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Room design for a teenager boy: photos, styles, how to choose furniture, how to decorate. Tips for decorating a small nursery. Teenage rooms

A person in adolescence, like a child in any period of his life, needs an individual space. Perfect option for the boy - a private room. To make it truly modern, to choose the right design style, while taking into account the preferences of a teenager, is not an easy task, but quite feasible.

Modern interior styles for a teenage boy's room

Time dictates special conditions decorating a room for a boy entering adulthood. Teenagers need proper organization workplace. Everything should be in its place - a comfortable table, a chair, a computer.

A sleeping place is an indispensable attribute for a good rest. And what else and in what manner can be installed in the room of a modern teenager? The answer to this difficult question must be found, taking into account the opinion of the boy himself, his parents and professional designers.

In no case should parents dictate to a future man which design style to prefer, they can guide and advise. When starting repairs, do not forget about:

  • son's favorite activities;
  • the age of the child;
  • the size of the room;
  • their material resources.

How to choose a room style depending on hobbies

Choice design solution a teenager's room directly depends on his life hobbies. Active boys will be happy if the room is decorated in an avant-garde and constructivist style. For creative natures, kitsch, loft will appeal to you. Future computer geniuses will be delighted with high-tech.

For teenagers who dream of the sea and adventure, you can suggest using appropriate motifs or the "safari" style. The boy will feel like a captain or a hunter on the prairies.

If a young man is interested in philosophy, then offer him a design a la east. Who knows, perhaps immersed in such an environment, your child can become a wise and thinking person.

Hobbies and, consequently, the style of decorating a young man’s room can reflect topics such as sports, art, cinema, music, astronomy, computer “heroes” of games, etc.

age trends

Agree that a teenager of 12 and 16 years old are completely different "planets", so this fact must be taken into account when choosing a style for decorating a room.

The beginning of growing up (12-13 years old) can be reflected in the design of the room by placing accents on the boy's favorite hobbies. It can be cars, football, computers, etc. Wallpaper, furniture, work and sleeping area design, taking into account the preferences of the child, and thereby maintain the interest of the son in a particular topic.

Boys 14-15 years old are characterized by "idolatry". Take note of this and place posters, posters with photos of idols on the walls. Then your boy's friends will not take him away from home, on the contrary, they will love to come to visit you. Your son's room will be the center of meetings and discussions, and you will find peace, because your growing child is nearby.

At the age of sixteen, a young man can be given more independence in decorating a room, let him show his imagination and even try to do something without your help.

How does the size of the room affect the design of the room?

A teenager's room should be designed taking into account its size. It is not always possible to “turn around” and use all the components of a particular style if the dimensions of the room do not allow it.

In this case, you can resort to some design tricks that can save the chosen style and expand the space:

  1. Use of light wallpaper.
  2. The use of a large number of mirrors and similar surfaces.
  3. Well crafted lighting.
  4. Sticking photo wallpapers (with the image of perspective, seascapes, large open spaces, etc.).
  5. Multifunctionality of interior items.
  6. Replacing some traditional elements to more modern ones (for example, light pillows can be used instead of chairs).
  7. Use of built-in technology.

When filling the interior of a teenage room with dimensional restrictions, do not forget that all furniture must correspond to the growth of a teenager.

In small rooms, combine several zones into one. For example, the sleeping area may consist of a bunk bed, the upper part of which is used for its intended purpose (for sleeping), and the lower tier of the bed can be converted into a work area with a computer and a desk.

High-tech teenager's room

High-tech can please young men who do not look back, but strive for everything new and modern. Ultra-novelty can be reflected in the use of the most advanced building materials, the minimum amount of furniture, the functionality of any piece of furniture.

Plastic, glass, metal elements are the most suitable in this style. It is also possible to use artificial stone. Natural materials are too expensive and not entirely appropriate in a teenager's room.

Color preferences - different tones with the addition of a shade of metal (black, white, blue, green, red, yellow). Contrasting combinations are desirable, smooth flows of one color into another are unusual for high-tech style.

Extra furniture in a room for a teenager is not needed, and especially in this style direction.

Lighting fixtures - without pretentiousness, simple and mostly built into the ceiling. No chandeliers and lamps with outdated decor.

Light can be used depending on the purpose, this is helped by devices placed at different heights.

High-tech decorative elements almost do not welcome. This is very suitable for teenagers who, unlike girls, are not attached to trifles.

Wall decoration is most often done not with wallpaper, but with paint of suitable tones. In addition to metallic shades, cream, white, and the color of sea sand are suitable.

