In a private house      03.03.2020

Owner's yard in a private house. The design of the courtyard of a private house is a magical transformation of a summer cottage (photo). The choice of canopy design

Landscape design of a plot of a private house of an urban or country type is a process no less time-consuming, costly and creative than in your own apartment. However, if in the first case, for the most part, only your relatives and friends admire the results of your work, then in the case of landscaping, so to speak, adjoining territory everyone around you can admire the result of your work and efforts. Today, the editors of the site will show you what the area near the house can be, and how to properly organize the landscape design of a private house, a photo of which you will definitely post on social networks.

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Landscaping of adjacent territories of private houses with photo examples

In order for all work on the improvement of the local area to take place harmoniously and correctly, and the end result could only please their owners, neighbors and guests, planning should be approached very deliberately and seriously. And every piece of land should carry some kind of semantic load.

Advice! Formulate in advance for yourself the idea that you would like to implement on your site. It could be a stone patio style Japanese garden or aerial structure with flower beds and gazebo.

front yard

The front yard is the face of the house, guests get here, neighbors walk here, it is here that the envious look of a neighbor who did not dare to ennoble her plot will fall. facades can be very different. In our opinion, there must be a cozy path here that will lead guests to a cozy one. No? Then check out other ideas.

Any idea has the right to exist. For two reasons: you are the masters of your life, and, secondly, how else can you arouse the envy of your neighbors.


If the area of ​​​​a country house is not too large, then it is often difficult to realize all the wishes and ideas. In such circumstances, consideration should be given to the possibility of combining different zones that can be quickly transformed.

Do not forget that any changes you come up with, one way or another, will affect the appearance of the entire site, including. So think about the changes in a way that doesn't make your yard look ridiculous. An ill-conceived layout and busting with decorative elements will make the local area look like patchwork quilt. The back yard is, first of all, a place of solitude. Therefore, here you can triple or summer dining.

patio area

The patio is a secluded backyard fenced decorative wall, gallery or lattice. And, by the way, the patio was not immediately associated with the obligatory refectory, which, of course, is best organized away from hidden eyes. Beautiful patios have been popular since Ancient Rome. Cozy courtyards were richly decorated, and noisy feasts were held here. And today the patio is most of all associated with the opportunity not only to relax, but also to have a snack in the fresh air.

Design of the courtyard of a private house with a photo of the functional areas of modern courtyards

Modern courtyards are without fail decorated taking into account the following mandatory rules, which should provide comfort not only to the owners, but also to guests. In a private house must be present:

  1. Parking for guests and family.
  2. Well maintained and safe.
  3. Availability and canopy.
  4. House with a canopy.
  5. Children playground.

All these elements, if possible, should complement each other. Examples of how to properly organize the space can be seen in the photo.

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You need to think about additional zones. If there are children in the family, it is worth equipping a playground. You can provide a place for a picnic on the grass, build a real and even equip a Japanese Zen garden. It all depends on how often the operation of such sections of the yard is planned. If the yard is small, you can think about combining some zones. For example, a picnic area can be equipped with folding chairs, making the space easily converted into a sports field.

Summer kitchen and dining room

The pride and favorite area of ​​the real hostess was and is at all times a comfortable and functional area of ​​the kitchen and dining room. Summer kitchens are popular at all times, and if the kitchen is also decorated, it will definitely delight the neighbors. Moreover, the kitchen itself can be located in the open air, hiding behind glass or located on.

Most often, kitchen areas are decorated with a special pocket. In some cases, special scaffolding is used, as if allocating a zone open kitchen and dining room. As in the case of patios, such areas are often paved with stone. And, in general, the kitchen area is the realm of stone and fire.

Improvement of a recreation area in the courtyard of a private house

Any recreation area is comfortable couches or. Quiet and peaceful retreat in the bosom of nature. Here you can be alone with yourself, read a book or watch the sunset.

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Arbors in the courtyard of a private house with photo examples

Sometimes, due to the abundance of bloodsuckers, it is difficult to spend a long time on the street. Glazed with lighting, where you can sit in the cooler time of the day, can be a solution.

But it will perfectly protect from the wind and prying eyes. You can make it yourself from bars and thick wire. As loaches, you can use unpretentious clematis or hops. The most popular options that adorns almost every pergola or wall on. Grapes are an unusually common plant that also bears fruit - grapes. It can grow both in the light and in the shade.

open areas

If your area has cubby, located between, for example, and some kind, then here you can also arrange a recreation area with a fountain. You can also plant shrubs or hang flowers in a flower pot, as well as install.

