Toilet      06/23/2020

Enamels for radiators: characteristics of compositions and recommendations for selection. Which paint for radiators is better - types, features of application for radiators Paint for painting radiators

Old batteries lose their aesthetic appearance over time, rust appears, cracks appear on the coating, paint peels off. Agree, changing the radiator in this case is not the best idea. It is much easier, faster and more economical to repaint the battery. Moreover, to update appearance heating device is quite easy.

We will help you choose suitable composition enamels, we will explain how to prepare and how to paint a radiator correctly. We will also outline the nuances that should be taken into account when working with different types of radiators.

The proposed photo ideas will inspire you to choose an interesting solution and implement your design ideas.

There is not always a material, and in many cases, a technical opportunity to deliver new radiator. It is easier to refresh the outside of the heating device if it is still able to serve. In the event that the battery has already had to be repaired or it does not heat well, then it is better.

The painting process as such is not particularly difficult, but this does not mean that you can buy any composition and immediately begin to restore the attractiveness of the radiator.

The paint must be selected according to certain parameters, and the battery must be carefully prepared. If this is not done, then the new coating will not last long, and soon you will have to repeat the process again.

An old cast-iron battery with peeling paint looks very unaesthetic. In addition, the material of its body undergoes oxidation and rust.

When choosing a composition, it is best to focus on options specifically designed for heating appliances. But if there is no such inscription on the label, you should carefully study the instructions and find data on its heat resistance.

Coating requirements:

  • Thermal resistance. The composition applied to the radiator housing must withstand temperatures up to 80-90 degrees and be flawless for the time promised by the manufacturer.
  • Adhesion. It is necessary that the composition has good adhesion to the surface to be painted. Did not exfoliate during heating and alternating heating / cooling.
  • Corrosion protection. The composition must contain anti-corrosion substances so that the coating in direct contact with the body does not cause its destruction.
  • Color fastness. An unconditional condition, because radiators are painted for aesthetic purposes, among other reasons.
  • Abrasion resistance. From direct contact with a variety of furnishings, dried things, etc. the coating should not thin.
  • Safety. It is very important that the composition does not contain components harmful to health.

Heating batteries, like it or not, are very often an integral element of the interior of the premises, which means that they need a certain decoration and regular maintenance. In order for the heating radiators to look neat, to serve trouble-free for as long as possible, and the paint layer to hold securely on them, without cracking and peeling, despite high temperatures, it is necessary to use special heat-resistant paints and varnishes for these purposes.

Which paint for radiators is better to choose - this question arises for all homeowners who decide to upgrade old heating appliances or are preparing to install new ones purchased unpainted. To understand what you need to pay attention to when buying a paintwork material, you need to consider the requirements for them.

What criteria must meet the paint for heating radiators

Compositions for painting radiators and heating pipes differ somewhat in their parameters from conventional paints, therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with their main physical, technical and operational characteristics, to which experts recommend paying special attention.

  • First of all, the paint must be safe for the residents of the apartment or house, that is, it must not emit toxic fumes during the entire period of operation. Therefore, when buying, it is necessary to study the composition of the paint and its compliance with accepted standards and norms. Imported paint from European manufacturers, whose brands are presented in a large assortment on Russian market, must comply with European standards, and domestic products must comply with the norms of the current GOST. If the package contains a link not to standards, but to some mysterious specifications ( specifications), then this can be considered an “amateur” of the manufacturer, and it is better to immediately refuse such paint - its compliance with safety standards is not guaranteed in any way.
  • The heat resistance of the paint should not be lower than +80 degrees, otherwise it may crack, peel off or turn yellow. Moreover, this indicator should be considered the minimum allowable - it is better if it is even higher.
  • It is desirable that the paint composition be quick-drying - this factor will significantly speed up the work, since the paint is usually applied in two layers.
  • The anti-corrosion properties of the paint will protect the surface of the radiators from external aggressive influences. This is usually taken into account in the production of coating formulations. metal surfaces.
  • Some paints emit a sharp bad smell- they can be chosen only for those rooms that can be thoroughly ventilated.
  • Moisture resistance for radiator paint is necessary for the possibility of unhindered wet cleaning with the use of detergents.
  • The thermal conductivity of the paint layer must be high enough, otherwise it will reduce heat transfer from heating devices.

Types of compounds used for painting appliances and pipes of the heating system

For painting radiators and pipes of the heating circuit, paints are produced on different bases. Each of them has its positive and negative sides, and they must also be kept in mind so that these moments do not turn out to be unexpected.

Varieties by base and component composition

So, heat-resistant paints can be oil, alkyd, water-dispersion (acrylic or silicone) and powder.

