Well      03/05/2020

DIY decorative shelves. Making shelves with your own hands: layout options. Hanging functional shelves

Modern interior designers in their projects try to free up living space as much as possible. Massive bookcases give way to racks and shelves, leaving quite a lot of unfilled space in the rooms. Many people install and hang standard store-bought shelves, which, unfortunately, are not particularly original. Modern bookshelf It’s quite possible to do it yourself; it can be made according to the style of the room, emphasizing and complementing it.

For work, they often specifically purchase some exclusive material, but you can get by with improvised means.

Preparatory work

Before starting the main work, it is necessary to think through the main issues regarding the future product:

  1. What is the shelf intended for, will it be a simple decoration or should books be placed on it (different, large or small, for reading or for beauty - alas, this also happens).
  2. What shelf size is needed? Will it be one or two tiers, what should be its length, height, width?
  3. What is the total weight of the items you expect to place on the shelf? The choice of material from which it is better to make the product depends on the weight.
  4. Where and how are you going to mount the shelf - on the wall or ceiling?
  5. It is necessary to consider the design of the structure.

It is difficult to decide immediately on the materials that will be needed during the work, it depends on how you answered the above questions.

For example, if your shelf is wooden, then you will need, first of all, boards. Get also electric jigsaw or with a saw, screwdriver, glue, sander or sandpaper, a wood treatment product. It is also necessary to purchase a sufficient number of self-tapping screws, bolts, screws and nails.

DIY simple wooden shelves

Use an electric jigsaw or saw to cut out wooden parts the right size. Next, to process them you will need Sander and a product for protecting wooden surfaces. When the elements have dried, assemble them, securing their connection with nails or screws. Then you decide for yourself: paint the product or leave it in its natural form.

Video master class on creating a wooden bookshelf:

Bookshelves made from outdated items

If you came up with the idea of ​​making a shelf out of scrap items, you have a million options. You can use an old ladder, a box or box of an interesting format, a thick rope, a non-working TV, or even a guitar, or a water pipe - your imagination is not limited.

For nautical style A real boat will do - a bookcase with built-in shelves. A musician can screw a guitar or cello case to the wall. But you just need to remove the filling from the TV - and the shelf is ready.

Romance novels will look good in old drawers lined with wallpaper. Making simple corner shelves.

You cut out or order wooden corners with sides of 20-25 centimeters. Use them to attach shelves to the walls. The shelves can be different in size, however, it is desirable that their length be no more than 80 centimeters, with a width of 20-25. Shelves larger than the specified sizes do not support the weight of books and sag.

If you have unnecessary interior door with the original relief, saw it lengthwise. Screw the resulting two parts into the walls, make shelves between them, paint - a fantastic door - a closet at your service!

Children's shelves

Video on how to make a beautiful bookshelf in the shape of a tree for a child’s room:

So that kids don’t forget about books and love them just like toys, you can make them special cabinet- showcase.

To do this, you will need narrow planks (6-10 cm) or cut in half water pipes. Mount them on the wall and you're done.

To make soft sling shelves you will need thick fabric, wooden sticks, fasteners with which to hold the shelf and a little imagination.

Here is an option for a fabric shelf.

The brackets are attached to the wall with screws. The fabric is processed along the edges sewing machine, holes are sewn into which sticks or pipes are inserted. The structure is attached to brackets.

For shelves made of rope, you must have planed boards, wooden blocks, thick rope, and hooks for fixing the shelf. Having a drill and wood treatment will make your job much easier.

No nails or screws are needed here. Drill holes in a couple of boards along the edges. A rope or rope is threaded through them and secured with knots. The shelf is ready to be mounted on the wall and it looks very creative.

If you want to make the same, but multi-tiered shelf, you will have to use bars. Holes are also drilled in them through which the rope will pass. Thus, bars will be strung between the shelves on the rope. For the evenness of the structure, it is desirable that the length of the bars be equal on both sides. The two upper ends of the rope are hung in the form of loops on hooks.

Shelves can be hanging - they are universal, as they can be placed in any room and even in a corner. If you hang such a corner structure, for example, behind a door, then you can place necessary items, which will be hidden from the first prying glance. By the way, the corner for shelves can be used not only concave, but also convex.

If ordinary shelves seem boring and ordinary to you, you can make, for example, invisible shelves.

