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How to grow green onions. How to grow onions at home in water

14.10.2015 16 460

Growing green onions - which variety is better to choose and how to grow?

Growing green onions is a traditional way of getting fresh herbs not only in the spring and summer on the beds, but also in the winter season at home. many appreciate green onion for its piquant taste, as it is an excellent addition to kitchen dishes, and also contains a fairly large amount of trace elements and phytoncides.

Onions for greens - varieties and species that give thick and juicy feathers

To get good and tasty greens, you need to take care of right choice planting material. Onions for greens can of course be obtained from leftovers onion, which is available, but in this case, the greens themselves will not be of excellent quality. Cultivation of green onions is usually produced from multi-grain varieties of onions, since all the rudiments individually give from three to five leaves of good greens.

Starting from October, it is already possible to plant early-ripening onion varieties, as well as mid-ripening ones: Strigunovsky, Myachkovsky, Spassky, Mstersky, Timiryazevsky, Shetana MS, Red Baron, Bamberger, Stardust, De Barletta, Baia Verde, Green Arrow, Kaygaro and others. And with the onset of November, you can plant varieties with a longer growing season: Lugansky, Pogarsky, Mercato, Boyarin, Soyuz, Bessonovsky. When green onions are grown at home, preference is given to such varieties as Siberian yellow, Off-season, Sprint.

If the goal is to get good greens for a fairly long period of time, then you should pay attention to the above varieties. Do not forget that not all onion varieties produce new feathers, so you will have to plant onions in several stages one after another.

Growing Green Onions - Highlights

To grow onions for greens, select only good and healthy bulbs with a diameter of at least three centimeters. Need to plant onions late autumn, a week before the arrival of frost, or in early spring.

In order for the bulbs to start growing faster, its upper part is usually cut off or cuts can be made with a knife crosswise. Next, the bulbs are allowed to dry for a day, or they are kept in a weak solution of potassium salt of manganese acid (in potassium permanganate), so the planting bulbs are warmed up and disinfected. As a result of such activities, onions grow faster on greens, and their yield increases by at least 40-50%.

in the photo - the tape method of planting green onions

Growing onions on a feather is carried out both in a tape way and in a bridge. The tape method consists in planting bulbs between rows, the distance in this case is 2-3 centimeters from each other and 15-20 centimeters in rows. With the bridge method of growing, the bulbs are planted close, that is, the bulb to the bulb. Bulbs should not be planted too deep into the ground, as the greens will sprout worse, sprinkle a little soil on top, but in no case press or tamp the ground, otherwise there is a risk of rotting of the bulbs.

in the photo - green onions in a bridge way

Be sure to pay attention to the fact that when growing onions for greens, winter plantings in unheated greenhouses can freeze slightly or completely freeze out. And here, spring plantings here you can start much earlier in comparison with planting onions in open ground.

Green onions at home

Many people prefer to grow green onions at home, since almost every housewife wants to have fresh greens grown by her own hands on the table. For the convenience of planting onions, you can use any containers and boxes in which there must be openings for water (holes).

At the bottom of the prepared container, put not too small expanded clay chips, a layer of one centimeter, and pour soil on top. The layer of earth must be at least five centimeters so that the roots of the bulbs have room to grow. The soil needs to be moistened and the bulbs planted, planting them about a third deep. Then you put the boxes with plantings in a warm place that will be well lit.

in the photo - green onions grown at home

If the lighting in the apartment is not enough, then in this case additional lighting should be done. It is desirable to place lamps for lighting at a height of 50-60 centimeters from landings. Temperature regime at the same time, it should be maintained within 24-26 ° С. Under these conditions, green onions at home will already please you with the first greens in about 16-20 days. Watering should be moderate, make sure that the soil is not wet and heavy, but just wet. Bulbs can rot if not watered properly.

Grown green onion feathers are best cut with scissors. As the greens are harvested, the bulbs begin to wrinkle or rot, in which case it is necessary to remove the bad bulb and plant a new one in its place. Similarly, green onions at home will grow continuously.

Green onions organically complement the taste of many dishes, giving it fresh spring notes and at the same time saturating food with various vitamins. This product is in demand all year round, however, you can find it on the shelves in abundance only in summer, when farmers and villagers harvest from open ground.

Considering the cultivation of onions as a business, you can see that this type of activity is not only profitable, but also accessible to beginners: agricultural technology is a set of simple and understandable operations, and the culture itself does not require complex care and the creation of special microclimatic conditions. Therefore, even novice entrepreneurs who follow the recommendations can plant several beds and get a good harvest with minimal labor.

Business features

The technology of growing onions on a feather at home is known to every housewife: in the spring, on the windowsills of many houses and apartments, you can see jars and glasses filled with onions filled with water. However, such primitive hydroponic installations can hardly be called productive: the resulting crop is not enough even to meet personal needs. Therefore, in business we are talking about a slightly different scale: in summer, onions are massively cultivated in the beds directly in open field, and in winter they use heated and unheated greenhouse complexes for these purposes.

If there is land summer version seems to be the simplest, since only planting material, water and fertilizers are needed to grow onions for sale. However, in the warm season, the farmer competes with numerous summer residents and rural residents, who massively fill the markets with their goods. As a result, supply exceeds demand by many times, the price decreases, and the timely sale of perishable products is in jeopardy.

