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Decorating a well with your own hands: types of finishes and design options. Decorating a well: ideas and options How to decorate a well at your dacha with your own

A well in the country, and sometimes near the house, is a necessary thing. But just sticking out of the ground concrete ring with some kind of lid it’s not very pleasing to the eye, and the comfort of use is below average. To correct the situation, it is necessary to improve it and install a gate that will facilitate the rise of water. Ready-made well fences are sold - with a roof and a gate, but they either have a hefty price or look pitiful. Therefore, most often a house for a well is built with one’s own hands. Then you can use your imagination and arrange everything the way you need.

Types of well houses and their tasks

The primary task of a well house is to protect water from various substances - dust, leaves and other similar contaminants. This requires a tight-fitting lid. Open wells are only possible for technical water - for irrigation. Water from them cannot be used for other purposes. So if you plan to at least wash dishes, the well must be closed tightly.

Protection from precipitation of any kind is also necessary: ​​rain and melt water carry with them very dirty water with fertilizers, animal waste, various garbage and impurities dissolved in it. If it gets into the well, it can cause serious contamination. To protect against precipitation, they make a canopy, most often a gable one - this makes it easier to remove precipitation.

Another purpose of the well house is to protect from strangers or, in any case, to ensure safety for children. To do this, they make latches or cut in locks.

To make it easier to raise water, they install racks and gates - in the simplest case, a rotating log with a handle to which a chain is attached. And all this together should still please the eyes of the owners, but at the same time require minimal care.

Open or closed

As you can see in the photo, the well house can be open or closed. It’s cheaper and easier to make an open one: the well ring can be trimmed with stone or wood, the lid, racks and canopy can be made of wood or metal - whatever will cost less. A minimum of materials is required for this structure. There is only one “but” - in winter the water in such a well can freeze. If you don't plan to use it in cold weather, no problem.

But for winter use, an insulated well house is required. But even then it can be made open:

  • buy a polystyrene foam “shell” for the well - they are of a suitable size, secure it, and then lay the finishing on top of it;
  • make the overlap of the ring and the lid from several layers of wood, and lay the boards in different directions, covering the joints.

Another option is to make an enclosed house. It is slightly larger in size than a well ring. The existing air gap is already a good heat insulator, but the protection can be further improved by filling the gaps with foam, for example.

What to make from

Choosing an appearance sometimes takes a long time. The fair half of humanity especially “suffers” from the desire to decorate a well, going through numerous design options and spending a lot of time doing this. In fact, everything is simple: if you have a house and a well is located nearby, you should decorate it in the same style and, if possible, in the same color. Agree, it looks good.

What to do if the house is brick or plastered? Choose a finish that matches the style. If this is one of the first buildings on the site, just do it as you like.

The question often arises: to make it from metal or wood. Wooden ones certainly look beautiful. But without proper care, they quickly lose all their attractiveness and become gray and ugly. If you are not afraid of the prospect, update regularly, at least once a year. protective covering(delete old paint, then paint it again), make it from wood. If this is not for you, make it from metal. The entire structure or just the frame is your choice. What’s bad about this option: a frame made of galvanized metal profiles, covered with siding. Especially if the house is decorated in exactly the same way.

As you understand, there are a lot of options. First choose the type - open-closed, then materials and finishes to your taste, understand the design, make a house for the well with your own hands.

Canopy for a well with a lid - an open house

Structurally, the device is simple: there are two racks located one opposite the other. They serve as a support for the canopy, and also a gate is attached to them - a device for lifting buckets of water. For a drawing of an open house with dimensions, see the photo below.

Please note that the posts can be dug in after the well ring has been finished. Depending on this, the order of work changes, but the design remains the same in any case.

How to make a canopy

First, the canopy is assembled. Make two side triangles according to the required dimensions. The drawing above shows only the approximate spread of the two extreme points. If necessary, it can be made more. The length of the canopy depends on where the racks will be located - close to well ring or behind the trim. Approximate dimensions canopies with a ring diameter of 100 cm are shown in the photo below.

Dimensions of a well canopy for a diameter of 100 cm

The structure can be assembled from a galvanized profile, a metal profile pipe or wooden beam. To prevent the profile from bending, it is reinforced at the door fastening points - you can put a wooden block or a metal corner inside.

To ensure that rain does not get inside, the expansion must be done much more more sizes rings - at least 20 cm on each side.

