Water pipes      03.03.2020

Pellet boilers pyrolysis master. How to choose the right pyrolysis boiler for long burning? The main manufacturers of pellet boilers for industry

Today, in economical Europe, solid fuel boilers (pellet and pyrolysis) are one of the most popular types of heating. A solid fuel boiler does not require electricity, gas or liquid fuels; ordinary dry wood or coal is enough for it. In this, it is not much different from a conventional stove, but much more economical, more efficient and safer.
Solid fuel boilers are perhaps the most independent and independent way of heating country houses, because solid fuel boilers are in no way connected with engineering communication systems: neither with electricity, nor with gas pipelines, and even more so with centralized systems heating. Consequently, solid fuel boilers are absolutely indispensable in remote remote settlements.
Despite the fact that such boilers, in their essence, are very similar to a conventional furnace, they are usually equipped with modern automation systems, equipped with all the necessary sensors responsible for equipment safety, temperature and other important parameters.

One of the important classifications according to which solid fuel boilers are divided is depending on the material of manufacture of the heat exchanger. There are cast-iron and steel boilers that run on solid fuels.
Cast iron solid fuel boilers considered to be more durable. Their peculiarity is that they heat up for a long time, but at the same time they cool down slowly, but they must be operated with extreme caution, because cast iron is a material that is quite fragile and can crack from a sharp temperature drop. Fortunately, currently modern technologies made it possible to improve cast-iron boilers and reduce their fragility.
Steel solid fuel boilers are more resistant to the "whims" of temperature, but have another drawback - weakness to corrosion, which is usually caused by condensate. Cast iron boilers do not suffer from such a problem. It is this disadvantage that makes solid fuel boilers with a steel heat exchanger less durable, but cheaper. In any case, the duration of operation that solid fuel boilers with a steel heat exchanger have depends on the quality of the steel and its thickness.
Boilers made of sheet steel are less susceptible to destruction from a sudden change in temperature, since steel is a ductile material. The walls of such a boiler are thinner than the walls of cast iron, and in order not to get burned, the outer part of the body is isolated from the inner part with modern non-combustible materials. So if you live in country house constantly, it is best to purchase a solid fuel boiler made of cast iron. And if you live in a city, but visit the house and heat it only during your presence, then it makes sense to install a steel boiler. A steel solid fuel boiler can also be used as an auxiliary boiler if there are often interruptions in gas or electricity in your area. Some elements of the boiler, if desired, can be replaced or new ones added in order to switch to a new type of fuel (gas or liquid fuel). True, one nuance must be taken into account here - the efficiency of such a converted boiler will be slightly lower than that of a boiler specially designed to work with gas.

Pellet boilers

It is a complex engineering device that heats the coolant by burning derivatives of wood or coal fuel: briquettes or granules (pellets).

The operation of solid fuel boilers in automatic mode allows not only to reduce operating costs by shifting most of the maintenance and control of equipment operation to automation, but also, using a solid fuel boiler with automatic loading, to achieve a level of comfort in using gas boilers. Such solid fuel boilers (automatic) are still a rarity in Russian market, but given the promising opportunities, we can assume a great future for them.
Pellets are made from wood waste, which is crushed and pressed into small pellets in the shape of a cylinder. Their size is from 6 to 14 mm in diameter and not more than 70 mm in length. For the production of this type of fuel, chemical components are not used, and therefore pellets are an environmentally friendly material and at the same time have a high calorific value. The use of pellets makes it possible to reduce the presence of a person in the operation of the boiler by automating the process of feeding pellets into the boiler. When transported in a car and stored in a private house, they take up little space. Pellet heating equipment is produced abroad, and in Russia. Domestic models, as a rule, are cheaper than imported ones, while foreign ones have more service functions.

Pellet boiler device

Pellet boilers are steel structure, constituent parts which are the body, burner, furnace, heat exchanger, fuel tank and chimney. After burning the fuel, hot gas is formed; when it leaves the furnace, it flows around the heat exchanger and transfers almost all of its heat to it. The "smart" design of pellet boilers is the key to an amazingly high efficiency (at least 85%). The power of the devices varies from 15 kW to several megawatts. The heat exchanger is made from various materials such as cast iron or steel.

How do pellet boilers work?

Boiler maintenance is easy. It is enough to load fuel into the bunker. Pellets are fed into the furnace from a special bunker by an automatic conveyor. The capacity of the regular bunker provides the boiler with fuel for about 7 days, then the storage is refilled. If desired, this process can be fully automated. The fuel is ignited automatically. This process involves an electric heating element and a fan that blows air into the furnace. When the fuel burns steadily, the ignition system turns off.

Varieties of pellet boilers

  1. Equipment designed only for the use of pellets;
  2. Conditionally combined boilers- they usually work on biogranules, but, as a "reserve" fuel, they are able to accept briquettes or firewood for a short time;
  3. Universal coppers - can work at any solid fuel. It is enough to dismantle the pellet burner, and the device is ready to be loaded with traditional solid fuel.

Benefits of heating with pellets

  • Biogranules are almost completely recycled. Moreover, a negligible amount of combustion products is removed automatically, no more than 1 - 2 times a month;
  • Feeding pellets and the whole process of work (receiving heat and hot water) are fully automated;
  • The cost of pellets is lower than other solid fuels. Biogranules are always available on the market. Buying a "refueling" for pellet equipment is not a problem;
  • Ideal for heating a private house, cottage, where there is no possibility of heating with gas.

