Mixer      06/26/2020

Wooden benches (45 photos): a variety of shapes and styles. Do-it-yourself wooden bench: how to decorate a personal plot (54 photo ideas)

Time in the country involves not only classes on the site, but also rest among the trees and flowering greenery. The best choice to create a relaxation zone, garden benches become. They perform not only the functions of furniture, but can also become an element of decorating the territory. The choice of style solution depends on the architecture of the main building on the site, while general design will look elegant and harmonious.

Comfort and safety

In pursuit of unusual options furniture for the garden, do not forget about the requirements for this item. They are directly related to the purpose of the garden bench.

  1. Convenience. The shape of the seat and backrest must correspond to the structure of the human body. This will allow you to rest comfortably.
  2. Safety. The reliability of the assembly, the ability to withstand a considerable load will provide high quality materials. This requirement applies to fittings and fasteners.
  3. Resistance to atmospheric factors. Based on the fact that garden benches are installed on outdoors, they must be resistant to bad weather and endure any changes in external conditions.
  4. Mobility. This property will allow you to easily change the place of rest. For example: in summer it is preferable to take cover in the shade, and in autumn and spring it is so tempting to soak up the gentle rays of the sun.

Location selection

Putting a bench on the site is not an easy task. Several factors influence this decision. If there is a pond on the site, then you should opt for this picturesque place. The contemplation of the water surface calms, the proximity of water will give the desired coolness on a hot day. good option maybe a corner in the shade of mighty trees or next to a hedge.

When placing a bench, it is important to imagine what kind of view the person sitting on it will open. It is not interesting to consider knots and holes in the neighbor's fence. Aesthetic pleasure after a hard day will give a view of blooming flower bed, alpine slide, fountain or other elements landscape design. Or maybe the site offers a picturesque panorama of the river, sea, mountains or other beauties of natural origin? This gift should be used when planning a place to stay.


There are several options for garden furniture, differing in design.


The simplest type of bench. Has legs and seat. You won’t be able to rest comfortably on it - just sit down and take a breath.

Bench with backrest

This option is much more pleasant for spending time. It allows you to comfortably sit on long term.

garden group

The garden bench, complemented by a table, is a great place for gatherings with the whole family or with friends.

Furniture for any weather

If equip lightweight design canopy, you get a distant relative of the gazebo. Of course, it will not save you from a downpour with wind, but you can get minimal protection. If there are no trees on the site that give shade, then this view will hide from the sun.

works of art

Garden benches can look like art objects. They want to be shown to the public. Carved sidewalls made of wood or stone, openwork patterns of metal parts and other tricks make an object of admiration out of ordinary furniture.

There are also stationary and folding benches. For the first type, massive structural elements are used that are not afraid of the influence of temperature and humidity changes. The second type requires lightness. They are usually made from plastic or wood.


Used in the production of outdoor furniture different materials: wood, metal, stone, plastic. The product can be made of one type or combine a combination of several components.


Garden bench made of wood fell in love with the owners of summer cottages most of all. The fact is that natural warmth, purity and ease of processing allows you to create products for any garden design. Most often, wood species that are resistant to decay are used. For example: oak, larch, hazel, cherry, teak, etc. The cost of furniture directly depends on the price of the material.


The main advantage of stone benches is their long service life. But sitting on such furniture is not very comfortable. In the warm season, comfort can be increased soft pillows, and in the cold period, nothing will help. They are used more often in decorative purposes. Marble, quartzite and granite look extraordinarily beautiful. Another disadvantage is the high cost.


Best looking openwork designs that look light and airy. They will decorate any area. For a comfortable rest, you will need a mattress or pillow according to the size of the seat and back.


A garden bench made of such material does not shine with special beauty. Under the action of sunlight, a bright color quickly loses its original appearance, and the material is destroyed. But at the same time, such furniture is easy to care for and easy to move from place to place. The price of such products pleases with democracy.

Combined options

In this case, the scope for imagination is not constrained by strict limits. The materials are perfectly combined with each other. As a result, the garden bench acquires more advantages and gets rid of some shortcomings. Wood or rattan is chosen for the seat, metal is used for the back, and supports are made of stone, metal, concrete. An interesting solution is the use of gabions. Metal mesh blocks are filled with fragments of stones, glass, large pebbles, etc. Such furniture looks unusual and beautiful.

