Toilet      04.03.2020

How to make a brick wall. How to decorate a brick wall with your own hands? photo ideas for using decorative bricks in the interior

An expensive wall decor option is not for everyone, and if you have to work with your own hands, then the most affordable can be just the same decorative plaster. You can’t do without preliminary alignment of the walls, but at the same time you will save the usable area in the room.

First, as expected, remove a layer of old plaster from the wall, or wallpaper - in a word, the old finish. If during inspection you have identified cracks, potholes, they need to be hammered cement mortar. If necessary, the corners are aligned.

The entire surface is treated with a deep penetration primer. This is necessary for good adhesion and surface disinfection. Masters advise adding a little PVA glue to the primer to improve the quality of the primer.

Of the tools and materials you will need:

  • Mix container;
  • spatulas;
  • masking tape;
  • Master OK;
  • Level or rule;
  • Painting mesh;
  • Drill for mixing mortar;
  • Lace or thread for lighthouses;
  • Stucco mesh.

And cover the floor with oilcloth before work, do not forget to protect your hands with gloves.

Preparing walls for plaster (video)

Do-it-yourself brick wall from plaster: technology

The process, of course, is laborious, but, what pleases, it is creative. If you do it yourself, and even for the first time, strictly follow the sequence of steps.

Technology for applying plaster under a brick:

  • Wall markings are needed if you are doing such an imitation brickwork only on a fragment of the wall, and not on the entire surface. With a simple pencil, draw the outlines of the bricks. And masking tape will be needed in order to limit the space for work.
  • Prime the wall, preferably with an acrylic primer. It is easier to do this with a foam roller. IN hard-to-reach places it is better to prime with a brush.
  • In order to make the finishing mass, you need to prepare water and gypsum plaster. The mixture should be thick so that it does not flow down the wall. If you want, add dye to the solution to make the future "brick" look more realistic.
  • Plaster only the area that can be covered only at one time. Carry out the next step until the solution has dried.
  • A surface covered with wet plaster is ideal for making bricks. Take any sharp object such as a knitting needle, and use it to push through the strips that look like gaps separating one brick from another.

You can even make an imitation of texture on the wall surface with your own hands. To do this, with a dry hard brush, draw over an almost dried-up imitation of masonry.

The grouting of the wall with fine sandpaper completes the work. Decorative plaster is painted with a roller, choose shades according to the color as reminiscent of natural brick as possible.

Brick plastering technology (video)

Imitation of brickwork with putty

Alternative way brick imitation consists in the use of putty and a special narrow construction adhesive tape.

DIY brickwork imitation:

  • On a plastered dry wall, mark the seams so that the rectangles of each subsequent row move to the rectangles of the previous one.
  • Carefully paint over the marked seams the right paint wait for it to dry.
  • On top of this layer along the lines of horizontal seams, glue strips of construction tape, and stick short vertical strips of tape on top of them.
  • On top of this adhesive tape, apply a fairly thin layer of putty on the wall, smooth the surface of this layer, and leave the irregularities such that they are enough to create the desired texture.
  • After the putty has hardened, remove the adhesive tape. To do this, you can simply remove the horizontal stripes, and the vertical ones will be removed along with them.
  • Wait until the putty has completely hardened.

Brickwork: ways to imitate

If you are not satisfied with the option where only one plaster works, the brick can be made in a different way. For example, corrugated cardboard is often used, which is cut in the right amount to fit the sides of the brick sides. You must smear each such cardboard brick with PVA glue with your own hands. Paper napkins can complete the image of masonry imitation, upper layer which will perform the function of decoupage - if you need a decorative finish for a wall fragment, this is a very good option.

What else, if not just plaster? Brick can also be made by embossing with a stencil. This work is carried out on fresh plaster. How to do it - do you use polymer or rubber flat stencil, it has a relief pattern of brickwork. Moisten the stencil with water and press it against the plastered wall. And then it is taken away from the wall, and in front of you is brick after brick.

This option is easier than scratching out each brick, but more expensive. After all, not only plaster is required, but also the stencil itself. However, the surface will be like after the work of a team of craftsmen - everything is accurate and even. This cycle must be repeated for as long as you get the entire surface with imitation of brickwork.

Do-it-yourself decorative brick plaster (video)

A brick wall is always beautiful, stylish, modern. And imitation of such a wall is not the worst option, and not the most expensive, which is very important. Choose the way you like and do everything step by step.

Happy repair!

Many remember Soviet washable paper wallpaper for the corridor with a brick wall print and green sprouts. Many decades have passed since then, but the decorative brick on the wall not only has not lost its relevance, but has also smoothly moved into the interiors of living rooms and kitchens, becoming a style-forming element of many modern styles.

Types and features of tiles

Of course, real brick is rarely found in the interior. Only the owners of brick urban new buildings, who, by agreement with the developer, refused to plaster work, and the owners of private brick houses can afford such a luxury. In all other cases, to implement this bold idea, you will need an imitation decorative finishing material.


Flexible brick tiles are used for interior decoration often enough. The reason for this is its good decorative qualities and ease of installation. This modern material from cement, sand, acrylic polymer and colored pigments. On sale you can find a huge variety color solutions brick tiles: all shades of brick, white, sand, gray and even black.

This material gently bends at any angle, you can decorate external and internal corners, window and door openings, columns and other curved surfaces. To do this, the finishing element is simply heated with a building hair dryer to 50 degrees and glued to a curved surface under pressure. Slightly heated tiles will hide any irregularities in the base. You can cut it with a simple knife.

Through combinations of different color shades tiles from one collection, you can achieve unique design walls. Deviations in shades will further emphasize the naturalness of the masonry. Due to good performance characteristics (frost resistance, resistance to natural factors), tiles can also be used in outdoor decoration - for example, to clad a loggia.

The following advantages of flexible modern material can be noted:

  • provides additional heat and sound insulation;
  • due to its light weight, it is easy to work with it;
  • practically waste-free material;
  • warm to the touch;
  • has a certain resistance to mechanical stress;
  • You can put it on a cheap cement mixture or cement glue.


Brick-like gypsum tiles are absolutely environmentally friendly and allow the surface to breathe, so they are popular in finishing no less flexible. In appearance and manufacturing technology, it is not much different from cement. The facing material is made of gypsum with the addition of plasticizers. It is light in weight, which determines the ease of working with it and a certain breadth of application: for example, it can be mounted on drywall. Gypsum tiles painted in mass do not lose color during long-term operation, have soundproofing characteristics, high decorative effect and inexpensive price.

