Shower      06/12/2019

Homemade pepper in a pot. Features of growing on the windowsill. Choosing the right place

Growing pepper on the balcony and windowsill - an exciting activity. This plant not only brings a vitamin harvest, but also blooms beautifully. It can become a colorful decoration of your home. Black and sweet peppers are perennials, so they will bear fruit for more than one year. But the fruits of this culture contain a whole set of substances useful for the body. How to grow peppers on the windowsill, read the article.

Conditions for Successful Pepper Growing

Container selection

You can grow sweet or black peppercorns on the balcony in any container.

We grow seedlings in a small container, and with each transplant we increase the volume of the container.

As a landing container, you can take wooden boxes, plastic pots and buckets, ceramic containers.

The main thing is that at the bottom of the container there are holes for the outflow of excess liquid.


Pepper loves well-lit places in the apartment, so you can grow a good crop on the south or east window. However, direct Sun rays negatively affect the life of the plant, so the bushes need to be shaded in hot weather. The lack of light also has a bad effect on black and sweet peppers, so in winter it is necessary to illuminate the “pet” with a fluorescent lamp so that the daylight hours are at least 10-12 hours.

In the summer season, pepper feels good on the balcony, but in winter it is necessary to keep the pot on a lighted window in the apartment.


The culture is able to withstand temperatures up to 12-10 degrees, but 24-26 degrees are considered optimal for growth. Both black and bell pepper on the windowsill or balcony should be protected from drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations.

On the same windowsill at home, you can not grow sweet bell pepper and bitter, black peppercorns. After pollination, sweet peppers can produce bitter-tasting fruits.


The plant on the balcony or windowsill must be watered with settled water comfortable temperature up to 30 degrees. Watering is carried out as the top layer of the soil mixture dries up. On hot summer days, peppers need daily spraying. If in winter the container is on the windowsill under the battery, then it should be covered with a damp cloth so that the pepper does not overheat.

Growing pepper at home on a balcony or windowsill is not difficult, but the choice of soil should be taken seriously. It is best to buy a special ground mix in a gardening store. However, you can make soil for planting yourself at home. To do this, you need to mix soddy soil, sand and humus in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. In the prepared mixture, you need to add lime (150 g per 10 kg of soil) and ash (1 cup of ash per 5 kg of soil). If you are using ordinary soil from the garden, then first it should be disinfected with a hot solution of manganese.

They feed the culture on the balcony or windowsill once every 14-15 days, but this is done only after watering, so as not to burn the roots.

It is impossible to spray fertilizers on the leaves, they are applied only to the ground. Fertilizers can be purchased at the store, they must contain enough nitrogen. Top dressing can be done by yourself, for this they take 2 tbsp for 1 liter of water. l. ash. Another option is to take 1 gram per liter of water. urea, 10 gr. superphosphate and 2 gr. potassium salt. Decoctions of herbs (clover, nettle, plantain) will be very useful for pepper. The first top dressing is carried out immediately after the formation of the first true leaves. Black or Bell pepper can be grown without problems in an apartment on the windowsill, but it is better to do it in seedlings.

At home, it will not be difficult to grow Bulgarian or black pepper with peas, but first you will need to plant seedlings. To grow seedlings of sweet or black peppercorns, you first need to start selecting seeds. The damaged seed is removed, and the selected material is placed in gauze and dipped in a manganese solution or fungicides. We keep the seed in the preparation for about 30 minutes. After that, we wrap the seeds in a soaked cloth and moisten it as necessary. We put the seeds in a warm place. After 7-14 days, the seeds should germinate, they should immediately be planted in containers.

Pour the ground mixture prepared in advance into a clean container and crush it a little. We put the germinated seeds in the ground, retreating from each by 2 centimeters, if the interval is less, then the seedlings will turn out to be elongated. Then sprinkle the seed with a thin layer of soil on top. Then the future seedlings must be very carefully watered with warm water. The pots are placed in a warm place and covered with polyethylene. After 6-8 days, green seedlings should appear.

