Shower      04/16/2019

Orange tree: growing and care at home. Orange home tree: growing in a pot

If you think that it is impossible to grow an orange from a seed at home, then you are deeply mistaken. Undoubtedly, it is not enough to put the seeds in the ground and wait for germination. It will take a lot of patience and time until the orange tree pleases you with its fruits.

Orange is the most unpretentious of citrus fruits. For planting, seeds obtained from fresh fruit. Most gardeners prefer to grow such trees from seedlings. But for decorating a house or greenhouse, which with French translated as “winter orange garden”, you can grow a plant from a seed.

Varieties of orange

Oranges are divided into two large groups: sour (bitter) and sweet varieties. There are three types that are most often found on sale in our country.

Chinese or Portuguese fruit. The most common and sought after variety.

Usually these are hybrids of tangerine and pomelo. They have a sour-bitter taste. These fruits are often called bitter oranges.


Hybrid of citron and bitter orange. It has a pronounced sour-bitter taste.

All oranges are equally healthy and tasty. They contain a huge amount of vitamins, amino acids and microelements. We will present you the best varieties.

Washington Nevile

Sweet and sour fruits with thick porous skin. Many people are mistaken in believing that the birthplace of this variety is the USA. In fact, this variety comes from Brazil. Its fruits are practically seedless.


A variety of Spanish oranges. They are distinguished by a thin peel of a bright orange color with red splashes. The flesh is the same color. These oranges have a pleasant sweet taste.

Blondeau Commune

Variety from Sicily. For a long time it was the most popular in its homeland, but in last years gave the palm to the two previous varieties. It has many seeds and grows well from them.


The name accurately describes the shape of the fruit. The taste of this variety is almost no different from Valencia.


Another early ripening Sicilian variety. The fruit picking season lasts from November to January. These oranges not only have a pleasant taste and exquisite aroma. However, the fruits are popular not only because of their excellent taste, but also because of the unusual blood-red color of the pulp. We'll tell you how to grow a blood orange from a seed a little later.

To conclude this short review, I would like to say that Moroccan and Abkhaz oranges today constitute worthy competition to the varieties described above.

Preparing the soil mixture

Before planting seeds, it is necessary to prepare the soil for the future tree. It is prepared from:

  • leaf soil;
  • sand;
  • humus;
  • turf.

All components in equal parts are thoroughly mixed, and the soil is ready. The soil for an orange must be saturated with microelements, so you can purchase ready soil with the inscription "Rose" or "Lemon", which is perfect for an orange (tree). The plant needs drainage. For this you can use small pebbles or expanded clay. The best time to plant a tree is spring.

Seed selection

For planting, you can use any seed from a fruit you have just eaten, and if you wish, you can buy seeds of a specific variety. It is necessary to select whole, undamaged and most attractive seeds. If you decide to use them from a fruit you have just eaten, you should rinse them carefully, being careful not to damage the shell.

After this they are soaked overnight in warm water. Then the bones are laid out on a damp napkin and covered with it. This way you will retain the moisture necessary for germination. Drying out will negatively affect the germination of the plant. After this, place the napkin with the seeds in the bag, creating a greenhouse effect for the seeds. Orange is a heat-loving plant, so keep the seed packet in a warm room.

Seed germination process

For seed germination, a temperature of about +25 °C is recommended. If necessary, the seeds in the bag must be moistened. They should always be kept moist and should not be allowed to dry out. Germination takes on average about two weeks, sometimes a little longer. It is important to periodically ventilate the greenhouse.


Now you need to plant the seeds in a pot with sterile soil. To do this, heat the purchased or prepared soil composition in a frying pan for several minutes, spreading it out in a thin layer. You will see the first shoots in three weeks. When they grow to two centimeters, the seedlings must be transplanted into pots with a diameter of about nine centimeters.

Place some expanded clay at the bottom of the container, creating the necessary drainage. The sprouts are transplanted into a larger pot when the fourth or fifth leaves appear on them. The next pot must have a diameter of at least 9 cm. The old clod of earth that tightly envelops the roots must be preserved. Do not try to remove it - this may damage the roots.

During this period it is necessary to create the most favorable conditions to strengthen sprouts and harden them. Each transplant is carried out into a container with a diameter five centimeters larger than the previous one. Transplants are stopped when the tree crown begins to form. After planting, the seed should be immediately watered with settled, filtered or boiled water.

Cover the pot plastic film, creating the effect of a mini-greenhouse. Place it on the windowsill and make sure that it is not exposed to direct Sun rays. You can cover it with paper. At night, the film is removed to allow the seedling to ventilate.

If you are interested in how to grow a fruit-bearing tree from an orange seed, you need to know that this plant needs moist soil, so it should be sprayed daily. Water the soil as needed, but do not fill it with water.

How to grow an orange from a seed: plant care

The main requirements of this plant are watering and pruning. Even a beginner can grow an orange. Caring for the plant requires only accuracy, patience and adherence to simple rules.

Watering, as we have already said, should be periodic. In this case, there should be no waterlogging or drying out of the soil. Pruning is done annually. At home, in the second year, the top of an orange from a seed is cut off, leaving no more than twenty centimeters. After this, the tree will throw out healthy side shoots, however, they will have to be removed.

Thus, skeletal branches are formed. When your tree begins to bear fruit, fruit branches are pruned as needed. It must be taken into account that too a large number of fruit on the branches most often leads to depletion of the plant.

Indoor orange: feeding

They begin to feed the seedling six months after planting. Organic and mineral fertilizers, which today are offered in a huge assortment by specialized stores.

How to form a crown?

This heat-loving plant needs crown formation. This work should begin from the moment the tree grows to thirty centimeters. You need to trim two to four leaves from the top of the plant. This will give a powerful push, and it will send out side branches, which are second-order branches.

Subsequent pruning of these branches stimulates the growth of shoots of the third and subsequent generations. The branches are cut off when they reach a length of thirty centimeters. This is how all shoots are shortened. As a result, the trunk of the formed plant is fifteen centimeters, and the crown consists of three or four branches, which are covered with small shoots.

The grower's goal is fifth-order branches, since they are the ones that bear fruit. But usually this happens at 5-7 years. This largely depends on the characteristics of the variety and the conditions of detention.

First flowers and fruits

How to grow an orange from a seed, not only to admire beautiful plant, but also to get fruits from it? Surely the answer to this question interests all flower growers. The tree begins to bloom in the fifth year after planting. But the first buds should be removed, since the plant at this age is not yet strong enough to bear fruit.

The plant will produce real fruits in the 8th year. There are several secrets that allow you to get a harvest before the specified time. We present you some of them:

  1. Grafting (graft a twig from a fruit-bearing tree onto the tree).
  2. Replant the plant frequently (2-3 replantations in the summer will enhance the development of the root system).
  3. Ringing - press the branches with wire or remove the bark in the form of a ring. As soon as the plant begins to bloom, the wire is removed.
  4. Cold winters. Place the tree in a room with a temperature of +5 °C for three months. Cold wintering is very effective. They are recommended for the first two to three years. At this time, the plant is not fertilized; you can only water it, but not abundantly.

After these procedures, the orange will begin to bear fruit in the fourth year.


How to grow an orange from a seed and later propagate it? At home, this can be done in two ways: seeds and cuttings. In mid-latitudes it is not so easy to obtain cuttings. You can ask your friends who grow these citrus fruits, or buy it in specialized greenhouses.

