Water pipes      03/05/2020

Build a house from metal sandwich panels. Reviews of houses made of sandwich panels say that this is a prefabricated and worthy building. Let's figure it out, shall we? We build a building from sandwich panels - a step-by-step guide

Company " Summer Season» builds houses from turnkey SIP panels according to ready-made and individual projects. For more than 15 years we have been working in the field of low-rise housing construction and provide a full range of services - from geological surveys of the site and design to commissioning of facilities and garbage disposal.

Construction features

SIP-panels (Structural Insulated Panel) are used as external wall structures. This is an environmentally friendly material with a 150 mm thick expanded polystyrene base. Under high pressure on both sides it is pasted over with sheets of moisture-resistant OSB-3 (class E1).

Panels standard size are manufactured in the factory, and then cut in accordance with the characteristics of a particular project. Power frame made of planed chamber drying boards (moisture content 14-18%), all lumber is additionally coated with an antiseptic composition.

SIP houses are assembled on a turnkey basis on a pile-screw or strip foundation for 1.5-2 months. They have high sound and thermal insulation properties, not affected by insects, resistant to longitudinal and transverse mechanical loads. The technology of building houses allows you to hide internal communications in the walls and does not impose restrictions on the choice of materials for facade cladding and interior decoration.

The catalog of the company "Dachny Sezon" presents projects of houses of various sizes, number of storeys and architecture. Any of them can be adapted to the specific wishes of the customer. We publish detailed drawings, descriptions of materials, equipment, photos of finished objects.

Our advantages:

  • Large selection of finished projects
  • Internal redevelopment - free of charge
  • Staged payment - 1% - 14% - 20% - 20% - 20% - 20% - 5%
  • More than 2500 completed projects
  • Own production of lumber
  • Technical supervision during construction
  • Warranty for SIP-house - 7 years

Specialists of the company "Dachniy Sezon" for an additional fee are ready to perform the laying of intra-house communications, to carry out internal and external Finishing work, install interior doors, mount a drain, hem the roof with spotlights. We can buy separately finished project houses from SIP panels or order the development of an individual architectural and planning solution.

Delivery of materials in Moscow and the Moscow region (within 100 km from the Moscow Ring Road) is free of charge. For advice on choosing a project, please call: +7 (499) 650–50–18.

Rapid development construction technologies leads to the regular emergence of new materials. Sandwich panels can be counted among them: having appeared on the construction market not so long ago, they quickly gained great popularity.

Sandwich panels have complex structure, which includes several layers. Inside there is an insulating base, for the manufacture of which a foamed or extruded polymer is used or mineral wool. The extrusion filling is very durable, and has higher insulating characteristics. The heat-insulating core is closed on both sides with protective PVC sheets. WITH front side better quality glossy or matte plastic is used, with a durable rough sheet on the inside, on which an adhesive is smeared. In addition to PVC, OSB board or steel sheet can be used to make the outer walls of the sandwich.

Sandwich panel device

A simpler version of the sandwich consists of two layers (there is no back protection). outer walls and internal thermal insulation are securely connected with a special hot melt adhesive: Hot-Melt technology is used for its manufacture. As part of a two- or three-layer design, there are no toxins harmful to the body: this opens wide opportunities for the use of sandwich panels in the social and housing sectors.

Appearance of sandwich panels

Multilayer panels can be safely attributed to universal materials that are used both in decoration and in the construction of buildings.

Sandwich panels are perfect as a building material from which various low-rise buildings are constructed:

  • Industrial. The material is used for the construction of warehouses, hangars, production areas.
  • Public and household. We are talking about office space, retail outlets, change houses.
  • Filling, repair, washing stations for vehicles.
  • Sports. Gyms, indoor skating rinks, etc.
  • Agricultural. Farms for breeding poultry, animals, various greenhouses.
  • Refrigeration and freezing warehouses.
  • Medical and other sanitary facilities.

Sandwich panels are used in various kinds facilities

In addition, panels of this type are often used in cases where reconstruction or thermal insulation of dilapidated houses with insufficiently strong ceilings is carried out.

