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What varieties of strawberries have pink flowers. What varieties of strawberries have pink flowers

Strawberry - the name of plants and berries of green strawberry (lat. Fragaria viridis) and nutmeg strawberries (lat. Fragaria moschata), which belong to the flowering department, dicotyledonous class, rosaceous order, pink family, strawberry genus. Many people call strawberries pineapple strawberries (lat. Fragaria ananassa), which has large fruits, although this is wrong with scientific point vision.

The bush forms many rosettes, 10-15 cm in height. The berries are conical, with dense pulp of a brilliant red color, weighing 30-40 grams.

White strawberries - varieties, description and photo.

. Large-fruited variety. The berries are cone-shaped, whitish-pink, weighing 25-30 grams. The pulp is tender, with a light strawberry note and a sour taste.

The color of the pulp is from boiling white to light orange. The berries are medium-sized, 1.5-2 cm in diameter, slightly sour in taste.

High-yielding, but rather small-fruited variety. The berries are distinguished by a white-cream tone and an exquisite pineapple aroma.

Decorative strawberries - description, varieties and photos.

Strawberry variety Pink Panda (Pink Panda) - marvelous unpretentious variety, pleasing with abundant greenery and juicy pink inflorescences. Feels great on difficult soils, can be used as a perennial, gives a crop of berries, small, but quite fragrant.

Strawberry variety Cascade . climbing variety with bright scarlet elongated berries. Often used for planting in flowerpots when landscaping private households.

Strawberry variety Garland . Variety with bright red flowers, cone-shaped, long berries and lush foliage. Great decoration for anyone personal plot!

Strawberry weeds - photo and description.

Unfortunately, in addition to fruit-bearing strawberry bushes, there are often specimens on a strawberry plantation that do not differ at all in appearance from cultivated plant, but not producing fruit or forming ugly berries. These strawberry weeds bloom profusely, produce mustaches with rosettes, but there is no longer any sense from them. Such strawberry "weeds" include bakhmutka, blind man's buff, a weed called oak forest or suspension. These pseudo-strawberry bushes should be removed, and along with their layering mustaches and already rooted rosettes, otherwise in just a couple of summer seasons your strawberry garden will become unusable and turn into a barren field with empty weeds.

Strawberries - benefits and harms.

Medicinal properties of strawberries.

Man has been eating strawberries since the Mesolithic. What is the benefit of strawberries? Berries have a universal dietary purpose, and the leaves are considered miraculous medicinal raw materials. The beneficial properties of strawberries are due to the increased content of vitamins B, C, A, PP and E, folic acid, fiber, pectin, carotene. The mineral composition of strawberries is distinguished by the presence of sodium, calcium, iodine, phosphorus, iron, manganese, fluorine, cobalt, molybdenum. Strawberry leaves abound in essential oils, flavonoids, tannins and a variety of mineral salts.

Thanks to the unique chemical composition, berries and decoctions of strawberry leaves are used to get rid of many ailments and alleviate pathological conditions:

  • with urolithiasis and cholelithiasis as a diuretic;
  • for the prevention of atherosclerosis and lowering blood pressure;
  • with anemia and diabetes;
  • to slow down the growth of cancer cells and prevent cancer;
  • to cleanse the body of harmful substances and toxins;
  • with insomnia and disorders of the nervous system;
  • with deterioration of visual acuity;
  • for the treatment of colds;
  • as an antiseptic for stomatitis and tonsillitis;
  • with constipation, intestinal dysbacteriosis, depression, insomnia, skin diseases, stomatitis, sore throat, pharyngitis, anemia;
  • with beriberi and loss of strength.

The use of strawberries.

Strawberries contain only 46 kcal per 100 grams of product, so the berry is recommended for use in various diets or simply for healing and rejuvenating the body. Fragrant strawberries are eaten not only fresh: jams and compotes are made from berries, they are frozen and dried, used in the preparation of liqueurs and homemade wine, marmalade and even candied fruits are made from them.

Strawberry contraindications.

It should be borne in mind that strawberries can cause serious allergies in some people, so it is necessary to limit the consumption of strawberries to all sufferers. chronic diseases GIT. Strawberries are contraindicated in the following diseases:

  • Allergy to strawberries;
  • Large kidney stones and gallbladder, since strawberries can provoke the release of stones and renal or hepatic colic;
  • Ulcer or gastritis;
  • kidney failure;
  • Children's age up to 1 year.

Strawberry (lat. Fragaria) - perennial herbaceous plant, which belongs to the flowering department, the dicotyledonous class, the rosaceous order, the pink family, the rosaceae subfamily, the genus strawberry.

The origin of the Russian name of the plant is associated with the old Russian word "strawberry", and all due to the fact that strawberries often bend under their weight on stalks directly to the surface of the earth. The botanical name of strawberry comes from the Latin "fragaris", which means "fragrant", because the fruits of this plant are really very fragrant and exude a pleasant aroma.

Strawberries - description, characteristics, photo. What does a strawberry look like?

The root system of strawberries is a rather thick, fibrous brown rhizome. The roots are well developed and lie in the ground at a depth of 20-25 centimeters.

Strawberry leaves are trifoliate, oval, ovoid or ovate-rhombic in shape, dark green in color, depending on the species, they can be large or medium in size, the edge of the leaf is serrated. The height of the petioles, on which the leaf plates are located, reaches a height of 25 cm. The lower part of the leaves usually has pubescence.

