Shower      08.03.2020

Plasterboard ceiling in the hallway: design rules. Do-it-yourself plasterboard ceiling in the corridor GCL ceiling for a square corridor

The first room where guests enter your home is the entrance hall. Each dwelling, like a theater, begins with a hanger. And the opinion of people about the entire interior as a whole will depend on what impression these first meters make. One of important details each room is the ceiling, which in the usual panel house is not perfectly smooth. But even ceilings are the dream of every apartment owner. And this can be achieved. The most optimal solution would be to use a suspended plasterboard structure.


A lot of people still live in old high-rise buildings. Therefore, the issue of optimizing the space of small rooms is extremely acute. After all, these houses, as a rule, instead of entrance group have a long narrow room. They try not to clutter up such a hallway with numerous furniture. To make the space seem more spacious, all surfaces are painted or wallpapered using bright hues. But there is one more technique for visually changing space: the optimal design of the ceiling plane.

Currently, traditional ceilings have been replaced by modern and sophisticated options. Plasterboard ceiling systems are distinguished by their versatility and original solutions.

Plasterboard sheets have numerous positive characteristics:

  • ecological cleanliness;
  • energy saving;
  • soundproofing;
  • flexibility;
  • breathability;
  • moisture resistance.

All these qualities make drywall one of the most popular materials for the manufacture of all kinds of three-dimensional structures: it can be a wall, a partition, a niche. Plasterboard ceilings have also become very common.

Advantages and disadvantages

With the help of a plasterboard ceiling structure, rather unusual ideas are realized.

This is due to the fact that such systems have many positive qualities:

  • low cost;
  • the weight of the drywall sheet is small, this makes installation easier;
  • simple design, compared with other types of suspended structures;
  • lack of preparation: there is no need to remove the old whitewash, which greatly simplifies the work and saves time;
  • cleanliness during the production of works;
  • received Smooth surface does not require additional processing, it also hides the unevenness of the overlap;

  • a variety of finishes - paint, plaster, wallpaper;
  • the possibility of hiding all communications - a ventilation duct, climate systems, electrical wiring and other wires and cables;
  • a variety of lighting options - multi-level, spot, open and closed lamps;
  • the flexibility and plasticity of drywall sheets helps in creating any shape and bending of the structure;
  • the possibility of arranging single-level, two-level and multi-level systems

There are also some negative aspects to be noted:

  • fragility;
  • a slight decrease in the room (the height can be reduced from 5 to 10 cm), in rooms with very low ceilings it is used with caution;
  • a ban on hanging heavy objects, such as chandeliers;
  • insufficient moisture resistance - flooding of the apartment by neighbors will adversely affect the state of the structure;
  • drywall for the ceiling is best used in old houses, as a new building can shrink and the drywall structure can crack;
  • White color the ceiling may fade over the years, and the structure may be slightly deformed.


Plasterboard suspended ceiling systems vary in the number of levels. There are single-level, two-level and multi-level ceilings.

  • single level ceiling- the easiest to manufacture, which at the same time can serve as the basis for a multi-level system. Perfectly flat surface - this is what a single-level system looks like after installation.
  • Multilevel ceiling- a more complex design that creates absolutely arbitrary patterns on the ceiling surface. The system allows you to interestingly arrange lighting. These are spotlights with LEDs, or you can add lighting between the levels, which not only looks spectacular, but also raises the ceiling level visually.
  • One of the modifications of the multilevel system is two-level ceiling. It is relatively simple to manufacture, but with its help it is possible to arrange spot lighting.

The installation of a plasterboard suspension system is based on frame structure. It is open and closed. Using an open variety, the frame elements themselves can serve as additional decorative elements in the interior.

For a small space

In a small and narrow corridor, the installation of a suspended plasterboard system is perhaps the most correct solution for decorating the ceiling surface.

Thanks to the thoughtful design of the ceiling, it is possible to achieve a visual increase in the entrance area.

  • When installing a multi-level drywall system in the space of a narrow corridor or hallway, it is recommended to use clear graphic lines.
  • A two-level ceiling with a rectangle or square recessed in relation to the main level will visually expand the space.
  • In an elongated corridor, it is possible to construct several similar geometric elements at once.
  • The color scheme of the ceiling of a small hallway should be light, ideally white, which gives a visual expansion of the volume.
  • Of particular importance is the arrangement of lighting systems. It is important to use a lot of point light sources here, which will add airiness and lightness to the interior.
  • If you successfully arrange spotlights or led strip, it is possible to create a unique ceiling design even in a small room.