The situation looks somewhat different in the off-season and in winter: there are no green onions on the market in principle, and a few suppliers cannot cope with the demands of shops and supermarkets. As a result, the price of fresh feathers increases four to five times, which fully compensates for the huge costs of maintaining greenhouse complexes. Moreover, cultivation of feather onions in a greenhouse in winter under controlled conditions leads to a 30-50% increase in crop productivity and allows harvesting every 35-45 days.

Given the above, we can highlight the main advantages and disadvantages of the business idea of ​​growing onions. The first are the following factors:

  • Even in winter, the profitability of the enterprise exceeds 150%;
  • There are special varieties that can be cultivated all year round;
  • Greens are constantly in high demand among buyers;
  • Business can be started on personal plot in a small greenhouse;
  • The technology of growing green onions in greenhouses is accessible and understandable for beginners;
  • A huge sales market allows you to quickly find buyers without significant marketing costs.

Listing the main disadvantages of the business, it should be noted that:

  • The cost of an industrial greenhouse complex exceeds the capabilities of many start-up entrepreneurs;
  • Market price fluctuations can be unpredictable;
  • Products are characterized by a short shelf life;
  • At the beginning of summer, the level of competition exceeds reasonable limits.

Varieties for cultivation

Construction and maintenance winter greenhouses costly to the entrepreneur. Therefore, considering the cultivation of green onions as a business, it is necessary Special attention pay attention to the selection of productive varieties that can grow and give a good harvest in artificial conditions. For example, in autumn and winter it is pointless to plant in closed ground onions, since this species is characterized by a long dormant period: at this time, the rudiments of shoots are still absent in the bulbs - accordingly, even with the use of special technologies, they will not germinate.

Fortunately, there are other types of onions in which the dormant period does not exceed a few weeks - batun, multi-tiered, chives, slime or shallots:

  1. Bow-batun. The leaves are identical in appearance and taste to the feathers of an ordinary onion species, however, this variety does not form a real bulb, so farmers are more likely to grow onions for greens from seeds. At a temperature of 15°C and a humidity of 80–85%, the yield of a batun reaches 3.5–4 kg/m²;
  2. Leek. Broad feathers, reminiscent of garlic, grow on a thick white stem, which is also edible. For its formation, shoots obtained from seeds are planted in grooves 8–10 cm deep, gradually pouring earth in the process of growth. The average crop yield is 2 kg/m²;
  3. Shallot. It also resembles onions, but differs from it in strong branching and the structure of the bulb, more like garlic: up to 10 lobes are formed in each nest, simultaneously releasing shoots. Feathers up to 30 cm long can be collected after a month; the yield in this case is 3–4 kg / m²;
  4. Chives. Not only long narrow leaves are eaten, but also false bulbs up to 1 cm in diameter. The yield reaches 3 kg / m², however, this variety needs a special lighting regime - otherwise the shoots grow thin and pale green. Propagate chives by dividing the rhizome;
  5. Slime onion. A feature of this species are wide feathers with a garlic smell, filled with slimy juice. The perennial slug does not have a dormant period and grows continuously, with the maximum yield being achieved in the third year - up to 4.5 kg / m². For reproduction with equal success, they practice growing onions from seeds and dividing the rhizome into shoots;
  6. Onions are multi-tiered. Also called Egyptian. It is characterized by the formation of small air bulbs at the ends of the shoots, from which young feathers subsequently grow. In 25-40 days, the leaves grow up to 45 cm, and the yield reaches 4 kg / m². The Egyptian onion is grown from both underground and air bulbs;
  7. Bulb onions. The most common species, which expels feathers up to 30 cm long in a month. Southern varieties with a short dormant period are used to grow green onions at home. The crop yield when using intensive technologies reaches 13–15 kg/m².

Growing methods

To grow onions, it is necessary to ensure the supply of nutrients and moisture to its roots. Suitable methods for this can be classified according to the method of planting plants and the type of soil:

  1. In the soil. As soil, light types of soils saturated with organic matter are used - for example, garden soil or a mixture of peat and sand. At the same time, agricultural technology is the same for all varieties, differences are observed only in the method of reproduction. In open ground, seeds are planted in early spring for a summer harvest, or at the end of summer for overwintering plants under the snow. In the greenhouse, seeds are sown at any time, and last year's planting material - at the end of the dormant period, the duration of which is determined by the type of onion;
  2. On sawdust. The main advantages of sawdust are its loose structure and the ability to retain water well. However given material does not contain nutrients in a form available to plants, so the beds should be regularly watered with a solution of NPK-complex fertilizers, adding wood ash and saltpeter as necessary. On the other hand, the sawdust does not stick to the feathers at all and does not pollute the bulbs, which somewhat simplifies the harvesting process. In addition, this material does not need to be changed after each cycle - it is enough to pour a fresh layer of 2-3 cm on top and pour it abundantly;
  3. On hydroponics. Hydroponic technology for growing onions involves the use of special mats saturated with a nutrient solution. As a basis for them, coconut fiber is used, which has an optimal structure for the root system and good hygroscopicity. For the rapid development of the roots, the plants are kept in the dark for the first 10 days, and at the end of their germination, they switch to normal daylight hours;
  4. On aeroponics. Aeroponic installations do not use any type of substrate at all, which eliminates contact with dirt and prevents the development of many types of diseases. The essence of the method is as follows: plants are placed in special containers so that the entire root system is in the air. Onions are fed by continuous irrigation of the roots with a solution of fertilizers in the form of an aerosol, which contributes to the maximum saturation of the shoots with oxygen and the achievement of the highest yield.