For propagation, cuttings 15 cm long and 0.5 cm in diameter are suitable. The cut is made under and above the bud, at the top and bottom. The stem must have at least four buds and three leaves. The cuttings are treated with a root growth stimulator. After this, it is placed in water for several days and then planted in the ground.

Rooting can take from one to one and a half months. After rooting the cuttings, they are transplanted into pots using the transshipment method. You already know how to grow an orange from a seed. The process is more complex, but at the same time very exciting. A tree grown this way has strong genetics and other characteristics that differ from its parents.

Cuttings completely inherit the genetic code of the donor. At the same time, cuttings significantly reduce the time for the onset of fruiting.

Diseases and pests

Many pests can attack an orange. The tree may be affected by some diseases. Its main enemies in indoor floriculture are spider mites and scale insects. In addition, an orange seedling can be affected by viruses and fungi.

Diseases and pests can be controlled using fungicides and insecticides. The affected areas are cut out and smeared with garden varnish. In advanced cases, it is recommended to burn the diseased seedling.

Oranges are very healthy fruits. They reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, strengthen the immune system, and normalize blood pressure. It is not at all surprising that many flower growers and gardeners dream of growing this plant. It’s unlikely that anyone would call this culture unpretentious, but it won’t cause much difficulty in caring for it. Constant care, painstaking work and a great desire to grow an exotic plant will definitely give a positive result.

Among the most diverse indoor plants, sold in specialized stores, the eye quickly catches neat trees with glossy leathery foliage and a mass of bright, fragrant fruits. If you have patience and put in a little effort, you can grow an orange tree from a seed at home, especially since a seed from a ripe fruit purchased in a store is suitable as planting material.

How to grow an orange at home from a seed?

The orange seed is covered with a rather dense, hard peel, which, on the one hand, protects the sprout from all kinds of damage, and on the other, prevents its germination. If the seed dries out, it is very difficult to get it to hatch, so only fresh seeds are used for planting.

Orange seeds:

  • washed in warm water;
  • soak for 8–12 hours;
  • planted in loose soil or peat to a depth of 1 cm under the film.

Until germination, which occurs in a month or a month and a half, the container with the seeds remains in a shaded, warm place. The mini-greenhouse needs to be periodically moistened and ventilated. And only after the sprouts appear, the future orange trees are brought into the light.

Since in countries where oranges grow naturally, the trees generously receive both heat and light, you can provide the seedlings with the longest possible daylight hours by planting the seeds at the end of winter or in March. But even in this case, young orange trees respond well to extending daylight hours with the help of special lamps.

Transplanting an orange at home

Picking sprouts is carried out at the stage when two true leaves open on the orange, and it is important to take into account that the plant reacts extremely painfully to all manipulations associated with transplantation and possible damage to the root system. It is unacceptable for the root collar of the orange to end up underground when replanting.

The best way to replant a tree is to transfer the plant along with a lump of earth in the spring before it starts active growth shoots, and no buds appeared. An orange grown at home will have to be subjected to this procedure regularly, each time choosing a container with a diameter 1–3 cm larger than the old pot:

  • The growing root system of a young plant requires expansion of the “living space” once a year.
  • Mature fruit-bearing trees are replanted every 2–3 years.

For seedlings with 4–6 leaves, a pot with a diameter of about 10 cm and a soil mixture of two parts turf soil, one part leaf humus, the same volume of peat and sand are suitable. Already at the next transshipment, the proportion of turf soil in the soil is increased and a small amount of clay is added. An orange tree that is grown from a seed at home must be provided with good drainage and a watering regime that does not allow the roots to rot.

Optimal growth conditions for oranges at home

Like all inhabitants of the subtropical zone, orange trees do not tolerate drafts, but they love light and are demanding of air and soil humidity. If there is insufficient lighting, citrus fruits may get sick or refuse to bear fruit, so it is better to grow them in the sunny side, but protected from burning direct rays, especially in the summer. In autumn and winter, when the length of daylight hours decreases, oranges grown from seeds are illuminated.

The air humidity in the room where the tree is located should not be lower than 40%, otherwise the plant begins to quickly shed its leaves and may die. This happens especially often in winter, during heating season, or when the pot is close to the heating device. In this case, it is necessary to artificially humidify the air, spray the plant and make sure that the soil under it does not dry out.

The danger of soil drying out also exists in the summer, so daily watering, which moisturizes the entire earthen lump, but does not cause stagnation of moisture, is extremely necessary for the orange.

Orange trees at home may die if the irrigation water contains chlorine. Therefore, they use rainwater, melt water, or water that has been standing for at least a day, which is heated to 25–30 °C.

Caring for an orange tree at home

In order for the seedling to develop quickly, and after a few years the plant begins to bear fruit, it needs to create conditions like in the Mediterranean and northern Africa, where oranges grow in nature:

  • In summer, the tree can be taken out into the air, protecting it from the scorching sun.
  • In the spring, when bud formation begins and ovary formation is expected, orange trees need to be kept at 15–18 °C.
  • In winter, watering is reduced and a warm winter is arranged at temperatures above +12 °C, not forgetting about illuminating the plant.

When moved from room to room, changes in temperature, humidity and other growing conditions, even turning the pot, an orange tree, as in the photo, at home can shed its leaves, turn yellow and wither. Therefore, it is recommended to rotate the plant so that its shoots grow more evenly, approximately 10° every 10 days.

An actively growing orange needs complex fertilizing with fertilizers for citrus crops or a composition based on 10 liters of water and:

  • 20 grams of ammonium nitrate;
  • 25 grams of superphosphate;
  • 15 grams of potassium salts.

Caring for an orange tree at home means that ferrous sulfate is added to the fertilizer four times a year, and to maintain the rich color of the foliage, the orange is watered monthly with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Grafting an orange from a seed

If you carefully look after the tree, it quickly grows and develops. However, not everyone manages to wait for flowering and ovary, and if the fruits appear, they turn out to be small and bitter. The fact is that oranges grown from seeds may not bear parental characteristics and may simply be wild plants. Such a wild bird can be recognized already at one year of age by the hard green thorns on the trunk.

How to grow oranges at home that are as sweet and large as store-bought fruits? In this case, you can choose one of the following methods:

  • Conduct a classic tree grafting, using the seedling as a rootstock for a varietal cutting obtained from a fruit-bearing plant.
  • Graft an orange using budding by implanting a bud cultivated plant with a small layer of bark and wood. For reliability, you can use up to three eyes at the same time, grafting them on different sides of the trunk.

The second method is less labor-intensive and painful for the tree. If the seedling after grafting remains only as a rootstock, the operation is best carried out on a tree at the age of 1 - 3 years, when the diameter of the trunk does not exceed 6 mm.

Various citrus crops can be grafted onto an adult orange tree, in the photo, since the plant practically does not reject related species.

Forming an orange crown at home

Fruiting of an orange tree at home can begin 6–10 years after seed germination and only if the plant’s crown is properly formed. In plants, buds, and then the ovary, appear on developed branches of the fourth order. Therefore, to obtain an early harvest, crown formation begins when the tree reaches a height of 25–30 cm:

  • In spring, the main shoot is pinched at a level of 18–25 cm.
  • Of the side shoots, three or four of the strongest are left, which are pruned, forcing them to branch.
  • In the next season, two branches of the second order are left from the growth. They will subsequently give from 3 to 5 shoots of the third order.
  • And only then will horizontal fruiting branches begin to develop.
  • Next, monitor the density of the crown and timely replacement of branches.

