Toilet      03/04/2020

Installation of modular buildings and block containers. Domains Applications container block

A block container is a rectangular metal or wooden box with flat roof. It has a door and windows and can be welded or transformable (dismountable). From collapsible blocks, by combining them, buildings of various sizes and complexity are created. More recently, modular buildings were considered exclusively temporary structures that could serve as cabins, warehouses or non-residential buildings - shops, offices, etc. But in Lately Increasingly, country houses are being built from block containers, intended for seasonal holidays or year-round use. What modular houses can be like: photos and descriptions of examples in our article.


Application options for block containers

The container is metal or wooden frame with lathing for thermal insulation made of wooden beams around the entire perimeter. Container structures are characterized by high level thermal insulation, strength and reliability. Of these they build:

    shopping pavilions;

  • houses at tourist bases;

    cottages for year-round use;

    country houses;

    industrial buildings;


    modular offices;


    security posts.

Is not full list. In fact, modular technology is suitable for the construction of any low-rise structures. Containers are sold reinforced and insulated, with communications initially installed in them. All this allows you to obtain buildings for any purpose at minimum costs funds and time.


Construction Features

Modular houses are assembled as the children's designer. Each block is a container, it is an element general design building, which is fully equipped by the manufacturer. At the construction site, the modules prepared according to the project are connected to each other. The process of constructing a modular structure consists of several stages:

    foundation construction;

    delivery of containers to the site;

    installation of containers on the foundation;

    connecting containers according to the diagram;

    connection of communications.

The building is assembled using proven technology and does not take much time. If you use modules with exterior and interior decoration, after assembling the cottage you can move into it. But developers often use containers without decorative finishing. This allows you to choose facing materials to your taste.


A year-round cottage or summer cottage can consist of a different number of modules. There are many options for combining containers. In addition, a building made of modules can be supplemented with a frame extension, or, for example, a traditional attic roof. With the help of cladding, you can “disguise” the structure as a building made of any building material. From the modules you can build a very stylish and respectable cottage, looking at which no one would think that this is a prefabricated transportable building made from containers. The variety of options for modular cottages is ensured by the variability of combining containers.


Advantages and disadvantages

Modular construction represents a new direction in modern low-rise construction. Like any other technology for the construction of architectural structures, it has its advantages and disadvantages.


The main advantage of modular cottages is the speed of assembly. In just a few days, the house can be installed and ready for occupancy. The blocks are made airtight, so they can be installed at any time of the year and in any weather. Since containers are delivered immediately with windows and doors and communication lines, the process of preparing for move-in is as short and simplified as possible.

Another important advantage is the ability to complete the house by adding new modules. You can attach it both horizontally and vertically - installing the container on top, on the second level.

Video description

In this video we will look in detail at the cost of each stage of building a small house:

The most attractive plus for private developers is the low cost of modular buildings. Containers can be delivered and installed using simple and inexpensive rental equipment. These processes are often undertaken by container manufacturers.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects of modular houses from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

Despite simple form containers, with their proper combination, architects design very impressive modern cottages. The most original and attractive are modular houses in modern style. But if the future homeowner loves classical architecture more, he can choose a container housing project with traditional gable roof. In this case, the building takes on the appearance of an ordinary country house, which will harmoniously fit into any environment.


The main disadvantage is that factory units do not retain heat well enough. For construction in the southern regions this does not matter much. But when building a modular house in the Moscow region, attention should be paid to additional insulation of containers. The thing is that modular buildings are mostly still temporary or summer. However, some manufacturers are already producing warmer containers that are quite suitable for the construction of permanent housing. How much will this cost? warm house from containers - designs and prices for them can be found on the manufacturers' websites. But on average it will cost 2 million rubles.


Containers made by unscrupulous manufacturers have many disadvantages. They are unreliable, poorly insulated, and the materials used for insulation and interior decoration may be unsafe for human health. Therefore, you need to be very careful when choosing the company from which you will purchase modules for your cottage. It is better to do this together with an experienced specialist; he will at least start by showing and telling what a house made of containers can look like, photos and projects; the specialist’s prices for them always correspond to the present time.

