Shower      06/12/2019

How and with what to insulate heating pipes in the basement of a private house. Protection of external systems. Polyethylene foam insulation

The problem of warming communications laid in the basement is often faced by owners of private houses. Apartment owners are usually not interested in this issue, because. service engineering networks engaged in housing and communal services. However, the insulation of heating pipes in the basement milestone, which should not be neglected.

The vulnerability of the pipe heating system in the basement unheated premises lies in the risk of freezing and damage to the water supply. In addition, uninsulated communications reduce energy efficiency and increase heating costs.

In this material, we will consider how to properly insulate heating pipes in the basement of a house. Nowadays there are many various ways insulation, each of which has its own characteristics. Let's take a closer look at all the nuances of such a process as insulating water heating pipes in the basement.

It must be understood that insulated piping is a must in the supply system of the house. Many are deeply mistaken claiming that insulation is not a particularly necessary process, because the pipes in which warm water so they won't freeze. This is not a correct statement, since, first of all, the pipes are insulated to minimize heat loss.

Insulation of heating pipes in basements with polyurethane foam - an effective solution

The main requirement for heating pipes is their efficiency. After all, it is this criterion that helps to prevent heat loss. IN heating season the temperature in the apartments is kept within the average, but with high-quality insulation, the heating efficiency can be increased by several degrees, thereby reducing bills for public utilities. Therefore, insulated pipes in the basement of a private house will not only increase heat, but also save a lot of money.

In addition to all the above requirements, there is one more, the main one. All insulated communication must be carried out in full accordance with the technical specifications.

The most effective materials for thermal insulation of pipes, among all existing ones, are:

  1. mineral wool;
  2. polyurethane foam;
  3. Foam materials;
  4. Liquid materials;
  5. Thermal insulation paint;
  6. Coating thermal insulation;

mineral wool

Insulation of heating pipes with mineral wool + foil

Such insulation is a combination of a mineral wool shell, polystyrene foam and a foil shell. This heater is considered the most popular among all presented. It has many advantages, including: resistance to impact chemical substances economy, ease of installation. This material is perfect for both insulation of external pipelines, and for basement communications. The operational resource of mineral wool is up to 15 years, it all depends on the operating conditions. Installation is not difficult and takes little time, installation can be done by yourself. It is enough to wrap the pipe with material and securely fix it. There are two types of this material:

  • basalt wool;
  • glass wool.

The latter is used more often, since its manufacture is simpler, and a more affordable price allows you to fully purchase material for the complete insulation of the piping system.

Polyurethane foam (PPU)

PPU shell for pipe insulation

This is the material that provides reliable insulation pipes, even in the most severe frosts. It is less popular than mineral wool, but is just as commonly used. Polyurethane foam provides minimum losses heat in communications. The main advantages of PPU can be noted: environmental Safety for others, reliability, resistance to any harsh climatic conditions, resistance to mechanical stress, as well as electrical neutrality.

Another excellent addition to all the advantages is high resistance to corrosive effects on surfaces. steel pipes. The only significant drawback is the high cost. But it is fully justified by the presence a large number benefits.

Polymeric foam materials

This group of heaters includes materials that best play the role of an insulator in the basement of a residential building. The best foam materials are:

Insulation of heating pipes with polystyrene foam

  • foamed rubber - has a unique elasticity and has an increased resistance to temperature extremes, it does not burn and therefore is most often used in rooms with a high level of fire danger;
  • foamed polyethylene (Penofol, Isolon, etc.) - a substance that is used to internal insulation communications in the basement, it also has excellent heat-resistant qualities and is completely safe for human health. It is a material in the form of a hollow tube with a cut.
  • expanded polystyrene is one of the insulating foam materials that has a long service life. Expanded polystyrene for pipe insulation is a cylindrical part with reliable protrusions for fasteners.
  • foamed glass is a material that is rarely used, but has a number of advantages: it is highly resistant to mechanical stress, it is difficult to deform.

Liquid materials

Applying polyurethane foam to heating pipes

This type of pipe insulation is quite common and inexpensive. In some cases liquid insulation may be more effective than polyurethane or foam materials. In addition to the fact that such a material perfectly retains heat, it also plays the role of an inhibitor, that is, it stops the manifestation of corrosion. At high temperatures, liquid insulation does not lend itself to any deformation. In addition to the above, it should be noted that given material gives the pipe also a pleasant, aesthetic appearance.

Thermal insulation paint

Ultra-thin insulation in the form of paint for heating pipes

Such paint makes it possible to obtain even higher efficiency than wrapping with mineral wool. One layer of thermal insulation paint can equal five centimeters of polyurethane. It is worth noting the cost-effectiveness and high environmental friendliness of the material.

Coating liquid thermal insulation

When using liquid thermal insulation of the coating type, it is necessary to strictly consider external factors such as weather and climate. When applying thermal insulation, you need to make sure that the temperature environment did not fall below +7 degrees Celsius. Working temperature, after complete drying of the material, reaches up to +200 degrees, and minimum temperature should not be less than -60 degrees Celsius.

At competent operation and compliance with all the rules, you can achieve a working resource of up to 15 years, which is considered an excellent indicator. I would like to point out two important factors: environmental friendliness and economy.

The process of applying insulation is elementary simple. First you need to arm yourself the right material in certain quantities. Next comes the stage of surface preparation, followed by material preparation, and finally, application.

