Shower      06/16/2019

Workshop on the balcony and loggia. Workshop on the balcony and loggia A small do-it-yourself workshop on the balcony

Many owners of city apartments are familiar with the desire to turn a balcony from a place where unnecessary things are stored or occasionally go out for a breath of air into a useful room, especially if its area is large enough. Some need an extra bedroom, others need a nursery, and someone dreams of a workshop, but cannot afford to turn one of the rooms of the apartment into it. already exist good examples such transformations. A do-it-yourself workshop on the balcony is no more difficult than a living room. Now we will tell you how you can implement this idea, and give some useful tips.

Initial preparation of the balcony for refurbishment

Whatever the purpose created premises, glazing is a prerequisite for the planned alteration. If it is already on the balcony, you have to assess its condition and compliance with your intentions. For those who are going to use the balcony only in summer, it will be enough to install cold glazing (it is noticeably cheaper), but those who want the new room to be comfortable in winter should take care of equipping it with warm glazing and insulation.

There are many articles on this topic, so here we will just outline the main steps. Warm glazing includes frames made of heat-insulating material and double-glazed windows. It is very important that all seams, cracks and cracks are well sealed. Then you need to provide thermal insulation of the floor, ceiling and external walls. Features of the installation of insulation depend on the selected materials. In the very general case To base surface a crate of timber is attached, and all gaps are filled with insulation. The crate will then come in handy as the basis for the finish coat.

If you have a workshop, such as a carpentry or locksmith shop, where there is a lot of debris, it is especially important to choose the right coating. It should be easy to clean and resistant to washing. The use of fabrics in the design is undesirable. One of the simplest and most affordable combinations - plastic panels on the walls and linoleum on the floor.

Heating and electricity on the balcony

Another significant point is the choice of a method of heating a new room. These methods are now quite diverse, but in our case it is more rational to choose those devices that do not take up the usable area of ​​an already small room. Among the commonly used options are underfloor heating, wall and ceiling heaters. You can combine several heat sources.

The ability to connect to the mains is useful for any room, but for a workshop on a loggia, where, as a rule, there are electrical appliances, it is not only desirable, but necessary. This means that we need an extension cord, it is more convenient if it has several outlets. Optimal Thickness wires - 2.5 square millimeters. You can make an extension cord yourself, but it's easier to buy ready-made network filter with surge protection.

How to equip a workshop on the balcony

When the room is ready, you can finally start decorating it. It is at this stage that the room acquires character traits associated with its purpose, and the alteration of the balcony into a workshop begins directly. When a small space must accommodate a wide variety of items, it is all the more important to think carefully and plan everything. Practically indispensable elements of any workshop on the loggia will be a desktop and storage sections. From them correct location largely depends on how comfortable you will work.

For a table in the workshop, the main qualities are stability, strength and functionality. A variety of models, where the elements of the support are complemented by shelves and drawers, have long become widespread, as they are convenient and allow you to use the space as rationally as possible. Wardrobes and shelving units of various sizes can be built on top of a table or separate design. Things that are used quite rarely should be stored on the highest shelves in boxes or containers.

If you are making a carpentry or locksmith workshop, in addition to the usual shelves, you can make a specialized one for screwdrivers and similar tools. Drill holes in it of the desired diameter into which tools will be inserted, so much more items will fit on the shelf and it will be easier to find them. There are other storage devices - hooks, pockets, loops, etc. With their help, you can arrange everything you need for work so that the tools are in sight and at hand, you do not have to look for the right thing for a long time.

If stored on the balcony old wardrobe or a table, they, of course, can be transported to another place (for example, to the country house) or simply thrown away. But it would be much more rational to find some use for these pieces of furniture by repairing them or using individual parts for new designs.

Now those who like to make at home can find almost everything they need on sale, including compact machines designed specifically for such working conditions. If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe balcony allows, you can place one or even several of these machines. But at the same time, it is imperative to follow the rules for the installation and operation of the selected devices. Most of them need a stable base - a metal bed.

So, creating a workshop on the balcony is within the power of most people. Even small balcony allows you to organize workplace with a table and a section for the most necessary tools. And if its area is 4-5 square meters or even more, then such a balcony can be turned into a full-fledged workshop with everything you need.

