In a private house      06/20/2020

How to install an outdoor toilet. We are building a toilet in the country: step-by-step instructions for constructing a toilet such as Birdhouse and Hut. Country toilet - cleaning the cesspool

The first priority is the construction of a toilet. The design of this structure is not complicated, but nevertheless it is necessary to make a schematic drawing of the country toilet in order to avoid undesirable consequences during construction. There are several types of outdoor bathrooms, let’s look at them in detail. In addition, we will analyze step by step how to build wooden toilet at the dacha with your own hands.

Drawing with dimensions of a country toilet

Diagram with dimensions and design of a country toilet

The simplicity of the design allows you to equip a toilet in your dacha with your own hands, drawings and standard sizes of which can be studied in company catalogs or calculated yourself. Wood is the most popular and affordable material, easy to process and does not require special tools for construction. The structure itself consists of a frame sheathed with boards and covered with roofing material.
it’s simple, you don’t need to make complex calculations, just know the standard dimensions, study the construction instructions, prepare the material and tools and start rebuilding the bathroom.

Scheme and design of a wooden toilet for a summer residence

Ready assembled wooden toilet in the country

Simple design of a country toilet
It is worth noting that building a house is half the battle, the other half is creating a special tank for waste disposal. There are several categories of toilets that differ in how they process waste.

Backlash closet

In this type of toilet, only the lower part of the toilet is installed, with a technological slope of the floor towards the disposal tank. Thanks to it, the residues flow into the water on their own. The waste container itself is located behind the cabin and is emptied as it is filled.

Schematic design of a closet backlash

Drawing of a closet backlash for a summer house or home

This design is good because it can be installed indoors, creating a waste storage tank, and dug outside the house. To do this, attach it to the toilet polypropylene pipe with a diameter of 100-150 mm.

In this situation, there is no need to install expensive full-fledged communication.

Names of toilet play elements

Important! When arranging a country backlash closet with the pit removed outside the house, there will be no foreign odors in the bathroom.
It is worth taking a responsible approach to arranging a reservoir for residues; it is well insulated, covered with a sealed lid and properly installed.

The process of building a backlash closet in the country

The disadvantage of such a toilet is that when arranging it, you will have to break the integrity of the wall.

Powder closet

The most simple design And . To construct it, it is enough to dig a hole, which will serve as a waste storage area, above which. To prevent the appearance of odor, waste should be poured out after going to the toilet. Sawdust and peat are used as powder.

Drawing with dimensions of the toilet powder device

Closet powder project at the dacha

To build a toilet in a country house with your own hands, it is not necessary to draw up drawings; you can make a simple schematic sketch to understand the stages of work. When purchasing a similar design in a store, a container with bio-powder is included in the bathroom kit. It’s easy to use, just put a bucket of sawdust or peat and use a powder scoop.

The process of building a powder toilet in a summer cottage

The advantage of these toilets is that waste is used as fertilizer. When filling the hole, the structure is moved and the tank is filled with earth, leaving until humus is obtained.
Minus, the soil will be contaminated with liquid wastewater, which is not entirely useful. If bottom waters lie close to the surface, then it is not recommended to install such a building on the site.

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Types of layout of multi-storey buildings

Dry toilet

This toilet, a mansion made of wood, is equipped with a factory-made storage tank in which waste is processed by bacteria without access to air.
Drawing with dimensions for installing a dry closet in a country house

Bacteria are poured into the storage tank along with a preparation of biological origin. It can be purchased separately at a specialty store. The waste is quickly processed, you don’t have to empty the container often, and the waste can be immediately used as fertilizer for the site.

Cabin with sump tank

Very often they create a similar structure at the dacha. The principle of its construction is that a waste pit is built directly under the house.

Project of a toilet with a cesspool in the country

This is not an entirely comfortable structure, but the simplicity of the design and small financial investments in construction make this model in demand and popular.

No one will argue that such a primitive building as a country toilet is one of the main structures, the construction of which begins first. Agree that suburban area you can do without country house, gazebos or fences, but without a toilet in the country - nothing. A self-built country toilet will provide minimal comfort, which will allow you to fully relax and work.

Before starting excavation work, it is necessary to study the sanitary and hygienic requirements and, in accordance with them, select the installation location.

Features of country toilets

Installing a toilet in a country house is not difficult, and you can do it yourself without resorting to outside help. It is important to take into account some features of such construction:

  • Mandatory compliance of the installation site with sanitary and hygienic requirements , presented to cesspools;
  • You cannot allow a country toilet installed with your own hands to create inconvenience to neighbors ;
  • At the beginning of construction there must be there is a method for emptying the cesspool ;
  • The choice of toilet design directly depends on the water horizon of the site. For low placement groundwater the cesspool should only be of a sealed type .

By following our instructions, you will not only be able to properly build a country toilet with your own hands, but also save yourself from the problems associated with its operation.

Types of toilets for summer cottages

At your dacha you can build one of several toilet designs. The selection criteria can be both the height of the water horizon and the frequency of use of the closet, as well as the amount of financial costs that are planned for its construction and maintenance.

All existing outdoor latrines can be classified according to the method of waste disposal. Let's look at a few of the most popular designs.

Pit toilets for summer cottages

This is perhaps one of the most popular designs in rural farmsteads and summer cottages. It is not difficult to build a cesspool toilet with your own hands in the country, because the sewer system is an ordinary deep hole, in which liquid residues evaporate or are absorbed into the ground.

The depth of the pit directly affects the frequency of its cleaning, so it is not necessary to remove waste often. Most often, the hole is simply filled with soil and a new one is dug nearby. The above-ground structure can be anything - you can build a country toilet with your own hands from boards, bricks, slate sheets or metal profiles. The main thing is that the necessary strength of the frame is ensured and ventilation is present.

  1. Wooden toilet. The choice of such a design is justified by both the ease of construction and its low cost. Agree, you can build a wooden toilet with your own hands with minimal skills. A wooden structure is often stylized as a fairy-tale house, resulting in not only a functional, but also an aesthetic structure. Often, not boards, but clapboards are used for sheathing the frame. Such a country toilet, built with your own hands, also looks stylish, as evidenced by numerous photos posted on the Internet. The most important advantage wooden building is that when the hole is filled, it is dug in another place, and the house is moved.

  1. Toilet made of metal profile sheets. There are two ways to install such a structure. The first one uses wooden frame, and in the second - a base welded from profile metal pipes. Then the base is sheathed with slate sheets using self-tapping screws or rivets. It is not difficult to build a toilet from profile sheets with your own hands, but this design gets very hot in the summer at the dacha. It is best to install a metal closet in a constantly shaded place and line it from the inside with polystyrene foam sheets.

  1. Brick toilet. Before you build a brick toilet in your country house with your own hands, take a good look at the site, study existing projects, and watch the video. It will not be possible to move such a structure to a new location, so it is necessary to provide a method for cleaning the cesspool. When constructing a brick building, do not forget about the need to install a concrete floor.

Backlash closet

This type of toilet resembles the design described above. Its special feature is the construction of a cesspool. Most often her walls and bottom are sealed so that when filling, waste can be pumped out using a sewer truck. Equipping this toilet in the country with their own hands, they dig elongated pit, for the smooth installation of sewer hoses. A huge disadvantage of backlash closets is the impossibility of cleaning them in winter , therefore, if necessary, install a pit heating system.

