Toilet      06/26/2020

Scandinavian style house with a flat roof. Beautiful projects of one-story houses with a flat roof. Types of flat roof

Residents of the post-Soviet space steadfastly associate a flat roof with multi-storey typical houses. Modern architectural thought does not stand still, and now there are many solutions for private houses and cottages with a flat roof that look no less interesting than pitched structures.


Cottage with a flat roof has a stylish and modern look. Basically, such designs are stylized in a special way, choosing the direction of minimalism or hi-tech. Traditional styles for buildings with such a roof will not work, since such roofs have been properly beaten quite recently, therefore, any of the classic directions will look ridiculous here.

Of particular interest is how exactly the roof will be used: either for its intended purpose, or as an additional open tier-terrace. It is necessary to determine this issue in advance in order to correctly draw up a project plan.


For the construction of 1-storey cottages with a flat roof, various materials, however, it should be borne in mind that not all of them are suitable for the Russian climate. In winter, almost the entire territory of Russia falls a large number of snow, which greatly increases the load on a flat roof. Therefore, it is impossible to make walls from light and insufficiently strong materials. In this regard, popular frame buildings will not work, but there is another prefabricated option.

Different materials for floors and walls. If almost all durable types (monolith, brick, wood) are suitable for walls, then for the roof you will have to choose the type of building materials more carefully.

Reinforced concrete slabs

hollow or flat reinforced concrete slabs applied in modern construction for floors. They are strong enough to support the weight of a flat roof.

Plates have many positive qualities:

  • strength;
  • durability;
  • good sound and heat insulation characteristics;
  • installation speed;
  • resistance to corrosion phenomena.


The main disadvantage of the material is that it is produced only in standard sizes, this must be taken into account when creating a project. Reinforced concrete slabs are suitable for floors only in a house that has a reinforced foundation.


For floors, a special corrugated board is used, which is called a carrier. Like the previous version, it is great for laying as a flat roof. The bearing corrugated board is very popular mainly because of its cheapness. This material costs significantly less than all the others. However, the low price has not prevented it from establishing itself as a durable and versatile material that has an excellent ability to withstand the heavy loads that a flat roof is subjected to.

Bearing corrugated board weighs much less than reinforced concrete slabs, therefore it is optimally suited for creating flat roofs in the middle climatic zone with little rainfall in winter.

Monolithic concrete

This material used for floors quite rarely due to the complexity of installation. Here you first need to prepare the mixture, after which you can fill. This is only possible for true professionals in their field. However, it must be noted that monolithic concrete as a flat roof it is perfectly exploited, but only on condition that the manufacturing and installation technology has been fully observed.

Modern one-story houses with a flat roof are not customary to build from traditional materials. For this, modern developments are best suited, which can withstand and harsh winter, And summer heat. At the same time, it is easy to work with them, and the construction itself does not take much time.

SIP or sandwich panels

In the catalog of every self-respecting construction agency there are standard projects one-story houses with a flat roof made of SIP panels. Please note that it is best to order cottages made of this material. Construction requires compliance with a special technology, so it can be difficult for a beginner to work with sandwich panels.

Talking about merit panel houses, one can note their low thermal conductivity and high noise insulation characteristics. Construction costs much less than brick. At the same time, the rejection of pitched roofs also plays a significant role.

Flat roof

We are all used to seeing flat roofs only in multi-storey buildings Soviet built. Among many, there is an opinion that such roofs are boring, and real home should only be equipped with a pitched roof. In the light of recent architectural developments, this belief can be argued, especially considering the many advantages of such roofs.

It is impossible not to make a reservation that one-story houses with flat roof it will be possible to stylize only in a modern direction. By itself, a flat roof looks futuristic, and you need to use this free space.


Among the advantages of flat roofs there are many characteristics.

  • Ease of installation. Flat roof structures can be completed in record time.
  • Reliability. If you organize the roof in the right way, it can withstand a lot of weight. In this case, in which case the repair of such a design is much easier to perform than to repair truss system.
  • Excellent thermal insulation. No matter what type of flat roof construction is chosen, it will keep the heat inside the house great.

