Toilet      08.03.2020

The optimal area of ​​the terrace in the project of a house with a terrace. Terraces attached to the house Standard height of the veranda

A veranda is a popular home improvement that not only adds to the overall value of a property, but is also a focal point for outdoor recreation with family and friends. This is the place where barbecues, evening dinners and other social events take place. The ways of using a veranda are as extensive as the types of verandas that can be built. With this in mind, you'll want to carefully consider the available design elements that go into a veranda. Tools and materials: measuring tape, graph paper and pencil, ruler, wooden stakes, level, hammer.


The size and orientation of the lot and the house itself may be limited to just one or two verandas in various locations, however, within these limits, you can have much more choice than meets the eye. You can add retaining walls, a door, make walkways, screen a porch to create a private, personal setting, you can choose from a variety of options just the one that will be most convenient for your use. The climate of the area and the view that you will observe from the future veranda are key factors to consider when deciding where to place your veranda. The north side of your house is likely to be the coolest location. The south and west side of the house is likely to be very hot in mid-summer unless an additional awning is included in the building project, or shade from growing trees is used in the location. You can avoid exposure to winds, if any, by placing your deck on the opposite side, so that the house becomes a defense. In addition, careful placement will allow you to minimize traffic noise, eliminate unwanted glances, and provide additional privacy. If you are considering adding a hot tub or pool to your veranda, privacy considerations for you and your guests can be very important.

Legal regulations

Local zoning regulations - may limit the total size of your veranda, the height of the walls, as well as the minimum distance of the veranda from your house to the boundaries of the site. Decrees constructive - may limit appearance designs. Local building department - may require a building permit and ask for design plans. Local utilities - will help you find the laid pipeline, power lines and similar utility lines.


You can build a veranda of any size you wish, of course within the law. However, a huge deck next to a small house will look the same as a tiny deck next to a big house - wrong. If you think your proposed deck is large for your home, break it down by creating smaller sections on multiple levels. To test your ideas, take measurements on your lawn. Install wooden stakes at the nearest corners of the proposed area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future veranda and install the longitudinal beam, approximately at the height of the future railing. You can install furniture on the lawn, in the proposed construction area, to visualize how the space will work. The most common mistake people make when building decks is being too small. Tip: If possible, measure your porch in various sizes, larger and smaller. You will have to purchase standard lumber anyway, and there is no point in wasting that material when you could have a bigger deck for the same amount of money.

Form and flooring

A verandah can be any shape you want, in fact, simple changes like a bevelled decking angle or a 45 degree angle can add flair to a building project. You can also add visual interest to your veranda by installing it around the corner of your home, you can install benches, build a fence or sew up the veranda. As a rule, the flooring should go within five centimeters under the front door to the house. On a sloping site, you can build your veranda with several levels of support to follow the slope. As a rule, where the height of the veranda exceeds 50 centimeters from the ground, the pillars must have additional support to avoid vibrations. A spa or hot tub can be installed on a veranda when the structure is sufficiently reinforced to support the weight of the water, for this, the veranda can be installed directly on concrete slab, on the ground. In this case, the veranda is built around and on the slab. Existing trees or rocks, as well as other landscape elements, can be integrated into the veranda by designing and coordinating the veranda around the elements. If you are building a veranda around a tree, leave at least 10 cm around the trunk of the tree, taking into account the growth of the tree. Around stationary landscape elements, such as boulders, it is necessary to leave 20 cm, since the decking can expand and contract under conditions of different temperatures and humidity.


Railings are the most visible visual element of the veranda, moreover, they offer great possibilities in the implementation of the imagination and creative ideas. They can be fixed to posts that go into the ground, on the sides, from the edge of the carrier beam, or fixed directly to the deck. They can be made in wood, metal, or even rope - almost all materials are suitable, as long as they suit the building requirements and appearance. First of all, the design of your railing will be limited by building regulations that are designed to ensure safety. As a general rule, posts that support railings, in accordance with building code regulations, must be no more than 40 cm apart. Railings should not have voids larger than 4x4. The durability of the railing will also depend on the design chosen. For example, the ends of your railings should be painted or coated with specialized compounds to minimize cracking and splitting.

Steps and stairs

Steps and stair structures are carefully regulated in accordance with building codes. As a general rule, steps and stairs should be at least 36 cm wide. If you want the stairs to allow two people to pass each other, the required width is 48 cm, this solution is necessary to create comfortable conditions. The increase should be no more than 7.5 cm, and the step width should be at least 15 centimeters. Building codes must also be carefully observed in the design of stairs, porch steps, support posts and the need for railings.