Powder closet

This toilet has a small (maximum 20 l) container for collecting sewage, installed under the seat. After dealing with natural needs, the waste is covered with ash, sawdust or peat. To do this, install a box with these in the room. bulk materials. If you are interested in the question of how to make a toilet in the country, remember the disadvantages of powdered closets: pour the contents of the sewer container into the toilet with your own hands. compost pit- not the most pleasant procedure. Let’s not keep silent about the huge advantage of such a closet - with proper ventilation it can be placed even in a country house.

Peat toilet for a summer residence

The peat toilet is a more advanced design of the powder closet. The peculiarity of the device is that there is no need for an additional box of peat - it is poured directly inside. After visiting a peat toilet, the waste is “powdered”, and after filling the sewer container, it is taken out and taken out.

Choosing a place to install the toilet

Our recommendations regarding choosing a site for future construction will help you build a toilet in your country house with your own hands:

  • If you are planning a building equipped cesspool, then be sure to take into account the need for an access road for a sewer truck;
  • The distance from the toilet to the place of water intake should not exceed the sanitary norm of 25 meters, the distance to nearby buildings should be more than 5 meters, and to the border of the site - 1 meter.
  • Be sure to study the wind rose map and take into account their direction.
  • The toilet door should open in the direction opposite to the nearest boundary of the site.

Also, do not install the toilet in very remote areas or obstruct the access route. Provide free access to the structure.

We build a country toilet of the Birdhouse type with our own hands

The “birdhouse” is a wooden one, covered with any available material, with one or gable roof. This toilet is installed in conjunction with a cesspool. When arranging a country toilet of this type with your own hands, you can use ready-made drawings or create an individual project.

As standard project You can take the following dimensions for a Birdhouse toilet with a pitched roof:

  1. rear wall height - 2 m,
  2. front - 2.30 m
  3. with a width of at least 1 m.

The dimensions of the base are at least 1x1m. When installing a wooden toilet with your own hands, it is mandatory control of horizontal and vertical surfaces using a building level.

So, we are building a Birdhouse toilet. For work you will need :

  • Concrete border 2 m long - 2 pcs. or sand-cement blocks - 4 pcs.
  • Ruberoid - 2 m2.
  • Sand.
  • Edged boards: 6000x100x50mm - 3 pcs., 6000x100x50mm - 1 pc., 6000x90x32mm - 3 pcs.
  • Lining 3000x87mm - 40 pcs.
  • Wooden beam 6000x50x50 - 1 pc.
  • Galvanized steel profile sheet 1520x2000x0.4mm - 1 pc.
  • Door block 900x2000mm
  • Door hinges, latch, handle, nails, screws.
  • Paint or varnish.

Let's describe toilet construction process at the dacha with your own hands step by step:

  1. Digging a cesspool size of at least 1x1x2 m. Remember that the dimensions of the toilet that you plan to install in your dacha with your own hands are determined by the dimensions of the pit. Place a layer at the bottom of the hole broken bricks or rubble.

  1. As the foundation of a house We install a concrete curb at a distance of no more than 20 cm from the edges of the pit as a ceiling. To do this, we dig it in so that the height of the concrete base above the ground is no more than 10-15 cm. Instead of a border, you can dig four blocks of sand-cement mortar, on which we subsequently install the frame.

  1. Place it on a concrete curb roofing material in 3-4 layers as a moisture insulator.
  2. We build a wooden frame and cover it with boards, clapboard, etc. The toilet floor must be laid with boards at least 40mm thick. It is better to use hard wood - oak, beech, larch and others.

  1. Cut a hole in the floor up to 30cm in diameter. The shape of the “glass” can be arbitrary: oval, heart, rhombus, circle, etc.

  1. Installing the door and cut out a window of any shape in it for the passage of light.
  2. The roof of the house is covered with roofing felt, asbestos-cement or profile steel sheet.

  1. Painting the structure oil paint or varnish.

When arranging wooden country toilets with your own hands, do not forget to install simple ventilation. Its purpose is to remove air from the pit into the atmosphere. To do this, you can take any pipe with a diameter of at least 100 mm. Then a hole of the required diameter is cut in the roof and podium of the toilet and the pipe is installed to a height of at least 20 cm above the roof. All passages of the hood are sealed, and a deflector is installed at its end, which will create the necessary draft.

You can do it yourself from the inside of the "Birdhouse" country toilet cover with foam plastic, and to decorate it beautifully with suitable material, just watch a video from the Internet and use ready-made ideas.

We build a “Shalash” type toilet with our own hands

Although the “Shalash” type toilet is more difficult to manufacture, it looks much more impressive than the “Birdhouse”.

Some craftsmen style a country toilet like a fairy-tale house, creating real masterpieces with their own hands. Photos of such buildings from the Internet amaze the imagination with their thoughtfulness and skill in execution. Well? Are we building such an original toilet in the country? Then we get down to business and begin to dig a cesspool. Its dimensions can be taken from the previous project. At the corners of the pit, they dig a recess in the ground for the installation of concrete blocks. To control the squareness, not only the distance between the blocks is measured. The diagonals of the base should also be the same.

When installing the foundation, control the horizontal position by placing a level strip on two adjacent blocks and a building level on top. The height of the concrete base should be no more than 15 cm above the surface of the site.

In order not to miss important little things, install a country toilet with your own hands step by step :

  1. Lay any moisture insulator on an impromptu foundation. Roofing felt laid in 2-3 layers copes well with this function.
  1. A frame is assembled from 50x50mm timber base measuring 1x1m and nailed down with edged boards. On top of this “deck” there is a flooring made of floorboards.

  1. Cut a technological hole in the bottom. You can go beyond the circle and come up with an interesting “glass” shape.

  1. We coat the wooden base with an antiseptic from all sides. If, when installing a toilet in your dacha with your own hands, you are not sure of the correctness of your actions, study the instructions, in which all the processes are described step by step.
  2. Using a sketch or drawing, assemble the back and front parts.

  1. Sew both pieces“Hut” with clapboard inside.

  1. Install the back and front walls on the floor and fasten them with scraps of boards.
  2. Nail the sheathing boards. At the end of the work they also need to be sheathed.
  3. Take boards at least 1800 mm long and, leaning them on the back and front of the “Hut”, nail them to the slats. Thus, we get the roof of the house.

  1. The roof on our built In your dacha, you can install a toilet with your own hands by studying photos of similar structures or by putting your imagination to work. In principle, any material will do, but do we really need banality when we are creating a house from a fairy tale?
  2. Installing the skate, you can decorate it with a suitable figurine.
  3. We hang the doors, having previously provided them with a handle and a hook. From the outside we nail a pinwheel of any shape.

  1. Painting the toilet house oil paint or varnish.

When installing a toilet in your country house with your own hands, use your imagination or watch a video showing a gallery of toilet houses; don’t be afraid to experiment. Only in this case you will receive an elegant, exclusive structure.

Features of installing a peat toilet

The use of peat substrate for sprinkling waste is justified for several reasons.

  • Firstly, peat perfectly absorbs unpleasant odors.
  • Secondly, the increased hygroscopicity of the substrate contributes to increased absorption of liquid, which ultimately helps to increase the frequency of cleaning the toilet.
  • Thirdly, after direct application, the mixture is used as a fertilizer, since peat is initially rich in bacteria that convert organic waste into compost.