Cultivation technologies

For growing green onions at home, two main technologies are used - obtaining seedlings from seeds and forcing a feather from last year's small bulbs, also called sets:
  1. Seed use. The seeds purchased or obtained independently are heated, soaked in water, treated with a solution of potassium permanganate, and then sown in continuous lines with an interval between rows of 7–10 cm. three months, and the feather is thin and short, since all the forces of the plant are concentrated on the formation of the bulb.
  2. The use of sevka. The growing season does not exceed one month: even in open ground, four crops can be obtained per season. To grow green onions, varietal types of sets or a sample are bought - medium-sized bulbs with a diameter of up to 5 cm, which are planted in two ways:
  • Sostovym - the bed is completely covered with bulbs touching each other, and the planting density is 15–22 kg / m²;
  • Tape - the bulbs are planted in two lines with an interval of 3–4 cm and a line spacing of 10–20 cm.

Obviously, the bridge method allows you to get the maximum yield per square meter - up to 16 kilograms of green onions. The sequence of operations for planting material according to this method is as follows:

  • The top of each bulb is cut off at the shoulders, and then the planting material is kept in hot water for several hours;
  • Bulbs are planted closely, without gaps, on beds or in trays, deepening them into the ground by about half;
  • After planting, the plantation is watered abundantly.

It should be remembered that with such a planting density, the cost of purchasing planting material also increases proportionally, so the choice of one method or another requires preliminary calculations.


A large bulb contains a sufficient amount of nutrients necessary for forcing beautiful green feathers. However, when planting a seedling of the plant's own resources to obtain good harvest is not enough, therefore, among other preparatory measures, it is necessary to allocate time for the preparation of a soil mixture enriched with organic matter.

Onions prefer light and breathable sandy loam or loam, but forming crusts. The pH value should be neutral, because high acidity has a negative effect on plant growth. The ideal option appears to be ordinary garden soil mixed with peat and sand. The main inorganic fertilizers should also be added to this mixture:

  • Nitrogen - 10 g/m²;
  • Phosphoric anhydride - 7–7.5 g / m²;
  • Potassium oxide - 18–20 g / m².

Planting material is purchased in the fall: required amount sets or samples can be bought from farmers or wholesalers. Bulbs suitable for forcing are characterized by the presence of at least two or three shoot buds: to make sure the quality of the batch, you need to take a few at random from each bag and cut them across.

In addition, the bulbs are often treated with a priming inhibiting compound that prevents them from sprouting during storage. Of course, such planting material is unsuitable for further use. That is why it is recommended to buy a sample immediately after harvest: in this case, the probability of no processing chemicals significantly higher.

Cultivation and care

The productivity of a crop is determined not only by the composition of the soil: the high yield of onions is equally determined by proper care and providing microclimatic conditions comfortable for the plant. According to the requirements of the technology for growing onions on a feather in a greenhouse, during the forcing process, attention should be paid to the following issues:

Temperature regime

The culture grows better in relatively cool air, therefore, when planting seeds, the temperature is set at 23–24 ° C until the first shoots appear, and then gradually reduced to 18 ° C. At night, the temperature in the greenhouse should be maintained at 13–15°C with a humidity of 75–85%.


Given the reduction of daylight hours in the cold season, onions must be additionally illuminated so that the total duration of the light period is 13–15 hours per day. The recommended light level is 3000 lux: when there is a lack of light, the feathers grow pale yellow and tasteless. Lamps are placed strictly above the beds to avoid creases and lodging of young shoots.


Onions need to be watered regularly, exclusively warm water, periodically dissolving in it medications and fertilizers. An example irrigation scheme is as follows:

  • The first time the soil is moistened immediately after planting, using a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The recommended rate is 7–10 l / m². If the farmer is confident in the cleanliness and sterility of the soil, the absence of pests, fungal spores and mold in it, then from adding it to the water disinfectants you can refuse;
  • A week later, during the second watering, Fitosporin is dissolved in water, designed to combat various diseases. The approximate rate of fluid consumption is 3–5 l / m²;
  • In the future, the onions are watered every 4-5 days according to the norm of 5-6 l / m².

top dressing

When using fertile soils saturated with organic substances, onions should not be fed. On sawdust and depleted soils, 14 days after planting, it is necessary to perform a single top dressing with a 0.15% solution of nitrophoska or a 0.2% solution of ammonium nitrate. You can also water the beds with a 0.2% solution of superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

Pest protection

Feathers that have grown to 15 cm must be treated with an aqueous solution liquid soap And blue vitriol(one spoon per bucket of water) according to the norm of 0.5 l / m². Plants that show signs of fungus, bloom, or drying of the leaves should be destroyed to avoid infecting the entire plantation.


If the above requirements are met, onion feathers reach a commercial length of 30 cm in about three weeks. Starting harvesting, the leaves are slightly compressed into a bundle at a distance of 10–13 cm from the bulb, and then cut off at a height of 4–5 cm. Small shoots and arrows fall out.

