Water pipes      07.03.2020

Cabins with pitched roofs and terraces. How to build a frame house with a shed roof: step-by-step instructions from A to Z. Work on installing a shed roof

Shed roof, according to modern architects, is of the main decisive importance in the development of not only economy class housing, but also stylish. After all, the forces and costs that usually go to the construction of a multi-slope can now be directed to the exterior. For example, building a pool in front of the house or adding a barbecue terrace. And the rest of the shed roof is not inferior at all in anything.

Therefore, it does not mean at all that a house with a pitched roof will turn out to be unsightly or too simple. On the contrary, by playing with the slope and direction of such a structure, roofing material and interior space, you will get a unique architectural design that no one you know will definitely have. And our website will make such a house inexpensive in construction and modern both inside and out!

Architectural Benefits of Shed Roofs

Of course, where gable roofs have existed for thousands of years, everything unusual seems ugly and ridiculous. But the Eiffel Tower in France in the early years of construction embarrassed the locals with its "simpleness".

The fashion for shed European villas came to the Russian expanses quite recently. And until now, individual architects are rebelling against this trend, calling mono-pitch roofs exclusively "barn" and arguing that clients do not even look at such projects.

But in fact, not only the customers of their future “dream house”, but self-builders with golden hands are increasingly making the roofs of their buildings exactly pitched, with different angles, directions and combinations with other roofs. Because, apart from the more dynamic look that only a sloped plane can give, shed roofs are actually more functional and even economical.

Most often in world practice, shed roofs can be found in Finnish houses, which are known for their pleasant combination of modesty and restraint:


In warm and hot countries, houses with a shed roof are especially popular: no insulation is needed from the inside, the design always looks original, and such a roof is much cheaper in terms of costs. So the northern countries began to adopt this useful fashion.

For example, not so long ago, a new type of residential building was created in Norway - high-tech, with a shed roof with a slope of 19 °. It generates energy on its own solar panels on the roof: the atrium has enough thermal mass to store enough heat during the day and release it all night. And not only to give, but also to provide the whole house with electricity.

And for water heating of walls and floors, rainwater heated by the sun is used, which flows down the shed roof directly into the drain. With a conventional gable or hip roof all this would not be possible to implement!

Is it worth it to make a “one-slope” for a residential building?

Until recently, shed roofs could not be called popular in Russia. It so happened historically that due to the winds and heavy snows in this country, it was gable roofs that proved to be the most practical, which were sharp in snowier regions, and gentler in more windy ones.

And purely visually, the indigenous population is accustomed to seeing roofs with a slope of at least 30-40 ° on houses, where there is a traditional attic for storing a variety of things. And shed roofs carry such inconveniences:

  1. An incomprehensible space at the upper Mauerlat. You don’t use it under the attic, but the attic turns out to be unusual. Leave without an attic - then the whole geometry interior will seem broken and cause discomfort.
  2. On a shed roof, rainwater has twice more pressure than that of a duplex. Why? It's simple: all the liquid that gets on it flows along one slope until it falls to the ground. And if you take and break this slope in half, a “house”, now the water will be divided at the ridge into two streams. And this is twice the amount and influx. This is why shed roofs are problematic in terms of leaks, especially if the choice of roofing material is wrong.
  3. A shed roof is one integral plane, and this is a real sail. That is why, during storms and strong winds, it is precisely such roofs that suffer in the first place.
  4. The need for a strong truss system. The load here is always distributed less than that of two pitched roof, and therefore the rafters will have to be made thicker and stronger.
  5. A complicated ventilation system, which is sometimes not paid any attention at all, and then they are surprised at the short service life of such roofs.
  6. Another disadvantage of such a roof is that it will have to be cleaned during heavy snowfalls, otherwise the roofing material and the building system may break. And on ordinary days, on the contrary, the snow itself descends from such a roof, and not like an avalanche, but gradually.
  7. Unpopularity of experiments. Even More: Take Risks own investments neither the rich nor the poor want to go into construction, and the designers completely fall into despair from any unusual roof.

Because of all these reasons, shed roofs in our country in 99% of cases are found only in baths, garages and summer country houses. Although at the same time, in a region with little snow and not very windy, such a roof could bring many bonuses, including the same unusual stylish design.

Frame houses with a pitched roof are considered the most energy-efficient. This is not taking into account the fact that the area of ​​​​the southern wall in such a house will be the largest, and the northern wall - the smallest. Now see the difference with gable projects? Moreover, the northern side itself is still being built without windows, and serves as one of the walls of the utility room: a boiler room, a boiler or a supply room, where garden tools. But the presence of an attic under the roof in private construction is already considered obsolete.

A shed roof is remarkable in that it has:

  • Simple design. So simple that with a small private construction, they don’t even make particularly accurate calculations for it. There is no need to adjust the slopes to each other, to achieve the identity of their weight and load on the walls. There is no need for complex support systems, which are often found in other types of roofs.
  • High practicality. In addition to the basic functions of the roof, its minimum angle the slope is also used as an open area for a variety of purposes.
  • Reliability. Due to its simplicity and unpretentiousness, such a roof is actually also the most reliable among all others.