Structural Components: There are five main components of a traditional veranda:

Vertical racks. The posts are sunk into concrete or on piles, typically spaced 50 to 80 cm apart.

Horizontal beams. Installed on racks, parallel to the deck, must bear the weight of the veranda.

Bar. It is located between horizontal beams, as a rule, at a distance of 16 or 24 cm from each other. They distribute the weight of the veranda, allowing the deck boards to be used properly.

Flooring. Boards laid on beams, floor of the veranda.

Railing. Usually 36-42 cm. Materials used, size and distance between components are determined by local building codes.

Material selection

Materials for the construction of the veranda, not only must be resistant to destruction and damage by insects, but also withstand the effects of water and the sun. Standard wooden structures include the use of pine or spruce, which resist decay, but this is not enough in extreme weather conditions or in the ultraviolet rays of the sun. You get similar strength from pressed pine, cedar, or mahogany, and they can be dyed just about any color you want. When using mahogany or cedar, remember that only the core of these trees is resistant to splitting. Colored sapwood loses its qualities as quickly as pine and spruce. If you have a general idea of ​​the future porch, draw one or two sketches, choosing the best ideas from the many ideas. Use the veranda as part of your backyard landscaping and as a design element in your home. Use graph paper to maintain the specified dimension and get all the elements in a suitable scale. Take the sketch to your local builder's market, shop, or wood supplier, and ask for a rough estimate of the cost of the lumber.

Competent construction of extensions for various purposes can not only expand the living part of the house, but also improve its appearance and protect it from wear and tear. The construction of a veranda adjacent to the house, regardless of the type of building, requires careful project development, with the definition of materials and construction technology.

Proper clearance and approval project documentation in state instances, it will not only insure against problems with the law, but also help draw up a plan and estimate for the structure.


A typical veranda is a roofed frame structure, erected on a strip or column foundation, with glass or half-glass walls. The statement that the veranda should be built from the same materials as the main building, with the emergence of new styles and fashion trends in architecture, has lost its relevance.

In the photos below - turnkey solutions verandas attached to the house, with various principles compatibility. In some cases, the new extension is made of the same materials and is completely combined with the house, in others the new one is combined with the preservation of common elements - the roof, beams, etc.

There are also projects where original design extensions brings a new architectural touch, updating the exterior.

When choosing materials and construction technologies, one should also take into account the parameters of proper ventilation, moisture resistance and thermal insulation. With full glazing, it is necessary to provide opening segments for ventilation.

In case an open veranda is being built, or as it is also called - summer terrace, you need to take care of the frost-resistant lining and tilt the floor towards the site.

Designs with removable frames are optimal for year-round use. Installation of large sliding doors will also allow you to use the building in a dual-mode version.

IN standard project the area of ​​the veranda is rectangular and ranges from 10 to 15 sq.m. With smaller areas it will be too crowded, with large areas, additional reinforcement for the roof will be required. Polygonal and semi-circular foundations are also possible.

According to its location, the veranda can be corner, end or front. original solution we can consider the construction of a terrace around the entire perimeter of the house, which can have glazed, open and closed areas for various purposes: they can accommodate an entrance hall, a recreation area, and a large pantry.


The foundation of terraces and verandas attached to the house should fit snugly against the main building, but at the same time have independent supports.

The strip foundation is suitable for large and heavy structures; in all other cases, a columnar foundation can be erected. When pouring concrete, you need to leave a gap of 3-4 cm with the main wall, which will subsequently be filled with waterproofing foam.

At the first stage of preparation for construction, the soil is cleared and compacted. Then, corner holes are dug for the pillars along the depth of the foundation of the house (about 1 m on average), a pillow is made of crushed stone, gravel and sand, on which concrete is poured.

After setting, supports are inserted from asbestos or metal pipes. Concrete poles or bricks may also be used. The same method is used to lay high piles for buildings adjacent to the level of the second floor.

Depending on the area and weight of the terrace, intermediate posts may be needed, installed every half a meter.

For foundation belt type a trench of 30-50 cm breaks through, the formwork is laid 15-20 cm higher. Metal bars of reinforcement are inserted into the soil or reinforcing mesh. Concrete is poured onto a layer of crushed stone and sand.

Wooden frame

The frame is mounted from beams or logs with a width of at least 12 cm, which are covered with a waterproofing layer. For the strength of horizontal knitting, experts recommend using fasteners in the foot, while the connection surface will be at an angle. Vertical racks are fixed with diagonal interceptions.

