Mixer      06/23/2020

Crafts from plastic bottles and cans. We create crafts from plastic bottles with our own hands. Stand for books and magazines

When a person has free time and imagination - any useless thing will turn into a work of art. Many “skillful hands” use crafts from plastic bottles as elements, as well as in the form of furniture. From colored bottle caps you can make mosaic panels, which cover the surfaces of walls, paths, fences.

Range creative possibilities so broad that you often don’t know where to start. We will help you understand what is suitable specifically in your case and what crafts to decorate the empty space with.

Application of plastic bottles

After several attempts to make a souvenir from a plastic bottle with your own hands, your one-night hobby will grow into a full-fledged hobby. It's so simple and accessible! There is practical and decorative use products from plastic bottles.

Practical- This:

  • storage containers,
  • feeders,
  • stands,
  • plant containers,
  • furniture

and even carports, greenhouses, washbasins, Summer shower etc.

Crafts from plastic bottles - this and homemade furniture . Looks pretty complex design It's quite easy to make. The only condition is that there must be many bottles of the same type available. Hand-made armchairs, sofas and ottomans are not inferior in comfort to classic factory furniture.

How to make an ottoman from plastic bottles: master class

Decoratively homemade plastic bottles have a wider scope:

  • figures made from plastic bottles;
  • lamps;
  • flowers
  • garlands, etc.

Possess one important advantage– availability of material. At the same time, products made from PET bottles are highly reliable, provided that the parts are connected correctly.

Often made from plastic bottles vases, pots and flowers.

In addition, using plastic containers, you can original decorate the room by making an artificial bouquet. Roses, tulips or daisies are placed in a homemade vase. If desired, the composition is designed LED lighting. Thus, an impromptu flower will turn into an unusual night light.

What can you make from plastic bottles for your yard?

There is always an empty plot in a dacha. Building a gazebo or an extension is long and difficult, but the “bare”, uncluttered area just “hurts” the eye. Crafts made from plastic bottles for the street will help decorate your courtyard. Using plastic bottles, caps and frames, make beautiful tables with chairs. It will be easy to surprise guests with such garden furniture during a festive feast in nature.

In products made from plastic bottles included and bird feeders, which will not only decorate your summer cottage, but also help birds survive in the winter.

Ideas from plastic bottles: lamps made from caps

From the caps and cut necks, with the help of simple manipulations, they come out original lamps , which will decorate both the interior of the house and the yard. Unusual lamps are harmoniously complemented by plastic compositions decorated in the form of exotic plants.

Learn to collect simple crafts from plastic bottles possible within 2-3 hours. Go for it!

Crafts from 5 liter plastic bottles

The bulky-looking container is also suitable for decorating the interior or yard. Large plastic bottles are often used to make pet figurines(pigs, bulls, dogs, etc.). Crafts from 5 liter PET bottles - a common decoration for cottages, flower beds and playgrounds. Therefore, there are many ideas for using them, and the most striking examples of products made from plastic bottles are collected on our website. simple but tasteful.

Use of 5 liter plastic bottles: master class


In this material we will share with you . You will learn how to decorate flower beds and make a beautiful one with your own hands. palm tree made from plastic bottles, as well as beautiful animals made from this unnecessary material. Simple and intuitive master classes with photos of the sequence of work stages will help you make amazing plastic crafts for garden! Passionate . Use some of them:

- bright garden paths that can be made from sea pebbles, from multi-colored paving slabs, in the form of paving stones with green grass breaking through between them, from silvery coarse and small gravel or rounded wood cuts. Please pay Special attention In addition, diverse paths throughout the garden plot will allow you to divide its total area into interesting thematic zones - garden, vegetable garden, recreation area, children's playground and barbecue;

- solar-powered mini-lanterns are the simplest and most inexpensive decoration option that adds coziness to any garden plot. They will require absolutely no professional installation, unlike other expensive options street lighting. Since they are wire-free, you just need to stick them into the ground or along garden paths, or in flower beds. Also for the garden you can make crafts with your own hands in the form of decorative lanterns from a plastic bottle ;

Beautiful hanging flowerpots, all kinds of flowerpots , designer flower pots can be moved within summer season. Your garden plot will always look new if you make these garden decorations with your own hands. It is best to place the pots in the barbecue area, on the veranda or around the playground. Use old unnecessary boxes, multi-colored plastic bottles, barrels, watering cans and other items that you would never need again and that you wanted to throw away as decorative containers. Give them a second life by decorating your garden with handmade crafts;

Hand-made fences along garden paths look great. It can be woven from willow or hazel. As a rule, people like to hang beautiful old clay jugs and pots on such fences as garden decorations. Planted decorative sunflowers will look great next to such a fence;

Country furniture always creates a unique comfort in any corner of the garden. Plastic bottles can also be used as a material for making garden furniture (in the previous tutorial we told you how to make a durable sofa from large plastic bottles ). Forged benches, chairs with wooden seats and tables are currently the most popular. When choosing furniture, pay attention to the fact that the legs have special tips so that they do not fall into the ground. Great for summer verandas wicker furniture from wicker and rattan. Larch and teak are excellent for our latitudes. All unpainted furniture must be pre-coated with special compounds.