The cost of construction consists of two components - the price of the modules themselves and the cost of their delivery. If the container manufacturing facility is located too far from where the house needs to be built, the total cost will be too high. This is not a minus, but rather a feature of modular construction. If there is no enterprise nearby for the production of high-quality containers, it becomes economically unprofitable.

Loading the module with a manipulator Source

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of building modular houses. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.


To the appearance and interior of the cottage for permanent residence The requirements are quite high. Unlike country houses and temporary buildings, it should look solid and attractive. Containers are usually lined with galvanized metal sheets on the outside and clapboard or plywood on the inside. These coatings are covered with more aesthetic decorative materials.

The facades of modular houses can be decorated using conventional painting. But in order to give the building a respectable appearance panel facing materials are used. If desired, you can even line the modular house with brick or decorative stone, but such a decision must be calculated at the foundation design stage, since facing brick or stone will make the house much heavier.

They are also often used for interior decoration. decorative panels. If you need to get smooth surfaces, can be decorated internal plaster, paint or wallpaper.


Types of modules

The following can be used as modules for building a house:

    module with iron frame;

    module with wooden frame;

    sea ​​container.

Last option with by sea container is relevant only in regions where you can inexpensively buy and deliver used containers for transporting goods by sea. Such a container has only a frame, and all the filling, including insulating materials and lining, must be installed independently, and this requires qualified specialists.

When choosing between a container with a wooden or a metal frame, you need to take into account the features of their use. Metal modules retain heat well. They make real thermos houses. But in order to create a comfortable microclimate in such a house, it is necessary to think over a good and expensive ventilation system. Houses made from wooden containers do not require additional effective ventilation, but when constructing them you need to pay more attention to insulation.

Based on size, block containers are divided into standard sizes. Their length can be 3000, 6000, 9000 or 12000 mm. They come in widths of 2500 mm or 3000 mm. The height may vary among different manufacturers, but in any case it should be at least 2400 mm. It is worth noting that not all container production companies strictly adhere to the standards, but the proportions of the modules are approximately the same for all.

Video description

For a clear overview of block containers, watch the video:

Containers 9 and 12 meters long have a fairly high cost, and they are also inconvenient to transport. Therefore, modules with a length of 3 or 6 meters are most often used.

Modular construction in Moscow

Residents of Moscow and the Moscow region have very ample opportunities in the construction of container cottages. There are various companies operating in the capital for the design, manufacture, assembly and installation of modular houses.

In the Moscow suburbs, the number of modular houses made from block containers is increasing every year. More often it is summer cottages, not requiring additional insulation. But large cottages are also actively being built. With proper design and high-quality construction, very stylish and comfortable buildings are obtained.

Currently, Muscovites and residents of the Moscow region can purchase modern beautiful cottages at a price of 1,000,000 rubles. For this amount, the customer receives a fully finished cottage with a high-quality layout and stylish design. Houses made from block containers prepared for move-in, the designs and prices of which are immediately indicated by the construction company, are an ideal way to quickly and without extra costs build comfortable housing.

Video description

More about modular houses for permanent residence in the following video:

Project options

The design of a modular house is tied to the parameters of the containers. This makes the architect's task more difficult. However, if an experienced professional gets down to business, he can create such a modular cottage, the layout of which will not have any flaws.

House from one block container

A dwelling consisting of one container block can accommodate everything necessary for living. You can’t call it spacious, but if necessary, get a compact and economical house, this is the most acceptable option.

A standard medium-sized container can accommodate a full bathroom, kitchen area and bedroom. This type of housing is ideal for the construction of budget hotels and hostels.


House made of two block containers

By combining two containers, more spacious houses are built, which are quite comparable in size to city apartments. In addition to a bathroom and a bedroom, such housing has a comfortable kitchen-living room. If you install 2 containers parallel to each other at a distance of 3-4 meters, and build up the resulting void as a frame structure, you can get a fairly solid cottage.

Modern architects are designing quite unusual modular houses from two block containers. 2 containers can be combined in an original way. For example, they can be placed one on top of the other. But in this case you need to use large modules. Another option is to combine the modules with a slight vertical offset.




House made of three block containers

Three containers are enough to build a standard-sized cottage. If you make a frame living room in the center, you will get a cottage with convenient layout and expressive exterior.