The collected onion is placed in plastic bags and kept for two hours at a temperature of 12-15°C. Then the bags are sealed and laid out in boxes, placing the plants with roots in one direction. It is not recommended to fill the container to the top in order to avoid damage to the greenery during storage and transportation. In anticipation of the implementation of the onion is stored in cold store at 0°C for 20 days.

Important for successful implementation is appearance products. Therefore, you need to cut the feathers carefully so as not to damage them, not to stain them in the ground and not to wipe off the wax coating from the leaves that retains moisture inside. A high-quality product that attracts the attention of buyers and dealers has a length of 25–30 cm and a rich dark green color.

Sales organization

Aspiring entrepreneurs are usually confident that buyers will sweep fresh onion off the shelves at any time of the year. However, in reality, the sales situation is not so optimistic: firstly, the high price of the product in the off-season scares off low-income customers, and secondly, few people buy more than two or three bunches at a time. Thus, it is almost impossible to quickly sell a ton of green feathers without significant effort, and therefore, in the business plan for growing onions, the following ways to sell goods should be considered separately:

  • Wholesale. In almost every region there are companies that buy agricultural products in bulk. In addition, you can use the Internet: both buyers and sellers place their ads on virtual trading floors. This method is considered the simplest and least expensive;
  • Sale to catering establishments. In this case, the entrepreneur will have to make some efforts and convince the owners of cafes, canteens and restaurants already working with some suppliers of the prospects for cooperation;
  • Working with grocery stores For buyers of this kind, price, volumes, delivery times, availability of returns and deferred payment are important. In addition, products for sale are accepted in packaged form, and therefore the farmer will have to include the cost of purchasing packaging material in the business plan;
  • Self sale. This method is associated with maximum spending: to sell green onions in kiosks and markets, it is necessary to hire sellers and equip retail outlets with refrigeration equipment.

It should also be noted that in order to grow onions all year round, a business will have to be registered: having the status of an individual entrepreneur or peasant farm simplifies the procedure for issuing certificates of conformity for products and allows you to provide customers with various accompanying documents having legal force.

Greenhouse equipment

As a business, growing onions requires careful preparation of the production base. First of all, you need to preliminary calculations in order to determine the necessary quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the equipment. Thus, the creation of a greenhouse complex with an area of ​​175 m² includes the purchase and installation of equipment according to the following specification:

  1. Hothouse frame. The basis is a serial model with a width of 7.5 m and a length of 23.4 m, made of profile metal pipe and installed on a strip concrete foundation;
  2. Coating. In cold climates, cellular polycarbonate 8–10 mm thick serves as a covering material. The polymer is characterized by high light transmission and low heat transfer coefficient, which minimizes energy consumption for creating optimal conditions growing green onions;
  3. Shelving. To ensure quick heating of the soil in the beds and to facilitate access to plants, a multi-tiered shelving system should be installed in the greenhouse. At the same time, onions are planted in wooden or plastic trays placed on shelves;
  4. Lighting. The level of illumination required for growing green onions in winter under conditions of short daylight hours is created by fixing sodium, halogen or LED lamp, and the latter option allows you to create the required luminous flux with minimal power consumption;
  5. Irrigation. To automate the irrigation process in greenhouse complexes, they use drip systems, allowing not only to control the amount of moisture entering the beds, but also to feed the plants by dissolving fertilizers in water. In the absence of such, the beds can be watered with an ordinary watering can;
  6. Ventilation. When growing onions for greens in environment carbon dioxide is released, the removal of which is carried out using ceiling exhaust fans with a capacity of 1600 m³/h each. At the same time, fresh air enters through air intakes protected by filters from pests. Each air intake is additionally equipped with a water heat exchanger designed to heat the incoming air flow;
  7. Heating. The basis of the heating system is a hot water boiler connected with polypropylene pipes to radiators located along the walls. The calculation shows that the heat loss from the surface of the greenhouse at an outdoor temperature of –30°C is at least 48–50 kW. Thus, taking into account the stock required power boiler is taken equal to 70 kW.

Greenhouse equipment

Position price, rub. Quantity, pcs. Cost, rub.
Greenhouse arched length 23.4 m 290000 1 290000
Concrete greenhouse foundation 80000 1 80000
Bunk rack 1.2x0.6 m 2500 96 240000
Growing tray 40x60x7 cm 230 576 132480
Hot water boiler 80 kW 90000 1 90000
Propylene pipe 25 mm 75 200 m 15000
Radiator 6100 16 97600
Phytolamp LED 25 W 1350 192 259200
Electric cable 50 300 m 15000
Automatic switch 200 6 1200
Exhaust fan 3500 2 7000
Air filter 600 4 2400
air intake 1100 2 2200
Water heat exchanger 4000 2 8000
Irrigation tank 2 m³ 25000 1 25000
Water pump 3500 1 3500
drip irrigation system 1400 12 16800
Optional equipment
cooling chamber 45000 1 45000
garden tools 6000
Thermohygrometer 1200 2 2400
Plastic containers 25 100 2500
Total: 1341280


Growing onions in a greenhouse is a business that requires serious investments on an industrial scale. An entrepreneur who already owns a land plot of the required size must first of all purchase equipment and register his activity with the relevant authorities: the total costs for these items are 1,342,080 rubles.

