Shower      06/17/2019

Ficus with velvet leaves. Ficus: varieties, photos, diseases and home care. Why ficus does not grow, sheds leaves: what to do? Why do ficus leaves fall?

Ficuses are very diverse, and therefore their complex names and sometimes not much different photos varieties of various types of ficus at first, they can shock an inexperienced plant lover. Nevertheless, these are one of the most sought after and popular types of plants used for landscaping rooms. And this despite the fact that ficuses almost never bloom - they attract with beautiful, different in shape and color leaves, fast growth and a rather unpretentious character!

Types of ficuses (photo with names)

Title, photo Description
Ficus Benjamin (F. benjamina)

The most popular tree-like variety up to 2 meters tall with small leaves and drooping branches. The edges of the leaves can be either smooth or wavy, and the leaves themselves can twist. This species does not like to change its place of residence. Ficus Benjamin does not like both waterlogging and drying out of the soil. The plant tolerates a haircut well, which allows you to form a crown of the desired shape. This variety is characterized by the formation of aerial roots, as they grow, beautiful weaves can be formed from them, which gives the tree even more decorative effect.

Ficus rubber (F. Elastica)

The most common and unpretentious type of ficus. Well cleans the air in the room and saturates it with oxygen. This name is due to the fact that its milky juice contains rubber, which is used to make rubber. It is recommended to cut off the crown of an adult plant, then the plant will be more "lush". So that the ficus does not lose foliage, waterlogging of the soil, a sharp change in temperature, and an excess of fertilizers should not be allowed. If the ficus likes the conditions, it will produce 1 new leaf weekly. In winter, a dormant period. Water with warm water.

Ficus lyre (F. Lirata)

A ficus leaf can grow up to 50 cm, so it has impressive dimensions and requires a lot of space. Likes diffused bright light and moderate temperature. In winter - cool content at a temperature of 12-15 °. We water with warm water, but the earth should not be constantly wet, drying is required between waterings. The flower is transplanted when the pot is completely filled with the root system.

Ficus Binnendika, or Ali (Ficus binnendijkii)

The evergreen tree has long narrow drooping leaves and grows fairly quickly. Ficus Ali is thermophilic and does not tolerate cold and drafts at all. You can propagate by cuttings, which take root without problems.

Ficus deltoid (variegated)

An adult ficus grows in the form of a lush bush with many aerial roots. IN home care ficus is thermophilic and loves spraying. Should receive enough light. If he likes the conditions, he builds up a large mass of aerial roots. Often cultivated as bonsai. It is a slow growing species.

Ampel ficuses
Ficus rooting (Ficus radicans)

The flower loves heat and water very much. Even short-term drying of the soil is unacceptable, the plant may die from this. This type of ficus also does not tolerate dry air. It is best to keep it in small aquarium or greenhouse, where it is easy to maintain high humidity. Does not tolerate sunlight. Grows well in bright diffused light or artificial lighting.

Ficus dwarf (Ficus pumila)

Small-leaved ficus, which is also called tiny ficus. It can be grown as a creeping and climbing plant. Thin shoots can grow up to 5 meters long. and grows to the soil with adventitious roots. The leaves grow in the form of hearts measuring 2.5 cm with corrugated edges. The plant does not tolerate direct sun. Shoot growth accelerates in a warm room with high humidity.

bottle ficuses
Ficus palmeri (Ficus palmeri)

Is different original form stem in the form of a bottle. Such an unusual "design" is necessary for the plant in order to accumulate moisture and be able to withstand prolonged drought. In spring, the transition to normal watering should be smooth. In summer, the plants are watered abundantly, but not too often. Light-loving plant, which tastes bright diffused light.

Ficuses - trees
Fig (Ficus carica)

Figs are also called figs, figs, figs. Has edible fruits. The recommended temperature for germination of ficus seeds is 25 - 27 degrees. At the same time, daily airing and moistening the soil as necessary by spraying are necessary. A plant grown from seeds bears fruit only for 4-5 years, unlike plants obtained by cuttings, which can begin to bear fruit already in the second year. Figs are photophilous plants.

Ficus sacred or religious (Ficus religiosa)

The most famous ancient specimen is supposedly about 3 thousand years old. In nature, it grows up to 30 meters and, with age, overgrows with aerial roots that form props. It is deciduous. In culture, it hardly tolerates dry air and heat. Can drop leaves in such conditions. Sacred ficus is able to predict weather changes, forming droplets of moisture on the leaves when atmospheric pressure changes.

Bengal ficus (Ficus benghalensis)

The tree continuously grows in breadth, constantly forming additional trunks. When kept at room conditions, the growth of a banyan must be restrained by periodic pruning and keeping in a tight pot. It can be propagated by cuttings and air layering. Does not like temperature changes and drafts. Watering is plentiful and regular in all seasons, since this ficus does not have a period of weakening of growth.

In total, about 40 species of ficuses are known in culture, of which the most common in Lately received ficus benjamin and its variegated hybrids, although it is not easy to grow, as it reacts capriciously to any trouble, completely dropping its foliage. However, there are several types of ficuses that are no less decorative, but at the same time much more unpretentious in their care.

The most popular varieties of ficus

Ficus rubbery

Other names - ficus elastic, ficus elastica . One of the most popular types of pot culture, which has become one of the symbols of home and family well-being. And even for some time, the ficus in the tub served as a ridiculed symbol of philistinism.