However, some of its technical characteristics significantly reduce the range of its application:

  1. Gypsum tiles absorb from environment moisture, swells and, as a result, is painted. Therefore, it is not advisable to use it in rooms with high humidity: bathrooms and kitchen. Or you will have to apply a special varnish to the tile, which will significantly increase the amount of investment in repairs.
  2. This is a brittle material that can easily crack from mechanical stress. Fragility also somewhat complicates the installation process.
  3. Gypsum tiles are an excellent dust collector. The embossed surface easily accumulates dust.

Unfortunately, the low heat resistance and fragility of the tiles make it impossible to use them in kitchens near stoves, for lining fireplaces, and also for finishing places near heating elements.


Cement tiles have excellent performance characteristics and can be used for decorative cladding in rooms operated at any temperature. For example, for wall decoration in seasonal houses. A huge advantage of cement tiles is its inexpensive price and a variety of colors and textures.

The basis of cement tiles is mineral chips and the best brands of Portland cement containing binder silicates, sand and water. Casting or pressing manufacturing technology allows you to simulate the surface with any accuracy. Somewhat inferior to clinker in terms of mechanical strength, polymer cement tiles have less weight, chemical resistance, and a high variety of color and texture designs. The coloring pigment is introduced into the solution immediately during mixing, which ensures color stability and resistance to fading.


Clinker tiles are made from the same shale clays as traditional bricks - the differences lie in the manufacturing technology. For the manufacture of clinker clay, high-temperature firing is used until the components of the mixture are completely sintered. The resulting clinker tiles have minimal porosity, excellent strength, excellent heat-insulating, frost-resistant, moisture-resistant and decorative characteristics. Therefore, clinker is most often used for facade cladding.

Clinker tiles in the apartment - perfect solution not only for rooms, but also for decorating kitchens and bathrooms, as its moisture resistance and resistance to temperature extremes determine its durability when used in difficult conditions.

Panels for brickwork

Widely used for interior decoration and brick wall panels made of PVC, MDF, glass fiber reinforced concrete. This material is easy to use, and its protective coating withstands moderate impact and friction. It is widely used by bars and restaurants to create authentic interiors. It is also convenient for home use. The advantages of panels include:

  1. Duration of operation - up to 15 years without loss of performance.
  2. The ability to hide surface irregularities or communication systems with minimal time investment.
  3. Light weight and small thickness of the material allow it to be used even for finishing plasterboard partitions.
  4. Ease of material processing (cut with a conventional knife) and ease of installation.
  5. Resistant to high levels of humidity, fungus, mold.
  6. varied design, a large number of color shades, varied texture, no need for finishing staining.

Wall panels also have a small drawback - with a significant mechanical impact, they can crack.

According to the base material, the panels are distinguished into:

  1. PVC panels - safe lungs decorative panels that adhere to the surface.
  2. MDF panels are made from wood shavings. Such panels have high performance parameters: wear resistance, thermal insulation properties and durability.
  3. Panels made of glass fiber reinforced concrete - a modern material, which is a mixture of quartz sand, white cement and reinforcing fiberglass. This is a modern flexible, lightweight, environmentally friendly, highly frost-resistant, fire-resistant, moisture-resistant, soundproof material that is not susceptible to corrosion and chemical attack. Glass fiber reinforced concrete is highly resistant to impact, bending, tension and compression.

Advantages and disadvantages

When choosing a tile for creating interior decorative masonry, you must carefully read the technical characteristics of the finishing material. For example, for a kitchen apron, you need to choose a moisture-resistant material with a surface that is easy to care for. The use of gypsum tiles for these purposes will create certain difficulties. The same applies to the use of tiles in the bathroom.

The installation time factor when choosing a material also plays a big role. It is easier and faster to make brick decor from soft tiles or using wall panels. It will take much longer to work with hard tiles. Due to some complexity of installation, in some cases it is better to invite a professional.

The price factor also plays an important role - gypsum or cement tiles will become a more budgetary solution to the issue, but clinker is a rather expensive material.

On the whole decorative tiles under the brick allows you to create a durable beautiful interior in modern and classic styles, it will look original and noble and will last as long as possible.

Do-it-yourself tiles

Some craftsmen prefer to make tiles for decor with their own hands, creating their own unique textures. This process is not particularly complicated and does not require the use of high-tech equipment.


Styrofoam bricks are an easy option to transform the interior of your home. For the manufacture of bricks, fine-grained foam is taken, which is cut to the size of a traditional brick - 25 by 12 cm. If the walls are perfectly aligned, you can stick the bricks directly on them. If there is no desire to engage in leveling the walls, you can make a base panel from plasterboard or plywood.

Bricks are glued to PVA on a primed wall or base with a gap that imitates natural masonry of 10-15 mm. Cracks and potholes to simulate naturalness are applied with an ordinary soldering iron or knife (spatula, any sharp object). The base is glued to the wall. After that, you can start painting the bricks with acrylic paints. You need to paint in several layers, starting with darker shades and ending with lighter ones. Painting is best done from spray cans.

Tile using a stencil

Imitation of a brick can be done using a stencil made of plastic or rubber. To simplify the work, you can purchase a ready-made stencil from a well-known manufacturer of dry plaster and adhesive mixtures Ceresit. The manufacturer offers a whole line of stencils imitating London brickwork, Boston brickwork, etc. The surface of the stencil repeats the texture of a brick wall.

Work should be carried out on freshly laid, not yet set plaster. The stencil is slightly moistened with water and applied with pressure to the wall. After you remove the stencil, the imprint of the brick wall will be immediately visible. The stencil is moved along the wall in one straight line. You need to level and correct the imitation of masonry with your hands, and not with a tool. Thus, an imitation of the natural texture is created.

After the mortar dries with a scraper, the borders of the bricks are slightly sharpened. Then they brush off the debris from the masonry with a brush and proceed to staining.

Plaster and silicone molds

For the manufacture of gypsum brick tiles, you can, of course, use purchased silicone or polyurethane molds, but their prices can leave anyone confused. However, if the question is about the design of a brick insert small area, then you can buy one form, as a rule, for 8 bricks and sequentially make required amount bricks.
If you plan to decorate the entire apartment in a loft style, for example, or at least decorate a couple of walls in a brick style, then it will be easier to cast several molds with your own hands and quickly make the right amount of bricks with their help.