Stages of applying thermal insulation:

  1. Surface preparation. This stage is considered one of the main ones, because the preparation of the pipe involves the complete cleaning of the surface from mechanical particles and moisture. In simple words, we clean all dust, dirt from the pipe, and also remove moisture;
  2. Material preparation. IN this stage liquid is mixed. Remember that this is not paint, that is, it is by no means recommended to dilute the material;
  3. Application. The mixed liquid must be applied to a pre-cleaned pipeline. To do this, take a fly brush and apply the material to the entire surface area. This should be done in at least two layers, or even three. Before applying each subsequent layer of thermal insulation, allow the previous one to dry.

Although this liquid material and ecological, nevertheless, when working with it, it is recommended to wear protective gloves and goggles. Provide good lighting in the workplace in order to apply the insulation evenly over the entire area. Valves and other moving parts should not be processed, because after drying a dense crust forms, which in the future will become a problem when unscrewing or tightening the valves.

Other materials for pipe insulation

In addition to all the above materials, I would like to note another material that is also often used as thermal insulation. This insulator consists of cement-sand plaster, and was applied over the chain-link mesh. The main advantage of this material is that it perfectly protects the pipeline from precipitation. In addition, it is absolutely environmentally friendly and inexpensive material.

The cost of heating a house increases every year. Each owner is looking for ways to save money: the boiler turns on periodically, or it constantly works only at a minimum, and so on. The use of such methods leads to a significant decrease in the temperature in the house. But few people think about how efficiently the residential area is heated, because most of heat is lost on the way to it. If heat loss can be minimized, then the rooms will warm up better and faster, so the boiler will not need to work continuously, and it will be possible to resort to savings without compromising the temperature. Since boilers are often located in basements and other utility rooms, consider how to carry out the insulation of heating pipes in the basement and other possible places where the system passes.

Styrofoam for pipes in the basement

The technology of insulation depends on the choice of a specific material, which is selected depending on the conditions under which it will be used in the future. The most basic difference basements from other possible places for the passage of pipes - a high level of humidity. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the material taking into account this important feature.

It is best to insulate heating pipes on the basement and basement floors with foam, foam glass, penoizol or expanded polystyrene. This group of heaters has the lowest moisture absorption rates. Among the materials mentioned are both budget and more expensive options.

Before starting the insulation, the surface of the products must be thoroughly cleaned of rust and dried from moisture. It is advisable to cover the elements with protective agents - a special paint that can withstand high temperatures. After that, you can begin to fix the insulation on them. You should start either from the beginning of the exit of the element from the wall, or from the junction of two elements at a right angle. Insulation segments have an elementary connection system with each other - a tenon-groove.

The first half of the insulation is applied to the pipe, and then the second half is applied and fixed. The material is easy to cut, but does not bend. It will not be difficult to adjust the dimensions of an overly long segment to the required ones, but to insulate the corners, you will have to cut out rings with different side widths.

Glass wool for pipes in the attic

Unlike the previous location of the pipes, it is rarely observed here high humidity, this is explained by strong blowing. Full insulation of attic spaces is still not so common. That is why a distinctive feature is the high rates of sub-zero temperatures.

The choice of material should be determined by its thermal conductivity, as well as the ability to connect segments without the risk of thermal bridges. Based on this, it turns out that the insulation of heating pipes in the attic is best done using glass wool, slag wool, stone wool and basalt wool.

Products are sold in rolls, which is convenient when working with pipes. In addition, overlapping the edges of the sheets helps to avoid the formation of weak spots in the insulation. Cheaper options are used if the region of residence is characterized by mild winters. Otherwise, you should turn your attention to better and more expensive materials.

Before starting work, the elements should be cleaned of dust, litter and dirt. It is advisable to cover them with radiator paint to protect them from rust formation. When working with this material it is necessary to use gloves, a respirator, goggles and a robe that covers the entire body. The material is cut into sheets, the dimensions of which depend on the diameter of the pipes, as well as the number of wrapping layers. It is advisable to wrap each section of the system at least two times. The edge of each next canvas overlaps the edge of the previous one. Next, clamps are put on the insulated pipes for heating. They are tightened at the joints of the canvases, firmly fixing them in place.

Foil foam for outdoor pipes

The passage of heating pipes on the street greatly affects the decrease in temperature in the house. In addition, parts of the system located in the open air become unusable faster due to the constant exposure to adverse weather conditions. Therefore, the insulation of heating pipes on the street should be carried out using materials with the lowest thermal conductivity and moisture absorption.

In order for the heaters to last as long as possible, they will need to be closed without fail. For this purpose, a waterproofing membrane is most often used. Warming in this case is carried out mainly by means of foamed polyethylene or polyurethane, as well as foil foam. The highest quality insulation with the longest service life will be made using heat-insulating paint. This material is several times superior to other options in its properties.

The surface of pipes located on the street must be thoroughly cleaned before insulation, this step is especially important for elements that have been installed for a long time. Next comes the process of painting this section of the system, and it is necessary to apply paint for radiators in two or three layers. After it dries, insulation segments are installed. Its inner diameter must exactly match the outer diameter of the pipes. This material is laid in exactly the same way as the considered foam. final stage there will be a wrapping in several layers of a waterproofing membrane around the insulated element. Her canvases, as well as when wrapping glass wool, are overlapped. Then clamps are installed on these places.