Play area and swimming pool

But if children grow up in your family, then it is quite possible to think about implementing such an idea as a playground with a pool. It is necessary to provide for the presence of the following elements on it: a sandbox and, a playhouse, a slide, as well as a responsible approach to the choice of plants. It is better to abandon thorny bushes and roses. Some plants can cause allergies. Particular attention should be paid to wild thickets, it is quite possible that a bush with a wolfberry has sprouted there.

You can arrange a playground in uniform style, the main thing is to think over a non-slip coating, this is especially important if you plan to organize a pool as well. It's best that it be . Mosaic anti-slip surface is perfect.

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Landscape designer at VENUS DESIGN studio

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" The playground must be in sight of adults at all times. A good view from the windows of the house and from the open area, if there are adults, is required.



"Dacha" in the modern world is not a place forgotten by God, but a platform for self-expression. The time has passed when a private house or cottage was associated exclusively with rows of raspberry bushes and. Today simple rules designs are available to everyone. Any idea can be, if not transferred to life, but implemented in your own way.

Arrangement of the courtyard of a private house, depending on the stylistic direction

Different style directions give us guidelines on how to better and correctly organize the space in a single style.

Of course, it is difficult to implement all the innovations at once, so it is best to use one style. We propose to consider the most common types of stylistic trends.

mediterranean style

− sunny and colorful, light, there is a lot of wood, natural elements and stones. It would be appropriate to look or a hammock. Paths can be paved with natural stone of different shades, best of all light. Many bright flowers in ceramic pots will best decorate this style. And in a sophisticated design, entwined with climbing plants, and miniature fountains will bring an exotic trend.

English style

This one is characterized by a landscape garden with smooth lines and transitions, a natural arrangement of objects. There is a lot of greenery here. Landings are most often placed in steps, in tiers. From the lowest - flower, then - bushes, and then - already trees. Here you will not find symmetry even where you think it should be. The paths here are most often winding, the paths stray, and it seems that right now a white rabbit will jump out at you and call you to a magical land.

Japanese style

Japanese style- a reflection of wisdom and spiritual enlightenment. This style involves a reflection of Japanese culture, certain Japanese traditions. Availability required artificial reservoir or even two with changeover bridges through them, or at least through one. Near the reservoir - a Japanese-style gazebo and the presence decorative stones. As for green spaces, the preference is given to dwarf pines, juniper and rhododendron. The Japanese style is distinguished by its originality and originality.

Do-it-yourself courtyard design of a private house with photo examples

Independent landscape design of the courtyard of a private house is not an easy task. The difficulty lies in the fact that often what looks good in the picture or "in the head" turns out to be "not very" in reality. Therefore, it is easier to rely on photos of real objects. At least there you can see what happened. The idea can be taken “in whole” or in part, adapting to your own desires or conditions. How else, besides the plot plan on graph paper and cardboard analogues of various landscape objects, can you visualize your design project? There is a simple way - using ordinary plasticine or other improvised means.

Such a “visualization” will help evaluate the invented texture and color scheme. Everything else - benches, a pond, fountains, trees, bushes, flowers - we sculpt from plasticine. For plausibility, trees and shrubs can be made from twigs by sticking "foliage" of about the same shade. And yes, we do everything on a scale (for example, 1 meter is equal to 1 or 2 cm). This is exactly a 3D 3D image, which will convey to you both proportions, convenience, and all other nuances of the yard landscape design you have created. And if you are good at PC, then there is a chance to use one of the specialized programs. in landscape design will help you calculate all the elements in advance and see your own flaws.

There are many programs. Here, in our opinion, the most popular of them:

  1. Our garden. There is a large built-in library of plants, a planner for paving, gates, etc. The ability to download the missing materials or textures, plants is available.
  2. Google ScatchUp. This is a non-core program, but it has a landscape planning section, which is very good - there are a lot of lessons on working specifically with creating a landscape.
  3. Punch.The disadvantage of the program is that it is not possible to add your own objects. You can only use those that are in the software library. Another disadvantage is that there is no way to export the results, that is, you will not be able to use the created project in other programs. But it is simple and takes almost no time to learn.
  4. Sierra Land Designer 3D. Large base of plants and other objects. It is possible to enter your own data and use it in your work. Each possible action has a hint, so it's easy to figure it out along the way. The program indicates the type of soil and the style in which you want to decorate your yard. It will automatically select suitable objects. At the end of the project, you can print the project and get an estimate.

How to decorate the yard with flower beds and flower beds with your own hands

It's easy to decorate the yard with your own hands. The main thing is to weigh your capabilities in advance, and if there are extra funds, then invite a professional designer.

