In a private house      06/13/2019

Why do young leaves of indoor mandarin twist. Mandarin: why its leaves turn yellow and fall off

When growing mandarin, various problems can occur, for example, drying, curling, yellowing and falling of leaves, shedding of ovaries, shredding and deterioration. palatability fruits. Many diseases occur due to a lack of trace elements in the soil, with a lack of light and moisture. That is why you should choose the right location for the citrus, if necessary, provide additional lighting, thus increasing the daylight hours, water it in a timely manner, apply fertilizers, and take the tree out into the fresh air in warm weather.

Mandarin leaves are falling

Quite often, one can observe that leaves fall off a mandarin, but this phenomenon does not always indicate a plant disease. The tree can shed its leaves during the dormant period, which usually lasts from late October to mid-February. In this case, you need to place the tree in a cool room with a temperature of 14-17 ° C and reduce the amount of watering.

Leaves can also fall off when the air is too dry. This can be observed in the summer and during the heating season. In this case, you should spray the crown daily, and place a container of water near the pot, this will help humidify the air near the tree.

The cause of leaf fall can also be an incorrect transplant, when the root collar is buried in the soil, or the citrus is planted in a too large pot. It is necessary to eliminate these shortcomings and observe the plant. If the leaf fall has not stopped, you should look for another reason.

Quite often, mandarin leaf fall causes a lack of potassium in the soil. To make up for it, potassium nitrate is used as a fertilizer.

In addition, the leaves turn yellow and fall off with drafts in the room, excessive soil moisture, and lack of light.

Mandarin leaves turn yellow

Many gardeners are faced with the fact that mandarin leaves turn yellow. Most often, the reason lies in the lack of minerals. So, with a nitrogen deficiency, the lower leaves of citrus first turn yellow and gradually all the rest. To replenish nitrogen in the soil, for example, either ammonium sulfate is used, or. With a lack of iron, the leaf plate acquires a light yellow color, the disease develops chlorosis. Chlorosis first covers young leaves, then spreads to old ones. For prevention this disease Once a month, the plant is treated with iron chelate.

Yellowing of the plate may be due to insufficient lighting or too tight a pot. The problem can be solved by transferring the plant to a larger pot with fresh nutrient soil.

Why does the tangerine turn yellow

Another reason why the tangerine turns yellow may be an invasion spider mite. The pest infects the leaf plate and sucks the juices from the plant, which leads to yellowing and leaf fall. In order to see the spider mite, you should use a magnifying glass. In the presence of this pest, you need to wipe the plant soapy water.

To prepare it, add a small amount to warm water. laundry soap, make a thick foam, then use a cloth or cotton swab to wipe the leaves and stalks of citrus with foam. Thus, the tick and its oviposition are removed.

Before processing, it is recommended to rinse the wood under the shower. Wash off after this procedure most of insect. The next day after the soap treatment, the remaining soap is washed off in the shower. After 2-3 days, re-treatment is carried out. For the complete destruction of the spider mite, it is necessary to carry out 3 treatments of the tree with soapy water. The place where the affected mandarin stood is thoroughly washed.

Mandarin leaves dry

Sometimes it happens that the mandarin leaves dry, and then crumble. If a dry brown crust has formed on the edges of the leaf plate, the reason is an excess of moisture in the soil. In this case, the tree should be transplanted into fresh, breathable soil with a predominance of leafy soil and good drainage. If rotten roots are found during transplantation, they must be removed.

Often, citrus leaves dry due to lack of moisture. You can reanimate a diseased plant as follows. Put the pot in a bowl of water room temperature so that the water is flush with the rim of the pot. After that, you need to start watering the ground from above. When the soil is completely wet and stops bubbling, drain excess water. Then spray the tree with the preparation "Epin" at the rate of 1 ml per 2 liters of water. Spraying is carried out 2 times a week. This method will allow you to reanimate even a very dried plant.

Many mandarin diseases develop due to improper care and micronutrient deficiencies in the soil. To grow a healthy fruit-bearing tree, it is important to keep this tropical crop in its usual conditions, to follow the slightest external changes and timely take measures to eliminate diseases.