House made of four block containers

The four-block cottage can already be called a solid dwelling of increased comfort. It can be one-story or two-story. You can combine blocks in the most different ways. Most often they are lined up in one row, resulting in a square building in plan.

Video description

Watch the video to see what a house made from four blocks of containers looks like:


Modular construction technology has recently begun to be used in the construction of low-rise housing. Therefore, many private developers treat it with some caution. However, the most daring experimenters around the world have been building modular houses from containers for many years and proving their reliability, durability and practicality.

According to the current standard SP 22.13330, the foundation for a block container is designed and built based on the geological conditions and topography of the site, taking into account the distance from significant objects and underground utilities.

However, to increase the operational life and comfort of using the inventory building, some nuances discussed below should be taken into account.

Design features of the block container

Initially, the foundation under the building serves to absorb structural and operational loads and distribute them to the foundation. In this case, it is necessary to take into account what structural materials and what technology the building itself is built from.

For example, log houses are assembled from long logs that have self-supporting ability. Therefore, they were fearlessly supported on stones in the corners without concreting a tape or slab. A brick cottage, on the contrary, is assembled using mortar from small-format elements, so at the slightest subsidence of the soil, cracks will open in the walls and the building may collapse.

If you place a log house on a fresh embankment or swamp, the structure will not collapse, but will partially sink into the soil and become distorted relative to the horizontal level. The quality of operation will decrease, but it is possible to repair the foundation to make further residence possible.

The block container has a rigid welded or prefabricated metal frame with a multiple safety margin. The lower frame is automatically a beam grillage. Walls made of sheet materials or sandwich panels can be completely disassembled and replaced, for example, panoramic glazing. This will not affect the strength in any way. power frame and its stability of spatial geometry.

Therefore, a foundation for a block container is necessary in the following cases:

  • complex terrain - slopes, mountainous terrain;
  • subsidence soils - swamp, coastal zone, fresh uncompacted embankment;
  • clay soils - when clay swells and freezes, it swells unevenly.

The trailer can be installed on a slope and embankment, clay soil, without any consequences. The maximum that threatens the developer is immersion in the soil and horizontal distortion. However, this is inconvenient for operation, which is why they use bases made of non-metallic materials and foundations made of reinforcing concrete, which is considered the strongest and most durable structural material today.

When choosing the type of foundation, they are guided by economic efficiency, that is, preference is given to the structures with the minimum budget for implementation on site. For example, if there is an asphalted area, it is possible to install an inventory building without additional investments. On formed rocky, coarse sandy and gravel soil without clay impurities, it is enough to plan a building site.

On clay, loam and slopes with a height difference of more than 1 m between opposite walls, a container block will have to be made excavation for arranging a columnar, strip or slab foundation or screw in screw piles.

Site preparation

Thus, in difficult terrain and unfavorable ground conditions, a block container can be placed on the following foundation options:

  • monolithic slab;
  • shallow tape MZLF;
  • screw piles;
  • bored piles;
  • pillars.

To install a block container at the dacha using these methods, you will have to perform a different amount of work:

  • screw piles - only excavation at installation sites (leader wells 0.4 m deep);
  • pillars - removing the fertile layer and replacing it with crushed stone or sand with compaction with a vibrating plate;
  • bored piles – drilling wells with a diameter of 0.6 m to the freezing depth;
  • MZLF - trenches along the perimeter with a depth of 0.4 - 0.6 m;
  • slab - a pit slightly larger than a container block.

For long-term operation, it will be necessary to make a blind area, the width of which will also remove fertile soil. Block containers are 100% ready for use, so formwork elements cannot be used in finishing and making partitions. Which also increases the budget for the construction of strip and slab foundations.

For pile and columnar hanging grillages, it is necessary to make a fence - a false base to protect the technical underground from blowing, the penetration of rodents and the accumulation of dirt. Block pillars are usually used, even on soils with high design resistance. Since contact with the soil is harmful for a metal beam frame, despite the multi-layer anti-corrosion coating.