On young trees, it is better to remove the first flowers and ovaries. The first harvest can be only 2-3 oranges, so that the plant does not lose too much strength when they ripen.

You can speed up the tree’s entry into fruiting time by overwintering the orange at a temperature of 2 to 5 °C, limiting watering and not feeding for three months. When the temperature in the room where oranges grow rises to 15–18 °C, a set of buds and the formation of an ovary begin. An orange that receives proper care at home can live up to 50–70 years, regularly delighting with the appearance of white flowers and bright, fragrant fruits.

Grafting citrus fruits at home - video

The variety of overseas fruits in shops and markets is amazing. When we eat a new fruit, we get seeds as a souvenir of it. Many lovers of indoor plants are itching to sow seeds or pits and see what will grow from them? Today we will grow an orange!

It is very easy to get seedlings by planting mango or avocado seeds, but you won’t be able to get fruit from them. These trees begin to bear fruit only when they grow to a height of 4.5 m and above.

Fresh persimmon seeds also germinate easily at home, but they will not grow and bear fruit in limited home conditions. Persimmons shed their leaves in the winter and must be stored under certain conditions.

And pomegranates, figs, lemons, tangerines or coffee grown from seeds or seeds readily bloom and even bear fruit in indoor conditions.

It is very easy to grow oranges from seeds. Oranges are sold in large quantities in any grocery store. Their fruits contain a lot of planting material. A tree grown from a seed will not only decorate the interior, but also aromatize the air, destroying bacteria.

In warm subtropical climates, the orange tree grows up to 7 meters in height, however, there are more low-growing varieties, not higher than 3m. Tree, evergreen, loving light, but tolerant of slight imperfections sunlight, ideal for growing indoors.

It is not at all difficult to create suitable conditions for it, which means that over time it will bloom and give almost real fruits. Three citrus trees in the room will create the atmosphere of a citrus garden in the room. Another undoubted property of an orange seedling is that a cutting of any citrus tree can be grafted onto it.

Orange can be propagated by seeds or cuttings. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

A tree grown from a cutting will bloom much earlier than one grown from a seed, but the cutting must be found somewhere and rooted. Garden centers sell already fruit-bearing seedlings, but their prices have no upper limit. A tree grown from cuttings fully retains its hereditary characteristics mother plant.

Seeds are much easier to obtain. Oranges are sold everywhere, and each fruit contains enough seeds for a whole grove. A wildflower grown from a seed is stronger and more adapted to living conditions, more resistant to disease, and the crown of the seedlings is denser and more beautiful. Seedlings from seeds, if grown and formed correctly, bloom at 8-10 years of age. Let's consider

How to grow an orange tree from a seed with photos and videos

Preparing the seeds

It is better to take seeds from fully ripened fruits, correct form. The seeds must be large and full-bodied. For sowing, you can take seeds from several different fruits.

The seeds are covered with a dense peel, especially hard after drying. The germination rate of dried seeds is noticeably reduced.

Selected fresh, undried seeds must:

  • remove any remaining pulp;
  • rinse thoroughly running water;
  • soak for 8 to 12 hours in water, to which you can add Energen, Epin, NV or any fertilizer diluted according to the instructions.

Sowing seeds

You can sow prepared seeds in individual containers with a volume of no more than 100 ml, for example, yogurt or sour cream, or you can sow all the seeds at once in a wide and shallow planting box.

The distance between the seeds should be about 5 cm and 3 cm should be left to the sides of the box. The seed planting depth is about 1 cm. In any case, holes for water drainage and drainage are required.

The soil can be taken ready-made. Specialty stores sell soil for citrus fruits. You can prepare the mixture yourself by mixing peat and garden soil in a 1:1 ratio.

Containers with sown seeds are placed in a warm and optionally lit place. It will be useful to isolate the seed containers from the cold window sill by placing them on polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam.

You can create increased humidity in individual containers by covering them with plastic bottles with a cut bottom. By screwing the cap onto the bottle, you can obtain complete sealing of the greenhouse; by unscrewing the cap, you will obtain moderate ventilation.

The boxes are covered with cling film. It has sufficient width, does not block light and is well fixed. The soil should be kept warm and moderately moist.

When the seedlings appear after a month or a month and a half, the lighting is intensified, the daylight hours are lengthened with additional lighting, the seedlings will benefit. If seeds are sown at the end of winter - beginning of spring, then additional lighting will not be required.

When two true leaves appear on sprouts growing in a common container, pick them at a greater distance. In this case, you need to handle the root system very carefully, and the root collar should remain at the same level.

When the sprouts have 4–6 leaves, they are planted in individual pots no larger than 10 cm in size. Use planting containers bigger size not worth it. The soil in a pot where there are no roots remains wet for a long time and turns sour. If the seedlings have sprouted in individual containers, then it is better to transship the plant without damaging the earth clod.

The soil for grown plants is different: 2 parts turf soil, 1 part leaf humus, 1 part peat and 1 part sand. When the orange tree grows to 15-20 cm, it is necessary to carry out the next transfer, but take 3 parts of turf soil and add a little clay.

When replanting, the size of each next pot is chosen to be 1-3 cm larger than the previous one. Adult plants are replanted once every two to three years. For plants older than ten years, replace instead of replanting upper layer soil.

The ideal time for transshipment of orange trees of any age is considered to be the beginning of spring, before new leaves and buds appear.

Good drainage and moderate watering are necessary for oranges at any age.

Conditions necessary for successfully growing oranges in an apartment

For successful cultivation orange tree you need:

  • no drafts,
  • air humidity not lower than 40%,
  • moderately moist soil,
  • sunlight.

It is better to place the plants on the sunny side, but the leaves must be protected from direct sun. On the other hand, a significant lack of light delays flowering and fruit formation.

If possible, in the warm season, the tree should be taken out into fresh air, protected from direct sun. In winter flowering plants needs to be illuminated.

The optimal indoor humidity should be maintained above 40%. At lower humidity, the tree sheds its leaves, leading to its death. During the heating season, you need to especially carefully monitor the humidity level in the room.

If necessary, you can increase it by spraying the plant or placing a bowl with wet expanded clay or moss next to the tree. It is very important to monitor the soil moisture in the pot. Excessive moisture leads to rotting of the roots, while lack of moisture dries out the tree.

Lack of moisture in the soil is also dangerous in the summer, when leaves and shoots are actively growing. You can water an orange every day in the summer, as long as the moisture in the pan does not stagnate.

Chlorine contained in irrigation water poses a particular danger to orange trees.

It is better to use water for irrigation from snow, rain, or water that has been standing for at least a day and heated to 25°C.

