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How to make home cozy. Organization of a cozy nursery. Phenomenal book storage idea

It happens like this - you come to visit, but the house seems to be clean and light, and the style can be traced, but uncomfortable. Or vice versa - it seems that there is nothing special in the house, but it’s still cozy, good, you don’t want to leave. What items of comfort in the house create an atmosphere in it? What is the matter here? Is it only in the hospitality of the owners?

When the house is good

Lucky are those who are endowed with an inner sense of style and intuitively understand what a comfortable home should be like. Many articles have been written about how to create comfort in the house, there are master classes and lectures. But the topic is still relevant. This article contains all sorts of tips and tricks on how to create comfort in the house with your own hands.

Harmony in the room is created by adding simple but necessary things to the interior. Goods for comfort in the house can be found in literally any store. For example, ordinary curtain, selected according to the rules, can create the right atmosphere in the room, and if not simple conditions will only add to the chaos.

If the rooms are small

If the rooms in the house are small, then you should not clutter them with heavy furniture. It is better to think over an economical, but effective option, where all cabinets and shelves will be strictly functional, and the space is calculated as useful as possible. In a small room, there is no need to hang a heavy multi-layered curtain, a simple cute curtain will be enough.

Flowers as objects of comfort in the house

If a window sill is provided, then a small flower pot will be very appropriate. But if you do not "get along" with fresh flowers, if they die and dry, then you do not need to overpower yourself and try to urgently become a flower grower. Dried, neglected plants only spoil the impression. In this case, give preference to small bouquets of artificial flowers, especially since they can be placed not only on the windowsill, but also on the upper tiers of cabinets.

If you are a noble florist, people come to you for advice on growing various domestic plants and seedlings, then you, like no one else, know how to create comfort in the house, and that flowers always set in a positive way. Plants planted in original flower pots, as well as stands for them, artificial butterflies and ladybugs will give the premises freshness and beauty.

Accordingly, if you are the owner large rooms, then you can choose any plants - even a palm tree in a tub, even shy violets in small pots. In this case, it is only necessary to correctly choose a place where the flowers will look most advantageous. If your rooms do not differ in gigantic size, then give preference to plants of medium size and small. And remember about the quantity - too many flowering representatives of the flora can turn your house into an arboretum, and this will clearly not play in favor.

cozy windows

In addition to the flowers decorating the window sills, well-chosen curtains are needed to decorate the window space. The main condition when choosing window curtains is compliance with general style apartments. For example, if your home is dominated by Japanese minimalism, then heavy multi-layer curtains will look very out of place, just as simple paper blinds will not fit into a luxurious oriental interior.


Lighting in any room must be effective. For example, bright light is important in the kitchen, while in the bedroom it should be soft, intimate.

Light and brightly lit rooms should be:

  • kitchen;
  • bathroom and toilet;
  • hallway.

Soft, diffused light is preferred for the bedroom and dining room. In the living room, as in the children's rooms, it is better to be able to change the lighting from bright to soft.


Where does it start cozy house? That's right, from the hallway. Even earlier, with front door and from her rug. Today you can buy absolutely any rug: with inscriptions, with drawings, even with 3D effects, it all depends on your sense of humor and financial capabilities.

There is nothing easier than creating comfort in the house, if you start from the very door. If the hallway space allows, place a small sofa or soft pouffes-cubes there, it will be more convenient to put on and take off your shoes and your guests.


In the bedroom, however, as in any room of the house, small things create comfort. Here, by the way, a multi-layer curtain will look beneficial, even if it visually hides the space, because this room needs twilight and intimacy. The bedroom is a room where it is desirable to smooth the corners as much as possible. Even a bed with right angles can become soft if you cover it with a chic satin bedspread with a “soft” pattern.

In the bedroom, you can abandon the chandelier in the center of the ceiling; soft, diffused light is more appropriate here. Two will suffice table lamps on or


And here you need bright lighting at any time of the day or night. Welcome big window and lamps around the entire perimeter of the kitchen, the concentration of which should be predominantly above the work surfaces.

