In a private house      06/23/2020

Insulation of the foundation with polystyrene foam: technology. Slab foundation insulation technology Expanded polystyrene for a monolithic slab

The key to the longevity of any structure is a reliable foundation on which it is based. "Zero cycle", that is, the construction of the foundation - one of milestones construction. Mistakes and shortcomings made during such work, neglect of technological recommendations or unjustified simplification of certain operations can lead to very unpleasant, and sometimes even catastrophic consequences.

One of the most common types of foundations is tape. It is quite versatile, suitable for most residential or commercial buildings, it is highly reliable, stable even on “difficult” soils. But he will show all these qualities only if the concrete tape is reliably protected from negative external influences. Unfortunately, not all novice builders know that the foundation of the house is in particular need of hydro and thermal insulation. One of the solutions to this problems - insulation foundation with polystyrene foam, the technology of which is quite accessible to everyone.

Why is the foundation insulated?

At first glance, it even looks paradoxical - to insulate a monolithic concrete belt, buried in the ground and somewhat rising above the ground in the basement. What's the point if there's no living quarters here? What difference does it make whether the “foundation is warm” or whether it remains open?

Unfortunately, such an amateurish look is not at all uncommon, and many site owners, for the first time in their lives, embarking on independent construction of their own home, they ignore the issues of thermal insulation of the foundation and do not even provide for the corresponding costs for these activities. Alas, in this way they are laying a "delayed-action mine" under their dwelling.

  • The strip foundation is usually buried in the ground below the freezing level of the soil. It turns out that the temperature of the sole or the lower part of the tape throughout the year is approximately the same, but the upper part of the foundation, depending on the season, undergoes either heating or cooling. This unevenness in a single concrete structure creates the strongest internal stresses due to the difference in linear expansion of different sections. These internal loads lead to a decrease in the strength properties of concrete, to its aging, deformation, and the appearance of cracks. The way out is to ensure the approximate equality of the temperature of the entire tape, for which thermal insulation is necessary.

  • An uninsulated foundation becomes the most powerful bridge for the penetration of cold from the outside to the walls and floors of the first floor. Even seemingly reliable thermal insulation of floors and facades will not solve the problem - heat loss will be very large. And this, in turn, is not only an uncomfortable microclimate in the residential area, but also absolutely unnecessary expenses for payment of energy carriers for heating. Conducted heat engineering calculations prove that competent insulation of the foundation provides up to 25 - 30% savings.
  • Of course, high-quality concrete mortars have their own operational “reserve” in terms of frost resistance - this is the calculated number of cycles of deep freezing and thawing without loss of strength properties. But you still need to spend this “reserve” wisely, and it is better to protect the foundation to the maximum extent from the influence of negative temperatures.
  • The insulated foundation walls will dampen less, as the thermal insulation layer will bring the “dew point” out. This - more one plus insulation tape.
  • In addition to insulating the outer walls, conscientious builders also install a horizontal layer of thermal insulation, which will prevent the penetration of cold through the soil to the base of the foundation. This measure is aimed at reducing the likelihood of soil freezing near the belt, which is dangerous for swelling, the appearance of strong internal stresses in reinforced concrete structure and its deformation.
  • And, finally, the thermal insulation mounted on the walls of the foundation also becomes a good additional protection against soil moisture, and in addition, it becomes a barrier that protects the mandatory layer of waterproofing from mechanical damage.

To solve the problem of warming the foundation, a thermal insulation stand is placed on its outer wall - from the base (sole) to the upper edge of the base. No need to rely on the insulation of the foundation from the inside - this will not eliminate external influences in any way, and can only slightly improve the microclimate in the basement.

Start with waterproofing!

Before moving on to the technology of foundation insulation, one cannot help but touch on the issues of its high-quality waterproofing - without this, all the work can be done in vain. Water, in "alliance" with temperature changes, turns into a serious threat to the foundation of the house:

First of all, everyone knows the property of water to expand upon transition to a solid state of aggregation - upon freezing. The penetration of moisture into the pores of concrete at low temperatures can lead to a violation of the integrity of the structure, rupture, cracking, etc. This is especially dangerous in the basement and at a shallow depth of the tape.

  • No need to think that soil moisture is pure water. A huge amount of organic and inorganic compounds is dissolved in it, which enters the soil with vehicle exhausts, industrial emissions, agricultural chemicals, spills of oil products or other liquids, etc. Many of these substances are extremely aggressive towards concrete, causing its chemical decomposition, erosion, crumbling and other destructive processes.
  • Water itself is a strong oxidizing agent, plus it contains a lot of the mentioned compounds. The penetration of moisture into the thickness of the concrete will necessarily lead to the oxidation of the reinforcing structure - and this is fraught with both a decrease in the design strength and the formation of cavities inside the tape, which then turn into cracking and peeling of the outer layers.

  • And in addition to all that has been said - water also causes a gradual washing out of the concrete surface - cavities, shells and other flaws are formed.

It is not necessary to rely on the fact that at the construction site the groundwater is located very deep, and does not pose a particular threat to the foundation. The danger lies much closer:

  • Water that falls with atmospheric precipitation or falls on the ground in other ways (spill, melting snow, pipeline failures, etc.) forms the so-called filtration layer, by the way, the most dangerous in terms of aggressive chemical terms. It happens that in the thickness of the soil at a shallow depth there is a waterproof clay layer, which leads to the creation of even a fairly stable surface water horizon - perched water.

The moisture concentration in the filtration layer is a variable value, depending on the time of year and settled weather. critical role to reduce the negative impact of this layer on the foundation, the organization of proper storm sewers will play.

  • The second level is a fairly constant concentration of capillary moisture in the soil. This is a fairly stable value., which depends on the time of year and the weather. Such moisture does not have a washing out effect, but its capillary penetration into concrete is quite possible if the foundation is not waterproofed.

If the area is different high humidity, for example, is located in a swampy area, then waterproofing is not limited to - need to protect the foundation is also the creation of a drainage system.

  • Underground aquifers are very dangerous for the foundation. True, they are also quite stable in their location, but in terms of occupancy they depend on the time of year and the amount of precipitation.

If at the construction site there is a tendency for such layers to lie close, then very high-quality waterproofing and a drainage sewerage system will be required - here the effect of water may not be limited to simply penetrating concrete, but also cause serious hydrodynamic loads.

An approximate scheme for waterproofing the foundation is shown in the figure:

1 - sand and gravel pad on which the foundation strip (2) is based. This pillow also plays a role in the overall waterproofing scheme, performing the functions of a kind of drainage.

The diagram shows a block strip foundation, therefore, a layer of horizontal waterproofing (3) is provided between the sole tape and the laying of blocks (4), which excludes capillary penetration of moisture from below. If the foundation is monolithic, then this layer does not exist.

5 – coating waterproofing, on which the roll pasting (6) is laid on top. Most often, in private residential construction, tar mastic and modern types of roofing material on a polyester fabric base are used in pairs.

7 - a layer of thermal insulation of the foundation, which in the upper basement is additionally covered with a decorative layer - plaster or facing panels (8).

From the foundation begins the construction of the walls (9) of the building. Pay attention to the obligatory horizontal "cut-off" layer of waterproofing between the foundation and the wall.

To perform waterproofing work, the foundation tape is exposed to the very sole - this will also be required for its further insulation.

Within the framework of this article, it is impossible to talk about all the nuances of waterproofing work - this is a topic for a separate consideration. However, it would still be useful to give advice on how best to use waterproofing materials- they are summarized in the table:

Type of waterproofing and materials usedresistance to cracking (on a five-point scale)degree of protection against groundwaterroom class
"perch"soil moistureground aquifer1 2 3 4
Gluing waterproofing with the use of modern bituminous membranes based on polyester 5 YesYesYesYesYesYesNo
Waterproofing using polymer waterproof membranes 4 YesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Coating waterproofing using polymer or bitumen-polymer mastics 4 YesYesYesYesYesYesNo
Plastic coating waterproofing using polymer-cement compositions 3 YesNoYesYesYesNoNo
Rigid coating waterproofing based on cement compositions 2 YesNoYesYesYesNoNo
Impregnating waterproofing that increases the water repellency of concrete 1 YesYesYesYesYesYesNo

The table shows 4 classes of buildings:

1 - technical buildings, without electrical networks, with a wall thickness of 150 mm or more. Damp spots and even small leaks are acceptable here.

2 - also technical or auxiliary buildings, but already with a ventilation system. Wall thickness - not less than 200 mm. Moisture spots are no longer acceptable, only slight damp evaporation is possible.

3 - this is the same class that is of interest to private developers - it includes residential buildings, social buildings, etc. The penetration of moisture is no longer allowed in any form. Wall thickness - at least 250 mm. Natural or forced ventilation is required.

