Well      07.03.2020

Ready-made wallpaper solutions for the bedroom. Let's analyze what wallpaper to choose for the bedroom - variations of colors and materials. Wallpaper colors in the interior of the room: options and their features

Perhaps the most important corner in every apartment is the bedroom. This is where you relax after a hard day's work. The bedroom should be as comfortable as possible for relaxation. The color scheme of the interior determines how peaceful you will feel while in the room. This means that the choice of wallpaper color must be approached with all responsibility. From this article you will learn what color of wallpaper to choose for the bedroom.

When planning a bedroom renovation, it is important to be clear about the result you want to achieve. You should consider all the details of the interior. The selected wallpaper should look harmonious, match the decoration, furniture and accessories of the room.

Not everyone has a large number of square meters, so you have to combine the bedroom with others functional areas- for example, from the worker. In spacious and well-lit rooms, you can use a closet or a special partition as a division of zones.

In the case of the room small size will have to look for other ways. Alternatively, wallpaper can be glued using a combined method. This will help visually make a cramped room a little larger, expand the space, make the ceiling lower or higher, break the room into zones (for example, a work and a recreation area).

To choose wallpaper for the bedroom, be sure to pay attention to their quality, the material from which they are created, the texture you like, and also the color.


Worth Considering existing types, their advantages and disadvantages, to understand which options are best suited in each case.

  • paper wallpaper Relatively easy to stick, they are eco-friendly, breathable, and come in a variety of colors, patterns, textures. They can be purchased at affordable price. However, they will not last long, as they fade in the sun, are damaged by moisture and mechanical stress.
  • Vinyl wallpapers They are also easy to glue and come in a wide range of colors, patterns and textures. Such wallpapers will last longer than paper ones, because they are resistant to mechanical stress and moisture, they can be washed.

However, vinyl wallpapers do not allow air to pass through, accumulate moisture under them, which can provoke the appearance of mold and fungus. With them, you need to use a special impregnation.

  • Non-woven wallpaper have a high degree of breathability, they are very resistant to damage. They are quite easy to stick on, you can even paint several times. However, you will have to pay for such advantages, and the range of colors and textures is very limited.
  • Textile wallpapers absolutely eco-friendly, they look very beautiful and luxurious. They are resistant to damage, good breathability, provide sound insulation. But it will be quite difficult to glue them on your own, it is better to entrust this to professionals. In addition, such wallpapers accumulate dust on their surface, and they will be quite expensive.

  • Liquid wallpaper is a brand new trendy look. Among their advantages are environmental friendliness, ease of use, the ability to repair damage, sound insulation. They don't bloom. On top of them, you need to apply a special composition so that the wallpaper lasts as long as possible and does not wash off from the water. The price for them is quite high.
  • Fiberglass wallpaper they are environmentally friendly, they are durable, hide the unevenness of the walls, and are suitable for repeated painting. The range is not very wide, in addition, you will have to pay a lot.
  • natural wallpaper created from environmentally friendly materials (bamboo, cork, linkrust). They are represented on the market very limitedly. Such wallpapers will organically fit far from every bedroom.

Variety of textures

When buying wallpaper for the bedroom, keep in mind that each of the above types has a variety of textures: drawings, patterns, imitation of materials. Most often, wallpapers create an imitation of fabric, leather, marble surfaces, brick, stone, plaster and other things.

If you decide to combine wallpaper in the bedroom, you can choose several types of textured surfaces with different patterns. It is not necessary to be attached to the color at all - you can always get the desired shade.

The advantage of textured wallpaper for painting is that it is very easy to care for them - just wipe the surface with a damp cloth from time to time.

What shade to choose?

Perhaps the most difficult, but interesting task is to decide on the color. Designers offer bright colors. However, the bedroom is a room in which the atmosphere should relax and pacify, and not irritate. Psychologists advise muted pastel colors. Fans of Feng Shui are advised to focus on certain recommendations. It is worth dealing with everything in order.

Color and truth have an impact on the psycho-emotional and physical state of a person.

The choice of wallpaper shade is a crucial step, on which the mood during your stay in the room will depend in the future.

Many different colors of wallpaper allows you to create a unique interior of the room. Be guided by your own instincts and individual preferences, but consider the following: important nuances:

  • Wallpaper must be in harmony with the furniture.
  • If the bedroom windows face the north side, warm-colored wallpapers are more suitable, if the windows face the south, then cold ones.
  • If you decide to use saturated colors, then they should be “balanced” with calm shades.
  • The color of the wallpaper should promote relaxation and sleep.

