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Instructions for self-configuring locks, handles and hinges of interior doors, step-by-step adjustment. Adjustment of plastic doors

5787 03/08/2019 6 min.

Many people choose plastic front doors for their homes. Usually this option used for a balcony, however, the front door made of durable metal-plastic is quite appropriate at the entrance to the office, a private house. Unlike wooden doors, plastic is more practical: it does not dry out, is not afraid of bad weather. And, at the same time, it is light, which distinguishes this design from metal counterparts.

Plastic doors are usually installed by employees of the supplier company, but to adjust it, to “fit” it under the power of each owner, if he is at least a little friendly with the simplest tools. In the article we will tell you how to properly adjust the plastic front door: we will find out what is needed for this, and we will give detailed instructions- with explanation of all stages of work.

Important Points

The acquisition and installation of a new plastic door is an activity that requires certain skills and knowledge. If you still do not know how to install it correctly, here are a few recommendations that will allow you to control the quality installation of the door without defects and flaws.

Step by step installation instructions interior doors offered by hand.

Most often, adjustment is required immediately after installation. new door. Even if the installation was carried out by super-professionals, it is still required to subsequently “adjust” the installed structure, bring it “to perfection”. If it is located in a passing place, for example, in an office, a store, then the question often arises,. In such institutions, the door is constantly opened and closed: and not always delicately and carefully.

If, after installation, the structure opens “with a creak”, this is a good reason to contact the company that installed the door with a claim and a requirement to eliminate the shortcomings.

Read all the information about plastic entrance doors with glass.

How the door is installed correctly and vertically can be checked using a level - laser or conventional. This tool will demonstrate any deviation from the norm.

  • check if the frame fits snugly door frame. There should be no cracks, defects or gaps. To do this, you must first familiarize yourself with;
  • slightly open the installed door structure halfway: it is important that the sash does not tend to close or open completely on its own, but remains in the same position as you left it;
  • if there is absolutely no idea about the installation of doors and the specifics of metal-plastic door structures, it will not be superfluous to watch a special video before the arrival of the installers, which will provide initial knowledge in this matter. After watching the video and reading the corresponding article on the Internet, you will be able to talk to the masters with a certain “knowledge of the matter”, which will help to avoid many possible “jambs”.

Read also about the feasibility of installing plastic entrance doors for a private house, .

The need for adjustment

You will be able to notice without any measurements that the time has come to adjust when you feel that the room is drafty when closed door. This means that in door structure there are gaps that need to be fixed immediately. But still, we will find out in what exact cases it becomes necessary to adjust the front plastic door, what points indicate this need.

Sometimes it is enough to circle the door frame with a pencil to see that the resulting lines are not at all parallel. And if so, then there is an urgent need for adjustment and correction.

To get an idea of ​​how tight the door fits, place a sheet of paper between the frame and the box and press it down. After pressing, try to pull the sheet out: if it comes out with difficulty, then everything is in order with the density. But if it pops up easily and effortlessly, you need to adjust the clamp.

Sometimes deformation and temperature changes cause the door leaf to move. And then door leaf starts to touch the middle of the frame. Or such a deformation leads to the fact that the door "slides" down, and its lower edge, when moving, begins to touch the canopy.

Often, adjustment of the installed door handle is also required. The need for this arises when the handle begins to stagger, and even more so when it completely falls out of its own nest.

After installing the door structure, you may need to install a locking device, we recommend reading about overhead door latches.

Sometimes it is necessary to adjust the frontal nature - to the clamp, if, as a result of wear of the seal, the door leaf has become loose against the frame.

In addition to the above, adjustment is needed when, at open castle sash does not stay closed.

If you find one or more of the listed "errors", then it's time to make an adjustment. However, please note: do not take any independent movements, if the warranty period from the manufacturer-installer has not yet ended. During the warranty period, the company is obliged to eliminate all technical defects (arising through no fault of the owner) free of charge. And your intervention and repair attempt (possibly unsuccessful) will become the basis for the company to refuse warranty obligations.

How to install a plastic window in wooden house is told.


In order to qualitatively and professionally carry out work on adjusting the front door made of plastic, you will need the following set of tools:

  • screwdrivers: flat and Phillips;
  • hex keys of all sizes;
  • roulette;
  • special plastic gaskets;
  • pliers.

And if you are doing such work for the first time, then it would be useful to open a website with our training article, which will help you adjust the plastic input structure in stages.

Vertical adjustment

Each metal-plastic door is equipped with a special adjusting screw on the hinge. If this screw is “loose”, on the lower or upper layers existing seal, slight dents will be noticeable, or the door leaf will rub the threshold. To correct this defect, you need to find a screw in the loop of the indicated screw, which adjusts the height of the door, and then remove the plug from it.

Use a 5mm hex wrench to adjust the screw. By rotating it clockwise, you will raise the door frame, and against it, you will lower it to the required height.

Horizontal adjustment

This type of work is most often needed when the plastic sheet begins to sag due to its severity.