Oil paints

They are made on the basis of various organic oils, and not so long ago it was practically no alternative for painting radiators. Such paints have a high hiding power, creating a dense and durable layer on the surface of the batteries, resistant to various mechanical stresses and well withstanding high temperatures.

However, in our time they have been practically abandoned, since many other compositions have appeared that are devoid of significant drawbacks inherent in oil paints:

  • These paints have a rather unpleasant specific smell, which not only accompanies the process of painting and drying surfaces, but can also appear during the operation of the batteries, with very strong heating of the radiators.
  • The density of the layer formed on the radiators significantly reduces the useful heat transfer of the sections.
  • There is a certain difficulty in applying the composition on such a basis - unlike other paints, it is difficult to apply an oil paint in a perfectly even layer.
  • When applying too thick a layer, the paint may begin to crack and peel off during the operation of heating devices.
  • Over time, surfaces lose their luster and begin to turn yellow.
  • colorful coating on oil based does not preserve the metal well enough from corrosive processes and quite often you can see rust that has appeared on the surface of the batteries.
  • Oil paint is characterized by the longest period of complete drying, and when applied it is very difficult to avoid smudges.

In a word, numerous shortcomings clearly outweigh the advantages (the main of which is affordable cost). Name this paint good option for heating radiators - difficult.

Alkyd enamels for radiators

Alkyd-based heat-resistant paints consist of a dispersion of pigments and special additives mixed in pentaphthalic or glyptal varnish. They are quite popular, as they have a number of advantages that allow you to reliably protect the surface of radiators from external negative influences, as well as give them a neat and aesthetic appearance.

Almost all heat-resistant alkyd enamels perfectly withstand the highest temperatures that even theoretically can occur in the heating circuit - this performance parameter is usually indicated on the product packaging. The surface painted by them has perfect smoothness and even gloss, the paint layer does not turn yellow and does not peel off over time.

Alpina radiator enamel prices

Enamel for Alpina radiators

Alkyd enamels have a fairly high wear resistance, are produced in various color scheme, which allows, if desired, to choose the right color for the overall interior of the room.

However, despite the listed advantages, such compositions also have their drawbacks:

  • Alkyd-based paints, which include white spirit, have an unpleasant pungent odor. It persists not only for several days after staining, but can even appear at first if the radiators are heated too much;
  • Enough long time waiting for each of the layers to dry can increase the period of painting work to several days.

Alkyd enamels are also available in the form of aerosols. However, it cannot be said that in a similar way covering batteries is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.

Acrylic heat-resistant enamels

This variety paint and varnish compositions is widely used for painting elements of heating systems, as the dried layer makes the surface perfectly smooth and even, outwardly even resembling plastic. Acrylic paints are practically odorless, both during the painting process and during the operation of the heating system.

When purchasing acrylic paint, you must first study the packaging, paying attention to the manufacturer and the purpose of the composition. Special attention- the temperature that the paint can withstand, since not all acrylic coatings are designed even for 80 ºС, not to mention higher values.

Acrylic paints dry quickly - the time for their setting and complete drying is indicated in the instructions for use, and can be from ten minutes to an hour and a half for the first stage, and five hours until one layer is completely ready. In order for the coating to turn out to be of high quality, it is necessary to protect the painted batteries from moisture on them during the entire drying period.

Acrylic solutions of paints have a consistency of medium density of sour cream, they do not spread, and practically do not leave smudges. The paint must be applied to the cleaned primed surface in two coats, otherwise desired effect will not work. A significant disadvantage of acrylic compositions can be considered their low resistance to external mechanical influences, including abrasive loading.

Silicone paints for metal

High-quality silicone compounds have the ability to maintain their characteristics even when heated to critically high temperatures, so the paint based on it will withstand any heat that can be in the heating system. Paints are made on the basis of silicone resin, which is kneaded with organic or aqueous solvents. After the applied layer dries, it acquires a semi-matt sheen.

The silicone compound can be applied to an unprepared metal surface. It is resistant to mechanical stress, to abrasion load, and therefore is very durable.

The only significant drawback of this radiator paint option is its high price, so it is not as popular among consumers as compared to other formulations.

Powder paints

This type of paint consists of a special pigment powder and special binding additives. It can be called the most durable and durable coating for heating radiators, but it will not work to apply it in an apartment.

An obstacle to self-painting with a powder composition is the technology itself, that is, the creation of the necessary conditions for this process:

  • Firstly, you need special equipment with which the paint will be sprayed onto the surface of the radiator, but it is very expensive.
  • Secondly, you need a source of accurately verified constant voltage for applying the composition - the powder is given a positive charge, and the surface to be coated is negative.
  • Thirdly, coloring should be carried out in special chamber, where after applying the composition, a certain temperature regime is created. To ensure the process of polymerization of the applied powder dye, the surface of the radiator must be heated to a temperature of +170 to 350 degrees (the specific value depends on the characteristics of the composition).