Pyrolysis or gas boilers

Pyrolysis boilers are able to burn wood gas produced during the combustion of firewood, thereby significantly increasing their productivity and efficiency. The fuel in them burns out almost completely, leaving almost no ash. In them, the wood is first completely dried at high temperature and a small amount of oxygen, turning into charcoal and a volatile part - pyrolysis gas, which then burns with high efficiency in the furnace. As it burns, the gas interacts with active carbon and, as a result, the smoke at the exit from the boiler contains much less harmful impurities.
Compared with classical method combustion, pyrolysis boilers use the unique ability of solid fuel to go into a gaseous state at high temperature and in the absence of air. Pyrolysis boilers have a slightly higher price than their classical counterparts with the same power, however, high efficiency and ease of maintenance justify the cost of the purchased boiler in the shortest possible time.

Pyrolysis boiler - device and principle of operation

The pyrolysis boiler works like this: fuel (firewood) is put into the upper chamber, ignited, the chamber door closes and the boiler fan turns on. As soon as the temperature inside the upper chamber rises above 250 ° C, the wood begins to char, releasing generator gas that enters the lower chamber through the nozzle. Here, secondary air is mixed with the gases obtained as a result of pyrolysis by pressurization and they burn out, returning some of the heat to the lower level of the fuel bookmark. Secondary air - an air flow that envelops the fuel in the upper chamber on the sides or enters through special slots in the door of the lower chamber of the pyrolysis boiler. Heat is taken from the pyrolysis boiler and transferred to the coolant (water or air) through the contact of the pipeline with the coolant with the bottom of the lower chamber of the boiler. From one full load of the fuel (upper) chamber, the pyrolysis boiler generates heat from 6 to 12 hours, depending on the quality of the fuel and heat needs.

Fuel for pyrolysis boiler

On practice pyrolysis boilers on solid fuel can work effectively on any type of solid fuel, whether it is wood, peat, brown and black coal. Of course, the duration of complete combustion for each type of fuel is different and it looks like this:

  • soft wood - combustion time is not more than 5 hours;
  • solid wood - burning time about 6 hours;
  • brown coal burns in about 8 hours;
  • black coal burns up to 10 hours.

Pyrolysis boilers are most efficient when working on dry wood. It is dry firewood 45-65 cm long, the humidity of which does not exceed 20%, that not only provides maximum power operation of the boiler, but also prolong its service life. Buying pyrolysis heating boilers, without doubting the effectiveness of their work, can be safely bought by those who have the opportunity to buy dry firewood or at least dry them if the humidity is exceeded. If there is no confidence in this possibility, then you can choose a modern high-tech heating boiler, in the furnace of which 80% of highly efficient pyrolysis fuel combustion and 20% of traditional combustion are combined. Modern combined boilers provide high-quality combustion of not only firewood, but also wood waste, peat, coal or any mixture thereof with a moisture content of up to 50%.

Advantages of pyrolysis boilers:

  • high efficiency achieved by two stages of fuel combustion, as a result, complete combustion of fuel and high efficiency - up to 90%;
  • work from one tab for quite a long time, up to 12 hours (for ordinary firewood boilers for about 3-4 hours, but for top-burning boilers this figure is higher - from 30 hours on wood to 6-7 days on coal).
  • the possibility of automatic regulation of parameters, the combustion process allows automation, is easily regulated and controlled;
  • less often it is necessary to clean the ash pan and gas ducts;
  • integrates into almost any heating system without requiring any major changes;
  • laying of unchopped logs is allowed;
  • environmental friendliness achieved by burning more harmful substances in the lower chamber, so that they are not released into the atmosphere;
  • very high heating rate of the coolant, water or air, to a comfortable temperature of 60°C.

Disadvantages of pyrolysis boilers:

  • the need for electricity necessary for the operation of the fan (smoke exhauster);
  • high cost compared to conventional heating boilers;
  • the need for low moisture content of fuel, firewood should have a moisture content not higher than 20%;
  • in work they require a high load, when it drops below 50%, combustion stability is disturbed, tar accumulates in the smoke channel;
  • all models of pyrolysis heating devices are single-circuit units that do not heat water for domestic needs.

And yet, the high environmental friendliness, efficiency and economy achieved due to the complete combustion of fuel and scanty heat losses fully compensate for the shortcomings of pyrolysis gas-generating boilers and the circle of their admirers is steadily expanding.

The specialists of the company "Termogorod" Moscow will help you choose the right one, buy and install a heating boiler find an affordable solution. Ask any questions you are interested in, telephone consultation is absolutely free, or use the form "Feedback"
You will be satisfied cooperating with us!

Pellet boilers of the Pyrolysis Master brand have long been known in the Russian market of solid fuel boilers and enjoy well-deserved popularity due to their reliable and efficient design. In this article, the portal site shares with our readers an overview of the updated classic line of the PELLET series, which works on pellets of any quality with the definition of their technical advantages and areas of application.

The current level of development of design options for pellet boilers practically excludes the possibility of any revolutionary innovations. Therefore, the developers in the updated series of boilers Special attention paid to increase the level of operating comfort, efficiency and durability, packing all the developments into a new modern design of the boiler.

The result was the mass production of a line with a very attractive set of advantages, the combination of which distinguishes this brand in our market.

Below we will try to give a more detailed overview of all the innovations, which, in our opinion, can be noted as significant and deserving of the attention of the end user and professionals in the heat engineering market.

Let's start with the first thing that catches your eye - as a result of the upgrade, the boiler received a new look and began to correspond to the best European analogues. This update has benefited the line, but we suggest moving on through the article to learn about more significant benefits, which are not few.

Let's start with boiler automation. The new controller, developed in Germany, is configured not only manually through the electronic panel with a digital screen built into the boiler, but also via SMS messages, the Internet or a room thermostat installed in one of the heated rooms. This range of possibilities gives the consumer maximum comfort from operation. However, modules for remote control of the boiler operation modes are not included in the basic package and are ordered when purchasing the boiler as additional options. In fairness, it should be noted that the basic equipment allows you to fully operate the boiler and for additional comfort options, the manufacturer does not force his client to overpay, but only gives such an opportunity to everyone.

