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How to create a cozy interior. We create comfort in the house with our own hands: photo gallery and tips for arranging

Many people have noticed that in some houses there is a certain comfortable atmosphere, while in others there is no such feeling. What's the matter? Why sometimes a perfect and expensive renovation does not bring the desired satisfaction, and the house does not become a nice and family place? All answers are hidden behind the familiar word "comfort". This elusive feeling is different for everyone, but still absolutely all people know that it is more pleasant and healthier to live in cozy houses. But is there any “comfort formula” that allows you to transform a room, fill it with warmth with the help of several actions? Unfortunately, there are no such methods. Even the most professional interior designer and talented space consultant can't make your home cozy for you. The personality of the owner of the house, his goals and preferences, hobbies and habits of all residents - all these things fill the house with comfort, make it unique.

The most beautiful typical interior does not contain original decor elements, does not reflect inner world tenants. But an excessive focus on home owners will not lead to the desired result. Do you want to be comfortable? Take care of comfort, cleanliness and harmony.

Where to begin?

Experts recommend trying to look at the interior with “different eyes”. You can consult with close friends who are visiting you. They pay attention to those details that you are already used to. Such a clear look will allow you to see all the shortcomings and shortcomings of the interior.

But the main work is to put things in order. Comfort is not combined with a thick layer of dust on the shelves, a dirty sink and bathtub, cobwebs in the corners. spring-cleaning Of course, it takes time and effort. But it needs to be done. Moreover, it is carried out whole line activities, which includes not only the usual wet cleaning, but also washing windows, washing curtains and curtains, shaking out and cleaning rugs. Do not forget to pay attention to all cabinets: sort things out and put them in the right order, sort out the contents of all drawers and shelves. Cabinets in the bathroom and kitchen should also be carefully inspected. Give up everything superfluous, try to organize the space so that all the necessary things are “at hand”.

Experts recommend constantly maintaining order in the house, and not “cleaning up” it once a week. So you can spend much less time and effort on cleaning. It is best to involve the whole family in this necessary but time-consuming process. If your children fold things or vacuum to help you, they will soon learn not to scatter toys or litter. The realization that they themselves are increasing the volume of their own boring work will force them to keep order in the house.

We create a "cozy" mood

The right atmosphere is created with the help of many factors, one of them is aromas. If there are some irritants in the house, then you can forget about coziness and comfort. Bad smell usually associated with garbage, so it must be taken out every day. It is also worth considering not only the neutralization of unpleasant odors, but also the spread of odors loved by the owners of the house. To do this, you can use both artificial flavors that spray the selected concentrate, as well as simpler and more natural methods. aromatic oil when heated, it exudes a delicate and pleasant aroma that will fill your home. You can also use special incense. But not everyone likes such specific smells. One of the easiest ways to create coziness with scents is sachets in small bowls. You can either purchase a ready-made kit or make your own. To do this, you will need dried orange, tangerine and lemon slices, cinnamon sticks, a little cloves and vanilla. Combine all the elements in a container of a suitable size and leave it in the room, after a while you will feel a subtle and pleasant aroma.

But in addition to the presence of pleasant smells, a person also needs constant inflow oxygen. Only fresh air will allow you to relax and unwind normally. That is why cozy house requires regular ventilation. Even in winter, you need to periodically open the windows for at least a few minutes.

Don't Forget the Plants

The presence of living plants in the house will not only enrich your small ecosystem with oxygen, but also create a pleasant and comfortable atmosphere of closeness to nature. Do not forget to water them regularly, fertilize the soil and monitor the condition of the plants. In this case, they will repay you with their healthy appearance and rapid growth.

Owners country houses, unlike the residents of apartments, they can enjoy the beauty and tranquility of real plants at any time by going out into the yard. But all this splendor needs to be looked after. Otherwise, your house will be surrounded by an impenetrable thicket of weeds. And such a landscape does not contribute to the appearance of comfort. If only ornamental plants grow in the yard, then you need to follow them: fertilize, cut, give desired shape. will provide comfort in a country house, because here you can buy everything you need garden equipment, all the most important tools and even spare parts for them.

Attention to detail

An obligatory element of any “lived-in house” is the personal belongings of the owners. They allow to achieve this elusive feeling of warmth and comfort. Photos of family members hanging on the walls or standing on a chest of drawers and bedside table will help to immediately introduce guests to the traditions of this house. Charming figurines and souvenirs brought from distant countries will tell a lot about the residents of the house. Even a refrigerator decorated with magnets of different shapes and colors will create the desired effect.

And you can fix this feeling with the help of accessories made by yourself. These can be children's drawings, crafts from natural materials, vacation photos. The main purpose of this decor is to remind the owners of the happiest moments in their lives.

A cozy and stylish apartment is everyone's dream. A place where it is pleasant to come back, relax from the daily hustle and bustle, hold noisy parties and romantic dinners. A place that fully reflects the essence and character of its owner. Create at first glance perfect interior very difficult on your own. original and simple ideas for comfort with your own hands.


The constant companions of comfort and harmony are cleanliness and tidiness. Even the most expensive repairs and fashionable interiors will not tolerate accumulations of dust, debris or messy things scattered around.

  • Cleanliness in the house must be regularly maintained. First of all, get rid of unnecessary and unused things. What has not been used for a year is unlikely to be needed at all. In the vacated space, you can remove regular household items.

