In a private house      06/17/2019

Reproduction of catalpa. Ornamental trees for the garden - catalpa. Magnificent catalpa tree: description

Bonsai with a neat spherical crown or powerful, with spreading branches, catalpa in any corner of the park area or backyard will look appropriate and very attractive.

The high decorative qualities of catalpa have made this plant a favorite for many gardeners and landscape designers.

A deciduous tree - catalpa - a fast-growing unpretentious culture, every year it becomes more and more popular in landscaping urban areas and decorating various landscapes.

Admiring the spectacular plant, a logical question arises: “How to grow a catalpa on your site, or is it only for professionals”?

It turns out that an unusual-looking plant is completely unpretentious in care, resistant to adverse climatic conditions and easily takes root when planted.

All these issues, as well as the species diversity of catalpa, the technology and agricultural technology of growing crops, will be described in detail in the article.

Catalpa, plant description

Catalpa is a representative of the Bignoniaceae family, the area of ​​\u200b\u200borigin of which is China, Japan, America and India. In Russia, culture appeared in the 19th century and gradually adapted and acclimatized from the southern, warm regions to conditions with cold winters. Currently, catalpa is widespread throughout Europe.

Due to its extraordinary decorativeness, this deciduous tree is increasingly used in landscaping and the design of landscape gardening areas. There are also bush and undersized forms of catalps.

A luxurious tree with a neat dense, often rounded crown and a slender, grayish trunk, with favorable conditions reaches a height of up to 30 - 40 m.

A characteristic feature of the genus is the presence of large leaves, ovoid or heart-shaped. Leaf width, on average, ranges from 20 to 30 cm, length from 10 to 20 cm; the leaf is attached to the shoot with the help of a long and strong petiole. The upper surface of the leaf blade is bright green, smooth, with a sheen, and the lower surface is matte, slightly covered with fluff. With such unusual leaves, the catalpa is deservedly called the “Tree with Elephant Ears”.

Catalpa is very attractive in the summer, during flowering: large and lush inflorescences-panicles of fragrant flowers, densely "decorate" the entire crown of the tree for 3-4 weeks. The flower of the plant reaches a diameter of up to 7 cm and consists of a bipartite calyx and a corolla with five stamens. The color scheme of inflorescences, as a rule, is light tones: white, cream, lilac, with a bright contrasting middle in the form of strokes and inclusions and wavy edges.

Catalpa blooms later than other deciduous trees, usually in the second half of June. Therefore, when mass flowering in the garden ends, the plant pleases with abundant and large, chestnut-like flowers, collected in loose inflorescences. Catalpa blooms in the 5-6th year after planting.

The catalpa fruit is a multi-seeded box, has a peculiar shape resembling a narrow long pod (up to 50 cm). Such pods hang on a tree almost until spring, and give the catalpa an unusual original look. It is because of this shape of the fruit that the tree is popularly called "Pasta". Catalpa seeds are winged.

The difference between catalpa and other deciduous trees is its "evergreen" foliage, which, almost not yellowing in autumn, falls off when the temperature drops, leaving only the fruit-pods hanging.

Initially a heat-loving plant, catalpa, currently differs in the level of winter hardiness within even one species. In many ways, it depends on the area in which the seedlings were grown. Therefore, for the successful cultivation of catalpa in your region, it is necessary to use seedlings grown in the same climatic and geographical conditions.

Varieties of catalpa

In nature, there are about 10 species of this plant, but in the temperate climate of the middle zone, mainly 4 types of catalpa are cultivated: magnificent, bignoniform, ovoid and hybrid.

Catalpa is magnificent

It is a tree with a gray, lamellar, straight trunk and a decomposed crown, pyramidal in shape. The homeland of this species is considered to be North America, where the catalpa grows along the banks of rivers in moist and rich soil.

Plant height varies from 10 to 30 m, depending on climatic conditions.

Large leaves on long petioles and creamy inflorescences with a purple center are the main decorative elements plants. This type of catalpa blooms profusely, for a whole month, fragrant with a pleasant light apple aroma.

In place of faded inflorescences grow narrow, long, Brown, pods, where the seeds ripen. Seeds ripen by October, but the pods continue to hang on a bare tree until spring. Such an exotic view of winter catalpa is very unusual and decorative.

The plant is fast-growing, frost-resistant and relatively drought-resistant. With all this, in harsh winters freezing of annual non-lignified shoots is possible.

The magnificent catalpa prefers well-lit, not shaded places.

The culture has a decorative variety - Catalpa powdery, characterized by matte, "powdered" foliage.

catalpa bignoniformis

The catalpa bark of this species is also lamellar, but has a darker color, brown shades.

The crown is fluffy, spreading, rounded. The leaves are large, glossy above and slightly pubescent below. When rubbed, they emit an unpleasant odor.

Approximately in the 4th year after planting, the bignoniform catalpa blooms with snow-white, with brown patches and yellow strokes, inflorescences. A gentle and pleasant aroma is felt throughout the entire flowering period, which lasts about a month.

The fruit, characteristic of the entire genus of catalps, is a box that looks like an elongated pod.

The tree grows to a height of 10 to 20 meters. Bignonian catalpa has several varieties:

- Aurea, characterized by golden leaves during their blooming period, later they acquire a light green color. Tree of medium size, with a broadly rounded and spreading crown.

- Nana, has a clearly defined spherical crown, up to 4 m in diameter. A low-growing variety of catalpa (up to 4 m high), which does not form flowers, is widely used in landscape design.