Do-it-yourself insulation of heating pipes with your own hands is quite simple. You don't need an electric tool. Only the purchase of materials that will pay off in the first heating season will be costly. And changes in the quality of heating residential premises will be noticeable immediately, since the heat will not be wasted.

Insulation of heating pipes in the basement and in the attic: work procedure and materials, Portal about pipes

Why insulate heating pipes. How to properly insulate heating pipes in the attic, in the basement, on the street. The choice of materials and the order of work

How to insulate heating pipes with your own hands - the choice and installation of pipe insulation

Heat loss in the pipeline is the main problem of both autonomous and central pipelines of the heating system. And if the reduction of heat loss within the region is entrusted to utilities, then the owner of a private house needs to take care of the insulation of the heating pipes on his own, and due to the insignificant amount of work, do it yourself.

Is it necessary to insulate heating pipes and what does it give?

Thermal insulation for heating pipes allows you to:

  • reduce heat loss in places where pipes run along the ground, are installed by air (ground) or located in an unheated room;
  • prevent freezing of the liquid, which is the coolant (freezing is fraught with a pipe break);
  • reducing the likelihood of corrosion on the surface of the pipe (for metal pipelines);
  • saving money on home heating.

Thus, the more reliably the heating system is insulated, the more heat the user will get (the higher the efficiency), and the less you will have to pay for gas for heating (or for electricity, if an electric boiler).

Due to the fact that a coolant moves through the heating system, the task of pipe insulation is reduced to minimizing heat loss and preventing system rupture due to freezing.

A popular solution in this case is the use of heat insulating materials. This is the most budgetary and simple way of warming from the point of view of self-implementation.

Thermal insulation for outdoor heating pipes

A variety of heaters makes it possible to choose exactly the one that fit best way for a specific place of application (outdoors, in the ground, in the basement, in the attic) and budget.

The selection of a heat insulator is carried out taking into account the following factors:

  • diameter of the pipe of the heating system;
  • operating conditions (location of the heating system);
  • average heating temperature of the coolant;
  • the thermal conductivity of the insulation (the lower the better);
  • water absorption index. Shows the ability of the insulating material to perform its functions in a humid environment;
  • resistance to combustion, biological and chemical activity, exposure to ultraviolet radiation and other environmental factors;
  • life time;
  • ease of installation (with the condition of ensuring sufficient tightness);
  • price.

How to insulate heating pipes on the street with your own hands

To choose the right pipe insulation, you need to know what types of thermal insulation for heating pipes exist, and what are the features of each of them.

Classification thermal insulation materials for heating pipes

1. According to the installation method:

  • tough sheet heaters . These include: polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam. Despite the high thermal insulation properties, the installation of such heaters is quite complicated in terms of ensuring the tightness of the insulation;
  • roll insulation. Among them: polyethylene (used as an additional component of insulation), foil penofol, cotton wool (mineral and glass wool). The use of rolled materials requires the arrangement of their reliable fastening to the pipe;
  • segment (casing) heaters. There are two types of such heaters: rigid - shells made of expanded polystyrene, polyurethane foam (PPU) or polystyrene, and soft - polymer pipes. The advantage of segmental materials is that they keep their shape perfectly, are easy to install and provide the required level of tightness of the fit of the heat-insulating material to the heating pipe;
  • sprayed heaters, incl. thermal paint. Penoizol has proven itself as a spray gun, because it allows you to isolate even small gaps. Thermal paint has the same property. The only disadvantage of these materials is that they are quite expensive and their self-application is problematic.

Thermal insulation of heating pipes with hard, soft and sprayed heaters

2. By type of insulation:

  • polystyrene and expanded polystyrene. Possess the best performance from the point of view of maintaining the initial temperature of the coolant. Their use in the form of a shell simplifies installation and provides reliable protection of the system;

Thermal insulation for heating pipes - foam shell Heat-insulating material for heating pipes - polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam

  • wool (mineral, glass wool). It can be used as a roll and as a sectional material. Regardless of the type and configuration, cotton wool insulation for heating pipes has a significant drawback, which is that cotton wool is hygroscopic. Those. it needs additional protection from moisture. When wet, cotton wool loses its properties. Therefore, sections often have additional protection in the form of a foil layer. But cotton wool is great for thermal insulation of pipes in the basement or in the attic.

Thermal insulation for heating pipes - mineral wool casing Thermal insulation for heating pipes - a shell of foil-clad basalt wool

  • foam foil. Due to its small thickness, it is mainly used for insulating pipes indoors.

Thermal insulation for heating pipes - foam foil Insulation of heating pipes with penofol

  • polyethylene foam– (EPE, PPE) polyethylene foam for pipes.

Thermal insulation for heating pipes - polyethylene foam (PPE) Insulation for heating pipes - polyethylene foam pipe

Comparison of thermal insulation materials for pipes - video

Heating pipe insulation technology

The choice of pipe insulation and the method of its installation is influenced by the location of the pipeline.

Insulation of heating pipes on the street

External thermal insulation of pipes is the most difficult method of insulation, since outdoors not only pipes need protection, but also the insulation itself. For outdoor installation, non-hygroscopic materials are used, or others, but reliably protected from moisture by a film, casing.

In addition, it is advisable to use the densest and thickest insulation on the street. Another requirement is the use of material that is resistant to ultraviolet radiation, bad weather and mechanical damage.

