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Indoor flowers family happiness. Indoor flowers for home well-being: signs, superstitions, traditions

Helping to improve the situation. We offer Top 8 plants that will return happiness and harmony to the family, revive tender feelings.

1. Spathiphyllum ("Women's happiness") - one of the most famous plants that help find your soul mate, get pregnant, return mutual understanding and love to the family. It is unpretentious in care: it grows even in partial shade and blooms for a long time. Spathiphyllum should be sprayed every day, transplanted in spring into new soil.

2. Uzambara violet - a popular flower, it can be found in many homes. This is a symbol of eternal love, the plant is able to restore trust in the family, get rid of quarrels and conflicts. In order for the violet to be beneficial, it is better to put it on the windowsill on the western or eastern side. It is important to remember that this flower loves a lot of light and does not tolerate watering with hard water.

3. Myrtle endowed healing properties, translated from Greek means "balm". He will help make the marriage successful. In a house where myrtle grows, there is always peace, harmony and happiness. In some countries it is customary to give this evergreen shrub newlyweds for the wedding.

4. Orchid - an ideal plant for strong and cheerful people who know how to make important decisions and never give up. It will help to establish relationships with your loved one, achieve success and create a strong family. But it is not recommended to grow weak-willed people. For an orchid, it is better to find a place in the living room or office.

5. Hibiscus ( Chinese rose) return passion and love to spouses. That is why this flower is best placed in the bedroom. Thanks to hibiscus, the feelings and relationships of husband and wife will become quivering and tender.

6. Chlorophytum may seem to someone a nondescript plant, but among the people it is often called "Family Happiness". If the flower is lush and grows quickly, it means that happiness and harmony will soon come to the house. Spouses who dream of having a child should transplant chlorophytum into a bright pot with children's drawings. And the appearance of arrows means that the house will soon be replenished.

7. Pelargonium is an indispensable talisman for family life. This flower is able to purify the aura in the house. A plant with red inflorescences will give well-being, and with pink inflorescences - love. Geranium will help improve sleep and maintain peace of mind. Pots should be placed on the western and southern windows.

8. Chrysanthemum will return quivering feelings to spouses who have lived together for a long time. It preserves love and mutual understanding, prevents quarrels. But in order for a flower to reveal its magical properties, it must be carefully looked after. If a chrysanthemum blooms magnificently in an unmarried woman, the owner of the plant will soon meet her love.


  • 10 plants that attract love

“I want to be loved and love.” You can often hear such words from both young girls and mature women. And it's true, it's never too late and never too early to love. But it happens that the same luck in love will not find its way to the addressee. There are several ways to strengthen female energy and attract simple female happiness.

You will need

  • - mandarin ducks
  • - pigeons
  • - spathiphyllum plant


The flower is popularly called "women's happiness." And for good reason. After all, the shape of its flowers is of a very interesting shape: small white inflorescences are surrounded with one large white petal. The most interesting thing is that you need to put it in the very room where a single girl or a couple sleeps. According to legend, this flower brings happiness to its owners in terms of love. But it also requires a lot of maintenance. The main thing is not to let it dry out.

The next attribute of a love relationship is mandarin ducks. This is a pair figurine, there should always be two of them. It should be placed in the southwest.


Give up lilac color. Your room doesn't have to be lilac. After all, it is this color - color loneliness.

Helpful advice

For men, there is also a flower called (popularly “male happiness”) Anthurium, which gives male strength and energy. This flower looks like a spathiphyllum. You can arrange them side by side, white and bright scarlet flowers will blend well.

Probably, there is little more that a person who has love and can wish for in life. These gifts of fate can be attracted by giving yourself correct installation and work on your own personality.

Before you change the reality around you and the attitude of the people around you, make a change in your own character and worldview. If you want to attract love into your life, learn how to give it away first. You need to give this wonderful feeling to your own person.

Look at yourself with different eyes, smile at your own reflection in the mirror. Think of all the good things you have. Discard thoughts of any shortcomings. Believe me, everyone has them. You must be firmly convinced that you are worthy of love, that you deserve to receive this wonderful feeling.

When you stop waiting for love and start living in it, then your life will change. A real feeling will come, the same person will appear who will become family and friends. You just need not to look for some kind of consolation in relationships with other people, confirmation of your own need or the presence of virtues, but simply accept love in a state of joyful calmness.