In this case you will get professional advice and rule out possible errors. On the other hand, own idea will be only yours, and you can always proudly say - I myself or myself.

It is not necessary to repeat the idea one to one, it is important to capture the essence of the project and use your own resources to implement it.

How to ennoble the courtyard of a private house with curly trimmed bushes with a photo of ideas for a haircut

It's actually better to trust curly cutting professional gardener. In this case, you will definitely not spoil the bush and leave yourself a chance to correct the situation, and not make it worse.

If you are still far from English gardeners, you should study the experience of other summer residents. In this video you will see how you can ennoble the flower beds on your site.

Do-it-yourself decoration of the courtyard of a private house in the winter with photo options

But what about winter? Is it not possible at this time to experiment and try to use some skills to unusual design garden or area near the house? It is possible and necessary. See the photo gallery and try again!

Owning a homestead requires much more effort from the owners than an apartment in the city. And a considerable part of these efforts is directed to the environment of the house. Despite the fact that dacha preferences are already beginning to be forgotten, when the main area around the residential building was allocated for planting edible plants - a garden and a vegetable garden, and even Vacation home the owners also don’t really want to go to the village courtyard with beds and sheds for breeding domestic animals, anyway you won’t leave the yard empty. Right now, a solid mansion (or at least a nice mansion), surrounded by a picturesque area, where it is so pleasant to relax, is in fashion. And watching well-groomed suburban areas on movie screens or pages of magazines, many owners are wondering if it is possible to improve the courtyard of a private house with their own hands.

Courtyard of a private house in general

We each have our own tastes and preferences. And they are expressed most often not by loud statements, but by the environment. And any little thing that really pleases our hearts unequivocally gives an idea of ​​​​us. Therefore, before taking on the improvement of the courtyard of a private house, try to see in your mind's eye the general picture of the planned activities and think about whether it will coincide with your personal idea of ​​convenience and beauty. After all, you yourself understand - if in a year some creative ideas, so enthusiastically perceived today, will make you curse the presence of a backyard territory, then instead of rest you will receive exclusively headache. By the way, often such ideas for landscaping the courtyard of a private house are photographed and posted on the Internet, and seeing such beauty, it is difficult to resist the temptation to try it on your site.

However, let's move on to more specific things. So, what exactly do we want to have in the yard of our house? There are a lot of options, but some values ​​\u200b\u200bare present almost always. These details include:

  • terrace or patio
  • garage, by the way, nearby you can make parking for guests
  • bathhouse - it is better to build it separately from a residential building
  • outdoor shower (although it is more in rustic style, however, if properly designed, it can decorate even a modern villa)
  • summer kitchen, which recently looks more and more like a barbecue and is a platform with a hearth or barbecue
  • outbuildings, in a simple way - sheds, for storing various equipment that has no place in the house
  • dog kennel
  • playground
  • a web of paths connecting all buildings into a single ensemble
  • various green spaces: trees, shrubs, flower beds, lawn and other floristic thickets
  • decorative elements: garden sculptures, lanterns, alpine slides, rock gardens and other decorations of the area

It seems to be a small list, but if you start to implement it, and even with your own additions such as gazebos, fountains, ponds or other landscape design tricks, then there may not be enough space for everything. Therefore, first you should play around with the plan of the courtyard of a private house, try to arrange everything on paper (remembering the ravines, of course). And only after your project of the courtyard of a private house becomes the most optimal, it will be possible to start marking the yard itself and building the outbuildings you have chosen. And landscaping will have to be dealt with at the very last turn, when all objects are in their places with communications connected.

Here's how you can equip the courtyard of a private house - a photo selection:

The layout of the courtyard of a private house - some little things

It would seem that everything has already been said about planning - imagine, draw on the plan and do it. But this is just a sketch. In the same way, one can say about the birth of a child - to conceive, endure and give birth, nothing complicated ... And yet, even an unborn baby requires vigilant care and constant trouble, and we don’t have to independently develop a project for a new person, such duties are taken on mother nature herself. And when landscaping your own yard, you will have to work a little as a demiurge - in a single country farm.

Of course, the best will be the overall planning of the entire complex, from the residential building to the thickets behind the fence. But even if the mansion itself is already proudly flaunting facade decoration, all is not lost yet. Considering that in the end we want to get something solid, then the entire interior of the courtyard of a private house should be designed in the same style, this applies to buildings, and decorative elements.

