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Sheathing the house with siding: interesting modern solutions. House siding upholstery

The combination of the words country house is associated with a small building, but the phrase facing country house siding makes it clear that the structure is not so small. Siding is chosen as finishing material for a country house because of the affordable cost and a good set of performance characteristics.
He is valued for his unpretentiousness, long term services, for different shades and invoices. The material is used for the restoration of long-serving wooden, block, brick buildings, when sheathing newly built frame structures.
Facing a country house with siding allows, without investing significant funds, to quickly give the buildings an attractive and finished look. Samples of design fantasies in the design country house siding, you can look at the photo in the material galleries.


  • Long-term operation does not change the impeccable appearance of a house finished with siding, unlike lining.
  • This finishing material does not undergo rotting processes; pests do not like it.
  • The material is resistant to mechanical stress and high temperatures during combustion.
  • Facing the cottage with siding is able to protect its facade from external atmospheric influences, isolates it from the penetration of noise into the house.
  • Sheathing with siding allows you to insulate the structure of the house due to the air gap or special heaters that do not prevent the house from “breathing”.
  • Various regions of the country, with temperature differences from -50 to + 50ᵒС, can allow the population to use this.
  • Its paint does not fade even in direct sunlight, regardless of the location of this material in the south, under the scorching rays of the sun, or in the north, in severe frosts, the siding is able to withstand all weather difficulties.
  • The use of vinyl siding, instead of a similar lining, does not require painting.
  • It is enough to wash it with water from a hose and the surface will again shine with novelty, cleanliness and freshness.

Attention: Despite the speed installation work when sheathing with siding, the performance of work has its own nuances when finishing openings, corners and transitions.

  • Facing country houses with siding should be carried out in compliance with allowances for thermal expansion. If you neglect the advice of professionals on the video, you can get a skin that warps after warming or cracks form in it from frost.

Types of siding and its choice

There are different. They are divided into large buildings and not very capital ones, in which it is possible to live all year round, or summer for the season, brick, wooden, panel.
It is better to sheathe any types of buildings with siding, which are also different, but serve great option exterior finishes with the right choice.

Type of sidingAdvantagesFlawsApplication
WoodPrepared from wood fibers by pressing and adding resinsHigh price, not practical, burns wellRarely used for decorating garden houses
MetalSteel and aluminum material does not burnA lot of weight that light walls can't handle
fiber cementSturdy, beautiful, durable, practicalHigh cost, may exceed the price of the building itself and the weightCapital buildings for year-round use
VinylLow cost, a variety of colors, resistance to temperature extremes, ease of careIt is prone to accidental damage with gardening tools.Summer garden houses, on capital buildings where the lower part is sheathed with vinyl plinth siding


  • Vinyl products are made from polyvinyl chloride, which is a solid strip called a panel.
  • Each individual panel is a monolithic sheet with the desired shape.
  • When installing siding with their own hands, the owners country houses carry out the insulation of the building due to the convenient laying of the insulation material in the crate space.

Methods of finishing work with siding

There are not so many options as the materials themselves. There are two ways for the development of events, the cladding of a country house with siding is carried out vertically or horizontally.
For each type of work, its own types of vinyl products are produced:

  • The horizontal decoration of the facade is carried out with a “ship board” and a “herringbone”.
  • The vertical cladding is reminiscent of log masonry because it uses panels similar in shape to logs.
  • The single-fracture "ship plank" finish has become widespread in the United States.
  • Herringbone siding with a double fracture is used in Europe.

Attention: For all types of siding, except for wooden products, which can then be repainted in the color you like, the right color is an important and crucial moment.

  • Choosing a color for siding is not an easy task, since there are at least 25 colors of them.
  • For simplicity, they are divided into 3 groups. One group is white, the other is pastel, the third is colored.
  • Most often outside the city there are pastel colors.

Calculation and rules for installing siding


  • The correct calculation of the material is determined by the surface area that needs to be sheathed.
  • Why is the surface divided into geometric shapes.
  • Window and from the calculation of the area are not excluded.
  • 10% is added to the results obtained, which is quite enough for sheathing.
  • The calculation includes siding fasteners used for exterior and internal corners for horizontal and vertical mounting.
  • Facing siding of country houses on wooden crate performed with special nails, fastening to the profile with self-cutting screws.
  • Sheathing of buildings is made by a round house, but the temperature should not be lower than 10ᵒС, otherwise the vinyl material loses its plasticity and may crack.
  • The fastening of the panels with nails is not done tightly, the cap does not reach the end of 1-2 mm.
  • Nails must go straight into the product, otherwise you can get a wavy surface.
  • It is unacceptable to stretch the siding during installation.
  • The next panel is connected to the previous one, and then pushed against the wall until the locking system is fixed.