A factory-made peat toilet does not require connection to electrical network, water supply and sewerage, so it is a truly autonomous structure for a summer residence.

The operation of such a toilet is based on the separation of waste into solid and liquid fractions. If the device is expected to be used frequently, then removal of the purified liquid fraction is provided by drainage or a special hose. The solid fraction is located in the lower container and, if necessary, can be easily removed, since the container is easily removed and has handles for carrying.

The advantage of factory designs is that they are easy to maintain - just remove waste from the storage tank, rinse the container and add substrate.

Easiest to buy finished device. For those who want to save money, we will tell you how to make a toilet in the country with your own hands. To do this you will need several boards, a sheet of plywood, nails and screws, as well as a toilet seat. So, let's describe it step by step, how to build a peat-type country toilet with your own hands :

  1. Assembling the box, connecting four boards with self-tapping screws. We make a cutout in the front part of the structure for easy installation of the container.

  1. We sew up the top side of the box with a plywood sheet, having previously cut a hole in it for a bucket.
  2. We screw the legs to the corners of the box in such a way that the waste container can be easily replaced.

  1. Installing the structure on the legs and attach a seat to the functional hole (can be factory made of plastic or wood).
  2. Place a plastic bucket under the hole with a layer of peat previously poured to the bottom up to 5 cm.

  1. If you plan to place a peat toilet in an open space, then build a house, for example, the same “Shalash”.

We specifically do not give the dimensions of the toilet, which is intended for DIY installation in the country. It is so simple that even a schoolchild can repeat the design. Let me just give some recommendations :

  • Stock up on several buckets with lids. This makes the toilet easier to use.
  • Empty the bucket when waste is no more than one-third full.
  • Add composting bioaccelerators to peat.
  • Use factory filler.
  • Place the extracted waste in a compost heap and after the required time has passed, you can use it as fertilizer for garden crops.

We hope that our instructions, which describe step by step how to install a country toilet with your own hands, will help you solve one of the primary problems that arise when developing a country plot.

This article presents samples of country toilets: drawings of cabins, their average sizes, some recommendations for construction. The design can be different: there are rectangular, triangular, diamond-shaped designs. Choose a shape, then a material, and you can start building. There are drawings, the structure is not the most complicated. Just keep in mind that the sizes are given for people of average height and build. They can be easily changed without changing the design much.

Outdoor toilet diagram

The most common option for a country or garden toilet is a rectangular structure. It is also called a “birdhouse” because in the version with a pitched roof it is very reminiscent of it.

Project of a country toilet made of wood like “Birdhouse” (to enlarge the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

In the toilet drawing shown in the photo above, a 40 mm thick board was used for finishing. The construction is quite inexpensive. Doors can be made from the same boards, fastened with strips at the top, bottom and diagonally. The hinges can be installed externally, like barn hinges, decorating the building in a deliberately rough style.

Despite the fact that the building is utilitarian, if desired, it can be given an attractive look and the birdhouse will turn into a quite attractive small building. For example, you can make a small mill from this building.

Country toilet-mill - a little imagination and an unsightly building becomes a decoration of the site (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

The same birdhouse, but made from a log house - a completely different look. Everything will look especially harmonious if the building on the site is built (or will be built) also from a log.

Even the simplest log toilet looks almost exotic. Moreover, it can also be used as a winter option (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

For regions where wood is a luxury and it is irrational to spend it on building a toilet, the same structure can be sheathed with a different material. For example, the frame is sheathed with any sheet material- plywood, fiberboard, gypsum fiber board. You can lay finishing material on them outside - tiles or decorative rock. Even more a budget option- cover with corrugated board.

You can build a toilet in your dacha with your own hands from any material. This one is made from corrugated sheets (to enlarge the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

This is the type of toilet that is not difficult to build using bricks. They are usually made in half a brick. There are no difficulties even for an inexperienced mason. Offset masonry, cement-sand mortar.

Using the same project and drawing, you can build a brick toilet (to enlarge the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

Toilet type "Shalash" (triangular)

This toilet stall has the shape of a triangle. The side walls are also the roof slope. You can build such a toilet with your own hands in a few hours. Drawings with approximate dimensions are given in the picture below. Adjustments can and should be made to them: all dimensions are given for people of average build.

Drawing of a country toilet of the “Hut” type (to enlarge the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

If you need wider doors, you can not expand the base, which in this project is already quite large, but make doors of a non-standard shape - as in the picture on the right.

Covering with finishing materials in Shalash toilets is carried out only in front and behind. On side surfaces lay roofing material. You can use any, but soft tiles or polymer slate look good.

Having the drawings of a triangular toilet in the country is easy to build

In the photo on the right, the sheathing is made under sheet roofing material - we used plastic slate - it comes in different colors, is relatively inexpensive, and is easy to install - with nails and spacers.

If you plan to use soft roofing material - roofing felt, bitumen shingles or something similar, make the sheathing solid - from a sheet of moisture-resistant plywood, GVL. They are attached to the frame with self-tapping screws, and roofing materials are laid on top.

Drawing of the Teremok toilet

This toilet is shaped like a diamond. Compared to the “Shalash,” it takes longer to build, but it also has a more decorative appearance. If designed appropriately, it will not spoil the landscape at all.

Drawing of the Teremok toilet with dimensions (to enlarge the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

A diamond-shaped toilet house on a summer cottage looks good. The outside of the frame can be clad with small-diameter round timber sawn in half, thick clapboard, block house, or regular board. If you use a board, do not nail it end-to-end, but overlap it a couple of centimeters on the bottom, like a fir cone. You can, of course, end-to-end, but the appearance will not be the same...

Second option: the Teremok country toilet is made with beveled side walls.

Country toilet "Teremok" - the second project with dimensions (to increase the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

The main catch in any small wooden toilet is to secure the doors well. Door frame- the most loaded part, especially on the side where the doors are attached. To fasten the door pillars to the frame beams, use studs - so the fastening will be reliable.

From this generally simple design you can make a restroom in any style. For example, in Dutch. The finish is simple - light plastic, on top of which characteristic beams are stuffed, stained with stain. Pay attention to the glass inserts and the fact that the roof of this instance is made of polycarbonate. If the polycarbonate is multilayer, it shouldn’t be hot)))

You can even turn the Teremok toilet into a royal carriage. This is not a joke… confirmation in the photo. All you need to do is change the shape and add a few decorative elements that are typical for carriages. So you get a toilet in the form of a carriage.

Here are some photos of the manufacturing process. The original has a dry closet, so the construction is simple: there is no need to think ... but you can adapt such a booth to any type ...

Please note that the shape is achieved thanks to the boards set at an angle, and the smoothly tapering bottom is due to the supports cut accordingly.

The floor is covered with short boards, then the sheathing begins on the outside. At the top, the carriage also has a smooth bend - cut out the appropriate guides from short boards, nail them to the existing side posts, and you can start the outer wall cladding.

The inside is also lined with clapboard. The exterior of the carriage toilet is whitewashed, the interior wood has a natural color. Then all that remains is decoration and the addition of characteristic details - monograms painted in gold, lanterns, “golden” chains, wheels.

“Royal” curtains and flowers))) There was even a washbasin and a small sink.