Strawberry inflorescence is a few-flowered or multi-flowered shield, located on long peduncles up to 40 cm high, which extend from the root collar of the plant in the form of a rosette. Strawberry flowers are most often bisexual (there are species with same-sex flowers), insect pollinated, with white, pink, red or slightly yellowish petals, with many stamens and pistils.

Strawberry fruits are false berries (multi-nuts) of pink, red, white, yellow or crimson color, which are covered with brownish seeds on top.

Where does strawberry grow?

Botanists believe that strawberries originally appeared in East Asia, and only later did a rather large-scale resettlement of its species occur in other countries. Today, the distribution area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis berry is quite extensive. Strawberries grow in Europe and the USA, in Asia, in Russia and the countries of the former CIS, in Western and Eastern Siberia, grow in the Himalayas, Japan, Bulgaria, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Italy, Canada, Germany, the Baltic countries, North Africa. Strawberries are found along the Atlantic coast north of the Gulf of Mexico and are distributed there up to the Hudson Bay, as well as west of the Atlantic Ocean to the Missouri River.

Strawberries are not too demanding on the soil composition and environmental conditions, so this plant can be found on sunny forest edges, and in fairly shady thickets, and in open meadows with forbs, and in mountainous areas on soil that is not rich in humus.

Types of strawberries, photos and names.

The strawberry genus includes both wild-growing species and cultivated forms bred as a result of selection work and hybridization. Below is a description of some varieties of strawberries.

  • Strawberry pineapple, she is garden strawberry or strawberry large-fruited (lat. Fragaria ananassa)- This is a cultural representative of the Dutch selection, bred in the 18th century by hybridization of large-fruited Chilean strawberries and frost-resistant virgin strawberries. The leaves are large, located on high (20-25 cm) petioles. Pineapple strawberry flowers white color, although there are decorative varieties with pink and red flowers. Berries are most often red, sometimes pink or white. Many mistakenly call it strawberries for the large size of the fruit. As a result of selectively increased mass of fruits, individual berries have a weight of 5 to 75 grams. A fruit weighing 250 grams is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. This type of strawberry is widely cultivated in Bulgaria and the USA, Germany and Russia, Italy, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Canada. Today, more than two thousand varieties of pineapple strawberries have been bred.

  • . All parts of the Chilean strawberry are pubescent, the leaves are trifoliate, rounded, green in color with a slight shade of blue. Flowers with white petals are located on short peduncles. Pale red or whitish strawberry fruits with dense pulp, large (2-4 cm in diameter), when ripe, are easily separated from the sepals. This type of strawberry does not tolerate cold winters well and is prone to spotting. The Chilean strawberry grows along the Chilean coast, covering large-scale territories up to the Antarctic Circle and the Andean mountains, common in America, found in Hawaii, feels great in the highlands at an altitude of up to 1.5 km above sea level.

  • Musky strawberry or nutmeg strawberry, she is a high strawberry, garden strawberry, real strawberry, European strawberry, high strawberry, Spanish strawberry or shpanka (lat. Fragaria moschata). Long, from 15 to 40 cm, erect stems and short petioles of strawberry leaves of this species are densely covered with hairs. Trifoliate leaves are ovate-rhombic in shape, large, with a broadly serrated edge, pubescent above and below, with pronounced venation. Large (up to 2.5 centimeters in diameter) flowers are usually unisexual, on male flowers numerous stamens stand out, the length of which reaches 1.5 cm. The berries of the nutmeg strawberries are rather small - only 3-5 g in weight, have a spherical or ovoid shape and have a pleasant aroma of nutmeg and honey. Fruit color varies from pinkish and red to greenish-white berries with one red side. The species is distributed in Russia and European countries, with the exception of the extreme north and south.

  • Eastern strawberry (lat. Fragaria orientalis) has ovate-rhombic leaves with 6-9 teeth, densely pubescent below and only slightly above. Petioles are long. Tall stems up to 30 cm long are also covered with hairs. The whiskers of the eastern strawberry are long, but may be completely absent. Bisexual flowers from 1.5 to 3 cm in diameter, collected in inflorescences of 2-7 pieces. The fruits are round or cone-shaped, evenly colored red. Eastern strawberries grow in Eastern and Western Siberia, in the Altai Territory, the Far East region of Russia, in Korea and Mongolia.

  • Strawberries virginskaya(lat. Fragaria virginiana), brought to Europe from the US state of Virginia, is characterized by intense shoot formation. Plant height reaches 25 cm. Strawberry leaves are dark green, large, located on long petioles covered with hairs. White flowers are collected in inflorescences of five pieces. The fruits are conical in shape, up to two cm in diameter, have a characteristic scarlet color. High drought and cold resistance are considered valuable features of this type of strawberry, and rather meager fruiting and low transportability are considered disadvantages. Significantly inferior in taste to wild strawberries. Virginian strawberries grow along the Atlantic coast to the west, to the Missouri River, to the north, the growth area reaches the Gulf of Mexico and the Hudson.

  • wild strawberry, common strawberry(lat. Fragaria vesca)- wild species, 5-30 cm high, gave rise to several varieties of selective strawberries (cultural species - alpine strawberries). unpretentious plant, which grows both on acidic, poor soils, and on rich, slightly alkaline. Strawberry leaves are long-petiolate, pubescent below, with large pointed teeth. Bisexual flowers of white color are collected in few-flowered inflorescences. Wild strawberries are found in forest clearings, forest edges, among shrubs. The range covers the forest-steppes of central Russia, the Baltic countries, Ukraine, Belarus, as well as both American continents and North Africa. Widely used in folk medicine.