Teenagers will love the high-tech ceiling made of plasterboard panels mounted at different levels. It looks stylish with various lights placed in prepared niches.

Young men will gladly accept the high-tech design of the floor. Only allowed to use modern materials such as linoleum and tiles. A teenager who likes to be on the floor for a long time will like an artificial carpet with a long pile.

Everything in such a room should be subject to the principles of minimalism and functionality, but sports equipment will be a useful attribute that will help the growing young man to be in shape.

One of the advantages of a high-tech teenager's room is the ease of cleaning it, because there is a lot of free space and a minimum amount of decorative elements.

Photo gallery: hi-tech in a teenager's room

Proper lighting plays a big role in this design.
A large toy bear emphasizes that a guy who recently said goodbye to childhood lives here.
Strictness and moderation can be traced in all interior items.
Gray-black-white color can be diluted with bright "spots" on the carpet and shelf elements
Nothing superfluous suggests high-tech design, only the most necessary
Urban motifs can be placed on the walls in the form of photo wallpapers or special stickers

Minimalism in the youth room

Simple, functional design with the presence of space - this is how you can briefly describe a teenager's room in the style of minimalism.

It suits boys who are pedantic and neat. Such a design can also become an educational measure - reckless and sloppy children will have to keep order, because in a room with minimalism, any chaos is immediately evident.

The design in this style is characterized by the use of natural, but inexpensive materials: glass, wood, concrete, metal. The use of artificial analogues is not forbidden if they are skillfully selected.

When buying furniture, you should give preference to compact and multifunctional items. This is especially true if the area of ​​​​the room is not more than ten meters. Furniture that easily transforms from one state to another will be successfully integrated into such a design. Oversized, solid sofas, tables and cabinets will "feel" uncomfortable in such a room. Beds without a tatami-type headboard and platforms (with storage space for bedding) are more suitable.

For older teenagers, pieces of furniture with glass or mirror surface: countertops, wall shelves, mirror doors cabinets. It is stylish, beautiful, and gives the space even more freedom and emancipation, which is very important for young men of this age.

Simple bedside tables will be appropriate near the bed, and you can also add a table, wardrobe or chest of drawers to the room.

A large stream of natural light, penetrating through big window, - one of the conditions for observing the style of minimalism. You should not hang heavy curtains or curtains on them, it is better to limit yourself to Roman blinds or blinds. Artificial lighting - diffused and calm, no frills.

For the design of walls and ceilings, preference should be given to light colors. The palette of minimalist colors is white, gray, black, but you can go beyond this set by adding his favorite items of other colors to the teenager's room.

A stretch ceiling with LEDs is an excellent solution for a young man's room in a minimalist style. You should not use multi-colored materials on the floor, only restraint and conciseness are the main friends of minimalism in all the constituent elements of the interior.

Photo gallery: indoor minimalism for a teenager

Minimalism style may appeal to teenagers who strive for order in everything.
Bright artificial light, a mirrored cabinet door, a glass chair - everything is designed in a minimalist style.
The conciseness of the forms, the absence of unnecessary things - quite suitable for a minimalist design
A large number of white color significantly expands the space, and light green spots add freshness
Despite the "scarcity" of interior items, there was a place for boyish hobbies: balls and darts
The minimalist style is very rich and does not tolerate anything superfluous.

Ecostyle is the right choice for future men

For the growing and developing organism of a teenager, the neighborhood with interior items from natural materials. Ecostyle will provide such an opportunity.

Materials that are applicable in the room of a young man with an eco-orientation:

  1. Tree. This material can be used both for window framing and for furniture. Floor, walls, ceiling can also be decorated with wood.
  2. Wool. Carpets, bedspreads, blankets, window curtains should be high in this component.
  3. Cotton, linen are suitable for windows and for all textiles used in the interior of a teenage boy. Such fabrics will not cause allergies, they are multifunctional and attractive in appearance.
  4. Bamboo, rattan, jute. They can be used for mats, furniture, decorative items.

But not only natural materials dictate their own rules to adherents of eco-style. Young men will feel comfortable indoors, on the walls of which there are wallpapers made of natural fabrics or using eco-friendly materials (bamboo, for example). Walls can also be decorated natural stone, brick, wood.

For floor great option- parquet, wooden planks, and the ceiling will be in the theme of ecology, if you install wooden beams Or make it from natural materials.

The image of nature in the form of photo wallpapers, carpets imitating grass, jute decor, rattan furniture - all this is part of the eco-style.

The color trends of this design are the whole palette of natural nature with green, beige, brown, blue filling. The choice of this or that color should exactly correspond to the theme of ecology: the blue of the sky, the lush green of the grass, the beige of the sandy path, etc.