  • uneven walls can be visually adjusted using a diagonal pattern.
  • Wallpaper with a glossy effect gives the bedroom a kind of cold atmosphere.
  • Light-colored wallpaper will help to visually increase the space of a small bedroom.
  • Combining wallpaper is a great way to zone a room, hide certain defects, and make the interior extraordinary.

A very good option for the bedroom would be a combination of wallpaper in two shades. Be sure to consider the following nuances when combining colors:

  • Not all colors can match well. Red and green will not look very good together. A combination of two shades of the same color looks great - for example, blue and blue.
  • It is recommended to dilute a saturated color with a soft one, as an option - any dark color can be shaded with beige.
  • Cool tones (blue and white) look good.
  • You can combine warm tones with cold ones (for example, green and yellow).
  • White is the perfect complement to any other color. The combination of white and black is a very good option.

  • For light furniture choose wallpaper in light colors - this way you will visually increase the space in the room. For a large room, contrasting wallpapers are a good option, but then you need to be careful with the choice so that the interior does not “crush”.
  • For dark furniture warm tones are suitable - both light and dark.

Determining with color solution for the bedroom, please refer to the following features:

  • Blue-blue gamma visually expands the space of the room.
  • Green and yellow enliven the interior, restore the emotional state and health.
  • Red creates an atmosphere of passion, so it is ideal for the bedroom of the newlyweds.
  • white wallpaper suitable for everyone, but the abundance of this color can turn a rest room into a hospital.

Popular Options

  • Green has many shades, it will fit well into any style of the room. This color helps to relax, get rid of irritation. Recommended for people engaged in intellectual work. The most successful green looks paired with yellow, discreet orange or red, white and all pastel colors.
  • Blue wallpaper has a calming effect, reminiscent of the sea and relaxation. Dark tones will "steal" the space of the room, so they are not recommended for small dark bedrooms. Blue harmonizes with almost any other color - with the exception of black and purple.

  • Blue gives an atmosphere of lightness and romance, visually increases the area. It looks great in any room, from the very different furniture. You can add blue different shades: gray, beige, white, turquoise and others.
  • White is ideal for small rooms. It can be used as a base tone and in conjunction with absolutely any other shade.
  • Beige wallpapers are also universal. They are suitable for any bedroom. Can be used on its own or paired with rich color wallpapers.
  • Wallpaper purple quite rarely used for bedroom interiors. It would be better to take a lilac or light purple shade. Purple is recommended to use to set accents. You can combine it with white and pastel colors.

  • Red wallpaper is a really bold solution for the bedroom. It is quite a bright and heavy color. Not everyone will make a choice in his favor. If you still want to use red, take a closer look at its calmer shades. Complement red wallpapers with other muted tones.
  • The black color of the wallpaper is a rather non-standard option. It is not recommended to use only it, but it is quite possible to make accents using this color. Be sure to combine black with other colors. For example, black and white will look very stylish.
  • Yellow will create a warm and cozy atmosphere, especially in a small dark bedroom. Give preference to discreet light tones of this color.

  • Orange color cannot be called successful for the bedroom, as it is too catchy. Such an interior will invigorate rather than soothe and promote relaxation. Can you create bright accents with his help. Or choose a muted shade of orange.
  • Brown wallpapers are great for the bedroom, they look stylish and "expensive". The range of shades is very diverse, you can combine light tones with dark ones. This range creates comfort, helps to relax.
  • gray wallpaper- this is a completely neutral option that will not put pressure. Metallic colors look very trendy. Calmer tones will perfectly complement any interior. Here you can also play on contrasts.

During his life, a person, even the most organized, spends 25 years sleeping! Therefore, it is not surprising that people who care about their health should take a very responsible approach to arranging their sleeping space. After all, from right decision This issue depends on the mood, and well-being, and the vitality of each of us, and, consequently, the successes that create the material foundation and moral climate of our well-being. Modern wallpaper for the bedroom 75 photos beautiful interior for your choice:

It is no coincidence that every time the owners start repairing or arranging their “nest”, they face a difficult question about choosing finishing materials, among which wallpaper is called upon to occupy a very important place!

