Toilet      04/08/2019

Begonia leaf indoor care. Beautiful begonia and its wonderful views

Begonia (Begonia) - unique herbaceous plant by the number of species and varieties that differ in shape, color of flowering, size and habitats. In the Begoniev family there are perennials and annuals, which are represented by herbaceous plants, undersized shrubs and full-fledged shrubs.

Begonia can be found in countries with a tropical and subtropical climate - in Africa, America and Southeast Asia, and even on the island of Madagascar. Types of begonias amaze with a range of sizes and shapes. The smallest plant can be only a few centimeters in height, and the largest can reach a three-meter mark. Begonia has adapted to different conditions growth. It can grow in moist wooded soils, and on the roots of old trees, and in crevices of cold rocks.

Begonias are native to the Antilles. The plant was discovered there back in 1687 by members of one of the scientific expeditions organized by Michel Begon. Subsequently, plants unknown at that time, found and described by the French botanist Charles Plumier, who also participated in this trip, were named after him.

In horticulture, there are 125 species of this flower and a large number of hybrid forms, as breeders have done a huge and active work over the past decades. The total number of begonias is approaching a thousand copies. Among this large family can be found decorative begonias both flowering and deciduous. Tuberous large-flowering begonias obtained by hybridization are very popular.

In the second half of the nineteenth century in different countries new species of begonias were found. For example, in India - royal begonia, in Peru - Veitch's begonia, in Bolivia - Pierce and Bolivian begonia, in the highlands of South America -. But flower growers and gardeners give the greatest preference to begonias of Belgian varieties.

Types of begonia

For growing indoors, hybrid forms of begonias are most suitable. Both flowering and deciduous plant species have decorative qualities. Among flowering species there are two categories of plants. Some are evergreen, while others are shedding leaves. Evergreens do not bloom as spectacularly as the other species, but all year round delight with juicy green foliage. Those specimens in which the foliage dies off have a beautiful and lush bloom, but tuberous propagation will be required to grow the next generation of flowers.

Location and lighting

Lighting for deciduous begonia species should not be very bright, semi-shaded, especially in hot and sunny summers, since the sun's rays leave burns when they hit begonia leaves. Flowering begonia species prefer brighter lighting at any time of the year, but it should be protected from direct sun with a white cloth or thin paper, and blinds should be used.


The temperature regime of begonia content changes with the seasons. In the warm spring and summer months, the plant needs a temperature in the range of 20-25 degrees, and in the remaining months - from 18 to 20 degrees of heat.

Air humidity

Air humidity is of great importance for the development of begonias. Its level should be constantly close to 60%. You can maintain such humidity with the help of additional containers of water that will stand next to a houseplant or a special electrical appliance that will humidify the air. The liquid will constantly evaporate and maintain the required level of humidity.

Another way to moisten can be a container with wet moss or peat, in which you need to place a pot of begonia. But you will have to refuse the usual spraying for other colors, since begonia from such water procedures may die. Drops of water that fall on the leaves of a plant will leave stains behind. Brown and cause leaves to fall.


Watering begonias requires plentiful or moderate - depending on the season. On hot summer days, the plant needs a lot of moisture, and in cold autumn and winter, the number of waterings and their volumes decrease. Excess and lack of moisture in the soil can lead to negative consequences. Therefore, the next watering is recommended only when the soil dries out by two centimeters. Water should not stagnate in the soil, so you need to regulate its volume during irrigation. Water for irrigation should be only purified or thawed and approximately equal to the air temperature in the room.

The soil

The optimal composition of the soil for growing begonias: 2-3 parts of leafy soil, 1 part of sand, black soil and peat.

Top dressings and fertilizers

Complex dressings must be applied twice a month, starting from the period of begonia budding and throughout the entire flowering period. This applies to decorative flowering types of begonias. But for decorative and deciduous representatives, nitrogen-free fertilizers are needed, because this nutrient contributes to the active development of the leaf mass and inhibits the flowering process.


Tuberous varieties of begonias are planted in the soil in early spring. Transplantation of rhizomatous flower species is carried out as the houseplant grows. Do not transplant begonias with dry soil in a pot or immediately after moistening it. A favorable time for transplanting is the next day after watering.

It is worth taking care in advance of the volume and composition of the soil mixture for a new flower container. The composition of the soil should include: sand, peat and black soil in equal proportions, as well as two parts of leafy or garden soil. On the day of transplanting, the soil in the flower container should be only slightly moist.

The begonia must be removed from the pot along with an earthy clod and carefully (you can use a small thin stick) to free the root part from the ground. The plant should stand for some time in a weak manganese solution (only its root part), and then it is necessary to get rid of damaged or rotten parts of the root with a sharp knife. All small roots entangled in a lump, as well as diseased parts of large roots, are subject to pruning. It is recommended to sprinkle the places of cuts with crushed activated or charcoal.

Begonia is placed in a new pot with a soil mixture and sprinkled with earth almost to the very top, immediately watered abundantly. Over the next week, the ground will gradually settle, upper layer dry a little, after which you can add the missing amount of soil. In these 6-7 days, watering is not carried out, they are replaced by daily spraying.

Immediately after transplantation, it is recommended to prune the plant. This will contribute to the formation of a shrubby form and less evaporation of moisture. Begonia should spend the first week in a new container indoors without drafts and in shady conditions.

Begonia care during dormancy

Begonia tuberous species after the end of flowering should gradually go into a dormant period. To do this, it is necessary to gradually reduce the number and volume of irrigation until the aerial part dries completely. indoor flower. All dried parts of the plant are completely removed, and the flower is placed in cool conditions with a temperature of 10 to 12 degrees Celsius for 2.5-3 months. At the same time, watering should be continued, but in minimum quantities and very rarely.

The beginning of spring is auspicious time for breeding begonias.