Attention: All materials used in the installation of the cladding must not corrode, otherwise the siding will begin to move away after a few seasons.

Installation and cost of work


  • country house begins with preparatory work.
  • The protruding elements of the platbands, grilles, doors are dismantled.
  • cement mortar or polyurethane foam used to seal gaps around openings.
  • The walls are freed from dirt and dust, swollen plaster, paint, rotted areas and mold.
  • Houses made of wooden products are treated with antipyretics and antiseptics, foam concrete walls are primed.
  • The average cost of a meter of square siding in rubles depends on the material: metal -190-215; wooden - 1000-2500; vinyl - 180-600; cement - 400-1000 per panel.

  • Country houses facing with siding are performed from the back.
  • To do this, the bottom edge of the panel must be in the starting strip, and the top is attached to the crate.
  • Fasteners do not extend at least 10 cm to the edge of the panel.
  • The next row starts at the beginning of the previous one.
  • The joints should not be placed one above the other; for this, a checkerboard installation order is observed.
  • If the panel is shorter than the wall, the instruction recommends using a connecting bar during installation.
  • The last cladding panels are attached according to the following rules. Nailed flush to the eaves finishing bar. Installed last panel by pressing it until the lock system works.

After each installation, extra pieces remain that should not be thrown away. Accidental mechanical damage to panels can always be replaced. There will be no difference in the colors of the panels, because vinyl siding does not fade in the sun.

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For decades, siding has been popular among finishing materials. It performs several functions at once, protects the house from the influence of the external environment, decorates it, making it more presentable. Variety of materials and color palette allows you to revet the house in any variations. Options for sheathing a house with siding, photo examples design solutions will help you decide and possibly find the most suitable finish for your home.

Varieties of siding

The finishing coating in the form of a panel has differences in the material of manufacture, strength, weight, texture and color, which is important to consider when choosing for a private lady.

Most requested types:




    fiber cement;



This finishing material is the most popular. Panels are different size, can be with imitation of wood, stone or brick.

    a light weight;

    resistant to temperature changes;

    easy to maintain, does not need painting, vinyl panels are easy to clean;

    simple installation work;

    a large selection of colors;

    thanks to sentinel elements, it is not difficult to finish any part of the building, such as the basement, window openings, gable;

    Vinyl siding mimics the texture of other materials well. masonry, rounded timber.

    low cost.

    afraid of mechanical damage;

    melts under fire.

    short service life.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most - from the construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".


Finishing the house outside with metal siding is durable and reliable. There are such types:




Steel models are usually used for industrial buildings, aluminum for private ones. Features of metal siding:

    Long operation.


    Great variety in color.

    Good resistance to fire.

    high noise

    not suitable for houses that are in difficult climatic conditions, with high humidity, with frequent temperature changes.

    aluminum material should not be used in facade decoration with an increased likelihood of damage.

Note! When decorating a private house with metal siding, it is imperative to take into account the weight of the structure, its load on the foundation.

On our website you can find. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

fiber cement

Finishing the facade of the house with fiber cement siding is a good alternative to previous materials. It is made of environmentally friendly material, has a lot of advantages. Can imitate wood, brick,

    resistant to fire;

    does not rot, does not mold.

    not afraid of damage;

    withstands high and low temperatures;

    easy care.

    difficult to install;

    heavy in weight, so a strong frame is needed. Not suitable for old houses;

    a small selection of colors;

Beautiful finishes from this material:

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from wood

Wood, or lining, in the manufacture passes special treatment, thanks to which it is more resistant to fire and moisture, it looks like natural wood. The term of operation is 15 years. Environmentally friendly material. On panels where ventilation in the form of openings is provided, condensate does not form. More suitable for areas with a temperate climate, with dry weather.

We figured out a little about the quality of materials, now let's talk about colors and their combinations

Variety in color palette

Facades look beautiful and harmonious in different colors, which makes them unique.