Due to unpretentiousness and ease of care, undemanding to environment it is great for beginner growers, and is also actively used for landscaping the foyer, winter gardens or big shop windows. In nature, it can reach a height of up to 30 m, but in culture it usually does not grow above 2 m. The leaves are dense, pointed at the ends, elongated-oval, reaching a length of 30-45 cm.

Young leaves have a bronze color, but eventually become green. Ficus rubber loves a lot Sveta, but tolerates a little shading quite well, although this affects growth. Does not bloom at home. The main opponent of the good development of ficus is drafts: the plant is constantly sick, the leaves develop poorly, turn yellow and fall off. It has many varieties that differ in leaf color, but at the same time, all variegated varieties are more capricious and demanding in care.

Temperature regime

thermophilic, optimum temperature- + 20-25 ° С. It tolerates heat well (up to +35 ° C), but at the same time it must be sprayed with water more often. Minimum allowable temperature- +13 ° С, although it can also endure a short-term drop to +5 ° С.


Moderate, neat, after the soil (substrate) dries out by 1-2 cm. In winter - watering no more than once every 2 weeks.


The leaves must be kept clean, for this they are periodically (every two weeks) wiped with a damp sponge. In summer you can organize warm shower, be sure to cover the soil with a film, preventing it from waterlogging.

Advice! To add shine to the leaves, non-alcoholic beer can be used to rub them.

top dressing

Held during active growth(April - September), once every two weeks, with alternating liquid organic and mineral fertilizers with a high nitrogen content.


As they grow, the lower leaves age and fall off, exposing the trunk. In order to achieve greater foliage and attractiveness, as well as to maintain the bush in an acceptable size, formative pruning is carried out at the end of winter. To get a lush branched bush, 5-6 upper internodes are removed.

ficus bengal

An evergreen tree valued for its profuse foliage, good care in just a few years it can reach a height of 3 meters, so it is often used for landscaping spacious offices and premises. He loves light very much, additional lighting may be required in winter, but direct lines should be avoided. sun rays, which can cause burns on the leaves. Does not tolerate drafts.

Temperature regime

Optimally - + 16-23 ° С, but it can overwinter at rather low (+ 12-16 ° С) temperatures.


In summer, at temperatures above +25 ° C, periodic spraying will be required, in winter, with central heating and a decrease in humidity, the plant should be placed away from the radiator, the leaves should be wiped and sprayed, optimally placed in a tray with moss or wet expanded clay.

ficus benedict

Another, quite popular name is ficus Ali. An evergreen tree with long, narrow, pointed leaves covered with a natural gloss. As the tree grows, the lower leaves fall off, exposing an even and tall trunk (in young ones it is dark in color, in adulthood the bark brown colors) with light streaks. It does not tolerate drafts and a sharp change in temperature or light, flowering does not occur at home.

Advice! Do not rotate the ficus, it is very sensitive to changes in the position of the crown in relation to the light source.

One of the most unpretentious types of ficuses. Doesn't like bright sunlight(preferably scattered), but at the same time it feels quite comfortable in partial shade - northern window sills are well suited for it.

Temperature regime

The optimum temperature is + 20-22 °С (but not higher than +27 °С), in winter - about +16 °С even with a short-term decrease to +12 °С.


It is unpretentious to indicators of humidity, but in the dry period and in winter, when the humidity drops, it requires regular spraying with warm, settled water.


Regular to prevent the earthen clod from drying out. At the same time, water should not be allowed to accumulate in the pan, it must be drained to prevent rotting of the root system.


Ficus tolerates pruning well, it is needed for the correct formation of the crown, as well as rejuvenation of the plant, helps to give it a decoratively attractive shape, causing branching in the right direction and preventing the trunk from being exposed.

top dressing

It is carried out during intensive growth, from April to September, and with the advent of autumn and the onset of a dormant period, top dressing must be stopped. It is carried out 2 times a month with alternating organic and mineral substances, while making it directly into the earthen ball, avoiding falling on the trunk or leaves.


It is carried out when the roots completely wrap around the ground (substrate) in a pot. Young specimens are transplanted annually, older ones (starting from 4-5 years old) - once every 2-3 years, choosing a pot 2-3 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. The soil can be used and the old, partially adding a new one.

Majority indoor ficuses do not require special treatment. Therefore, they are bred at home and placed in offices. Among the varieties of ficuses, there are plants that differ in the color and shape of the leaf, trunk.

Perhaps someone will choose the most acceptable option for themselves. Consider varieties of ficuses with photos and names.

Ficus Bengal (Banyan)

The countries of Southeast Asia are considered the birthplace of this type of ficus. It has a very amazing crown - as if several trunks grow out of the ground. In fact, this is just one plant related to special forms flora - banyans. In the process of trunk formation, roots form on the horizontal trunks of the ficus. Some of them, not having received the necessary moisture, dry up. Those that "get" to the ground take root, forming a new trunk.

Subsequently, they also start up shoots. Due to this cyclicity, the ficus grows in breadth. The plant has ovate or oval leaves with a leathery, veiny surface. In the process of flowering, syconia appear. These are such inflorescences of a spherical shape, orange color. Their diameter is 2-3 cm. To have Benjamin's ficus, you need a large area and special conditions. For small spaces choose the form of bonsai plants.

ficus benjamina

The plant looks like bonsai. The crown of the ficus is branched, gray-beige in color with a smooth surface, has correct forms. The trunk of the plant is low, with drooping shoots, overgrown with aerial roots. The oblong-oval shape of the Ficus Benjamin leaf has a sharp point at the end. Their width is 2-5 cm, and the length is 5-20 cm. The crown of the plant is so dense that sometimes the trunk itself is not visible behind it. Depending on the conditions of care, it can reach a height of up to 3 meters.