At the final stage, the wooden frame is covered with rafters for the roof. For cladding, you can use plywood panels, chipboard boards, etc.

erection wooden veranda- the best budget solution for the prices of materials, but when choosing this type of building, you need a professional approach and knowledge of the nuances of building from a wooden beam.

Other materials for verandas

The construction of foam blocks is being built on a strip foundation. It is easy to make such a masonry yourself. Laying is carried out with the help of special glue, with dressing of seams for strength.

When finishing, an internal and external waterproofing layer, plasterboard finishing, wooden shields, moisture resistant wallpaper and paints. The outer surface can be lined with ventilated facades.

Polycarbonate structure construction, modern and attractive option. This material is well combined in buildings with a wooden and brick frame.

For a building that consists entirely of bicarbonate shields, no foundation is needed. The earth can simply be compacted and covered with paving slabs.

The structure is created using aluminum profiles, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of ventilation and drainage of water. Polycarbonate boards and frames various types can be matched to specific requirements for lighting and thermal insulation.

Before you attach a veranda to the house, you need to decide on the functions that it will perform. In addition to the drainage and ventilation systems necessary in any case, the correct connection to the capital structure and the roof structure, the schedule for using this part of the house is important.

The design and construction of summer verandas differs from the requirements for premises with year-round operation. It is also important to note that any extension will require the same care and renovation as permanent buildings.

Photo of the veranda attached to the house

The terrace, like the patio, is an open structure on a country plot. It is erected somewhat elevated above ground level or at the floor level of the main building and may have side railings. Sometimes the building is built in the form of an extended porch.

The main task of designing an extension is the harmonious arrangement of the terrace in landscape design suburban area. It is preferable that the terrace plan is included in the overall design of the site. In this case, it is built on a single foundation with the main building. During construction, you can use general materials and constructive solutions. Thanks to overall design buildings, the terrace will organically enter the architectural ensemble.

If it was planned after the construction of the main building, a separate project must be made for the extension.

When designing, one should take into account the climatic features of the area and the state of the soil of the suburban area. Since the structure is planned to be attached to a wooden or brick built house, the condition of its foundation and other structures that will adjoin the terrace is being investigated.

For the construction of an open terrace, registration of permits is not required. Such facilities are considered temporary by law. If a terrace is being built closed type with foundation equipment and glazing, it is defined as a veranda. Its construction must be formalized as redevelopment. To obtain permission, the extension project is submitted to the chief architect of the district. Then changes are made to the overall design of the suburban area.

Placement, shape and size of the terrace

The choice of the location of the extension will depend on the convenience of its use, the conformity of the terrace and its protection from atmospheric influences. More often, the terrace is attached to the front side of the house, simultaneously performing the functions of a porch, a vestibule and a place for relaxation and feasting.

If the structure is not tied to the main entrance door, it is equipped from the side of the kitchen or living room, equipping a separate exit from these rooms. This will allow you to serve dishes and invite guests to a table set in the fresh air. In another version, it is located around the perimeter of the house with one or more entrances.

It is better to choose a place for a terrace in the shade of trees growing on the site. If the area near the house is not shaded, preference is given to the eastern or northern side of the main building. But such an arrangement is planned if suburban area refers to a region with hot summer weather.

The size of the terrace depends on the possibilities of the site and the nature of its use. For free movement along it, the width of the extension must be at least 120 cm. Area dining area is determined taking into account the number of residents and possible guests. Placing 6 people at a table on the terrace will require about 8 m 2 of equipped area. For extra space for relaxation, the placement of sun loungers or a sofa with free passage is taken into account.

The shape of the terrace is chosen based on the personal preferences of the owners and the free space near the house. Outdoor terrace may have a different configuration - rectangular, rounded or with broken contours. For a closed building, one should take into account the convenience of building a roof over it. For a non-standard shape of the structure, you can use modern glass elements roofs.

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Terrace materials

The main criterion for choosing a material for the construction of a structure is the harmonious appearance of the terrace in the landscape of the territory and compliance with the main architectural style. But at the same time, there is no need to use the same types of materials as when building a house.

Building on supporting columns for the roof can be made of brick, and the balustrade and floor can be equipped with wood. If the house is wooden, the terrace elements are made of the same material. As an exception, roofing and enclosing elements using glass look neutral. They are harmonious against the background of wood, brick or stone. Forged fences fit well into the appearance of only a stone or brick house.