  • Cheapness. Compared to pitched, flat structures are much cheaper both in terms of materials and time.
  • Easy to install equipment. Antennas, air conditioners, various service communications on the plane are much easier to arrange than under a slope.
  • Interesting view. If the house itself is decorated in the style of "minimalism", then a laconic roof without a slope will perfectly complement the overall look.
  • Additional area. If desired, the roof can be strengthened and used to organize space for a playground, garden or recreation area. Some even make a pool here.


There are not so many cons, but still they are.

  • No matter how good the roof is, there is always a chance that it will leak. In case of flat design the risk increases many times, because it is subject to heavy loads due to the fact that the snow does not roll.
  • If you plan to use the cover for your needs in the winter, snow and ice will have to be cleaned manually.
  • The construction of a flat roof should be carried out in full compliance with the technology, otherwise there is a risk that it will leak or fail to withstand loads and collapse.


Pitched roofs are divided according to several criteria, among which are the method of use and the type of laying of materials. As a rule, the name of each of the characteristics speaks for itself.

By way of use

Roofs are operated and non-operated.

Exploited roofs are those that are used not only as roofs, but also as additional space for spending time. Reinforced systems are used here, allowing not only to place heavy equipment on the roof, but even to organize a “green corner” here, planting a lawn, flowers and even trees. Equipping a structure of this type costs quite a lot, and it is important to lay down in advance in the project what kind of weight load the roof will be subjected to.

Unexploited roofs are much cheaper due to the fact that they do not need to be additionally strengthened and equipped with waterproofing. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the snow loads that the roof will be exposed to in the winter.

By type of laying materials

There are classic, inversion and breathable roofs.

Classical types are usually used in the design of non-exploited roofs. This is due to the fact that they have a lower load resistance coefficient. Moisture or mechanical influences can be detrimental to these roofs.

The layout of the layers looks like this (top to bottom):

  • top deposited material (waterproofing);
  • bottom deposited material (waterproofing);
  • screed (if provided);
  • insulation;
  • vapor barrier layer;
  • overlap.

Thus, an unprotected waterproofing layer quickly becomes unusable.

The inverted roof looks exactly the opposite, which can be understood from the name:

  • ballast (gravel, crushed stone or other heavy material);
  • vapor barrier;
  • hydrophobic insulation;
  • waterproofing;
  • protective substrate (primer);
  • overlap.

Such flat roofs have a long service life and are optimally suited for exploited roofs.

Breathable can be both classic and inversion designs. They are equipped with aerators or deflectors to provide additional ventilation, because there is no gap between a flat roof and the house, as is the case with pitched roofs. This leads to insufficient air exchange, which is why the organization of the ventilation system is so important.


When designing a one-story house with a flat roof, it is extremely important to pay close attention to the type of roof. Here the roof is the most important component. Russian firms have been engaged in such design not so long ago, so contact only trusted agencies.

The type and shape of the roof has always depended on the region and the natural and climatic conditions that existed in it. In northern lands with a lot of rain in summer and snow in winter, historically used different types pitched roofs. This has a completely rational justification - this way precipitation rolls down faster, and the roof is more likely not to leak.

In some places, a dome was an alternative to a pitched roof. As an example, one can name such a traditional type of residential building for some peoples as a yurt.

The dome, like the pitched roof, is quite effective in removing snow and water. In addition, it copes well with wind load - which is a serious threat to the well-known sloping roof with large overhangs.

But the hot southern regions could afford to make a very small slope for water flow. For example, in ancient Greece, one-story houses with a flat roof with a slight slope, with an open courtyard and a pool into which water flowed, were common.

However, this is all about the past. Modern building technology allow you to do what was previously considered irrational and even impossible. And flat roofs gradually penetrated all regions, increasingly crowding out other options. Take a look at any major city. And in Lately and in private houses, a flat roof is gradually replacing the traditional pitched one.

Advantages of a flat roof

This trend is explained by a number of significant advantages that this particular type of roof has. First, it is structurally simpler. That is, it takes less time and materials to build it. It's easier to insulate. And this leads to a reduction in construction time and significant cost savings. It is not surprising that in a market economy it is this type of roof that has become most widespread.