The next group of expenses is associated with the purchase of raw materials necessary for growing green onions - planting material, soil, fertilizers. It should be noted that with a production cycle of 45 days, plants can be planted and harvested eight times a year (twice per season):

  • Planting material. With the bridge planting method, up to 150 bulbs with a diameter of 4 cm and a weight of 40 g each are placed in a tray of 40x60 cm. Thus, in terms of 576 trays, the weight of the planting material is 3460 kg. The cost of sowing at wholesale bases is 18 rubles per kilogram;
  • Priming. To fill the specified number of trays in each cycle, it is necessary to prepare or buy 9.7 m³ of substrate at a price of 800 rubles per cubic meter;
  • Firewood. Dry chopped firewood is purchased once a year: to heat the greenhouse during the cold period, it is enough to prepare 90–100 m³ of logs. The cost of birch firewood is 1300 rubles/m³, pine firewood is 900 rubles/m³;
  • Lighting. With a total lamp power of 4.8 kW, electricity consumption is 28.8 kW per day in winter, and 14.4 kW per day in autumn and spring, due to a change in the length of daylight hours. In summer, when growing onions on a feather in a greenhouse, artificial lighting is not required.

Current expenses

Article Winter Spring Summer Autumn Amount, rub.
Sevok, 6920 kg 124416 124416 124416 124416 497664
Greenhouse soil, 19.4 m³ 15480 15480 15480 15480 61920
Fertilizers, 10 kg 8000 8000 8000 8000 32000
Firewood, 100 m³ 130000 130000
Lighting 3370 1685 1685 6740
Certification 3000 3000 3000 3000 12000
Connection 1000 1000 1000 1000 4000
Fare 2000 2000 2000 2000 8000
Total: 752324

Income and profitability

Experienced gardeners claim that the total mass of green leaves at the first cut reaches 50-70% of the initial weight of the bulb. The onion growing tray per feather holds 6 kg of planting material: the expected crop weight is 3.6 kg (7.2 kg per season). Given the price fluctuations depending on the time of year, it is possible to calculate the profitability of this type of agricultural activity:

Income from the sale of onions

Obviously, as a business, the cultivation of onions on a feather is characterized high level profitability: the total profit of the farmer exceeds 2.07 million rubles a year. Other economic indicators of the enterprise are as follows:

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Economic indicators


Farmers without proper training should not start with a large-scale enterprise and invest millions in the construction of an industrial greenhouse complex. For those who do not have experience in agricultural activities, it is better to test your strength in a small greenhouse or plant bulbs in open ground. In two or three seasons, it is quite possible to master the intricacies of green cultivation technology, develop a client base, collect necessary information and define what constitutes growing onions as a business: video materials on this topic can be found in large quantities on the Internet.

This article suggests detailed instructions to launch their own business growing the familiar onion. Description of the pros and cons of such a business, its registration, initial investment, final profit, marketing methods and helpful tips for growing onions.

In recent articles, we have separately paid attention to such agribusinesses as, and. We recommend reading each of them, as you can find the most suitable option for you. It can also be a great addition to growing onions, which you can read about in more detail below.

Pros and cons of onion growing business

First of all, it is worth listing the main advantages and disadvantages of the described business.

The advantages include:

  • High business profitability at minimal cost.
  • Possibility to harvest all year round.
  • Ease of growing onions, storing and transporting them.
  • Constant demand for onions among end users.
  • Wide market.

If you own your own land plot, then the starting capital will be about 150,000 rubles. But it is worth considering in what volumes it is planned to grow onions.

Of the minuses, it is worth noting:

  • Constant jumps in the cost of onions. The price can both rise and fall. Therefore, it is quite difficult to predict the real prices in the wholesale market.
  • High . This is especially true in small towns, where most people grow their own greens, and some even sell them at vegetable markets at discounted prices.

Despite these shortcomings, you can earn 20,000 rubles from growing onions. per month. Accordingly, the initial investment of 150,000 rubles. payback in just 1 year.

How to register a business

There are no special difficulties in the registration process. Anyone can engage in such activities. The main thing is that the business is legal. Otherwise, you can get into trouble on the part of state inspection authorities (tax office, SES, Pension Fund etc.).

So, in order to legalize your business, you must:

  • Register as an individual entrepreneur using a suitable code.
  • Register with the tax office and choose a simplified taxation system (6% of profit).
  • Provide products to the SES authorities for its certification and admission to sale.
  • If workers are hired, it will also be necessary to register as an employer and provide the necessary package of documents to the social insurance fund and pension fund.

No more visits are required. The main thing is to follow all the above steps.

What will you have to spend

This is one of the main questions of interest to the future entrepreneur. And it should be noted right away that you will spend the least on land if it is already in your property. Renting is quite expensive.

How to determine how much land is needed? Everything is simple. For example, for 1 sq.m. you need 200 gr. sevka. And if you plan to land a 100 kg set, then you need to have land plot with an area of ​​5 acres or 500 sq. m.

In addition to land, for growing onions you will need:

  • Sevok (200 gr. per 1 sq. m.)
  • Potash, phosphorus fertilizers (all at the rate of 10 grams per 1 sq. M.)
  • Nitrogen fertilizers (8 gr. per 1 sq. m.)
  • Potassium chloride (17 gr. per 1 sq. m.)
  • Superphosphate (30 gr. per 1 sq. M.)

