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How to make tiles from crumb rubber. Rubber tiles with their own hands. Do-it-yourself production of rubber tiles. Questions from new businessmen

The production of crumb rubber tiles can be considered as a profitable business. This is due to the profitability of these products and the low competitive environment. High demand for this product explained long term performance compared to other materials. Unlike other types of paving, rubber tiles are distinguished by their non-slip surface and frost resistance. This quality allows them to find a wide range of applications.

Modern equipment makes it possible to produce high quality tiles that will not crack due to temperature changes and will not crumble. Correct installation tiles allows natural precipitation to pass through it, which is an indisputable advantage. Such a coating will remain clean and dry during rain or spring snowmelt.

A wide range of products and colors allows you to choose the desired size and color of the coating. To equip the territory of the playground, you can use tiles with a variety of patterns. Release similar products at home with your own hands can be considered as a trial version. Creating a tile in a similar way takes a lot of time and allows you to release minimal amount products.

Most often, such a coating is used:

You can sell products through private companies, construction trade networks, construction organizations. In addition, laying the coating can be done by hand.

Production features

The price of finished products is taken from the calculation spent materials. The more ingredients were used in the production of tiles, the more expensive it will cost in ready-made. The average retail price of a finished colored tile can be approximately 1,500 rubles per square meter.

When producing products from crumb rubber, it is required to strictly observe the production technology:

The use of the cold pressing method makes it possible to obtain high quality products with good resistance to environmental influences. Products receive high density, strength and flexibility.

Equipment and price

Regardless of the type of production whether private business or industrial production, you will certainly need equipment for the manufacture rubber tiles.

Equipment for the production of rubber tiles usually includes:

As additional equipment for rubber tiles, you will need to purchase a heating cabinet, a platform for a mixer, a molding table, stands for fixing tiles.

The purchase of all equipment for medium-sized production, taking into account its delivery and setup for work, will cost about 2,000,000 rubles. But it will not be possible to start production in the absence of raw materials. D For production, rubber crumb, dyes and glue are required.

The average cost of a ton of crumb rubber is 19,000 rubles. Depending on the choice of pressing (cold or hot method), the cost of glue will be from 140-200 rubles per kilogram. To produce multi-colored tiles, you will need to purchase dyes. The price for 1 kg of dye varies between 80-190 rubles.

Room selection

Opening a full-fledged production will not work without the presence of the necessary size premises. Its size is determined by the scale of manufactured products. According to requirements environmental safety the facility for the manufacture of such products should be located in a suburban area. There should not be a residential area near its location.

The rent must be affordable. When renting an object, you should take into account not only its area, but also its height. These settings are required for equipment placement. It is recommended to choose a room with office rooms so that all employees can be accommodated in one area and control the tile manufacturing process. It is advisable to choose an object located near transport routes.

Production flaws

When starting a new business, you may face some risks:

Before starting your own business, you should collect all Required documents and get a certificate for the products. It is also recommended to find a proven supplier of equipment and raw materials in advance. In this case, you can hope for warranty service for equipment, which will avoid long downtime. Potential markets need to be identified in advance. finished material. You should also rent a territory of sufficient area for the production and storage of products. After that, you can proceed to the purchase of equipment and raw materials, the search for personnel and the start of work.

From year to year, rubber coatings are becoming more and more popular. There are several reasons for this:

  • covering a sidewalk with rubber tiles is much cheaper than asphalt or concrete;
  • rubber tile is pleasant to the touch, it is useful to walk on it barefoot, so it is ideal for covering children's and sports grounds;
  • such material is convenient to transport, lay, the tile does not crack and does not deform.

The rubber tile finds more and more wide application. Today it lays sidewalks, paths adjoining territories, sports and playgrounds, summer cottages, stairs and more.

The production of rubber tiles is a business for the future. This suggests that the material cannot but be in demand. Therefore, more and more enterprises producing rubber coatings appear on the market. Entry ticket to the business starts at $150,000. The main costs go to the acquisition of the line, commissioning and development of technology. The main difficulty in organizing a business is finding suppliers of reliable equipment. The high demand for rubber coatings created an increased demand for the purchase of machines for their production, which, in turn, attracted manufacturers who are not very quality equipment.

How much can you earn?

Rubber tiles are 3-4 times more expensive than their concrete counterpart - paving slabs. The cost of one square meter, depending on the thickness of the product, starts from 1050 rubles (for a tile 10 mm thick) and reaches 1800 rubles (for a tile of 80 mm). The average productivity of modern lines is from 1000 to 3000 sq.m. per month. The potential turnover of even a mini-enterprise is easy to calculate. It ranges from 1.0 to 4.0 million rubles per month.