Now let's talk a little about the updated burner of the pellet burner in question - the brand's developers also made significant improvements to the design of the burner device, which affected the strength properties, which made it possible to increase the service life of this module. This argument will be especially important for enterprises that are seriously thinking about the depreciation of operating equipment. The thickness of the metal of all surfaces exposed to direct flame was doubled, which had a positive effect on durability and reliability. Now the service life of the pellet burner fully corresponds to the service life of the boiler itself.

Improved air supply through through holes cast-iron surfaces of the burner tray, as well as an increased area of ​​​​the hearth (horizontal surface of the burner device) made it possible to bring the depth of pellet burning to 100% and, which is extremely important, opened up the practical possibility of operating the boiler on fine fuel of any quality. For the consumer, this means one thing - now boilers of this brand can be operated on pellets of any quality, purchasing even the cheapest ones available in your region. For the sake of objectivity, it is worth noting that this omnivorousness has the only limitation - the lack of the possibility of uninterrupted operation on straw pellets. However, like straw pellets, domestic market there are no pellet boilers that would efficiently burn fuel with such a high ash content, therefore our remark does not apply to the mass market of pellet equipment and can only be relevant for the most immersed in the subject matter experts.

For the most inquisitive, we suggest that you study the video material, which shows the process of the new burner.

Video work burners:

On this, for a sophisticated reader who constantly monitors the novelties of the market, the review of innovations in the PELLET series can be considered exhausted. For the rest, who are not indifferent to the topic raised, we suggest moving further along the text - we will share with you general overview pellet boilers of the Pyrolysis Master brand and the whole set of advantages that we managed to note for ourselves.

Updated Pyrolysis MasterPELLET 15-500

The development of a complete series of boilers was completed two years ago and now consists of 15 models with a capacity of 15-500 kW. Such a wide range of possible thermal power allows you to set this thermal equipment for heating buildings for various purposes with a heated area up to 5 thousand square meters. meters, and with a cascade installation without limiting the size of buildings.

Any boiler plant of this model range structurally consists of:

  • a hot water boiler with a developed heat exchanger and a large heat carrier capacity;
  • metal bunker for loading pellets;
  • twin screw transport device;
  • pellet burner with blower fan;
  • security devices and automated control.

For efficient heating of the heat carrier, a five-way heat exchanger, unique for the Russian market, is installed inside the boiler. Its increased convective part allows boilers of this brand to show off the highest efficiency, and due to the large capacity of the coolant, the boiler is able to act as a buffer tank (heat accumulator) in the heating system. Also, a large capacity of the coolant allows you to additionally guarantee the exclusion of the possibility of boiling water in the boiler.

Scope of boilers Pyrolysis Master PELLET 15-500

Steel pellet boilers of this model range are designed for operation in water heating systems with forced circulation heat carrier and water heating in boilers of indirect or combined preparation of hot water. The maximum heating temperature of the coolant is 90 degrees Celsius at a working pressure in the jacket of not more than 2.0 kg/cm2.

Choice required amount boilers and their power is based on thermal calculation depending on the amount of heat loss and hot water consumption.

Applied fuel

The burner for solid fuel boilers of the PELLET series provides efficient combustion of dry granular pellets of any quality, made from wood and agricultural waste, peat, waste paper and other raw materials. It is allowed to use sunflower husks, shavings, sawdust, etc. as associated fuels.

The delivery set of the extended DUO series includes a cast-iron grate that allows the combustion of ordinary firewood without additional intervention in the design of the firebox.

Design features of the line

Heat exchangers are made of low-alloy steel of the boiler class with a thickness of at least 6.0 mm, due to which the estimated service life of the furnace is at least 15 years. Inside the two-layer construction of the body is a non-flammable thermal insulation preventing heat loss to the environment.

The spatial geometry of the heat exchanger provides a five-way passage of hot combustion products along the heating surfaces. At the same time, the heated coolant rises from the bottom up, gradually moving from the “cold” zone to the hotter one.

A large area of ​​convective heating surfaces makes it possible to obtain very efficient heat removal and ensure the operation of the boiler plant with an efficiency of up to 92%. For the consumer, this mode of operation of the equipment means greater practical fuel savings and lower heating costs for the building.

Maintenance of the furnace and cleaning of soot deposits is carried out through convenient service hatches, the installation of which is provided for by the design.

Bunker for fuel and screw conveyor

The body of the bunker is welded from sheet steel and equipped with an opening loading hatch in the upper part. In the lower part of the structure there is an unloading window for supplying pellets to the screw conveyor. When developing the boiler plant, the volume of the fuel hopper for the basic configuration was selected so that one full load of fuel was sufficient to ensure the operation of the boiler at the rated heat load for 12-24 hours. However, if you wish, you can order the supply of a bunker with a volume of up to 10 cubic meters. meters inclusive, which will significantly increase the time of non-stop burning.

The placement of the fuel compartment relative to the position of the boiler is permissible on any side and is negotiated when placing an order for equipment. This solution makes it possible to organize convenient loading into the bunker, even in cramped boiler rooms.

Pellets are fed to combustion by means of two rotating augers, which are located at different heights in special transport channels. Such a spatial position with an air gap between the devices provides an increased level of safety and completely eliminates the breakthrough of the flame from the furnace into the hopper in the event of a possible stop in the rotation of the augers.

During operation, pellet granules fall onto the upper auger and with its help are transferred to the lower feed mechanism, which moves them to combustion in the furnace. The operation of the augers is automated and controlled separately.

Burner design

Horizontal retort burners, already proven by time and international experience (such architecture of the burner device is widely used in boilers manufactured in Western Europe), migrated to the updated series, having received walls of the furnace tray reinforced with a greater thickness.