Choice floor covering site depends on the degree of its openness. If special requirements are imposed on the terrace floor - resistance to large temperature differences, high humidity and loads, porcelain stoneware or ceramic tile. The traditional preference is wooden floor. For open types of structures, a terrace or deck board can serve as a finishing coating. Solid board can only be used on covered areas. The tongue-and-groove connection of the boards prevents the normal runoff of rainwater.

If you plan to build a terrace yourself, you will need a set of the most necessary tools:

  • shovels, pit drill, mortar containers - when pouring the foundation;
  • circular saw, electric jigsaw and tape measure - for cutting and processing material;
  • drill, hammer, screwdriver - to secure it;
  • chisel, planer, ax - for fitting wooden elements;
  • level, construction cord - for the correct installation of structures.

An important element country house is a separate room with a view of the garden, forest, river, etc. This is a veranda. The veranda can serve as a living room, a winter garden, a dining room, an office. Its main purpose is to serve as a transitional link between the surrounding nature and the interior of the house. How to place the veranda relative to the house will be discussed in this article.

Veranda location

It is important to choose such an arrangement of the veranda so that it opens beautiful view. Do not turn the veranda towards the street or the border with the neighboring site, fences, outbuildings. If the site is small, and it is surrounded by neighbors' houses, then trees can be planted opposite the windows of the veranda so that greenery is visible instead of other people's walls.

When choosing a place for a veranda, it is worth considering the location of the house relative to parts of the world. South and southwest will suit those who love the sun. Here you can put winter Garden. The southeast direction will make it pleasant to be on the veranda in the morning, in the afternoon there will be shade and coolness. With the western placement of the veranda, you can watch sunsets, it will be nice to sit here in the evening, have dinner, and receive guests. North and northwest for the veranda are good if it is used only on hot summer days, or the house is located in a warm climate zone, plants are unlikely to grow well on this side.

Types of verandas

Verandas must match general view Houses. They may have one or more common walls with the house, connect with other rooms by a passage, but at the same time be a separate room. The width of the veranda should not be less than 1.8 m. The most convenient for receiving guests will be a veranda measuring 4x5 m or 4x6 m. The windows on the veranda are not higher than 40-60 cm from the floor.

In most cases, the entrance to the house can be through the veranda, but it may not have entrance doors from the street, but only a connection to the interior of the house. If, nevertheless, there is a door, then it should be arranged in such a way that there is more space on the veranda for placing furniture. If the size of the veranda is 3x4 m or less, it is better to place the door at the end.

One of the main elements of the veranda is the windows. They can be both deaf and opening, the builders advise them to alternate. It can be stained glass windows or windows standard sizes, but closely spaced. The frames of the windows of the veranda are installed between the window sill and the upper trim (the trim - see below).

Veranda in the corner of the house

You can make a small veranda 2x2 m in the very corner of the house with access to the garden, while the integrity of the building does not change. Since the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is very small, such a veranda will be good for one person, a maximum of two. In order for at least 6 people to be seated on a veranda of this type, its area must be at least 8-9 m2.

Veranda attached to the wall of the house

The veranda is attached to the wall of the house, it is narrow and long (for example, 1.7x5 m). The long side is shared with the inner room of the house. On such a veranda, you can place a desk in one corner, a tea table with narrow chairs on the other. Exit in interior- through two doors. The exit to the garden is located in the middle of the veranda, thus dividing the room into two functional areas - a working desk and a guest room with a tea table. Opposite the front door, you can place a small sofa or a clothes hanger and a cabinet for shoes.

Veranda under the balcony

If the house has a balcony on the second floor, then on the first floor under the balcony you can install a veranda. A round veranda with a radius of, for example, 2 m can become both an entrance hall and a guest room. The entrance to the house is best placed at one of the edges of the wall adjacent to interior rooms. Access to the garden can be done in the middle.

square veranda

A square veranda, for example, with dimensions of 2.7x2.7 m, located at one of the walls of the house overlooking the garden. The front door to the veranda can be made from one of the sides, and the front door to the house is closer to the first one, so that there is more living space. On such a veranda will fit round table with chairs. If the size of such a veranda is 5x4 m, then here it is already possible to place not only a guest table with chairs, but also armchairs, a wardrobe.

Veranda with vestibule

Veranda with vestibule. For example, the long part can be 3.7 m, the narrow part - 2.5 m. In the narrow part of the veranda, in the brightest place, you can place children's Corner. Opposite the door, you can place a sofa and a narrow wardrobe.