To make a silicone mold, you will need a large chipboard shield with aluminum corner sides to fit the future shape and decorative bricks. Bricks need to be glued to the shield with a shift or exactly, depending on what kind of masonry you want to end up with, observing the evenness of the inter-laying joints ranging in size from 3 mm to 5 mm. Bricks must be glued tightly, over the entire surface, so that the polyurethane does not flow under them. After that, the entire surface is treated with a release agent.

Polyurethane is mixed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The best rigidity polyurethane for these purposes is 40 shore. The first layer of polyurethane is smeared with a brush, and after a couple of minutes, polyurethane can be poured onto the surface. The polyurethane should dry for a day, after which it can be taken out and put for another 5 days so that it rests. After that, you can start working with it.

The simplest gypsum mix for making bricks:

  • 6 pieces of plaster;
  • 1 part slaked lime;
  • water at the rate of 1 to 0.7;
  • color.

An ideal option for you to have a vibrating table. With it, air bubbles will be removed from the poured solution. If there is no vibrating table, gypsum in each form must be pierced with any pin for the same purposes. After 20 minutes, the gypsum has already set and can be carefully pulled out of the mold. The bricks should dry for another day.

This is perhaps the easiest method to create imitation brickwork and does not require much investment. For plastering the wall, you can use ready-made dry mixes by mixing the plaster and adhesive cement mixture in a ratio of 1 to 1. For a greater increase in the plasticity of the solution, add 1 tbsp to 5 kg. Fairy detergent.

For building masonry on the wall better fit masking tape 14 mm wide. To simplify the work, the surface of the wall can be pre-drawn with a pencil. The distance between the lines is calculated by the size of the bricks and the size of the masonry joints. The adhesive tape is evenly glued along the drawn lines in such a way that the edges of the horizontal strips extend beyond the walls being decorated, and the vertical strips must be glued on top of the horizontal ones. To prevent pencil marks from being visible on the masonry, it is better to glue the adhesive tape above the lines and slightly to the side. The adhesive tape must be pressed tightly against the wall and checked that it is firmly glued together.

Now, on top of the adhesive tape, the prepared solution is applied to the wall with a spatula with a layer 5-6 mm thick. If you apply a thicker layer, then you will have to spend time on additional grouting. If the mixture is pre-tinted, no coloring is required. The applied solution can be walked with a wet rubber glove to create a surface texture.

After the solution has set, but has not yet completely hardened, you can remove the mesh from the adhesive tape. At the ends of the adhesive tape, moving from top to bottom, it is removed along with the plaster applied to it. After the plaster dries a little more, you can trim the contours of the bricks with a spatula. Small dents and scratches will only add naturalness and naturalness to the masonry.

If further painting is planned, then the dried wall will still need to be primed. If the tile is already painted in mass, it will be enough to cover it with varnish for decorative coatings.
Style decisions

Decorative masonry, imitating brick, not only does not create a large load on the walls, but also allows you to decorate the interior, as in classic ( English style, retro), in rustic (country, Provence) and modern (Scandinavian, loft, industrial) styles. Let's look at some examples.


The brutal texture of brick has become literally a calling card modern style Loft. In such an interior, it will look out of place in any room - in the living room, in the bedroom, in the kitchen and in the hallway. As a rule, in a loft, one wall is decorated with brickwork - an accent wall. The color of the masonry can match the taste preferences of the owners - light, white, light gray masonry will visually expand the space, while saturated colors - brick, brown and even black are only allowed in spacious apartments.

Loft goes well with modern furniture and bright colors. Its main companions are metal, wood and glass. For creating stylish interior 3 remaining walls can be painted white. As a representative of the minimalist movement, the loft does not accept small littering decor. Windows in this style can not be curtained with anything, and blinds will look good on the first floors. Wooden floors will add comfort to the room.

In the kitchen, a loft-style zest will add kitchen apron made in the technique of brickwork. However, you can also do working wall brick up to the ceiling.


In country style, brick as one background wall will look perfect in the kitchen. Rooms are often decorated with brick inserts - along the arches, doorways. main feature country style - its lightness, ease and simplicity. And it is very important not to disturb this harmony with a rather heavy brick.

The decoration of the walls inside the premises of the apartment, as well as the facade of the house with decorative bricks or material imitating brickwork, has never gone out of fashion. However, unfortunately, it is not always possible to use real brick for interior decoration of housing, as it will make the floor slabs of multi-storey buildings heavier. In addition, it is not so easy to make an ideal masonry “for jointing”, because this requires at least a minimum experience of a bricklayer.

It is much easier to use other interesting ways to achieve the desired result. Imitation of a brick for can be made in different ways and, which is typical, is available for installation by anyone, even a novice finisher.

The main types of brick imitation and the technology of working with them

Given the fact that brickwork has been popular for decades and has been used in reproducing various interior styles, manufacturers have not missed this moment and have developed several types of material that can replace natural brick.

Such a finish is made in different forms - it can be flexible or rigid tiles that have the size of the end side of a brick, or large wall panels that cover an entire section of the wall at once, made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC), MDF or fiberglass.

Flexible tiles "under the brick"

Flexible tile that imitates brickwork, great for interior and exterior finish walls. This modern material is not only decorative, but also a protective coating for surfaces and has a number of positive qualities- this includes resistance to external atmospheric influences, impact resistance, vapor permeability, inertness to microorganisms, as well as to ultraviolet radiation, and, of course, an aesthetic appearance and a fairly simple process of processing and installation.

"Flexible brick" is easily mounted not only on straight flat surfaces, but also perfectly bends around the outer and inner corners of the premises.

A similar material is used for wall decoration inside apartments and houses, in particular, rooms such as hallways, corridors, kitchens, living rooms, loggias. Suitable for external facade walls. It is very convenient to use such tiles for facing columns, fireplaces, small architectural forms, as well as in any areas where such a design is conceived. Regardless of the complexity of the surface configuration.

The tile can be used to finish the entire wall completely or fixed to its individual sections. Since the material has many colors, it is possible to make the finish monophonic or use tiles different shades, harmoniously combining them with each other.