First of all, let's evaluate our household plot- its size and landscape. If the area is not too large, do not clutter it with a large number of outbuildings. Choose only the essentials or simply combine several elements with each other. Parking with a canopy may well replace a full-fledged garage, combining a patio with small grill it will also save space, and it is recommended to attach an additional room to the bathhouse where household supplies and firewood will be stored. For a vast farmstead, there are no restrictions, except for aesthetic ones.

And now a little about the arrangement of the courtyard of a private house - photo various options:

Making the courtyard of a private house - building codes

However, in any case, it is necessary to comply with building regulations, for example, the distance from buildings to the road and other outbuildings. Residential buildings are built at least 3 meters from ordinary roads and 6 meters from the motorway. We hope that your suburban area is located in a fairly remote place, because the proximity of the main highways adversely affects the ability to enjoy clean air and the sounds of nature. Housing and outbuildings (sheds and a garage) should be at least 7 meters apart from each other, remove your dog’s enclosure from the house at least 4 meters, but wells, separate toilets and compost pits(what if you still decide to build them) you need to build no closer than 15 meters from the house. The fence should be separated from any buildings by a meter and a half, or even more, so that it can be carried out as needed different kinds repair work, and rather tall plants (bushes and trees) - depending on their height - at a distance of from a meter to three.

Having fully planned the arrangement of the courtyard of a private house with all outbuildings, we proceed to marking the paths. They should not be narrower than 75 cm - this is again a requirement of building codes. If the size of the territory allows, make a circular path along the entire site - you will get a great cycle track for your children. And in general, it is better to make these sidewalks with smooth rounded bends and turns, because such a design of the courtyard of a private house will visually increase the area and even smooth out sharp corners in family life. Although in different styles and paths-paths differ in their appearance and material, but more on that later.

Here's a look at how the interior of the courtyard of a private house looks like - the photo wonderfully demonstrates all the details:

Landscape design of the courtyard of a private house

We coped with the dirtiest and most financially intensive stage - the construction is completed, all the buildings we need for a comfortable life are already in place, to which paths have been laid. And now it's time to start putting the area in order, that is, to become a landscape designer.

It is most convenient, of course, to work with flat surface- here the flight of fancy is simply unstoppable, because on clean slate you can picture anything. If you want, plant a park, lay out flower beds, sow lawns with lawns, install fountains or gazebos overgrown with vines - for every taste and color. But if the terrain resembles Russian roads, where there is a ravine on a gully and seven bends per verst, then here you still need to be able to turn all the shortcomings into an individual and original face of your territory. But - you can discard any doubts - no one can repeat such a design.

But in any case, the design of the yard with the help of landscape design requires special knowledge. And they consist not only in the ability to beautifully use all the features of the site. Much more often, botanical knowledge is needed - which plants are best planted in your area. So that they please the eye and do not require special care (it is unlikely that you want to hire a gardener or constantly take care of green spaces yourself), and feel great in your climatic conditions.

So to start independent work above the landscape, it is necessary to clearly identify all environmental factors affecting plants:

  • the amount of light that your green pets get (this is both general data on the approximate insolation of a given area, and specific data on your site - some flowers are planted under trees, in the shade, on the north side, and some need almost constantly lit by the sun clearing)
  • temperature environment(here we need data on the average temperature of the summer and winter period)
  • humidity - both the earth and the air (that is, not only the average amount of precipitation, but also the proximity of groundwater)
  • terrain
  • the chemical composition of the soil (chernozem, loam and others), water (acidity or alkalinity) and air

Knowing all the conditions, you can already easily find those types of plants that will grow normally on your site without much additional investment. And from the complete list, you can select those that you like or fit into overall design courtyard of a private house. Photos of plants in encyclopedias or just on the Internet will help you make right choice, but still it must be taken into account that in such cases the pictures show not only the most successful specimens, but also professional photographers try to find the most favorable angle. So you will get an idea, but you still should not count on the same ideal result in your own yard.

How to decorate the courtyard of a private house - different styles

You have already decided on all the little things, but something in the depths of your soul gnaws with uncertainty - is everything done right. Sometimes it happens. Some people are satisfied only with the ideal, which just asks for the pages of a magazine about the life of successful people. Well, the ideal is what each of us should strive for. Therefore, now we will slightly analyze the already recognized styles of decorating the courtyard of a private house, on the photos of which many look.

So, the main division of styles goes to classic (regular) or landscape (natural). Moreover, the regular style implies strict lines and clear geometric shapes of both path buildings and plantings. It is believed that this style softens the storm of feelings among the townspeople who returned to nature because of the outlines that are more familiar to the city. But I warn you right away, a regular style requires constant and tireless work on maintaining shape, otherwise in a year or two from your classical style only horns and legs will remain - everything will grow at random. In the natural style, everything is much simpler. There is no need to rest so much on "driving" the plants into the frame. On the contrary, the result of all efforts should be the visible naturalness of the landscape.

