Well      06/13/2019

Blue hydrangea: planting and care. How to care for blue hydrangea

Do you want your garden to smell fragrant and delight you with long flowering? Then you need to place the recognized garden beauty Hortensia there, named after the princess of the Roman Empire. This perennial shrub will delight you from July to September with its spherical inflorescences, which first have a greenish tint, then at the very peak of flowering turning into a bright White color, slightly yellowing in autumn. And if you plant large-leaved, or garden, hydrangea, you can achieve pinkish or bluish shades. Let's try to figure out how to change the color of garden hydrangea.

In nature, there are several dozen varieties of hydrangea. However, only

Garden hydrangea is the only type of hydrangea whose flowers can be changed from white to blue or pink

Garden, or large-leaved, hydrangea is the most popular and widespread type of plant, which is an ornamental shrub. Scientific name hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla), translated as “water vessel”, is explained by the increased moisture-loving nature of the flower. Hydrangea has large, egg-shaped leaves with pointed edges. The shrub blooms with lush spherical voluminous inflorescences. The most common colors are white or pink. There are also lilac and blue inflorescences.

The color of the spherical inflorescences depends on the acidity of the soil. By the color of the hydrangea, you can determine the acid-base environment of the soil: pink color indicates slightly alkaline or neutral acidity, blue indicates increased soil pH.

So change the color garden hydrangea possible by increasing/decreasing soil acidity. It is better to take care of this before planting the bush. To do this, you need to decide in advance on a place in the garden, prepare the appropriate substrate, plant the plant and monitor the acidity level of the soil.

How to test the soil

Any gardener, even an amateur, knows that good harvest largely depends on knowledge chemical composition the soil of your site. One important indicator is acidity, or soil pH.

Soil acidity is a quantitative indicator of the content of acids and salts. The pH value is determined by values ​​from 0 to 14.

In relation to the earthen mixture, they mean the following

up to 4 – strongly acidic environment;

from 4.5 to 5.5 – acidic soil;

from 5.5 to 6.5 – slightly acidic soil;

from 6, 5 to 7 – neutral land;

above 7 – alkaline environment.

How to determine soil acidity yourself

Soil acidity is determined very accurately with a special device, but approximate values ​​can be measured independently.

We offer you several simple and available ways determination of soil pH:

  • Vinegar essence.

It is enough to pour a few drops of vinegar onto a handful of soil and observe the reaction. If rapid boiling occurs, accompanied by the release of carbon dioxide, then you have an alkaline environment. Small bubbles and weak soil reaction indicate neutral acidity. The absence of any reaction indicates that the soil is acidic.

  • Grape juice.

Place a pinch of soil in a vessel with grape juice. A change in the color of the drink and the appearance of gas bubbles indicate normal soil pH.

  • Currant or cherry leaves.

Pour boiling distilled water over a few leaves. Cool the liquid and throw a handful of earth into it. The change in color of water after some time is an indicator of acidity: red water is acidic, blue is slightly acidic, green is neutral soil.

  • Litmus paper.

Place some soil on a clean piece of fabric. Tie it tightly into a knot and dip it in distilled water. Wait until the water is well absorbed into the soil. Lower the litmus paper. A change in color will allow you to draw a conclusion about the condition of the soil: from yellow to red - an acidic environment, blue-blue shades - neutral soil. This is one of the most reliable methods. Litmus paper is freely available in agricultural stores.

Most in a simple way Determining the soil pH level is visual. If, upon careful examination of the soil, you see reddish-rusty shades, then the soil is highly acidic. A thin iridescent film on water accumulated after watering or rain is evidence of an acidic soil environment.

Video “How to determine soil acidity and ways to deoxidize it”

Changing the color of the queen of the garden

Knowing the acidity of the soil on your own garden plot, you can achieve the desired color of hydrangea. Acidic soil with a pH level below 7 will allow you to grow a blue, moisture-loving beauty. An alkaline environment (acidity above 7) is good for pink hydrangea. pH values ​​of 5.5 – 6.5 will produce shades or a pink-blue mixture.

However, knowing the pH value of the soil and choosing a specific type of shrub is not enough. An important factor is the presence of aluminum in the soil. When the acidity is above 6.5 (neutral and alkaline environment), aluminum is not available to the plant, so the hydrangea will release pink flowers.

Blue hydrangea needed sour earth, promoting the dissolution of aluminum. In this case, the presence of aluminum is more important for the flower than the pH level of the soil. In addition, the availability of the element is influenced by the nutrients contained in the soil.

In general, the color of hydrangea is influenced by the type of shrub, the level of acidity of the soil, aluminum and the fertilizers used.

After planting, hydrangea, adapting to a new environment, can change color on its own. And in a year, the queen of the garden can please you with several shades on one shrub at once.

To control the color of the shrub, it is necessary to regulate the pH level of the soil. This begs the question of what to water with to change the color of the queen of the garden.

There are special agrotechnical techniques that help to achieve a change in the shades of inflorescences, which are best used on early stage bush growth. Let's take a closer look at them.