To adjust, open the door wide open, unscrew the screws with a 3 mm hex wrench from the two upper hinges. Then close door leaf, and remove the covers from the screws. For adjustment, we need the longest screw, located horizontally - it is adjusted in the upper and middle loops. Moreover, the top should be tightened a little more. Usually this is enough to eliminate the door warp.

Well, so that the sash always moves evenly, you can correct the remaining screws running horizontally in all three hinges.

Pressure adjustment

In another way, this type of work is called frontal tuning. You should know that the pressure should be adjusted periodically: every spring and autumn. For the warm season, it is weakened, and for the cold season, it is strengthened.

To set the required pressure density, find the pin of the lock, where there is a special notch, which is used to determine the pressure density of the door. With a hexagon, this notch is turned towards the frame to loosen the clamp, from the frame - to strengthen it.

But it happens that the serif is already rotated in the necessary way, but the density is still insufficient. In this case, you can adjust the frame with a double-glazed window.

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To do this, remove the glazing beads that hold the double-glazed window. Using the blades that are located between the double-glazed window and the plastic sheet, gaskets are installed (also made of plastic). Proper selection of the gasket can qualitatively adjust the skew of the door. When you put the glazing beads in place, knock them out with a rubber mallet to avoid deformation.


In the event that the door is used for too long in a skewed state without proper adjustment, the seal wears out and deforms.

The deformed seal must be removed, then the groove must be cleaned of dirt and dried adhesive residue. Then coat the groove with fresh glue, and install a brand new seal. Make sure that it is not too tight.

In addition, you will find out which sealant for plastic windows is better.

Handle adjustment

When operating the input structure made of plastic, two problems may arise with the handles: looseness or, conversely, too clumsy and reluctant turning.

If the handle dangles, you need to turn the pad on it 90 degrees, open access to the screws and tighten the screws with a screwdriver, thereby eliminating the existing defect.

If the handle is tight, then the problem is the skewed plastic door leaf. To eliminate this defect will have one of the methods discussed above. If all distortions are eliminated, and the handle is still tight and clumsy, the best solution would be to replace it.

What do experienced door installers advise us to do?

To prevent the need for adjustment often, equip the door with a special microlift and a closer-limiter. The microlift will not allow the door leaf to sag, as it will “take” its weight on itself. And the limiter will not allow the hinges to loosen when the door rests on the jamb.

Lubricate the regularly available seal with silicone, which will greatly extend the usability of the gasket.

Try to use the door handle for its intended purpose: do not hang bags, umbrellas and other items on it. Improper use may result in sagging and loosening of this part.

Do not forget that the lock also needs to be lubricated periodically. If this is not done, the household will begin to pull the handle strongly: and this leads to a distortion of the door leaf.

It is possible that you will need.


On the video adjustment of the plastic front door:

We examined the process of adjusting the entrance plastic door. The same principles can be used if a plastic door is installed between rooms. As you can see, there is nothing particularly difficult to handle the job on your own. The specialist takes about 1,800 rubles for adjusting a plastic door: think for yourself what savings are possible if you do the work on your own. Keep an eye on the front door: the warmth and comfort in the house depend on its condition and performance.

Even with the highest quality installation, over time, any door will require such a type of prevention as adjusting the hinges. The most vulnerable are input structures with high traffic, so the adjustment door hinges entrance doors, especially for public facilities or private houses, should be carried out quite often.

It should also be taken into account that this hardware with a decent weight, which leads to their gradual sagging and, accordingly, to the weakening or failure of the loops.

Loop performance is also affected by other factors, some of which may be common to different types doors. The design features of the hinges themselves should also be taken into account, as well as the fact that if there is a desire to do this work with your own hands, you will need to acquire a special tool (you will not need so much: a set of screwdrivers, pliers, hex or asterisk keys) and get some, at least theoretical, skills.

Door hinges: what are they?

But in order to do such work as adjusting the hinges plastic doors, you should know what type of hinges is installed and only after that, you can start repairing. The range of door hinges offered by the market is very diverse. The choice is based on many parameters: design features the door itself, its weight, installation location, the wishes of the customer, compliance with certain stylistic requirements set by the interior, as well as the material from which they are made.

Usually simple hinges are placed on interior doors.

Loops can be overhead, mortise, screw-in, hidden, bar and some other types. For relatively light doors, ordinary overhead hinges are suitable, and for heavier ones, mortise hinges should be chosen, bar hinges are installed on both sides to ensure the opening of pendulum structures, screw-in hinges are used for plastic ones, and hidden ones are absolutely invisible in the closed position, which is especially important for entrance doors. On massive metal doors, hinges with a support bearing or a ball, made of a durable brass alloy, but more often of stainless or carbon steel, have become widespread.

How can you determine for yourself that everything is fine?

Criteria correct operation door hinges are:

  • easy, without effort, its opening / closing;
  • uniform adjoining of the door leaf to the frame around the entire perimeter;
  • maintaining a stable position;
  • absence of any friction between the door and the frame;
  • precise operation of the clamping mechanism and, as a result, the absence of gaps.