How to make a bench with your own hands

You can create a garden bench with your own hands with some work skills. You need to start with a drawing to determine the design and materials. If this is the first experience in making furniture, then you should use wood. The easiest option is a garden bench with a back. Detail drawing you can find on the Internet, determine the size and calculate the amount of materials:

  • bars for support;
  • boards for the back and seat;
  • elements for fasteners.

It is important to carry out the installation, observing the accuracy of the connection of parts in order to avoid distortions and breakage of furniture. Wooden parts are treated with special impregnation or opened with a layer of protective varnish.

If you have extensive experience working with wood, you can build a set of furniture. It consists of a table and two benches. Each item is assembled separately, and then the elements are connected into one product using bars, two on each side. The tabletop is fixed on cruciform legs. In order for the structure to become stable, the benches are fixed first, and then exactly in the middle - the table. And now, you are already the owner of a comfortable corner for a common meal in the fresh air.

The garden bench provides an excellent opportunity to realize creative ideas. For the manufacture of unusual look products are suitable, for example, trimming plastic pipes. Fixing them with connecting elements And liquid nails, you can create unique things. An interesting solution that will delight both children and adults will be a wooden bench in the form of a swing. A flight of fancy may suggest other solutions, but, first of all, you need to remember about maintaining convenience and safety.

If you are thinking of building a bench in the country and want to go beyond the ordinary and create something truly unique, then you are in the right place. We have compiled for you a selection of the most original and unusual designs benches and benches that you can make with your own hands. Moreover, we will show you how the benches are made in the photo.

The most common benches are wooden. And this is not surprising! The tree is the most available material for building a bench. The variety of designs here is truly huge! We will give you some examples.

To create such benches, you can use the remains of the cut garden trees. both trunks and thick branches will go into business.

Left in small pieces scaffolding? Having made benches out of it, you will get a beautiful and reliable option.

Even short cuts wooden beam can become in skillful hands unique garden bench.

Easy to make from quality material, even if it is a little. But even from improvised materials, such as, good garden benches are also obtained, as in this photo.

It looks like a bench can be made from any wooden structure. These are made from wooden spools of cable.

It is hard to imagine that you have unnecessary items in your household. wooden barrels in a good condition. If yes, then here is the garden bench option for you.

Funny garden bench from one log.

If you do not buy a ready-made bench, but make a bench with your own hands, then you have a chance to give it a unique look with very little effort.

Your bench does not have to be completely wooden. Here is a popular simple design benches made of building blocks and wooden blocks.

Probably, most of us would simply throw out the old unnecessary boat, but there are people among us with the ability to see beauty literally in the trash. The bench from the boat in the photo is just wonderful. It may not be very comfortable to sit in it, but you can sit in Turkish. But even looking at such a bench is nice.

Bench for the most daring.

Often beautiful benches they do not differ complex design. In this case, individuality and your personal attitude to the garden are more important.

We offer you four basic bench designs, based on which you can create your own amazing and unique benches, which are not yet in any photo.

Small wooden bench: photos and instructions.

This simple bench The photo is made from just a few boards. These used to be often made in villages for everyday use. It is stable, and most importantly - it is easy to carry from place to place. Such a bench will serve both in the house, and in the kitchen, and in the yard. At the same time, it does not require large expenditures of materials, and it is very easy to manufacture. The most difficult thing is to make neat cuts in the boards at an angle to get the legs.

It may seem that the front and back bumpers are purely decorative, but they are not! It is they who give this bench rigidity and stability.

Therefore, in one form or another, they are present in the design of each such bench.

Sometimes, however, only one such stiffener is left. Then it passes in the middle under the seat.

Large wooden bench with your own hands

If you need a large bench, and you do not plan to move it from place to place often, then this option is for you. This spacious bench is perfect for both indoor and outdoor use. It is made of thick timber, so it can easily support three or four adult riders.

It's not hard to build either. First you need to make these legs.

Then the legs are fastened with longitudinal bars (two at the top and one at the bottom), and a solid massive frame is obtained.

Using such a device, you can drill holes and hide fasteners on internal surfaces bench details so that the caps of the screws do not spoil the look of the product. But if you don’t have one, then you can still make such a shop by attaching the parts in the usual way.

It remains only to assemble the top and attach it to the frame.

Wooden bench without a single nail

And here is an example of a very beautiful and original bench, in which there is not a single nail or self-tapping screw.