  • Lay out clothes after washing and ironing, so that it is convenient to take. Order and neatness in the closet will help not to waste time looking for desired item wardrobe. An ordered closet speaks of the organization and composure of its owner.
  • Many modern housewives do not have enough time for daily cleaning, planning will come to the rescue here. Make a conditional schedule of household chores. For example, Monday is ironing things, Tuesday is washing floors, Wednesday is cleaning the stove in the kitchen, etc. Keeping a schedule will not take much time and effort after work, and your apartment will be constantly clean and well-groomed.
  • It should be clean everywhere, even in places hidden from prying eyes. When you start cleaning, be sure to finish the job: dust in the corners and cobwebs on the ceiling do not add to the attractiveness.

Magic scent at home

Smells accompany us everywhere and because of how pleasant they are to our sense of smell, the impression of the apartment and their owner also depends. Unpleasant and pungent odors will instantly spoil the impression of a perfectly thought-out interior.

The source of an unpleasant odor can be garbage or spoiled food in the kitchen. Regularly monitor the condition of the food in the refrigerator and take out the trash daily.

Special fragrances and essential oils will help to give your home a pleasant aroma. In addition to spreading incense, original containers will create cozy interior details. For example, an aroma lamp with a selected essential oil fill the house with a unique atmosphere.

As a budget alternative to expensive incense, there is a great idea - bowls with sachets. Anyone can make their own. Suitable dried slices of orange, lemon, grapefruit. Citrus fruits have an attractive appearance and retain their fragrance for a long time.

You can diversify the color and aromatic range with a cinnamon stick, cloves or vanilla. Having placed bowls with sachets around the house, very soon you will feel a subtle and elegant aroma in all rooms.

In addition to pleasant smells, cool and fresh indoor air is very important. Regular ventilation, even in winter, will ensure a good mood and allow you to fully relax.

Islands of wildlife in a city apartment

A special detail of a cozy interior is living plants. They enrich the room with oxygen, give a feeling of unity with nature and home peace. Each plant needs permanent care Don't forget to water them and fertilize the soil. The presence of blooming and breathing life indoor plants speaks of the regular care and care of the owners for their home.

Flower pots matched to color scheme interior - cozy details emphasizing the style and originality of the room. You can dilute the monochrome interior and place accents using bright flower pots.

If your plants are planted in monotonous and plain containers, then you can decorate them yourself. Use colored textiles different texture, burlap or other decor, and the window sill will sparkle with new colors. The main thing is that you get an original and exclusive piece of furniture that will always cheer you up.

For large living rooms and dining rooms, it would be appropriate to put flowerpots with large plants. A large-scale room will receive a lively atmosphere and homely tranquility.

In the office, flowers stimulate mental activity and increase working capacity. Certain varieties of plants are categorically not suitable for the bedroom, they absorb oxygen and suppress energy. Therefore, when choosing flowers, carefully study their features.

Original and classic, large and small, indoor plants are cozy interior details with a twist and personality.

Diverse and charismatic textiles

Textiles can be both the basis of the interior and stylish accessory. With its help, the room is transformed and "blooms". A calm atmosphere turns into a festive one, and a brightly colored room becomes moderate and harmonious.

A huge advantage of textiles is that it is easy to replace, wash and maintain in perfect condition. Creative housewives can create several sets in different styles and colors and change them depending on the mood, season or arrival of guests.

Cozy Ideas for home, the interior is always different and original:

  • Spring is a riot of colors, greenery, floral and floral ornaments.
  • Summer is the time of the warm sun, gentle sea, fresh berries and fruits.
  • Autumn will bring a heap of yellow and red leaves and harvest.
  • Winter will cover with a layer of snow, spin in a round dance of snowflakes and New Year holidays.

By choosing curtains, chair covers and furniture covers, napkins and potholders for the kitchen in one of these options, you will provide a great mood for yourself and your guests.

Pillow - a comfort item and a good decoration

Pillow- a very functional and organic piece of decor. It is quite mobile, its appearance is easy to change and of course the pillow increases the level of comfort and coziness in any room.

Even a skeptic and a conservative can be persuaded by bright prints and original patterns on decorative pillows.

Decor on the sofa

Chaotically scattered look homely cute and very stylish. But here it is important not to forget about the combination of colors and textures. At the same time, you can use pillows in the same color scheme with the upholstery of the sofa and contrasting models with patterns and patterns.

The number and size of pillows depends on the dimensions of the furniture. The main thing is that the atmosphere should look harmonious and at ease.

On the bed

We are talking about pillows not for sleeping, namely as a decor. The bed, neatly covered with a bedspread with large pillows placed at the head, looks very attractive. The design of pillows can be both calm and unusual and original.

Chair decoration

Cushions tailored to the size of the chairs or armchairs will add comfort and individuality to the furniture. They are attached to the back and seat using specially sewn tapes or Velcro. Basically, the design of the pillows corresponds to other elements of decorative textiles (spread on the sofa).

Large pillow - piece of furniture

Very friendly and comfortable interiors V oriental style suggest the presence of large pillows-poufs. They are located at the coffee table or by the window. Comfortably seated on such a piece of furniture, you can immerse yourself in your own thoughts alone or have a leisurely conversation in a pleasant company.

The material for pouffe pillows is selected not easily soiled, wear-resistant and easy to clean.

Feng Shui Cozy Interior Ideas

About philosophy Feng Shui everyone heard. Many consider it a direct call to action, some are skeptical, but most feng shui rules have rational grain. In any case, knowing the most popular of them will not hurt even confident skeptics.

Basic Principles of Feng Shui

For each room, Eastern philosophy dictates certain rules for the layout of furniture, decor, indoor plants and basic color schemes.

But there are principles that are the same for the whole house:

  • purity;
  • each item should have its own place;
  • absence of foreign objects;
  • serviceability and integrity of all objects and devices;
  • sufficient natural or artificial lighting.