Crafts from plastic bottles for the garden will become his real decorations. Avid summer residents spend all their free time in their favorite areas. To make it more original and beautiful, you don’t have to run to the store for newfangled garden figurines or expensive materials. The simplest craft item is a used plastic bottle. To implement your ideas, first read the useful recommendations.

What you need to start making DIY crafts from plastic bottles for garden? You will need - a precious plastic bottle, scissors, plastic paint and wire. The main thing is not to be afraid to use your imagination to make crafts from used plastic bottles for the garden. Can involve children in making such crafts . This can be a fun and exciting family activity.

Crafts from various plastic bottles for the garden
are the most budget option, and plastic will last at least 3 years.

Crafts made from a plastic bottle, as you can see on the picture, can be placed on the playground: make a palm tree out of plastic bottles or flowers, put a plastic peacock, hare or other animals.

There are many ideas various crafts from a plastic bottle. This can be seen in the photo - flowers, birds, animals, toys.


Plastic bottles are an excellent material used in home garden crafts. They can be from ordinary water or carbonated drinks. You can also use plastic from detergents and shampoos, giving him a new life. No need to treat it like useless junk. After all, from plastic, from practically nothing, you can make useful and interesting things for the dacha, garden, and toys for children. Below you will find information with which you can use plastic bottles You can easily make a beautiful palm tree with your own hands. If you make 5-8 of these palm trees and decorate your garden with them, then your site will look very advantageous and exotic compared to others!

As we already told you in one of our materials, if you have a huge number of bottles of the same shape and size, it is quite possible to make country furniture . It’s very easy to secure 15-20 1.5-2 liter bottles with tape and thereby get the basis for a pouf. It can then be covered with a beautiful fabric, making a soft foam seat.

A palm tree made from plastic bottles will show off at your summer cottage or in the garden all year round. She will definitely decorate any personal plot.

How make your own palm tree from plastic bottles ? Photo with the stages of work should encourage you to do this (see below Master Class). In order to make your own garden products in the shape of a palm tree, you will need some simple materials. Of course, these are plastic bottles, which are the main material.

For palm trunk from plastic bottles you will need to stock up on 10-15 plastic bottles. Their capacity is one and a half to two liters. Depending on the height of the palm tree, different bottle capacities are taken. With a palm tree height of 15 plastic bottles, two-liter containers should be used. For a height of 10 bottles, one and a half liter bottles are used. You need to take brown ones plastic bottles to make a palm tree trunk out of them.

For the palm tree crown you will need green plastic bottles. The larger the bottle, the longer the palm leaves will be, and the more natural it will look.

To make a plastic palm tree reliable and durable, you need to select either a strong and thick willow rod or a thick metal rod for its base.

Tools needed to make your own palm tree from plastic bottles:

an awl or drill to make holes in the bottles;
large scissors or a well-sharpened knife.

Sequence of actions for manufacturing plastic palm tree:

to make a palm trunk, you first need to cut the bottles Brown 10-15 centimeters in height. The bottom of the bottle with a bottom is best suited for this. The tops can also be used. This is also a good option, because in this case there will be no need to make holes;

when will the necessary plastic blanks be made? , cloves are cut along their edges with scissors or a very sharp knife. They need to be bent a little in order to give the palm bark from plastic bottles a natural and natural texture;

For the crown of a palm tree, green bottles are taken from plastic bottles. They cut off the bottom. On the very first workpiece, you must leave the neck with a lid. It will later serve as a good fastener during the assembly of the entire palm structure. The necks of the remaining blanks must be cut off;

to make leaves from blanks, they must be cut out, but not reaching the edges by about 5 centimeters or more. Next, the leaves need to be secured by screwing the lid;

the next stage is drilling holes to connect all the prepared parts.

Such a hole, which serves as a connection, must also be made in the lid - the fastening of the palm tree crown. Pay special attention to the fact that the size of the connecting hole is directly dependent on the diameter of the base rod. A hot awl or drill will be a good helper in this;

The last stage is collecting the plastic palm tree with your own hands. It is necessary to plant all the brown plastic blanks on a securely fastened rod, and secure the crown on top, which was prepared from green plastic bottles.

The palm is ready. Now think about where to place it in the corner of the garden so that it looks most impressive. But it’s better to make several of these palm trees, install them side by side and plant green spaces around them.


What can be made from plastic bottles to decorate the garden? Next, we will look at options with photos on how you can make a decorative flowerbed with your own hands.
Have you ever thought that the garden is a real creative territory? And this is not at all because its diversity consists only of the cultivation of various fruit trees, flowers and shrubs. Your unlimited imagination and ideas picked up from other gardeners and summer residents will transform your garden into an original and unique look.

From plastic bottles you can create a garden and useful little things, and landscape works, including palm trees, flower beds, gazebos, supports for greenhouses and canopies, frames for climbing plants and so on. To do this, you just need to collect a sufficient number of the same type of plastic bottles. Palm trees made from plastic bottles for any garden will become a real decoration.

But what else, besides palm trees, can be made from this waste material for decoration? your garden? A simple option is a gazebo made from plastic bottles. Or rather, the basis of its design. Since the fastening of the gazebo must be rigid, small screws must be used. If you have a design with solid bottles, then they need to be filled with sand so that they are stable. Please note that in case using plastic bottles as frames (the base of a canopy, for example) do not overload the structure and use only light fabric and film.