It is made very simply, although it requires some special tools. First, all elements are cut.

And then, with the help of clamps and templates, the parts are glued in a checkerboard pattern.

You will need a lot of clamps, including several large ones, so this project is only suitable for those who have an impressive set of carpentry tools.

A light and comfortable garden bench can be placed on a cozy veranda or placed in the shade of trees so that you can hide from the heat and enjoy reading a book or a pleasant conversation. So, we will describe the main stages of its manufacture.

Whatever material you decide to make a bench from, so that it is as convenient as possible, certain proportions should be observed during its construction:

  • height: the seat is always located at a level of 0.5 m from the ground;
  • width: not less than half a meter;
  • back height: 0.45 m;
  • angle of inclination: ideal 45°;
  • armrest height: calculated from the level of the seat and should be 20 cm.

If the bench is dug into the ground, the length of the legs increases by at least 70 cm. In this case, its legs are lowered into the prepared pits, covered with stones and poured with concrete. Do not forget to pre-treat the wood with a solution that protects against rot and mold.

DIY bench step by step

The back and seat of the garden bench is best done not with a solid canvas, but with a small distance between the boards. In this case rainwater it will drain completely from them, the boards will be better blown, and the product will be less prone to rotting:

You can replace the stain with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. A tree treated with a similar composition acquires a dark and saturated color. Depending on the amount of manganese, you can get a shade of walnut or a rich mahogany color.

Bench from wide boards

Flexible vine or wicker bench

Eco-friendly garden furniture, not only a bench, but also chairs and even a table, can be made from pre-soaked willow or vine twigs. You can also use branches of hazel, willow, aspen or even birch, but in the latter cases, the product will last much less, and it will look more rough.

To collect raw materials, it will be necessary to wait for the time of "ripening" of the shoots. The optimal season for harvesting branches is from September to March. It is at this time that the rods acquire the required flexibility:

Types of benches

We have described only the simplest options for making a garden bench. You can make it from almost any material:

If you are planning to make a wooden outdoor bench, it is better to use conifers or larch, which is difficult to rot. Remaining by inheritance old furniture from oak or hazel can also be used as a material to create a durable and very original garden product.

Is it worth buying a bench or should you make it yourself?

Buying a bench for the garden, of course, is much easier. Moreover, the simplest of them are quite cheap.

But still, the work done by one's own hands will bring more satisfaction. And with a certain patience and skill, even made from improvised means, it can become an exclusive work that you will not be ashamed to show off to friends and neighbors. For example, in the next photo, the bench is made of ordinary pallets, painted with bright paint and decorated with decorative pillows.

Improvement and arrangement of the landscape territory of the personal plot is not a matter of one day. You will have to spend a lot of effort, time, connect your imagination, be patient, and only then the result will be “on the face”. But even after the painstaking work carried out, the site will require attention: cleaning up fallen leaves, applied dust, somewhere something needs to be tinted or corrected.

And so that the site does not seem ordinary, it can be periodically supplemented with various decorative elements: , fashionable in last years- in addition, you can install beautiful benches in the garden ... That's right, this review will be devoted to benches and benches.

Do you need a bench on the site at all?

The question immediately arises, do you need a bench in the garden at all? The answer is unequivocal - of course you need it! We argue that at each site, there must be a place where you can take a break from work, hide from the hustle and bustle, just sit, listen to the birds singing, enjoy the fresh air, read a book, and dream, after all.

How to make a shop with your own hands (video)

Any person needs all this, thus, he gains strength, strengthens his nerves, discovers the hidden potential in himself, because it is not for nothing that the Eastern sages spend so much time in their gardens, meditating. In addition, we all have known for a long time that many creative people are looking for inspiration in such calm, beautiful corners at any time of the year.

Where to put a bench

When choosing a place for a future shop, it is better to give preference to the part of the site where trees grow, flower beds are thought out, fruit bushes and a babbling brook runs nearby. After all, it is in such places that unity with nature is most clearly felt, here a person will rest in peace, and his nervous system will quickly recover from the stresses of everyday life and other negative factors. Also, the place for the shop will be in the work areas, next to the flower beds or beds. After weeding or watering the plants, you can immediately sit down on a bench and gain strength for further work.