Selecting and pouring the foundation

Before correctly installing a block container on an area with difficult geological conditions or terrain, you must select a foundation according to the following criteria:

  • availability of communications - before concreting the slab, it is necessary to make the units for entering the trailer with cold water and sewerage, and ensure their thermal insulation inside the technical underground on the pile/column grillage;
  • site slope - on steep slopes budget option screw piles remain;
  • mobility of the building - for frequent moves, pillars made of wall solid concrete blocks or road slabs are more economical;
  • groundwater level - usually used in swamps slab foundation or screw piles.

Taking into account the low cost of a container block, a full package of geological surveys and topographic surveys is not economically profitable for the developer. Therefore, screw piles become the most inexpensive option for modular technology. Experts screw in two piles to determine the soil composition and depth groundwater. After that, the diameter and length of the SHS are selected to rest on the lower geological layers with a known high nominal resistance.

We provide the opportunity to buy a block container with delivery to your site, turnkey installation and connection engineering systems. We provide information support and project support from our employees free of charge.

During construction or simply for temporary residence in a country house, a simple-to-construct and unpretentious building is often required. As they say, cheap and cheerful. Often such temporary buildings are built from wood and have minimal functionality. But today it has become widespread the new kind temporary buildings - container block. It can serve as both temporary housing for builders and completely permanent housing for summer residents. It is quite easy to build a block container with your own hands, and its functionality will allow you to fully enjoy the fruits of civilization outside the city.

Types of block containers

When planning to build a block container on a site, you need to decide in advance what it will be like. This determines how much money and effort will be spent on its installation. The fact is that block containers, according to the method of assembly, can be divided into three types: self-assembled block container, converted from a transport container, and collapsible block container. Each of these types of block containers has its own advantages and disadvantages. Which one will be preferred depends only on the wishes and financial capabilities of the owners.

Most of these structures are built with your own hands from scratch and according to your own drawings. Metal corners are used for their frame, for external walls corrugated sheets, interior decoration carried out by covering it with clapboard or plywood; stone or stone is used as insulation mineral wool. A distinctive feature of such block containers is not standard sizes. In fact, such a block container can be made with your own hands of any size and shape. To build the entire structure you will need welding machine and the skill of working with it, which can be a decisive factor in favor of a self-assembled container.

Today, block containers converted from transport containers are especially popular. They have many advantages, but also a lot of disadvantages. The main advantage of such a container is the ready-made design, which only needs to be slightly modified. But such a disadvantage as standard sizes may not work in favor of a shipping container when choosing. Of course, it is quite suitable as temporary housing for workers, but as a seasonal country house it can be quite inconvenient.

With the development of the market and technology in construction, block containers began to appear, which are easy to install and also easy to disassemble. Collapsible containers are very popular among construction companies. They can be disassembled and stored in a warehouse, fortunately, they take up little space, and if necessary, sheds can be quickly erected for workers at the construction site. The production of such block containers is carried out by specialized companies. The design itself is for the most part similar to a homemade block container, but the use of sandwich boards as walls, floors and ceilings clearly distinguishes a prefabricated block container. If you don’t want to bother with welding, then if you have a certain amount of money, you can purchase a ready-made block container and simply assemble it like a construction set. For a prefabricated block container the price ranges from 2,000 USD. up to 5,000 USD and depends on the internal area.

Installation of a block container

Having decided on the type of block container, you can begin installing it. As already noted, each type of block containers requires certain labor costs. The most labor-intensive is homemade. To create it, you will first have to complete a drawing, purchase materials, then assemble the frame and sheathe it. The simplest and least labor-intensive collapsible container. But the total cost may be higher. Let's look at how to assemble each of these types of block containers with your own hands.

Assembling a block container from scratch

When starting work on creating a homemade block container, the first thing you have to do is its drawing. For this you can use computer program, such as ArchiCad, or you can simply draw a simple drawing on a sheet of paper. The drawing must indicate all the dimensions of the future block container showing the installation location of the door and windows. For a self-made block container, you can choose almost any size convenient for you. But there is one important point. If in the future it is necessary to transport such a container, then its width should not exceed 2.5 m. To create a block container, the drawing must contain a description of all materials and dimensions. Special attention should be given to the frame, namely the installation location of the door and windows. The doorway and windows will require additional studs. Finally, we indicate the material for wall cladding and insulation. From materials you will need the following:

  • for the frame, bent channel 100 mm;
  • metal sheets 2 mm thick for subfloor;
  • galvanized corrugated sheeting for external cladding;
  • wooden beam approx 40x100 mm for joists and internal frame;
  • boards 25x200 mm for the floor, as well as flooring, for example, linoleum;
  • superdiffusion membrane for vapor and moisture protection;
  • insulation (mineral or stone wool) for walls, floors and ceilings;
  • plywood or plastic lining for interior cladding;
  • windows and door.