Reproduction by seeds

Sowing seeds is recommended to be carried out in the last week of winter or at the very beginning of spring. Small seeds are scattered on the surface of the earth in a box, without crushing them with soil, covered with glass and placed in a warm (about 25 degrees Celsius) room in a well-lit place. Soil irrigation is carried out using a sprayer. For sowing, it is desirable to use freshly harvested seeds, although they retain their germination capacity for three years after harvest.

The picking of young seedlings is carried out twice. The first time - after the formation of the third full-fledged leaf, and the second time - 1.5-2 months after the appearance of the seedlings. Young plants are transplanted into small individual pots.

From the moment the seedlings appear until the beginning of April, it is necessary to illuminate the plants with fluorescent lamps due to the short daylight hours and the lack of natural light. It's about 4-5 hours a day.

Early sowing of seeds (approximately in the first week of January) contributes to the formation of large tubers and active flowering already in the first summer season. Tubers form when planted late small size(about 1 centimeter in diameter), and flowering does not occur in the same year.

Reproduction by tuber division

The tubers of a mature plant should be cut into several pieces, sprinkled with crushed charcoal, left to dry, and then germinated in seedling boxes or flower pots.

Reproduction by cuttings

On the cut cuttings of begonias, at least three leaves should remain. Places of cuts must be sprinkled with activated charcoal (powdered). Rooting of the plant occurs within a month at a temperature of at least 20 degrees and good soil and air moisture. The location of the flower needs to be shaded.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

Suitable for this method bush varieties begonias. The bush is divided along with the root part and planted in separate pots. At the time of rooting, begonia should be in a bright and warm room.

Reproduction by division of the rhizome

This breeding method can be used during spring transplant plants. After separation, each part of the plant should have a shoot with or without a bud and a root. Charcoal is needed to sprinkle cuts on the roots to prevent rotting of the root part. All parts of the begonia are planted in separate containers and follow all the rules for caring for an indoor flower.

Great harm to begonias is caused by: spider mite, nematode and aphids. Gray rot can be formed due to the appearance of a fungus. Pest control measures - pruning of the affected parts, treatment with fungicides.

The plant is sick due to a violation of the rules for caring for it. The most common diseases:

  • Withering and dropping of buds and leaves - due to lack of humidity in the air and soil.
  • Drying of the tips of the leaves - improper watering.
  • The pallor of the leaf mass is a lack of light.
  • Curling and drying of the leaves, the appearance white plaque(signs of a fungal disease - powdery mildew) - due to an excess of humidity in the room and water condensation on the leaves.

Control measures - regular airing of the room, moderate lighting, timely fertilization.

Growing flowering indoor begonia (video)

Begonia is a wonderful plant, it is used to decorate gardens, parks, squares, they like to grow it at home. This flower belongs to the large Begoniev family. This genus contains 900 species found in the wild, and about 2000 bred hybrid specimens. The plant got its name thanks to Michel Begon, who described it at the end of the distant 17th century. As decorative flower begonia began to be used only after 100 years.

Begonia history

Michel Begon described her in the Antilles. A few decades later, an ever-flowering begonia from Brazil was described, then a royal begonia from the Hindustan peninsula, after which a tuberous begonia from South America. It was they who served as the basis for the emergence of modern varieties. First it's wide used in decorative purposes - it was exclusively a greenhouse flower, then varieties appeared that could withstand the vagaries of the weather.

Around the world today there is a huge variety of hybrid forms and varieties of this crop.

Depending on the decorative qualities, all begonias are classified as follows:

  1. Decorative flowering.
  2. Decorative leafy.

Tuberous begonia stands out among the most popular species. Her flowers are of extraordinary beauty and brightness, and this is combined with unpretentious care.

In nature, the plant prefers the humid climate of the tropics and subtropics. Chooses shady places, but can be found at an altitude of 4000 meters above the sea, in the mountains and arid slopes.

Variety of types and shapes of flowers

Begonia can be a small herbaceous plant, not exceeding 3 cm, as well as a fairly tall shrub. Some species do not have a stem, others have only one leaf. The leaves have different shades green, reverse side happens plain or covered with spots and patterns. The flowers shine with a variety of warm colors.

Begonia blooms very profusely and brightly. Its luxurious flowers look like roses, camellias, daffodils, carnations. Elegant various flowers will decorate summer garden from early summer to September. If the plant is in a room, then the flowering time increases - begonia blooms from late spring to late autumn. How to care for begonia at home?

Begonia. Home care, photo

Begonias grown at home, depending on the care, can bloom both in the warm season and in winter. Decorative-flowering species are distinguished by the beauty of the resulting flowers, while decorative-deciduous species are spectacular in color and shape of the leaves, have pubescence, while the resulting flowers do not have decorative value. The photo shows specimens from both groups.

Lighting and temperature

Indoor plant prefers to grow in bright light. The flowering specimens are the most in need of it. However, in the very heat, the plant should be shaded from the active sun, since by doing this, burns can be prevented. Decorative leafy varieties need diffused light; the flower should be placed on the eastern or western windowsill.

The begonia flower loves warmth, in the warm season it is necessary to maintain the air temperature at around 22 degrees, in winter the air should warm up at least 15-18 degrees.

Air humidity, watering and fertilizing

Caring for an indoor flower involves creating a certain microclimate. Since the plant is tropical, it needs high humidity, but experts do not recommend spraying. Since getting on the leaves, water provokes the appearance of brown spots. To increase humidity, creating the desired microclimate for begonias, the following structure should be built. Place the flower on an inverted tray, which you place in a larger bowl, the remaining space fill with expanded clay. Constantly monitor its humidity, which will provide the necessary humidity around the begonia.

In summer, in hot weather, it is required to arrange a plentiful drink for the plant. In this case, you need to ensure that there is no stagnation of water either in the pan or in the pot itself. It is watered with settled water when 1.5 cm of an earthen coma has already dried up from the previous watering. In winter, watering is reduced. Tuberous species are not watered at all in winter, since they have a dormant period, they are placed in peat.