The combination of wallpaper in the bedroom

Their diversity is amazing, but this creates many difficulties with their choice as for the material of manufacture:

  • paper,
  • vinyl,
  • non-woven,
  • fiberglass,
  • liquid,
  • structural,
  • cork,
  • bamboo,
  • textile,
  • photo wallpaper; and the degree of impact on the health and mood of the buyer.

Indeed, in addition to the aesthetic side, it is important to take into account the environmental friendliness of materials for the design of the sleeping space. According to GOST 6810-2002 “Wallpaper”, the use of a whole range of wallpaper industry products for bedrooms is not allowed. See wallpaper for the bedroom - new photo design:

Considering the scale and complexity of the problems with choosing wallpaper for bedrooms, we want to help you make this purchase professional, saving you time, money and health, earning the respect of your family and friends.

What wallpaper for the bedroom to choose? If we talk about the degree of importance of information that must be guided when choosing the right wallpaper, then the most important will be information about the complete environmental safety purchased goods.

By this criterion, you should not even consider vinyl wallpapers, no matter how beautiful and modern they look in the store. The fact is that they do not "breathe" and can release toxins into the air of your bedroom, which significantly worsen the quality of sleep.

Paper wallpaper in the bedroom

In the first place in terms of the prevalence of the proposal are wallpaper in the bedroom combined paper. Paper remains the cheapest material, both for manufacturers and in the finished product, for consumers.

With significant shortcomings paper wallpaper:

  1. fragility (service life of products up to five years),
  2. low resistance to fading under the influence of sunlight,
  3. the impossibility of wet cleaning during operation,
  4. the need to level the walls before the final sticker, consumer interest in them does not decrease.

Affordable price, variety of patterns, environmental friendliness make modern wallpaper for the bedroom permanent market leaders. And the manufacturers themselves are making considerable efforts to retain their part of the market.

So knowing the problem of the fragility of paper wallpaper, some have launched production on two-layer paper. It is equally important that even a beginner can stick paper wallpapers.

Therefore, if the density of the paper wallpaper you have chosen is from 110 to 140, then the purchase can be considered successful (subject to other consumer requests). Wallpaper for bedroom photo interior design:

Non-woven wallpaper

In second place, in terms of environmental friendliness and mass distribution, are non-woven wallpapers. They are stronger than paper, "breathe", easy to stick, and even can mask small bumps and cracks.

However, they also cannot be washed, they are prone to fading, require stronger adhesives, which increases the cost of their use. What color wallpaper for the bedroom to choose? Non-woven wallpapers are often represented in soft, pastel colors, which is well suited for bedrooms.

But it would be unfair for our review not to indicate other, promising types of wallpaper that have appeared on the market due to the development of technology and the growth in the well-being of certain groups of the population.

Beige textile wallpaper in the bedroom

First of all, these are textile wallpapers that satisfy the fantasies of the most demanding customers. Wallpaper ideas for the bedroom - the manufacturer offers silk, linen, cotton, jute, velor, felt wallpapers, guaranteeing exclusivity created interior, environmental friendliness and improvement of noise and heat insulation.

It should be noted right away that this choice is not cheap, and installation is possible only with the involvement of a specialist. Therefore, the higher the price of the choice, the more desirable it is to consult an interior designer who will help to simulate the effect of your purchase on the spot. Moreover, a number of finishing materials stores are ready to pay you for these services.

Bedroom with light wallpaper

For example, when you stop your selection on wallpaper with textured embossing, it is important to remember that the money for the purchase will justify itself if an interior specialist can help you choose an imitation of embossing for velvet, corduroy or tapestry, setting off your exclusive furniture.

Thus, no matter what wallpaper the buyer chooses, there are a number of rules, following which neither you nor your companion will ever regret the money spent. First of all, it is the environmental friendliness of the selected product.

It is economically prudent to provide for the purchase of those wallpapers that you and your family can paste yourself. After all, joint housework most often and better than any psychologist strengthens the family and significantly saves the family budget.

It's no secret that by choosing the right wallpaper color for the bedroom (light, calm and natural tones), you will settle peace and harmony in your bedroom for the next five years.

Expensive, exclusive wallpaper for your bedroom is better to buy with the help of an interior decorator. Happy shopping! Modern wallpaper for the bedroom 75 photo examples:

A bedroom is more than just a place to sleep. Many people are accustomed to combining a bedroom with a study, a wardrobe, sometimes a living room or a library. In any case, a bedroom is a small private world in which you can relax comfortably, work productively, and read a book. Comfort is the main criterion in the design of such a room. On general form and the atmosphere can be significantly affected by the choice of wallpaper. About how to do it right, armed with our tips, and there will be an article.