They are completely invisible and it seems that the books are “stuck to the wall.” Purchase the required number of screws and screwdrivers, double-sided tape and L-shaped metal brackets - exactly according to the number of books you want to install (one bracket holds one book).

The screwed bracket must be placed perfectly level, otherwise the book will fall. A piece of double-sided tape is glued to the bottom. Attach the same tape to inside book cover. You press the book to the bracket - and now it is already hanging in the air!

Here's another option original shelf. You will need: a wooden reel on which the cable is wound, furniture wheels, bars with a round cross-section.

What is the procedure?

The coil is placed on one wheel. The distance between the wheels plus the thickness of one wheel is measured. The resulting figure is the size of the bars that need to be cut. One wheel is removable for ease of operation. Marks are made in the wheels for the holes for the bars, ideally exactly opposite each other. The holes are not needed through, but only half the thickness of the wheel. Next, use glue to lubricate these holes. Place the bars on the glue and put the removed wheel back in place. To better glue the joints, you can load something medium-heavy on top. You can paint the shelf only after it has completely dried. When the structure is ready, attach wheels to it and it will become mobile.

Shelf made from old ladders

If you like the idea of ​​a ladder, attach it to the wall in a horizontal position using hooks or any other fasteners (for example, the same L-shaped brackets). It is better to use two ladders, or cut the existing one in half.

Initially, the material (stairs) is painted. Then the dried ladders are attached to the wall using corners. In order for books to stand confidently on such a shelf, it is necessary to move the ladder away from the wall a certain distance when attaching it.

How to create a drawing for a simple wooden shelf

Plywood blanks are cut for the shelves, base and back. The dimensions should be as follows:

  • For shelves:

A - parts 25cm x 25cm – 16 pieces

B - parts 25cm x 157.5cm – 4 pieces

  • For the backdrop:

C - one piece - 25cm x 91.25cm

  • For the base:

D - parts 12.5cm x 25cm – 4 pieces

E - piece 12.5cm x 91.25cm – 1 piece

First, parts A glued together in pairs with wood glue will produce vertical racks. The base is also held together with glue from parts D.

Use sandpaper to clean all edges and surfaces.

For shelves (from parts B) select dark color paints, the remaining surfaces are varnished with colorless varnish.

The result is a shelf built on color contrast, which gives it sophistication.

The base is made by perpendicular connection of parts D and E. Glue is used for connection, and screws are used for fixation. Making the backdrop is done in exactly the same way.

To complete the assembly, the base must be placed on the floor, the upper part glued and a shelf placed on top, pressing down with a weight for better adhesion. Then, in the same order, the next section - and the same until the end of the work. You can use the bookshelf only after the glue has completely dried.

It is necessary to prepare: chipboard (laminated), a sufficient number of furniture screws - self-tapping screws, shelf holders, plugs.

Parts are cut out from chipboard according to the quantity indicated in the figure. A specialist in the store can do the cutting for you using professional equipment. The parts will be fastened with self-tapping screws.

Holes for screws are made with a 4 mm drill; for grooves, the diameter of the drill should be 8 mm. Use caps to mask screw heads.

Internal shelves are also attached with screws or shelf holders.

Finding storage space is one of the main problems that people face while thinking through a design, and after that too. Sometimes even in big room Another bulky cabinet will look inappropriate, but what if you need to place a collection of figurines or a dozen books? Salvation in such a situation is wall shelves, which we will talk about today.

Types of shelves

Wall shelves, although they themselves are a variety, they also differ in location. Conventionally, they are divided into the following types:

The lightest and most common option, which is attached to flat wall. But precisely because of their simplicity, they provide a wide field for the flight of imagination: shelves of different geometric shapes, sizes, arranged in the form of a honeycomb or creating complex compositions.

Such structures can become a single board nailed to a wall, or form the silhouette of a tree, with each “branch” serving as storage. Bookshelves can be inclined or asymmetrical. In the ocean interesting ideas There are even round ones, only in the case of unusual figures it is necessary to think through every moment in advance: location, content, support points.

This place is usually empty due to its impracticality, however corner shelves not only rehabilitate the space, but also help transform the interior. Fastening is carried out on two adjacent adjacent walls. In this case, not only the internal, but also the external corner can be used.

The variability in the design of corner wall shelves depends more on the materials and decor, but even this solution itself looks unusual. More often, shelves are used for books or household items in the bathroom, as well as in storage rooms.