4 - objects with a special microclimate, where a strictly controlled level of humidity is required. In a private building, you will not have to meet this.

It should not be concluded from the table that one of the indicated layers is sufficient. Optimal for the foundation, we repeat, will be a combination of coating and gluing waterproofing - this will create a reliable barrier against moisture penetration.

After the foundation has received reliable waterproofing, you can proceed to its insulation.

Expanded polystyrene as insulation for the foundation

From all the variety thermal insulation materials it is polystyrene foam that is the best choice for use precisely in the conditions of foundation work - with inevitable contact with moisture, with load soil, etc. . There are other technologies, but if we consider in the context of independent work, without the involvement of craftsmen and special equipment, then, in fact, there is no reasonable alternative.

One of the best representatives of the class of extruded polystyrene foam - "Penoplex"

It should be noted right away that this will not be about expanded polystyrene, which is often called polystyrene foam (it is of little use for such use), but about extrusion types of polystyrene foam. Most often, for the insulation of the foundation, they choose "penoplex" - plates of a certain size and configuration, which are very convenient to work with.

Penoplex prices


The advantages of "penoplex" are as follows:

  • The density of this material lies in the range from 30 to 45 kg/m³. It is not difficult during installation, but this does not at all mean the low strength of such expanded polystyrene. So, the force for deformation by only 10% reaches from 20 to 50 t/m². Such a heater will not only easily cope with the pressure of the soil on the walls of the foundation tape - it is even laid under the seam or used as an insulating base when pouring a monolithic slab foundation.
  • The material has a closed cell structure, which becomes a very good additional waterproofing barrier. Water absorption "Penoplex" does not exceed 0.5% during the first month, and does not change in the future, regardless of the duration of operation.
  • Extruded polystyrene foam has one of the lowest thermal conductivity values ​​- a coefficient value of about 0.03 W / m² × ° С.
  • "Penoplex" does not lose its outstanding performance characteristics in a very wide temperature range - from - 50 to + 75 ° C .
  • The material is not subject to degradation (except for exposure to organic solvents, which is very unlikely in soil). It does not emit substances harmful to humans or the environment. Its service life in such conditions can be 30 years or more.

Penoplex can be of several modifications designed to insulate certain elements of the building. For example, fire retardant additives are included in some types of additives that increase the fire resistance of the material. This is not required for foundation work. For insulation, "penoplex" of the brand "35C" or "45C" is usually purchased. The numbers in the marking indicate the density of the material.

Release form - panels, most often orange color. The size of such plates, 1200 × 600 mm, makes them very convenient for installation. The thickness of the panels is from 20 to 60 mm in increments of 10 mm, as well as 80 or 100 mm.

Plates of this "foam" are equipped with a locking part - lamellas. This is very convenient when laying a single insulating surface - the lamellas, overlapping one another, block the cold bridges at the joints.

Penoplex is the best solution for foundation insulation!

This insulation is produced in several modifications, each of which is designed for thermal insulation of certain elements of the building. Including in this line is presented and "Penoplex-Foundation".

More about - in a special publication of our portal.

How to correctly calculate the insulation of the foundation polystyrene foam

In order for the insulation of the foundation to be of really high quality, it must first be calculated - for a specific building and for the region in which it is being built.

It has already been said that a complete thermal insulation of the foundation should consist of at least two sections - vertical and horizontal.

The vertical section is expanded polystyrene plates fixed directly to the outer walls of the foundation tape - from the sole to the upper end of the basement.

The horizontal section should form a continuous belt around the perimeter of the building. It can be located in different ways - at the level of the sole with shallow tapes, or at another level above the freezing point of the soil. Most often, it is located just below ground level - it becomes a kind of basis for pouring a concrete blind area.

The diagram shows:

- Green dotted line - ground level;

- Blue dotted line - the level of soil freezing, characteristic of a particular area;

1 - sand and gravel cushion under the foundation tape. Its thickness (hп) is about 200 mm;

2 - foundation tape. Depth (hз) can be from 1000 to 15000 mm;

3 - sand filling in the basement of the building. It will subsequently become the basis for laying the insulated floor;

4 - a layer of vertical waterproofing of the foundation;

5 - laid layer of thermal insulation - foam boards;

6 - horizontal section of foundation insulation;

7 - concrete blind area along the perimeter of the building;

8 - finishing of the basement part of the foundation;

9 - vertical "cut-off" layer of basement waterproofing.

10 - the location of the drainage pipe (with her need).

How to correctly calculate how thick the insulation layer should be? The methodology for calculating thermal parameters is quite complicated, but two simple methods can be given that will give the required values ​​with a sufficient level of accuracy.

A. For a vertical section, you can use the formula for the total resistance to heat transfer.

R=df/λb + du/λp

df- the thickness of the walls of the foundation tape;

du- the desired thickness of the insulation;

λb- coefficient of thermal conductivity of concrete (if the foundation is made of another material, accordingly, the value for it is taken);

λp- thermal conductivity coefficient of the insulation;

Because λ - tabular values, foundation thickness df we also know, we need to know the meaning R. A this is also a tabular parameter, which is calculated for various climatic regions of the country.

Region or city of RussiaR - required heat transfer resistance m²×°K/W
Black Sea coast near Sochi1.79
Krasnodar region2.44
Astrakhan region, Kalmykia2.76
Central Chernozem region - Voronezh, Lipetsk, Kursk regions.3.12
St. Petersburg, northwestern part of the Russian Federation3.23
Moscow, central part of the European part3.28
Tver, Vologda, Kostroma regions3.31
Central Volga region - Samara, Saratov, Ulyanovsk3.33
Nizhny Novgorod3.36
South Ural - Chelyabinsk region.3.64
Omsk region3.82
Irkutsk region4.05
Magadan, Kamchatka4.33
Krasnoyarsk region4.84

Now counting T t of the required thickness of the insulation will not be difficult. For example, it is necessary to calculate the thickness of "foam" to insulate a concrete foundation with a thickness of 400 mm for Central Black Earth district (Voronezh).

According to the table we get R = 3,12.

λb for concrete – 1.69 W/m²×° WITH

λp for foam of the selected brand – 0.032 W/m²×° WITH (this parameter must be indicated in the technical documentation of the material)

Substitute in the formula and calculate:

3,12 = 0,4/1,69 + du /0.032

du \u003d (3.12 - 0.4 / 1.69) × 0.032 \u003d 0.0912 m ≈ 100 mm

The result is rounded up, in relation to the available dimensions of the insulation boards. In this case, it would be more rational to use two layers of 50 mm each - the panels laid “in the dressing” will completely block the cold penetration paths.

Insulation of a monolithic slab, as a technology, has already proven itself in Europe and in the post-Soviet countries. Shallow UWB is in demand in those geographic areas where a harsh climate prevails. The monolithic frame is poured on different types of soil foundations, including heaving ones, with a weak load-bearing capacity. At the same time, the main danger for a monolithic slab is a negative temperature, when the earth base rises, deforming the slab base. This leads to mechanical defects of the structure, unsuitability and accident rate. Warming will help prevent this. foundation slab horizontal method. About whether it is necessary to insulate the foundation, and how to do it, we will consider below.

The benefits of insulation

By insulating the foundation slab, durability and long-term operation are ensured without the need for intermediate repairs. For owners of apartments on the ground floor, houses, cottages, this problem occurs often, a project is needed to insulate the foundation with polystyrene foam. To avoid heat losses, the foundation slab is insulated. In what cases is the foundation insulated:

  • ensure the level of waterproofing of the fundamental foundation;
  • reduce the rate of thermal insulation losses;
  • reduce the cost of heating a dwelling;
  • prevent excessive condensation on the surface bearing walls buildings. After all, condensate leads to the destruction of buildings, no matter how strange it sounds;
  • make living conditions comfortable in an insulated building;
  • stabilization temperature regime indoors, residential building.

Classification of materials for insulation

Very often, homeowners have many difficulties in choosing one or another material; foundation insulation turns into a problem. People get confused in names and properties, they mix thermal insulation characteristics, which only complicates the process for both parties when buying. In order to provide methodological assistance, we will consider the insulation of the slab foundation, materials and characteristics.

The material is selected depending on the characteristics of thermal insulation, climatic conditions of the region. The second point: the involvement of special equipment for spraying a chemical reagent - polyurethane on shallow surfaces. The third factor is the availability of financial resources, since the warming procedure is not cheap.