Then the seedlings are placed in a lighted area, but the temperature there should not exceed 17-18 degrees. Watering should be very moderate, seedlings cannot be waterlogged. It is best to plant seedlings during the March thaw, so that the plants have enough heat and light for active development.

plant pick

At home, the first leaves are formed 21-30 days after hatching from the ground. After the appearance of 2 mature leaves, the seedlings dive into another container. Seedlings should be transplanted into small separate containers up to 200 ml. In such a container, seedlings will grow faster, because small roots will not be very comfortable in a large container. A large pot will accumulate a lot of moisture that the plant cannot process, so there is a risk of decay.

Growing instructions for a good harvest

  1. We fill the prepared pot with earth mixture and do not forget about drainage.
  2. We dig a small hole in the soil of such a size that the roots of the sprout are freely placed there.
  3. With gentle movements, we take the seedlings by the tops and transplant them into a new pot. Fill the hole with soil and compact. The root neck should be deepened into the ground by 0.5 cm.
  4. Holding the sprout, you need to carefully water the soil mixture, the water should be completely absorbed.
  5. We place seedlings at home on the windowsill, the lighting should be good, but direct sunlight is contraindicated for plants. Next, we move on to standard care, not forgetting to fertilize the pepper.
  6. When the fruiting period comes, leave 4-5 of the strongest peppers. Others should be removed so as not to overload the plant.

It is best to grow peppers on the balcony - "precocious" with a low stem. Sweet bell pepper can be of the following varieties:

  • Firework;
  • Treasure Island;
  • Dwarf;
  • Golden baby;
  • Watercolor;
  •  Study;
  •  Carat.

Hot pepper can also feel great on the balcony, and black peppercorns are no exception. The best varieties:

  • Beak of the Falcon;
  • Bell;
  • Bishop's Crown;
  • Coral;
  • Fiery Maiden.

Black, sweet and other peppers are unpretentious plants, but your care and attention are necessary to get the perfect harvest.

Hot pepper on the windowsill is not only a necessary spice that is always at hand, but also an excellent decorative ornament at home, easy to grow. A pot of bright beautiful plant will serve exquisite decor for any home, and the piquant taste of such a hot spice will make this pepper indispensable in the kitchen of every hostess.

It is possible to grow at home both sweet bell pepper and hot hot, Drakosha varieties or another. How to plant seeds for seedlings and the conditions for planting in an apartment will be described further.

For growing on the windowsill, breeders specially bred several varietal varieties. hot pepper. Such indoor pepper is also divided into a fruit variety and decorative (without fruits).

The fruit variety of indoor hot pepper is a perennial that reaches a height no more than 40 cm. The plant has bright green leaves and multi-colored fruits of a rich color: scarlet, sunny or orange.

cultivation room pepper is not difficult and does not require special knowledge and wisdom. Very unpretentious and undemanding in care.

Flowering begins in June. During this period, delicate white flowers with a slightly yellowish tint appear on the stems.

How to grow at home on the windowsill

In order to get a plant with beautiful fruits on the windowsill, it is necessary to sow seeds for seedlings. Do it late February - early March.

To speed up the process of seed germination, they can be pre-heat-treated. To do this, the seeds are poured with warm water (not higher than 40 degrees) and clogged in a thermos for 3 hours.

Soil and pot preparation

The soil for seeds must be nutritious. You can prepare it yourself. To do this, mix 5 parts of humus, 2 parts of soddy land and peat, and 1 part of sand. At the bottom of the container, be sure must have drainage. Small expanded clay or pebbles are suitable for this.

The soil must be further disinfected: treated with boiling water, or a solution of potassium permanganate and loosened well. Seeds are sown to a depth of 1 cm.

Growing seedlings from seeds

The containers are covered with glass or film and left in a warm place where the temperature should not be below 20-25 degrees.

As a container, you can use an ordinary pot or box, it all depends on how many seeds are sown.

The first shoots are already appearing after 7 - 10 days. The room should have enough sunlight.

When the first shoots appear, the plants dive into separate pots. When several true leaves appear on the seedlings, they dive again, while choosing the strongest and strongest shoots.

The plant needs a sufficient amount of moisture, heat and light, at any stage of cultivation.

During the growth of seedlings, it is necessary to ensure that the seedlings do not stretch too much. To do this, they need to provide a certain ambient temperature.

When the first leaves appear, then within 7 days it is necessary to reduce the temperature to 20 degrees. And when three real leaves appear, be sure to reproduce the pick in a spacious pot. On permanent place seedlings are planted after 2 months after planting seeds.