If the racks will be attached directly to the concrete ring, the order of work is slightly different. First, a frame is assembled that covers the ring. In the photo it is made from a 30 mm thick board. The racks are also made of the same board, the place of attachment to the concrete is reinforced with overlays. They also play a decorative role.

If the canopy turns out to be heavy, it is advisable to use timber of greater thickness, otherwise it will not withstand the load.

Afterwards, the previously assembled roof is attached to the racks. You can make triangles right on the spot, but it’s more convenient to prepare them in advance, assemble the rafter system, and then finished form place on racks.

Next is finishing. Sew up with boards, clapboard, roofing material. Just keep in mind that if you use raw boards, they will dry out after some time and gaps up to 5 mm thick will form between them. Then we are not talking about any hygiene: rain and dust will fall in... Using a dry board is also not very good - in wet weather it will swell, the flooring will “go in waves.” In general, if you want to have clean water, build a house with doors - closed. There are more chances to protect moisture from contamination.

Do-it-yourself indoor well house

We are talking about this type of shelter for a well - with a door. If you also make a lid inside, dust will definitely not get in.

A frame is built, then it is put on the head of the well and secured with anchor bolts.

  1. support post made of 100*200 mm
  2. short support posts made of the same timber 100*200 mm
  3. fastening beam 30*60 mm
  4. triangular beam

We assemble the frame and attach it to the ring using short bars. Then we begin assembling the pallet. Assemble the flooring from a board 30*100 mm or so. The frame is sheathed with boards or sheet material, for example waterproof plywood.

To ensure that the doors hold well, you can install additional jibs. We hang doors - one or two, as desired. To make it easier to navigate, below are drawings with dimensions.

Using the same scheme, you can make a roof for a metal house. If you have it, you can use it profile pipe. It is easier to attach finishing material to it.

How to make a completely closed frame

You can also hide a concrete ring in the house. In this case, the gate posts are usually installed separately, and then the frame is assembled. Choose the dimensions so that the design freely covers the ring. The height is 20 centimeters higher than your height: so that you can calmly bend down and get the bucket.

We take the profiles from thick metal, galvanized. From the guide we assemble two identical frames - the “floor” and the upper level of the ring. They are connected by racks (profile for racks). The result is a cube with filled sides.

We cut off the sides of the guide profile, leaving the “back” intact. This way you can make a triangle. We attach a stand that is equal to the height of the entire house. If you want to have equal slopes, the rack is attached in the middle. You can make the far slope steeper, then the stand moves 15-20 cm from the center.

We attach the notched profile to the fixed rack. We get one of the elements of the rafter system. We perform the same operation on the other side. We connect the resulting tops of the triangles with a crossbar.

On the side of the door we add racks - on both sides. It’s better to strengthen them - put them inside wooden blocks and fasten with self-tapping screws.

Fastening roofing material, for example, a profiled sheet, covered with plywood. Then soft tiles are laid and nailed onto the plywood - who has what technology. The “foot” and sides of the roof are finished with any material. If you want, you can use wood - clapboard, imitation logs or timber, or you can use siding.

In this case, the same materials were used as when cladding the house: so that everything looked like a single ensemble.

Another video example of assembly from a drywall profile in video format.

Making a well ring with your own hands

If a head or canopy is made, the gray concrete ring remains visible. The view is not the most attractive, I just want to decorate it.

Stone finishing

The most popular way to decorate a well is to decorate it with stone - pebbles or small crushed stone. If with finishing material everything is more or less clear - buy or assemble, then the question of what to attach it to remains. There are several recipes:

We offer the third recipe for how to line a well with stone in video format. The composition of the mixture is very similar here, but before applying the solution, a mesh is fixed to the ring. With this technology, nothing will definitely fall off.

Interesting option hinged lid on the well is proposed in the following video: it reclines almost completely, but whether such a device is needed is up to you to decide.

Photo options for finishing wells

Problems with tap water in country villages, problems are often solved the old fashioned way - by digging wells. The article will explain what a well in a dacha is, where it is better to dig it, in what ways, how this hydraulic structure can be decorated, and how to organize it autonomous water supply.

Source sovet-ingenera.com

Types of wells

A well is a shaft that reaches the water horizon with water suitable for consumption. Depending on the depth of the water layer, experts divide these hydraulic structures into two types:

    Key or superficial. This is when suburban area there is a spring from which the purest drinking water flows. Convenient option, low-cost.