Let's single out the main 3 groups by colors:


Colored, in turn, are divided into light and dark.

Light colored siding

After some time, the panels may lighten a little, fading in the sun. Therefore, in places with a scorching sun, it is advisable to choose a material of lighter shades. It is often preferred to panel country houses in pastel colors.

It should be noted that the resistance to fading depends on the quality of the dye, color stabilizers. Accordingly, the price will be higher. The information is indicated in the instructions and the quality certificate.

Finishing the facade of the house with siding light colors visually increases it in size, it seems more majestic.

A beautiful combination of warm sand panels with a gray roof and white elements, columns.

Please note that houses with protruding structures, balconies, columns should be decorated in light shades. So that the building does not seem very massive.

Video description

The technology of house siding work with siding in the video:

dark colors

Design solutions for decorating houses with siding in dark gray green, blue, brown, and burgundy red are in harmony with the nature around them. But it is worth considering that the dark tones of the finishing material visually reduce the building, so they are not suitable for small structures.

The dark finishing material makes the house expressive and bright, the right design will not leave it unattended. Such a building will definitely not get lost among other buildings.

It might be interesting! In the article at the following link, read about.

Muted shades, cappuccino, brown, betray the house of sophistication and solidity.

Nice walnut finish

Facing with red brick has always been relevant, such houses look prestigious. But the minus is the high cost of the material, the effort during its installation, the waste of a lot of time. Red brick siding is not so expensive, it is much faster to install, and the result is no less spectacular.

There are practiced options for finishing the siding of the house, where the facade and the roof are red, but it is likely that the interior of the house will merge together.

Therefore, it is advisable to use elements of a different shade, black, white for contrast, such an interior of the house makes it bright and expressive.

The red facade is beautifully combined with white windows, columns and a gray roof, the picture looms remarkably against the backdrop of greenery.

It is worth noting that the premium class panels are of the same color on the inside and on the back. A budget option has a lighter color on the inside than on front side, paint on production is saved.

It might be interesting! In the article at the following link, read about.

Horizontal and vertical siding

There are several options for finishing, which differ in the method of installation:



Vertical installation visually makes the house taller. The appearance of high walls is created. Suitable for small houses.

The horizontal type of installation is more common, and always looks harmonious with any building interior.

In this case, you do not even need to resort to different color schemes.

Siding combination options

There are a lot of options, it all depends on the imagination, and the desire to make the house special and unique. Facades with two colors look beautiful.

In such a finish, it is important to choose the right colors that will be in harmony with each other. To do this, use the palette of color compatibility. Also, connecting profiles are selected that match in color and do not focus attention.

More often combined exterior finish home siding is used to highlight corners, or the bottom and top window openings.

Video description

A bit more useful information about the types of siding in the video:

It might be interesting! In the article at the following link, read about.


Pictures of houses sheathed with siding show a wide variety of options for material, color and texture. It is necessary to decide what is more suitable for the design of the building, what texture pleases the eye, and what color will harmoniously fit into the interior of the environment. If you doubt your personal taste, entrust it to designers and specialists who will professionally implement all your wishes.

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The outer side of the walls of the house is most exposed to environment. To minimize the effect of natural factors, it is worth using a material that is convenient, inexpensive and effectively protects the house from dampness. There are several types of siding. This:

  1. Wooden cladding;
  2. Vinyl cladding;
  3. Metal (galvanized) cladding;
  4. Panels made of natural and artificial stone(ceramics);
  5. Aluminum cladding;
  6. Acrylic, plinth, cement panels.

Each of these materials is good in its own way, it is only important to know and follow the basic technological operations that allow you to mount the siding correctly.

Home siding tools

Over the years, two types of installation of siding cladding of buildings have been developed:

  • Installation of panels with insulation;
  • Assembly of cladding without insulation.

Starting installation, you should decide on the tool and inventory. You will need:

  • Drill (if the walls of the house are wooden), puncher (if the walls are concrete or brick);
  • Bulgarian or sawing machine;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Level and plumb;
  • Folding rule or tape measure;
  • Hammer, screwdriver, pliers.