- Kene, distinguished by yellow leaves with a green core.

- Purpurea, has, at the beginning of the growing season, leaves, terracotta color which gradually turn green. Catalpa grows up to 8 m in height, has a conical crown shape, which, with age, transforms into a round one.

The presented forms of catalpa are slow-growing, rather unpretentious and moderately winter-hardy crops. Best of all, the Nana subspecies is adapted to low temperatures.

catalpa ovoid

A low-growing species, reaching no more than 10 m in height in its natural environment, originally from China. In temperate climates, it does not grow above 3-4 m.

The tree has a compact, rounded crown with large, slightly pointed leaves. Catalpa ovoid blooms from June to July, white or cream inflorescences with a contrasting core. The number of inflorescences is much lower than that of the above catalpa species.

The fruit is a box, tied and looks like a not very long pod, but the seeds do not have time to fully ripen.

This form of catalps is characterized by increased frost resistance (up to -30 ° C) and a short growing season of the plant. That is why annual shoots become woody early and practically do not freeze in winter.

There are subspecies of the shrub form. Culture is popular in the design of parks, garden plots, urban plantings.

Catalpa hybrid

This form is obtained by crossing catalpa bignoniform and ovoid. A tall plant that can grow up to 20 m in height.

The crown is round and spreading, the leaves are large, green.

Flowering is abundant, lasts up to 4 weeks. Inflorescences - loose, white color, with brown patches and yellow stripes.

The tree prefers open and sunny areas, with fertile and fertilized soil.

The culture is acclimatized to the conditions of the middle zone, winter-hardy and unpretentious in care.

Reproduction of catalpa

Catalpa reproduces in 2 ways: from seeds and vegetatively (cuttings).

seed way

  • Collected in autumn, from ripe pods, catalpa seeds are soaked in warm water for 10-12 hours to increase their germination.
  • Storage of seeds (no more than 2 years) is carried out in a dry and cool place. It is better to use a paper bag or a linen bag for these purposes.
  • Seed material is sown in February-March in a greenhouse, home greenhouse or in a special container covered with glass.
  • Warm, sunlight and moderate humidity - will ensure seed germination in 3-4 weeks.


  • Cuttings are harvested in advance (in the second half of summer), cutting off shoots, about 10 cm long and having at least 3-4 buds.
  • Before planting the cuttings in the soil mixture, you can treat them with a growth stimulator.
  • Planted cuttings are placed indoors and only after rooting (next year), they are planted in open ground.

Catalpa planting technology

  • The most optimal time for planting catalpa is spring. Although autumn planting is also possible.
  • A place for the plant is selected open and sunny, but protected from drafts and winds, so that the large and delicate leaves of the plant are not damaged later.
  • The soil does not have to be too fertile and fertilized, so as not to stimulate the active growth of young shoots, most of which will freeze in the winter anyway. It is enough to add charcoal or humus as fertilizer. Soils with neutral acidity, well-drained are perfect.
  • For primary planting in a container, it is recommended to prepare a planting substrate from a mixture of river sand, black soil, peat and humus in a ratio of 2:2:1:3.
  • Culture does not tolerate close occurrence ground water or flooding with prolonged stagnation of water. The best option- Moderate hydration.


  • Sowing is carried out in spring or autumn.
  • Seeds are sown in furrows, sprinkled with soil and creating a greenhouse effect for their germination. For these purposes, you can use the box and cover it with glass, periodically raising it and airing the seedlings.
  • The sown seeds are provided temperature regime 15 - 25 ° C, regular moderate watering and diffused sunlight.
  • Seedlings that have grown over the winter are planted in open ground when warm weather sets in. As a rule, this happens at the end of May.


  • When planting catalpa seedlings in open ground, deep enough (about 1 m) and wide (about 70 cm) planting pits are prepared in advance. The size of the hole directly depends on the size of the seedling. Wood ash (5-7 kg), a little (about 50 g) phosphate rock, humus, sand and peat are poured into the bottom of the pit.
  • The distance between the pits should be at least 3 m, optimally - about 5 m, depending on the type of catalpa.
  • Holding the seedling vertically, sprinkle it tightly with earth and spill it well with water. The root neck, in the end, should be flush with the ground.
  • The trunk circle is recommended to be mulched immediately after planting.
  • Young seedlings after planting need regular (once a week) watering.
  • The first few years, seedlings must be covered for the winter, in order to avoid freezing of the plant.
  • If catalpa seedlings are not grown specifically from cuttings or seeds, they can be purchased at a specialized garden store. It is better to acquire annual grown and strong seedlings. It is important to buy seedlings in retail outlets in your region, as acclimatized as possible and adapted to a particular climatic zone.
  • The growth of a young tree is, on average, 1 m per year; the plant will be able to bloom in 4-5 years.

Plant care, rules of agricultural technology

Catalpa is an unpretentious plant that requires a minimum of time and labor for its care. A fast-growing young tree, with a significant annual increase in green mass, requires increased attention only in the period after planting and the next 2-3 years. In general, plant care agrotechnology includes the following main steps:

  • Watering

Watering is carried out once a week, abundantly, at least 1.5-2 buckets per plant. In the event of precipitation and the absence of hot weather, watering is reduced, avoiding waterlogging or stagnant moisture. With insufficient watering, catalpa leaves sag, losing the necessary turgor, and the whole plant is significantly weakened.