Technology for the production of rubber tiles

There are two common technologies for the production of rubber tiles:

  1. hot pressing method;
  2. cold pressing method.

Each method has both its advantages and disadvantages. Moreover, the first option disadvantages are much more significant.

The hot pressing method is used by those manufacturers who decide to save on the purchase of expensive equipment. Today, Chinese-made lines are actively offered to our entrepreneurs. Although the lines do have high performance and are much cheaper than analogues, rubber tiles on such equipment are of very poor quality.

The point is that under the influence high temperatures the tile gets a persistent smell of burnt rubber. As a result, it radiates not only bad smell but substances harmful to humans. In addition, the product obtained in this way will be short-lived, hard and brittle. As a result of operation, such a tile quickly collapses under the influence of environment.

Despite the poor quality of the resulting products and questionable safety, many continue to use the hot pressing method. This is due to two main reasons:

  • low cost of equipment, and hence a lower entry ticket to the business;
  • lower raw material costs, since the consumption of polyurethane is reduced in the process of melting rubber.

As a result, products are obtained with low cost and competitive price in the market. But there are no prospects for a business built on this technology. Having bought a tile once, the client, convinced of the low quality of the products, will no longer make a second order.

The cold pressing method allows you to get rubber tiles of a completely different quality. Products using this technology are more elastic, flexible and durable. The price for quality is higher equipment costs and reduced line productivity. The difference in price compared to hot presses can be hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The production process by cold pressing is as follows: at the first stage, the components of the future product are mixed using mixers. Next, the raw material is put into molds. Then the molds are loaded under the press, where the molds are compressed with a load of 5 tons. In the next step, the mold cart is moved to drying chamber where products are kept for 4-6 hours at a temperature of 60 degrees. After drying, the finished tiles are unloaded onto a special table for quality control.

Raw materials for the production of rubber tiles

The main raw materials for the production of rubber tiles are crumb rubber and polyurethane binder (glue). Rubber crumb is purchased from suppliers. The average price is 19,000 rubles/ton. Polyurethane adhesive for hot pressing costs from 140 to 170 rubles per kilogram, for cold pressing - from 170 to 200 rubles / kg. The purchase of this component should be approached very carefully, because the strength depends on the quality of the binder component finished product.

To give products an aesthetic appearance, dyes are actively used in the production of tiles. Depending on the type of color, the cost of the dye varies from 80 to 190 rubles/kg.

Premises and equipment

The price of a set of equipment depends on the production technology. A mini-factory for the production of rubber tiles by hot pressing will cost from 1.5 to 2.5 million rubles. Practically, 90% of line suppliers are Chinese manufacturers. The capacity of the hot pressing line is from 50 to 100 sq.m. per shift and can be serviced by 4-5 workers.

The cost of a set of equipment using cold forming technology starts from 3.5 million rubles. The production line consists of hydraulic press, mixers, heating cabinet, molds, stands for fixing tiles, molding tables, electric heater and auxiliary equipment (scales, trolleys, work equipment).

Whatever configuration the line is supplied with, it will require an area of ​​80 sq. m. The room must be heated, well ventilated and with sufficient electric power(machines consume 15 kW/h).

Production of rubber tiles - video

When you step on such a coating, which is not made of stone or concrete, you understand how far the construction industry has moved forward. Increasingly, such paving slabs began to occur, in the manufacture of which crumb rubber was used.

And it should be noted that such a coating cannot but cause feelings of admiration. And judging by the practice of its application, the material has characteristics that are in no way inferior to other building resources involved in this area. And there is no need to talk about the comfort of use.

Convenience is at a high enough level

On that pavement, which was laid out of cobblestone or asphalt, walking is not very pleasant. And a material such as rubber allows the legs to bounce, creating a cushioning effect. Also, do not forget about the healing effect that is characteristic of such a coating.

With it, you can reduce the rather large loads that come on the spine. In the event that the material to be laid in its thickness reaches about thirty centimeters, there is still such a useful parameter as safety. This factor makes possible use rubber near swimming pools or playgrounds. But it is worth noting that it will be quite difficult to choose equipment for the production of rubber tiles.

Material advantages

If you want to start your own business, then you should know that in Russia there are not so many companies that supply high-quality equipment. Therefore, the choice is not very large, if you need a domestic production line.

However, these companies are also approached by many entrepreneurs who are engaged in the production of rubber coatings. And there is nothing strange here. This is due to the fact that rubber has a fairly high resistance to a variety of natural influences. Even after harsh winter rubber tiles will serve properly, without any problems. Such a parameter as durability is at a fairly high level.