All surfaces in contact with the flame are made of heat-resistant cast iron and are capable of providing a long service life.

To ensure complete combustion of fuel, the hearth part of the burner has been increased, as well as the density of the channels for supplying combustion air. Automated operation of the burner is carried out depending on the required performance of the boiler plant. In addition, forced air injection into the burner device increases the pressure of flue gases inside the furnace and contributes to their better removal into the atmosphere.

TO design features burner device should include:

  • the presence of automatic ignition;
  • the possibility of using additional types of fuel;
  • mechanical removal of ash and ash residues as they are deposited;
  • the use of thick metal, which increases the service life.

Summing up the acquaintance with the burner, it can be said with confidence that the developers managed to reach the level of European analogues in this design and this tray-type device is able to provide a very efficient and practical operation of the boiler during the combustion of various types of solid fuel in the form of a pellet fraction.

Level of automation during operation

System automatic control in boilers of the PELLET series is manufactured at a German microelectronics plant built in Poland. Today, this enterprise produces any types automated systems for control of solid propellant coppers of the European producers. The installed basic kit is able to provide regulation:

  • boiler performance based on the set air temperature in the room and the temperature control data of the heat carrier;
  • the amount of fuel supplied by turning on the rotation of the augers;
  • amount of combustion air through fan control;
  • operation of the circulation circuit;
  • the level of heating hot water for household needs in indirect heating boilers.

As part of additional operational capabilities, it can be completed with electronic control units for the boiler via digital communication channels. The consumer also has the option of equipping the boiler with a room thermostat installed in the room to control the temperature without leaving the bedroom or office.

Pellet boilers "Pyrolysis Master" for building heating

The new series of pellet stoves covers the possibility of operation in water heating systems for buildings of any size. Below we have tried to give short review by groups of areas of application.

Pellet boilers for cottages 100 - 500 sq. m:

This group of very popular household pellet stoves includes five models with a thermal output from 15 to 50 kW and is designed to heat the circulating coolant in private houses, summer cottages, cottages, as well as small retail facilities and industrial workshops with a heated area of ​​up to 500 m2.

The steel bunker for storage and supply of fuel, which is included in the factory supply, is able to ensure the operation of the boiler at maximum heat load for 12-24 hours. The manufacturer, however, is ready to offer a complete set of a cat with an enlarged bunker for those buyers who need a longer autonomous operation of the boiler from one load of fuel. Storage of fuel reserves should take place in a fireproof and dry room separate from the boiler.

To remove combustion products, it is necessary to have a chimney with a calculated cross section and height. It can be installed separately, fixed on outer wall or be embedded in building construction building.

The complete automated control system is designed to operate the boiler without providing constant human control. It is enough for the user to set a certain mode of operation, pour pellets into the bunker and give a command to ignite the burner. After that, the boiler will switch to automatic mode, and will constantly provide the heating system with thermal energy, provided that the fuel bunker is replenished in a timely manner.

Pellet boilers for rooms from 400 to 1500 sq. m

Five hot water pellet boilers of medium capacity are recommended for use in heating systems of public, industrial and commercial buildings with a heated area up to 1500 m2, as well as heating hot water used for industrial purposes.

The main argument in favor of this choice for commercial and industrial enterprises, are the high economic performance of this power group. In the boilers of this subgroup, due to the maximum efficiency (87-92%), there is a noticeable reduction in the cost of purchasing pellets, due to lower consumption, in comparison with boilers that have a 2-3-way heat exchanger. The maximum efficiency in the class, due to the 5-way heat exchanger, makes it possible to reduce the consumption of pellets and heating costs by 10-20%.

Besides, high level automation allows you to abandon the work of permanent service personnel during the heating season.

Pellet boilers for buildings from 2000-5000 sq. m and more

Five of the most powerful boilers with a capacity of 200 to 500 kW can be used in heating systems for large industrial and commercial buildings. Their installation must be carried out by certified heat engineering companies with permits from self-regulatory building organizations based on approved design solutions.

The removal of combustion products must be carried out through a free-standing chimney of the calculated section. It is allowed to connect several boilers of different capacities to such a pipe.

Storage of fuel reserves should be carried out in a separate room or a large storage bunker, which is connected to the operational bunker of the boiler through an automated transport system. The equipment manufacturer is ready to complete the system with screw conveyors and large-capacity metal storage bins.

Loading the basic operational hopper ensures the operation of the equipment for 12-24 hours at rated load. At the request of the customer, its dimensions can be increased to 5 or 10 thousand liters.

Some Conclusions

In the architecture of Pyrolysis Master pellet boilers, the designers managed to implement a whole range of successful engineering solutions.

High efficiency resulting from the installation of a five-pass heat exchanger, an omnivorous tray type retort burner and a high level of quality automation.

These stars on the pagons of the design of the boilers of the considered brand allow the boilers of this brand to be on the same level not only with such Russian brands as FACI, or ROTEX, but also boldly displace many European brands imported into the country and offered for completely different money. However, the choice is up to the consumer, and we are very pleased that in the conditions of a modern market economy, the buyer has the freedom of this choice.

Thanks to everyone who paid attention to our review work and read it up to these lines. We hope we were helpful to you!!

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For heating a private house without a centralized gas supply, they mainly use affordable and inexpensive solid fuel. However, traditional views heating devices operating on this type of fuel have a rather low efficiency and are labor-intensive during operation. Boilers that appeared not so long ago long burning, using the pyrolysis method, are more efficient, economical in fuel consumption and easy to maintain.

Criterias of choice

Pyrolysis boilers for home heating are designed to work on different types fuel: wood, coal, peat, sawdust, pallets. Wood-burning devices have the highest performance due to the complete combustion of fuel in the pyrolysis mode. Therefore, if it is possible to prepare firewood inexpensively and in sufficient quantities for the entire heating season, then you can buy and install just such a boiler at home.