After the indoor begonia flower has bloomed, top dressing should be carried out. Fertilizers are applied 2 times a month. Decorative leafy species are fed with nitrogen, which affects the growth of leaves. Decorative flowering specimens are not watered with fertilizers, which include this component, since it inhibits flowering.

Begonia flower transplant

The soil for an indoor flower is purchased at a specialized store or made independently. For this you will need:

  1. Put drainage from ordinary sand at the bottom of the pot.
  2. Cover half of the pot with leafy soil.
  3. Add one to one mixture of peat and black soil.

The soil should be prepared properly, as this will affect the growth and health of the begonia.

Begonia care is carried out with a periodic transplant, it is done as needed. If the roots stick out of the drainage hole, then it's time for a transplant into a larger container. The plant is transplanted, as a rule, in the early spring period. Carefully remove the begonia from the pot, clean the roots from the ground and put in a solution of potassium permanganate. After cleansing and disinfecting the roots, their dead parts are cut off.


Begonia room reproduces in three ways, namely:

  • leaf cuttings,
  • stem,
  • The division of the bush.

Each type of begonia has its own reproduction characteristics, so they must be reckoned with, otherwise the plant will not take root. For example, the tuberous species uses seeds and tubers for propagation.

Transplantation and reproduction of this type is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. IN autumn period tubers are pulled out of the ground.
  2. Cut off the leaves.
  3. They clean the roots from an earthy coma.
  4. The tuber is placed in peat so that it does not dry out.
  5. The temperature is maintained at about 10 degrees.

The tuberous type of begonia after transplantation will grow well if this procedure is carried out between February and May.

A shoot will appear from the seeds if they are sown in a pot filled with earth and sand, watered sparingly. Seeds germinate very slowly, the sprouts and roots that have appeared will tell you about the process that has begun.

Diseases and pests

Often, from an excess of moisture, begonia suffers from a fungal disease - powdery mildew. In order to prevent the development of the disease in time, you should periodically carefully examine the core of the bush and the lower leaves. These parts of the plant are the most susceptible to rot and powdery mildew. If you found this problem, you should immediately reduce watering and remove the affected areas of the plant. This will prevent the fungus from spreading throughout the plant.

So the begonia is a grateful house flower if the plant is properly cared for. If you grow decorative leafy varieties, then you can create green corners where the beauty of begonia leaves will manifest itself in full force. And abundantly and spectacularly flowering samples will bring brightness to your life and give you many pleasant minutes.

begonia flower

Begonia is one of the most popular and valuable indoor plants, as it is loved not only for its bright and lush flowers, but also for its unusual asymmetrical leaves. Naturally, begonia is found in the rainforests of America, Africa and Asia, but it is easy enough to grow at home.

In this article, we will consider not only the most popular begonia varieties for home growing, but also the main features of plant care.

Home begonia - plant description

In terms of botanical classification, there are about a thousand cultivars. In addition, breeders have bred more than two thousand hybrids of this crop.

Figure 1. Species diversity of culture

Such a variety of species significantly complicates the description of the plant. Eg, indoor views may have flexible shoots or resemble a small shrub in shape (Figure 1). In addition, depending on the variety, the flowers can be annual or perennial. There are also evergreen and deciduous varieties. the only general characteristics- these are asymmetrical leaves and lush bright inflorescences.

Begonia care at home

Regardless of the variety, the flower should be provided with optimal growing conditions at home. Since this culture is tropical, it needs to provide indoor conditions that will resemble its natural habitat.

How to care

The basis successful care behind the culture at home is constancy. The flower reacts negatively to frequent rearrangements, therefore, when buying a plant in a store, immediately think about where it will stand (Figure 2).

Note: Since under natural conditions the flower is found in the tropics, it is better to put it in a well-lit place, but without exposure to direct sunlight. This lighting mode can be achieved by placing the pot on the east or west windowsill.

The temperature in the room should be moderate, about +18 degrees, regardless of the season. However, in summer, when the room is hot, the culture will not experience serious discomfort.

Figure 2. The main stages of flower care

It should also be borne in mind that this culture is very sensitive to air humidity. As a rule, spraying is carried out to increase humidity, but this procedure is contraindicated for begonias, since water, falling on the leaves of the culture, can provoke the formation dark spots. To increase the humidity of the air, it is recommended to use special humidifiers, or put the pot in a tray with wet claydite.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that the culture has a negative attitude towards drafts and cold air. Under such conditions, the plant may become ill or begin to shed its leaves.

Pots and soil

When planning to grow this flower, you should choose a pot in which the flower will grow. When choosing a container, it should be borne in mind that it should be only a few centimeters larger diameter earthy coma, since in large pots the root system of the culture may suffer from an excess of moisture, and the plant itself will form buds more slowly.

The soil must be special, so it is better to buy it in the store. But, if desired, it can be prepared independently by mixing two parts of leafy soil with one part of peat, sand and humus.


When planting a flower in a pot, you must definitely take care of removing excess moisture from the roots. To do this, a drainage layer is laid on the bottom of the container, and on top it is covered with a layer of charcoal, which acts as a disinfectant material that prevents root rot.

Further, in the center of the container, a seedling is installed along with an earthen clod, and the vacated space is filled with a substrate. After that, the flower must be watered and placed in a permanent, well-lit place.


Watering should be balanced. In other words, neither drying nor waterlogging of the earthy coma should be allowed.

Despite the fact that begonia belongs to moisture-loving plants, it is not worth watering it too often and abundantly. It is much more important to maintain an optimal level of humidity in the room. Dry air can cause the leaves to dry out.