Plasterboard ceiling system in the hallway at correct selection colors and a successful lighting system can change the image of even a tiny hallway and make it more spacious and attractive.

In the big room

If you happen to be the happy owner of a spacious room in the entrance area, it is also possible to use a modern drywall system here, which in this case will help to realize even the most extravagant and unexpected solution. After all, here you can afford the construction of both single-level and multi-level ceilings. The main thing is that such a solution should be harmonious and fit into the overall design concept of the apartment as a whole.

It would be better to take the advice of professional designers:

  • An original technique for a large hallway is the use of a multi-stage drywall system. This heavy, at first glance, design will become almost weightless thanks to the well-thought-out color scheme, as well as due to the equipment of the spot lighting system. In the installation of a lighting system, experts recommend using several different types light sources, which creates the effect of "soaring air" and illuminates all dark areas of the corridor.
  • Planes with gently curved lines always add a special luxury to the interior. This technique creates the impression of blurring the strict boundaries of the ceiling, and the space becomes more airy and light.
  • It is possible to design the surface of the ceiling in harmony with the overall color scheme. Another approach is the use of contrasting interior design techniques, thus drawing attention to this element. This will highlight the plane of the ceiling out of context, making it the highlight of the hallway space.

Living in a house, we do not pay attention to the hallway, running through it in a hurry. But what has become imperceptible for us is the object of the first acquaintance with the house for the guests, and it is from it that they make the first impression. There is no universal answer than how to finish the ceilings. It all depends on financial condition and personal preferences. But now this type of finish is popular as suspended ceilings from drywall. What are their advantages and how to install them step by step on our own, we will consider in the article.

Suspended structures completely hide the ceiling. This property is used by many in order to close all the shortcomings. If you have uneven ceiling with holes and cracks, then you can not suffer and not bring it to an ideal state, but simply close it.

You do not have to spend money on additional preparation of the ceiling. Plastering and puttying is not necessary. But it is better to treat the ceiling with an antifungal primer. The presence of mold will be imperceptible, but it can spread to the structure and completely ruin the ceiling.

Drywall is not afraid of heat. In this, it differs significantly from a stretch fabric or plastic. For lighting, you can use any lighting fixtures. But still, you should not place open light close to the material.

Suspended plasterboard ceilings for the hallway will be inexpensive. They do not belong to budget types of finishes, but they are cheaper than tension or wooden structures. You can install the ceilings yourself, so you can save on the masters. But if your plans include a construction of several levels, then you should still invite specialists. For beginners, it is almost impossible to cope with such work.

Drywall does not support combustion and is not afraid of weak mechanical influences. He is not afraid of small blows.

Some people present plasterboard ceilings as something boring and monotonous. In fact, the design of such structures provides a wide scope for imagination. You can do one level, or you can do several. There are options with a simple flat ceiling or a figured ceiling, frame, etc. Variety of colors and decorative elements decorate any interior.

It is especially convenient with the help of drywall to divide the room into zones. If you have a large space and you feel uncomfortable in it, plasterboard ceilings will help you fill it.

If you liked such ceilings, then you should be aware of their disadvantages. Drywall will not withstand long-term use in a wet room. He loves dryness. It can not be cleaned often, wet cleaning will certainly deform it. In addition, despite the fact that such ceilings can last more than 10 years, you still have to update them periodically: paint or varnish.

Another drawback that applies to all suspended-type designs is that they take centimeters from the ceiling. It will be lower by 5 or even 10 centimeters. Other types cope with this due to mirror surfaces, but drywall cannot offer this. Therefore, before installing it in small corridor, it is worth weighing everything carefully.

Ceiling preparation before installation

Surface preparation milestone before finishing, do not neglect them. Even considering that the drywall construction hides it, since you have already begun to make repairs, then why not put it in order completely.