From the tool you will need Bulgarian, welding machine, tape measure, drill, manual circular saw , hammer, screwdriver. As for wood fasteners, you can opt for screws or nails.

Having acquired everything necessary, we proceed to the construction of the block container. Begin from preparing the site for the installation of a block container. To do this, we level the ground and compact it thoroughly. To prevent the container from standing on bare ground, it is necessary to create a simple foundation for it. To do this, you can build brick columns, put concrete plates or create a pile foundation.

Next, we move on to cutting pieces of channel for the frame using a grinder. Having received required amount pieces the right size, let's start welding them. At the beginning create the bottom harness. To do this, we take channels corresponding to the length and width of the block container, lay them out on a previously prepared surface and weld them together into one continuous frame. During the welding process, corners can become loose, so to prevent this from happening, you need to grab the corner at several points, then check and, if everything is fine, then weld the entire seam to the end.

Important! To make a simple pitched roof, it is enough to cut several racks of greater length. Usually the racks on the door side are made longer. But this approach is justified if it is not planned to create a different type of roof.

Having welded the lower trim, let's move on to the racks. They will be located in the corners of the trim, one or two on the back wall, as well as in the area of ​​the doorway and windows. We start from the corners. After the stand is installed, it is necessary for a partner to hold it in a strictly vertical position while the welder grabs the stand in several places. And if we managed to do it without tilting, then we finally weld the stand. For additional stability, triangular spacers can be welded at the bottom of the post. We weld all the other racks in the same way.

Important! The distance between the doorway posts should be equal to the width of the door. Also, for reliability, a jumper is welded between them at the top. The height from the lintel to the corner should be equal to the height of the door. The same applies to window openings. But in addition to the upper one, they must also have a lower jumper.

The next step would be welding of the top trim. Everything is quite simple here. Corners for the top trim are placed on top of the already welded perimeter racks and welded.

After the frame has been created, let's start arranging the floor for a block container. To do this, first create a subfloor from metal sheets. This is done in order to protect the finished wooden floor from exposure to moisture and the penetration of rodents into the block container. The sheets are laid out inside the frame. Their edges should be placed inside the bent channel and also rest on the foundation. When the sheets are laid out and their edges are fitted close to each other, we spot weld the sheets together. Then we place several narrow pieces of metal on top of the seam, so that they are placed perpendicular to the main seam, and weld them. Finally, we weld the sheets along the seam.

Further We proceed to covering the block container with galvanized corrugated sheeting. Everything is quite simple here. Sheets of corrugated sheets are started with inside frame. If the height of the sheets is slightly larger, then they can be trimmed with a grinder without much difficulty. The corrugated sheet is fixed to the frame in several ways. You can use short metal screws with a wide head, or you can fasten them with tear-off rivets.

Important! When installing sheets in window openings You should make a sheet overlap of 3 - 4 cm onto the window opening. This is necessary in order to hide the cracks and places filled with foam after installing the windows.

Having finished with the walls, go to the roof of the block container. For the roof itself we use the same corrugated sheeting. The only thing that will need to be done is to weld a few more jumpers between the walls to securely fasten the corrugated sheeting. Next, we lay the corrugated sheet itself and fix it to the metal frame.

The next step would be creation of a wooden frame, its insulation and cladding. The frame itself is needed for laying insulation so that the latter does not fall out or crumble. For this we use a wooden beam. First we install the racks, then we make jumpers between them. Inner dimensions between the racks and lintels must correspond to the size of the insulation, minus 5 - 10 mm for reliable fastening inside. Now we lay a superdiffusion membrane over the frame and fasten it to the wooden frame with a stapler. Finally, insulation is placed inside the frame and a superdiffusion membrane is laid on top of it again. All that remains is to cover the walls with plywood or clapboard. We cover the ceiling in a similar way.