Summer residents have long been using plastic bottles to grow seedlings and decorate flower beds. They serve as an excellent container for it. Very original idea is the manufacture of them outdoor washbasin. Nothing complicated - just hang a plastic bottle upside down with the base cut off, pour water into it. The cap serves as a tap; you only need to turn it a little to let the water flow.

A modernized version of this type of outdoor washbasin is the following - a plastic bottle is hung upside down. Make a small hole in it. To supply water, you need to slightly unscrew the cap and let air inside the container. You can build a real shower in the same way. To do this you will need a plastic bottle with large diameter. Several holes are made in the bottom of the bottle, like a shower.

Flower beds made from plastic bottles for the garden are quite common among amateur gardeners. They simply dig into the ground, representing a small fence.

In addition, you can make a variety of flowerpots of different sizes and shapes. , depending on the plastic containers used. For example, small bottles can be used for tabletop and hanging pots. Try cutting off the bottom of a bottle and you will immediately get a cylindrical planter . If you use only the top part of a plastic bottle, then you will get a cone-shaped flowerpot . Such pots can be decorated with colored corrugated paper, fabric or tied with yarn. A simple decorative option would be painting with paints. Inverted plastic bottles with a capacity of 5 liters will serve perfectly as decorative flowerpots.

The fantasies of summer residents are irrepressible, and they making palm trees from used plastic bottles for your garden. You can make real beautiful decorative palm trees from brown and green plastic bottles for your garden.


Summer residents love to decorate their garden plots with all kinds of garden figurines made from clay or plaster. To the territory garden plot has become original, it is not at all necessary to go to an expensive store to buy decor. Animals from a plastic bottle, which you can see in the photo, can be easily done and with my own hands. This option for garden decoration is also very practical for a personal plot, because the plastic is resistant to both rain and sunlight.

After reading this manufacturing review, you will learn how to make various animals from an ordinary plastic bottle (see photo with the stages of work). In fact, making a hare or pig from a plastic bottle with your own hands is not at all difficult, and after reading the material, you will be convinced of this!

Plain plastic bottles can serve as a source of inspiration for creating mini-masterpieces, and not just a constant headache for environmentalists. A variety of plastic figurines of animals or birds can be made together with children, using your own and the children’s imagination. All you need for this is a plastic bottle, cardboard, glue, scissors, markers and acrylic paints (you can use spray paint).

To make animal figurines (hare or pig), you can take any plastic bottles you have. Invent interesting ideas and choose which animal you like best. We suggest you make a cute pig from a plastic bottle. IN finished form she is shown in the photo.

First, carefully prepare the plastic bottle for use. The label must be thoroughly removed from it and then washed.
Well, now let's get back to making crafts. . Cut out ears, tail and paws from cardboard. Glue all the cut out parts of the animal to the bottle. Let's take pink paint and paint the resulting blank from a spray can. Let the paint dry. Now the fun begins. After drying, use markers to draw the pig’s eyes, snout and mouth. You can also use another option - pre-cut these parts from colored paper or paint it and then stick it on the bottle.

Sounds funny, but pig made from a regular plastic bottle and showing off in the photo, has become a real, as they now say, fashion trend in Lately. We can say that now a lot of people make such piglets.

It is clear that thanks to different imaginations, different interesting crafts are obtained. These can also be cute little piglets made from small bottles. These are real wild boars or sows made from huge plastic bottles. Some are trying to copy Piglet. Some people have such a fantasy that they create entire plastic pig farms on their plots.

This, of course, is the topic of all kinds numerous figures made from plastic bottles cannot be exhausted. There are still many types of animals that can be made using a used plastic bottle.

And such an animal can be a hare from an ordinary plastic bottle, which you see in the photo. It can be made for a summer residence different ways. This will depend on the shape of the bottle you take and the very idea of ​​​​a decorative garden hare.

To make using the simplest method hare from an ordinary plastic bottle, as shown in the photo, you will need: plastic bottle, acrylic or spray paint, brush, scissors, hot glue, sand and cardboard.

Note that if you are making this figurine for a child, and not to decorate your garden plot, then take a small plastic bottle. The bunny will turn out cute and very neat. But bulk bottles are great for making garden hares.

Sequence of actions for making a plastic hare:

thoroughly remove the label from the plastic bottle;

Coat the cleaned bottle with spray paint and let it dry;

After drying spray paint fill a plastic bottle with sand. This will give it good stability;

Carefully draw the face and paws of a hare on a plastic bottle;

You need to cut out ears from colored cardboard and carefully paint them with paints and hot glue;

If the hare is intended for the garden, then its ears will also be plastic. They are cut from another prepared plastic bottle. In this case, you can only paint with spray paint. Details are drawn with acrylic paint;

At the last stage, the ears are glued with hot glue.

Here is another way to make a beautiful funny hare from a plastic bottle with your own hands. To do this, you will need the simplest things - sand, two used plastic bottles, acrylic primer or acrylic paints, a brush and scissors.

The sequence of making a hare using this method is the same - we thoroughly wash the plastic bottles, clearing them of unnecessary labels. One of the blanks must be filled with sand for stability. From the second plastic bottle we cut out the bunny's ears and bangs. Do not touch the top of the plastic bottle with the cork.