However, as you yourself understand, the concept of naturalness is different for everyone. It seems to someone that there should be garden trees on a suburban area, someone likes park crops more, and someone prefers flower beds and shrubs. That's why landscape style is divided into several (or even many) different categories, mainly differing in the peoples from where these styles came from. If you go over the information about the styles of decorating the courtyard of a private house, you will see, basically, such names:

  • french style (one of the varieties of regular)
  • English (or landscape) style, strict but natural
  • Slavic style - slightly careless, but for the environment wooden house nothing could be better
  • Japanese style (elegance and the ability to relax even on a tiny patch of a stone garden)
  • European country style - somewhere in common with Slavic, but more streamlined
  • modern style - the last word in landscape design and modern architecture, allows you to combine the interior space of the house with the surrounding nature at the level of sensations

Of course, this is far from full list- There are many peoples and styles too. You can add Chinese, and Mediterranean, and Alpine, but we will not scatter. Why does a person living far from the sea need a Mediterranean style? Therefore, only those styles that can be useful in our conditions were listed. The choice is yours.

And I want to warn you right away - please decide for yourself in advance whether you want to live peacefully and enjoy the delights of the surrounding landscape on your private estate or you need to become the envy of your neighbors. Because in the latter case relaxing holiday you are not threatened in any way - after all, you will need to constantly return to your yard that very ideal view that should outshine everything around. But even in this case, you will be quite capable of doing everything yourself. Good luck!

Creating a harmonious image of the courtyard, located around a private house, refers to the varieties of landscape design. And if a decision is made to independently translate this creative activity into reality, you should analyze some of its aspects and principles, as well as get acquainted with useful recommendations from specialists who will tell you how to arrange the design of the courtyard of a private house so that it not only satisfies your taste, but also reflects the general site style.

A beautiful yard - a fashion trend or a necessity

The external entourage of the courtyard plays a significant role, since it is he who is seen by the household and guests entering the house. Therefore, it is important that the atmosphere in this space is conducive to a pleasant pastime and relaxation.

You should carefully consider the location of flower beds and flower beds, green groups, various buildings, decorative elements decorating the garden. The design of the courtyard of a private house should please, attract and be harmonious at any time of the year.

Basic principles of design and planning

Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to order a landscape design project for a courtyard area from professionals, since this pleasure is not cheap.

However, if you turn on your creative imagination and devote enough time and effort to transforming the courtyard, create Beautiful design the yard with their own hands is quite within the power of everyone.

Gathering in the yard around the fire in the circle of relatives and friends and watching the dancing flames is one of the favorite activities of households in the country.

The key point is the definition of the house as the central dominant point of the entire surrounding landscape. It is he who will determine the style of the rest of the buildings, and in this direction it is important to achieve harmony in the future image of the courtyard with the design of the building.

Starting to design the local area, carefully study the entire site, since it is important to take into account its features. This will allow you to decide which design elements will be used, for example, in case of elevation changes.

  • In such situations, stand-alone arbors look spectacular.
  • No less organically fits into the design of the courtyard of a private house picturesque rock garden.
  • Elements will be relevant vertical gardening, flowers in hanging pots.
  • A flat surface implies clear placement planning tracks, flower beds, ornamental ponds, landings.

Before proceeding with the design of the yard, you need to decide on the need to build utility rooms with the selection of a place for their location and the definition of design elements that will hide their possible not very spectacular external surfaces.

Depending on the area of ​​the site, the number of priority zones is calculated, among which there may be playgrounds and sports grounds, recreation areas, kitchenettes, etc.

Having a separate barbecue area in the courtyard of a private house is the dream of any summer resident

Private courtyard areas

When determining the necessary zones, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site must be taken into account. If there is not too much space, it will be possible to solve the problem by combining several functional elements. For example, you can successfully combine a terrace with a gazebo, a recreation area with a barbecue and summer kitchen, gazebo and bath.

Thinking over the possibility of receiving guests, they allocate a platform where you can quickly and mobilely install a barbecue or barbecue oven, arrange a folding garden furniture, fix small hanging umbrellas that save from direct sun.

Having decided on all the key elements, they build an accurate scheme on a scale. The diagram determines the direction of the tracks connecting the functional areas.

  1. A well-visible area is allocated for children's corners.
  2. Car parking can be placed on the territory in front of the house.
  3. The seating area is comfortably located on the side of the house among a group of trees.
  4. A well-lit place is allocated for the beds; one of the sides of the site is perfect for this.
  5. If there is enough space at the back of the house, then it is convenient to place the greenhouse and garden there.