  • Polyurethane foam: foam plexi boards for the foundation are a sought-after material among the rest of the line of heaters. Manufactured from oxygen-foamed plastic. The chemical mixture itself is made directly on the site during construction. There is a procedure for mixing two reagents for insulation. Styrofoam sheets or polyurethane foam have excellent qualities for storing thermal energy in a building, reducing noise levels, and increasing sound insulation. Not subject to the negative effects of moisture, resistant to ignition;
  • polystyrene - insulation for foundation slabs at the base contains hygroscopic foam. Extruded foam is also used to insulate facades and other parts of structures. Tiled foam plastic has a low coefficient of strength and instability to mechanical damage on a shallow surface;
  • XPS extruded polystyrene foam - insulation for foundation slabs: takes an honorable first place in terms of functionality and application. It is made in a standard rectangular shape. Sheets consist of a cellular structure. The material is able to withstand loads, is not subject to changes, is resistant to temperature changes. It is used for thermal insulation of the foundation with expanded polystyrene, and additional protection is not required. Presence of openings for removal of condensate and moisture.

Plate insulation

In order to insulate the fundamentals, granulated polystyrene foam (polystyrene) is used in shallow concrete. Also called warm concrete. The preparation of insulation for a slab foundation is possible both at the factory and directly at the construction site. It depends on the customer and the possibility of access of construction equipment to the site for insulation of the foundation with polystyrene foam.

In a slab foundation, it is recommended to use PPS with a density of at least 1200D. Project: for one cube of concrete mix: 0.3 tons of M400 cement, one cube of granulated polystyrene foam, 0.8 tons of sand, saponified resin as needed.

When laying concrete, the shrinkage rate is taken into account, one millimeter per meter. The thermal conductivity of the mixture will not be great. We need extruded polystyrene foam under the slab from below, but not from above. The foam must have a layer thickness of not more than 10.0 cm.

What to be guided by when choosing a material for insulation

Since not every product may be suitable for use as a heater, the choice should be guided by the following factors:

  • water resistance indicator: the less the foam absorbs water, the longer it retains its useful properties, and vice versa. During the period of negative temperatures, water crystallizes, expands, changes the molecular structure of the element, violates the integrity;
  • strength factor: data are important in the construction of a fundamental foundation on moving soil masses, rocks. The points are able to cause deformation, damage the foundation;
  • resistance to various environments: each type of soil has features, composition, both chemical and biological. Because of this, the level and concentration of salt increases, which leads to premature destruction of the shallow insulation.

The technology (project) of insulation of the foundation with foam plastic also provides for laying from the inside. But the material must be fire resistant. When ignited, it should release minimal amount toxic substances. Often these vapors serve to induce suffocation in asthmatics.

The expiration date of the panel should not be below the expiration date finishing material. Otherwise, you will be forced to dismantle the layer ahead of schedule.

Foundation insulation is best done with extruded polystyrene foam. Thus, protect the building and keep warm.

Classic design of insulated foundation slab

  • Compacted soil surface;
  • geotextile layer;
  • a layer of sand cushion with a depth of not more than 20.0 cm;
  • a layer of crushed stone pillow with a depth of not more than 20.0 cm;
  • 10 cm level of occurrence of a shallow concrete slab;
  • waterproofing ball;
  • a layer of insulation with a thickness of at least 5.0 cm;
  • 35 cm monolithic slab;
  • grillage made of concrete measuring 50 x 50 cm;
  • metal rods of the third class with a diameter of at least 1.2 cm;
  • a row of aerated concrete 37.5 cm wide;
  • from the front, a row of facing bricks covering aerated concrete;
  • ventilation gap 3.0 centimeters;
  • waterproofing, insulation, grillage lining on a polystyrene base.

Characteristics of expanded polystyrene

The average life of expanded polystyrene is 30 years. If maintained, the house will last forever. The following factors negatively affect the term:

  • the front surface on which the material will be glued is not leveled, there are air gaps, traffic jams;
  • PPS plates are not made according to technology, do not have proper protection from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • before installation, the material lay in open space and was affected by weather conditions.

Heaters, regardless of the name and labeling, have an increased level of ignition. They belong to the third and fourth grade. Currently, most manufacturers add a chemical reagent such as antipyrine to the composition. The main feature is attenuation during ignition. The mark "C" is added to the standard marking.

  • Abundant emission of smoke during combustion, during which cyanides and hydrogen bromide fall into the atmosphere;
  • minimum water absorption rate;
  • increased bending strength;
  • warming function - the minimum heat transfer rate;
  • interaction with petroleum products.

Neutral interaction with bitumen, cement, gypsum, lime, asphalt.

Insulation of the foundation is a simple project. It is enough to have a construction site with an entrance for equipment. Otherwise, you need to prepare yourself concrete mix with the obligatory consideration of proportions and ratios. The initial stage may seem costly, but these costs will pay for themselves in full during the first year. Is it worth it to insulate the foundation slab with polystyrene foam sheets, definitely yes.

Insulation is an important part of any construction. It is necessary to isolate all external parts of the building from heat loss: walls, roof, basement and foundation. Insulation of the base of the building not only limits heat loss, but also prevents frost heaving of the soil. How is the insulation of a monolithic foundation performed? And what are the features of installing insulation on the wall and floor of the foundation slab?

Foundation insulation

Insulation of the foundation is necessary in those parts that are located in the zone of soil freezing. The basement and the top of the foundation wall are covered with insulation. In addition, heat-insulating plates are laid under the outer blind area around buildings. These measures help protect the ground and walls from freezing and, therefore, avoid frost heaving of the ground around the house.

Different foundation designs have different ways of insulation. Tape deep - only vertical walls near the surface of the earth are insulated, tape shallow - walls and soles. pile foundation rests on non-freezing soil, therefore only the side surfaces of the piles are insulated.

Insulation of a monolithic slab of the foundation base is carried out from the sides and from below. This is necessary due to the location of the plate in the zone of soil freezing. The monolithic slab foundation is a shallow structure. The depth of its occurrence rarely exceeds 50 cm. Therefore, the entire plate is located in the zone of freezing soil and requires high-quality insulation. What materials are used to insulate the foundation slab?

Foundation insulation material: foam

The foundation insulation is subject to increased requirements for moisture and water resistance. It is in contact with moist soil, therefore, in addition to insulation, it must prevent moisture from penetrating into the walls of the house. In addition, the foundation insulation must withstand compressive loads.

The ideal material for foundation insulation is extruded polystyrene foam. The trade name of the material is penoplex. It has a closed cell structure, due to which water and moisture do not penetrate into the material and do not form its destruction. Fluctuations in temperature around zero create a variable state of "liquid-ice". When moisture is absorbed, the insulation cracks (as a result of freezing and expansion of water in the pores of the material). Therefore, ordinary expanded polystyrene (polystyrene) is not used in foundation insulation. You can use only moisture-resistant types of insulation: PPU or foam.

Water absorption characteristics

In addition to resistance to the penetration of moisture and steam, foam foam insulation can withstand significant compressive loads. Its price is higher than ordinary polystyrene. But it pays off with durability.

How to insulate: inside or outside?

How to properly insulate the foundation with foam plastic - from the outside or from the inside? Theoretical calculations show that the location of the insulation on the outside protects the wall and the slab from freezing. The location of the insulation inside the wall does not protect the wall and the slab, but it improves the microclimate in the room. This means that external insulation is the best option for any building surfaces.

However, it is not always possible to perform insulation from the outside. So for the foundation, external insulation is possible only at the construction stage. After isolating the base from heat loss is possible only from the inside.

Warming the foundation slab from the inside gives a noticeable positive result: the house becomes warmer and drier. At the same time, the plate itself continues to freeze in the winter season, so its durability remains small.

If the slab was insulated during construction, then the foundation does not freeze through and bears the load of the built house for a long time. How to insulate a slab foundation from the outside?

Foam insulation at the construction stage

Insulation at the construction stage involves laying insulation on the ground before pouring concrete. We list the sequence of actions for insulation during construction:

  • To exclude uneven pressure of the foundation on the ground, part of the soil is removed and gravel and then sand backfill are made. A layer of sand is shed with water and carefully rammed.
  • After that, a layer of waterproofing and insulation boards are laid.
  • Reinforcing rods are placed on top of the insulating material and concrete is poured. At the same time, the reinforcement rods are placed in two rows, the bottom row is supported by plastic beacons (so that after pouring the reinforcement is inside the concrete).

In this way, a light, strong and warm foundation is obtained, on which the walls of the building can be erected in a month.

swedish foundation

The foundation, insulated from below with polystyrene plates and equipped with warm pipes, is called Swedish. The abbreviated abbreviation for the foundation sounds like "USHP" or Insulated Swedish Plate.

The thickness of the base plate can vary from 10 to 30 cm (depending on the type of soil and the severity of the structure). The depth of such a foundation is above the soil freezing line. At the same time, frost heaving is taken under control and compensated by external insulation of the slab.