The role of the supplier in the business organization

If your company is only at the stage of formation, then you will need to purchase at least a minimum complex. When purchasing equipment for the production of rubber tiles, it is necessary to thoroughly approach the choice of a supplier.

It is necessary to pay attention not only to the products that will be presented, but also to the possibility of training. Or at least providing the appropriate study guide, with which you can set up equipment for the production of rubber tiles.

In some situations, the most responsible suppliers may provide all necessary information about how to find a sales market or establish a scheme for the implementation of an already manufactured product. Also, a novice entrepreneur may ask for a list of documentation that is required in order to obtain a certificate. Do not forget to purchase all the necessary raw materials. This question can also be addressed to suppliers.

A huge role is played by such a moment as repair. It is best to purchase equipment for the production of rubber tiles from a supplier who agrees to produce repair work in which case, as well as install it in a rented room and help launch it.

What to Consider When Buying a Processing Line

Need to buy everything necessary tools, which will help to install and start the line. As a wonderful bonus, training of personnel before starting the equipment can act. It is understood that as a result of such training, a part of the skills related to quality workmanship products.

Those organizations that supply equipment for the production of rubber tiles can provide the raw materials necessary to start the operation of the enterprise. We are talking about crumb rubber, polyurethane binders, pigments, etc.

At first, suppliers can offer orders to the entrepreneur or invite them to participate in projects for the manufacture of products. In other words, if you belong to the category of novice businessmen, then it is advisable to think about seeking support.

What equipment will need to be purchased?

So, in order to launch your enterprise, you will need to purchase the following equipment for the production of crumb rubber tiles:

  1. Mixer. This setting is needed in order to establish the procedure for mixing the components.
  2. You will need to purchase a heating cabinet. With it, the raw material is subjected to heat treatment.
  3. Accessory equipment is a tile fixing stand (needs 6 pieces), a molding table (needs to purchase 3 copies) and a mixer platform (3 pieces).
  4. Press for the production of rubber tiles. It is necessary to choose a hydraulic model. The machine is necessary to ensure the molding of products. Also, to set up the implementation of this procedure, molds will be required. With the help of them, you can take on the manufacture of various products.
  5. You should purchase a conductor, thanks to which it will be possible to form technological holes.

This is the minimum technological line that you will need to buy without fail in order to start the rubber tile production process. On average, the cost of a small plant, where all the necessary equipment will be installed, will vary from two to three million rubles. This amount includes VAT, as well as all work related to the launch of the line.


The technology for the production of rubber tiles is not very complex. Any entrepreneur can handle this. So if you are interested this area activities, then there is no need to be afraid of the costs of purchasing equipment and organizing the entire business as a whole. All this will quickly pay off with a competent approach to the production process.

Rubber crumb is considered the main material for creating tiles and coatings. Raw materials are taken from waste, which is obtained by recycling old, worn-out car tires. They are made from durable components that prolong the life of the finished rubber tile. The products are strong and durable. You can open the production of rubber tiles. This business has its own characteristics, which will be discussed in the article.


The composition of the rubber tiles includes crushed pieces of rubber. Products do not break or crumble. Their advantages include:

  • excellent wear resistance;
  • resistance to natural factors;
  • can be used at -40°С and up to +70°С;
  • practicality;
  • hygiene;
  • tiles do not deteriorate from the sun;
  • installation can be done independently.

Products can be used in industrial and residential facilities. They are ideal for warehouses and garages. Rubber tiles do not deteriorate from environmental influences and from various aggressive chemical components. Suitable for decoration garden paths, as floor covering terraces and country houses.

Products are used on sports and children's playgrounds. Tiles look beautiful in any area. The rubber surface is rough and water repellent. As a result, there are no puddles on it after the rain. And in winter there will be no ice on it.

Business Relevance

The finished product will be in demand among different classes of consumers. He is needed for country houses and household plots. Particularly interesting products for residents of cottage settlements. Products are needed in public and industrial buildings.

The tile will be in demand among private and wholesale customers. There is a possibility of delivery to markets and shops. Due to the high demand, it is possible to supply in large quantities. Only this question must be dealt with in advance in order to think over an advertising campaign.

Business options

If you are interested in the production of rubber tiles, then you can choose from several options for starting a business. The difference is in production volumes and costs. The following types of production are possible:

  • mini plant;
  • production at home;
  • work in industrial conditions;
  • franchise.

Each option has its own nuances that are important to consider before starting a business.

Mini plants

The rubber tile factory will the best option. It is highly profitable, developed with quick payback equipment that operates on the basis of a cold forming method.

