Well      04/19/2019

Mandarin: planting and care in the garden. Indoor tangerine. Mandarin at home: care, propagation, varieties

IN Lately growing exotic plants on the windowsill fruit plants has become a kind of fashion trend» both among professional flower growers and amateurs a most exciting activity. Citrus fruits occupy far from the last place in flower collections, and most often the most favorite tropical pet is the tangerine. This popularity can be explained simply: the fruits tangerine tree Many people associate them with the winter holidays, the aroma of the Christmas tree and New Year's miracles, so for many, a cute pet on the window is the mood of the most beloved and long-awaited holiday.

Mandarin is very easy to care for, and growing it at home from an ordinary seed is not at all difficult. To that exciting process You can also involve younger family members. When you first try planting, it is recommended to pay attention to some features of tangerine agricultural technology.

Selection and preparation of planting material

For growing a home tangerine tree Seeds from regular store-bought fruit will do, the main thing is that it is well ripened. Since loss of seedlings is possible at any stage of the process, several seeds should be taken at once for planting. Seeds extracted from the pulp immediately before sowing can be placed directly into the soil. If the seeds have had time to sit and dry out, they will need pre-soaking. For this tangerine seeds wrapped in several layers of damp gauze and placed on a saucer for 10–12 hours, after which they are planted in the ground. Hydrogel can be used as a modern alternative to gauze. When using it, the seeds are placed in the middle layers of granules, where the optimal level of humidity is maintained.

The soaking procedure can be extended until the seeds germinate, and with the appearance of the first roots, transferred to the prepared substrate. In this case, the saucer with the soaked seeds should be covered with glass or film, which will speed up the appearance of sprouts. It is necessary to periodically add water to the greenhouse, preventing the seed from drying out.

Rules for planting in the ground

The best soil for a tangerine tree, which is very demanding on soil composition, would be special mixture for citrus fruits from a flower shop. A self-prepared substrate should consist of sand, turf and leaf soil, mixed in a ratio of 1: 3: 1, with the addition of a small amount wood ash and rotted organic matter. It is allowed to sow seeds in a common container, but planting in a separate pot will avoid the first transplant procedure, which tangerine, like all citrus fruits, endures quite painfully. Sowing work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • A small drainage layer is placed at the bottom of the planting container, after which the peat mixture is filled in and moistened abundantly.
  • Prepared seeds are planted to a depth of 1–2 cm.
  • The container with the crops is covered with polyethylene and left in a dark place at a temperature of +23...+25 ° C until germination, maintaining constant soil moisture.
  • With the emergence of seedlings (after 4–5 weeks), the crops are brought into the light and their cover is removed.

At the stage of formation of the 3rd–4th leaf, young plants grown in a common container are planted in separate containers. The further development of seedlings depends on the correct conditions of their maintenance.

Features of care

Caring for a tangerine tree is not difficult. For the comfortable well-being of the plant in its maintenance, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • It is advisable to have a tropical pet on the window sills of the south and southeast side. To ensure uniform illumination of the crown, the pot must be regularly turned towards the light. But! A tangerine may react to a sudden change of location or too frequent turns of the pot by suddenly dropping its leaves.
  • Mandarin oranges should be watered sparingly., preventing both drying out and waterlogging of the earthen coma. For watering it is recommended to use melted or rainwater. In case of use tap water it must be left for at least 24 hours. In hot weather, the tree needs frequent watering.
  • Every day the pet should spray with settled water room temperature, and every 7–10 days arrange for him warm shower with soap treatment of the crown. This procedure helps prevent possible infections and pest attacks. To avoid soap getting into the soil, it is recommended to cover the soil surface with polyethylene.
  • From the beginning of June to the end of August the plant useful to keep on outdoors . The “summer” place for the tangerine should be sunny, protected from rain and drafts, which have an extremely negative impact on the well-being of the tree.
  • In winter tangerine required special conditions contents – a cool, bright room with an air temperature from +2 to +10 °C.
  • To feed the plant it is recommended to use complex fertilizers for citrus crops with a high nitrogen content. Feed every 2 weeks throughout the spring-summer period. With the onset of autumn, feeding is stopped.
  • As the tangerine tree grows needs to be transplanted into a larger container. Since tangerine does not like replanting, it should not be abused. The indication for the procedure is roots “sticking out” from the drainage holes of the pot. It is recommended to replant the tree using the transshipment method without disturbing the earthen coma.v
  • The small, bitter-tasting fruits of tangerines grown from seeds are unsuitable for food, so if you want to improve the taste characteristics of the future harvest, you can grafting method. As a scion, a branch is taken from a varietal fruit-bearing plant, the qualities of which will subsequently be inherited by the home tree.