And secondly, a flat roof is a potential opportunity to increase the usable area that you can use. After all, such a roof can be made exploitable - which we observe in numerous projects. modern houses with a flat roof.

And this idea from beautiful projects has long begun to migrate into reality. This is not an architectural utopia, but something that you, if you wish, can embody in your own two-story house with a flat roof.

Disadvantages of a flat roof

Of course, the widespread introduction of just this type of roofing has a huge number of opponents who claim significant shortcomings of this solution.

For example, it is often said that flat roofs still leak too often.

And the lack of overhangs common for a pitched roof makes the facades of the building more vulnerable, which are not protected in any way from the destructive influence of moisture and due to this they quickly lose their appearance.

Mention is made of an even greater snow load, which leads to the need to manually clean the roofs. But let's look at each of these disadvantages in a little more detail.

Frequent leaks: who is to blame and what to do

Unfortunately, this is a reality - a huge number of modern apartment buildings with flat roofs are in need of repair on a regular basis. And the inhabitants of their upper floors often suffer from water flowing along the walls and ceiling.

However, it is not the type of roof as such that is to blame. Remember to panel houses after all, other claims are often made. Poor sound insulation, walls freezing in some places ... The thing is that during the construction of most of the modern housing stock, they relied not on quality, but on speed and quantity. And it was right - the housing crisis was very acute, it had to be solved somehow.

But - yes - as a result, the residents of such houses now have problems. Including the current roof. But not because this type of roof, in principle, is not able to withstand the destructive effects of moisture. But because its installation requires professionalism, a neat approach and high-quality materials.

However, such common in panel residential buildings Leakage problems have another reason. This is a failure to comply with what is called the "rules of operation".

There are different types of flat roofs. For example, one on which you can walk, even plant grass there, organize recreation areas, parks, and swimming pools on it.

If you undertake to study fashionable projects of houses with a flat roof, all this is often found there. But typical construction involves a different type of construction. The one you can't walk on.

However, it is not always possible to fulfill this condition in practice. Roofs are cleared of snow, communications are installed on them, and so on. And all of these actions potentially lead to future leaks.

Thus, if you entrust the installation of a flat roof to professionals in your private house and comply with all operating conditions, the roof will not disappoint you.

The destructive effect of moisture: how to save facades

So, critics of flat roofs say that the lack of large overhangs characteristic of a traditional pitched roof leads to the rapid destruction of facades. And, in general, it is difficult to argue - water can even affect mountain slopes, let alone brickwork.

However, do overhangs really protect facades from moisture so well? Imagine slanting jets of rain hitting the surface of a wall at an angle. Roof overhangs take on part of them, it's true.

But in fact, they really cover only a small strip of the facade from above. The larger the protruding part of the roof, the more this space will turn out. But it cannot be increased indefinitely.

Thus, in order to protect the facades, not some special type of roofing is needed, but modern building technologies. For example, frame house with a flat roof, lined with porcelain tiles or siding, will be extremely resistant to external influences.

Snow loads

This factor can be very significant in some regions. The layer of snow has a large weight, which additionally loads the floor. And if it does not survive, the consequences will be very deplorable.

However, the design features of a flat roof according to the rules are calculated taking into account the possible snow load. Thus, if no fatal mistakes were made in the design and construction, the snow will not affect the house in any way, no matter what roof it has.

Aesthetic possibilities

Sometimes you can hear that rectangular boxes with a flat roof are uninteresting and ugly. Surely those who say this have never seen modern houses with a flat roof, even in the photo, not to mention a personal acquaintance.

It is no coincidence that this architectural solution is now at the peak of popularity. Styles such as hi-tech, minimalism, modern invariably prefer roofs with a slight slope. Because it allows you to make a more complex planning structure, embody previously unfeasible ideas, create expressive and unusual compositions. Such architecture can look very impressive and original.

Photo of houses with a flat roof

Flat Roof House Projects

In our country, a flat roof is a rather atypical solution. Therefore, such a house will stand out among other buildings. A flat roof serves as a kind of indicator of the status of the owner, the breadth of his views and the absence of conventions.