    Shakhtny. This is when it is necessary to dig up the soil to the water layer, constructing a shaft of round or square cross-section. The depth of the structure can reach up to 10 m.

There is such a term - Abyssinian well. In the form in which we are all accustomed to seeing wells, this structure is not one. This is a well formed steel pipe, which is driven into the ground. To raise the water you need or electric pump, or a hand rocker. The depth of well formation is up to 30 m.

Source novamett.ru

Types of wells

There are three types that determine the operational water supply inside hydraulic structure and the method of feeding it into the barrel.

    Wells of imperfect type. This type is constructed so that the shaft does not rest against hard rock. That is, the walls are formed so that the trunk of the structure is immersed in aquifer by about 70%. That is, water is drawn into the well both through the walls of the building and through the bottom.

    Perfect type. This is when the mine shaft rests on solid rock. In this case, water penetrates into the well only through the walls.

    Perfect looking with a sump. The latter is a water collector, which is laid in the lower durable layer. And water enters the structure through the walls of the shaft.

Source sevparitet.ru

What to consider before starting well construction

The main requirement for arranging a well in a dacha is that this hydraulic structure provides water to the residents country house in full. This applies not only to drinking, but also to taking a shower, watering the garden, washing dishes, doing laundry, cleaning the house, and using the toilet. On average, one person uses up to 200 liters of water per day. That is, this is an indicator that must be taken into account when constructing a well. If in the area where the dacha is being built this indicator is not the required value, then it is worth thinking about constructing a well.

Therefore, the first step is to carry out hydraulic engineering surveys. That is, you need to make a small-diameter well and determine: at what depth the aquifer is located, what is its volume, and whether there is enough water in it. Let's face it, this service costs a lot of money. It is provided by specialized companies that have a license to carry out this type of work. But no one will give you more accurate information except them.

Of course, there is an option to ask your neighbor if there is already a well on his summer cottage. That is, the depth of his well can become a guide for yours. But this is only possible if a well is already in use on a neighboring site, and these parameters will not always suit your site.

Source obogreem-gomel.by
On our website you can get acquainted with the most . In the filters you can set the desired direction, the presence of gas, water, electricity and other communications.

Now about the question of where to install a well in the country. There are strict sanitary standards construction of water wells and wells, where the distances from the hydraulic structure to the facilities located on the dacha site are clearly stated. Two parameters are important for a well:

    Distance from the foundation of the main house and outbuildings to the well should not be less than 5 m. This is due to the fact that the aquifer gradually washes away the soil in the lower part. And if the distance to the foundation of the building is not standard, then this may affect its integrity.

    Sanitary zone – 25-50 m. This means that at this distance from the well shaft it is impossible to build structures associated with the sewerage system. That is, you cannot build toilets, cesspools and compost pits, septic tanks, filtration fields, etc. This also applies to landfills and sewers.

Source strojdvor.ru

And a few words about safety precautions for constructing wells. It is clear that companies offering well construction services inform their employees about what can and cannot be done when constructing a well shaft. Let's just outline some basic requirements:

    Be careful when digging soil, because under a large layer of earth you can stumble upon a gas pocket;

    ensure that the walls of the structure didn't crumble;

    strictly follow technology construction;

    it is advisable to use modern methods and methods.

And lastly, when to start building a well for a summer house. Optimally - during the driest time. And this is mid-summer-autumn.

A well is a seemingly insignificant structure, but by law every owner must register it. Don't forget to do this after construction is completed.

Source wellmasters.co.uk
On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer construction services for small architectural forms. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Technologies for constructing drinking wells

Let's start with the fact that the well shaft must have strong walls. And if in the old days they were lined with logs, today best option– reinforced concrete rings that are installed on top of each other, sealing the joints.

There are two main ways to form a shaft: manual and mechanized. Let's start with manual.

Manual method of digging a well in the country

The technology itself is simple - a well is dug with shovels, strictly following the markings. But here the type of soil at the dacha site can interfere with the technology. It can be clayey or sandy.

In the first case, the mine is simply dug to the depth where the aquifer passes. Then reinforced concrete rings are lowered into it using a crane.

The second method is very different from the first. The thing is that on sandy soil it is difficult to hold vertical planes. Sand is a loose and soft rock, so the walls of the mine will simply crumble and the diameter of the structure will expand. Therefore, there is a certain algorithm for carrying out this type of work.

    Making markings at the site of the well construction.