Don't forget about self-confidence. Low self-esteem can be a serious obstacle to love and happiness. A person who does not appreciate and love himself enough will not be able to realize his own potential. In a relationship, such an individual feels insecure, and this can overshadow even a successful union.

A person who is gnawed by doubts and fears cannot enjoy the present moment. But learning to live here and now is one of the paths to happiness. Even in a sad time for objective reasons, you can find in your soul an island of joy and peace, but only if you live in harmony with yourself.

It is important to think positively if you want to invite happiness into your life. An optimistic person has more joyful moments during the day, if only because he notices them. Moreover, the inner mood affects how events develop around you. Do not forget that thoughts are material.

To achieve happiness, you need to achieve harmony between your soul and the outside world. Listen to yourself. Find a job or hobby you love and half the job is done. Do not be afraid to change your life, because this is the only way to build it in the form you want. Understanding the problem and working on yourself is the first step. Then you need to take action to make your dreams come true.

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Some individuals are attracted a large number of completely different people. It's all about certain character traits that make communication with them pleasant and comfortable.

Character traits

People who are drawn to others may have a certain set of personality traits. For example, others are attracted to kind, sensitive, sincere people. Next to such personalities, they feel calm and confident. In addition, the disinterested attitude of these individuals cannot but flatter.

Purposeful individuals inspire respect among others, of course, if in their desire to achieve their goals, these individuals do not compromise their own principles and other people's interests. Calm, balanced personalities are liked by others because they control the manifestation of their excessive emotions, especially negative ones. Unnecessary explosions, tantrums and scandals on the part of some individuals do not cause a desire to communicate with them further.

Cheerful people like others with their sense of humor. Next to such personalities, a positive attitude appears even in a difficult situation. Good mood, smiles and joy are given by such personalities to their friends and acquaintances. Optimistic, friendly and open people attract others because communication with them is very comfortable. Such personalities infect with their faith in the best and the ability to see the good even in unpleasant moments.

Human behavior

The behavior of the individual also plays a big role in how others perceive him. Of course, extroverts are more likely to please others, as they know how to find an approach to other people, to establish contact with them. Introverts are much less developed.

Individuals who take an active life position cause more sympathy among other members of society, because they have more opportunities to show the positive qualities of their character. "Gray mice" may have all sorts of talents that delight other people, but they rarely give themselves a chance to demonstrate them in public.

People around are attracted to people who are interested in them. Show a lively, sincere interest in another person, and you will partially win his favor. Besides, people like good storytellers. If you know how to tell stories in an interesting way and generally carry on a conversation, you have every chance of gaining recognition in the team.

Appearance of the individual

It is worth noting appearance people who attract others. Others are more likely to get the location of others with outwardly pleasing individuals. People with a completely unremarkable appearance, like written beauties, can repel others. So remember that the rule of the golden mean works here.

Of course, it is important to be a well-groomed, neat, tidy person in order to please others. Hairstyle, manicure, clean shoes, ironed clothes, light perfume will make you pleasant to talk to.

If you believe in a sign that money and good luck bring home, get " money plants". As they grow, so will your profits. We offer top 5 indoor plants that you need to have for financial well-being in the house.

1. Fat woman (crassula)- known to all Money Tree. This unpretentious plant with dense leaves that are shaped like coins. To attract money, you need to plant a fat woman in a red pot, bury a few coins in the ground, and tie a red ribbon or thread to the plant trunk. Do not forget to water and feed the Crassula in time, then there will always be prosperity in the house.

2. . If you place a cactus in the bedroom, it can destroy family happiness. This is true, and if these indoor plants are placed in the hall, office or kitchen, they will become strong financial talismans. They help to gain confidence, quickly move up the career ladder and earn good capital.

3. . This beautiful plant is a companion of creative people. It helps to gain confidence in oneself and solve any difficult task. If fuchsia grows and blooms in your house, you can succeed in any business, and therefore become richer.

4. Pelargonium ( indoor geranium) . This is one of the most useful and unpretentious indoor plants, which is also able to attract cash flows into the house. But for this it needs to be grown next to another bright flowering plant, for example, an azalea or a room rose.

5. Aucuba ( golden tree) . The plant will help a humble person to show their abilities, become noticeable and reach career heights. It will unite the family, protect its owner from troubles and misfortunes.