Crown formation

By the time of the first flowering (after 3–5 years), the tangerine tree should have a well-formed spherical crown. They begin to shape the crown in the second year of life. To do this, the main trunk is shortened at a height of 17–22 cm, after which all single branches are removed, leaving 4–5 healthy branched shoots. A year later, repeated pruning is carried out, shortening and pinching the side branches, which contributes to better tillering and consolidation of the crown shape. Subsequently, the procedure is cosmetic and rejuvenating in nature - old, weak and incorrectly growing branches are removed. To avoid harming the plant during pruning, the following recommendations should be followed when pruning:

  • The pruning procedure should be carried out before flowering begins or after it ends. The first method allows you to stimulate the growth of the tree, the second promotes the formation of new buds.
  • Sick, old shoots, as well as shoots with slight branching, must be pruned.
  • Branches with fruit ovaries cannot be cut.
  • When carrying out the procedure, you should use sharp garden shears or a well-sharpened knife.
  • The cutting areas must be treated with garden varnish, tree resin or other antiseptics.

Pruning carried out according to all the rules allows you to give the crown homemade tangerine neat shape and promotes the formation of young shoots.

Possible problems

In the process of growing a homemade tangerine, it is necessary to monitor the health of the green pet. A few yellowed and dropped leaves are not a reason to panic, but sudden “leaf fall” is most likely a consequence of a violation of agricultural practices, which should be eliminated as soon as possible. The most common causes of leaf shedding are:

  • incorrectly selected watering mode;
  • unnecessarily high level soil acidity;
  • a large number of old unpruned shoots;
  • sudden temperature change;
  • lack of light;
  • high concentration of fertilizers.

With the rapid elimination of the unfavorable factors listed above, the tangerine will return to normal functioning.

With proper care, attention and care, you can grow from a small seed an elegant tropical tree that can decorate your home and fill it with a fresh citrus aroma.

Mandarin – evergreen, which belongs to the Rutov family. The specific Latin name of the mandarin is Citrus reticulate. Like orange, lemon, lime, and grapefruit, it belongs to the Citrus genus. The life form of this plant is interesting - it can be a shrub or a tree, reaching a height of 5 meters.

Like other representatives of the Citrus genus, mandarin has long been grown in greenhouses, greenhouses, winter gardens. Despite its size, tangerines can be grown at home on a balcony or windowsill. Currently, breeders have developed many varieties of dwarf and low-growing tangerines for home grown, the maximum height of which is 0.6-1.1 m. Indoor tangerine may not be a dwarf variety, then the plant needs to be heavily pruned and shaped.

Indoor tangerine is very impressive potted plant. And not only because of the bright, fragrant and appetizing orange fruits that can last for several months. Sometimes a plant gives pleasure only by its flowering, because the delicate white flowers of tangerine exude an amazing aroma. In some varieties, flowering begins in the spring and may continue all year round. An indoor mandarin grown as a bonsai is a real work of art.

The fruits of indoor tangerines are set without artificial pollination and usually ripen at the end of the year. Often an indoor tangerine in a pot is bought in a store with fruits already hanging on it. Despite the fact that they are very appetizing, you should not eat them. After all, to achieve such a high decorative effect plants receive high doses of fertilizers. The tangerine has beautiful leathery and corrugated leaves.