Pink hydrangea

Changing the color of garden hydrangea from white to pink

To change the color of hydrangea from white to pink, you need to maintain a pH above 6.5. If the acidity of the soil in your area is such, hydrangea will throw out pink inflorescences. Wherein additional measures there is no need to accept.

Acidic soil should be fertilized several times a year with chalk, limestone or dolomite flour. However, do not overdo it: it is enough to achieve acidity levels of 6-6.2. If values ​​exceed these values, soil chlorosis or iron deficiency may occur.

To provide the soil with essential nutrients, feed the soil with fertilizers that contain high concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus but low concentrations of potassium. Aluminum in combination with phosphorus forms insoluble compounds, which will prevent the appearance of blue inflorescences. Choose N:P:K fertilizer in a ratio close to 25:10:10. Ammonium monophosphate works great.

If the environment in your area is too acidic, then professional gardeners recommend planting hydrangea in large pots, using a peat substrate with a small amount of aluminum salts as soil. In this case, the universal substrate sold in special stores is recognized as the best. This will make growing and caring for the pink large-leaved garden queen much easier.

Blue moisture-loving beauty

Changing the color of hydrangea to blue

To change the color of the inflorescences to blue, it is necessary to maintain an acidic environment (below 5.5 pH) containing a soluble form of aluminum available to hydrangea.

If your garden is dominated by acidic soil with a sufficient concentration of aluminum, then the hydrangea will independently fulfill your wish by producing blue caps.

You can increase the acidity of the soil by specially acidifying the root zone. To do this, it is enough to add high-moor peat or sulfur used in planting to the planting hole. agriculture. Then it is enough to regularly water with aluminum sulfate in a proportion of 15 g per liter. Make sure that the soil is moistened before watering with a special solution.

To change the color of a previously planted hydrangea, add high-moor peat or the bark of coniferous trees to the soil near the bush.

Feeding may affect the change in shade complex fertilizers, containing potassium (high concentration), phosphorus (low percentage), nitrogen (average value). The ideal ratio would be N: P: K, close to 10:5:20. Do not use bone meal or superphosphate.

It is allowed to grow blue hydrangeas in large containers using ready-made substrates. Professionals advise choosing an acidic substrate for coniferous plants.

Video “How to change the color of hydrangea to blue”

By following the above recommendations, you will definitely get the desired result. However, don't expect your hydrangea to change color instantly. This period can take from several months to a year depending on weather conditions, the quality of fertilizers and other factors.

The varieties and types of hydrangea in the modern world are very diverse. Passing by a hydrangea, it is impossible not to appreciate its beauty, tenderness, grace and luxury. This shrub is considered to be the most popular among flower lovers. I wonder why? This is quite easy to explain: it blooms for a long time, is not fussy to care for, and it has so many varieties that everyone can choose a variety to their liking.

If a gardener wants hydrangea to decorate his garden, he needs to provide it with everything the necessary conditions existence, and proper care. How to do this will be discussed in this article.

Garden hydrangea should be surrounded by comprehensive comprehensive care. First you need to decide in which corner of the site to place her so that she feels comfortable. This is an important factor that determines how the hydrangea will feel and look. It’s a pity, but the right place is not always chosen for this plant.

Types of hydrangea

Statistics on the species of this plant are conflicting. 30-85 species of hydrangea have been bred. This plant attracts attention with its large, bright green leaves, as well as the fact that it has large paniculate inflorescences in the shape of a ball.

The inflorescences are unusual in their structure. The center is decorated with small fruit flowers, which, over time, form a box with seeds. The edges of the inflorescences are decorated with large, sterile flowers. Also at the edges there are several enlarged sepals.

Hydrangeas that do not require special attention when caring for are considered to be:

  • tree-like;
  • paniculata;
  • large-leaved.

In this regard, these species are widely in demand by gardeners, unlike other species. Russian flower growers are already successfully breeding such rarely common varieties of hydrangea as petiolate and oakleaf. You need to familiarize yourself with them in more detail.

Paniculata hydrangea

In the wild, this plant can grow both in the form of a shrub and in the form of compact trees, growing in height up to 8 or even 10 m. The plant can be a resident of Japan and China.

Far East The Russian Federation is the region where you can find hydrangea. The roots, in their diameter, are much larger diameter crowns, despite the location of the roots close to the soil surface. The leaves are oval in shape, and the leaf blades can reach 10 to 12 cm in length.

Paniculate inflorescences, cone-shaped and quite wide base, are the most attractive to gardeners. Inflorescences can reach a height of 25 cm or more. The panicles consist of 2 types of flowers. The sterile flowers are large, 25-30 mm. Usually they have 4 petals. The interesting thing is that the color can change throughout the season. For example, it was green or white, but became pink or another color. It all depends on the variety.

The property of flowers, which are called fertile, is to lose their snow-white petals early. There are very few of them. They bloom when they reach the age of 4 or 5 years.