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Many believe that indoor flowers bring prosperity and prosperity to the house. There is a fashion for some plants: for example, the money tree is often found on the windowsill in many families and offices.

Folk signs and beliefs are associated with dozens of types of indoor plants. How not to make a mistake when choosing a green decor? What home flowers to buy for well-being and prosperity in the family? What is a "tree of love"? Answers in the article.

Our ancestors believed: every flower has a soul, it is a living being. It is no coincidence that many trees feed a person with positive energy. It is worth looking at the shining eyes of amateur flower growers, who talk about their “wards” with inspiration, warmth and tenderness, to make sure: plants give a good mood.

In order for indoor flowers to bring joy, you need to consider a few rules:

  • buying plants for a green corner is not only a tribute to fashion: if the owners do not like the “correct” look and variety of living decor, then you need to choose another flower;
  • to search in advance for information about the plant you like, to find out how this or that variety affects the health of the household and the atmosphere in the family, you need to know:. If the owner or hostess is fond of Feng Shui, believes in omens, then be sure to find information about the flower so that the soul is calm;
  • think about where to put the plant. Some amateur flower growers believe that the money tree will quickly help you get rich. It often happens that wilting and loss of leaves causes bad forebodings, annoyance and even panic: once the flower has dried up, then the money will not “take root” in the family. Do not despair: for sure, the owners chose the wrong place for the flowerpot. A plant with fleshy leaves and a thick stem should be placed in a room with enough light, but not in the hottest room, provide moderate watering - and everything will work out.

Plants for happiness in the home

10 indoor flowers for prosperity and well-being in the house:

  • Violet uzambarskaya. home amulet, delicate flower symbolizes marital fidelity, warmth hearth and endless love. Our ancestors decorated the bed of newlyweds with violet petals. ornamental plant With velvet leaves, colors of several shades (from white to deep purple) creates a pleasant, cozy atmosphere in the house. Small bushes are easy to propagate by shoots, violet blooms for a long time and beautifully, unpretentious care. Unlike many plants with showy flowers, uzambar violet can be placed in the bedroom on the windowsill or supplies closer to natural light.
  • Chlorophytum. unpretentious flower popularly called "family happiness." The plant rarely gets sick, gives a positive attitude, especially after the appearance of "children" - mini-chlorophytums (small processes) on long thin branches. It is difficult to find a plant as popular as chlorophytum. A flower with long leaves (lighter middle and darker edge) radiating from a "single center" looks great on a wall, high floor stand or pedestal. Chlorophytum is often bred in homes, offices, schools, public institutions and cultural centers. Wherever an unpretentious plant with a high degree of decorativeness grows, it pleases the eye everywhere.
  • Money tree (fat woman). Many beliefs are associated with this type of green decor. The main and most famous sign is reflected in the name of the flower. The more actively the money tree grows and increases, the faster the leaves become fleshy and strong, the sooner the owners will have financial well-being. It is no coincidence that flowerpots with a fat woman are on the windowsills not only in the apartment, but also in the office. At good care plant with magical properties grows almost to human height, and the diameter of the stem reaches 8-10 cm. The tree-like fat woman pleases the eye: white or pale pink flowers appear on an adult tree, resembling small stars.
  • Pansies. Bright colors, a spectacular combination of pleasant shades, a delicate aroma is pansies. The plant is used for decoration not only on the street, but also in the apartment. If households are often nervous, relations between spouses have gone wrong, then bioenergy therapists advise buying pansies, putting them on a window on the east or west side. bright flowers give joy, reduce irritability, create comfort and a positive mood for household members.
  • Pelargonium. Pelargonium with geranium, which is often called the "flower of loneliness", is not worth the path. Despite the similarity of leaves and flowers, decorative flowering plants completely different: so say the botanists. Unlike geranium, Blue colour Pelargonium does not have petals, the main color scheme is white, all shades of red and pink. Pelargonium loves warmth, pleases the owners with spectacular flowering. Luxurious flowers cheer up, tune in to positive. Hot-tempered people need to purchase pelargonium with pale pink or white flowers, with a tendency to apathy and depression - with red, bright petals. Delicate, juicy greenery and luxurious medium-sized flowers on a thin stem give a sunny mood even in severe frosts.
  • Calathea. The plant is often called the "keeper of the hearth." The unpretentious flower came to Europe from South America, took root well in a warm and temperate climate. Calathea is difficult to confuse with other types of green decor: against the background of a dark shade of leaves, lighter veins look spectacular. At different varieties the pattern on the green is different. Complements the original look of a bud on a long pedicel, the shade of a complex "multi-layered" flower - from milky white to yellow-orange.
  • . A luxurious flower exudes a pleasant aroma, pleases with interesting shades and a noble look. Bengal, remontant and polyanthus roses take root well in the apartment. With good care, a houseplant blooms for several months of the year. The rose is the flower of love and marital fidelity. If the bedroom windows face west or southeast (no heat, but enough sunlight), then you can put one or two flowerpots with small indoor roses. If the aroma is very rich, then you need to place the "queen of flowers" in the living room.
  • Dracaena. Many housewives keep a flower at home with long narrow dark green leaves and a forked stem. The popular name is indoor palm". Dracaena is unpretentious, actively growing, pleases the household original view. A mini-tree has a positive effect on mood, attracts financial stability to the house. The absence of serious difficulties during care allows the mini-palm tree to grow successfully and for a long time in a green corner. Dracaena is often brought to birthday people so that well-being settles in the house. Green decor can also be placed in the office.
  • Myrtle. A plant resembling a small tree with a dense crown is a symbol of a strong, prosperous family. Myrtle also attracts good luck, financial stability, positively affects the energy and health of households. Small white flowers occasionally appear on the crown. Contemplation of a tree with juicy foliage and delicate "decor" improves mood.
  • Spathiphyllum. The plant is popularly called "women's happiness." If there is no harmony in the family, frequent quarrels with her husband disturb the peace of mind, then you can purchase a plant with an unpronounceable name. Perhaps the appearance of the original plant with rich green leaves and luxurious white flowers will really bring happiness to the house. Together you can admire the pleasant view of the spathiphyllum, which will certainly benefit the relationship.