  • Green strawberries, hilly strawberries or midnight, meadow strawberry, steppe strawberry, forest strawberry (lat.fragaria viridis) . A plant with a height of 5 to 20 cm with thin stems and short mustaches. Oval or ovate leaves with blunt denticles densely pubescent along the bottom edge. Strawberry flowers are white, bisexual, reach 2 cm in diameter. Spherical strawberry fruits are small, 1-2 grams in weight, cherry-colored when fully ripe and pink-red with white and green areas at the stage of technical maturity. They are separated from the stem along with the sepals, dense in consistency, they are distinguished by good transportability. The forest strawberry habitat covers Western Europe, mountainous regions Central Asia, Russia, in particular, Western and Eastern Siberia, the Crimean Peninsula.

Strawberry classification.

There are a huge number of strawberry varieties bred by breeders based on wild species. At the same time, both wild and cultivated species differ in fruit size, on the basis of which it is distinguished:

  • large-fruited strawberries.

It is customary to include varieties of strawberries with berries, whose weight varies from 25 to 40 grams, and in some varieties reaches 65-100 grams.

Large-fruited strawberries include the following varieties: Aisha, Albion, Alpha, Amulet, Pineapple, White Swede, Black Swan, Brighton, Great Britain, Vikoda, Vima Xima, Gigantella, Giant Gemma, Jorneya, Darenka, Elizabeth-2, Geneva, Zephyr, Irishka , Kalimiston, Kimberly, Clery, Consul, Queen Elizabeth, Lord, Maria, Masha, Honey Summer, Ottawa, Pineberry, Shelf, Summer Resident's Joy, Ruby Pendant, Sashenka, Sweet Tooth, Sonata, Sultan, Triploid, Tristar, Turidu, Felicia, Juan , Queen, Chamora Turusi, Charlotte, Eldorado and others.

  • small strawberries.

Small berries usually do not exceed a weight of 10-25 grams, in many varieties the weight of a berry is 4-5 g.

The best varieties of small-fruited strawberries: Alexandria, Ali Baba, Pineapple, Baron Solemacher, Snow White, White Soul, White Lotus, Weiss Solemacher, Seasons, Yellow Miracle, Yellow Cream, Zita and Gita, Zolotinka, Forest Fairy Tale, Marmalade, Rügen, Regina , Ruyana, Sakhalinskaya, Sweet hearts.

Wild strawberries on the left and pineapple strawberries on the right. Photo by: Per Ola Wiberg, CC BY 2.0

Strawberries are also distinguished by the color of its fruits, highlighting the berries:

  • Red,
  • yellow or whitish cream.

No less important is the classification of strawberries according to ripening time:

  • Strawberries early or early ripe,
  • Strawberry medium early,
  • Strawberry mid-season,
  • Strawberry mid-late,
  • Strawberries are late.

Despite this classification, it is usually not possible to indicate the ripening time with absolute accuracy up to several days: the fruits reach ripeness depending on the region in which the strawberries are planted and the climatic conditions during the growing season. However, the approximate dates for the ripening of strawberry berries are considered to be the following months:

  • for early varieties - the end of May and the first decade of June;
  • for mid-early varieties - mid-June and the first decade of July;
  • for mid-season varieties - July;
  • for mid-late varieties - the end of July and August;
  • for late varieties - September, October, and in some regions even November.

The strawberry varieties popular with gardeners are described below, taking into account their classification.

Red and white (yellow) strawberries, varieties and photos.

Red strawberry.

  • Strawberry Victoria- mid-season variety, vigorous bush, glossy leaves, deep green. The fruits are conical, bright red, with dense pulp and a strong aroma.

  • Strawberry Albion- bred in California, the variety is resistant to heat due to its large leaves. The berries are red-orange, cone-shaped, with a pleasant aroma. Differs in productivity and long term fruiting.

  • Strawberry Temptation. The variety was bred by English breeders. Long peduncles allow the use of this variety of strawberries in the form of an ornamental ampelous plant. Fruits ripen not only on peduncles, but also on mustaches. The berries are red, very large, with a spicy nutmeg note.

White (yellow) strawberry.

  • Strawberry Yellow Miracle. The bush is quite compact, up to 25 cm high. The berries are elongated, conical in shape, weighing 3-8 g, light yellow color, with a light honey-pineapple aroma. On bushes planted in the shade, the fruits are white.

  • Strawberry Weiss Solemacher. Beardless variety of early ripening type, conical fruits, yellowish-cream color, sweet, with delicate pulp and delicate aroma.

Taken from the site: cemkin.ru

Varieties of strawberries by maturity.

Early varieties of strawberries, photos and names.

  • Strawberry Marshmallow- large-fruited variety, which is bred in Denmark. The bushes are powerful, tall, flowering is plentiful. Under the snow cover, the plant tolerates frosts down to -35 degrees, but in winters with little snow it dies at a temperature of -8-10 degrees. Strawberries are dark red, scallop-shaped and ripen early. The weight of strawberries can reach 15-35 g.

  • . A beardless remontant strawberry with a compact, strongly pubescent bush up to 25 cm high. The berries are small, conical in shape, bright carmine in color with a glossy surface. The fruits of this early strawberry are distinguished by a strong aroma.