During installation, it is impossible to do without a ladder (ladder), nails, screws, self-tapping screws. When purchasing siding, you should pay attention to the presence of the following parts in the kit:

  • External and internal corners to decorate and strengthen the corner joints of the siding;
  • Two types of profiles (H-shaped and J-shaped) providing reliable docking of panels.

Additionally, you will need to purchase a wall-mounted metal profile for attaching the panels directly to the wall. Next, you can proceed with the installation.

Principles of installation of facing panels

  1. Initially, you need to calculate the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls of the house, subtract the area of ​​​​existing windows and doors from the data obtained. This is important for correct calculation the number of siding panels, so as not to spend money on extra material.
  2. Using a plumb line and level, it is necessary to check the vertical and horizontal walls of the building. To facilitate the fastening of facing sheets, it is necessary to line the walls around the entire perimeter of the building using a plumb line and level.
  3. The next step is the installation of the crate. A wooden or metal base has its positive and negative sides. A metal profile is relatively expensive, and a wooden crate needs pre-treatment with chemicals from harmful insects, fungi or decay. Racks made of wood require fire impregnation, which also increases the cost. The most economical method of installing siding is to fix the panels horizontally.
  4. Important: with a horizontal arrangement of the panels, the racks should be fixed strictly vertically at a distance of thirty to forty centimeters from each other. Since the siding is subject to temperature changes, it should not be mounted rigidly, but with some gaps (two - two - three millimeters are enough).
  5. The next stage of installation panels consists in fastening at the outer corners of the building specific H-shaped profiles. J-rails are attached around the perimeter of door and window openings. After fixing all the guides and corner profiles proceed to the installation of the decorative rails themselves. The most commonly used method of fastening the cladding.
  6. The main thing to remember is that siding installation starts from the bottom: its lower edge should be three to four centimeters above the main level and certainly from the back of the building. On the guide profiles, the facing sheets are fastened with self-tapping screws: it is enough to use three or four of them for the entire length of the panel.
  7. The bottom edge of each next panel should slightly hang over the previous one. In cases where the length of the wall is greater than the length of the siding rail, connecting locks are used. It is important to know that the cladding elements should not be rigidly and tightly attached to the guides.

This method leads to deformation of the panels and their premature failure. Only the final bar is fixed rigidly under the very top of the wall. In any case, trimmings remain after the installation of the cladding. Don't get rid of them because modern materials do not change their color even under the influence of sunlight. They can come in handy in cases where siding repairs are needed.

Do not forget that under the heads of nails or self-tapping screws that fasten the panels, you need to put rubber or plastic seals. They serve as an obstacle to the penetration of moisture under the lining and additionally strengthen the structure. Rarely used siding with locking. The principle of its installation is similar to the previous one.

The only difference is that the rails are connected along the entire length until a characteristic click, and the screws are screwed in only from two ends of the rails. There is a vertical mounting method decorative cladding. The frame crate is mounted on the contrary horizontally. When installing siding with insulation, the space between the frame rails is filled with one of their modern fillers. Usually it is basalt or mineral fiber, foam plastic, glass wool.

Describing a cottage or Vacation home, we devote a lot of time to its interior decoration. But after all, the first impression of your home largely depends on how it looks from the outside. In addition, the quality exterior finish has a significant impact on the safety of the house, its durability, as well as how comfortable living in it can be. Finishing the house outside with siding is in high demand among homeowners. About the reasons for such popularity, about general principles of this type of finish and how houses sheathed with siding look like, we want to tell you.

Thanks to the facing of the house with siding, its appearance and, of course, the impression it makes completely change. The building looks complete. Now it is fully consistent with the style in which it was originally conceived. Facing allows not only to insulate the building, but also to protect it from wind, rain and snow.

Thanks to siding, any building acquires a well-groomed and respectable appearance. In addition, this finishing material is an excellent protection for the house itself.

Using siding for cottage cladding allows you to save your finances and time spent on exterior finishing work. In addition, this material has good performance characteristics and resistance to external influences. Its use allows you to combine the procedure for warming the house with its exterior finish.

This material is so diverse in its texture and color that for any cottage or cottage there is always suitable option. Another indisputable advantage of siding is the ease of care for it: it is enough just to wash it from time to time.

Choosing the right type of siding

It can be assumed that all houses sheathed with siding are similar to each other, but this is not so. Firstly, the individual features of the buildings are given by the color scheme chosen by its owners. Secondly, the diverse texture of this finishing material also plays a significant role.