The first flowers can open only when the third decade of June has arrived. With the onset of the first frosts (usually by the beginning of October), the beautiful hydrangea inflorescences may die. In addition to their decorative function, hydrangea flowers are used as honey plants. In those places where there were flowers, the appearance of fruits is observed - boxes with small seeds.

Video review: TOP 10 most beautiful varieties of paniculata hydrangea

Benefits of growing Hydrangea paniculata

  • In places where there is a lot of shade, it feels great.
  • Has fast growth.
  • Withstands low temperatures.
  • This plant is grown as standard tree or like a bush.
  • It has a large number of beautiful varieties and species.

Popular varieties with descriptions and photos

Belgian biologists gave the world the Bobo variety. This hydrangea has gained great popularity, since its height is 70 cm, no more. It is easy for the gardener to determine the place for this plant on the site. Bobo is a representative of varieties that ripen early. May flowering can delight the eye with attractive appearance hydrangea flowers, which have a soft pink hue. The bush looks quite dense visually and is distinguished by its bright, rich greenery.

Hydrangea paniculata variety Bobo - very picky about pruning

The Vanilla Fraze bush can grow up to 1.5 meters in height. Nevertheless, it is considered one of the most popular. Fans of this plant are particularly fascinated by the density and size of the inflorescences growing in the shape of a pyramid. Interestingly, the inflorescences always have 2 shades: white on top and light pink on the bottom. Externally, it can be compared to a type of cake called “horn”.

Hydrangea paniculata variety Vanilla Fraze - a fast-growing shrub that can withstand low temperatures

Weems Red is a tall shrub that reaches one and a half meters in height. The variety became widely known due to the color of the flowers. During the flowering period, the inflorescences can amaze the gardener with the play of colors. So, the initially snow-white shade gradually becomes bright red, burgundy. Since the variety is frost-resistant, absolutely any region of the Russian Federation is suitable for its cultivation. But, if this is Siberia or the Far East, you will need to additionally cover the bushes for the winter.

Weems Red - relatively new variety hydrangeas, a long-blooming bush.

Among the plants that give their beauty in the late period is the Grandiflora hydrangea. Very often, gardeners living in warm regions of the Russian Federation prefer to plant it on their plots. A distinctive feature of this species is the change of colors of the inflorescence 4-5 times during the season. The beginning of flowering is marked by a creamy white hue of flowers, which will then turn snow-white. By the end of the season, the cone-shaped inflorescence will delight the eye with a red-green hue.

Grandiflora - especially relevant when decorating grand staircases

Miracle Berry - 3-5 kg ​​of fresh strawberries every 2 weeks!

Miracle berry Fairytale collection is suitable for a window sill, loggia, balcony, veranda - any place in a house or apartment where the light of the sun falls. You can get the first harvest in just 3 weeks. Miracle berry Fairytale harvest bears fruit all year round, and not just in the summer, like in the garden. The lifespan of bushes is 3 years or more; from the second year, fertilizers can be added to the soil.

Diamond Rouge is a variety that reaches 1.5 m in height. The shade range of flowers changes from white to calm pink tones, and the leaves, with the approach of the autumn season, from bright Green colour, become bright orange.

Diamond Rouge is a new variety of garden hydrangea. Frost-resistant. Considered the most beautiful variety.

Not long ago, Hydrangea Limelight, bred by US scientists, went on sale. Russian flower growers met this “beauty” several years ago. According to the creators, the bush grows up to 1 m in height. This variety, today, has not gained many admirers, but the beauty of its inflorescences cannot leave anyone indifferent.

Hydrangea paniculata Limelight - has strong shoots, flowers at the end of the flowering period change their color to soft pink

The Pinky Winky variety pleases gardeners with its flowering, starting from the 15th of July until the end of September. The cone-shaped inflorescences have 2 colors: white above, purple below. Since the inflorescences are not too dense, it is possible to examine the beauty of each flower individually. With the onset of the autumn season, the leaves turn a bright yellow hue.

Hydrangea Pinky Winky - frost-resistant variety, flowering period is five months from June to October

Pink Diamond - Europeans fell in love with this variety for its height. On average, the bush grows up to 2 meters. Russian gardeners prefer to plant this variety of hydrangea in those areas where the area is large.

Pink Diamond is very unpretentious variety Hydrangea paniculata

What distinguishes Sunday Fries from other species is its spreading crown. It causes certain difficulties in collecting it in a bush and giving it the required shape. Russian gardeners love this variety, as these hydrangea inflorescences change their color from soft green to pink.

Sunday Fries - the bush has a symmetrical shape

The Silver Dollar shrub is quite spreading and can reach 1.5 meters in height. The pale yellow inflorescences are cone-shaped. From the beginning of flowering to its end, gradually yellow the petals become snow-white.

Silver Dollar - a variety of paniculata hydrangea is very unpretentious to the soil; planting in slightly acidic soil is allowed.

A late representative is the Phantom variety. It will delight you with its flowering starting from the 14th-16th of August and ending with the first days of October. This shrub, with a spreading crown, can reach a height of 2 meters. Snow-white flowers have a soft lilac tint.