The main rule of the kitchen is functionality. And yet, here you can implement various ideas for comfort in the house. You just need to choose the right kitchen utensils V uniform style, design kitchen apron and furniture. Salt shakers, elegant napkin holders, shelves with spices, cereals and other things - these are the very little things and details of comfort in the house.

Bathroom and toilet

In an effort to create harmony in the bathroom and toilet, many make the same mistake - they arrange various cute trinkets, hang a lot of shelves. As a result, the opposite effect is created, and the room looks cluttered and cramped.

If you want your toilet to always look cozy, remove everything unnecessary from there. In these rooms, clear functionality and cleanliness are important, and this is difficult to achieve if foreign things are present. Particularly spoil the view are various items for cleaning around the house, buckets, brushes and rags, which many people keep in the bathroom or toilet. For these items, it is better to allocate some nook in the house, perhaps a closet in the hallway. Or, if the layout allows, make a special place and remove all paraphernalia for cleaning. If you still prefer to place these items in the bathroom, then make a special cabinet for them, preferably in the main colors of the room. The main goal is to hide everything superfluous. In such a locker, by the way, you can hide a basket for dirty laundry.

In the bathroom itself, only two or three shelves should be left for them. Accents will help to arrange original towel holders, rugs on the floor, as well as cute stickers on plumbing that you can choose to your liking.

Living room

This is the place where you can show all your imagination and create comfort in the house with your own hands. Indeed, often the living room is a recreation area for all households, a venue for parties. Here, too, it is important not to overdo it and maintain space - it should be enough for everyone. Soft fluffy carpet comfortable chairs, sofa cushions- this is something without which a cozy home is simply unthinkable. The main thing is not to overdo it.

How to create comfort in a house where small children live? This is the most burning question for young families with children. different ages. Even if they have their own room, kids prefer to play where adults are, so often the living room becomes the location of almost all the baby's toys. Designate a space for games, put a puzzle mat there and place a basket for toys.


The fire in the fireplace always creates an atmosphere of festivity and mystery, and the subdued light only enhances the overall impression. Firewood burns, slightly crackling, and the light from the fire falls on the lying fluffy carpet, cozy soft chairs… Romance.

If in your house you cannot afford a real fireplace, then who is stopping you from making an imitation of it? At one of the walls, free up the necessary space - and start creating! Here is a small master class on creating a fireplace from ordinary cardboard boxes.

Take a lot of cardboard boxes different size and fold them into a square arch. Tape the boxes together. Paste them with wallpaper depicting brick or brick Now it remains to attach your fireplace to the wall - and voila - a beautiful imitation of a mantelpiece is ready! Decorate the space in front of the fireplace, and put a garland inside. Shimmering with different lights, it will perfectly replace a natural source of fire, and on the mantelpiece you can put framed photographs, seat plush animals or arrange family china.

Come up with a coat of arms for your family, draw it and attach it to the wall above the fireplace. So your home will gain a special personality and charm.

Fly Lady system

Main Rule cozy home- purity. For even if eminent designers developed the decor of your house, and famous construction companies embodied the ideas, dirt and dust in the house ruins the whole impression of a magnificent repair. Many housewives have adopted the Fly Lady system for cleaning.

Its essence is to spend exactly 15 minutes a day on cleaning. After all, cleanliness and comfort in the house is not always a condition of titanic efforts. The entire space of the house is conditionally divided into zones, and every day you will clean up in one of the zones. As a result, the system will inevitably lead to the fact that the house will be constantly clean, and you will not spend the whole weekend on chores.

In addition, there are many so-called life hacks for cleaning (and these are the secrets of comfort in the house), which greatly facilitate the life of a housewife. For example, everyone knows that special greasy kitchen dust and dirt constantly accumulate on the upper surfaces of kitchen cabinets, which requires considerable effort to remove. By lining the tops of your cabinets with clear cling film, you'll see how much less cleanup will be in that space. After all, you just have to regularly change the contaminated film to a new one. You can cover with the same film internal surfaces kitchen cabinets, it will also help to reduce the time for cleaning the kitchen. In general, almost any housewife has her own secrets for keeping the house clean, and someone can even give a master class of comfort in the house.