It is clear that it is absolutely impossible to achieve such conditions at home, therefore this type of coloring is most often produced under production conditions. If you want to paint your radiators with a powder composition, you can find a car repair shop that specializes in bodywork, and which is equipped with a set of equipment for painting cars using this technology.

Prices for enamel for Tex radiators

Tex Radiator Enamel

Matte and glossy paint

Heat-resistant paint, like any other, is also divided into glossy and matte. Which one to choose - it will directly depend on the quality of the surface of the radiators.

So, for example, for old-style cast-iron batteries (such as MS-140) with rough outer walls, it is best to use glossy paints - their gloss will slightly hide surface irregularities. In addition, the glossy layer is easier to clean from the contaminants formed on them and remains in its original clean form longer.

Matte paint, on the contrary, will emphasize the flaws in the surface of the radiator. In addition, it will not hide the porosity of the surface, which for this reason will be more susceptible to contamination. Therefore, if white matte paint is chosen for cast-iron batteries, then it will quickly acquire a gray tint. It is problematic to wash the matte surface, and it will be possible to get rid of the unpleasant gray color only with a new stain.

For perfect smooth surfaces modern heating radiators, any option is acceptable in terms of the degree of gloss of the paint.

One more nuance. Sometimes manufacturers add fine chalk to the paint to achieve a dull effect. However, what is good for walls and ceilings is absolutely unacceptable for the metal surfaces of radiators. If in component composition paint indicates this ingredient, then it is better to refuse such an acquisition, since the painted surface of the battery will turn yellow over time, and quickly enough. The best option for a matte paint would be a composition that includes titanium dioxide in its composition, since it will not change its original color throughout the entire period of operation.

A brief overview of popular compositions for painting radiators

Of course, any homeowner, when starting a repair, wants to do it once and for all, so as not to return to the problem of painting radiators in a year or two. This means that it would be advisable to purchase a high-quality specialized composition, even if its price will be slightly higher than conventional paint.

The table below presents some of the well-known brands of the most commonly used alkyd and acrylic based paints, with a brief description of them. characteristic features. Perhaps this information will help determine the choice of the optimal material.