Insulation of heating pipes in an unheated room

Basement, cold attic, boiler room - a feature of such premises is the absence of heating radiators. But since the pipes are filled with a heat carrier and located in an environment with minimal humidity, there are no special requirements for either the heat-insulating material or its thickness.

Thermal insulation of heating pipes in an unheated (cold) room

Insulation of heating pipes underground

The specifics of installing heating pipes underground is that they must be laid below the freezing level of the soil, and this is a depth of one and a half to two meters. If this requirement is not adhered to, the coolant will be strongly cooled until it passes through the heating main located in the ground. In order to reduce heat loss, you need to take care of high-quality insulation of the underground pipeline.

The masters say that the best solution in this case would be to use a cable heating system for pipes. But due to the high cost, users prefer reinforced thermal insulation of heating pipes.

Good insulation of heating pipes underground implies the fulfillment of the requirements:

  • isolation of the insulation from the moisture that is in the soil;
  • exclusion of the possibility of deformation of the insulation, tk. in this case, its properties are reduced. This is especially true for soft thermal insulation materials;

According to reviews, the best solution is the thermal insulation of heating pipes using PPU shells.

Note. Users recommend for pipes that are laid above the level of soil freezing to use a combined insulation system, namely: a combination of wool and rigid PPU shell with a protective fiberglass coating. Ideally, even at the laying stage, use factory-made multilayer pipes in PPU insulation.

How to insulate heating pipes with your own hands

The sequence of actions in the form of step-by-step instructions:

  • calculation and purchase of thermal insulation material;
  • wrapping the pipe with foil tape or foil. The foil acts as a heat reflector;
  • installation of insulation around the pipe. Sectional rigid (casing) or soft insulation just "dresses" on the pipe. Concerning soft materials, then they need to be cut into blanks, equal in width to the diameter of the pipe. Then wrap it around the pipe and fix it with tape, wire or plastic clamps. Hard insulation is the hardest part. From it you need to create a box around the pipe (or use pipe shells of the appropriate diameter);
  • inspect the insulated pipe for the presence of "cold bridges" and eliminate them;
  • fix the heat-insulating material on the pipe using plumbing or metallized tape;
  • if necessary, cover the thermal insulation material protective material(film) and seal the joints with tape.

The cost of insulating heating pipes, despite their initial value, quickly pays off by saving on bills for heating the house.

Insulation of heating pipes - thermal insulation for heating pipes

Thermal insulation for heating pipes in the open air - insulation of the pipeline of the heating system of the house on the street, in the ground, in the basement, in the attic. Types of heat-insulating material, installation methods

How to choose a heater for heating pipes and whether it is needed

Appointment of insulation of heating pipes

On a superficial examination of the problem, the question raised seems absurd: why insulate pipes through which constantly flows hot water? Indeed, in such a case heating system is warmed up all the time, and the possibility of its freezing tends to zero, along with the probability of a breakthrough. There is nothing surprising in the fact that in the house of the owners who think in this way, it is always cold.

Installation of a boiler room in the basement high-rise building will not solve the problem, since the very presence of cold air near the pipes already leads to losses. In addition, in some cases, it becomes relevant to insulate heating pipes in the attic: some households install them there.

in private and country houses the situation looks somewhat different: often boiler houses or heating elements located in a heated room, so heat loss is almost at zero level. However, very often a situation arises when even in such a house it is necessary to insulate pipelines, for example, if the boiler is located in the basement or remote location building. Thus, the installation of heaters allows you to solve two problems at once: firstly, the room temperature rises, and secondly, the amount of fuel consumed will significantly decrease - and this is a direct cost savings.

Choosing a heater for heating pipes

Nowadays, there is a fairly large range of materials that make it possible to make insulated pipes for heating. Choice suitable material is a purely individual matter, and the decision will be made depending on a large number of parameters. Consider various insulation materials and their areas of application.

Mineral wool materials

Mineral wool is the most popular material for insulating heating pipes. The properties of mineral wool make it possible to use it in almost any situation, and high efficiency becomes another confirmation of the popularity of the material. Mineral wool is able to withstand temperatures up to 650 degrees Celsius, which allows it to be used directly in boiler rooms. In addition, this material is the most common and quite cheap.

  • good resistance to all types of chemical influences;
  • no toxic emissions and safety for humans;
  • low water absorption (one of the most important parameters, since the ingress of moisture into any insulation significantly reduces its effectiveness);
  • cheapness and prevalence.

Mineral wool insulation is very easy to install independently. The main thing is not to forget about personal protective equipment. Mineral wool allows you to create excellent insulation heating pipes in the basement or on the street. In addition, the use of mineral wool was also found in furnace systems: the material is actively used to protect pipes from overheating.

On the basis of mineral wool, other equally effective heaters are made:

  1. Basalt wool. The basis of this insulation is always natural materials, and the main component is rocks with high content basalt. Basalt wool is identical to mineral wool in its characteristics, but has a much lower thermal conductivity.
  2. glass wool. For the manufacture of glass wool, quartz sand and crushed glass are used. Glass wool is good for creating external thermal insulation, because it has a low density and does not respond well to high temperatures.

Polyurethane foam material for insulation of heating pipes

In domestic construction, polyurethane foam insulation is very often used. This material is made in the form of two tubes, which are assembled according to the "pipe in pipe" principle. For clarity, look at the photo of this material. In addition to insulating properties, polyurethane foam is able to provide good protection against mechanical damage. To prevent leakage, manufacturers advise using heat shrink tape made of polymers.