Choosing wallpaper for the bedroom

There are a lot of types of wallpaper today! At first glance, it is easy to get lost among all the variety. But in order to understand which ones are best suited to your bedroom, you need to familiarize yourself with their classification.


They are also called washable. The basis of such wallpaper is paper or interlining, and the outer layer is polyvinyl chloride (PVC). By the way - this is the same polymer from which they are made plastic windows and stretch ceilings.

How to choose the right wallpaper for furniture

Wallpaper and furniture are the main design elements of any room. For the best end result, you should take care of the right combination of wall colors and bedroom furniture. Thanks to the harmonious combination, the room will look beautiful and cozy.

Bedroom with light furniture

There may be many options. It all depends on the desired end result and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

If the room is small, then choose light wallpaper for light furniture. This will keep the feeling of free space. Otherwise, the room may turn into a dark "box". White, golden beige, light green, ocher, muted orange - all these colors are excellent partners for a light furniture set.

If the room is large, then you can play in contrast and choose dark wallpapers for light furniture. Caution is important when choosing this design option.

To make everything look whole and consistent, follow simple rule: choose warm colors for warm colors and cold colors for cold ones.

Bedroom with dark furniture

A wide variety of combinations are also possible. More often dark furniture made in warm colors, so use the advice indicated above - warm colors and shades. Green, brown, beige, sand color options should be the first thing to grab your attention among other options.

Successful solutions for choosing wallpaper in different styles


According to the chosen style of the room, the wallpaper in this case should:

  • Be fashionable in design
  • Have no frills in the drawing
  • Be made of modern environmentally friendly materials
  • Serve as a backdrop

A clear classic combination of wallpaper with furniture or a play of contrasts - it's up to you. It is important to keep the right design balance: after all, the Art Nouveau style involves a competent combination of all interior components.


A Provence-style bedroom is a nice, cozy room with elegant (often light) furniture and whimsical patterns on textiles and wallpaper. There are many wallpaper color options. Blue and its shades, white, beige, golden yellow, light green. It is possible that in the pattern of the wallpaper there will be all the colors inherent in the style.

It is only important to observe the measure: if the bedspread is already supposed to have a small pattern, then the wallpaper should become a solid background for all this.


The classic technique in the embodiment of the loft style is part of the walls in their “original form”, when bricks are visible. It's about imitation. brickwork(it is unlikely that real naked masonry will look aesthetically pleasing). The rest of the walls of the room should be decorated in a more calm and neutral way (plaster or light wallpaper).

There should not be a pattern as such on the wallpaper. In other words - choose wallpaper in one tone or with abstraction. If you want to see a picture on the wallpaper, then it should be dim, better than a geometric shape, small and often repeated over the canvas.


Wallpaper for this style should be chosen according to the general direction - light, warm shades, often - in a flower or a cage (you can say about them: "cheerful colors"). It is only important not to oversaturate the interior small details and observe moderation. After all, the bedroom is a place to relax. And the eyes should also rest.

An excellent choice can be plain wallpaper in a muted (even somewhat faded) tone with a discreet pattern.

Japanese style

In order to adequately embody this style, you need to adhere to its basic principles.

  • Conciseness of details
  • Minimalism in decoration
  • Use of natural materials
  • Interior design in neutral colors

With regards to the "clothes" for the walls, you need to make a choice: or is it wooden panels, or wallpaper with an ethnic pattern.



Since this style involves the most concise interior, the wallpaper in the room must comply with this rule. The color of the wallpaper can be almost any (it depends on the overall chosen color scheme of the room). But with drawings it is better to be careful. It is best to choose wallpaper without a pattern, in one color (the fine texture of the wallpaper will help compensate for the monotony) or with a soft abstraction. As an option, place a large image on one wall (or part of the wall), which will play the role of an independent interior detail.

Wallpaper colors in the interior of the room: options and their features


Light and simple, borderless and light color. This is the choice of true romantics.

Its properties include a calming effect. In contrast to his "relative" blue, he does not seem gloomy and even in abundance will not crush and oppress. Very good for small rooms, as it visually expands the space.


This color is very popular in the design of bedrooms. Helps to cope with negativity and irritation, promotes quick relaxation and favorable rest. Natural natural color that always pleases the eye. That is why it is used in the design of any rooms.