Mandarin leaves turn yellow and fall off for several reasons. This is the result of improper care, the plant may go to rest or be struck by disease. To effectively fix the problem, proper diagnosis is necessary, which only experienced growers. So, why do mandarin leaves turn yellow and fall off? Treatment from specialists detailed photo. Optimal conditions growing a plant.

Why do tangerine leaves fall? Treatment of the disease

Often, the leaves of the mandarin fall in late autumn. Why? In the period from the end of October to the beginning of February, in room conditions, the plant begins a dormant period. This is due to shorter daylight hours.

Although citrus fruits in their natural environment will not fall leaves for the winter, when home cultivation rest period is essential. Without winter dormancy, it may die mature plant, whose age exceeds 3-4 years. What to do? If the mandarin leaves fall in autumn, it is transferred to a cool room, the air temperature in which does not exceed +18 degrees. Here, additional lighting is organized using fluorescent lamp at 20-40 watts, it will provide 12 hours of daylight. Watering is reduced, since a plant without leaves consumes little moisture. Top dressing is not applied to the ground until the onset of a period of intensive growth (end of February - beginning of March).

If it's summer outside, then why does the mandarin's leaves fall? Leaf fall is often a reaction to unfavorable growing conditions. Often this is the result of waterlogging or overdrying of the soil, perhaps these two factors alternate. Regular watering with uniform moistening of the earthy coma is important for mandarin. In summer, it is watered 2 times a week after the topsoil has dried. In winter, watering is reduced significantly, as citrus fruits go to rest. With waterlogging and overdrying, the root system suffers. That is why in both cases it is necessary to place the tangerine in a greenhouse. This plastic bag, which does not touch the leaves of the flower. Watering under the greenhouse is reduced, more sprayed. Epin is added to the water for spraying, for irrigation - once a week root. There should be moist air under the greenhouse. It is aired every day for 15 minutes. The greenhouse can be removed for a longer time, thus accustoming the flower to room conditions, if the leaves no longer fall off and new ones appear.

Leaves fall if indoor tangerine was transplanted incorrectly. In this case, we are talking about a violation of the integrity of the earthy coma around the roots. It is correct if the tangerine is transferred into a pot, the diameter of which is 1-2 cm larger than the previous one, without violating the integrity of the earthen room. If nevertheless homemade tangerine transplanted and its leaves fall 1-2 weeks after transplantation, it is necessary to put the flower under the greenhouse (how to do it is described in the previous paragraph), reduce watering (in order to reduce the load on the root system), pay more attention to spraying.

Mandarin sheds leaves if the size of the pot has been greatly increased as a result of the transplant. Here we are talking about waterlogging the substrate in a pot. The root system of the plant has not yet occupied the entire volume of soil provided to it. An excess of moisture will accumulate here, which leads to rotting of the roots. In this case, watering should be reduced, wait for the soil to dry, and then water moderately, you need to add root root to the water once a week. Regular spraying with epin will not interfere, do not carry out top dressing, provide the flower with proper lighting, in winter you need to highlight it with a fluorescent lamp.

If a tangerine sheds all its leaves, can it be saved? In this case, you need to find out if its root system has not rotted or dried out. To do this, the plant is carefully removed from the pot, without violating the integrity of the earthy coma, and the roots are examined. They should be elastic and have a light cut. Otherwise, the flower cannot be helped. Next, the plant is returned to the pot and placed under the greenhouse. You can not water it without leaves. The soil can be kept slightly moist, it must be dry on top. Next, the plant is placed under a greenhouse and sprayed, be sure to use epin.

Why do tangerine leaves turn yellow? How to treat the disease?

Mandarin leaves turn yellow if it stands under straight lines. sunbeams without shading. In this case, not only the crown of the flower suffers, but also its root system.

Leaves in direct sunlight get burned. In this case, the mandarin leaves become stained, turn yellow and fall off. The root system under the sun overheats, and therefore does not absorb moisture well. This affects the crown. She turns yellow again and falls off. You can also not spray the flower in hot weather. This is best done either in the morning or late in the evening. If the room where the tangerine grows is very hot in summer, then they organize it in the room good ventilation air and be sure to shade the flower. In winter, mandarin can not be grown with high temperature. This exhausts the plant, it needs to arrange a dormant period. So, if the flower turns yellow, then it must be shaded, the earthen coma is not allowed to overheat, watered so that it has time to dry upper layer soil. Here you can use root. Spraying is required, epin is added here.