To shine glass and mirror surfaces use the solution ammonia. Add a little fabric softener to the water with which you plan to get rid of dust. Then the dust will not bother you for a long time, and the house will smell fragrant after cleaning.

But try not to overdo it with cleanliness, because museum sterility completely kills the charm of the house. Handing over shoe covers to guests at the entrance and vigilantly watching the things they touch, you risk never again seeing anyone in your house except your own reflection in a perfectly clean mirror.


Perhaps the most important rule of a cozy home is an atmosphere created not by furnishings or things, but by people. Cheerful, hospitable hosts, cheerful guests, delicious food, laughter, lively conversations - this is what creates the atmosphere of any home.

And don't forget the scents! Unpleasant odors will negate all your efforts, so do not give them a chance to seep into your apartment. All cracks in the walls, floor and ceiling should be found and filled, so you get rid of obsessive basement smells or ambre coming from neighbors.

The kitchen of a cozy home is filled with aromas of fresh pies, coffee and cinnamon, light floral notes predominate in the bedroom and living room, and a fresh aroma with hints of citrus or pine needles in the bathroom and toilet. Modern air fresheners will cope with any of these tasks.

In the kitchen, you can place a small picture made using coffee, cinnamon, dried lemon, it will exude a subtle pleasant aroma. Flower petals, poured into glass containers, will not only maintain a fragrant atmosphere, but can become stylish part interior.

In other words, a cozy house is a house where attention is paid to the little things, or rather, there are no little things in such a house. Everything is in its place and everything is harmoniously located in space.

1. Get rid of unnecessary things

Your home is not a warehouse or a lost and found office, so it's time to finally sort out the cabinets and throw away all the accumulated rubbish in the name of comfort.

Sort out the clothes: hopelessly damaged and frankly old things have a place in the trash can, and those that seem to look decent, but just don’t like it, you can try to sell at online flea markets. Organize your makeup drawers and household chemicals. All spoiled down, use this is not worth it.

Same story with household appliances. A constantly overheating mixer, an iron with a frayed cord rewound with electrical tape - it seems to be trifles, but with frequent use, even small flaws begin to annoy.

At this stage, your goal is to get rid of everything that bothers you or gets on your nerves. Home is a place where we rest from anxieties and worries, so at least let nothing infuriate here.

2. Add unusual details to the interior

A sterile clean apartment, where everything lies literally on a ruler, is not for life. To get rid of the feeling that you are in a hotel room, small details will help.

Photographs, paintings, an unusual tapestry or a napkin knitted by your hands - these little things add individuality. Your home is a reflection of your interests and tastes, so feel free to express yourself.

The only thing to keep in mind is functionality above all else. For example, a long pile rug may look nice next to the sofa, but you will regret buying it a thousand times when you clean it. The same story with the abundance of figurines on the shelves - first you need to remove them, then wipe the dust, then put everything in its place ... Try to find a reasonable compromise in the choice between beauty and convenience.

3. Keep clean

In order not to kill the entire weekend for cleaning, break it into stages - it's easier than trying to cope with what has accumulated over the week in a day.

Here is a sample daily to-do list. You can add other tasks and change the order of their execution. The point is that keeping clean is an ongoing process, not a biweekly feat.

  • Monday: Clean up the bathroom and do laundry.
  • Tuesday: Iron your laundry.
  • Wednesday: wipe the dust.
  • Thursday: Vacuum the floor.
  • Friday: Wash the stove and get rid of the food in the refrigerator.

That's it, by the end of the week your house is clean. All that's left is the little things like changing the sheets and washing the clothes you plan to wear next week. It is better to wash clothes on Saturday so that on Sunday they can be ironed and hung in the closet. Change bed linen on Sunday, just start washing on Monday.