Installation of "flexible brick"

Installation of flexible tiles does not require complex electrical tools. It will only be necessary to prepare:

- smooth spatula 120÷150 mm wide - for mixing and applying glue;

- notched trowel with a comb 4 mm high and 150 ÷ ​​200 mm wide;

- building level with a length of 1000 ÷ 1500 mm;

- a ruler with a length of 1000 ÷ 1500 mm;

- marking colored cord for beating lines;

- a simple pencil;

- powerful scissors;

- a brush with a width of 12 mm for leveling the mortar in tile joints.

From materials other than tiles, you will need a primer for walls and a special

For installation, a dry mortar can be used - ordinary tile adhesive, but it is more convenient to use a ready-to-use composition packaged in plastic buckets. In any case, when purchasing a tile, you should immediately consult with the seller about the adhesive suitable for a particular material.

In order for the masonry to be even and neat, the wall must be put in order before installation begins, by cleaning and leveling its surface. After the leveling mortar has dried, the wall must be primed with an antiseptic compound, which will give the materials higher adhesion and prevent mold from appearing under the cladding layer in the future. When the primer is dry, you can proceed to the installation of tiles.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that installation work must be carried out at a temperature not lower than +5 degrees, otherwise the adhesion between the materials will be insufficient, and the tile may subsequently begin to peel off from the surface of the walls.

Brick imitation prices

brick imitation

  • The first step is to draw the surface of the wall into even zones, along which glue will be applied and the tile will be fixed. If the entire wall is to be completely lined, then it is imperative to beat off the upper and lower limiting lines.
  • The glue is not applied to the entire surface, but to separate lined zones, which are about 1000 × 500 mm. The layer of adhesive mass should be approximately 2 ÷ 3 mm - it is applied with an even spatula, and then distributed over the entire area to be lined with a notched trowel so that furrows of the same height are obtained.

  • The tile is glued in order, and if the first of the rows starts with a whole tile, then the second - with a half or one third of the "brick", depending on the desired location of the masonry joints.

Dividing a “flexible brick” into parts at any angle, without the use of any power tools, is quite simple: it is marked and cut along the line with ordinary scissors.

  • The seams between the rows can have different thicknesses - this parameter will depend on the preference of the master, but usually the clearance is left at 10 ÷ 12 mm. The selected size of the seams is taken into account immediately when marking the wall into zones for installation.

  • "Flexible brick" easily bends around ledges formed at any angle, as well as internal corners or rounded walls, if any, on the finished surface.

  • When the intended surface area is tiled, you must immediately level the mortar in horizontal and vertical joints, otherwise the glue will seize and accurate alignment will not work. The smoothing of the solution is carried out with a relatively thin brush of medium hardness, lightly moistened with water.

The fact that flexible tiles do not require additional purchase of grout for joints can also be safely called the advantage of the material, since you do not have to make extra costs.

Video: flexible facing tiles with excellent imitation of clinker bricks

Rigid facing tiles "under the brick"

Clinker tiles

Clinker tiles are not used for interior wall cladding as often as other types of material that imitate brick, as it has a fairly high price. It is often purchased for facades, given its highest performance. However, it can also be used for interior decoration, especially if you have to line a stove or fireplace.

It is made from natural highly plastic clays, without the use of artificial dyes and plasticizers. The raw material is pressed and fired at high temperatures reaching up to + 1150÷1200 degrees. Thanks to this, clinker tiles are an environmentally friendly material with unsurpassed natural qualities of durability and reliability, which are multiplied during the production process.

Such a finishing material is excellent for both interior and exterior cladding. It has a very low moisture absorption coefficient, high frost resistance and wear resistance, inertness to temperature extremes and almost any chemical attack.

The decorativeness of clinker tiles is not inferior to its physical and technical characteristics, since the variety of design options allows you to choose the material for every taste and style of the interior of the premises or the facade of the building. Finishes can have a rough, glazed or natural, unfinished surface. Tile for sale different sizes and shapes, and this factor also allows you to realize the most daring design ideas.

Installation of facing tiles "under the brick"

As mentioned above, all tiles that have a certain rigidity are mounted on the wall in approximately the same way. The work will require the same tools as for the "flexible brick", and in addition, to cut this material, it will be necessary to prepare a hand circular saw or grinder with a stone disc.

The work on laying the cladding from this type of material is more complicated, since the finish already has a significant weight, and after installation it requires careful sealing of the joints between the tiles.

The lining process is carried out in the following order:

  • Laying should be carried out on a prepared, primed and relatively even wall.
  • The marking of the wall surface takes place in the same way as for the installation of any piece of facing material: straight lines are beaten off along the upper and lower levels of the masonry, then, it is recommended that the entire distance between them be calculated and divided horizontally so that the intended number of rows can be accommodated in this area masonry, with the obligatory consideration of the thickness of the seams between them. It is especially important to carry out this process if there is not enough experience in wall cladding - marking will help to make the masonry perfectly even.

When marking, 10 ÷ 12 mm should be allocated for each of the seams between the rows.

  • Further, the adhesive mass is prepared, which is selected in accordance with the type of material on the basis of which the finishing tiles are made.
  • The laying starts from the bottom row, which is carefully verified by the building level, since the accuracy of the entire wall cladding will depend on its horizontalness. If the first row starts with a whole, then the second and all subsequent even rows with ½ or ⅓ tiles.
  • Further, glue is applied to the wall with a spatula with a layer of 3 ÷ 4 mm. After that, the mass is distributed with a notched trowel, which leaves grooves of equal height, ensuring the most even distribution of glue when pressing the tile. When laying some heavy types of tiles (the same clinker), it is additionally recommended to apply glue on the back side of the facing material. Therefore, before starting work, you should definitely study the instructions attached to the package, which clarify the nuances of installing a particular material.

  • During the installation process, it is necessary to control the evenness of each of the stacked rows.

  • To ensure that the width of the seams between the tiles on the entire surface to be lined is the same, some craftsmen use special calibrator tabs of the same size. They are temporarily installed between the rows, and after the adhesive mass has set, they are removed and installed again, but already on the upper rows. As such calibrators, you can use a wooden glazing bead or silicone posts.

  • For facing external corners, special curly elements are used that are able to mask existing chips and make the corners neat and protected.

  • Upon completion of the masonry and after the glue has completely dried, the seams between the tiles must be securely and accurately sealed with grouts specially designed for this purpose. You can fill the seams in different ways:

- Use ready-made formulations in tubes, using a special gun.