He is chosen by self-confident, strong people. Regardless of the quantity, it dominates the interior design, sets the atmosphere for the whole room. This color is very good for wall decoration in living rooms, kitchens. In the bedroom, it can also look good if you combine it correctly with other colors (light).

Popular cold color. However, it is calming and reduces activity. It will look great in a large bedroom (it will help make it more comfortable), but it is contraindicated in small bedrooms (as it optically reduces space).


A very controversial color in the design of the bedroom. On the one hand, it looks intriguing and even somewhat mystical, on the other hand, it “presses” with its richness. It is best used in combination with other colors. Most good option combinations are black and white.


Universal color in terms of freedom of action. After all, you can combine it with almost everything else. By itself, it carries a feeling of openness and lightness, but without partner colors it can look rustic and boring.


Compliant partner for many other colors. A good option for small spaces and rooms with insufficient natural light.


We can say that this is an indefinitely relevant color in the design of bedrooms. All shades of brown have a calming effect on the psyche, help to relax.

Wallpaper color and cardinal direction

  • The windows face south. This means that there is a lot of light in the room. Accordingly: you need to select wallpaper in rich, dark colors (purple, blue, dark blue, chocolate, muted terracotta).
  • The windows face north. The lack of lighting can be compensated by choosing wallpaper in warm colors: purple, yellow-green, light orange, golden yellow.

Combined wallpapers - bold decisions for a great result

There are several options for combining wallpapers and their stickers:

  • Horizontal arrangement
  • Vertical arrangement
  • Individual inserts

For a successful result, follow important rule gluing combined wallpaper: When choosing different colors (shades), observe a single texture.

Ways to combine wallpapers
verticalThe vertical stripe can be plain or variegated (depending on the color of the second type of wallpaper). The classic of wall zoning with a vertical strip is when the width of the strip coincides with the borders of the bed. The height of the strip can be up to the ceiling or continue along the ceiling (and even go to the opposite wall).
HorizontalQuite a popular way of zoning walls with wallpaper. There are many combination options - both in combinations of wallpaper, and in the way the walls are divided into parts. Most often, the lower part of the walls is pasted over with wallpaper with a more saturated and dynamic pattern, the upper part is more moderate in color and tone.
insertsAs a rule, inserts from wallpaper of a different (different from the main) color are placed near the bed or table. For the effect of completeness, inserts are most often framed with a baguette. The shape of the insert can be square, rectangular, oval.
NicheIf the niche in the room is made with decorative purpose(and not to install a cabinet in it, for example), it should be combined stylistically with the walls. To do this, the same wallpaper is pasted inside the niche that was used to decorate the walls of the room.

Wall mural

Harmony - this is the most important rule for the location of photo wallpapers! It is recommended to use only one wall for the location of the photo image, otherwise the room will look overloaded.

Principles for the location of photo wallpapers:

  • "One wall". Classic variant- the location of the picture behind the bed.
  • Minimum decor. The wall with the image does not need to be forced with furniture, this will spoil the overall impression.
  • Harmony with the rest of the walls. Since the photo wallpaper will be the most bright element walls, the rest of the room can be in one tone (they must be combined with each other!)

The choice of image should be taken very seriously. Think about what you are ready to see on your bedroom wall every day.

Wallpaper for children's bedroom

Wallpapering rules

The variety of wallpaper choices amazes the modern consumer. This also applies to colors, and the abundance of species. However, there are a number of rules that can be called universal for any kind of wallpaper. Below we list them in the order in which they will be useful to you when pasting.

  • To make old wallpaper easier to remove from the walls - moisten them with water. As soon as they are saturated with moisture, proceed to “undress the walls”.
  • Irregularities of the walls must be eliminated before wallpapering. Putty should be applied with sweeping movements, and the excess should be removed. Plastered walls are sanded and primed. Then they must dry.
  • Choose the glue that is right for your wallpaper. This will affect the quality of the pasting result.
  • During pasting the walls with wallpaper in the room there should be no drafts.
  • You need to apply wallpaper joint to joint.

You won’t believe it, but even with the help of bright and dark wallpapers for walls, you can achieve a similar effect, moreover, in the bedroom interior it is important to take into account not only harmonious appearance but also the quality wall coverings, and the acquisition of such materials can take a lot of money. Therefore, decide which wallpaper is better to choose for the bedroom, already at the stage of preparation for repairs, in order to save time and money.