And from the practical aspects, we highlight the following:

  1. The ability to arrange a house without an attic and the problems associated with it.
  2. The original geometry of the ceiling, which is used as a separate design element.
  3. The absence of a ridge and cracks under it.
  4. Ability to withdraw rain water and snow from the roof only in one direction - where the slope is inclined. This is important if people are walking right in front of your house (like on the streets of the city) or if you have broken beautiful garden and don't want to flood it in the rain.

And, of course, the simplicity of construction work:

Know-how: shed roof combinations

There is one new architectural fad: the gable roof, which consists of two sheds, but not connected at the ridge. And technologically, we are still talking about two separate shed roofs, which are built according to all the rules. And in the middle they place either a flat part or an open terrace between the two halves of the house. Incredibly successful and functional solution, note, which allows you to add more natural light to the house.

Shed roof houses are recognized all over the world as the most favorable in terms of energy saving. Which is not surprising, because the cube also takes the first place in this regard, and what then is such a house, if not a cube?

Now we will reveal a secret to you: it's all about compactness. Any structure is said to be compact if it has, as far as possible, the minimum area of ​​all external surfaces. So, a house is sometimes built according to rather intricate projects, when almost every room has three outer wall, plus a complicated roof. And sometimes it happens that the rooms have only one such wall, and the roof is generally shed.

What is the point? The fewer such external surfaces that come into contact with cold outdoor air, the warmer the house itself will be. That's why compactness is so important in construction!

In this design, everything is simple: shed roofs are built according to the same patterns, but are based on two parallel Mauerlat-runs. And the main plus is that such a non-spacer construction does not “push apart” the walls of the house with its pressure, and, therefore, to the very frame structure already much less requirements for strength. True, in such a house there must be at least two internal walls.

And in modern architecture, a new style has recently appeared: roofs united into a single whole, which have a slope in different directions.

Modern frame house: from the foundation to the roof

A frame house with a shed roof is a structure made of lumber and fixed wood panels. The frame of such a house itself must be built either from metal or from hardwood timber. It is solid, while the rafters on the roof should be made just from conifers. Now let's explain.

The fact is that hard rocks wood tends to keep its geometric shape and does not change over time: it does not dry out, does not shrink, does not twist. And, of course, in bending, due to such properties, they work poorly. And here conifers they are just good because they do an excellent job with dynamic loads, which is why the walls are made static and strong, and the rafters are more flexible and withstand shrinkage of the house and a slight deflection due to snow.

Although on metal frame wonderful houses are obtained:

Foundation for a frame house

Under a small one-story house, the easiest way is to make a columnar foundation. But, if you are building a solid two-story frame house with a shed roof, the technology will be a little different.

The fact is that a simple columnar foundation is no longer suitable here. A frame house, worse than any other, endures seasonal ground movements, land subsidence or other similar problems, and therefore experienced builders advise to do it for him slab foundation. This one takes all the dynamic loads on itself, and the integrity of the frame is preserved.

Therefore, for a two-story house, make just such a foundation:

Or a more modern insulated Swedish stove:

Technologies of frame construction of walls

In total, there are two main technologies for frame construction.

Frame and panel technology

In this case, the frame house is built from different individual building materials: beams, cladding, insulation, interior decoration, vapor and waterproofing. All this is attached to the frame in its sequence, and as a result, we have a house that is no worse than a timber building in terms of quality.

Here good example construction using this technology:

And the main components of a house built using this technology look like this:

Frame-panel technology

To assemble such houses, a detailed project is initially made, according to which shields of the required size are already manufactured in the factory. We are talking about multilayer panels, which already initially include inner lining, insulation and all types of insulation. All you have to do is attach these shields to the frame of your house, which only takes two days in total. As a result, the whole house, from design to roof arrangement, is built in just a week.

So, insulated SIP panels are the most popular in frame-shield technology. SIP is Wall panel, which is designed to carry longitudinal loads. Frame house by Canadian technology, which just involves the use of SIP, turns out to be especially warm and holistic.

And when building a frame house from such material, the following question arises: should the roof be made from the same material, or is it still traditional? With beams, rafters and lathing? The fact is that everything here is decided by the length of the overlap.

So, with small spans, up to 5-6 meters, the shed roof of a frame house may well be from SIP. It will be already insulated, durable and easy to perform. Moreover, SIP has good bending strength. But for large spans, it is better to build a traditional floor and reinforced rafters. After all, you can’t make SIP out of SIP complicated roof, but just a single-sided one is quite easy:

It is only important to know how to properly connect floor beams with such walls:

Shed roof device on a frame house

A shed roof in the design world is also called a monoslope. Modern architects see a house with such a roof somehow differently than a shed or hip roof: lighter, airier and more stylish.