Do-it-yourself pallet bench (video)

Bench selection

As for the choice of benches, the assortment in stores is really wide, you can purchase metal bench, wooden, plastic, stone (marble, granite, quartzite), combined. Models with carved wood elements or forged metal additions are in great demand. If you want something more exclusive, you can make a sketch of the future product yourself, and visit a carpenter with him, he will gladly make your dreams come true. When choosing this product, we recommend that you look at benches with a back, as well as handles, it is comfortable to sit on them in a completely relaxed position. But benches without a back are not intended for long gatherings, since sitting on them will need to constantly keep your back in good shape.

Unusual shop with three XXX do-it-yourself (video)

Bench to the style of the plot

First of all, you need to build on the style direction of the site, if the garden is made in Japanese style, a red-painted bamboo bench will fit in wonderfully here, which should be placed near a pond.

IN Chinese garden, a bench with a trellised back entwined with climbing plants. And a gravel, winding path should lead to the bench.

Country style implies the presence of the most simple, but comfortable wooden bench, traditional natural color or painted in a discreet brown shade.

Of course, one cannot fail to mention the Provence style, borrowed from the inhabitants of the provinces - France. The bench should be quite modest, a little antique, in a vintage direction, in white, blue, purple or blue shades.

The Art Nouveau garden can be supplemented with strict benches, possibly with wrought iron elements, or stone benches in the form of animals, insects, etc. By the way, stone benches will look great near impromptu Alpine slides.

Plot in Italian style beautiful benches with stucco elements are successfully emphasized. Such a bench can be placed near a small pond, with sculptures on its shore.

An English restrained, but well-organized garden, it is better to complement it with stone benches with wooden or metal inserts, golden hues may be present in the color.

natural style, which is otherwise called forest, can be emphasized with a bench made of tree cuts, on a stump-like base (legs).

The colonial style, which originated in early America, is best complemented with wicker benches, but you can also install an ordinary wooden bench in metal frame.

Garden benches - photo

You can calmly relax in the shade of trees in summer or bask in the sun on a cool autumn day on a wooden bench installed in the garden with your own hands. IN modern design garden furniture is one of the full-fledged elements of landscape design.

Taking into account the decorative value of wooden garden benches, you should try to choose a model that will harmoniously fit into environment. For a young garden or summer cottage without big trees it is better to choose light furniture options on decorative thin metal legs, simple benches and benches that are laconic in shape. If the garden is old and well-groomed, then Provence-style seats are suitable - styled as antique furniture with wooden decor.

Overgrown country cottage area with an imitation of a wild natural thicket, I can decorate benches assembled from natural material- fin, snags, lightly processed branches. A bench made of logs hewn with an ax will look very successful in such a garden. Such seats should be installed in places hidden from the eyes: among flowering bushes or around the corner of the path.

When choosing a place to install a bench for a summer residence, you need to pay attention to the views that will open up to the eyes of those sitting on it.

It is undesirable to place a bench in such a way as to contemplate an unsightly fence or compost heap. Place it near a pond or flower bed, under a branchy old tree.

Then the rest will be complemented by the pleasure of the smell of flowers and the play of light on the water, the rustle of leaves and coolness in the shade.

Various types of benches can also be installed on the veranda near the house, in the recreation area by the pool or outdoor hearth. They will also find application under a canopy in the garden. In each case, follow general rules compatibility wooden product With common style site. How to do original benches from pallets, see this video:

As a material for garden furniture wood is traditionally chosen - an easy-to-work material that allows you to implement almost any idea. At present, along with regular board and a bar, you can use moisture-resistant varieties of thick plywood. From durable and aesthetic sheet material you can assemble designs that are suitable for both modern design landscapes and for an ordinary courtyard that does not have certain style features.

If wooden benches are made in a stationary version, then care should be taken to protect them from moisture. This purpose can be served by a variety of impregnations and paints and varnishes. Outdoor furniture will have to be covered with paint or varnish every 1 - 2 years as the protective layer wears out. Such measures can significantly extend the life of a wooden structure.

How to build benches yourself?

In order to build a comfortable bench with your own hands, you need to make a sketch of it. Exist optimal dimensions garden furniture, which must be observed in this case:

  • seat height above the floor - 40 - 50 cm;
  • width (depth) of the bench - 50 - 55 cm;
  • backrest height above the bench - 35 - 50 cm.