But a house with a flat roof is not just a tribute to fashion and a desire to stand out. If earlier only elite apartment buildings, then today it is increasingly becoming an attribute country houses. A flat roof allows you to realize the fantasies that the owners pitched roofs and didn't dream. This is a luxurious flower garden, and a reservoir with a beach area. Not the last role in choosing such a roof is played by material benefits. After all, it eliminates the need to design and build a truss system. True, a flat roof has significant disadvantages. For example, the lack of under-roof space, and hence the thermal insulation that it provides.

A house with a flat roof needs an attic with high-quality hydro and thermal insulation. To do this, you need expensive materials. No matter how flat the roof is, a minimum slope is still needed there. Usually it is 5-15 degrees. Such an angle of inclination is sufficient so that the roof does not collect rain and melt water. Moreover, on a perfectly flat roof, you will have to make a slope, that is, give it some slope. For this, special materials are used - plates with a certain angle. It is possible to use bulk materials. If you are concerned about the issue of cleaning snow in winter, calm down, taking on a shovel is not necessary at all. A warm cable will help solve the problem, thanks to which the snow will constantly melt and flow off the roof on its own. However, even what, in essence, is a disadvantage, can be a virtue. It is not necessary to remove all the snow from the roof. Leaving it there in a quantity that is safe for the roof, you get natural thermal insulation, which means you can save on heating.

If you decide to order a house project with a flat roof, you should remember that such construction can be associated with certain difficulties. For example, during the installation of a roof, all requirements for waterproofing must be met. Otherwise, in the future you will encounter leaks and water accumulating on the roof. You can order individual project or buy standard project houses with a flat roof. In any case, you will be prompted to choose one of two types of roofing. It can be a lightweight or operated flat roof. Lightweight roofing does not provide for operation. In this case, the beams are laid on top bearing walls and are fixed in place. The next step is to mount the batten, then lay the waterproofing in several layers.

The next stage is the laying of thermal insulation and the installation of ventilation vents so that condensate does not accumulate in the insulation. Finally, the roof must be waterproofed with roofing membranes. If you choose finished project flat roof houses and would like to arrange a recreation area at the top, then you need to choose a building with a solid roof, designed for significant loads. There are several ways to equip such a roof. Concrete slabs can serve as ceilings. It will not be possible to lay such a roof without the involvement of heavy equipment, in addition, it needs to be insulated. Also the basis roofing you can put metal support beams. Most modern way– ceramic roofing blocks. This material will give the roof strength, will keep the heat inside and will not let in sounds from the outside. Such blocks are resistant to moisture.

Swimming pools and tennis courts, playgrounds and solariums, gardens and walking paths, but only - on the roof! Houses with an exploited roof have such opportunities: in modern suburban construction they actively compete with traditional houses and offer additional areas for exploitation.

The portal site presents a selection of the most popular projects of houses with a flat roof. Their expressive, laconic architecture and the ability to expand the functionality through an open area on the roof will surely resonate with owners of cramped areas and adherents of modern European design.

The project of a three-story house ""

The exploited roof of the project "Vesconti" is suitable for the leisure of all generations. Children are happy to organize a play area here, young people will set up a ping-pong table or organize a party, and the older generation will install upholstered furniture for the outdoor recreation area.

The project of a modern two-storey villa with wood trim in a horizontal layout, open terraces and built-in garage for two cars.

At the level of the ground floor, the left side of the villa is occupied by a garage with technical rooms, the right side - by the combined space of the living room and kitchen-dining room. Adjacent to the living room: staircase and distribution halls.

Three bedrooms, each with its own dressing room and bathroom, are placed on the second floor. There is also an office here. Each room on the second floor has a corner panoramic window and access to an open terrace.

The villa is designed for permanent residence families of 4-5 people.

The project of a modern villa with brick finish, cantilevered second floor and built-in garage.