The previously drawn up plan should be carefully analyzed, the necessary adjustments made, and only after that you can proceed to the detailed planning directly on the site.

Suspended swing - an essential attribute of a modern garden

How to delimit zones in the garden

To delimit the courtyard of a private house into different zones, you can use a variety of landscape elements, the main thing is that each of them harmoniously combined with each other. The most popular are the following methods:


The design of the yard looks aesthetically pleasing if it has an arch. It's even better if you plant it next to it. climbing plants that form beautiful twists. Most often, arches are placed over paths leading to a recreation area or playground.

A picturesque arch at the entrance to the courtyard is a great way to transform the site


Low shrubs that lend themselves well to shearing form beautiful green fences. It is appropriate for them to allocate a small area of ​​​​the lawn for outdoor games. If necessary, you can put light furniture here and have a picnic.


A low fence - a strict wooden one, woven from willow twigs or an openwork plastic one, painted in different colors, can also be used to designate a sandbox. They look good in the role of fencing beds, turning them into a decorative element of the landscape.


Stationary or portable bamboo, rattan, wicker screens perfectly protect against drafts and create the necessary shade.

They can be placed near a decorative reservoir, placing next to comfortable sun loungers, rocking chairs, children's swings. If necessary, such screens will allow you to hide from prying eyes.

Tracks in the country: functionality and main purpose

At any site, country paths and paths are necessary element. They perform several functions, ensuring the safety of movement, and also being an element of the zoning of the site.

  • Equip garden paths with help various materials. The most common option is to fill the paths with fine gravel or pebbles. Increasingly, there are dyed different shades types of this material that bring amazing color spots to the surrounding space, making the site attractive and bright.

A static, reliable and durable surface of the paths in the yard of a private house can be obtained using paving or concrete tiles. Paths made of cobblestone or brick look no less elegant.

Wood saw cuts pre-impregnated with rotting compositions look original. Fill the remaining pockets between them with colored bark, sand or pebbles.

Such colorful paths easily become a separate decorative zone, where sculptures from intricately intertwined rhizomes, stumps, combined with plantings of juniper and coniferous species, will be installed.

Beautiful courtyard design whose photo cannot but inspire

There are several objects that are increasingly appearing in the courtyards near a private house. These include:

  • artificial reservoirs;
  • Comfortable seating areas around the fire;
  • Equipped barbecue areas;
  • Multifunctional playgrounds.

Artificial pond in the yard

Water has always symbolized the harmony of life, served as a source of good mood and energy for the whole day, so it is often used when designing the courtyard of a private house with your own hands.

  • Depending on the area of ​​the site, it can be equipped with pool, small pond, cascade, fountain or ordinary stream.
  • In spacious areas it is appropriate to make voluminous stationary pools by choosing reliable materials. Most often, the pit is made concreted, as to find plastic mold large sizes problematic enough.

For a decorative small pond, it is enough to dig a hole of any shape and cover it with a double layer of film, providing enough reliable waterproofing. The banks are reinforced with bricks, pebbles or small cobblestones.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to create stationary reservoirs, so summer residents are increasingly resorting to the use of inflatable reservoirs. For decoration, reeds, low-growing shrubs and bright flowers are planted nearby, emitting a delicate aroma.

Looks great with this water composition marsh iris, and if there is a need to decorate the water surface, then containers with water lilies and lotuses can be placed in the pond. On the surface, such varieties of floating plants as hornwort or duckweed can also be located.

In the presence of a waterfall on the site, an excellent corner for relaxation is created. The murmur of water jets sparkling in the sun relaxes and soothes.

Important! A waterfall can be purchased, both artificial and made independently by placing a pump in a water tank.

Recreation area with hearth

The site where they equip the stove, outdoor fireplace, barbecue, becomes a favorite place for the whole family. Here you can sit with friends, relax in the home circle, cooking barbecue and other delicious food on an open fire.

For convenience, install massive table, comfortable benches. Complement such a corner with sun loungers, hammocks. A good solution would be to equip a canopy that protects from rain.

Open dining

To have a good time at lunch outdoors, it is not necessary to make a special platform for the dining room. You can level the area under the spreading trees and put garden sofas, a table, chairs there.

Making the courtyard of a summer cottage (photo)

If the house is located approximately in the center of the site, then usually a garage is built at the entrance, in front of which a parking space is organized. Thus, a sufficient amount of space remains on the back of the house, which, with proper design, can be turned into comfortable corners for relaxation.