Additional arrangement of heating allows you to get a foundation and a warm floor near the house at the same time. This design saves not only weight, but also money. The amount of concrete for casting the base is reduced by a third. Reduced construction costs.

Benefits of an insulated foundation

We list the advantages that make the insulation of the foundation slab a necessary element of construction:

  • Saving concrete, reducing construction costs.
  • Speeding up construction time.
  • Reducing heat loss and reducing utility bills.
  • Improving the indoor climate.
  • Increase the durability of the foundation slab and the entire structure.

Such high merits indicate that the insulated slab foundation is one of the best house foundation designs.

Insulation of the foundation slab: work procedure

The slab base withstands significant external influences and is suitable for construction in areas with complex, unstable soils prone to frost heaving, with high level ground water. Insulation of the foundation slab will help to significantly reduce heat loss through the base and reduce the effect of frost heaving of the soil. The building, when the soil moves, rises and falls along with the foundation, which protects the structure of the house from cracking.

general information

The design of the slab base consists of layers:

  • geotextiles are covered with overlapping strips on the sandy layer, the joints are glued with adhesive tape;
  • pour gravel, a layer of 15-20 cm;
  • pour the leveling layer cement mortar, 5-10 cm thick;
  • be sure to isolate the structure from moisture with the help of roll or coating materials;
  • arrange a heat-saving layer;
  • cover the plastic film with overlapping strips of 20 cm;
  • lay the reinforcing mesh;
  • poured with concrete.

Installation and insulation of a slab monolithic foundation is expensive due to high consumption building materials. When the soil freezes to a great depth and a significant deepening of the strip foundation is required, the slab installation will be cheaper, and less land work will be required.

Advantages of the slab foundation

The slab base has the following advantages:

  • concrete slab performs the function of the floor of the first floor, this further reduces the cost of its installation;
  • is an excellent option for the foundation of a house, the construction of which is carried out on floating soils, the slab and the whole house with it move simultaneously with the soil;
  • you can mount the plate on any type of soil, even on peat bogs and swampy areas;
  • the slab is erected above the level of soil freezing; thanks to the sand cushion, frost heaving practically does not affect the structure;
  • reinforced concrete slab is not subject to shrinkage;
  • suitable for building up to 3 floors.

Insulation of the foundation slab reliably protects it from deformation during seasonal heaving of the soil and extends the life of the structure.

Advantages of slab thermal insulation

Expanded polystyrene, polystyrene, polyurethane foam are used as heat-insulating material. Mineral wool is unsuitable due to its low strength and high moisture absorption.

There is a technology for mounting a Swedish plate. The main difference is that the concrete structure is built on a layer of heat-saving material, thanks to which the soil under the house does not freeze and does not heave.

The main advantages of the Swedish plate are:

  • the construction of the foundation and the laying of communications are carried out in one technological cycle;
  • the heat-saving layer allows you to increase the efficiency of the warm floor;
  • installation of the foundation is carried out without involving a large amount of construction equipment.

Around the building, a drainage system is provided, consisting of pipes for draining rain and melt water.

The design of the plate contributes to the transfer of all loads from the building to the layer of heat-saving material, therefore, increased requirements are imposed on the materials used.

Disadvantages of slab foundation

Slab foundation is not always the best option. Always do everything in advance necessary calculations and choose the most suitable type of foundation for the house.

Disadvantages of the plate:

  • not suitable for erection in areas with a slope;
  • to build a house with a basement on a slab, you need to deepen it to a great depth, it will be very expensive;
  • it is difficult to repair communications under the foundation slab;
  • during construction in winter, additional costs will be required for heating concrete and maintaining the desired temperature on the site.

A slab foundation is erected only when a strip foundation is not possible.

Materials for insulation

The table shows the materials used to insulate the foundation slab and their characteristics:

№Heat-insulating materialCharacteristics
1 StyrofoamConsists of cells filled with air. It is produced in the form of sheets, has insufficient density, so its surface needs additional protection.
2 Extruded polystyrene foamAble to withstand significant compressive loads without changing its size and structure. It is produced in the form of rectangular sheets with small cells filled with air. Stack sheets in 1 or 2 layers. The second layer must be laid out so that the seams of the sheets of the first and second rows do not intersect. During installation, provide holes for moisture removal.
3 polyurethane foamIt is a kind of foamed plastic with many pores filled with air bubbles. The composition is prepared directly at the construction site. The two components are mixed, resulting in a dense hard foam, which is applied to the surface. The plate insulated with polyurethane foam has high rates of heat and sound insulation, withstands moisture. Refers to low-combustible materials, and some brands are slow-burning.

Most often, extruded polystyrene foam is used as a heater under the foundation slab.

Installation of an insulated plate

The erection of a monolithic slab base requires the performance of all calculations, taking into account geological, climatic conditions and the mass of housing construction.

Insulation of the slab foundation allows you to save significant funds on heating the premises during operation.

Site preparation

At the design stage, the project must take into account that the area for the foundation slab must be wider than the housing construction by at least 1 m on each side.

Instructions for performing preparatory work:

  1. The site where construction is being carried out is cleared of debris, the root system of trees and shrubs.
  2. Mark the position of the plate according to the project.
  3. They clean and remove the fertile layer of soil. The degree of deepening of the plate depends on the geological and climatic conditions. Most often, the thickness of the plate varies from 20 to 30 cm, less often the base is buried by 50 cm.
  4. They dig a pit, manually level its bottom and side walls.
  5. Pipes are installed around the perimeter to drain rain and melt water.
  6. Lay the geotextile in overlapping stripes. The material should cover the bottom and go to the walls along the entire height.
  7. Drive in wooden stakes or metal rods. Stretch the cord strictly horizontally. It will serve as a guide for uniform backfilling of sand and gravel.
  8. Sand is poured, 20-30 cm thick. Sand is evenly distributed over the entire area, moistened with water and compacted well.
  9. Spread geotextiles.
  10. Crushed stone is poured, evenly distributed around the perimeter, carefully rammed.
  11. Conduct all necessary communications. They dig trenches under them in rubble a little wider than the section of pipes. The pipeline is laid, a layer of sand is poured on top.
  12. The sandy surface is leveled.

If the pipeline is laid before the crushed stone compaction stage, the pipes may crack.

Plate insulation

Step-by-step instructions for insulating a slab of a monolithic foundation:

  1. They mount a removable formwork from boards, install props so that the structure does not fall apart under the weight of concrete.
  2. A layer of concrete is poured, 50 mm thick.
  3. After the cement mortar has completely hardened, foam sheets are laid on it butt against each other and glued. The adhesive composition is applied with dots along the perimeter of the sheet and in the center. A layer thickness of 10-20 cm is sufficient. The joints of the row are placed in a checkerboard pattern, with an offset of 1/3. When laying in two rows, the joints must not intersect.
  4. Spread dense polyethylene with overlapping stripes. The joints are sealed with adhesive tape.
  5. The reinforcing cage is laid, the formwork is poured with concrete.

After the slab has dried, the formwork is dismantled, the side walls are thermally insulated with the same material that was used for laying under the slab.

The insulated plinth helps to increase heat saving inside the room.

When installing insulation on bituminous insulation, you need to wait for it to dry completely. If laying on a wet layer, the materials may be damaged and the effect of thermal insulation and waterproofing will decrease.

Rules for installing heating pipes

When installing the UWB, heating pipes are used. There are such rules for their installation:

  • A denser laying of pipes allows you to get higher temperatures for heating the room.
  • The distance between the outer walls and pipes should not exceed 150 mm. Closer to the center, the laying step can be increased up to 250 mm.
  • To minimize hydraulic losses, the length of one loop should not exceed 100 m.
  • Do not lay pipes closer than 100 mm apart.

It is impossible to mount heating pipes at the junctions of monolithic plates. In this case, it is better to lay two circuits. The pipeline crossing the joint is insulated with steel sleeves 30 cm long.

How to make a warmed Swedish stove with your own hands can be seen in the video: The insulated foundation slab reduces heating costs during operation and helps to reduce the level of frost heaving of the soil. Thanks to this, the life of the foundation is extended, and living in the house becomes more comfortable.

Related articles:

Insulation under the foundation slab: step by step instructions

The monolithic slab base of the foundation has proven itself when operating in weak and heaving soils. The annual freezing of soils in winter leads to uneven lifting and settlement of the slab base, which contributes to the occurrence of mechanical deformations that can cause the destruction of the slab itself and the building built on it.

A layer of horizontal insulation is capable of reliably isolating the foundation slab from the zone of frost heaving, contact with soil moisture and preventing freezing.

Benefits of slab insulation

Horizontal slab insulation

High-quality insulation of the foundation monolithic slab guarantees the durability of the building and long-term operation without the need for unplanned repair work. Particularly relevant is the insulation of the foundation slab under residential buildings, when it is possible to avoid significant heat losses on the first floors of the house.