Caring for indoor hot peppers

To grow hot peppers on the windowsill, you need to provide it with light and heat.


Love this pepper very much. different kind top dressing. The most optimal fertilizer is 2 tablespoons of ash mixed with 3 liters of water. The mixture should be well infused. It is necessary to fertilize every two weeks.

You can use nitrogen fertilizers, but much less frequently. With such fertilizers, it is important not to overdo it, otherwise you can be left without a crop.


The soil must be regularly loosened and watered. two times a week warm settled or purified water. It is necessary to ensure that the soil in the pot does not dry out, but is not constantly wet. Both will contribute to various diseases of the plant.

IN winter time you can not use fertilizers and water the plant much less often. If the air in the room is dry, you can moisten the leaves a little by spraying them with water from a spray bottle.

In the warm season, the pots are taken out to the balcony, or to the street.


Temperature regime

Until about February, the plant can be kept indoors at a cooler temperature, but not lower than 18 degrees.

But before the start of the growing season (usually it starts in February), the pot needs to be moved to a more warm room and cut it. To do this, cut the stems so that they are no higher than 5 cm.

If you correctly follow all the recommendations for growing and caring for the plant: starting from the harvesting of seeds itself and ending with timely pruning, then such a pepper will retain its decorative effect and will actively bear fruit. up to 5 years.

Diseases and pests

This variety indoor plants may be subject to the following diseases: blackening of the legs or spotting of the leaves. This happens when watering is too abundant, in which stagnation of water forms in the pot.

The main pests of such pepper include aphids, spider mite And powdery mildew . An aphid or a tick can appear with the help of wind through an open window.

To combat the tick, you can use the plant itself. To do this, it is necessary to grind the pepper seeds together with the internal veins and fill them with water for a day. Then you need to add a little grated laundry soap and spray the plant. To completely get rid of pests, it is enough to carry out three spraying procedures.

To prevent the appearance of a tick, you need to provide the plant with sufficient moisture or place a container of water near the pepper pot.

At proper cultivation and leaving the plant for as long as 5 years will delight the eye with excellent decorativeness, and its fruits will become a piquant spice in the kitchen.


Even though it's cold outside, January and February are the perfect months to start growing hot chili peppers. IN Lately this culture is especially popular. Read on for tips on how to grow hot peppers on a windowsill and how to properly care for them - it's fun and economical, because the plant will bear fruit year after year.

General information

This exotic, pungent herb can be used to make everything from pizza to pasta and sauces. Chile will make you feel the heat even in winter.

The sharp taste of pepper fruits is due to the content in them chemical capsaicin, which has an incredible pungency. A drop of solution containing only 1/1000 mg of capsaicin can cause a long and intense burning sensation.


There are many types and varieties of hot peppers that can be planted on the windowsill. Take a look at the range of seeds that are most often grown at home:

  • Jalapeno - grows quickly, forms compact bushes 50-100 cm high. Up to 40 fruits 5-8 cm long, 2-3 cm in diameter, weighing up to 50 g ripen simultaneously on a bush. The color is dark red, but green, unripe fruits are also used . The taste is fruity-burning, moderately spicy.

  • Hot cherries - from sowing to the first harvest 85-90 days. The plant is small, compact, everything is dotted with small round red fruits 2.5-3.5 cm in diameter.

  • Habanero is one of the hottest peppers. The plant is branched, fruits 3-4 cm long, up to 2 cm wide, uneven cone-shaped, red or orange color when they are in time.

  • Burning Bouquet - Productive, delicious chili, great for cooking. The fruits are cone-shaped, curved, red.

  • Spice Boys are small plants perfect for a 1 liter window sill pot. White, green, purple pods become orange, red, yellow as they ripen.

How to grow hot peppers from seeds on a windowsill

In the apartment, you can start sowing as early as January, as the sharpest varieties usually have a long growing season.

Soak the seeds overnight in warm water or a solution of epin.

Fill small low containers ready ground for seedlings, sow seeds (not too thick) and cover with a thin layer of soil.

Peppers need in large numbers heat for germination, so first place the container with the crops in a warm, dark place and cover plastic bag. They germinate at a temperature of 21-28 C.