As the name implies, these shelves are not attached directly to the wall, but are suspended on ropes from the ceiling or beam. This design is not very stable, so it is used for storing books rather than crystal vases. But it is ideal for creating original accents in a room.

Either one shelf or several can be installed. The first option is often created in the form of a triangle or the shelf is placed in a circle. The main thing is to make sure that the storage is reliable.

Materials for wall shelves

A wooden board nailed to the wall is the simplest shelf option that immediately comes to mind. But for modern design this is not enough. The choice of material, even for this simple product, is quite wide - as are their capabilities.

Wood and derivatives

Even if this is an obvious basis, it should not be dismissed out of hand. Complex shapes and fastenings will help to diversify a wooden wall shelf. For minimalism or loft, such a solution would be very appropriate. And if you want to fit an element into classic interior, it is recommended to pre-process the parts, and maybe even decorate them with carvings.

To save on material, you can use MDF, chipboard or plywood - beautiful, simple, practical.


But metal wall shelves will definitely attract attention and fit harmoniously into the interior, especially if it is high-tech, fusion or, as an option, minimalism. Only their installation will require special skills.

This foundation has high characteristics - durability, reliability, strength. And pre-treatment will save you from corrosion.


A cheap, pliable, versatile material that can look simple or luxurious, imitating natural options, but leveling out their shortcomings. Especially if such a shelf on the wall is filled with objects, so that guests will not have the opportunity to take a closer look at its details. For the bathroom - a very good solution!

Glass or mirror

This foundation has a significant drawback - fragility. A sharp push or blow can damage the shelf, but this situation will not arise when storing light items. Is it worth mentioning how elegant glass looks and how glamorous it is? mirror surface? This will give the interior a feeling of weightlessness.

What types of fastenings are there?

You will also have to choose how to attach the shelf to the wall yourself - from three options. The reliability and mobility of the design depends on your decision.

Installation is done with dowels or anchors to the wall. This ensures a strong fixation of the entire product, increasing its load-carrying capacity and strength. If the shelves are intended to store heavy items, then this type is perfect. But there is a big disadvantage - it is very difficult to dismantle it without consequences for the wall or structure.

Moderately rigid fastening with brackets and mounting hooks, which is easy to implement at home, unlike the first type. If necessary, they can be dismantled without damaging the shelf, after which a new one can be installed.

Fully in line with modern trends towards functionality and mobility, such wall shelves are installed according to the principle of extension: the lower tiers become a support for the upper ones. Various combinations of shades or shapes that complement each other look appropriate.

Selecting shelves to match your interior style

With high-quality work, shelves turn into full-fledged furniture, which, like any other item, must be harmoniously integrated into the style of the room.

Modern style

Everything here is simple and at the same time varied: they are suitable as laconic products from different materials, as well as entire ensembles of various geometric shapes. Instead of empty decoration - conceptual aesthetics. The priority is modular or mobile types of wall shelves.

It is necessary to focus on the decoration of the walls: in the case of a neutral coating, you can fit in bright designs, and on the side with a bright finish it is better to do without shelves.

Classic style

Turn around in classic style It won't really work out. Wooden shelves on a flat wall, in as a last resort- angular. Brackets can be brought to the fore if they are used and fit the design.


Provence also makes similar demands. Only the processing of the base needs to be approached more carefully. First, use wood or its derivatives. Secondly, cover them with white paint and, if possible, create the effect of antique furniture. Some carelessness in installation will add charm to the structure, but we must not forget about its strength.


To begin with, we note that with this style it is unlikely that it will be possible to put a lot of “small things” on the open shelves - that’s why it is minimalism. To accommodate many items, it is recommended to provide shelves with doors, thereby hiding disharmony from view. Glass or wooden surfaces- even, smooth, directed strictly horizontally.


The freedom-loving loft offers us the greatest variety. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to fanatically polish the boards to perfection - slight negligence is quite organically combined with brick walls, characteristic of this style.

An excellent option is shelves suspended on a thick rope or corner design, which is based on a highlighted pipe. In general, the loft allows you to turn the disadvantages of space into advantages, and technical elements into decorative and aesthetic ones.

Shelf decor

In addition to the fact that you can choose wall shelves with interesting design, they can also be further decorated for greater effect. To avoid the effect of clutter, make sure that the practical content of the products does not conflict with the details.

The simplest option that is suitable for standard wooden shelves is surface decoration. Everything can be used here available tools: stencils, decoupage, decorative tape and so on. This solution will look good on neutral walls, for example, painted in White color.