Ficus Binnendijka

A plant with a long, rough trunk, along which tubercles of roots hang down. The shape of the leaf is lanceolate - oblong with a pointed tip. They have different colors of green shades. The edges of the leaves are white and the surface may be mottled. In the process of growing plants from below, they fall off, exposing the crown. The maximum width of the leaves is 2 cm, length 30 cm.

Ficus Ginseng (ginseng)

Most often, such a ficus, growing in the house, form it in the form of a bonsai. Refers to the forms of banyan trees. Above the many trunks grown from lateral roots, a lush crown of small twigs rises. Pouring plants have an oval slightly pointed shape. Yellow Ficus fruit after ripening acquires a dark red hue. Once every three years, the plant completely changes its foliage.

Ficus mountain (Montana)

In tea plantations, this crawling undersized shrub is considered a weed. In room conditions, mountain ficus is grown as a ground cover or ampelous plant. Its brown-green thin shoots have smooth surface. If you touch the leaves of the plant, it will seem that they have a roughness. This is because of the bristly hairs they are covered with. Their shape is similar to oak leaves. Their maximum width is 5 cm, and the length is 8 cm. The diameter of slightly pubescent ficus fruits reaches 1.3 cm. Their color is from yellow to red with specks.

Ficus deltoid (variegated)

The name of this plant comes from the Greek letter delta. This is due to the special shape of the sheet. It resembles the letter delta or triangle. The plant is characterized by heterophylly. That is, the presence of leaves different sizes and forms on the same plant. This can be observed even on one shoot. The surface of the leaves is leathery and glossy, with a slight bulge. The color of the bark is gray-brown, the crown is sinuous.

ficus dracaena

A tree-like plant that can reach three meters in height. The tall, strong trunk of this ficus ends in a lush crown. It consists of narrow long leaves. After they fall, a characteristic scar forms at the place of growth. There are varieties of ficus Dracaena, which differ in the color of the crown.

Ficus Karika (room fig)

The name of this plant corresponds to the region of Asia Minor in which it was grown. The rather thick, brown-gray trunk of the Karika ficus is not very tall. Unevenly serrated leaves covered with hairs below. They have a specific smell. All parts of the ficus, with the exception of ripened fruits, are capable of secreting milky juice. Once on human skin, it can cause irritation.

Ficus lyre

It occurs naturally in tropical Africa. Ficus lyre-shaped got its name due to its similarity with a musical instrument. It is characterized by the absence or small number of aerial roots. Therefore, it is not considered a banyan. The rough crown of the plant has a gray-brown hue. Glossy, slightly wrinkled, leathery ficus leaves have wavy rounded edges. In the middle, a pronounced vein with 3-5 branches. The color of syconia is green with white specks.

Ficus Melanie

In Indonesia, which is the birthplace of ficus Melanie, these plants are considered sacred. The first time after landing, it has an unbranched lignified crown. Then, aerial roots form on the trunk, which, reaching the ground, form a banyan tree. Leathery, dark green leaves of an epilliptic shape at the end are slightly pointed. Indoor plants do not bloom, but form syconium fruits. Its parts secrete poisonous juice.

Ficus Parcel

It stands out among the ficus family with an unusual appearance. It is a small shrub with dense foliage and drooping branches. Crown color is brown-yellow. Ficus leaves Paracella oval with a narrowed tip, light green hue and a pattern in the form of spots irregular shape yellow-white.

Ficus ivy

An interesting plant with a thin, weaving trunk. Dark green three-lobed leaves grow from it along the entire length. Their edges are painted white-yellow. For this plant, space and the ability to trail on any surface are important.

creeping ficus

Climbing creeping plant. Numerous additional roots form on its long stem. With its suction cups, it can attach itself to a crack, another plant, or a support. Hard oval leaves are heart-shaped. On its dark green surface, a yellow mesh pattern is formed.

Ficus Pumila White

The name of the plant is due to its small leaves. Pumila means small in Latin. This is a vine with long creeping shoots. Adventitious roots form on them along the entire length. The thickness of the stems of an adult ficus can exceed 5 cm. Oval-heart-shaped asymmetrical leaves are arranged in two rows. Their wrinkled, rough surface is covered with a mesh pattern.

Ficus heterophyllous

The name of this plant was given due to the fact that on its branches you can find leaves of various dissimilar shapes. The length of a thin tree-like stem of indoor ficus does not exceed 1 meter. Its oval-rounded leaves have a leathery surface. There are small spots on the dark green background of the leaf. Brown. The decorative fruits of the plant are similar in size and color to an olive.

ficus retuza

Due to the thick, bizarre trunk, this type of plant is often used for growing bansai. He is also known as bay tree or Cuban ficus. The air exchange of the plant is carried out through reddish spots on its crown. The leaf shape of this ficus is ovoid with a sharp tip. Its dark green surface has a leathery texture.

Ficus rusty-leaved (Rubiginosa)

Shoots of a young plant are reddish in color. Aerial roots in this ficus are formed in the lower part of the crown. The leaves are large, leathery in length can reach 25 cm. Their color is dark green. From the bottom of the leaf and on its petiole, you can see fluffing of a reddish-brown hue. It is because of this that the ficus is called rusty.

Sacred Ficus (Sacred Fig)

Buddhists consider this plant sacred, because it was under it that Prince Gautama was transformed into a Buddha. Its lower part of the crown is covered with aerial roots. Heart-shaped ficus leaves at the end form a drip tip. When the atmospheric pressure changes, you can observe the “weeping” of the sacred tree. This is when juice appears at the end of the leaf. Their hue is greenish-blue with a yellow-white axial vein.