  • Soil loosening

Like any other crop, catalpa needs to loosen the soil and timely remove weeds. You can loosen the earth deeply (up to 30-40 cm), because the root system of a tree is pivotal and it is almost impossible to damage it. But deep drainage to the plant will only benefit.

  • Top dressing and fertilizers

It is enough to carry out two seasonal top dressings: at the beginning of the growing season (5-7 liters of slurry or bulk manure) and during the flowering period ( mineral fertilizer). Fertilizers are applied, as usual, after watering. Slurry is prepared in a ratio of 1:10 by diluting the manure with water.

  • Preparing for winter

It is necessary to cover young seedlings and trees for the winter, as they have not yet become woody and are very susceptible to frost. For this, the trunks are wrapped with spruce branches or burlap, and the tree trunks are covered with a thick layer of fallen leaves. With age, the frost resistance of the plant increases significantly. Even mature plant partially damaged by winter frosts, its shoots will quickly grow back next season.

  • pruning catalpa

Sanitary pruning of a tree includes the removal of frosted, damaged or dried shoots. Most often, young annual shoots are affected. Pruning is carried out annually, in the spring, after which the tree quickly catches up. Catalpa tolerates pruning well and gardeners often combine forced - sanitary pruning with decorative crown trimming.

  • Pest and disease control

Catalpa is characterized by high resistance to various diseases and pests.

Occasionally, a tree can be affected by a Spanish fly, then the plant should be treated several times with an insecticide, for example, karbofos. Otherwise, deformation of the shoots will be observed.

When the catalpa is infected with Comstock mealybugs, it is necessary to spray the tree with an insecticide even before bud break.

Too dense and dry soil can provoke infection of the catalpa with a fungus of the genus Verticillium (wilt), leading to subsequent drying and death of the tree. The first signs of wilt disease are sluggish and drooping leaves that begin to turn yellow and fall off prematurely. On early stage, the disease is curable: it is enough to treat the tree with a fungicide, such as Fundazol or Topsin-M.

Exotic catalpa is perfectly cultivated in well-drained, fertile soil, giving rapid growth, both in height and expanding due to the green crown of the plant. Naturally, such an unusual and decorative look catalp will decorate any park and garden area and, with proper care, will be able to please others with an original appearance and abundant flowering, for more than one year.

Use of catalpa

Due to its original decorative qualities, catalpa is widely used in landscape and landscape compositions.

The plant looks great in a single planting, drawing attention to itself at any time of the year. Leaves resembling huge green "elephant ears", a neat shape of a crown in the form of a ball, an abundance of large delicate inflorescences and bizarrely shaped fruits - similar plants are not so easy to find among the variety of ornamental crops.

Whether it is tall spreading trees or dwarf trees with a spherical crown, representatives of the catalpa genus will find their place everywhere in a small garden, house territory or city square.

Group plantings of catalpa look spectacular, for example, along park paths or curbs.

And on the shore of a reservoir, this unique tree is simply irreplaceable. Often planted, popular in landscaping, a variety of catalpa - "Nana" or varieties with an unusual golden color of foliage.

When decorating parks and in landscape design, catalpa looks great in compositions with centuries-old oaks, magnolias and various shrubs.

Occupying an increasing share in the landscaping of cities, catalpa copes well with increased gas pollution, arid climate and winter frosts. And on hot sunny days, the plant “shares” with those around it a dense shade of coolness and freshness.

Among other things, catalpa is used as an excellent honey plant.

Catalpa seeds are also used in the paint and varnish industry, making a quick-drying oil from them.

In any case, if the local area or country cottage area allows you to plant this exotic tree - without hesitation, "revive" your garden with it. And although the catalpa, like other fruit and garden trees, will not be able to please delicious fruits, this culture will reward you with its unique beauty and stylish look.

Catalpa, photo

Video "Features of caring for catalpa"

The extraordinary catalpa tree that appeared on the territory of Russia in the 19th century won the hearts of many gardeners. An ornamental tree originally from the southern regions, but after a while it adapted without much effort to cold zones. You can meet the plant both in gardens and in parks, where it serves as an excellent exotic decoration.

The "Tree of Happiness" is what the Maya Indians called it. This unusual tree is valued only for its highly original decorative qualities, because it does not have any useful fruits.

Because of its unusual leaves, in the shape of a heart, the catalpa was also nicknamed "the tree with elephant ears."

Magnificent catalpa tree: description

Magnificent catalpa

A deciduous tree with a rounded crown. Endowed with large heart-shaped whorled leaves, the length of which reaches 30 cm and a width of 17 cm.

With the onset of autumn, the foliage does not turn into yellow, but remains saturated green.

This is a tree with a straight trunk, as well as dense gray bark. Catalpa wood is valued, because in its characteristics it looks like oak, it is just as strong and strong.

A variety of varieties have appeared in North America, where their height can reach a record 30 meters.

In our natural conditions, the catalpa does not exceed 12 meters.

Flowering tree of happiness

Since it starts to release buds quite late, this plant is valued by original gardeners, because during this period to find Blooming tree just impossible.

As soon as the magnificent one begins to bloom, you can enjoy its unusual, fragrant and large inflorescences, which are collected in panicles up to 40 cm long. Due to the shape and general view inflorescences are also called catalpa orchid tree. There are white and cream patterned flowers, some of which may be covered with small speckles.

The tree begins to bloom in June or July, and this process lasts for a long 4 weeks. You can enjoy the flowering of bluebells only 5 years after planting the catalpa.

Large inflorescences have a clear resemblance to flowering chestnuts, and a single flower resembles a miniature one.