  • Strawberry Queen Elizabeth 2. This remontant strawberry variety was bred by Russian botanists. The berries are bright red, in the first wave of harvest (early June) may not be correct form, the second July harvest gives large fruits of the correct form. The pulp of the berries is dense, juicy, excellent for transportation and freezing.

Mid-early varieties of strawberries, photos and names.

  • Strawberry Cinderella. The plant is compact, forms little whiskers. The leaves are large, dark green in color, covered with a wax coating. Inflorescences few-flowered, white. The berries are in the form of a blunt cone, rather large, weighing from 23 to 40 g. The strawberry pulp is red-orange, dense, with a sweet and sour taste. High-yielding, winter-hardy variety.

  • Strawberry Asia- the result of Italian selection. Bushes with powerful roots easily tolerate harsh winters. The berries are bright red, conical in shape, slightly flattened, very sweet.

  • Strawberry Wim Kimberley. A plant with a powerful, high (30-40 cm) bush. The leaves are rhombic, light green, with sharp teeth. The flowers of garden strawberries are white, the berries are red, with delicate sweet pulp, weighing up to 50 g.

Mid-season varieties of strawberries, photos and names.

  • is a tall bush with a large rosette. The berries are bright red, conical in shape, slightly flattened and have grooves. The pulp of the fruit is juicy, with a pleasant taste, rather dense. The weight of the berries of the first wave of harvest reaches 45 g, the average weight of subsequent berries is from 10 to 25 g. This mid-season strawberry variety is shade-tolerant and not afraid of frost.

  • Strawberry Holiday. Tall, sprawling, frost-resistant bush of beardless strawberries, berries are round-conical, in the first wave of the harvest up to 32 g in weight, then they become slightly smaller. The fruits are medium, yellow in color, have a great aroma and sweet taste. The plant reaches a height of 25-30 cm.
  • . The bush of the plant is spherical in shape, with dark green ovate leaves. The berries are dark red, shiny, sweet and sour, with dense pulp, weighing an average of 13 g.

Mid-late varieties of strawberries, photos and names.

  • Strawberry Queen. A plant with large (up to 40 g), sweet and sour red berries. The variety is productive, resistant to frost and heat, little affected by fungal diseases and pests.

  • Strawberry Gigantella Maxim. Large-fruited variety: the first wave of the harvest gives berries up to 90-100 g in weight, later the weight of the fruit decreases to 60-65 g. The berries are bright scarlet in color, juicy, but quite dense in texture.

  • Strawberry Roxana. The bushes are compact, of medium height. The fruits are red or dark red, large, with a slightly shiny surface. Strawberries have a bright aroma and excellent taste.

Late varieties of strawberries, photos and names.

  • Strawberry Vikoda valued for ease of care (there are no mustaches) and unpretentiousness to temperature conditions. The berries are large, red, with dense pulp, so they are ideal for transportation.

  • Strawberry Mitze Schindler. Berries of medium size, with a unique taste and aroma. The variety is undemanding to watering, lighting and temperature conditions. The plant is resistant to fungal diseases.

  • Strawberry variety Malvina gives large sweet berries of bright cherry color. The variety is resistant to diseases, not affected powdery mildew almost never rots. Rain and drought resistant. The height of the bushes reaches 40 cm. The mass of fruits of large-fruited strawberries reaches 20-25 g.

Have you ever seen strawberries with? It turns out that this is a very beautiful strawberry and delicious. This bush was given to me by my sister, who bought such a strawberry somewhere at the exhibition. Strawberries with bright pink flowers called Tarpan. Let's see what this beauty is.

Strawberries with bright pink flowers

This is a refurbished garden strawberry blooms and bears fruit all summer. Look how cool and beautiful and you will be with berries all summer. This strawberry blooms with unusual bright pink flowers and therefore can be grown on balconies in flowerpots for decorative purposes. But the berries of this strawberry are large, weighing 30-35g, very sweet and have a pleasant strawberry taste.

Care for this plant is the same as for ordinary strawberries. At favorable conditions you can get a small harvest in the first year. And in the next three years, the yield of the bush is maximum. Then the yield quickly declines. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to regularly change the planting site and the plants themselves. This is a prerequisite for a good harvest.

As you can see for yourself, a flower and a berry in one plant. Very cool, I liked it. The pulp of these berries has a very sweet, juicy and aromatic taste. So both adults and children will love Tarpan strawberries. Try and buy such strawberries with bright pink flowers, I think you will like it.

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Strawberries (lat. Fragaria) with pink flowers or fruits look very attractive. With proper care, it gives good harvest, and after the bushes can be used as green manure by digging them along with the beds.

Pink-fruited varieties of strawberries

Strawberries with pink berries are rare. Its most popular varieties are presented in the table.

Variety name general characteristics Berry qualities Growing features
Galya Chief (lat. Galya Chiv) Harvest variety Berries are pale pink or pink, large, with a dessert taste. Not susceptible to disease
Pink dream (lat. Pink somnium) Remontant, ultra-early Berries bright pink, sweet Fruiting is long. Agrotechnics standard
Avis Delight (lat. Avis delectare) Repair reliable variety Berries are dense, tasty Neutral daylight variety
Pink Princess (lat. Pink Principem) Hybrid of strawberries and strawberries Berries are pink Agrotechnics standard
Pineapple (lat. Pineapple), or Victoria Large-fruited and large-flowered variety The fruits are large, the taste is excellent Undemanding to care
Lizonka (lat. Lizonka) Hybrid, has a decorative appearance Berries medium, sweet Blooms in mid-summer, bears fruit until frost.
Tarpan (lat. Tarpan) Repair grade

Berries are large

Fruits all summer. Does not require additional care

Varieties of strawberries with pink flowers

These varieties of strawberries are valued for their original appearance. Of course, they are primarily bred for berries, and beautiful flowers are a great bonus: the bushes become a real decoration of the site. There are not many varieties of pink-flowered strawberries. Consider the most popular among them.