Option #1 - Durable Vinyl Panels

Perhaps it is vinyl panels that are used special attention buyers. This siding can have a smooth surface or mimic wood, brick, and even a natural stone. PVC panels are really presented in a very diverse way.

Vinyl siding is especially diverse: it can have a smooth or textured surface, please with bright and contrasting colors.

This material has many useful qualities, which provide a high demand for it:

  • affordable price;
  • light weight of the panels, which greatly facilitates the installation procedure;
  • durability of the material: it can last more than 50 years;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • a wide range of this type of product is able to satisfy customers with a variety of requests.

Vinyl siding can be used temperature conditions from 50 degrees of heat to 50 degrees of frost. But this material is highly sensitive to temperature changes.

When using vinyl panels for the exterior cladding of a building, it is necessary to take into account the coefficient of linear expansion of this material when heated. Otherwise, the panels may be deformed by a sharp change in temperature.

Another nice feature of PVC panels is the ability to combine them with other materials. With basement siding, for example

Option #2 - classic wood siding

When else about plastic on the market building materials they didn’t even hear that wooden siding was used for cladding houses. It is he who is still considered the most noble and expensive facing material to this day.

Modern wood siding is no longer quite wood. These panels with amazing smooth surface obtained by pressing high temperature blends of wood fibers and polymers

In addition to environmental cleanliness, which is an indisputable advantage of this material, it is also famous for other positive qualities.

It has:

  • high level of strength;
  • good indicators of thermal insulation;
  • decorative.

However, wood also has disadvantages. Today it is unreasonably expensive material. In order for it to last longer, it must be treated with antiseptics and fire retardants. It also needs coloring. However, wood can warp from excess moisture and for a number of other reasons. And such a sheathing will last much less than vinyl.

If you think that you see a house trimmed with wood in front of you, then you are mistaken. This is her skillful imitation - metal siding

Today, this type of siding has practically fallen into disuse, since it is easier and more reliable to use materials that can imitate wood.

Option #3 - respectable cement material

You will often find cement siding on the market. In the production of this building material, not only high-quality cement is used, but also small elastic cellulose fibers, which are added to the solution. As a rule, such material imitates a finishing stone and is not inferior to it in terms of technical and decorative qualities. A house with a similar sheathing acquires a very respectable appearance.

Houses finished with cement siding look especially respectable. This is a solid material, which requires special strength of the building frame.

The undoubted advantages of this facing material are:

  • its increased reliability and strength;
  • the material is geometrically stable and does not depend on temperature changes;
  • resistance to various natural factors: rain, snow, direct sunlight;
  • this material is not subject to rotting, fireproof, it does not need to be treated against mold and fungus;
  • cement sheathing can be easily restored without having to dismantle it.

The disadvantage of this material is its expensive installation. First, heavy cement siding is not easy to install. Secondly, during the installation process, a special tool is used to cut the panels. During this procedure, silicon dust is generated. To prevent it from entering the lungs, it is necessary to use protective equipment.

Unlike vinyl siding, the geometry of the cement finish never changes and does not depend on the temperature regime.

To withstand the weight of such a facing material, the building frame must have increased strength.

Option #4 - beautiful and expensive ceramics

And ceramic siding is not used so often. It is produced on the basis of silicate materials with the addition of fiber fibers. A special hypercoating is applied to the workpieces, consisting of silicon-acrylic and inorganic dyes. After that, the product is subjected to hardening, as a result of which a ceramic surface is formed.

This expensive ceramic siding is made in Japan. It is original, beautiful and durable, but the house lined with it must also have a certain margin of safety.

This facing material differs in high resistance to influence of rainfall and solar radiation. Its coating does not fade, does not respond to vibrations.

The advantages of this material lies in its:

  • exceptional sound and thermal insulation;
  • undemanding to care;
  • strength, incombustibility and durability.

The disadvantages of this material are the same as those of cement products: this heavy cladding requires a reinforced frame of the house. Ceramic material and he is expensive, and its installation is also not cheap.

Ceramic siding does not burn, although asbestos is not used in its creation. It has excellent thermal insulation properties and prevents condensation, which can reduce the strength of the building.