Of course, the use of natural materials is an expensive pleasure, but eco-style can be maintained by adding a large amount of decor:

  • paintings from natural materials;
  • wicker panel made of jute (macrame technique);
  • ceramic vases;
  • pillows made of cotton, linen.

Photo gallery: using eco-style in a teenager's room

Commitment to eco-design can be seen in all interior items and details
live green plants, suspended ceiling with the image of nature coexist with a real boyish attribute - a Swedish wall and childhood memories - favorite toys
In this room there was a place for a large green tree, and a carpet imitating grass, and bamboo wallpaper and favorite toy from childhood
This design will appeal to boys who love nature.
Classic color combinations, the predominance of fresh green colors are in tune with the design in eco-style
To embody eco-style, it is not necessary to go to the village, you can do this in an ordinary city apartment
Compliance with eco-style is carried out through the use of decorative interior items

Pop art - for young rebels

The random use of paintings, posters and other interior items depicting your child's idols can be directed into a design direction if you apply the pop art style.

The room of a young man in the style of pop art can look original, bright, with a delicate taste and a commitment to modernity. The use of deliberately flashy elements will not be bad taste, but an indicator of the chosen design.

A synthesis of hippies, rock, bikers and punks - this is how pop art might look in the room of a future man. Everything that is considered informal in the usual sense of the layman will feel quite comfortable here.

This style is especially relevant for the design of small rooms.

So, what is typical for the pop art of a teenager's room:

The most important characteristic of this style is the use of paintings, posters, advertising posters. The image of the "idol" can be everywhere: on the walls, shelves, pillows, blankets.

The main thing is not to overdo it, stop in time and keep the fine line between the pop art style decision and the chaotic arrangement of photos and drawings of your beloved person.

Photo gallery: pop art elements

The obligatory presence of bright and contrasting colors in the design of the room will be appreciated by the young man and his friends.
Stylish, bright, modern
Among modern young men, there will definitely be admirers of Marilyn Monroe
The desire to love and be loved, aggravated in adolescents. reflected in a bright picture on the wall
White classic color goes well with the colorful paintings on the wall and bright spots on the blanket
Minimum furniture, large window hole, the picture on the wall - all these are elements of pop art style
The interesting solution of the bedspread immediately creates a mood inherent in pop art.

Avant-garde style in design

This style perfectly matches the inner state of a teenager, in which hormones are seething and looking for a way out in any resistance. Avant-garde design can become a natural opposition to the classics for this age, as well as everything established and solid.

No decorating elements, calm colors and classic furniture! The young man who preferred the avant-garde is ready for experiments and the embodiment of originality.

Juiciness, contrasting colors, the obligatory contrast of the palette of shades can be safely used to decorate walls, ceilings, furniture, and decor. Walls painted in different colors, the predominance of the brightness of red, green, yellow, black and white - that's color solution undergrowth rooms in avant-garde style.

For the ceiling and floor, calmer tones are suitable, without a challenge, but also rich and juicy - white, black. The main thing is to maintain contrast with walls, furniture or other interior items.

The materials that are used to decorate the avant-garde will appeal to the boys, because there is no pomposity in them, they are modern and relevant - plastic, metal, glass, brick (or their imitation).

Furniture of non-standard shapes and designs will very organically fit into the avant-garde interior and will delight teenagers ( hanging chairs, beds, furniture without a frame, etc.).

Any non-standard solutions for decorating a teenager's room will fit into the avant-garde style if they are safe and interesting. Surprise and at the same time delight future men:

  • ceiling that can rotate;
  • a chair hanging in the air and lowering so that the child sits in it;
  • flip shelves;
  • shapeless and "soft-bodied" furniture.

The center of the room with exercise equipment will look very stylish and completely on topic.

None small parts, only large geometric shapes, the absence of "sugary" decor - the characteristics of avant-garde design for a teenage boy's room.

Photo gallery: avant-garde style in interior design

Teenagers will love this interior. passionate about cars
Unusual designs of lamps and chandeliers, original carpet on the floor, interesting solution in the design of the walls - all this within the boundaries of style

Adolescence is characterized by complex perturbations of a person's personality. Almost for the first time, he truly realizes his individuality, begins to demand more freedom. All parental attitudes are questioned and revised. In order not to resort to harsh parenting methods, parents are encouraged to act subtly. So, for a symbolic expansion of the boundaries of his freedom, you can create an appropriate room design for a teenager. It is also possible to involve him himself to participate in the choice of design style, however, you should be prepared for manifestations of youthful maximalism. Here are some tips to help you find mutual language with your child best room for a teenager.