A shed roof behaves remarkably where spans are from 6 to 8 meters. Usually the slope of the slope is made to the north, and in the southern facades they equip big windows. Often, external insulation of such a roof is practiced: on top is extruded polystyrene foam, which is filled with a cement screed, and on top of it is a roofing carpet.

What is also good, the drainage system in such a roof is simplified and is needed only on one side, and not on two or four at once. But this is not necessary: ​​on a slope oriented to the south, solar collectors are often equipped abroad.

Step 1. Design

A shed roof of any format always differs from a gable one in that here the rafters are not connected in the ridge, but are attached to the walls of the building with both ends. Those. there is no skate at all. The only exception is the run on which the layered rafters are attached, but it never exceeds the level of the entire slope in height.

If you are building using frame-panel technology, then it will be easiest for you to create a wall difference:

But if you use sip panels or the walls are already made of the same height, then you will have to make roof trusses.

Slanted rafters in a pitched roof are made when the building has an internal strong partition. After all, the longer rafter leg, the more there is a danger of its deflection or eversion. And therefore, if it is possible to support such rafters, you need to use it.

In this case, a run is attached to the carrier partition:

Now we make the rafters twice as short - so that each of them rests on the wall with one end, and on the run with the other. And be sure to check laser level the angle of inclination of such rafters - it must completely match. And outwardly, such a roof will not differ from simpler shed roofs.

But in general, the shed roof rafters can be in all of these options:

Although the rafters in the shed roof of a frame house can be generally non-expanding:

Hanging rafters are good because they can be built directly on the ground, in the form of ready-made farms. After all, their main difference from the layered ones is that the load is now transferred to the rafter triangle itself, and not to the walls of the building. And this is quite reasonable, because most often shed roofs are arranged just on small buildings, such as a bathhouse, a garage or a change house. And the walls of those usually do not please with a special fortress.

So decide: if your building is not distinguished by the monumentality of the walls, make hanging rafters, and if it is more or less strong interior walls- then layered. The choice is pretty easy!

Step 2. Mauerlat cutout

Decided? Then specify the future angle of inclination of such a roof and make a template for the rafters:

And the cut itself needs to be made in order to support the rafters of the shed roof on the Mauerlats. the main task mauerlat - to compensate for the horizontal unevenness of the walls. That is why, when laying it, be sure to arm yourself with a building level.

Step 3. Making rafters

For this task, you will need the following fasteners:

And how difficult your rafters will be depends on what load is planned for them. The higher, the rafters should be more reinforced from the inside:

Step 4. Calculation of the crate

As soon as you fix the rafters, go to the crate. The smaller the slope of the shed roof, the more often the crate should be (up to a solid one):

And on steeper slopes - whatever your heart desires, just calculate the weight in advance roofing for the whole house and foundation:

It remains only to lay the selected roofing and arrange a spillway. Which, fortunately, in a shed roof is done on one side only:

Step 6 Glazing

Since relatively recently, frame construction a new fashion rush has appeared: cleanliness, conciseness and a lot of glass surfaces. What is most easily achieved by frame technology, for which the presence of a shed roof instead of massive and clumsy multi-pitched roofs is a real outlet:

The easiest, according to modern architects, way to bring more light and lightness into a frame house is to make transparent inserts into the roof or completely transmit some part of it. For example, above a covered veranda or part above an attic. And in fact, we are not talking about glass at all, but just about modern roofing polycarbonate, which is more often used monolithic or corrugated. There is a separate article about this on our website, but here we will note only some technical points.

When choosing the thickness of the polycarbonate that you are going to use for the construction of the roof, calculate in advance the climatic and static loads. You have probably seen a photo where beautiful, durable greenhouses have completely broken roofs in the spring? And all because when buying, the owners decided to save on quality, without calculating, such tons of snow fall in harsh Russian winters. You wouldn't want something like that to happen to your roof, would you? After all, replacing the top of an ordinary greenhouse is not difficult, but replacing the roof of a house is a real problem.

You need to fasten profiled polycarbonate sheets to the roof using the same fastening that is used for the metal profile. These are self-tapping and self-drilling screws of the STSD type. The sheets themselves are fastened together with special profiles, which are equipped with EPDM rubber seals. All this is necessary so that such a beautiful roof does not leak. There is also a special connecting aluminum profile- for polycarbonate P-6066. It consists of a special clamping bar and a sealant, but it is already necessary to fasten it with self-tapping screws directly to the pipe or crate.

In addition, if you still have polycarbonate residues (after all, standard sheets are produced), use it for glazing utility rooms:

And the excess from another roofing cannot be applied in this way.

A house with a shed roof, built using frame technology with a competent approach, will be the most modern and stylish!

Projects of houses with shed roof undeservedly ignored by property owners. They are not even considered when developing projects for cottage villages or a private estate. However, such a roof allows you to express the individuality of the structure, emphasize the character and at the same time save on materials.