The Provence style interior is characterized by the use of textile elements, so why not decorate the shelves with them, laying out several beautifully hanging scarves with patterns? Cozy and practical.

Candles placed singly or in groups will give you a romantic mood. However, you can experiment with light sources by entering some modern tendencies. For example, wall shelves with backlights—mounted lamps that softly illuminate the parts located on them—look unusual.

Tubular fasteners on shelves can be used as a kind of “hanger”: for example, for a lamp, towels or garland. With little effort, a simple storage space can be transformed into an elegant interior element.

It would seem such a simple product, but there are so many options! But not all of them are easy to implement on your own and, let’s face it, even for simple type certain skills are required. Before you move on to creating a shelf with your own hands, read the basic recommendations that will help beginners in the furniture business or experienced craftsmen.

So, before the main process, you need to think through the design in detail and make a sketch. Determine for yourself the purpose of installing the shelf, the expected things that will be stored on it, location, shape and size.

Having assessed the load, select the material and method of fastening. After this, markings are made on the surface of the base, and the material is cut.

The resulting modules are assembled, repeated measurements are taken, which are compared with the markings for fasteners. Next is carried out finishing elements, namely sanding, tightening and painting, if necessary.

Fasteners are installed on the wall surface and on the shelf, after which the parts are secured, as well as level adjustment with final fastening.

In addition to the options listed, we present you with 30 more photos with ideas for wall shelves that will help you decide on interesting solution. Inspiration and beautiful interiors!

Wall shelves can open up new storage options or provide a cute backdrop for home decor. Small and large, book and kitchen, with hidden fastening and cantilever - almost any shelves can be made with your own hands, rather than bought in a store. In this material, we presented 3 simple and budget-friendly ways to make shelves for various purposes, as well as 70 photo ideas for inspiration.

Universal hanging shelf

Hanging shelves on ropes have become very popular for good reason. They look much more impressive than regular shelves, and at the same time they are truly functional and versatile. They can be adapted for storing heavy items such as dishes or flower pots, as well as light accessories. And thanks to the side holders, the shelf can also be used to store books.

DIY hanging kitchen shelf made from wooden planks and ropes

This cabinet shelf is suspended from the ceiling with ropes 2 cm thick. You can make such a shelf using our instructions with the only difference that in this case the hooks are attached to the ceiling and not to the wall

Such a homemade shelf made of rough wood and ropes will look great in an interior Scandinavian style, eco and country style, loft and rustic

And now we propose to move on to practice and make such a universal shelf with your own hands.

You will need:

  • 4 wooden boards (2.5 cm thick and any desired length, for example, 1 m long as in our master class);
  • Rope rope about 8 mm thick and 4 m long;
  • Drill and feather drill with a diameter of 10 mm (the drill should be slightly thicker than a rope);
  • 2 steel hooks and dowels for concrete with a diameter of 8 mm;
  • Pencil.

Basic materials needed to make a shelf

Master Class:

  1. Drill and feather drill drill a hole in each corner of the board (draw the markings with a pencil first). Remember that the holes should not be located too close to the edges.

  1. Paint your board with paint/stain, and then, when the coating is dry, treat it with matte varnish or wax (this is not necessary, but it is advisable if you want to protect the shelf from wet cleaning and scratches).

  • If you want to preserve the natural color and texture of the wood, then simply sand the board on all sides with coarse sandpaper or a sander.

  1. Install the steel hooks on the wall: first make marks using a level, then use a hammer drill with an 8 mm concrete drill to drill holes, insert 8 mm dowels into the holes and finally screw the hooks into them.

  1. Cut your 4 meter rope into 4 equal 1 meter lengths. Pass the ropes through the holes in the board, and then their ends with reverse side tie the boards in a knot as shown in the photo below.

  1. Now that you have a pair of ropes on each short side of the board, tie the ends of each pair into a knot and hang them on the hooks. Make sure the shelf hangs level and adjust the top knots if necessary. By the way, in the future you will be able to adjust the length of the ropes using the upper knots.

You can experiment a little with methods of attaching ropes and make not only shelves, but even hanging racks with your own hands.

If you have an unnecessary drawer from a chest of drawers, then you can use it to make this beautiful shelf with dividers. You can store something in it that should always be at hand or in sight.