It is foolish not to use the limited area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment with wisdom. Excellent resource extra space can become a balcony, which is often cluttered and simply not used. Even if it is not littered with rubbish, it is often not applied as rationally as it could. A little knowledge and effort of the will can give the dwelling a continuation of the room, another room, a dressing room, utility room or a workshop on the balcony of a city apartment. If you are ready for change, go ahead.

This part of the redevelopment for the workshop may be the most expensive, but the expenses will pay off with interest. Not only that they will give an additional working area. But also the fact that they will save the heating budget in the cold season. If the space is not glazed, we glaze it. If there are old windows on the balcony or cold double-glazed windows are installed, they will have to be redone or completely replaced.

Strengthening the parapet in front of the glazing

Consult with experts - it may also be necessary to strengthen the parapet before installing the glass in order to put strong frames. Double-glazed windows for the workshop should be double-glazed. Frames must be insulating. Slots, cracks and seams should be sealed in the most thorough way with reliable materials - polyurethane mastic and sealants.

We warm

Additional attention when redevelopment of a balcony is required by walls, a floor and a ceiling.

In the construction market, expanded polystyrene insulation, which has a light weight and relatively small thickness, has proven itself well. It is not crumbly, freely cut with a knife to the required dimensions. With the most modest budget, you can insulate the space with foam leaves, but you need to be prepared for the loss of extra centimeters.

Insulating materials can be attached using a crate made of timber, dowels, or put them on glue. You can combine two methods at once to heighten the effect. After fastening, all seams must be filled mounting foam.

Glue, foam and other building materials (solvents, varnishes, paints) are best chosen without toluene. This Chemical substance is a toxic poison and can lead to irreversible damage to the nervous system upon contact.

The most time-consuming process will be the process of insulating the floor of the balcony: it must be well waterproofed, leveled, and only then lay out the insulation. The floor insulation is completed by laying polymer concrete and reinforced mesh.

To insulate the walls and ceiling, it is enough to attach a heater and sew up the walls with moisture-resistant cardboard. Can be installed on the ceiling suspended structure. To avoid the inevitable problems with fungus and mold on the balcony, use vapor barrier tape.

We finish

We induce comfort depending on the destination additional meters. You can simply paint the moisture-resistant cardboard in any color, which completed the insulation stage. You can stick wallpaper, sheathe walls MDF panels, wood or plastic.

Properly laid tiles are one of the keys to success

If you arrange a workshop on your balcony, it is better to take materials that are resistant to frequent washing, mechanical damage or fire - depending on the field of activity. Perhaps the best solution in terms of reliability will be a tiled floor. Linoleum or laminate in cases of work with high temperatures unwanted. And in such cases it is better to sew up the walls with drywall and paint. So it will be both more durable and safer.

Adjusting temperature and light

For additional heating the most obvious options are to make a heated floor, put a radiator, heat gun or heater. If winters in your area are harsh and long, you can use more than one heat source. Depending on the climate and the direction of the world to which the balcony faces, air conditioning may be indispensable in the summer.

For heating, it is better not to use the air conditioner to avoid overheating of the equipment.

If the space is equipped for a workshop, it must be equipped with good light. We take the cable for electricity out of the room, we take extension cords to help. For general workshop lighting ideal option there will be fluorescent lamps that illuminate well and have a soft effect on vision. You can separately install lamps for each working surface to make your balcony workshop the best workplace in the world.

We bring comfort

If all the main work is completed, the final part of the reincarnation remains - to create comfortable conditions for housing, comfort, productive work and creativity. To select furniture and interior details general recommendations No. It's up to the taste and imagination of the owners.

About a separate working area many people dream in their apartment, regardless of whether it is a man or a woman. In other words, such a corner can be called a working workshop. Of course, the owners own house this idea does not seem impossible. The workshop in this case can be located on any free territory both inside the house and nearby.

It is a little more difficult to fulfill such a dream if a person is not the owner of a huge house, but of an ordinary city apartment. In an apartment with a large area, a workshop can be organized in a free room. But what if the housing is small? In this case, you can get out of the situation in your own way. With a strong desire, you can organize a workplace on your long-empty balcony.