To start a business, you need 80-100 sq.m. and 3-4 employees for 1 shift. Energy consumption will be 15 kW/h. In this case, it is possible to offer customers a wide range of coatings. It is possible to make tiles various forms, options, and colors.

Making at home

Rubber production paving slabs can also be done at home. This a budget option. Products will be manufactured for a long time. If there are no assistants, then it will not be possible to produce a lot of products. But then there is the opportunity to work under the order. This will be the start for business development.

industrial business

If you have a lot of capital, you can open the production of crumb rubber tiles. In this case, it is possible to lay different parameters and formats of products. Various pigments will be required so that customers can get a large number of products. It is important to first resolve issues with the sale and advertising of goods. It also needs a lot of workers.


Such a production of paving slabs from rubber crumb can be opened if there are funds, but there is no business experience. It is important to choose a successful company that offers to purchase a franchise. The company will advise and provide advice on business organization. Proven suppliers of raw materials and equipment are provided. And proven schemes are used to attract customers.


The production of black and multi-colored rubber tiles at cost is significantly different. If the dye contains adhesive composition, the cost increases. Therefore, colored products will be expensive. The retail price of paving slabs will be about 1,500 rubles per sq.m. Manufacturing technology involves the following steps:

  1. Preparation. Metal bead rings are removed from old car tires. Then, using cryogenic technologies, mechanical processing is carried out. The result is a crumb with a fraction of 1-4 mm.
  2. Getting a mixture. In this case, special mixers are used. A polyurethane binder is needed to create a homogeneous substance. Colored pigments are added to it, which give the coating different shades.
  3. Pressing. A vulcanizing press is used, which is required to obtain products of the required density and thickness. Now hot and cold pressing is in demand. With the hot manufacturing method, production lines cost 4 times cheaper. And to increase production, you need to purchase a mold. The cold method increases productivity.


To open a business, you need equipment for the production of crumb rubber tiles. It should be taken from a trusted supplier. The launch of a full-fledged plant occurs only if:

  • mixing mixer;
  • hydraulic press;
  • mold kit;
  • heating cabinet;
  • fixing stands;
  • molding tables;
  • conductor;
  • mixer platforms.

Equipment for the production of rubber tiles will cost about 2 million rubles. The price includes all commissioning activities.

Purchase of raw materials

To start the production of rubber tiles, you need to buy raw materials - crumb rubber. And the adhesive will be the binder. Buy raw materials from a reliable supplier. Its average price is 19 thousand rubles per ton.

The cost of hot-pressed polyurethane adhesive is 140-170 rubles per 1 kg. And for cold pressing glue you will have to pay 170-200 rubles. Such products must be reliable, as this affects the strength of products. Dyes are used in the manufacture of tiles. They are required to give products the desired shade and attractive appearance. The cost of the dye is in the range of 80-190 rubles per 1 kg.


It is advisable to choose a warehouse or production room in the industrial area. The object should be located in a small distance from large cities. It is important to take into account the lease and transport interchange.

The area is determined by the number and size of equipment, production volume. A mini-workshop requires a room of 100 sq.m. at least 3 meters in height. You need to choose a heated room where there is water, electricity with a voltage of 380 V. You will need rooms for finished products and raw materials. It is also important to have a warehouse with an area of ​​100 sq. m. Premises for the office and employees are needed.


This production has not only advantages. There are also a number of risks. This is due to the lack of specialists who know the technology for creating products. In this case, you can act in two ways - to find a technologist or to independently train employees in this activity. But then you have to be professional.

Seasonality plays an important role. Rubber tiles are used on the street and in the premises of car services, garages, facilities for animals, as well as areas near swimming pools and in sports halls. It is advisable to open a business in late winter and early spring. In autumn, the products will also be in demand, as streets are being improved.

An enterprise will function normally only if there is always required amount raw materials. For an average production, a stock of 100 tons is needed. The risk is equipment failure, so you need to be especially careful when purchasing it.

If we calculate all the costs, then the market price of products will be equal to 1350 rubles per 1 sq.m. The daily profit will be about 16.5 thousand rubles, and 350 thousand per month. The payback period reaches 145 working days if the profitability is 40%.

The production of rubber tiles is a highly demanded industry. If you correctly approach the organization of a business, then it will be possible to make it profitable in a short time. The main thing is that there is everything necessary for the production of quality products.

Outdoor and indoor tiles are in great demand, especially when it comes to rubber tiles. This unique, durable, non-slip material is used for paving playgrounds, playgrounds, swimming pools and recreation areas. It is used in shopping, entertainment and sports centers, administrative offices and private homes. The production of rubber tiles has become an opportunity for many people to start their own business. The manufacturing technology of this coating is relatively simple and does not require significant costs, and the resulting product is characterized by low cost and excellent quality.