Competent design of a room for a teenager is the same concern, only of an indirect form. Not all children from 12 to 17 years old can independently determine their needs, and therefore still need parental help with this issue. And the most important thing to take into account here is the secondary importance of the monetary aspect. A teenager will evaluate the final result in a completely different way. Therefore, regardless of how the layout of the rest of the rooms looks like, the nursery should take into account his personal interests. It is better to direct the child's self-expression into a creative plane than to subsequently allow unmotivated aggression to spill out. It is important to understand that the design of a room for teenagers can be based on hobbies, hobbies, abilities, and not just follow some generally accepted style. This room should become his personal space. Further on the differences in design for boys and girls.

Choosing a nursery design for a teenage boy

It is strongly recommended to turn to his hobby, if possible, make a themed room. This will help not only earn the respect of a teenager, but also have a beneficial effect on the development of his abilities. For example, a boy may have the following interests:

  • Computer games, virtual programs;
  • Art (music, cinema, painting);
  • Military affairs, weapons;
  • Applied, exact sciences (chemistry, geometry, geography);
  • Sport.

The last option is the most versatile. Regardless of the chosen theme, a sports corner should be provided in the teenager's room. It is important to determine what exactly interests your child. Usually this is in plain sight, guys rarely hide their hobbies.

Choosing a teenage room for a girl

A similar method works here as well. First you need to listen to the opinion of the girl herself, before turning to experienced designer. Even the coolest of them cannot know for sure what will be best for her.

The modern arsenal of professional interior craftsmen offers many more options than just pink wallpaper or ruffles on curtains. For example, the right furniture layout can become an important element of decor. Fortunately, manufacturers offer on the market the widest selection corresponding to all kinds of hobbies of the child.

Since a girl should a priori have a lot of outfits, she will need original products that allow her to carefully store clothes. The minimum set may look like this:

  • Locker for dresses, outerwear;
  • Shelves under the bed for storing shoes;
  • Chest of drawers for underwear;
  • Trumeau.

Despite the abundance of clothes and other women's accessories, it is still not worth it to unnecessarily clutter up the space of the room.

Choosing a nursery design for two teenagers

Quite a difficult task, because it is necessary to maintain a balance, a certain balance. It is necessary to make sure that teenagers do not interfere with each other, but at the same time maintain a strong bond.

If space allows, this effect can be achieved by combining functional areas:

  • Considered a classic bunk bed, allowing you to combine a sleeping area;
  • Long desk can become a working area for both;
  • It is easier than ever to dispose of a closet where a fair division can be provided;
  • A common recreation area, the same musical corner or a punching bag.

One conclusion can be drawn here: it is extremely undesirable to create a situation where one of them may feel left out.

Parity must be maintained in everything, especially if the children are twins.

Toys are toys, but the same furniture set will have to be divided equally. Even if we are talking about the design of the room of a teenage boy. The discount will be only that the room can be decorated with one theme. Of course, taking into account the opinions and tastes of each of the teenagers. An exemplary example is the topic of football. Guys may love rival teams, but the ball and shared tournaments bring them together. But that's if you're lucky, because guys can get carried away. different types sports.

If the children are of different sexes, then zoning is indispensable here. To avoid rigid division, the design of a room for two teenagers can be combined into one common style. But before moving on to the design style, you should briefly introduce age-related accents.

Interior accent depending on age

12-13 years old

The child is just beginning to realize his own individuality, but it is likely that he has already developed some kind of hobby. In this case, you can not hesitate, you need to fully reflect this room for a teenager.

Maybe someday he will say a big thank you to his parents at the awards ceremony, if the creative hobby develops into something more. It's incredibly cool when a person starts doing what he loves with such early age. Therefore, the sooner you notice this, the more serious the results will be.

14-15 years old

Since the guys have most likely already decided on the topic of hobbies or hobbies, it was the turn of idols. They instinctively look for a role model. Focusing on the model of his behavior, they can behave the same way with their friends.

By the age of 15, children are often members of teenage "gangs", communities of interest, so it is advisable to provide for the possibility of friendly gatherings. To do this, the design of a teenager's room can be arranged soft puffs or colored pillows that take up much less space than chairs.

16-17 years old

At this age, a teenager could already achieve certain results. He feels himself an independent person and can evaluate his achievements from the outside. best advice for the parents to let go of the reins and let him choose his own style. Show more trust.