In the summer, when it is hot outside, watering should be plentiful enough, but it is important to ensure that the water does not stagnate at the roots. Determining that your pet needs watering is very simple. To do this, it is enough to check the soil moisture: if it has dried out to a depth of one and a half centimeters, the flower can be watered. In winter, watering is minimized, preventing waterlogging and freezing of the roots.


Growing a room culture is impossible to imagine without the timely application of top dressing. The type of fertilizer depends on the plant variety. For ornamental flowering species use complex fertilizers, which are applied during the formation of buds, as well as phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, which are used during the formation of ovaries.

Ornamental deciduous species need nitrogen supplements, which help the plant grow green mass faster.


Care without fail includes regular plant transplantation. The procedure is better in early spring, when the plant is just beginning to emerge from the vegetative dormancy stage, and will not experience serious transplant stress.

Note: You can determine that your flower needs a transplant by looking at the appearance of the plant. If its roots have begun to protrude above the ground or are hanging from the pot, it is time to move the flower to a larger container.

Transplantation is carried out by the transshipment method (Figure 3). The plant is carefully removed from the pot, the roots are cleaned of old soil and placed for 30 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Next, you need to wash the roots under running water and cut off any damaged parts. After that, the root system should dry out. Only then can the culture be moved to a new pot.

Figure 3 Step by step transplant plants

It is important that after transplantation, the culture must be put in its original place and the first time after the procedure, the culture must be watered abundantly. It should also be borne in mind that young specimens tolerate transplantation much better, while adult plants experience serious stress from this procedure. In addition, large bushes can be difficult to transplant, so in the process it is better to divide the bush into several parts and seat them in separate containers.

Begonia in winter

Winter care depends on the type of plant. For example, bush and ornamental species need a long rest period, during which the culture will begin to form new flower buds. To do this, you need to maintain a stable temperature in the room at + 15 + 22 degrees, as well as install humidifiers or hang wet towels on the batteries, which will increase the level of humidity in the room.

In tuberous varieties, the period of vegetative dormancy begins in autumn. During this period, the leaves begin to gradually dry out and fall off, so watering should be minimized. When the aerial part of the plant dries up completely, watering is stopped, and the pots with tubers are transferred to a dark room and stored at a temperature not higher than + 10 + 15 degrees. In some cases, tuberous species do not show signs of the beginning of vegetative dormancy, so you need to let the plant rest on its own. To do this, the aerial part of the culture is cut off, and watering is stopped.

Indoor begonia - reproduction

Growing this culture at home, you should read the information about its reproduction to obtain young copies of the plant. Features of reproduction will be discussed in more detail below.

How to propagate begonia

There are two main methods of reproduction - seeds and vegetatively. At home, it is better to use the vegetative method, since it is much simpler and more efficient, and for this purpose you can use not only dividing the bush and tubers, but also leaf and stem cuttings.

Growing from seed

Despite the fact that growing begonias from seeds is considered unpopular, it is relatively simple and labor-intensive.

When the flowering period is over, you should collect the seeds and save them until February or March. During this period, sowing is carried out, evenly distributing the seeds over the surface of the soil. After that, the bed should be sprayed with water, covered with foil or glass and placed in a warm, well-lit place.

Seedlings need to be sprayed daily with water or watered through the pan. When the first shoots appear, the shelter is removed, and after the formation of 3-4 true leaves, the sprouts should be picked in separate containers. In two months, the sprouts will get stronger and they can be transplanted into a permanent pot. At proper care And good lighting flowering of a crop grown from seeds begins in the first year.

Reproduction by dividing the rhizome (tuber)

For propagation of deciduous varieties, the method of dividing the rhizome is used. The procedure is carried out in early spring, until the plant has entered the phase of active growth.

Figure 4. Reproduction by dividing the bush

To propagate the plant in this way, you need to remove the adult plant from the pot and divide it into several parts (Figure 4). At the same time, it is important to ensure that each part contains not only a fragment of the rhizome, but also several shoots or buds. After that, all sections must be processed with crushed coal and seated in separate containers.

Reproduction by cuttings

Cutting is one of the most effective ways propagation of indoor plants, and begonia is no exception. To prepare the cuttings, you need to cut the shoots with several leaves, and treat all the cuts with crushed coal for disinfection.

After that, the cuttings are immersed in a substrate of sand, hardwood and peat soil in equal proportions and placed in a warm, well-lit place. It is important to ensure that the cuttings are not exposed to direct sunlight.

Figure 5. Features of plant cuttings

Care of the cuttings includes regular but moderate watering, which is carried out after the soil dries 1-2 cm deep. If you do not have a special rooting substrate, cuttings can simply be placed in water. Regardless of the rooting method chosen, the process of root formation takes no more than a month, after which the sprouts can be planted in separate containers (Figure 5).

leaf reproduction

Most varieties of culture have rather large leaves, which can also be used for propagation, and a young culture can be grown not only from a whole leaf, but also from its part (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Growing a flower from a leaf

If you are using a whole sheet, on it inside you need to make cuts (along the main veins) and place the leaf on wet sand with the cuts down. Maintain the moisture content of the substrate should be through a tray with water.

The process of root formation takes about two months. During this time, young roots form at the site of the cuts, which gradually turn into young plants. When they begin to grow actively, they can be seated in separate pots filled with a mixture of peat, sand and hardwood in equal proportions.

Pests and diseases of begonias

Begonia like others houseplants, can be damaged by diseases and pests. Of the pests, the flower is most often affected by thrips and spider mites. These insects feed on the sap of the plant and gradually weaken it. If measures are not taken in time and insecticide treatment is not carried out, the culture may completely die.

Among the diseases, the culture is most often affected by fungal diseases (for example, powdery mildew) and gray mold. Such diseases occur if the plant was not properly cared for, in particular, it was watered too often and abundantly. To eliminate the disease, you need to reduce watering and treat with fungicides.

Sometimes the bush becomes a victim of bacterial diseases - cucumber mosaic, wilting or spotting. There are no cures for these diseases, so the plant will have to be destroyed along with the earthy clod.