We cover all prepared parts of the garden bunny with acrylic primer. In this case, paint consumption will be less. Let the thoroughly applied primer dry. After the soil has dried, we draw a hare’s shirt, a butterfly and his face on the main plastic bottle. In general, we create his image at your discretion.

As a result of this individual approach and you get such funny and unique bunnies. It would be better to paint the ears with silver paint. The cork is usually painted with gold paint. In the place where the bangs will be, use scissors to create an original fringe. After the paint has completely dried, carefully combine all the prepared parts. Your bunny is ready and waiting to take his place of honor in your garden!

As you can see, making a flower bed, palm tree or any animals from plastic bottles is not at all difficult! Fantasize yourself, don’t be afraid of anything, take and rework existing ideas, engage in real creativity , and then yours will acquire its own unique look!

Summary: DIY crafts from plastic bottles for children. Crafts from plastic bottles for the garden. Crafts from plastic bottles for kindergarten, photo. Flowers from plastic bottles. Ideas for crafts made from plastic bottles.

What can be made from plastic bottles? In this article we will tell you what crafts from plastic bottles you can make with your own hands with your children. Plastic bottles are a universal material for making crafts. We will tell you how to do:

Vases made from plastic bottles

Crafts for the garden from plastic bottles
- garden crafts made from plastic bottles

1. Crafts from plastic bottles. Toys made from plastic bottles

Catamaran made from plastic bottles

By connecting two plastic bottles together with electrical tape, you can make a toy catamaran for dolls.

Craft from a plastic bottle for children - fountain

On a hot summer day, you can't think of a better entertainment for children than playing with water in the fresh air. From an ordinary plastic bottle you can make an educational toy for experimenting and playing with water in the country or on the beach.

Make several holes in the bottle using a sharp object. In the photo below, the holes are made in the center of the bottle, but in fact, it is better to place them at the bottom of the bottle. In this case, the maximum volume of water from the bottle will be used. Plug the holes with your palm and fill the bottle to the top with water. Screw on the lid. Remove your hand from the holes. Surprisingly, water does not pour out of the bottle through the holes.

Now unscrew the cap slightly and you will see water begin to pour out of the bottle through the holes. It is the air entering through the neck of the plastic bottle that displaces the water from the bottle.

This toy can be used as a washbasin in the country.

Crafts from plastic bottles for children using the papier mache technique.

You can make interesting crafts for children using papier mache technique from plastic bottles. Boys will probably be interested in a homemade airplane made from a plastic bottle, and girls will be able to make a whole home zoo.

The principle of making toys from plastic bottles using the papier mache technique is as follows. First, the frame of the future craft is made from cut and whole bottles. Everything is held together with tape. Additional parts are cut out of cardboard and also attached with tape or tape.

After this, you need to tear or cut the paper into small pieces. This can be either regular printer paper or special corrugated paper for children's crafts. Dilute PVA glue with water in a 1:1 ratio. Then, dip each piece in diluted glue, attach it to the frame of bottles. Thus, cover your craft with 4-6 layers of paper.

Once the glue is dry, paint and decorate your plastic bottle craft.

How to make an airplane from plastic bottles >>>>

From plastic bottles with your own hands. Cow >>>>

Children's crafts from plastic bottles. Tropical fish >>>>

Children's crafts from plastic bottles. Crocodile >>>>

And a few more links to master classes on making crafts from plastic bottles for children:

2. DIY plastic bottles. Vases made from plastic bottles

The easiest way to make a vase from a plastic bottle is to simply cut off the top of it and decorate it. In this case, it is advisable to use an iron to round off the homemade vase the edges. It will be more beautiful and safer this way.

To round the edges of a vase made from a plastic bottle, place a sheet of paper on top of it and bring a hot iron (the paper is needed to prevent the plastic from sticking to the sole of the iron). The sharp edges of the bottle high temperature wrap up. Be careful - do not hold the iron for long and constantly check what is happening under the paper. Link >>>>

We would like to invite you to do creative crafts vase. To make it you will need several plastic bottles. You can use one big bottle(1.5 liters) and 4 small bottles (0.5 liters). To make a vase from plastic bottles you will need plastic glue or a glue gun. For instructions on making a vase from bottles, see the link >>>>

You can make a cute felt case for a plastic bottle. Insert the bottle inside the case - the vase from the plastic bottle is ready!

You can make a beautiful, “airy” vase from a plastic bottle if you first hold the cut bottle over the fire to give it shape. Then make numerous holes in it with a soldering iron. But it’s still better not to store food products in it!

And one more idea on how to quickly and easily make a vase from a plastic bottle.

3. Crafts from plastic bottles photo. Flowers from plastic bottles

Making flowers from a variety of materials is one of the most popular types of crafts and needlework today. You can make original artificial flowers with your own hands from ordinary plastic bottles.

Detailed wizard for a class on making flowers from plastic bottles, see the link >>>> To make this craft from plastic bottles, in addition to plastic bottles of different colors, you will also need a candle and a glue gun. However, instead of a glue gun, you can use just glue. Attention! Be very careful when working with fire!

Separate instructions on how to make flower stems from plastic bottles can be found at the link >>>> To do this, you need to cut the plastic bottle in a spiral to get a narrow strip of plastic. Then twist it over the fire.