  • no toxic emissions;
  • good resistance to weather conditions;
  • high resistance to mechanical damage;
  • excellent resistance to decay and chemical attack;
  • neutral attitude towards electricity.

All these positive traits allow polyurethane foam to find application in construction, but there is one factor that prevents this material from becoming the most popular - too high a cost.

Foamed polymeric materials

In addition to polyurethane, other synthetic substances are also used to create reliable thermal insulation.

  1. foamed rubber. It has a number of advantages: elastic, resistant to temperature effects, fire resistant. Good resistance high temperatures and open fire allows the use of this material in cases where the insulation is constantly exposed to open fire or sparks.
  2. Foamed polyethylene. This material is well suited for interior insulation. Foamed polyethylene is produced in the form of tubes with special cuts that facilitate the installation of insulation. A large assortment allows you to choose a heat insulator of the required shape and size. Polyethylene reacts quite calmly to cement and other Construction Materials, which makes it possible to use it in any construction work.
  3. Styrofoam. According to its characteristics, it is similar to polyethylene foam, but has greater rigidity. It is made in the form of pipe elements equipped with grooves for fastening. Polyfoam is very durable: its service life can be several decades.
  4. Foam glass. Far from the most common material, despite its good performance. Moisture resistant, has low thermal conductivity, very dense. With prolonged physical impact, it retains its shape. Protects well from a variety of rodents.

Insulation of heating pipes with liquid material

A good material that can compete on equal terms with the heat insulators already described is thermal insulation paint. Applied to the pipe, this paint replaces a 5 cm layer of polyurethane. In addition to good insulating properties, liquid thermal insulation heating pipes protects the metal from corrosion, does not lend itself to thermal deformation and provides good appearance pipes.

Insulation for heating pipes: proper insulation pipes in the basement, thermal insulation of heating pipes in the attic, outdoors, material selection, photo and video tips

Insulation for heating pipes: proper insulation of pipes in the basement, in the attic, on the street, the choice of material, photo and video tips

Insulation of pipes in the basement of an apartment building (cheap)

During severe frosts, there are problems with freezing of water in the water pipes located in the basements. apartment buildings. Rupture can occur with both plastic and metal plumbing .

Today we will try to reveal as much as possible the principles associated with pipe insulation in basement apartment building.

What to consider when performing thermal insulation

Before proceeding with the insulation of a structure located in the basement of an apartment building, you should learn the basic requirements in order to get the expected result and avoid numerous problems.

  • Maximum service life.
  • The ability to self-extinguish.
  • The presence of water repellency.
  • Ease of installation.
  • Low cost.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Low thermal conductivity.

Thermal insulation in an apartment building

What materials are preferred?

To date, the variety of materials with which you can easily and quickly insulate the plumbing in the basement is impressive.

Among the most effective and most popular are the following:

1. Mineral wool

Elements made on the basis of mineral wool will cope with temperature changes. With its help, it is possible to insulate not only pipes in the basement of an apartment building, but also those that are outside or in the ground. What the mineral wool looks like can be seen in the photo below.

2. Polyurethane foam

Ideal for insulating basement plumbing and attics. In fact, it is the outer shell of the water pipe. This design minimizes heat loss and adds strength. This heat insulator is not afraid of chemical influences, does not rot. But it has one drawback - high cost.

3. Styrofoam

This material is characterized high level rigidity. Expanded polystyrene insulation is sold in the form of a pipe part, which has protrusions for fastening.

4. Polyethylene foam

This heat insulator is best suited for internal insulation of a heating system.

5. Styrofoam

Styrofoam is good for insulating heating and water supply systems on the basement and basement floors. It has low level moisture absorption. Also, the foam is very durable, can be used for more than two decades.

6. Foam rubber

The thermal insulator has a number of advantages. It is elastic, resistant to temperatures and is not afraid of fire. Due to the fact that it is resistant to fire, it is suitable for the insulation of outdoor pipelines.

7. Liquid heat insulator

High quality material that can compete on equal terms with the rest. For example, one coat of paint can replace a 5 cm layer of polyurethane. In addition to insulating properties, liquid thermal insulation is able to protect the metal from corrosion and gives pipes a good appearance. But it is not used for thermal insulation plastic pipes.

Regardless of the material you choose, the main thing is that the thermal insulation is effective, and on cold days there are no problems with tearing or other damage.

Pipe insulation in the basement of an apartment building: cheap (video)

In order to insulate pipes in the basement of an apartment building, it is necessary to select the right insulation for pipes. This will help solve many problems.

Water pipes, commonly used today when laying communications in the basement, are made from different materials.

To do this, use perfectly time-tested galvanized steel and a more advanced material - metal-plastic. But no matter what type of water pipes the owner has chosen, he must be aware of the danger of these elements breaking in winter. In order not to encounter such a problematic situation, the water supply system laid in the basement must be insulated with high quality. Then the frozen water will not be able to break communications.

The risk of rupture is present regardless of which section of the water supply is in question - external or internal. When choosing a thermal insulation material for events, many factors must be taken into account. Very serious requirements are imposed on the insulation itself, which must be taken into account. Only when they are taken into account will it be possible to provide high-quality and durable insulation.