In the event that at least one of the conditions is violated, this is a signal that it is necessary to adjust the hinges, as this affects both the service life and the operation of the door. If no measures are taken, then in the future this can lead to a noticeable sagging or displacement of the canvas and the box relative to each other, which is fraught with repair work completely different complexity and cost. And if small deviations are found, then this is quite correctable either by specialists, or even on their own- only a certain adjustment and adjustment of the hinges is required.

How to properly adjust the hinges on the front metal door?

Features of adjusting hidden loops

Hidden hinges of two types can be used for entrance doors: adjustable or non-adjustable. In the second case, their repair is impossible - they should simply be replaced, although given their high reliability, they do not fail so often. But adjustable hinges are more convenient in operation. If available vertical offset door leaf - it is necessary to shift the hinge a little in the appropriate direction.

The hexagon first weakens the extreme loops: top and bottom, and then the rest. Then - in-depth, in the end part. After that, the central screw is adjusted - it determines the width of the gap.


After that, all screws should be tightened in reverse order.

The mounting height of the web is adjusted with end screws: to raise it, release the top one and clamp the bottom one, and vice versa to lower it down a little.

How to properly adjust the support loop?

If the doors are installed using a metal door hinge with support ball or bearings, they are adjusted with a screw at the top. The canvas can be lifted by tightening the screw - in this case, it will rest against the ball. As a rule, the need for such an operation is due to the fact that the metal is gradually subject to abrasion, which leads to sagging of the door.

Be sure, with preventive adjustments, the hinges must be cleaned of dust, dirt and lubricated. To do this, completely unscrew the screws and drip grease through the holes. Naturally, after that the screw is screwed back.

Features of adjusting metal-plastic doors

These types of doors, although they are devoid of many of the shortcomings characteristic of wood products and associated with the deformation of the leaf or, most often, the box, also require periodic prevention of the hinge group. Often the cause of the poor performance of the hinges may not be the subsidence of the door itself under its own weight, but a malfunction of the mechanism. As a rule, three hinges are installed on plastic doors that can withstand the weight of the door, but if there are only two of them or if these are low-quality fittings, then the canvas may also sag.

There are no special differences in adjusting the hinges of external or interior metal-plastic doors. The difference lies in their thickness, which is determined by the number of chambers and the method of opening. It does not make sense to supply interior doors with a folding mechanism, and its presence on the balcony door is an additional convenience for airing the room.

Adjustment of hidden hinges on metal-plastic doors

It may be necessary to adjust hidden door hinges installed on such products. They are quite common but have some design differences from hinges for entrance doors and, accordingly, are adjusted differently. For products made of metal-plastic, this type of hinge is made of a complex alloy, tsamak, which is characterized by high strength, which guarantees high reliability and wear resistance, for example, the open / close cycle has more than 200 thousand times. Just like for metal entrance doors, not all hinges are adjustable, but for those that can be adjusted, the action plan is exactly the same.

Overhead hinges for metal-plastic doors

correction features.

If the door is equipped with an overlay hinge (one of the most common options), it can be adjusted both in two and in three planes, depending on functional features. Vertical misalignment up to 5 mm is eliminated by adjusting the adjusting screw using a hexagon. In order to get to it, you need to remove the decorative trim from the hinges.

If there is a need to raise or, conversely, lower the door, you need to find another adjusting screw in the lower end, hidden under the detachable bar. With the help of a key, the door is raised up to 5 mm or lowered by 1-2 mm. The screw at the top end is for adjustment up to approx. 2 mm. And when a larger adjustment is needed, up to 5 mm, you will need to completely remove the door and part of the hinge attached to the frame and adjust.

The latter option is mainly used for doors that open in three planes. And the adjustment of the hinges of interior doors made of metal-plastic does not require such complex work.

Iron door adjustment

Aluminum door hinges

The popularity of aluminum products is provided by a beautiful aesthetic appearance, material strength, light weight. Therefore, increased requirements are imposed on door hinges from it, especially considering that, with rare exceptions, their adjustment is impossible. Of course, hot-pressed aluminum, which is used to make hinges, is a durable material with high wear resistance.

It is not recommended to install products made of poor quality materials on these doors.


The likelihood that the hinges will need to be replaced aluminum doors very high.

Not even swipe doors on a frame or slope, can cause cracks or breakage. Therefore, unregulated hinges are installed on such doors: if they are of high quality, they serve for a long time and reliably, and if they are of low quality, then they are not subject to repair, and even more so adjustment.

How to adjust door hinges video:

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How to adjust input metal door- this question is asked by many inhabitants. When the warranty period ends, this work have to do it yourself. Fortunately, this procedure is not too complicated and anyone can handle it. Next, we will introduce you to all the nuances.

This is the most common problem for any iron structures. Adjusting Torex door hinges (and other manufacturers) in most cases eliminates creaking. First of all, we carefully examine the structure. It is important to identify scuffs, because they are often main reason. For work, we need the following list of tools and materials:

  • Set of hexagons.
  • End key.
  • Screwdriver Set.
  • Lubricant (WD-40 works great).

Having prepared everything you need, let's get to work:

  1. We slightly open the sash and loosen the tightening on all hinges (starting from the central ones).
  2. We pull the canvas, lean it against the box.
  3. Grease the hinges.
  4. Tighten the loops back (necessarily in the same order).
  5. In order for the canvas to be properly fixed, it needs to be shaken a little.