As for the floor, it will be on wooden joists laid on metal sheets. Its creation is similar to wall cladding. First we lay the joists. We choose the step between them so that the insulation fits there. Then we lay the insulation and lay the membrane on top. All that remains is to lay and secure the boards for the floor itself. The boards themselves need to be sharpened, fitted closely and secured to the joists with nails or self-tapping screws, and the finishing floor covering should be laid on top of them.

Now moving on to the windows and doors. Since such a block container is intended for temporary residence, it would not be superfluous to take care of durable and secure door. It would be best to make it yourself from steel sheets. But creating such a door requires a lot of experience, so it’s easier to buy or make it to order. The door itself is installed on metal hinges, which are welded to bent channel posts. When installing hinges, you must strictly ensure that they are on the same line. For metal door three loops are installed. Two on top, at a distance of 20 and 50 cm from the edge of the door, and one below, at a distance of 30 cm from the threshold. After which the doors are hung in place.

As for windows, there is one important point. Windows are vulnerable to break-ins, so they will need to be protected with bars. The grill itself is welded to a steel channel, which acts as a window opening. The windows themselves can be either wooden or metal-plastic. When installing, you need to check the verticality of the window so that it does not fall over. The gaps between window frame and the channel stand can be foamed. This completes the creation of a homemade block container. If desired, additional finishing work can be carried out inside.

Conversion of a ready-made sea container

The fashion for everything Western has also affected block containers. Today it has become popular to use block containers converted from sea shipping containers as cabins or even permanent housing. The cost of a block container converted from a transport container may be slightly higher compared to a home-made one, but the work required to equip it is an order of magnitude less.

To make a metal block container converted from a transport container, the first thing you have to do is select and purchase a used container itself. Ads for the sale of shipping containers can be found without problems. Such containers are produced in several sizes: standard and HC (High Cube). Respectively, 20 and 40 feet in length (6 and 12 meters), a width of 2.35 m and a height of 2.4 m and 2.7 m. A standard container can be found for an average of 1200 USD, and a HC container for 2100 USD. e. Such standard sizes impose certain restrictions, this is especially unpleasant with regard to the width of the container. But the solution to this situation can be the docking of two or more containers. To create a livable block container from a transport, you need to do the following:

  • purchase one or more containers and deliver them to the site;
  • while the containers are on the way, prepare and level the area for its installation;
  • as in the case of a homemade one, a transport container is created simple easy foundation;
  • After delivery, the container is installed in place. To do this, you need to order a crane in advance;
  • if the containers will be joined, then after installing them we cut off the touching walls using a grinder;
  • at the junction, where the lower and upper trims pass, as well as vertical racks, weld them together;
  • if there is only one container, then we proceed to cutting out openings for windows and doors. We do this using an autogen or grinder;
  • for door security doorway you can install two vertical racks from a metal corner;
  • further work will consist of finishing the block container. They are identical to the work described for a homemade block container. The only important difference will be the need exterior finishing, namely painting or cladding metal walls.

Of all the block containers, the most expensive and at the same time the easiest to assemble is the collapsible block container. Such containers are made to order at a specialized enterprise. A prefabricated block container has a standard width of 2.5 m, and its length can vary from 2.5 m to 6 m. It is also possible to create a block container of a longer length. The assembly of such a container is carried out by two assemblers and resembles a regular construction set, the assembly time is from 4 to 6 hours. Such high assembly rates are due to the use of sandwich panels and pre-fitted parts. When doing the assembly yourself for the first time, the company can provide its own specialist and a full set of assembly documentation.

Prefabricated containers are assembled in several stages. At the first stage, the frame is assembled and connected using bolts. On the second floor, the floor is laid and the roof is mounted. At the third stage, the walls are installed. Finally, the windows and doors are installed. In the photo demonstrating a collapsible block container, you can see how easy and simple such containers are to install.

There are no special secrets or difficulties in creating block containers. The main thing that is needed is the ability to handle the tool. Since it depends on this whether you can assemble the entire structure with your own hands. For those who are not used to or do not know how to work with their own hands, we can recommend hiring specialists and purchasing a ready-made block container.