After all the efforts, we have the most unusual toilet in the area. Few people can boast of this...

Warm restroom

Using a toilet with a single plank wall in the summer is quite comfortable. But not all dachas are visited only in the warm season. For the autumn-spring period, at least some kind of insulation is necessary to block drafts.

In this case, the design of the toilet is no different. Just increase the dimensions by 5-10 cm more: the skin will be double - outside and inside, and insulation is laid between the skin. The doors will also need to be insulated - double doors are too heavy for such a building, but from the inside they can be lined with a piece of linoleum, dermantine and other easily washable material.

Combined shower-toilet

The second most necessary building at the dacha is a shower. And if so, then why build two separate structures if they can be built under one roof. Several drawings of country toilets with a shower for self-built published below.

Option of a combined toilet for a shower (to enlarge the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

The second project of a toilet and shower under one roof.

Appearance and drawing of a toilet and shower for a summer house in one building (to enlarge the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

View and dimensions of the toilet + shower from the front and side (to enlarge the size of the picture, click on it with the left mouse button)

As you guessed, the structure is simply doubled in width. If you want, you can create your own project, according to your desires and needs. The drawing of a utility room with a toilet will be exactly like this. You may need to make one of the rooms a little larger. Just provide for this when planning and manufacturing supports for construction.

Where does the arrangement begin? summer cottage? Well, sir, you have questions. From the toilet, of course (option: “Hey, that’s why you asked! Right off the bat, it’s a no brainer!”). So let’s see what you need to know and how to do in order to quickly, without unnecessary hassle and expense, build a toilet in your dacha. What is it, why is it and why is it impossible without it - see above. Therefore, we omit the typical preambles.

Trends of the times

The country toilet today is completely different from what it was 20 or even 10 years ago. And it's not just fashion:

  • The environmental situation has generally deteriorated and, accordingly, sanitary requirements have become tougher. Traditional solutions do not always fit into them.
  • There has been a real revolution in the technology of processing and neutralizing waste, and many of its achievements are available in everyday life.
  • People's demands for quality of life have increased, including not only comfort and ergonomics, but also appearance.

Based on this, we will figure out how to build a country toilet with our own hands. With one small caveat: we will only touch on brick and concrete structures in passing: this is already capital construction with all the ensuing requirements. It is possible to build a separate warm permanent toilet on a summer cottage site only in exceptional cases due to the small land area. But let's linger for architectural design the most necessary structure, which is included in the quality of life, and the toilet in this regard is one of the most complex objects. If not the most difficult. However, amenable to solution; for an example see fig.

Note: toilets made of corrugated sheets on a metal frame are, frankly speaking, uncomfortable - parko in the summer, cold in the off-season. Good metal cabins are made mainly of industrial production with insulation and internal lining. Then the production cycle turns out to be cheaper than carpentry. If you are still interested in this aspect, then the homemade upper structure will be identical, and the floor with a toilet seat will be identical to that described below.

Let’s finally look at how to create beauty. First you need to deal with the construction, and the design is already tied to it. To build a toilet that is cozy, clean, hygienic and pleasing to the eye, you must first solve other problems:

  1. Select the type of drainage, disposal and disposal system based on local conditions.
  2. Determine the location of the toilet on the site.
  3. Select the type and design solution of the ground structure; simply - cabins or booths.
  4. Understand its decorative design: what is appropriate in this case will be possible.
  5. Estimate construction costs.

It must be said that these problems are closely interconnected and we need to deal with them all together. There is only a booth somewhat to the side; it almost does not interact with the underground part and the base. So the toilet cubicle can be made basically whatever you want, and this is the easiest and cheapest part of the work. So let's start with it.


The main material for the construction, as mentioned above, we take a tree. The fact that it is inexpensive, easy to process, retains heat well, breathes, and after simple processing (see below) remains harmless to humans, but becomes resistant to bad weather and becomes unsuitable for settlement various kinds infection is known. However, there are still circumstances due to which a wooden toilet turns out to be the best solution for a summer house.

About foundations and supports

The soil is considered suitable for construction if its bearing capacity without additional measures to strengthen it and the foundation is at least 1.7 kg sq. see Let's translate into square meters; we get 17 tons (!). The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe toilet cabin in terms of rarely exceeds 2.5-3 square meters. m; hozbloka - 15-20 sq. m. Is it conceivable that they weigh 40-50 and 250-350 tons, respectively?

Go ahead. Excessively heaving soil is considered to be soil that swells by 12% when it freezes. We take the thickness of the humus layer, which swells the most, at 50 cm; this is not a cottage, but an eldorado. 50x0.12 = 6 cm. On homogeneous loose soils, a uniformly swelling surface is considered to be one whose horizontal size is equal to 100 absolute values ​​of swelling; in this case – 600 cm or 6 m.

Are there toilets or cabins larger than 6x6 m in plan? We conclude: a toilet on a summer cottage can be built without a foundation. During seasonal movements of the soil, it will simply rise and fall by less than 10 cm (and most likely by 3-4), without warping at all, which is completely imperceptible.

Moreover, there is no need to build a foundation for a toilet: taking into account the allocation of land for a construction site with soil excavation, at least one hundred square meters is withdrawn from the household supply. And if the plot is already planted, what should I do? And from a construction point of view: an unloaded foundation buried in the ground can warp and tilt more than the soil surface. The reason is the uneven and heterogeneous freezing of its layers. The foundation tape, piles or pillars feel it, unlike the surface, immediately “with their whole body.”

Note: That’s why builders strive to finish the foundations early, so that they can build as much as possible before the cold weather. more walls. The exception is deep foundations, which can winter without restrictions.

The conclusion “without a foundation” is known to summer residents even without calculations with special knowledge. Toilet cabins are placed on bricks or ready-made small reinforced concrete monoliths. However, it would be best to steam the outdoor toilet concrete pillars for trellises. They are sold not only in the southern regions for vineyards; in colder places they are used for hops and other climbing crops.

Trellis posts are produced in lengths of 1.2-6 m, with overall dimensions in plan from 10x12 to 20x30 cm. The cross-section is trapezoidal, with rounded corners on the smaller side. And on the larger one there are 6-12 mm wire rod rigging eyes. By sawing them in the middle with a grinder and carefully bending them, we get pins for attaching the cabin to the base.

Note: if the toilet has a cesspool, then the problem of the rear support beam of the cabin (wood in a chemically aggressive environment) not only resolves itself, it simply does not arise.

In places with strong winds, it is still advisable to make support posts for the booth from 80x80 timber or 40x40x2 corrugated pipes. Metal ones are concreted about 30 cm deeper than the humus layer, and wooden ones are dug to the same depth, having first been treated with very hot bitumen and wrapped in roofing material with sprinkling (rough).


Materials and upholstery

There are mainly 4 types of lumber for the cabin:

  • Beam 60x60 or 80x80 - for the frame.
  • Tongue and groove board 40x (120-150) - for the floor and toilet seat.
  • Edged or tongue and groove board 20-30 mm for external cladding.
  • Edged or unedged board-twenty or 50x20 slats for roof sheathing.

The sheathing board can be replaced with waterproof plywood or OSB with a thickness of 8-20 mm. In the latter case, the slats for the sheathing can be cut from them. It will also be only better from all sides and only a little more expensive if you use tongue and groove forty on the cladding.