The main classification of sandwich panels - according to the type of internal filler:

In addition, there is a classification of sandwich panels according to the material of the outer sheets: they can be metal (galvanized), PVC or oriented strand boards (the so-called "SIP panels").

The undoubted advantages of sandwich panels include the following characteristics:

The material also has weak points:

Thanks to the sandwich panels, the emergence of the technology of rapid construction of buildings, which is very popular today, has become possible. Thus, it is possible to equip an object in a short time, regardless of the weather. Prefabricated buildings are built, as a rule, within 2-3 weeks (including the time for drafting the project). The complexity of the structure being erected in some way affects the duration of the construction.

Installation of sandwich panels

However, in any case, this happens much faster than when using bricks, foam blocks and other traditional materials. Such fast construction time is explained by the small total mass of the object. In this case, there is no need for a monolithic powerful foundation, the laying of which usually takes a lot of time and resources: and it is the foundation device that “eats up” a significant part of the time and money. The construction of prefabricated buildings is carried out by a small group of installers (3-4 people) without the involvement of specialized equipment. In this case, it is quite possible to do with manual devices.

The order of construction work:

  1. Design. To save time, one often goes through the use of a suitable standard project, which can be customized.
  2. For sufficiently large structures, it is recommended to use as a foundation reinforced concrete panels. However, if the building is small and light enough, consider a brick or concrete stone foundation with an additional layer of waterproofing.
  3. For installation individual elements a reliable frame will be required, for the construction of which lumber or metallic profile. The installation procedure is carried out with a screwdriver and a special lock. With the proper qualification of the performers, the build-up of the structure occurs very quickly.

Sandwich and SIP panels are also used in the construction of the so-called. "inertialess" (frame) buildings. This technology characterized by the use of materials with good insulating properties with low heat capacity. Such objects are distinguished by a very rapid increase in the air temperature in the premises, during which the camps remain cool. They try to make them as tight as possible, which makes it possible to spend minimal money on heating.

Frame building from sandwich panels

Inertialess structures made of SIP panels operate on the principle of a thermos: their walls cool down quickly, and the air remains warm for a long time even after turning off the heating. This technology is widely used in the construction modern dachas and country cottages with temporary residence. Given the tightness requirements, such houses will require enough a complex system ventilation, the air ducts of which are constructed from ceramic pipes or brick boxes.

From the point of view of economy, frame structures are the cheapest (especially if SIP panels are used). Even taking into account the mandatory use of expensive forced-air ventilation, the cost of construction frame house inferior to brick counterparts by about 1/3. It should be borne in mind that any prefabricated building in terms of durability is an order of magnitude inferior to brick or foam block structures. Strictly speaking, such structures are intended for one generation.

In order to maintain the overall style prefabricated buildings from sandwich panels, began to produce special products for roofing. In such cases, mineral wool acts as an inner layer, and the panels themselves have higher load-bearing characteristics. Using such products, designers have ample opportunities for a natural complementary overall design, when not only the appearance is maintained, but also the method of building the object. For the manufacture of roofing sandwich panels, only fire-resistant materials are used: basalt insulation, profiled steel sheathing, non-hot glue.

Sandwich panels for roofs and walls

Considering sandwich panels as a material for the construction of a building, first of all, it is necessary to determine the purpose of the object. as the main material given material most often used in the construction of industrial or social facilities. We are talking about various pavilions, hangars, gas stations, warehouses, etc. At the same time, the so-called. "industrial" style.

These materials are also used in the residential sector ( frame construction), which can significantly reduce the construction time. However, buildings of this type are not very durable, so if you want to get a cottage for centuries, it is better to use traditional brick or blocks. Sandwich panels in private construction are more appropriate to use for the construction of minor buildings (except for baths, due to the low heat capacity of the walls).

Bath from sandwich panels

cost of sandwich panels

Sandwich panels are fairly inexpensive materials.

The final price depends on the following factors:

  • Manufacturer. Domestic samples are much cheaper than Western ones.
  • type of heater. The most expensive are products based on basalt wool.
  • Facings.(Type of material, number of layers).

Currently, among the urban population there are more and more people who want to exchange their dull apartment in the center of the metropolis for a house in a quiet village. Projects of houses from sandwich panels - perfect solution for cases where tenants do not have financial resources for outer lining and warming up your new home.