Begonia dries

There are situations when there are no signs of damage by a disease or pests, and the begonia still loses its decorative effect. For example, her leaves may begin to dry. This process is caused by high temperature and low humidity of air and soil.

To restore the health of the plant, it must be watered and rearranged in a cooler place. To increase the humidity of the air, the flower pot should be placed in a tray with wet claydite.

Begonia turns yellow

The yellowing of the flower may vary. If yellow spots or rings begin to appear on the leaves, this indicates a bacterial lesion. It is pointless to treat such a plant, so it is simply destroyed.

In the event that all the leaves began to turn yellow and wither, this means that the soil in the pot is too wet, and the plant itself is cold. Watering should be temporarily stopped, and the flower should be moved to a warmer room.

Types and varieties of begonias

There are a lot of species and varieties of this crop, and it is difficult to give a clear classification of culture (Figure 7).

Popular types of begonias include:

  1. Tuberous: may have simple or double inflorescences, the shade of which varies from white and yellow to bright red and orange;
  2. Everblooming: this species is considered the most popular in indoor floriculture. Outwardly, the plant resembles a small shrub, and it can be grown not only at home, but also in open ground. The flowers are small and may be white, pink or red;
  3. Royal: refers to decorative-deciduous species. The leaves are large, and can reach 30 cm in length, and their shape depends on the variety or hybrid;
  4. Ampelnaya: considered a subspecies of tuberous varieties. Most often used as an ornamental crop for vertical gardening. The length of the shoots can reach 50 cm, and during the flowering period they are covered with numerous small flowers of white, yellow, orange or crimson.

Figure 7. Popular types of begonias: 1 - tuberous, 2 - ever-flowering, 3 - royal, 4 - ampelous

It should be borne in mind that in addition to the main types of begonia, there are about 2 thousand hybrids of this culture, so choose suitable grade a flower for home cultivation is not difficult.

The video shows how the popular tuberous begonia is planted.

Among the variety of flowers on the windowsills, begonia looks like a real queen. A plant with beautiful abundant flowers about 200 years ago began to be grown in our area. But it was described much earlier - back in the 17th century. And this was done by a man, in whose honor the flower was later named - Michel Begon. Today, begonias are grown not only on window sills and in greenhouses. Some varieties of plants tolerate winters well and can be grown in gardens and outdoor beds.

Begonia belongs to the genus, which is considered one of the most numerous in the Begoniev family. In total, this genus includes approximately 1000 plants that grow in highlands, as well as in tropical forests, and, as you know, they are characterized by high humidity.

Most plant species are found in South America. But there is this beautiful flower and in Sri Lanka, India, the Himalayas, in the western part of the African continent.

Begonias are characterized by heterosexual flowers, which differ in zygomorphism, that is, they have irregular shape. The perianth usually has a bright color.

The tuberous begonia has large flowers, sometimes reaching 15 cm, and ever-flowering - small (2-3 cm each). The fruit of begonias are capsules that crack at the seams and throw out very small orange-yellow seeds.

Today there is no single accepted classification of begonias. In the literature, plants are divided according to different qualities. So, some distinguish decorative-flowering species and varieties, as well as decorative-deciduous. Others divide begonias by roots. Accordingly, begonias are tuberous, rhizome, with superficial roots.

But you can select the most common types of plants living both in rooms and greenhouses, and in gardens. They, in turn, are also divided into different varieties.


The view originates from the eastern side of India. This plant is considered one of the most beautiful of its kind. Based on it, more than one decorative leafy variety and other hybrids were bred.

The royal begonia has thickened rhizomes, and its leaves are large, smooth or slightly pubescent. Their shape is heart-shaped, has jagged jagged edges, asymmetrical.

The contour of the leaves is decorated with a crimson stripe, or a red-violet, sometimes brown line. Some hybrids have almost black leaves with crimson spots. The flowers of the plant are inconspicuous, have a pink color.

This species includes such varieties: Silver Greenhart, Cartagena, Hallelujah, Evening Glow, etc.

ever blooming

A plant that has the form of a small bush that grows up to 60 cm. Its shoots are erect when young, when they reach maturity they become ampelous. The species is characterized by slightly pubescent margins. round leaves, about 6 cm in size.

The color of this species is not too diverse - dark, sometimes light green, there is a reddish tint.

Ever-flowering begonia is terry and simple. Her palette includes not so many shades - pink, red and white. Size - up to 2.5 cm, inflorescences do not differ long life, prone to rapid fading, but are immediately replaced by others. With quality care and lighting, this begonia can also bloom in winter.

Main varieties: Bicola, Carmen, Gustav Knaake, Orania.


This species is considered very bright, it can also be called abundantly flowering. These plants are hybrids. They have long gained considerable popularity and are favorites of flower growers.

It grows up to 40 cm in height. The stem is fleshy and thick. The leaves are heart-shaped, their edges are jagged, and the size is about 8 cm. From above, the leaves are glossy, smooth, bright green.

And their inner side is lighter, matte. Flowers appear on rather long peduncles, they are collected in inflorescences.

The most popular varieties: Louise, Rosa, Renaissance, Piccora.

How to grow Elatior begonia: video


This species is more often seen on balconies, beautiful terraces or in gardens. The shoots of the plant are drooping, they descend in cascades and have many flowers. This plant is planted in a flowerpot, as well as hanging pots or baskets.

The species is represented by varieties with double flowers, there are also densely double, semi-double varieties. The palette includes yellow, pink, red and other colors, as well as various combinations of them. Flowers come in different sizes.

Varieties that are often found: Roxanne, Gale, Katie, Christie.


This species is also quite popular, mostly due to the abundant and long flowering. The plant is a perennial, tuber-forming plant. Its flowers resemble camellias or roses. They come in pink, red, orange, purple and other shades. In terms of size, the species includes large to small flowers, they can be double and simple.