Sheathing with tongue and groove boards will show all its advantages if the cabin is sheathed with horizontal belts. But then it is imperative to orient the ridges of the tongues upward, and the grooves downward, in order to avoid the accumulation of moisture in the tongue. In any case, the door is sheathed vertically.

Curvilinear sections, which may be required according to the design conditions, are best sheathed in a nautical style with a boat plank, see fig. Also, such cladding will last longer in places with heavy rainfall, but it holds up to strong winds a little worse than sheet piling. Having a jigsaw with a rotating shoe, it is easy to make a boat board from an edged one; the angle of inclination of the visor of the board is about 30 degrees. The peaks of the boards should be oriented down the slope, as in fig.

Massive, i.e. made of solid wood, lumber, after cutting to size, must be treated: all without exception, with anti-rot preparations (biocides), and then impregnated twice with a water-polymer emulsion; this inexpensive material protects the tree from dampness for many years. It is necessary to impregnate in exactly this sequence, otherwise the PVA film will not release the biocide into the wood! And if it’s necessary, then it will prevent its volatilization and washing out. Parts facing the ground or cesspool (for flooring and lining the toilet seat - under the boards) must be additionally treated with hot bitumen or bitumen mastic.

Types of cabins

A wooden toilet on the street, in terms of type and construction technology, is generally made in 4 architectural forms; see fig.: hut, birdhouse, house, hut.

The difference between them is insignificant, but still there:

  1. The hut is simple in design, durable, resistant to wind and precipitation, the least material-intensive, but it takes up more land and is inconvenient: a step to the right, a step to the left - banging your head. And to “not knock” you need to take the height of the ridge up to 3 m or more, so the savings in materials disappear. The design is most appropriate primitivist-rustic.
  2. Birdhouse still simpler than a hut, it will take no more wood, it takes up a minimum of land. But the structure is weak, and the entire structure does not retain heat well and is more easily blown by the wind; this is a common drawback of all buildings with a pitched roof. It's no good for design. However, as a summer toilet or a utility section in the backyard behind dense vegetation, a birdhouse toilet is optimal; especially due to the fact that a solar heated water pressure tank can be easily placed on its roof. At the same time, the cabin under load acquires additional strength.
  3. The house is warmer and a little stronger than a birdhouse. It requires the same amount of materials and land. It is more difficult to attach a water tank, but almost any decoration and decoration is acceptable.
  4. The hut is more complex than others; more material is wasted. Thanks to its faceted shape, it is very durable and can withstand any climatic conditions. Ergonomics and functionality – it couldn’t be better: the shelf and washbasin do not take up floor space, and you can also add a hanger. For design - do everything that is suitable for the toilet, and in itself fits into any landscape.
About sizes

The recommended dimensions of the birdhouse and floor house cabins, together with the toilet seat, are from 1.2 m in width and from 1.5 m in depth. For a hut with a hut, the depth is the same, but the width is taken from 0.9 m - in a hut at shoulder level (this is approximately 1.6 m from the floor for a person of average height in shoes), and in a hut along the floor. In block Khrushchev buildings there are toilets 0.7x1.1 m, but people don’t go there in warm clothes. outerwear and garden shoe covers.

Note: The width of the toilet in a summer weekend cottage can be reduced to 1 m.

In any case, there should be at least 40 cm from the head of a standing person to the nearest wall; this is important when calculating the angle of inclination of the walls of the hut. The height of the ceiling above the floor is not lower than 2.1 m, above the toilet seat - from 1.9 m. The height of the side of the seat above the floor is also taken more than standard for heavy shoes. apartment toilet 40 cm by 5-6, up to 10 cm, i.e. 45-50 cm, depending on the height of the users.

About door hinges

The hut, birdhouse and house cabins have a common drawback: if you forget to lock the door, the wind can loosen it along with the cabin in literally 10-20 minutes. To avoid this, it is advisable to hang the door on barn hinges, as in pos. 1-3 fig. higher. A durable hut is not afraid of this; its door can be hung on secret hinges without fear.

We are building a booth

The construction of a simple birdhouse cabin is illustrated step by step in the figure; all installation is carried out on nails 100 mm (for 60 mm timber) or 150 mm, for timber 80x80. The sheathing is carried out on 60-70 mm nails. The build order is:

  1. The load-bearing belt or corner slabs/posts are covered with simple, without topping, roofing felt in 2 layers;
  2. Immediately (inexpensive roofing felt, which is not UV stabilized, quickly deteriorates in the light), assemble the lower support frame from timber. Don't forget to edit!
  3. Lay the floor up to the front edge of the toilet seat. The remaining part of the frame is covered with a board of the same thickness as for the floor. Also, do not forget to process, especially from the bottom;
  4. Prepare the front (large) and rear frames. The joints cut into half the tree;
  5. The front frame and backdrop are nailed to the bottom and tied with ties cut into a quarter;
  6. The frame of the toilet seat is made in the same way;
  7. They cover the toilet seat, cut out the seat window (a window is a completely legal technical term) and cover the walls;
  8. Assemble the roof sheathing;
  9. Lay the roof (any hard roofing material), cut out the ace, hang the door (see below for details), trim the corners - done! Whoever is more impatient there can already do it!

The described method is far from the only acceptable one. Construction of a toilet booth is possible in other ways. For example, see a fairly detailed video:

Video: do-it-yourself toilet in the country

What is a toilet ace?

This is the same figured window above the door or in its canvas. Its symbolism is now forgotten, but in the sanctimonious Middle Ages it was quite definite. The heart is not really a call for sex in a latrine, but an ace of hearts. It meant that this latrine was publicly available. Diamonds - only for the fair sex! In the old days, ladies had the right to use any free cabin, and gentlemen - only those intended for them.

There was no smell of feminism or even equality here: the same gentlemen bluntly put chastity belts on those to whom they sang romances (a monstrously unsanitary device), and the murder of a wife for adultery was not considered a crime. Gallantry is gallantry, but take out the right of the strong and put it down! The aces of clubs and spades were not used: the clergy and the military would be offended. During the Inquisition, who knows what was even more fraught... A nobleman would quickly stab or hack to death, and the holy fathers could even send him to the stake.

More cabins

The second most popular toilet cabin is the hut. Since its structure is more complex, we present finished project with cutting of boards and calculation of material consumption, see fig. Pay attention to the door: its leaf with such a system of force connections will withstand any wind and is suitable for any toilet. Perhaps a door left unlocked on weekdays will be torn off, but the panel will not become loose and the repair will be reduced to rehanging.

In Fig. Below are, for example, less detailed drawings of another birdhouse, hut and house. If you figure out how to build a hut, then no further explanation will be needed.

About the toilet in the garden

For a number of reasons, which will be discussed in more detail at the end of the article, it is advisable to build a toilet on the site, especially a hut and a house, among the trees. However, the construction of a garden toilet has some peculiarities. They are not so large that it would be difficult to describe them, so we simply offer a video:

Video: building a garden toilet

Household units

At dachas it is customary to combine a toilet, shower, and barn; perhaps a summer kitchen and a shelter from bad weather (if there is no house yet or a commercial cottage, where squares of land give money) in one block. At least from the point of view of the biochemistry of wastewater, this is justified: in a dacha, the share of gray water (wastewater from the shower and from the kitchen) relative to fecal water is much less than in a residential building, and the volume of wastewater is small, so there is little point in thinking about treating them separately. It is more profitable to treat a cesspool (the utility block allows only this option for waste disposal) universal means. Therefore, let’s see how best to make a utility block with a shower and toilet for the dacha.