4. From plastic bottles with your own hands. Boxes and boxes made of plastic bottles

Take two bottoms from plastic bottles and glue a zipper between them with a glue gun or plastic glue. The coin purse is ready!

You can also sew zippers onto bottles.

Decorate the box with a flower, also made from a plastic bottle. We described above how to make flowers from plastic bottles.

From a plastic bottle you can make a beautiful packaging box for a small gift for a loved one.

Mothers or grandmothers who know how to crochet can make convenient and practical boxes from plastic bottles for storing children's books.

Detailed instructions For making this craft from plastic bottles, see the link >>>>
Link-2 >>>>

5. Crafts from plastic bottles master class. Jewelry made from plastic bottles

Who would have thought that plastic bottles can be used to make stylish jewelry! Bright, fashionable bracelets or delicate, airy necklaces.

Bracelets made from plastic bottles

Cut a plastic ring of the thickness you need from the bottle. Wrap it with colored yarn or elastic fabric, cover it with lace or trim it with thread. Stylish, summer decoration is ready!

You can also buy inexpensive beads and tie them to a plastic ring with colored yarn.

For a detailed master class on making this craft from a plastic bottle, see the link >>>>

Above we talked about how to make flower stems from a plastic bottle. These beautiful spirals can also be used to make jewelry from plastic bottles.

You can make a beautiful necklace from a plastic bottle using the same principle as flowers. Cut from the bottle various shapes petals and leaves. Hold them over the fire for a short time until they take shape. Put them on a fishing line.

And from the bottoms of plastic bottles you can make a stand for jewelry.

To make this craft from plastic bottles with your own hands, you will need, in addition to the bottles themselves, a threaded metal rod, as well as nuts and washers.

6. Plastic bottles crafts for the garden. Crafts from plastic bottles for the garden

Bottom plastic bottles will make beautiful decorative apples and pumpkins. To do this, you need to cut off the bottoms of two bottles and paint them with acrylic paint, and then fasten them together. You can do without paint by placing corrugated paper cut into strips inside crafts made from plastic bottles. Link >>>>

For the next craft made from plastic bottles for the garden, you will need a very large number of bottles.

To make curtains from plastic bottles for country house, you need to cut off the bottoms of the bottles and fasten them together with fishing line or silk threads. The bottoms of the bottles need to be cut along the edges in such a way that you get flower-shaped blanks. The edges of such blanks can be trimmed a little sandpaper or scorch over a fire so that there are no snags on the cut.

Using an awl heated over a fire, we pierce holes for threading fishing line or thread. Using knots we fix the position of the workpieces on the thread so that they do not bunch up. The work is painstaking and delicate, but such a curtain does not require financial costs.

Here's another one useful application plastic bottle in the household.

A useful craft made from plastic bottles for the garden is a homemade broom. A broom made from plastic bottles is a necessary thing in the private sector, especially during leaf fall.

7. Crafts from plastic bottles for kindergarten

Material prepared by: Anna Ponomarenko

Other publications on the topic of this article:

Plastic bottles, along with plastic bags, have become the main source of pollution on the entire planet. To somehow combat this problem, people are developing different ideas rational use of empty containers. Today, boats are made from PET bottles, greenhouses and houses are built, fences are erected and furniture is constructed.

A simpler and more accessible way for the average person to recycle plastic is to make it various decor. This idea is especially relevant in playgrounds or gardens, because multi-colored bottles make wonderful crafts: bright, interesting and useful.

This article will be devoted to garden decorations made from plastic bottles.

Features of plastic material

Before you start building something from plastic bottles, you need to get to know this material better and become familiar with its properties. So:

Advice! It is much easier to work with plastic bottles of the same color.

And if you are planning a large product (for example, outdoor furniture), it is recommended to collect bottles of the same shape and size. For some small crafts, on the contrary, bottles of different shapes, colors and volumes are suitable.

What crafts can be made from plastic bottles for kindergarten?

Crafts for the garden from bottles can be very diverse: from fencing sandboxes to making fairy-tale characters, flowers or lanterns. Here, a lot depends on the imagination of the performer, as well as on the amount of collected plastic containers.

Important! In children's institutions, it is better not to use long-drying toxic dyes. Therefore, when painting plastic crafts, it is recommended to use acrylic paints on water based- they dry quickly, lay down in an even layer on the plastic, and have a bright palette of shades.

Bottle palm

You can build not only an exotic palm tree from plastic, but also any other tree - the principle of its manufacture will be almost the same. To work, you will need plastic bottles, scissors and a knife, metal wire or a long wooden rod, acrylic paint (if you couldn’t find bottles of the desired shade).