Phantom is one of the most beautiful bushes among varieties of hydrangea paniculata. Successfully used in landscape design

Hydrangea paniculata is presented in a wide range every year. A flower lover can choose the variety he likes, and before planting it, he should familiarize himself with the peculiarities of its cultivation on the site.

Hydrangea large-leaved (or garden)

Garden hydrangea is perennial, growing in the form ornamental shrub. It grows approximately up to 2 meters in height. There are no fruits, it has straight stems. Flower color: purple, blue or white. The shade will depend on the condition of the hydrangea and the acidity level of the soil. Green leaves usual form. This is a fast-growing species that places increased demands on the composition of the soil. Can't stand limestones. Pleases with flowering, starting in August and ending in November. Loves very much Sun rays and warmth. The plant can withstand low temperatures (maximum -30 degrees). Widely distributed in the southern regions of the Russian Federation. With the help of the efforts of agricultural technicians, owners of plots near Moscow were able to grow this type of hydrangea in their gardens. Most often, frost-resistant varieties are planted.

Common varieties

The following varieties of garden hydrangea have become widely known:

Innovative plant growth stimulator!

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The “Expression” variety, which tolerates winter well, can bloom both on the current year’s stems and just as effectively on last year’s branches. Visually, the flowers can be compared to water lilies. Their shade will depend on the acidity of the soil. If the soil is alkaline, the flowers will be pink, if acidic, they will be lilac-blue. Flowers are collected in corymbs. They bloom for quite a long time, from mid-summer until the onset of cold weather.

Hydrangea large-leaved Expression tolerates frost well and does not require special care in winter

The Ever Peppermint bush, growing up to 60cm in height, was bred by Japanese breeders. It has a color of 2 colors, depending on the acidity of the soil. The flowers have a blue or pink center with a white edge.

Large-leaved hydrangea Ever Peppermint from a series of winter-hardy varieties.
Blooms on shoots of last and current year in July-October

Red Sensation is a hybrid resulting from the Early Sensation mutation. It grows up to 80cm in height and width as well. The stems have a burgundy color.

Red Sensation this variety is often grown at home, in pots on the windowsill or on the balcony

The name of the variety Endless Summer (translation “endless summer”) says a lot. Flowering is equally good both on the branches of last year and on the branches of the current season. Large flowers come in white or blue.

Endless Summer is a frost-resistant variety that blooms until frost


You can call tree hydrangea a magical flower. It can reach a height of 3 m. The leaves have an oval shape. Their length is 20cm. The flowers are very small. They are found in luxurious lush inflorescences. It has an average degree of frost resistance and can freeze at low temperatures. But, with the onset of spring, it can come to life and delight gardeners with its amazing beauty throughout the summer. This form of hydrangea needs to be pruned almost to the root in order to maintain the flowers in proper shape. It is advisable to hold it in April every year. If you care for it according to the rules, the plant will bloom and give its beauty until the end of the autumn season. This type of hydrangea is very popular among gardeners.

The northern United States is the birthplace of hydrangea. Externally, it is an upright bush with white flowers collected in inflorescences in the form of a hemisphere, growing up to 25 cm. Tree hydrangea is characterized by rapid growth and is not capricious in care. It was noticed by flower lovers back in the 18th century, and many people liked this luxurious and spectacular flower.
This species, like other varieties of hydrangea, has a negative attitude towards dry, strongly acidic and infertile soil.

Worth keeping this in mind!

If you have to buy seedlings tree hydrangea, then you need to choose those varieties that are best adapted for the future growing location.

If you just add a little lime, the flower will tolerate it fine. From the beginning of summer until the end of September on bushes in large quantities you can see snow-white inflorescences, which by the end of summer will become a delicate green shade. Flowers tend not to fade for a long time, keep their shape, and retain their shade. Very often these flowers are used to create ikebana.


  • The tree-like variety is a shrubby plant reaching 3 m in height.
  • This subspecies is distinguished by a rounded crown and pubescent shoots.
  • Possesses interesting feature– leaves have 2 colors. The leaves are bluish underneath and green at the top.
  • The inflorescences absorbed barren flowers and fruitful ones. The first type (sterile) flowers are large in size up to 2 cm in diameter. They are few. There are many fruiting flowers, but they are small and are in shield-shaped inflorescences, up to 15 cm in diameter.
  • The fruits of the shrub have the appearance of a miniature (up to 3 mm) capsule.
  • When the hydrangea reaches the age of 4 years, it blooms, and is characterized by long flowering (from June to October). After this, in October, the fruits ripen.

Resistance to low temperatures has made this species incredibly popular. Hydrangea can withstand temperatures of -30 degrees. Even if the shoots are frozen, they will be able to recover, and next season they will delight the eye with a beautiful cloud of snow-white flowers.

Varieties of tree hydrangea with description and photo

Today tree hydrangea is presented in the widest choice. But mainly only very attractive and frost-resistant varieties.