Large veranda with vestibule

A large veranda with a vestibule adjoining the house with its long side (for example, 3x6m). On such a veranda it is good to take a large number of guests, here you can place several chairs.

Veranda with grill

On the veranda, you can place the grill in the corner from the side outer wall. The dimensions of such a veranda can be 3.5x6.5m. Here you can place a dining room or living room.

Veranda adjoining the corner of the house

Veranda adjoining the corner of the house. Entrance door veranda divides the room into two zones. It is very convenient to place a table near the door leading to the house. Armchairs can be placed in another part of the veranda.

small veranda

On the veranda small size(for example, 2.5x3m) you can save space by placing the front door close to the front door inside the house.

The shape of the veranda can be rectangular, triangular (Fig.) Semicircular, etc. More traditional - a rectangular veranda. The traditional version of the form of the veranda is a room that adjoins the house with its wide side.

Option for the location of the triangular veranda in fig:

triangular veranda

Two adjacent walls can be fully glazed and separated by a corner mullion.

Another option - the veranda can be connected to the house with a narrow end and extend into the garden as an independent building. The fewer planes that are combined with the main house, the more independent the extension looks, as in the figure:

Veranda connected to the house by a narrow end

There are many architectural options for creating verandas - it all depends on your imagination and the ability of the designer and builders to bring it to life.

The veranda could be built-in or attached to the house

Built-in veranda

Built-in veranda

In this case, the veranda has a foundation in common with the main house and is actually another room. The design of the built-in veranda is considered even in the process of designing a house. Such a solution will exclude in the future distortions and other phenomena associated with subsidence and frost heaving of soils. If the house is under construction and you would like to make a solid veranda that can be heated and used as living room, then you should immediately create a project with a common foundation.

Attached veranda

attached veranda

Most often, the veranda is attached to the main, already existing building. In order for the veranda to serve for a long time, many issues need to be taken into account, the main of which is how to avoid distortions and deformation of the extension.

Arrangement of attached verandas

Builders do not recommend rigidly connecting the attached veranda and the house. This means that the foundations of the veranda and the house are carried out separately and do not have common areas. Between the wall of the house and the mating wall of the veranda there should be a gap of 20-40 mm. In the process of sheathing, this gap is closed with a flashing (board). The floor on the attached veranda should be 60-80 mm lower than the floor level in the house, the level difference is covered with a plinth. The roof of the veranda should also only fit the roof of the main house with a gap that is closed with a steel apron. You can read about the design of the seam between the house and the veranda in the topic.

You can read about the main structures of the veranda and the materials for their construction in the article "Veranda in the house. Structures and materials for the veranda in the house."

Each owner of a private household thinks about adding a veranda to his house. The entrance door to the dwelling, equipped with a canopy or visor, looks uninteresting. Having built a veranda, you can decorate it with curtains, hang flower pots or decorate it in the style you like. Being in such a building, it is pleasant to sit with a cup of tea, not being afraid of hot sunshine or drizzling rain. The sunset will become more beautiful if you watch it from convenient location. All this will create additional comfort.

The need for a veranda. Functions, advantages and disadvantages

The erection of a structure such as a veranda is often important condition for creating comfortable rest and organizations in it functional areas. Structures are open and closed. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include the following points:

  • construction erection open type is not particularly difficult and does not require additional costs for the installation of windows and doors.
  • for these structures there is no need to lay a deep foundation.
  • in a closed veranda, you can place a winter garden that is not afraid of frost, or organize a recreation area where you can be at any time of the year.

Speaking about the disadvantages of types of verandas, it should be noted that:

  • closed-type verandas, as a rule, are insulated, heating is installed in them, which entails energy consumption and requires additional construction funds.
  • furniture and other interior items on open verandas are quickly covered with dust or damp, so they must be made of moisture-resistant materials.
  • an open veranda will not shelter from strong winds or low air temperatures.

The need for this extension is determined by the following criteria:

  1. First of all, it increases the useful area of ​​​​a residential building, especially if it is very small.
  2. Arrangement in it of the furnace or summer kitchen in the warm months of the year it is more practical than inside the home. Additional heat and vapors are not retained, which makes the cooking process more comfortable.
  3. The location of the dining room in it will move vacationers from the stuffy rooms of the house to fresh air.
  4. The veranda, with appropriate design, will become an elegant architectural addition and give the house a beautiful look.
  5. The glazed structure will become an intermediate room between the house and the street. This will keep you warm during the cold season.