You will need:

  • Box;
  • Paint the desired color and brush;
  • Wax or matte varnish;
  • Wooden board or plywood of small thickness;
  • Wood glue or liquid nails;
  • Shelf hinges;
  • Two 8 mm dowels and screws for them;
  • Hammer and concrete drill 8 mm;
  • Phillips screwdriver;
  • Jigsaw;
  • Medium grit sandpaper;
  • A piece of wallpaper for decorating the back wall;
  • Wood putty.

Master Class:

  1. Use a jigsaw to cut the dividers out of the plywood/wooden board to the desired size, then sand them on all sides with sandpaper.
  2. If the drawer has handles, remove them and fill the holes with putty.
  3. Paint the box in 2-3 layers, allowing each layer to dry completely. If you want to achieve a distressed effect, rub the drawer in some places with sandpaper.
  4. Glue a piece of wallpaper cut exactly to size onto the back wall of the shelf. You can glue the wallpaper using wallpaper glue or any universal glue.

  1. Install the dividers using wood glue or liquid nails.

  1. Next, coat the box with wax or matte varnish to protect the top coating from damage and moisture.
  2. Nail or screw two metal loops onto the back of the shelf.
  3. Make two holes on the wall, having previously made markings using a level, insert dowels into the holes, and screw screws into them, but not all the way, but leaving about 5 mm. Well, that's all, now you can hang the shelf on the wall.

Shelf-hanger from... the back of a chair

If you have an old wooden chair, or rather the back of a chair, then you can use it to make a cute shelf with hooks. It can be hung in the kitchen to be used for storing kitchen towels and aprons, in the bathroom, and in the hallway.

This is how the back of the chair was before the alteration...

...and this is what I became after!

You will need:

  • Wooden chair back;
  • A small board made of wood or plywood;
  • Three metal hooks;
  • Wood pendulum saw, grinder or jigsaw;
  • 5 or more wood screws and a screwdriver;
  • Drill and drill bit 3 mm;
  • Medium-grit sandpaper (for removing old varnish/paint from the back of a chair) and coarse-grit sandpaper (for sanding a wooden shelf);
  • Black paint (if you want to create a worn effect), white paint or any other desired color, brush;
  • Wax or matte varnish;
  • Wood putty;
  • Wood glue.

Master Class:

  1. Cut the back of the chair to the desired size, after marking it.

  1. In this project, the wooden base of a former hanger was successfully used to make the top shelf. You can use a board made of wood or plywood - you need to cut it to the required size, and then sand all the ends. If possible, it is advisable to shape the edges of the workpiece with a router.

  1. Use medium-grain sandpaper (for example, 220 microns) to remove the old coating from the back of the chair, then paint both parts with black paint and leave to dry. This is necessary so that in the future the black layer will show through the abrasions of the top coating.
  2. It's time to attach the board to the back of the chair. To do this, drill a small hole from each edge (from the outside, where you want to fasten the parts), then screw in the screws, drowning them flush. If your chair back has vertical slats like in this project, then it is advisable to attach them to the shelf with wood glue.

  1. Mask the attachment points with wood putty, following the manufacturer's instructions.

  1. Now screw the hooks to the bottom rail of your shelf, having previously made markings. If necessary, the hooks can be painted (before attaching to the craft).

  1. If desired, screw a sign above each hook. The sign itself can also be decorated with numbers using a stencil, a small brush and black acrylic paint. However, you can come up with your own way to decorate the shelf.
  2. Paint the entire craft white (or whatever color you choose), and then rub sandpaper in some areas to expose the black layer of paint.
  3. Finally, coat the shelf with a matte varnish or, better yet, wax it to protect the top coat from chips, moisture, and scratches.

In fact, chairs can be used to make shelves in a variety of configurations. Here are some more photo ideas for your inspiration.

Bathroom shelf from the back of a chair

Want to make a shoe rack without using a jigsaw or drill? It's possible, you just need to find/purchase wooden pallet(pallet) and modify it a little.

  • Used pallets are often given away for free or sold for 100-200 rubles on flea market sites like Avito. You can also ask around for used pallets at local construction sites, warehouses and wholesale stores. New pallets can be ordered in specialized online stores for only 200-250 rubles.

How to turn it with your own hands old pallet in this cute country style shoe rack? Take some free time and follow the following step-by-step instructions.