Benefits of houses with pitched roofs

  • Savings on materials. When installing a rafter system, much less wood is consumed in comparison with a gable roof. As a coating, you can use the most simple and available options, up to roofing material and slate. Design features do not allow the curious eye to consider the coating itself.
  • Ease of installation. Any physically strong person can cope with the work, thanks to which you can refuse the expensive services of builders. A convenient slope simplifies further maintenance and repair. When carrying out construction work, it is enough to have a solid ladder, and it is safe to refuse safety belts and other paraphernalia from the category of mountaineering.
  • Small windage. This indicator increases the attractiveness of the design in regions with strong winds. It is enough to ensure that the rafters and the roofing material itself are securely fastened to the building in order to feel safe in your home.

Design options

Usually houses of this type have a rectangular shape.

Variations occur when installing the ceiling:

  • a small attic space is created between the ceiling and the roof. It is difficult to maintain, but not for storage a large number things fit perfectly.
  • The roof is also the ceiling. The option is suitable for those rooms where the slope of the ceiling will be perceived as an original interior detail.

Design features of shed roofs


For finishing needed exclusively quality materials every detail must be thought out in advance. Otherwise, the whole structure will lose its charisma.

Any little thing able to turn a house into perfection or a freak. When choosing materials, it is important to take care of their exact correspondence in texture, color, to those that were laid down in the project.

The quality of the installation also plays an important role. Any mistake will nullify all efforts. Don't leave your mistakes. They need to be corrected immediately.


Regardless of the chosen option of the roof, it is necessary to make its high-quality insulation during installation. It will be impossible to do this later because of the too small gap between the roof and the ceiling at the far wall.

The insulation of the ceiling is carried out even before the work on the installation of the roof begins.

Examples of projects of houses with a shed roof

For those who are ready to abandon conservative traditions when decorating their home, designers are ready to offer several original ideas.

Projects of one-story houses with a pitched roof

Practical Europeans
have been using this design option for their homes for many centuries. In Russia, rich in forests and various political upheavals, a shed roof was preferred to be used only for outbuildings.

The emergence of new materials for finishing allows you to look at the roof structure from a different angle, even for Russians who love simplicity and experiments at the same time.

For one-story house The height of the roof determines not only the spaciousness of the attic space. The higher the roof, the more freedom for mounting additional parts the owner gets.

Usually the building is decorated another shed roof above the porch, but in the opposite direction of the angle of inclination with respect to the main roof. An interesting option is also an addition to the overall composition of a shed roof at another level. For example, creating a roof on a garage or boiler room attached to the house, or adding a gazebo to the house.

Frame house with pitched roof

When installing a frame house, it must be taken into account that the racks used to create the walls must simultaneously become the fulcrum of the rafters. If necessary, changes are made to the design, placing the racks more often than originally planned.

It is important to consider that a small angle of inclination will not allow the snow to roll down quickly, it will accumulate, creating an additional load. That is why the frequency of the location of the rafters cannot be less than 70 cm.

Two-story house with a pitched roof

Such a solution allows refuse any decorations on the first floor of the house. At the same time, it turns out to equip the second floor with a spacious balcony or huge windows. Inside, the room looks much more spacious than it might seem from the outside.

Thanks to strict and the often ascetic design of a two-story house manages to achieve an incredible play of contrasts with an elegant and even, at first glance, fragile second floor.

These houses are different. elegance and charm. A small change to the original project, such as a change in color finishing material, completely changes the character of the whole structure.

Project of a Finnish house with a pitched roof

For a Finnish house characterized primarily by simplicity and conciseness. Here, every detail should be part of the overall idea of ​​not drawing attention to itself. These houses are usually rectangular in shape with a small narrow porch or porch along a long wall.

For the roof, an angle of 30 degrees is often chosen. which avoids the accumulation of precipitation in winter. At the same time, a steep angle of inclination allows you to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe attic and provides an aesthetic perception of all elements as a whole. The projects gained particular popularity when planning the construction of country houses.

Projects of houses from a bar

Log houses are called be strict, warm, environmentally friendly and economical. Shed roofing on such houses reduces heating costs. timber house allows you to mount a truss system with a high margin of safety.

This move will allow V winter time accumulate a decent layer of precipitation, which will provide the building with additional thermal insulation. This form of roofing allows you to equip on the entire surface and solar panels. At the same time, the surface is accessible to the rays throughout the day.

Materials used in construction:

  • half-beam for risers and rafters;
  • waterproofing and vapor barrier, mineral wool for filling the roofing cake;
  • framing board;
  • roofing.
    Depending on the capabilities or preferences of the owner, enough simple options in the form of slate or roofing material. For those who wish to simplify the process of cleaning the roof from snow, the preferred option is to use a profiled sheet or metal tile.
    If necessary, furnish your home in a very original style designers help to transfer the owner's hobbies to the roof. For example, set up a small garden on the roof or start a farm with small animals using earth or reed cover.