Leaves turn yellow at room tangerine if it lacks trace elements. In this case, we are talking about chlorosis. Lemon leaves turn yellow, but the veins on them remain green. You can cure a flower with regular top dressing, which includes trace elements such as iron, zinc, sulfur, manganese and magnesium.

With a lack of phosphorus in the soil, young mandarin leaves may turn yellow. They lose their gloss, develop narrow and long. In such conditions, tangerine does not bloom. What to do? It is necessary to regularly feed the plant complex fertilizers. Important!!! Mandarin can be watered only with boiled, settled water. Otherwise, calcium accumulates in the soil (it looks like white plaque on top soil). It prevents the roots from absorbing nutrients.

There are many resources on the Internet dedicated to citrus fruits. Studying the most popular of them, I constantly come across newcomers who are trying to find the answer to the same question: " Why are my lemon leaves turning yellow and falling off?". To each such question, I answer that most of the problems of citrus fruits are associated with the root system. If the loss of foliage becomes massive, it is necessary to check the root system. I have already described all this in the topic "", but today I want to touch on this topic again and write in more detail, especially since it was necessary to save a seemingly healthy plant again.

History of leaf fall

A few months ago, I was happy with the acquisition of an adult and very beautiful citrus -. It was with a ripe fruit, which I plucked for tasting. At that moment, I was very alerted by the wet "heavy" soil, which seemed to have been taken right next to the store. However, after several days of acclimatization, he not only showed no ailments, but also gave a good increase in c. Fruits were successfully tied from flowers and the plant as a whole made me very happy.

The only sad thing was that, along with the plant in this store, I also acquired a formidable pest -. After the discovery, the tree was immediately moved to a new location so as not to endanger the entire collection. And then the problems began: 1-2 leaves flew around a day, which looked healthy, and only upon careful examination was a slightly yellowed vein visible. There was no massive leaf fall, but the leaves fell slowly over several weeks. I associated all this with a change in conditions of detention and a pest. But when I stopped noticing the mealybug for a long time and acclimatization had to be completed, I began to worry, but I could not guess what was the reason for the fall of leaves on citrus.

Problem detection

In the store, Chinotto was put in an ugly black bucket. Today I decided to buy a normal white pot and make a transshipment, replacing, if necessary, part of the soil and at the same time making an audit of the roots. What could be assumed by looking at a plant that gave young shoots and set fruit:

But, having taken the tree out of the pot, I began to be horrified: the earthen clod was not braided, and the roots that were adjacent to the walls were rotten:

Taken measures

I realized that a simple transshipment will definitely not end the matter. I had to free the roots from bad soil, but in the center there was an incomprehensible mixture, similar to petrified clay with sand, which could not be easily got rid of:

The picture is scary, isn't it? It is still not clear to me how, with such a state of the root system, the tree not only did not die, but also tried to give growth, as well as bear fruit.

To remove the petrified clay, it was necessary to soak the roots in water for half an hour, adding four caps of the Rooting agent (manufacturer Gilea) there. I don’t have another, and with such a resuscitation of a kumquat, at least he did not interfere.

While the soil was soaking, I prepared a light soil mixture consisting of leaf humus and black soil in a ratio of approximately 4: 1:

My son gave me a purchased tangerine with small fruits. But now the flowers and leaves are crumbling, there is no ovary. How to care for a tangerine? Can you eat its fruits?

Galina Kuleshova, Gomel region

Tangerines, oranges and all indoor citrus fruits - whimsical plants. For them, it is necessary to create the appropriate conditions. The air temperature in winter should be no higher than + 15 degrees, humidity - more than 70%.

In winter, it is difficult to maintain such conditions in apartments. Therefore, citrus fruits shed first of all flowers, ovaries and then leaves. With store plants more problems. They have come a long way from growing to your home. For them, this is a stressful situation. In addition, peat, in which purchased plants are usually planted, is not intended for long-term cultivation of not only citrus fruits, but also other indoor flowers - the amount and set of nutrients in it are minimal.

Measures to save the mandarin

Urgently transplant the mandarin into a complete nutrient soil. The composition is approximately the following: 1-2 parts of sod land, 1 part of humus soil, 1 part of sand. You can also take a special soil for citrus fruits.