Shoots will appear about a week after planting. But don't worry if they're not in a hurry - peppers germinate well if the seeds were fresh.

After sprouting, move the hot peppers to a warm, sunny windowsill.

After the first true leaf appears in the seedlings, they are transplanted one plant at a time (dive) into pots with a diameter of 10-15 cm.


As a rule, hot pepper grows quite successfully on the windowsill, develops well, blooms and bears fruit, but still there are important recommendations when leaving.


Chilies are demanding on heat and die from even minor frosts, so the climate of the room is very suitable for them. In a pot on the windowsill, hot peppers can grow for many years. Most of all they like sunny windows facing south.

Make sure that the temperature does not fall below 15 C. Peppers do not tolerate sudden changes in heat and cold and abundant watering with cold water.


Peppers need to be watered regularly, not allowing them to dry out, but be careful not to "fill" them.


Hot peppers need at least 6 hours of sunlight per day. With a lack of light, the plants stretch out, the leaves turn yellow on them, the buds and ovaries fall off.

If in winter the plants organize additional lighting, then they will bear fruit better.

top dressing

While light and water are the most important for the development of hot peppers, there are other nutrients needed for growth and fruiting. These are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. But do not overdo it with fertilizing!

After the plants bloom, you can feed them a little potassium.

If the chili pepper leaves become wrinkled or the tips of the pods develop dark spots, your plant lacks calcium and phosphorus.


Peppers are excellent self-pollinators. Just shake the plants gently from time to time. This simulates the action of the wind that occurs in nature.


As the plants grow, larger pots will be needed. The standard progression of diameters is 7 cm, 15 cm, and then the final 20 cm.

To transplant a plant:

  1. Fill the pots with fresh soil and lightly dampen it with water.
  2. Then make a large enough indentation in it.
  3. Carefully take the plant from the previous container, grabbing the roots with a clod of earth so as not to damage them.
  4. Place the pepper in a new pot, gently compact the soil around the stem, and water lightly.


To make the bush grow more lush, its upper shoots, which have reached 40 cm, are cut off. Chilies respond very well to pruning.


One of the main pests of chili peppers is the green aphid. Even one individual that accidentally got into an apartment from the street can infect your plant, creating a whole army of offspring.

To get rid of aphids, wash the leaves and stems with running water. Use chemicals wrestling is not recommended.



In 60-70 days after sowing, the plants bloom, and later on they form fruits. various colors(depending on the variety) - from brown to bright purple or yellow. When the fruits ripen, in most varieties they turn red. It is better to cut them with a knife.

It is better to remove the very first fruits while still green in order to stimulate further fruiting.

You will be able to harvest fresh chili from late spring until December. One plant can give you over a hundred hot peppers.

  • Chile can be planted any time from January to May, but with more early term more likely to quickly begin to bear fruit. Sowing seeds in January, you will harvest in July.
  • By mid-May, when warm enough, move the pepper pots to outdoor balcony or a veranda, but in a place protected from the sun.
  • The hottest and most unusual varieties, such as the habanero, take longer to ripen.
  • The yield of peppers increases in the second and third years.
  • Inspect plants regularly to make sure there are no aphids and that the soil is still relatively fresh.
  • After 4-5 years, the pepper crop will decrease, and it will be time to grow a new plant.

So, for growing hot peppers on the windowsill in winter, you will need a sunny window, a spacious pot with fertile soil and easy care. Compact bushes with many original bright red and green fruits are unusually beautiful and perfectly decorate the apartment.

Or maybe one of you has already planted these plants? Then let's talk about the next inhabitant of our windowsill - sweet pepper.

Sweet pepper is very beautiful with its tight fruits, bright, tasty, filled with vitamins. It is this that we miss so much on rainy days in autumn, and on harsh winter days, and during the period of spring beriberi.

Do you want to admire the pepper and eat it all year round? In this case, feel free to proceed with the landing pepper on his windowsill, as these plants are ideal for care and cultivation in the apartment.