Ficus triangularis (triangular)

A woody shrub with a brown crown native to Africa. It is covered with leathery triangular leaves attached to the trunk at the top. Depressed vein with branches in the middle. Fruits abundantly with spherical syconia of a green or yellow hue.

Ficus rooting (dwarf)

Thin curly shoots are abundantly strewn with foliage. India is considered the birthplace of this ficus. The plant takes root with the help of nodular formations on its stems. Can cover large areas. Lance-shaped, smooth leaves have a leathery structure. They are attached to the stem with short petioles. The dark green shade of the leaves is diluted with a yellow-white pattern along the edges.

Ficus elastic (rubber)

It has a weakly branching trunk, which at home can reach two meters. Its juice contains rubber, which gave the plant its second name. In sufficiently damp rooms, it throws out aerial roots. The rough crown of a grayish-green plant is dotted with horizontal grooves. Elliptical leaves are pointed at the tip. Their surface is glossy and leathery. Siconia appear with a sufficient amount of moisture. They are spherical and yellowish green in color.

Most ficuses do not require special care at home. The main thing is to determine one place for them and not move them. They like lighted places, but without direct rays of the sun. It is very important that there is sufficient humidity in the room.

Mulberry family. This is one of the most common indoor plants.

In nature, ficuses are trees and shrubs, grow in dense forests under rain, wind and sun, and are very hardy. But at home, ficuses are much more tender - they do not tolerate drafts, waterlogging of the soil and direct bright sun. Ficus variegated varieties are more photophilous, they need shading only in the hottest time of the day, from about 11 am to 3 pm.

In winter, ficuses tolerate room temperature well, but need good lighting, so if the pots with plants do not fit on the windowsill and are rearranged into the room, you need to arrange lighting using fluorescent or LED lamps. And variegated forms, such as Ficus Benjamin, can stand on the southern windowsill all winter. With a lack of lighting in winter, weak shoots are formed, internodes are lengthened, there are few leaves, branches reach for the light and the crown looks one-sided.

Ficuses propagate by cuttings. From the shoot, you can get as many cuttings as there are leaves on it. The propagating stalk should consist of one leaf with an intact eye and half of the lower internode without an eye. After cutting the cutting, it is lowered into warm water to stop the secretion of milky juice. For better rooting, a cut or split is made at the bottom of the cutting (for a cutting with hard wood, it is crosswise, for a cutting with soft wood, one cut). It is better to root the cuttings with soil heating and covering the cutting with a plastic bag.

For all ficuses, such a soil mixture is best suited - 2 parts of leaf, 1 part of peat soil and 1 part of humus. Ficuses do not like to be planted in a dish much larger than their root system, so they are transplanted when the roots are supposed to fill the entire pot or tub. At the same time, ficuses grow quite quickly, therefore, the soil during transplantation should be nutritious, in addition, fertilizing is carried out in spring and summer (they respond well to top dressing organic fertilizers, rotted cow dung or Giant fertilizer is well suited for this). Ficuses can also be fed with fertilizers such as "Rainbow" and "Palm". Old specimens of large ficuses are transplanted very rarely - after 5-6 years. But it needs to be replaced every year. upper layer land for a new one. You should also replace the top layer of the earth if a white crust appears on it - a salt coating.

Types of ficuses

First place of honor among various kinds ficus is occupied by Ficus rubbery or Ficus elastica. Ficus Benjamin, Ficus lyre, Ficus Bengal, Ficus dwarf, etc. are also very popular. The secret of such popularity is the unpretentiousness of ficuses in general and the individual beauty of each species:

  • ficus elastica - a large monumental plant, very shade-tolerant;
  • benjamin's ficus in shape is a miniature tree, easily shaped by pruning, splicing trunks, its branches easily bend and accept any forum;
  • lyre-shaped ficus - a proud single plant with shiny leathery leaves;
  • ficus Ali (binnendika) - its appearance resembles a willow tree, it never grows and also branches well;
  • ficus dwarf - excellent ground cover or ampelous plant.

Ficus rubbery Ficus elastica

It has several varieties that differ in the shape and color of the leaves. Particularly spectacular varieties with yellow spots and stripes on the leaves. Some varieties branch well, have quite compact shape, others are reluctant to form side shoots and strive to grow.

At home, rubber ficus is undemanding to air humidity and tolerant of lack of light. We advise you to pay Special attention on proper watering and caring for growing shoots that can reach several meters and bend intricately. It is necessary to form a crown in a timely manner, tying up the stems or periodically cutting them off and rooting.

Ficus rubber care

Ficus elastica is not demanding in care, it is important to choose the right place, especially for large specimens - so that it is light and does not fry from batteries; do not water excessively and periodically wipe the leaves from dust.


Preferably moderate, not below 18°C. They like to "keep their feet warm" - do not put a ficus pot on a cold windowsill, marble or tile floor, etc. In an above-moderate temperature room, the leaves begin to hang down.


All varieties of ficus elastica prefer a bright place, protected from direct sunlight during the midday hours. Variegated forms need a lighter and warmer place than dark-leaved forms.


Ficus rubber-bearing watering loves moderate, does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil. Water at room temperature, better settled. Top dressing with fertilizers from March to August in two weeks.

Ficus benjamina Ficus benjamina

Small-leaved compact tree with a dense crown. The branches of Ficus Benjamin in old plants, 8-10 years old, droop, and give the tree a special attraction. At home, it grows up to 1.5-2 m in height.