Note! Houseplants should be treated with care, with love, then there will be peace and prosperity in the house.

Indoor flowers that attract love

In the apartment, you can equip a green corner to attract not only financial well-being and peace to the family, but also love. It is easier to find a life partner, to keep the power of feelings, if there are “correct” houseplants in the house. IN flower shop you can find "male" and "female" happiness, "tree of love", green amulets for spouses. You need to add a positive attitude, self-confidence, zest to the floral decor - and love will definitely settle in the house.

Bioenergy therapists advise purchasing certain types of indoor plants:

  • Aichrizon.
  • Dwarf pomegranate.
  • Rosan Chinese.
  • Peony.
  • Orchid.
  • Hoya curry.
  • Spathiphyllum.
  • Anthurium.
  • Chrysanthemums.

How to eliminate unpleasant? Read helpful information.

On the page, learn how to whiten tulle with greenery at home.

Each plant is beautiful in its own way:

  • Chinese rose has a positive effect on the strength of feelings, gives pleasure from the contemplation of large red flowers;
  • anthurium all year round pleases with delicate inflorescences, leaves original shades with a spectacular pattern;
  • chrysanthemum to attract love, you need to choose certain shades: pale pink, light purple and white. Some women believe that yellow- to separation;
  • Hoya Kerry with fleshy leaves strengthens relationships. The symbol of a harmonious marital union often replaces the "valentine" for Valentine's Day. Hoya Kerry is desirable to put in the bedroom;
  • indoor roses decorate the home, are a symbol of love and marital happiness and harmonious relationships. Depending on the variety and species, on a small (up to 40-45 cm) bush there can be 5-7 or 10-15 flowers different size. Many varieties of roses not only look spectacular, but also have a gentle fragrance.

Do not make fun of those who believe in folk omens associated with indoor plants. Luxurious rose garden, fleshy jade, bright pelargonium, delicate violets create coziness and a pleasant atmosphere in the apartment. Surely, you can find green home decor that has a positive effect on mood, family happiness and financial stability. It is useful to listen to the advice of experienced landscapers and bioenergy therapists, to know how to choose home flowers that bring happiness and well-being to the house.

Houseplant lovers are more often guided external beauty of this or that flower, choosing plants for the house. Undoubtedly, beautiful flower able to please the eye, with its appearance alone improving the mood of the household. But some plants can also have a beneficial effect on the human body. More on this in the next video:

Many representatives of the plant world have firmly chosen our apartments. They are able not only to please the eye and cheer up the owners, but also to attract good luck, health and prosperity to the house.
It is believed that life can change for the better if certain types of flowers are planted on your balcony or windowsill. What exactly? It is worth looking into it in detail.