The pot for the tree should correspond to the volume of the root system. Citrus fruits do not like overly large dishes. It is advisable to transplant them into a large container, gradually increasing the size of the pot.

During active growth(for mandarin it is March-April) and in the summer (in August) feed once every 2 weeks with complex mineral and organic fertilizers. The rest of the time, less often.

Water sparingly, avoiding stagnant water in the pan, and only after the topsoil dries out. Spray frequently. Avoid drafts and cold air.

Watch out for pests (premature leaf fall can cause severe mite damage).

Is it possible to eat fruits from indoor tangerine?

I would not advise. They are unlikely to be useful, as they were grown using a large number pesticides in the treatment of pests and diseases and have accumulated a lot harmful substances. Miniature tangerine trees are kept more for beauty.

Champagne, Olivier, tangerines - an invariable trio at the New Year's tablekeepers of our country. It's funny that all these components came to us from abroad. Champagne was invented in France, the French-born master Olivier, the author of the famous salad, but tangerines, as you know, grow in hot countries.


Nevertheless, foreign dishes have fully adapted to local conditions. Crimean winemakers have mastered the production of champagne. The hostesses replaced quails and capers in the salad with chicken and pickles. And gentle citrus fruits began to be grown in the northernmost subtropics of the world, on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and in the subtropical zone of the Krasnodar Territory.

Attempts to grow citrus fruits in Georgia began in the Middle Ages. By historical information, in the 17th century, lemons and oranges grew in the Batumi region. The very first industrial plantations were founded in the middle of the 19th century under the patronage of Prince M.S. Vorontsov, viceroy of the tsar in the Caucasus. In the same period, scientific centers for the acclimatization of subtropical cultures were founded: the Sukhum Botanical Garden, the Kutaisi and Gagra nurseries, and a little later the Nikitsky Botanical Garden in the Crimea.

Gradually, an assortment of citrus fruits was selected that could grow and produce stable yields in local conditions. By the middle of the 20th century, it was the Abkhazian tangerines that decorated New Year's tables in the USSR Unfortunately, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, citrus plantations fell into decay. The situation was aggravated by several harsh winters. Therefore, now we mainly eat tangerines from Morocco, Turkey, Israel.


In fact, the name "tangerine" is more of a trade name than a botanical definition. In trade, under the name of tangerines, any medium-sized citrus fruits with an orange, yellow or greenish peel are sold. Their shape can be round, flattened, with an elongated spout. Some varieties are seedless, others have many seeds.

Strictly speaking, real tangerines grow in India and Indochina, have small, strongly flattened fruits that do not tolerate transportation. When grown in other countries, tangerines were crossed with local forms of citrus fruits, seeking to increase resistance to natural conditions and consumer qualities.

Tangerine, mineola, capamondia, clementine, limandrine, kinnow, rangpur- This is not a complete list. citrus hybrids based on mandarin.

In our country, a frost-resistant form of mandarin is grown - unshiu (or unshu). This plant is characterized by low growth and early maturity. On its basis, varieties zoned for Georgia, Adygea and the Krasnodar Territory were bred: Pioneer 80, Sochi 23, Kavano-Vase, Iberia, Michurinets,

Amateur gardeners are trying to grow tangerines to the north of the subtropics. With some effort, grow tangerines in open ground it is possible even in Donetsk, Rostov and Astrakhan regions.

For cultivation, dwarf tangerines of the unshiu group are chosen, and to increase winter hardiness, they are grafted onto wild lemon poncirus trifoliate. It is a deciduous plant and goes into hibernation for the winter. At the same time, the evergreen scion also slows down physiological processes and endures winter more easily. The main tasks in these places are to protect evergreens from winter frosts and provide a long growing season for fruit ripening and wood formation.

Back in the mid-70s, scientists developed many agricultural practices. For example, as winter shelter a film is used with nylon thrown over the top fishing net. These materials rub against each other under the action of the wind, and an electrostatic field is created that traps the heat of the earth. Under such a strange roof in winter, the temperature is 5-8" higher than outside.