Otherwise, it is better to purchase a universal device that can run on any solid fuel. Structurally, they are designed in such a way that they can burn up to 80% of fuel resources in the pyrolysis mode, and the remaining 20% ​​in the mode of a simple solid fuel unit.

You should also pay attention to:

    unit power. When calculating this indicator, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building that will be heated by a long-burning pyrolysis boiler and the level of protection of its rooms from heat loss are taken into account;

    combustion chamber volume. A boiler with a small combustion chamber will require more frequent fuel loading, so it cannot be left unattended for a long time, especially in severe frosts;

    the quality of the internal coating of the chambers. Chambers, whose walls are lined with ceramic concrete, are more protected from burning through, maintain integrity at the maximum level of heating and ensure proper fuel combustion;

    the duration of burning with a full load of fuel should be at least 10 hours;

    level of automation for instrument safety. A long-burning pyrolysis boiler must be not only productive, but also safe, so when buying, you need to check whether it is equipped with an alarm and an automatic shutdown system;

    the presence of an additional circuit. The heater with one circuit can only be used for space heating. If the boiler is planned to be used for organizing hot water supply, then you need to immediately buy a device with a double-circuit design;

    price. You should not save on buying a boiler, as cheap models may not have enough technical capabilities for optimal space heating. It is better to purchase a boiler of proven brands that have already been tested in the harsh Russian winters and deserve good feedback owners.

Model overview

The modern market offers many different models long-burning pyrolysis boilers, differing in a number of technical characteristics, dimensions and price.

Pyrolysis Master LONGLIFE 18-250 kW

High efficiency, the presence of automatic control over the operation of the boiler and circulation allow this device effectively perform its functions on one load for 8 - 72 hours (depending on the type of fuel used). The boiler is equipped with a digital controller, an air supply fan, a 5-way heat exchanger with a large volume of coolant, ensuring its high performance. The combustion chamber is equipped with water-filled grates and two doors for loading fuel and removing ash. The device works equally effectively when manually loaded into the furnace section of any type of solid fuel: coal, briquettes, firewood, lump peat.

    Maximum heating area - 18 - 2500 m²;

    power - 18 - 250 kW;

  • Price range depending on capacity: - 980 - 7300 conventional units.

Buderus Logano S171

The German pyrolysis boiler of this series has an increased volume of the loading section and an improved design of the heat exchanger and is adapted to work both under natural and under forced ventilation coolant. Its body is made of high-alloy steel 5 mm thick, fireclay bricks with a longer service life are used for the furnace lining, two ash pan doors located one on top and the other on the front panel provide ease of cleaning. Uninterrupted operation of the unit and the protection function is performed by a powerful automatic control system.

    Maximum heating area - 500 m²;

    power - 50 kW;

  • Dimensions - 699x1257x1083 mm;

    The average price is 3600 conventional units.

Bastion M-KST

Universal pyrolysis boilers Russian production power from 12 to 30 kW, differing from imported analogues in a lower price and compact size, capable of heating an area from 100 to 300 m² (depending on power). Non-volatile devices that do not require frequent removal of ash waste. The combustion chamber is made of low-alloy steel grade 09G2S, simultaneously accommodates firewood, coal, wood waste from 40 - 120 dm³. They can work without refueling for 4 - 12 hours (depending on the moisture content of the fuel, wood species, organization of the chimney, etc.). Efficiency - not less than 85%. The price varies in the range of 670 - 1200 dollars.

Trajan T

Single-circuit devices operating on wood, fuel or peat briquettes. They can maintain a comfortable room temperature with one load of fuel for at least 8 hours. In models of the T series, the draft is automatically regulated; with additional equipment with a heating element with a power of up to 3 kW, the temperature of the coolant will be maintained after the firewood has burned out for several hours.

Models of the boiler "Trajan" series T

power, kWt

Heated area, m²

Dimensions (WxHxD), mm

Price, dollar

Pellet boilers "Pyrolysis Master" have been heating houses and industrial facilities Russians and deservedly considered one of the best. The updated line of these devices has become the object of close attention of the X-TEPLO portal. Consumers will certainly be interested to know the opinion of experts on the innovations that the brand has introduced in the products supplied to the markets.

The simplicity and reliability of the design of pellet boilers practically exclude significant changes. Therefore, manufacturers have directed their activities to aesthetic indicators and comfort in operation. Boilers "Pyrolysis Master" got a new look. Leading European industrial designers took part in the design.

Another direction was marked by an improved automatic system. German-Polish factory

installed an improved controller for the devices, which, in parallel with the control of the boiler, now supports external communication with various devices. Now the pellet gun can be controlled from a distance. To do this, you can use the Internet, SMS messages or a room thermostat.

The burner has changed, which in Pyrolysis Master pellet boilers is famous for its unpretentiousness to fuel. In this case, manufacturers have relied on the durability of the block, doubling the thickness of the "dry zones". Now the burner is as durable as the boiler, which is quite attractive to the consumer.

Features of solid fuel boilers Pellet

Boilers of this model range, released in 2015, work on pellets of any quality. Each of 15 structurally similar models differs in power indicators, the range of which varies from 15 to 500 kW. The devices are capable of heating buildings with an area of ​​5 thousand square meters. m. Cascading placement significantly increases this figure.

Pellet boxes of this series consist of:

  • a heat-resistant steel boiler with a five-way heat exchanger;
  • fuel bunker;
  • a conveyor with a pair of screws feeding pellets into the combustion chamber;
  • cast iron burner;
  • fan;
  • automation block.

In addition, there is a chimney, with a diameter depending on the power of the device.


