Well      04/24/2019

A characteristic description of the Canadian gray spruce, planting and care. Growing konika spruce in open ground

  • Type: coniferous
  • Flowering period: Aug. Sept
  • Height: 15-40m
  • Color: green with a dark red tint
  • perennial
  • Winters
  • Shade-loving
  • Drought resistant

On the eve of the New Year holidays, every family thinks about where to get and how to decorate the main character of the celebration - the Christmas tree. But if ten years ago many owners switched to artificial beauties, today everything real is coming back into fashion. Moreover, it is considered especially chic to have your own homemade Christmas tree which will please the eye all year round, not a couple of days. That's why in many shopping centers in December, green, prickly beauties appear in pots. They are bought both as gifts for friends and for home decoration. But there is one problem: the plant needs proper care, otherwise the needles may turn yellow and fall off in warm weather. Let's look at how to properly plant and care for konika spruce at home (this variety is the leader in New Year's sales!).

The main suppliers of coniferous potted plants are Denmark, Holland, Poland. These are countries where the flower business is on stream and they can grow even the most complex crops in a pot.

Coniferous plants are considered almost unsuitable for growing indoors, since they need a long period of hibernation and low temperatures during this time. And all the Christmas trees that are sold in pots are grown only for temporary use. Konica is no exception, but just a dwarf hybrid of ordinary gray spruce, formed as a result of mutation.

The Christmas tree will stay warm for two weeks, and then in 90% of cases the plant will die. But there is still a 10% chance of keeping the conic until spring, and then planting it outside, and in exceptional cases, taming it to the home climate. If you were given a prickly dwarf beauty for the New Year, get ready to fight for her life. Is not indoor plant, and its life cycle must be consistent with the temperatures and humidity in which spruce grows in natural conditions.

The miniature Glauca conica spruce attracts buyers with its compact cone-shaped crown, which was formed as a result of mutation, without human intervention

Features of caring for a potted plant

So, a konika tree has appeared in your apartment, and you need to do everything to ensure that it survives at home.

Choosing a place in the house

Start by finding the coldest place in the house. This could be a window sill on the north side, a place inside double window frames, a glazed loggia or veranda. The ideal temperature is 3-5 degrees. The higher the temperature, the less chance the tree has to survive, since conifers have a dormant time in winter. And it can only be achieved at low temperatures.

You can decorate the konika with beads and tinsel, but warm room contribute only for the duration of the holiday, for a couple of hours. In a short time, the spruce will not have time to enter a stressful state due to temperature changes.

If you want to decorate a purchased plant, do not use floral sprays, as the crown will not be able to breathe normally and will die

If the loggia freezes during severe frosts, wrap the pot woolen fabric(an old sweater, scarf, etc.) to prevent moisture from freezing on the roots. The crown is not afraid of sub-zero temperatures.

Provide humidity

High humidity is the second factor in the normal development of a plant. The needles are very sensitive to dry air, so you need to place a humidifier near the pot that will constantly blow on the crown. If it is not available, place bowls of water on both sides of the plant and spray the needles 5-6 times a day.

Watering, on the contrary, should not be abundant, since the root system is also dormant. It is enough to keep the lump of earth moist. To prevent drying out, cover the top of the soil with a sheet of paper or newspaper cut out in a circle. They will not trap air, but will not allow moisture to evaporate quickly. You need to water and spray with water that has stood for several hours and warmed up to room temperature.

The problem may be that under all the window sills of the house there will be heating radiators, which will produce too much heat from below and dry out the earthen lump. In this case, the pot is not placed on the windowsill itself, but raised to an elevation, like homemade stand, an inverted pan, etc. The main thing is to remove it higher from the heat source.

Adjusting the lighting

Conifers are very sensitive to direct sunlight. They cause needle burns. Therefore, the window sill should be chosen on the side where the sun is only in the afternoon (not the south side). Diffused light is ideal. In this case, you need to turn the conic once a week so that each side of the tree receives light. If you neglect this, the needles on the side of the room will begin to turn yellow, crumble, and the tree will become “one-sided.”

Uneven light falling on the crown of the tree leads to the fact that some of the needles turn yellow, and then crumble, and the tree loses its beautiful appearance

In the absence of shaded window sills, make a homemade cover, placing it between the plant and window frame a large sheet of white paper (higher than the height of the tree). This is especially important to do at the end of winter, when the February-March sun begins to get very hot, and the plant has not yet come out of hibernation and is therefore very sensitive to temperature changes.

Transfer rules

Usually potted plants They are transplanted into fresh soil immediately after purchase, because they are sold in a substrate called “transportation”. Land cannot be transported across borders (this is a requirement of an international convention), so trees intended for sale abroad sit in sterilized peat or coconut fiber. They do not provide ideal conditions for the development of culture in the home environment.

While the seedlings are growing in nurseries, watering and fertilizing are carried out by airborne droplets without affecting the soil. No one will provide such conditions at home. Therefore, they try to immediately transplant purchased plants into fertile soil.

The Christmas tree requires slightly acidified soil, which can be obtained in a coniferous forest and sterilized in microwave oven within 10 minutes

Glauka spruce is very picky about transplants. The damaged root system takes about 3 months to take root, so the tree can only be replanted in the spring. In winter, the seedling is still in a dormant state, and if it is provided with cold, then it will calmly survive in the transport substrate until March.

Another thing is a warm room. Peat dries instantly in warm conditions, which means your Christmas tree will have no chance of surviving in it. But if there is no cold room, the Christmas tree still needs to be transferred to a larger pot, filling the bottom and sides of the container with normal soil. There is no need to disturb the earthen ball with roots; leave this operation until spring.

If in winter you find a Christmas tree with many young shoots in the supermarket, refuse to buy it, as it is unlikely to survive in the house

The only case when replanting cannot be postponed is a heavily vegetating Christmas tree. Those. in the store during the sale she managed to release a lot of young needles and acquired quite decorative look(by the way, there are a lot of these trees in supermarkets!). If a plant begins to grow in winter, it means that it was not provided with resting conditions, it was woken up at the wrong time, and fresh shoots are a sign of “desperation.” Before dying, Konika tries to produce as many “offspring” as possible - young shoots that can be recognized by their bright light green color.

The root system will devote all its energy to the growing season, and there will be no nutrition in the substrate. The result is the death of the plant. Often such Christmas trees have rotten roots, since at the base of the neck the substrate clumps into a lump during transportation, and the moisture does not evaporate from there. There is no oxygen supply, which means that all conditions for rotting are created. Therefore, such konica Christmas trees are transplanted into ready-made soil for coniferous plants immediately after purchase. In this case, they do not use the transshipment method, but completely shake off the substrate from the roots of the tree and plant it in fresh soil.

Be prepared that after replanting the tree will shed some of its needles, will stand dull for a long time, and the young tips of the branches will dry out. This is a normal reaction of a tree exhausted by the move and improper storage conditions, and you can only hope that it will withstand the stress. You can only help it by maintaining a temperature of about 10 degrees and normal humidity.

Too wet soil causes rotting of the root system and inevitable death of the seedling, and it is no longer possible to restore the gray crown

How and when to “feed” the plant?

During the hibernation period and immediately after transplantation, conifers are not fed. At this time, the roots do not need much nutrition, otherwise the growing season will begin too early on a fragile tree. In the spring, the needles begin to be treated with epin or other biological preparations, especially those branches that have dropped their needles. The growth stimulator will awaken dormant buds and help the plant restore its former decorative appearance.

For irrigation, special fertilizers for conifers are used. They will support required level soil acidity. “Feed” the plant once every 2 weeks from April to mid-summer. Next, they stop feeding so that the Christmas tree has time to go into hibernation mode before winter.

How to choose the right tree for your home?