Ficus benjamin care


Moderate, optimal in the range of 20-25°C, in winter it is possible to keep at lower temperatures of about 16-18°C, with limited watering, a limit of 10°C with a dry content.


Ficus benjamina loves light, especially variegated varieties, but with protection from direct sunlight in the afternoon. In spring and summer, an east window is suitable, where the sun is in the morning or evening. But in middle lane Russia for the period from September to January, the southern or southwestern window is ideal for him. With a lack of light in winter, the ficus can leaf fall.


Ficus benjamin has moisture-retaining thickenings on the roots, therefore it does not tolerate waterlogging, it must be well dried before the next watering. If the roots of the ficus dry for a very long time after watering, rotting may begin: the plant simultaneously throws off a large number of leaves, some lose color, turn yellow, others fly around still green.

Ficus Ali (binnendika) Ficus binnendijkii "Alii"

Ali is the most popular variety of ficus binnendik Ficus binnendijkii, which is also found under the name "willowleaf ficus". The leaves of this ficus do indeed resemble willow in shape, but this is a folk name, not a botanical one.

With good care, ficus Ali at home reaches 1.5 m in height and about 70-80 cm in diameter. You should not put this ficus on the floor: firstly, it is dark, the lower part of the trunk will begin to become bare, and secondly, it is always colder on the floor, the earth in the pot dries longer and the roots can rot if watered too plentifully.

Ficus Ali Care


Moderate, optimal in the range of 20-25°C, in winter it is possible to keep at lower temperatures of about 16-18°C, with limited watering, a limit of 13°C with a dry content. With sudden changes in temperature, it can drop leaves.


Bright diffused light, light partial shade. With an acute lack of light, the shoots stretch out, the leaves thin out. From direct sunlight in the hot afternoon can get burns. Ficus Ali with green leaves is more shade tolerant than many other types of ficus. But variegated varieties like 'Amstel Gold' need more intense light, with some morning or evening sunlight.


In summer, the ficus is watered moderately, the topsoil should dry well to a depth of about 1/2 the height of the pot. In winter, when light and temperature decrease, watering is limited, allowing the earth to dry out almost completely.

Ficus lyre-shaped Ficus lirata

Lyre-shaped ficus Ficus lirata - is distinguished by its large leaves, similar in shape to an inverted violin. Its leaves reach a length of 50-60 cm. He loves loneliness, you should not put him close to other plants.

This ficus is not often seen in flower shops, but it is wonderful - leathery leaves, directed upwards, have an interesting shape. The ficus itself grows slowly, with good care it does not become bare from below. A real decoration of a spacious office or hall. Ficus lyre-shaped at home does not branch well, often grows in one trunk, at the age of 4-5 years it can produce side shoots.

Ficus lyre care


In summer, ordinary indoor, does not like extreme heat, in winter it is optimally 18-20 ° C, limit 12 ° C. Does not like soil cooling after watering!


A bright place, protected from direct sunlight in spring and summer from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Moderate, the soil should have time to dry out before the next watering. Water at room temperature, well settled. Top dressing with fertilizers from April to August in two weeks.

Ficus dwarf Ficus pumila

Fast-growing, small-leaved ficus, completely unlike all other types of ficus. You can grow it as an ampelous plant, you can tie it to a support so that it stretches up.

The main care for the ficus is to tie up the support, timely transplant and water, fertilize with fertilizers. Ficus responds well to hot showers as a preventive measure against ticks.

Ficus pumila care


Moderate, optimal in the range of 20-25°C, in winter it is possible to keep at lower temperatures of about 12-14°C, with limited watering, the limit is 8°C with a dry content. Although under natural conditions, the tiny ficus can withstand lower temperatures, and even slight frosts, when grown at home, it’s not worth the risk - protect the plants from drafts.


Ficus pumila grows well in bright diffused light with some sunlight. An east and west window is suitable, shading is required only at noon. Grows well in artificial light. The variegated ficus is more photophilous. If the ficus lacks light, it can grow new shoots without leaves.


Pretty plentiful in summer, this is a rare ficus that does not tolerate complete drying of the earth, it should always be slightly damp, but have time to dry up to the next watering by about a quarter of the height of the pot. In winter, the ficus is watered less often, with the drying of the earth at half the height of the pot.

Ficus turns yellow

The first reason that can cause yellowing of the leaves is a violation of watering.

The leaves turn yellow if the plant has not been watered for a long time, while they fall off one by one. In ficuses with large leaves, when dried, the lower leaves turn yellow first of all, in small-leaved ones - in different areas crowns.

With waterlogging, excessive watering, ficus leaves also turn yellow, but the main difference is this: when dry, the leaves turn yellow slowly and fall off one at a time, when overflowing, they turn yellow faster and fall off en masse: in large-leaved 2-4 pieces at a time, in small-leaved ones - 20 each -30 leaves per day.

Do not rely on your own memory, but dig up the earth and touch it in the depths of the pot.

To avoid waterlogging the soil: if water remains in the pan after watering, it must be drained. In winter, water less often than in spring and summer.

Make good drainage when transplanting in a pot. If there is no expanded clay, then they put a broken red brick - it collects excess water well. Add pieces of birch charcoal to the soil - they prevent the processes of decay. And add a few tablespoons of vermiculite to the soil.

Ficus diseases

New leaves become smaller, old ones turn yellow and fall off - the plant does not have enough nutrients, it needs to be transplanted into nutrient soil.

Yellow spots appear on the leaves or the edges of the leaves turn yellow, the leaves fall prematurely - with excessive watering.