The scope of activities of Pellet boilers includes heating the coolant supplied to heating systems up to 90 ° C at a pressure of 2 kg / cm. sq. At the same time, hot water is produced by means of an indirect heat exchanger. The power of the devices is determined in relation to the insulation of the building and the requirements for the amount of hot water.

Fuel used

The model range is able to work on any granular pellets. As fuel, sunflower husks, wood waste, etc. can be used. The Pellet Duo series includes grates that make it possible to burn firewood.


Boilers of the Pellet series are equipped with a five-way heat exchanger. When cooled, the coolant returns to the lower part of the heat exchanger and begins to rise opposite to the hot flue gases. This reduces the flue gas temperature and brings the efficiency of the device closer to 92%.

Boiler steel with a thickness of 6 to 8 mm was used for the body. This ensures a long service life. Thanks to the internal thermal insulation, energy losses are excluded. Conveniently located hatches and the calculated distance create comfort when cleaning and servicing the combustion chamber.

Steel fuel hopper and pellet feeder

The bunker supplied as standard, when fully loaded, ensures non-stop operation of the boiler for 24 hours. It is possible to supply larger bunkers (up to 10 thousand liters). To load pellets, there is a hinged hatch located in the upper part. Fuel is supplied by mechanics, two augers with axes located at different heights. The task of the upper auger is to take and move the granules to the lower one. The latter ensures the delivery of fuel to the burner. The augers are controlled separately by automation.

Due to the air gap, the fire safety of the device has been increased to 100%.

For convenience, the installation of the bunker is possible from any side of the boiler.

Burner device

Pyrolysis master pellet boilers use retort cast-iron burners horizontal type. Their features:

  • the presence of automatic ignition;
  • ash removal mechanics;
  • forced air injection for complete combustion of fuel;
  • long service life;
  • the possibility of using a variety of dry fuels.

Thanks to the fan that supplies combustion air, better draft in the chimney is ensured.

The burner is not unique, but is considered the most practical for heating devices of this type.

Automation and security

The automatic filling of Pellet boilers was developed by a Polish-German company producing microelectronics. This plant provides almost all leading European boiler brands with automatic systems. Automation in the basic configuration is designed for:

  • synchronization of feed augers;
  • control over the temperature of the coolant;
  • regulation of the air supplied to combustion;
  • circulation pump control;
  • adjusting the temperature of hot water obtained by indirect heating.

As an add-on the system can be delivered remote control, which allows you to operate the pellet plant via the Internet and SMS messages. It is also possible to supply a room thermostat that allows you to adjust the temperature inside the premises.

For safety, a relief valve and a safety valve are used.

Pellet boilers Pyrolysis Master must be installed in fireproof and well-ventilated areas.

Group of boilers Pyrolysis Master PELLET 15, 20, 30, 40 and 50

The line is intended for heating private houses with an area of ​​up to 500 sq. m. In the basic delivery, they are able to work continuously without refueling for at least a day. It is possible to supply a bunker with a large volume, which increases the frequency of downloads.

Two rooms are required to install the equipment. One for the boiler, fuel bunker, circulation pump and others. The second is used as a fuel storage, must be fireproof and well ventilated.

The installation of the chimney depends on the environment: standing alone or attached to the building.

Automation minimizes the presence of a person during the operation of the pellet boiler. It is enough to pour pellets into the bunker and set the required temperature for the heat carrier on the controller. With timely loading of the bunker, the boiler can operate continuously throughout the winter.

Group of boilers PELLET 60, 80, 100, 120 and 160

Ruler, issuing thermal power from 60 to 160 kW. These pellet stoves will heat and provide hot water for production and trade. Office and other buildings, the area of ​​​​which is from 600 to 1600 square meters. m. These boilers are economical, which makes them attractive in the commercial field. High efficiency (up to 92%) contributes to fuel savings and reduces the cost of purchasing pellets (10-20% in monetary terms). positive factor in the choice is the possibility of using pellets of any kind. Savings are ensured by an efficient heat exchanger.

Group of boilers PELLET 200, 250, 320, 400 and 500

Boilers of this group provide thermal power from 200 to 500 kW and are able to heat buildings with a total area of ​​up to 2000 square meters. m. Cascade installation generally removes restrictions on the heated area. The installation of such equipment requires coordinated projects and the participation of installers with SRO approval. When installing boilers of this line, it is imperative to provide a fireproof, well-ventilated warehouse. The boiler can be located in the same room with gas equipment for heating and it is possible to use common circulation pumps.

Powerful pellet solid fuel boilers can be located below ground level. What distinguishes them from gas. A conveyor belt is provided for loading pellets. At the request of the customer, it is possible to supply large volume bunkers (5000, 10000 liters) equipped with screw conveyors for feeding pellets.


According to the experts of the X-TEPLO portal portal, Pyrolysis Master pellet boilers are the embodiment of practicality and economy. These products are deservedly valued in the Russian market and have a great future.

Industrial pellet boilers – Pyrolysis Master, FACI, Roteks

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In the domestic market a large number of companies engaged in the production of industrial boilers. Especially popular today are industrial-type units operating on pellets. In this article, we will cover three Russian manufacturers producing similar equipment: Pyrolysis Master, Faci, Roteks.

Characteristics of industrial pellet boilers

Let's present the characteristics of industrial pellet boilers Pyrolysis Master PELLET PRO 100-1000 and PELLET 100-320, FACI 105-850 and ROTEKS 100-300 in the table.