The functionality of this structure, depending on the type of building, is as follows:

  • due to its design, the veranda protects the house from various atmospheric phenomena;
  • the existing fences of the veranda will prevent the direct entry of debris into the premises of the dwelling;
  • closed-type veranda designs allow for the placement of a large number of plants and even trees in them in winter;
  • the sliding frame of this extension allows you to adjust the areas of shading and shelter from the rain;
  • the extension makes it possible to be in the fresh air even in adverse weather conditions.

Design gallery of possible options

This option will serve as a dining room and kitchen at the same time The fireplace in the veranda will create a special atmosphere Adjustable roof allows you to stay in the shade all day long Thanks to the comfortable sliding system, this design will turn into an open veranda It won't get cold here even during the cold months TO residential building two verandas are attached: glazed and without a roof The annex serves as an intermediate zone between housing and the street. Even in cold weather, this design will warm up sunbeams Tall plants in such a structure will be comfortable

How to attach a veranda to the house: preparation

Before proceeding with the construction of the frame of the veranda, you need to decide on the type future construction. Before the beginning construction works it is necessary to choose a place for its location, make the necessary measurements, prepare materials and install one of suitable foundations. To accurately calculate required amount materials and land area for this extension, it should be carefully designed and drawn up.

Suitable foundation types

If you install a foundation of logs, you should pay Special attention wood quality. For supports, oak and larch species are suitable, which were previously treated with a bituminous mixture or burned. For these purposes, logs with a diameter of at least 25 cm are used. The method of installing these supports is similar to the construction of a columnar foundation: the bottom of the pits is covered with sand and tamped, after which the logs are placed there. For better stability, concrete is poured onto a layer of sand or a wooden cross is installed.

To install a strip base, you will need a lot of concrete and a reinforcing cage. This foundation is solid walls hidden in the ground. It is designed for heavier buildings. The lower part of this base has an extension, which creates additional stability for the entire building. In cases of unstable or loose ground, strip foundation can be increased. When installing this base, you need to leave holes for summing up the necessary communications.

Tape blocks are very popular. For this, ready-made concrete blocks, are installed in a shallow (from 20 to 30 cm) trench, the bottom of which is packed with sand. In this case, the block will be deepened into the ground by 2/3 of the slab. He will simultaneously play the role of the foundation and the basis for the floor of the veranda.

The column-piled foundation is a long column. To install it, you need to dig holes with a construction drill. Their depth should be from 40 to 50 cm. The bottom of the pit is covered with a layer of crushed stone or gravel. Then a sleeve with a roofing material rolled into a pipe is inserted into it. Concrete is poured into the resulting cavity. The supporting column is built on top of the resulting base.

The screw foundation provides for the use of metal pile elements, to the ends of which blades of various sizes are welded. This type of foundation is most suitable for unstable ground. Piles are screwed into the ground using manual force or pile-drilling equipment. The strength of the base, in this case, depends on the material of manufacture and the diameter of the pipes. The screwing depth must be below the freezing point. Usually this value is from 70 to 12 cm. Installation screw piles convenient in that they can be installed in frozen ground.

Project drawings, dimensions

An example is an open veranda with pitched roof installed on a columnar foundation.

Materials for this design should be selected taking into account the design of the house.

This design is a square shape, 490x500 cm in size. Height up to ceiling beam is 230 cm. The angle of the roof is 20 °. The distance from the lower trim to the rafters adjacent to the wall of the house will be 420 cm. Since the width of the structure is more than 3 m, intermediate racks of beams with a section of 100x150 mm will be used to strengthen it. The distance between the first and second row from the wall of the house is 277 cm. From the second to the third row - 180 cm. C front side the racks are 166 cm apart. The distance between the longitudinal load-bearing beams should be from 80 to 110 cm. Roofing material is required for the roof, with a total area of ​​24.5 m². The height of the foundation pillars, from the ground to the lower trim of the veranda frame, is 145 cm.

On the veranda with such parameters, you can place a couple of chairs with a table, and hang a garden swing.

1 - support board; 2 - longitudinal bearing bars; 3- cross beam; 4 - racks; 5 - foundation pillars

Material selection and calculation

The most common material in the construction of verandas is wood. It has a clear advantage over brick, metal and metal-plastic buildings. The material is easy to process, which is not typical of a metal structure. If during the construction of the veranda to use profile pipes, channels or corners, then it is convenient to mount double-glazed windows to such a frame.