If you like the European tradition of decorating on New Year container trees, and you are ready for the difficulties of care at home, then choose konica spruce in the store based on the following criteria:

  • Don't buy holiday decorations decorated with glitter and fake snow. These decorations are applied with aerosols and clog the pores of the needles. The tree will die anyway.
  • Gently move the barrel. If it wobbles in the pot, it means that the tree was recently transplanted here from another place. In this case, the roots are necessarily damaged, and the plant has little chance of survival.
  • If the volume of the pot is too small in relation to the crown, do not take this tree. To develop a good crown, the tree must have strong roots. And most likely, when transplanting into a container, part of the root system was cut off with pruning shears, and the life of the crown was maintained with stimulants.
  • Carefully pick up the soil from the side. If the tree grew in this land from the very beginning, then the roots will intertwine the entire space, forming a dense lump. This is a good seedling.
  • Cuttings of roots that are not woven together indicate that the konika was grown specifically for the holiday, and it will not survive in the future.
  • Many young shoots at the ends of the tree in winter are a signal that the tree was untimely awakened. Soon it will start to hurt.
  • A healthy Christmas tree has dense, evenly colored needles, a bare bottom trunk and roots emerging from the drainage holes of the pot.

In general, the ideal potted crop for a New Year's interior is considered not conica, but araucaria. This is the only conifer intended for growing at home, so it will easily survive both winter transplantation and warm mode premises.

If you see a lot of roots in a pot, bunched into a tight ball, it means that the Christmas tree has been sitting in this soil for more than one year.

The soft needles of araucaria look no less interesting in the New Year's tinsel, but you will be sure that the seedling will survive after the holidays

If you choose a seedling unsuccessfully and it begins to die, pick all healthy branches 7-10 cm long from the tree and place it in a glass of water diluted with a root growth stimulator. Perhaps by spring some of them will take root, and you will have your own planting material.

Features of planting in open ground

Since Glauca conica is not intended for growing at home, it can be preserved by planting it in open ground. Plant the tree near the porch and decorate it every year in winter instead of tormenting it in the indoor heat. True, glauka does not grow quickly, it adds 10-12 cm per year, so a meter-long specimen will only be obtained after 10 years.

Container Christmas trees, as we wrote above, are best planted in the spring. But if you use the transshipment method, then you can do it until October (2 months before the onset of stable frosts).

Location requirements

Konica loves moist, well-drained acidic soils. Perfect option- loams. Stagnation of moisture for its roots is certain death. If the site is located in a low-lying place, when planting, a layer is poured onto the bottom of the hole. broken bricks, expanded clay or coarse sand. This will relieve the root system from stagnant water.

The landing site should not be sunny. It is advisable to find a shaded area so that the needles do not fry in the direct rays of the sun in the summer. It can be planted near fences, against the wall of a house, in an ensemble with taller conifers.

In the first years, konica seedlings grow upward, so they are not particularly decorative, but it is at this time that they should be planted in open ground

Landing instructions

The order of work is as follows:

  1. When planting, the tree is carefully removed from the container, trying not to destroy the earthen lump, and immersed in water for 1-2 hours.
  2. If planting in spring/summer, the roots are freed from the substrate, the roots are straightened in different directions and planted on fertile soil heaped. You can buy 10 kg ready-made or bring soil from a coniferous forest.
  3. When planting in summer, choose a rainy week so that the seedling has time to get out of a stressful state before the heat begins. For the whole summer, the Christmas tree must be shaded by creating a nonwoven fabric a kind of canopy.
  4. At autumn planting the root system is not disturbed, but only the tips of the tangled roots are carefully straightened, leaving the clump intact. This way the plant is less injured and has time to get stronger before winter.

And of course, after planting, the ground is covered with peat to maintain moisture, and in the fall - to insulate the roots.

Glauca conica can be planted as a tapeworm or be the center of a small flower bed, but it grows very slowly and becomes spectacular after 10-15 years

What is Glauca conica afraid of?

The most dangerous time for a Christmas tree is the end of winter. At this time, the sun and reflective snow strongly burn the young needles, causing them to turn red and then crumble. Burn sites recover poorly. Therefore, it is important to cover the seedlings with burlap or non-woven material from the beginning of February, sewing them into a cone-shaped bag or tying them tightly to the crown with a rope. Of course, the decorative appearance of the area will suffer, but the plants will retain healthy needles.

And these conifers also love high humidity, and if the summer is hot and dry, the crown may crumble from dehydration. Therefore, in the summer you need to install a water hose with a sprinkler near the bunk and turn it on 5-6 times a day.

Growing conifers in an apartment is a troublesome task. A miniature artificial Christmas tree will decorate New Year's table no worse than the real thing and will withstand any decor. Consider whether it is worth tormenting the tree in the heat of rooms if there is little chance of survival. Give the Christmas tree to friends or family who have their own plot. It will be a joy for them, it will benefit the Christmas tree, and you won’t have to watch the slow death of the coniferous beauty.

Now it has become popular to give the most unusual gifts for the New Year. A seedling of the Canadian Conica spruce (Picea glauca Conica) - isn’t this a win-win option for those who don’t have land plot, but really want to have such a houseplant? Perhaps, but you should immediately familiarize yourself with the basic rules for caring for spruce at home, because growing it at home is not so easy.

Canadian spruce Konica (Picea glauca Conica): description

Spruce Canadian Konica(Picea glauca conica) is a dwarf coniferous plant with a regular conical (cone-shaped) crown shape.

Worth knowing! When you buy a very short young seedling, it does not have a conical shape and its needles are quite sparse. Nose every year Konika will become denser and will eventually acquire the necessary cone shape!

Main characteristics Canadian spruce Konica:

  • Needles- soft, light green in color.
  • Annual height gain- 4-10 cm, width 3-5 cm.

Note! If you decide to grow Konica at home, then you should know that it will produce a maximum of 4-5 cm of annual growth.

  • Maximum height- 3-4 meters with a crown diameter (width) of 2 meters.

According to experimental data, at 35 years old some specimens reach a height of 3.6 meters, and at 60 years old - 4 meters.

Requirements for growing Canadian Konica spruce:

  • Light- according to some data, it is light-loving, but easily tolerates partial shade. It grows well in sunny places, but is very prone to sunburn (it will burn on the sunny side without shelter or shading).

As a rule, in diffused light or partial shade, Konika grows (behaves, or rather, feels) much better than in bright light

  • Moisture- sensitive to drought.
  • The soil- does not tolerate compaction and waterlogging of the soil (moisture stagnation).
  • Care and protection- protection from strong winds and winter and early spring sun rays is required (in other words, it should be covered).
  • Frost resistance- very frost-resistant (USDA zone 3 - up to -37.2..-39.9 degrees).

Is it possible to grow Glauka Konica spruce at home?

Important! Despite the fact that the Canadian spruce Konika appears on sale in November-December (before the New Year) - this is not a homemade tree, which can grow safely at home. This exclusively outdoor, not indoor plant.

It is worth understanding that the business of growing plants is quite cruel, in fact, like the people who generate such demand. After all, many people buy such live trees solely for the sake of 2-week fun (for New Year and Christmas), and then simply throw them away. Thus, potted Konicas sold in supermarkets are temporary decorative Christmas trees, which are subject of New Year's commerce and commonly used as disposable plants.

For growing in the garden, it is better to purchase container seedlings from special nurseries in the spring.(and not on New Year’s, when they cannot be planted in open ground).

However, many enthusiasts manage to grow the Canadian Konica spruce at home with relative success (at least for the purpose of preserving it until spring planting in open ground). Moreover, if you have no choice, and you have nowhere to drop it off, and it’s a shame to throw it away.

Interesting! In the video below, the author talks about the experience of caring for and growing Konika, bought in winter for the New Year, in room conditions during a year. What’s interesting is that the author does not moisten frequently, and, in her opinion, the spruce feels fine.

Author’s comment on caring for Konika: “I water it in the morning once every 4 days, watering moderately. I spray once a day, in the morning. In winter it grows in an apartment, near balcony door, at temperatures from +17°C to +22°C. In the summer I take it out onto the balcony. I put it in a corner. In the morning there is sun for 3 hours, and then partial shade, and so on until winter. I use the fertilizer once a month, marked for coniferous trees.”

Video: experience of growing Canadian spruce Konica at home

By the way! Konica is not very suitable for growing at home for one more reason - it potentially quite large. For this purpose, it is more suitable, for example, Canadian spruce Daisy White(at the age of 10 years it reaches only 80 cm in height). But again, my place is in the garden, not in the apartment!

How to decorate the Canadian spruce Konica for the New Year

Ideas for New Year's decoration Canadian spruce Konica:

Important! Of course, if on the afternoon of December 31 and the morning of January 1, Konika is in not very suitable conditions, then nothing bad will happen. But after the holiday, it is better to immediately put it on the balcony or in another specially designated place (with the necessary microclimate).

How to keep Glauka Konica spruce at home

If you nevertheless bought a Glauka Konica spruce or it was given to you for the New Year, then you can and even should try to preserve it in the winter at home. To do this, you will need to create certain conditions (microclimate) as close as possible to street conditions.

And in the spring it is very advisable to plant Konica in open ground (on own dacha or somewhere in the courtyard of an apartment building).

Transplanting into a new pot

If you are definitely going to transfer Konika to open ground in the spring, then you don’t have to transplant it into another pot, but you will have to create the most suitable conditions.

After the purchase (or gift), it is advisable to soon (preferably even immediately) transplant the spruce into a larger pot. In a large pot, the earthen lump will dry out noticeably more slowly, and the evaporation of moisture on the needles will occur throughout the entire volume.

Worth considering that Konika does not like transfers. Therefore, if you are going to grow it at home, then immediately choose a pot that will be the permanent residence of the conifer for several years!

Especially You cannot plant a spruce in open ground in the spring and take it home for the winter, replanting it in a pot.

Naturally, we should not forget that soil for conifers needs a certain composition and structure, namely it must be sour. Therefore it will suit you ready-made substrate for violets or gloxinias, as well as special soil for azaleas, rhododendrons or conifers (it is always acidic). However, you can dig up one like this sour earth and in coniferous forest.

Important! Don't forget to do drainage holes in the pot, or even better, add a small one (2-3 cm) drainage layer, for example, from expanded clay. Naturally, the pot will need a tray into which excess moisture will be poured.

It is necessary to replant along with a lump of earth, optimal by transshipment method. Before transplanting, water and let it sit for at least half an hour (in principle, you can water in the evening and replant the next day). Then pull out the spruce along with the lump and quickly move it to another larger pot. After this, cover with soil. Under no circumstances should you shake off the soil from the roots. If you damage the root system, the plant will hardly be able to take root, especially at home.

Attention! Be prepared for the fact that after transplantation, Konika will shed some of its needles. It will remain dull and pale for quite a long time, and the young tips of fresh branches will dry out.

By the way! If you notice that Konica is in the active growing season, in other words, it has a lot of young shoots (or previously swollen buds) that have a bright light green color, then such a plant should be taken under special control (replanted and/or ensured maximum suitable conditions). It should not produce “offspring” in winter. Obviously, the plant is not in a dormant period, which means its life rhythm (cycle) has been disrupted, and thus it tries to survive, giving life to new shoots, which begin to pull everything they can from the old needles, which are beginning to turn yellow.

Place in the apartment and temperature conditions

It is worth understanding that in winter all coniferous crops have a dormant time, and this can only be ensured by low temperatures. Therefore, the place where the spruce will stand must be cool. It is necessary that there be at least +15 degrees (or better yet, up to +12 degrees, the ideal range is +5..+12 degrees). If the temperature rises higher, this will negatively affect the coniferous plant: it will begin to crumble and gradually die.

Important! If you place a spruce in a room where the temperature is about +25..+28 degrees, then no matter how much you moisten it, the plant will instantly begin to wither and dry out within 1-2 weeks.

In this case, the place should be bright, but not open (optimally diffused light). Direct Sun rays- this is the last thing that a conifer needs (hence, no southern window sills), because home conditions for a plant are already a strong stress and a test of survivability.

And do not forget to periodically turn (rotate) the spruce with different sides to the light, otherwise the needles, which will not reach the light, may turn yellow, dry out and crumble (similarly, if the side is closer to the battery).

Note! It is advisable to find a place on insulated and glassed balcony, loggias, veranda or special room for indoor flowers where there is no heating (in as a last resortthe coolest window sill in the apartment or the space between the windows). However there there should not be sub-zero temperatures, otherwise the soil in the flower pot will instantly freeze and the plant will die (alternatively, you can insulate the pot from freezing). This in winter. And at other times of the year (spring, summer and autumn), when the temperature outside the window is above zero, Konik needs to be kept at outdoors: on the same balcony or loggia, not forgetting to shade it from the bright sun, for example, by wrapping it in white gauze or other white cotton fabric.

Note! When low, but not sub-zero temperature(+2..+5 degrees), the requirements for photosynthesis are minimal, so theoretically it is possible to preserve the spruce until spring even in a dark room. At the same time, it is important to accustom the plant to the cold gradually. Naturally, in this case, additional spraying and watering are not needed. Yes, the needles will turn a little pale, but when you return them to the light, they will gradually restore their bright green color. But it’s still better that the temperature is a little higher and a little light falls on the plant.

Required humidity

You need to water the spruce often, in other words, constantly maintain the earthen ball of the coniferous plant in a moderately wet state, it should never dry out(but do not over-moisten so that the moisture stagnates).

However, the air humidity in an apartment with central heating is very low (the air is dry), so, in addition to watering, you will have to regularly spray the ephedra with water(2-3 times a day). Air humidity should be at least 50%, and better - 60-75%.

Advice! Ideal for watering and spraying spruce soft water, for example from the filter. Also, of course, suitable rain and melt water.

Optimal place a container of water near the pot of spruce so that the water evaporates and settles on the needles. Or put wet towels on the radiator.

Idea to maintain high humidity at home when there is severe frost outside and hot radiators are drying the air at home central heating! It's quite simple - you need to do it for your spruce home greenhouse. While the tree is small, it can be covered with cut 5-6 liter plastic bottle. When it grows, build a real mini-greenhouse - make a frame and attach the film to it. And then spray water inside the greenhouse 2-3 times a day. Such a greenhouse should stand in the coldest place in the apartment!

And don't forget that all conifers love fresh air, so the room where your Konika will be located needs ventilate periodically.

Another idea! Next to the spruce you can put humidifier, which, in fact, will constantly humidify the air near the crown.


Konika spruce necessarily requires regular fertilizing (especially in spring and early summer) with special fertilizers for coniferous plants. As a rule, they are sold in liquid form (but they are also available in dry form); you only need to dilute them according to the instructions and pour them under the root.

It is not at all necessary to use special expensive fertilizers for conifers; the most standard ones are quite suitable. So, in spring, nitrogen-containing ones are required, i.e. you can use urea (carbamide) or ammonium nitrate, or better yet, an infusion of mullein or horse manure (now even in finished form sell). In the fall you can use potash, for example, potassium sulfate (potassium sulfate).

Important! You should not feed spruce (like any other conifers) in winter (during the dormant period) and immediately after transplantation (after all, the substrate is already quite nutritious). It is necessary to feed only when the plant is sufficiently provided with light, i.e. in late spring-summer-early autumn.

Video: growing spruce at home

Treatment against pests and diseases

It is very important immediately after the purchase (gift) or a little later, but definitely in winter, that is, before spring, treat Konica against pests.

On spruce in the winter months, often in a dormant state, sits green aphid, which can eat all the needles in a month. On those shoots where aphids have visited, the needles turn yellow and fall off. A weak solution of Aktara (under the roots and on the needles) or other similar insecticides can help in the fight against aphids. A day after treatment, you need to shake the tree so that all dried harmful insects fall out. Green aphids are a very insidious pest because they are tiny in size and blend in with the pine needles. You can detect it only if you look closely (for example, with a magnifying glass) - the aphids have reddish-brown eyes.

If you notice on the needles white coating , so you know, this is hermes. To combat this pest, the following drugs (insecticides) should be used: Aktara, Fitoverm, Confidor, Iskra, Fufanon and similar.

Sometimes it may appear on the lower shoots white mycelium, which indicates the presence of such fungal disease, How snowy shutte. To combat it, treatment with copper-containing preparations (fungicides), for example, Oxyx, Hom or (1%) will be required. After treatment, it is advisable to cover the plant plastic bag and hold it like that for a while.

Video: Canadian Spruce or Glauka Konika Spruce - care and watering at home

Why does spruce turn yellow, crumble, or go bald?

As you already understand, low temperature (+5..+15 degrees), high humidity (60-65%), sufficient light and nutrition - these are 4 main components of your success for temporary maintenance of spruce at home.

However! We repeat once again, the Canadian spruce Konica is not an indoor plant, but an outdoor one. However, if you purchased it in a store during a New Year's sale, then this is a typical plant for temporary decoration.

It’s another matter if you bought a seedling in a special nursery. But even there they won’t sell it to you for the New Year, because plants for planting in the ground are purchased not in winter, but, as a rule, in spring!

It is worth understanding that growth continues in indoor conditions, which requires good lighting and nutrition. Otherwise, the crown inside becomes bald and crumbles.

The spruce also begins to turn yellow and crumble due to:

  • heat and temperature changes;
  • dry air (low humidity);
  • strong drying of the soil, and then abundant watering.

To save the conifer, you can try spraying it with Epin several times (3-4 times with an interval of 3-4 days). However, it rarely helps, so You shouldn’t really count on the restoration of a neglected plant.

Transplanting Canadian spruce into open ground

Important! How to replant the Canadian spruce Konica will be described in detail in one of the following articles.

However, it is worth considering that plants that have lived at home for a long time do not take root well in open ground and often simply do not survive the winter following planting (even with shelter).

In the meantime, you can watch an excellent video about the rules for planting Canadian spruce from a pot into open ground.

Video: how to plant Canadian spruce correctly

If you do not plan to plant Konica in open ground in the spring, then with the onset of warm weather it is still advisable to take the pot of spruce out into the fresh air: to a balcony (loggia), terrace or garden, but doing this gradually (increasing the time of stay).

As you understand, you will have to go to a lot of trouble to preserve the Canadian Konica spruce until spring if you are going to plant it in your garden. If in the future you plan to continue growing it at home, then let’s hope that you understand the responsibility you are taking on.

Note! More suitable coniferous crops for home grown and interior decoration for the New Year is considered araucaria, cryptomeria, cunninghamia and cypress.

In contact with

One of the varieties of gray spruce (picea glauca), or Canadian, is conika spruce. It was discovered quite by accident at the beginning of the 20th century on Lake Liggan in Canada. A little later, it was brought to Europe and has since been considered the oldest representative of this species. Konica spruce is used in landscape design, but it can also be grown at home. It fits perfectly into the room interior.

Brief description of the plant

Canadian spruce conica belongs to the ornamental coniferous trees. Its decorative properties include its miniature height, no more than one meter, and the correct shape of the crown. At favorable conditions it can grow up to three meters in height. The crown of the plant can grow up to two meters in diameter . This species includes several hybrid varieties:

  • Laurin;
  • Alberta Globe;
  • Dwarf;
  • Elegance compact.

Glauca conica grows very slowly. If a young tree adds 8-10 cm annually, then mature plant- from 2 to 3 cm per year, but in one place a spruce can survive for about 500 years. One of the advantages of the plant is its cone-shaped crown, which requires virtually no maintenance.

Nature itself creates such a beautiful shape of the crown of an evergreen tree, which is formed by dense needles.

The needles are formed by small and soft needles of bluish-green color. They do not prick at all, so they are safe for children and animals. Sometimes oblong cones appear on the tree, reaching up to 6 cm in length. The root system of the spruce glauka konica, like most coniferous species, superficial. Therefore, you need to be very careful when loosening the soil near the tree.

Tree propagation methods

The plant is propagated in two ways: seeds, cuttings. These are quite long-term methods of growing glauconic spruce. Planting and care are best done using ready-made seedlings, which can be purchased at a nursery.

Growing from seeds

This method can be used only for the sake of experimentation, if there is time to engage in this process. When grown from seeds, in most cases there is a loss of maternal decorative characteristics. Statistics show that only two seeds from a cone can retain the qualities of the mother tree.

It is best to collect seeds in late autumn or winter. Soil for planting can be purchased at a specialized store, as it has all the necessary components for growing seedlings. You should first prepare the pots for planting and place a drainage layer of expanded clay or small stones on the bottom. The soil is poured into containers and watered abundantly.

Seeds are planted to a depth of no more than one centimeter. Then the plantings are created in conditions close to natural, that is, they are placed in a cool place. When the sprouts appear, you can continue to grow the konika Christmas tree in a pot at home. So, caring for it and the procedures used are slightly different from caring for it in the open ground.

Application of cuttings

This method is used most often and in most cases gives positive results. Cuttings completely transfer the properties of the mother tree to young seedlings. You can grow the plant at home, but experienced gardeners recommend doing it better in a natural environment . Cuttings begin in early summer so that the seedlings have time to take root.

To do this, cut blanks from the lower branches of the tree 10-12 cm long. Place them for two hours in a solution of a growth stimulator, Kornevin is best suited. Next, prepared soil for seedlings is poured into containers and the cuttings are planted, deepening them to 2.5 cm. After four years, the seedlings are planted in open ground, or you can leave the tree to grow at home.

Planting spruce in open ground

Before planting, choose a place for the spruce so that it fits into the landscape as much as possible. landscape design garden plot. The place should be bright, but without direct sunlight, and partial shade during the day is also allowed. In the shade, the tree may lose its decorative qualities. There should be no surface occurrence groundwater, since spruce does not tolerate high humidity.

Trees can be planted along the facade of the building, pedestrian paths, as well as for creating decorative compositions with other plants. Having chosen a place, they begin to prepare the soil cover. Organic fertilizers must be added to the planting sites. To do this, you can use rotted compost and humus. Planting of seedlings in spring and autumn is carried out with bare roots, and in summer - with a lump of earth on the root system. The roots of the plant do not tolerate hot and dry air.

Next, dig holes for each seedling, focusing on the size of the root system. Be sure to lay a drainage layer of broken brick or crushed stone at the bottom of the holes. Pour out some of the prepared soil, carefully lower the seedling and fill the hole with the remaining soil. Then a bucket of warm water is poured under each planting and mulch is sprinkled around the young trees.

Planting care

Although it is believed that conika spruce unpretentious plant, but a minimum of maintenance work should be performed . To achieve this, the following activities are carried out:

  • watering;
  • feeding;
  • pruning;
  • preparation for winter.

Young plantings need to be watered twice a week, and you can use a hose with a sprayer to irrigate the crown of the plant. After watering and rain, it is recommended to loosen the soil around the trees., but this must be done very carefully so as not to damage the root system. As for feeding, for the first time the organic matter added during planting is quite enough for the normal development of the young tree.

The next application of fertilizer can be done in mid-summer. To do this, use a solution organic fertilizers. Plants are pruned only for the purpose of sanitization, since the decorative effect of the crown is formed naturally. Diseased and dried parts of the tree are removed. At first, young seedlings need to be covered for the winter. For this you can use sheet cardboard and burlap.

Courtship at home

There is an opinion that the conika tree does not take root well in an apartment. Home care involves creating conditions close to the natural environment. She should find a place in the apartment where the temperature range will be from -5 to +5° C. Lower or higher values ​​will lead to the death of the plant.

Such conditions can only be created until spring, and then the spruce will have to be planted in open ground. It is also necessary to monitor the humidity in the room. It should not be lower than 70%. To fulfill this condition, you will need to purchase an air humidifier and place it next to the plant.

In addition, you need to monitor the condition of the soil cover in the container and prevent it from drying out. The crown of the spruce tree is very sensitive to sunlight, so it should create partial shade by covering the window with a piece of cardboard. In this case, it is recommended to turn the plant towards the light in different parts crown so that it is illuminated evenly.

Diseases and pests of conika

If not properly cared for and unfavorable conditions are created, conika spruce can be susceptible to a number of diseases. The most dangerous is tracheomycosis, since there are no treatments for it. The main sign of this disease is the appearance of a red coating on the needles and their falling off. In this case, the tree is removed from the site and burned. If orange growths appear on the branches, and the needles turn yellow and fall off, these are symptoms of rust. For treatment, the plant is treated with Vectra.

Very often, spruce is susceptible to damage by a characteristic disease of coniferous trees - schutte. Its signs are blackening and white coating on the needles. In this case, the plant is treated with copper sulfate. Among the pests, it is worth noting the bark beetle and the spruce false scale insect. There are no ways to get rid of the beetle, and the plant has to be dug up and burned. The drug BI-58 is used against false scale insects.

So, we can conclude that it is best to grow konica spruce on garden plot, using it as a design for the site. And the best way propagation of coniferous trees is the cutting method.

Konika spruce is a low-growing pyramidal form of Canadian gray spruce. It has been growing on our site for more than ten years. This time was enough for the tiny Christmas tree to turn into a beautiful coniferous tree, and for me to gain experience in caring for it.

Spruce Konika at home

The life story of my Konika began on the New Year holidays, when I received a tiny coniferous tree as a gift. He was not even visible under the shell of shiny tinsel. To make it even more beautiful, the pine needles were strewn with artificial snow. At first I kept a pot of Konica at home. Of course, all the jewelry was removed from it, and the needles were carefully washed to remove the “snow.” It was hard for the Christmas tree: the roots suffered in a cramped flower pot with a coconut fiber substrate. Some of the needles fell off in the dry, warm air. I had to transfer it to a larger pot with normal soil and move Konika to a glassed-in loggia. There the Christmas tree lived in a flower pot almost until May. During this time she did not grow up, but she became prettier and stronger.

Spruce Konika on the site

As soon as it got warmer, I transplanted Konika to an area closer to the entrance to the house. She was so small and defenseless that at first she needed our constant attention. We studied scientific and popular science literature with interest, trying to understand the characteristics of this unusual spruce. Turns out, bonsai with a silhouette similar to a sail - long-lived, maintaining such best qualities ate Canadian blue, as frost resistance and resistance to strong winds. Konica can be planted in sunny or shaded areas. In May and early summer, Konika is especially good. It is at this time that young shoots grow, and the emerald needles seem very soft and fluffy.

Caring for Konica

Caring for this spruce is easy. However, a number of its features need to be taken into account. The slow-growing dwarf prefers loam, to which peat, sand and well-decomposed humus are added. It reacts poorly to calcareous soils. Loves moisture, but does not tolerate prolonged waterlogging. She loves the water shower, which is obtained using a spray nozzle on the hose.

Prefers partial shade, although it also grows in sunny places. It is better to feed with special fertilizers for conifers. You can “salt” the soil with Kemira along the periphery of the crown.

Inherited high winter hardiness allows spruce to winter without additional shelter. But winter is the most dangerous period for Konika. During this season and at the beginning of spring, many spruce trees receive terrible burns.

Konica shelter for the winter

Most Konica owners cover their Christmas trees for the winter in order to protect the crown from sunburn. At the end of February - beginning of March, solar activity increases. The sun's rays reflect off the white snow, becoming even brighter. If the spruce trees do not have shading, then burns appear on the needles. Especially on the open part of the crown facing the sun. Trees can be protected with burlap, thick lutrasil, cardboard shields, craft paper or fabric. The lower part, which is under the snow, is not covered to avoid damping out. They also provide shade with spruce branches. When harvesting spruce branches, you should not take branches with small green formations, so as not to introduce Hermes, the scourge of conifers.

Our Konika overwintered well for many years under several layers of old lutrasil. Until the store persuaded me to buy a roll of special covering imported non-woven material (green). Its packaging showed some bushes, roses and Koniks wrapped in this fabric. She almost destroyed the Christmas tree: the needles under it were very dry and crumbled. By the way, the roses were also badly damaged. After that unfortunate winter, I began to cover Konica with snow. Only at the end of February do I throw some fabric over it.

Help for Konika with sunburn

I once read on one of the forums (I don’t remember which one) a phrase that somewhat roughly, but very accurately describes spruce trees with burnt needles: “Konik has a classic look for this year: they are all like punks, with red-dyed crests.” Even such a badly burnt Christmas tree is worth trying to revive. To do this, at the end of April or in May, carefully shake off the crumbling needles or wash them off with a strong stream from a hose. The crown of the tree should be moistened as often as possible with water from a watering can or hose. Very little time will pass, and young shoots will appear on bare branches from living buds. The affected areas will gradually heal. I am convinced: “You shouldn’t rush to cut out branches with browned needles and even those that are left completely without needles. All is not lost yet. It’s better to take a watering can with water instead of pruning shears.”

Konika spruce and other dwarf spruces

In Canada, a very beautiful gray spruce (Picea glauca) grows with a slender conical crown. The height of the gray spruce is about 35 meters. This spruce is also planted in middle lane Russia. Far from its homeland, gray spruce feels good, but grows more slowly.

In 1904, a historical event occurred in Canada - North American dendrologists discovered and described a low-growing mutant of Canadian spruce. The height of the pyramidal crown of this mature tree was no higher than four meters. Thus, an accidental discovery on the shore of a Canadian lake gave the world one of the most decorative spruce trees with a dense conical crown. Conica (Picea glauca Conica) began to be cultivated in all countries. Numerous Koniks are descendants of that same natural dwarf spruce. They do not have as prickly needles as other spruce trees.

Most amateurs consider all low-growing pyramidal-shaped spruces to be Koniki. They can have different colored needles (green, blue, gray and golden). These spruce trees are often sold under the general name “Konika”, although they are not that, but various forms ate gray. Here brief information about some dwarf spruce trees that are sold in garden centers near Moscow.

"Elegance Compacta". Conical crown, stronger growth than Konica. Young shoots and buds are yellow-brown, the needles are light green, 8 – 10 mm long.

"Dwarf". Strict conical shape. The needles are gray-green, 8 – 10 mm long.

"Gracilis Compacta". Dwarf with a conical crown. Very thick and hard gray-green needles 7 - 10 mm long.

"Laurin". Dwarf form with weak growth. The crown is very dense. The needles are dark green.

"Rainbow's End". In summer, from mid-June to September, the needles have bright yellow tips.

"Zuckerhut". Tree height up to 1.5 m. Dense conical crown with a noticeably pointed apex. Soft bright green needles. It grows very slowly.

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Konika spruce is a miniature coniferous tree, which is a dwarf variety of Canadian spruce.

Thanks to its compact size and decorative effect, this mini-Christmas tree is successfully used in landscape design for coniferous landscaping in small areas, the area of ​​which does not allow for placement of large trees.

Externally, the tree looks extremely attractive - the lush crown has the shape of a cone, the length of the soft bluish-green needles ranges from 6 to 10 mm.

Growing in diameter up to 75–80 cm, Konika grows very slowly in height, adding about 6–8 cm per year.

As a rule, active growth is observed in the first 10 years of a tree’s life; over time, growth slows down, and the height of an adult plant rarely exceeds 180–250 cm.

The root system of the Christmas tree is located in top layer soil, which greatly facilitates its replanting. In addition, the baby is undemanding in care and is highly frost-resistant. To ensure a comfortable stay of the tree in the garden plot, suitable conditions should be created for it.


Fertile loamy soils that retain moisture well are suitable for planting Konica, and soil acidity in this case does not matter, but the tree reacts extremely painfully to excessive alkalization.

As a “place of residence” for a miniature beauty, you should choose a shady place protected from the wind, while avoiding hills and swampy lowlands. It is not recommended to plant Konica in places with groundwater close to the surface.

Dwarf spruce looks great both when planted alone and in a group. Thuja, juniper and other conifers are suitable as neighboring species for Konica.

In combination with them, miniature Christmas trees are used to create “dense” coniferous corners on the site. Geometric group plantings of mini-trees in the design of a trimmed lawn look very impressive.

A single baby Christmas tree will decorate the lawn in front of the house, and during the winter holidays it will perfectly cope with the role of a Christmas tree.


Christmas trees that have reached the age of 3–4 years must be transplanted into the ground; all this time they are kept in pots to form the root system. However, Konika should not be grown as a home potted plant; with age, it does not tolerate indoor conditions.

The timing of planting is determined depending on the form in which the seedling was purchased - a closed root system allows planting from early spring to late autumn, including the summer months, and a plant with open roots can be planted in the ground only in autumn and spring.

Before planting, the soil must be well moistened.

In order for the baby to recover faster after transplantation, you can add half a bucket of rotted organic matter to the soil or feed the seedling complex fertilizer for coniferous crops. For several days, the newly planted tree should be protected from direct sunlight.


Due to Konica’s unpretentiousness, serious care is not required; for her good health, it is enough to take the following measures:

  • Watering– the soil under small Christmas trees should always be well moistened; drying out is extremely undesirable, since Konika does not tolerate a lack of moisture. During dry periods, it is recommended to water the tree through the crown; such a shower is especially recommended for young Christmas trees. 2–3 days after the procedure, the soil trunk circle should be loosened, preventing the formation of a dried crust on the surface of the soil, blocking the access of air to the roots.
  • Top dressing– in the first days of spring, it is recommended to feed the plant with a complex fertilizer suitable for conifers (“Epin”, “Zircon”) or sprinkle the tree trunk circle with rotted peat compost. It should be remembered that the roots of the mini-Christmas tree are located in the top layer of soil, so under no circumstances should you compact the soil around the tree trunk.
  • Shelter for the winter– despite the excellent winter hardiness of Konika, the most dangerous period for it is the end of winter and early spring. It is at this time that the first hot rays of the sun, reflected from the snowy surface, strongly burn the soft needles of the spruce trees. To avoid unpleasant consequences exposure to the sun, it is customary to cover Konica for the winter, using burlap, lutrasil, wooden and cardboard shields for this purpose. It should be ensured that the covering material does not cover the spruce too tightly, since natural air circulation must be maintained inside the structure. The surface of the tree trunk circle of Koniks is mulched with peat for the winter (layer thickness - about 5 cm). In spring, mulch is incorporated into the soil, providing the tree with additional nutrition.

Important! The plant maintains its beautiful pyramidal shape on its own, so no additional work There is no need to trim or shape it.

  • If Konica is infected with tracheomycosis, it will not be possible to cure it; at this moment, all actions should be aimed at saving neighboring plants from infection. The diseased tree is dug up by the roots and burned.
  • Schutte's disease is a fungal infection that affects pine needles. Treatment is carried out using copper-containing drugs.
  • Rust - in this case, pathogenic mycelium, similar to orange growths, settles on spruce branches. To save the conifer, fungicidal sprays are used.

The measures discussed above are quite sufficient for the full development of a dwarf Christmas tree, however, their absence or untimely implementation can affect the health and appearance of Konika in the most negative way.

Source: http://OnWomen.ru/el-konika.html

Konika spruce: description, planting, care, place in the garden and photo

Thanks to the right kind crown and neutral green color, conifers tend to fit harmoniously into any landscape.

For example, konika spruce looks great both in simple traditional front gardens and in the fanciful new-fangled styles of a modern garden. You can learn from the article how to plant it on your site and how to ensure proper care.

The corresponding photos, a description of the conifer, as well as information about the height of an adult tree are also attached here.

History and description of the plant, its maximum height

At the beginning of the last century, an interesting dwarf spruce was discovered in Canada. After some research, scientists came to the conclusion that this plant appeared due to a natural mutation of the Canadian spruce (Picea glauca).

The conika spruce looks like this:

  • The crown of the tree is very dense and has the shape of a cone.
  • Light green needles (up to 1 cm in length) densely cover the branches.
  • The average diameter of the crown at the bottom of the plant is 80 cm.
  • The roots are not long and are located closer to the surface.

Conica grows very slowly. Young trees add 6-8 cm per year. By the age of 10-12 years, the height of the plant reaches approximately 1 m. After this, the growth rate slows down and grows by only 2-3 cm per year.

At home, in Canada, the maximum height of the conic reaches 3-4 m. In Russian latitudes, this figure is even lower - 1.5-2 m. Such a small growth is due to a decrease in the distance between internodes, combined with increased branching. This circumstance “flattened” the tree from top to bottom.

The ancestor of the conika, Canadian spruce, has the same number of internodes and branches, but its height, due to the greater distance between them, is 25-35 m. Thanks to its beautiful conical crown, this tree is used in the USA as the main decoration for Christmas in the most significant places countries.

Purchasing a seedling and planting it on the site

Konica spruce, like all its relatives, does not tolerate even the slightest drying of the roots. Therefore you need to purchase small tree in a container where the lump of earth is constantly moistened.

Advice. It is best to purchase konica seedlings from trusted garden centers. If you buy a spruce on the market from an unknown seller, you can lose time and money.

Landing is considered a very important moment. The further growth and development of the tree completely depends on this manipulation. When planting, it is advisable to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Konica should be planted in the garden either at the end of April or at the end of August. Just at this time, the roots of the plant grow intensively, which contributes to good survival.
  2. You need to choose a sunny place. In the shade, the correct crown of the plant may change, and the spruce will become less decorative.
  3. Considering small sizes konica, it can be safely planted near the house.
  4. The planting pit should be prepared in advance. The bottom must be covered with a layer of crushed stone or broken brick.
  5. It is also advisable to prepare the soil mixture in advance. For spruce, a mixture of garden soil, sand, peat and humus (2:1:1:1, respectively) is suitable. From mineral fertilizers You can add nitroammophoska.

The landing itself should be carried out as follows:

  • Soil is poured over the drainage layer so that a lump of earth from the container fits into the hole. Well watered.
  • Carefully remove the plant from the container and immerse it in the hole.

Attention! The earthen clod must not be allowed to be destroyed during planting. If this happens, then over the next 15-20 minutes you need to cover the roots with moist soil and lightly compact the soil.

  • The trunk of the plant is leveled on all sides.
  • The free space is filled with soil mixture.
  • Water the planting well. This requires at least 10 liters of water.
  • Finally, a shallow hole is created near the stem for further watering and cover it with a 5-centimeter layer of mulch.

Caring for dwarf spruce

Caring for the conic can be called minimal. It does not require pruning or any other crown maintenance.

The fertilizer that was added during planting is enough for her to last for several years.

If the summer is not hot and not very dry, the plant is provided with moisture through natural precipitation.

Despite these qualities, proper care can further increase the decorative value of spruce.

For example, during hot periods, you should regularly water the tree, while simultaneously irrigating the crown. The first couple of months after planting, moistening the soil is required weekly.

If a crust forms on the soil around the trunk, be sure to loosen the top layer.

Attention! Konik spruce has roots almost on the surface of the ground. Therefore, the plant does not tolerate trampling and significant soil compaction at a distance of 1 m around the crown.

Although konika spruce is winter-hardy, in order to avoid freezing, it is recommended to mulch the soil in the area around the trunk well for the first 2-3 years after planting for the winter. Seedlings that are too small can be completely covered with spruce branches before frost.

Dwarf spruce in landscape design

Despite the fact that conika loves sunny places, in the spring the plant can get significant sunburn. This is manifested by browning of the needles.

The main thing is that the material does not obstruct the passage of air and is able to diffuse the bright rays of the sun.

The place of conics in the garden, as well as diseases that can affect the plant

  • at the entrance to the house;
  • near the gazebo;
  • At the playground.

Dwarf spruce is good both in single and in group plantings with fellow spruce trees or with conifers of other species. Such groups especially decorate the site in the off-season. At the foot of the conic, a calm green lawn or contrasting antennae and tenacious plants look great.

The spruce is especially beautiful during the period of formation of new shoots - it turns into an emerald green, fabulously beautiful cone. In the middle zone this time falls in May.

Carry out preventive treatment of spruce

Konik spruce can be affected by various fungal infections, timely detection and immediate treatment of which will help save the plant.

  1. Rust - orange growths appear on the branches, the needles turn yellow and crumble. As a treatment, the crown and trunk are treated with special preparations for a whole month at intervals of 1 time per week.
  2. Coniferous Schutte disease - caused by a fungus. When affected, the needles darken, then become covered with a white coating and fall off. If the disease is detected early, plants can be saved. In advanced cases, all that remains is to dig up and destroy the spruce.

The small growth of the once mutated Christmas tree turned into a significant advantage for it. Such a plant will decorate any area, and anyone can plant and care for it.

Canadian conika spruce: video

Source: https://dachadizain.ru/derevya/el-konika-opisanie-posadka-uxod.html

Rules for planting and caring for Konica spruce

Konika spruce - a dwarf coniferous tree - one of the most popular coniferous plants for planting in the garden

Coniferous plants will help make the air in your yard even cleaner and healthier. Today, there are many types from the smallest to the largest, often outgrowing the height of a five-story building.

However, not all yards allow the area to grow a thorny giant, so dwarf coniferous plantings are very popular. One of the most popular is Konika spruce.


So that this coniferous tree can take root as close as possible near your country house, in a small square or garden, the following planting conditions must be observed:

  • choose a slightly darkened place for the dwarf spruce, because due to constant exposure to the sun it will definitely burn;
  • there should be no strong wind or constant draft in the landing area;
  • spruce often dies in early spring when it is flooded with a large amount of melt water, so this planting criterion should be provided from the very beginning in order to protect your green beauty;
  • Landing is allowed at any time of the year, even during a warm winter. However, it is better to do this in spring or autumn in cool weather with minimal exposure to sunlight - this way there is less risk that the tree will not take root;
  • It will be easier for this coniferous tree to take root in new soil if pleasant cool conditions are created for it during the first seven days of planting;
  • It is recommended to water the Konica spruce at least twice a week, 10 liters per plant trunk;
  • It is strictly forbidden to plant a tree in wetlands or land with high level groundwater.

Planting the Konika spruce in the city is strictly prohibited, because the polluted air of the metropolis has an extremely detrimental effect on its crown, causing various diseases tree. In the worst case, the tree may die.

It will also be possible to achieve the goal of normal plant rooting by properly preparing the soil:

  1. It should be well dug and light.
  2. When planting a Canadian spruce from a pot, you need to thoroughly remove all the soil from the roots. This needs to be done because quite often trees are sold in soil that is practically devoid of substances beneficial to the plant. Ideally, the soil for spruce should consist of the following components: turf and leaf soil, peat and sand (it is important to maintain a ratio of 2:2:1:1, respectively).
  3. If this plant is being transplanted from good soil, it must be dug out with a clod of earth, which will preserve the structure and condition of the roots, most of which is located close to the surface of the earth.
  4. The soil should be further enriched with special organic materials: up to 80 g of broad-spectrum long-lasting fertilizer for coniferous plants, as well as a bucket of well-rotted manure.
  5. Add compost and soil to clay or sandy soil.
  6. It is necessary to prevent the evaporation of moisture; to do this, the soil around the spruce needs to be mulched with peat with a layer of 50-70 mm.

If you keep the spruce indoors, the temperature in the room should not be higher than 15°C, and you cannot do without constantly spraying the plant and humidifying the air.


To propagate Konika spruce, the cutting method is used. Despite the fact that this process is long and labor-intensive, growing in this way good tree always succeeds.

Cuttings It is recommended to carry out dwarf Canadian spruce planting in early June.

Cuttings planted in enriched soil for three months at the cut site have time to create a special tissue that promotes healing of the plant wound.

It is from this tissue, compacted over time, that weak roots will appear on the cuttings after a year.

  • for cuttings it is better to use the lowest branches of an adult spruce, the length of which will vary between 10-12 cm;
  • It is necessary to separate a branch from a tree with a part of the bark of the trunk or the branch from which the cutting directly grows. Popularly, such a cutting with a small tree bark is called a “heel”. If this is not done, the plant will die;
  • an excellent tool for good growth cuttings are considered special growth stimulants, in which you need to keep the lower part of the cut branch for at least 2 hours;
  • It is better to plant a twig in the substrate to a depth of 2.5 cm;
  • do not forget to water the plant with a growth stimulator diluted in water. This should be done regularly, not allowing the substrate to dry out, but also not flooding it too much;
  • Regular loosening of the substrate will also contribute to the good development of Konica spruce.

A cutting grown in this way can be transplanted to permanent place Canadian spruce grows only after 4-5 years.

Perennial flowers are a very beneficial decoration for summer cottage. Read how to choose and plant them correctly here.

Read about the rules for planting and caring for oleander by following the link http://greennirvana.ru/rasteniya/cvety/oleandr-sazhaem-rastim-uhazhivaem.html.


Due to the fact that Konica spruce is an unpretentious plant, special care She doesn’t make demands on herself. However, let’s look at some of the features of her care:

  1. Spray the needles regularly (at least 2 times a week).
  2. Feed with a root formation and growth stimulator, as well as 5 kg of rotted manure (in early summer).
  3. In October, the area near the tree trunk is mulched with peat compost (its thickness should be within 5 cm), which is covered with a layer of soil in early spring.
  4. It is possible to ensure oxygen access to the entire root system only by loosening the soil.
  5. Drying out of the soil can only be avoided by mulching.
  6. With the arrival of winter, the crown of the Canadian spruce should be protected with burlap or cardboard, tying it around the tree on all sides. In this case, the lower part of the crown should remain open to avoid the tree rotting. Konika spruce is a frost-resistant plant, but it needs to be covered for the winter in order to protect it from possible burning under the influence of sunlight.
  7. If the spruce is burnt, the affected branches should not be cut out. With the arrival of spring, the crown of the dwarf spruce is well watered and new branches grow on their own.

will clearly show how to plant and care for Canadian dwarf spruce:

Pest and disease control

Most spruce diseases affect the needles

Among the most common diseases of Konica spruce it should be noted:

Tracheomycosis(soil fungus) that attacks the root system. As a result, the needles begin to turn red and fall off.

Young plants are most susceptible to tracheomycosis. It is impossible to cure a tree affected in this way.

To protect the remaining plants, the infected plant is dug up with a large amount of soil and must be burned.

Rust(twig fungus). It manifests itself as very noticeable orange growths on the branches. Yellowed needles fall off. This disease can be treated with Glycodin or Vectra. Spraying with these preparations should be repeated 3-4 times, no more than once a week.

Schutte needle disease(pine fungus). As a result of this disease, the needles on the tree become black, covered with a white coating and fall off.

You can save the affected plant with a 3% solution of copper sulfate. Then spray with Trichodermin or Alirin-B.

If the spruce is damaged too much, it needs to be burned.

It can gnaw through the bark and lay its eggs inside it. bark beetle. Beetle larvae eat wood. It is impossible to save such a spruce, so it must be burned as soon as possible.

The rules for planting, choosing soil and growing viburnum buldenezh are described in this article.

How and what to do to make drainage for flowers - read about it here http://greennirvana.ru/uchastok/drenazh/drenaj-dlya-cvetov.html.

Don't know when to sow grass for your lawn? This is discussed in detail here.

Feature of the variety

The homeland of the Konika spruce is Canada, but it has taken root well in our country.

Konika spruce is a dwarf coniferous species, so it can reach a maximum height of 3 meters

The height of this beautiful tree is a maximum of 3 m. In diameter, its size is on average 1.5 m. It grows quite slowly - by 5 cm in 12 months, as a result of which the crown becomes very dense and grows exclusively cone-shaped.

The main feature of the Konika spruce is that, having a bright green color, it does not prick at all, therefore it is considered safe for the smallest children and animals.

Application in landscape design

Konika spruce is a decoration for any garden or yard. It goes well with other plants and by itself will never spoil the overall landscape.

The original use of dwarf Canadian spruce is to place it in pots on the roofs of houses. So it forms a special green roof. This spruce looks great on a well-trimmed lawn.

The elegant fluffy Konika spruce will always help to decorate a strict rocky garden, giving it a truly complete, unforgettable appearance.

Jul 14, 2015 Elena Timoshchuk

Source: https://greennirvana.ru/rasteniya/hvoynyie/el-konika-posadka-i-uhod.html

Rules for planting in the garden and caring for Canadian spruce konika

In landscape decoration local area Coniferous plants are often used.

IN Lately The Canadian conika spruce became extremely popular.

Planting and caring for this little beauty will not require significant labor costs, but such plantings are guaranteed to transform your garden.

Konica in landscape design is a universal tool for creating magnificent compositions

Amateur gardeners, along with professional designers, happily use dwarf spruce in their plots, finding the most unusual uses for it.

If you intend to plant a plant in your local area, you should take into account the following rules:

  1. Most suitable place for Konika there will be an open area with fertile, moisture-absorbing loams.

    Spruce can tolerate slight lateral darkening; you just have to take into account that in this case the density of the crown may suffer.

  2. Before planting, the soil must be fertilized and dug 40 cm deep.

    The optimal application rate is 10-12 kg of rotted manure per 1 m2.

    Important! It is also allowed to cultivate the soil with combined NPK fertilizer in an amount of 80-100 g/m2.

  3. If the planting site has sandy soil, it should be further improved by adding fertile loam or turf soil.
  4. Konica with an open root system is transplanted in autumn or early spring. In the summer, the procedure is carried out in cool weather, preferably on a cloudy day. In this case, it is necessary to leave a lump of earth on the root of the plant.
  5. For the first two weeks, it is recommended to keep the soil moist and shade the plant until it gets stronger.

Canadian spruce is a dwarf ornamental species, so it grows slowly. On average, the annual growth is 3-6 cm. However, under favorable conditions, there are peaks of active plant development, when the branches lengthen by 10 cm per year.

As a rule, this happens in 6-7 years, at which time the crown of Konika thickens and becomes quite decorative. Good growth can last up to 13-15 years, due to which the height of the spruce becomes about 1 m.

In the future, the branches will lengthen without stopping by 2-3 cm per year.

Konica in landscape design

Landscape design using Canadian spruce – best option for both small and large gardens

Canadian spruce looks great in the garden both in a single form (solitary) and in a group planting. Due to its slow growth, it is rarely used to decorate flower beds.

But after active growth and compaction of the crown, Konika looks great in mixborders.

Important! Solitaire planting requires sufficient sunlight.

Abundant lighting allows the spruce tree not to stretch upward in search of rays, but to form a thick and luxurious crown.

The area occupied by the composition must correspond to the parameters of the Konica. In a small clearing, the spruce must be of the appropriate size so that the landscape design is harmonious. The same can be said about a large plot and a single planting.

When planting tapeworm, you should consider the following features:

  1. It is necessary to take into account the background of the composition. For this reason, it is best to use plants of a different variety or species.
  2. Konica looks best on a well-groomed lawn.

Canadian spruce in the garden will be spectacular in a variety of variations.

Group planting can solve the following interesting problems:

  • create a green background that will hide unpresentable buildings, as well as enliven the garden landscape;
  • effectively fill the open space in the local area - lawn, clearing, lawn, etc.;
  • disguise unsightly trunks of tall trees.

Group planting of Konica can be dense or openwork. However the main task plants planted in the composition - add color and picturesqueness to the garden.

Canadian spruce – great option for decorating flower beds and flowerbeds

Among alternative ways The following aspects of the use of Canadian spruce can be distinguished:

  1. Konica is often used to design a “green roof”.

    To do this, the plant is planted in special containers and placed on the roofs of buildings, terraces, and open verandas.

  2. Dense crown and decorative form looks great in large rock gardens.
  3. Canadian spruce looks good as a background for flower arrangements. Moreover, it can be combined with other low-growing conifers.
  4. Konik is also used for zoning space on a smooth, mowed lawn.
  5. Tall plant species are often used as hedges. In a similar way, you can form alleys in parks or large gardens.

Rules of care

Maintaining soil moisture and fertilizing it are the basics of caring for Canadian spruce

Canadian spruce is good not only for its decorative qualities, but also for its ease of care. The plant does not require annual pruning or any concern for the crown.

For it, natural precipitation and fertile soil, which is laid during planting, are quite sufficient. However, this does not mean that Konika does not need care at all.

Proper handling of the tree will improve its decorative qualities.

In the dry season, spruce needs increased watering with irrigation of the crown. If a soil crust has formed, the soil in the area around the tree trunk must be loosened. Shallow manipulations are enough.

To prevent spring “burning,” Konica bushes must be wrapped in burlap or other dense material that scatters the sun’s rays and also provides air flow.

The main thing to remember is that this phenomenon is not a weakness of the decorative spruce, but is simply a reaction to increased solar activity after the ground froze in winter.

You will understand about spring “burning” by a characteristic sign: the needles acquire a brown tint, which disappears after the circulation of juices resumes.

Also, at the beginning of summer, Konik needs to be “fed” by adding 4-5 kg ​​shallowly into the root zone. rotted organic matter.

In the second half of October, mulching should be carried out using a 5 cm layer of peat compost.

These manipulations will improve the wintering conditions of spruce, activating the activity of favorable microfauna.

At the beginning of spring, the soil should also be mulched, carefully applying fertilizer to the root area of ​​the plants. The coniferous tree responds no less well to different kinds synthetic fertilizers, which can always be purchased at specialized points of sale.

Thus, we examined the basic rules for planting and decorating a garden using Canadian spruce.

Miniature Konica needs proper care, since most diseases are in one way or another associated with violation of soil cultivation rules.

Remember that with abundant or insufficient watering of the soil, low air humidity or excessive temperature in the room, the coniferous beauty begins to dry out.

: Rules for planting Canadian spruce

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