4. Make cleaning as easy as possible

The less effort required to clean up the mess, the better. Stock up on the right inventory: with it, even spring-cleaning will not be burdensome.

Dusting with microfiber cloths is much faster and more effective than with old T-shirts or a piece of a duvet cover that has served its purpose. If you wash the floor with water with the addition special means, to wipe off the dirt without much effort, it will turn out the first time.

Hate sweeping floors? Buy a good vacuum cleaner and be done with it.

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The conditions are simple:

Creating comfort in the house is painstaking, requiring a certain life experience. Professional designers and experienced housewives share this experience in organizing comfort in this article.

You entered the apartment, where an expensive repair was made. All interior items simply "scream" about their exorbitant price. But still, you catch yourself thinking that the things around you do not please you, the room is cold and unfriendly. It is uncomfortable for you to sit in a hard chair, it is hard to imagine how you can work at a too grand desk.

Here is another apartment. The atmosphere here is much more modest, simpler and cheaper, but more attractive and friendly. Every item is comfortable. And you involuntarily want to exclaim: “How cozy it is here!”

    Convenience is the first rule when buying any thing in the house! There are many examples when a thing fits perfectly into the interior, but at the same time its operation turns into hard labor. An inconveniently located light switch, a sofa cushion with long pile that attracts dust, a canopy over a crib .... For the human eye, laconic comfortable furnishings without frills are much more pleasant than rich decoration with a layer of dust.

    The second rule is cleanliness! Dirty windows, through which it is difficult to break through sunlight, a layer of dust on an expensive chest of drawers, trampled parquet, stains on curtains, fingerprints on mirrors and furniture fronts. If you allow such a picture in your house, consider that the money spent on expensive renovations was simply thrown away. Comfort and dirt are incompatible things.

    Rule three - nothing more! Don't buy anything just because you're on sale and the item is cheap. Random changes will not make the apartment more comfortable, but only clutter it up. Closely spaced furniture will "crush", it will be unpleasant for you to be in such a room.

    Rule four - if you do not take any thing in your hands for two years - you do not need it! If you conduct a thorough inspection of the apartment, the contents of the cabinets, pantry, balcony, then there are quite a few such items. Basically, you don't use them. You don't need them. Imagine how much free space all this goodness takes up, depriving you of light and clean air. It’s a pity to throw it away - give it to good hands or put it up for sale on the website.

    Rule five - conciseness, natural beauty of objects - the best decoration Houses! The market economy is the engine of progress, it is difficult to disagree with this. Sometimes manufacturers of goods go to great lengths to shake the imagination of consumers who are already accustomed to everything. Bizarre forms, which sometimes take on the most ordinary objects, can do a disservice. A cup in the shape of a cat, a decanter in the shape of a vine, a watch that looks like a doghouse…. But why not let a vase be a vase, a flower pot be a pot, a box be a box.

    Rule six - do not overdo it with decor! No one is against a few family photos on a bookshelf or wall, but when their number exceeds any reasonable limit, then this causes only antipathy. The same is true with cushions, napkins, vases, postcards, figurines, paths, rugs, rugs.

    All these cute trinkets collect a huge amount of dust. The hostess will spend a lot of time cleaning: after all, all this “goodness” will first need to be removed, then dusted, and then beautifully arranged again. If this is not done, then dirty things will not bring any pleasure.

    Guests, in the end, may get the impression that the hosts have complexes, and they are afraid of open spaces and free space.

  1. Rule seven - the apartment should be filled with fresh air! Stuffiness, an unpleasant smell or a pungent aroma will force anyone to quickly leave the room, even if it has undergone very expensive repairs. Ventilate the rooms more often, and install a good hood in the kitchen and bathroom.

    Rule eight - indoor plants should be in moderation! Often there are such lovers of flowers and greenery that all the free space in the house is filled with pots. After reading the article on the site "How to place flowers in a small room", you will learn about the basic principles of placing indoor plants in small spaces, so that they all year round pleasing to the eye.

    The abundance of flowers on the windowsill can interfere with the penetration of daylight, the leaves will collect a huge amount of dust. In general, there is no need to talk about comfort in such a situation.