A brick extension requires a deep foundation, and these are additional costs. In addition, much more time will be spent on its construction than on a wooden structure. For sheathing closed-type verandas, glass (double-glazed windows) or polycarbonate is mounted. For the roof, metal tiles, bituminous coatings, slate and polycarbonate alloys are used. However, for better sound insulation, you should pay attention to soft tiles.

For the manufacture of a frame veranda made of wood, the following materials are needed:

  1. For the bottom and top trim:
  • four beams with a section of 100x200 mm, 500 cm long;
  • ten bars with a similar section, 490 cm long.

For uprights necessary:

  • five bars with a section of 100x200 mm, 430 cm long (racks attached to the wall of a residential building), and the same number - 285 cm each (intermediate racks);
  • six bars with a section of 100x200 mm, a length of 230 cm (front racks).
  • For longitudinal load-bearing elements(rafters) you need seven bars with a section of 100x150 mm, 540 cm long.
  • For flooring, grooved boards with a section of 100x40 mm and a length of 490 cm are required, for a total area of ​​​​24.5 m².
  • Roof sheathing requires OSB boards.
  • Railings require bars with a section of 100x100 mm, with a total length of 15 m.
  • For an x-shaped fence, similar bars are needed, with a total length of 40 m.
  • Concrete M-300.
  • Ruberoid or formwork boards.
  • Reinforcing bars with a diameter of 10 mm.
  • The roof requires soft tiles to cover 26.5 m².
  • waterproofing material.

Required Tools

To build a structure open veranda you will need the following tools:

  1. Screw, bayonet and shovel.
  2. Concrete mixer.
  3. Water tank.
  4. Screwdriver.
  5. Electric jigsaw.
  6. Grinder machine.
  7. Electroplaner.
  8. Hammer.
  9. Building level.
  10. Roulette.
  11. Big square.
  12. Ladder.
  13. Cord.
  14. Pencil.

Step by step instructions: how to build a summer terrace

For the construction of a frame veranda, it is necessary to lay the foundation. When installing it, you should adhere to some construction nuances:

  • pits and trenches for the veranda should be at the same depth as the base of the house to which it is attached;
  • if there is unstable soil in the built-up area or there are abundant ground water, then the pile-screw foundation will be able to cope with this problem;
  • it is necessary to determine the ability of the soil to absorb moisture and the uniformity of the earth at the construction site.

Depending on the composition and quality of the soil, an appropriate basis for the frame is selected. In our case, this is a columnar foundation.

The base is a separate concrete pillars installed in the ground. A grillage or strapping for building walls is fixed on them.

  1. Make markings for the future veranda, using a cord and wooden pegs.

    1 - cast-off boards; 2 - cord; 3 - plumb; 4 - level

  2. Using a screw shovel, dig holes with a diameter of 40 to 50 cm, to a depth of 60 cm.
  3. Pour damp sand into the bottom of each hole. It must be compacted to make a sand cushion 20 cm thick.
  4. To prevent liquid concrete from being absorbed into the sand, a waterproofing layer must be laid. For these purposes, use roofing material.
  5. Make formwork from boards. The size of each of its walls should be 40x90 cm.
  6. Place reinforcing bars inside the formwork.
  7. Pour in there concrete mix so that its level rises above the ground by 40 cm.

    Reinforcing cage will strengthen the concrete pillar

  8. To hold the walls of the formwork, use stops.
  9. Leave the concrete to set.
  10. When the base is sufficiently hardened and the pillars are formed, remove the formwork.
  11. By using building level check the vertical position of each post.

    Optimal dimensions for the base under the veranda

  12. Process them bituminous mastic.
  13. Tamp the soil around the posts and install a fence.
  14. Lay a waterproofing layer on the finished foundation. To do this, you need to fold the roofing material twice.
  15. Top install bottom harness designs. This requires bars with a section of 100x200 mm. They need to cut grooves for installing vertical supports.
  16. On wooden logs install a floor from tongue-and-groove boards, with a section of 100x40 mm.
  17. Install vertical supports from similar bars in the grooves.

    Grooves make the structure strong

  18. Long supports, with the help of anchors and self-tapping screws, attach to the wall of the house.
  19. Mount the top trim of the structure. Connections of wooden elements are similar to the bottom trim
  20. To the upper harness, on the one hand, and the wall of the house on the other, install truss system extensions. Arrange its elements in increments of 50 cm. For this, bars with a section of 100x150 mm are required.