Many construction companies face unpleasant situations when the customer cannot pay for a certain part of the work. This raises the question of the possibility of saving on individual components of the house, which, of course, will lead to a deterioration in the performance of the building. The modern building materials market has the necessary sealing and facing materials, which will help not only save a significant part of the family budget, but also give the house first-class insulating qualities.

Sandwich panel house project with carport

Sandwich panels have a lot of advantages over other heaters. This material is a structural panel consisting of several layers. Due to the simple shape of the panels, they can be installed on any surface without fear of damage to the frame of the house. Wall panels covered with classic sandwiches are highly resistant to frequent precipitation, strong winds, critical temperatures and other adverse effects of capricious weather.

Sandwich panel coating protects the main structure of the house from fungal attacks and other destructive factors, which is very convenient when operating houses made of glued laminated timber and other types of wood.

The room creates a separate microclimate with a normal level of humidity and a favorable temperature.

Sandwich panel house project

In most cases, they are used in the construction of cottage settlements, urban settlements, small hotels, private houses and recreation centers.

The main advantage of construction is the possibility of carrying out work at any time of the year, the quite acceptable cost of the main building material, as well as its full compliance with all necessary technical parameters. Houses built from sandwich panels have a pleasant appearance and high performance environmental safety. In addition, it is impossible not to note the ease and speed of construction, installation of the structure, as well as the possibility of building a foundation in almost any climatic conditions.

Arrangement of the roof and assembly of the structure of the house takes only a few working days, which allows you to start the internal and exterior finish building. After the final finishing, the house can be settled.

Learn more about all the benefits in this video. prefabricated houses and cottages from sandwich panels.

Production of sandwich panels

Classic sandwiches consist of glass wool or other insulating materials that are compressed with special insulating panels. At all stages of production, this material is treated with special substances that give the product high resistance to any external influences.

Sandwich panels

Sandwich panels have first-class sound and thermal insulation properties.


The basis of the technology for using sandwich panels is application of three important materials:

  • expanded polystyrene foam;
  • flat-pressed boards containing wood chips;
  • dry calibrated antiseptic wooden frame.

Read also

Wood concrete houses

Frame is important load-bearing element panels, in the manufacture of which wood is used (which makes it possible to provide the entire housing structure with good strength in view of the most optimal distribution of the load). The panels are complemented by various synthetic building materials, responsible for high rates of environmental cleanliness and vapor barrier, as well as reliable heat preservation. Thanks to all these properties, the house will remain cozy and warm even in the most severe frost.

One of the best options are considered to be sandwich panels with basalt fiber insulating filler, as they fully comply with all environmental and sanitary standards, while having high level heat retention and fire resistance.

Sandwich panels filled with basalt fiber

Using sandwich panels, you can build not only one-story, but also multi-story housing. Due to the high quality of the materials used, load-bearing walls are able to withstand a vertical load of about 10 tons per panel with a width of 1.25 m and a transverse load of about 2 tons per 1 sq. m. The roof easily withstands wind pressure up to 48 kg per 1 sq. m. cm and up to 150 kg of snow cover per 1 sq. m.

Project two-story house from sandwich panels

Sandwich panels are divided into two types:

  • roofing (used for arranging the roof);
  • wall (for mounting the sheathing of the frame of the house).

In addition, sandwich panels are divided into glued (solid) and consisting of several separate elements (prefabricated).

Wall sandwich panels

During the production of the material, a special coating is applied to the outer surface of the panel sheathing, which provides reliable protection against corrosion, acid environments, ultraviolet radiation and mechanical damage(e.g. abrasion).

After completion of the construction of the structure, if necessary, it is possible to carry out plasterboard finishing from the inside. It is attached with guides, which allows the walls to look perfectly smooth. When finishing the outside, any material can be used: plaster, lining, siding, block house, facing brick, etc.

Typical wall sandwich panels

Wall panel structure:

  • sheet made of galvanized steel with finishing and coating;
  • special synthetic glue;
  • a layer of mineral wool;
  • labyrinth lock connection.