Peppers on the windowsill of the best variety

Ideal for planting at home will be compact, undersized varieties pepper (they are the most unpretentious and persistent). The growth of this plant will reach half a meter and it will fit perfectly into the size of your window. The best varieties:

  • Treasure Island. After 90-100 days, the pepper will invite you to taste its juicy orange-red heart-shaped fruits. Their mass reaches up to 60 g, the thickness of the peel is up to 7 mm.
  • Firstborn of Siberia. The crop ripens in 108-113 days from the moment of emergence. The fruits are large, up to 100 g (peel thickness up to 6 mm). Bright red in color, these peppers are fragrant and delicious.
  • Dwarf. Pepper variety with juicy, red fleshy cone-shaped fruits. Their weight reaches up to 83 grams (walls up to 9 mm). You can harvest already after 110 days from the time the sprouts appear.
  • Watercolor. Glossy cone-shaped scarlet peppers will be ready for your table in 110 days. This one has small fruits, “one bite”, their weight reaches up to 30 grams, with a thin peel up to 2.5 mm.
  • Moldovan gift. Large dark red peppers will delight you with a rich, sweet taste after 124-136 days. Fruit weight reaches 90 g, skin thickness up to 6 mm.
  • Martin. fragrant variety, with red juicy fruits of which it will be possible to decorate the table after 130 days. Fruits are large up to 84 grams with thick (up to 5 mm in size) walls.

These pepper varieties are high yield, they will delight you with their attractive fruits all year round.

Seed preparation

To save future plants from infections, the seeds should be kept for 20 minutes in a 2% solution of potassium permanganate, then rinsed with cool water. And soak in nutrient solutions of epin or zircon (growth biostimulants):

  • Appin. For 100 ml of water, take 2 drops of it.
  • Zircon. Add 1 drop to 300 ml of water.

In a healing solution, the seeds should be kept for about a day at room temperature. Then place them in damp gauze and put them in a dark, warm place.

Keep the pepper seeds there for 3 days at a temperature of +20° C to +25° C. Periodically moisten the cloth with warm water (it must not be allowed to dry out).

As soon as the seeds hatch, you can transfer pepper on the windowsill.

Let's start landing

We need to prepare several containers in advance for pepper cultivation. Every pepper needs own house, a separate wide and deep enough pot (so that the rhizome of the plant is spacious and comfortable).

Don't forget a layer of drainage (fine gravel, expanded clay, or broken little pieces of red brick will do).

You can plant seeds in one of the most convenient periods for you:

  • The last days of February - the beginning of March. It is necessary to choose the most suitable time for landing (be guided by the weather forecast). If, a week after planting the seeds, nature decides to pamper us with very warm, sunny weather, the pepper may slow down its growth. In this case, at the beginning of its growth, it is better to keep the pepper at home on the north window for some time.
  • Winter months. When planting seeds in winter, it is necessary to ensure that daylight hours are 12 hours daily. Additionally illuminate the pepper with fluorescent lamps.
  • The plant germinates well when planting seeds in late July or early September. Again, keep an eye on the weather forecast (so that there are no too warm days ahead).

Preparing the soil

For peppers, it is better to purchase ready-made soil ("Terra-Vita" or "Ogorodnik"). This soil is already enriched with the necessary trace elements and does not contain harmful microorganisms.

If you decide to use ordinary garden soil, first ignite it with a saturated solution of potassium permanganate, then pour it with water. Or prepare enriched soil:

  • Sod land 2 parts
  • Humus 1 part
  • Clean, sifted sand 1 part

Sod land is better to take from the place where it grows meadow clover. Ash must be added to any soil (2 cups of ash for every 10 kg of soil). Pepper is extremely sensitive to the salt content in the ground and the level of acidity. Add to soil dolomite flour or lime (for 1 kg of soil, take 16 grams of the substance).

You can use special hydrogels. It is designed for home gardening. When hydrogels are mixed with soil, they swell, absorb excess water, and along the way make the soil looser, retaining nutrients.

Planting seeds

To wait for the first shoots of pepper on the windowsill, you need to be patient. Peppers germinate after 1-2 weeks.

If the plant is stubbornly unwilling to germinate, increase the length of daylight hours (extend additional lighting from 7 am to 9 pm).