What is the name of the tree with long pods

  1. pasta tree
  2. happiness tree
  3. elephant
  4. tree with pods
  5. orchid
  6. golden catalpa
  7. monkey tree
  8. pipe

And many more other names.

Pod fruits

It has fruits, which are boxes, reaching a size of up to 40 cm, inside which flying seeds are formed. Thanks to these unusual fruits that adorn the catalpa throughout the winter period, it has an unforgettable look.

Fruit given tree these are pods containing many seeds, somewhat reminiscent of dandelions. As soon as you decide to open an unusual long icicle, they will scatter in different directions. This shape of the fruit was the reason that the catalpa is quite often called the macaroni tree. Pods with seeds can sometimes even reach 50 cm in length, and their width is about 1.5 cm. period.

Catalpa is endowed with soft, flexible, non-rotting wood. It is best to grow such a plant in places where the sun's rays pass, as well as with constantly moist soil. In addition, it is able to tolerate frost, which plays an important role. With the onset of cold weather, the catalpa gets rid of green foliage.

Magnificent catalpa tree planting and care in the suburbs

There are only 13 various kinds catalpas, most of which can be grown in Russia.

These species have adapted to middle lane Russia, and they are easily able to cope even with severe frosts.

But young specimens are still worth covering.

The tree was able to win the love of those around the catapult thanks to flowering, which does not begin in spring, like other trees, but in summer, when you can no longer meet a flowering tree.

The shape of the petals, reminiscent of orchids, is also taken into account, as well as the subtle and unobtrusive aroma that surrounds the blooming ball and attracts many insects.

What types of catalpa are found:

  • catalpa ovoid

An egg-shaped tree appeared on the territory of China, which begins to bloom at the very beginning of summer and pleases with its inflorescences for about 4 weeks. It has large broad foliage with a pointed tip. Panicle-shaped inflorescences delight those around with white-cream flowers with dark specks and sunny stripes. Can be found in the form of a bush. It differs from bignon-shaped and magnificent species in that the vegetation is much faster. Thanks to this feature, tree trunks become woody rather quickly and with the onset of cold weather, it is practically not afraid of frost. Catalpa of this species can cope with frosts down to -29 degrees.

  • Catalpa splendid or beautiful

The shape of this species resembles a pyramid. The bark is dyed grey colour. The leaves of the tree reach 30 cm in length, while their width is 15 cm. Their upper part is smooth and richly colored. green color, while its lower part is lighter and pubescent. Seven-centimeter inflorescences are endowed with a creamy shade with specks and yellowish stripes. The aroma of inflorescences is very similar to apple. The catalpa will decorate the garden with its flowering for 4 weeks. Prefers to grow in well-moistened soil with the addition of necessary fertilizers. The tree grows quite quickly, the height reaches 10 meters. Endowed with large foliage and spreading crown. It is a species that is better than others able to cope with winter frosts.

  • Bignonioide catalpa (catalpa bignonioides aurea)

The height of this species reaches 20 meters. Thanks to the decomposed branches, the crown of the tree has a rounded shape. The leaves are very large and reach up to 20 cm long and 15 cm wide. The upper part of the foliage is shiny and has no villi, which cannot be said about the lower part, since it is endowed with small villi, and its shade is lighter.

Snow-white inflorescences with well-defined brown dots and yellow stripes have a delicate smell. After the tree has been planted, it begins to please the eye with its unsurpassed flowers after about 4 years. Flowering lasts about 1.5 months.

4 varieties of this species were bred, differing from each other in their unusual foliage.

Often this ornamental tree is called an orchid, since its inflorescences are quite similar to an orchid.

  • globular catalpa

It has a crown in the form of a ball and foliage lowered to the ground. Large twenty-centimeter foliage is heart-shaped. Through the shape of the leaves-hearts, she was nicknamed the "Tree of Love". With the onset of autumn, the color of the leaves does not change. It begins to bloom in July and for a month pleases others with its pleasant, apple-like aroma, smell. The pod-shaped fruit includes flying seeds. In order for a tree to develop perfectly, it needs a well-lit area with high humidity. It tolerates winter cold without problems. If the temperature drops sharply, then the catalpa sheds its foliage.

  • ordinary

It has straight stems with chic elephant leaves. The height of the sample does not exceed 8 meters. Common catalpa blooms for 3 weeks. The seeds are enclosed in chocolate pods. Both November and November are suitable for collecting seed samples. spring period. In order for the tree to develop well and grow, it needs fertile, well-moistened soil. So that the catalpa does not freeze in winter, it must be covered before the onset of cold weather.

  • Decorative

The height does not exceed 20 m. The wide-rounded crown has spreading long branches. Large twenty-centimeter foliage, up to 15 cm wide. Endowed with light green tint with a little fluff reverse side. Loose erect inflorescences include snow-white flowers, inner part which is decorated with yellow stripes and brown dots. Abundant flowering This variety lasts about 25 days. The fruits are in the form of narrow boxes.

Catalpa pruning, crown formation video:

Catalpa planting and care

In order for the variety you have chosen to grow and actively develop, you need to find areas for it that are well lit. sunbeams, but at the same time there are no drafts and gusty winds on them.

The soil should have low acidity and be saturated with organic fertilizers. In order for the seedlings to take root well, they need to be watered regularly, while not forgetting to loosen and mulch the soil. If correct and timely pruning of catalpa, shoots begin to grow much faster.