Raw materials for tiles

Making rubber tiles at home is quite possible, because crumb rubber is used as a raw material. It is obtained from ordinary car tires. They are crushed in special crushers.

The composition of the mixture for the production of rubber coatings includes the following components:

  • fine rubber crumb;
  • special dyes;
  • polymer glue;
  • modifying fillers.

During the manufacturing process, the adhesive acts as a binding element. Thanks to him, the composition acquires the consistency that is needed for further molding.

Important! Synthetic or natural rubber is used as raw material. Recycling tires from cars allows you to get quality coating and dispose of unwanted material.

Necessary equipment

The production of rubber tiles is impossible without the use of special equipment. The manufacturing process at home is difficult to imagine without arranging a mini-line. It includes several settings:

  1. To make rubberized tiles, you need a volcanic press. Depending on the processing method used and the temperature produced, cold and hot pressing are distinguished.
  2. The manufacture of rubber tiles is impossible without the use of molds into which the prepared composition is poured. For home production usually 3-4 forms are sufficient.
  3. Also, you can't make quality tiles without mixer with centrifuge. It will ensure thorough mixing of all components.
  4. The production of soft paving material by cold pressing necessarily implies the passage of a stage with heat treatment. To do this, you need a heating cabinet.

The following are used as auxiliary equipment in the production of crumb rubber tiles:

  • platforms for mixers;
  • molding tables;
  • stands for fixing workpieces.

But on early stages production without auxiliary equipment can be dispensed with. To purchase complete set equipment you will spend from $26,500 to $39,500.

Advice! If you plan to make tiles for your own needs, then everything necessary equipment can be rented.

Manufacturing technology

The technology for the production of rubber tiles provides for two ways to process recycled materials:

  1. Shock wave crushing. With this kind of processing car tires stacked in special cameras. There they are crushed due to shock-wave action. The equipment is fully automated, so only one worker is required for operation.
  2. If do-it-yourself rubber tile production is carried out, then it is more suitable mechanical crushing. In this case, recyclables are crushed using cutters. This crushing technique is used more often, since it does not require additional costs for the purchase of equipment. Mechanical crushing takes place in several stages:
    • a landing ring made of metal is removed from the tires;
    • then the tires are cut into strips 40-50 mm wide;
    • after that, the landing rings that are in the material are again removed;
    • now the resulting rubber bands are ground to a state of crumbs with a diameter of not more than 4 mm, but not less than 1 mm;
    • at the end, the raw materials are sorted into fractions.

The production of rubber tiles from rubber fractions is carried out by one of two methods:

  1. Hot working method requires the use of raw material vulcanization in a special press. The vulcanization temperature is 130-140°C. The following advantages speak in favor of choosing this technology:
    • acceptable cost (this technology is cheap, which has a beneficial effect on the retail price);
    • the speed of the process (it takes literally half an hour to manufacture);
    • the low price of molds allows you to purchase several pieces at once, which will increase production volumes.
  1. Making tiles from crumb rubber cold pressing method. In this case, the vulcanization of raw materials is carried out when heated to a maximum of 80 degrees. The technology requires the use of special ovens in which the chips are sintered. Peculiarities cold technology are as follows:
    • high quality of the received product;
    • the cost of production will be higher than with hot pressing (this is due to the cost of electricity to power the cabinets);
    • the process takes a lot of time (it takes an hour and a half to process raw materials).

Process steps

The production of crumb rubber tiles involves several stages of work:

  1. On preparatory stage the production process consists in the processing and preparation of recyclable materials. Car tires crushed to crumbs of the required fraction manually or with the help of special equipment.
  2. Mixture preparation. Construction mixers are loaded with components necessary for the manufacture of rubber coatings: rubber crumb, polyurethane adhesive, coloring pigments, modifying aggregates.
  3. Product molding. The prepared and thoroughly mixed mixture is poured into molds.
  4. Then the method cold or hot pressing prepared raw materials in molds are pressed to the required density and thickness. In hot pressing, materials are baked at a high temperature.
  5. Baking. This stage will be only in the production of tiles by cold pressing. Its essence lies in the fact that the prepared molds are installed in heating cabinets. In them, the products are processed at low temperatures.

To ensure that the resulting products have the required operational and technical specifications, it is important to choose the right size of rubber crumbs and strictly follow the material manufacturing technology.

The resulting tiles are durable, strong and highly resistant to wear. Due to the porous structure, puddles do not form on the surface of such a coating, since after rain, water quickly seeps through the material and goes into the ground. Laying tiles is made on any flat base.