Watering should be moderate, i.e. the soil should have time to dry out.

Also, with excessive watering, the leaves wilt, become lifeless and fall off.

Dry shriveled leaves in ficuses - more often in ampelous forms - too dry air, overdrying of the soil, sunburn.

Sudden fall of leaves different types can be caused by various reasons - waterlogging of the soil in rubber-bearing and lyre-shaped ficuses, lack of light or a sharp change in climate in ficus benjamin.

Also, this phenomenon can be caused by watering. cold water, low room temperature, lack of light, excess nutrients in the soil, or a cold draft. Good results in such cases gives spraying with Epin's solution.

Falling of the lower leaves - it is believed that the fall of the lower leaves in tree-like forms of ficuses is a natural phenomenon (very typical for ficuses in room conditions), but this is not entirely true, the lower leaves naturally fall off periodically during aging, but the trunk, nevertheless, should not be completely naked. Baring of the trunk occurs due to untimely transplantation, transplantation into poor soil, lack of top dressing, violation of temperature and light conditions.

Brown spots on the tips and edges of the leaves - If the room temperature is too high, the air is dry, or when overfertilizing.

For lyre-shaped ficus and dwarf ficus, overdrying of the soil is dangerous. If you forget them during the watering of the leaves and the shoots dry.

The loss of variegated leaf color in many species of ficus occurs due to lack of light or sunlight.

In some varieties, it is almost impossible to completely restore variegation, for example, the Safari variety very often turns into an ordinary green ficus.

Ficus pests

It is quite difficult to detect any pest on variegated ficuses - their traces are masked by the natural color of the leaves. Therefore, if the ficus began to shed its leaves, take a magnifying glass and carefully inspect them on both sides.

Scale insects: look like brown plaques on the surface of leaves, petioles and stems, suck out cell sap. Leaves lose color, dry and fall off.

Control measures. For mechanical cleaning pests, the leaves are wiped with a soapy sponge. Then spray the plant with Actellik solution (1-2 ml per liter of water) or water and spray with Actara solution.

Spider mite: small discolored spots appear on the leaves at first, if you look at the leaf clearance, pinpoint punctures are visible. Gradually, the leaves turn yellow and dry out. With a strong lesion in the internodes and with reverse side leaves visible cobwebs.

Control measures. You can use drugs such as Fitoverm, Aktofit, Agravertin, Akarin - at the rate of 10 ml per 1 liter of water, or Vertimek (1 ml per 1 liter of water). The treatment must be repeated after 3-5 days - if the weather is hot or warm (26-24 degrees) and after 7 days if the air temperature is 20 degrees or lower, since these drugs do not kill tick eggs.

Thrips - contribute to the appearance heat and low air humidity. On the underside of the leaf, thrips lays numerous colonies, and light dots appear on the upper side of the leaf. As a result, the upper side of the leaf becomes grayish-brown with a silvery sheen.

Control measures. The plant should be sprayed, if necessary, repeatedly with insecticides (fitoverm, decis, actellik, inta-vir).

Read more about pests of indoor plants in the section "pests"

Ficus fertilizer

General rule: fertilizing with fertilizers for decorative and deciduous plants at a dose recommended by the manufacturer.

Do not feed overdried plants, those that were flooded froze

Do not feed ficuses for a month after transplanting, during the winter months and very hot days in summer. Do not overdo the fertilizer.

Ficuses need to be fed from April to August, once every two weeks with special fertilizer for indoor plants.

Suitable fertilizers such as "Giant", "Ideal", "Uniflor growth", "Rainbow" and others.

Ficus tiny must be fed carefully, as it, despite the fact that it grows quickly when too large doses of fertilizer are applied, loses leaves.

Read more about houseplant fertilizers in the Fertilizers section.

ficus (Ficus) belongs to the Tutov family. It is a light-loving, shade-tolerant, deciduous ornamental plant. To date, this plant is one of the most common among indoor flowers, is especially popular with flower growers and beginners. According to various literary sources, the genus Ficus includes from 800 to 1000 species of evergreen, deciduous shrubs and woody vines. But only 20 types of ficus are considered indoor. Ficus grows in tropical and subtropical regions of various continents - America, Australia, Africa, Asia, the Mediterranean, on the islands and coasts of the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

It is known that most types of ficus in nature reach a huge size, these are thick branched trees that give a dense shade. There is such a fact, for example, in Bengal there are specimens that with their crown are able to cover an area of ​​​​1 hectare.

Indoor ficuses are considered long-lived and, having planted such a wonderful plant on your windowsill, you will admire the plant for a long time. The leaves of the ficus are the most diverse in thickness and shape, as well as in color.

In the Buddhist tradition, the ficus is considered a cosmic tree, it is called the "tree of enlightenment" or "Bo".

Now your attention is given a description and characteristics of the most common types of ficus that are grown indoors.

Ficus rubbery Ficus elastica

(Ficus elastica) , is a large and branching shrub.

Leaf characteristics: the leaves are beautiful, dense, 30 to 45 cm long, oblong-oval, pointed at the ends. Growing at home optimal conditions, the plant turns into a tree up to 2 meters high. Mature leaves are green in color, but the leaves of young plants are bronze in color. This type of plant is perfect for landscaping. winter gardens, lobby and shop windows. IN winter gardens small figs appear on old individuals - they are inedible.

The Himalayas, Burma, Nepal, the tropics of India, Sri Lanka, and West Africa are considered to be the birthplace of rubber ficus. In these zones, the tree can grow up to 25-30 meters high. WITH historical facts it is known that in the 19th century they learned to grow an narrow-leaved form. Variegated forms are harder to grow than green forms.