    Dig a hole with a shovel according to the markings to a depth of half a meter.

    Installed into it using a crane first reinforced concrete ring.

    A digger climbs inside and begins to select the soil. To make digging easier, the bottom of the hole is often filled with water.

Source: landscapeblog.ru

Land can be selected according to two schemes. The first is to first remove the area in the middle of the pit, and then gradually under the walls of the ring, thereby sinking it into the ground. Or vice versa: first they remove the soil under the walls of the ring, and then choose in the middle.

As soon as the first reinforced concrete ring has lowered so that part of it protrudes from the ground to a height of 10-15 cm, a second concrete ring is installed on top. And the process repeats. In this way, a well is dug, forming a trunk.

Deepening is carried out to a depth when three springs begin to emerge from the ground. That is, the process reached the aquifer. You cannot dig deeper, because the soil below is weak, and this can lead to the lower concrete ring simply sinking. Often it was distorted, after which the well was simply covered with soil, and a new one had to be dug.

Mechanical method

To do this, use a special tool called a hole drill. They install it on a car; by the way, reinforced concrete rings are usually delivered to the car. Geological surveys are carried out with the same tool.

That is, at the selected location, a well with a diameter of 100-300 mm is first drilled. The depth of the water is determined, and then the auger is replaced with a special drill, the diameter of which is slightly larger than the outer diameter of the reinforced concrete ring. They drill a shaft, where rings are installed using the same device.

Video description

Watch a video that shows how easy it is to make a well on a country plot using a hole drill:

Arranging the bottom of a well

To ensure that the water in the well structure is always clean, it is necessary to form a so-called bottom filter at the bottom. To do this, crushed stone or gravel of a coarse fraction (40 mm) with a layer thickness of 15-20 cm is poured onto the bottom, and crushed stone of a medium fraction (10-20 mm) is poured on top with a layer of 20-40 cm.

Some are old and experienced craftsmen It is recommended to first lay a wooden platform made of boards 30-50 mm thick on the bottom. And then form a bottom filter on it. This will ensure freer passage of water, since between wooden platform and there will be free space at the bottom of the well.

Source moikolodec.ru

Formation of the head

The last upper reinforced concrete ring installed on the shaft should not go too deep. Its walls should protrude above the soil surface within 70 cm. It must be equipped with a lid or other structure. For example, most often a house is built to prevent precipitation from falling into the mine shaft.

When it comes to decorating the head, there is a huge variety of options. For example, the photo below shows a completely unusual design, which will decorate the summer cottage.

Source psk-remont.ru

How to organize autonomous water supply from a well

So, the country well is ready. But don’t carry buckets of water from it into the house. If there is enough water in it, then you can organize a small water supply network with the factory directly to the house. To do this, you will need to select an electric pump and a plastic pipe.

As for the pump, either a submersible option or a surface one is suitable. The second one is better because it is always in sight. And if it is necessary to carry out its repair or preventive inspection, then there is no need to pull it out of the mine, like the submersible option.

The pump itself is selected by power (performance - m³/h or l/sec) and pressure. The first characteristic is selected taking into account the required amount of water used in the country. For example, the performance of standard kitchen sink– 0.1 l/s, toilet – 0.3 l/s, valve for watering the garden – 0.3 l/s.

That is, you need to count the number of plumbing fixtures that are used in a suburban area, determine the productivity of each and add up these indicators. This will be the overall performance of the pump. As for the pressure, it is determined by the depth of the aquifer, that is, the depth of the well.

Source megahome.bg

If selected submersible pump, then it is installed directly into the well shaft, lowered into the water. It is suspended on a steel cable. A plastic wire is passed from the device into the house. flexible pipe. If a surface pump is mounted, it is installed next to the well: either near the well head, or inside the shaft on a special metal stand, or inside the house in a heated room. A pipe is lowered from it into the well, at the end of which a mesh filter is installed. And a pipe is also laid from the device into the house.

If the dacha is used only in the warm season, then the pump is dismantled in the fall and the hoses are twisted into a coil. And all this is stored in a dry place. The equipment will be reinstalled in the spring.

Video description

The video shows how you can easily organize water supply for country house from the well:

Conclusion on the topic

Arranging a well on a summer cottage is a difficult, serious and responsible process. It is impossible not to take into account the rules and regulations for the location of this hydraulic structure. It is important to carry out construction correctly, where the option with a hole drill is the fastest, simplest and safest.