Combines hybrid catalpa with magnolia and oak. It will look great both in a single planting and when planting with other plants. As a rule, it is used to decorate park alleys and create street compositions.

How to plant a tree with icicles

Most suitable place, as mentioned earlier, is a well-lit area, but if you plant it in partial shade, it will also feel great. You can plant a tree near paths, with lakes and other bodies of water, as well as in the central part of the lawn. A seedling that is no more than one year old is suitable for planting.

Advice! If you decide to purchase a catalpa, then you should look at the nurseries that are located in your environment, in this case, the plant will be adapted to grow in this area.

Trees are unpretentious to the composition of the soil, but they will grow best in soil with high humidity, with slight acidity, as well as in soil saturated with organic fertilizers and with mandatory drainage. It is best to plant catalpa in early spring in a hole with a depth of about 0.7-1.2 meters.

In the event that you decide to place several trees side by side, then do not forget that there must be a distance of at least 3 meters between them.

For creating suitable soil you'll need:

  • river sand
  • leaf ground
  • humus

which are mixed in the ratio 2:2:1:3.

Adding to the pit wood ash and phosphorus flour is mandatory for successful development.

The seedling must be carefully placed in the hole from the prepared mixture and buried. After planting, the tree should be well watered and mulched with peat. The neck of the roots should not be buried, since after planting it should be level with the soil. That is why, when planting a catalpa, keep in mind that the earth will soon settle.

How to care

If the soil has been perfectly prepared and drained, then the catalpa will grow excellently on it. But in order for a tree to grow green and grow well, it must be properly looked after.

What needs to be done:

  • Water the plant regularly.
  • Make timely pruning of branches.
  • Be sure to fertilize with organic and mineral fertilizers.
  • Before the onset of winter, be sure to cover the seedlings with special materials.


In order for the plant to have enough moisture, it must be watered, pouring 2 buckets of water on each tree weekly. In the event that the summer is not too hot, then reduce watering to 3 times a month. Also, during the season, you should loosen the ground at least 2 times and remove the weeds that have sprouted around the trunk.


As soon as spring comes, the tree needs to prune all dry and excess shoots, which will give the plant a decorative look.


Catalpa welcomes the use of organic and mineral fertilizers. Several times during the season it is necessary to feed the plant with slurry. Be sure to water the plant before fertilizing. If desired, you can replace one top dressing with an organ fertilizer of a universal type, which is suitable for all plants.

If a young catalpa grows in your garden, then she will need special care. Before the onset of cold weather, using spruce branches, cover the seedlings so that they do not freeze. It is also welcome to wrap the trunk of a young tree with burlap.

For adults, frosts are practically fearless. In order for them to survive the winter, mulch the soil next to the shoot with dry foliage before the cold sets in. If with the advent of cold days you notice that your tree is partially frozen, do not worry, as soon it will release new shoots.

Elephant tree breeding

You can breed in the following ways:

  • seeds

Before starting sowing, the seeds must be soaked for 7-12 hours in warm water. Seeds should be sown in February or March in an area with scattered sunlight. After placing the seedlings, sprinkle them with a thin layer of soil and cover with a film or glass. If the temperature in a kind of greenhouse reaches from 15 to 25 degrees, then within a month you will be able to see the first bores. As soon as this happens, remove the material that covered the seeds. Until May, it is necessary to take care of the sprouts, after which they should be moved to open ground. The method for catalpa propagation by seeds is very common.

  • Cuttings taken in the summer

The procedure is carried out in July. The length of the cuttings should be about 10 cm. Catalpa should be planted in an earthen mixture of peat and sand. After waiting for the root system to form, transplant the cuttings into open ground, where they will continue to grow.

Where is wood used?

  • Catalpa seeds are used to create a fast-drying oil that is prized in the paint industry.
  • Also, the tree is an excellent honey plant, which plays into the hands of beekeepers.
  • Moreover, this is the the best decoration both for city parks and squares, and for private household territories.
  • Catalpa is used in folk medicine.

landscape design

The catalpa tree grows and develops very quickly. In addition, it is not whimsical and can grow in regions with constantly changing weather. If you plant a plant in the foreground of the planets, then it will look good in a single planting. If it is used to decorate the park area, then it will be in perfect harmony with other plants.

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Rhubarb can not be found on everyone garden plot. It's a pity. This plant is a storehouse of vitamins and can be widely used in cooking. What is not prepared from rhubarb: soups and cabbage soup, salads, delicious jam, kvass, compotes and juices, candied fruits and marmalade, and even wine. But that's not all! A large green or red rosette of plant leaves, reminiscent of burdock, acts as a beautiful backdrop for annuals. Not surprisingly, rhubarb can also be seen in flower beds.

Today, experiments with non-banal combinations and non-standard colors in the garden are in trend. For example, plants with black inflorescences have become very fashionable. All black flowers are original and specific, and it is important for them to be able to select suitable partners and a position. Therefore, this article will not only introduce you to the range of plants with slate-black inflorescences, but also teach you the intricacies of using such mystical plants in garden design.

3 delicious sandwiches - cucumber sandwich, chicken sandwich, cabbage and meat sandwich - a great idea for a quick snack or for a picnic in nature. Only fresh vegetables, juicy chicken and cream cheese and a little spice. There is no onion in these sandwiches, if you wish, you can add an onion marinated in balsamic vinegar to any of the sandwiches, this will not spoil the taste. Having quickly prepared snacks, it remains to collect a picnic basket and go to the nearest green lawn.