Popular tangerine varieties for growing at home

Unshiu– Japanese variety, the most unpretentious, begins to bear fruit in 3-4 years, in room conditions grows up to 0.8-1.5 m. Branches well. It blooms profusely in spring, producing fruits in late October-November. Pear-shaped fruits lack seeds.
Kowano-Wase, Micha-Wase, Miyagawa-Wase- dwarf tangerines of the Vasya group - suitable for growing on a windowsill, height 40-80 cm. Orange-yellow fruits ripen for the first time in the second year of cultivation, flowering is abundant. Like all dwarf varieties do not require crown formation.
Shiva-Mikan– early compact fast growing variety. The fruits are small, no more than 30 g
Murcot t – the fruits of this compact tangerine variety are very sweet, ripen in summer, and taste very sweet, which is why the name of the variety is translated as “honey.”
Clementine- a hybrid of tangerine and orange, bears fruit at home in the second year. One adult home tree per year produces up to 50 medium-sized flattened orange-red fruits, very fragrant, with shiny skin. Plants of this variety with numerous seeds are called Montreals.

Mandarin: home care

Lighting mandarin at home

First step in successful cultivation indoor mandarin - choosing a place for the plant and its proper lighting.
Indoor tangerine, as well as those grown in open ground, necessary good lighting with some direct sunlight. When there is insufficient light, the plant slows down its growth, throws out a small number of flowers or does not bloom at all. With a strong lack of light, the leaves of indoor tangerines become faded, new shoots become elongated, thin and painful in appearance. Therefore, it is better to grow the plant on eastern, south-eastern and southern windows, shading them from direct midday rays. In summer, the plant can be taken out to the balcony, gradually accustoming it to the street.
In winter, when daylight hours are short, indoor tangerines should be placed in the brightest place with direct sunlight. But sometimes this is not enough: artificial lighting is needed. For this purpose, an ordinary phytolamp is suitable, which can be screwed into a chandelier or table lamp. It is necessary to transfer the plant to additional lighting gradually. With a sharp change in daylight hours, it can shed its leaves.

Content temperature

The optimal temperature for indoor tangerine in the summer is + 20-25 oC. During the period of budding and flowering, so that the flowers do not fall off, it is better to keep the plant at a temperature slightly below + 20 ° C. IN winter time To ensure a relative period of rest, tangerine is kept at + 5 -10 °C. A plant that has rested over the winter will bloom and bear fruit better.

We recommend reading: What are the benefits of tangerines »
What to cook from tangerines »
In search of the sweetest and juiciest tangerines »

How to water and spray tangerines at home

The indoor mandarin, like its wild ancestors, is adapted to withstand dry periods. IN as a last resort, the plant will shed its leaves to reduce the amount of liquid that evaporates. A common problem when growing tangerines at home is excessive watering, which leads to the development of fungal diseases.
The amount of water for watering indoor tangerines depends on several factors:
- size of the plant;
- the size of the container in which the tangerine grows;
- ambient temperature;
- length of daylight hours and lighting intensity.
The larger the leaf surface of an indoor tangerine, the greater the evaporation, and the more it needs watering. Temperature also affects the rate of evaporation: the higher it is, the more moisture the plant loses. The length of daylight directly affects the amount of moisture that evaporates. Stomata - formations on the underside land plants, serving for gas exchange, open during daylight hours.
Watering indoor tangerines should be done in the first half of the day, when the plant has activated its life processes. When the temperature drops, watering is reduced, even stopping for several days during the period when the room temperature is only +12-15 oC. In this case, the tangerine is watered with a small amount of water only to maintain vital functions.
Mandarin at home needs regular spraying of leaves. Very dry air has a bad effect on the plant and is often a prerequisite for its infection. spider mite. If an indoor tangerine is blooming, then you need to make sure that water does not get on its flowers.