Since ancient times, wells have adorned home areas. But if earlier they performed a utilitarian function - they served as sources of water, now they are more likely decorative element landscape design. The designers' recommendations will help you decorate the well beautifully and harmoniously fit it into the style of the site.


The design of the well must meet certain requirements. Firstly, it must be in harmony with the surrounding landscape and the exterior style of a residential building, and secondly, if it is used for its intended purpose, as a source of water, it must be protected from possible ingress Wastewater, precipitation and other contaminants. Finishing can be done using stone, wood, brick, flowers. In the end, the well can simply be plastered or painted.

If the well is planned to be decorated with wood, then it is better to choose hard wood who are not afraid of negative influences environment. In any case, the selected material must be wear-resistant, insensitive to temperature changes and precipitation. If, upon completion of finishing, it is plastered or painted, its service life will increase and it will retain its attractive appearance longer. appearance. You can build a house over the well itself - this will further decorate it and protect it from precipitation.

The location of the well must also be chosen in accordance with certain rules. First of all, it is necessary to determine the quality of the soil in this area and what its composition is, since all kinds of sources of pollution should be located no closer than 30 m from the future well.


You can make a key, shaft or tube well.

  • First type, key, is the simplest and economical option. It is possible if there is a natural source of drinking water on the site - a spring. A structure is installed above it. In this case, you need to remove the top layer of soil - soil (10-20 cm).
  • Second option - shaft well - suitable if the water does not reach the surface of the earth, but lies shallow - up to 25 meters. When building such a well, you need to take into account the volume of incoming water and correlate it with the needs of the family. This is necessary to avoid water stagnation.
  • tube well resembles the artesian version. Its construction uses a pipe with a diameter of 25-45 mm, which has a sieve-shaped tip for filtering water.


When constructing a well, you must first decide on the task it will perform. If it is just a decorative element of the landscape, then the list of works will be reduced to three points: choosing a location, actually installing and finishing. If the well will serve as a source of water at the dacha, then its installation will require more time. In addition, the well can also serve as a drainage structure that will drain excess water.

In the last two cases, first of all, you need to study the soil features on the site, water depth (if not public keys) and decide on the type of structure. After this, you can proceed directly to the installation. Pre-drawn drawings can make the task easier, which will display all the necessary data - depth, diameter, selected type, materials used in construction. It’s a good idea to provide this plan with sketches - they will help you visualize what the well will look like and whether it will fit into the existing landscape.

The drafting can be entrusted to professionals. But creating it yourself will not take much time and effort.


You can design a well various materials- this will not affect its functionality, but it can give it a certain appearance. For example, stone will help create structures in the style of a Swiss chalet or the Middle Ages. Unusual view This material, both natural and artificial, makes a special impression. Decorated with plants and flowers, it will resemble medieval buildings and create the appropriate mood.

When finishing with wood, you need to remember that this material is sensitive to moisture. It will either need to be covered protective compounds, or paint it, otherwise it won’t last long. The structure in the spirit of a village well looks beautiful. It can be chopped, equipped with a brace - a crane.

This structure is most often made from rounded logs in the shape of a quadrangle. You can cover a ring of concrete with a tree, and add pebbles or small expanded clay between them - this technique will decorate the structure and protect the tree from exposure to water.

To recreate a truly rustic atmosphere, the well can be equipped with a roof covered with shingles or thatch, covered with roof posts beautiful carving, use a cart wheel instead of a handle, and a wooden bucket instead of a bucket. It must be made with high quality, not allow water to pass through and not spoil its taste. Designs decorated with tiles can be made in a modern or Mediterranean style. In the latter case, it is important to choose the right color scheme- This is most often a combination of blue and white. Can add bright accents, for example, yellow.

If concrete rings were used when constructing the well, they can be plastered, painted or covered with siding. For painting you will need paint that is resistant to moisture and the environment.

If the well is decorative, then you can decorate it with fresh flowers. Getting water through thickets of plants will not be very convenient, but as a decoration this option will look very beautiful. You can use ampelous (climbing) species, decorative leaves or flowering ones. You can create a spectacular composition by combining several types of plants so that throughout the entire season the well is surrounded by beautiful vegetation. It’s good if their flowering period occurs in turns - some have faded, others are blooming.