Company, logoIllustration - factory packaging of the compositionThe main characteristics of the paint
"TEX" (Russia)
This enamel for radiators is made on an acrylic basis. It is intended for painting pipes of the heating system and batteries.
The paint is recommended for use in living rooms, its harmlessness is also evidenced by the fact that it is certified for use in medical and preventive and children's institutions.
Since the paint is universal, it can be used not only on batteries, but also on other pre-prepared and primed materials such as wood, concrete or brick. In addition, the paint fits well on surfaces previously painted with acrylic and alkyd enamels.
The colorful composition has no unpleasant odors and is absolutely fireproof.
semi-gloss acrylic paint it is produced in white color, but it can be tinted with Prof-Tex color pigment, which is added to the paint, in an amount of not more than 10% of the total mass, and depending on the desired tone of the shade.
The main characteristics of this acrylic enamel:
- Density of the solution: 1.1÷1.2 kg/l.
- Composition consumption: 1 liter per 8÷10 m², provided that the surface is painted in one layer and depending on its absorbency and application method.
The heat resistance of this type of paint solution is 75÷80 ºС, short-term heating up to +120 ºС is allowed.
The paint can be applied to warm radiators, with a temperature not exceeding 45 ºС.
The solution is resistant to detergents without abrasive constituents.
The dry coat has abrasion resistance class 1 according to ISO 11998/DIN EN 13300, whereby it withstands 10,000 brush strokes.
The paint is packaged in metal containers of 400÷800 ml.
The approximate price for a 400-gram jar is 115÷200 rubles.
This enamel is designed specifically for coating heating appliances. Consists of alkyd resin, various additives, titanium dioxide and white spirit.
The solution forms a reliable durable coating on cast-iron and steel radiators, as well as heating circuit pipes. Suitable for surfaces previously spray-painted or manually and has a high hiding power.
Paint Specifications:
- Heat resistance of the coating is up to 120 ºС.
- Paint consumption: 1 liter per 14 m².
- Density of the solution: 1.20 g per 1 cm³.
The paint is produced in white and forms a glossy non-yellowing layer on the surface of the batteries.
The time for complete drying of the enamel at an air humidity of 65% and a temperature of 20 degrees is 24 hours.
The paint is applied to a rust-free, primed and dried surface.
Products are packaged in metal cans with a volume of 0.75 and 2.5 liters, its average price, respectively, is 550 and 1450 ÷ 1650 rubles.
"Śnieżka" (Poland)
This paint is made on an acrylic basis, packaged in metal cans of 0.4 and 0.75 liters, and it is intended for protective decorative coating elements of the heating circuit.
Paint consumption is 1 liter per 10 m², application is recommended in two layers.
Heat resistance of dried layers - 80 ºС.
The paint is produced in white, but it can be given any shade by adding pigments designed for acrylic-based paints.
The drying time of one layer at a temperature above +10 degrees is one hour.
The price of a 0.4-liter jar can be 220-320 rubles
DULUX (Great Britain)
This type of paint is positioned as an option for radiators and furniture. It is produced on water based from an acrylic copolymer dispersion.
When applied and dried, the solution forms a glossy layer on the surface. The composition is excellent for painting new and previously painted wood and metal surfaces.
The base on which the paint will be applied is recommended to be primed - this layer will create good adhesion between the mortar and the surface to be painted.
In addition to wood and metal, the paint is also suitable for mineral surfaces - this is plaster, concrete and brick, and in fact, the solution can be called universal.
The colorful composition is easily applied without smudges and splashing, and after drying, an elastic, resistant to temperature and humidity changes layer is formed on the surface.
Painted products dry quickly, do not have an unpleasant odor, the coating does not change color under the influence of elevated temperatures, that is White color does not turn yellow, and other shades do not fade.
Other paint characteristics:
- Density of the composition: 1.28 kg/l;
- Paint consumption: 1 kg per 10 m²;
- Heat resistance of the paint layer reaches + 90 ºС.
The paint mortar is produced in a semi-gloss and glossy version, which allows you to choose the one that is more suitable for a particular surface.
The paint goes on sale in metal containers with a volume of 2.5 liters, the average cost of production is 2000÷2050 rubles.
Belinka (Slovenia)
Heat-resistant paint for protective and decorative coating of radiators and other elements of the heating circuit.
The solution consists of high quality modified alkyd resin, fillers, pigments, additives and organic solvents. The paint, thanks to high-quality components, does not change color and original glossy sheen throughout the entire period of operation.
Enamel "Belinka Email Radiator" is used to cover old and new products installed in the circuit of the heating system. The composition is applied to a dry surface cleaned of dust, dirt and rust. If it is planned to paint new batteries, or completely cleaned of old paint, then it is recommended to prime them before applying this solution.
When applying two layers of paint composition, the second should be applied only a day after the first has completely dried.
One liter of paint is enough for 3÷5 m².
The solution is packaged in jars with a volume of 0.75 liters, and its average cost is 480 rubles.
"Alpina" (Germany)
This enamel is intended for painting cast iron, copper, aluminum and steel radiators and all other details heating system, as it has high heat resistance (up to +100 degrees) and good adhesion to any metal surfaces.
The solution includes alkyd resin, mineral fillers, titanium dioxide, white spirit, their proportions comply with European norms and standards.
The colorful composition is produced in white, and if desired, can be tinted in one of the selected shades.
The paint creates an excellent protective glossy, scratch-resistant coating on the radiators.
The solution is usually applied in two layers, the second of them after the previous one has completely dried, after about 8-10 hours.
Coloring is recommended to be done at a temperature of at least + 20 degrees and air humidity of 65%.
The paint is applied to cleaned and degreased surfaces.
The consumption of this paint per 1m² is 90÷120 ml per one layer, the drying time of which is 3÷5 hours.
The cost of a can of 0.75 liters is 530 ÷ 760, and a bucket of 2.5 liters is 1890 ÷ 2050 rubles.
"Lacra" is a heat-resistant acrylic enamel used to protect and tidy priors and pipes of heating systems. The versatility of the composition also allows it to be used on wood, concrete and brick surfaces, and one package will be enough to solve several problems.
The paint has high heat resistance, so the coating can be used at temperatures up to +100 ºС.
Radiators coated with this paint do not lose their chosen color and glossy surface during the entire period of operation.
Enamel, if necessary, is diluted with water, but not more than 5% of the total volume.
Batteries can be coated in one or two layers, the second of which is applied after the first has completely dried.
The paint goes on sale in containers of 0.9 or 2.4 liters. The price of this paint is 540÷640 rubles for a 2.4 liter plastic bucket.
The KUDO company produces enamel spray for painting heating radiators.
White paint is marked KU-5101 and is made on an alkyd basis. It has good hiding power, is quite economical, easy to use, suitable for old, painted radiators, as well as for new or completely cleaned of old paint.
After applying the composition to the surface, it dries completely after 6÷8 hours, depending on the temperature and humidity of the environment.
The paint does not lose its original luster during operation and does not fade.
The coating steadfastly withstands the heating temperature of the batteries up to +80 degrees.
The weight of the balloon is 0.36 kg, and the price can vary from 155 to 240 rubles.
KUDO produces not only white spray paint, but also silver, and if desired and suitable for interior design, you can choose a second, more original version.