Orange care

The rapid and full development of the orange tree will be facilitated by the creation of conditions similar to those in its historical homeland - on the Mediterranean coast or in North Africa:

  • in winter, the temperature in the room where the orange grows must be maintained within +12 to +15 degrees, watering should be reduced, and daylight hours should be extended with additional lighting;
  • in spring, when leaves and buds appear, the temperature is raised to +18C;
  • The orange tree should spend the summer outdoors, protected from the midday sun, watered daily;
  • feed the plant every two weeks complex fertilizer. Complex fertilizer for citrus fruits will ideal option. You can prepare a fertilizer mixture yourself by dissolving 20 g of nitrogen fertilizers, 25 g of phosphate fertilizers and 15 g of potassium salts (not potassium chloride) in 10 liters of water. Once a season, iron sulfate is added to the fertilizer mixture, and potassium permanganate is added once a month.
  • The condition of the tree is affected by changes in air humidity, light, temperature, and even the orientation of the plant relative to the window. You need to turn the pot for leveling no more than once every ten days and no more than 10 degrees.

Pests and diseases

Another point in caring for orange seedlings at any age is the prevention and control of pests and diseases.

Among the pests on citrus fruits, in particular, on oranges there are aphids, spider mites, whitefly and scale insects. A weekly inspection of the plant will allow timely detection and destruction of pests.

You need to inspect the tree especially carefully when moving it from open air indoors in the fall.

You can control pests at home with broad-spectrum drugs with a short waiting period, such as Biotlin or Fitoverm.

Home remedies include infusions of garlic, hot pepper or a solution of laundry soap.

You can fight root rot with the help of Fitosporin or a solution of tooth powder that reduces the acidity of the soil.


An orange tree grown from a seed can grow quickly and form a beautiful crown in 6-8 years with correct pruning flowers may appear, but the fruits are likely to be inedible or very small and bitter.

Plants grown from seeds do not retain the hereditary characteristics of the mother plant. In very rare cases, the fruits may be better or no worse than those on the original tree.

In order for the fruits on the grown tree to appear earlier and be tasty, you need to graft. Graft a bud or twig of a cultivated varietal plant onto a grown seedling. A wildflower, an ungrafted seedling, can be identified by the long, hard, green thorns that appear on the trunk of the seedling already at the age of 1 year.

Most best age for re-vaccination 1-3 years

Video on how to graft an orange

How to get fruits at home?

An ungrafted orange tree will begin to bear fruit at 6-10 years of age and only on a properly formed tree. For the formation of buds, and subsequently fruits, branches of the fourth and higher order are necessary. To get an earlier harvest, you need to start forming the crown from the moment the trunk reaches a height of 20 to 30 cm.

  • at the beginning of spring, the main shoot is pinched at a height of 15-25 cm;
  • of the emerging side shoots, 3-4 are left evenly spaced along the trunk and direction, which are pinched, limiting further growth;
  • excess branches are removed onto the ring;
  • next spring, two branches of the 2nd order are left on each branch, on which branches of a higher order will subsequently grow;
  • fruit-bearing branches develop on branches of the 4th and higher orders;
  • thickening, small and unsuccessfully growing branches are removed annually;
  • It is better to remove the first buds, saving the tree’s strength;
  • For ripening the first time, you can leave no more than 3 ovaries.

You can stimulate the formation of buds by giving the orange tree a cold (+2-5°C) and dry winter, limiting watering for 90 days. When the tree feels an increase in temperature to +15-18°C and an increase in watering, the formation of buds and ovaries on the branches will begin.

Pollination is necessary to obtain fruits. Using a cotton swab, pollen from the stamens is transferred to the pistil, and it is better if it is the pistil of another flower. The amount of ovary formed must be strictly dosed - each ovary should be provided with nutrition from 10-15 healthy leaves.

At proper care an orange tree can become a real long-liver in the house - it can bloom and bear fruit for up to 70 years.

It is quite possible to grow a real orange tree from a seed. Of course, it will not be enough to put the seeds in a pot and wait for germination. An orange will require a lot of time and patience before it will delight you with its fruits. It is worth noting that this type of citrus fruit is considered the most unpretentious among the others. Fresh fruit seeds are suitable for planting. But still, many gardeners prefer growing trees from young seedlings. The main methods of propagating oranges are from seeds and cuttings. A greenhouse, which is translated from French as “winter orange garden,” is perfect for cultivation.

Varieties of orange

All oranges can be divided into two large groups: sweet and sour (bitter) varieties. There are three types that are most often found on sale.

Orange fruits

  1. Sweet. Portuguese or Chinese fruit. The most common variety.
  2. Sour. Hybrid of pomelo and tangerine. Has a bitter taste. Another name for it is orange.
  3. Bergamot. Hybrid of orange and citron. It has a pronounced sour-bitter taste.

All oranges are tasty and equally healthy. They contain a large amount of vitamins, microelements and amino acids. Oranges are a real storehouse of vitamin C, which is responsible for immunity.

There are several more varieties that differ in appearance and taste.

  • "Washington Nevile". Sweet and sour fruit with thick skin. Many people mistakenly believe that the birthplace of this variety is the USA. In fact, "Washington Nevile" comes from Brazil. The fruits of this variety ripen without seeds.
  • "Valencia"- Spanish variety of oranges. Its distinctive feature is a thin peel of a bright orange color with small red splashes. The pulp has a similar color. The taste of orange is sweet.

Valencia variety

  • "Blondeau commune"- Sicilian variety. Ranked first among the consumed varieties of oranges in Sicily. Currently, I have given primacy to the two previous varieties. Has many bones.
  • "Oval". The name speaks for itself. The orange fruits resemble an oval in shape, and their taste is not much different from the Valencia variety.
  • "Tarokko" - early ripening variety originally from Sicily. The fruit harvesting season is from November to January. Tarocco oranges are distinguished not only by their pleasant taste, but also by the unusual color of their pulp. They have it in blood red color.

Variety Tarocco

  • "Sanguinello". Oranges with a bitter aftertaste. Their homeland is Sicily.

Abkhazian and Moroccan oranges also compete with the above varieties.

Planting an orange tree

The most common way to grow an orange is to plant the seed in the ground. But first, this land needs to be prepared. You will need:

  1. One part of leaf soil (rotted leaves).
  2. One part sand.
  3. One part of humus.
  4. Three parts of turf.

Consider the landing process:

  • Mix all the ingredients and the soil for the future citrus is ready. The soil for planting an orange must be rich in microelements, therefore the best option will be buying the ready-made mixture in stores. You can purchase land marked “Lemon” or “Rose”; they are perfect for growing oranges.
  • Drainage should be placed at the bottom of the pot. Expanded clay or small pebbles are suitable for this.

Planting an orange seed

  • The seed for planting must be fresh, that is, only removed from the fruit. It needs to be buried 2 cm into the ground. Then sprinkle with soil and compact it a little.

Attention! The best time to plant an orange is spring.

  • Immediately after planting, the seed should be watered with boiled, filtered or settled water.
  • Cover the pot with polyethylene, this way you will create the effect of a mini-greenhouse.
  • Place the pot on the windowsill and make sure that direct sunlight does not fall on it. To do this, cover it with paper. At night, the film must be removed to ventilate the seedling.
  • After 20-25 days a sprout will appear.
  • Oranges love moist soil, so they need to be sprayed daily. And water as needed, but under no circumstances fill it with water.
  • After a year, the seedling can be transplanted into a pot that has a larger diameter.

Orange tree care

The basic requirements for caring for an orange include watering and pruning. Watering should be periodic; the soil should not be allowed to dry out or become waterlogged.

As for pruning, it needs to be done annually. In the second year of life, the top of the young seedling is cut off, leaving only 20 cm. After this, the tree should throw out side shoots, but they will also have to be removed. This way you can form skeletal branches. When the tree begins to bear fruit, the fruit branches are pruned as necessary. It must be taken into account that an excessive number of fruits on a branch leads to depletion of the plant.