When choosing finishing materials, it is important to focus on several characteristics: durability, resistance to external influences, as well as color and design compliance with a given direction.

We will tell you about the features of choosing wall coverings, as well as introduce you to the right approaches to finishing on the photo wallpaper for the bedroom in the apartment.

How to choose wallpaper

Because the It is the quality of the materials that will determine the preservation of the original appearance of your interior., make the most of your time looking for high performance wallpapers.

Experts will inform you about which wallpaper is better to glue in the bedroom, but do not forget about specific conditions, not typical for all rooms of this type.

So, what should be the wallpaper in the bedroom? Most quality coatings should include whole line useful properties:

Advice: the choice of wallpaper for the bedroom will also be affected by the place of their gluing in the interior. For example, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bplacement of indoor flowers that will be periodically watered, it is better to glue materials that are resistant to moisture.

Following these basic characteristics will help you choose materials that will retain their original appearance for a long time.

Let's figure out what wallpaper to stick in the bedroom, given the variety of materials available in stores.

Types of wallpaper for the bedroom

Having figured out how to choose the right wallpaper for the bedroom, you can begin to study the features of each of them. The cheapest option is paper materials : these wallpapers are most often glued in the bedroom, as they have a variety of designs and are easily applied to the surface of the walls.

To feel as comfortable as possible, try sticking.

According to oriental traditions, both light and light colors can be suitable for decorating the walls in the bedroom, depending on the purpose of such decoration.

For example, red and pink colors will support the feelings between lovers. A blue, golden, dark green, beige shade on the walls will promote relaxation.

Pay attention to the location of your bedroom. If this room is located on the south side, the walls should be bright and saturated. the bedroom is better.

Decorate the western interior with brown or any other wallpaper natural shade. In the north, it is better to use wallpaper in dark and cold tones.

Attention! Feng Shui encourages the use of natural elements in design. So pay attention to the wallpaper natural color or composition, and also look for patterned wallpapers with elements on the theme of flora and fauna.

We told you which wallpaper to stick in the bedroom by color, and it remains to find out in what form they will look the most advantageous.

We will decide on the design, gluing zones and options for combining materials.

Wall design options

To figure out how to decorate a bedroom with wallpaper, decide on a style that will be seen in all the details of the interior. Despite the fact that today the most popular are considered modern ideas wallpaper for the bedroom, even an old classic bedroom with an appropriate design will be perceived no less cozy.

So let's talk about wallpaper patterns for walls:

  • for the bedroom, wallpaper with large and smooth patterns, as well as floral elements, is suitable;
  • ideal option for decorating the bedroom with wallpaper if you settled on

    Now let's talk about how to beautifully paste wallpaper in the bedroom. We have already noted that most often in order to create a dynamic and interesting interior two types of wallpaper are used at once: a brighter one is glued behind the bed. The wallpaper above the bed in the bedroom can be patterned.

    Bedroom decor with wallpaper can be done in a different way. For example, if there are niches in the walls, you can create exquisite accents in other areas of the room.

    An interesting idea for wallpapering in the bedroom is to create inserts of any shape. In ancient interiors, they prefer to create inserts in the form of panels with decorative moldings.

    IN modern bedroom vertical fragments on the wall will look more harmonious.

    Of the options combined wallpapering in the bedroom, contributing to the transformation of space, the most successful is horizontal. In this case, the lower part of the wall is made in a more dark color or decorated with protective panels.

    When implementing these and other wall decoration methods, you should know how to wallpaper the two types of wallpaper in the bedroom so that they do not look contradictory. For the successful implementation of ideas, it is enough to use wallpaper of harmonious colors, uniform style and one type of material so that different thicknesses of the canvases do not create unsuccessful seams.

    Advice: if you still have not decided how to beautifully paste wallpaper in the bedroom - use it with realistic pictures. When selected, you can create both a calming and invigorating atmosphere in your room.

    We told you about what wallpaper to choose for the bedroom, how to stick it in the interior and create a relaxing atmosphere in the house. It remains to be tested in practice: many have already managed to create stylish interiors with the help of our tips - join you too!

The bedroom is a room where people not only sleep after hard days. For many people, the bedroom also combines an office, wardrobe, and in some cases even a living room or library. Be that as it may, each bedroom is its own world for comfortable rest, And productive activity reading magazines and books. That is, in this room the main task is to create comfort! In general, the selected wallpaper can greatly affect not only the atmosphere in the room, but also its appearance. With all that, you will do everything properly by reading our article and getting acquainted with the photo of wallpaper for bedrooms.