As you can see, adjusting the hinges of metal doors with your own hands is a simple procedure. If it did not help the first time, we repeat it until the creak completely disappears. During work, evaluate the level of contamination of the loops. Clean them thoroughly if necessary.

The reason may lie in hardware malfunctions - cracks, abrasions, etc. In this case, a replacement is required. It is important to purchase all items from the same manufacturer. Otherwise, you can not guess with the variety.

Get rid of blowout

Most often, this problem occurs due to the wear of thermal insulation. So it just needs to be replaced. If the canvas began to let cold air through, but at the same time there is a heat-insulating layer, adjustment of the door eccentric will be required. This mechanism is responsible for the density of the canvas in the closed position.

Tip: lubrication with a special sealant can help.

Design features may differ from manufacturer to manufacturer, but in any case, the manipulations are not difficult. First you need to loosen all the bolts that fix the eccentric. Then, using a suitable key (cross, "star" or hexagon), we twist the mechanism. Then we close the canvas, check the level of fit and, if necessary, repeat the procedure.

What to do with a tight vestibule

There are situations when the canvas closes too tight. There may be several options here:

  • The installation has been done recently. In this case, adjusting the metal door will not work. The problem lies in the novelty of the seal, which at first is too hard (tight). Only time will help you - after a few months the problem will disappear.
  • Another reason is the incorrect position of the "tongue" in the keyhole. This problem is typical for Chinese models. In this case, there is only one solution - we find the bar into which the tongue enters. It has several records. By bending and bending them, you can achieve the correct position.

Please note: if the warranty has not yet expired, contact the company that performed the installation. Its specialists are obliged to solve the problem for free.

  • Budget models are often characterized by marriage. It consists in the insufficient size of the hole for the crossbar, or in its incorrect position. To get rid of this problem, you can sharpen with a file. Of course, if the difference is small. Otherwise, a complete replacement of the locking mechanism is necessary.

Sometimes lube can help. sliding mechanisms. It is better to use brands specifically designed for door hardware.

Correcting too light pretense

Opening can happen the other way around - too easy. In most cases, this situation is associated with wear of the seal. Therefore, the only right decision is to replace it. This is done as simply as possible:

  • We cut off the old sealing tape with a knife, trying not to damage the box. In some cases, it can simply be torn off.
  • We cut off a new tape with a margin of 10-15 cm.
  • We take it off protective film and glue around the perimeter of the box. At the same time, it should not hang - try to evenly position it.

If you are sure that your seal is in good condition, then you need to achieve the tightness of the porch by means of adjusting the antennae of the plate. In some cases, there may be a malfunction of the lock mechanism. The solution is a complete replacement.


The recommendations given above are typical only for correctly installed structures. If even the slightest deviations from the level are observed, this is the problem. Therefore, first evaluate the quality of the installation.

In modern world plastic windows and the doors are very popular. They have a low weight of the entire structure, tightness and relatively low cost. However, over time, problems arise during their operation, which may require adjustment of the mechanisms.

We reveal defects

Identified damage is usually visible to the naked eye:

  • The door lets cold air into the room, the tightness of the structure is broken. In order to confirm the specified deficiency, it is necessary to perform some actions. A sheet of paper is clamped between the frame and the door, the structure is locked. After the paper is pulled out. If it gives in, then the clamp is broken. The operation is carried out around the entire perimeter of the door leaf. In addition, the defect manifests itself with the onset of frost. If the seal is broken, condensation forms on the double-glazed windows.

  • Warped or sagging door leaf. If the door has sagged, then this is easily detected with a pencil, which circles the sash in the closed state. In the case when, with the door open, the drawn line is parallel to the frame, it can be argued that there are no distortions. Under its weight, the door structure may sag. This becomes noticeable when, when opening, the sash touches the threshold, and when closed, it forms a gap in the upper corner. Causes of occurrence: constantly open doors, improper wedging during installation.

  • Friction on the box. The door is difficult to move, the canvas catches on the box or creaks. At prolonged absence adjustments, the top PVC layer is rubbed, which may result in damage to the profile. Friction introduces discomfort into the operation of the fittings, wears them out, and as a result, disables them.
  • The handle is loose, the fasteners are loose. Usually the reason is frequent exploitation or a wasteful attitude.

  • Force is required to turn the handle. In this case, damage to the core of the lock or handle is likely, as well as different kinds debris or wear. The handle does not close all the way. A deficiency occurs if the following is noted:
  1. sagging of the door leaf makes it difficult for the pins to work;
  2. littering.

  • Jamming of the locking mechanism. The reasons can be different - from the simplest in the form of pollution to the more complex, depending on the design.

Required Tools

To adjust the plastic door yourself, you need to stock up on a set of tools:

  • Hex keys of different diameters (from 2.5 to 5 mm).
  • Flat screwdriver.
  • Crosshead screwdriver.
  • Roulette.
  • Pliers.
  • Set of plastic pads.
  • Lubricant and care product for seals (if necessary).
  • Instruction.