How to feed tangerines at home

Full care of tangerines at home is not possible without additional mineral and organic nutrition. The soil in the pot is quickly depleted and washed away when watering, and recreational processes practically do not occur in it, unlike soil in nature.
For fertilizing, you can use soluble or dry fertilizers. In the spring, as daylight hours increase, fertilizing for indoor tangerines is increased. It is in the early spring that vegetative and generative buds begin to develop intensively; at this time, the plant requires additional nutrients.
At home, tangerines are fertilized like everyone else. houseplants, that is, in the first half of the day. The ambient temperature should be at least + 18-19 degrees.
Soluble fertilizers are often used for fertilizing. You can water the plant with them, and spray its leaves in a weaker concentration. For feeding indoor tangerine, any complex mineral fertilizer containing phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium - the main elements, necessary for plants.
Fertilizers should be dissolved in soft or settled water at room temperature. The main thing is not to increase the dose. If the instructions say: 1 capful of product per 1 liter of water, do not think that 2 capfuls will make the solution more useful. This will lead to the opposite effect - a chemical burn or toxic poisoning of the plant.
You need to feed tangerines at home during the period of intensive growth (from March to September) 2 times a week. Possibly less often, but not more often.
Dry fertilizers, which are applied to the soil and gradually dissolve, releasing microelements to the soil, must be applied even more carefully. Their advantage is that by adding them in the spring you can forget about fertilizing for a long time. However, they can be quickly used by the plant, and it will be difficult to guess about it. Adding an additional dose of fertilizer will lead to the above-mentioned overdose.
To grow tangerines, organic fertilizers are also needed. To do this, you can dilute infused cow manure in a ratio of 1/10. The best option There will be the use of organic fertilizer in combination with mineral fertilizers for soil feeding.

Additional care for tangerines at home

To form a lush tangerine tree, pinch the tops of its branches.
Caring for tangerines at home also involves removing dried leaves or elongated branches.
On the young flowering plants The flowers are partially removed so as not to deplete them and to allow several fruits to ripen. For 15-20 leaves of an adult plant, you can leave one ovary. The fewer fruits remain on the tangerine, the larger they will be.
The fruiting branches of indoor mandarin are tied and tied to a support, otherwise they may break due to the weight of the fruit and the plant will not have an attractive appearance.

Diseases and pests

Mandarins at home can be affected by scale insects, red spider mites and mealybugs. Spraying the plant will help against scale insects soap solution(2 tbsp. l liquid soap, you can use “Fary”, for 3 liters of water). It is better to remove pests by hand first. After leaving the solution on the leaves for half an hour, wash it off warm water. In case of spider mite infestation, the pest is collected manually, then the leaves and twigs are wiped with a cotton swab moistened cold water or alcohol, then sprayed with a two-day infusion of garlic or onion (crush 200 g and pour warm boiled water). Against mealybug Removing the pest with a cotton swab and spraying it with garlic infusion 3 times (once every 7 days), or rubbing it with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol (can be replaced with calendula tincture) will also help. In case of persistent damage by any pest, they resort to potent chemicals, which are used according to instructions.
If watered incorrectly, tangerine leaves become stained and fall off. To prevent or eliminate the problem, follow the rules for watering citrus plants.

Replanting a tangerine at home

Proper care of tangerines at home involves replanting the plant. Usually a transplant is carried out if the plant, in our case the indoor tangerine, is cramped in the pot. As a rule, young indoor tangerine plants are replanted annually, plants older than 7 years - once every 2 years. For replanting, use a special soil mixture for citrus fruits or make it yourself from turf soil (50%) and leaf soil, humus and sand, taken in equal parts.
To transplant an indoor tangerine, choose a pot with a diameter of 5 - 8 cm larger than the previous one. You cannot plant a small plant immediately in a large pot: this often leads to rotting of the roots. In addition, it is neither aesthetically pleasing nor practical.
Mandarin at home, as in nature, prefers a light substrate with weak acidity. It is necessary to put drainage at the bottom of the container for replanting - this is the prevention of stagnation of water and root rot. For drainage you can use: expanded clay, small stones, fragments of ceramic dishes, pieces of foam plastic.
Indoor tangerines cannot be replanted while the plant is flowering. It is better to do this in the spring at the beginning of the plant’s awakening from a relative period of dormancy.
You cannot feed the plant 2-3 days before replanting, and also use fertilizers for 12-14 days after replanting.
After transplanting, the indoor tangerine is lightly watered so that the soil settles. After 30-40 minutes, if necessary, add the substrate to the pot and water it again.