Adhering to any of these principles is not so difficult - the main thing is the attitude and desire.

Set a goal to keep order:

  • return all items to their place of storage;
  • throw away broken dishes and faulty household appliances;
  • replace burnt out light bulbs in chandeliers and lamps;
  • an abundance of light in any room will only add a good mood and positive emotions. IN last resort, heavy and dense curtains will help to hide from the scorching sun.

Feng Shui believes that certain items carry positive or negative energy, and therefore benefit or harm your family.

It is believed that curly flowers attract problems and illnesses to the house. But if you already have beautiful flower of this kind, do not rush to throw it away. Decorate the plant in the form of a ball with metal frame- it's beautiful and safe.

Another plant with negative energy is dried reeds or feather grass. Here, Feng Shui is completely categorical - a sign of illness and other troubles. Spruce branches are appropriate only during the New Year holidays.

Plants that attract good luck and prosperity- This is begonia, juniper tree, dried flowers and herbs.

With a little imagination and originality, your home will turn into a model of coziness and comfort.

Here are proven methods modern ideas interior design, which will tell you how to make the room cozy and comfortable. We present to your attention a collection of photos of functional, family, beautiful and fashionable design projects and decorating tips that will help you add coziness and charm to your room with your own hands and without repair.

How to make a room cozy with your own hands - photo

Elements embodying coziness and comfort help to make the “correct” interior warm and homely. You are well acquainted with them, but in order for these details to “work” for comfort, and not create a mess in the house, they must be used correctly.

Randomly scattered anywhere, not coordinated in color with other elements of the interior, pillows will not decorate, but will mess up your home. Beautiful but too solid pillows will cause you and the guests one desire - to remove them when you sit down to rest, therefore:

  • Choose soft voluminous pillows: down, synthetic winterizer, holofiber. The most environmentally friendly filler options are bamboo fiber and buckwheat husks.
  • Pillows can be laid out not only on the sofa, but also on armchairs, on the floor.
  • The color of the pillows should be repeated in other things that are in the room (curtains, carpet, wallpaper, lamps, flower pots, etc.).

Depending on the season, pillows (or covers for them) can be changed in autumn and winter, use knitted and woolen warm soothing shades, in spring and summer - silk and cotton, rich saturated colors.

How to make a cozy and beautiful small room

Functional layout and comfortable furniture placement are essential to create coziness, especially in small rooms. Modern modular shelving, horizontal and vertical shelves, sofas, chairs and coffee tables can visually enlarge small spaces.

Soft fabrics, soothing and elegant patterns, stylish fabrics and embellishment accessories self made with embroidery or appliqués, crochet and knitwear bring coziness to the design Not big room and create a stylish yet relaxing and peaceful atmosphere.

A plaid as a decorative element is very “movable”: it can travel from room to room on your shoulders, “move” from a sofa to an armchair, from an armchair to a bed, and from there to the floor. But, wherever the blanket is located, it will add comfort to the room.

The most comfortable blankets are cashmere, woolen with the addition of artificial fibers (in this case, the product does not prick), cotton, knitted (especially large knit), and also having a Scottish cage color.

If you are not using the blanket at the moment, do not remove it, but carefully fold it and throw it on the arm of the sofa or the back of the chair: the mere presence of this element will warm the room.

Checkered and colorful blankets look good against the background of furniture and other interior items of calm solid colors.

How to make your dorm room cozier

If you are for the comfort of a dorm room, choose upholstered furniture with textile upholstery, and decorate the windows with fabric curtains.

Excellent creators of comfort - tablecloths, bedspreads, handmade textile elements. They will soften and “domesticate” even the most austere interior.

Curtains and other textile elements can both transform a room and ruin its appearance, so take your choice of colors and textures seriously.

Avoid excessive variegation: the checkered upholstery of the chair, the colorful bedspread on the sofa and the floral curtains will “swear” among themselves.

Bright and colorful elements look good against the background of plain wallpaper and furniture (especially pastel shades).

Set the table with two or three tablecloths of different lengths, peeking out from under the other, and the room in the "dorm" will become more comfortable.

How to make a cozy children's room

To make a child's room cozy, look for white, airy decor with bright details to add warmth and color.

Children's toys and interior decoration accessories create a beautiful and cozy interior rooms for children.

Creamy white and light yellow shades of natural wood and dark gray or brown colors very attractive and beautiful.

Decorative fabrics, wallpaper or vinyl wall stickers, wall art ideas and furniture enhance the style of the interior, and the design of the children's room looks nice, cozy and relaxing.

Convenient storage containers, baskets and shelves made of natural materials can help organize the decor and keep the child's bedroom clean and tidy.

How to create a cozy interior of a large room

A wicker basket is a rather rough element, but it creates a special atmosphere in any room, whether it is a kitchen, an entrance hall, a nursery, a bedroom, a living room or a bathroom. With the help of baskets, a city apartment is easy to add charm country house. Besides, this extra bed to store all sorts of things.

Baskets can be either freestanding, independent interior items, or placed on shelves, in niches of racks, acting as drawers.

It’s good if there are other wicker items (vases, armchair, etc.) “in support” of the baskets in the interior of a large room.

Put colorful balls of yarn in a wicker basket and you will get a beautiful and cozy decor item for your living room or bedroom.

Baskets are made both from natural materials - rattan, vines, bamboo, sea grass, and from artificial ones, which naturally affects the cost.

In our age of information technology, the Internet and gadgets (including for reading), paper books are still in demand. Reading people carefully dust off the tattered spines of old copies bought by their grandmother; books replenish the home library with pleasure. After all, books are not only a source of interesting and useful information, but also a wonderful piece of cozy interior!