L-shaped in plan, the villa is designed for a family of 3-5 people and has a simple and convenient planning solution. At the level of the ground floor, one wing of the house is occupied by a garage for two cars and utility rooms. In the other, there is a combined kitchen-dining room and living room with access to the terrace.

On the second floor there is an office and three bedrooms, each with its own dressing room and bathroom. The parent bedroom with an obliquely cut loggia cantileveredly hangs over the living room. On the roof of the garage there is an open terrace with a solarium and a barbecue area.

Norden belongs to eco-urbanism, is distinguished by minimalism in decor, functionality and efficiency of planning solutions. The project is being sold together with the design project of all premises, including layout options for the exploited roof, which occupies more than 160 sq.m. and is divided into three independent functional areas.

The project is very spacious and ideal for a large family6 not only there are 4 separate bedrooms for the owners of the house, but also 2 rooms for staff. All technical premises are designed here - a boiler room and a garage for 2 cars. A spacious terrace on the first floor and a balcony with a garden on the second floor will allow you to save directly on the area of ​​the purchased land plot, organizing high-quality outdoor recreation within the boundaries of the cottage itself.

Project two-story house « »

The project of a two-storey villa with corner panoramic windows, trim natural stone and built-in garage for two cars. The villa is designed for permanent residence of a family of 4-5 people.

At the ground floor level, the house is divided into two parts. The right one is occupied by a garage and technical rooms, the left one is a cruciform in terms of the combined space of the hall with an internal front staircase, a living room, a fireplace room and a kitchen-dining room. The dining room has its own access to the garden.

On the level of the second floor there are four bedrooms united by a spacious hall, each with access to its own balcony. The bedrooms are semi-detached with separate walk-in closets and bathrooms with natural light.

The project of a two-storey house with continuous glazing, open terraces and an attached garage for two cars for a family of 4-5 people.

Attached to the main two-story volume of this house single storey garage with roof in use.

The presentation group of premises is located on the first floor and opens onto a terrace running along the main volume of the building. This is a spacious hall with an internal front staircase, a living room with a two-sided fireplace and a kitchen-dining room. On the ground floor there is a guest or servants' room with a separate entrance.

Three bedrooms and an office located on the second floor are united by a beautifully lit hall and have access to balconies and a terrace arranged on the roof of the garage. The children's bedrooms are interlocked with separate bathrooms, the parent's - with a dressing room and a bathroom with natural light.

Project of a one-story house with wood trim and beveled concrete walls enclosing the terrace for a group of bedrooms. The house is designed to be built on the terrain, has an outdoor pool and is designed for a family of 3-5 people.

The planning decision of this house involves the division into two parts - a presentation and a private one. The presentation room is a spacious living room with a fireplace area and a kitchen-dining room. The kitchen has a working "island" and an adjacent food pantry. The presentation part of the house opens onto a terrace with a swimming pool and an outdoor solarium.

The private part consists of two children's and parent's bedrooms, each with access to the terrace. At the same time, the parent bedroom has two opposite exits - to the side terrace, enclosed by concrete walls, and to the main one, with a swimming pool.

The project of a three-story house ""

Minimalism "Alicante" will appeal to many buyers. Simple, but at the same time harmonious, this project will fit into the site even with modest dimensions. Ergonomics interior spaces makes the house functional and comfortable for a family of 5-6 people.

The project of a modern two-story house with a built-in garage, decorative blinds on the facade and colored outdoor lighting.

The breading solution at home involves the permanent residence of a family of 5-7 people in it. On the ground floor level there is a spacious living room with corner fireplace and access to the terrace. Next to it is an open kitchen-dining room with a working island, dining table and a large grocery store. On the ground floor level there is a bedroom for older family members, which can also be used as a guest room.

Three children's rooms - each with its own mini-study, but with a shared dressing room and bathroom, are located on the second floor. Here is also the parent's bedroom, designed as a single block with a bathroom and a dressing room and having access to a balcony.

Often, when building private houses, preference is given to pitched roof, however, there are also buildings with a flat roof, and as a result, very curious architectural objects are obtained. If a decision is made to equip this structure, then you need to be prepared for some difficulties. There are pros and cons of a flat roof, the nuances of its installation.