Shed roof works

  • set risers;
  • a common guide is mounted on top of the risers. She will become a support for the rafters;
  • installation of rafters;
  • strengthening the structure with braces. They can be stuck in ceiling beams or at the base of the risers. Braces help reduce pressure on the rafters, avoid their deflection under the weight of snow;
  • a roofing cake is created;
  • crate is sewn;
  • cover is installed.

What difficulties can arise when constructing a roof?

  1. Limited room to maneuver. With a small angle of inclination of the roof, you will have to spend a sufficient amount of effort to carry out high-quality roof insulation. Gaps, loose fitting of a vapor barrier or waterproofing material will force the owner of the house to think about repairing the roof in the near future.
  2. You will have to think about the ceiling in advance. Insulate the ceiling narrow section attic space will not be possible. All work to ensure tightness should be completed before the start of roof insulation work.
  3. It is important to foresee how the roof will be used. to correctly calculate the load. Otherwise, there is a high risk of deflection of the rafters and even their destruction.

A modern take on pitched roof houses

Still this design actively used for administrative buildings. Kindergarten, factory, etc. Easy to build and maintain.

The fashion for decorating in a similar style of a residential building appeared as a result of the general desire of people to reduce their costs and reduce the burden on the environment. How smaller house, the simpler its form, the easier it is to withstand the attacks of bad weather.

Features of a flat roof

  1. When installing, it is enough to have only one assistant to cope with all the work.
  2. On creation quality coverage some materials are required. It is easy to calculate their number.
  3. When mounted on the roof surface, it is convenient to walk.
  4. Precipitation rolls only in one direction, which can significantly reduce the cost of drainage system.

Flat roof insulation

After mounting the rafters and installing the braces, a waterproofing layer is attached over the rafters. It is fixed with a crate. On a low section, the insulation is not laid immediately, each span between the rafters is separate. It is immediately filled with insulation and covered from below with a vapor barrier film.

At first glance, it seems that this way the speed of work is significantly reduced. In fact, in this way it is possible to provide high-quality insulation, and the builder does not need to take an uncomfortable position in an attempt to lay the insulation while lying on his back, unable to stretch his arms.

In other sections, it is not necessary to fill one span at a time.

Rooftop lawn or garden

In some cases, it becomes necessary to expand your land, but there is no such possibility. Resourceful Europeans came up with the idea to use the roofs of their houses for these purposes. A vegetable garden or a rooftop garden looks quite extravagant.

There are a few things to keep in mind when installing:

  • a conventional waterproofing layer in this case will not be enough. You will have to perform insulation in two or even three layers.
  • the load of wet earth is much greater than that created by traditional materials , so you need to take care of a reliable truss system. It must be assembled from a durable timber, reinforced with braces. It is important to remember that the weight of the roof itself will increase significantly.

    It is not recommended to conduct such experiments on houses without reliable support or with weak walls.

  • peat roll material acts as a heater, it is also an excellent basis for future beds. A mesh must be laid on top of the peat, protecting the coating from the effects of winds. You can add a small layer of ordinary earth.

Particularly effective rooftop garden planting brick house with roof from concrete slabs floors. They are reliable, they Smooth surface eliminates deflection, and the garden looks perfect.

Don't be limited only vegetable crops, small shrubs also have the right to take a seat closer to the sun.

Registration is possible roofs in the form of a picturesque lawn. At the same time, the roof of the house looks fluffy, and the house itself becomes like a living creature, able to enjoy spring and be sad with the arrival of autumn. Birds like to settle on such a roof and even goats graze.

Flat roof maintenance

Coverage care is reduced to regular inspection of the surface for violations of integrity to ensure timely repairs in this area.

In winter and spring during a period with a large accumulation of snow, the shed roof is cleaned of it in order to reduce pressure on the rafters.

Projects of houses with a shed roof have long been widely used in countries and regions with a warm and hot climate. There is no need to think about increased insulation of the house and there is no need to regularly clean the roof of snow due to the lack of snowfalls.

In the conditions of our country, the northern and central regions often suffer from a large amount of snow, and therefore the roofs and the structure of the house as a whole bear a significant load from its severity. This happens both in winter and in spring, when the snow layers get wet and gradually melt. For this reason, flat roofs need to be cleared of snow in time, otherwise you can have the most unpredictable consequences and start spending your money on repairs to the whole house.

However, many developers prefer house designs with just such roofs. Why? A house with a flat roof looks original and has a special sophistication. Often they are preferred because of the desire to make their roof a place to relax or receive long-awaited guests. If you correctly calculate the load on the walls and roof, as well as follow the technology of its device, then you can even build a pool on it. Thanks to clear edges and even corners, a building with this roof can fit perfectly into any landscape and significantly decorate a corner of the surrounding nature or a city area.

In this article, we will talk about examples of flat roof house projects, their attractiveness and design. You will learn how to arrange a green roof or make a vegetable garden or lawn on it.