How to plant strawberries (now we know)

Variety name general characteristics Qualities of berries and flowers Growing features
Pink Miracle (lat. Pink Spiritus) Early ripe high-yielding hybrid Berries of excellent taste. decorative flowers Excellent disease and frost resistance
Pink flamingo (lat. Pink Flamingos) Expensive variety. Often used for decorative purposes Berries up to 2 cm long, sweet and sour. Flowers are large Requires tying flower stalks
Roman (lat. Novel) Variety with continuous fruiting and flowering Large berries and flowers The ability to bear fruit does not depend on climatic conditions and daylight hours

Tuscany (lat. Etruria)

Repair grade

The fruits are large Frost-resistant variety
Eternity (lat. Aeternum) Variety with good germination and continuous fruiting Berries of medium size, fragrant, tasty Requires regular watering, loosening and weeding
Tristan (lat. Tristan) Variety with compact bushes Sweet fruits of medium size disease resistant
Gazana (lat. Gazam) Ampel grade The fruits are sweet and juicy, the flowers are large Not demanding to care

The use of pink strawberries in landscape design

Varieties with pink flowers are unusually beautiful, so they are often used in landscape design. Basically, strawberry varieties such as Roman F1, Tarpan F1 and Tristan F1 are chosen to decorate the garden.

Many pink-flowered hybrids have large berries that are not only tasty, but can also serve as an ornamental feature.

Important! Seeds are used to grow ornamental strawberries. It is better to buy them in special stores.

Sowing strawberry seeds for seedlings is carried out in February, and only on the soil surface. The seeds are not sprinkled with earth. They are lightly watered, and then cover the box with a lid. After the appearance of two full-fledged leaves (about 30 days later), the seedlings dive. In pots, on ridges, balconies and flower beds, seedlings are planted at the age of 2 months.

In autumn, decorative strawberries need to be cut, and the roots should be transplanted to the garden bed and covered with hay or sawdust. In the spring, they can be taken out and planted again in a flower bed, in a flowerpot or on a balcony. Unlike standard strawberries, decorative strawberries require careful care.

Reviews of gardeners

There are different reviews about pink-flowered and pink-fruited varieties. Gardeners note with regret that the fruits of such strawberries are not too large, but palatability are satisfied and characterize the fruits as fragrant and sweet.

Seeds sprout for the most part well, seedlings are powerful. Among the shortcomings, the high cost of such strawberries is noted, as well as the need for some varieties of high-quality care, without which the plant develops slowly, the flowers become smaller, and there may not be a harvest at all.

Strawberries: variety selection (now we know)

In general, the cultivation of pink-fruited or pink-flowered strawberries is a complex process that requires patience. But the result is worth it: this beauty will become a true decoration of your site!



Strawberries with pink flowers

Oksana Nick

06.08.2016 11:26

Have you ever seen strawberries with bright pink flowers or red, crimson flowers? It turns out that this is a very beautiful strawberry and delicious. It forms a lot of flower stalks and therefore can be grown on balconies in flowerpots for decoration. Although there are purely decorative varieties that can be used as a groundcover (for example, Pink Panda), as Mila does sadovodka.ru/users/3182

Care for this plant is the same as for ordinary strawberries. Under favorable conditions, you can get a small harvest in the first year. In the next three years, the yield of the bush is maximum. Then the yield quickly declines. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to regularly change the planting site and the plants themselves. This is a prerequisite for a good harvest.

Popular varieties of strawberries with pink flowers: Tristan, Florian, Tuscany, Roman F1, Tarpan.


Strawberries on the balcony

Most summer residents, except garden plot, be sure to have a home garden - on the windowsill or balcony. Seed growers never cease to amaze us with new products, and among them are many varieties and hybrids of strawberries that can grow in a flowerpot or pot. There are very interesting ones, for example, blooming all summer long not with white, but with pink or red flowers. And if you choose strawberries for the balcony, then remontant, which continuously blooms and bears fruit all season.

Very beautiful ampelous plants that cascade down. In fairness, I would like to note that not all experiments in growing "strawberry cascades" on the balcony are successful. The variety, the location of the balcony, the care, and the soil play a role. If you have glazed balcony and you bought branded seeds, not a fake - you can try, because this is a real miracle! And how to do everything right?

For strawberries in a pot or planter, sufficiently large containers will be required - at least 2-3 liters per plant, 3-4 bushes can be planted in a flowerpot with a capacity of 10-15 liters. In ordinary balcony boxes, bushes are placed after 20-25 cm, but the result is worse. Large-fruited varieties in boxes do not grow well.

Most gardeners sow crops with such small seeds in containers with lids, in grooves or on a layer of snow, the technology is well developed. This can be done if there are a lot of seeds in the bag, and balcony and indoor varieties usually packaged in 4-5, rarely 10 pieces. Moreover, strawberries sprout unfriendly, shoots may appear in a few days or a month, this is very inconvenient.