Another method that has become more widespread is growing in trenches. For planting, trench pits 1 m wide and about 1.5 m deep are prepared. The walls are strengthened from falling off, and supports for shelter are installed on top. It turns out something like a greenhouse-dugout. Fertile soil is placed at the bottom and seedlings are planted in such a way that the crowns of adult plants do not rise above ground level. In autumn, as cold weather sets in, a film is first stretched from above, and then wooden shields with windows. The ends are first left open and then closed. Before full shelter, rotting manure is thrown into the trench and the plantings are watered abundantly. In the spring, as it gets warmer, the shelter is gradually removed.

My son gave me a purchased tangerine with small fruits. But now the flowers and leaves are crumbling, there is no ovary. How to care for a tangerine? Can you eat its fruits?

Galina Kuleshova, Gomel region

Tangerines, oranges and all indoor citrus fruits are whimsical plants. For them, it is necessary to create the appropriate conditions. The air temperature in winter should be no higher than + 15 degrees, humidity - more than 70%.

In winter, it is difficult to maintain such conditions in apartments. Therefore, citrus fruits shed first of all flowers, ovaries and then leaves. There are even more problems with store plants. They have come a long way from growing to your home. For them, this is a stressful situation. In addition, peat, in which purchased plants are usually planted, is not intended for long-term cultivation of not only citrus fruits, but also other indoor flowers - the amount and set of nutrients in it are minimal.

See also: Lemon in a pot - cultivation and care

Measures to save the mandarin

Urgently transplant the mandarin into a complete nutrient soil. The composition is approximately the following: 1-2 parts of sod land, 1 part of humus soil, 1 part of sand. You can also take a special soil for citrus fruits.

The pot for the tree should correspond to the volume of the root system. Citrus fruits do not like overly large dishes. It is advisable to transplant them into a large container, gradually increasing the size of the pot.

During the period of active growth (for mandarin it is March-April) and in summer (in August), feed once every 2 weeks with complex mineral and organic fertilizers. The rest of the time, less often.

Water sparingly, avoiding stagnant water in the pan, and only after the topsoil dries out. Spray frequently. Avoid drafts and cold air.

Watch out for pests (premature leaf fall can cause severe mite damage).

Is it possible to eat fruits from indoor tangerine?

I would not advise. It is unlikely that they will be useful, as they were grown with the use of a large amount of pesticides in the treatment of pests and diseases and have accumulated a lot of harmful substances. Miniature tangerine trees are kept more for beauty.

Champagne, Olivier, tangerines - an invariable trio at the New Year's tablekeepers of our country. It's funny that all these components came to us from abroad. Champagne was invented in France, the French-born master Olivier, the author of the famous salad, but tangerines, as you know, grow in hot countries.


Nevertheless, foreign dishes have fully adapted to local conditions. Crimean winemakers have mastered the production of champagne. The hostesses replaced quails and capers in the salad with chicken and pickles. And gentle citrus fruits began to be grown in the northernmost subtropics of the world, on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and in the subtropical zone of the Krasnodar Territory.

Attempts to grow citrus fruits in Georgia began in the Middle Ages. According to historical data, lemons and oranges grew in the Batumi region in the 17th century. The very first industrial plantations were founded in the middle of the 19th century under the patronage of Prince M. S. Vorontsov, the viceroy of the tsar in the Caucasus. In the same period, scientific centers for the acclimatization of subtropical cultures were founded: the Sukhum Botanical Garden, the Kutaisi and Gagra nurseries, and a little later the Nikitsky Botanical Garden in the Crimea.

Gradually, an assortment of citrus fruits was selected that could grow and produce stable yields in local conditions. By the middle of the 20th century, it was Abkhazian tangerines that decorated New Year's tables in the USSR. Unfortunately, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, citrus plantations fell into decay. The situation was aggravated by several severe winters. Therefore, now we mainly eat tangerines from Morocco, Turkey, Israel.


In fact, the name "tangerine" is more of a trade name than a botanical definition. In trade, under the name of tangerines, any medium-sized citrus fruits with an orange, yellow or greenish peel are sold. Their shape can be round, flattened, with an elongated spout. Some varieties are seedless, others have many seeds.

Strictly speaking, real tangerines grow in India and Indochina, have small, strongly flattened fruits that do not tolerate transportation. When grown in other countries, tangerines were crossed with local forms of citrus fruits, seeking to increase resistance to natural conditions and consumer qualities.