The following varieties of tree hydrangea are in greatest demand among gardeners:

The owner of cream flowers collected in inflorescences - balls with a diameter of 20 cm, is Annabelle. Typically, the height of this hydrangea is no more than one and a half meters. The volume is impressive - it can reach 3 meters. Blooms all three summer months. Under the weight of the flowers, the stems eventually bend toward the ground. A feature of the variety that is worth paying attention to is that the original color of the foliage does not change until the onset of the first cold weather.

The favorite of all gardeners, Annabelle tree hydrangea is distinguished by its high frost resistance and unpretentiousness.

The Grandiflora variety was obtained through selection from the Annabelle variety. Features are very large flowers, as well as beige or lemon color of the leaves. If the plant is properly cared for, the bush can grow up to one and a half to two meters in height. All summer, until September, you can admire the blooms.

The highlight of the Incrediball variety is the large flowers in the inflorescence. But gardeners like this variety because it changes the original color of the petals, over time, from green to snow-white. The bush of an adult plant reaches up to 1.5 - 3 m in height. The stems of the plant are not strong enough, so when hydrangea blooms, they bend low to the ground under the weight of large inflorescences, which can be up to 30 cm in diameter.

Incrediball is rarely grown in Russia and has beautiful round large inflorescences

The Invincibelle variety is like a “dark horse” among other varieties. The inflorescences of this hydrangea have a dark pink hue, and their shape is like lilac branches. But, under the influence of the sun, the inflorescences lose their rich color and become soft pink.

Invisible the new kind hydrangeas, as they bloom, the color of the flowers becomes more saturated

The Pink Pinkushen variety is small in size, as it grows only one and a half meters wide, and the bush itself grows only up to 1 m 20 cm. The flowers are pink and white in color and are collected in inflorescences in the shape of a pyramid. During the entire flowering period, the color does not change.

Pink Picushen variety blooms from June to September. It has a delicate, subtle aroma.

The Sterilis variety is distinguished by the resistance of its cuttings to difficult conditions environment, fast growth rate, attractive flowering from mid-summer to mid-autumn. The green petals gradually become snow-white (the same feature is inherent in the Incrediball hydrangea). This plant grows up to 2 m in height, and the width of the bush can be 2.5 m.

Sterilis is the most popular variety of tree hydrangea.

The frost-resistant bush Hayes Starburst pleases with its flowering from the first days of June until the onset of cold weather. The variety is distinguished from other species by the fact that the inflorescences created by velvet flowers are dome-shaped. The leaves are richly bright in color and have an attractive appearance before frost. An adult bush has a height of only up to 1 m 20 cm. But we must pay tribute - the stems are very strong in order to withstand the weight of heavy inflorescences.

Hayes Starburst - has large inflorescences that do not form balls.

Alina Sokolova, especially for

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Pink, blue, white, purple? What can you expect?
Hydrangeas have a reputation for being chameleon-like, but not all species change color. Although many hydrangeas turn mauve as they age, if you have beautiful white, lush blooms, you won't be able to change them to pink or blue. To get pink or blue flowers, you will need grandiflora hydrangea, Hydrangea macrophylla.
You can control the color of your hydrangea. To do this, you don’t need to become a chemist at all, you need to understand why hydrangeas change their color.

How to make hydrangea blue?

Hydrangeas turn blue in response to aluminum in the soil. This requires two conditions:

1. Soil pH should be slightly acidic (5.2-5.5).
First, do a soil test to determine the existing pH. Adding aluminum sulfate to the soil will help lower the soil pH if necessary. Caution: Not all plants tolerate acidic soil, and nearby plants may be affected. Always follow package directions when adding soil amendments.

2. Aluminum must be present in the soil.
If your soil has aluminum and its pH is low, your hydrangeas are likely already blue. But if you only have naturally acidic soil, you may need to add aluminum sulfate.
Fertilizer - Fertilizer with high content Potassium and low phosphorus will help maintain the blue color. Avoid superphosphate and bone meal, which are sometimes used to promote fuller blooms.

How to change the color of hydrangea to pink?

Hydrangeas turn pink when they are stripped of aluminum. This can be done as follows:

1.Add dolomitic lime(lime with magnesium oxide) to raise the soil pH to 6.0-6.5. During this period, hydrangeas cannot obtain aluminum from the soil, but do not suffer from lack of other nutrients and chlorosis. You don't need to make your soil truly alkaline, as many people mistakenly believe.

2. Grow hydrangeas in containers. In all seriousness, soil-free potting mixes typically lack aluminum, so your hydrangeas have no chance of turning blue.
Fertilizer - Use a fertilizer high in phosphorus, as phosphorus prevents hydrangeas from obtaining aluminum.

Once your hydrangeas have turned blue or pink, adding more amendments to the soil will not help enhance the depth of color. Color may vary from season to season due to weather conditions, plant stress, and the environment. Plants planted near a concrete foundation or concrete walkway may never turn blue due to the lime that leaches from the concrete.

Changing the soil for hydrangea color is not a one-time job. You will have to maintain an amended soil condition.