Examples of projects of houses with a shed roof

Here you see projects of houses with a lean-to roof, which are distinguished by originality and originality of style, simplicity and grace of lines. Country buildings of this type are distinguished by the tranquility of their beauty and at first glance create a feeling of coziness and constant comfort. In some projects, the roof plan of a pitched roof includes a place summer holidays hosts and their guests.

Houses usually have several floors (mostly two) and a living area of ​​at least 100 square meters. meters. They are equipped with a variety of interior decoration. During construction, building materials such as:

  • precast concrete,
  • aerated concrete,
  • facing brick,
  • facing tiles etc.

Interior decoration is selected according to the personal preference of the customer of the house. As an option, it can be with a vestibule, a boiler room, a dining area, lounges and guest rooms, several bathrooms and a kitchen located on the ground floor, as well as storage rooms. The house of such a plan can be used all year round.

Materials used in construction

Flat roof houses can be:

  • frame,
  • frame-monolithic,
  • monolithic.

Usage modern technologies and methods of conducting construction work allow you to build a building that will be distinguished by reliability, durability and strength. Often, architects create projects for houses with a shed roof, which are distinguished by courage, originality and practical versatility.

During the construction of such houses, various building materials are used:

  • concrete and wood
  • metal and wooden profiles, etc.

The use of such materials makes it possible to lighten the construction of the house and make it more stable. It can be built on any kind of soil, including sand. With a small thickness of the walls, the house is really warm.

Building elements of the latest generation, such as windows, allow you to fill the house sunlight and arrange spacious open and closed balconies and loggias. In the complex, projects of houses with a shed roof look modern and stylish, which makes them the most popular in the residential real estate market.

Shed roof works

The simplicity of the device of this type of overlap makes it accessible to many developers who wish to carry out work on their own and which have a minimum of time and a limited amount of materials.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the angle of inclination of the roof. This is very important, because in the snowy season or during the thaw period, thick snow lying on such a roof can push through it. The slope of the roof will not allow water to stagnate on its surface and will ensure its free flow in sunny weather. To ensure this process, one side of the roof is made higher than the other. What will be the angle of the roof depends on the material finish coat:

  • with corrugated board - over 20 degrees;
  • with slate - over 25 degrees;
  • with a metal tile - over 30 degrees.

Calculate the size of the excess of one side flat roof over the other is possible, having the initial knowledge of geometry.

The diagram shows various designs shed roofs, differing in size and angle of inclination, as well as the necessary values ​​\u200b\u200bthat will be required when calculating it.

The construction of the truss system is one of the main stages of construction. If the width of the building is greater than 4 meters, it is necessary to build supports under the rafters. The distance at which the rafters are located is 70-80 cm, and the output of their ends outside the walls is 40-50 cm.

Then the crate is arranged, the material for which is slats with a section of 50x50 mm. Later on, the finishing coating material is laid on it, which can be any roofing materials.

The roof begins to be mounted from the bottom mark and gradually moves towards its highest point, as indicated by the shed roof scheme.

On final stage self erection flat roofing will be the device of elements such as gutters and gutters.

A modern take on pitched roof houses

Although houses with a shed roof have not yet found wide application in our country, many buildings of this type attract with their originality. They indicate the high position of their owners and their solvency.

Looking back at history, flat roof were equipped exclusively multi-story houses in which the use of the roof was completely not provided. IN last years there has been a trend to modernize these coatings for recreation areas for people living in the house.

Today, a flat roof can be attributed to a newfangled attribute, which is equipped with a swimming pool, a recreation area with tables and a sun lounger, a small park and an oven for barbecue and barbecue.

The most progressive homeowners have long used the idea of ​​a flat roof to create a space with a variety of functional purposes.

Based on the presented schemes, then the projects of houses with a pitched roof can be:

  • unexploited;
  • exploited;
  • inversion;
  • ordinary.

The most difficult is the exploited type of roof, since its tightness must be ensured by the maximum rigidity of the entire structure.

Flat green roof device

This type of roofing is based on a solid surface with a certain angle of inclination. You can create a rigid base using a conventional profile sheet, and a material that has good compressive strength characteristics can serve as a heater.

Green roof device

No problem to use soft insulation. For this, a covering screed is organized. It is important to remember that the quality of the insulation and its rigidity affect the strength and service life of the entire roof.

When an unexploited roof is being installed, the quality of the insulation and the stiffness indicators do not matter, since people will not constantly walk on it. On such roofs, special ladders are installed for moving, with the help of which the load is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the roof.

Features of a flat roof

Shed roof, the drawing of which we present to your attention, in the usual version is quite simple design, which consists of such high-tech layers:

  • roofing base;
  • vapor barrier membrane;
  • mineral wool;
  • waterproofing.

Flat roof insulation

To insulate a pitched roof, extruded polystyrene foam is often used, on which it is laid cement strainer. After that, a roofing carpet made in two layers is laid.

Carrying out the project of a house with a shed roof, it is possible to provide for the presence of an inversion roof in it. The choice of a heat insulator should take into account that water absorption should be as low as possible, and the compressive strength should be higher. This provides for high protection from a process involving alternate thawing and freezing.