How to plant tuberous begonia: video

Indoor types of begonias are therefore favorites among flower growers because they are unpretentious. Begonia does not require any difficult created conditions. It is also quite resistant to diseases and pests.

Caring for this plant will not cause much trouble. But still, he must be literate, otherwise the plant will disappear.

If stick temperature regime, the rules of watering and lighting, then the begonia will be well-groomed, neat and will always be able to delight with its sophistication.

Most suitable for growing windows that face west or east. As for the temperature, +18 0 С is considered optimal, although begonia can tolerate air well and warmer, especially in the summer months.

Since the plant comes from the tropics, it loves moist air. But from spraying on begonia leaves, unaesthetic brown spots may appear. Therefore, in winter, when the air dries up the heating, pots with this flower can be placed in trays with wet claydite.

It is important to remember that decorative begonias do not tolerate crowding. This must be taken into account when placing flowerpots. The plant needs ventilation, although it absolutely does not tolerate drafts. From them it fades, sheds leaves and flowers.

Begonia should be watered moderately, but carefully monitor the soil. Much more important is not watering, but sufficient humidity. The plant requires more moisture in the summer heat. But it is necessary to ensure that water does not stagnate in the roots.

Settled water is best, but not cold - room temperature. Special attention you need to pay attention to tuberous species. They do not need to be watered in winter.

Fertilizers need to be applied periodically so that the begonia looks beautiful and healthy. Apply under decorative flowering species useful material needed from the moment the buds appear. Further - 2 times in 30 days. You can use a complex substance for flowering plants.

When the ovary is formed, substances containing potassium and phosphorus can be added (“Flower”, “Ovary”). As for nitrogen fertilizers, they are needed only for decorative deciduous species.

Begonia loves a lot of light, especially flowering species. But in the heat, it is worth shading the plant so that it does not get burned. But decorative leafy varieties prefer diffused light.

Most flowering types of begonias throw out flower stalks in the summer. Some continuously delight with their flowers - all year round. Tuberous ones sometimes bloom in autumn, but such buds need to be cut off so that the plant does not become exhausted. If you add to the water for irrigation organic fertilizers, then the flowers will be more magnificent and more attractive.

In general, begonia does not need to be shaped. However, if for some reason the plant has lost its beautiful appearance, it can be cut off, leaving only 4-5 cm in height. After that, lateral buds will grow, new and more active growth will begin.

A begonia transplant is necessary if the flower needs a larger pot. This is not hard to guess: the roots begin to hang from the drain holes. But you need to transplant the flower correctly. This is done in early spring.

The land can be taken from the store or prepared from peat, leafy soil, black soil. Drainage can be made from simple sand. Immediately before transplanting, the plant is taken out, cleaned from the ground.

Then the root system is lowered into a solution of potassium permanganate. When the disinfection is over, you need to cut off the roots that have died.

Immediately after transplanting, the plant should be watered more often. Young begonias tolerate the transplant procedure quite easily. But mature ones have a lot of fragile leaves and can suffer. Therefore, after reaching the age of three, begonias are often divided into parts during transplantation.

How to plant ampelous begonia: video


There are several ways to propagate begonias. This is the division of the bush, cuttings and propagation by the stem, as well as by seeds. Which method to choose often depends on the type of plant.


So, tuberous begonia can only propagate by seeds or tubers. This species is propagated as follows. In the spring, the tubers need to be removed and cut with a knife. Each particle must have at least one shoot or at least a bud, as well as its own roots. After processing the sections with crushed coal, the tubers can be planted in pots.


To propagate begonia seeds, they must be placed in a container with sand and earth. With moderate watering, you can get young plants, but you have to wait - this is a protracted long process. Seeds germinate in warmth and under good light, pots with them are covered with foil until germination.

You can dive begonia after the appearance of 3-4 leaves. After 50-60 days, plants can be planted in separate pots. By the way, already in the first year, a young begonia can bloom, provided there is good lighting.


A very simple vegetative method of propagating begonias is cuttings. Cuttings are cut from the plant, they must have at least 3-4 leaves. All sections should be treated with charcoal.

Pots with cuttings should be placed in a place where there is a lot of light and heat, but there is no direct sunlight. It is important to ensure moderate watering, after the soil has dried out by 1-2 cm. Rooting is also carried out in water, where roots appear for about a month.


You can also propagate using begonia sheets. As a cutting, both the leaf itself and part of it are used.

  • In the first case, the main veins are cut on the underside.
  • With the same side, it is placed in moistened sand (pre-calcined), fixed.
  • You can only moisten the soil with a pallet.
  • Roots will begin to sprout from the incisions in about 2 months.

When new plants gain strength, begin to grow, they can be transplanted into a separate pot with ready-made soil mixture.

How to rejuvenate indoor flowers. Propagation of begonias by cuttings: video

The begonia in the room can be attacked spider mite, aphid. They feed on the juice from the cells of the plant, from which it loses its appearance, develops poorly.

A couple of treatments with Karbofos or Aktellik with an interval of 7-10 days will help to destroy aphids.

But you can overcome the tick with the help of drugs such as Derris, Decis.

If the flower is affected by nematodes, has lost its color, then it will have to be thrown away - unfortunately, it cannot be treated.

Begonia can get sick with gray rot, botrytis, powdery mildew. You can fight this with fungicides (Bordeaux liquid, Fundazol, etc.)

If the begonia has caught some kind of viral or bacterial disease, for example, bacterial wilt, tomato spotting, then it will no longer be possible to cure it - it will have to be destroyed.

If we deduce the rules for growing begonias in several points, we get the following list:

  • Good lighting;
  • Moderate watering, but high humidity;
  • Warm room climate;
  • Timely feeding;
  • Quality transplant.