First of all, clean the surface of the old coating. Nothing should be left. Treat the surface with a primer. Use a primer that is waterproof with anti-fungal properties. This is done so that mold does not form on the ceiling. It is necessary to make a primer. Then fill the holes with putty and level the surface with plaster. These works are not required when installing suspended structures. Remove all lighting fixtures. If you plan to change their location, then the wires are adjusted to the place of the future location at this stage.

GKL sheets are attached to the frame, which is installed on the walls. Therefore, before installing the sheets, you need to mark the place where the frame is attached. On paper, draw a drawing of the future design. This will help you not to get confused in the future. Draw on the paper the location of the suspensions and lighting fixtures. Marking is applied using a level. If you have a laser, then use it, it is more accurate and more convenient to work with. Since the ceilings in apartments are often uneven, measure all corners. You need to draw a line from the lowest angle. Marking can be applied with a pencil or with a rope.

After the markup is ready, calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. This is necessary for the purchase of material. To calculate the length of the profile, add the length of all the walls, this will be the length of the profile. And buy sheets based on the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling. Do not buy back to back, it is better to buy 1-2 extra sheets, this will save time if you damage one in the process. After graduation preparatory work you need to prepare the necessary tools.

Necessary tools and materials

Installation does not require specific tools, so you can have everything you need at home. What you will need:

  1. GKL sheets
  2. Guide profile
  3. carrier profile
  4. Hangers
  5. screwdriver
  6. Perforator
  7. Self-tapping screws and dowel-nails
  8. Level
  9. Hacksaw
  10. putty

Do-it-yourself installation of a plasterboard ceiling in the hallway

According to the markup, holes for the profile are first drilled. You need to drill them at a distance of 40 cm. Then attach the hangers 60 cm apart. Now it's the turn of the carrier profile. The distance between them depends on the size of the sheets. Install them so that they are located at the junction between the sheets. The ears of the suspensions need to be bent. The frame is ready.

Installation of sheets starts from the corner. They are fastened to dowels, nails and self-tapping screws. If your sheets are larger than the frame cells, then they need to be cut. You can do this with a hacksaw. Lay all sheets on the floor to begin with. Make holes for chandeliers or lamps in the necessary ones. The seams between the sheets are closed with putty.

Plasterboard ceiling design in the hallway is a new trend finishing works and enjoys great popularity. The installation of such a structure is fascinating process which requires imagination and creativity. Thanks to the unique properties of drywall, huge opportunities have opened up for designers. original design ceiling, and a chic choice of textures and colors of the material allows everyone to turn a simple entrance hall into a “dream room”.

Advantages and disadvantages

As you know, the ceiling is considered the finishing touch in the interior of the rooms, and the corridor is no exception. Modern drywall compositions will help decorate its upper space with an unusual look.

Such suspended structures are not only famous for their attractiveness, but are also widely used in housing design, as they have the following advantages:

  • Ability to create perfect surface for works. Smooth sheets of drywall hide well all the roughness and unevenness of the bases, which is important when repairing a panel house;
  • Do not need preliminary preparation of the ceiling. Installation work can be performed on old whitewash. This reduces time and simplifies the installation process itself;
  • They hide all communications well, so if there is electrical wiring, climate systems and a ventilation duct in the corridor, they will become invisible;

  • Allows you to choose any type of lighting. As a rule, point, multi-level and open lamps look beautiful in the hallways;
  • Plastic. Thanks to this characteristic, drywall ceilings acquire unusual shapes. The two-level view of the structure with backlighting looks especially special. It visually enlarges the space;
  • Quick installation and withdrawal;
  • Affordable cost.

Like any other material, drywall also has its drawbacks:

  • Not suitable for rooms with high humidity;
  • Reduces the height of rooms by 10-15 cm, so it is not recommended for low hallways;
  • Newly constructed buildings may crack or warp as they shrink;
  • During operation, sometimes changes color.

All suspended ceilings are mounted on special frame, which by its design can be closed or open. If the design uses open way installation, then drywall sheets become an excellent basis for additional decor. Various patterns are applied to their surface or a partition is made with a film, which ultimately looks original. The combination of such elements allows you to apply unusual textures and colors, so the design of the hallway is unique and spectacular.

Ceiling options

Individuality should be in everything, especially in the design of housing. For each person, the house represents a unique world where you can enjoy comfort and warmth, so you need to choose a special style for its design.