When there are few seeds better fit other technology. Seeds are placed on a plate between layers of wet wipes, covered with polyethylene or another plate. As the sprouts appear, carefully, with a needle, they are taken out and planted in separate cups. You can do the same with other valuable seeds, such as peppers.

As for strawberries, at first it has a rather long root, and only then - tiny cotyledon leaves. Damage to this long root when picking from a seedling cup often leads to the death of almost all seedlings.

When planting a seedling in a glass, you must first do it in the soil deep hole so that the root does not bend. With this method, it is possible to germinate and successfully plant almost all seeds. After planting, the cups with seedlings are covered for the first time to maintain moisture, slightly opened, aired. Sprouts take root very well, try it.

As for the soil for growing strawberries, the land must be sifted to plant seedlings. You can prepare such soil yourself by taking 3 parts of coarse sand and 5 parts of humus, or sifted peat, soddy soil, sand, biohumus. Seedlings are ready to be transplanted into large containers when they have a few true leaves and a reddish color appears at the base of the rosette.

Can be used for flowerpot or planter ready soils from a store containing peat, river sand, vermiculite, biohumus and fertilizers, or prepare the soil yourself with the addition of these components. When transplanting, it is important not to deepen the heart - strawberries may die.

In order for the strawberries on the balcony to bloom and bear fruit, it is necessary to regularly feed the plantings with fertilizers and prevent the earthen clod from drying out, it is advisable to mulch the surface of the pot with moss or perlite. At the bottom of the pot, a drainage layer of 3-5 cm is required.

Strawberries love the sun and do best on south-facing balconies or where the sun is in the afternoon. She also does not like the wind, which can be quite strong at the level of the upper floors, so it is better to hang the pots on the side walls or from the ceiling.

Since the strawberry is a perennial plant, you can try to save the planting for the next season. When wintering on the windowsill, the plants wither and may die, they need cold wintering. Optimum temperature for wintering - about zero degrees, with very poor watering. It can be a closed balcony or a window in a cold entrance, in such conditions the plants will overwinter.

You can sow strawberries for long-term fruiting starting from the second half of January, if your balcony is glazed, or in February-March, if the balcony is open. And now entrepreneurs receive new batches of seeds, and you can find any rarities that you can no longer buy in February.

Varieties of strawberries for the balcony

Varieties with white flowers

Poisk offers the Temptation variety, which begins to bear fruit 4 months after sowing, with continuous fruiting throughout the summer. The plant is strong, fast growing, requires a large container, the berries are quite large, sweet. mature plant lays up to 20 peduncles at the same time. There are 10 seeds in a package.

Strawberry cascading Generous F1 (firm "Gavrish") - with early fruiting, sprawling bush, all rosettes on the mustache quickly bloom. The plant has flowers and berries at the same time, fruiting lasts from early summer to autumn. There are 4 seeds in a bag.

Everyone who grew liked the Balcony Stream F1 hybrid (Balcony Stream). The berries are quite large and exceptionally fragrant, especially in the sun, in the shade the berries are pale. It bears fruit all summer, looks very beautiful in limbo.

Varieties with pink and red flowers

Pink dream (Poisk company) - bush form, almost no mustache, bears fruit all summer, early variety, the plant has both pink flowers and berries. There are 5 seeds in the package.

Tuscany F1 ("NK - Russian Garden") blooms very beautifully, gives a lot of long, up to 1 m, shoots. It begins fruiting 4-5 months after planting. Requires top dressing with full fertilizer every week, one plant is placed in a 10 l container. There are 5 seeds in the package.

Enchantress ("Search") - differs in large pink flowers, looks very beautiful on the balcony. Blooms and bears fruit all summer. Strawberry Alpine Eternity F1 ("Plasma Seeds") is characterized by continuous fruiting and unpretentiousness. It tolerates overdrying and some errors in care, works well in hanging baskets, resistant to diseases and pests. There are 10 seeds in a package.

Strawberry World delicacy, mix F1 ("NK - Russian garden") - is interesting because there are 8 pieces of seeds of different hybrids in the package, with flowers of white and pink color. Since the conditions for the growth of strawberries on the balcony are different for everyone, it will definitely turn out that some will grow well, while others will disappoint. From a mixture of varieties - yes, something will please.

These seeds must be germinated in advance on a saucer, as they sprout different varieties V different dates.

Now the strawberry hybrid F1-C141 is gaining popularity, there is a successful experience of growing in Irkutsk. The first flowers of this hybrid are the size of a wild rose flower, almost red in color. Berries - not the best taste, but it can grow on the windowsill all year round, at least the authors of the variety promise so.


Strawberries: types, varieties, cultivation, use in the landscape

Strawberry (lat. Fragaria) - genus perennials belonging to the Pink family (lat. Rosáceae). Strawberries are widely distributed in America and Eurasia, it is believed that they originally appeared in East Asia, were brought to Europe and America. On the expanses of the former USSR, wild z. musk, Z. eastern, Z. forest and Z. green (half-day) are found in the wild.

Interesting fact: The first description appeared in 1553. The caretaker of the German Botanical Garden identified two types of strawberries and named them from the Latin word "fragaris", meaning "fragrant". Russian name came from the old Russian word "strawberry", it was noticed that the berries of the plant lean towards the ground.