Tangerine, mineola, capamondia, clementine, limandrine, kinnow, rangpur- this is not a complete list Citrus hybrids based on mandarin.

In our country, a frost-resistant form of mandarin is grown - unshiu (or unshu). This plant is characterized by low growth and early maturity. On its basis, varieties zoned for Georgia, Adygea and the Krasnodar Territory were bred: Pioneer 80, Sochi 23, Kavano-Vase, Iberia, Michurinets,

Amateur gardeners are trying to grow tangerines to the north of the subtropics. With some effort, it is possible to grow tangerines in the open field even in the Donetsk, Rostov and Astrakhan regions.

For cultivation, dwarf tangerines of the unshiu group are chosen, and to increase winter hardiness, they are grafted onto wild lemon poncirus trifoliate. It is a deciduous plant and goes into hibernation for the winter. At the same time, the evergreen scion also slows down physiological processes and endures winter more easily. The main tasks in these places are to protect evergreens from winter frosts and provide a long growing season for fruit ripening and wood formation.

Back in the mid-70s, scientists developed many agricultural techniques. For example, a film with a nylon fishing net thrown over the top is used as a winter shelter. These materials rub against each other under the action of the wind, and an electrostatic field is created that traps the heat of the earth. Under such a strange roof in winter, the temperature is 5-8″ higher than outside.

Another method that has become more widespread is growing in trenches. For planting, trench pits 1 m wide and about 1.5 m deep are prepared. The walls are strengthened from falling off, and supports for shelter are installed on top. It turns out something like a greenhouse-dugout. Fertile soil is placed at the bottom and seedlings are planted in such a way that the crowns of adult plants do not rise above ground level. In autumn, as the cold weather sets in, a film is first stretched from above, and then wooden shields with windows are installed. The ends are first left open and then closed. Before full shelter, rotting manure is thrown into the trench and the plantings are watered abundantly. In the spring, as it gets warmer, the shelter is gradually removed.

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    Garden and cottage › Question-answer › If a mandarin flowers and leaves fall

    Leaves fall from indoor tangerine causes and treatment

    During the dormant period, the foliage curls and falls.

    It must be said right away that the leaves of indoor mandarin fall off quite often, and this does not always indicate illness. The most common cause of leaf drop is that the plant has gone dormant. What can be done to stop the leaves from falling off? You need to move the tree to a room where the temperature is cooler, as well as reduce watering and stop fertilizing, and if fertilizing, then in small quantities. This period usually starts late autumn and ends in late winter or in early spring. Those people who have had indoor tangerine in the house for more than a year already know its “habits”, and therefore they already take the tree to a cool place in advance and avoid the fact that too many leaves fall.

    Leaves can fall off for the most banal reason that every grower should know about: the plant is just hot, the air in the room is dry. If it is not possible to move the plant to a colder place, then you need to spray the leaves and crown of the plant from a spray bottle daily, and preferably several times a day, in order to create additional air humidification. Next to the pot or tub where the tree sits, you need to put a basin or a bottle of water. Water will evaporate, which will create additional humidity in the air. The soil in the pot must not be allowed to dry out. Usually, such a period when the air is too dry and the plant needs additional care happens in summer and during the heating season in winter.

    Mandarin diseases why do mandarins turn yellow, dry or fall leaves

    Another reason why a tangerine turns yellow may be an invasion of a spider mite. The pest infects the leaf plate and sucks the juices from the plant, which leads to yellowing and leaf fall. In order to see the spider mite, you should use a magnifying glass. In the presence of this pest, you need to wipe the plant with soapy water.

    To prepare it, a small amount of laundry soap is added to warm water, a thick foam is made, then citrus leaves and stems are rubbed with foam using a cloth or cotton swab. Thus, the tick and its oviposition are removed.

    Before processing, it is recommended to rinse the wood under the shower. After this procedure, most of the insect will be washed off. The next day after the soap treatment, the remaining soap is washed off in the shower. After 2-3 days, re-treatment is carried out. For the complete destruction of the spider mite, it is necessary to carry out 3 treatments of the tree with soapy water. The place where the affected mandarin stood is thoroughly washed.