Room styles for teens

Classic style

Considered one of the most good decisions if the teenager is a girl. Within the framework of this style, the economic abilities of the future keeper of the hearth can be well manifested. True, parents should be aware that in addition to observing symmetry, this decor implies the presence of expensive fabrics and other luxury items.


It is a kind of opposite to the classics, involves a violation of symmetry in favor of certain geometric shapes. Non-standard layout and functionality of the room create design modern room for a teenage boy. Dynamic effect, visible expressiveness, daring style - are a clear evidence of this. The emotional component of such an interior allows a young person to be in harmony with his “wave”, his own worldview. The child's hobby will not matter, it is easy to adapt to the design.

American style

The salient features of the style are:

  • functional association of zones;
  • impressive dimensions of the furniture set;
  • use or imitation of expensive materials;
  • spot lighting.

It can be concluded that this style has some similarities with the classics. For its use, sufficient light space is required. Suitable for both teenagers.


It contains some element of education, when a teenager learns from childhood to appreciate what he has, and does not litter his personal space with unnecessary objects. In addition, cleaning such a room is extremely easy and fast. What looks like an undeniable dignity with a guy.

It also guarantees additional safety, since the fewer corners and protruding parts, the less risk of injury. For a concert of a musical group or a performance by a favorite team may well provoke a child to reckless actions.

High tech

The previous style is considered the forerunner of hi-tech, which positions itself as the fruit of the work of science fiction writers. This includes space motifs, popular science topics, the construction of starships. Smooth texture, functionality metal products, the use of cold shades - everything should set the teenager up to conquer new heights, model the technologies of his future. Here, too, there should not be any problems with cleaning the nursery.

Hi-tech is the perfect interior for a boy's room.


direct heir industrial style, the loft is the most practical option to decorate a child's room. This is due to the absence of the need to adhere to a single layout: it is allowed to use furniture of various sizes, unusual accessories and improvisation with the color of the finish. For fidget guys, this style allows you to show your reckless nature to the fullest. Parents can only be reminded of the sense of proportion, as well as the fact that this design will require a large space.

Sea style

White and blue color scheme, wooden products, metal fittings Everything must be reminiscent of the sea. You can arrange curtains in the form of sails, and flooring- below deck. An ideal option for dreamy teenagers who have been in love with geography since childhood with its overseas travels.


Allowed only if the child has creative abilities. Because without an unusual look at things, a specific imagination, it will be difficult to justify the apparent bad taste or the presence of an acid color. There are practically no rules. More precisely, there is one thing: breaking all the rules.


Suitable more for those who began to grow up early, tries to put things in order and pragmatically assesses the future. Perfectionists are found equally among boys and girls. For example, female representatives can rationally approach the issue of storage, and later this will come back to haunt the fact that the daughter will become the chief accountant. The boy will appreciate the spaciousness of the asymmetrical design room.

Features of finishing a teenage room


There are no hard and fast rules here, since the child has already grown up and cute little animals on the walls are no longer relevant. You should focus solely on the personality of a teenager. No need to insist on practical beige if it grows creative. Conversely, acid tones can become a source of nervous tension in a calm child. A compromise can be one pronounced wall with the rest of a neutral color. Guys are recommended a soft color of the cladding, muted, matte. The girl is more characteristic of gentle, vanilla tones.


When choosing the texture of the wallpaper, you should consider the future placement of your favorite children's posters on them. Therefore, a large ornament will annoy the child, it is better to use simple tones. Ideally, when an artist grows up, who is able to paint the walls on his own. And it doesn’t matter what, with a pencil or through graffiti. Parents can recommend bright wallpapers with the right plot.


There are no fundamental points here, except for the design in high-tech style (where it is possible to organize a starry sky). Ordinary whitewash, drywall or stretch ceiling have the same chance. You can focus on the height of the room and lighting features.


Similarly, it will depend on the style. Either this is a deck (nautical theme), or just parquet, if it's a classic. Or maybe the trim. ceramic tiles if high-tech. For athletes, the best option would be carpet. The only wish is that the flooring was heated.


The younger generation needs a lot of natural light. It is desirable to make artificial lighting point, for each functional area. Thus, they further delimit the space. Girls are more suitable option with beautiful chandelier with floral motifs.

Furniture and decor

Various awards, favorite posters, homemade products young designers, musical instruments.

There are many requirements for children's furniture. Firstly, it should not be much, the minimum set. It should not litter the space and limit the movement of a teenager. Secondly - the maximum functionality of all products. If the style does not involve dark wood, then it is better to dwell on light shades of natural wood. Any accessories.