— Place the mixed grout in plastic bag, and then cut obliquely one of its corners to the width of the seam and gently squeeze the solution into the gaps between the rows.

Unlike PVC panels, MDF trim is not recommended for use in rooms with high humidity, but it is perfect for leveling the walls of hallways, corridors, insulated balconies, and living rooms.

Manufacturers also thought about the design of the corners, making special curly elements for this.

Fiberglass panels

Special mention should be made of fiberglass panels. This facing material is made on the basis of ordinary cement with the addition of glass fiber fibers, which increases the strength of the plates tenfold. For external finishing, panels can additionally be reinforced with metal elements, which increase the weight of the structure, but make it resistant to mechanical stress.

Reinforced only with fiberglass, the panels have a not particularly frightening weight, and dimensions that are relatively compact in thickness. The solution for their manufacture is colored in bulk, so the plates are not afraid small chips and abrasion. Some manufacturers add colored fiberglass to the molding sand, which is somewhat darker or lighter than the main tone, but in perfect harmony with it - this gives a very interesting effect. In addition, additional application of paint on the surface of already finished and assembled products is allowed.

Well suited for interior decoration, but still more often it is used to transform the facade of the walls of the building.

Environmentally friendly plates do not make the walls heavier, as they have a small mass. They perfectly protect surfaces from moisture and mechanical influences, as well as from the penetration of radio emissions into the house, and have a number of other attractive advantages. However, the cost of such facing materials high enough, so not every owner can afford such a finish.

Installation of panels "under the brick" on the wall

If the wall surface is sufficiently flat, then the panels can be fixed to it without installing a frame structure. Lightweight PVC boards are glued to a cleaned and primed surface using one of the polymer adhesives. For example, "liquid nails" are well suited for this.

Finishing panels based on MDF have a much greater weight, therefore, in addition to glue, they are fixed on the wall with dowels in four to five places.

Fiberglass panels can be fixed to a flat wall with cement-based tile adhesive.

In the event that the wall surfaces have significant distortions, they are corrected by fixing frame structure, consisting of metal guides or wooden beams, set exactly in the desired plane according to the building level. Some manufacturers make special subsystems for their products, fixed on the wall or on installed frame. In this case, panels are hung on special elements of subsystems.

Subsystems can have different designs, therefore, when purchasing cladding boards and their fastening systems, it is necessary to check compatibility and the presence of the attached installation instructions.

It is clear that if it is planned to mount the panels on a subsystem, the frame elements must be located in accordance with the feature of this model.

by the most simple view mounts have plastic panels made according to the principle of siding construction. They have a special perforated mounting plate in the upper part, through the holes of which the plate is fixed on the wall or frame. In this case, horizontal elements of the crate are fixed to the wall surface, at a distance of the visible part of the slab.

Facing brick prices

facing brick

Installation of any cladding panels starts from the bottom of the wall, usually from the corner elements.

Homemade options for decorating walls under brickwork

If you want to save money by making an imitation of brickwork on one of the walls of an apartment or house with your own hands, you can use the original techniques developed by craftsmen.

Several options are common that do not require special costs for the purchase of facing slabs or panels, and also do not create any particular difficulties in installation:

  • Independent production of tiles from expanded polystyrene with a thickness of 10 ÷ 12 mm. For this purpose, it is recommended to use extruded material with higher performance than conventional white foam.
  • Creating a brickwork relief using a stencil.
  • Reproduction of the desired pattern on the wall using masking tape.

Tile "under the brick" of expanded polystyrene

If it is planned to use the process of melting the edges of the foam in the manufacture of tiles, then work should be carried out on outdoors, protecting the respiratory tract with a respirator, since this material is combustible, and when burned and melted, it releases toxic substances.

  • The first step on the prepared leveled and primed wall surface, using a ruler, a plumb line, building level and a simple pencil, the “brickwork” is marked. The wall is drawn into horizontal stripes and vertical partitions, which determine the size of the brick and the seams between them and the masonry rows.
  • The second step is to mark the expanded polystyrene sheet on tiles of the selected size.

  • Then the material is cut into individual elements with a clerical knife. The number of such blocks should correspond to the number of bricks required to decorate a certain section of the wall on which the markup was made.

  • Further, in order to achieve the most reliable effect of imitation of a brick, you need to work on the resulting tile - this can be done in different ways. Its surface is treated sandpaper in different or one direction, notches and grooves are made on it with a knife or other sharp instrument. You can also use a heated soldering iron for this purpose.

Another option is to melt the edges and outside of the tile with a regular lighter or burner. In this case, the front surface acquires soft smoothed shapes.

  • After painting the tile in the selected color, its relief will be more pronounced. The application of paint can be done before the installation of the tiles or after the wall cladding is fully completed.

Coloring can be done with a brush or by spraying the coloring composition from a cylinder. The main thing is that the paint does not cause the dissolution or softening of expanded polystyrene - it is better not to experiment with organic-based compositions, preferring water-soluble ones.

  • Styrofoam tiles are laid according to wall markings using liquid nails glue, which is applied to the back surface with three points 3 ÷ 4 mm thick.
  • The final step will be the design of the seams between the bricks and rows.
  • It should be noted that if the design does not provide for the selection of tile joints in a different color, then the lining can be painted even after the grout solution has dried.

Imitation of brickwork using a stencil

In order to make an imitation of brickwork using a stencil, you will need a cement-based mortar. It is best to purchase it in the form of a ready-made dry mortar for plastering, as it already has all the necessary additives that make it plastic and easy to work with.

The solution can be made independently from two materials - it is a plaster and adhesive cement mixture, which are taken in 1: 1 proportions. To increase the plasticity of the solution, add a tablespoon of liquid detergent to 5 kg of the finished mixture.

  • The wall must be well cleaned, primed and dried.
  • The solution can be applied to its surface with a wide spatula or simply with a rubber-gloved hand. The thickness of the applied layer should be equal to the thickness of the stencil strips. This moment will depend on what surface the brick should have - smooth or rough.
  • Further, so that the stencil does not have “stickiness” with the layer of the applied solution and is easily separated from it, it should be moistened with water - this can be done with a sponge or a damp cloth. If the stencil is made of rubber, then you can simply dip it into a basin of water, but in this case you need to wait until its excess stacks, otherwise excess moisture can ruin the whole job.
  • After that, the stencil is pressed against the applied fresh plaster and gently pressed, so that the relief of the brickwork remains on it.
  • Further, the stencil is removed and applied further, next to the freshly pressed relief. Here you need to try and attach it so that the masonry is even, and its horizontal seams do not skew.
  • When the relief is applied to the entire surface, it is left to dry completely.
  • After drying, the wall should be completely covered with one color - usually light shades are chosen for this, since it will be easiest to apply any color on them, as well as highlight with a dark shade or leave all the masonry seams light.