Compare two shelves, one of which contains vases and figurines, and the other - books. Which of them "breathes" with life? Of course, the second one! You just want to come up, run your hands along the spines, choosing readings to your liking, and then sit in your favorite chair with a book and a cup of aromatic tea... A classic picture of a cozy evening!

Do not try to place books strictly vertically, "by height". Coziness creates just a little mess, so some books can be placed, some can be placed nearby.

A spectacular technique is the distribution of books in groups by color: in green covers - on one shelf, in red - on another, etc.

Of course, books should not be just decorative elements - they should "live", that is, be read. They will create in the house warm atmosphere if the owners will use them for their own pleasure!

equipping new house or starting repairs in an already lived-in apartment, the owners often make one mistake: they try to create the “correct”, ideal interior, similar to an exhibition design sample. But, striving for impeccability, we lose the main thing - warmth and comfort, the feeling of "home". An interior with an excess of gloss is like a decoration for a photo shoot, but not a place for a comfortable life and relaxation. Use these tips on how to make a room cozier and create a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere in your home.

A modest area of ​​​​living space in a modern city has long become the norm. with minimal opportunities for organizing everyday life cause a lot of problems. Some of them are due to the structural characteristics of the layout, which in most cases cannot be changed. But there are other nuances of space optimization that affect the aesthetic perception of the apartment and its functionality. According to interior design experts, a cozy apartment may well be small. The main thing is to correctly approach the organization of the situation and its design. There are many techniques for working with small areas, which allow not only to emphasize the advantages of such apartments, but also to hide obvious shortcomings.

Space zoning

A review of the condition of the apartment and its furnishings with furniture should begin with a division into functional areas. This is necessary for the rational organization of free space in the rooms. Different means can be used to delimit zones. Glass partitions are usually used. At the same time, you should not strive to achieve clear boundaries. For example, a cozy apartment, the photo of which is presented below, shows an example with smooth transition one zone to another.

A partition in the form of a fabric screen can also be a good solution. This method of zoning is suitable for separating specific functional areas. For example, a screen can hide a large closet or wardrobe, as well as equip it with a place to relax. If the question is how to make an apartment cozy for a child, then it is advisable to use a light fabric with interesting patterns for the partition. Such a screen diversifies the decorative content of the situation and brings original accents.

Finishing to create a cozy space

In the main decoration, on the contrary, it is important to maintain a balance of neutral tones and contrast. Obviously, rich and bright colors do not contribute to the feeling of comfort in a cramped environment. That's why best solution when choosing the color of wallpaper or paint, there will be all shades of white, which will also expand the space of a small room. The second part of this design concerns the introduction of contrasts. Bright patterns, colorful elements in the form of decors - if you place color accents correctly, you will get a very cozy apartment with a visual expansion of space. In addition to the mentioned partition, side walls, shelving and window sills can be subjected to colorful decoration.

What furniture do you prefer?

The main rule to be guided by in this part is high functionality with small dimensions. Furniture should be practical, easy to use and compact. This will get rid of the main trouble of a small living space - disorder. When deciding how to make an apartment cozy with furniture, you should pay attention to transformer models. Folding sofas, wardrobes, racks and other multifunctional furnishings will help to clean up the apartment and will not take up much space. If funds allow, it is better to purchase models with original inserts, glass elements and unusual texture. In this design, the furniture will certainly make a direct contribution to creating a cozy atmosphere.


To a large extent, the atmosphere in the room is determined by the way the light is organized. There can be many options, but in any case, a cozy little apartment should be spared from overhead lighting. The traditional use of one massive chandelier for the whole room is not suitable. It should be replaced with a sconce or table lamp, which can be placed around the perimeter of the room.

Not bad if, when installing several light sources, it will be supplied from several sides. By the way, such a scheme of local lamps allows you to save on electricity. At the same time, it is worth noting the many configurations of lamp systems with which a small cozy apartment is combined. A photo with an example of this approach in organizing lighting is presented below.

Indoor vegetation

There is nothing better to provide a comfortable and cozy environment than living vegetation. Of course, in large rooms there are much more opportunities to implement such an idea, but a small-sized odnushka is quite suitable for accommodating representatives of the flora. The simplest way, which decorates a cozy apartment with the help of plants - this is a cactus on the table. At a minimum, it will create the effect of the presence of a particle of wildlife. For more demanding owners small apartments small-leaved ficus can be recommended. It will not take up much space, but will bring unique shades to the atmosphere of the house. There are other, no less noteworthy varieties of flowers, the choice of which should be made to your taste. The main thing is not to abuse it with bright seasonal plants. The fact is that most of the time they do not bloom and look rather dull, so these options are best avoided.

Accessories and decor elements

Various elements of decoration and interior design, of course, add sophistication and charm to the space, but from the point of view of comfort, it is better to use elements and memorabilia that are directly related to the owners. For example, photographs, boards with notes, author's paintings - thanks to such additions, a cozy apartment will be created with your own hands and without extra costs. Both old doors and a worn area on the wall can become a platform for creativity. Using a minimal set of tools, you can also perform restoration in the form of applying a patina or use another technique for updating a zone that has lost its attractive appearance.

Organization of free space

Comfort in the house largely depends on small parts. Scattered things, untidy household appliances, clutter with currently unnecessary items - all this can nullify the benefits of the efforts that were made to ennoble the space during the repair process. It is important not to forget that a cozy apartment is one when it is pleasant to be in it and use its functional space. It pleases the eye and makes the life of its owners comfortable. That is why it is important to keep order and not ignore the elementary rules of cleaning. However, this applies not only to small apartments. Clutter and clutter in a luxury home also undermines all the efforts of the interior designer.