Compliance with all these rules will allow you to grow beautiful lush begonias at home. The plants will be healthy and can be propagated in the chosen way without problems. As you can see, there really is nothing difficult to care for. Begonias need a little attention and love.

Often people who grow begonias face such a problem: the buds fall off the plant. It is difficult to determine the exact cause of this condition. This behavior occurs due to various factors.

  • where begonias just need to be fed.

To find out the probable cause, you need to find out the rules for caring for the plant and determine what you are doing wrong. Then it will be easier to figure everything out and correct the situation by returning the flower to its beauty.

The poor condition of the leaves most often occurs due to insufficient moisture. At what, it may not be watering, namely the humidity of the air.

  • Begonia comes from the tropics, so it needs warm and saturated air.
  • Another reason is the depletion of the earth in a pot. If you have not fed the plant for a long time, then perhaps it's time to do it.
  • Also, sometimes pests start in the soil. They affect the roots of begonia, from which she begins to suffer and lose her beautiful appearance. In this case, you need to replace the soil by preparing a new substrate.
  • By the way, when transplanting, it is imperative to rinse the roots and soak them in potassium permanganate dissolved in water. Otherwise, you can move the pests to a new place.

Not many people know that begonia is a flower that is not only very beautiful, but also useful.

Scientists conducted research and were able to prove that this plant has anti-allergic and antiseptic properties. Moreover, begonia helps to heal wounds and relieve spasms.

It is rich in useful substances, including oxalic acid, phytoncides, organic acids and tannins. The properties of begonias have also been proven to retract chemical substances.

In addition, the plant can retain dust on its leaves and humidify the air in the room where it lives. You can put begonias near monitors and other household appliances. And all because this beautiful flower able to reduce their electromagnetic radiation.

Use in medicinal purposes can be different parts of the plant. For example, juice helps to heal wounds and burns, ulcers, reduces pain in muscles and joints (as a compress), helps with a snake bite. But the defeat of the lungs and ulcers in the stomach are treated with an infusion of begonia juice on alcohol.

This is so beautiful and useful plant- domestic begonia.

Begonia is very beautiful and amazing colors, which conquers gardeners with its magical shape and diverse flower colors. These flowers can be seen in almost every home and garden. They decorate various recreation areas, squares, parks, apartments and balconies. Let's take a closer look at the most common types of begonias and their brief description.

Begonia, like all plants, requires attention and care. Timely watering and top dressing is necessary. She loves the bright sun, especially during the flowering period, as well as high humidity, since at first she appeared and grew in tropical conditions. In general, caring for begonia is not difficult, the main thing is not to miss the main points for caring for a flower.. Compliance with the temperature regime and proper lighting will allow begonias to dissolve their beautiful flowers which you can admire for a long time.

ever blooming

The flower is also called always blooming. It got its name because of the long flowering time. Begonia is presented in the form perennial shrub which has a thick stem large sizes and the leaves have a delicate and smooth surface.

Inflorescences are represented by flowers of white, red and pink shades. The inflorescence itself is located on tall peduncles. The male flower has four petals, while the female has three petals.. Seeds ripen and are stored in boxes of dark brown color.

About 600 varieties have already been bred from the ever-flowering begonia, which have different plant heights, the color of the leaf plates and the flowers themselves. Basically, these varieties are represented by heterotic hybrids. These are undersized hybrids with a height of 15 to 20 centimeters, medium-sized from 20 to 30 and tall, whose height reaches 50 centimeters.


Begonias of this species are very powerful and large plants. The length of such a flower can reach up to three meters.. Its tenacious shoots always reach up and cling to all kinds of parts of any material, living and inanimate. Flowering is simply amazing in its beauty. But due to the large length of the plant in room conditions, such begonia is not to everyone's taste.


Deciduous or decorative-deciduous do not have above-ground shoots. The leaf blades of this plant grow straight from the spreading root. This species got its name for its beautiful and multifaceted leaves, which differ in color and shape.. You can see different spots on them. various colors and forms, but there are also simply plain ones.

Royal (Rex)

Rex is one of the hybrid plant species. The leaves reach a length of thirty centimeters, and the edges are jagged. The shape is oval and round. Their color can be either purple, brown-pink, or purple. There is always a very beautiful border on the leaves of the plant, which decorates the plant with its silvery, green or white color.

Metallic or Metallica

The leaves of this species are usually up to 15 centimeters long. They are covered with olive green hairs. The shape is ovoid, and the edges are serrated. Due to the characteristic color and unusual coating, the leaves seem to be covered with a metallic coating.. When exposed to direct sunlight and bright daylight, the leaves reflect them and gracefully shine.

Bauera (Tiger)

The second name of this plant is Bauer's begonia.

This is one of the most beautiful types of decorative leafy begonias. The stem is straight and branched. The length of the leaves can reach up to seven centimeters. Their shape resembles a heart, only slightly beveled and pointed at the tip. Color - brown-olive, which is covered with white spots. That is why the tiger begonia is called so.

The flower of this variety does not tolerate direct sunlight. Feels good indoors. In the winter months, it is better to reduce the temperature.

Watering should be done directly into the soil. It is impossible for water to fall on the leaf blades of the flower. It is necessary to water systematically, but moderately, so that stagnation of water does not occur. To increase the humidity of the air near the begonia, you can put a vessel filled with water.

Mason ( Begonia M asoniana)

Place of growth - New Guinea. On the leaves is an amazing pattern in the form of a Maltese cross. The drawing is brown, and he is green. Can grow up to 20 cm in length. The height of the plant is 20 - 35 centimeters. The flowers are usually medium-sized, beige.

Cleopatra ( Cleopatra)

The leaves of this flower are similar to maple. Therefore, this variety is considered very decorative. The color of the leaves varies from side to side. The outer side is painted in olive or bright greenish color, and the lower side is red and burgundy.. The leaves are located on fleshy and long cuttings, which are covered with hairs of white or gray color. It distinguishes given flower from other varieties.