Violet brings peace to the monastery and gives people living there the ability to be wise, devoted and balanced. Quarrels and conflicts in the houses where the violet settles become very rare. It is desirable to hide the flower from prying eyes behind the curtains. The presence of a plant in the house also contributes to the health of babies. It is not recommended to get too carried away with breeding violets, since it is believed that in large quantities they exhibit a male-exorcising effect, i.e. come from a male family.

wax ivy

Wax ivy has given rise to conflicting omens. There is an opinion that it affects the intimate sphere of life of the owners of the apartment. An ancient Greek tradition testifies to the positive influence: an ivy branch was placed on the young bride’s chest so that the girl’s beauty would not fade and attract men. At the same time, there is a statement that overgrown ivy drives out representatives of the strong half from the house.

Crassula arborescens

Crassula tree, or fat woman, is better known under the name "money tree". Having settled in the house, she attracts material well-being to the family. The size and shape of the tree crown directly affect the amount of income. It is desirable to plant a fat woman in pots of red shades, placing a few coins on the bottom.


Bamboo contributes to success in career matters, career advancement. It should be kept in working area. The material success attracted by bamboo is long lasting. Numerous beliefs and signs are associated with bamboo. In China, it symbolizes longevity, in India it is a symbol of friendship. In the Philippines, farmers believe that bamboo attracts happiness. Since bamboo has a very straight growth and fresh green color shoots and foliage, then in Japan it is considered a symbol of purity. Together with pine branches and cherry blossoms, bamboo is a symbol of the Land of the Rising Sun. At the end of the year on each front door in Japan, bundles of pine branches and bamboo shoots (kadomatsu) appear, which, according to the Japanese, attract happiness to the house in the coming year. In some cultures of Asia, it is believed that all of humanity came from the internodes of bamboo shoots. And in Japan and Malaysia, there are beliefs about a young (and very tiny) girl who lives in a bamboo trunk and appears when you cut the shoot. According to the Eastern teachings of Feng Shui, bamboo is a symbol of health, longevity, life force, resilience to adversity. A Chinese character, consisting of two sticks of bamboo, symbolizes longevity.


Fern protects against the effects of dark forces. Ferns, without any problems, are gaining growth outside the city, in open sandy or peaty soil. At home, they may lose their decorative effect if the atmosphere is polluted. A drooping bush serves as an indicator of pollution with gas, smoke, and toxic fumes. If the flower dies, it is argued that he removed the damage from one of the family members.


Spathiphyllum, or "female happiness", relieves women of loneliness and contributes to finding a full-fledged family, conceiving and giving birth to children. The plant possesses these features only at the time of flowering, therefore, reverent care is necessary for it, since the spathiphyllum blooms only under certain conditions. There is a legend that tells that those women who had this plant in their house found their happiness very quickly. If the girl was lonely, then she quickly found herself a life partner. If a woman purchased a flower at a time when she was already in a relationship, then her significant other made her an offer. If a couple wanted to have a child, then they succeeded in a short period.

Myrtle and calathea

Myrtle and calathea can become mediators in repairing upset relationships and help save the family. In particular, myrtle is often given to newlyweds as a symbol of a long-term unshakable relationship. The myrtle tree is a tree of friendship and harmony. if you want the argument not to turn into a quarrel, then conduct all serious conversations in the room in which the myrtle tree. Myrtle tree of health. Myrtle in the house gives its inhabitants health and joy.


Aichrizon and chlorophytum are popularly called "trees of family happiness." They symbolize harmony, fidelity and love in the premises where they grow. It is believed that the splendor and beauty of the aichrizon crown is directly related to the warmth of the relationship between the inhabitants of the dwelling. Chlorophytum also, as the name suggests, acts as an air purifier. Many argue that blooming aichrizon in the house will bring mutual strong feelings to the inhabitants. This belief is especially relevant in cases where the flower suddenly bloomed and fluffed up with lush greenery: it is believed that the owners of the flower will definitely find love and happiness in the near future, and the flower is a sign of approaching love. Another popular belief says that blooming aichrizon symbolizes the presence of love in the house, the flower begins to grow and bloom magnificently in those houses where love and mutual understanding reign.


Anthurium is a talisman of male power, which has a beneficial effect on potency. It is known that the red anthurium is covered with a legend - supposedly a girl turned into a flower. Anthurium care at home is not easy: it loves heat and high humidity, and at home it is not always possible to create the same conditions as in tropical forests. The name of the flower in Latin comes from the words "tail" and "flower", which very accurately reflects the appearance of the inflorescence. tropical plant. But among the people, the plant is called "flamingo flower", "red tongue", but also called anthurium and male happiness.


Hibiscus attracts passionate love. It appears like lightning, and just as suddenly passes, leaving behind a fiery trail. Most often in our apartments you can find Chinese hibiscus or Chinese rose. One of positive qualities The Chinese rose is that the flower around itself charges the atmosphere with the energy of movement. After all, initially hibiscus is a plant of the sign of Leo. Refers to this sign because of the love of bright lighting and the possession of beautiful flowers. The flower has a strong male character. According to the teachings of astrology, fire bears the masculine principle. Fire is an expression of activity. The Chinese rose absorbs the destructive energy of laziness and transforms it into creative energy. It is good to grow a Chinese rose at home for those people who have heart disease or low blood pressure. It is recommended to keep the plant in a passive and sluggish host, the plant will actively feed. Hibiscus energy spirals from bottom to top. Movement from the roots of the Chinese rose to the stem and further in a spiral to the tips of the petals and leaves. It is customary to believe that this plant restores the fading flame of love between spouses who have lived together for a long time.
We should not forget that flowers are living creatures and always respond to kindness and affection. To get positive energy from them, it is worth loving them and conscientiously caring for them. Then it is quite possible to get a kind of home amulet in return.

Indoor flowers that bring happiness to the house, strengthen marital relations, help to find a soul mate and keep love for many years.

From time immemorial, people have decorated their homes with flowers. Our ancestors believed that plants are able to bring joy, peace and prosperity to the house, protect its inhabitants from diseases and the evil eye. This is what people believe today. Indoor flowers not only improve the air in our homes, purifying it and saturating it with oxygen, but also help us spiritually: they are able to feel the mood of their owners, protect them from troubles and misfortunes, and tune them in a positive way. Each flower in a pot is a small “energy station” that can generate and distribute energy of a special kind around itself, this is a living being that can help its owner in fulfilling desires.

Dreaming of meeting your soul mate? Do you want to fill the family nest with warmth? We will talk about indoor flowers that will help you find your love, maintain existing relationships, protect your family happiness, protect home comfort, bring peace, joy and grace to your home.

Flowers that bring happiness to the home

Uzumbar violet has long been considered a talisman of lovers. With their elegant flowers and velvet leaves, which are shaped like hearts, saintpaulias create a festive atmosphere in the house, give its inhabitants a feeling of comfort. There are many legends associated with this delicate, fragile flower. According to one version, saintpaulias appeared from Adam's tears, according to other sources, Zeus turned one of the beautiful nymphs into a violet, praying to help her get rid of Apollo's persecution. The ancient Gauls decorated the bed of the newlyweds with violets, and the French considered this beautiful flower a symbol of fidelity.

Violet energy attracts health, abundance and prosperity - all that is so important for finding family happiness. There is an opinion that saintpaulias bloom only in families with a prosperous atmosphere: in houses where quarrels and conflicts are frequent, they die. Violets with red and pink flowers protect against illness and depression. Blue saintpaulias give inspiration. With white violets, a feeling of peace, purity, liberation from everything that depresses comes to the house. If there is a misunderstanding between spouses, snow-white saintpaulias will help to eliminate it. And white violets are ideal for children's rooms.

Our ancestors have long considered indoor geranium a symbol of a strong and friendly family, a happy talisman for a home in which comfort and tranquility reign. Delighting its owners with long flowering, the plant creates a bright aura around itself. The color of pelargonium flowers is extremely diverse - from white to burgundy, and the smell is very strong, can even cause headache. For this reason, geraniums are not recommended to be placed next to the bed, placed in rooms where you spend a lot of time. But on the balcony and in the hallway, near the front door and in the southeastern part of the apartment, the flower will feel great.

Since ancient times, pelargonium has been endowed with magical powers. According to ancient beliefs, flowers with pink petals attract love. White geranium calms outbursts of anger, gives peace of mind, red - gives self-confidence, helps in achieving goals and protects family happiness. It is useful for a tired person to sit for a short time in the company of snow-white geraniums: the flower will share its healing energy, help to feel an emotional lift.

Spathiphyllum is not without reason called "female happiness" among the people. Since ancient times, people have believed that this beautiful flower helps to establish relations between spouses, brings love and harmony to the house. They say that it blooms only in happy homes, and where they constantly quarrel, it dies. According to popular belief, spathiphyllum will help women who dream of a child to become pregnant, single women - to find their soul mate, married women - to find family happiness, unmarried women - to put on a long-awaited wedding dress soon. This flower will a wonderful gift for mom, sister, friend.

The owner of the spathiphyllum needs to properly care for her “female happiness”, surround him with warmth and care. Only in this case, the flower will be able to reveal its magical properties. It is not recommended to give the plant into the wrong hands, otherwise you will share your happiness with others.

The white color of the delicate spathiphyllum flowers, similar in shape to boats, symbolizes innocence and purity. But the fiery red heart-shaped sails of anthurium - a close relative of "female happiness", personify passionate love, are a symbol of courage, strength and freedom - everything that is so necessary for a man. Anthurium is also called "devil's tongue" and "flamingo flower": its inflorescences can be white and pink in color.

Anthurium kindles the fire of passion between lovers, enhances the emotional attraction in a couple. For its male owners, the flower gives success with the opposite sex, and brings vivid emotions and harmony to the relationship with the woman he loves. Anthurium is also called "male fidelity." According to popular beliefs, if a plant has withered, stopped blooming and something is wrong with it, it means that an “eye and an eye” is needed for the missus.

Modest and inconspicuous at first glance, but very beautiful and unusual, if you look closely, this flower from the Tolstyankov family can reach up to 30 cm in height. mature plant looks like a tree. Among the people, it enjoys the glory of the keeper of the hearth. Aichrizon is called the "tree of happiness", "the tree of love". It is customary to give a plant for housewarming: it brings comfort, joy and tranquility to the house.

The leaves of the flower are very unusual - small, fleshy, covered with thick fluff: they seem to be dressed in a fur coat, and in shape they resemble hearts. Aichrizon is especially beautiful during the flowering period: its yellow star-flowers look like small suns, and the tree itself resembles a spring meadow dotted with dandelions. It is recommended to put a "tree of happiness" on the windows or at the entrance so that it eliminates the negative energy that can enter the house from the street.

Get a hoya experienced growers recommended to couples dreaming of family happiness and well-being. In some countries, one of the many varieties of the plant, Hoya Kerry, is customary to give on Valentine's Day. It is better to put a creeper in the bedroom, and let family happiness wind like its branches.

This Indian beauty is able to please her owners in many ways: she exudes a pleasant and delicate aroma, reminiscent of the smell of a tulip, but the most amazing thing is her appearance: it seems that the flowers of the plant are made of wax. Creamy white with a raspberry crown, star-like, they largely determine the attractiveness of the plant. Most often in houses you can find fleshy hoya and beautiful hoya. In addition to the fact that the flower brings happiness and peace to the house, it also takes care of the health of its owners, although it is very unpretentious in its care.

For those who seek happiness, strive for harmony in relationships, dream of a strong and friendly family, better fit beautiful calathea - a plant that is considered a symbol home comfort. Calathea is especially recommended for young families, for those couples whose life together is just beginning: the flower will help make it long and happy. The plant brings joy, mutual understanding and warmth to the house.

Calathea is grown for the sake of beautiful leaves, decorated in bizarre patterns. They can be dark green, silvery green, glossy and velvet, with original patterns in the form of stripes and spots of various shades - from yellow to brown-red, and on the reverse side - burgundy, purple-lilac, pink-lilac. In some species, the leaves look like peacock feathers, they are so colorful and beautiful. Calathea inflorescences can be white, cream, pink, bright orange, they are located on long straight peduncles, which makes the flower even more attractive.

A happy family cannot do without ficus. Since biblical times, this beautiful tree has been considered the patron saint of the hearth: it is ficus Karika (other names are fig tree, fig tree, common fig) took pity on Adam and Eve, who were expelled from paradise: he fed them with his fruits and threw off the leaves to cover the nakedness of sinners. Until now, this flower in the house - to consent and a happy family life. If the ficus lives in the kitchen, there will always be prosperity in the house. And if you put a tree in the bedroom, it will provide a strong and restful sleep and help a woman get pregnant. According to an ancient legend, small-leaved ficuses contribute to the appearance of a long-awaited baby in the family.

Ficus - indeed magical plant. This beautiful flower will decorate your home, create an aura of security and peace, and help fight seasonal depression. The tree improves mood, instills optimism, helps spouses achieve harmony in relationships, strengthens trust between loving hearts.

With their silent presence, indoor flowers decorate our life, fill it with joy and bright hopes. Among the plants-mascots of lovers are oxalis, chlorophytum, hibiscus and Sander's dracaena. If you want to save your family or find your soul mate, get an oxalis (oxalis). Dreaming of passionate love? Let hibiscus (Chinese rose) settle in your house. Do you want your marriage to be successful? Plant a myrtle tree. In many countries, this flower is considered the best gift for newlyweds. Dracaena Sander (“happy bamboo”, “bamboo of happiness”) will also make happy family life. Chlorophytum will protect your love. He will make your happiness cloudless - that's what the people say. And if you dream of becoming parents, transplant the plant into a funny multi-colored pot and patiently wait for it to bloom.

Now that you know which flowers bring happiness to the house, it remains only to test it in practice. Of course, plants alone cannot make us absolutely happy. They themselves cannot fulfill our desires, but they are very capable of helping us achieve our goals. The main thing is to carefully look after your pets, then they will definitely share their miraculous power with us.

Flowers for good luck, money and family happiness

1. Spathiphyllum. If you have been single for a long time or are constantly quarreling with your husband, plant a spathiphyllum, because it is not for nothing that its second name is “Women's happiness”.

2. Violet. The violet is called the flower of peace. It has been noticed that in a house where violets grow and bloom, household members very rarely quarrel. And the violet symbolizes eternal devotion. If you are going through a difficult period in your life - get a white violet, it helps to endure mental suffering more easily.

3. Chinese rose, or hibiscus. Hibiscus is the symbol of Malaysia, the emblem of Hawaii. There, this plant is considered a symbol of peace, and also of passion.

4. wax ivy, hoya. In many countries, this plant serves as ... a declaration of love, a green valentine for Valentine's Day. The best place for hoya in the house - a bedroom.

5. Myrtle. The best gift for a young family. Myrtle will bring peace, happiness and understanding to the house.

6. Aichrizon. The folk name of aichrizon speaks for itself: the tree of happiness, the tree of love.

7. Calathea. Calathea will keep family happiness. Calathea is a very good gift for those who are going to dissolve the marriage.

8. Chlorophytum. This unsightly plant, by its very appearance in the house, promises peace and mutual understanding. This a good choice and for office space where there are a lot of different people with whom you need to be able to get along. Home chlorophytum purifies the air: put it in a room with new furniture or to an apartment where repairs have just been completed, and the flower will absorb all the chemistry from the air!

9. Oksalis, or sour. Despite such a sour name, oxalis can brighten up the life of a lonely person. It is believed that sour helps the owner find true love.

10. Anthurium. This is a male talisman. Anthurium is also called "male happiness", because it has a beneficial effect on potency. Well, at least that's what they say. And therefore, such a flower has no place in the kitchen ...

Akalifa gives the strong half of humanity masculinity and fortitude, and the beautiful half - softness and femininity. Cyclamen drives away nightmares.

Flowers that bring trouble

But indoor flowers give us not only positive energy. They say, ivy an unreliable man “survives” from the house, and small children do not sleep well in the room where this energetically strong plant grows.

- a very strong flower, but this power is not useful to everyone. Monster should not be started by people suffering from throat diseases. To tame a green vampire, hang a blue cord on the flower, preferably with a piece of rock crystal.

And now the most important thing ... Remember that all plants are living beings, they return good for good. If you plant flowers just because it is fashionable, you will not enjoy being around them, and they will not be in best form next to a person who does not care about them. And you should not buy a plant for selfish purposes, for example, a money tree for the sake of wealth or a spathiphyllum for the sake of a personal life, because the plants feel that they are simply being used. Love your flowers, take care of them, and they will become a faithful and reliable guardian of your home.