Owners of small apartments are familiar with the difficulties that life in a limited living space causes. However, the reduced functionality of the premises and tightness do not always contribute to the formation of an unpleasant atmosphere. This may well be a cozy apartment, which has become such thanks to following the basic rules for arranging the premises. At the same time, there is a huge space for the realization of their own ideas. Moreover, the more individual accents, the more pleasant the feeling of housing. An original and personalized environment is an advantage that, for example, distinguishes small studio apartments.

Comfort is defined as the quality of the environment. It's true, but too dry. To create comfort at home means to breathe soul into it. It's vague, but true. After all, no one ever says or writes: to make comfort or to build comfort. Souls are different, and similar souls express themselves materially, in things and objects, they also desire differently, otherwise they would not be souls, but programs. In this article, we will see how to create comfort with soul and for the soul.

At the beginning it was...

… by design. Comfort in the interior is created according to the principle: carefully, perhaps for a long time, we think through everything to the end, and we embody it in things slowly, piece by piece. Comfort is created not only for yourself. If you do everything that was planned at once, the family and guests will have something like a culture shock, and they will never feel really comfortable like this - they will not perceive it as a subcortex.

With reflection within yourself, you need to be even more careful and as concise as possible. Imagine that comfort is developed computer program. There is one thing that creates comfort, it needs another one that is in harmony with the first. The third thing must be entered into the ensemble three times so as not to disturb the interaction of the first two. The fourth must be coordinated already 6 times: it must not only be in harmony with the first 3 separately, but also not destroy the coordination of 3 pairs: 1-2, 1-3 and 2-3. As the material expression of the idea expands, the number of necessary approvals grows so rapidly that no analytical skills and computational tools are enough to bring the idea even to a sketch. Therefore, the comfort in the apartment is considered intuitively, and this takes a lot of time, trial and error, thinking and rethinking. Finally, just the right mood and physical condition: the best ideas for creating comfort come in a dream.

Note: at one time, D. I. Mendeleev found himself in a similar situation. Chemists of the century tried to find some kind of order in the world of chemical elements and completely despaired. Dmitry Ivanovich also racked his brains over this, for a long time and without success. And then suddenly the periodic system of elements, in which a successful schoolboy is now freely oriented, Mendeleev ... just dreamed, it remains only to jump up and write it down.

The comfort of the whole house is also thought out stepwise. They start with the living room or the most significant room, it can even be a kitchen. For an intellectual bachelor, this will most likely be an office, for an artist a studio, and for a woman leading a free lifestyle, it is most natural to start creating general comfort from a boudoir or bedroom. When the comfort in a room, so to speak, of the first rank, is embodied in things and properly appreciated by home or visitors, they begin to think over the next most important room, and so on. In general, there will be enough work for years, but this is a rewarding occupation, and there are few competitors for its beneficial effect on health, psyche and appearance. The results of such an approach, coming out of diligent minds and hands, are simply amazing, see the figure, it doesn’t matter whether a professional or an amateur worked.

Note: in a odnushka or studio apartment, comfort is created gradually by zones, as in a house by rooms.

What not to

IN difficult case Mistakes are hard to avoid, and cozying up is no exception. The first thing to follow when thinking about how to create comfort in a room is not to grind or flicker. And after all, potatoes are bought by weight, and how many potatoes there will be, that’s how it will be.

Here, for example, on the left in Fig. - the most typical, even under glass and in a museum, interior in fashion style shabby chic. Formally, from the point of view of how designers are taught, everything is correct. And the room is not small. But even the owners here need to walk carefully, so as not to catch something and not to fall down. What kind of comfort can be in cramped circumstances? It's like the freedom of a bankrupt. And most importantly - everything clutters up each other. In order for there to be comfort in the house, some idea, a super-task, a connecting rod is needed. In the author's thoughts, something like this, if it existed, was lost in things. Do not forget: comfort is a material expression of the movements of the soul, and things have their own properties and things require appropriate treatment with them.

The example in the center in Fig. - a case when there was no single basis for the interior in my thoughts. A living illustration of the saying: they wanted the best, but it turned out as always. They wanted comfort - it turned out a bunch of trash. The example on the right in Fig. - the approach was the opposite, too purposeful and tied to one subject, fixated on it. Specifically, on the coffee table. The table is excellent, but it clearly does not fit into this interior. And just something - because of too light varnishing and inclined legs. And everything else is correct (see below): light, a contrasting spot, knick-knacks, pillows, elements of chaos, even a wicker pouffe.

How to

But what and how should you do to create comfort with your own hands? An inveterate idealist will not deny that the soul needs not only a material container, but also a material basis for existence outside of it. So comfort is created primarily on the basis of weighty, rough, visible primary material factors, and only then the decor is thought out and embodied in things that directly create comfort; this, so to speak, is materialism of the highest order.


The primary foundations of comfort are simple:

  • natural light.
  • Fresh air.
  • Hygiene.

Why is clear. If the house is damp, stuffy, cold or hot, dusty to the point of sneezing, then no cute little things will create a comfortable living environment. Ideas for creating coziness are appropriate after proper physical comfort has been achieved and is consistently maintained, including regular cleaning and maintenance of furniture. And also for cute little things, remember this, thinking about their number and figuring out the properties.

Natural light is especially important, it kills germs. Pathogenic bacteria in the dark survive an average of 1.6 hours; on scattered sunlight 15 minutes, and on a straight line, for the most part, they die instantly. The average, again, for many types of diseases, the time of infection is 35 minutes. No explanation required.

Temperature and humidity are of particular importance. The atmosphere of comfort is not a metaphor: excessively dry or parky air in the house exacerbates the effect of all other harmful factors on people and simply spoils things that create comfort. It is quite simple to increase the humidity of the air, for example, by trays with water on radiators. But reducing it is much more difficult. If the dampness is small and occurs periodically, you need to introduce more wooden things into the interior (MDF is also good) and / or clad the walls with at least partially soft natural stone: limestone, dolomite, sandstone, shale. All these materials will act as accumulators of water vapor, absorbing their excess and releasing it when there is a lack of moisture in the air. If the house is very damp, then complex and expensive technical measures may be required: drainage of the site, a warm basement, supply and exhaust ventilation.

Note: there are an order of magnitude fewer problems with air humidity in houses with furnace heating and fireplaces. Consider this, especially since the fireplace itself is a powerful means of creating comfort.


The basis of the interior decor, the very core on which the comfort of home rests, is the style of decorating the room. Most interior styles are animated without problems, but there are also difficult ones: if the designer or you yourself initially missed, it will not be easy to breathe soul into them with material additives.

The first of these are shabby chic, Provence, haberdashery and Russian bourgeois styles. They express the commitment of the owners to a simple ordinary life without any uplifting there. The daily routine is boring and it is impossible to cope with boredom with feigned gaiety or a far-fetched hobby. However, creating a feeling of coziness in an “earthly” style interior is really simple: an open bookcase or a shelving unit, several works of subject art, semantic photographs or paintings - and that’s it, there is comfort, poses. 1 in fig. Yes, I (we, mine, mine) like it that way, but we are not that ordinary.

Just do not overdo it either quantitatively or qualitatively, especially with books: with "petty" styles it is easy to get into flickering, and monumentality spoils them. For example, an encyclopedia and The World History in dark calico bindings should be kept in a library or a closed cabinet. "Library of World Literature" in light dust jackets, but 190 volumes in this case is too much. "Animal Life" and "Plant Life" in light bright dust jackets, there are few volumes here and there, but these are special monographs. But 5 volumes of Vasari's "Biographies" in solid light covers with patterns will only add respect to the owners: anyone can read them, plus interesting illustrations.

It is more difficult to create coziness in an Art Deco interior: this style is designed to emphasize the ambitions of the owners. You can assert your reputation not in a snobbish way and without puffing up with arrogance in a boyar way with objects that create comfort and cause admiration in themselves: an expensive fireplace (pos. 2), a round sculpture, antiques. It’s easier if Art Deco is of a “closed” variety: they say, this is my cave, otherwise I’m a normal guy. In such an interior, comfort is created quite simply by the usual methods (see below): contrasting spots (a colored panel and a light sofa in pos. 3), elements of controlled disorder (a zebra rug in the same place).

High-tech style is also difficult to animate: it expresses the desire for a Spartan lifestyle and disdain for all sorts of trinkets. The usual, “normal” high-tech will revive one fairly tall, but slender, not sprawling and not dense indoor tree (pos. 4). In a “good”, plain-light, hi-tech, the main plant can be thicker and more magnificent, and in addition to it, 1-2 more; the element of chaos below is not forbidden, for example. rug contrasting with the overall tone irregular shape(pos. 5). But one, and only one, animating plant in the "evil" high-tech, with glossy sparkling planes and colored illumination (pos. 6) should be selected by an experienced designer at the interior design stage. However, for those who can afford the evil high-tech, and with the payment of the designer high class there are no problems.

Note: see below for more on using plants to create coziness.

General color

A good way to achieve comfort simply and inexpensively is to completely abandon the design style as such, but organize the interior according to the rules of general color. There are many different ones; it will be easier for the amateur to begin with the seasons. For example, in middle lane and to the south, the autumn interior will be pleasant, on the left in fig. Autumn time- eye charm, a time of abundance and preparation for winter holidays. The highlight here is not only in the general range, but also in the pillows (see also below): on the sofa they imitate dense leaf fall, and those in the chairs - small fallen leaves on the ground. There is an original contrast.

Interiors "Seasons"

The spring interior (in the center) will please the eye and pacify in places to the north. Green curtains, suddenly for some reason will be out of place, you can push them apart. But the “summer” interior (on the right) will create comfort in housing beyond the Arctic Circle: in it, with round-the-clock artificial lighting, it is also appropriate to look artificial trees. The principle of construction: everything is in moderately bright warm colors, on which the green crowns of trees stand out.

Ideas and things

Ways of the material embodiment of the ideas of creating comfort include not only things as such, but also other material manifestations of nature and spirituality:

  1. light and color, light and color contrasts;
  2. flame heaters;
  3. functional elements of the interior - everyday items;
  4. furniture;
  5. elements of organized chaos;
  6. intellectual means - information carriers;
  7. trinkets;
  8. living sources of comfort;
  9. antiques and vintage.

At pos. 1 fig. below are almost all of these tools, except for a stove or a fireplace, you can see how they animate a very strict and laconic interior. Heating appliances with a live flame or a rather skillful imitation of it are an extremely effective means of enlivening a room; the first, with a natural flame from burning fuel, also stabilize the microclimate of the house within the optimal limits. But enough has been written about stoves, fireplaces and fireplace stoves in other sources, so this vast fascinating topic, unfortunately, will have to be bypassed here.

Note: pay attention to the clock. Little is written about their role in animating the interior, but the clock is also a very effective and versatile means of creating comfort. In addition, it is incomparably cheaper and relocatable.