Depending on the variety group, the age of seedlings suitable for planting in open ground is: for early tomatoes - 45-50 days, medium ripening - 55-60 and late terms - at least 70 days. When planting seedlings of tomatoes at a younger age, the period of its adaptation to new conditions is significantly extended. But success in obtaining a high-quality crop of tomatoes also depends on the careful implementation of the basic rules for planting seedlings in open ground.

Unpretentious plants of the "second plan" sansevieria do not seem boring to those who appreciate minimalism. They are better than other indoor decorative foliage stars for collections that require minimal maintenance. The stable decorative effect and extreme endurance of only one type of sansevieria are also combined with compactness and very fast growth - Khan's rosette sansevieria. The squat rosettes of their stiff leaves create striking clusters and patterns.

One of the brightest months garden calendar pleasantly surprises with the balance of the distribution of favorable and unsuccessful days for working with plants according to lunar calendar. In June, gardening and gardening can be done throughout the month, while the unfavorable periods are very short and still allow you to do useful work. There will be their optimal days for sowing with plantings, and for pruning, and for a pond, and even for construction work.

Meat with mushrooms in a pan is an inexpensive hot dish that is suitable for a regular lunch and for a festive menu. Pork will cook quickly, veal and chicken too, so this meat is preferable for the recipe. Mushrooms - fresh champignons, in my opinion, the best choice for homemade stew. Forest gold - mushrooms, boletus and other goodies are best harvested for the winter. Boiled rice or mashed potatoes are ideal as a side dish.

I love ornamental shrubs, especially unpretentious and with an interesting, non-trivial foliage color. I have different Japanese spireas, Thunberg barberries, black elderberry ... And there is one special shrub that I will talk about in this article - the viburnum vesicle. To make my dream of a low maintenance garden come true, it's probably the perfect fit. At the same time, it is able to diversify the picture in the garden very much, moreover, from spring to autumn.

In nature, there are a number of beauty which touches even the most callous person. These can be counted catalpu tree- unusual in appearance at any time of the year, eye-catching during flowering, surprising with large, wondrous beauty leaves in the form of hearts and fruits of interesting shape. If you want to surprise your friends and passers-by, feel free to plant this on your own. After all, to all the charms, it is also unpretentious. Read about the needs of the catalpa plant during cultivation and care in this article.

Did you know? Because of the shape of the fruit in the form of long pods, catalpa is called a pipe tree or macaroni tree. And in his homeland, in North America, the local population calls him a "cigar" tree.

The first acquaintance with catalpa

In order to get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat this plant is, we will describe it biological features. Catalpa (lat. Catalpa)- This is a small deciduous tree that grows on average up to 15 m in height and up to 1 m in width. Maximum size the trunk reaches 45 m.

The crown of the catalpa is spherical, dense. Leaves are large, heart-shaped or ovate. They reach a length of 30 cm and a width of 17 cm. They grow on long petioles.

Catalpa blooms in early summer with large, up to 20 cm, inflorescences in the form of erect panicles or white or cream-colored brushes interspersed in the middle. Funnel-shaped flowers, of which 50 are contained in the inflorescence, are very similar in appearance to Fragrant flowering lasts about a month. The first time it occurs at a five-year-old catalpa. Inflorescences in shape and appearance resemble candles.

The fruit of the tree has the shape of a box in the form of a cylinder, up to 40 cm long, similar in appearance to the fruits, like in the inside of it there are flattened seeds in the amount of 53-146 pieces. The fruits can remain on the tree throughout the winter.

Catalpa is interesting due to the fact that in autumn its leaves do not turn yellow, they fall green at temperatures below 0 degrees. Also, the plant attracts attention by the fact that at the time when it blooms, all other trees have long faded.

In the wild, catalpa is found in East Asia and North America. As an ornamental tree with large leaves and long pods grown in the southern regions of Russia, in Germany, Ukraine and other countries.

The tree is very hardy, and its wood does not rot for a long time, while remaining soft and light. The plant can grow successfully both at low temperatures, for example, in the northern states of America, and in the heat of India, Australia and Africa. Equally easy to survive in arid steppes and on the sea coast.

The plant is presented in the form and shrub forms. Catalpa belongs to the Bignoniev family. The catalpa genus includes 10 species. Among them, in addition to deciduous, there are also five species most common in Russia: bignoniform, beautiful (magnificent), Bunge, ovoid, hybrid.

Did you know? Valuable catalpa wood is used for the manufacture of crafts, furniture, sleepers, poles, underwater structures, and is used in construction.

Choosing a place to grow: lighting and soil requirements

After such a detailed acquaintance with the macaroni tree, let's talk about how to grow it.

Catalpa is a photophilous plant, therefore, when planting it, you should choose well-lit areas. So that the tree does not lose its decorative effect, care must be taken to ensure that the place where it grows is protected from drafts. Otherwise, the winds can damage the leaves and destroy the flowers.

The process of planting young seedlings

Catalpa does not require any special conditions when landing. landing pit it is advisable to dig a depth of 1-1.2 m and water it abundantly. Then add in the form (5-7 kg) and A soil mixture of the following composition is placed at the bottom of the pit:

  • - three parts;
  • leaf ground - two parts;
  • sand - two parts;
  • - one part.

It is desirable to choose a seedling at the age of one year. It must be placed in a hole so that the root neck is at ground level, and sprinkled with the prepared soil mixture. A planted tree after planting is watered abundantly, which will require at least a bucket of water. The trunk circle can be peat.