Requirements for materials for pipe insulation

IN general view requirements for insulation for water pipes can be formed as such a list.

1. The material used for insulation must serve for a long time.
2. Insulation must have water-repellent qualities.
3. The heat insulator used must be fireproof and self-extinguishing.
4. Easy installation during laying and the ability to use the material repeatedly are also important requirements.
5. It is advisable not to spend a lot of money when buying insulation, so its cheapness is also welcome.

There are other requirements that the heat insulator must meet. Here we are talking about its technical and operational qualities. It is good if the insulation can adequately withstand the effects of the mechanical, chemical and temperature plan.

Once upon a time, heaters similar to a wadded blanket were used to insulate water pipes. But now the range of suitable thermal insulation coatings quite large, so the owner can choose the most suitable option. But first he needs to understand the qualities of existing products of this kind.

How to insulate pipes in the basement with your own hands

Each of the thermal insulation materials offered on the market today has its own characteristics. It is necessary to get acquainted with at least the main heaters in order to accurately understand what opportunities they provide.

1. Glass wool

Manufactured by many modern companies. Glass wool from companies such as Knauf, Isover, and Ursa is especially well known. A heat insulator of this type is usually used to protect metal-plastic pipes. Due to the low density, the material has good thermal insulation. But it will have to be noted that without the use of additional waterproofing, glass wool is not capable of serving for a long time.

2. Basalt insulation

These materials for thermal insulation are produced in the form of cylinders. The material for their manufacture is basalt fiber. Due to the cylindrical shape, basalt insulation can be laid without creating special trays. Some variants of such a heat-insulating material also have a protective foil layer. If there is no foil layer on the insulation, it will have to be additionally waterproofed. Otherwise, over time, the quality of the material will deteriorate.

3. Styrofoam as a heater

The widespread use of foam for insulation is due to its low cost and ease of operation. Laying trays or special protection on the outside of the foam is not required at all. Water pipes with the help of polystyrene can be protected from the cold very high quality and also cheap. But the foam has not the best moisture resistant characteristics. Sometimes it deteriorates due to contact with moisture.

How to insulate pipes in the basement

The technology of using heat-insulating material depends on what qualities it possesses. Therefore, each insulation is distinguished by some of its specific installation principles.

Pipe insulation with mineral wool

The laying of basalt insulation involves two main stages. Actually, they are quite simple, but must be correctly carried out. The essence of these stages is as follows.

First stage

First, a roll of mineral wool must be unwound and cut into pieces. Then each piece is wound on a water pipe. In order to fix the insulation, a nylon rope is used, which is wrapped around the heat-insulating layer, and then a knot is made. It is best to place the rope in a spiral. Then it will be possible to grab the maximum area of ​​the roll to the pipe.

Second phase

Mineral wool must be protected from moisture. For this purpose, roofing material is used, which is cut into segments 2-3 meters long. Then the roofing material is wound on the previously laid insulation. Pieces of the waterproofing coating should overlap, which is at least 10 cm. Next, the waterproofing layer is fastened with a nylon thread, as in the first stage.

Pipe insulation with polyurethane foam

In this case, the so-called polyurethane foam shell is used. Its two parts are connected around the pipe and fixed with tape. Neighboring elements of polyurethane foam are stacked with an overlap. All connections are also fixed with adhesive tape. A similar method can be used for thermal insulation of both the internal and external parts of the water supply.

Pipe insulation with polystyrene foam

This method is considered the most accessible. Expanded polystyrene for thermal insulation of water pipes is immediately produced in the form of a shell, the diameter of which is selected in accordance with the diameter of the pipe. The principle of laying polystyrene foam is similar to that described when working with polyurethane foam. All actions are carried out quickly and without serious labor costs.

Protecting water pipes from the cold is easy. If the owner of the house wants to achieve high-quality thermal insulation, he can resort to any of the described methods. Properly carrying out the planned activities, he will achieve excellent pipe protection. As a result, they will not break even in severe frosts.

Foreword. In the article, we will consider in detail the insulation of heating and water supply pipes in the basement, the basic requirements for pipe insulation, what should be insulated, and also detailed instructions how to insulate water pipes in the basement with your own hands. We will also show a video comparing pipe heaters.

Regardless of what material the water pipe is laid in the basement from - galvanized steel or modern metal-plastic - during winter frosts, frozen water can easily break them. Therefore, the owner should think in advance about how to properly insulate the water pipes in the basement, how to insulate the basement of the house and what material is best to use for this.

The plumbing has two vulnerable areas, which are located on the street or in an unheated room, for example, if you have not yet done the insulation of the basement in the house. The question of how and how to insulate pipes in the basement of a house is easier to solve. Requirements for insulating materials should take into account ease of installation and duration of operation, since everyone wants to do the job quickly and for a long time.

Requirements for materials for pipe insulation

The service life of the insulation material;
Water-repellent characteristics of the insulation, increasing its performance;
Fire safety, as well as the ability of the material to self-extinguish;
Convenience and ease of installation with the possibility of repeated use;
Acceptable cost of material for warming water pipes.

Types of insulation for heating pipes

In addition, a number of technological requirements are imposed on the materials, depending on the technical and operational characteristics - resistance to chemical, mechanical and temperature influences. Having dealt with the main properties, you can begin to choose the most suitable pipe insulation, e.g. K-flex .