Strawberry is a perennial herbaceous plant with a fibrous root system. The roots are located in the thickness of the earth at a depth of 20-25 cm. The leaves are complex, trifoliate, the petioles are long (about 10 cm). Stems are creeping, pubescent, easily rooted. The inflorescence is a multi-flowered corymb. Petals are most often white, sometimes slightly yellow, in ornamental varieties pink.

The flowers are bisexual (most common), are on long peduncles, pollinated by insects. There are many stamens and pistils. Five petals. The fruit is a complex polynutlet (false berry), edible; formed from a growing receptacle. Small nuts (seeds) are immersed in the pulp of the fruit. Such fruits are called "strawberry". Flowering begins in May, lasts until early July (until the berries ripen). Remontant varieties bloom twice a season.

All types of strawberries will be divided into groups (when pollinated, "ploidy" must match):

  • Diploids (14 chromosomes): Z. forest, Z. green.
  • Tetraploids (28 chromosomes): 3. corymbose, 3. moupinensis, 3. eastern.
  • Hexaploids (42 chromosomes): 3. musky.
  • Octaploids (56 chromosomes): 3. Virginian, 3. Chilean, 3. Pineapple.

botanical illustration type species Z. forest (F. vesca)

Strawberries are characterized by the development of shoots in two cycles: in the first year a vegetative shoot with leaves is formed, next summer generative shoots (with flowers) appear. Also, another feature known to many is the presence of the so-called antennae - long shoots developing from the rhizome. Whiskers are capable of rooting in nodal places. Long-leaved leaves develop from the rooting site.

Strawberry green (midnight)


The genus Strawberry includes about 20 species. There are a number of hybrids and a huge number of varieties, most of which are used for growing plants for commercial purposes.

Z. forest (lat. F. vesca) or alpine - plants 5-30 cm high, common in forest-steppes and forests in many regions of Eurasia. In nature, it can be found among thickets of shrubs and on forest edges. The flowers are bisexual, the sepals are arranged horizontally or slightly bent back. The berries are bright red, sweet and fragrant. Variety "Variegata" (‘Variegata’) is bred for decorative purposes, has beautiful two-color leaves.

Why not a groundcover? Chilean strawberries

Z. Chilean (lat. F. chiloensis) grows on the sandbanks of the Chilean coast, is found on the Hawaiian Islands. Plants reach 30 cm tall. Foliage is bright green. The flowers are white, 1.5 cm in diameter. The berries are oval, the flesh is white, the fruit is colored light red. This species is drought-resistant, but not very hardy. The low Z. Chilean is sometimes grown as a groundcover.

Z. pineapple (lat. F. × ananassa) or garden, or large-fruited does not exist in the wild. It was obtained by crossing Z. Chilean (which gave large-fruitedness) and Z. virginskaya (given frost resistance). Z. garden - the most common berry crop cultivated throughout the world. Plants are shade-tolerant, frosts below - 15-20 ° C are not tolerated. Sensitive to lack of water.

More than 2000 varieties of Z. large-fruited have been bred. The results of the selection were: an increase in the mass of fruits up to 75 g, the appearance of remontant and decorative forms. The best remontant varieties are: "Albion", "Queen Elizabeth II", "Moscow delicacy".

Strawberry pineapple "Pink Panda" (F. x ananassa ‘Pink Panda’)

Varieties that can be used in ornamental floriculture: 'Pink Panda' ('Pink Panda'), 'Lipstick' ('Lipstick'), 'Toscana' ('Toscana'), 'Fragoo Deep Rose' ('Fragoo Deep Rose') "Roman" ('ROMAN F1'). In strawberries of these varieties, the flowers are painted in a bright pink or red-pink color, the foliage has a more saturated color, while fruiting is preserved. Varieties resistant to frost.

Z. musky (lat. F. moschata) - plants 25-40 cm high, common in Europe and Russia. The flowers are unisexual, large (2.5 cm), the sepals are bent. The inflorescence consists of 5-12 flowers. Berries are pink or crimson. Antennae are often absent. The stems are covered with glandular hairs. The fruits are small with a specific aroma - honey-musky. Plants are not drought-resistant, bloom better and bear fruit in a little shading.

Strawberry pineapple "Roman" in a flowerpot (F. x ananassa ‘ROMAN F1’)

Z. green (lat. F. viridis), Meadow strawberry, or Polunitsa grows 5-25 cm high. The flowers are bisexual, the sepals are pressed. The fruits are red or pink, pubescent at the top. Widespread in Russian middle lane. The berries of Z. green are sweet even when unripe.

Name confusion

The plant that we call strawberries is actually Z. pineapple (garden) of hybrid origin. It appeared in Russia only at the end of the 19th century. Russian word"strawberry" until that time referred to Z. musky, which grew in abundance in many regions. Strawberries were also called Z. forest. In ancient times, in Rus', strawberries were called Z. green because of the round berries. The old Russian word "club" meant "spherical body".

Photogallery of species


Location. The best place for strawberries there will be an open sunny lawn, but growing in partial shade is acceptable (especially in the southern regions). For decorative purposes, strawberries are grown in flower beds, which can be of any configuration: round, square, rectangular. The most interesting device is a "hill" - a multi-level flower bed.

Strawberries are decorative in autumn

Soils. Plants love well-drained soils. They can adapt to any conditions, but for better development and fruiting, it is better to choose a neutral soil rich in humus.