  1. In small peat pots (previously filled with loose, fertile soil), plant two seeds each. Pour over and cover the top of the pots with cling film. Put them in a warm place at a temperature of + 25 ° C. Pots can be dug under adult, fruiting peppers in a lighted place (if you have already grown peppers before).
  2. After the appearance of the first, tender sprouts, pierce the film with a knitting needle in several different places. When the peppers confidently start growing and acquire the first two or three leaves, the film can be removed. And start transplanting (picking) one young sprout into a large pot. We remove the weaker plant.

Pick. Transplanting seedlings into a more spacious dwelling (with shortening of the root). The shortened root begins to branch more violently, develop.

The rhizome after picking becomes stronger, wraps around and holds the earthen ball better, and the homemade pepper itself on the windowsill brings more harvest. Dive process:

  • the soil in the pot where you will transplant the pepper, fill it with plenty of water per day;
  • before picking, make a depression in the center of the pot in the new earth;
  • moisten the earth around the sprout abundantly an hour or two before the operation;
  • carefully take it and lift it together with an earthen clod, shake it off the ground;
  • very carefully shorten the spine by about 1/3 (you can pluck it with your nails);
  • gently place it in the prepared hole in a new pot so that the central root does not bend, and the leaves are 2 cm above the soil level;
  • compact the soil around the seedling with your fingers;
  • water the transplanted pepper with warm water.

In order for the pepper to grow large, prolific, it needs to be transplanted and grown in small capacious buckets or large ceramic bowls.

Before picking, gradually accustom the young sprout to more severe conditions (gradually take it out into the fresh air, increasing the time of the walk).

But make sure that the small pepper does not fall under drafts and exposure to low, detrimental temperatures for it (below + 13 ° C).

Caring for our peppers

Operation Pepper wishes Adviсe
Watering As needed Peppers on the windowsill should be watered with settled warm water (water t ° + 30 ° C). Spray the pepper daily with warm water. To in winter heating season the plant is not overheated, cover the battery with a damp cloth. Do not forget to constantly loosen the soil.
Lighting In winter, daylight hours should be 12 hours Periodically turn the plant with different sides to the window. Fluorescent lamps fit with the usual white spectrum. Avoid direct exposure to sunlight.
Temperature Day +25° - +27° СNight +10°- +15° С In the summer it is good to keep the pepper on the balcony, in the winter it is transferred to the south-facing windows. Beware of drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations.
top dressing Fertilize once every two weeks after watering. You can feed peppers on the windowsill with purchased nitrogen fertilizers for indoor flowers. Or make a nutrient solution (3 liters of water and 6 tablespoons of ash). As a top dressing, you can prepare decoctions of nettle, plantain, clover. This is very beneficial for peppers.

The plant may suffer from a lack of minerals. How to grow peppers in the most favorable conditions? Just monitor the condition of its leaves and apply in a timely manner necessary fertilizer with the right ingredients:

  • the leaves curl, a dry edge appears at the edges - a lack of potassium (add potassium sulfate or potassium nitrate);
  • dull color of the leaves with a grayish tint, the foliage begins to shrink - there is not enough nitrogen (ammonium nitrate, which contains 35% nitrogen, will help);
  • the lower part of the leaves becomes purple, and the leaves themselves begin to cuddle up to the trunk and stretch upwards - there is little phosphorus (you need phosphoric acid 16-18% percent);
  • the leafy crown acquires a marble color - the pepper on the windowsill lacks magnesium in the diet (magnesium is needed in sulfate form).

You can not use potassium salt, potassium chloride (their composition with an excess of chlorine is harmful to pepper roots). But excess nitrogen is not terrible for pepper.

We are waiting for the harvest

Most domestic pepper varieties are self-pollinating plants. By the way, they can also be pollinated. So try to keep different varieties peppers apart.

When the first fruits appear, do not overload the plant - leave up to 4-5 fruits on it.

Getting our own seeds

For this, we select red, ripe fruits. We cut the pepper carefully in a circle of the stalk and very carefully remove the seed pod, holding it by the stalk.

We devote the next 4 days to drying the seed at a temperature of + 25 ° C to + 30 ° C. And we separate the seeds. Store them in a paper bag in a warm, dark place.

The maximum shelf life of seeds is 5 years.

We transplant the plant

It is necessary to transplant pepper on the windowsill once a year. He wants new, fresh land for a richer harvest (after all, he has already taken everything useful from the old soil). Change the earth completely to fresh.