Option #5 - metal siding

After vinyl, metal siding is perhaps the second most popular. It is used for sheathing not only residential buildings, but also public buildings. This material is made of steel, aluminum and zinc:

  • Steel. Steel panels are either painted using a special powder or coated with a polymer layer. Bye protective covering not disturbed, the panels are perfectly protected from corrosion. This material does not burn, is highly durable and decorative, easy to install. Its disadvantages are poor sound and thermal insulation properties.
  • Zinc. This material appeared on the market recently and is not in great demand due to its high cost. The surface of such panels is gray or black. Zinc siding has the main advantages of steel.
  • Aluminum. Aluminum panels are practically not subject to corrosion and are lightweight. Their resistance is appropriate to use in those places where the polymer coating of steel panels can peel off from the base, that is, where the panels have to be cut. This is an expensive material that is easily deformed if the conditions of its transportation are violated.

Metal siding is often used to create high-tech designs. However, it is not mirror panels that are in high demand, but products that imitate wooden beam. There are also panels depicting a wooden frame. This metal siding is very similar to logs and is called "block house".

Metal siding can depict not only wood, but also brick, for example. The fact that this is still siding confirms the reflection of light from the wall surface on the left side of the photo.

Metal siding successfully creates an imitation of a log cabin - a block house. The result is a beautiful and durable structure that does not require special care.

Option #6 - basement siding

The panels that are used to cover the plinth are made of highly durable polymers. Various additives are used during their production high pressure. The surface of the socle siding reproduces the appearance of natural materials: stone and wood.

To finish the basement, siding is used, which is different high level strength. Sometimes it is used in combination with other types of wall decoration.

The basement of any building must be protected by a particularly durable coating. After all, it is in direct contact with the surface of the earth, is subjected to mechanical stress and is affected by excess moisture. Plinth panels specially made thicker and stronger than wall. They can be mounted on a simple crate.

Additional advantages of this finishing material are its rich colors, good thermal insulation properties, high strength and decorative effect. Due to its reinforced structure, such material has improved performance, but it also costs more.

Basement siding - beautiful material. For this reason, it is sometimes used not only for lining the basement, but also for the exterior of the entire building.

Wall siding is different. With it, you can give the building a look that matches different styles. It can look like a castle made of natural stone, like a brick building, and even like a log cabin. At the same time, not only the decorative effect of the house is ensured, but also its thermal insulation.

This video will tell you how to choose wall and hemming siding:

Calculation of the required amount of material

To calculate the need for siding, it is enough to remember the geometry that we all studied in high school. Mentally break the surface to be sheathed into rectangles and triangles. Knowing the formulas for the area of ​​these figures, we calculate the total space with which we have to work. The final amount of coverage is determined after excluding the area of ​​windows and doors from the calculated total area of ​​the walls.

It is necessary to take into account not only the siding that will go to cover the walls, but also different kind strips, window frames and other elements necessary during the installation process

Now we have to determine how many panels we need to complete the planned work. Siding panels are produced in different widths and lengths. We determine the area of ​​​​one panel and divide by it the just calculated size of the surface that we will cover. We get the desired number of panels. Please note that when choosing the size of the panel, we must take care to minimize the waste that will inevitably occur during the cutting process. For waste, it is customary to add up to 10% to the amount of material received.

In addition to the main panels for cladding, the following materials are needed:

  • starting bar - installation of siding begins with its installation. The need for it is determined by dividing the entire outer perimeter of the house by the length of one plank.
  • corner strips - the number of internal and external corners of the house is determined by counting their number on the sheathed surface. If the building is higher than the length of the corner strips, the need for them increases accordingly.
  • connecting strips - they are needed when the wall of the house is longer than the siding panel. Determining the need for them is carried out piece by piece.
  • finishing bar - it is installed horizontally at the completion of the cladding, as well as under the windows.
  • window profile - the calculation of this element is carried out piece by piece.

What tool will be required?

When the facing material is prepared for work, you need to collect all the necessary tools in one place.

All the tools that the master needs should always be at hand. For this purpose, a special belt is often used.

We will need:

  • ruler, square, tape measure;
  • hacksaw with fine teeth or a grinder equipped with a circle for metal;
  • furniture stapler and hammer for working with wooden crates;
  • screwdriver and screws;
  • metal scissors, awl, knife;
  • level by 1.5 meters, water level, plumb;
  • pencil for construction works or chalk.