The entire process of making a palm tree from plastic consists of several stages that are very easy to implement:

  1. Dark brown plastic bottles will be used to make a tree stem. To do this, you need to cut off the bottom of the bottles - it will not be needed in the work.
  2. A metal or wooden rod is inserted into the ground, imitating the frame of a palm tree trunk. The length of this frame should correspond to the desired height of the tree.
  3. Cut brown plastic bottles are strung onto a reinforced rod, neck up.
  4. When almost the entire rod is hidden behind the plastic, the last part is strung - it is better if the bottle is green and blends in with the crown of the palm tree.
  5. To roughen the trunk and make it even more similar to the original palm tree, you can use scissors to cut teeth on the free edges of the bottles and bend them outward a little.
  6. Now leaves are made from green plastic bottles. Here everyone can act at their own discretion: you can cut a plastic bottle lengthwise into four segments, leaving only the neck intact, and form carved edges of the leaves; someone uses a different method - cutting green plastic into long thin strips and collecting them into something like hanging palm leaves.
  7. All that remains is to fix the leaves on the trunk, and the plastic palm tree is ready. It is quite possible to supplement it with plastic coconuts or bananas.
  8. If transparent bottles were used for work, they need to be painted with suitable paint.

Advice! Several palm trees will look more organic than a single tree. It is better to immediately make a small “oasis” of three or five palm trees of various sizes.

These plastic palm trees are not afraid of either rain or snow - they will decorate the playground for a long time and delight the kids ( great example palm trees are shown in the photo below).

To prevent children from getting hurt on the plastic cuts, it is recommended to melt them a little with a simple candle or match.

Plastic flower beds made from bottles

Many parents and kindergarten workers know how difficult it can be to break up beautiful flower bed. After all, children often trample on flowers, and it happens that there is simply no one to care for the plants.

But this is not a reason to leave the site without bright colors- fresh flowers can easily be replaced with artificial ones, and the easiest way to make them is from plastic bottles. To do this, it is not even necessary to cut out the petals of each flower; you can create a larger composition from plastic.

For such a flower bed you will need the bottoms of plastic bottles - they are cut off with a knife or scissors, cutting the bottle approximately in half. Now the prepared elements need to be painted in the desired color, using thick and uniform paint and a soft brush or spray paint.

When the paint dries, the halves of plastic bottles are inserted into the ground with their bottoms up - you get beautiful and bright flowers, collected in a specific composition.

Attention! To make the flowerbed organic, it is better to first draw its design on a sheet of paper. This will allow you to clearly see the result and correctly select the shades of “flowers”.

Using this simple technology you can make plastic flower beds unusual shapes and a variety of sizes (as in this photo).

For those who are able to do more delicate work, the method of creating elegant flowers, the details of which are cut from plastic bottles, is suitable. Such flowers can become a decoration not only on the street, they can be used to decorate a group or assembly hall.

To work you will need simple tools:

  • plastic containers;
  • dyes based on acrylic or latex (they are more uniform and non-toxic);
  • sharp scissors;
  • decor in the form of beads to create the core of the “flower”;
  • strong wire for the stem and thinner wire for the stamens;
  • glue gun or other reliable fast-curing glue;
  • candle for melting edges and shaping plastic petals.

Petals are cut out of bottles the right size and shapes - for this it is convenient to use a cardboard template. Then they need to be heated over a candle and given to the edges and middle the required form. Now the petals are painted in the chosen color and allowed to dry thoroughly.

Collect petals from the inflorescence and secure plastic parts on a wire leg. The middle is made of wire, thick fishing line and multi-colored beads. Also, flower leaves are cut out of plastic and attached to the stem using a glue gun.

An excellent example of creating such a flower from a plastic bottle is shown in the photo below.

Bottle fencing

From plastic bottles you can create beautiful and durable fences for flower beds or a sandbox, for example. Those who have been working with plastic bottles for a long time recommend strengthening vertical structures by filling the container with ordinary sand, earth or pebbles. This way, if a child steps or falls on the fence, it will not break or become deformed.

Using the same paints, plastic bottles are given the desired shades and placed dropwise around the perimeter of the flower bed or sandbox. Fences made from several rows of painted bottles look even more beautiful - you can even create some kind of pattern inside the fence.

Mosaic of lids

The container can also be used for educational activities with the children themselves. One of these lessons could be a simple drawing made from multi-colored plastic stoppers. If the children in the group are very small, the leader can make blanks for such a mosaic by drawing circles on paper in the places where the lids should be located.

The child just has to choose the cork of the desired color and use glue to fix it on his panel.

This technique allows you to assemble more complex patterns from plastic bottle caps. Good masters they create entire pictures on walls and fences from plastic caps of different diameters and shades (you can see them in the photo below).

Animal world and fairy-tale characters from a plastic bottle

Most of all, children love the heroes of fairy tales and cartoons - these characters can also be easily made from plastic bottles. You just have to be patient and apply some skill to making such crafts.

The size of the hero and its complexity depend entirely on the skill of the master. Talented performers make real masterpieces out of ordinary plastic waste. These are firebirds, flamingos, peacocks with huge tails, big wolves, foxes, owls and bunnies, small funny bugs and bright butterflies.

As a rule, such crafts use a metal frame made of a rod, onto which plastic parts of the character’s torso, head and limbs are strung. The easiest way is to make a funny pig out of containers - you can also involve children in this process.

To create a plastic pig you will need:

  • five-liter water bottle;
  • five regular one and a half liter plastic bottles;
  • knife or scissors;
  • pink paint and brush;
  • wire or something else for the pig's tail;
  • beads for eyes;
  • glue or a gun with silicone.

The piglet's body and head will be made from solid five liter bottle. You need to cut off the necks of four small plastic bottles, making one side of the cut slightly lower than the other. These will be the legs of the pig, and such cuts will help to better attach them to the body.