In astrology, the ficus rubber plant is the plant of Capricorn, and affects a person on a physical and emotional level.

Your attention is given to the most common forms of rubber ficus:

  1. Ficus Robusta - they have powerful and wide leaves, dark green in color.
  2. Ficus variegate - on the leaves are light yellow, white stripes and spots, there are also pink shades.
  3. Ficus Black Prince (Ficus "Black Prince") is very similar in appearance to robusta, the leaves are almost black.
  4. Ficus doescheri The leaves have a red midrib.
  5. Ficus schrijvereana - there is a complex marble pattern on the leaves.
  6. Ficus tricolor - cream spots of the plant, as well as light pink stains on green leaves.
  7. Ficus elastica variegata - sheet plate with cream edges.
  8. Ficus diversifolia - the bush grows slowly, 1 meter high. The leaves are covered with brown spots.

When caring for such forms of rubbery ficus, it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the leaf plate.

Be careful, if a leaf or cutting is damaged, the ficus releases poison.

During the dormant period, with excess moisture or too dry soil, rubber ficus can shed its leaves.

Ficus benjamina Ficus benjamina

(Ficus benjamina) , is it a large spreading bush or small tree with dense foliage, stems penetrating. The leaves are small, elongated and pointed at the ends. Their length is from 3 to 8 cm, they are oval, hard, mono and variegated, waxy in appearance. Under natural conditions, this form allows excess moisture to drain during the monsoon period. Ficus Benjamin has thin and weak shoots, they need to be formed so that the plant looks neat. Shoots can stretch without formation, the bush will be one-sided. Ficus Benjamin normally tolerates a haircut, only the cut points must be treated with crushed coal. There are times when several plants are planted in one pot, as they grow, their trunks intertwine into a “pigtail”.

The popularity of this flower is growing very much, as the flower fits perfectly into modern interior.

Ficus lyre-shaped Ficus lyrata

(Ficus lyrata) , this is a small tree or shrub of impressive size. Has dense petioles. Upright and not very branched.

Leaf characteristics: the leaves are hard, 25-45 cm long, bright green in color, with relief light veins, have a wax coating and wavy edges. Shaped like a guitar. Leaves are slightly hairy when young. There are no aerial roots. The plant needs good lighting. Burns may occur if exposed to direct sunlight.

ficus pumila

Ficus pumila Ficus pumila

Ficus dwarf or pumila(Ficus pumila) , decorative climbing small-leaved species(ampel view). The plant is perennial, does not shed its leaves, the stems are flexible, wiry, give layering. The length of the leaves is from 2 to 5 cm, in shape - heart-shaped, thin, in color - green, matte on a thin stem. Young shoots are asymmetric plates. The length of the shoots is up to 5 m, if the plant is propagated vegetatively with such shoots, then in the future the asymmetry will remain in the adult plant. China and Japan are considered to be the birthplace of pumila.

Ficus Bengal Ficus benghalensis

(Ficus benghalensis), in other words "The World Tree", is a symbol of endless reward and immortality. The evergreen tree has spreading and powerful branches. Aerial roots are long, formed in natural conditions. The bark of the ficus bengal is smooth, grayish-brown in color. By color, the leaves of the Bengal ficus are dark green; oval in shape, with a sharp tip. The leaves are dense and velvety, 15-25 cm long with a large number of veins. Ficus Bengal in a pot grows up to 3 m in height. This flower needs a spacious room.

Many ficuses (Mulberry family) thrive in our homes, offices, libraries, etc. These plants are decorative and, according to the observations of most people caring for ficuses, they have a beneficial effect on them, increasing their life potential. They say that if you put your hand on the leaf and concentrate on the sensations, then the soul will become calmer. Even psychics appreciate this plant and sometimes get answers to their questions from it. Esotericists consider ficus a talisman and keeper of family peace.

Or rubbery (ficus elastic). Ficus elastica, or "rubber tree", has long been the No. 1 ficus. When he grew up, he was transplanted into an old bucket, which was decorated with paper. After all, voluminous flower pots and tubs were then in short supply. Not so long ago, other ficuses were rarely found on sale, and few people had the opportunity to purchase a ficus shrub or liana. Especially with variegated leaves. Amateur flower growers could not dream that the time would come when it would be possible to freely buy a variety of ficuses.

Shiny oval leathery leaves grow up to 30 cm long and 10 - 20 cm wide. They have a pointed tip curved down. Rolled young leaves are hidden under a soft pink coverlet. The color, shape and dimensions of the leaves depend on the variety. At Robusta they are green and wide, at Black Prince they are almost black, at Belize they are pinkish, with a cream-colored border at Brazil. A marble pattern adorns the foliage of the Dosheri. For small spaces, we can recommend the Melanie bush form with dark glossy leaves.

There is a lot of rubber in the juice of the ficus elastica, which is why it is called the Indian rubber tree. Huge heat-loving giant trees (30-40 meters high) grow in humid forests. They are good at home room temperature air (20 - 23 ° C), in a bright or semi-shady place, with regular watering and spraying in the summer.

In order for the ficus not to grow with a “stick”, but to begin to branch, it is pruned from spring to early summer. If this is done during a period of rest or at a time of intensive growth, then the desired shape may not be. The gradual fall of the lower leaves of this species is the norm, characteristic of many tree-like ficuses.

Planting in a cramped pot inhibits the growth of a fast growing tree. Ficus elastica reproduces well by cuttings (the milky juice must be washed off with water or removed with a cotton swab) and air layering.