Do not forget that to work at the top level, you will need or scaffolding, or stairs.

Sheathing, insulation, waterproofing

Installation of outdoor siding is impossible without crates. With its help, the walls of the building become perfectly smooth. As the frame of the crate, a wooden beam or a special metallic profile. Preference should be given to the profile, because it retains its performance properties longer.

1 - Heat insulation, 2 - Anchor for insulating materials, 3 - Wall, 4 - Waterproofing and wind protection, 5 - Additional elements, 6 - Mounting bracket KK with a projection of 55 to 230 mm, 7 - Mounting L-shaped profile 40x40

As a rule, the distance between the frame guides is 50 cm - 1 meter. The actual step depends on the characteristics of the building and the width of the insulation used, which will be mounted between the rails. Frame blocks must be present where the panels are joined around the openings of windows and doors.

Insulation should regulate the temperature in the house in heat and cold. You can choose different heaters, but mineral wool from basalt fiber is considered the most acceptable. It is she who helps to maintain a comfortable temperature inside the house. In addition, it is a fireproof material. It has only one significant drawback - cotton wool can interact with moisture.

In order to protect the wool from moisture, a waterproofing layer is applied. When mineral wool fixed around the window, it must be cut with a slight overlap according to the actual dimensions of the opening.

Details of the siding process can be seen in the video:

Photo selection of houses sheathed with siding

We also suggest that you look at photos of houses sheathed with various siding so that you can see how attractive they become.

Outdoor finishing works pursue several main goals, of no small importance among which is an attractive decorative look. At the moment, many materials are used, but the houses sheathed with siding look the most original and aesthetically pleasing. Products are presented in a large stylistic variety, which allows you to realize design fantasy.

There are several main varieties of material that have a stable demand.


The most popular products are made of PVC. The cheapest options are made from recycled materials, which reduces the attractiveness and durability. Quality panels are distinguished by a large decorative variety, including various imitations.

Among all types of such siding, the block house stands out. When used, the coating takes the form wooden frame due to the reliable transfer of color and texture.

Vinyl block house - imitation of a wooden frame


Can be used as an alternative to vinyl. The material also belongs to the polymer type, but has more modern technology manufacturing, which consists in the use of special components. The front coating of such parts is not subject to fading, which contributes to the preservation of decorativeness and color saturation throughout the entire service life.

Acrylic siding - quality and color saturation


It is made on the basis of a composite, which includes wood raw materials and cellulose. Due to pressing, the material becomes resistant to moisture. Decorative and protective treatment of such parts is most often carried out on last step manufacturing. You can update the coating after 3-5 years if you want to change the design.

Wooden siding - warmth and comfort

Externally, the elements fully reproduce the view wooden board, so it is difficult to distinguish such a finish from natural.


This facing material includes two varieties:

  • Steel products are very popular, since cladding a house with such siding allows you to get an excellent imitation of rounded logs. The effect is provided by an external coating, which is applied in a special way. The result is rich color and the desired texture. A type of metal siding called "ship timber" is also popular.

Metal siding “ship timber”
  • Aluminum parts do not have such a wide decorative range, so they are more suitable for cladding industrial and commercial facilities.

fiber cement

It is made on the basis of cement and cellulose, which provides high performance properties. Like the previous variety, it perfectly imitates the texture of a wood surface, which can be seen in the photo below. But it is extremely rare due to the high price.

Fiber cement panels - excellent performance, but high cost

On a note! Fiber cement and vinyl options may include more than just facade materials, but also products for the plinth, which are successfully used for the complete sheathing of the house. There are three main types of imitation: stone, brick and wood chips.


In order to finish the house with siding outside according to the technology, it is necessary to use special fittings. Also, additional elements make it possible to highlight the main color scheme, because most often they are of a different shade. The use of accessories allows you to harmoniously combine different panels.

How to choose a siding color

To decorate beautifully a private house or cottage, you need to pay great attention to the selection of shade. To do this, many factors should be assessed: the size and shape of the building, the presence of other buildings nearby, the need to adhere to the old design idea.

Possible Solutions

Different colors of siding allow you to emphasize the advantages and hide the shortcomings of the object.

Light coating

These are white, beige, cream, pale blue shades that significantly transform small houses giving them volume and solidity. These colors are suitable for buildings with climbing hedges or surrounded by small trees or shrubs.