Insulation of the foundation slab must be performed for the following reasons:

  • Providing increased waterproofing of the foundation.
  • Significant reduction in heat loss.
  • Saving money on heating a residential building, a real mode of heat saving.
  • Preventing the formation of condensate that can destroy building construction building.
  • Increasing the comfort of living.
  • Stabilization of temperature in the internal premises of an operated residential building.

Materials for insulation of a monolithic slab foundation

Insulation of a monolithic foundation slab from the inside

Insulation of the slab of any foundation is one of the most important things in the construction of a house. It is best to do this in the warm season, and you can not do this in rainy weather. Insulation of a monolithic foundation slab is especially important for cold regions, where the soil freezes at great depths. Heaving soils during freezing can increase in volume, which leads to deformations of the entire building. Therefore, it is so important to take care of the external insulation of the foundation. This will help reduce heat loss throughout future construction and maintain its durability.

What does foundation insulation provide?

The better all the work is done, the longer and more reliably the building will stand idle. And most importantly - the house will remain warm even in severe frosts. Don't forget that most of cold enters the house through the foundation. And if the building has basement(billiard room, gym), then you should take care of internal insulation. This is especially important if the basement is not heated. But the most important is the external insulation of any residential building.

The main reasons why insulation is necessary:

  1. Improvement of waterproofing properties.
  2. Reduced heat loss.
  3. Reducing home heating costs.
  4. Prevention of condensation on the walls.
  5. Stabilization of the internal temperature of the building.

All this will help not only to always feel comfortable in your home, but also increase its lifespan.

What kind of insulation to use for the foundation?

The most important part of the job when insulating a fresh foundation slab is required is the selection of the right material. It should not deform under the pressure of the soil and absorb moisture. These are the most important parameters of any thermal insulation. Soft materials such as mineral wool will not work. The best option is polyurethane foam and extruded polystyrene foam. Both of them have excellent thermal insulation characteristics and a fairly low cost, which is also important in construction.

polyurethane foam

This material is universal, as it combines not only thermal insulation, but also sound and waterproofing properties. To use this type of insulation, you will need special equipment, as it must be sprayed. For full insulation, 50 mm of insulation thickness, laid in several layers, is sufficient. All joints after insulation must be sealed.

This material has whole line positive properties:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • good adhesive properties;
  • reliability;
  • durability.

And most importantly, when using polyurethane foam, there is no need to use additional funds for steam, water and waterproofing. It has only one drawback - the need to use special equipment. Therefore, for this method of insulation, either considerable capital investments or the help of experienced specialists with the appropriate equipment will be required.

Extruded polystyrene foam

This type of insulation is significantly lower than polyurethane foam, it is easier to install. Such material consists of plates that do not pass and do not absorb moisture. It retains its thermal insulation properties for a long time even in cold regions. Advantages of extruded polystyrene foam:

  • high strength;
  • long term services;
  • reliable thermal insulation properties.

It is most often used when it is necessary to insulate the foundation, since it can be mounted independently, without the use of additional equipment.

Extruded Styrofoam with Grooves

This is a new kind of insulation. Milling grooves on the surface of expanded polystyrene boards are great for insulating the foundation. It is used together with a geotextile cloth as fastening drainage. Its main properties:

  • good thermal insulation;
  • protective layer of waterproofing;
  • waterproof.

Insulation of the foundation with polystyrene foam

To insulate a monolithic slab, you can use both polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam. But the first option is preferable. Expanded polystyrene is the most efficient and least expensive, and most importantly - easy to install. Before proceeding with its installation, it is recommended to lay waterproofing, then you can start laying extruded polystyrene foam boards.

The most effective method of insulating the foundation with this material is to use it in areas of soil freezing. The insulation is mounted to the freezing depth. This is quite enough. Special attention when warming, it is worth paying attention to the corners: in such places, the used polystyrene foam should be thicker than in other areas. Along the perimeter of the building, it is imperative to perform soil insulation. To do this, under the design of the blind area, it is necessary to place a heater.

All rows of extruded polystyrene boards must be laid end to end, from bottom to top. Large seams are filled with mounting foam. This will provide high tightness, heat-insulating and waterproofing properties. The plates are planted on polymer glue or mastic, and then pressed with a layer of soil. When insulating, it is important to take into account that all the plates are of the same width; already used material cannot be used, this can violate the tightness. This method is suitable for all types of foundations, including monolithic ones.

Insulation of the foundation with polyurethane foam

When insulating a monolithic foundation using polyurethane foam, it is important that there are no gaps and gaps. The insulation must form a completely closed loop. This will achieve maximum thermal insulation properties. Its spraying on the foundation is carried out using special equipment. The material then hardens within 20 seconds. In general, the whole process of installing insulation is quite simple and fast. The application of polyurethane foam is done in several layers, after each of them dries. One layer should be approximately 15 mm thick.

Upon completion of all work, waterproofing and sprinkling of the foundation with soil are carried out. Equipment for the installation of such insulation can be purchased at specialized stores or rented. But it is easier and faster to use the services of professionals.

Some effective building technology created recently. This is due to the appearance on the market of new materials with better or unique characteristics. Some of these techniques can be replicated by the average person with relatively little study of the relevant materials. In this article, we will consider the process of warming with our own hands the foundation of a private residential building, another, relatively small structure.

Why you may need to insulate the foundation slab

Improving the insulation parameters of a building will make it easier and cheaper to operate. Only this fact is quite enough to think about carrying out the corresponding work. Energy resources, despite temporary market fluctuations, will always be of high value. By reducing their consumption, it will be possible to count on significant savings. Money.

It should also be noted that the correct engineering calculation will help to move the dew point beyond the contour of the main part of the building. This means that moisture will not condense inside the structures. Thus, after modernization, the conditions for the appearance and development of mold will worsen, hidden corrosion processes will stop.

Separately, it is necessary to consider the heaving of soils. It takes place during the winter. These mechanical influences are capable of creating great pressure on the structural elements of the building. High-quality insulation of the foundation slab will prevent such and other harmful effects listed above.

Any technology becomes clearer on examples confirming the expediency of its application. In this case, you should pay attention to the foundation "insulated Swedish plate". Here are the main parameters of this foreign technique, which is increasingly used today in domestic private housing construction:

  • It is a single structure made of cast concrete with reinforcement and stiffeners. It is installed on a pillow and surrounded by styrofoam boards.
  • Sand is initially poured under the main insulation and on the sides of it.
  • A system for collecting water and diverting it to drainage is preliminarily installed.
  • The blind area along the contour reduces the load on the drainage complex.
  • Providing comfortable temperature conditions produced using the "warm floor" system. It is built into the foundation at the stage of its creation.

The name itself defines the country of origin of the technology. In Sweden, it has been successfully used for more than half a century, and in Russia, private individuals and construction companies have been using similar methods for about ten years. Such terms are quite sufficient for reasonable conclusions. Practical tests have confirmed the presence of the following features:

  • This foundation construction technology is well suited for building 1-2 storey houses. For taller buildings it is necessary to order individual project. It will then have to be coordinated in all official instances.
  • In order to completely eliminate the possibility of flooding the building during the flood period, it is necessary to install sand bedding of the required height. To determine it, you can use statistical data for the desired region with maximum levels. Apply if necessary additional measures to improve the drainage and waterproofing system.
  • On sandy soils, you can save money during the construction process. There is no need for a productive water drainage system.
  • Working with concrete, as in all other similar cases, is recommended only during the warm period. It is possible to fill the foundation in winter, but this will be accompanied by increased costs and increase the risk of marriage.
  • This design works especially well in combination with a “warm floor”. In particular, when the heating is turned off, even in the cold season, heat will remain in the house for 72 hours.
  • A professional company can complete a full cycle of work in 3-4 weeks.

Material for creating a high-quality insulating layer

You can make a choice based on analogues of materials that are used in Swedish technology. But first, let's rule out the unsuitable options:

  • Mineral wools of different types do not have the necessary rigidity, strength and absorb water too well.
  • Expanded clay, other materials from granules. They also will not work, as they cannot become a dense, moisture-proof basis for the future foundation.
  • Polymeric foam materials that are created directly on the job sites. Some of them can be applied. But the implementation of such a project will require certain skills. You will also need special equipment.