Transplant the plant carefully, trying not to injure the root system with an earthy clod.

And after two years of the life of the pepper, it already needs to be changed. He is a biennial plant and will readily pass the baton to younger and stronger peppers.

Have a rich harvest!

See you soon, dear readers!

Garden on the windowsill. How to plant and grow hot peppers at home. How to choose soil, sow seeds, care. Private practical experience (10+)

Growing hot peppers on a windowsill

General characteristics of hot pepper

Growing hot peppers in a pot is not particularly difficult. The main condition for this is the presence of a window sill well lit by the sun, a high-quality earthen base supplied with fertilizers, self-pollinating seeds and a fluorescent lamp that will provide the desired daylight hours for the plant. The first harvest can be obtained within 2-3 months from the date of planting the seeds.

The plant does not need support. Abundant pollination of the plant has a positive effect on the quality of the crop, so hot pepper must be shaken at least once a day, providing artificial pollination. A large number of peppercorns ripen on one bush. They are quite small and light, so the plant is able to easily feed a large number of peppercorns. Hot pepper bushes use a large amount of nutrients, so the soil is depleted in a short time. Because of this, there is a need for frequent use fertilizers, otherwise the bush will not receive proper nutrition, and the peppercorns will lose the necessary source of energy for growth. To avoid this, it is necessary to feed the bush every 2-3 weeks.

Suitable varieties

On window sills, hybrids of self-pollinating varieties are preferably grown. Of these, early-maturing species are more common due to their productivity. These include: Hotway, Janka, Thunder, Kampai, Lopez, Impala and Huero. The substrate for growing hot peppers can be bought at the store in ready-made. If necessary, you can cook it yourself. To do this, you need to mix the right ingredients. Experienced summer residents recommend preparing a substrate based on soil, humus and peat 2:1:1. If you decide to prepare the soil yourself, do not take the soil from the site where nightshade was grown the previous year and pour it well with a solution of potassium permanganate. Also, a good option would be coconut substrate, which can be purchased at any specialized store. In addition, a good option would be peat tablets, which are very convenient option for sowing seeds. When transplanting and picking, the plant, along with the tablet, is simply transferred to a large container. The container where the hot pepper bush will be located is usually a regular flower pot volume of 1-2 liters.

Sowing seeds

First, the seeds are planted in small plastic cups for seedlings, and then transplanted into a larger container when the plant has taken root and leaves have appeared. Before planting, the seeds are dipped in a container with a warm solution of potassium permanganate. Seeds are kept for at least 30 minutes in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate. A weak pink solution is not suitable for these purposes. For proper cooking 1% solution usually take 2.5 g. potassium permanganate and dissolved in 250 ml. water room temperature. After soaking the seeds in such a solution, they are washed well in clean water. good harvest only those seeds that have sunk to the bottom will be given. The germination of seeds that have floated to the surface is very poor, so they are practically not used. Ready soaked seeds should dry completely. Immediately after that, they are ready for planting in the prepared substrate. After planting, the cup with seeds is covered with cellophane and left in this form until germination.

Each cup should hold no more than 4-5 seeds. Seedlings should be thinned out after 1-2 weeks. Only the 2 most powerful shoots should be left in each container. After another week, the shoots are thinned out again, so only the most beautiful and strong process remains. When planting seeds immediately in a flower pot, a similar thinning procedure is performed. And so on until the most powerful shoot remains.

Seedling transplant

When transplanting a bush of bitter pepper from a glass into a pot, it is necessary to monitor the safety of the roots. The seedling is transplanted along with the soil, keeping the shape of a cup, into a flower pot, then the soil is compacted. The seedling should be sprinkled with soil up to the cotyledon leaves. In this form, the bush is watered for a month, but in moderation. Pepper is a short day plant, i.e. with a light day of less than 12 hours, it passes to fruiting earlier and gives higher yields.

It is important not to pour hot peppers, otherwise there is a possibility that the plant will get sick with a black leg and other diseases. In winter, the plant does not need a lot of moisture, so at this time of the year it is better to under-water than over-water. By the summer, the plant's need for water will increase, so it is important to provide all the bushes with liquid. Especially if peppercorns have already appeared on them.

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