An interesting effect is obtained if a house sheathed with siding in beige or another light shade is framed by a small front garden without massive ornaments and decor items.

When choosing such a finish, it is necessary to correctly place accents. The fact is that a completely monochromatic facade will not give the building a zest, so it is recommended to highlight windows and doorways. For this, deeper tones are used, combined with the main skin.

Houses sheathed in white or beige siding will look more expressive if windows and doors are highlighted with dark elements.

Dark facing

This design can be gray, dark blue, brown, rich cherry. These colors give the house austerity, visually reducing it. But for right choice it is necessary to evaluate the location of the object and the surrounding space.

So, brown and rich green tones in outer skin especially relevant when around big trees with a spreading crown. Although light shades can be used in such cases, dark options allow you to emphasize the status of the owner and his commitment to order.

As in the previous version, we must not forget about the accents that allow to smooth out the tension. If you completely decorate the building with too dark shades (blue, black), then the house will look gloomy and uninhabited, so some details need to be highlighted light.

Small light elements perfectly complement the dark skin

bright plating

Such a coloring should be clearly thought out. The fact is that too rich solutions can quickly get bored, cause fatigue or increase irritability. Important role the shape of the house plays: it should be non-standard, without the same type of straight lines.

For example, panels yellow color it is possible to cover the entire building if it has more than one floor. The complex shape of the roof, facade and windows at a considerable height will create an unusual effect. But it is advisable to highlight all openings with white or dark components.

Photo of a house with bright yellow cladding

To correctly combine the facade and roof, you need to consider some tips.

Classic combinations

The most popular solution is the combination of dark and light shades, the latter being used exclusively for walls. This style is chosen if it is necessary to achieve complete harmony with the surrounding space and avoid pretentiousness. You can also overlay the base with a stone or use special siding for this.

A monochromatic solution also belongs to the classic ones, but this option will make the house faceless and uninteresting. To avoid this, corners, openings, edges of the roof overhang are highlighted. This structure looks whiter stylish and individual.

Since siding is often chosen with imitation wood (like a log, timber or herringbone), the walls reproduce the texture and texture natural material. In this case, cherry-colored tiles or green corrugated board are laid in advance.

Should know! The reverse combination (light roof and dark facade) requires a responsible approach, since the object may turn out to be incomplete, devoid of a bundle. To avoid this, light accents are placed on a dark background, and all corners and edges of the roof are highlighted in the same shade as the walls.

Non-standard solutions

To make houses finished with siding turn out to be expressive, you can use unusual combinations. So, if the roof is calm of blue color, then the facade is decorated in yellow, turquoise or beige.

The brown roof is perfectly complemented by light green walls.

Blue and gray surfaces will look standard. To make such a composition look more complete, it is decorated with catchy accents.

A green roof can have many combinations if you want to get a custom solution. Yellow, gray and turquoise panels are suitable for such a coating.

If the walls are of complex shape, you need to choose one primary color and highlight all the ledges with others. This technique is used to level the massiveness of the structure.

Warm and cool shades are suitable for rustic style. The surface can be revetted with basement siding in a natural stone or burnt brick color. The plinth must be highlighted. Appearance any house will benefit if the gable is different from the main cladding. You can also arrange a wide border separating it from the rest of the house.

Siding combination options

The use of different colors in the design of the facade allows you to give a private or country house individuality. To do this, several basic methods are used.

Horizontal and vertical installation

Arrangement of panels in different directions- this is an excellent solution if you want to make the structure more expressive. In such a situation, there is no need to use shades of different colors: desired effect can be achieved if the main part of the facade is lined horizontally, and the gable - vertically.

Interesting options obtained by sheathing multi-storey buildings. In this case, you need to create a visible border between the combined differently directed elements. The building takes shape and shape, which allows you to hide the existing shortcomings.

Upholstery in two colors

When choosing this method, the shades should match each other, so it is advisable to have product samples in order to evaluate the real result. Since it often happens that the pictures in the catalogs distort the real color.

Facing technology: the walls are divided into sections that will be carried out in different styles. The tone of the connecting profile for joining the panels is also thought out; it should not attract much attention to itself.

More often, this combination is used to highlight corners, but it is also suitable for areas above and below the window opening.