Watering the orange tree should be moderate, without overflowing.

An orange seedling should be fed no earlier than 6 months after planting. You can buy suitable fertilizers at any specialized flower shop.


At home, oranges can be grown in two ways: by cuttings and from seeds (seeds).

Cutting It is not so easy to obtain in the middle latitudes of our country. You can ask your friends who grow this citrus fruit, bring it from a vacation in the subtropics, or buy it in specialized greenhouses.

Cuttings with a diameter of 0.5 cm and a length of 10-15 cm are suitable. The cut is made under and above the bud, below and above. At least 4 buds and 3 leaves are left on the stem. The cuttings are treated with a root growth stimulating agent. After this, it needs to be placed in water for several days, and then planted in a container with soil. The rooting process can take from one to one and a half months. Only after the cuttings have taken root can they be transplanted by transferring them into pots.

Orange stalk

Planting an orange from the seed a more complex process, but a tree grown in this way has strong genetics and bears different characteristics than the parent. In cuttings, there is a complete transfer of the donor’s genetic material. An orange grown from a seed will begin to bloom only after 8–10 years. Cuttings reduce this period by half.

Diseases and pests

Orange trees are susceptible to attack by many pests and are also affected by certain diseases.
So, the main scourges when growing indoors are scale insects and spider mites.

In addition, citrus seedlings can be affected by fungi and viruses. The most unpleasant thing is gommosis.
Pests and diseases can be controlled using insecticides and fungicides. The affected areas are removed and lubricated with garden varnish. In the most advanced cases, it is recommended to burn the affected seedling.

Orange is a healthy citrus fruit. It lowers blood pressure and is a good preventative against the development of cancer. Strengthens the immune system and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. Protects against infections and promotes weight loss. These are not all of his positive qualities.

It is not surprising that many people want to grow this fruit. The most affordable option will be growing an orange from a seed. This culture cannot be called unpretentious, but it will not cause any particular difficulties. Patience, ongoing care and the desire to grow exotics will give a positive result, but, unfortunately, not as quickly as we would like.

Planting an orange from a seed: video

How to plant an orange from a seed: photo

We are glad to welcome you to the blog, dear guests and friends. Even as children, have you ever wondered how to grow an orange from a seed? And they probably experimented, sticking seeds into the ground. In fact, this is not at all difficult to do, especially if you know the growing conditions citrus plants.

The answer is clear, you can! The question is, will the tree bear fruit, and how to speed up the process of its flowering? Or it will simply be an exotic decoration for your home.

Even a child can grow a sprout (seedling) from a seed. This plant is the least demanding of all citrus fruits, although it has its own characteristics of care and requires certain conditions.

If you simply throw a seed into the ground and water the plant, it will grow, but will bear fruit no sooner than after 8 years. If you want to grow a full-fledged orange tree at home, it should be grafted from a fruit-bearing plant, fed on time, replanted and the crown formed. So you will get a harvest after 3-4 years.

I also have an orange tree. I planted 3 seeds in March and they all sprouted. The last one was 3 months later. In general, I thought that all the seeds sprouted after three weeks. But in fact, one seed produced 2 shoots. It turns out that a bush can immediately grow from one seed; orange seeds have multiple germs.

Now my sprouts have about 3-5 leaves, soon it will be time to transplant them into separate pots. And next spring, I think, my tree will be ready for grafting. Now let's figure out how to plant an orange so that it grows, and how to grow an orange tree.

Growing an orange tree

Preparing seeds for planting

Fresh seeds are ideal for planting. Not worth taking planting material from bruised, rotten, greenish fruits. Oranges that are ripe, regular in shape, and beautiful are ideal. Whatever seed you plant, the same tree will grow.

Preparing the seeds:

  • Choose large seeds, healthy and attractive in appearance, weighty.
  • Use fresh seed. A crust appears on the old ones, and the chances of sprouting decrease.
  • Clean the pit from any remaining fruit pulp.
  • Rinse, preferably under running clean water.
  • Place the seed in water for a day. You can add special fertilizers to the water to increase the likelihood of germination.

Orange sprouts well even without the addition of chemicals and fertilizers, so you can immediately plant it or lower it into plain water. To experiment, plant seeds from different fruits.

Soil preparation and planting

For planting, you should choose small containers. For example, for each seed there is an individual plastic disposable cup, or a large box for all seeds at once. If you do not plan to leave a lot of trees, do not plant a lot of seeds, since almost all of them will sprout, and then it will be a shame to throw them away.

Buy soil for planting at the store; there are special mixtures for citrus plants. Or prepare it yourself by mixing peat and soil from the garden (1:1). The plant will be most comfortable in such soil, but it can also grow in ordinary soil.

Planting stages:

  1. Take a pot with a lot of holes at the bottom.
  2. Place drainage (stones, foam, sand) on the bottom of the pot.
  3. Pour soil into the pot, pressing it down a little.
  4. Make a hole to a depth of 2 centimeters. If you plant all the seeds in one box, the distance between the holes should be at least 5 centimeters.
  5. Place the seed in the hole and cover it with soil.
  6. Water the plantings.
  7. Our seed must be placed in a warm place; it may be poorly lit.
  8. We create a greenhouse effect. Cover the seedling with the neck plastic bottle, and leave the lid open for ventilation. It is also acceptable to use regular film or bag.
  9. After about a month, when the first leaves appear, it is better to move the plant to the sun. If you planted it in winter, you may need additional lighting. That is why it is better to plant in March-April.

Tree transplant

As soon as 4-5 leaves appear on the sprout, it should be replanted. The pot for the first transplant should be small (10cm). After all, a young plant has practically no roots, so there is too much moisture in the ground, it begins to sour in a large pot.

For the first transplant we will make a different soil:

  • 2 parts of soil from the garden;
  • 1 part sand;
  • 1 part peat;
  • 1 part leaf humus.

In the future, replanting will be done once every couple of years, and the next pot will be larger than the previous one by only 2-3 centimeters. If the plant is very old (10 years), it should not be replanted; it is better to change the top layer of soil.

With each transplant, do not forget about abundant drainage. The ideal time for replanting is early spring, before flowering and new leaves appear.

Video - how to grow an orange from a seed, grafting

Growing conditions and care

As we have already said, the plant is not particularly picky, but you should still follow a few rules regarding caring for a citrus plant:

  1. The plant loves light, but direct sunlight has a detrimental effect on it. Therefore, it is better to store a pot of orange tree in a bright place, but not on a windowsill. Also, do not sharply turn the crown of the plant away from the sun. If you need to rotate it, rotate it no more than 5 degrees per week.
  2. Another reason to remove the plant from the windowsill is drafts.
  3. The humidity in the room should be approximately 40 degrees. This indicator should be monitored most carefully during the heating season. Keep the tree away from radiators. If the air is too dry, the plant will lose its leaves and die.
  4. The plant loves moderate moisture, so it should not be flooded. Overwatering leads to rotting of the roots.
  5. Water for irrigation should not contain chlorine. It is better to use melted water, rainwater or at least defend it.

If you follow these simple rules, the orange tree should not die. However, if you bring its living conditions closer to natural ones, it will bloom much faster. Temperature in winter is 12-15 degrees, in spring – 18. In summer, water daily, stay in the fresh air and protect from direct sunlight.