    Flowers need to be looked after so that they have a neat appearance, if there is not enough time for this, then it is better to limit yourself to a few representatives of the flora.

Children's laughter, the aroma of homemade cakes, a neat bouquet of lilacs on the table, the smell of freshly washed linen, sunlight, clean windows - this is something that does not require you to invest money at all, but can make the house cozy, you will always want to return to such an apartment.

Quite often, many are faced with the problem of lack of comfort in the apartment. Indeed, organizing a cozy living space is not so simple. In order to give your apartment comfort you need to choose perfect interior and fill it with various little things. How to make even a one-room living space cozy, we will consider in more detail in this article.

Cozy Khrushchev

Often the owners one-room apartment there are problems with the arrangement of the premises. Most often this is due to the fact that the size of a one-room living space is small and in one room you have to combine a place for sleeping, receiving guests and working. However, even in a small one-room apartment, you can create comfort using an elementary division into zones. intersection different zones should be minimal.

In order for your apartment to become a studio, you should adhere to the following tips:

  • massive decorations around the entire perimeter should be avoided. The best option is to group decorations in several zones;
  • the window should be as open as possible;
  • to decorate the studio will help original homemade little things made by yourself;
  • the zones separating the studio should not intersect.

In addition, for a small one-room apartment, a combination of colors plays an important role. The best option to make it beautiful is to use shades of light colors. They will help increase the space.

The main focus should be on small elements. The best option is to make them yourself or pick up small details in the style of the interior.

The space in such apartments should be optimized as much as possible. In a studio apartment, it is worth purchasing multifunctional furniture that can free the apartment from unnecessary elements. If you wish, you can form the furniture yourself. Stylish such furniture without special costs will help to make a self-adhesive film.

How to organize a cozy nursery

First of all, when designing a children's room, it is worth considering such an important parameter as space. The nursery must be bright and spacious, so the best option is to abandon large-sized furniture. To organize a cozy nursery, just a few pieces of furniture are enough.

As a rule, this is:

  • bed;
  • closet;
  • dresser;
  • desk;
  • nightstand;
  • shelf;
  • place for toys.

These elements are enough to fill the space. Moreover, the furniture does not have to be new.

Old room furniture, if there is no money, can be used as a basis for creating new things. You can restore old things with your own hands in the style of a children's room.

Small details will help create coziness in this room. It is enough to purchase a cute rug or make toy-shaped curtain holders. The walls can be additionally stolen with fabulous illustrations. Special attention worth paying color scheme this room. It must be in light colors.

The best option to use for decoration is the following colors:

  • green;
  • blue;
  • pink;
  • yellow;
  • peach.

Living room for everyone

One of the main provisions of comfort in the living room is space. All the most important items should be arranged and be nearby.

Additional comfort will give such an element as a carpet with a long pile. Give a sofa home atmosphere will help. Attention should also be paid to various vases, paintings and other small interior elements.

An excellent element that will help create comfort is a decorative fireplace.

It will be associated with the hearth. It can be purchased at ready-made, and if there are no extra funds, you can do it yourself.

A floor lamp on a high stand will help create a calm atmosphere.

The color scheme of this room should be kept in light colors. This will help to give the interior lightness.

The best option is to use these colors:

  • white;
  • beige.

Comfort in the hallway? Easily!

The question of how to make rented accommodation cozy is very difficult. It is especially important in such apartments to pay attention to the hallway. To organize a room such as a corridor, it is important to choose the right furniture. As a rule, the corridor is always characterized by a fairly large number of things that have nowhere to hide.

This feature can be played pretty well if you set wall shelves, hangers and other accessories that, in addition to functionality, fill the room with decor.

Another way to free the corridor and get rid of unnecessary things is the right furniture. As a rule, the corridor is quite long, but narrow. That is why the ideal headset will be with several niches. It is worth noting that the upper things should be stored in a separate closed niche. To create an atmosphere home warmth, the corridor can be additionally equipped with shelves with various trinkets.