Ears are cut out of the last plastic bottle. The easiest way is to cut them off near the neck, since in this place the plastic is already curved and has the desired shape. If you need ears bigger size, you can cut them out from the “body” of the bottle and give them shape by heating the plastic with a match.

Now the entire structure is put together and everything is fixed plastic elements glue. All that remains is to color the piglet in its characteristic color pink color and glue on the eyes and tail (the finished pig is shown in the photo below).

Gazebo made from plastic bottles

For those who are not afraid of difficulties and have a sufficient amount of plastic containers, the method of constructing a gazebo is suitable. This can be the simplest structure of four supports and a roof, or a more complex round-shaped gazebo with windows and a doorway - it all depends on the skills of the craftsman.

The main thing is that children will find it interesting and safe to play in such a house, so it is worth making it for the garden.

A building made of plastic can be made on the basis of a metal or wooden frame, or you can use plastic containers themselves as supports, only after filling them with sand or earth.

The roof is covered with light material, such as ondulin or polycarbonate. Also for these purposes, you can use the bottles themselves, connected like a raft or flattened into flat petals and fixed with wire or screws.

The walls are fastened with small self-tapping screws. To facilitate the process or when there is not enough “building material”, you can use waterproof fabric or bright film, the same polycarbonate, which is stretched and fixed between adjacent plastic supports.

The door and windows of the gazebo can be curtained with curtains made from corks from the same plastic bottles. You can assemble such curtains together with your children. To do this, make a small hole in each cap and string all the plugs on a thread with knots or on a long fishing line.

Very beautiful gazebos made from plastic bottles are shown in the photo in this article.


Instead of littering the planet, you can use plastic bottles for good - decorate a playground or kindergarten group with them. Plastic is safe for babies, and it is also quite lightweight. If suddenly the structure made of this material is damaged, the children will not be harmed.

Another big advantage of this idea is that the students themselves can easily be involved in the work - even kids can assemble simple crafts for the garden from plastic bottles.

Plastic bottles are an easily accessible and inexpensive material. In addition to their direct purpose, there are many incredible options for their use. Plastic as a method of decoration has appealed to those who like to build something with their own hands. And this is not surprising - products made from it are quite durable, the body of the bottle bends without effort, and the strength of the material is also pleasing. With your own hands and without any problems, you can make incredible crafts for your summer house, vegetable garden, front garden and ordinary living space. So, the main task– collect as many multi-colored and different-sized plastic bottles as possible, and the rest is your imagination.

Sun from bottles and tires

Wasps from plastic bottles

Peacock made from plastic bottles

Wasp and flowers from bottles

Palm tree made from plastic bottles instructions

It is important to know that most tree-related crafts made from plastic bottles follow a similar pattern. You will need a plastic bottle, scissors, plastic paint and wire. The palm tree is made using the middle and lower sections of dark-colored bottles; it is advisable to make the foliage from green bottles. The next similar bottle is inserted into a plastic bottle with a cut bottom until the required height is formed. All elements are strung on a wire passing through the neck, and the neck of a green bottle without a bottom is attached to the top. Next, strips of green plastic are cut into equal parts and bent towards the bottom, imitating palm foliage.

Palm tree with sharp plastic leaves

Bottle palms in the country

Bottle palm with smooth leaves

Simple palm tree made from plastic bottles

Thus, three or more palm trees, made from such improvised material as plastic bottles, can decorate any summer cottage and garden. This decorative element will please the eye all year round, rain, snow and wind are not afraid of him. If there is a baby in the house, do not forget to melt the cut points on the bottles. In addition, do not be afraid to involve the baby in joint work. Most likely, he will gladly respond to help.

Original and bright flower beds in the garden made from plastic bottles with your own hands

It’s very easy to use plastic bottles to create useful little things for your dacha and landscape pieces, including flower beds, gazebos, supports for greenhouses and canopies, frames for climbing plants, etc.

Flower beds made from plastic bottles are found quite often not only among amateur gardeners, but also just near high-rise buildings. To make a flower bed, you need to select plastic bottles of the same shape and color. If you have time and desire, you can decorate them either with one color or using a whole palette. To decorate the borders of a flower bed, it is enough to simply dig containers around the perimeter to a sufficient depth. The result is an original fence.

Related article: Olive wallpaper in the interior

Flowerbed sun with sides

Fencing a flower bed or garden bed

Making a flower bed out of bottles

Flowerbed decor made from plastic bottles

Flowerpots and pots for outdoor flowers made from plastic bottles

Plastic bottles can also be used as tabletop and hanging pots. If you cut off the bottom of the bottle, you will get a cylindrical pot; if you use the top part, you will get a cone-shaped pot. If you decorate such pots with colored corrugated paper, fabric, yarn, or simply decorate them, an unforgettable element of the interior will appear. Slightly heated plastic will be easy to give to absolutely any shape, this makes it possible to create the most unusual flowers.