Instructions for self-configuration

Manufacturers complete plastic entrance doors with various mounting hardware and control elements. However, the principle of setting the door structure for all models is the same. It should be noted that similar products characteristic is the absence of a tilt-and-turn mechanism, as well as the presence of special type loops.

There are three door settings:

  • The height of the structure is adjusted by pulling the loop from below. For this purpose, a decorative cap is removed in its end part in order to free access to the central adjusting screw. Turning the hex wrench clockwise raises the door, counterclockwise lowers it.

  • Web offset to the right or left is adjusted using the side and top loops. The door is fully opened in order to unscrew the trim on the middle and upper hinges, which performs a protective and decorative function. After it can be removed, but initially the canvas is closed. Adjustment is carried out using a long adjusting screw located horizontally. Uniform shear is achieved by tightening the horizontal screw equally in the middle and top hinges. If the canvas sagged, then in the upper part - stronger.

The degree of pressing the mechanism is changed by twisting the trunnion. This element is also called an eccentric. Usually it has a risk - an indicator. If the eccentric is turned with a risk to the room, then the pressure decreases, the direction to the street will increase the sealing.

If a creak is heard when opening, then it is necessary to lubricate the hinges. To do this, remove the protective caps and put the agent into the opened holes. Lubricants must take into account climatic conditions, perfectly tolerate temperature changes.

Setting up hinges and awnings

On plastic and metal-plastic entrance doors, closed overhead hinges are most often installed. Their number is calculated individually depending on the functional characteristics of each model.

In the absence of a double-glazed window in the design, its weight is significantly reduced. So, it is enough to equip such a door with two canopies. Accordingly, if the sash is based on glass, as in the case of metal reinforcement, the structure can have three or more curtains.

To adjust them, there are three methods described above. It is important to understand that by twisting only one part, you can cause a curvature of the entire profile, since the change in position will occur only at one point. Illiterate adjustment leads to squeaks and distortions.

If defects were discovered during the warranty period, it is best to contact the specialists of the seller. It will be free and will not cause any hassle.

In order to avoid breakdowns, it is better to identify the reasons indicating the need for adjustment in time. Tight closing of the door, drafts, gaps between the frame and the canvas are the first signs of problems. Prevention of malfunctions in the operation of hinges and canopies of PVC doors significantly increases the service life. It can be carried out both independently and with the help of specialists.

If a decision is made to self-adjustment door structures, be sure to be patient, carefully read the instructions, check the availability of all the necessary tools. If you have questions, consult with experts.

In addition, professionals advise not to place high hopes on the adjustment of door elements, since it can only provide a displacement of a few millimeters. If the door structure was initially installed with technological violations, then the setting will not help.

How to pull up in height?

Door structures with a tilt-and-turn mechanism are more complicated than the entrance ones, but they are easy to adjust. If the canvas rubs with the bottom edge on the threshold, then it's time to adjust the vertical adjusting screw, that is, you need to lift the door up.

The algorithm for setting up is as follows:

  1. Inspect fasteners for breakage and for selection necessary tool. Instead of a hex key, an asterisk may be needed. If broken hinges are identified, unfortunately, you will have to call a specialist. With their integrity, you can start setting up.
  2. Remove the decorative protective covers from the hinges.
  3. Open the door for easier access to the adjustment hole.
  4. Find a hex screw on the top hinge and turn it clockwise, keeping track of the verticality of the sash. With a small shift, this will be enough.
  5. In case of a strong shift, the screw on the lower hinge is tightened. Clockwise adjustment raises the door, counterclockwise lowers it.

With the help of an angle adjustment screw in the upper end of the frame, the problem of the upper part of the frame getting caught on the sashes can be eliminated. If the door still has defects after adjustment in the closed state of closing, then the adjustment must be repeated.

How to align?

In order to align balcony door in a horizontal plane, it is necessary to use the adjusting screws located under the technological holes of the hinges.

The screws can be easily accessed by opening the door. The shift of the door leaf to the right occurs by turning the adjusting element counterclockwise. If you turn it clockwise, then the shift will be to the left. This method provides a door stroke of 2-3 mm, allowing you to eliminate various types of distortions.

Experts note that sometimes in order to make adjustments, it is required to remove the door leaf from the standard clutch. To do this, with the sash open, press the tongue at the end and transfer the structure to the “ventilation” mode. This will allow you to get to the top canopy adjustment screws. After adjustment, the door must be returned to its original state.

What to do for a tight closure?

If it blows from under the door, it means that the function of pressing it against the box is broken. To eliminate the defect, frontal adjustment of the eccentrics is performed. Changing their position by turning makes it possible to change the degree of pressing the door to the frame. For the upper part, it is possible to adjust by rotating the pin, for the lower part - by a screw located on the side edge of the canopy.

Scheme of actions when adjusting the pressure at the bottom of the door:

  1. Release the hinges from the decorative protection.
  2. Open sash. Press the lock against the seal.
  3. Move the top of the door leaf to expose the eccentrics.
  4. Turn the screw to the desired degree of pressure.
  5. For prevention, lubricate moving parts.
  6. Press the blocker, set the sash to its original position.
  7. To increase the pressure, turn the eccentrics to the maximum level, for which lower the locking bolt, move the elements, and tighten the fastening.