The information presented above leads to the conclusion that there is no shortage of high-quality paint compositions for heating radiators. In the assortment of stores you can find products from well-known manufacturers, and it is best to choose it, as such materials have passed the test of time and have earned their popularity due to their impeccable quality and durability. Of course, branded products have a higher price, but it's better to pay once and forget about it. repair work for several years than to spend money, time and effort on painting appliances and heating system circuits every year.

How much paint does it take to paint a radiator?

Paint manufacturers always indicate its average consumption. It would seem that everything is simple. But this is if you paint, for example, the front surface panel radiator heating: it will not be difficult to determine the required area there. Another thing is if you have to paint sectional cast-iron "accordions".

IN technical specifications heating radiators often indicate their total area - if desired, this parameter can also be found on the Internet. But in order not to force the reader to waste time on this, a special calculator has been compiled that will help to carry out calculations very quickly and accurately.

  • The calculator takes into account the parameters of the most common cast iron radiators series "MS" and "ChM" of various modifications. In addition, it is possible to simultaneously take into account the additional consumption of material, if it is also planned to paint the supply and return pipes suitable for the radiator.
  • Paint costs for the calculation are taken averaged, by type - oil, alkyd PF, acrylic and silicone. Despite some differences between different brands of coatings, the approximate consumption is still at about the same level. This takes into account the condition that the staining is done in white.
  • Different manufacturers do not have unity in measuring consumption - volumetric values ​​\u200b\u200bare indicated in ml / m² (or vice versa, m² / l), or by weight (kg / m²). It is still more objective to judge by the weight equivalent (as is customary in construction planning), since the volume of any paint can be increased by adding a solvent, but its hiding power will not increase from this - it depends precisely on the mass of the material. Therefore, for a unified approach, the final value will be given exactly in kilograms - on the factory packaging of paints, in addition to volume, the net weight of the packaged paint must also be indicated.

Thanks to coloring, heating batteries become more presentable and receive additional protection from corrosion. But the paint for heating radiators must be chosen correctly so that the updated coating lasts as long as possible.

We will help you in this matter. The article lists the requirements for enamels, describes the advantages and disadvantages different colors. It also provides an overview of companies whose paints and varnishes have proven wear resistance in practice.

There should be no problems with painting old solid problems. You just need to choose the right paint for them. But with radiators made of aluminum or stainless steel, the situation is radically different.

Initially, they are painted in the factory with a powder method with heat treatment. On top of this paintwork, it is problematic to apply a new layer of paintwork materials at home with your own hands.

The vast majority of manufacturers of non-cast iron heaters consider unauthorized painting of the battery surface as a reason to void the factory warranty.

Any damage or peeling of the paint layer on a newly purchased radiator is a manufacturing defect. Such equipment must be replaced. No one has canceled the warranty period yet.

Manufacturers of aluminum and steel radiators in the instructions for their products categorically prohibit their additional coloring

After drying, enamel paints create a durable and monolithic layer on the surface, through which air is not able to pass by definition.

If oxygen is left even a small chance to seep through the paintwork, then you can immediately forget about protecting the metal from corrosion. And protective functions are often the main reason for painting radiators.

At the same time, in the passports for all heating batteries there is a categorical prohibition on painting over the air outlet of the automatic air vent. If paint is applied to it, then it will be impossible to bleed air from the heating system if necessary. This point must be monitored during painting work.

The coloring of both aluminum and stainless steel at the factories is carried out with powder coloring compositions, which, after application, are “baked” in special boxes at a high temperature. Create at home the necessary conditions impossible.

And ordinary oil and other paints do not last long on such radiators. Due to low adhesion, they will inevitably flake off aluminum and steel surfaces.

If the paint is on aluminum battery started to slide, it’s easier to buy a new radiator - a paint layer applied at home on them can last a maximum of two to three years

Reliable painting of aluminum requires special painting equipment, as well as epoxy primers and enamels. All this costs a lot of money.

In addition, the slightest non-compliance with the technology inevitably leads to peeling of the applied coating. There is another option with anodic oxidation, but this is again technologically difficult and requires certain knowledge.

If there is a successful experience in painting a car body and appropriate paintwork materials, then you can take up painting, otherwise you should not do it. It is better to purchase a new heater or simply close a peeling decorative screen.

A separate topic is convectors with private fins made of steel plates (“comb”) strung on a pair of pipes. Such batteries were often installed in 1970-80s in panel high-rise buildings. You cannot paint the lamellar ribs themselves. This will lead to a sharp decrease in heat transfer.

At the same time, getting to the pipes in the middle will also not work, even with a very narrow brush. These surfaces are best left alone.