Parameters/Model Pyrolysis Master PELLET PRO 100-1000 Pyrolysis Master PELLET 100-320 FACI 105-850 Roteks 100-300
Country of Origin Russia Moscow Russia Moscow Russia, Chelyabinsk Russia, Chelyabinsk
power, kWt 100-1000 100-320 105-850 100-300
For what objects is it intended Any industrial heating systems Low-rise heating facilities with operating pressure in the heating system up to 0.2 MPa Low-rise heating facilities with operating pressure in the heating system up to 0.3 MPa
Operating pressure in the boiler jacket 0.6 MPa 0.2 MPa 0.2 MPa 0.3 MPa
Heat carrier temperature Up to 115 gr.C. Up to 95 gr. Up to 95 gr. Up to 95 gr.
Compliance with GOST-307.35-200 Full compliance
Burner type Horizontal tray type retort Vertical retort Vertical retort
The presence of an ash chamber + +
Type of heat exchanger Fire tube 3-way Lamellar 5-way Fire tube 2-way Fire tube 3-way
The presence of turbulators Included Add. money option
Feeding system 2 screw with fire break 2 screw with fire break 2 screw with fire break
Screw properties Thick-barreled with a short arm and a thick spiral, mounted on two bearings each Thin-barreled with a long arm and a thin spiral, mounted on two bearings each Thick-barreled with a shoulder of medium length and a thick spiral, the lower auger is mounted on one bearing
Convenient service of augers and transport channels Cleaning of auger channels through service hatches without removal of auger feed Cleaning of auger channels through service hatches without removal of auger feed Cleaning of auger channels is available after disassembly of the feed
Protection of the gearbox and auger against deformation during jamming + + + +
Ease of service of the burner and screw channels Removable torch, maximum service comfort Not collapsible, no possibility of service Difficult collapsible, service possible
Heat exchanger balancing Balanced, the coolant tends to equalize temperatures throughout the volume in the jacket Absent Absent Absent
Automatic burner cleaning for low quality and high ash pellets Add. option for money (movable grate, operation is controlled by boiler controller algorithms) Add. option for money (movable grate, operation is controlled by boiler controller algorithms) There is no constructive possibility of automating the cleaning of the burner There is no constructive possibility of automating the cleaning of the burner
Automatic cleaning of the burner from residual smoldering products when the boiler enters a pause or stop, to prevent the transfer of smoldering to the lower screw of the feed system Complete cleaning of the burner is carried out according to the specified algorithms of the controller, when the burner is equipped with auto-cleaning There is no constructive possibility of implementing the task
Portion of burning pellets Full-fledged, in connection with the tray architecture of the working fluid of the burner Not complete, due to the large bath of the working body of the burner
Ash removal automation Add. money option Add. money option Add. money option
Automation of heat exchanger cleaning A complete technology using a pneumatic block with an impact pressure of 0.6 MPa, controlled by several controller algorithms (during operation, after a pause, after a stop.) Technology of mechanical skinning of surfaces No constructive capability
auto ignition In the basic configuration In the basic configuration Add. money option In the basic configuration for the LUX series
Weather-compensated regulation In the basic configuration (the controller is equipped with functionality and an outdoor air sensor) Absent Absent
Working on a weekly schedule In the basic configuration (the controller is equipped with functionality for programming operating modes by hours of the day for each day of the week) Absent Absent
DHW circuit control In the basic configuration In the basic configuration Absent Absent
Additional management heating circuits In the basic configuration +2 circuits, it is possible to expand up to 7 additional circuits. module Absent Absent
Three way valve control In the basic configuration In the basic configuration Absent Absent
Control via room thermostat Support as standard room regulator Absent Absent
Providing boil protection In the basic configuration In the basic configuration In the basic configuration In the basic configuration
Combustion process control using oxygen sensor LAMBDA PROBE Option (when connecting a lambda probe) Absent Absent
Remote control via the Internet On a computer (demo) and on a smartphone (ios or android) On a computer (demo) and on a smartphone (ios or android) Absent Absent
Remote control via SMS Add. option Add. option Absent Add. option
Controller User Interface Touch screen, no analog buttons Panel on analog buttons with basic screen
Controller interface language Russian + all European languages English Russian

Pyrolysis Master

The Pyrolysis Master company can be characterized by two key words - high manufacturability and efficiency. This is due to the fact that the manufacturer independently develops the design of the equipment and is actively cooperating with European companies that produce boiler equipment under the licensed production scheme.

Industrial pellet boilers Pyrolysis Master are presented in the PELLET PRO 100-1000 kW and PELLET 100-320 kW series. This is an efficient piece of equipment high performance. Heats the room in the shortest possible time and retains heat for a long time.

Heating devices of the PELLET PRO 100-1000 kW series are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of GOST-30735-2001. The working pressure in the boiler jacket is 6 atm. Temperature regime coolant supply - up to 115°C.

The boiler is equipped with automatic equipment for maintaining the set temperature of the coolant at the outlet and an automatic ignition system.

During a temporary power outage, it is possible to heat the boiler with firewood or fuel briquettes.

Boilers can be operated on most types of solid fuel in the form of a pellet fraction. The technical and economic indicators of the boiler declared by the manufacturer are achieved when using fuel with a specific heat of combustion of at least 16.4 MJ / kg. When using fuel with a different calorific value, or with a moisture content of more than 20%, the technical and technical and economic performance of the boiler may differ both upwards and downwards.

The boiler is equipped with automatic equipment for maintaining the set temperature of the coolant at the outlet and an automatic ignition system.

A weather-dependent control system has been implemented, it is possible to control using the built-in programmable thermostat and the ability to control and manage the heating process remotely using additional modules.

The basic volume of the pellet hopper is from 1000 liters and can be increased at the request of the buyer.

Additionally, the boiler device allows, as modules, to install automatic ash removal, automatic pneumatic cleaning of the heat exchanger, controllers for remote control of the boiler using a smartphone or computer via the Internet and via SMS messages, as well as controllers for automating the operation of the hydraulics of the heating system.

Character traits boilers is a twin-screw feed, tray burner. All electrical components and automation are made according to high quality European standards.

Consider the main technical characteristics of both series.