Painting imitation brickwork is already a creative process, so you can afford various fantasies. In this case, of course, it must be borne in mind that the chosen color will set the mood for the entire interior of the room.

Creating a brickwork relief using plaster and masking tape

For this technology of reproducing brickwork imitation on the wall, the composition of the cement plaster mortar and masking tape already mentioned above will be required. Some masters even use electrical tape, however, it sticks worse to the wall, and high-quality masking tape has excellent adhesion to any surface.

The width of the tape should be no more than 14 mm, and if you could not find an adhesive tape of this width, you will have to buy a wider one and carefully cut it right in the skein along the width in two. If its edges are not perfectly even, this is not at all scary, since this factor will not affect the accuracy of the relief, but rather, it will play into the hands.

  • The first step is the prepared surface of the wall to be lined under the brickwork.

  • Further, masking tape is glued along all the marked lines on the wall. It should be fixed so that the edges of the horizontal segments of the adhesive tape extend beyond the edges of the surface being formed, and the solution should not be applied to them, and the vertical segments should be well glued to the horizontal ones, always on top of them.
  • Then, on the surface of the wall, over the pasted lattice of adhesive tape, using a wide spatula, a solution is applied, with a layer thickness of 5 ÷ 6 mm - the height of the relief will depend on this parameter. Do not apply too thick a layer, otherwise you will have to cover the seams with grout.
  • After applying the solution completely to the entire wall, it can be walked over with a wet rubber glove to create a surface texture. If you plan to leave the surface of the “bricks” even, then you should not touch the mortar layer.

  • The most interesting stage in this method of imitating brickwork is the removal of masking tape, since after this operation the relief of the wall will be immediately visible. Several strips of adhesive tape are picked up from one of the free sides and begin to gently peel off from the wall, and as a result, seams between the “brick tiles” form in place of the peeled off tape. After removing the tape from the entire surface, the wall must be left to dry completely.

  • It is recommended to dry the wall before painting - this operation will make the surface more pliable for the next stage - painting, as the paint will lie on the surface evenly and will not be absorbed into the plaster layer. What shades to choose for the wall - it already depends on the preference of the master.

Video: How to imitate brickwork with plaster and masking tape

From all of the above, we can conclude that the construction market has an overabundance of various materials that ideally imitate brickwork or other stone surfaces. Sometimes the quality of the imitation is such that, when finished, it cannot be distinguished from real brick in terms of texture and color. Well, if the finished tiles or panels do not fit into the family budget in any way, then it is quite possible to use one of the more economical methods and decorate the wall using affordable materials for this.

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Brick is a strong, durable material used primarily for the construction of walls, interior, exterior finish. But it is not always possible to apply it - voluminous, thick bricks will make a small room very cramped. Because for finishing works high-quality imitation of brickwork is used in residential and office premises. There are a great many options for its execution, they differ in the degree of complexity, similarity with natural brick.

In the interior of which rooms you can apply the decor of brickwork

Execution of building facades, interior spaces brick is always beautiful. But real bricks can not be used everywhere - they significantly increase the weight of the floors, and the skills of a bricklayer, allowing you to make quality masonry, not everyone has them.

Decor that imitates masonry of red, white, any other brick looks good in almost any room. For spacious rooms, dark, cold, saturated colors are suitable, for cramped, dimly lit rooms - lighter, warmer ones.

This design is most often used in loft, industrial, art-believe interiors, less often in classic, modern, minimalism, Provence. Fake masonry indoors can cover all the walls of the room, frame window openings, door frames, look like narrow, wide, medium dividing strips. Also, with its help, separate logical zones are distinguished, a fireplace, arched structures are made out.

The more spacious the room being designed, the larger images of bricks are used for it and vice versa.

In the hall

The front or hall is a kind of “face” of the apartment, all interior design “dances” from it. Here brick finish permissible on all walls, with rare inclusions of decor suitable in meaning - painted ivy branches, decorative cracks, etc. An excessively long corridor is zoned with vertical brick lines, arches located at the same distance from each other - this is how its shape, size, height are adjusted.

In the living room

In the hall, most often, not the entire room is decorated with brick props, but only one of its walls. A fireplace or a false fireplace looks organic here, looking as if it was made of real brick, several zoning partitions. If the living room is completely combined with the kitchen, then only the kitchen or living room is finished with bricks. Suppose the option of creating a brick dividing strip between separate zones. Bottles, boxes, with colored bricks painted with acrylic, pictures applied using the decoupage technique, made using ordinary putty, will organically complement the overall picture.

In the bedroom

In the bedroom, not only the walls are finished with brick decor, but also the podium (if any), on which the sleeping area. The same design will allow you to beautifully zone a large room, finishing with a brick only a mini-study or dressing area. Photo wallpapers are best suited, ceramic tile not recommended - it is too cold.

Even a minimally embossed imitation of a brick becomes voluminous with the right arrangement of the backlight.

In bathroom

Special requirements are imposed on the imitation of brick in the bathroom - it must be moisture resistant, not collapse, not deform in direct contact with water. Ceramic or flexible rectangular tiles, polystyrene foam painted with moisture-resistant paint are suitable here. The color depends on the size of the room - the tighter it is, the lighter the coating is chosen.

During installation, apply waterproofing materials, silicone sealants and etc.

In the kitchen

Imitation brick for this room a kitchen apron is made, made of plastic, glass, with a pattern printed on it. All materials must be waterproof, which is especially important for the area near the sink, gas stove, easy to clean from fat without the use of harsh abrasives, aggressive detergents.

On the balcony, loggia

insulated, glazed balcony, a spacious loggia can be combined with any room - bedroom, kitchen, living room through the same coverage with the main room. As an option: the room is finished with white or yellow painted bricks, the balcony - with a darker imitation of plaster. Here, plastic panels are most often used along with foam insulation, polyurethane, mineral wool and etc.