The hallway is considered the face of any house - the room that first catches the eye of the guests. From proper organization its space and layout will depend not only on the general impression of the owners of the "family nest", but also an idea of ​​their tastes for beauty.

Arrangement of furniture, wall decoration and flooring in the hallway will serve as only the beginning for the decor. To complete the image of this room, it is also important to consider options for installing the ceiling.

Installation drywall construction they start with a preliminary choice of design, which should harmoniously emphasize the entire interior of the room.

Often the main problem in the design of the hallway is considered to be its small size; in these situations, designers recommend using a single-level type of ceiling. Thanks to modern finishing methods, an unusual surface can be made from such a simple and even composition.

Of course, decorative ceiling plasterboard can be installed in hallways of any size, but its shape and method of finishing will depend on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthese rooms, so for small corridors it is best to choose light-colored ceilings.

Applying design secrets and craftsmanship, the space of the room can really be changed and expanded.

If the owners of the house got a miniature entrance hall, do not be upset, just follow the following tips:

  • Apply installation of multi-level systems with clear graphic lines. This is a great option for narrow spaces. For example, squares or rectangles “recessed” in the overall composition will visually enlarge the room. This is especially suitable for elongated corridors;
  • In the design of the design, give preference to light colors in warm, pastel colors;
  • give Special attention arrangement of lighting. On the ceiling surface should be used maximum amount lamps. Thus, the room creates a feeling of lightness and airiness.

It is considered a great success to have a huge entrance hall in the layout of the house. With such chic sizes, you can turn into reality both original fantasies and extraordinary solutions. Volume large rooms allows you to mount single-level and multi-level systems, their choice depends on personal tastes and design style.

Stepped plasterboard decorations may seem heavy at first glance, but thanks to the right colors, they will harmoniously fit into the look of the hallway and become almost weightless.

For spacious rooms, as a rule, choose ceilings with smooth transitions and lines. Thanks to them, strict boundaries are smoothed out on the canvases and an impression of unusual freedom is created. In addition, in such hallways you can use various color scheme. The decorations in this case are made both to match the tone of the general style, and contrasting, highlighting individual zones.

As for the texture of the ceiling, it can be either matte, glossy, or combined in an unusual combination of materials. For example, glossy compositions with matte edging look spectacular. If you want to give the hallway a touch of modernity, then you should use more in original ways scenery and decorate the surface with painting or photo printing.

It is also important to take into account one important point: more than three shades cannot be used on the ceiling.

To highlight the corridor in a special way in the design of the house, it is recommended to decorate its ceiling with a mirror surface. It is also worth noting that with the right selection of lighting and colors, any hallway can be transformed into a cozy and modern room.

How to change the size of the hallway

The traditional entrance hall is a narrow and long room. In this regard, when arranging this room, it is not possible to place many pieces of furniture, and in order to increase it a little, they use the game of lighting and paint the ceiling in light colors or paste over it with wallpaper in pastel shades.

In addition to all the design tricks, important point counts correct design overhead structures.

If the multi-level system is painted white, then the decoration of the upper surface will turn into a weightless space, and all at first glance its heavy massive details will smoothly smooth out, making the room visually high.

Great option in the design of ceilings, the use of smooth lines that have no boundaries is also considered. In order for such ceilings to fill the hallway with harmony, it is also important to take care of the choice of sophisticated furniture models that will be reflected in the mirror canvas and beautifully complement the overall interior.

great idea For visual magnification space is considered a combination in the decoration of the ceiling of black and white flowers, while light tones should prevail, and dark shades will only help create a contrasting accent.

Ceiling and lighting

Lighting plays a huge role in the hallway. As you know, ordinary chandeliers have long gone out of fashion, in addition, modern designs from drywall with them "do not look". Therefore, in most cases, when decorating the ceiling in the hallway, beautiful spotlights are preferred. If you choose the right model and quantity, then the arrangement of the premises can be considered complete.

These lighting fixtures help create stunning lighting effects while increasing the height of the room, making it original and aesthetically appealing.

The times when the only way to restore the appearance of the ceiling was whitewashing are long gone. Now there are many options, each of which has both pros and cons - the latter mainly lies in the complexity self-assembly and unavailability of some materials. The arrangement of the ceiling in the drywall corridor can be called the most popular solution, which will be inspired by photos of beautiful interiors made using this material.