If you plan to plant several trees, then intervals of 3 m should be observed between seedlings. best time for planting catalpa is early spring.

Important! Pasta seedlings are best purchased in specialized stores or well-established nurseries.

Cultivation and care features

Catalpa refers to undemanding plants. Its care is standard, it consists in watering, fertilizing, weeding, sanitary pruning, protective measures against diseases and pests.

Watering and feeding

It is necessary to feed the tree when planting. In subsequent years, during the growing season, slurry (diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10) should be applied two or three times to the trunk circle - it is believed that this is the most the best fertilizer for pasta. Also, catalpa can be fertilized with Kemira-universal (120 g / 1 m²). Abundant watering is mandatory before fertilizing.

Weeding and loosening the soil

After each watering, it is desirable to soil in trunk circle loosen, combining with weeding from Loosening the soil should be deep- by 30-35 cm.

Branch pruning

Catalpa pruning is performed for sanitary purposes. Every spring it is necessary to remove damaged, diseased and old branches. Also, a shaping haircut is used to give the crown a beautiful and well-groomed appearance.

Preparing for winter

Catalpa is no different good frost resistance. This is especially true for young trees. Therefore, they should be covered for the winter. You can resort to wrapping the trunks with burlap or spruce branches. In the near-trunk circle, in order to avoid freezing of the roots, a thick layer of dry leaves is poured. After the cessation of frost, in the spring, the shelter is removed.

Important! As the tree grows, it will become more hardened, and its frost resistance will increase every year. The most winter-hardy species is the ovoid catalpa. It tolerates a drop in temperature to -29°C .

It happens that the plant freezes slightly, but recovers in the spring. And, for example, a variety like Aurea can freeze to the ground, and then also completely grow back.

Pests and diseases of catalpa: how to save a tree

Catalpa is rarely affected by diseases and pests. Most often it can be attacked Spanish fly. To combat it, spraying is used. If not destroyed, then the decorativeness of the plant can be significantly affected.

Also, the tree is sometimes affected fungus Verticillium. To avoid this, it is necessary to follow the basic rules of agricultural technology - regularly water and loosen the soil in the trunk circle. If the disease is started, then this can provoke the drying out and death of the tree.

The combination and use of catalpa in landscape compositions

More recently, just a decade ago, catalpas grew only in botanical gardens. Today, landscape designers are increasingly using this tree in their compositions, summer residents and city utilities have fallen in love with it, which actively plant parks and alleys of megacities with its help, because catalpas tolerate urban conditions well.

If we talk about planting in the city, then the catalpa crown gives an excellent shade, so it is good to plant a tree near benches in recreation areas. It is also suitable for planting along roads, paths, near water bodies.

The pasta tree looks great both in a solitary planting and in a group. In the southern regions, it is usually planted next to the eastern liquidambar, holly. Also good company catalpe can make oak, the combination looks beautiful in one place different varieties catalpas.

There are varieties, such as bignoniform Nana, which look great on the strain. It is this dwarf variety is the most preferred for summer residents, because it does not require a large area for planting.

Methods for breeding catalpa

Catalpa is easy to grow on your own, as it has several breeding methods: seeds, cuttings, root suckers and grafting. The first two methods are most often used.

Slender catalpa attracts attention with its extraordinary beauty. This ornamental tree is distinguished by large heart-shaped leaves that densely cover its branches, and an abundance of lush inflorescences that emit a life-giving fragrance. Despite its southern origin, this plant is also found in regions with cold winters.

An exotic tree is often used to decorate city parks, but floriculture lovers also cultivate it in their backyards. Catalpa does not cause difficulties in growing, planting is done by seeds, cuttings in open ground or seedlings, and care involves the implementation of basic agrotechnical work.

Short description

Catalpa is deciduous evergreen tree, whose average height is 15 m, and the maximum is 45 m. The shape of the crown is spherical, rather dense. The length of the leaves is 30 cm, their width is 17 cm. You can see how this luxurious plant blooms already at the beginning of summer. Catalpa inflorescences are large in size, up to 20 cm, formed in the form of cream or white brushes interspersed in the center.

The flowers are funnel-shaped, in each inflorescence there are about 50 pieces, appearance they are like orchids. The pleasant fragrance lasts for almost a month. For the first time, catalpa begins to bloom at the age of five.

The fruits of the plant are different cylindrical shape, their length is 40 cm, resemble the fruits of beans. Inside such a box are placed from 53 to 146 flattened seeds. It is noteworthy that the fruits on the tree can remain throughout the winter period, without losing their varietal qualities.

Catalpa is a fairly hardy tree, its wood is flexible, soft and does not rot. The plant perfectly adapts to both low and high temperatures, it can be grown in the northern states of America and in sultry India, Africa and Australia. They also note its high survival rate on the sea coast and in the conditions of arid steppes.

Of the 10 types of catalpas in Russia, only five are grown:

  • bignoniform;
  • magnificent;
  • Bunge;
  • hybrid;
  • ovoid.

Interest in this exotic tree is due to the ability of the leaves not to turn yellow even when they fall (at temperatures below 0 degrees) - their color remains green. In addition, the flowering period of catalpa falls at a time when the rest of the plantings have already faded.

Reproduction methods

To propagate this beautiful tree use the seed and vegetative method (cuttings).