These dimensions allow a person of average height to sit comfortably, lean on the back, and get up easily. If the build of the owner is very different from the average, then the dimensions of the bench will have to be selected individually. The back is usually done with a slight tilt back. More about wooden benches see in this video:

For woodworking, you will need the following tools:

  • hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • drill and screws, or hammer and nails;
  • roulette;
  • pencil.

Carpentry glue can be useful for assembling complex-shaped products. They fasten parts that are connected using the tongue-and-groove method or a furniture dowel (dowel). For plywood products, long threaded metal studs and nuts are useful.

A simple bench for a garden or a bath

Even a novice master will be able to make the simplest wooden bench with his own hands. Such benches can be seen in abundance at the gates of village courtyards, they can be placed near the beds, in a bathhouse or utility room. They do not differ in sophistication and decorativeness, but they can perform the functions of garden furniture quite successfully. To make a bench, you need a board 2-2.5 cm thick and about 20 cm wide.

Benches for a bath or garden are easy to make

According to the drawing in fig. 1. you need to cut out the following parts:

  • seat - 1 piece;
  • apron - 2 parts, the length of each is 10 cm shorter than the seat;
  • legs - 2 parts.

Cut off the corners on one side of each piece of the apron, as shown in the diagram. Measure from the edges of the element for the legs 2 - 2.5 cm on each side in the upper part, cut a groove 10 cm long. If desired, cut holes for the handles on the seat of the bench. To learn how to make a bench with your own hands, see this useful video:

Assemble the product in the following sequence:

  1. Drill holes for self-tapping screws in the plane of the apron board at a distance of 10 cm from each end. Place the board in the groove on the legs and screw the screws through the holes into the edge of the board. Attach the 2nd leg pattern on the other side of the apron.
  2. Repeat all steps and attach the apron to the other side of the bench base.
  3. At a distance of 15 cm from each end of the seat, make several holes in the plane of the board. Lay the part on top of the base and attach with self-tapping screws, screwing them into the end of the leg part. For strength, you can make additional holes along the length of each side of the seat and attach it to the apron boards.

Treat the surface of the product sandpaper to remove burrs. If necessary, paint the bench to your taste.

A simple bench with a back

Another the simplest project shown in fig. 2. To make a bench with a backrest with your own hands, you will need 2 pieces of log about 25 cm long, boards for the back and seat, and 5x5 cm bars for the backrests. If you want the seat to be a little higher, you can take 4 pieces of logs or timber and lay them on top of each other, fastening them with dowels.

The back is screwed on with screws from the back side

Making a bench is very easy. To ensure that there are no nuts and nail heads on the surface of the product, fasten parts to dowels and glue. The back can be fastened with self-tapping screws with wrong side so that they don't drill through the board.

For the manufacture of dowels, wooden rounded rods are needed (a thin handle is suitable for garden tool). Drill 2 holes in the log with a diameter equal to the thickness of the dowel. Focusing on their location, make reciprocal recesses in the underside of the seat. The work must be done very carefully so that during assembly it is not necessary to adjust parts of the bench. For more information on making a bench with a back, see this video:

Lubricate a piece of wood for the dowel with glue and insert it into the hole on the log so that a small fragment remains on the outside. Its length should be equal to the depth of the recess drilled in the seat (Fig. 3). Lubricate the dowels with wood glue and put a board on them. Do the same with another piece of log.

Cut off the bars desired length for the manufacture of backrests. Screw with screws to the ends of the logs. Drill 2 holes in the upper part for attaching the backrest. The distance between the holes should be less than the width of the board. Screw the screws through the holes into the board. The finished bench can be painted or coated with a clear varnish.

Stylish bench with a back

Making garden furniture according to the proposed project is not difficult at all. The basis of the design is porcelain stoneware or concrete slabs and boards with a thickness of 2 - 2.5 cm. If desired, heavy materials can be replaced light plywood the same thickness. wooden bench with a back, it will turn out mobile.

Stylish bench features an interesting back

The following details will be required:

  • squares 50x50 cm for legs (plywood or plate) - 12 pcs.;
  • boards or plywood rectangles 15x200 cm - 5 pcs.;
  • back support 15x65 cm - 4 pcs.;
  • crossbars 15x17.5 cm - 2 pcs.;
  • threaded rod M16 55 cm - 4 pcs.;
  • nuts and washers M16 - 8 pcs.;
  • self-tapping screws.