Colored and light

At pos. 1, the role of pillows as mobile carriers of color spots is also clearly visible, and a spot is both a color, a contrast, and an element of chaos, without which a living soul can hardly be seen, see below. Pillows are easy and / or inexpensive to sew, they can be shifted as you like, replaced with new ones. An embroidered pillow can be with an image, i.e. become already an intellectual expression of the soul, pos. 2. In addition, the pillow can be a carrier of colored spots: in the form of seats and backs of wicker furniture, such a solution is enough to make a cozy and large empty room, pos. 3. The pillow also copes well with the role of an element of disorder (see below), so it is not for nothing that it is considered the most accessible means add coziness and comfort to any interior.

In petty (in a good sense, i.e. detailed) interiors of soft light colors, the role of a spot from a pillow passes to a bouquet of flowers (possibly good artificial ones) and wall panels, pos. 4. But in the interiors of coldish and darkish tones, the role of the main organizer of comfort passes from color spots to light spots. The easiest way to arrange for this is directional local lighting, however, if you can use natural, you can achieve amazing results in depth of positive impact.

Take a look at pos. 5. A 10-minute contemplation at sunset, after a day's troubles and fuss, of a light spot slowly creeping across the sofa is equivalent in terms of the mentally cleansing effect of a 2-hour meditation according to the yoga system or 40-minute relaxation using auto-training methods. The secret here is in the interaction of colors with light: the walls are monochrome, cold tones. Sofa - lighter, warmer in tone, motley. Pillows on it are even lighter and warmer again in plain colors. This is the so-called. contrast flow rule. In full force it operates under illumination from a slowly moving source.

A spot of light can be tricky too. You see that in pos. 6? Blinding glare of polarized light literally kills comfort. And all that was needed was to put a matte laminate or cover the flooring with a matte varnish. And it would be more comfortable to walk, not so slippery. It's actually harder to clean up.

Things you need on your own

Functional, i.e. necessary regardless of comfort, interior items are most often used to create color contrast as such. Contrast is both a stain and an element of chaos. Floor and wall lamps, in addition, give light spots. Indeed, immovable.


Furniture brings a room to life with its shape, color and texture. The latter, in turn, is determined by upholstery textiles. The role of fabrics in creating coziness is well known, and we will linger a little on wooden furniture cases.

Wicker furniture is the focus of orderly chaos and. accordingly, inhales the soul into the room with a powerful stream. Depending on the type of weaving wicker furniture fits into any interior, see fig., but it is expensive. Viennese furniture from bent wood more accessible, but does not fit everywhere and "breathes with the soul" is weaker.

IN Lately furniture made of rods bent in layers appeared on sale (bottom right in the figure). It is just as soulful and fit everywhere as wicker. On sale, such furniture is not cheaper than wickerwork, but home craftsmen should keep in mind: furniture made from rods bent in layers turns out to be beautiful and strong, being made not only from expensive walnut or rattan, but also from calibrated willow or alder rods.

Came to chaos

One fairly well-known interior designer, having drunk in his circle, put it this way: “Comfort is a piece of landfill in the barracks.” The fact is that absolute order is tantamount to complete chaos. Both have nowhere to develop further, and the lack of the possibility of movement is death, soullessness. Therefore, an element of organized disorder - universal remedy creating comfort in any interior.

Note: organized disorder means deliberately arranged, clean and easily eliminated.

The simplest ways to bring a piece of chaos into the interior are shown in pos. Figures 1-3: Scattered pillows, a colorful warm-colored bedspread on a blue armchair, a black leather rug and an umbrella on the door handle in white rooms. Often the element of chaos is distinguished not only by form, but also by color: a color spot, contrast and form as a particle of chaos complement each other and harmonize with each other.

A kind of controlled chaos is separating dissonance. In this way, even a corner can be turned into a cozy one. rented apartment. The dissonant surface should then be larger (for example, a screen) and, highly desirable, artistically designed, i.e. semantic, informative. The separating dissonance needs a spot of light (pos. 5): remember Hemingway's story "A bright cozy place"?

The whole interior design can be built on apparently chaotic dissonances. This is the so-called. boho style; some consider it not a style, but a way. The essence of boho is in dissonant couples that neutralize their negativity so that comfort remains, just as poisonous chlorine and sodium give useful table salt. At pos. 6, at least 7 such pairs can be distinguished both in color and in shape. Let's give you a hint: leopard-print upholstery and a pillow against gray-bluish walls. A colorful carpet against a lesbian pink sofa. The armchair is either Empire or Baroque - against the classic rack. A soft sofa with rounded corners - against a hard glass table. For the rest, if you want, exercise yourself.

Intellect and soul

Reason is a clearly formed movement of the soul. Works of art and literature are the fruit of the joint work of the intellect and the spirit, therefore they are capable and must create comfort. Those who claim that books are worthless dust collectors are simply subjects with a pathologically destructively deformed psyche. Personal library of 3-5 thousand volumes in a properly arranged bookcase or on the rack requires maintenance no more than 2-3 times a year. But in this chapter we will deal only with images and books as sources of comfort: the animating effect of round sculpture, stucco and artistic plasticity is the same as knick-knacks, see below.


Classical and generally not strict interiors can be animated without any easel painting or photographs, but not by printed reproductions of paintings on paper, this is already bad taste. The location is arbitrary. Grouping either by plot or simply by size (item 1 in the figure), it doesn't matter.

In futuristic-technologically laconic interiors, abstract painting or photography is most often used to create coziness in intellectual ways. There are no problems with abstraction in general, hang it as you like. Abstract painting is meaningful and expressive no less realistic, only for mediocrity to imitate abstraction in the eyes of amateurs is easier.