Plan of the utility block “Cheburashka”

In Fig. at the top is a variant spontaneously and popularly invented under Khrushchev, later nicknamed “Cheburashka”. Kits of parts for its assembly under the same name are still sold today. The peculiarity is extreme simplicity, low cost and sufficient functionality with a minimum of occupied space. Support pillars(timber 100x100 or corrugated pipe 40x40x2) are dug or concreted directly into the ground. They were once sheathed with slate; now - a professional sheet.

On the trail. rice. – 2 more complex plans for utility units. Their larger room can be used not only as a warehouse/shed, but also as a weather shelter with a kitchen; the presence of a window, its area and dimensions make it possible to place a trestle bed and a table with a fireplace, and wood paneling insulates enough. This pays off with the larger occupied area and the fact that the entrance to the toilet with shower is only from the street, there is no longer room for a changing room.

Finally, in Fig. on the right is a utility block for construction in the corner of the site, with an open summer washbasin. The peculiarity is its compactness and very tiny dimensions: the structure is brick, but if, with the same room sizes, it is made of wood, the plan dimensions are reduced to 2x2 m.

About the sump

We’ll talk more about cesspools, tricks for their construction and ways to do without a cesspool at all below; in general.

In the meantime, see the diagram in Fig., suitable for a yard toilet and utility unit. Pay attention to reflector 1; it is absolutely necessary for the toilet, because... directs the discarded feces to the front of the pit. Then they slowly slide into the pocket under pumping, being processed by bacteria along the way. Without a reflector, the entire biocenosis in the pit will be mixed up, and approximately twice its volume will be needed. Gray waste is discharged into a pit without a reflector, but also into the front part. A blind concrete box 4 and a clay lock 3 at the dacha are also absolutely necessary to prevent infiltration into the ground, and the purpose of the inspection and cleaning door 2 does not require explanation.

What about in the house?

This is understandable; recovering warm is not only more comfortable, but also healthier. However, although it is quite possible to arrange a country toilet in the house, first a number of problems will need to be solved.

The first is the cesspool. It is unrealistic to drain wastewater into a well with infiltration into the ground; According to current sanitary rules, you will then need to maintain the following distances:

  • From water supply sources at least 30 m, and with normal geology in the middle zone - 50-80 m.
  • From stagnant reservoirs and plantings of food crops - from 30 m.
  • From rivers and streams - from 15 m.
  • From buildings and roads - at least 5 m.
  • From non-fruit trees, bushes and the border of the site - from 2 m.

All this applies not only to our own, but also to neighboring objects susceptible to pollution. There are even more neighbors, because in case of conflict, the whole truth according to the law will be on their side. That is, a home-country toilet must be built with a blind-type cesspool that requires periodic pumping. I must say that with the help modern means for cesspools, it can be solved: a sanitation service outside the city has to be called no more than once a quarter, and there is always time to cooperate with neighbors on this matter.

Note: Craftsmen-dacha owners did not ignore cesspools. For example, how to make a cesspool that is feasible for unauthorized construction, does not cause indignation among neighbors and is subsequently suitable for legalization (the dacha amnesty will not last forever), see the video below:

Video: DIY cesspool

The second problem is the smell. It is impossible to put a flush toilet with a water seal (siphon) over a cesspool even in a country house with excess and completely free water supply: excess moisture will destroy the bacteria in the pit, and not a planned pumping out will be needed, but emergency cleaning, with payment, except for a sanitary tank, for the work of a plumber team on the road .

Toilets with cesspools are made into backlash closets; simply - with a push in the form of a funnel with a lid. But the backlash-closet does not exclude the penetration of odors into the room, if only due to jumps in draft in the ventilation and blowing it with the wind. Therefore, the cesspool of a home toilet must be ventilated not with an ordinary fan pipe, but with a breather - ventilation with forced draft, which creates a pressure below atmospheric in the pit.

Putting a fan on the breather broach is a disastrous business. Household in an aggressive environment will not last long; a very expensive special one (it must be, among other things, also explosion-proof) will have to be cleaned often, and what it grows there, it’s better not to see it, let alone smell it or touch it.

It’s quite easy to install a toilet in country house with heating; For options for furnace and boiler, see fig. A backlash channel with thermogradient draft is made under the breather. In order for it to work even in the warm season, when they do not heat, the breather pipe (it must protrude at least 70 cm above the mouth of the chimney and the ridge of the roof) is made of metal and painted black, then the Sun will warm up.

However, there is also an option for seasonal cottages without heating. Let us remember that in the first brick Khrushchev houses, rather rough earthenware toilets were washed clean; many did not even keep a brush on the farm. Why? Flush cistern suspended from a 2.8 m high ceiling; for descent, a pear on a chain hung from it. Total - a pressure of over 2 m. A strong jet with a terrible noise carried everything into the outlet at once.

The noise when flushing was not the last circumstance that gave rise to compact toilets. But in a classic sink with a basin, a weak stream might not wash anything away at all. Then they came up with toilets with an oblique flush, see fig. on right. True, you can’t look closely in them - and what is my stool like these days - and you can’t do without a brush, but a weak stream washes away acceptable.

The author, faced with the need to remodel a country toilet several years ago, thought: it wouldn’t hurt to install something with a siphon so that it never stinks at all. The oblique unique is washed off quite cleanly with a weak stream, but what if you give it a strong one, like in Khrushchev’s? Less water consumption with the same flush quality.

First I wanted to buy a cheap compact with a tank without a dispenser ( the water is flowing, while the button is pressed) and raise it higher, but then I thought: why? It’s inconvenient to stretch, water is given according to a schedule, therefore, a pressure and storage tank is also needed. In the end, I took one sink with the outlet down, straight into the hole. Hanged from the ceiling plastic barrel for 50 l, and supplied flushing water in two sections plastic corrugation through a ball valve with a handle to open faster.

The result exceeded all expectations: it takes up to 3 liters of water to flush. From a 50-liter tank – 15-25 flushes per day, enough for four. The cleaning community in the pit is thriving.

Note: any of the cabins described above will support a 200-liter barrel under the ceiling, but it’s not necessary. Users will get a taste for it, the pit will turn sour from excess moisture and begin to instantly overflow.

And without a cesspool?

Since there are such difficulties with a cesspool, is it possible to somehow make a latrine without a cesspool? They can, and they do. Dry toilets. But, firstly, any sewage system is bio-based, because... Bacteria, natural or artificial, are used to treat wastewater. Secondly, a toilet that is bio may not be bio at all. So let’s take a better look at how you can receive and process wastewater at your dacha without any waste, i.e. make an independent toilet.

Autonomous public spaces are divided primarily into chemical and biological. They can be both, depending on which cartridge is connected, see below. In chemical effluents, they are processed with strong inorganic oxidizing agents or organic reagents of abiogenic origin (formalin, etc.). “Chemists” are expensive, their absorption and throughput capacity is high. The content of the spent cartridge is very toxic, its refilling and disposal is possible only by certified specialists using special equipment using protective equipment, so chemical toilets are rarely used in everyday life.