The most interesting

Not all beginning gardeners know that the “natural” color of hydrangea is white or pink. But other colors can be obtained artificially. And it's not difficult at all. At the very beginning of flowering, all its flowers have the same color - pale green. It is at this stage that you can intervene to change its color. However, it should be noted that white flowers, due to a lack of pigment, rarely change color. But you can successfully experiment with pink ones.

Many gardeners really like blue hydrangea, others prefer pink. But today we will talk about how to grow blue hydrangea. In nature and in flower beds, hydrangeas reach a height of up to three meters.
The color of the spherical flowers fascinates with its beauty. It happens that you purchased a blue or blue hydrangea, but a pink hydrangea grew. Now we will share tips on what to do so that your blue hydrangea still blooms.
The composition of the soil has a great influence on the color of hydrangea.
If you put a little effort into changing the soil chemistry, you can easily change the color of these amazing flowers.
Here are some tips on how to change a hydrangea from white to blue or pink to lilac.

1. Before flowering hydrangea, water the plants with aluminum alum. Dosage: 5 grams of alum per 1 liter of water. Iron salts, enriching the soil, give hydrangea flowers shades from blue to blue.
2. With the same success, aluminum alum can be replaced with iron filings or simply stick old nails into the ground next to the hydrangea bush.
Like this simple methods you can change the color of the chic hydrangea balls.

Hydrangeas have a reputation for being chameleon-like, but not all species change color. Although many hydrangeas turn mauve as they age, if you have beautiful white, lush blooms, you won't be able to change them to pink or blue. To get pink or blue flowers, you will need grandiflora hydrangea, Hydrangea macrophylla. Hydrangea can change color (white to blue, and pink to blue). To do this, aluminum or iron sulfate is added to earth mixtures when replanting plants - up to 15-20 g per 1 kg of land

What's better? Aluminum alum or aluminum sulfate? They write about iron that it does not always stain.

To obtain blue flowers, water pink hydrangea with a solution of potassium alum (5-10 g per liter of water). If you water dark pink specimens with the same solution, the flowers will turn lilac, and the red ones will turn purple. When using aluminum or iron sulfate, a blue color can be obtained. A good effect is obtained by spraying with a solution of aluminum citrate (50 grams per liter of water), once a week from the moment the buds appear. Also, the color may change when the soil pH decreases to 4.5 (at normal 5,5).

Change Appreciation of pink color Change to cyan and blue color

Hydrangeas will have pink flowers if they cannot produce the blue pigment that requires aluminum. That is, aluminum in the soil must be converted into a form inaccessible to plants. For this, the soil pH must be above 6.5.

To obtain blue hydrangea flowers, aluminum must be present in the soil in a form accessible to plants. This is possible in the case of an acidic soil pH below 5.5 and the presence of a sufficient amount of aluminum itself.

If the soil pH in the garden is above 6.5, nothing needs to be done, the hydrangea will bloom pink (possible iron deficiency).

On acidic soil, add chalk, fluff lime, ground limestone or dolomite flour several times a year to raise the pH to around 6.0 to 6.2 (be careful not to let the pH rise much above 6.5, which is when iron deficiency and chlorosis become a problem). Try to maintain the substrate pH between 6.0 and 6.2.

Do not plant plants that require an acidic soil reaction (azaleas, rhododendrons, heathers) next to pink hydrangea.

Use a fertilizer that is relatively high in phosphorus and nitrogen, but low level potassium Phosphorus forms insoluble chemical compounds with aluminum. Select a fertilizer type with an N:P:K ratio close to 25:10:10. Monoammonium phosphate (11:53:00) can be used.

In areas with very acidic soils, pink hydrangeas are easier to grow in large pots using soilless (eg peat) substrates that are low in aluminum salts. Do not add components containing aluminosilicates - clay, mineral soil, expanded clay - to the peat substrate. In a container it will be much easier to maintain conditions favorable for growing pink hydrangeas; in addition, you can grow varieties that require shelter for the winter.

For growing pink hydrangeas, the best choice would be a UNIVERSAL substrate.

If natural garden soil is sufficiently acidic with a pH less than 5.5 and contains aluminum, the color of the hydrangea will automatically tend toward shades of blue or purple.
. If the soil in the garden is neutral or alkaline, it is necessary to artificially acidify it in the root zone to a depth of 20-30 cm or replace the soil in landing pit pre-prepared acidic soil. Non-carbonate soil can be acidified to pH 5.0-5.5 with high-moor peat or agricultural elemental sulfur before planting hydrangeas. Subsequently, the low pH is maintained by regularly watering the plant with a solution (15 g/l) of aluminum sulfate throughout the entire growing season. Do not water dry soil; first moisten it well with clean water.
. Mulch the soil near the hydrangea with acidic materials - high peat, coniferous bark. Do not use marble chips or expanded clay.

It is important that irrigation water does not “contaminate” the soil with calcium. The pH of the water should not be higher than 5.6.
. Soil alkalinity can rise significantly due to lime leaching from building materials. Therefore, the concrete foundation or sidewalk next to which the hydrangea is planted can affect the color.