On such radiators, there are usually dampers made of iron. Here they can and should be painted to give them an aesthetic appearance. Conventional heat-resistant paints are suitable here.

enamel requirements

The main thing in choosing a paint for a home heating radiator is its heat resistance. If the marking of the can indicates that the composition has an operating temperature below + 80 ° C, then you should not take such paintwork for painting the battery.

Conventional paints and varnishes are not originally intended for painting heated elements of the heating system. After turning on the heating, they will begin to peel off or turn yellow.

Paint for self-coloring of the heater must be at the same time:

  • heat-resistant - at least + 80 ° С, and preferably + 100 ° С;
  • moisture resistant and resistant to abrasion;
  • non-toxic;
  • with high thermal conductivity;
  • quick-drying.

Some, due to inexperience with batteries, choose ordinary non-heat-resistant paint for interiors. As a result, when heat is applied, it turns yellow or changes its original shade.

This is due to the presence of chalk or polymers in its composition, which are not designed for high temperatures. Therefore, both the binder and the pigment must be heat resistant.

The paint on the battery is usually applied in two layers. The faster each of them dries, the faster the radiator will be ready to work. Moreover, often the faster the paintwork material dries, the more pungent the smell of the composition.

So that the family is not forced to inhale these ambers, it is often easier to remove the heater from the pipes and paint it somewhere in the garage or on the street.

But most of these enamels presented in stores are not suitable for radiators. Choose a heat-resistant composition here should be as careful as possible.

Alkyd paint with titanium white as a pigment is, although expensive, but the most ideal material for painting. cast iron battery And steel pipes heating

Depending on the solvents and modifying additives present in the composition, this enamel is divided into many varieties. Of all, it is worth highlighting the organic and organosilicon species. The first paint has a pungent odor, and the second - increased heat resistance.

organosilicon alkyd paint based on polyorganosiloxane polymers are used for painting not only batteries, but also stoves, chimneys, boilers and fireplaces. It does not contain salts, which, when heated, begin to crystallize, thereby reducing the strength of the paint layer.

This enamel calmly tolerates temperatures up to +600°C. However, when using it, it is necessary to take care of high-quality ventilation of the room. When it dries, it releases toxic fumes, so it is best to painting work produce on the street.

Option #4: Silver

If white is not a must, then you can also use the good old silver. This is aluminum powder mixed with solvent and bituminous varnish. At the same time, you should not take ready-made paints (for example, BT-177), which by definition do not differ in heat resistance.

It is best to prepare silverfish yourself from PAP-1 powder and BT-577 varnish. When they are mixed in the right proportions, you can get a paint designed for temperatures of 300-400 ° C.

It is only necessary to observe the ratio of components prescribed in the instructions for preparing this composition. Such a coating on a heating battery will last more than one year.

Brief overview of manufacturers

On sale there are heat-resistant paints and varnishes for painting heating systems, both imported and domestic. Both of them are quite suitable for coloring the battery in a cottage or apartment.

Among the main manufacturing companies can be mentioned:

  1. Scandinavian TIKKURILA with the "Termal" series.
  2. German DUFA series "Thermo" and "Aqua-Heizkorperlack".
  3. Russian TEX with special "enamel for radiators".
  4. Polish SNIEZKA.
  5. Slovenian BELINKA.
  6. Russian LAKRA.

There are many options with different prices and composition, there are plenty to choose from. Moreover, when choosing a primer for paint, it is best to opt for products from one manufacturer. Experimenting with mixing what is cheaper is not worth it.

An overview of popular thermal paints that are used to paint radiators, metal stoves and other elements of the heating circuit is given in.

The heating radiator should not be painted with the first paint that caught your eye. For these purposes, special heat-resistant enamels should be chosen.

If we take the usual paint material, then the coating from it when the battery is heated will quickly become unusable. Also, when choosing, you need to look so that among the components there is no chalk that turns yellow when heated.

Are you looking for quality paint for heating radiators? Or there is an experience of application of heat-resistant enamels? Please leave comments on the article, ask questions and participate in the discussion of the material.

Paint for heating radiators is simply necessary, as it performs the function protective coating. It prevents corrosion and damage during operation. heating element for a long time. To extend the life of the radiator, you need to use only high-quality enamel.

As a standard, paint for radiators should be odorless, non-toxic and more or less resistant to mechanical damage and thermal shock. The chemical industry represents a huge range of products that belong to this niche, but it is important to make the right choice in accordance with all characteristics. So which paint is best?

It is wrong to think that a radiator for heating can be coated with any paint with a high quality index or a significant cost. So, in the past, oil or aluminum paint was often used for heating radiators. Considering them to be the best option for this device, the use was ubiquitous.