    Mandarin leaves dry

    Sometimes it happens that the mandarin leaves dry, and then crumble. If a dry brown crust has formed on the edges of the leaf plate, the reason is an excess of moisture in the soil. In this case, the tree should be transplanted into fresh, breathable soil with a predominance of leafy soil and good drainage. If rotten roots are found during transplantation, they must be removed.

    Often, citrus leaves dry due to lack of moisture. You can reanimate a diseased plant as follows. Place the pot in a basin of room temperature water so that the water is flush with the rim of the pot. After that, you need to start watering the ground from above. When the soil is completely wet and stops bubbling, drain excess water. Then spray the tree with the preparation "Epin" at the rate of 1 ml per 2 liters of water. Spraying is carried out 2 times a week. This method will allow you to reanimate even a very dried plant.

    Many mandarin diseases develop due to improper care and lack of trace elements in the soil. In order to grow a healthy fruit-bearing tree, it is important to keep this tropical crop in its usual conditions, monitor the slightest external changes and take timely measures to eliminate diseases.

    Mandarin leaves and fruit fall why

    Citrus fruits, when conditions change, often react to this by dropping leaves and fruits, after adaptation and when proper care it stops. Analyze mandarin conditions to detect possible errors in care. Mandarin is photophilous, but requires shading from the hot midday sun. Water the mandarin throughout the year regularly, but moderately, allowing the topsoil to dry slightly before the next watering. Excessive watering leads to acidification of the soil (especially with poor drainage) and death of the roots, and a lack of moisture leads to twisting and falling of the leaves. Mandarin does not like drafts, therefore, when taken out into the fresh air in summer, it is placed in a place protected from the wind. If there is no opportunity to arrange a “garden vacation” for the plant, then the tangerine standing in the room is provided constant inflow fresh air, regularly spray the crown with water at room temperature.
    Do not fertilize the plant until the "leaf fall" stops. To maintain immunity, carry out a cycle of spraying the tree with growth bioregulators (Epin, Epin-extra, Zircon).

    Ziborova E. Yu.

    All about citrus on the Gardenia website. en

    All about exotics on the Gardenia website. en

    Mandarin rules of care problems of growing pests and measures to combat them, as well as a useful healing

    rue family. The most famous mandarin is Unshiu (seedless). Plants have corrugated leathery leaves. Mandarin Unshiu does not have a clearly defined dormant period. Falling leaves during the year are replaced by newly formed leaves. Mandarin is propagated by grafting and air layering, very rarely by seeds, since its fruits have almost no seeds.

    Mandarin is a perennial woody Evergreen , reaching a height of 1 m in room conditions, with a well-leafed compact crown. The leaves are dark green, leathery, lanceolate. Flowers with a delicate wonderful aroma, white color appear in the spring. Tangerines ripen by autumn and can hang on the plant for several months. On one tangerine tree can grow up to 50 - 70 fruits.

    Care rules for the plant:

    Temperature: Tangerines are demanding to light and heat. Budding, flowering and fruit set are best achieved at an average air and soil temperature of + 15-18°C.

    Lighting: Bright ambient light. It will be good near the east and west windows, as well as on the north window. Shading from direct sun is needed in spring and summer during the hottest hours.

    Watering: In summer and spring plentifully 1-2 times a day warm water, in winter, watering is rare and moderate - 1-2 times a week and also with warm water. However, even in winter, drying of the earthy coma should not be allowed, as this leads to twisting of the leaves and falling of not only the leaves, but also the fruits. On the other hand, we must not forget that plants die from excess moisture. Starting in October, watering is reduced.

    Air humidity: Tangerines are regularly sprayed in summer, but if kept indoors in winter with central heating, then sprayed in winter. When kept indoors with dry air, oranges are attacked by pests (mites and scale insects).

    Transfer: Young trees should be replanted annually. Transplantation should not be carried out if the roots of the plant have not yet been braided with an earthen ball. In this case, it is enough to change the drainage and top layers of the soil in the pot. Fruiting trees are transplanted no more than once every 2-3 years. Transplanted before the start of growth. It is not recommended to transplant the plants after the end of growth. When transplanting, one should not strongly destroy the earthen clod. Good drainage must be provided. The root neck in the new dish should be at the same level as it was in old crockery. It is not recommended to transplant tangerine trees with flowers or fruits, as this leads to the fall of both. The soil for young plants needs light, and for large ones heavier. The acidity of the soil for citrus fruits should be pH = 6.5-7.