If your corridor is long and narrow, then it is worth increasing the space in it with the help of color. A combination of light and dark tones would be ideal. Light should be long walls forming a corridor.

It is best to use the following combinations for decoration:

  • White black;
  • beige - brown.

Bedroom for rest and relaxation

The bedroom is a real temple, which was created for relaxation. That is why creating comfort in this room is especially important. First of all, you need to consider that the bedroom should be spacious enough. The best option for the bedroom is the acquisition of multifunctional furniture.

In addition, it is worth buying furniture made from natural materials. It is worth considering that the bedroom should have minimal amount various kinds small parts. It is optimal to purchase several medium-sized jewelry. Also in the bedroom it is worth leaving room for indoor flowers.

For placement in the bedroom, it is best to use unscented flowers.

A separate area in the bedroom must be allocated for the wardrobe. It should not come into contact with the recreation area. Comfort in the bedroom will help create the right lighting and colors. Lighting must be diffused. The best option There will be coverage from multiple sources. This will solve both problems at once: it will increase the amount of light in the room and add stylish decor. The color scheme of this room should be in pastel colors.

It is optimal to use the following colors for decorating this room:

  • brown;
  • violet;
  • blue;
  • pink.

Balcony for beauty

If you have a spacious balcony, then making it cozy is quite simple. This area can be turned into a separate lounge. To do this, just a few elements are enough: a table, chairs, indoor plants.

Thanks to these elements, the balcony will turn into a real relaxation area.

In the event that it is necessary to store conservation or tools on the balcony, it is enough just to build a small bookcase along one of the walls of the balcony with your own hands. You can decorate this element with bright self-adhesive films, or simply beautifully arrange cans with conservation.

Indoor plants for the balcony should be bright. It is also worth covering the floor with a medium pile carpet.

Suitable for decoration:

  • blue;
  • green;
  • violet.

Home in the kitchen

One of the most simple options make the kitchen cozy - use cute attributes. As a rule, such details will help to give the interior lightness. Be sure to consider that a cluttered kitchen will not be cozy. Therefore, it is worth giving up a large number various household appliances.

Ideal fit:

  • yellow;
  • light green;
  • violet;
  • pink;
  • orange.

Each room in the house needs a caring hand and a manifestation of love for its housing. Therefore, diligently decorate, sew, create man-made masterpieces or purchase ready-made little things. Your home is one of the manifestations of character, taste and attitude towards loved ones.

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What do you associate the word comfort with? Probably, for some part of the people, these are memories of their grandmother's house in the country, filled with the aromas of freshly baked bread and pies, where everything was sweet and pleasant.

Someone cannot imagine a house without cleanliness, and only a clean house is considered cozy and conducive to life for them. For some, comfort is certainly associated with good lighting, large windows opening which, you can get in touch with the surrounding nature.

For the fourth, it is a modern layout and the now fashionable style of minimalism, a combination certain colors. And someone likes “things chaos”, and only in such an interior do these people feel comfortable, “sterile cleanliness” and neatly laid out things make them feel sad.

Whichever category you fall into, today's article is designed for those who want to create cozy interior his home, but does not quite understand where to start and what principles to follow.

How to make your home more comfortable?

In creating an interior, an important role is played by the house itself, its appearance, the materials from which it is made, the dimensions of the rooms. If you inherited a small wooden house in the village, then the high-tech interior will be completely out of place in it.

Country style is more suitable here, where you can save some of the old things by repairing them, updating or restoring them. wooden furniture can be sanded and painted in the desired color, sofas and armchairs can be pulled.

This is not only a practical solution, but also a beautiful one, especially if the house is a country house. Relaxing in a country-style house is much more pleasant than in modern interior, which overflows our apartments, offices, various centers.

Formerly wooden village houses built on a small scale. They were divided, as a rule, into several small rooms by partitions (often not reaching the ceilings).

To fill your home with light and air, dismantle all partitions, re-plan the space to the most convenient and comfortable rooms, combining the kitchen, dining room and living room, arrange the sleeping area.