By the method of elimination, we found the "winner" of this correspondence competition. This is a foam polystyrene of factory production, penoplex. We list below those characteristics of the material that will be useful for solving the tasks:

  • Its method of production implies the release of standardized products. Thus, if you purchase penoplex of a well-known brand, then there will be no doubt that each plate will have the same parameters.
  • Accurate dimensions and low weight will facilitate transportation, storage, and installation operations.
  • Uniform distribution of closed bubbles in the foam structure provides excellent thermal insulation properties. To produce a full-fledged insulation of a monolithic foundation, it will not be necessary to create a too thick layer.
  • This material is durable and waterproof. Many types of plates are made from it with special grooves along the edges, which makes it possible to ensure the tightness of butt joints without additional means.

Warming of the slab foundation

We have found out the main parameters of this technique, so we can proceed to the description of the working operations. Consider the steps that are used to insulate the foundation slab:

  • For this group of works, it will be enough to create a layer of high-quality foam plastic with a thickness of not more than 10 cm. It can be formed from two rows of plates that are stacked in a checkerboard pattern with a joint overlap of the joint areas.
  • Site preparation should be carried out taking into account the geology of the site, soil characteristics. When creating a recess, the bottom must be made even, so it is recommended to use manual labor in the final stages.
  • The sand is backfilled and compacted, after which a temporary formwork is installed, the first layer of concrete is poured without reinforcing elements.
  • When the base has hardened, foam boards are laid on it in the order indicated above. They are closed on top with a thick plastic wrap. The seams between the individual strips are carefully sealed with wide adhesive tape.
  • Next, the main foundation of reinforced concrete is created.
  • After it hardens, foam boards are attached to the end parts with an adhesive composition.

Insulation of a monolithic foundation slab with expanded polystyrene

On unstable soils, it is difficult to arrange a solid foundation. In such cases, a slab base is used. It acts as the foundation of a small deepening, drifting around the site, when moving soil masses. Since the entire structure moves, no destructive stresses arise.

For correct operation this type of foundation requires its protection from freezing. Insulation of a monolithic foundation slab:

  • prevents the destruction of concrete from temperature differences;
  • contributes to the warm floor of the first floor;
  • makes it possible to save on building heating;
  • reduces the heaving of the soil under the building.

The choice of insulation

Not every, even the most effective material, is suitable for working in the ground or in its vicinity. When choosing a material, you need to be guided by:

  • moisture resistance. Being saturated with water from the soil, the product loses its insulating properties. Expanding when freezing, moisture violates the integrity of the coating, reducing all work to nothing;
  • strength. Seasonal movements of soil masses create tangible pressure on the material. It is especially noticeable in rocky soils. Sharp edges can push through products, leaving cracks or breaks in it;
  • resistance to aggressive environments. Soils are often chemically and biologically active. IN groundwater may contain high concentrations of salts. All these factors lead to premature destruction of the insulation.

When installing insulation inside the building, the material must be non-combustible. In the event of a fire, should not be emitted harmful substances which may cause suffocation.

With all this, the service life of the insulation should not be less than the service life of the finishing material. In this case, you do not have to change it before the coating becomes obsolete. Otherwise, you will have to dismantle the finishing sheet that still meets the standards.

Often, extruded polystyrene foam is used for zero-cycle work. Insulation of the foundation slab with expanded polystyrene, made in accordance with all the rules, allows you not to worry about the safety of concrete and saving heat.

Characteristics of expanded polystyrene

Expanded polystyrene is used for thermal insulation of the foundation slab:

  • outside;
  • from within;
  • in the body of concrete

External insulation technology

The height of the plate can be from half a meter. Freezing around the perimeter is the most dangerous for the foundation. Therefore, basically, the insulation is attached precisely to the side surfaces.

Before covering the foundation with a layer of insulation, it must be waterproofed. Despite the fact that expanded polystyrene is waterproof, the coating is not seamless. Moisture penetrates into the seams between the plates, which can destroy the plate.

Waterproofing occurs by applying bituminous mastic or melting along the surface and edges of the paraffin slab. The second method is more economical and reliable. With help gas burner pieces of paraffin are melted. The material is evenly distributed over the surface, soaking into it.

Waxing closes the pores of the concrete, creating a barrier to moisture. Full adhesion contributes to the exclusion of insulation peeling. This means that you can easily attach a heater to it.

Expanded polystyrene plates are mounted on glue or on a cement-sand mortar. The first option allows you to conduct insulation at sub-zero temperatures. The underground part is fixed only by gluing. This is necessary to avoid violation of the hydrobarrier.

The basement part of the insulation of the slab foundation with polystyrene foam is additionally fixed with plastic dowels. To do this, holes are drilled through the glued plates. They go through all the insulation and part of the foundation.

Glue is applied along the perimeter of the plate and in several strips in the center. It is held for 1 minute and the plate is pressed against the surface for a couple of minutes. After gluing, the bottom plates are sprinkled with a layer of sand. This helps secure them in their mounting position.

The second row of insulation is mounted with offset seams. It is desirable to make a dressing and horizontal joints. This helps to avoid cold bridges.

If the thickness of the plates is not enough, the insulation is carried out in two layers. Products with maximum thicknesses are taken to avoid the installation of several layers. Plates of the upper layer must overlap the seams of the lower ones.

Fixation with umbrellas is carried out at five points of the plate. The dowels are mounted after the plates are completely glued, but not later than three days later.

After installation, the seams are sealed with mounting foam. Excess foam is cut off and the surface is plastered over the grid. The mesh is necessary for better adhesion of polystyrene foam and plaster.

Internal insulation technology

When insulating a monolithic foundation slab from the inside, the material is laid in two ways:

  • On top of the plate;
  • In the body of concrete.

With the first method, the sequence of work is as follows:

  • waterproofing is arranged on the foundation slab, with entry to the wall;
  • logs are screwed on top of the waterproofing layer;
  • a layer of insulation is arranged between the lag;
  • a waterproofing film is attached to the lags on top of the insulation;
  • a plank base, plywood or OSB boards are mounted on the film;
  • a cork, polyethylene foam or needles underlay is laid over the subfloor. A finishing floor is mounted on it.

You can do without lag. In this case, the slab foundation is completely insulated with polystyrene foam. The material is laid in a continuous layer. Immediately on top of it, a substrate and a finishing floor covering are laid.

When installing in concrete, the following work is performed:

  • the base plate is waterproofed;
  • a layer of insulation with a thickness of at least 100 mm is arranged. It is better to use products with a locking system;
  • a PVC film with a density of at least 1.42 g / cm3 is laid on the insulation;
  • fit reinforcing mesh. In its role can be a masonry mesh with a cell of 100 * 100 mm;
  • the surface is poured with a screed no thinner than 5 cm;
  • the finish coating is laid on the screed.

For internal insulation, only self-extinguishing polystyrene foam should be used. For installation under the screed, products of the G4 flammability class can be used.

Insulation of the body of the foundation slab

Warm concrete is used in many areas of construction. It can be purchased in the form of a ready-made mixture or manufactured in the conditions of a construction site. For preparation, granulated polystyrene foam is added to the initial mixture for the formation of the foundation slab.

For device structural elements polystyrene concrete with a density of D1200 is used. When preparing 1 cube, the composition includes:

  • 300 kg of cement M400;
  • 1.1 m3 of expanded polystyrene granules. It is better to use granulated rather than crushed material. It is shaped like a ball, which results in a better enveloping cement mixture;
  • 800 kg of sand;
  • PAD. Often, saponified resin is added. Its presence in the composition provides better adhesion and increases heat-shielding properties.

When creating such concrete, you need to remember about shrinkage. It is 1 mm per 1 m of surface. The plate needs to stand for some time after curing. On the surface it is necessary to arrange a leveling screed.

The flammability class of such a product is G1. The concrete itself does not burn, but the insulation granules are exposed to fire. As a result, pores are created in the body of the foundation slab. They reduce the density of the structure and increase its moisture absorption.

The thermal conductivity of such a plate will be approximately 0.105 W / (m * C). The product requires additional insulation of the slab foundation from below. The thickness of the insulating material will be less than plain concrete.

The choice of the type and technology of insulation of the foundation slab depends on design features buildings and construction sites. Choosing the optimal solution is based on the data of the heat engineering calculation and comparison of the estimated cost.

Insulation of the slab foundation - Technologies, subtleties, nuances

Each developer, when choosing a foundation structure for a future building, is guided primarily by its cost, reliability and durability. The ideal foundation that combines all these qualities are monolithic foundation slabs that can be built on various types soil. But concrete has a high thermal conductivity, so developers need to take care of the insulation of load-bearing structures even in the process of performing construction work.

Warming methods

Warming of the slab foundation must be carried out in the part that is located in the zone of soil freezing. The developer should lay insulation under the foundation slab, as well as under the outer blind area, which is necessarily created around the building. And also the basement of the building and the upper part of the foundation wall should be closed with special material. Timely insulation of a monolithic foundation slab will protect the soil adjacent to the building and its walls from freezing, which will prevent frost heaving of the soil and minimize heat loss at home.