    The soil for young tangerines: 2 parts of sod, 1 part of leafy soil, 1 part of cow dung humus and 1 part of sand.

    Soil for adult tangerines: 3 parts sod, 1 part leaf, 1 part cow dung humus, 1 part sand and a small amount of oily clay.

    Fertilizer tangerines: Fertilizer watering is used in the first half of summer. It increases the sugar content of fruits and reduces the bitter taste that is characteristic of citrus fruits at room culture. The plant needs more fertilizer, the older it is and the longer it stays in one dish. Fertilizers are applied after watering. With additional artificial lighting of tangerines in winter, they also need to be fertilized. Recommended for tangerines organic fertilizers(slurry from cow dung) and combined mineral fertilizers, V flower shops you can also buy special fertilizers for citrus fruits.

    reproduction: Reproduction of tangerines, as well as lemons, is usually carried out by grafting, cuttings, layering and seeds. In room conditions, the most common way to propagate citrus fruits is cuttings, but in order to get varieties of oranges fully adapted to room culture, you need to remove them from a seed sown in a room and grow them in room conditions.

    Growing problems:

    • New leaves shrivel, old turn yellow and fall off, flowering is absent, fruits are not tied- the plant does not have enough nutrients, it needs to be transplanted into nutrient soil.
    • appear on the leaves yellow spots Or the edges of the leaves turn yellow, the leaves fall prematurely- with excessive watering, watering should be moderate, i.e. the soil should have time to dry out. Also, with irregular watering, when watering is more, then very little.
    • Dry shriveled leaves- sunburn, pest damage.
    • sudden leaf fall- waterlogging of the soil, lack of light in winter, watering cold water, low indoor temperatures in winter, excess nutrients in the soil, or cold drafts.

    Good results in such cases, gives spraying with a solution of Epin, Narcissus, Immunocytophyte


    Shchitovka: brown plaques on the surface of leaves and stems, suck out cell sap. Leaves lose color, dry and fall off. Buds and flowers dry, fruits fall off.

    Control measures. It is difficult to mechanically remove scale insects from a large tree, so you need to spray it with an insecticide as carefully as possible. Good results are obtained by a 0.15% solution of Actellik (1-2 ml per liter of water), karbofos or deciss can be used.

    spider mite: appears when the air is too dry - a cobweb appears on the stems in the internodes, the leaves and buds become lethargic and fall off. The fruits fall off.

    Control measures. The plant is washed with soapy water, and after it dries, washed under warm shower. If the defeat is not strong, then this is enough. With a very strong lesion, the tangerine can be sprayed with a 0.15% actellik solution (1-2 ml per liter of water).

    Healthy, Healthy and Delicious: Fruit peel has essential oil, the flavonoid hesperidin. Mandarin fruits are an excellent dietary product. They contain sugar, organic acids, proteins, fats, fiber, carotene, mineral salts, especially a lot of potassium, as they are useful for cardiological patients. WITH therapeutic purpose will adopt fresh pulp, freshly prepared juice. Infusions and decoctions from the peel of tangerines can be used for coughing, in the form of an expectorant. Mandarins can also be very useful in gastrointestinal diseases, especially with a predisposition to intestinal disorders. They can be used for nausea and to improve digestion. External use of the juice can help in the fight against fungal skin diseases.

    Mandarin is also used in cooking, as wonderful for its taste and useful qualities a fruit that is pleasant to eat both fresh and in the form of jam, jam, drink in the form of tincture, liquor, etc.

    A decoction of tangerine peel will soften the cough, 1 tbsp. crushed dry peel, pour a glass of boiling water, insist under the lid in a water bath for 15 minutes. Cool, strain. Take no l / 4 - 1/3 cup three times a day before meals.

    Mandarin jam

    Blanch whole mandarin fruits (with peel) in water for 15 minutes at a temperature of 90°C. Next, the fruits are cooled and kept in cold water within 10 - 12 hours. After cooling, cut into halves and pour hot syrup. Keep in it for 6-8 hours. Jam is cooked in 4 doses. Sugar consumption per 1 kg of tangerines - 1.2 kg.

    Materials used in the article: iplants. ru, www. domflowers. en