In a private house      07/02/2020

What to do to make the Chinese rose bloom. What to do if the Chinese rose does not bloom at home. How to understand that hibiscus will soon bloom

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Why don't hibiscus bloom at home?

Novice flower growers often wonder why hibiscus does not bloom, surrounded by care and love at home, while in offices and institutions with minimal care, buds constantly bloom lush flowers. Many do not realize that the plant is not as pampered as it might seem. Upon closer acquaintance, it turns out that regular flowering heat-loving hibiscus benefit from both low temperatures and rare watering.

Hibiscus - garden plant, but it can also be grown at home, providing the necessary care.

Care at room conditions

The key to excellent development and excellent flowering will be compliance with the basic rules for caring for hibiscus. General recommendations according to the content of the flower will be as follows:

Exists a large number of varieties of hibiscus flowers.

  1. A place for a pot of hibiscus is taken away in a bright room, but not in direct sunlight.
  2. In the warm season, it is useful to take the pot outside or leave it on the balcony in the fresh air.
  3. cherish indoor flower from drafts and sudden changes in temperature.
  4. On hot days, spray the plant or moisten the air near the leaves.
  5. Adhere to the rules of watering and carry out timely top dressing.

The condition of the topsoil will tell you about the required frequency of watering. As soon as it dries, the soil is moistened with settled water. room temperature. Excess water is drained from the tray. To maintain an optimal microclimate near the plant on hot summer days, moistened expanded clay is placed on the pallet.

Complex fertilizers are applied twice a month in the spring and summer. It is useful to feed hibiscus that have opened buds in winter. For this purpose, potassium and phosphorus preparations are used.

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What is needed for flowering?

In order for the hibiscus to form buds, provide an indoor flower favorable conditions needed in advance. Flower buds are laid at +15°C. It is necessary to provide the plant with such a temperature regime in the fall. And on winter days, there is also no need to move the pot to the very warm room in the house.

Under these conditions, watering should be done less frequently, as the soil dries out more slowly, and provide a short daylight hours. The plant begins a dormant period, during which the foundation for future flowering is laid.

In order for the hibiscus roots to breathe, sometimes you need to loosen the soil.

Awakening, as a rule, coincides with the first days of February. By this time, the hibiscus is growing young leaves. From this point on, you can begin to moisten the soil again. In addition, you should move the pot to a bright room. If the process of leaving dormancy is missed by an inexperienced grower, with a sharp change in the microclimate, leaves with buds fall off the hibiscus and this spring it no longer blooms.

Hibiscus does not bloom for other reasons. Pay attention to such nuances:

  • the composition of the soil is very important for the plant, it must be moisture-intensive and breathable;
  • too large a pot makes it difficult for the roots to absorb moisture and oxygen: the soil stays moist longer and the roots cannot breathe;
  • prolonged drying of the soil and too dry air in the room where the flower is kept also lead to the absence of buds.

Large double flowers, mostly scarlet, against the background of glossy dark emerald leaves are a living decoration. But sometimes it happens that the plant does not bloom. What is the reason?

Briefly about hibiscus: flowering, planting

Shrub height at good care can reach 3 m or more. Its branching is increased correct pruning. The life span of hibiscus is within 15-20 years.

The diameter of huge flowers often approaches 12 cm, but there are varieties whose inflorescences are more than 16 cm in diameter. The color palette is quite extensive, but the most common are shrubs with red, purple and white buds. After planting the crop, you will have to wait 3-4 years until the first bud appears and the flower opens. And after transplanting the finished seedling, flowering begins a year later.

Interesting! Each flower pleases the eye for a day, then fades and falls off. A new bud appears almost immediately, creating the appearance of continuous flowering.


Common types of hibiscus

There are more than 200 varieties and varieties of hibiscus. All of them are unique and differ in their conditions of detention. However, only a few are the most common.

Syrian hibiscus

In many catalogs this species is known as ardens. This is a garden plant that grows up to 6 m. The leaves of the shrub are quite large (10 cm), the color is bright green. Buds are slightly smaller than Chinese hibiscus, but the flowers are two-tone, terry is more beautiful.

A plant growing in the garden needs to be pruned annually to ensure good flowering. The procedure is carried out twice: after the buds open and before awakening.