When planning the insulation of a slab foundation, the developer must take into account the type of supporting structure:

  1. Tape (deep). Used for insulation various materials, which are laid on the vertical surfaces of the supporting structure, above the ground surface.
  2. Shallow strip foundation. For insulation, tile materials are used, which are laid on the sole and vertical surfaces of the supporting structure.
  3. Pile. Only the side surfaces of the piles deepened into the soil are subjected to insulation.
  4. Monolithic tile construction. The foundation slab is insulated not only from below, but also on the sides.

The benefits of timely insulation

The insulated slab foundation has a large number of advantages that every developer needs to know about:

  1. Developers will be able to save concrete mortar, which is used in large volumes when pouring slab foundation structures.
  2. Insulated foundation allows you to minimize heat loss. This has a positive effect on the indoor climate, as well as on utility bills, which skyrocket in the winter season.
  3. Accelerating construction time.
  4. Maximize the time beneficial use supporting structure, as it ceases to be adversely affected by moisture and low temperatures.
  5. The insulated base plate prevents condensation on the interior walls of the premises.
  6. The service life of waterproofing materials, which are used in the process of building slab foundation structures, is maximized.

What materials can be used to insulate a slab foundation?

Currently, the domestic construction market has a huge range of materials that developers can use when carrying out insulation measures:

  1. Polyurethane foam. This material is made of foamed plastic, which has a porous structure filled with air bubbles. This insulating mixture is created directly at the construction site and applied to the foundation structures using special equipment. Components included in chemical reaction, already on concrete surfaces form the strong foam which almost instantly hardens. This material helps to minimize heat loss, prevents the penetration of extraneous noise from the street into the premises, does not undergo putrefactive changes in constant contact with a humid environment, and is highly resistant to ignition.
  2. Styrofoam. This material has been used in the construction industry as a heater for decades. Its main disadvantage is its low mechanical strength, which requires additional cladding.
  3. Expanded polystyrene extruded. This material has a fine-mesh structure and is supplied to the construction market in the form of rectangular sheets. It has excellent technical properties, is able to withstand high loads, without changing either the internal structure or the geometric shape. In recent years, developers, when insulating slab foundation structures, use exactly extruded polystyrene foam, since it does not need additional protection and can perform the functions assigned to it for decades.

In recent years, many developers prefer to insulate the foundation with foam plastic. The choice of this material is due to the fact that it is highly resistant to moisture, and also has the lowest possible thermal conductivity. Due to the fact that the slab supporting structure will have to be in contact with a humid environment for many decades, insulation of the foundation with foam plastic will protect the building from its harmful effects.

Extruded polystyrene foam is ideal for thermal insulation of monolithic foundation structures, as it is able to withstand compressive loads. Polyurethane foam plates and penoplex are cellular materials with a closed structure, due to which moisture is not able to penetrate into their cavities. That is why they are involved in carrying out warming measures.

Rules for the insulation of slab foundation structures

Before insulating the slab foundation, the developer must learn about all the features and nuances, as well as the most effective technologies. If the foundation is insulated with foam plastic from the outside, this will protect not only the plates, but also the walls from freezing. In the event that polystyrene foam panels are laid on the inner sides of the walls, the developer will be able to significantly improve the microclimate inside the premises, but at the same time, the slabs and walls of the building will not be protected from freezing. It follows from this that the external insulation of the foundation with foam plastic will be an ideal option for any construction projects.

External insulation of the foundation with polystyrene foam or foam plastic is possible only at the initial stages of construction. If developers miss this moment, then in the future they will only be able to carry out internal insulation of the foundation with foam or polyurethane foam.

Carrying out insulation measures during the construction process

The procedure for warming the foundation with polystyrene foam must be carried out at the initial stage of construction work. Developers should strictly follow the technology:

  1. First of all, a pit is dug out, in which a monolithic concrete slab will be created. Its depth should be 1 meter. At the bottom, recesses are made into which drainage pipes are laid, the functions of which are to drain surface water into specially created wells. Such measures will protect not only the foundation, but also the walls of the building from getting wet.
  2. After laying the drainage pipes, the bottom of the trench is leveled and a special material, geotextile, is rolled out on its surface. It will prevent the germination of rhizomes of trees and shrubs that can violate the integrity of the supporting structure.
  3. A layer of sand and gravel is laid on top of the geotextile. Thus, a sand and gravel cushion is created at the bottom of the pit (thickness is approximately 30-40 cm).
  4. Engineering communications are being laid, for example, water and sewer pipes. After their laying, the surface is sprinkled with sand and leveled.
  5. A formwork is constructed along the perimeter of the prepared pit. For these purposes, it is customary to use boards or sheets of moisture-resistant plywood. Outside, the formwork must be supported with jibs or stops in order to wooden structure able to withstand the load that the concrete mortar will exert on it.
  6. A small amount of concrete is poured onto the bottom of the pit, which will create the first foundation layer. After it hardens, the developer must begin to carry out waterproofing and thermal insulation measures.
  7. Due to the fact that a monolithic concrete slab will constantly be in the ground and in contact with a humid environment, the developer must perform its high-quality waterproofing. For these purposes, it is customary in the construction industry to use rolled material or coating. The concrete base must be thoroughly cleaned of debris, and then dusted. To increase its adhesive properties, it is recommended to treat it with diluted kerosene or a solvent. After that, a roofing material is rolled out on a prepared concrete base, the canvases of which must overlap. All joints should be treated with mastic, after which experts recommend laying another layer of waterproofing. If the developer decides to use liquid insulation, then he needs to apply it several times to the surface of the concrete base and, after complete drying, continue construction works.
  8. The next step is the insulation of the plate. For these purposes, most developers use sheets of extruded polystyrene foam (thickness 15cm). Lay such material, as a rule, in two layers. Care must be taken to ensure that the top sheets overlap the joints of the bottom panels.
  9. The reinforcement of the foundation structure is being carried out, due to which its strength and bearing characteristics will increase.
  10. The concrete solution is poured in several stages. After pouring the first batch, the developer must use a deep vibrator to remove air and eliminate the resulting voids. After that, the remaining solution is poured.

After the concrete has hardened, the developer can continue construction work. In order to protect the building as much as possible from the harmful effects of harmful environments, he must carry out the internal insulation of the foundation. To do this, sheets of extruded polystyrene foam should be used, which are glued to the floor and walls of the premises and are subsequently finished.

Insulation of the slab of any foundation is one of the most important things in the construction of a house. It is best to do this in the warm season, and you can not do this in rainy weather. Insulation of a monolithic foundation slab is especially important for cold regions, where the soil freezes at great depths. Heaving soils during freezing can increase in volume, which leads to deformations of the entire building. Therefore, it is so important to take care of the external insulation of the foundation. This will help reduce the heat loss of the entire future building and preserve its durability.

What does foundation insulation provide?

The better all the work is done, the longer and more reliably the building will stand idle. And most importantly - the house will remain warm even in severe frosts. Do not forget that most of the cold penetrates the house through the foundation. And if the building has a basement (billiard room, gym), then you should take care of the internal insulation. This is especially important if the basement is not heated. But the most important is the external insulation of any residential building.

The main reasons why insulation is necessary:

  1. Improvement of waterproofing properties.
  2. Reduced heat loss.
  3. Reducing home heating costs.
  4. Prevention of condensation on the walls.
  5. Stabilization of the internal temperature of the building.

All this will help not only to always feel comfortable in your home, but also increase its lifespan.

What kind of insulation to use for the foundation?

The most important part of the job when insulating a fresh foundation slab is required is the selection of the right material. It should not deform under the pressure of the soil and absorb moisture. These are the most important parameters of any thermal insulation. Soft materials such as mineral wool will not work. The best option is polyurethane foam and extruded polystyrene foam. Both of them have excellent thermal insulation characteristics and a fairly low cost, which is also important in construction.

polyurethane foam

This material is universal, as it combines not only thermal insulation, but also sound and waterproofing properties. To use this type of insulation, you will need special equipment, as it must be sprayed. For full insulation, 50 mm of insulation thickness, laid in several layers, is sufficient. All joints after insulation must be sealed.

This material has a number of positive properties:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • good adhesive properties;
  • reliability;
  • durability.

And most importantly, when using polyurethane foam, there is no need to use additional funds for steam, water and waterproofing. It has only one drawback - the need to use special equipment. Therefore, for this method of insulation, either considerable capital investments or the help of experienced specialists with the appropriate equipment will be required.

Extruded polystyrene foam

This type of insulation is significantly lower than polyurethane foam, it is easier to install. Such material consists of plates that do not pass and do not absorb moisture. It retains its thermal insulation properties for a long time even in cold regions. Advantages of extruded polystyrene foam:

  • high strength;
  • long service life;
  • reliable thermal insulation properties.

It is most often used when it is necessary to insulate the foundation, since it can be mounted independently, without the use of additional equipment.

Extruded Styrofoam with Grooves

This is a new kind of insulation. Milling grooves on the surface of expanded polystyrene boards are great for insulating the foundation. It is used together with a geotextile cloth as fastening drainage. Its main properties:

  • good thermal insulation;
  • protective layer of waterproofing;
  • waterproof.

Insulation of the foundation with polystyrene foam

To insulate a monolithic slab, you can use both polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam. But the first option is preferable. Expanded polystyrene is the most efficient and least expensive, and most importantly, it is easy to install. Before proceeding with its installation, it is recommended to lay waterproofing, then you can start laying extruded polystyrene foam boards.

The most effective method of insulating the foundation with this material is to use it in areas of soil freezing. The insulation is mounted to the freezing depth. This is quite enough. When insulating, special attention should be paid to the corners: in such places, the used polystyrene foam should be thicker than in other areas. Along the perimeter of the building, it is imperative to perform soil insulation. To do this, under the design of the blind area, it is necessary to place a heater.

All rows of extruded polystyrene boards must be laid end to end, from bottom to top. Large seams are filled with mounting foam. This will provide high tightness, heat-insulating and waterproofing properties. The plates are planted on polymer glue or mastic, and then pressed with a layer of soil. When insulating, it is important to take into account that all the plates are of the same width; already used material cannot be used, this can violate the tightness. This method is suitable for all types of foundations, including monolithic ones.

Insulation of the foundation with polyurethane foam

When insulating a monolithic foundation using polyurethane foam, it is important that there are no gaps and gaps. The insulation must form a completely closed loop. This will achieve maximum thermal insulation properties. Its spraying on the foundation is carried out using special equipment. The material then hardens within 20 seconds. In general, the whole process of installing insulation is quite simple and fast. The application of polyurethane foam is done in several layers, after each of them dries. One layer should be approximately 15 mm thick.

Upon completion of all work, it is produced by soil. Equipment for the installation of such insulation can be purchased at specialized stores or rented. But it is easier and faster to use the services of professionals.

Insulation of a monolithic slab updated: February 26, 2018 by: zoomfund

So that any building does not need repair for a long time, you need to worry about creating the most reliable foundation. This applies not only to the construction of the foundation, but also to its further insulation.

Thermal insulation is especially needed in cold regions (where the temperature drops well below zero for a long time). First of all, this applies to concrete bases: tape and slab.

Do I need to insulate, and why?

P before considering the methods of work and choosing which technology is better, you need to figure out why the thermal insulation of the base is needed, and whether it is needed at all.The technologies discussed below are equally relevant for those who learn how to insulate the foundation of a wooden house, and for buildings made of concrete, brick, and blocks.

Insulation of the foundation solves several problems at once:

    Protects concrete from direct contact with moisture. It destroys the structure itself, and in addition leads to dampness in the basement (if any).

    Protects the base from heaving of the soil.

    Prevents freezing of a monolithic slab (or strip foundation).

The soil surrounding the foundation contains a certain amount of moisture. In different regions and in different areas, it will differ, but there is always water in the earth. And in contact with concrete, it will accelerate its destruction. The moisture contained in the pores of concrete freezes, turning into ice. Ice occupies a larger volume than water, that is, it expands. Over time, this leads to the appearance and increase of cracks.

Another problem that the insulation of the foundation solves is heaving of the soil. It occurs during a seasonal change in the weather: in sub-zero temperatures, the soil rises, after which (when warming) it sinks back.

This negatively affects the state of the monolithic slab, since constant pressure is applied to the concrete. This is of particular danger if the technology of work was violated when pouring the foundation (which happens often). In this case, the insulation of the foundation allows you to create a kind of protective layer that will take on the pressure of the soil.

The most serious reason why it is necessary to insulate the foundation from the outside is its freezing in winter. In frost, the soil freezes, taking heat from the stove. As a result, the floors in the premises of the first floor become cold, and it becomes cold and damp in the basement (if it is in a private house).

For the reasons mentioned above, we can firmly say whether it is necessary to insulate the foundation, and why. For capital buildings that must stand for more than 10 years, thermal insulation is definitely necessary.

Basic requirements for materials

At foundation heating can not be performed by any material.The main criteria are :

    durability: thermal insulation work requires digging a trench around the entire perimeter of a private house, and doing this every few years is difficult and expensive);

    water resistance: even in the presence of a protective structure (which covers the insulation from the ground), moisture can penetrate the heat insulator, which will degrade its effectiveness.

List of ways and general stages of work

At heat the foundation of the house from the outsidepossible in several ways :

    Plate materials (polystyrene, expanded polystyrene, mineral wool boards).

    Bulk materials (expanded clay).

Work can be carried out both at the stage of construction of a private house, and for an already finished building. Second option better than the first: after construction, the foundation should stand for some time (about six months or a year, ideally, if we are talking about a two- or three-story residential cottage) in order to finally gain its shape. However, during construction, deadlines are very often “burned”, and therefore minimum holding periods are observed, after which work on the construction of walls begins immediately.

Regardless of how the foundation will be insulated, there are general rules and steps:

Ideally, around the entire perimeter, primer coating should be done. This is both cheap and time-consuming, and at the same time it will create additional protection for concrete from moisture.

Work (regardless of which technology is used) is easiest to carry out in the warm season. The weather these days should be dry, because you will have to work in a trench, and soaked earth will greatly complicate the task.

The use of board materials

The most common option is the use of plate materials. These include:

Insulation of the foundation with expanded polystyrene (or mineral wool) is the most popular option among those who wish to cope with the task on their own. Work can be done in two ways:

    For self-tapping screws. The insulation sheet is attached to the surface of the plate. About 6-10 self-tapping screws are used per 1 m².

    For glue. The plates are glued to the surface with a special solution.

The general rules of operation are as follows:

    The insulation begins to be attached from any lower corner, horizontally (i.e., the next sheet is attached to the side, and not from above).

    Each next row is mounted with a shift: so that the seams between the heaters do not create a continuous line).

    The seams are glued with waterproofing tape (or construction tape).

Insulation of the base with polystyrene foam (video)

Application of sprayed insulation

TO This option includes the use of polyurethane foam. The technology has a significant drawback: do-it-yourself insulation of the foundation is difficult to implement: spraying requires special expensive equipment. Its purchase is unprofitable if thermal insulation of only 1 cottage is planned, even with all additional outbuildings.

For familiarization - let's figure out how to insulate the foundation of a house from the outside in this way:

    At the place of work, the insulation itself is prepared (obtained by mixing two components T s in an airtight container).

    From a special installation, PPU is sprayed onto the surface, where it instantly hardens, turning into a dense foam.

Of the clear advantages of this method:

    saving time (for 1 work shift, 1-2 workers can cover more than one hundred "squares", while fixing foam plastic can take more than 1 day);

    does not require surface leveling;

    creates a continuous layer (without seams, as between sheets of foam);

    polyurethane foam is the “warmest” insulator (thermal conductivity is about 0.03 W / mK).

Base insulation with polyurethane foam (video)

The use of bulk materials

At warming the foundation with your own hands is easiest to do with the help of a bulk insulator - expanded clay.

A trench for such work will require a wider one. Expanded clay, as a heater, does not hold back cold well, and therefore a layer of 5-10 cm (as with the materials above) will no longer be enough. The recommended width of the expanded clay layer is 40-80 cm.

Consider, how to properly insulate foundation like this:

    The bottom of the trench dug around the perimeter is covered with a waterproofing film (or geotextile, oryou can use ordinary dense polyethylene, ideally in several layers).

    Approximately 10-20 cm of rubble is poured to the bottom.

    Fitted into rubble drainage pipe (to remove moisture that can enter the expanded clay layer.

    The trench is backfilled with expanded clay.

Ideally, it is recommended to make a partition of brick, plastic or metal panels or slate,and fill up expanded clay between the partition and the foundation. In this case, it will play the role of a barrier, preventing moisture from getting inside (on expanded clay).

Installation of insulation protection

After the insulator is fixed on the surface, it is recommended to complete the insulation of the foundation with your own hands with a protective structure. As for expanded clay, it has already been mentioned above.

For polyurethane foam or sheet materials work is done as follows:

    Mounted wooden or metal carcass- crate. It is attached to the foundation, and the insulation is installed (sprayed) between the frame.

    On top of the frame, on the screws, a protective layer is attached. It can be slate, plastic or metal (if the metal is necessarily galvanized or stainless) panels or sheets.

As an option, you can build a brick partition in front of the insulation (as mentioned above).