Advantages of drywall

For those who prefer to make repairs on their own, drywall is an excellent material that does not limit the freedom of choice in matters of design. In addition, drywall is relatively inexpensive and easy to handle: if you have an assistant, it is not difficult to cope with the installation of such a ceiling.

The main advantages of the material include the following:

  • Nice appearance. A smooth, even sheet of drywall is quite attractive even without additional painting.
  • Good sound and heat insulation properties.
  • Application safety. A gypsum sheet is made from a mixture of building gypsum, PVA glue and starch, placed between cardboard sheets: if it is made in accordance with GOST, it can be used in any room.
  • Breathability. This property determines both the ability to absorb moisture and give it away: thus, the room will never be too wet or dry.

It should also be noted that drywall sheets do not weigh too much and are convenient for mounting both suspended and false ceilings.

The feature of drywall, thanks to which it has gained such popularity, is its flexibility. Sheet transformation can be carried out both wet and dry, creating a huge variety of structures of any shape.

An important point: despite its elasticity, drywall is a rather fragile material, so care must be taken when working with it. When making curved elements, you need to carefully study the technology so that the products do not break during the creation process.

To the listed advantages of the material, one can add its relatively low cost. Compared with many other methods of finishing ceilings, drywall installation is more financially profitable, including because it does not require the involvement of a large number people to do the work.

Plasterboard ceiling in the corridor: advantages

Narrow corridors are quite often a continuation of the hallway. Here it is required to visually expand the space, which is easy to achieve using multi-level light plasterboard structures. In addition, the walls in the corridor cannot always be used to create unique design, therefore, it is appropriate to make the ceiling the main interior feature here.

Lighting plays an important role in the design: it can also be used to visually increase the volume of the room if you install not a massive chandelier, but small spotlights, the most popular when installing plasterboard ceilings.

An interesting option is when fancy curved elements are mounted on the ceiling, additionally illuminated by an LED strip. When installing such equipment, it is advisable to take the advice of a designer who will help turn the room into a real art space.

Note: a small ceiling height is not an obstacle to the installation of drywall. In this case, preference should be given to the hemming method of fastening, and not to the more familiar hanging. In this case, the height will decrease only by the thickness of the crate mounted to the draft surface.

The advantages of a plasterboard ceiling in terms of decorating possibilities are obvious. As for practicality, drywall requires some care in operation: it must be protected from dirt, dust and grease. However, this problem can be easily solved by painting the ceiling. suitable paint: enamel, water-based, acrylic.

How to mount a plasterboard ceiling: a preparatory stage

The first thing to do is make a list the right tools and materials. For the construction of a plasterboard ceiling of any type, you need:

  • drywall sheets;
  • metallic profile(wall and guide);
  • straight hangers;
  • fasteners (self-tapping screws and dowel-nails);
  • putty for sealing joints, screws and small irregularities.

If a decor is planned on the ceiling, it is advisable to purchase “liquid nails” or gypsum glue in advance, depending on the material from which the decorative elements are made.

Next, you need to check if all the tools are available. A perforator is a necessary thing if the draft ceiling to which the profile will be attached is concrete. In other cases, it is quite possible to do with a screwdriver. In addition, you will need:

  • level;
  • locksmith scissors for profile cutting;
  • cutter for connecting profiles;
  • a knife for cutting gypsum board and an edge planer.

To cut holes in a drywall sheet for lamps, sockets or a chandelier, it is convenient to use a special tool - a saw-knife. For the same purposes, a hole saw is used.

After acquisition and preparation necessary materials and tools, you can proceed to the first stage of creating a ceiling - marking. Determination of the lowest point - key moment, it depends on its position whether it is possible to make a false ceiling in the corridor or whether it will be necessary to mount a suspended one.

TIP: before proceeding with the marking and installation itself, you should make sure that the rough surface is well prepared. If it has crumbling plaster or any other unreliable coating, you need to get rid of it.

After determining the lower (zero) point, horizontal lines are applied to the opposite walls, along which the crate or guide profile is then mounted.

false ceiling

In a narrow corridor it is not always advisable to create complex structures: a simple one might well be enough single-level ceiling. If the difference between the lowest and highest points that determine the height of the ceiling does not exceed 2 cm, a false ceiling can be built. This method requires less time and money.