You will need:

  • Wooden pallet;
  • Manual/electric grinding machine with a triangular and standard nozzle or a grinder. If you don't have a machine, use a small one wooden block and wrap it with sandpaper;
  • Sandpaper with grits, 40, 80 and 120;
  • Brush;
  • Gloves;
  • Soft rags;
  • Protective dust mask;
  • Moisture-proof primer for wood (preferably with an antiseptic);
  • Paint/stain and brush;
  • Wax or matte varnish.

Master Class:

  1. Sand your pallet on all sides or just the part that will be visible: use coarse-grit sandpaper first to remove the roughest bumps, knots and dirt. Then continue sanding with medium to fine grit sandpaper. Next, remove the dust with a brush, vacuum the entire pallet and finally wipe it with a damp cloth.

This is what your pallet will look like after sanding

  1. Apply a water-repellent primer to the entire (!) pallet. It will protect the wood from rotting and moisture that will drain from the shoes, and prepare the surface for painting.
  2. Once the primer is dry, start painting the shelf. You can paint the entire pallet or just the “front” part like in this project.

  1. When the paint is dry, coat the tray with matte varnish or wax. If you want to preserve the texture and pattern of wood, treat the pallet with a stain of the desired tone or completely cover the shelf with only matte varnish/wax.
  2. Using a stencil, acrylic paint and a brush, write “Shoes!” in the center of the top of the shelf. like in this project or any other word/drawing.

  1. The top of the shelf can be decorated indoor plants, for example, succulents in containers and buckets for baking bread.

  1. You can improve your shoe rack by incorporating a bottom of wooden strips into the middle and top tiers (these just need to be cut into the right size and nail it down).

Here are some more photo ideas for making a shoe rack with your own hands.

With a little work with a nail puller, a hammer and a jigsaw, you can transform a tray into a kitchen shelf, display shelf, flower or tool rack.

Homemade kitchen shelf from a pallet

Homemade kitchen display shelf from a pallet

Display shelf made from a pallet in the living room

Photo gallery of ideas

If none of the methods we suggested for making a shelf appeal to you, we suggest looking for ideas in our photo gallery. Here we have collected other examples of wall shelves that you can make with your own hands from wooden boards, the same pallets, boxes and other readily available “lumber”.

Making your own corner shelf couldn't be easier. To make one shelf as in the photo below, cut out a triangular blank of the desired size and with the required angle (rarely internal corners walls are exactly 90 degrees) made of plywood or wood 1.5-2.5 cm thick, as well as two small support strips (the length of one strip should correspond to the leg of the triangular workpiece, and the length of the second strip should be calculated using the formula: leg length minus width first plank).

All parts need to be thoroughly sanded and then painted or simply treated with wax/varnish. Next, make the markup using building level both on the walls and on the slats (note that the holes will be through!). Drill holes in the walls, insert dowels into them, and then hang the supports using screws using the through-hole method. It is important to choose the correct screw length - it should be calculated using the formula: dowel length + thickness of support bar + screw diameter. Finally, all you have to do is install the shelves and secure them either with wood glue or wood nails/screws. If you want to hide the heads of the screws, use wood putty, and then paint over the “patches” with paint to match the shelf.

You can screw hooks for mugs into the bottom of the kitchen corner shelf

DIY Corner Bathroom Shelf

Homemade corner shelves of different sizes

To make a shelf out of a skateboard, you need to remove the wheels from it and then hang it on the wall using brackets.

Shelf in a baguette

A shelf framed by a frame is easy to make: first you need to put together a frame of boards according to the size of the frame, then you need to install several divider strips inside the box.

Shelf with flywheel hooks

If you have a simple wooden shelf for the bathroom, decorate it with cross ceramic mixer handles. It’s hard to imagine a more stylish thing!

Wall storage system

Boxes are almost ready-made shelves that you just need to hang on the wall.

From several boxes of a single type you can make a full-fledged modular system storage

Hanging shelves made of wooden boards and leather straps

From a wooden board and a couple of leather straps, you can make just such a stylish hanging shelf with your own hands.

Shelf for storing fruits and vegetables

As you know, some fruits and vegetables need to be stored at room temperature. But where can we find a place for this? Our answer is on the wall using a shelf like this made of wooden boards and metal baskets.

Pallet shelves

Roughly crafted from pallet wood, this mini shelf is perfect for storing bills and keys.

Here are some more ideas for shelves and wall organizers that you can make from pallets or pallet boards.

Homemade wine rack

The following video instructions will help you make a wine rack like in the photo above.