Syrian hibiscus

Behind Syrian hibiscus carry out care in accordance with the characteristics of the climate where it is cultivated. It grows very slowly, so you should not expect the appearance of buds before the seedling reaches 3 years.

tree hibiscus

This species is frost-resistant, it is quite unpretentious. Hibiscus arborescens tolerates transplanting well. The tree is used to form a hedge, create a design, decorate terraces. With good care, flowering is abundant and long-lasting. In spring and autumn, the foliage of the shrub may turn yellow.

When transplanting hibiscus into landing pit put a lot of humus. A place for growth is chosen sunny, quiet, without drafts. Water frequently, but avoid standing water. In the early years, young bushes are covered for the winter to protect them from frost.

swamp hibiscus

The herbaceous perennial is large in size. Its shoots die off by winter, and during the growth period they are extended by 2.5 m, so pruning is simply necessary for him. The heart-shaped serrated leaves have a weak edge. The color of the buds can be raspberry, white, red, pink. Likes hibiscus wetlands, lots of sun. The flower is planted near streams, ponds, they mask sewage pits.

swamp hibiscus

The plant is planted in acidic soils where other types of hibiscus do not take root.

herbaceous hibiscus

This unique species is derived from several varieties - bright red, armed, marsh. There are two types: perennial and annual.

Most flower growers prefer to cultivate perennial varieties because they do not need special care.

This variety has petiolate incised leaves and bright flowers of various colors: pale pink, yellow, raspberry, blue, lilac, snow-white. There are also flowers that have two shades at the same time.

herbaceous hibiscus

The herbaceous species of hibiscus is adapted to grow in any climatic condition. The plant is not demanding on pruning, it does not require additional feeding. The culture is resistant to drought and frost.

Why hibiscus doesn't bloom

When Chinese rose blooms, she expresses gratitude for the care, which is carried out in sufficient measure. But excessive zeal in care will inevitably cause a reason due to which the plant may stop opening buds. As a result, the tree will be covered only by emerald foliage without a single flower.

An imbalance can be caused by any reason.

Lighting problem

Important! A Chinese bush will not have full flowering if it is planted in the shade. Even partial shade will not suit the plant to bloom, only maximum amount scattered light. Developing on outdoors hibiscus, should be in a place where there is no direct burning rays of the sun and strong wind.

Beginning flower growers often make the mistake of changing the location of the flowerpot with a flower: rearrange indoor plant from place to place, turn to the light in different directions. It is categorically impossible to do this, because with such care, the hibiscus will never open the buds. The tree should be located in immobility all summer.

Proper watering

For lush flowering the plant needs proper watering. If the room temperature is low and the hibiscus has a lot of moisture in the soil, the roots may begin to rot. At the first sign of illness, the bush immediately drops buds and flowers. If measures are not taken, the leaf begins to turn yellow and fall off, the rose becomes ill and dies.

With a lack of moisture, the buds also fall off, and if what needs to be done to make the hibiscus bloom is to adhere to the following rules:

  • you should not spare water in a sultry period, but you need to wait until upper layer the soil dried up;
  • water for irrigation should be well settled;
  • in winter, stagnant water is completely unacceptable;
  • in hot weather, hibiscus, especially domestic ones, should be sprayed daily with each leaf. In addition, a container of water is placed next to the plant to increase humidity;
  • irrigation water should be warm.

Top dressing of the Chinese rose

The reason why the hibiscus does not bloom, but gives only foliage, may be in violation of the feeding regimen. The bush is either “hungry” or overfed with fertilizers.

top dressing

During active growth(March-September) the tree is fertilized weekly, and the rest of the time it needs to be done only once a month. It is recommended to use a mineral complex designed for flowering crops.

Important! Nitrogen fertilization will not cause hibiscus to form buds. Excess nitrogen will only cause active growth of greenery. In order for the plant to begin to bloom, it needs a phosphate top dressing.

Soil composition

Culture puts forward special requirements for the soil: neutral acidity, loose soil, the presence drainage system. The soil mixture should include humus, clay sod, charcoal crumbs.

A small tree needs to be replanted often, gradually increasing the volume of the pot. mature plant does not need to be transplanted, however, every season it is advisable to carefully remove the top layer of the earth and add a nutritious soil mixture.