Painting radiators using such substances is unacceptable under these conditions, since their function does not imply protection of the metal surface during high temperatures. Thus, the paint on the radiators quickly fades, cracks and even peels off, requiring re-treatment.

Imperfect versions were replaced by paints more suitable for thermal elements. Most best options is the following types of enamel:

  • Alkyd. This composition can be used at temperatures not higher than 150 degrees. When the temperature rises, the color gamut does not change in any way. The paint has an unpleasant smell, which disappears after one week after staining. The cost is quite high.
  • Acrylic paint for radiators. This is an odorless paint that can withstand approximately 80 degrees. Only white paint is on sale, in which a dye is added. Affordable price and the availability of the product often put it in the first place.

  • Silicone aluminum. Long-term use can be up to five years without re-coating. Range temperature regime goes up to 500 degrees. The elasticity and adaptability of the composition to thermal expansion and contraction make the enamel practically invulnerable. The cost of such a substance is quite high, while there is an unpleasant odor that is retained for a long time. Such analogues dry quickly.

Related article: Varieties latex paint and its features

  • Aluminum with heat-resistant varnish. In the people, such paint is called silver. Used for maximum temperature at 200 degrees. It should be applied only to a prepared heater and it is advisable to use it in non-residential premises. The composition contains many variations of petroleum products, which makes the enamel non-environmental. Smells bad and lasts a long time. Cost is moderate, availability is wide.

The advantage of such paint coatings in comparison with standard options is obvious. Odorless paint for heating radiators cannot be completely, but there are other positive characteristics.

The above compounds are resistant to thermal effects, wear-resistant during operation and do not have a persistent unpleasant odor.

What paint is better to choose

The aesthetic appearance of the radiator will largely depend not only on the cost of the selected paint, but also on compatibility with the material of the radiator itself, as well as the features of its design. What paint to paint? For primary staining, it is better to use glossy options. Paint for painting re-type heating batteries is used exactly matte - its base will hide all the irregularities and shortcomings of the radiator.

Consider examples of staining different types radiators according to their features:

  • Paint for cast iron heating radiators has many nuances when painting, which relate to irregularities and not quite aesthetic joints, seams. In most cases, even matte paint does not hide all the nuances. The only right decision would be to use colored paint that repeats the shade of the interior design of the walls. If there is a need to color the battery in bright hues, then the base of the device is pre-putty.

  • Aluminum and bimetal radiators it is better to paint with powder paints, but not white. The downside is that it is almost impossible to process at home. First, you need special tools. Secondly, in order to perform high-quality staining, special skills are needed.

Related article: Varieties of polyurethane paint and its application

  • Spray paints, that is, paints in spray cans, on present stage are the most popular. This feature is inherent in the fact that the method of applying the agent to the surface is the simplest. The main thing is to cover the wall with some material so that it does not get dirty. It is often necessary to apply at least two coats to level the surface. It is a quick dry option.

It is better when choosing a paint to seek help from a specialist. The seller will be able to suggest which paint is best correlated with a particular type of radiator. It is necessary to take into account the preferences that relate to interior design.

Often, with the help of several types of paints, it is possible to create a visual combination regarding tone or color. It does not make sense to single out any one section of the battery.

On the video: how to quickly transform an old battery.

Preparatory work

After the choice of paint for the radiator is made in accordance with the requirements for the composition and functional features product, you can start preparatory stage. It consists of the following actions:

1. First, it is worth treating the surface of the radiator. Usually secondary painting is carried out, so it is important to accurately assess the condition of the radiator before processing. If at least five layers of paint have already been applied to the battery, then it is better to remove the excess with the help of mechanized cleaning.

2. In case of severe damage to the previously applied layers, if the paint is cracked or peeling, it must be completely removed to the very base of the metal. For this, special machines or chemical flushing agents are used. This procedure should be carried out especially well.

3. In the case when there are no more than three layers, it is enough to perform surface treatment sandpaper. It is worth choosing the fine-grained one. All streaks and drops that have formed as a result of preliminary staining are preliminarily cut off. It is necessary that the surface is smooth, without the slightest roughness.

4. After sandpaper processing, processing is carried out chemicals that degrease the surface. This can be done with acetone or a solvent. Often such work requires several degrees of processing. Only after that enamel is applied to the surface.

Heating batteries are an inconspicuous element of our house and harmoniously fit into its interior if they are new, shining with fresh paint. But if the batteries are already old, the paint on them is faded and swollen, then in this state they are striking and are unlikely to decorate the house. The problem can be solved by replacing the batteries. But this is expensive and not always justified, so there is another way out - to repaint the batteries. For this purpose, a special paint for heating radiators is used. Its purpose is to protect the surface of the batteries from corrosion, giving them the desired color, as well as a decent appearance. And if earlier pipelines were painted only in white, now they are painted in the color that best suits the design of the room. Our article will discuss how to choose a paint for heating radiators and how to properly paint them.