Beautiful area around the house can be obtained if you equip it dining area, erecting low wooden platform surrounded by hedges. Nearby it would be appropriate to break picturesque flower beds and flower beds.

Important! It is more convenient to use folding furniture in order to remove it as needed, freeing up space.

If the site is spacious, then they put a massive stable furniture group. It can be built from stone or made from solid wood. Such options look respectable and prestigious.

The design of the courtyard of a private house can be decorated with varieties of forged furniture. Chairs, armchairs, and tables woven from wicker or rattan look no less impressive.

It should be noted that the easiest to care for are plastic items from which dirt can be easily removed with a jet of water. While wooden furniture needs to be constantly updated with paint or varnish. Metal parts also require maintenance and must be protected from corrosion.

When placing a recreation-oriented area in the backyard, it is advisable to level the surface, fill it with ordinary or colored pebbles. Durable coating will provide stone slabs. As a fence, you can make a border of concrete or ceramic blocks. Bright accessories look great on such a platform that will decorate the design of the courtyard of a private house and give it individuality.

Next to the recreation area, a game or sports corner can be conveniently located. Here they put a slide, a swing, supplementing them with various sports equipment. Harmoniously located in the backyard barbecue area. Usually they install a stationary hearth with a canopy and select the necessary furniture.

Courtyard lighting

  • Thoughtful lighting in the yard allows you to provide additional charm to the site. Illuminated fountains, individual groups of plants, decorative sculptures, and the water surface of reservoirs look especially advantageous in the evening.

When creating platforms for different zones, you can mount floor LED lamps, which in the dark create the feeling of stars glowing under your feet. Incredible mystery and originality are LED lamps mounted in special small platforms in the form of leaves and buds of water lilies, lilies floating on the water.

Advice! If it is necessary to illuminate the paths, use not bright lanterns, located low from the ground. Poles equipped with bright lights should be installed along the central path. Such multi-tiered lighting becomes the pride of homeowners, as it turns the site into a wonderfully attractive sight.

Placement of plants in the garden

By arranging plants in different groups, you can create a harmonious image of the territory. This advantage is taken into account during planning.

Important! Coniferous varieties are not placed near playgrounds, verandas and terraces, since fallen needles will have to be constantly cleaned. Deciduous trees are not planted near water bodies, which will keep the water clean for longer.

The tallest varieties should not be placed in the center. They most favorably set off the distant borders of the territory. It is recommended to apply flowering species plants located in containers and hanging planters. They can easily, for example, transform the fence around the site, decorate the gazebo or veranda.

Decor for the site

When designing the courtyard of a private house, you should think through every little thing. One of these important details is the use of decorative elements as decoration of the site.

The most popular are bright decorative sculptural images of animals, birds, fairy-tale characters. They can be made with your own hands from any material at hand, such as plastic bottles.

Figures cast from gypsum or concrete look no less natural, however, special silicone molds are required for their manufacture.

Colorful colorful fairy-tale heroes, various art objects look great inside flower beds, on Alpine rollercoaster. They give a special charm to playgrounds.

Figurines of fishes, frogs are in harmony with reservoirs. Various dragonflies, bees, birds are perfectly combined with the greenery of trees, placed on their branches.

If you engage in the design of your own house adjoining plot systematically and without haste, then this activity will turn into an exciting work in which you will be able to show your artistic inclinations to all household members.

We hope that our article will help you create an original and beautiful design of the courtyard of a private house, photos of which you can later also post on the Internet for everyone to see.

If you are the owner suburban area with a beautiful cottage on it, then you have unlimited space for decorating the territory. No matter how much space you have at your disposal and how much money you have, you can decorate it to your taste by creating a small piece of paradise right in your home. After all, the design of the courtyard of a private house with your own hands is not at all such a difficult task as it seems at first glance.

Important points for site design

Arranging the territory of your site is an interesting creative process. In order to decorate your site, you do not need to have any design talents at all. It is enough just to know what you want and be able to plan the space.

Features of the arrangement of the site largely depend on the conditions in which you live. If your site is located next to a forest, then it will be part of nature in itself, even if you do not begin to think about surrounding the territory with new green spaces. But if the house is located far from the forest in a fairly deserted area, then you will have to engage in gardening quite actively.

Also be sure to think over all the paths so that you can comfortably move around the site. If you have a house in the country, this does not mean that a narrow path overgrown with grass should go from the gate to the entrance to the house. Make sure there are good paths. So it will be much more convenient for you to walk around your yard even in bad weather or after rain.