Oranges should be fed once every 2 weeks with a special complex fertilizer for citrus fruits. You can prepare it yourself by mixing 20 grams of nitrogen, phosphorus fertilizers and potassium salts per 10 liters of water. Once a month you can add potassium permanganate.

Video - conditions for citrus plants and care

As you understand, growing an orange tree at home is not at all difficult, the main thing is to be patient. And after a few years, juicy, aromatic fruits will appear on the tree. After about a year, the plant should be grafted.

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Very often the attention of amateur flower growers is attracted exotic plants, which are found in many flower shops. Having bought and decorated your apartment with a beautiful citrus tree, you give it the necessary attention and proper care. But for some reason the plant stops growing, sheds its leaves and noticeably weakens. So it will wither until about two dozen leaves remain on it. Why is this happening?

The reason may be a change in growth conditions. In the greenhouse where the plant was grown, there was a certain temperature and humidity. The plant has become accustomed to them and living in different conditions weakens it (sometimes it can completely disappear).

To avoid such a scenario, it is best to grow the desired tree yourself from a seed and monitor its growth. This way it will be more hardened and adapted to the conditions of your home. So it’s worth doing this, and we’ll tell you how to grow an orange from a seed.

But first, let's tell you why is orange called that?.

Orange was obtained by the Chinese by crossing mandarin and. In China, it was called gold or “qin” because of the color of its peel. In most countries it is called "orange". But our name comes from the Prussian “Chinese apple” - appel + chin, which over time transformed into a name known to everyone.

So, how to grow an orange from a seed?

Proper planting of seeds

Where should you start growing? Naturally with the choice of seeds! You can take any seed from the fruit you eat, or you can buy seeds of a specific variety. It is best to choose the whole and most attractive seeds from the fruit you have just eaten. They need to be carefully washed with your fingers under clean running water, being careful not to damage them.

After clearing the seeds from the pulp, they need to be soaked in warm water overnight. Then the bones are placed on a damp towel and covered with it on top. This preserves the moisture necessary for germination. Drying out has a negative effect on plant germination. It is then recommended to place paper towel with seeds in a bag, creating a greenhouse effect for the seeds. Keep the bag of selected seeds warm.

Seed germination process

The recommended temperature for seed germination is 20-25 degrees. It is recommended to moisten the seeds in the bag if necessary. They should be moist and not dry out. Germination time may take about two weeks, perhaps a little longer, the main thing is to periodically ventilate the greenhouse you have created. Next, it remains to plant the seeds in a pot with sterile soil. To do this, heat it in a frying pan in a thin layer for several minutes.

First transplant

The first shoots appear after 3 or 5 weeks. When they grow to 2 cm, it is advisable to transplant them into pots with an approximate diameter of 7-9 cm. Cover the bottom of the pot with a small amount of expanded clay, creating this kind of drainage.

The sprouts are placed in a large flowerpot at the time when they acquire the fourth or fifth leaf. When transplanting into a pot larger diameter(9-11 cm) it is important to preserve the old clod of earth enveloping the roots. Do not remove it by force - this can damage the young roots. At this time, it is necessary to create the most favorable conditions for hardening and strengthening the sprouts.

Each transplant is carried out into a pot with a diameter 5 cm larger than the previous one. Transplants are completed when the crown of the tree begins to form.


You can buy ready-made soil for citrus fruits, or you can combine it yourself required mixture. To prepare it, use leaf soil, coarse river sand, humus and turf soil (recommended ratio is 1:1:1:3). It is not recommended to use pure peat to grow an orange tree.

Growth conditions

Pots with sprouts must be placed in a well-lit place; It is advisable to avoid direct exposure to sunlight (cover the window with sheets of white paper). When replanting a plant, do not bury it too deeply. The recommended depth is 1.5 cm. Sprouts and roots are fragile, so replanting must be done carefully.

Sprouted future trees should be regularly watered and sprayed with clean, warm water. As you grow, the amount of water consumed will increase.

How to form a crown?

Crown formation is an important point of care. The shape of the future tree depends on how its crown is formed. Formation begins when the orange grows to 20-30 cm. Then you need to cut off several leaves (2-4) from the top of the plant. This will provoke the tree to sprout lateral branches, which are already considered second-order branches. Trimming the crown of branches of the second order gives growth to branches of the third and subsequent orders.

The branches should be cut off when their length reaches about 20-30 cm. In this way, all new shoots are shortened. Thus, the trunk of the formed plant is 15 cm, and the crown consists of 3-4 branches, which are evenly covered with small twigs.

Your goal is to form branches of the fifth order; they are the ones that begin to bear fruit. But usually the fruits appear already in the 5-7th year of growth. It all depends on the characteristics of the variety itself and its growing conditions.

First flowers and fruits

The tree can bloom as early as 4-5 years. But it is better to cut off the first flowers, since the plant is not yet strong enough to bear fruit. good fruit An orange will give already at 8-10 years of growth. There are several options for obtaining fruits earlier than the specified date. Here are a few of them:

Grafting (graft a twig from an already fruit-bearing tree to your tree);
Frequent transplantation(2-3 transplants, which are performed in the summer, enhance the growth of the root system);
Ringing (pass the twigs with a wire or remove the bark in the form of a ring. After flowering begins, the wire must be removed);
Cold wintering (take the tree into a room with a temperature of 2-5 degrees for about 3 months).

Cold wintering is very effective. They are recommended to be carried out for 2-3 years. During wintering there is no need to fertilize, you can just water it not very often. After such procedures, the orange will begin to bear fruit in about 4 years.

Orange feeding

Oranges need to be fertilized in the spring. Starting from March and right up to November, feed the tree 2-3 times a month. Perfect fit liquid fertilizer“For citrus fruits” or at least old tea brewing.

As you approach the end of the conversation about how to grow an orange at home, also don’t forget about possible pests. For preventive purposes, treat the orange with an insecticide twice a year. It is easier to prevent pests from appearing than to get rid of them later.

In summer, it is recommended to feed the tree with ammonium nitrate, 5 g per 1 liter. water. This feeding is carried out regularly, with a break of 10 days. Once a month it is worth watering with a solution of superphosphate, 5 g per 1 liter. water. You can also water with fermented manure diluted with water (1:10).

In winter, fertilize only once a month. It is not recommended to pamper the plant with heat. The main thing is that the room is well lit, and the temperature is allowed from 1 to plus 6. Verandas, closed balconies or well-lit corridors are perfect for growing citrus in winter.

You can apply to the top layer of soil wood ash, scale, which contains iron oxide, as well as crushed bones.

We wish you success in growing your orange!

The tradition of growing orange trees under artificial conditions appeared shortly after Portuguese sailors first brought this fruit to Europe. Growing oranges at home has acquired such proportions that they began to build special structures for this, which were called greenhouses, from French word“orange” (as this fruit was called in these parts). In this article we will look at how to grow an orange from a seed at home, using the experience accumulated over centuries.

How an orange grows

In nature, the orange tree grows exclusively in tropical and subtropical climates, but suitable conditions can be created for it in a home environment, for example in an apartment. Moreover, with proper care, you will grow oranges on a tree and enjoy the pleasant taste of this citrus fruit. To start growing oranges in your apartment, you don’t need to carry out complex botanical operations; you just need to purchase a fruit with seeds inside. But further actions will require a lot of effort and attention from you, since this plant is quite whimsical and requires special care.