The position of the eccentrics must be adjusted depending on the season. Experts advise in winter to reduce the gap between the frame and the door, and in summer to loosen the pressure so that the seals do not dry out and to provide additional ventilation.

Difficulty closing

There have been cases when in order to close the door, you need to make some effort. Often the reason is to set the door to "winter mode". Then just loosen the adjusting screws.

Sometimes the root cause of poor closing is a clogged latch. Elimination is either blowing the lock and lubricating it, or disassembling the door and cleaning all mechanisms.

For preventive purposes, the lock is adjusted every time the door frame pressure mode is changed from summer to winter, and vice versa.

If the sash hung on one hinge, this indicates that the canvas was opened in two modes at once. To eliminate this, you need to find a tongue-shaped blocker in the middle of the end, bring it to a horizontal position. Pressing the door against the frame, set the handle to the “ventilation” mode, and then to the “opening” mode. Thus, the defect will be eliminated.

To prevent the causes of sagging of the sash, a supporting element is installed - an opening limiter. Sometimes it is also called a door closer. The element is not a mandatory equipment, but is popular.

Functionally, the closer is designed not only to support the open door, but also to adjust the closing speed.

Adjusting the hinge

The durability of door structures is ensured through the use of durable materials. For example, hinges are made from Teflon.

Due to the fact that the hinges of plastic doors are a hinged mechanism, the adjustment work is associated with an understanding of the principles of operation of such a design.

Ball bearings built into door hinges, provide ease of opening, reduce wear. They need to be lubricated and adjusted to work well.

Depending on the identified shortcoming, there is the possibility of horizontal, vertical and frontal adjustment.

The main thing is not to postpone, otherwise, with poor-quality operation, the door will loosen and the moment of complete destruction of the mechanism will come. It will be impossible to restore it.

We change the seal

In the presence of drafts, even after adjusting the web pressure in various directions, it can be concluded that there is a poor-quality sealant. The life of the seal is several years, but it may become unusable as a result of external damage or illiterate use. Door gaskets are not repairable, they can only be replaced.

Types of seals:

  • Rubber and rubber. The most common, with increased wear resistance to climatic changes.
  • PVC based polymer. The service life is low, it is afraid of temperature changes.
  • Polyethylene.

If you follow certain preventive rules, then the replacement of the seal can be carried out much less frequently:

  • Carrying out repairs in the apartment, the windows must be closed to avoid dust settling on the seals.
  • Washing windows gives an excellent effect, but subject to the use of non-caustic household chemicals.
  • Gasket processing silicone grease or ordinary glycerin will significantly increase the service life.

DIY replacement

A competent operation to replace the seal will require scissors and silicone glue.

Repair steps:

  1. Acquisition of a sealant with the required parameters. This must be taken care of in advance. If necessary, visit a hardware store with a sample of the old gasket, where, with the help of a consultant, choose an analogue.
  2. Removing the old seal with improvised tools from the groove. The operation must be performed carefully so as not to damage the canvas.
  3. Thorough cleaning of grooves. Dirt will not allow you to lay a new insulating layer with high quality.
  4. Apply silicone adhesive to corners. This will prevent the rubber from shifting.
  5. Laying the insulation in the groove, starting from the attachment point of the old gasket. Even distribution is required, without sagging, folds and tension.
  6. Fastening the joint closely. Sometimes the seal is cut at a 45 degree angle to ensure a snug fit at the end.
  7. Quality checking. Cold air must not enter the room.

When carrying out this procedure, it is important to ensure that the gum does not tear, otherwise you will have to change the seal again.

Adjusting the handle

Balcony handles are classified into mobile and stationary. Stationary function - the point of application of force to open the door. Movable models are necessary not only for actions with the canvas itself, but also for adjusting the lock. They, in turn, are swivel and push. Based on the installation method, door handles subdivided into mortise and overhead.

For balcony doors, bilateral models are most often used, since they open from two sides. Among the advantages, there is a solid mechanism, a variety of options, and among the disadvantages is low security for doors that are in general accessibility.

The simplest way door adjustments - repair of a loose handle mechanism. To do this, put the door in the "open" position, remove the protective cover at the base of the handle, opening access to the screws. Using a Phillips screwdriver, tighten the mount, thereby eliminating the defect.

If the handle turns tight, as a rule, the reason is the incorrect position of the door leaf. When this factor is eliminated, the opening function should return to normal. Otherwise, the handle together with the lock will have to be completely replaced.

A broken handle can be replaced by yourself. You should first set it to the "open" mode, then unscrew the screws from the mount, remove the entire mechanism along with the core. Insert a pre-selected new handle in place of the old one and fix it with screws.

How to adjust for the winter?

Pressure adjustment is associated with the expansion and contraction of the material of the seals with temperature fluctuations. Depending on the season, it is possible to adjust the modes using eccentrics. When they are moved towards the street, a winter position will be provided, since the door leaf is pressed more tightly. Summer mode implies a shift in reverse side, providing sufficient clearance between the elements of the door and the frame. As a result of such prevention, the doors will last much longer.