If you plan to put a gazebo on the territory of the courtyard, arrange a place for meetings with friends or children's games, then this part of the estate must be paved with stone or finished with paving slabs.

Another important point is landscaping. No matter how big or small your yard is, it's still worth decorating with green spaces. Without this, the territory of the yard in most cases looks deserted and boring.

If you have neither the time nor the inclination to spend your free minutes of rest caring for flowerbeds and capricious plants that will dry out without watering in three days, limit yourself to neat lawns and simple plants like conifers. They grow almost on their own, requiring a minimum amount of attention and time spent from you.

Planting on site various plants, you should not be limited to conifers or deciduous. Multicolored bright flowers will decorate your site in a warm season in a way that no artificial structures can. Combine bright colors with greenery and your home will always please the eye.

But don't forget the amenities. To enjoy the greenery was more comfortable, you need to equip a place to relax. It all depends equally on how big your family is and what area the yard occupies. You can get by with wicker chairs or a bench, or you can build a luxurious gazebo made of natural wood.

Layout Features

Before planting all your plants, try to plan how your site will look from the outside. To do this, it is enough to draw a landscape diagram on a piece of paper, or you can create it in a graphics editor on a computer. So you will know exactly how many materials and plants you will need, and you will also be able to visually divide the space into zones. The project can be created without outside help. This will help you know the basic rules of landscape design and beautiful pictures depicting decorated courtyards.

The layout of the project begins with the division of space into zones. If you like outdoor recreation and prefer to spend time with friends not in the city, but in the country, then be sure to arrange a cozy place where your company can have fun and relax. To do this, you will need a barbecue and a table with several chairs. The brazier is recommended to be installed in the far corner of the yard:

  • firstly, you will protect yourself from the occurrence of an accidental fire;
  • secondly, the smoke from the fire will not penetrate the windows and soak your clothes and everything in the house.

Also, do not forget about the tracks. Neat dry paths should lead to the recreation area, and it is better to install the barbecue itself away from trees and dirt. It is not necessary to put it on a stone-paved area, because it is unlikely that you will have picnics in the pouring rain.

Setting up a play area for kids is no easy task. Put up a sandbox or swing, decorate the playground with some bright decorative elements, or paint things in bright colors with your child. Already this will be enough for the kid to be interested in spending time there.


After you have divided the space into separate zones, you can start landscaping the territory. The number of flower beds, trees and shrubs should also be considered in advance:

  • firstly, in this way you can determine how many seeds and seedlings you will need;
  • secondly, the plants will be located so that at any time of the year the site will be green and blooming.

The first stage of landscaping the site is planting grass. Wild grasses and weeds are not enough to make the site look beautiful. On the contrary, most designers advise getting rid of them so that the site does not look untidy. You can decorate the territory of the estate with green thick grass in different ways:

  • the simplest and most familiar is the landing of an ordinary lawn grass. Sow it, and your yard will be decorated with a neat green canvas for several more years;
  • the second option is to use ready-made rolled lawn, which simply spreads on a flat area of ​​​​the site.

When the background for a beautiful landscaped area is ready, start planting trees. If you enter a yard where trees have already been planted, there are two ways:

  1. The first is to leave everything as it is. In this case, your yard will have a slightly neglected look. However, such landscape design will only decorate the area with a house in a classic English style, for example.
  2. Another option is to cut down all old trees along with stumps and plant new seedlings. When choosing new trees, it is worth evaluating the soil. It should not be too loose and clayey. If the land on the entire plot is depleted, then the soil must be enriched with a layer of high-quality black soil. Special attention should be given to those places where you plan to break flower beds.

On the territory there is a place for ornamental trees, and for fruit, which will regularly delight you with delicious apples, pears or berries. It is not necessary to set up a whole garden on your site, sometimes it is enough to plant a few seedlings that will give the right amount of shade.

The final stage - the design of the yard bright colors. Of course, we are talking about flowers. The main advice is choose plants that fit in with the style of your yard. For example, a country house or a rustic cottage should not be surrounded by exotic plants. It is also important that the plants chosen for planting are comfortable in the conditions where they will grow. This applies to both climatic conditions and soil.

You can plant flowers not only on flat beds. You can plant plants in beautiful flower beds. They can be made from anything. The easiest way is to design certain areas with pebbles or bricks. Sometimes a mini-flower bed can be decorated even with a low wicker fence. Even more creative look plants planted in a dilapidated wooden barrel, cart or tub.


Use of decor

The final stage of decorating the site is the use of decorative elements. They will make your yard more comfortable. Decor can be used even on the territory small plot.The main thing is not to put too many decor items.