Fertilizer also affects color change. Feeding with a physiologically acidic complex fertilizer that is low in phosphorus, high in potassium and moderate in nitrogen levels will help produce good blues. The optimal N:P:K ratio is close to 10:5:20. Do not use superphosphate or bone meal.
. Difficult long time maintain a low pH value in alkaline carbonate soils, or soils contaminated with alkaline building materials. In this case, it is better to grow blue hydrangeas in large pots using special acidic peat substrates with aluminum sulfate. To enrich the substrate with aluminum, you can add 5-10% clay by volume. Best choice there will be an ACID substrate FOR CONIFEROUS PLANTS AND RHODODENDRONS. In a container it will be much easier to maintain conditions favorable for growing blue hydrangeas; in addition, you can grow varieties that require shelter for the winter.

Per liter of acidic substrate, you need to add 1.5 g/l of powdered aluminum sulfate. Mix well, moisten and leave for several days. Another method is to water plants in pots with a solution of aluminum sulfate (concentration 10-15 g/l) at the rate of 100 ml of solution per liter of substrate. Control the pH of the substrate. For peat substrate optimal value pH 4.0-4.5. If necessary, repeat the procedure after two weeks. To avoid chemical burns to the roots, fill only the pre-moistened substrate with aluminum sulfate solution. Protect the leaves from contact with the solution.

If natural garden soil is sufficiently acidic with a pH less than 5.5 and contains aluminum, the color of the hydrangea will automatically tend toward shades of blue or purple.
If the soil in the garden is neutral or alkaline, it is necessary to artificially acidify it in the root zone to a depth of 20-30 cm or replace the soil in the planting hole with previously prepared acidic soil. Non-carbonate soil can be acidified to pH 5.0-5.5 with high-moor peat or agricultural elemental sulfur before planting hydrangeas. Subsequently, the low pH is maintained by regularly watering the plant with a solution (15 g/l) of aluminum sulfate throughout the entire growing season. Do not water dry soil; first moisten it well with clean water.
Mulch the soil near the hydrangea with acidic materials - high peat, coniferous bark. Do not use marble chips or expanded clay.

It is important that irrigation water does not “contaminate” the soil with calcium. The pH of the water should not be higher than 5.6.
Soil alkalinity can rise significantly due to lime leaching from building materials. Therefore, the concrete foundation or sidewalk next to which the hydrangea is planted can affect the color.

Fertilizer also affects color change. Feeding with a physiologically acidic complex fertilizer that is low in phosphorus, high in potassium and moderate in nitrogen levels will help produce good blues. The optimal N:P:K ratio is close to 10:5:20. Do not use superphosphate or bone meal.
It is difficult to maintain a low pH value for a long time in alkaline carbonate soils, or soils contaminated with alkaline building materials. In this case, it is better to grow blue hydrangeas in large pots using special acidic peat substrates with aluminum sulfate. To enrich the substrate with aluminum, you can add 5-10% clay by volume. The best choice would be an ACID substrate FOR CONIFEROUS PLANTS AND RHODODENDRONS. In a container it will be much easier to maintain conditions favorable for growing blue hydrangeas; in addition, you can grow varieties that require shelter for the winter.

Per liter of acidic substrate, you need to add 1.5 g/l of powdered aluminum sulfate. Mix well, moisten and leave for several days. Another method is to water plants in pots with a solution of aluminum sulfate (concentration 10-15 g/l) at the rate of 100 ml of solution per liter of substrate. Control the pH of the substrate. For peat substrate, the optimal pH value is 4.0-4.5. If necessary, repeat the procedure after two weeks. To avoid chemical burns to the roots, fill only the pre-moistened substrate with aluminum sulfate solution. Protect the leaves from contact with the solution.

Blue hydrangea is garden shrub, dotted with gorgeous flowers in a light blue hue. The plant looks very impressive, so it is widely used in landscape design for decorating alleys and gazebos in city parks, creating hedges around houses, and decorating areas near municipal buildings.

Popular varieties of blue hydrangea

It should be noted that blue hydrangea does not refer to a separate representative of its species. It got its name because of the unusual color of the inflorescences in blue and blue shades.

This color of buds occurs mainly in large leaf hydrangea , there are also two-color and three-color varieties that can change their color throughout the season. In addition, by creating certain conditions during plant growth and watering with a special composition.

Experienced gardeners learned how to give hydrangea inflorescences a blue color.

Hydrangea bushes with blue flowers usually have large foliage. The inflorescences of the plant are round in shape, large in size and can bloom profusely for quite a long time. At first, large-leaved hydrangea was grown in room conditions, since it was a very delicate plant and did not tolerate temperature changes well. Over time, breeders became interested in this crop; they subsequently developed frost-resistant varieties with changing colors during flowering, which flora lovers really liked.

The most famous species of large-leaved hydrangea with blue and blue flowers This:

Blue hydrangea: planting and care

Selecting a planting site and preparing the soil

The best time to plant blue hydrangea is in March or September.