In the nursery

For children, brick decor is rarely used, it looks no less organic than in other rooms. This format is often used in teen rooms- industrial, loft, pop art and similar styles almost in their pure form look most organically there. You can decorate the room in this way with the children, simply by depicting the bricks with the help of acrylic paints, watercolors, gouache, markers. The effect of an old brick will turn out if you draw small cracks in some places with a gel pen.

Soft, flexible tiles - advantages, disadvantages of the material

Soft tiles are one of the most “believable” variations in creating realistic masonry. The flexible option is water-resistant, which is important when used in wet areas of the bathroom or toilet, home pool, greenhouse. This material has significant impact resistance, durability, it is vapor permeable, resistant to mold, fungus, easy to process, does not change color from exposure to the sun, and has a beautiful appearance. Also, the positive properties of flexible tiles include the fact that it will be mounted not only on perfectly flat walls, but also on convex, concave interior elements - arches, internal, external corners, window slopes, brackets, fireplaces, round columns, small architectural forms, having a complex configuration.

Necessary tools, installation steps

To finish the interior with “soft bricks”, you will need some tools that are available in almost every home:

  • a metal spatula, 13-17 cm wide, with which it will be stirred, an adhesive composition will be applied;
  • spatula 16-19 cm wide, with teeth, about four mm high;
  • a ruler made of wood, plastic or metal 100-150 cm long;
  • building level 100-150 cm long;
  • center cord of bright color, for beating straight lines;
  • large sharp scissors;
  • a simple construction pencil for marking;
  • medium-hard brush 10-13 mm wide. To align the seams between the tiles.

From the materials you need:

  • the flexible tiles suitable color, size;
  • tile adhesive - a dry mix in a paper bag or a finished composition in a plastic bucket;
    quality primer.

Step by step process:

  • the surface, which it is decided to decorate, is preliminarily well cleaned of old coatings, leveled;
  • after the wall with the leveling compound applied to it dries, it is primed with an antiseptic so that fungus and mold do not “wound” under the lining, and adhesion is maximum;
  • after drying the layer, the tiles are directly installed. It is important to do it at a temperature not lower than five to seven degrees, since in the case of a lower one, the adhesion of the tile to the wall is reduced. This will negatively affect the appearance of the finished surface, individual parts in general can quickly fall off;
  • then the wall should be drawn into identical rectangles, where tile adhesive will subsequently be applied. If it is supposed to decorate the entire wall completely, the limiter lines at the top and bottom are necessarily beaten off;
  • adhesive composition it is not evenly applied everywhere, but only on separate zones, 50 by 100 cm in size. The layer thickness is two to four mm. The application is made with a flat spatula, after which the surface is “passed” with a spatula with teeth to make furrows;
  • the bricks themselves are usually made with parameters of 25 by 12 cm or 10 by 15 cm - the material is easily cut with simple scissors. With serial laying, the first level begins with a whole “brick”, the second - with half or one third. Before cutting, the material is marked with a pencil and a ruler;
  • during the installation process, it is important to observe the same width of the joints between the tiles - usually it is nine to thirteen mm, but other values ​​\u200b\u200bare acceptable. The horizontality of the rows is periodically checked with a level - the tile should not “walk”, move excessively up or down;
  • when the row "rests" on the inner or outer corner, the tile is carefully bent, sticking, like everyone else. Rounded, wavy elements, columns, fireplaces are faced in exactly the same way;
  • every time when tiles are pasted over another area with an area of ​​​​about one square meter, tile joints are smoothed with a wet narrow brush. This must be done before the glue grabs, completely hardens;
  • special grout for the space between flexible bricks is not required, which significantly reduces the cost of finishing.

Options for hard facing tiles, their advantages, disadvantages

Rigid tiles are made of gypsum, ceramics, cement, mounted on a concrete, plasterboard wall, or other suitable structure. As part of this decor, various pigments, fiber fibers, and plasticizers are often present. The elements are mounted on an adhesive composition suitable for one or another option. The finished finish looks as close as possible to real bricks, especially if they are painted in the right color.

Before starting finishing work, it should be noted that solid tiles have a fairly large weight, creating an additional load on the foundation, the walls of the room.


Gypsum decor has a very diverse design. This material is light, parts can be cast independently using silicone, plastic molds. Gypsum is not recommended for use in damp areas, as it is excessively hygroscopic. In the living room or bedroom they are often decorated with fireplaces - the microclimate in such a room will be as favorable as possible. The low price of gypsum allows you to create a noble finish at the lowest cost.

Gypsum elements are allowed to decorate internal and external walls. Curly details are taken to process the corners, giving the finish a neat appearance, protecting the walls from chips and mechanical damage.

Gypsum-based glue is used for installation, for

sealing seams using a special grout.


Cement decor also has a low price, it comes in a variety of colors - gray, red-brown, white, black, etc. Such an artificial brick is used even in winter in unheated rooms, as it consists of one part of high-grade Portland cement, two or three parts of sand. It is cast in silicone molds - it is permissible to paint the solution at this stage, or with a roller, sponge, brush, decorate it like a brick or stone part already ready product, which is wall element masonry. Artificial bricks are textured, feel like real ones.


Clinker is relatively expensive, so it is rarely used for interior decoration. It is very durable - it is this option that is recommended for lining stoves, fireplaces, external walls building. Clinker tiles contain highly plastic clay, pressed, fired at high temperatures - 1100-1300 degrees. Artificial pigments, plasticizers are not added - this material is the most environmentally friendly, reliable, will last a long time without losing its performance, attractive appearance. Clinker is wear-resistant, has high frost resistance, practically does not absorb water, it is not afraid of sudden temperature changes, strong chemicals, detergents.

Clinker tiles are very decorative - they are available glossy and matte, covered with transparent glaze or with a natural rough surface. The variety of shapes, colors, sizes, textures will allow you to choose it for almost any interior style.

Installation, painting tiles

It is possible to glue rigid tiles from various materials in almost the same way. In addition to tools for marking, applying adhesive, you will need a circular saw for cutting tiles Sander with stone discs. The process of laying rigid tiles is more time consuming than flexible tiles, due to its large weight, the need for careful sealing of the joints between individual tiles.