    The structure is ready for insulation and finishing

  21. Attach the frame of the truss system to the upper trim using metal corners or plates.

    Metal connections will not be visible after finishing

  22. Install side railings.
  23. Fix waterproofing on the rafter system, on top of which fill the crate with a section of 20x40 mm, in increments of 40 cm. Attach OSB-plates to it using self-tapping screws.

    Soft tiles are easy to install and repair

  24. Now you can proceed with the installation roofing material. Laying soft tiles carried out from the eaves from the center of the slope. The first row of this coating must be laid 2 cm from the edge of the eaves. Lay the tile layers with an overlap of 5 - 10 cm. Cover their joints with bituminous mastic. Fix the tiles on four sides with nails.

    There are a large number of colors and shades of soft roofing.


The selected materials for finishing the veranda should have not only aesthetic value, but also practical. Open structure exposed environment. It follows from this that finishing materials must be resistant to high humidity and temperature extremes.

The most common material that meets all the requirements of open structures is wooden lining. This is an environmentally friendly coating that is ideal for wall cladding. A veranda with this finish has a pleasant woody smell. For better joining of wooden elements, their sides are equipped with grooves. To extend the life of this finishing material pre-treated with antifungal impregnations.

The lining is easy to install, thanks to the cutouts on the edges

As finishing The walls of the veranda use MDF boards. This material is more suitable for closed structures. This is due to the fact that moisture has a detrimental effect on the plates, causing them to deform and lose quality.

Inexpensive and reliable material- MDF boards

The opposite of MDF boards are PVC panels, which are resistant to moisture. This coating is easy to wash, it is fire resistant, it is made with different textures and colors. The installation of these boards is very simple.

Easy to handle and install PVC panels

An affordable and practical material for decorating verandas is siding. Its texture usually resembles stone or wood. Produced in the form of long panels of various colors and shades. The material is resistant to fire, decay, and has long term operation.

The siding is securely fastened thanks to convenient holes.

Due to the variety of shades, it is easy to choose according to colors buildings on your site. Vinyl siding is often used for this.

To do exterior finish verandas are necessary:

How and how to insulate floors and ceilings

When warming the veranda, first of all, you need to pay attention to the floor. This is especially important when the foundation is piled, columnar or does not have a continuous tape. In this case, from below, it is upholstered with penofol, after which all the cracks between the boards are puttied. As a heater for the floor surface, carpet or linoleum on a polypropylene basis is suitable.

If you make high-quality insulation, then it is necessary to equip the subfloor, followed by filling and installing a finished surface with a coating.

The floors on the veranda can be insulated with expanded clay granules. To do this, on the existing surface, wooden logs are installed from beams with a section of 40x150 mm, in increments of 60 cm. Expanded clay is poured between them, the height of which should not exceed the upper edge of the boards. On top of the logs, OSB-plates are fixed, on which the finishing floor is installed.

Granules must be evenly spaced

Also, floors and walls are insulated with mineral wool. For ease of installation, it is sold in the form of rectangular plates of various thicknesses. To insulate the floor with wool, you need to cover it with a waterproofing material. For this, foamed foil foam is used. On top of this layer, wooden logs are installed, with the same section and pitch. Between them, mineral wool slabs are tightly laid. If its thickness is insufficient, then the plates are laid on top of each other, with the condition that they do not rise above wooden frame. Otherwise, the insulation will doubt and lose its thermal insulation properties. On top of it, to the lags, attach a vapor barrier material. Then the finish is installed.

The form of mineral wool in the form of plates is convenient for installation

As a heater, foam plastic and polystyrene have proven themselves well. These materials have the same base, but the foam has a uniform structure, and the foam tends to crumble. This insulation is available in the form of plates of various thicknesses. Just like in the previous versions, a waterproofing and vapor barrier layer is required for its installation. The plates are fastened in the logs with the help of plastic dowels. Plate joints are filled mounting foam, which serves as an additional adhesive material. OSB-plates or tongue-and-groove boards are fixed from above. The ceiling is insulated according to the same principle.

Lightweight and durable foam material

If the veranda is an open structure, walls of beams are built along its perimeter. Then, according to the above methods, a heater is installed. Double-glazed windows are inserted into the walls.

Video: do-it-yourself veranda

Thanks to a wide range of materials, the appearance of the veranda can be designed in an original and beautiful way. Having warmed this building, you will enjoy the view not only of flowers, but also of the winter landscape. Lunches or afternoon teas will become more memorable thanks to the natural freshness and soft light at sunset, and rainy weather won't ruin your outdoor party.