The place for garden plant you need to choose in partial shade, since the sun's rays can negatively affect the growth and development of the shrub, as a result of which the inflorescences will be small and the flowering will be short-lived.

The ideal place for a comfortable existence would be small lawn, located near branchy trees that will create diffused lighting for the hydrangea.

You also need to take into account that hydrangea cannot be planted close to other plantings, since flowering bush, especially when good care, is capable of growing greatly, so there must be at least 2.5 meters of free space around it.

To ornamental plant grew healthy and delighted you with its flowering for a whole year, you need to plant it in high-quality soil, saturated useful substances . Since hydrangea loves moisture very much, the soil where it will grow should always be moist and loose. To do this, you can purchase a special substrate in a special store or make it yourself.

When preparing the soil, you must not forget that blue hydrangea loves an acidic environment and does not tolerate it when there is a lot of lime in it. The following components must be present in the soil:

  • Leaf soil - 3 parts.
  • Turf - 3 parts.
  • Coarse sand - 1 part.

Planting a plant in open ground

Seedlings of three-year-old shrubs are suitable for planting. You need to purchase them in special stores that sell plants for growing, where you will probably be able to buy a quality product.

You can plant a plant as follows:

  1. Dig a hole 50 cm wide and about 40 cm deep and a day before planting, pour 5-6 buckets of water into it so that the ground is saturated with moisture.
  2. The next day you need to add nutrient soil to the hole and a little mineral fertilizers to stimulate root growth.
  3. Then the seedling needs to be placed in the hole and carefully sprinkled with soil, then lightly compact it around the plant.
  4. Now the young hydrangea needs to be watered generously and peat or pine needles placed on the surface of the soil around the plant.

Caring for ornamental shrubs

First of all, blue hydrangea needs regular watering, as it very moisture-loving. Insufficient moisture greatly affects the flowering and well-being of the plant.

It is necessary to water 2 times a week, pouring 4-5 buckets of water under each bush. The main thing is to never allow the soil around the plant to dry out. In hot weather the bush is recommended periodically spray. In winter, watering can be reduced to once a month.

Top dressing is also necessary step in caring for hydrangea. The first time the fertilizer must be applied in the spring, it should consist of a mixture of superphosphate, potassium sulfide and urea. The second time, fertilizing should be done in July, during the formation of buds, here you need to use superphosphate and potassium sulfide. And the last application of nutrients should be in September using organic fertilizers.

Periodically the bush should be subjected to pruning. If this is not done, the bush will grow to a shapeless mass and will not look at all aesthetically pleasing. It is recommended to carry out pruning in several stages, given that all varieties of blue hydrangea bloom on last year's shoots.

To put the plant in order you need to do the following:

  • At the end of March - beginning of April, you need to remove a small amount of old shoots using garden shears, simultaneously removing dry and damaged branches.
  • Annual shoots should also be trimmed a little, leaving about 6 buds.
  • If the bush is too dense, some of the shoots can be cut off completely.
  • With the onset of autumn, it is recommended to trim all flowers from the bushes.
  • No fertilizing is required after this procedure.

At the end of November, the bush begins to shed its leaves, thus preparing the plant for the onset of winter. The dormant period lasts 3 months, and with the arrival of warm days, blue hydrangea comes to life again and begins to quickly recover.

Caring for the plant in winter is quite simple.. To do this, you must first reduce watering, but not allow the soil to dry out. Feeding will not be needed at this time either.

If the hydrangea is planted in a separate pot, it is necessary to place it in a cool and dark place, and plants that grow in open ground need to be covered before frost sets in.

How to make hydrangea blue

There are several varieties of large-leaved hydrangea that can change the shade of their flowers depending on the composition of the soil. If the soil where the bush grows is quite acidic, then the inflorescences themselves will change their color, for example, pink will eventually become lilac or purple, and white will acquire a blue tint.

But you can try artificially change color buds and here's what you need to do for this:

  1. Before planting hydrangeas, add peat or sulfur to the soil to create an acidic environment.
  2. You can regularly water the bush with a solution of ammonium sulfate - 15 grams per 1 liter of water to maintain the acidity of the soil. Before such watering, it is necessary to ensure that the soil around the plant is moistened with plain water, otherwise the solution may burn the roots of the hydrangea.
  3. To maintain the acidity of the soil, it is recommended to use natural products, such as solutions from orange and lemon peels, drunk coffee, and pine needles.
  4. Very good result To change the color of the buds, they also provide special fertilizers suitable for blue varieties of hydrangea.
  5. If you bury some iron objects near the plant, this can also affect the change in the color of the inflorescences.

It is worth remembering that all these methods cannot be used for a long time, since the composition of the soil may irreversibly change for the worse and it will be impossible to grow other plants in this place. That's why experienced gardeners It is recommended to plant blue hydrangea in special pots designed for such plants, which can be immediately filled with a certain soil and without any problems maintaining the desired composition in it.