What wallpaper to choose in the bedroom

To date, there is a huge variety of wallpapers for bedrooms. Looking at them for the first time, it may seem that it is easy to get lost and confused in the choice. But, this can be easily avoided if you familiarize yourself in advance with what wallpapers are, how they are classified.

Vinyl wallpaper

They are washable. They are based on interlining or paper, but the outer one is made of PVC, which, in fact, is a polymer used in the manufacture stretch ceilings and PVC windows.

Due to the PVC layer, vinyl wallpapers acquire unique properties, such as: resistance to high humidity, To detergents, environmental friendliness, greater resistance to mechanical damage, durability.

But the bottom wallpaper layer allows you to glue the material on the wall quite easily. At the same time, in order for the final result to be positive, it is worth entrusting the process of conducting repair work experienced craftsmen.

On a non-woven basis

This type of material is also two-layer. As for their name, it comes precisely from the bottom, non-woven layer. Usually, upper layer is a finely porous vinyl.

Speaking about the advantages of this type of material, we can note the convenience of gluing these wallpapers. The fact is that the glue is applied only on the surface of the walls, on the basis of the material adhesive composition do not apply. Thus, the gluing process is quite fast. In addition, dry canvases are easier to glue, respectively, the joints are as neat and even as possible.

If there are any flaws, irregularities with scratches on the surface of the walls, the most the best option use non-woven wallpaper in the interior of the bedroom. They will help to perfectly hide any irregularities.

Paper based wallpaper

Produce these types of wallpaper from cellulose with paper. Such materials are environmentally friendly and safe for human health. There can be no allergic reactions from them, and they also perfectly pass air with vapors.

Among other advantages of the paper type of wallpaper, one can single out how easy it is to glue them, the widest variety of colors, as well as their acceptable pricing policy.

At the same time, there were some disadvantages, which include low level strength, fragility, as well as susceptibility to mechanical stress and high humidity.

Textile type of wallpaper

Material from many layers in rolls. There is fabric on its front side, but the inner layers are made of paper, or non-woven fabric. The upper part of this type of wallpaper is quite diverse. Cotton or linen, silk or wool can be used for this. The final cost of the material, the features during the period of operation and, of course, its appearance depend on the type of raw materials used in the production of wallpaper.

The advantages of textile wallpaper include the following:

  • High level of decorative appeal
  • Naturalness of materials
  • Creates a favorable microclimate in the room

Among the shortcomings, there is a rather high price range of the material, a complex pasting process, as well as their remarkable ability to accumulate dust on themselves.

Wallpaper design for the bedroom to match the furniture

In any room, wallpapers with furniture are the main elements in interior design. For the best possible end result, make sure that the colors of the walls with the furniture bedroom set are successfully combined and harmonized with each other. This will give beauty and comfort.

Light furniture

There are many variations here, and the final result depends on the size of the bedroom.

In the case of a small room, we recommend choosing light color wallpaper for the bedroom, thanks to which the space will seem larger and more spacious. Otherwise, the room will be dark and faded. And also very tight. When choosing a light set, color partners such as golden with beige, light green, ocher or muted orange are perfect.

In the event that the room is large and spacious, you can play with contrasts, choosing dark wallpaper options for light-colored pieces of furniture. But, choosing this method of registration, be careful and careful.

In order for the interior to be holistic, adhere to a single rule: warm scale - to warm, cold - to cold.

Dark furniture in the bedroom

In this case, the combinations can also be varied. As a rule, dark furniture options are in warm colors, respectively, and wallpaper should be chosen warm. Here, we recommend that you first Special attention on beige and sand color, green, brown.

Wallpaper - in every interior style


Here the material must comply with the following rules:

  • With fashion design.
  • Drawing without any extra details.
  • The material is pure and natural.
  • In general, the wallpaper here is the background on the basis of which the whole environment is made.

What exactly to choose, a combination of colors or a game of contrasting shades, it is up to you to decide! The most important thing with all this is to maintain the right balance of design. This is due to the fact that in the Art Nouveau style, all components must be correctly combined with each other.