Video: propagation of indoor tangerine by cuttings, rooting

Reproduction of indoor tangerine

Mandarins can be propagated at home in two ways:
- vegetative (rooting of branches);
- generative (growing from seed).
To root cuttings, it is better to use a rooting agent - the survival rate will be 3-4 times higher. To do this, cuttings with 2-3 leaves are dipped in a rooting agent and planted in moist soil, covering the top with film or cut plastic bottle, be sure to leave holes in them for ventilation. Cuttings take root within several months.
Growing tangerines at home from seeds is the longest method of propagation, especially since some varieties produce almost no seeds. In addition, an indoor tangerine grown using this method will need grafting, otherwise it will not bloom. For rootstock would be better suited indoor lemon or grapefruit grown at home from a seed.
Since both methods of propagating indoor tangerines take too much time, more often amateur gardeners buy already grafted indoor tangerines in stores.

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Many people have probably seen indoor tangerines in their friends’ apartments. There are also those who dream of growing this tree at home, but they are stopped by a lack of knowledge and experience. In fact, there is no need to be afraid. A tangerine tree can live peacefully in a modern apartment.

Grow tangerines from seeds at home

Not many people know that tangerines are grown from a simple seed. To start, take a few tangerine seeds and soak them in a clean cloth. Just wrap the seeds in cloth and add water. Do not use too much water; the fabric should only be slightly damp. Then, as it dries, simply add liquid little by little.

Even if you want to grow just one tree, take about 10 seeds: many of them will die during the growth process. When the seeds swell and hatch, plant them in the ground. Prepare the soil for growing tangerine as follows:

  • 3 shares of turf soil;
  • 1 share of humus;
  • 1 share of leaf soil;
  • 1 share of sand;
  • a small amount of .

If you can’t make your own soil, then buy a neutral one, for example, called “Vericohumus” or “Rose”. Don't forget to add drainage to the pot. In about three weeks the first shoots will emerge.

How to care for homemade tangerine

For the successful growth of tangerine, it is important to choose the right place and type of lighting. For this tree, good lighting is important with a sufficient amount of direct sunlight falling on the tree. sunlight. If there is not enough lighting, then the plant will have very few flowers or it will not bloom at all. With a constant lack of light, thin stems form on the tree, it becomes faded and sickly.

Considering these points, place the pot with the tree on the east, south or southeast side. Moreover, during those hours when straight lines fall on the windows Sun rays, the tree needs shade. In the summer, take the tangerine out to the balcony and gradually accustom it to the outdoor air. When daylight hours are shortened, place the tangerine on the brightest side under the direct rays of the sun. If even these hours are not enough for the plant to develop well, use artificial lighting. It can be made from an ordinary phytolamp, which needs to be inserted into a table lamp. Organize lighting for the plant gradually so that the plant does not lose its leaves due to a sudden change in daylight hours.

The temperature regime for tangerine should be as follows: in summer, grow the plant at temperatures up to 25 degrees. On the days when buds appear, reduce the temperature to 20 degrees, and in winter keep the tree at a temperature no higher than 10 degrees so that it can rest and begin to bloom and bear fruit with renewed vigor the next year.

Many gardeners unknowingly overwater the plant. To prevent this from happening, follow a few rules:

  • Water the tree only in the morning hours, when it awakens its life processes.
  • In winter, water the plant not every day, but only to maintain life in it.

The tangerine needs regular spraying to prevent it from becoming infected with spider mites due to too dry air. Just be careful and do not allow moisture to get on the flowers of the tree.

For full growth, tangerines need feeding. Indeed, unlike natural soil, recreational processes do not occur in potted soil, and it is very quickly depleted. Use dry or soluble fertilizers as top dressing. It is especially necessary to feed tangerines in the spring, when the active growing season begins.