It is clear from the list above that the main expenses will go to fertilizers. But they will be small. If we take the above 5 acres, then the cost of fertilizers will be approximately 10,000 rubles.

You may also need:

  • A polycarbonate greenhouse or a room with a heating system and lighting.
  • Film materials.
  • Means for disinfection of the soil and spraying of plants.

For all this, you will need to pay several thousand rubles. And do not forget that here you need to add the cost of registering a business.

How much will you have to spend?

So, how much will you need to invest in starting a business. Consider 5 acres of land.

Sevok - 10,000 rubles. for 100 kg.

Fertilizers - 10,000 rubles. for 5 acres.

In total, we get only 20,000 rubles. Not too big a cost. Is not it? But this is provided that you have your own land. If you buy it, you will need at least another $ 30,000. In a good scenario, you can find land at a lower price. But it must be fertile, because in the future, perhaps, other crops will be grown on it.

If it is planned to grow onions in greenhouses, then more money will be spent on the construction of greenhouses and their equipment - from $10,000.

As a result, more than $40 will be spent on fertilizers, seeds, land and its improvement at the start. 000. Only land owners with all the necessary communications can win here.

How much can you earn?

Investments are counted. Now we need to find out how much you can earn on growing onions.

About 7 kg of onions per 1 sq.m. grow from one set. From the moment of sowing to the harvest, 4 months pass. Accordingly, after this time, from 5 acres you will receive 3.5 tons. The cost of 1 kg is 15-20 rubles. (red onion 30 rubles). It turns out that from the first harvest, the income will be at least 52,000 rubles. (red onion - from 100,000 rubles).

However, these figures do not end there. After all, onions are a wasteless plant. You can sell both the bulbs themselves and the “feathers”.

From 5 acres you can get 250 kg. greenery. Price for 1 kg. - from 100 rubles. From one harvest, the income is - from 25,000 rubles.

That is, for one harvest, you can safely earn more than 130,000 rubles. (more than 1,500,000 rubles per year).

More about profitability...

All calculations above were made on the approximate area of ​​​​the plot and the volume of onions grown. Therefore, one must understand that only an entrepreneur can calculate the profitability of a business. After all, there are a number of factors that need to be taken into account:

  • Seed cost.
  • Fertilizer cost.
  • The presence of land or its absence.
  • The need to connect water and electricity.
  • weather conditions in the region.
  • Growing conditions (greenhouse, open ground).
  • Other cash investments.

We can only say that the profitability of growing onions in a greenhouse is 30% (this is due to the cost of heating and electricity for lighting), and more than 50% using the field method.

And, of course, no one is immune from a decrease in the quality of sets, grown products, or a decrease in the wholesale and retail prices for onions.

Where and to whom to sell finished products

Distribution channels must be taken care of even before the harvest. After all, the onion quickly deteriorates and it must be sold promptly so that it does not stale in the cellars.

You can sell the crop to wholesale buyers. These include shops, places Catering(cafes, canteens, restaurants), supermarkets, sanatoriums, etc. It is necessary to cooperate with such outlets with the conclusion of an agreement.

It is not uncommon for people to be ready to buy onions in bulk. This is another one a good option sales. Moreover, advertising costs are minimal - it is enough to place a free ad in the newspaper.

Onion Growing Methods

You can not ignore the methods of growing onions. After all, a future entrepreneur must have at least basic knowledge. This is the only way to be sure of a positive result.

You can grow a crop in a greenhouse or at home.

Growing in a greenhouse

Using a greenhouse will allow you to quickly get a large yield. To do this, the main thing is to properly prepare the beds. The soil should be loose, fertile and fertilized. We must not forget about compost and superphosphate.

Sevok sits with a distance of 1.5 - 2.5 cm from each other. There should be a distance of 6-7 cm between the beds.

Before planting the seeds in the ground, they must first be soaked in water. And the onion itself is water-loving. Therefore, it must be watered frequently, while slightly loosening the soil.

Growing at home

The method of growing onions at home is different from the "greenhouse" method. The main difference is that before planting, the seedlings are sorted by size and filled with warm water for 10-12 hours. This is done in order to clear the bulbs of yellow scales to speed up the appearance of leaves. That is, such actions lead to the fastest growth of green onions.

To accelerate the growth of onions, it is necessary to regularly water them with warm water (about 20 ° C) and grow them in a room with a temperature of 20-25 ° C.

In both cases, onions can be grown from seeds, sets, or from large bulbs.

From all of the above, we can conclude that everyone can grow onions, with the aim of subsequent wholesale or retail trade. The only thing required is the availability of land with suitable soil and equipped greenhouses. If you own land, then you have the opportunity, with minimal investment, to earn more than 1,500,000 rubles a year.

Growing onions as a business today is the subject of interest of hundreds of entrepreneurs, because many are concerned about the question of whether it is profitable or not to run such a farm, and whether there is real reviews about such a case.

Onion is a product that has not lost its popularity among consumers for decades. It is used in its pure form to prevent colds, it also becomes an integral part of almost every modern salad and soup. Moreover, it is impossible to imagine a delicious, juicy shish kebab without onions, and a herring appetizer is always complemented by this particular plant.


Today, hundreds of farms produce onions on a massive scale, with demand rising every year. In just a few months, you can get a full payback for your business, profit and expand your own production, bringing it to a new level.