Growing from seed

Get homemade orange From the seed is the easiest way to grow this citrus tree, but you should be careful when choosing the right seeds. Only fresh seeds without visible defects, with a hard skin and elastic to the touch are used. There are special varieties of homemade orange, but in practice a simple fruit bought at the nearest store will do; pay attention to appearance fetus

Planting seeds

Selected orange seeds must be thoroughly washed under running water and then soaked for eight to ten hours in warm water. Plant the seeds in pre-prepared soil, which you can purchase at the store or prepare yourself. The best soil is two-quarters sand and peat and two-quarters turf soil and humus. You can plant the seed either individually or in groups, but you should maintain an interval of five centimeters between them. A clay pot that absorbs well is best suited for planting. excess moisture, you can use any other pot with a capacity of 100 ml. with holes for water drainage.

After you plant the seeds to a depth of one to two centimeters, the soil must be watered, cover the pot with film and place in a dark place. It is recommended to remove the film at night to prevent the plant from suffocating. When the seeds have sprouted and the root system has strengthened, and this will happen in a month or a month and a half depending on the variety and conditions, the tree can be transplanted into another pot and transferred to the light.


Homemade orange, like all citrus fruits, is a light-loving plant, so it is recommended to plant it in early spring, when the length of sunny days begins to increase. Orange leaves love a lot of light, but to avoid burns, it is advisable to shade the plant.

In addition, in the room where homemade orange grows, a certain temperature regime must be maintained. In summer, the optimal temperature for this plant is on average +25 °C, and in winter +15 °C.

The domestic orange tree loves a humid climate; its usual humidity level is about 40%, so the plant can be sprayed periodically. It is also necessary to ensure that the soil in the pot does not dry out.

Crown formation

One of the most important factors growing oranges at home lies in the correct development of the tree crown. The first fruits will appear only on branches of the fifth order, and their formation may take at least five years. On average, it takes up to ten years for the first fruits to appear on a home orange tree grown indoors.

The crown should be formed when the height of your tree reaches 25 centimeters. On early stages It is also recommended to pinch the plant to speed up the growth of branches. Of the side shoots, only 3-4 of the strongest ones should be left, and the rest should be cut off. It is recommended to do the same with second-order branches; increase side shoots only from the third season.

When indoor orange begins to bloom, it is necessary to remove the buds so that the first harvest is no more than three fruits, this will help the plant not to spend too much energy on their ripening. Starting next season, you can increase the number of buds to five, and a year later – to ten.

The moment the first fruits appear on the tree can be accelerated if you keep your homemade orange in colder conditions in winter, limiting watering and fertilizing. With the onset of spring and rising indoor temperatures, accelerated growth of flowers and side shoots will begin.


In addition to growing a home orange tree from seeds, it can also be propagated by cuttings or grafting. To do this, you must already have a tree at least three years old. We will look at two ways to plant oranges without using seeds.

  • How to grow an orange tree by cuttings. In order to get a new tree, you need to cut a branch at least ten centimeters long with a very sharp knife. Then plant this branch in specially prepared soil or peat and wait about thirty days for the cutting to strengthen. During this period, it is recommended to make a kind of mini greenhouse for the cuttings, make sure that the soil is moist and keep it in a bright place, but without direct sunlight.
  • How to graft an orange. In order to get homemade oranges by grafting, you will need a cutting of an exclusively fruit-bearing specimen, but this time it will need to be “planted” on another tree. A young orange or lemon is best suited as an acceptor tree, the crown of which is cut off at a height of at least ten centimeters and the trunk is split. Then a cutting is inserted into the crevice in the trunk, and the grafting site is tightly wrapped with film. It is recommended to cover the tree with film and place it in a well-lit place. If after three weeks the cutting has not turned black, it means that the grafting was successful and you will be able to get a fruiting orange in a shorter time.

How to care for an orange

Throughout the growth of a homemade orange, it is necessary to adhere to certain conditions, as at the time of planting. In the room where the orange will germinate, it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature regime, humidity level and lighting. Also don't forget about the right soil, watering and fertilizers. Caring for a home orange tree is quite labor-intensive and painstaking work, but the result is worth it.


Unlike young seedlings, a mature home orange tree is more resistant to direct sunlight. Moreover, the plant needs a sufficient amount of light, so you can place it in a well-lit place, closer to the window. Lack of sunlight can negatively affect fruit ripening and quality. During the period of the year when the sunny day is too short, homemade oranges can be illuminated with special devices; a place with diffused lighting is also suitable.


Orange is a heat-loving plant, so the temperature in the room where it grows should be quite high. In summer, the optimal temperature for homemade orange is 25-28 °C, and in winter the temperature is 15-18 °C, respectively. Some experts recommend lower temperature conditions, in order to avoid infection by pests and diseases, although they note that at low temperatures plant growth slows down.

Air humidity

Under natural conditions, an orange grows in an environment with high humidity(at least 40%), so the room in which the orange tree grows must be sprayed regularly or a large container of water must be placed. Do not allow drafts in the room under any circumstances, otherwise this may negatively affect the condition of the plant. But don’t forget about ventilation, the air in the room must be renewed.


In the warm season (summer and spring), it is recommended to “feed” homemade oranges with special fertilizers for citrus fruits, at least once a week. But in the fall, feeding the soil must be completely stopped, since the plant goes into hibernation.


Water home plant in summer it is necessary at least once a week. In winter, the intensity of watering must be reduced by half, since the temperature in the room will be lower. The main thing is to prevent dry crusts from appearing on the surface of the soil.

You can grow an excellent orange tree not only from a cutting, but also from a fresh orange seed. The plant is unpretentious, but will still require attention and patience - trees do not grow quickly. Simply sticking a seed into a pot of soil is not enough. It is possible to obtain an evergreen, fruit-bearing orange tree with a spreading crown up to 1.5 m in height, exuding an amazing aroma during flowering.

Special conditions for orange

All plants require grooming and care. A houseplant grown in a pot will not provide a high yield, but it will delight you for many years. When growing all citrus fruits, there are rules common to all:

  1. 1. Plants are photophilous, but do not tolerate direct rays of the sun. It will not be possible to grow a tree indoors with windows facing north. The pot must be placed some distance away from the window and periodically unfolded, so the crown will become more spreading and will not gather in a “heap”. During the period of flowering and fruit formation, the sun is especially necessary, and in the summer it is worth taking the orange outside.
  2. 2. Exotic citrus trees They absolutely cannot tolerate drafts or cold. At t +5, the plant will die, but too high a mark on the thermometer of +25 will have a bad effect on both flowering and fruiting, and the tree will begin to grow. Optimal temperature from +15 to +18.
  3. 3. Weakened shoots must be pruned in time and the crown thinned out - this will reduce the load on the entire tree.
  4. 4. Drought is contraindicated for people from the tropics; the soil should always be abundantly watered. Watering schedule: spring/summer – 1 time at night, autumn/winter – 2 times a week. But you need to spray every day. Every week, mandatory loosening, in the spring - application of suitable fertilizers.

The orange does not grow quickly, but every 2-3 years the pot is changed to a larger one. In order not to damage the fragile root system during transplantation, the “transshipment” method is used. To do this, water the soil well, carefully remove the tree and place it together with the soil ball in a new pot. Then fresh soil is added until the new container is completely filled. It is important to remember to provide the plant with good drainage to prevent moisture stagnation.

Which oranges are suitable for planting?

Indoor oranges are divided into several varieties and varieties. There are about 600 varieties in total, but not all are suitable for growing at home.

Types of oranges

There are several types of oranges, the most commonly found on sale are the following:

  • sweet ones are either Chinese or Portuguese fruits;
  • sour – another name for orange, bitter taste, a hybrid version of tangerine and pomelo;
  • bergamot is a hybrid version of citron and orange, the taste is sour and bitter.

Sweet varieties are more often found on sale. But in terms of benefits for the body and the amount of vitamins, neither one is inferior to the other.

Orange varieties

In addition to types, citrus is divided by taste, size, color of pulp, fruit shape and variety.

There is also whole line hybrid oranges. Scientists suggest that grapefruit is one of these hybrids.

Citrofortunella – evergreen orange

One of the most amazing hybrids is the evergreen citrofortunella. Quite compact potted plant, with miniature fruits. It is grown exclusively in decorative purposes. Oblong-oval leaves, many small white fragrant flowers are eventually replaced by mini-oranges. The fruits taste bitter. With proper care, this orange blooms all year round. The tree can reach more than 1 m in height.

Seed preparation

Seeds for planting are taken from ripened fruits of good taste. The seeds have a regular shape, typical for this variety, and are full-bodied. You can try planting seeds from several fruits, but of the same variety.

You need to take seeds that have just been extracted from the fruit. Their peel is very dense, and after drying it is practically “impenetrable”; the germination rate of such seeds is as low as possible. After removing the orange seed, you need to:

  • extract from the pulp and its remains;
  • rinse under the tap;
  • soak for at least 8 hours (no more than 12) in water. It is advisable to dilute some fertilizer with vitamins that stimulate growth.

The seeds will sprout well without fertilizers; they can also be dipped in plain water.

Planting seeds

If everything is simple with the seeds - soaked and planted, then the ground must be prepared in advance. The easiest way is to buy ready-made soil for citrus fruits in the store. But you can do it yourself. It would be correct to take:

  1. 2. Sand without stones – 1 part.
  2. 3. Humus – 1 part.
  3. 4. Turf - 3 parts.

Mix the soil thoroughly. In the future, proceed step by step:

1. Be sure to put drainage (expanded clay) at the bottom of the container (pot) and fill it to the top with soil.

2. Plant the seeds about 2 cm deep into the ground, sprinkle them, and compact them slightly.

3. After this, you need to water it. It must be either filtered, settled, or simply boiled.

4. Cover the container with polyethylene to create a greenhouse effect.

5. If the seeds were sown in one large box, then the distance between them is set at 5 cm, to the sides of the box - 3 cm.

6. Place the pot with seeds in a warm place out of direct sunlight. This does not have to be a window sill, especially if the window is sometimes opened for ventilation - orange does not like drafts.

7. The soil should be warm and moist. To do this, it is not watered, but sprayed regularly.

After 30-45 days, the first shoots should appear. Now you will need good lighting. As soon as the first true leaves appear, make a pick. Leave the root collar at the same level and handle the delicate root system with extreme caution.

As soon as 5-6 leaves have appeared, it’s time to identify the sprouts in personal containers. They should be about 10 cm in volume. Only the soil is now taken in different proportions:

  1. 1. Turf – 2 parts.
  2. 1. Rotted foliage – 1 part.
  3. 3. Peat – 1 part.
  4. 4. Sand – 1 part.

When the tree reaches a size of about 20 cm, the next transplant is done. Now you need 3 parts of turf and you will have to add a little clay. With each new transplant, the size of the pot increases by 3 cm. Adult plants are replanted every 3 years. When the tree reaches the age of 10 years, replanting is stopped. Now you can only replace the top soil layer.

Both for planting and for transplanting (transferring) an orange at home, the most best time– this is the first month of spring, when the first leaves and buds have not yet appeared.

How to care for an orange tree?

Caring for an adult orange is not very difficult. This mainly involves pruning and periodic watering. The soil should not be dry, and if waterlogging occurs, the root system will rot. In order to grow strong, powerful, healthy tree, the following conditions must be created:

  1. 1. The temperature in winter should be between +12 and +15, reduce watering, and lengthen daylight hours.
  2. 2. The temperature in spring is increased to +18.
  3. 3. In summer, the pot with the tree is taken out into the fresh air, but direct rays of the sun should not fall on the plant, watering daily.
  4. 4. All year round, except in winter, fertilizing with fertilizer is needed. It must be comprehensive. You can buy it at the store, or you can cook it yourself. To do this, take nitrogen fertilizer - 20 g, phosphorus fertilizer - 25 g, potassium salts (potassium chloride will not work) - 15 g, this mixture is dissolved in 10 liters of water. Once every three months the mixture is supplemented iron sulfate, once a month with potassium permanganate.
  5. 5. The growth of a tree is affected by its position relative to sunlight. The pot is turned 10 degrees every 10 days.

The first feeding is done through6 months after planting the seedling.

Orange trees grow best if they are pruned every year. To begin with, the crown of a two-year-old seedling is cut off. Leave about 20 cm. As soon as shoots appear after pruning, they are also removed. This is how skeletal branches are formed. After fruiting, these branches are pruned.

Reproduction and grafting

You can grow new orange trees at home either by seeds or cuttings:

  1. 1. Cuttings. An excellent method for preserving all the characteristics of the selected variety. The cutting is taken from a tree covered with bark. It is cut with a knife to a length of 8-10 cm. The cutting must have 5 leaves under the bud, with another bud located at the top. The leaf from the lower bud is removed. The cuttings are placed in a greenhouse, the soil is prepared as sandy, and it is regularly moistened. After a month, the rooted cuttings are transplanted into their own pots.
  2. 2. Planting with seeds. On the one hand, plants grown in this way require less maintenance, they grow well and quickly, but on the other hand, they begin to bear fruit only after 10-15 years. While for cutting trees this period is halved. Plants from seeds do not inherit the parental characteristics, and what will come out of them is a lottery.


Vaccination will help speed up the fruiting period. For this purpose, the scion must be taken from an already formed, fruit-bearing tree. This is done during the period of sap flow as follows:

  1. 1. The knife must be extremely sharp.
  2. 2. The tree to be grafted onto must be at least 2-3 years old.
  3. 3. Cut off the top of the crown 10 cm from the ground.
  4. 4. Split the trunk.
  5. 5. Insert the cutting, making the lower cut obliquely.
  6. 6. There must be 3 buds on the scion.
  7. 7. Combine the split branches and wrap the grafting with film.
  8. 8. To retain moisture, the tree is covered with film and placed in a bright place.

In a month it will become clear whether the cutting was successfully grafted or not. If the plant is alive and not blackened, everything worked out.

Many citrus fruits are affected by infectious or non-infectious gommosis.

One of the most unexpected dangers is chlorine, which is found in irrigation water. This needs to be monitored especially carefully.

For root rot, it is necessary to reduce the acidity of the soil using a solution of regular tooth powder or Fitosporin.

Growing a full-fledged orange tree at home is troublesome only at first. As soon as the plant is 8-10 years old, it will begin to bring only joy to its owner. In general, indoor oranges safely live up to 70 years.