Books have long and firmly taken a place in the apartments and houses of people who consider themselves educated and modern.

In addition, placing orderly rows of gilded book covers is a good way to decorate a room. refined and stylish.

Ideal way to store books - in bookcases And on shelves. This is how thousands of volumes are stored in libraries.

A beautiful book shelf can be hung in a child’s room, living room, or office. An original place to store books -.

Bookshelves- hanging structures designed for storage books. They consist of a base, side posts, top and back covers(not necessary). The shelves are open closed type, single or multi-level.

Closed shelves have doors, usually glass, multi-level options include several "floors" for storing books.

What are they made of?

Bookshelves can be manufactured from a variety of materials, including improvised ones ( plastic bottles, old boxes, belts and others), however greatest The following have become widespread:

  • Natural wood. There is no point in describing the advantages of this time-tested, universal raw material for furniture production. Bookshelves made of wood, as well as other pieces of furniture, tables, beds: all these products are distinguished by the high strength of the material;
  • Plywood. These are thin ones glued together wooden plates- veneer The direction of the annual rings in each subsequent layer of veneer is turned to 90 degrees, this makes the plywood more durable. The outer layers of veneer can be made from more valuable species, which gives a special texture to the plywood;
  • Chipboard(chipboard). Made from waste wood - shavings that are pressed together with the addition of glue - synthetic resins. Chipboard surface is not distinguished by beauty, so she veneer veneer, paper or plastic.

Shelves for books can be hang on the wall or place shelves with books on the floor next to the wall, which will significantly save space. In addition, you can make a small shelf and combine it with the bed. This design looks very stylish and fresh.

Making a bookshelf on the wall

Option one

For work will be needed:

  • planed smooth boards thick 18-25 mm, width 25-30 cm. The type of wood is unimportant, but preference should be given to hard deciduous species - oak, beech, ash. If you have boards on hand coniferous wood, select least resinous;
  • Two metal suspension;
  • Electric drill with wood drill bits diameter 2 And 10 mm;
  • Screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • Screws 40 x 3 mm with countersunk head - 22 pcs;
  • Wooden plugs diameter 10 mm - 6 pcs;
  • Carpenter's saw;
  • Sanding paper grit P150 - P180;
  • Carpenter's glue;
  • Marking tool - pencils, square, ruler, you can use a thicknesser;
  • Furniture varnish, brush for application.

Stages of work execution

The manufacturing process can be divided into stages:

    1. Preparation of material. Mark and cut two boards for the side posts, three boards for the bases and covers according to the dimensions of the drawing. Mark and drill into the boards through holes drill 2 mm. Using a 10 mm drill to a depth of 5 - 7 mm, drill sockets for decorative plugs;
    2. Using a screwdriver or screwdriver collect shelf, starting from the middle board. During assembly Special attention give perpendicularity boards;
    3. Apply on inner surface 10 mm glue the nests, insert and press the plugs into them. Remove excess glue with a rag;
    4. Screw the awnings. Options 2 : open and secret. For the second option, a drill is needed at the end of the racks 10 mm drill two to three sockets with a depth of about 3-5 mm;

  1. Brush apply on the shelf furniture varnish. After the first layer has dried, sandpaper along the grain delete raised pile. Apply a second coat of varnish, brushing along the grain.


  • If failed purchase special decorative plugs, then you can do this: nests with a diameter 10 mm do not drill, but when screwing in the screw heads slightly drown in a tree. Then apply putty to the screw-in areas, which is sanded after drying;
  • To simulate more dark breeds wood, use stain. The simplest stain is an aqueous solution of magnesium permanganate (potassium permanganate). However, over time this stain becomes lighter.

Second manufacturing option

Is different connecting elements in a shelf - on the dowels instead of screws. To sell, you need to purchase it at a building materials store instead of screws. 40x3 mm, dowels (diameter 8 mm), 18 pieces.

Holes for dowels are drilled out:

  • In the middle part of the racks, top cover and the base - through and through;
  • in the middle shelf - to the depth of the length of the dowel minus the thickness of the board.

Assembly carried out on wood glue using wooden hammer - mallets. Glue can also be applied to the joined ends of the boards. Decorative plugs are not needed with this method. It is better to drive the dowels not completely, but leaving them 1 mm each over the board to sand and then level the surface. Before the glue dries, the shelf is tightened with clamps.