To create a structure, you need to make a wooden or metal crate, which is mounted on the base ceiling and walls. Plasterboard sheets are attached directly to it. If it is planned to have electrical wiring under it, a sketch of its location must be made in advance.

It will not work to place spotlights or any additional equipment with this method of creating a plasterboard ceiling - there will not be enough height of the gap between the draft and the ceiling to be mounted. This distance can be increased by setting to base surface inserts right size, and attach the supporting frame to them. However, it is more expedient in such a situation to install a full-fledged false ceiling.

On a note. Sheets of drywall must be laid apart, and the joints of the panels must coincide with the supporting parts of the frame and be attached to them. To avoid cutting and fitting solid sheets of drywall, it is recommended to pre-set the optimal distance between the parts of the crate.

A false ceiling can only be single-level and does not opportunities for interior design, but this option is quite simple and fast. In addition, with this installation method, the ceiling height is reduced slightly.

Suspended ceiling

Multi-level ceilings can only be suspended - fasteners using crates are not suitable for them. However, for those who want to implement any creative idea, this option is much more interesting. In addition, in this case, it is possible to build a ceiling with curly elements: a metal profile and plasterboard sheets can be easily deformed in accordance with the chosen shape.

Single-level false ceilings are convenient if it is necessary to hide communications or install spotlights, the length of the base of which requires a certain amount of gap between the draft surface and drywall.

With this type of construction, preliminary marking is also used - not only on the walls, but also on the ceiling, to accommodate suspensions. The guide profile is mounted along the perimeter of the corridor according to the markings, U-shaped suspensions are attached to the ceiling. This standard parts, which are used most often, however, in some cases, knitting needles may be needed. These are longer suspensions needed to lower the ceiling to a lower height.

An important point: if the width of the corridor allows, and solid sheets of drywall are used during the repair, then the carrier profile must be placed on the guide every 60 cm. Since the size of the standard drywall is 120 cm, the position of the carrier profile will correspond to each side of the sheet and its middle - this will help to ensure maximum rigidity and strength of the entire structure.

The construction of the frame does not end there: in order for the ceiling to be even, the profile must be leveled. You can do this using building rule or thread. After the profile has been adjusted over the entire plane, it can be screwed to the hangers.

The next stage is the laying of drywall sheets, the process is quite fast if all the work before it was carried out neatly and correctly. The drywall rises to the ceiling and is fixed with several self-tapping screws, after which the sheet can be released and finally fixed. It is recommended to constantly measure the distance from the installed drywall to the wall, cutting off the protruding edges as needed.

Note: Drywall sheets with this installation option should be laid in a checkerboard pattern, avoiding complete coincidence along the seam. This will provide greater rigidity to the ceiling and prevent the appearance of cracks in the putty and paint.

Thus, the ceiling of the entire corridor is mounted, after which you can proceed to the draft and finishing. Here you can implement many design ideas: paints fit perfectly on drywall, decorative plaster, wallpaper. An excellent decor is stucco molding made of gypsum or polyurethane, which can also be painted in a suitable color.

What can be a plasterboard ceiling in the hallway (the photo gallery in our article will inspire you to interesting ideas) modern home, apartment or even office? Is it possible to create creative designs using ordinary drywall sheets and a frame that can set the tone for the entire interior? What techniques do designers use when decorating spacious, narrow, standard corridors? All this below.

Plasterboard ceiling for the hallway - what justifies the choice

The modern plasterboard ceiling in the hallway justifies itself in every way.

Affordable and easy to install, the material shows more whole line benefits, including:

  • environmental friendliness and safety;
  • energy saving properties;
  • soundproofing;
  • moisture resistance;
  • breathability;
  • elasticity.

To Work with drywall sheets nice and comfortable. Without extra effort and what is important, skills and experience, in a day you can arrange a spectacular flawless ceiling in the room.

Among a number of positive points, it is worth noting some of the nuances that you need to know about when planning a ceiling in a drywall corridor in a simple or complex interpretation. Despite the flexibility, the material is quite fragile and requires careful handling.

In addition, structures, especially those based on several levels, "steal" the height of the ceilings of the room.