Rules for choosing the right paint

From right choice paint depends on the final result. Here you should take into account the requirements that apply to paint for batteries and heating pipes. This:

  • high heat resistance (not less than 100°С);
  • abrasion resistance;
  • resistance to aggressive environments;
  • lack of toxicity.

Paints specially designed for painting heating batteries are of the following types:

  1. acrylic enamels. Produced on organic solvents, therefore, their drying is accompanied by the release of the characteristic smell of the solvent. But the result is a pleasant glossy sheen that lasts for many years.
  2. Alkyd enamels. The surface painted with such paint is resistant to high temperatures and abrasion. This paint is available in a fairly wide range of colors, it is possible to choose any color you like, so it is very popular among consumers. The disadvantage is also an unpleasant odor, which persists for several days after painting, but can resume at high temperatures.
  3. Water-dispersion paints. This choice is considered optimal, since these formulations do not have a specific odor and dry much faster. It is only necessary to pay attention to the marking on the packaging: for painting heating batteries and pipelines.

There is also oil paint, but recently it has been little used for this purpose, this option has become obsolete. What paint for radiators is better? Each of them has its pros and cons, so the choice ultimately remains with the consumer.

Paint for heating radiators must be heat-resistant, abrasion-resistant and free of harmful substances

Preparing Batteries for Processing

To achieve high-quality coloring batteries, you need to properly prepare their surface for painting. Preparatory work before painting take longer than the painting itself.

Batteries are prepared for painting in the following order:

  1. Thoroughly clean the surface before painting: remove old layer paint, and the places where rust has appeared are cleaned to a metallic sheen. Dust and dirt are wiped off with a damp cloth, and old paint removed with a spatula and special solutions for rinsing.
  2. The washing solution is applied to the surface of the battery and covered with a softening film. After this, the paint is easily removed with a spatula, grinder or a metal brush worn on a drill. In this case, it is advisable to wear construction gloves on your hands and protect the respiratory tract with a respirator or gauze bandage.
  3. Next, the surface of the battery is sanded with sandpaper, then degreased with white spirit or any slightly alkaline solution.
  4. An anti-corrosion primer is applied to a well-cleaned surface, which will not only protect it from corrosion, but also increase the adhesion of the paint to the battery surface. For this, an alkyd-based primer is best suited.

The primer must be chosen one that has anti-corrosion properties (this is usually indicated on the bank), otherwise after a while the rust will appear again. On a well-prepared surface, the paint will lie perfectly.

In order for the battery painting to turn out to be of high quality, it is necessary to carefully prepare its surface - wipe off the old paint, remove rust, wash dust and dirt

In modern construction stores a wide range of paints are offered, which already contain a primer and a rust converter. They are convenient in that they are applied to heating batteries without pre-training basics.

Painting process technology

Now let's look at how to paint a radiator in order to achieve good result. This must be done with the heating turned off, otherwise in some areas the paint will dry too quickly, lie in an uneven layer, smudges will form that look ugly. Of course, there is a special paint on sale that is intended for use on hot radiators, but it can also lie unevenly if the heating is not blocked.

Currently, heating batteries are painted in colors that are most suitable for overall design room interior

If there is no other way out and you have to paint the heater during the heating period, then you need to at least turn off the hot water supply yourself or contact the housing office workers with this request. The temperature on the radiator in this case will drop significantly.

So, if you have already decided which paint is best for painting radiators, you can proceed directly to the painting process:

  1. First of all, you need to take care of protecting the floor from contamination with paint stains. To do this, lay under the batteries waste paper or fabric.
  2. We choose small brushes with soft bristles, one straight, the other curved, to paint hard-to-reach places.
  3. Apply paint first at the top of the battery and move towards the bottom. The battery is painted from all sides: first, internal floors, then external ones, in order to avoid staining hands and clothes. After the 1st layer of paint has dried, a second one is applied. You need to remember the rule that two thin layers are better for paint than one thick one. After all, only in the first case will a uniform and smooth paint coating be guaranteed.

The radiator can also be painted with a spray gun or from a spray can.

Painting a heating battery with heat-resistant paint from a spray can is convenient and fast, while the paint lays down in a thin even layer

When using an airbrush, it is recommended to remove the battery so that all hard-to-reach areas can be painted. Coloring with a can filled with heat-resistant paint is carried out very quickly and efficiently. Usually, detailed instructions for painting surfaces with a spray can are given on its packaging. Basic rule: perform zigzag movements from top to bottom at a distance of about 30 cm from the surface to be painted.

Before painting radiators, it is important to study the technology of this process, because its observance will ensure an attractive appearance of the heater and its reliability.