The bed must be comfortable and ergonomic, possibly with an orthopedic mattress, as the child is still growing. For girls, a bed on the podium is suitable, with drawers for clothes. Sofas-transformers are better not to use at all.

What is the result

A thoughtful approach to the design of the nursery involves attention to the interests of the teenager himself. Therefore, there are no iron requirements for design. There are some wishes: more space, light, less furniture, extra details. It is also desirable that positive colors be used, even if the child belongs to the Goth subculture. The main requirement for a few pieces of furniture is its functionality. As for the finish, everything here will depend on the style you have chosen together.

To make repairs in the room of a boy of 13-14 years old, finding a suitable design is not so easy, everything needs a compromise with its owner. For a teenager, everything should be practical and multifunctional.

Most best option- prepare an approximate interior design project, paint an action plan for creating a new room.

All according to plan

Spacious furniture is bought for the nursery, because every year the child has more and more things, books, textbooks, and equipment. changing interior decoration walls. To make the room of a 13-14-year-old teenager turn out to be multifunctional, look modern, you need to do the following:

  1. Get rid of old finish, as well as from unnecessary things. It's time to forget about toys and make room for books, textbooks, accessories, technology. The previous finish (paint, wallpaper, plaster, flooring) is also removed. The nursery must be fully prepared for renovation.
  2. Before finishing. You can put in new windows, doors, heating equipment, floors, and then proceed to the walls. Do not forget about leveling, sealing cracks. These works are necessary in order for the wallpaper or paint to lie flat.
  3. We buy new furniture. For the interior, you need to choose a furniture set, choose a comfortable, spacious one. IN small room appropriate sofa bed. Models of furniture and its quantity depend on the area. Each item must be assembled with high quality, distinguished by a high rate of environmental friendliness, reliability and practicality. Furniture set should be comfortable for everyday use.
  4. We place accents. In the design for a child of 13-14 years old, the room should contain appropriate accessories that the owner will like with their originality and style. These can be collectible souvenirs, photos in interesting stylish frames, etc. We should not forget about the awards, certificates and cups of a teenager if he participates in competitions.

Organization of a workplace for a student

In a thoughtful interior, the details are in harmony with each other. Design creates appropriate contrast, not dissonance. Everything is provided in the room, first of all, for the rest and study of the boy. The nursery will be cozy when the walls are of pleasant colors, and the furniture fits well into the room in color and size.

How to create harmony

A teenage child, as a rule, likes everything bright and unusual, sometimes it can be extraordinary and even aggressive. In this case, you need to find a compromise with the owner of the room. It is not necessary to make a room in bright colors, children will quickly get tired of such an interior, no matter how old they are. In addition, aggressive tones in design have a negative impact on the psyche of a teenager.

The nursery can be bright, but in moderation. The interior can combine several shades. The number of light tones should prevail. Hue can be cold or warm. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the favorite colors of the teenager are also present in the design.

The originality and uniqueness of the interior can be emphasized with the help of original accessories that the boy will like. The facade may have a 3D drawing, for example, in a musical or football theme.

As textiles it is better to choose dense fabrics muted tint. In the boy's nursery, you can hang Roman curtains, blinds. Sliding curtains with a 3D image will look especially beautiful and stylish. Unusual textiles will please the child.

If you want to make an original room, then take a look at. The interior will then be modern, stylish. A teenager aged 13-14 will like a 3D image of music, sports, nature, automotive and other topics. Remember that boys at this age tend to stand out.

In the nursery, everything should be convenient, practical, multifunctional and roomy, then the child will like to be at home.

photo:, fiphoto, sergey02, evaletova,, hemul75, poligonchik, paulvinten, Paha_L, Richman21


Before you start the renovation, discuss with your child what styles of interior he likes. At 14-16 years old, the boy is already old enough and can choose the design of his room himself. Only after you decide together in what way it is better to make repairs, you can begin to implement your common idea with him.

1. Minimalism

This style is very popular right now. Boys love freedom - there should be nothing superfluous in the room. As a rule, minimalism is characterized by gray-black tones, diluted with bright accents.

A bright and stylish touch in a minimalist style can be done by decorating one of the walls in a color that differs from the main range of the room. Also a good option — .

It is best to make a stretch with several spotlights - this option will fit into minimalism best. You can make the ceiling glossy so that it reflects the light from the fixtures, making it visually higher and the room larger.

2. Loft

This American style appeared in the 40s. Owners industrial enterprises they left their premises, transferring production to the outskirts of the city, and the empty spaces attracted the attention of bohemians. Gradually, these spaces became galleries and studios, and chimneys, ventilation partitions and masonry walls began to appear in other buildings as interior decoration.

The loft is characterized by open spaces with large windows from floor to ceiling, minimal furniture. The best materials finishes - plastic, metal, glass and wood.

If your child is a musician, artist or athlete, then he will certainly like it.

Fits well in a loft plastic furniture with glossy facades combined with a soft sofa and a glass coffee table.

3. Modern

This style is suitable for children of any age and any interests. Unlike minimalism, here you can use numerous elements as decoration that will complement the overall background.

The best colors for modern are beige, silver, all shades of pearl and brown.

Often, boys decorate the walls of their room with posters of stars or favorite athletes. IN modern design modern style is absolutely appropriate.

4. Marine style

After reading books about the adventures of pirates, the boys begin to dream of traveling. It's perfect for these guys. The main colors here are white, golden and, of course, all shades of blue.

The nautical-style room can be divided into areas for study and play. Photo wallpapers in the form of a map, a sea or tropical landscape, a picture of a ship deck will help maintain the atmosphere of the trip.

5. Hi-tech

Each element of high-tech furniture should not only maintain the style of the interior, but also be multifunctional - with secret drawers, shelves and compartments. Of course, every boy will like this execution of his room, because every child should have his own secrets from adults.

The absence of many decorative elements and furniture makes the room easy to clean. Just keep it clean. Walls often have a glossy finish, as does the ceiling with furniture. (Just like in a spaceship!)

Design colors can be any, but it is better to give preference to cold shades. The black and white palette is perfect for this style. At the same time, neither furniture nor textiles should have any patterns.

Design principles

1. Space zoning

Divide the room functional areas- so it will seem wider and more spacious. Space zoning can be done different ways: from different color finishes to partitions in the form of shelves and cabinets.

2. Bed

If there is not enough space in the nursery, you can give preference to a loft bed. Such furniture is good for its functionality: the sleeping place is upstairs, and below there is a desk, wardrobe or an entire sports and gaming section.

3. Workplace and hobby area

Leave as much space as possible for this area so that the child can pursue his hobby. The room should also have a computer for classes and some kind of sports equipment. It is very important that the place for studying and playing is well lit.

4. Matching style

For marine style or a loft, photo wallpapers are perfect, but to maintain high-tech and modern styles, it’s better to just paint the walls.

In choosing a floor, you should also build on the chosen style. For the marine, parquet or laminate in the color of dark wood is ideal, like the deck of a ship.

For modern style carpet is suitable. If the boy is an athlete and is fond of football, the floor can be covered with carpet in the color of the grass, like a football field.

If your choice is high-tech, you can opt for tiles. However, a universal option for all styles will be a laminate that is in harmony in color with the entire interior.

Room lighting plays an important role. In addition to the general light from ceiling lights, you must definitely hang additional light sources near the bed and above the desk.

5. Age of owner

At the age of 13-14, a child, as a rule, forms his own view of the world. Be sure to consult with the boy about his desires and expectations. Ask what furniture, what colors he would like to see in his nursery. This experience will be the first experience of independent decision making in his life.

15-16 years old is the age when a child usually already has a musical idol or sports ideal. Therefore, do not rush to buy rolls of expensive wallpaper, because, most likely, they will be hung with posters of his idols.

At the age of 17-18, a teenager is already old enough and independent enough to choose the style and furniture he likes for his room. Entrust him with the design of his room, and you will see that he will make it exactly the way he needs it. It can help to decide - look through it with your son and discuss the ideas you like.

If your teen is into playing the guitar, make room for it on the wall. If boxing - hang a pear.

Take into account your child's hobbies and decorate his room based on his preferences, and he will definitely be grateful to you.

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In the first years of life, children grow very quickly. Their interests also change. Just yesterday your kid was playing with cars, and today he already goes to school and spends more time with friends.

If your child has grown up and entered a difficult adolescence, you need to be patient to get through this difficult stage. It is at this age that he begins to realize himself as an independent person, to declare his right to his own opinion.

There is no need to conflict with the maturing young man, it is necessary to support him in his desire to become an adult and declare his ambitions. It is only fair that your son wants the environment to change with him. It's time to update modern style. Choose a style color design and furniture will help the tips from this article.

An example of minimalism in a room of 12 sq m

A short guide to contemporary styles

Two decades ago, the services of a designer were perceived as a privilege for the rich. But now, when the Internet has taken a significant part of our lives, it is quite possible to think over the design yourself.

First of all, you need to decide on the style and overall design. When you know the picture of the final result and having decided on the desires and expectations, it is easier to choose finishes, furniture and decor.

So that you don’t get lost in the vastness of the network, we have compiled a short guide to styles that will fit perfectly into the interior of a teenage boy’s room.

1. Minimalism

The main components are simplicity and functionality. Furniture performs several tasks at once. Minimal amount decor. This is a great option for small spaces up to 15 square meters. m. Finishing and lighting should visually expand the space.

2. Loft

This style will appeal to active boys who love everything unusual. If your son is a creative person, then bold loft style is a great solution. A room in this design resembles cozy loft. Walls must be natural, natural shades. Finishing helps to create the atmosphere of a tidy industrial space. Brickwork, unplastered concrete, metal, raw wood - these are the distinctive features of this style.

clear straight lines, concise design and functionality are the hallmarks of high-tech. This option is suitable for active, courageous and up-to-date young people. The decor uses chromed metal, glass and plastic. Furniture is most often built-in and repeats the color of the walls. A feature of this style is the abundance of stylish laconic lamps.

4. Modern

This style is characterized by smooth natural lines, not very bright, calm lighting. Wood is mainly used as a finishing material. Choice color combinations is not limited, so you can stop at your child's favorite color. Many psychologists recommend using in the interior certain colors and shades depending on the age and character of the child.

Active and ambitious young men will suit cold and light colors- blue, light blue, beige, gray, brown. To decorate the room where a calm and passive young man will live, it is better to choose bright cheerful options - orange, yellow, green. It is worth remembering that it is impossible to decorate the entire room in one color. In any case, you need to add others that go well with the main colors, paint.

Look stylish. They can depict superheroes, cities, idols, landscapes. It is better to ask the child to independently choose a pattern and design that is close to him in spirit.

How to organize the space?

1. Sleeping area

The bed or sofa should be suitable for the height of the child. Children grow quickly, and therefore, it may be more economical to buy a bed immediately under an adult. The choice also depends on the style of the interior. For example, for a loft ideal metal options, for modern - wood products.

Many children's rooms apartment buildings have small area. Therefore, furniture should be as functional as possible, that is, perform several tasks at the same time. The loft bed combines a sleeping place, a study area, and a place to store books, toys, and school supplies.

2. Study area

The study area is a mandatory attribute of a teenage child. It is a desk comfortable armchair, suitable for growth and with the possibility of adjusting the height, computer. There must be additional lighting. The study area should also be equipped with plenty of shelves and drawers so that everything you need is at hand.

3. Storage

There is a stereotype that boys are less neat than girls. This is wrong. It all depends on the upbringing and character of the child. If a child is accustomed to order from childhood, then he will behave in the same way in adulthood.

In order not to grow a slob, storage spaces should always be equipped in the room. Then the cleaning will not take much time.

4. Place of rest and hobby

Every child has favorite hobby to which he dedicates most free time. In the room you need to allocate space for hobbies. It can be a sports corner or a music complex, an easel with a cabinet for paints, a bookcase, etc.

Finishing touch: decor

1. Curtains

Curtains on the windows are selected depending on overall design interior. and the blinds will great solution for loft style, hi-tech, minimalism. In the interior in modern style it is better to choose classic options.

2. Lighting

With the help of lighting, you can not only decorate the room, but also zone the space, favorably placing accents in the interior. Lamps, as an element of decor, are selected according to general design. and chandeliers reminiscent of industrial or street lighting, will look good in a room in the style of a loft, hi-tech, minimalism. For modern style choose classic options with wooden case or its imitation.

The number of decorations depends on the style, and on the hobby of the child, and on his age.

Minimalism and high-tech suggest conciseness and restraint in this regard. A loft-style room requires a large number of decorative elements that meet lifestyle, hobbies, and character.

3. Boring walls

If the child is creative, then original solution will decorate the walls with the result of this creativity. For example, drawings, prefabricated models of tanks, ships, cars. Is your son into football? This theme can also be used in the design. If he loves geography, then one of the walls can be decorated with a map of the world.

But do not forget the main rule - moderation. This is especially true for small rooms, in which a large number of decorative things will visually narrow the space.

Adolescence is the most difficult age for both the child and his parents. It is important to find an approach and not lose confidence. Take the first step by asking your son to choose his own bedroom decor.

A child's room is a personal space that all teenagers cherish so much. During this period, they attach great importance to style, design, appearance things, follow the fashion.

The young man will bring friends to his house, in front of whom he should not be ashamed. Indeed, at this age, their opinion is valued much more than the opinion of their parents. Today there are so many styles and finishing materials that it is not so difficult for parents and children to find a compromise.