Care. Strawberry is a frost-resistant plant, withstands winter frosts down to -25 °C. It is resistant to dry soil, but looks more decorative when provided good watering. To prevent the plants from growing and keeping the bushes compact, the whiskers are removed. Fertilize strawberries with organic matter (manure solution or humus). In order not to provoke abundant foliage growth at the expense of flowering, the amount of fertilizer should be moderate.

Planting strawberries: laying a flower bed


Strawberries are susceptible various types wilting, for the prevention of which bushes do not grow in one place for longer than 3-4 years in a row. It suffers from spotting: brown, white and brown. For preventive purposes, in early spring, removing old leaves, spray 3-4% Bordeaux liquid, or 1% before flowering. From powdery mildew, spraying with a soap-copper emulsion before flowering (after picking berries) helps.

Tip: out a large number of varieties that show resistance to many diseases, so it is better to opt for these.

strawberry sapling


Strawberries reproduce vegetatively by tendrils. To propagate the desired bush, the whiskers are not removed, they are allowed to grow and take root. Small rosettes are first fed by the mother plant. For transplantation, choose those sockets that are closer to the mother bush, as they are the strongest. Mustaches of the second, and even more subsequent orders, it is desirable to remove. In early autumn, young plants are separated and planted in a new place. Planting is mulched with foliage or dry grass.

You can also grow strawberries from seed. This process is painstaking and requires patience. You can read about the details here.

original solution- a pyramidal shape


Most often, strawberries (strawberries) are grown for the sake of delicious berries, however, it can also be successfully used in decorative floriculture, combining utility with aesthetics. Decorative varieties used for growing in mixborders, original borders are created from strawberry bushes. Cultivation of strawberries in hanging flowerpots is also popular.

Joint landing with strawberries and violets - worthy alternative lawn

Some species, such as Z. chile, can be grown as a groundcover. In this case, with the help of the direction of the antennae, they form a "carpet" desired shape. The most common cultivation of strawberries in flower beds various shapes, including multilevel ones.

Strawberries (lat. Fragaria) with pink flowers or fruits look very attractive. With proper care, it gives a good harvest, and after the bushes can be used as green manure, digging them along with the beds.

Pink-fruited varieties of strawberries

Strawberries with pink berries are rare. Its most popular varieties are presented in the table.

Variety name general characteristics Berry qualities Growing features
Galya Chief (lat. Galya Chiv) Harvest variety Berries are pale pink or pink, large, with a dessert taste. Not susceptible to disease
Pink dream (lat. Pink somnium) Remontant, ultra-early Berries bright pink, sweet Fruiting is long. Agrotechnics standard
Avis Delight (lat. Avis delectare) Repair reliable variety Berries are dense, tasty Neutral daylight variety
Pink Princess (lat. Pink Principem) Hybrid of strawberries and strawberries Berries are pink Agrotechnics standard
Pineapple (lat. Pineapple), or Victoria Large-fruited and large-flowered variety The fruits are large, the taste is excellent Undemanding to care
Lizonka (lat. Lizonka) Hybrid, has a decorative appearance Berries medium, sweet Blooms in mid-summer, bears fruit until frost.
Tarpan (lat. Tarpan) Repair grade

Berries are large

Fruits all summer. Does not require additional care

Varieties of strawberries with pink flowers

These varieties of strawberries are valued for their original appearance. Of course, first of all they are bred for berries, and beautiful flowers are a great bonus: the bushes become a real decoration of the site. There are not many varieties of pink-flowered strawberries. Consider the most popular among them.

How to plant strawberries (now we know)

Variety name general characteristics Qualities of berries and flowers Growing features
Pink Miracle (lat. Pink Spiritus) Early ripe high-yielding hybrid Berries of excellent taste. decorative flowers Excellent disease and frost resistance
Pink flamingo (lat. Pink Flamingos) Expensive variety. Often used for decorative purposes Berries up to 2 cm long, sweet and sour. Flowers are large Requires tying flower stalks
Roman (lat. Novel) Variety with continuous fruiting and flowering Large berries and flowers The ability to bear fruit does not depend on climatic conditions and daylight hours

Tuscany (lat. Etruria)

Repair grade

The fruits are large Frost-resistant variety
Eternity (lat. Aeternum) Variety with good germination and continuous fruiting Berries of medium size, fragrant, tasty Requires regular watering, loosening and weeding
Tristan (lat. Tristan) Variety with compact bushes Sweet fruits of medium size disease resistant
Gazana (lat. Gazam) Ampel grade The fruits are sweet and juicy, the flowers are large Not demanding to care

The use of pink strawberries in landscape design

Varieties with pink flowers are unusually beautiful, so they are often used in landscape design. Basically, strawberry varieties such as Roman F1, Tarpan F1 and Tristan F1 are chosen to decorate the garden.

Many pink-flowered hybrids have large berries that are not only tasty, but can also serve as an ornamental feature.

Important! Seeds are used to grow ornamental strawberries. It is better to buy them in special stores.

Sowing strawberry seeds for seedlings is carried out in February, and only on the soil surface. The seeds are not sprinkled with earth. They are lightly watered, and then cover the box with a lid. After the appearance of two full-fledged leaves (about 30 days later), the seedlings dive. In pots, on ridges, balconies and flower beds, seedlings are planted at the age of 2 months.

In autumn, decorative strawberries need to be cut, and the roots should be transplanted to the garden bed and covered with hay or sawdust. In the spring, they can be taken out and planted again in a flower bed, in a flowerpot or on a balcony. Unlike standard strawberries, decorative strawberries require careful care.