In the distant past, a material like a wadded blanket was used to insulate water pipes. Today, the range of pipe insulation is so wide that it is quite difficult to understand the variety on your own, so you should consider in detail all the most popular materials.

How to insulate pipes in the basement with your own hands

glass wool

fiberglass Isover insulation, Knauf and Ursa. The material is most often used for the insulation of pipes made of metal-plastic. A positive characteristic is the low density of the material, its use requires additional insulation using rolled waterproofing materials (fiberglass or roofing material), which requires additional financial and time costs.

Basalt insulation

Basalt insulation in the form of cylinders made of basalt fiber. The shape allows you to mount the insulation without the construction of special trays, thanks to its cylindrical shape, while the cost of insulation can be high. The upper protective layer of waterproofing can be made of foil isol or glassine.

Foam insulation

Styrofoam is the most common material. Expanded polystyrene shells can be used to insulate pipes without an outer coating; it does not require laying trays. The insulation can be used repeatedly, and the performance characteristics of expanded polystyrene satisfy all the requirements for the insulation of water pipes.

Video. Comparison of pipe insulation

How to insulate pipes in the basement with your own hands

Do-it-yourself pipe insulation with mineral wool

Pipe insulation with mineral wool

For plastic heating pipes, it is best to use mineral wool or glass wool. Take a roll of cotton wool, unwind it and cut off small pieces. Wrap it around the water pipe and secure with a nylon rope. To do this, wind and tie the rope on one side of the pipe, and spiral around the pipe to the end and tie the rope securely - this is the initial insulation.

Make waterproofing water pipe. To do this, take a roll of roofing material and cut off small pieces of 2-3 m. Wrap the heating pipe of the heating element. Try to make overlaps of at least 10 cm. Take the nylon rope again, tie it at one end and wrap it around the heating pipe or plumbing in a spiral in the same way. Additionally, insulation can be wrapped with tape.

Pipe insulation with polystyrene foam

Pipe insulation with polyurethane foam

Take the polyurethane "shell" and connect the two halves around the pipe, wrap the edge with tape. Overlap the following parts by about 10-20 cm. Wrap the shell with tape at the junction. The insulation may have a layer of foil, which makes it similar to a thermos. This insulation can be used in the basement and on the street.

Pipe insulation with polystyrene foam

Insulation with expanded polystyrene - the most available material. Expanded polystyrene "shells" are produced for different pipe diameters, installation is easy, with least cost. Take the halves of the insulation, connect it around the pipe and wrap it with tape. Perform this operation until the entire pipe is covered with insulation.

How to insulate heating pipes in the basement video

Related articles:

To reduce heat loss when installing outdoor heating systems, pipeline insulation is used, which is a multilayer casing made of various materials. External protection heating pipes significantly increases the life of the line, reduces the financial costs of maintenance and fuel consumption for the boiler room. With the help of insulation, a stable coolant temperature is achieved, which reaches the end consumer without significant losses.

Insulation materials and requirements for heating systems

List of materials used for thermal insulation of pipelines:

  • mineral wool;
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • penoizol;
  • foamed polyethylene;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • penofol.

Not only the main main pipelines, but also heating pipes of private and apartment buildings located in the basement, cellar, on the roof, street. Modern heaters are developed from inexpensive materials, with an ergonomic design that helps to process pipes without the help of professionals and special tools.

Insulation for heating and hot water pipes - material requirements:

  1. Low thermal conductivity.
  2. Safety for humans and the environment.
  3. Inert to acids, alkalis and other biological substances.
  4. Not combustible material.
  5. High melting point.
  6. Low hygroscopicity.
  7. High corrosion resistance.
  8. Durability.
  9. Profitability.
  10. Easy installation.

Features of the use of mineral wool as a heater

Mineral wool is perhaps the most famous, oldest and reliable material from all types of heaters. Along with high-quality thermal insulation, it ensures the safety and durability of pipelines. The material does not burn, is inert to acids, alkalis, and other chemical compounds. The cost of mineral wool is significantly lower than most modern insulators, which plays an important role with large volumes of construction.

Types of mineral wool for insulation:

  • glass - obtained from glass melt;
  • stone - obtained from the melt of volcanic rocks;
  • slag - a product of processing slag from a blast furnace.

Like most porous materials, mineral wool is hygroscopic and absorbs moisture well from the environment. The material saturated with water sharply loses its heat-insulating properties and contributes to metal corrosion. Therefore, when insulating pipelines, external waterproofing is required. Usually these are sheets of roofing material or aluminum foil increased strength.

The need to use waterproofing dramatically increases the total cost of installing a heating system. Therefore, today mineral wool for warming heating pipes is used in rare cases when it is not possible to use cheaper analogues.

Specifications of expanded polystyrene

Two polystyrene half-cylinders are put on the pipe from above and below. There is a groove at the cut points, which ensures the absence of gaps and reliable joining of the parts to each other. The insulated pipe is wrapped with metal wire, tape or reinforced with clamps. The casing reliably protects the line from cooling and physical damage. Despite the water-repellent properties of the material, it must be protected from moisture. For this, waterproofing is provided.

Compared to mineral wool, expanded polystyrene is a cheaper and easier to use insulator. Preferably, it is used when installing heating systems in private houses, basements, since the material is easy to install even for a non-professional. It is quite easy to insulate the risers with your own hands - it is important to choose the right diameter of the casing, fix it on the highway, and treat it with waterproofing. If the area is damaged, the coating is removed and replaced with a new one.