  • installation is carried out on the most even surface, previously cleaned of previous coatings, dirt, grease;
  • marking is done with an ordinary pencil, a ruler, the recommended tile distance is 9-13 mm;
  • the composition of the adhesive mass depends on the material used to make the tiles;
  • laying is usually done from one of the lower corners. Odd rows start with a whole tile, even rows start with half;
  • glue is applied to the wall, distributed with a notched trowel. For heavy clinker tiles, it is recommended to apply an additional layer of mortar on back wall each element;
  • each subsequent row is checked by a level - until the glue has hardened, you can make some adjustments. If desired, use direct calibration inserts, which are wooden, silicone strips, about one centimeter wide, inserted between the rows;
  • for internal, external corners, special curly details are used to make the corners look neat;
  • when the installation is completed, the seams must be filled with grout. For its application, a special gun and a ready-made mixture in a tube are used. As an option, the grout is diluted to the desired degree of density, placed in a tight plastic bag, the corner of which is cut off, the solution is gently squeezed out into the aisles;
  • avoid getting grout on the front surface of parts, especially with a rough surface - it will be extremely difficult to remove it;
  • to align the filling of the seams, a special stitching tool is used. This should be done before the grout becomes hard - for about 20 minutes;
  • painting is done decorative composition suitable colour.

Characteristics, pros, cons of interior panels

Panels for original design brick-like interiors are made of a variety of materials:

  • hardboard;
  • fiberglass concrete;
  • chipboard and others.

They differ in the degree of similarity to real bricks, size, color, thickness, durability. Installation of most types is very simple - the wall in literally words are assembled as a puzzle or parts are stacked end-to-end.

Panels can be wall, ceiling.

PVC, MDF panels

Parts made of polyvinyl chloride are the most popular in modern times, because of their environmental friendliness, safety, relatively affordable cost. In second place are panels made of modified fiber boards. Shops offer the widest range of such decor "antique", "wild stone", etc. MDF is cut with an electric jigsaw, hand saw, PVC - with sharp scissors, a knife for cutting paper.

The main advantage of the materials described above is that it is easy to finish even the most uneven walls with them, which do not need to be pre-prepared, leveled, putty. In cases where it is necessary to hide engineering Communication in spacious rooms, panels are mounted on a frame made of metal, wood. PVC panels are used in rooms with different temperatures and degrees of humidity. For sound and heat insulation, a layer of insulation is used in parallel with the panels. MDF is not used in wet rooms - it is suitable for living rooms, there are also corner pieces in the assortment.

Embossed panels made of hardboard, fiberglass, fiberboard, gypsum, etc. are mounted in approximately the same way.

Fiberglass panels

Glass fiber cement parts are durable and beautiful. The composition of the material includes high-quality cement, fiberglass (including non-ferrous), many times increasing the strength of products, in the production of outdoor work, reinforcement with metal structures is often used, increasing the total mass of the structure, increasing its mechanical resistance to any influences. The material is environmentally friendly, they protect the house from radio emission, but its cost is high, therefore it is not available to everyone.

Technology, methods of fastening panels

Interior panels are attached to a flat wall with any polymer adhesive, for example, “liquid nails”. For curved, “humped” surfaces, a metal frame with a special hinged system. Heavy MDF panels are additionally mounted with dowels in three to five places. Fiberglass structures are attached to a flat surface using cement tile adhesive.

Wallpaper for brick coating

Brick-like wallpaper is the cheapest, most economical, but not very durable option. Their main advantage is that special skills, tools for installation are not required, as well as invitations of highly qualified specialists. The usable area of ​​the rooms does not decrease at all, after the completion of the work there is practically no garbage left. Paper, vinyl wallpapers do not make the structure heavier, even thin drywall can withstand them. Liquid wallpaper is easily applied to the wall of any curvature, their implementation resembles the installation of cement mortar tiles.

Homemade wall decoration options

There can be several ways to decorate a homemade "brick" wall:

  • details are drawn by hand directly on the wall surface;
  • you can use a stencil, templates made of plastic, plywood;
  • from corrugated cardboard, pasted over with decoupage napkins;
  • Styrofoam is a cheap, easily processed material. You can get ordinary foam from cardboard boxes from under furniture, household appliances. Blocks of dense polystyrene foam are purchased in the construction markets. The work process is simple: bricks of a suitable size are cut from this material, irregularities are polished with sandpaper. Details are glued to the wall, ceiling tile adhesive, « liquid nails”, with PVA glue, painted with acrylic, other water-based paint. Irregularities are pre-created with a soldering iron, a clerical knife.
    Tip: the preferred size of the bricks is 250 by 120 mm, the distance between them is one to two mm.

    The use of a stencil in imitation of brickwork

    The stencil is cut out of a thick sheet of cardboard, rubber, linoleum, bought ready-made in the store. Applying paint, plaster is carried out using a smooth spatula, spray can, brush, sponge, fabric roller. The wall is marked out, retreating from the floor three to seven centimeters, leaving room for seams of 10-15 mm. The most common size of a purchased template is 6.5 cm by 20 cm, almost any can be made at home.

    If not a solid, but a partial imitation of a brick is planned, the layout is graphically depicted on paper.

    A detailed master class on creating a brickwork relief using masking tape, plaster

    One of the options for finishing an old or fresh “brick-like” wall is concrete. For work you will need:

    • primer mixture;
    • high-quality plaster;
    • narrow masking tape;
    • stationery knife;
    • putty knife;
    • containers for breeding compounds;
    • a drill with a special nozzle, another tool for mixing the solution.

    The wall is pre-cleaned of the previous decor - wallpaper, paint, plaster, etc., if necessary, it is leveled, and then primed. On initial stage marking is very important - a marking cord or an iron tape measure is used for it. It is desirable to mark with respect to pre-filled strictly horizontal profiles under the ceiling.

    Next, a narrow adhesive tape is glued onto the wall so that something similar to bricks is obtained. Plaster, tile adhesive, rotband are applied over the tape and the entire wall with a layer of five to eight millimeters. After the solution has slightly set, the adhesive tape is carefully peeled off, the gaps are leveled with a wooden stack, a hard brush.

    Instead of plaster, ordinary tile adhesive is often used; it is recommended that all work be carried out with gloves.


    Decorating an apartment with fake, painted, pasted bricks is a very popular type of decoration. The simplest options are easy to reproduce with your own hands, for more complex ones you will need not only the advice of specialists, but also their direct participation. Various variations of fake brickwork are selected for almost any popular interior style - from classic to loft. It will be possible to decorate with bricks both the entire house and a small area in the room.