It is customary to call dry closets those in which the biocenosis of bacteria processing wastewater does not arise spontaneously, but is created by a specially sown culture. From this point of view, a deaf cesspool, processed by modern septic tanks, is also a dry closet, but we will consider options without the accumulation of liquefied sewage and not requiring pumping

The oldest species that has successfully survived to this day is a peat toilet with its kind of powder closet, this is not the same thing. Both use natural bacteria from peat bogs; conditions deep in a peat bog are very similar to those in a cesspool. Peat bacteria are inactive: they work slowly, they process effluents, based on the net volume of the culture, there is little. But they are extremely resilient, they easily “fall asleep” and when favorable conditions are awakening.

In a simple, or composting, peat closet (on the left in the figure), a 40-200 l collection container with stone drainage is placed under the backlash closet - it will absorb excess moisture, and then gradually give it away - and a breather that sucks out harmful gases. Without one or the other, a stable culture will not arise; it will either dry out and fall asleep, or sour and die, or become poisoned and also die.

Using a composting peat toilet is simple: after sitting, pour peat crumbs into the funnel. The collection is periodically shaken out onto a compost heap, after lying for 2-3 years, the fermented and disinfected compost is suitable for fertilization. But a composting toilet, firstly, does not guarantee against odor, and secondly, like a powder toilet, see below, it cannot tolerate overload: suddenly a company showed up at the dacha for a hearty meal with beer, the stench and the need for complete cleaning with refilling are guaranteed.

"Pudrum" means dust. This word and its derivatives with different prefixes in Romano-Germanic languages ​​generally refer to any powders. For example, in English gunpowder means black powder, and baby powder means baby powder for scuffs. An excerpt from J. Darrell’s book “My Family and Other Animals” will help you understand what a powder closet is. Anyone who has read Darrell (Gerald, not his older brother Lawrence) knows that the famous naturalist is also an extraordinary writer.

So, the “absurd family” of the Durrells, in the author’s own words, decided “to improve their health” to live for a long time on the island of Corfu, now Kerkyra. While we were looking for a house for permanent housing, we stayed at a hotel. Next - see the scan from the printed text.

The box that Gerald’s sister finally found in her room was probably taken out of the powder closet. The first devices of this kind were used as chamber pots and filled with peat dust. In the form of a bucket with peat crumbs under a toilet seat, they came to us in the middle latitudes, because... a real powder closet is effective at an average daily temperature above 23 degrees, and the bucket with crumbs needs to be emptied one way or another every day or more often.

A box of a real powder closet with a capacity of 30, or better yet, 50 liters (in the center in the figure above) is filled with tightly stacked vertical plates of pressed peat. In places where there is no peat and it is expensive, they use special paper soaked in peat extract, thick and durable, but highly porous, the so-called. kraft paper. It was this kind of powder-closet that the civilized, without prejudice, but not very knowledgeable Margot Darrell encountered. However, she was then in adolescence, and, having matured, she helped her brother a lot in his useful work.

Peat toilets are sold ready-made. The stationary ones (on the right in the figure above) can be used both as a powder closet and as a dry closet with artificial crops: the drawer holds both a container with peat and replaceable bacterial cartridges. No preparation for installation is required, the booth is simply placed where necessary. One filling with peat filler is enough for 2-3 people for 3-4 days, and with breaks for 5 days, at a weekend dacha, for 1-3 months.

Seats for composting toilets are also on sale, but you need to be careful here. Firstly, various kinds of environmental protection, and essentially fraudulent societies, produce products of the “super-duper-eco-plus XXX” type, like the one on the left in Fig. They are eco-certified. But in reality it turns out that the peat dispenser needs to be filled with special granules, which are very expensive, otherwise it will immediately break down. They do it themselves or their accomplices. A kind of toilet Herbalife or Nature’s Sushine. In general, network marketing as it is.

Sometimes, perhaps simply out of ignorance, toilet seats with a rotating cassette for special bacterial cartridges are sold under the guise of peat ones, on the right in Fig. You can put peat in them, and you can relieve yourself there too. But if the cartridge is simply changed, then how can you clean something like this on peat?

Autonomous microflora toilets use highly effective bacteria obtained through genetic engineering methods. They are harmless and safe for humans, proven by many years of experience, dating back to the 80s. The cartridge with the culture changes on its own (the procedure is no messier than changing diapers), but the contents are unsuitable for fertilizer and must be recycled. For a weekend home, 1 cassette is enough for the summer, for a seasonal one you will need 2-3 replacements. However, here too you need to choose carefully. No cheating, there are just a lot of different varieties.

For example, there is no point in taking a very expensive public cabin, pos. 1 in Fig. at the bottom. Yes, it is warm, anti-vandal, and can take in a lot. But - the shelf life of any bacterial cartridge is limited, regardless of the nature of use. The crop degrades long before you use its absorption capacity, and the cost of replacing a cassette is not small.

The second pitfall is handicraft cheap stuff, pos. 2. Take a cheaper “alternative” bio-toilet (see below) and build a cubicle around it. Then - rapid degradation, smell, replacement of the cartridge with your own. The miser pays twice, as always. If we take a one-piece dry closet, then a dacha-household one, pos. 3. These are cheaper due to the smaller drainage resource, it is designed for a family.

The same applies to the biotoilets themselves. High-capacity public, capable of working on both microflora and chemistry, pos. 4, are expensive and everything that was said about ready-made dry closets applies to them. There are special country bio-toilets on sale, pos. 5, cheaper and designed for a family. But what can be poured into their tank is not water (they spoil immediately), but a special liquid supplied for flushing literally in drops, so you need to find out what it is washed with and how much the flush costs.

Bucket toilets for dachas (item 6) come with replaceable cartridges designed for 3-5 people and 2-5 days; for a weekend dacha this is not the worst option. But there are also chemical disposable ones, they are intended for traveling work, various kinds of field trips, etc. As a rule, they are rented, and when the absorber is depleted or upon returning home, they are given for refilling.

Another “bio-dacha” option is a toilet with a separate cartridge, pos. 7. Costs much less than a ready-made toilet. By making the cabin to your liking or purchasing it separately, you can get a completely hygienic room that everyone needs, pos. 8. For a summer residence, this is perhaps the best option today: the cost of a toilet and changing cartridges over a long period of time is less than a zero cycle and a cesspool for a booth.

Note: However, the widespread use of dry toilets is hampered by a significant circumstance - bacteria designed for small cartridges are unable to accept gray waste. Therefore, for a summer house inhabited from spring to autumn, it is better to recommend a deep cesspool, treated with bacteria that are not so effective and require more living space, but are omnivorous.

And about design

It is a truism that design follows from functionality and should not come at the expense of it. However, the functionality of the toilet is unsightly, and this is not a complex. All living things are vulnerable when performing their natural needs. Shame is just a manifestation of the instinct of self-preservation. The reproductive instinct may override it, but urination and defecation are not coitus. Therefore, in the design of a toilet you need to know very well and carefully observe the measure.