Bedrooms decorated in this style look very cute and elegant. The furniture in them, as a rule, is light, and on textiles and wallpaper you can see whimsical drawings. Wallpaper can be chosen from any of the many color variations, for example, blue or its shades, light green, beige or white, golden yellow. You can also consider such variants of drawings in which almost all the colors that can be used to decorate Provence are found.

Again, this must be done in moderation. That is, if there is a pattern on textiles, curtains, then choose plain wallpaper.

loft style

The main way of decorating this style is the appearance of the walls, when bricks / plaster are visible. Of course, bare brickwork will not look very aesthetically pleasing, which is why they make its imitation. The rest of the walls are decorated with calm, neutral wallpaper, plaster.

Wallpapers are selected without any patterns, plain, with abstract images. If you still prefer only drawing, choose soft colors, and geometric shapes should be small and repeated often enough.


Here, light wallpaper options, in warm colors, are appropriate. Often they are chosen in a box / flower. The main thing is that moderation is observed, since this is still a bedroom in which the eyes should also rest and not strain!

Subdued solid color wallpaper options with a discreet pattern can be just a great choice!

Japan style

The following principles are important here:

  • The details must be concise.
  • The decoration is minimalist.
  • The materials must be natural.
  • The interior is decorated in neutral colors.

As for the decoration of the walls, for this, a wallpaper option is chosen, with an ethnic pattern, wood panels.

Classic style

The drawing is clear and repetitive, while quite often you can find ornateness and pathos to some extent.

Colors can be very light or saturated.


Since the interior here should be as concise as possible, respectively, the wallpaper should be in accordance with the basic rule of interior design. You can choose almost any wallpaper color option, since in this matter it all depends on the main color scheme of the room. But, as for the drawings, you should be as careful as possible with them. The best option, if there is no picture at all, the wallpaper will be plain, or abstraction, but dim. For example, on one of the walls there may be images of large sizes, which will play the role of a separate interior element.

Wallpaper in the trend of 2016-2017

This season there are several novelties of wallpaper in the bedroom:

  • Vegetation theme
  • Volumetric options for drawings
  • Large size images of black and white color scheme
  • Geometry
  • Various, individually ordered photo wallpapers.

Modern photo wallpaper

The most important thing is that the room should be in harmony in everything, and this does not bypass the photo wallpaper. But, for their application, only one wall should be prepared, which will become accent, so as not to overload the situation.

Photo wallpaper design in the bedroom can be in accordance with current trends, but only according to your preferences and wishes. At the same time, there are basic rules according to which the material is disposed:

  • On one wall. In accordance with the classical method, the pattern is located behind the head of the bed.
  • Decor should be minimal amount. The wall on which the drawing is depicted should not be filled with furniture, otherwise the appearance, and the impression as a whole, will be spoiled.
  • With other walls there must be harmony. Since the photo wallpaper focuses on itself all the attention, paste over the rest of the walls with ordinary plain wallpaper.

You should be very serious and responsible in choosing a picture, because you will see this picture every day!

Color in the room interior


This option is light, bright and spacious, without boundaries. It is chosen by romantic natures.

The main property of this color is the calming effect. Compared to blue, which is very close to it, blue does not look gloomy, does not depress. Great option to decorate miniature bedrooms, because it is able to visually make the space larger.


Quite popular in bedrooms, because it helps to remove negativity and irritation, helps to quickly relax and have a good rest. The color is natural, looking at it always pleases the eye, which is the reason for its use in the design of rooms for various purposes.


Color for strong and confident people. No matter how much it is used, it is still dominant among the rest, setting a special atmosphere throughout the room. This color is perfect for decorating living rooms and kitchens. If properly combined with other colors It will also look great in the bedroom.


Quite popular, able to calm down, reduce the level of activity. Looks great in large rooms, but in small rooms it is strictly forbidden to use it.


Quite contradictory for bedrooms. After all, he intrigues to some extent, on the other hand he is able to put pressure on people. It is better if it is used in combination with some other color. At the same time, the best option is black and white!


It is universal, it can be combined with any shades. White is the color of lightness and openness, but if it is used on its own, it can seem boring.


Sufficiently compatible with various options colors. Great for compact rooms, but also those in which there is not enough natural light.


Perfect for bedrooms. At the same time, any of its shades on the psycho-emotional state of a person acts in an extremely positive way, helping to relax.

When decorating your own bedroom, follow the rules and recommendations experienced designers, at the same time, be sure to rely on your own tastes and mores. As a result, your relaxation room will be the best!

Wallpaper in the bedroom 101 photos