The disadvantage of using expanded polystyrene as a pipe insulation is the impossibility of processing bends and turns of the heating system with a casing made of this material.

The main characteristics of expanded polystyrene are shown in table 1.

Table 1. Specifications polystyrene foam
The name of indicators PSB-S-15U PSB-S-15 PSB-S-25 PSB-S-35 PSB-S-50
Density, kg/m3 to 10 up to 15 15,1-25 25,1-35 35,1-50
Compressive strength at 10% linear deformation MPa, not less than 0,05 0,06 0,08 0,16 0,20
Bending strength, not less than 0,08 0,12 0,17 0,36 0,35
Dry thermal conductivity at 25 °C, W (m K) 0,043 0,042 0,039 0,037 0,036
Water absorption in 24 hours, % by volume, no more 3,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0
Humidity, % no more 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4 2,4

Penoizol for insulation of heating systems

A modern insulation for heating pipes, similar in quality to expanded polystyrene. Penoizol is applied to the surface of the highway in liquid form using a special sprayer. Under the action of atmospheric air, the material hardens, forming a durable non-hygroscopic film without seams.

Technical characteristics of penoizol:

  • thermal conductivity 0.035…0.047 W/m 0С;
  • temperature limit -50…+1200С;
  • density 15 kg/m3;
  • compressive strength limit - no more than 1 kg / cm2;
  • adsorption – 6…8%.

After processing, the pipes do not need to be closed waterproofing material- penoizol does not absorb moisture, does not let air through, does not react to chemicals, biological substances. In case of violation of the tightness of the coating, the damaged area is simply foamed again.

Pipe insulation with polyethylene foam

Foamed polyethylene is sold in rolls, so it is easy to use it for warming water pipes for every householder. The film is cut into pieces, wrapped around pipes with it, fastened with wire, clamps.

Advantages of polyethylene foam:

  • not afraid of moisture;
  • durable;
  • easy to mount;
  • economical;
  • not hygroscopic;
  • not combustible, melts at a temperature of +115 degrees.

On the other hand, the thermal insulation properties of polyethylene are inferior to other materials. For example, if you wrap a pipe in 2-3 layers, then the insulation of the line is very doubtful. If you wind 5-8 layers on the pipeline, the material consumption will increase significantly and this method of insulation will not be economical. Perhaps insulating polyethylene will perfectly protect the pipe from corrosion and moisture, but will not save you from heat loss in severe frosts.

Which material is better for pipe insulation: polyurethane foam or mineral wool

Polyurethane foam insulation (or shell) is specially designed for metal and polymer heating pipes of various diameters. It is a drop-down casing with a layer of foamed dense polyurethane several centimeters thick and an outer coating of metal foil. IN ready product lay the pipe and tightly close the edges of the insulation. At the junction there is a self-adhesive tape that tightly closes the seam and does not allow the edges to diverge. Insulated pipes look aesthetically pleasing.

With the help of polyurethane foam insulation, polymer and metal pipes are reliably protected from external influences. Today it is the most demanded material for warming thermal mains in modern construction.

Compare polyurethane foam and mineral wool can be studied by examining the characteristics given in Table 2.

Polyurethane foam is the same polyurethane foam, only in liquid form. Therefore, the insulation of small sections of pipes can be carried out by coating them with liquid foam. While solidifying, the polyurethane foam expands, fills the cavities, forming a voluminous casing made of foamed polyurethane. This method can be used to insulate pipes in a basement, apartment or private house. It is especially convenient to foam welding places, bends, that is, those places where standard insulation methods are not used.

Yulia Petrichenko, expert

Penofol for isolation of highways

Of modern insulating materials, penofol received special sympathy - foamed polyethylene with a layer of aluminum foil as an external protective coating which provides additional thermal insulation. This roll material, which is cut depending on the diameter of the insulated pipe. Penofol is simply wrapped around the highway - the material adheres firmly to the surface and becomes one with the pipe. The canvas is flexible and easily takes the form of pipelines, covering the places of bends, turns.

Along with excellent thermal insulation properties, it has a low cost, which allows it to be used in large-scale projects. Suitable for those who want to isolate the pipeline in an apartment or a private house with their own hands. The material is used for insulation, waterproofing of walls, floors, ceilings, mounting seams of windows, slopes, etc.

Where pipe insulation is required

Insulation of heating pipes, hot and cold water it is necessary if the highways pass underground, in open space, in the basement or in the attic of apartment buildings, private houses. Insulation for outdoor heating pipes allows you to cope with many of the disadvantages of the physical and chemical properties of the material of the line and the disadvantages of installing the system.

Polymer heating pipes are more resistant to corrosion, but they also require protection from freezing, physical damage, abrasion, etc. metal pipes, despite the rigidity, strength, can quickly rust and become unusable. In addition, the metal is a current conductor, has good thermal conductivity, which is a big minus for heating pipes and hot water. Insulation eliminates these shortcomings and saves the temperature of the coolant. What to use for pipe insulation, everyone decides according to their own capabilities.

Materials that reduce the heat transfer of heating pipes are used in construction everywhere. Today, manufacturers offer a huge range of thermal insulation materials that can be used without special tools and skills.

And what insulation of the heating system in own house do you provide? What materials do you recommend to use when insulating pipes in a private house?