The bush of the plant can reach a height of 30 to 50 centimeters. Cleopatra blooms usually from January to February. When the plant begins to bloom, it stretches out flower stalks, on which whitish-pink small flowers are placed.


It is also called cuff begonia. The plant is native to Mexico. The plant has a creeping stem, the leaves are large and grow up to 30 centimeters in diameter, covered with villi. The cuttings of the leaf blades are long, which are surrounded by a cuff of red villi. At home, they bloom in winter, forming at the same time approximately five peduncles, which grow about 60 centimeters in length. The flowers are formed into a brush of pink.


Bush begonias have a fairly branched and cranked stem, which looks like a bamboo stem. Grows as a bush, from which many side shoots grow. Leaf shape and color varied. Flowering is very beautiful of graceful flowers. The root system is thick and fleshy, not divided.

The peculiarity of bush begonias is that they bloom throughout the year.

Among the varieties of this species there are both annuals and perennials. Plant height is high enough optimal conditions can reach up to two meters.

The most common varieties of bush begonias are:


The stems of this plant are straight and bare, the length of which reaches from 0.5 to one meter.. They have a non-uniform color from different sides. Green color on the outside it is covered with silvery specks. back side leaf blade is dark red. The flowers are small, but the inflorescences are dense.


The flower has highly branching tall stems that can grow up to one meter in height. The leaves are oval, the surface is glossy green. Fuchsia begonia flowers have many different shades of red. But the flowers are rare and hang strongly.


This species has rhizomes in the form of a tuber. Stems tall about 80 centimeters, fleshy. The flowers are both simple and double, they look like flowers of roses, peonies, carnations and camellias. Flowers can be arranged singly or in inflorescences, small and large. Their diameter is usually 3-20 cm.

Tuberous begonia can be ampelous, shrubby or herbaceous. Heart-shaped leaves come in matte, glossy, flat and corrugated shapes. They have shades of green, light and dark tones. It blooms in May and until October, it looks very beautiful.

The most common varieties:

  • Picotee Harlequin (Picotee)
  • Bouton de Rose
  • Duck Red (BegoniaDark Red)
  • Crispa Margarita (Crispa Marginata)

Begonia Bouton de Rose Begonia Picotee Harlequin (Picotee)

blooming begonia

This group combines many varieties that are able to bloom during the months of the summer period. At the same time, their flowering is not affected by weather conditions.

The most popular varieties:

  • Baby Wing
  • Ambassador
  • cocktail
  • Gloire de Lorraine
  • Competitor
  • Marina
  • Rosemary

One of the famous varieties is hybrid Elatior. It was bred by crossing tuberous and Socotrans species. Elatior is able to bloom almost the whole year. Because of this ability, it is called winter begonia. The plant is small, about 40 cm high, the stems are thick and bright, the leaves are glossy.. Their length can reach up to 8 centimeters, in the form of an uneven heart. Pedicels are long, on which castings grow.

According to the height of the bush are divided into three types:

  • high - up to 40 cm
  • medium - up to 30 cm
  • undersized - up to 25 cm


It is popular among gardeners and gardeners. The plant is large up to 40-50 centimeters in height. The stem is creeping and fleshy. The length of the leaves is about 30 centimeters, the color is green (dark or light).

The flowers are pink or white, collected in a brush, which reaches a length of 50 cm. It blooms from February to April, and the peak of flowering occurs in the spring and summer months..

hybrid variety hogweed is red-leaved begonia. It is a herbaceous plant that usually creeps along the ground. The stem is shortened.

Slightly rounded leaves, quite large, the length and width of which varies from 10-15 cm and 8-10 cm, respectively. The outside is glossy green and the inside is red.

Flowering starts from December to June. flowers are small, white color with a pink tint.


This is a semi-shrub, whose height is from 40 to 50 centimeters. Shoots recumbent, rhizome thick. Shanks are pubescent. Large leaves grow up to 20 cm long and up to 15 cm wide. The tips are pointed, the edges are serrated.

Flowers in inflorescences are dull yellow. Begonia yellow is used to produce hybrids. Breeding varieties is carried out by both breeders and amateur gardeners.

Griffin ( Gryphon)

This species is one of the newest and most popular hybrids.

The plant is quite large. Height can reach forty centimeters. The leaves of the flower are wide and distinguished by their decorative effect.

Bover's room begonia

This is an indoor or house plant. Counts decorative look. The leaves are dark green, palmately divided. Fingers stand out with green spots. Cuttings, pubescent and low.

Flowering comes with the arrival of spring. Flowers are white and pink. Maintenance of this plant is minimal. Feels good at home. But, as with most flowers, in order to establish long-term flowering, it is necessary to observe optimal temperature conditions and maintain humidity. Reproduction does not require much effort, and a beginner grower can handle it.

You need to repot once a year.

Also applies to indoor Red begonia. plant for room conditions quite large, but looks impressive. The leaves are shiny and smooth, ovate.

The inflorescences are collected in a panicle, the flowers are bright red shades.

Terry Pink

Plant of small growth up to 20 centimeters. The flowers are pink and double. Flowering is abundant from July days until frost.

To achieve long flowering, it is necessary to remove withered flowers. Thus, the plant will not spend energy on the formation of seeds, but will direct them to the formation of new flowers.

If you want this variety of begonia to bloom earlier, then you can plant the tuber at home in a pot with a sterile substrate (peat, coco substrate, perlite, etc.) to the depth of the tuber.

Such begonias will look good on the balcony.

Begonia is a plant that has won the hearts of many gardeners and breeders. It gained its popularity due to its long flowering period (some varieties bloom all year round), a huge variety of plant sizes, leaf color and, of course, the flowers themselves. That's why currently until now the world's leading breeders are creating more and more new varieties and hybrids. And everyone else can only admire and admire the beauty of the amazing begonia.