The space around the well should also not be ignored - it should harmoniously unite the structure with the rest of the landscape, creating a single composition. Depending on the decoration of the well itself, the surrounding area can be decorated with flowers, plants, laid out with tiles, stones, paving stones, or covered with sand. Paved or sandy paths leading to the well will look good - then it will become the compositional center of the entire site.

How to finish?

Arrangement of a well in a country house includes several stages, and finishing is the last of them. First of all, the place where it will be located, the type of its structure and the method of water supply are selected (if the well is water-bearing and not decorative).

It can be equipped with a collar or a so-called crane - a lever for lifting water. In the first version, the rope on which the bucket is tied is attached to the gate and, by winding it around the gate, water is lifted from the bottom.

The cap is the upper, protruding element of the concrete rings or frame - can be open or closed with the help of a house.

To build a house over a well, you need to stock up on:

  • edged board 100x25 mm;
  • wooden beam 100x80 mm;
  • door hinges;
  • bitumen or roofing felt mastic;
  • flat slate;

  • self-tapping screws, nails;
  • hacksaw;
  • jigsaw;
  • plane;
  • bayonet shovel;
  • water level;
  • tape measure;
  • pencil.

Below is the sequence of work.

  1. First of all, the ground near the mine is leveled and covered with 5 cm of pebbles, watered with water, and compacted well.
  2. Then they begin to assemble the frame - boards are used for this. The racks are taken out to a level place, boards are nailed to them, which will serve as the top and bottom trim frame. The boards are fixed with screws. Connect the remaining racks.
  3. The assembled frame is installed around the well and the assembly is completed.
  4. Then proceed to rafter system. After the rafters are combined, the entire structure is assembled into one.
  5. The next step is the door. It is made in the roof of the house, hanging on hinges.
  6. When everything is ready, move on to the sheathing. By using bitumen mastic roofing material is fixed, after that - flat slate.
  7. At the end, the entire structure is covered with boards - the house is ready.

All this can be easily done with your own hands. The help of professionals may only be needed when directly digging a well or drilling a well, as well as when installing concrete rings.

There are some nuances here too. For example, a vibroform is often used to make well rings. It is better to choose such products - they have increased wear resistance and durability, and are easier to tolerate vibrations.

Then all that remains is to decorate the outside of the well so that it looks attractive and harmonizes not only with the landscape, but also with the rest of the buildings.

Nowadays, wells rarely fulfill their original function - water supply. Most often they serve simply as a decorative element of the site. In this case, their design depends only on the taste of the owners. Experienced designer, of course, will help create a unique object that will please the eye, but this may require considerable funds. Homemade wells are in no way inferior to the work of experienced professionals.

First of all, you need to decide on the style of the future structure, because the choice of material will depend on this.

Rustic style is, of course, wood. In this case, any natural available materials are well suited - straw, dry grass, living plants, wood. Carvings, cornices on the roof above the well, clay pots and a bucket as an alternative to an iron bucket will look harmonious.

A concrete well can be plastered, painted and painted. Plant motifs, images of flowers and animals are well suited.

The main criterion when choosing materials is their resistance to moisture and temperature changes. They must withstand all these impacts well and retain their original appearance.

In addition, do not forget about the maintenance of the well.

On summer cottages, Where central water supply– a great rarity, the main source of water is an ordinary well. And since it is usually built in plain sight, becoming a noticeable element in the dacha landscape, you want the structure to look harmonious against the general background. It is not difficult to decorate and give the structure an aesthetic appearance. The main thing is to decide on the style and materials, because the design of a well in a dacha should be based on the design of the other buildings and the site itself.

Russian well

This type is a shaft from which water is raised to the surface using a drum fixed on poles. There is a chain with a bucket attached to it, and on the side there is a handle for winding and unwinding the chain.

Shaduf design

Shaduf is a less common type of well, although in past centuries it was found in almost every Russian farmstead. It is used in dachas, where groundwater are close to the ground. It is a shallow shaft from which water is extracted using a crane. Abyssinian wells are very rarely found in dachas.

Rustic Well Design

Before you design a well at your dacha, figure out what you will complete it with: the design of the house or the style of the site. It happens that the owners will build a wooden dacha in the Russian style, and create a landscape in the Japanese style. In this case, start from the location of the well: if it is close to the house, create a design similar to the main structure. If it is hidden in the garden, then “fit” it into the overall picture of the landscape.