As with any construction, before you start working, you need to plan your actions. First of all, the balcony is freed from various furniture and other things that no one remembers for a long time. This usually takes a little time. It is very difficult for many to part with their old furniture, so you can not send it to the trash, but transport it to a more secluded place, for example, to the country house, to the garage, or simply give it to good hands. But you can give an old closet or table new life. In this construction it will be possible to use their details.

By correctly measuring the territory and calculating the scale of the work to be done, you can save not only personal time, but also money. This must be done with great precision in order to acquire further the right amount building material.

What you need

A workshop on the balcony of a city apartment is a rather serious step, especially for a beginner in this business. Therefore, pick necessary materials should be slow. Initially, you need to consider everything as carefully as possible. repair work that are to be carried out. For best result you can see the options for the workshops in the photo. In the gallery you can find many options, and at least one, but you should definitely fit.

You can create a workshop on the balcony on your own or with the whole family. Buy necessary details for repairs, you can hardware store or even in the market. It is much easier, of course, to contact the masters of their craft, who will complete the order as quickly and efficiently as possible, but for a certain amount of money.

DIY artist's workshop on the balcony

For execution construction works it is desirable to purchase such materials:

  • wooden slats;
  • wooden bars;
  • screws;
  • foil insulation;
  • putty mixture;
  • small fixtures.

What do you need first

In any case, the loggia must be glazed - this is the first rule for creating a workplace on the balcony. By doing this, you keep warm in your future workshop. If the balcony is already glazed, but with old ventilated windows, you need to install durable double-glazed windows. This is exactly the moment when you can not do without experts in their field. Only they will be able to cope with this task quickly and efficiently.

Thorough insulation of the balcony should be approached only if it is used. all year round. If in winter time the workshop will not function, you can not deal with insulation. All that needs to be done is to update the interior and put things in order by making cosmetic repairs.

DIY workshop on the balcony

Balcony insulation

After the windows are installed, you need to pay attention to cracks and crevices, if they are detected, they must be covered up. Cracks can be found on the walls as well as on the floor and ceiling.

After the installation of the frame follows the perimeter of the entire room. For this you should use wooden bars. They are attached to the walls of the balcony with the same interval from each other, after which a heater is inserted into the openings formed. Its thickness should correspond to the scale of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe balcony and not take up extra space.

After the work done, you need to hide the insulated walls behind a special fabric - isospan. Thanks to this fabric, neither cold nor moisture is allowed into the house. Therefore, full-fledged work in the workshop on the balcony will be provided.

Workshop on the balcony - self-refurbishment

All insulation and shelters are pressed with wooden slats, this is done thanks to a drill and screws. To cover the main surface of both the walls and the ceiling, plastic panels are used. Such a step provides not only practicality and reliability, but also aesthetics.

To complete the insulation, it is necessary to install a heated floor and a radiator. These items are purchased in a special store. After the heating elements are installed on the floor, they are poured cement screed. Leave the floor in this state and wait until it dries. Later it will need to be closed using any flooring which is more suitable.

At the final stage, you need to connect the elements of the radiator and the floor with electrical wiring, checking how well everything works. The main work can be considered completed, in front of you is a finished workshop on the balcony. But soon this place will look different.

Room furnishings

It is at this stage that an ordinary balcony turns into a workshop. Everything needs to be well thought out and planned, as you face a difficult task - to accommodate a large number of different items in one small room. It must be remembered that the most basic element of any workplace on the balcony is the table and departments, in which the storage of all sorts of little things is concentrated. The convenience of your work depends on the location of these elements.

Table and cabinet

The table, which is located in the workshop, simply must be durable, stable and functional. On this moment already widespread models that include drawers and extra shelves. They are not only considered very comfortable, but thanks to them the use of space is as rational as possible.

Racks or can be either a separate design or located above the table. Items that will be rarely used should be placed in boxes, containers, or on the topmost shelf. To conveniently store small parts, many tend to use shelves, pockets, loops, hooks and any other convenient devices. Thanks to them, all the necessary tools will be at hand, they will not need to be searched for a long time.

Not to buy new furniture, you can use an old cabinet or table. They can either be repaired or used as separate parts for new designs. Nowadays, almost everything for lovers of tinkering at home is on sale.

Starting from the square, even several machines can be placed on the loggia. But don't forget to use similar devices you need to follow certain rules. Most machines require a stable base - a metal frame.