Pros and cons of a flat roof

It is worth noting from the very beginning that a flat roof for a private house is not a perfectly horizontal surface. It also has a slope, only a small one (from 1 to 5 degrees). The following main advantages of the roof can be distinguished:

  • the overlap of the upper floor will serve as a supporting structure for the roof;
  • the same height of the space under the roof will allow it to be used as a full-fledged room;
  • gives the house an original look;
  • the possibility of using the roof surface (for example, you can equip a summer terrace there);
  • simplifies repair work and makes them safer.

The disadvantages include:

  • stringent requirements for the waterproofing layer of the roofing cake;
  • the need to install an internal drain;
  • high degree of snow load.

From the above, it follows that a flat roof - good decision, provided that all roofing will be qualitatively fulfilled, and the requirements will be taken into account.

Basis for mounting a flat roof

What will be the overlap of the upper floor directly depends on design features ceilings throughout the house. As a rule, it is performed using the same material as the ceiling between floors.

The most common options are prefabricated or monolithic overlap from reinforced concrete, overlapping on a profiled sheet with metal support beams.

Possible option with wooden floor. The fundamental difference from the overlap between floors is the presence of a laid insulation and high-quality waterproofing.

Roofing cake options

The type of roofing cake is determined by the nature of its location and purpose. It can be performed in the classic version or made inverted.

The classic roof has the following composition: ceiling, concrete or expanded clay concrete screed, vapor barrier, thermal insulation material, roofing with a high degree of protection against moisture (mainly bituminous materials).

In the inversion structure, the arrangement is different: overlap, slope, multilayer waterproofing, heat-insulating material, vapor barrier and, finally, the pressure layer. The latter can be made from concrete slabs, gravel, ceramic tiles etc.

The name of the inversion roof was due to the mirror arrangement of the layers of hydro and vapor barrier in relation to the insulation (unlike the classic version).

This type of roofing is ideal for exploited roofs. However, the complexity of the technology makes such roofs a rare exception in the field of private construction.

The technology itself is expensive, since the massiveness of the structure makes the necessary creation solid ceiling of the upper floor.

Bearing structures require detailed calculations at the design stage, and the layering of the cake brings with it significant costs.

Below we will only consider classic version roofing cake, which is often equipped with modern houses with a flat roof.

roofing material

The material for the roof, namely vapor barrier, waterproofing, insulation and the coating itself, must be of high quality.

Vapor barrier is performed by special membranes, not perforated films. It is undesirable to use polyethylene as a waterproofing, since the material does not have the necessary reliability.

Insulation for mounting a flat roof is selected taking into account the snow load, as well as the load coming from people working on the roof during repairs.

The insulation must be durable and resistant to a humid environment. It could be styrofoam mineral wool with high density, expanded clay.

The efficiency of the latter is not so high, therefore, when choosing it as a heater, it is necessary to achieve a large thickness of the layer being laid. This increases the load on the supporting structures.

The coating is made from rolled materials: roofing material, linochrome, hydroisol, etc., and bulk mastics are also used. roll material considered the most optimal for use in the arrangement of a flat roof.

Roofing technology

Flat roof construction involves the following workflow steps. The slope of the roof, albeit small, is achieved by creating a slope.

In this case, you can use bulk material (expanded clay), foam concrete (it is advisable to contact specialists), and a heater. From above, the slope is covered with a waterproofing layer, after which the process of laying the roofing begins.

The next step is laying the first layer. The roll is rolled out, then it is heated with gas burner and glued to the base.

It is important to ensure that the sheets overlap each other and the material is applied to all vertical roof objects (parapets, pipes, etc.).

Three layers of lining and one finishing layer are laid on a flat roof.

The stage of laying the coating is a laborious process, especially if you want to use adhesive mastic.

Overhead gutters, an internal drainage system are used for the drainage device.

In the case when all the work related to the arrangement of the roof is done correctly, you will have an excellent opportunity to proudly declare the originality of your residential creation. And the photo taken of a house with a flat roof will join the ranks of original design solutions on the network.

Photo of houses with a flat roof