Hibiscus in a pot

If a young hibiscus is immediately planted in a large tub, then you do not need to be surprised why the hibiscus does not bloom, since the reason is quite simple. This flower will not bloom until it fills with roots all the earthen ball provided to it. It remains to either wait or transplant into a smaller container.

Temperature regime

The formation of hibiscus color is strongly influenced temperature regime. IN open field you can often observe blooming roses, but at home they do not open buds. The fact is that hibiscus needs hibernation, and in winter it is warm in apartments and there is no necessary temperature for rest (13-15ºС). It is during sleep that the plant actively lays flower buds.

Note! In order for the flowering period to begin in the spring, it is necessary to transfer the hibiscus to a cool room in the fall, where sharp temperature changes are excluded. It is important not to miss the moment of awakening the shrub at the end of winter. At this time he will need warmth, sunbathing, generous watering, good nutrition.


In order for the Chinese rose to have a beautiful crown and abundant color, pruning is carried out even before it awakens. After removing the old branches, young shoots will appear very quickly, since double flowers form on them. An uncut bush will not bloom. He needs systematic pruning and this is an important part of grooming.

In a young bush, the shoots are cut to 2-3 buds, and the trunk is not touched. When it reaches the desired height, pruning is done at level 6 of the kidney.

Pruning at home

Sanitary pruning is carried out only before the start of sap flow. Remove underdeveloped, diseased, old parts. From last year's shoots, 2/3 parts are left, and the rest is cut off.

It happens that, subject to all the conditions required for flowering, the hibiscus still does not bloom. The reason may be hiding in the malaise of the plant.

  • Yellowness on the leaves appears if there is a problem with the roots. The culture needs to be transplanted, having previously reviewed the roots, removing damaged and problematic ones.
  • If the lower foliage quickly crumbles, appearing have a faded appearance, then the plant has suffered from bad water, hypothermia or dry air. For resuscitation, you will need to replace the water for irrigation, review the temperature regime, and refresh the flower by spraying.
  • When hibiscus is attacked by pests, brown spots, twisted leaves, and poutine can be observed. Any insecticide is suitable for the fight.
  • Hibiscus can drop unopened buds when there is a lack of nutrition or lack of moisture.
  • The yellowness of the foliage is caused by a lack of iron and nitrogen.

Hibiscus loves comfortable conditions. But, if you do not “strangle” him with care, then, having rested in the winter, pruned, fed, he will thank with a gorgeous long flowering.

Rosa Chinese (or hibiscus, as well as Indian or Tea rose) is a species of plants of the genus Rosehip, family Pink. This flower comes from China. It is not found in the wild, but is very popular in indoor floriculture - tea rose buds are often used as tea leaves, on the basis of which fragrant invigorating tea is made.

In anticipation of flowers, novice flower growers unknowingly pamper the plant, trying to create the most comfortable conditions for it: fertilize abundantly, put in the sun, provide regular and frequent watering. That is why many are perplexed when a rose does not want to bloom, despite all efforts.

Chinese rose

Most often, the reason for this is ignorance of the features of caring for a Chinese rose at home.

About caring for a Chinese rose at home

When caring for a plant in a house or apartment, you should pay attention to the following conditions for keeping a flower:

  • irrigation frequency and water quality;
  • degree of illumination;
  • regularity of feeding;
  • the need for pruning;
  • temperature regime;
  • the location of the plant in the room;
  • soil type.

Irrigation Features

It is necessary to water the Chinese rose every 3-4 days, and the water for irrigation should not be cold. Optimum temperature irrigation water at about 30 °C. The rose can also be sprayed and rubbed on the leaves of the plant, especially in hot weather. To increase the humidity of the air, small containers of water are placed next to the rose. In conditions of high humidity, the room in which the flower is located is recommended to be ventilated more often.

Chinese rose

In winter, stagnation of moisture as a result of frequent watering is especially dangerous. In the heat, on the contrary, it is better not to spare water, but the next watering is done only when the topsoil is completely dry. In addition, the water used for irrigation should be soft.

Important! You can determine the quality of water by boiling - a film appears on the surface of hard water.

Illumination degree

The full development of a flower is impossible without observing the lighting conditions. Hibiscus grows well in partial shade, but will not tie buds. On the other hand, direct sunlight causes rose leaves to burn. It is best to position the plant so that it is in diffused light conditions.

How and what to feed

For the proper development of the plant, moderate top dressing is necessary. Excessive enrichment or poverty of the soil is equally harmful to the Chinese rose.

Specialized complex mineral fertilizers

During the period of active growth (March-September), flowers are fed every week. During the rest period (October-February), the frequency of feeding is reduced to 1 time per month. As a top dressing, it is recommended to use specialized complex mineral fertilizers.

Important! Enriching the soil with nitrogen only stimulates leaf growth, while phosphate fertilizing promotes abundant flowering.


You can "make" the Chinese rose bloom using the pruning procedure. Hibiscus flowers are formed only on young shoots, so pruning the plant helps the formation of buds.

Pruning is done before the awakening of the hibiscus.

Temperature regime

In the winter months, it is necessary to provide conditions for the entry of the rose into "hibernation", which is impossible at temperatures above +13˚С. In addition, at this time it is advisable not to feed the plant, and to minimize watering.

Sudden changes in dormant temperature can also affect a flower's ability to set buds.


Hibiscus does not respond well to frequent rearrangements. Changes in the microclimate cause stress to the plant, which can begin to wither, and minor mechanical damage leads to the fact that the rose begins to drop leaves and flowers. Even a slight wiggle of the branches is enough.

Hibiscus does not respond well to frequent rearrangements.

soil type

Hibiscus is a rather capricious plant, demanding on the type of soil. It grows well only on fertile loose soil mixtures with moderate acidity. To improve the composition of the soil, you can fertilize it with coal chips or humus.

Why the Chinese rose does not bloom at home

There are many reasons why Chinese Rose does not bloom at home. Balance is the most important condition for the proper development of a flower. Therefore, it is customary to single out the following reasons by which the rose stops blooming:

  • excess or lack of sunlight;
  • frequent rearrangement of the plant from place to place;
  • excessive enrichment of the soil with fertilizers or its impoverishment;
  • lack of timely pruning;
  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • too rare or vice versa, too frequent watering.

Note! In addition, it is especially worth highlighting the defeat of roses by fungal diseases and pests.

Infection and pest control methods

Of particular danger to this species are:

  • aphid is a fast-growing, harmful insect that settles on roses with reverse side leaves;
  • spider mite - a small insect of light green color with black spots;
  • powdery mildew or peronosporosis - the first signs of the disease are brown spots on hibiscus leaves, which lead to the fact that the leaves begin to fall off;
  • spotting - manifests itself in the form of rotting spots with an oily border.

In the case of insects, it will be enough to treat the plant with any insecticide or acaricide. When there are too many pests, Actellik is used. Dosage: 15 drops per 1 liter of water. Korbofos and Metation are also suitable. A weak solution of kerosene is no less effective.

Help fight against spider mite drugs such as Acrex, Omite, Aktofit or Isofen can.

Important! The instructions for the drugs will say that they need to be used repeatedly. Why - ask beginners. The point is that these chemicals have an effect only on adults, without causing any harm to the eggs, so a single spraying will not give the desired result. To get rid of the pest, roses are sprayed about 5 times in 2-3 days.

If desired, chemicals can be replaced soapy water with pepper, which has a more gentle effect on the flower.

If spotting is detected, the rose is treated with Cumulus or Rovral. With chlorosis, hibiscus is sprayed with iron chelate and the flower is fed with organic matter.


It is always better to prevent a disease than to cure it. In most cases, the problems associated with the fact that the rose does not want to bloom arise due to improper care and inattention, therefore, timely and correct implementation of agricultural techniques acts as a preventive measure for diseases.

It is necessary to inspect the plant from time to time and remove the leaves from the pot.

Since the main cause of pests is increased dryness air, prevention against insects involves moderate air humidification. A pot of roses is placed on small pallet with a wet stone, and hibiscus leaves are periodically sprayed with settled water. In addition, it is necessary from time to time to inspect the plant and remove leaves from the pot that have fallen. This will create conditions that are unfavorable for pests.

Diseases, on the contrary, are most often caused by high humidity of the soil and air. To reduce the risk of roses being affected by fungal diseases, it is enough to maintain optimal humidity air in the room. Also, as a preventive measure, rose bushes can be sprayed with fungicides of any brand.

Sometimes attempts to provide maximum comfort to the plant can lead to inhibition of its development or even death. Too much care is just as bad as too little, so it's important to strike a balance when caring for your Chinese rose. Moderate feeding, winter rest, timely pruning and protection from drafts - that's all that a flower needs for proper development and abundant flowering.

Appreciated for their beautiful flowers. Why does indoor hibiscus not bloom, despite good care? Flowering is the desire for reproduction and gratitude for the care. Abundant flowering can achieve a balance between good conditions content and the factor provoking to leave the seeds.

How to make hibiscus bloom at home

In plant care, balance and compliance with all recommendations are important:

  • place of detention;
  • wintering conditions;
  • soil and capacity requirements;
  • watering and feeding the plant;
  • pruning;
  • protection from diseases and pests.

A prerequisite for the flowering of the Chinese rose will be its content in a bright place. The sun should not burn the leaves of the flower. But in a dark room, hibiscus will not bloom.

To admire the flowers in summer, keep hibiscus in winter at a temperature of 12-15 degrees. The room should be bright. It is at this temperature that the flowering program is laid. Do not wait for the violent opening of the buds in the summer, when the hibiscus blooms in the winter, if kept warm.

Choosing a pot and fertile soil

The Chinese rose grows at home quickly if the plant is given a tub for growth and filled with fertile soil. Until the plant fills the entire clod of earth with roots, it will increase the green mass. An overgrown bush pleases with green foliage, receives proper care, but has not opened a single bud? Why does indoor hibiscus not bloom?

It is necessary to transplant the plant into a smaller container so that the roots are cramped. At the same time, they can be trimmed, removing more of the brown old parts. The pot should have good drainage from expanded clay or other bedding. Place the upper tier of roots almost on the surface of the soil. House plants bloom if the roots are crowded.

The composition of the earth for the Chinese rose should be fertile, but with the inclusion of clay turf. The acidity of the soil is maintained closer to neutral. Charcoal chips in the composition of the soil help to maintain the balance of the substrate.

Timely pruning and pinching

There is one biological feature Why is the hibiscus not blooming? Flowers are formed only on the upper parts of young twigs. That's why home flower need systematic pruning or pinching. Making branches bushy by cutting is an important part of hibiscus care. It quickly gives young shoots, and the buds develop on them. One of the main reasons why a healthy, overgrown indoor hibiscus does not bloom is the lack of pruning.

Uniform watering

It is important to properly water the flower. At any moment, all beauty can be violated precisely because of improper watering:

  1. The water must be soft. When using it, no scale remains in the kettle, and a film does not float on the surface of boiled water.
  2. For irrigation, water must be well defended so that there are no traces of chlorine in tap water.
  3. The water temperature should be around 30 degrees.

In summer, indoor hibiscus is plentiful and spray leaves from a spray bottle. But between watering, the top layer of the earth should dry out. In winter, the plant is rarely watered. In cold, damp soil, inactive roots can rot. Lack of watering or nutrition will cause buds and flowers to drop when the hibiscus blooms.

For flowering are especially effective. It can be an extract from superphosphate, or a special composition for indoor flowering plants. Fertilizers are applied only to moist soil.

What to do if hibiscus does not bloom and how to find the reason. Rosan should not be overexposed in cold conditions. In order for it to bloom, it is necessary to exclude temperature drops during the growing season. So, if the plant is kept in the cold until the buds appear, and then transferred to heat, the buds will fall off from a sharp change in temperature. The same will happen if the plant falls under a draft.

A flowering tree requires careful handling. The pot is installed in place once for the whole summer. It cannot even be turned if the buds are already dialed. The peduncle is very loosely attached and falls off from the slight swaying of the twig. Therefore, during flowering, you need to walk past carefully.

Hibiscus love fresh air in summer. You need to install flowerpots in a place protected from wind and direct sunlight. Loggia, balcony or veranda with sun shade will be the best place for blooming hibiscus.

Why hibiscus with yellow leaves does not bloom

It should be noted that only healthy hibiscus that have the necessary conditions for development. If spots appear on the leaves of any size or the leaf blade turns yellow, these are signs of the disease. So, green drooping leaves will say that the plant is dry, then it will shed its color and buds.

Yellow leaves can give a signal that there is a disorder with the root system, and it is not necessary to wait for flowering in these conditions. In addition, insect pests can colonize the plant, taking food from the hibiscus. Therefore, each pruning, watering, wiping the leaves should be combined with a routine inspection of the plant.

Compliance with agricultural technology will allow you to enjoy the victorious flowering of a tropical plant every year, which brings harmony to the house in relations between family members.

Hibiscus care experience - video

Chinese rose or hibiscus is loved by many flower growers. This houseplant is capable of its bright flowers and decorative to decorate any interior, and caring for it will not cause much trouble. However, sometimes the Chinese rose refuses to bloom - why this problem arises and how to solve it, we learn from the article.

Hibiscus came to us from southern countries, so it is not grown on the street in our country: the plant is thermophilic. The flower is not only able to become an interior decoration, but also protects the house from negativity - at least, esotericists and Feng Shui experts believe so. In nature, hibiscus can reach a height of 4.5 meters: at home, of course, such a tall bush does not happen. The Chinese rose lives for about 20 years, while delighting with flowering every year.

The plant comes from the Malvaceae family, boasts surprisingly beautiful, multiple and bright flowers. The Chinese rose grows quickly: with proper care, within just a few months, it develops from a small seedling to a flowering bush.

If you create the right conditions: warm and humid, hibiscus can bloom all year round. In the conditions of our standard apartments, however, it is problematic to create such a tropical microclimate. Therefore, hibiscus bloom usually lasts for 2-3 months: from mid-summer to mid-late September. With very good care decorative period can last longer: from March to October.

Description of flowers

Hibiscus buds are brightly colored and exotic. appearance. The flowers are large in size: the diameter of one specimen ranges from 9 to 16 cm. The buds are cup-shaped correct form, terry or simple structure. In the core of each flower there is a rather large pistil surrounded by stamens. The flowers are usually unscented.

The buds open in the morning, and by the evening they already fade. But due to the fact that there are a lot of them on the bush, the plant does not lose its decorative effect. If the care is good, up to twenty bright buds open at the same time on the hibiscus, and if it is very good, then up to fifty.

The shades of Chinese rose petals can be different: but most often red hibiscus is grown in our apartments. Less often you can find varieties with white, purple, orange buds. In general, the shade of hibiscus flowers can theoretically be anything: except for black and blue.

Why is there no flowering

As a rule, all the reasons for the lack of flower buds in hibiscus one way or another come down to improper care behind the plant. Let's take a look at the most likely causes.

Too spacious pot

Hibiscus is characterized by such a feature: until its roots are completely braided with an earthen ball, there will be no flowering. Therefore, when you plant a plant in too large a container, its small roots will cope with a huge earthy clod for quite a long time. And all this time you will not see flowering. Foliage, however, and shoots, will grow quite actively.

For a full-fledged life, hibiscus needs a dormant period, which lasts almost the entire winter. At this time, future flower buds are laid, from which buds will be obtained in the next growing season. However, in order for the buds to form, it is necessary to keep hibiscus in winter at a cool temperature - about +15 degrees. If the room temperature is higher, flower buds may not form at all or only partially.

No trimming or pinching

As flower buds form in China rose for the most part on the tops of one-year-old shoots, a plant for lush flowering needs mandatory pinching and pruning. If the procedures are neglected, only a few long shoots will grow, instead of abundant branched growth. Flowering, therefore, will be sparse. Experienced flower growers can make hibiscus form buds by cutting it correctly and on time.


An excess of moisture in the soil should not be allowed during the hibiscus growing season. This plant does not tolerate waterlogging and may well respond to it with the absence of flower buds.

lack of light

Hibiscus like anything tropical plant, needs long-term and plentiful lighting, albeit diffused. The plant does not bloom in the shade, it is also better not to keep it in direct sunlight, as the buds and leaves will get burned.

Sudden temperature changes

If a Chinese rose is subjected to a test in the form of a sharp temperature drop, it can react to this by dropping not only the buds, but also the entire foliage. It will be extremely difficult for the plant to bloom after such stress again in the current season.

Too much nitrogen

This mineral has very useful property, for which all gardeners appreciate it: nitrogen contributes to the rapid growth of shoots and foliage. However, a set of green mass is needed only in the spring, and then the hibiscus must direct all its forces to the formation of buds. If you continue to feed the flower with nitrogen in the summer, the appearance of buds will either be very scarce, or it will not exist at all. This is due to the fact that all the forces of the plant will be directed to the greens.

Diseases, pest damage

Also the likely cause of the problem. Most often, chlorosis prevents hibiscus from blooming: both infectious and non-infectious. The fungus also often interferes with the vital processes of the plant, inhibiting the hibiscus, preventing it from developing. Especially dangerous root rot- this disease can not only deprive a Chinese rose of flowers, but also life.

Get rid of these misfortunes by spraying with special preparations of fungicidal and insecticidal action. Washing the foliage with soapy water can also help against pests.

What to do for flowering

We will find out what care measures will help to achieve a lush and long flowering of the Chinese rose at home.

Good lighting

A plant needs sunlight like air, water and food. Lighting for hibiscus needs sparse, not direct, but long-term: throughout the day. Place the flower pot in the brightest room in the house: optimally on the window on the east side of the apartment. If the window is only south, be sure to shade the flower from the midday sun. In the summer, you can take the pot out to the balcony, loggia.

Choosing the right pot

When planting / transplanting hibiscus, choose the pot wisely. It is necessary to choose a container so that it only slightly exceeds the volume of the roots. In this case, the flowering of the plant will begin shortly after adaptation in a new place.

The soil

If you want the Chinese rose to bloom well, take care of correct composition soil: it must necessarily include clay turf. And the acidity of the substrate should be neutral.

Competent watering

Moisten the hibiscus in the summer, although quite plentifully, but avoiding an excess of water in the soil: a swamp should not form in a pot. In addition to root watering in the heat, also spray the plant to make the microclimate close to tropical in humidity.


Correct top dressing

During the growing season, be sure to feed the Chinese rose: at least twice a month. Use mineral fertilizers, but halve the concentration when preparing solutions. Use nitrogen only in spring; in summer, give preference to potassium-phosphate compounds.

The plant does not perceive dry fertilizers well, therefore, either dilute the granules / powder in water, or combine top dressing with subsequent watering.

rest period

Care must necessarily imply providing the plant with a dormant period. This period should begin shortly after flowering. From about October to February, the Chinese rose should rest and gain strength for the next growing season.

IN winter time be sure to give the plant the opportunity to be in a room with a low temperature: optimally about +15 degrees. A strong drop in temperature should not be allowed. If the hibiscus has to winter at a temperature of +10 degrees or lower, it will throw off all its foliage, and may die if it freezes hard.

During this period of time, watering should be moderate, and the plant does not need top dressing. Lighting, however, must be provided normal: daylight hours during the dormant period should last at least 10-11 hours. If there is not enough natural light, provide the hibiscus with additional artificial lighting: if there is a lack of light, flower buds will not be able to form.

In February, the plant should be "awakened" by moving it to a warm place and starting to water it intensively.


Trim the flower regularly, thus activating the growth of lateral flowering shoots. Before you send a rose to winter, be sure to prune it. At first, you need to gradually minimize watering: because of this, the plant will quickly shed foliage. Then bare branches should be cut, leaving only "stumps" 6-8 cm long.

If you did not have time to prune before wintering, be sure to carry out the procedure in the spring - just before the plant leaves hibernation. In the summer, it is extremely undesirable to cut the bush: in this case, flowering, having barely begun, may soon stop.

  • When the plant begins to lay and form flower buds, you can’t change its location and even turn it.
  • Protect the indoor flower from drafts: the plant does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature, it reacts extremely negatively to them.
  • The optimum humidity should also be ensured. In the summer, in the heat, be sure to spray the bush and the air around it, since the plant often drops buds in dry air.

We learned why hibiscus does not bloom at home, and what to do about this problem. There may be several reasons for the lack of buds, but all of them in one way or another relate to illiterate agricultural technology. Take care of the plant correctly - and there will be no problems with its flowering.