To eliminate the effect of oversaturation, installing structures in narrow corridors with initially low ceilings, you need to properly plan the design and think over the lighting.

Plasterboard constructions: possible variations

Depending on the design idea and the characteristics of the room, it is possible to mount plasterboard suspended ceilings in the hallway in several ways. These can be designs:

  • single-level;
  • two-level;
  • multilevel.

The latter option is used extremely rarely and only in spacious hallways with high ceilings. IN residential buildings and apartments, most often they mount simple single-level structures, trying to keep the height of the ceilings practically unchanged.

Two-level structures, subject to the correct geometry, combinations of colors and lighting, can become a decoration of the room, place the right accents, visually change the parameters for the better.

Small hallway - design tricks

Most often, the corridor is inferior in parameters to the rest of the premises in an apartment or house. Taking into account its features, when planning the installation of the ceiling, you need to try to visually increase the space with it. Properly designed plasterboard ceilings in the corridor solve several problems at once:

  • bring light into a dark room without natural light;
  • visually "expand" the walls and "raise" the ceiling;
  • complement the interior design;
  • protect the room from moisture;
  • maintain an excellent level of sound insulation.

It is allowed to install a two-level ceiling in a narrow corridor, subject to simple recommendations. To achieve the right effect you need:

  • avoid blurry lines and contours;
  • adhere to clear geometric shapes with a center recess in relation to the perimeter to visually expand the space;
  • use decorative elements of a strictly elongated shape;
  • apply combinations of light and warm tones.

In addition, planning functional design ceilings, it is necessary to consider the location and combination of lamps, with their help smoothing out the flaws of the room and focusing on the merits.

Spacious corridor - unlimited field of activity

For large rooms, plasterboard ceiling options are more diverse. The more space, the easier it is to think over, place and mount the structure. That is why in the spacious corridors you can so often find interesting design multi-level ceilings with built-in lighting and stretch fabrics.

Designers recommend even in spacious corridors to try to use the space as efficiently and competently as possible. It is important to think over the design to the smallest detail, plan the lighting in advance, using, for example, a reception with height differences and an LED strip.

In spacious hallways, you can afford to use large geometric decor elements of discreet colors, experiment with combinations bright colors for designing different levels of construction.

A large corridor should not be a call for a complex and overloaded structure. Not always beautiful ceilings- multi-level with numerous decorative elements. You can also make the right accents and complement the interior with the help of a minimalist design with a perfectly flat and smooth surface without excess details and light.

Design secrets - revealing the secrets of the masters

To decorate with your own hands beautiful and practical ceiling in the hallway, you can use general advice designers, repeatedly tested in practice.

  1. Experts recommend in spacious rooms not to limit the imagination regarding the use color palette. It is permissible not only to make the ceiling of a bright color, but also to combine several juicy shades to enhance the effect, while not forgetting the main rule of three colors.
  2. It is not at all necessary to mount a ceiling that meets general style premises. It is allowed that the design turned out to be the opposite of the general concept, thus attracting the main attention to itself.
  3. The texture of the ceiling also should not be limited to one solution. It can be a design with a matte, glossy or combined surface. As a nice bonus, consider photo printing, 3D, or even hand painting on the ceiling.

Plasterboard structures in the corridor can be combined with mirror surfaces to create an infinity effect, which can be enhanced by correctly placed spotlights and a colored LED strip.

All these techniques will allow you to focus on the ceiling and visually adjust the parameters of the room, if you follow the main rule - the design of the structure must be planned taking into account the characteristics and dimensions of the corridor.

Narrow hallways - how to decorate the ceiling

A long and narrow corridor with the help of a plasterboard construction can be visually expanded quite simply. To do this, several effective methods are used. One of them is the division of the surface into regular geometric shapes, each of which is additionally framed by a high plinth.

An important point is thoughtful lighting. With it, you can make even the narrowest corridor visually spacious and comfortable. Suitable spotlights placed along several lines, starting from the center and ending with the sides of the structure. The closer to the edge, the smaller the fixtures should be.

In narrow corridors, you should not install chandeliers, especially massive and large ones. If you can’t do without them, then it is better to choose miniature and light models.

The color scheme also matters. narrow corridor and dark ceilings are incompatible. In such rooms, only light and cold tones will become appropriate; finishing with a reflective effect is allowed.