For example, there is no need to force the toilet to repeat: “No, I’m not a toilet!”, as in pos. 1-3 fig. Whether it’s done clumsily or with great skill, it doesn’t matter. It will turn out something like an excuse for a certain character: “Boss, I didn’t steal a green crocodile lobber with 185 bucks and 50 cents and a photo of a 30-year-old blonde with a school-age boy!” To which came: “Did I tell you, you lame cormorant, which wallet was stolen?” Since the cabin catches the eye, what kind of secrecy is there in the departure?

Pos. 4-6 illustrate a generally legitimate approach - camouflage. We will modestly remain silent about our essence, and whoever needs it will be shown or will find it himself. There is scope for design delights, but only with great experience, taste and ability to work. Otherwise, something like pose will come out. 7-9, upon seeing which both the designer and the psychiatrist will agree on one thing: this is not design.

When decorating a toilet, it is best to remember: what is natural is not ugly, even if it cannot be displayed. Specifically, natural camouflage for this need: vegetation, stone, pose. 10-12. Rustic primitivism and phytodesign are by no means at odds, pos. 11. But since the booth is larger than a person and the view from it is worse, it is advisable to place a booth of simple natural shapes among trees, poses. 10. Or, as is usual in bushes, hide among small phytoforms so that it is not visible, pos. 12. In this case, this is the most natural and, therefore, the best technique. And the most hygienic.

Arrangement of a country toilet is a primary problem when developing an acquired suburban area.

The overall dimensions of a country toilet may vary.

They directly depend on several main factors, including location, design features and interior design options.

As a rule, the construction of a country toilet is planned on the street, where it is not difficult to build this type of structure yourself, but you must take into account a number of nuances that allow you to choose the right place to install such a structure.


  • The decision to allocate a place for installing a toilet in the central part of the local area, directly on the demarcation line with the neighboring property, is unsuccessful. In this case, the discomfort from countryside holiday or permanent residence will be provided not only to the owners of the dacha, but also to the neighbors.
  • The best option for construction would be the corner of the dacha plot, with a distance of at least one meter from the rear and side demarcation lines.

The choice of location for a country toilet must necessarily be based not only on the ease of use of such a building, but also take into account the established sanitary and hygienic requirements for such buildings. Sanitary standards regulated by SanPiN No. 42-128-4690-88.

In accordance with the current rules for planning and development of territories of garden and dacha associations, as well as settlements, the distance from a cesspool toilet pit to a household and residential buildings should be at least 10-12 m, and to a stationary source of water intake, including drinking wells - not less than 25 m.

Toilet at the dacha

An exception may be made for areas and settlements with already established buildings, where it is not possible to comply with established standards for the arrangement of outdoor toilets. In this case, the distance to the building is determined by commission.

The optimal location of the booth is a meter from the fence, about 12-13 m from basement or cellar, approximately 4 m from fruit trees and one and a half meters from bushes. If a sealed septic tank is installed with the need for periodic pumping of wastewater, then unimpeded access for the sewer truck is ensured.

When choosing a location for installation, it is very important to correctly determine the wind rose, which will not allow the building to bother the owners of the home with sewer odors, regardless of the time of year and weather conditions.

Country toilet dimensions

In order to correctly determine the size of the toilet in the country, you need to choose the type of construction of such a structure, which can be represented by:

  • the simplest and most common option, well known as the “village” toilet with a traditional pit cesspool;
  • a toilet house of the “backlash-closet” type, which provides for the arrangement of a cesspool reservoir with full waterproofing, which prevents wastewater and waste products from entering the soil or groundwater;
  • a country toilet of the “powder-closet” type or a dry closet installed inside a self-built wooden house.

Schematic diagram of the closet play

The permissible dimensions of a “house” on the floor, taking into account the toilet seat, are considered to be one and a half meters deep and approximately 1.2 m or more in width. The construction of a country toilet of the “hut” or “hut” type involves one and a half meters in depth and about 90-100 cm in width. In accordance with the rules, at least 35-40 cm must remain from the user’s head in a standing position to the wall, which must be taken into account when calculating the angle of inclination of the hut walls.

As practice shows, optimal height from floor to ceiling is 2.0-2.1 m, and approximately 1.90-1.95 above the toilet seat. Convenient indicators are the height of the side of the toilet seat from the floor at the level of half a meter.

Compared to the “birdhouse” and “hut” models, as well as the “house”, the design of the outdoor country toilet called “hut” is not in danger of loosening, which is due to its design features.

Schemes and drawings

Creating a schematic drawing of a building is one of the most important stages, allowing not only to build the structure correctly, but also to calculate the amount of everything as competently as possible building material, necessary for the manufacture of a country toilet.

Drawing of a country toilet Teremok

Scheme of a rectangular outdoor toilet

The main task of the created drawing-project of a country street toilet is to detail the design, indicating the size, shape and type of the building being built.

You can develop a schematic drawing of the building yourself or take as a basis a ready-made detailed design of an outdoor toilet from the Internet.

Construction of a cesspool

On sandy or sandy loam soil types, when groundwater occurs at a level of less than 2.5 m, it is advisable to construct a cesspool without a bottom according to the following technology:

  • digging a pit with scattering of the top layer of soil over the site. Approximately one and a half cubic meters of soil should be left for installing thermal insulation above the ceiling;
  • construction of walls with simultaneous laying of pipes. The walls are made using brickwork or using concrete rings, and the pipe system is located at an angle, which prevents stagnant processes;
  • After installing the elements represented by pipes, rings and covers, hatches are installed.

Construction of a cesspool without a bottom and with a bottom

The fundamental difference is a sealed cesspool, into which the flow of wastewater is determined by the presence of a special pipeline. In this case wastewater are regularly pumped out by a sewer truck. The storage tank can be sealed concrete well or a plastic factory container in the form of a volumetric Eurocube.

A prerequisite for trouble-free operation of such a pit is the installation of a ventilation outlet with a diameter of at least 10 cm, rising above the surface by approximately 70-80 cm.

The laying of the sewer pipeline requires special attention, which must be accessible for repair and maintenance during operation.

Construction of a toilet house: step by step

The simplest, most common and affordable option is the traditional wooden outdoor toilet. This design can, if necessary, be easily moved to a new location.

To cover the erected frame, boards, lining, chipboard sheets or sheet plywood are used. The most common option would be a closet made from planks.

Outdoor toilet house

Particularly popular among summer residents is simple wooden model“birdhouse” with a pitched roof, having a rear wall height of 200 cm, a front wall of 230 cm and a width of at least 100 cm. Standard size the base is 100x100 cm.

During installation, horizontal and vertical surfaces must be controlled using a building level.

Technology for constructing an outdoor toilet in a country house in stages:

  • installation of a concrete curb slab as a foundation base with a distance of approximately 18-20 cm from the edges of the cesspool;
  • laying waterproofing on a concrete curb in the form of three or four layers of roofing material;
  • construction of a wooden frame base;
  • frame covering.

The most common option for outdoor toilets in the country and in a private house is a wooden toilet. can be erected quickly and easily, this explains the popularity of this particular design.

You can read about how to build and equip a two-room country house with a toilet and shower.

At the final stage, a toilet hole up to 28-30 cm in diameter is cut out, and a door is installed. Roofing material, slate or profile steel sheet can be used as roofing material.

At independent arrangement wooden country toilet should not be neglected by installing simple ventilation, the purpose of which is to remove air from the cesspool into the atmosphere. Wooden structure can be painted or varnished, which will make it durable and attractive in appearance.

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