Converting a balcony into a workshop

So, it became clear that the workshop on the balcony, the photo of which is presented in this article, is a dream that can be realized. Almost anyone can create a workplace on the loggia. Even a balcony of small dimensions allows you to organize a workshop in which there will be a table and a section with the most necessary tools. And if your balcony has an area of ​​​​more than 3 square meters, it can become a full-fledged workshop, which will contain everything that is needed.

Do-it-yourself design option for a workshop on a balcony Workshop on a balcony - independent conversion

No matter how spacious modern apartment, the home master still interferes with the rest of the family. And the home master always wants to have his own place for creativity, where no one would interfere with him. In modern new buildings, the loggia is very spacious. Arrange a workshop in the loggia home master very attractive idea glazed balcony will fit too. If we ignore specific types of creativity or business, a workshop on the balcony is not such a difficult task. The main thing is to approach the design of your workplace systematically.

Creation of comfortable conditions

Any building construction, especially in a new building, has a number of flaws that have to be eliminated. We must try to close the cracks in the seams of the loggia with mounting foam, inspect the glazing and frames, foam the cracks here too. If there is open space under the loggia or balcony, then the floor will freeze through in winter. The floor needs to be insulated. The simplest and most effective option is polyurethane foam yoga mats. If it will be a carpentry workshop on the balcony, then linoleum must be laid on top of the rugs for ease of cleaning.

In areas with long and cold winters, Siberia and Far East, there is a need for an electric heater. Many economical and compact models are now being produced. The choice of model is up to the owner, but it is better to place the heater on the wall of the loggia, so you need to choose a model with the possibility of such an attachment. The location on the street wall of the loggia is more rational, heating occurs more quickly and the effect of street temperatures is immediately cut off, and the wall of the apartment is warm by default.

Space organization

Usually, the area of ​​a balcony or loggia ranges from 3 m2 to 5 m2. For a balcony workshop project and even for starting a business, this is quite enough if the space is organized correctly. There should be one vertical rack or cabinet for tools and materials. You have to install it by blocking one of the windows. To the detriment of design, but vertical structures cannot be dispensed with in order to save usable space.

It is necessary to choose the side from which the sun is least time during the day. It is better not to block the eastern part, but this depends on many factors.

Illumination is one of the main conditions comfortable work. Electric lighting is implemented by a duty light bulb above the exit to the balcony and a lamp on a flexible stand above the workbench.

Install a workbench or work table according to the most long wall tempting but not rational. Working with any material requires maximum flexibility in the workshop. If the workplace on the balcony is not a creative workshop of a writer or webmaster, you need a workbench, and not desk. You need to find a workbench for sale with a width that fits into the width of the loggia, or make it yourself. And the processing of long parts can be done on a folding workbench, several models of which are always on sale. They are very comfortable and functional, and when assembled, they do not take up much space. Thus, you can free up space as much as possible.

A stationary workbench must have a cabinet with drawers for small tool and a heavy, stable tabletop. In any case, a bench vise will have to be attached to it - a mandatory attribute of a locksmith's craft.

This example of the simplest design is universal for any kind of home craftsman's work. If the work is not a business, and the creativity itself is episodic, this type of layout is the most rational - checked. A folding workbench, if necessary, is, as it were, a continuation of a stationary one.

Alternative design provides for the installation of a stationary workbench large sizes. In this case, it is installed along warm wall under the window leading out of the room.

The design is similar, but leads to the loss of free space and the acquisition of the ability to install equipment on a workbench. Such equipment can be mini lathe, small drilling machine, milling machine based on an electric drill, etc. The walls between the window and the balcony glazing are certainly engaged different tool, which is recommended to be placed on special hangers. Reinforced hangers and shelves on the walls will free up space on the lower tier of the workshop.

Machine tools and equipment

The workshop on the balcony provides for various creative modes and various business areas. Narrowly focused workshops are equipped in accordance with their specifics. The design will also be subordinated to the type of activity of the home master. The universal workshop is subordinated to the idea of ​​“the master of golden hands”. To the most common types home business include work as a domestic plumber, carpentry, wood carving and fabrication carved sculptures. "Jack of all trades" is also a kind of business, the neighbors will always be grateful. We do not consider such specific activities as working with glass, repairing computers and TVs, weaving and macrame.