It is worth noting that eccentrics are advised to move in one direction, the same way. Rotation can be done both manually and with the help of special tools, such as pliers.

In addition to the above actions for warming balcony design, you can also check the quality characteristics of the insulation, and, if necessary, change or lubricate with silicone grease.

How to repair a metal-plastic balcony door?

With long-term operation, metal-plastic doors require repair, and this does not depend on their price. Major troubles, of course, will require the involvement of a specialist, but prevention and adjustment of mechanisms can be done independently.

It should be remembered how the door leaf is adjusted:

  • Vertical elements move the door up and down.
  • Horizontal mechanisms make it possible to move the upper and lower corners, move the canvas left and right.

Other minor troubleshooting can be done on your own.


There are two ways to remedy the deficiency:

  • Seal replacement. With prolonged use or extreme climatic conditions, rubber seals lose their elasticity. Today, the construction market offers a huge selection of sealants from various materials. Before replacing, it is necessary to carefully remove the remnants of the old gasket, if difficult, use a screwdriver or other improvised tool. The main thing is not to damage the grooves. Degreasing the surface is also an important stage, after which it is required to apply glue and, without stretching, lay the sealant.
  • Pin adjustment. The eccentrics that ensure the sash is pressed against the frame relax over time, which requires their regular adjustment. Since the elements are located around the entire perimeter, each should be configured individually. Standard trunnion positions:
  1. The summer mode is characterized by a loose pressure, the eccentrics are directed towards the street.
  2. The winter mode causes a tight pressure and the trunnions are adjusted towards the room.
  3. The demi-season position of the eccentrics in the center provides a moderate pressing.

Hardware problems

All running elements of the door structure must be lubricated from time to time with engine oil or by special means to improve their functionality. If the handle loosens during operation, then it is easily tightened with a screwdriver. However, the main thing here is not to overdo it. If the hinges are loose, it is enough to tighten them with a hex wrench.

If the lower mount is torn out, you will have to change the loop. There can be two reasons for this error:

  • When installing a door, irresponsible manufacturers put ordinary window fastening options instead of reinforced ones, and therefore the hinge cannot withstand the load of a heavy door leaf.
  • The presence of a short reinforcement inside the door. In this case, the fixing screws cling only to the plastic part of the frame, so the weight of the door cannot withstand.

The consequence of the previous breakdown may be the deformation of the upper loop. Due to the fact that the lower fastener no longer supports the sash, it hangs on the upper one, which is not designed for vertical loads. In this case, the hinge also needs to be replaced.

Frequent opening and closing of the door in in public places the handle mechanism makes extraneous noises. Since it consists of moving parts, they wear out with frequent movement. If after lubricating the parts the problem does not go away, then it is time to replace the locking system.

In addition, the breakdown of the lock may be due to a violation of the connection of the handle with the core or damage to other internal elements. To troubleshoot, remove the protective caps and unscrew the fixing screws.

For information on how to properly adjust the door, see the following video.

If a cut pin connecting the handle to the core is found, its remnants should be knocked out and a new one inserted. In the event of a malfunction of the handle itself, it will have to be replaced. If the lock is broken, you need to pull out the core. By unscrewing the latch at the end of the door, the mechanism is removed. Install a new one by repeating the steps in reverse order. If there is a need to purchase a new lock, then it is recommended to choose an analogue of the same company that was previously.

Defect elimination algorithm:

  1. Cleaning the surface of the canvas with any household means.
  2. After complete drying, it is required to degrease the treated parts.
  3. Apply a thin layer of putty with a spatula.
  4. After drying the fine sandpaper the surface is polished.
  5. Depending on the material of the door, the canvas is coated with a matte or glossy varnish.
  6. For laminated options, use a special pencil that eliminates any defects.

Sections of the article:

Metal doors were invented to protect the house from thieves, and are one of the main means of protecting a home. Such a door has high strength, is reliable and long-lasting, and in the assortment you can find a design for every taste. But even robust construction may start to creak, close poorly. In this case, it will be useful to know how to adjust a poorly functioning metal front door.

The process is quite easy and you can do it yourself with a simple set of tools. If you are not sure how the metal entrance door is adjusted, we recommend that you study the video with the adjustment process.

Basic Methods

Door adjustment is a set of measures that combines the repair of malfunctions and their prevention. Necessary procedures include:

  • Lubrication and adjustment of the locking mechanism;
  • Cleaning from dust and other contaminants of the functional parts of the door;
  • Adjustment of loops and canopies;
  • Checking and replacing the sealing gum;
  • Adjustment of the closer mechanism;
  • Twisting loose fittings.

Almost all of the above processes are quite simple to implement without large expenses. The result will be a problem-free operation of the door, which will perform all the functions and look beautiful. How to achieve such a result? More on this later.