The change house can be assembled from scratch, or you can purchase a ready-made shipping container and partially modify it. The first option is good for its variability - you can choose the appropriate sizes, choose convenient equipment for a comfortable stay in the summer. A ready-made container requires much less labor, but its application possibilities are limited.

Another variety has become collapsible modular block containers. Several of these containers can be combined - as a result you will get an analogue of a full-fledged summer house with several rooms and a convenient layout. Such products are characterized by mobility and variability of assembly.

Features of installing a modular container

A homemade container can be made from a metal channel for the frame, outer skin made from corrugated board. The subfloor is made of a metal sheet 2 mm thick; linoleum or other floor covering can be laid on it. Internal lining can be done using plastic lining or plywood, insulation and a vapor barrier membrane are installed between the layers of sheathing. To cover the frame, you can purchase ready-made insulated sandwich panels.

Installation of the block container is carried out in several stages:

  • Selection, preparation and marking of the site. It must be cleared of green spaces and construction debris, the soil must be leveled and thoroughly compacted.
  • Installation of a simple columnar foundation. The container cannot be installed on the ground - they are used as a base for it. concrete blocks or brick pillars. For large containers, a pile foundation is used.
  • Channel cutting and welding metal frame. Channel sections of the required size are connected into a strong frame, the angles are strictly 90 degrees.
  • TO bottom harness vertical posts are welded. They are placed in corners and in the locations of doors and windows.
  • Laying and welding of the top trim on the prepared racks.
  • Laying the subfloor - metal sheets are laid on a frame and concrete blocks, and then welded together.
  • Covering the walls and roof with galvanized corrugated sheets. Its sheets are attached to the frame using ordinary metal screws.

The metal container is assembled and installed, after which you can proceed to insulation and interior decoration.

Container finishing

A wooden frame is installed on the inside, intended for installing insulation and a vapor barrier membrane. After insulation work, it is covered with a layer of plywood or lining. Logs are placed on the metal sheets of the subfloor, after which insulation and a vapor barrier membrane are laid in the space between them. They are covered with floor boards and finishing coating.

Any block container must be installed on a specially prepared surface. It is not recommended to simply place a change house on the ground, since in this case the structure will certainly sag or tilt, and in early spring it will most likely be flooded with meltwater. The presence of a foundation not only protects metal cabins from moisture, but also avoids rapid wear and tear of buildings and improves their thermal insulation properties.

We select the foundation for the cabin

You can install the change house on poles made independently from a mixture of concrete and sand or bricks and stone. More lightweight and good option– use of reinforced concrete pillars, which can be purchased from the manufacturer complete with a block container. As a rule, when purchasing finished products You can consult a specialist about the rules of their operation.

To build a foundation, it is necessary to remove 10-15 cm of soil from the place where the change house will be located. Then fill the prepared area with gravel and sand and place pillars in the corners and perimeter, in pre-dug holes 60 cm deep and 40 cm in diameter, keeping a distance of 1.5-2 meters between them. It is advisable that the supports are approximately 20 cm above the ground.

Another way to install metal cabins is on screw piles. The advantage of such a foundation is its reliability - the piles are able to support the weight of a small two-story structure. This method is also popular because of its ease of installation, which does not require excessive effort. Usually, before making a pile foundation, the area where the block container will be located is well leveled. To do this, remove 5-10 cm of soil, then carry out measuring work and mark the most optimal location of piles for a change house. Then, using a special drill, they begin to cut holes for the piles. For an ordinary metal shed, six are usually enough. screw piles.

To prevent corrosion, increase the strength of the foundation and extend its service life, the cavities of screw piles are filled with concrete. The manufacture of the base for the block container is completed by installing the heads and lintels, tying it with logs, channels or timber.

Another option for the base for metal cabins is ordinary concrete blocks. To place them, a twenty-centimeter layer of soil is removed from the container installation site. Gravel is poured into the resulting pit, on top of which blocks are installed, on which the structure is placed. In some cases, instead of concrete slabs, interconnected logs are used.

In order to correctly install the cabin on a prepared foundation, it is necessary to use the services of specialists, since only in this case can one guarantee the accurate completion of all installation work. By using the services of professionals, you can be sure that the block container will last a long time.