IN rustic styles traditional materials wood and stone protrude, so it is logical to add them to the design of the well. So, the head (the part of the well that is located above ground level) can be made from a solid log in the form of a canopy or house. A quadrangular or hexagonal structure is well suited to imitate a log house. In canopies, only the lower part and posts can be made of wood, but for the roof it is better to use the material with which the dacha is covered.

The head of a well in the form of a log house is most conveniently made in a quadrangular shape

If country house made in the shape of a Russian mansion or hut with carved shutters, then the well can be given a fairy-tale look by making stands from dried and peeled trunks, and sitting next to a bench carved from wood, a cat, a bear, and even Baba Yaga.

The figures give the well a mysterious appearance, and they can not only be placed on the head, but also seated near the structure

You can lay out a cobblestone area around the head and plant “country” flowers in a circle: petunias, marigolds, zinnias.

If the cottage is built in the chalet style, then there should be more stone in the decoration. In this case, the head is decorated with a round cobblestone, filling it in a circle with concrete mortar.

For alpine style The chalet is characterized by buildings in two tiers: the lower one is made of stone, the upper one is made of wood

Decoration of a well in the oriental (Japanese-Chinese) style

Oriental styles are often found in summer cottages, because the harmony and minimalism of landscapes are very appealing to outdoor recreation. A rock garden, a dry stream, fountains and waterfalls, Chinese lanterns... Is there a place for a well in such an environment? Yes, and the well plays a role in Eastern cultures important role the guardian of an energy source that feeds human strength with its purity and transparency.

Dragons and a peculiar roof are distinctive features of Chinese culture

The Japanese are very scrupulous about water, so the well in Japanese style necessarily provides a canopy that protects life-giving moisture from dust, leaves and the “evil eye”. In the Chinese style, figures of mythical creatures who will guard the well are welcomed.

Materials in oriental styles– only natural: wood, large stones. The roof has a peculiar shape, raised at the edges and is most often finished soft tiles, repeating the bends of the roof structure.

Minimalism and the presence of large stones are mandatory attributes of the Japanese style.

Include plants in the design of your country well in an oriental style. They should be evergreen and mostly coniferous. Very good option– mountain pine, juniper, different varieties thuy.

Material on use will also be useful coniferous compositions V landscape design garden:

Use of modern materials in decoration

If the dacha is decorated with siding, decorative plaster and others modern materials, then there is no point in creating an ancient well, because it will not fit into the overall landscape. In this case, bring modernity here too by covering the concrete ring of the head with tiles and making the roof from a polycarbonate sheet. The racks are made of iron, with hand-forged elements, and if there is no blacksmith nearby, then you can lay them out of red brick.

A polycarbonate roof will look harmonious against the background of a canopy or carport made of the same material

Wells-images for any landscapes

Very often in dachas you can see image wells that do not have a distinct style, so they fit into any landscape.

Sea well

Such a well is very appropriate next to a bathhouse. The basis for the racks and roof can be wood, but it must be braided with twine or thin rope. The head is made of wood, which is artificially aged to give the appearance of the sea-worn remains of a ship. Anchors and figures of sea animals are nailed onto the boards on top, and shells are hung. The bucket is replaced with a beer barrel, and the handle is turned into a steering wheel.

The shape of a beer barrel is a good option for a well located near a bathhouse


It is usually made of wood, in the form windmill with four blades. Some craftsmen manage to make the blades move in high winds. The window inside the head, where the bucket is hidden, is located on the back side, and the structure itself is turned with its blades towards the central path of the dacha.

A mill-shaped well is usually turned front side to the busiest part of the site

The shape of a miniature house, made of stone and covered with cheerful bright tiles, looks good in a barbecue area. It complements the composition created by the stove, barbecue, and other attributes have a nice rest. In addition, it is convenient to have drinking water near the cooking area.

Near the stone well-house you can “settle” cheerful gnomes

When thinking about how to beautifully design a well, you should not rush to look for expensive materials. Use what's left from the main construction.

  • If you have a bag of cement, plaster the concrete ring and cut out a brick pattern using the wet mortar. When everything is dry, paint it with red-brown paint, and you will have an antique medieval well.
  • Remained ceramic tile- break it into pieces and decorate the head with a mosaic in a circle, and the area around the well - broken brick or a flat, sharp-angled stone. The result will be an interesting eclecticism.

If any side of the well did not turn out very well, cover it flowering bush or tall plants (cannas, climbing roses, etc.). Don’t be afraid to fantasize, because each well is beautiful because it is individual.