Everything that is well folded is never lost and is quickly found. To this folk wisdom we can add that proper storage things saves space and decorates the interior.

All these arguments are an excellent reason to make a homemade shelving unit and give a decisive battle to domestic chaos and disorder. Its design is so simple that it will not become a stumbling block for a beginner. A couple of vertical frames with crossbars, shelves made of boards, plywood or chipboard - these are all the elements of a standard shelving system.

Since there are many places to install shelving (in the house, basement, veranda, garage), many options for their designs have been developed.

In our review we will look at the most interesting of them and give practical advice about how quickly and with minimal costs make such a structure.

Original options for shelving structures

Anyone who believes that a rack is a rough frame with shelves is deeply mistaken. Indeed, for the basement and garage you don’t have to imagine too much. Strength, durability and functionality are the main slogans for these premises.

For home interior On the contrary, I want to do something special and non-trivial. Therefore, home-made masters spare no time and effort to capture our imagination. A couple of oak boards and several glass bottles- that’s all you need to create an original design.

Despite its simplicity, the strength of such a rack is quite high. You can store not only books on it, but also use it to display your wine collection.

Anyone who has dealt with high shelf structures knows that without a good ladder it is impossible to reach their upper tier. Why not use shelves as steps - a resourceful person thought and created such an original system.

The classic frame shelving rests on the floor, and to install the rope shelving you only need two hooks in the wall. Of course, it won’t be possible to store heavy cans of preserved food on it, but it is perfect for books, photographs and souvenirs.

You can make a rack with your own hands so that others will appreciate your creative nature using steel water pipes and fittings. This design looks ideal in an interior designed in industrial style. In addition, it is quite appropriate in an ordinary apartment.

pay attention to original way installation of shelves. They are mounted on racks according to the principle of a children's “pyramid”, tier by tier.

This rack does not have rear support posts. High rigidity steel pipe, reinforced with tees, allows you to dispense with them. This design can be placed anywhere: in an apartment, on the veranda, in the attic or cellar.

The manufacturing algorithm for such a rack consists of the following operations:

  1. We cut the timber for the racks and crossbars according to the dimensions of the drawing.
  2. Having laid the racks on a flat horizontal surface, we connect them to the crossbars (we use a hammer and nails or a screwdriver and self-tapping screws).
  3. We fix the resulting support frames to the walls of the room through metal plates.
  4. We cut shelves from OSB boards.
  5. We mount the shelves into the frame and fix them with self-tapping screws.

You can see the simplest option for assembling the sides of the rack in photo No. 8. Let us note right away that the nail connection is not the most reliable, since it does not hold the wood as firmly as self-tapping screws or confirmations.

Photo No. 9 A small wooden rack-rack consisting of two sides

A shelving frame in which the crossbars are flush with the uprights looks more aesthetically pleasing, as in installation diagram No. 3.

If the pitch of the support frames is small (50-60 cm), then you can do without installing a longitudinal bar. It will be fully replaced by an OSB board with a thickness of 18-20 mm. On a short span, it has enough rigidity to withstand a lot of weight without bending.

If you bought a thin slab or three-layer plywood, then longitudinal beam You will have to install racks on each tier. It will tie the frames together and serve as a side support for the shelves. To increase the spatial rigidity of such a structure on its back wall You can secure several diagonal ties from bars.

if you have welding machine, then make a rack from metal profile, it will be easier than wooden. If there is no welding, then you will have to take an electric drill, metal drills, and stock up on bolts and nuts.

The sequence of manufacturing a metal rack from a corner or profile pipe is not fundamentally different from installation wooden frame. Here, too, frames are first made, which are then leveled in vertical plane and fixed to the wall. When using thick chipboard or boards 30-40 mm thick for shelves, the rack does not need to be connected with a longitudinal profile.

In this case, the shelves rest directly on the cross members of the frames and are attached to them with metal screws. If the structure will bear a serious load, then a longitudinal stiffening belt under the shelves will not be superfluous.

Note that working with profile pipe more convenient and easier than with a corner. Keep this in mind when purchasing metal. The optimal cross-section size for a square tubular profile in terms of price and strength is 25x25 mm, wall 2 mm. It is better to buy an equal angle corner measuring 40x40 mm.

A lightweight version of the design can be made using metal support brackets. They are fastened with dowels to the wall, and shelves made of boards or OSB boards are placed on top.

This solution allows you to save space under the rack for installing large items.