Units of the PELLET PRO 100-1000 kW series are able to effectively heat a room from 1000 to 10000 m².

Pellet boiler Pyrolysis Master PELLET PRO

Complete set and functionality:

  • boiler combustion chamber heat exchanger for industrial type facilities with an operating pressure of 0.6 MPa and a supply temperature of up to 115°C;
  • practical tray-type retort burner with automatic cleaning for pellets with different ash content;
  • equipment operation is fully automated;
  • there is weather-dependent regulation and a weekly schedule for the operation of the heater;
  • a burner made of cast iron, with a twin-screw fuel supply system and a ceramic auto-ignition heater;
  • turbulators;
  • pellet hopper 1-2 m³ (any volume can be custom-made);
  • control heating circuits and three-way valves;
  • differential boiler power control (PID), which ensures the smoothest and most economical operation in all ranges of heat consumption;
  • there are tools designed to service the combustion chamber;
  • burner auto-cleaning ( additional option for pellets with a high ash content - sunflower husk, bark, peat, croaker);
  • SMS control of the heater (additional option);
  • boiler control via PC, smartphone (additional option).

Boilers of the PELLET 100-320 kW series are designed to supply heat to rooms with an area of ​​​​1000-32000 m².

Industrial pellet boiler Pyrolysis Master PELLET

The functionality and characteristics of pellet boilers are as follows:

  • heat exchanger for maximum economical consumption pellet;
  • high performance - efficiency reaches 90% or more;
  • the retort burner is unpretentious to the quality of the pellets, the boiler can be fired even with the cheapest pellets;
  • high-quality European-made electronics guarantee uninterrupted stable operation of the boiler;
  • the burner is made of cast iron, there is a twin-screw fuel supply system and ceramic auto-ignition;
  • boiler automation with sensors;
  • bunker for pellets (on request it can have any volume);
  • burner auto-cleaning (additional option for high-ash pellets: peat, bark, sunflower husk);
  • ash removal system (optional);
  • SMS boiler control (additional option);
  • boiler control via computer, smartphone (additional option).


Pellet boilers manufactured by this manufacturer belong to the category of economical equipment, because. pellets of any quality (wood, buckwheat, shells of peanuts, almonds, pine nuts, coal, firewood, etc.) can act as fuel.

Pellet boiler FACI

FACI boilers are an environmentally friendly type of heating, they can be installed both indoors and outdoors. open systems heating. You do not have to constantly monitor the operation of the equipment, they are very easy to clean.

The package of heating devices includes a volumetric bunker for loading fuel, and on the front side of the boiler there are doors for cleaning. All Faci boilers, in particular industrial ones, are safe to maintain and operate. This is due to their design and built-in automation. The units also have overheating protection.

All boilers have a twin-screw fuel supply system, which means that the flame will not get from the boiler into the bunker. If we compare traditional solid fuel units with FACI, then the latter produce the most economical heat.

Their productivity is high, the efficiency reaches 92%, which indicates that the fuel is burned to the end.

Another important advantage is that pellet boilers produced by FACI are environmentally pure source thermal energy. The design of the devices is such that the fuel burns completely, and in terms of flue gases and emissions into the atmosphere, the units correspond to class A, the best in Europe.

Industrial-type boilers include heating appliances with a power of 105 to 911 kW. Designed for heating and providing hot water in rooms ranging from 1050 to 10000 m².
They are made from high quality durable steel. Due to the fact that the design includes a three-row heat exchanger, high efficiency and energy savings are ensured. The heat exchanger is made of flue seamless steel pipes, which are immersed in water, they are located in the upper part of the combustion chamber, equipped with a downward screw. This indicates that the system is naturally protected from backfire. Devices can work on any kind of crushed fuel.

Specifications and functionality:

  • automatic fuel supply mode (main) - pellets, crushed biomass;
  • manual mode of fuel supply (reserve) - firewood, briquettes;
  • three-row heat exchanger;
  • twin-screw automatic fuel supply system (the risk of fuel ignition in the bunker is reduced to zero);
  • the burner is made of cast iron;
  • the fuel bunker providing uninterrupted functioning of the device;
  • volumetric bowl for burning;
  • digital control panel;
  • air is pre-mixed, which contributes to an increase in efficiency;
  • automatic ash removal system (optional);
  • automatic ignition of the boiler (additional option);
  • automatic cleaning system of the heat exchanger.


Pellet boilers Roteks are produced by ChZSK, a Russian manufacturer of pellet boilers for heating, modular boilers, assemblies and components for boiler equipment. The equipment is considered efficient and is in great demand among domestic users.

Pellet boiler Rotex

As distinctive features This equipment can be distinguished by the presence of a retort burner, which is absolutely unpretentious to the quality of pellets, a three-way heat exchanger - vertical, allows you to keep the surface of the heat exchanger clean.

In this regard, Rotex pellet boilers are characterized by high productivity, the efficiency reaches 93%. If necessary, in specialized stores you can always find spare parts that are much cheaper than imported ones.

Industrial pellet boilers Roteks are presented in a series from 100 to 300 kW in the configuration "LUX" and "ECONOMY".

The technical characteristics of the heaters of both series with the same power do not differ.

Boilers belonging to "LUX" and "ECONOMY" operate on solid granular fuel, comply with the requirements of GOST 20548-87 and GOST 30735-2001, are fully automated. The advantage of the "LUX" series is the option of remote on / off, as well as SMS notifications about the operation of the boiler.

It can be concluded that all three manufacturers are not in vain occupying leading positions in the market, because. release quality equipment. When choosing industrial pellet boilers, it is necessary to analyze all the options well and, based on personal requirements, choose the best option. If you choose a boiler from the three proposed options, then, based on practicality and efficiency, the Pyrolysis Master equipment looks the most attractive. But the final choice is yours.