(ficus benjamina). This species with glossy leaves pointed at the ends (5-10 cm long and 2-5 cm wide) is sometimes called "birch". In nature, "she" grows up to 25 meters tall. Houses are much smaller. For small rooms a dwarf form can be recommended.

There are many varieties with various colors leaves: green, light green, dark green or grayish green with a border. Interesting varieties with lemon leaves. Decorate and white-green foliage with white stripes, spots and strokes. The edges of the leaves are very different: even, wavy, etc.

In winter, Benjamin's ficus is sometimes naughty, dropping some of the leaves. It happens by different reasons: from cold, lack of light, dry air or waterlogging of the soil. Sometimes "leaf fall" can be stopped by frequent spraying with warm water. Watering in winter is moderate, only when the topsoil is dry.

Ficus Benjamin can be propagated by cuttings. They easily root in water or soil.

ficus carica, or figs, fig tree , fig, fig tree (ficus carica). It is a beautiful deciduous tree (or shrub) with large palmate leaves. The most interesting thing is that ficus karika can bear fruit even in a room, surprising with delicious and sweet fruits. It must be remembered that figs are a dioecious plant, in which flowering is not a guarantee of further fruiting.

For this type of ficus, you need to choose a bright place in the house. In summer, you can put it on the balcony or in the garden. In winter, figs rest, they need an air temperature of about +5 - 10˚С. Watering is plentiful in summer, moderate in winter. Formative pruning is carried out from mid-March to early June.
Ficus karika is propagated by seeds, cuttings, air layering and grafting.

Ficus Binnendijka (Ficus binnendijkii). This unpronounceable species is often referred to as ficus ali(by the name of the most popular variety). Sometimes instead scientific name species use motivated - "ficus willow".

Among the advantages of this houseplant not only decorative, but also high shade tolerance. Variegated forms are more demanding of light. Ficus Binnendijk has narrow leathery leaves (up to 25 cm long and 3.5 cm wide). Popular varieties: "Ali"; "Amstel King" and "Amstel Queen" (with wider leaves); "Variegata" and "Amstel Gold" (variegated, need more intense lighting). Watering is regular, but without waterlogging the soil. Useful spraying of the crown. This is a heat-loving species, which, when the air temperature drops to + 13 ° C in winter, can shed its leaves. Ficus is usually propagated by cuttings.

Or banyan, Indian (Ficus benghalensis). This giant ficus, 35 meters high, forms many aerial roots that thicken, turning into thick trunks. In its homeland, a long-lived tree lives for almost five thousand years. Of course, the Bengal ficus growing in the house does not have such "indicators". But the famous aerial roots appear. The Audrey variety is widespread, which has a light grayish-brown trunk and leathery leaves (up to 20 cm long and up to 10 cm wide). This is a light-loving and heat-loving species, losing leaves when the air temperature drops. Bengal ficus is propagated by cuttings and air layering.

Ficus tiny, or creeping, dwarf(Ficus pumila). How good is this fast-growing ficus with creeping shoots, in which everything is miniature. Charming small leaves (up to 3 cm long and 2 cm wide). In nature, it grows in the shade of trees. The room also puts up with a lack of light. True, this applies more to forms with green leaves. Variegated forms need good lighting, without which color contrast is lost.

Tiny ficus needs moist air, so it is useful to spray it with warm water. The plant feels great in glass containers. For example, in round aquariums (of course, without water). This ficus is grown as an ampelous or groundcover. With frequent pruning of the tips of the shoots, it becomes more magnificent. This species is well propagated by cuttings.

(Ficus lirata). The shape of hard leathery leaves (50 cm long and 25 cm wide) resembles a violin. If the plant is not cut (preferably in the spring), then it will resemble a powerful vine. For room conditions we can recommend a reduced copy of the usual lyre-shaped ficus. This is the Bambino variety.

Ficus is suitable for a warm and bright (without direct sunlight) place. If red dots appear on the leaves, then either the scorching sun or the dryness of the earth and air are to blame. From drafts and a decrease in air temperature, its leaves turn black. Ficus should be sprayed or wiped with a damp sponge.

There is another feature of agricultural technology that should be taken into account. Excessively abundant watering leads to waterlogging of the soil, from which the root system suffers, leaves fall, unsightly exposing the trunk. We have to correct the situation, "letting" the ficus on the cuttings.

ficus palmera, or "Desert Fig" (ficus palmeri). In the dry areas of California and Mexico, this succulent ficus with a thickened trunk (“bottle tree”) grows even on rocks. Kind of light-loving. In winter, ficus Palmera rests at an air temperature of 15 - 18 ° C. Over watering can kill the plant. It will look better if you adjust the crown with pruning. This species can be recommended to bonsai lovers.

In ficus Palmer, the roots develop the top layer of soil, therefore, when planting, they pick up shallow flower pots. For reproduction, cuttings with a “heel” are taken.

Or ginseng (Ficus microcarpa ginseng). Sometimes it is sold as ficus-bonsai, small-fruited, blunt. A feature of this species is thickened roots, resembling swollen twisted tubers of a bizarre shape. As soon as growth inhibitors that cause temporary inhibition cease to act, rapid growth of branches begins. Without pruning, the decorative effect of ficus-ginseng is reduced.

Agricultural technology is simple. It is worth paying attention to regular, but moderate, watering and top dressing.

With formative pruning, “waste” remains, which take root perfectly even in water. They make fast-growing branched trees, the shape of which has to be maintained by pruning.

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