Buy fertilizers containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus to feed your plants. Dissolve them in water and water or spray it. Keep the room temperature no higher than 19 degrees. To dilute the fertilizer, use only settled water at room temperature. Fertilize twice a week.

Mandarin oranges naturally begin to bear fruit after five years. But in order for the fruits to be tasty and sweet, it must be grafted.

Do it like this:

  • On the plant you have grown, make a cut in the shape of the letter T at a height of about 10 cm. Insert a bud cut from a fruiting branch into the cut. Wrap this area well with tape.
  • Then cover the tree with a jar to create the right microclimate.
  • In about a month you will be able to evaluate the result of the scion. Not all scions will take root. That is why several plants are needed so that at least a couple of them survive.
  • When you see that everything went well, start gradually accustoming room air plant.
  • A month later, when the new shoot begins to actively grow, cut the trunk of the main plant slightly above the scion diagonally. Coat the cut with garden varnish.
  • To make the tree grow vertically, place a stick under it and continue caring for it as usual.

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Who doesn't love New Year, because there are many traditions associated with this holiday. And one of them is the presence of tangerines on festive table. Many people love these tasty and aromatic fruits, but you can enjoy them to the fullest in winter. But how I want to prolong this sweet world.

And this is not at all difficult to do, because you can grow this fruit at home in indoor pot, sowing an ordinary seed taken from an eaten fruit into the ground. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the technology of planting and growing tangerines indoors.

Having taken all the advice into account, in just a few months you will be able to enjoy the flowering, and then fruiting, of your tree.

For planting tangerines you will need seeds, or rather seeds, which you can “obtain” by purchasing several ripe tangerines in the store. For the success of the event, it is better to have more seeds (at least 5-10), since not all will be able to germinate.

Next, it is necessary for the seeds to hatch or swell. To do this, the bones need to be wrapped in gauze and lightly moistened with water for several days. Optimal soil for planting will be purchased in flower shop special soil for citrus fruits, but in principle any light mixture is suitable for tangerines.

For example, if you mix turf and leaf soil, completely rotted manure humus and compost in equal parts, your tangerine will probably like it. A peat-based mixture is not worth making or buying. Don't forget about the need for drainage. It takes quite a long time for tangerines to sprout; the first noticeable shoots appear only after two to three weeks, and sometimes even a whole month.

Mandarins generally grow very slowly., and sometimes it also stops growth. But if you don't lose hope and enthusiasm and continue to provide him necessary care, it will grow into a beautiful tree that pleases your eyes.

Certainly, tangerine is an unpretentious tree(not only among citrus fruits, but also among all other plants), but it still requires compliance with certain rules of care. The most important condition for him - an abundance of sunlight.

The light-loving tangerine requires intense lighting 12 hours a day all year round. Mandarin is also very sensitive to humidity. In summer, it needs to be watered abundantly, but just not overwatered, and in winter, watering should be reduced, but make sure that the soil does not dry out.

In addition, tangerine leaves should be sprayed daily with filtered or boiled water. clean water to compensate for dry air, you can even place a small tangerine near indoor fountain so that it humidifies the air additionally.

As the tangerine tree grows needs to be replanted into a larger pot. It is best to do this in late winter - early spring.

You need to take a pot with a diameter 3-5 cm larger than the previous one. The tangerine tree is replanted using the transshipment method, preserving the old earthen ball as much as possible, so as not to damage the root system of the plant.

A few weeks after transplanting, the tree should begin to period of active growth. Such periods will be repeated several times during the spring-summer season.

During this period, you need to feed the tangerine with minerals and organic fertilizers. You can use dried tea leaves as fertilizer, which you need to dig into the soil.

Tangerines grown at home grow only up to 1.5 m and are miniature trees that fit perfectly into any interior, even without fruit.

And when a tree is strewn with fragrant flowers and then colorful fruits, it becomes a universal center of attraction, giving beauty and causing sighs of admiration.