Pots made from plastic bottles

Hedgehog made from grass and bottle

Swan flowerbed made from bottles

Reindeer team made of bottles and tires

And here are video ideas on how you can use bottles to decorate your garden and make it more functional:

Gazebo made from plastic bottles in the country - elegant and convenient

If there is a need to build a gazebo, support for climbing plants, greenhouses, you should stock up on a large number of identical plastic bottles, as well as patience, imaginative thinking and quick wits. The gazebo is fastened using small screws. If whole containers will be used, it is advisable to fill them with sand or earth in order to add reliability. If a frame is being made, do not overload it unnecessarily. Fabric or other light protective sheets attached to the bottles to decorate the sides will look good.

House made of bottles and wood

Canopy made of plastic bottles

Gazebo made from plastic bottles

House made of cement and bottles

Decorative country curtains made from plastic bottles

Curtains made of plastic bottles on windows or in doorways - the most interesting design solution. To create them, you will have to take a large number of these same plastic bottles - directly proportional to the size of the window (or doorways). The cut bottoms from containers (of small height) must be connected to each other. Fishing line or thin wire are suitable as fasteners. An unusual composition of bottles can be created if you take bottles of different sizes and colors. If you have the desire and time, a curtain made of identical transparent bottles painted with acrylic paints will create an unforgettable feeling.

Decorative bottle curtains

Bottle bottoms

Bathroom curtains made from plastic bottles

Curtains made from bottle bottoms

DIY animals, birds and insects from plastic bottles

Not everyone is happy with real animals, birds and insects in the garden. Indeed, who would like it when a mole digs in the garden, a live wolf or bear wanders in, owls fly, or mosquitoes and wasps attack. But bright crafts made from bottles can easily decorate your dacha. More ideas for animals and birds from plastic bottles in this article.

Animals from plastic bottles with photos

Making crafts from bottles is not at all difficult; anyone can find the material in any quantity, and colorful paints will give life to crafts. Therefore, the main problem that may arise in front of you is what exactly to do? Why not animals? Here, for example, are cats, mice and penguins made to decorate the site:

Piglet made from plastic bottles - step-by-step instructions

The easiest way is to make various animals from plastic bottles. For example, you can make these bright pink piglets and place them in your garden for decoration:

All you need is either a large five-liter plastic bottle for the piglet’s body and a few regular bottles for legs and ears. Here are instructions on how to do it:

After the pig is ready, all that remains is to paint it pink. You can make several different crafts. Here are a couple more photos for you:

DIY bottle birds

Or maybe we’ll put some kind of bird in the garden? Why not make funny crows and place them on an apple tree branch? Or make a penguin with a gorgeous tail, which you can put in a clearing or under a tree. You can also make an owl and attach it to a fence or near a hollow tree in the garden, or yellow ducks with which you can decorate a pond, also made by yourself.

Related article: Homemade device for marking from a hacksaw blade

Swan made from plastic bottles - simple instructions for making

And of course, the most popular bird, which is often made from bottles, is the gorgeous snow-white swan. There are several options. The simplest one is to paint the bottles white and stick the neck into the ground, forming the outline of the swan’s body - at the same time it will be a fence for a miniature flowerbed, inside which you can plant any colors. What else to make a fence for flower beds and beds from - read the link. Then all that remains is to make the neck and head of a swan - from the same bottles, from papier-mâché, corrugated tube, plaster or other materials, and this is what we get:

But there are also more complex ways. For example, you can make the frame of a swan’s body, and on top the feathers from plastic spoons - they are already white, so you don’t even have to paint them. Or cutting openwork feathers from bottles is long, tedious, difficult, but the result is really worth it, it’s not a shame to send such a craft even to some competition. And don’t forget to create a pair for the bird: you can make a white and a black swan.

And here is a video master class on how to make a stork from bottles with your own hands:

Master class: wasp, ladybug and other animals from bottles

You can also make various insects from bottles, so don’t rush to throw them away. During the winter you can just collect enough material for summer crafts. The leader here, of course, is the ladybug. It’s very easy to make from the bottom of a plastic bottle, a step-by-step master class is not even required - just cut off the bottom, make a head with wire horns from the caps or some ball, paint it red or any other color, draw dots and eyes - that’s the craft and ready:

What else can be made from? ladybug for garden decor - read in this article. By the way, it is also easily made from plastic spoons - then you can decorate trees or a fence with them. Other insects that can be made from bottles are predatory wasps and bees, bright dragonflies or butterflies, which we will now tell you how to make.

Butterflies from plastic bottles: master class for decorating a gazebo

Bright butterflies will decorate any room; they will look especially original on a gazebo. To make these insects, you should cut out the middle of the container of a plastic bottle (the color does not matter), make a blank from cardboard in the form of butterfly wings, attach it to the plastic and trim around the edges. Next, attach the wire to the bend line. Beads of various sizes will help decorate the body of such a “gazebo dweller.” Butterfly wings are painted with acrylic paints according to the desired image. It is desirable that the color of the butterflies matches color scheme design of a vacation spot.

Butterflies from plastic bottles

Draw and cut out a butterfly

creative butterflies

Go for the butterfly flowers

Figures of people made from plastic bottles

If you are already comfortable with animals, let's go further and try to make something more complex, for example, human figures from bottles. For example, look at how cute the little black man was made from brown bottles, and how easy it is to make:

By the way, little blacks are a popular theme for plastic crafts. This is probably due to the fact that after winter a lot of brown bottles accumulate, which can be used for crafts without even painting them. Well, another option is garden gnomes, a man and a woman, which are also not at all difficult to make: