions, flowering periods, combination with each other, etc.).

And at the same time, looking at the landscape design of the adjacent areas of private houses in the photo in our photo gallery, you just want to create something similar outside your window. We will give basic tips on landscaping your property.


The fundamental element of landscaping the area around the house is the lawn. Areas sown with special cereal herbs, and serve as a background for all other plants, and frame the entire green composition.

Lawns are different.

  • The main type that immediately comes to mind when hearing the word “lawn” is the so-called recreational lawn. This is exactly what the areas around residential cottages are planted with, because they grow well and are able to withstand moderate loads (animals running, children playing, and even a picnic on a blanket);
  • Decorative lawns usually installed in huge parks, where they create an even, dense coating;
  • Blooming lawns (Moorish) are more like not a herbal garden, but a summer meadow, full of all colors;
  • Sports (for tennis courts and football fields).

The process of arranging a lawn and its subsequent care is quite a troublesome task, despite its apparent simplicity. Prepare the soil, sow, water, loosen, sow, mow regularly - these are just the main types of work. To simplify initial stage you can use roll lawn, but it’s unlikely to be possible without the help of professionals.

Modern design The territory of a private house in the photo cannot exist without green lawns, which allow you to fully enjoy the surrounding beauty.

Flower beds

Scrolling through photos of the design of garden plots of private houses on our website, first of all you pay attention to the flowers; it is impossible to imagine a single yard without them. When large plants (trees and shrubs) have already been planted, you can start organizing bright, eye-catching corners.

Flowers and ornamental plants can be planted in different forms:

  • flowerbed (flower garden) correct form, consisting mainly of annuals);
  • mixborder (composition of their perennials of complex shape);
  • border (floral frame of paths);
  • rock garden, rock garden (compositions of stones and mountain plants), etc.


The design of the local area of ​​a private house (photo from our article), in addition to lawns and flower beds, also includes artificial ponds. They enhance the feeling of closeness to nature, and the sound of water relaxes and soothes.

Mainly on personal plots You can find the following types of reservoirs:

  • pond;
  • Creek;
  • waterfall;
  • fountain;
  • pool.

Artificial ponds are created not for swimming, but for admiring nature. There you can plant special aquatic plants and raise fish.

A stream can be either an independent element of the water structure of a garden or complement, for example, a pond. Here the water must be running and not stagnate. That is why pumps and pipes are required to equip a stream.

Waterfalls and fountains are also often additional objects and require significant effort and expense for their arrangement.

But the outdoor pool is a real luxury. After all, it needs to be carefully thought out and built correctly, so that later you can enjoy the coolness of water on a hot day.

The murmur of water, light refreshing splashes and the mirror-like surface of the reservoir are the world's best antidepressant, relieve stress and allow you to relax. The design of the site of a private house with ponds looks peaceful even in the photo. Therefore, the reservoir in the recreation area - best solution for owners of personal plots.


Today, lighting the courtyard of a private house can be divided into two categories:

  1. functional light (i.e. one that allows you to move around the site safely and comfortably in the dark);
  2. decorative light (designed to highlight the most interesting areas and objects on the territory and allow everyone to enjoy this aesthetic view).

Lighting is mandatory:

  • to the entrance porch of the house,
  • to the car parking lot,
  • outbuildings.

The second stage of lighting is aesthetic light. sculptures, big trees, the original flower beds will sparkle with new shades at night in the rays of the spotlights, and the pond and pool will be enchanting with the reflections of the lanterns on the water surface.

You need to think through the location of all lighting fixtures even before landscaping work, because every lantern and lamp requires wiring. Fortunately, there are now many lamps available solar powered, which greatly facilitate the work.


The finishing touch to creating a dream garden are decorative elements that not only emphasize the stylistic design of the local area, but also add variety to the surrounding picture. Best options You will find the decor of the courtyard of a private house in the photo on our website.

Decor includes small architectural forms (arches, fountains, sculptures, garden furniture). With their help, they delimit functional zones on the site, create dynamics and add the necessary accents.

Small decorative elements (such as figurines of animals and fairy-tale characters) give the yard a touching and unique charm. Only here you need to know when to stop so as not to turn your site into a children's playground.

In modern landscape design, the combination of decorative and utilitarian functions is warmly welcomed. For example, a waste box decorated with trellises, decorated flower arrangements a hatch or a cheerful and unusual bird feeder, in addition to its original purpose, will also serve as a decoration for your garden. This design near the house photo can be found in our gallery.