Setting up argument mechanisms

Now the springs for closing doors are in most cases replaced by closers, which make the door last longer. The design of the closer is also based on a spring, which is located in a housing full of oil. Including the door closer also ensures smooth closing of the door. But at the same time, the closer, being more complex system, requires maintenance, like many other parts of the door, and with it you can adjust the metal door.

Driver mechanism.

The better the closer works, the more convenient it will be to use the door. The initial adjustment of the entrance doors and their similar elements is done at the installation stage. But during operation, the oil in the vessel thickens and needs to be replaced, and the mechanisms get upset and require maintenance.

How to adjust the closer

To change the slamming speed of the door, you just need to turn one of the adjustment valves in a certain direction. If your door opens and closes quickly or slowly, you also
you will have to use the adjusting nodes, but for this you need to know how to properly and professionally adjust the front door.

Closer adjustment diagram.

To adjust the tension level of the spring, it is necessary to use a special adjusting nut. During service or life situation there are times when the door must be left open, for this a special latch was created. You just need to open the door 90 degrees and tighten the latch a little. To adjust the valve against a sharp opening of the door, turn the adjustment nut counterclockwise, if on the contrary, we want to open the door sharply, turn it clockwise. Such an adjustment of aluminum doors will significantly improve the operation of the doors and prevent them from failing for a long time.

If you still don’t understand how to adjust a metal door, videos from professionals in their field are at your service.

Cleaning and adjusting the lock

Sometimes the lock starts to work poorly even if there is no visible problem with hinges and other systems. Almost always this is the fault of the castle itself.

General cleaning and adjustment of your old metal front door can give it a lifespan, such procedures on the lock are especially noticeable, after which it starts working like new. Overhead locks are easily removed from the door, and it is quite easy to clean and lubricate such a device. And it is better to give locks of other types for repair to the master, because they are quite complicated.

The frequency of maintenance measures for locks depends entirely on the working conditions of the latter and the frequency of use. For example, a lock in an apartment door will live without maintenance for about a year, and for a lock in country house service once every three months is acceptable. For maximum effect it is necessary not only to know how to adjust and maintain the entrance iron door, but also to be able to do it efficiently. This will help wide choose special equipment that can not only help remove dirt, but even help melt ice.

When choosing a lubricant, it is important not to make a mistake, and choose, depending on the type of mechanism. So, a cylinder lock can not be lubricated at all, but one of its varieties - a deadbolt, must be lubricated with machine oil to reduce the friction of the parts during operation.

Thus, having a cylinder lock, you practically do not have to think about adjusting the doors.

To lubricate the lever locks, you need an ordinary pencil. We slightly crumble the stylus, and pour the resulting crumb into the castle. For greater effect, you can try blowing the lead into the lock. This non-trivial way of adjusting the door with a stylus is very useful, because the usual key lubricant for a lever lock will only be harmful, as it will help the mechanism become even more dirty, which will subsequently disable it.

Lubricate the cylinder lock

We spray the necessary cleaning agent into the cylinder until a little of it flows out of the container. After that, you need to insert the key into the lock and remove it, but do not turn it, otherwise the mechanism may jam and you will have to look for how to adjust the aluminum door broken by negligence.

Cross-shaped cylindrical lock.

Next, wipe the grease key with a clean rag, then inject more oil into the cylinder and insert and remove the key again. After the oil has completely spread over the cylinder, insert the key and turn it in different directions several times. Ordinary engine oil can be used to clean and lubricate the cylinder.

How to set up loops?

When adjusting the majority iron doors the following tips will be helpful:

    • Installation work is very important to carry out, given the size of the gap between the canvas and the upper casing. The gap on the side of the door should be larger than the gap on the side of the canopies, which will make the adjustment process easier in the future;
    • Sometimes, immediately after installing the door, there may be a slight, but over time, increasing squeak. This happens when the door rubs against the trim, and it is because of this that the door trim wears out more. To prevent this, it is necessary to adjust the canopies with the screws on them;
    • To adjust the doors, loosen the screws on the hinge, they are located near the point of friction, if necessary, loosen the screws of all the hinges;
    • Using a flat screwdriver, move the hinges to the side to obtain a gap, this position is fixed with a screw, and after the procedure, the door is closed with the handle pressed all the way;
    • If this helped to remove friction, fix the other screws, if the friction has moved to the other side, you should move the movable part of the hinge to the other side and secure. Adjustment of the doors is carried out until the loss of friction.

Tormented by a draft

If a draft “walks” through the front door, the recent adjustment of the door hinges, made due to a defect in the front doors, is not necessarily to blame. Often the air breaks through due to the old seal, always available on iron doors.

To adjust the door, it will be necessary to replace the sealing rubber bands, for which it is necessary to purchase a replaceable strip of the same thickness.

Such a product is always in any hardware store, as well as instructions for it. After the acquisition, the seal should be fixed along the edges of the porch and the draft will recede.

During the operation of the door, it sometimes ceases to close tightly. Just as in the case of a draft, replacing the seal will help. Before changing, make sure that the rebate is the same along the entire length of the door, if so, fasten a new tape around the perimeter. After completing this procedure, there should be another control check, and in case of problems, a do-it-yourself re-adjustment of the aluminum doors is performed.