The relevance is that cultivation can be carried out all year round. In summer, fields are used for these purposes, and greenhouses in winter help to make the process continuous.

Certainly profitable. home business is not only about growing a high quality product. Despite the high consumer demand for this plant, you will have to invest in advertising regularly - the buyer must know that your product does not contain chemical additives, is grown in natural conditions and contains many vitamins.

Feedback from experienced entrepreneurs makes it clear that profitability directly depends on the approach of the manufacturer, his desire to find his target audience, coverage of the territory and high-quality advertising. On average, profitability is thirty percent in winter and fifty percent in summer, while it is important to take into account possible seasonal changes, crop death under the influence of external factors and other conditions.

Important Details

These include the following items:

  • The production of green onions and onions is quite fast - within a month after planting, you will be able to get the first crop that will bring you profit.
  • The processing of the crop is quite fast - in order to carry out work on ten square meters, it will take only an hour of working time.
  • To work with the onion crop, it is not necessary to hire qualified employees - the process is quite simple and does not require special skills.
  • Using modern technologies, you can organize the cultivation of family onions on the racks, which will significantly increase the volume of the onion crop.
  • The business of growing green onions involves regular coverage of the plant for at least twelve hours a day, timely watering and compliance with the temperature regime.

All this suggests that the onion growing business is quite simple, while it does not require special skills and serious costs, while production volumes can be quite large.

Variety selection

Growing onions on a feather in a greenhouse is convenient using one of the following varieties:

  1. A leek whose harvest will be twenty kilograms from nine square meters.
  2. Batun, whose production volumes in the same area can reach thirty-five kilograms.
  3. Shallot, which is resistant to weather conditions, can be obtained in the amount of forty-five kilograms from nine meters squared.
  4. Egyptian onions, which can grow even during slight frosts, reach a yield of forty kilograms.

The largest feathers can be found in the leek variety, however, each of the varieties presented above is in great demand among the consumer, therefore it is almost impossible to make a mistake with the choice.

Growing technology

There are several technologies at once, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

  • Planting onions in open ground, requiring daily watering. The initial planting with this technology is carried out after the end of frost in spring period. During forcing, you can use not full-fledged bulbs, but seeds that will sprout. The advantage of this type is considered to be a certain ease in planting and making beds, as well as low costs for organizing the process. At the same time, a large-scale land plot will be required to use the technology, and the harvest will depend on the season and weather conditions.
  • Growing onions in a greenhouse is also quite simple method, at which the benefit is maximum, the costs are quite low, but the process of building a greenhouse is expensive and lengthy.
  • Growing plants without soil. With only one drawback - high cost, it has a lot of advantages - the ability to use small plots of land, while the payback of the process will be maximum. It also reduces the forcing of the feather, which lasts a little more than two weeks.

The choice of technology will determine how soon you will make a profit and what costs will be necessary to implement your business plan. It should be borne in mind that for the production of large scales are usually used field conditions, since the coverage of the territory is usually very large.


The purchase of onions is a regular process for citizens of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and other states. The product contains a large amount of vitamins, it is recommended to use it during an exacerbation of colds and viral diseases. It is believed that onions strengthen the human immune system.

This is the reason that the sale of onions is one of the most profitable business in many countries of the world, and even in the presence of high competition and a large number manufacturers of onions disappear from the shelves rather quickly.


Like any business, onion production on your own farm requires state registration. This process is quite simple and does not take much effort, time and money. You must contact the local tax office and register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, and only after that you can sell.

Please note that the format of individual entrepreneurship somewhat limits the possibilities, while the LLC has many more of them, but its registration is much more complicated.


If your plans include selling the bow on a large scale, try to plan your budget in advance. Preference should be given high technology, since if they are observed, the product pays off very quickly, and in a few months all costs will be compensated.

The table below shows the approximate financial cost of growing onions hydroponically in a fifty square meter area using shelving, which will increase the area to eighty square meters.

Type of expenses Amount, dollars
1. Purchase of lamps $150
2. Purchase of wires in the amount of 100 meters 50
3. Lighting installation 50
4. Installation of two floors of the rack 200
5. Shelving baths 500
6. Working surface for planting material 150
7. Hydroponic technologies without the use of process automation 400
8. Additional elements installations 300
Total: 1800 (approx. 107 thousand rubles)

When using this technology, the initial cost of acquiring everything necessary equipment and its installation will not exceed two thousand dollars. The cost and exchange rate may change, it is also worth paying close attention to.

The cost of one cycle of product reproduction will look like this:

All amounts are calculated for one month within one cycle. As a result, the amount of monthly expenses will be $ 220 at constant prices.

It is not at all necessary for a novice entrepreneur to invest large sums of money in a business of this magnitude. If your goal is not to cover an entire locality, or you are not yet ready to run a large business, there is the possibility of growing at home. In this case, the ways of implementation can be found in the nearest store or in the market, but for the sale you will also need the official registration of the organization.

Each entrepreneur has the right to choose a direction, and only an active, responsible approach will allow him to receive in a short time good profit from any business.

Video: a super simple and reliable way to grow onions for greens is a business idea.