Vaccination required tangerine in order to get fruit from it. It is possible that the tangerine will bear fruit without grafting, but this will not happen very soon. In addition, the fruits will be small and sour. With the help of grafting, you can accelerate the onset of fruiting and achieve higher quality tangerine fruits. best time for tangerine grafting - April or the very beginning of May.

At this time, the plant experiences the most active sap flow. But nothing bad will happen if you decide to plant a tangerine in August. This is no less favorable time for grafting this plant. How to properly graft a tangerine? It is best to graft a tangerine tree onto seedlings of other citrus plants. Moreover, the grafting process itself must occur quickly, carefully and in clean conditions.

First, prepare everything you need: a scion with wood that has matured enough, a scion from a cultivated fruit-bearing tree citrus plant, garden pitch, elastic tape and a special budding knife. At a height of approximately 7 cm from the ground, thoroughly wipe the plant, remove all dust and dirt from it.

Then, using a clean budding knife (which should be very sharp), make a cut in the bark in the shape of the letter T. Try not to touch the wood, otherwise all the work will be in vain. The top of the cut should be about 1 cm and the bottom 2.5 cm.

Lubricate the cut made with garden varnish and carefully wrap the area with adhesive tape. Only the petiole with a leaf on it should remain on the surface. When your plant is already grafted, place it in a small greenhouse, which is quite possible to make yourself from a large one. plastic bag or special film for greenhouses. But you shouldn’t leave the plant in the greenhouse all the time.

Periodically open the film to ventilate the tree. When two to three weeks have passed after you have grafted the tangerine tree, you can appearance judge how successful your vaccination was. If the petiole has dried to the shield and turned black, you have done something wrong and the grafting should be repeated. And if the petiole turns yellow and can be easily separated from the tree trunk, your grafting was successful.

Once the scion has budded and is well established, you can remove the adhesive tape. She is no longer needed. After about three weeks, a young shoot will begin to sprout from the swollen bud. At this time you will need to trim the rootstock trunk at a height of about 5 mm above the base. The cut should be oblique. The cut itself should be treated with garden varnish.

Today, many lovers of indoor exotic plants prefer to buy plants in stores. But the problem is that citrus fruits grown in greenhouses do not take root well in indoor conditions. But a miniature tree grown with your own hands will delight you for many years. Of course, you will have to wait a long time for the harvest from it, but the aroma of tangerine and the beauty of the plant will justify themselves.

Mandarin from seeds at home

Under natural conditions, tangerine trees reproduce vegetatively or by seeds. You can get the seeds of this representative of the rutaceae family from store-bought fruits. If you bought tangerines at the nearest supermarket, but did not have time to eat them, do not rush to throw them away. You need to choose the most unsightly and spoiled fruit and remove the seeds from it. After this, they are thoroughly washed in a weak solution of manganese. Now take a piece of gauze and place the processed bones on it. After this, they need to be placed on a small saucer and placed in a warm place. As soon as the seeds swell, they can be sown in the ground.

Any soil for citrus fruits is suitable for this. You need a small pot. We pour soil into it, water it and shallowly sow the seeds of our tangerine tree there. They need to be watered as the soil in the pot dries out. In approximately 10-20 days, the first shoots will appear. Tangerines come up together, like a brush. Choose a few of the cutest ones for yourself, and you can give the rest to your friends.


Now comes the most difficult stage - picking. This is transplanting tangerine seedlings into pots. This should be done when the third leaf appears on the tangerines. From your home nursery, we take out young trees using a regular fork. You can take a disposable plastic one. There is one point here. If you do not want your pet to reach its natural height in a few years, its root needs to be carefully trimmed. The spine is long and needs to be shortened a bit.

Choosing a pot for tangerine seedlings

You should also not take a large pot size, you need to take a smaller one. Young tangerines are growing very actively. You need to pour citrus soil into the pot, water it, make a small depression in the middle and plant your tangerine there. Do not bury the root collar; the plant may die. After transplanting, do not get too carried away with watering. This should be done as the soil dries. There is one little secret, if you want to wake up in a room saturated with the enchanting aroma of tangerine, simply spray your small tree every evening. And you are guaranteed a divine aroma!