After all, a large living room has a joint pastime of the family and communication of different generations. Where, no matter how in the country, you can get together with a large family, arrange a holiday and discuss pressing problems, ask for advice in a casual conversation.

Small windows are another problem of old houses, but it is solved quite simply. Expand window openings wooden house easy by installing windows bigger size without binders, you will fill the house with light and fresh air.

If the premises are still small size, then some design techniques will help to make them visually wider and higher. Light walls and ceiling visually expand the space, vertical striped wallpaper will “raise” the ceiling, and horizontal stripes will “expand” the walls. But too bright striped wallpaper in small room can harm him, use them fragmentarily, combining them with plain companion wallpaper.

Painted wooden walls light colors will give the interior in country style a special charm. But if abundance natural wood you are not pleased, then you may be interested in the Provence style.

The interior in this style is distinguished by lightness and naturalness, light shades and floral motifs are inherent in it. Provence style is appropriate in a country house. In addition, it is not at all difficult to fill the interior with furniture. Can be applied old furniture after working with her a bit.

If you inherited from your grandmother the products of her work (richelieu-style tablecloths, crocheted napkins, valances, etc.), which cannot be used in a city apartment, and these products are dear to your heart, you can safely use them in the design of a Provencal interior.

The shabby chic interior is interesting from the point of view of design.

Artificially aged walls, antique furniture, pastel colors are its constituent parts. A bunch of small items: various figurines in the form of birds and roses, preferably with chips and cracks, an abundance of pillows, blankets, decorated with lace, create a cozy interior.

To the place will be vintage photo beloved relatives within. Modern photos can be made old with the help of a photo editor and printed. An integral part of the shabby chic interior is an old rocking chair. Interior items such as Appliances and electronics must be masked.

As you can see, it is possible to create comfort in the house with small means, showing ingenuity, creativity and resourcefulness.

Beautiful furniture - a cozy home

I would like to dwell on the topic of furniture in a little more detail. It's no secret that a country house that serves as a summer residence is rarely used year-round. Most often this is a place of rest on weekends and summer days. For this reason, not everyone buys for furnishing. country interior new furniture.

It happens that after the repair of a city apartment, part of the furniture is transported to the country. In order for the cottage not to remind you of an apartment before the renovation and not to turn into a warehouse of unnecessary things, modify the old furniture, bring it to the chosen style.

Our rest largely depends on the visual perception of surrounding objects. Try to give old things new life. The secrets of the transformation of old things can be gleaned from the Internet. Many craftsmen and designers are happy to share their experience with readers.

old window frame can act in a new role, for example, become a mirror, a floor lamp made of street lamp will find a place in your living room. Build an ottoman from an old Soviet folding bed. Not working grandmother's foot sewing machine can turn into an original dressing table or desktop, and from old suitcases you will get a great chest of drawers.

You can even make interior items.

The construction reel for winding the cable can be changed beyond recognition, turning it into original table. Sometimes it's enough just to repaint the furniture in a new color and replace the fittings in order to radically change its appearance.

To remove the old layer of paint, use special chemicals for these purposes. wooden surfaces needs to be cleaned with fine sandpaper or grinder. Can also be applied different kinds decoration - decoupage, artificial aging of furniture and interior items.

Textiles in the interior

Help make your home more comfortable right choice textiles. A harmonious combination of all fabrics in the interior (furniture upholstery, sofa cushions, curtains, tablecloth, carpet, etc.) will make the interior cozy and conducive to rest and work.

Sometimes it is worth changing the curtains and sewing new covers for sofa cushions, and the interior will change dramatically and be transformed.

In the interior country house you can arrange or hang items of your own creativity (embroidery, tapestries, photo frames, jewelry boxes, wicker baskets, decorated vases, etc.)

Take advantage of our advice, show interest in your country house and get creative. Let your dacha resemble a cozy corner, and not a pile of old ones, and at first glance it doesn’t necessary items. Handmade beauty is doubly pleasant.