It would seem why we grow onions at home, if on the shelves of almost any store, even in winter, you can buy a variety of greens? H In fact, there are a lot of advantages to this activity. Homemade greens are an additional source of vitamins and useful substances, it decorates dishes wonderfully, is always fresh and is at hand, and costs almost free of charge. And who doesn't like a little green vegetable garden on their window in the middle of winter?

Varieties of onions for growing on the windowsill

On the windowsill, ordinary onions are most often grown, but other types of onions (shallot, leek, batun, chives) can also be grown. An onion bulb is used for forcing greens for about two months, after which it is depleted. Batun onion, subject to timely feeding and care, can grow in a pot for several years. Any variety is suitable for growing onions on the windowsill, but it is best to choose multi-germ, which have several nests in one bulb. These are such varieties as Bessonovsky, Chernigovsky, Spassky, Rostovsky, Timiryazevsky, Soyuz.

Did you know? Green onions contain many vitamins (A, B1, B2, B5, C, E), minerals (potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron, copper, phosphorus), carotene, flavonoids, phytoncides.

Selecting and preparing bulbs for planting

Before planting onions at home, it is important to select the right bulbs for planting in order to get a high yield. Bulbs for planting should be healthy, without signs of decay and with shiny scales. It's good if they are the same size. The optimal diameter of the bulbs is 2-4 cm, it is advisable to plant too large bulbs if they have sprouted on their own.

From already sprouted bulbs, greens will appear faster. To speed up the forcing of greens, the upper part of the bulb can be cut off or deep (one-third of the height) cruciform cuts can be made. Prepared bulbs before planting are lowered into hot water(50-52 ° C), a solution of ash or potassium permanganate for 20 minutes. Next, the bulbs need to be lowered into cold water and remove the husk.

Important! Before planting onions in a pot or box, it is advisable to treat the container with a disinfectant solution (for example, potassium permanganate).

Selection of soil for growing onions

To grow green onions on a windowsill, at the bottom of a box or pot, you first need to lay drainage from expanded clay, sand or broken brick, and then fill the container with a mixture of peat, humus and garden soil in a ratio of 7: 2: 1. It will not be superfluous to add a little phosphate fertilizer (1-2%) or ash. Since all the substances necessary for greenery are in the bulb, any soil mixture can be suitable for growing, only clay is undesirable. A heavy mixture must be diluted with ordinary sand.

Bulb Planting Scheme

When planting onions in a container, the bridge method is often used. Bulbs are planted close to each other. It is not necessary to cover them with soil, half of the bulb should be above the ground. There is no need to worry that the onion will not have enough nutrients from the soil - all the essentials are contained in the bulb itself.
Since in small apartments the area is often very limited, and you want to grow onions on the windowsill for the whole family, planting onions in a large garden can be a good option. plastic bottle up to 5 liters. From such a container, you can build a multi-level room "garden" if you make holes in it. The landing pattern is as follows: put soil on the bottom of the bottle, place the bulbs so that their tails are outside, cover with soil. Alternate layers of soil and bulbs to the top of the bottle, then water. Sawdust can be used instead of soil.

Important! For continuous growth of greens, onions are planted in different boxes at intervals of 10-12 days.

Conditions for growing onions on the windowsill

The conditions for forcing onions on greens at home are very simple.

Location and lighting

After planting, the onion container must be moved to a cool, shady place for 10 days to form the root system. Later, for the development of juicy greenery, you will need good lighting: the bow is placed on the windowsill, balcony or loggia. In case of lack of light, artificial lighting (lamps, LED panels) is used.

Temperature regime

The optimum temperature for growing indoor onions is 18-20 degrees. It should not overheat from the sun or domestic heating.

Care and cultivation of green feathers on the windowsill

Forcing green onions on a feather does not require special care. The bulbs are watered every other day with warm water. To make the greens more juicy, feathers can be sprayed a little.

cut greens

It is better not to touch the first greens, so as not to stop the growth of the remaining shoots. Onion cutting takes place three weeks after planting. Depending on the variety, after 16-18 days the feather can reach 30 cm. You need to cut off the extreme feathers, as they grow from the middle. When growing a large number of onions, it is best to pull out the greens along with the already depleted onion, and plant a new one in its place.

Growing green onions in water

Almost everyone knows how to sprout onions in water, because in so many kitchens you can see onions in cups or jars filled with water. The hydroponics method is very simple, but still has its own nuances.

To grow green onions on a windowsill in water, you will need a container (a plastic cup or bottle, glass jar, a container from dairy products, a cup), water and an onion. The container must be filled with water and the bulb placed in it so that only the roots are dipped into the water. For this purpose, you can use a cardboard circle or a lid with a hole. Otherwise, rotting bulbs and bad smell can't be avoided.

Did you know?On sale you can find electric hydroponic plants for growing onions.

If you plan to grow a lot of bulbs, you can build a structure from a plastic egg tray. The top flat part of the tray will serve as a water tray. In the lower part, you need to make holes in each cell and put it on top of the pallet, placing two sticks. Next, place the prepared onions in the recesses and pour water into the pan. The first few days the water should be changed at least once a day, later it is enough to do it several times a week. Growing bulbs should be periodically inspected and unsuitable removed. You can feed onions after the first feathers appear. To do this, in a liter of settled water room temperature need to add 5 g wood ash or two teaspoons of mineral supplements. The first harvest of green onions can be harvested in 10-15 days.