Plywood will first have to be cut into fragments of the required shape and size. If boards and slabs are used, then this step can be skipped. How to make an original shop with your own hands, see this video:

Drill 2 holes at an equal distance from the edges in the upper part of the square parts of the legs. Adjusting the long parts of the seat as in the diagram (Fig. 4), make 2 holes in them on each side. Screw a nut onto one end of each rod and put on a washer. Alternating long and square elements, assemble the bench. Tighten the nuts on the other side of the studs.

This bench can also be used without a back.

But for convenience, you can do it. To do this, fasten 4 boards 15 x 65 cm to the screws from the inside of the back of the bench. Glue or put crossbars on the dowels between them.

Decorative benches made from natural materials

Raw wood is an excellent material for garden furniture. The bench, similar to the throne of the forest king, fits perfectly into the landscape, imitating wildlife. Such seats are very appropriate near rockeries or old trees with a spreading crown in an overgrown corner of the garden. Rustic benches work well with wild stone picnic areas or sandstone and boulder barbecues. The original shop in this video:

The simplest option for sitting from logs is a monastery bench. For its manufacture, an untreated log must be cut in half lengthwise. Legs are made from short segments, laying them with a saw cut on the ground. The long halves of the logs are fastened to the dowels from above, saw cut up. So that the shop does not stain clothes, it is better to choose logs hardwood and dry them well before assembling the furniture.

To remove splinters and burrs, the saw cut plane must be smoothly planed with a planer and treated with emery cloth.

A complicated version of such furniture is a bench made of logs, supplemented by a back with their own hands (Fig. 5). To attach the back, you need wooden or metal supports and a crossbar. These parts can be made from thick tree branches, bars, steel strips. Fastening is carried out on self-tapping screws of sufficient length or on nails.

Examples of original wooden benches

A log bench can be made differently (Fig. 6). The photo clearly shows the grooves in the upper part of a thick log sawn in half. In the grooves you need to insert a board with a thickness of at least 4 cm or a beautiful saw cut of a tree trunk. If desired, an exclusive piece of furniture made with your own hands can be supplemented with a backrest. Supports for it must be attached to inside legs on flat surface. The crossbar can be a thick branch or the same cut of wood as for sitting.

Chopped table with benches

A set of a table and benches will be convenient in the country in the dining area or near the barbecue (Fig. 7). It is not difficult to make this if you know the basic techniques for making wooden log cabins. To begin with, 2 logs of approximately the same thickness are placed on the ground. With an ax, you need to carve out semicircular recesses (bowls) at the ends of the logs. The size of the bowls will depend on the diameter of the log that is selected for the seats. This trunk needs to be cut along. An example of chopped furniture in this video:

In the middle of the 2 lower logs, 1 more cup must be cut out to install the transverse support. It may not be a very thick log. Its length should be such that the ends protrude beyond side surfaces trunks.

Shorter logs are needed for the base of the table. Their length is approximately equal to the desired width of the countertop.

In the middle of each trunk, you need to carve out notches that are suitable in size for the thickness of the crossbar. Lay the parts of the log house cups down, covering them with a transverse log. From the boards make a countertop and fix it with nails. Lay the halves of the logs on the places intended for them.

How to make benches from branches or fin?

Exactly this creative occupation. Having found beautiful snags and polished fin trunks in the forest or on the shore of a reservoir, you can make furniture amazing beauty(Fig. 8). Each such shop is unique, because it is difficult to find 2 identical branches. Therefore, there can be many solutions for how to make a bench from snags.

The main thing for all such products is one thing - the fitting of parts is carried out right on the spot under the already finished legs, seats, backs. The branches should intertwine harmoniously, forming a structure that can support the weight of an adult. To connect non-standard parts, you can use both self-tapping screws and nails. The most reliable is the connection to dowels and glue. Where a snug fit of the pieces of the structure is desired, snags can be hewn with an ax.

The most original benches can be made from branches and a fin.

Such decorative benches can even be used to decorate rooms in a chalet or rustic style. They are wonderfully combined with wild stone trim. They will also look harmonious in the garden among flowering bushes or near a pond.

The variety of models of benches that you can make with your own hands from wood is limitless.

The main thing in the manufacture of furniture made of wood is the careful fitting of parts.

Then ready product it will turn out neat, without distortions. Treated with moisture-proof impregnations and varnished or painted, any seat in the garden will last for many years.