Propagation by seeds:

  1. Planting material must be collected in autumn from well-ripened pods and stored in a cool, dry place until spring. For these purposes, paper bags or linen bags are well suited. The shelf life of the seed material is no longer than two years.
  2. Before planting, the seeds should be kept in a container with warm water for 10-12 hours. Such a simple technique will significantly increase germination.
  3. It is recommended to sow catalpa seeds in February-March. If possible, they are bookmarked in greenhouse facilities or in special containers covered with glass or film.
  4. With a favorable microclimate (moderate humidity, temperature + 15-25 ° C, good lighting) small sprouts will appear after 3-4 weeks. Covering material, if used, will need to be removed.
  5. Catalpa seedlings should be cared for until May, and after that they can be transplanted to permanent place into open ground.

Reproduction of catalpa cuttings:

  1. Cuttings should be harvested in the second half of summer. The length of cut shoots should be 10 cm, and the number of buds on them should be from 3 to 4 pieces.
  2. Before planting catalpa cuttings in fertile soil, they must be treated with a growth stimulator (the product is diluted according to the instructions attached to it).
  3. The material prepared in this way is planted for rooting in a greenhouse, and relocated to an open area for the next year.

Landing technology

It is best to plant catalpa in the spring, but if necessary, planting in the fall is possible. When choosing a location, it is recommended to give preference to open and sunny areas, well protected from through winds. Otherwise, strong gusts will damage the tender leaves of the southern tree.

Catalpa is not very demanding on the soil, but for its cultivation it is better to choose soils with neutral acidity and sufficiently drained. Before planting, organic fertilizer or charcoal must be applied to the soil. To fill the container for the initial planting, it is recommended to use a mixture of river sand, peat, black soil and humus, mixed in proportions of 2: 1: 2: 3.

Important! The plant painfully tolerates being close to the groundwater surface, so it is advisable to choose areas with moderate humidity.

Planting order:

  1. Dig a hole, 1 m deep, 70 cm wide. The size of the hole should fully correspond to the size of the root system of a young tree. The distance between future bushes should be 3-5 m, depending on the variety.
  2. Drainage from fine gravel, brick battle or expanded clay is laid on the bottom with the first layer.
  3. Then you should pour mixed soil from 5-7 kg of wood ash, 50 g of phosphate rock, organic fertilizer, sand and peat.
  4. The catalpa seedling must be carefully installed, its roots straightened and sprinkled with fertile soil, lightly tamping it. The main thing is that the root neck is above the ground.
  5. Water the seedling thoroughly.
  6. Mulch the ground in the trunk circle with sawdust.

For planting, you can purchase catalpa seedlings at specialized outlets. In this case, it is recommended to pay attention to the root system: it should have a healthy appearance. Instances with mechanical damage you should not buy on the roots, otherwise the adaptation period will pass very slowly, without any guarantee of getting a strong plant.

Features of care

Caring for a catalpa is not difficult; increased attention is required only when planting and in the first two to three years. In order for a tree to grow and develop normally, it is necessary to perform simple work.


The recommended frequency is 1 time per week, up to 1.5-2 buckets of water should be used per plant. If there is precipitation or there is no hot weather, then the number of procedures is reduced to 1 time in two weeks, the main thing is to prevent stagnation of water and waterlogging of the soil. The easiest way to detect a lack of moisture is by the leaves of a tree: they will sag because they have lost the necessary turgor.

Loosening and weeding

When growing catalpa, it is important to prevent the formation of a dry crust on top layer land and overgrowing of the trunk circle with weeds. Loosening should be done as needed, the processing depth is 30-40 cm. Considering that the catalpa has a rod-shaped root system, the probability of damaging it is very low.

Nutrient application

Two are enough for a catalpa seasonal dressings, the first is carried out at the initial stage of vegetation with the help of slurry (5-7 liters per plant), and the second - in the flowering phase, when mineral fertilizer is applied. Top dressing should be carried out only after moistening the soil.

Advice! For the preparation of slurry, it is necessary to dilute the manure with water in a ratio of 1:10.

Preparations for winter

Young catalpa trees (in the first 2-3 years), to protect against the harmful effects of negative temperatures, should be wrapped with spruce branches or burlap, while the tree trunks should be covered with fallen leaves, the thicker the layer, the better. As the tree develops, its resistance to frost increases. In case of partial damage to an adult plant by frost, new shoots grow in the next season.


Sanitary pruning of catalpa should be carried out every year, in the spring. All dried, damaged and deformed shoots are subject to removal. After this procedure, the growth of the tree is activated. The culture quickly recovers, perfectly tolerates both sanitary pruning and decorative pruning when its crown is formed.

Diseases and pests

An exotic tree is positioned as highly resistant to various diseases. TO garden pests he also has good immunity. Very rarely, the catalpa is affected by the Spanish fly. As effective means To combat this insect, karbofos is used, it is enough to carry out two or three treatments. If no action is taken, then the shoots will suffer from deformation.

In case of infestation with Comstock mealybugs, spray the tree with an appropriate insecticide before opening the buds.

If there is too dense and dry earth in the near-trunk circle of the catalpa, then there is a high probability that the tree will be damaged by a fungus of the genus Verticillium, as a result of which the plant will soon dry out and die. You can identify it by sluggish and drooping leaves, which begin to lose their green color and turn yellow. It is possible to overcome the disease only at an early stage. For these purposes, fungicides such as "Topsin-M" and "Fundazol" are suitable.

Catalpa is a truly luxurious tree with a pleasant aroma and fairly long flowering. It is unpretentious in care, has high frost resistance and is characterized by sufficient immunity to common diseases. Catalpa can be safely grown in any region, regardless of climatic conditions.