As an option, PVC membranes, mastics and built-up roofing are used.

Rooftop lawn or garden

A flat roof has great advantages that other types of roofs do not have and which make it especially popular:

  • very few building materials are required;
  • there is no need for a complex truss system;
  • the device requires a minimum of time and effort.

If we compare country houses with a regular and flat roof, then the second one allows you to use the free space more productively. It can be used where there is a shortage of space and literally arrange a garden or lawn on it.

For example, a drawing of a barn with a shed roof shows that it can also be used to provide additional green space.

With this design, the issue of drainage can be easily solved when it is enough to create a slight slope so that water can drain into the systems of the east. In the process of building a house, you can do and internal systems drainage.

Flat roof maintenance

A flat shed roof is no exception in terms of care and maintenance. Most construction companies avoid arranging such roofs. The reason is the accumulation of water on it, which can seep through the ceiling and ruin the living space.

It is worth noting that caring for such a roof is not difficult. Implement it Maintenance, to do a routine inspection, to clean the funnels and the entire roof surface from dirt is no more difficult than to carry out such work on a simple gable roof.

We can assure you that this is much easier and more convenient, because:

  • on flat surface you can move without fear and risk to life and health;
  • there is no need to involve specialists to clean the roof;
  • the roof surface can be cleaned independently, without much difficulty and effort.

On a frame-type house with a flat roof, you can install air conditioning units, ventilation outlets, split systems and various cable distributors. A special heating system can be installed on the roof, which helps to eliminate excess snow cover.

There are very different projects for such structures as shed roofs (in terms of external style). And the opinion that these types of houses are unremarkable and do not have any “zest” in terms of design is definitely erroneous. The bottom line is that even a not too large building with a similar flat roof can be made interesting and unique. There would be a desire and, of course, there is no way to do without some financial investments.

But, probably, statements alone are not enough here, so it’s better to look at concrete examples structures already implemented in this vein.

However, at first it is better to deal with the features of the roof itself.

Such a system has a very simple configuration and principle of operation - due to the fact that one edge of the roof is higher than the other, water does not linger on the plane. For the device of the roof, an extremely primitive rafter system, which is assembled like this:

  • On the upper edges of the walls around the entire perimeter is laid wooden beam, on which all the load-bearing beams of the ramp will then rely. Such a base is necessary so that the transverse horizontal bars do not rest against some local points of the walls. That is, here the load is, as it were, distributed over the entire line of walls.
  • If the walls are the same height and there is no way to make a slope, then desired wall build up with bricks to provide the desired degree of inclination.
  • The rafters are mounted, the crate is made and the finishing roofing is laid.

As for coverage - there are nuances. The fact is that it is precisely on what kind of finish roof that the degree of inclination of the slope will be planned. Recommendations regarding this are given in the table below.

Well, as for the skin itself, in principle, all materials are good in their own way, and here the decision to buy this or that coating must be made based on the budget and personal preferences. You can also pay attention to the properties of the cladding:

  • slate is heavy and it needs good rafters;
  • metal sheets are light and with their help you can quickly cover even very large areas;
  • bituminous and other tiles, in addition to being heavy, also require the construction of an absolutely continuous plane as a base.

But you can also talk about such purely technical nuances with the masters, but now it’s better to consider directly the projects of houses with a shed roof.

Interesting Design Examples

The photo below shows a house in which the ramp covers not only the building itself, but also favorably emphasizes and protects the veranda:

This solution is very convenient because one truss system is used to cover the entire structure. Firstly, it reduces the amount of timber needed, and Secondly speeds up and simplifies installation.

The next option is more original, because the principle is the same, but here external style home is very unusual:

As you can see, a bunch of two economical and operational solutions are involved here - the slope is at a large angle and covers both the lower and upper tiers of the building. In addition, instead of walls, the designer planned a lot of glass, and this is again economical and brings a “zest” to the exterior of the structure.

Another interesting option:

And, probably, it would not be superfluous to think over a good drainage system in which the drain holes are located at different points in the roof plane.

And here is an example that shows how you can improve and expand the usual a private house by introducing a large slope into the design.

It is important to try to use this technique if there is a need to replace one of the roof slopes due to decommissioning, for example.

So, we considered houses with a shed roof, photo projects and unusual options - it would seem that it is quite a typical technology. Now we can draw some conclusion.


It turns out that pitched roof- this is not a relic of the past, but a decision that can be very interesting to beat. And the key here is the low cost of such roofs relative to systems with a complex configuration. So the main thing here is to approach the issue as creatively as possible and then the result will be economical and original.

For the Russian region, houses with a traditional gable roof are currently of the greatest relevance. And when building country houses, there is no question at all. Projects of such houses still often remain without deserved attention, although in fact, such constructions allow not only to emphasize the character of the owners of the house, but also to save on materials, as well as expand their capabilities when decorating the house: both internal and external. We propose to consider the pros and cons of houses with a shed roof, as well as projects of one-story, two-storey houses and cottages, with a photo selection attached to them.