  • avoid oversized and heavy machines and tools, professional equipment not a place on the balcony, if only because it is impossible to work effectively on it, and energy costs will be prohibitive,
  • noise and vibration can not only interfere with neighbors, but also lead to a loss of strength of the balcony itself,
  • the mini-workshop just provides for the use of compact removable equipment, which achieves versatility and ease of use,
  • avoid fire hazardous work and work with chemicals, in the case of such work it is imperative to have all the necessary protective equipment and eliminate negative consequences.

When visiting the shops "Do It Yourself", "Home Goods", "My House", the heart of the home master stops at the sight of a variety of equipment that has appeared on sale not so long ago. The choice ranges from elementary sharpening machines to mini lathes for wood and metal. They are low energy, do not create dangerous vibration and take up very little space. At the same time, modern hand-held equipment often has the function of a fixed installation and addition of various devices.

A skilled craftsman simply needs a workshop on the balcony of a city apartment in order to equip a stationary place to work and “create” without consequences for the situation in living rooms. With the systematic performance of some tasks, it is not always convenient to regularly go to the garage or to the country, especially in winter. A permanent hobby all the more requires a separate room where you can concentrate and do what you love.

Planning and calculations

Depending on the type of activity, before starting the reorganization on the balcony, the workshop is personally designed according to the following parameters:

High-quality carrying out of all calculations and determination of the parameters of interest is the key to comfort and effective functionality of the premises.

Site preparation

Make the most of your usable space

Ergonomic use of the space limited by balcony slabs and railings will allow the layout of all objects, drawn in 3 dimensions. Since the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room to be finished is usually not large, it is advisable to load the vertical surfaces (number of floors) to the maximum.

If you plan to use the workshop on the balcony only during the warm period, insulation and heating are not necessary, it is enough to protect the room from the sun, wind, and prying eyes. In summer, it is better to provide air conditioning.


The main zones of the workshop, located on a limited area of ​​​​the loggia, most often intersect, but you can make them separate, up to separation by partitions. These include:

  • reserve storage departments - spare parts, raw materials, infrequently used tools, as well as storage of finished products;
  • table for precise work with small details, assembly / disassembly of units and assemblies. There are also shelves with drawers, pockets, pencil cases, glasses, in which there is hand tool, devices, components of products. The principle of placement is to reach everything that may be needed in the work;
  • platform for mechanical processing (drilling, cutting, rolling, sawing, rewinding). Here they put machines, plates, mini-workbenches, or simply unwind roll material, drums, cut sheets and rods. In general, blanks of the required size are made from large raw materials.

In the case when your favorite business does not take up much space, you can separate it with a partition, screen, vertical blinds from the recreation area, where flowers, books or a computer desk will be located.


Make a combined lighting on the balcony

The following rules will help you rationally plan the location of light sources:

  1. General lighting is diffused, not creating contrasting shadows;
  2. The place of work is equipped with directional sources that create a light spot below the level of the eyes of the master, so as not to blind;
  3. The lamps are switched on sectionally, on separate fittings, for use as needed (it is convenient to use lighting intensity controls).

The required number of points with low power consumption is provided by the use of LED spotlights and strips. For lamps with certain characteristics (light white, yellow, ultraviolet, incandescent spiral), separate desktop, portable, bench options are used. On turning a balcony into a workshop, see this video:


Standard pieces of furniture will not be able to tightly fill the narrow space of the balcony so that the workshop takes on a finished look. Most furnishings are made independently or by individual order.

The table, racks, sectional cabinets, tool holder shelves are made in such a shape and dimensions so as not to hamper the movement of the master. Deviation from this rule not only creates conditions for a decrease in the quality of work, but can also lead to injury. How to make a workshop on the balcony with your own hands, see this video:

To expand the functionality of a small area, you can use folding, collapsible handy devices that set a certain type of technological operations for a while (the principle of an ironing board).

Security Question

After a detailed plan for the future workshop, you should return to checking the ability of the balcony to support the weight of all property. It is necessary to take into account not only specific gravity maximum allowable loads generated by humans, but also the detrimental effects of vibration, high winds and snow.