With photographs, as well as engravings, etchings, watercolors, gouache, collections of butterflies, beetles, sea shells, etc. in a clear modern interior is more difficult. Photos will make the room more comfortable if you hang them in the form of rectangular panels of a symmetrical overall composition, pos. 2 and 3. Pictures must be in the same frame.

Note: try to find on pos. 2 element of chaos. Look to the left by the window.

It is better to place heterogeneous images in heterogeneous frames and scatter quasi-chaotically interspersed with functional things, pos. 4. The heterogeneity of the frame should be clearly visible and contrasting (we will immediately organize a piece of chaos), otherwise it will just turn out to be an uncomfortable mess, as in pos. 5.


Books are able to animate and make any interior cozy even without stains, contrasts and pieces of chaos. To do this, they need interaction with furniture, and the designer needs to match the bindings: solid volumes in dark calico - into a monumental interior with solid cabinets; in light modern interiors - shelving with books in light or colored covers, see fig.


Small items of purely decorative purpose are specially designed to create comfort; they can breathe soul into any room, see fig., up to a removable corner or a student hostel. The film “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” shows how women decorated the barracks with trinkets from whatever they got. Homemade trinkets work the most - they contain a particle of your soul. Therefore, with homemade knick-knacks it is impossible to overdo it to the point of flickering, as with purchased ones.

Note: according to the method of manufacture and the nature of creating comfort, applications on the walls also belong to knick-knacks, on the right in fig. But wall painting in terms of comfort is already painting.


Many plants will animate any classic and traditional interior (rustic, country, colonial), pos. 1 and 2 in fig. Also a large number of plants are appropriate in "naked" styles, such as constructivist minimalism, pos. 3. In modern laconic interiors, in general, the rule applies: the darker the overall range, the plants need fewer, but larger, poses. 4 and 5. If the visible basis of comfort is achieved by spots, contrast and small chaos (zebra pillows and an armchair dissonant in shape in position 6), then one big plant. In an interior with little contrast, it is better to put a plant with bluish (pos. 7), or striped leaves, it will become a piece of confusion.


The bad thing about plants as sources of comfort is that they tie their owners to the house. If the interior is colorful, playful, then 1-2 small unpretentious perennial, top left in Fig. At the time of departure, they can be entrusted to friends.

Bonsai have a powerful inspiring effect in any interior, especially since some of the plants from which they are formed bloom profusely and beautifully. Bonsai need daily care, but there are specialized companies that provide such services to absent owners; bonsai can be transferred to them for the duration of the vacation. It is not cheap, but bonsai is generally a pleasure for the wealthy or very patient: growing from seed and forming bonsai takes many years and decades.


Succulents (juicy, in Russian) include cacti, aloe, crassula, stone plants (aizoon), haworthia, echeveria, etc. living rooms, especially with children and pets, you should not start euphorbias (succulent euphorbias), they are overflowing with caustic poisonous juice. At the end of the first film, The Gods Must Be Crazy, there is an episode where a dangerous armed terrorist was neutralized with drops of euphorbia juice.

Succulents do without care and watering for months at all and are good as sources of comfort: a small collection of them on a bare windowsill is already pretty, see fig. But these are not all their advantages. Succulents are native to hot, dry places. During the day, you can’t live there to the fullest, the Sun will burn, so their photosynthesis is not quite the same as that of other plants: succulents release oxygen at night. Just when it is not enough in the air of the apartment. It is this, and not the mythical absorption of radiation, that explains the beneficial effect of succulents on the home atmosphere in the literal and figurative sense. About the culture of succulents at home, see the video:

Video: growing succulents - plants for comfort

The best freshener of the home atmosphere is the agave, which has long taken root in the rooms, aloe arborescens, in the center in fig. The record holder for medicinal qualities of aloe vera is inferior to him in this respect. Aloe arborescens grows into a large lush bush and fits into almost any interior. In an extremely laconic room, it can be replaced by a "pike tail", a sansevier, on the right in fig.

Note: sometimes they try to make the air in the room cozy with the help of interior perfumes or scented candles. In the first case, one should not be like the French courtiers of the time of Madame Pompadour, who doused themselves with cologne to beat off the smell of unclean linen: the key to a cozy atmosphere in an apartment is cleanliness in it .. And in the second, you need to remember that the main thing for fresh air is oxygen. Candles consume it, and in a ventilated room, aromas do not hold.

Not only plants

An unsurpassed means of creating comfort in any conditions is an aquarium with live plants and fish. The aquarium is able to turn a bare wall into a cozy corner, see fig. In front of a well-established aquarium, a bitter drunkard freezes, wandering into a visit in the hope of getting drunk on freebies, forgetting that his “pipes are on fire”.

Unfortunately, the aquarium binds to the house more tightly than the apartment greenhouse: it needs regular diligent care. Many pet store workers work part-time looking after the aquariums of their owners when they are away; There are also companies that specialize in this. However, such services are not much cheaper than the temporary maintenance of bonsai, and outsiders will have to be granted access to the house: a live aquarium does not budge.

old good

Antiques and vintage (simply - old things) convey the spirit of the times, particles of the soul of the masters, and thus create comfort. The Russian samovar is undeservedly half-forgotten in this regard, but it will perfectly enliven almost any interior, see fig. Perhaps, in general, anyone: there are samovars on sale that are compatible in design with evil high-tech.

It is not necessary to take a flammable wood-burning samovar, an electric one will do. Tea from a samovar is especially tasty because the teapot is smoothly and evenly heated from all sides to the optimum temperature for brewing by hot steam flowing around it. And sincere tea drinking is already comfort.