Shed roof houses: what are the advantages and disadvantages of buildings of this type

Traditionally, most owners of private houses and cottages prefer to design their homes with a traditional layout, and, accordingly, a gable roof. Projects of houses with a shed roof are a rather infrequent occurrence in the world of construction, although it cannot be said that they are inferior to everyone else in some way. On the contrary, such designs look very original, more profitable from an economic point of view.

Moreover, thanks to modern building technologies and high-quality roofing materials, you can create an original and secure home, which will fully justify the concept of "a house is its own fortress", delighting the owner with good quality and comfort.

Two-storey house with pitched roof

Shed roof houses are in great demand in the United States and European countries, especially in cold countries due to some features of such structures. Therefore, such houses are especially relevant for the predominantly cold climate of Russia.

The advantages of houses with a shed roof include:

  • Significant savings in roofing material, as well as the material necessary for the construction of the roof structure. You can further reduce the cost of materials by using relatively inexpensive and fairly simple roofing materials, since they are not visible to the eye.
  • Installation work for houses with a pitched roof is a fairly simple process, which allows you to do it yourself.
  • Shed roof - perfect option for windy regions, since such a design has a small windage.
  • The design feature of the roof greatly simplifies the collection of precipitation.
  • Convenience of a roof for carrying out repair work in case of need.
  • Great option for large houses.
  • You can fully use the attic space by designing an excellent attic with large windows.

But it was not without drawbacks:

  • The importance of accurately made calculations of the cross section of all elements of the designed structure. Otherwise, the roof may simply not be able to cope with the snow load.
  • When designing a roof with a small angle of inclination, especially enhanced hydro and thermal insulation will be required.
  • Not very attractive appearance. In order to avoid this, you will have to use rather expensive roofing materials and carry out roofing especially high quality.

Design features and operating rules

There are several things to consider when building a flat roof house. important features:

Shed roof does not allow to equip the attic
  1. If the project provides for a house without an attic and the roof is combined with the ceiling, then it is necessary to use roofing materials of especially high quality and involve construction work construction professionals so that the roof is made absolutely airtight and has good thermal insulation properties.
  2. If the attic is nevertheless provided according to the project of the house, then servicing the roof from the inside will be quite difficult and inconvenient due to the relatively low ceiling and lowering the height of the roof from the top edge to the bottom.
  3. The complexity of the facade work. With a poor-quality and roughly done facade, the house will look just like a big barn. Small parts will also significantly affect the appearance of the building.

Advice. Special attention should be given to a decorative element exterior finish at home - all materials used must not only be of the highest quality, but also carefully selected colors and textures are important. If a lot of additional details are provided, this will significantly reduce the requirements for finishing the facade.

Since houses with a shed roof are quite unusual design solution, then such a house should be operated, not forgetting about the correct and timely care of the roof:

  1. Clear the roof of snow more often, especially during heavy snowfalls and during the snowmelt period in spring.
  2. Constantly monitor the condition structural elements roofs and timely eliminate the detected shortcomings or breakdowns.

Projects of houses with a pitched roof

For those who are ready to deviate from traditions and bring something new into their lives, designers offer original and high-quality solutions for the home. Let's consider them briefly.

One-story houses with pitched roofs. A similar design in the world of modern building materials allows you to take a fresh look at it. Shed roof projects are perfect for those who want to see simplicity and originality in their home at the same time.

For a one-story house, the height of the roof is extremely important: the functionality and size of the attic space and the possibility of mounting additional decorative elements. Very often in projects for a house with a pitched roof, additional roof above the porch, tilted in the opposite direction relative to the main roof.

Cottage flat roof

two-storey houses with pitched roof can be built in such a way as not to focus too much on decorating the first floor of the house. At the same time, with such a roof design, you can equip a spacious balcony on the second floor or mount panoramic windows.

Very often, in the projects of two-story houses with a flat roof, they rely on the contrast of the floors, at the same time combining an ascetic and restrained first floor and an elegant second. Such houses always look very elegant and modern.

Cottages with pitched roofs. Houses of this type are most often represented by a laconic rectangular design with a small. Their distinguishing feature is a common idea for all the structural elements of the house and at the same time a subtle difference between each of them. The roof is usually built at an angle of 30 degrees, which helps prevent the accumulation of precipitation during the cold season. This is a great option for country house.

Cottage with pitched roof

Timber houses. The main tasks assigned to houses of this type: efficiency, environmental friendliness, rigor, warmth of the structure. Using a flat roof will reduce heating costs. In addition, a frame made of timber will make it possible to build roof structure with a large margin of safety.

Difficult at first glance, houses with a pitched roof, as you can see, are reliable, original and simple. We have introduced you in general terms to the main features and capabilities of these structures. We hope the information was useful to you.

Projects of houses with a pitched roof: video