Structure of wall sandwich panels

Roof sandwich panels

Roofing sandwich panels are indispensable for the arrangement of roofs of houses that are built using frame-panel technology. Roofs of roofs, equipped with this type of technology, have a high level of reliability, a wonderful appearance, and excellent indicators of heat and sound insulation. The structure of the roof panels is similar to the wall view.

The main difference between roof panels and wall panels is the presence of a high rib and a special lock connection, which prevent the penetration of moisture into the room. To protect the roof panels from deformation and aggressive effects of various weather conditions, a special coating allows outer surface skins. Roof coverings

The most common today roof coverings sandwich panels are considered to be metal tiles, shingles and bituminous corrugated sheet. Less popular, but just as popular are roofs, in the manufacture of which cement-sand or ceramic tiles were used, as well as various alloys or non-ferrous metals. In some cases, you can find a roof created using natural materials(straw, shingles, slate).

An example of arranging the roof of a house from sandwich panels

Economy class roof types

  1. metal tile;
  2. Slate (asbestos fiber sheet);
  3. Bituminous tiles ( Flexible roof tiles, Katepal, Shinglas);
  4. Cement-sand or ceramic tiles;

Premium roof types

  • Roofs made of alloys and non-ferrous metals (zinc-titanium, copper, roofs with aluzinc);
  • Cement-sand or ceramic tiles.

In this video, you can see how the construction of houses from sandwich panels is going on, and what your future country cottage will consist of. You can also evaluate ready-made projects of country private houses from sandwich panels.

built country house By frame technology plus a small veranda. The cost came out quite economically, and in terms of 3 and a half months. Finished even a couple of weeks earlier than promised. We go to the dacha only in the summer, so I can’t say anything about thermal insulation. Thank you

Thank you so much for building a house of aerated concrete. The quality of both material and work is excellent - FRIENDS ENVY. The terms of the work performed - approximately 4.5 months for empty place a house was built. Good luck to all of you good clients and big houses!!

They built a house for us in 3 months (they started the foundation at the end of summer, and in the fall they finished the walls and interior decoration), it turned out not cheap, but everything was thought out, our participation was minimal. This year we are building a bathhouse with them! Thank you for such professional guys that you provided us!

Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication! Everything is prompt, high-quality, fast! Thanks to the team led by Alexei!

The company built a great summer house for me! I have no complaints about the company, next summer I am going to build a bathhouse and a garage, I will definitely contact them. Thanks to everyone, especially Sergey's team, which built for me, a lot depends on them!

We built a house of aerated concrete in your company - very satisfied. A house was built on our pre-prepared foundation in 45 days. And as a gift received home insurance for a year. So I recommend.

In August 2017, I ordered a foundation ( monolithic slab) for a house in the Leningrad region. In 2018, I already ordered the house itself. I can recommend, because were satisfied with the result. Everything was done quickly and professionally.

We ordered a house and a garage in this company in the summer of 2016. The builders worked for about 4 months without a break (they liked it very much). Everything was done according to the contract, no extra money was asked.

Frequently asked questions before construction

About company

How long has your company been operating?

Our company began work as a repair and finishing company in 2007. From that moment we have grown to the construction industry and all thanks to our employees. Special thanks for the work invested in the development of the company.

What confirms the competence of specialists?

All architects and engineers of the company have qualification certificates. Because the project is not accompanied by a company license, but by an architect's certificate. By law, the architect is responsible for the project.

Does your company do all the work? Or are you hiring contractors?

  • We ourselves carry out general construction, finishing work, site arrangement, wiring engineering systems(electricity, home heating, water supply) and so on.
  • We invite contractors to work that we do not perform every day and require specialization, for example: the production and installation of windows and doors (special orders), air conditioning systems, boiler room equipment, installation of wells, septic tanks.
  • Search, attraction, compliance with agreements and control over the performance of work by contractors is our task.
  • We carry out 80% of all works on the construction of your house on our own and only 20% involve contractors.
  • We conclude an agreement with each contractor, in which he indicates a guarantee for the work performed by him, and in case of malfunctions, their elimination lies with the contractor.

Can I see the objects that are currently in operation?

Yes, there are objects that we can show on different stages works and already handed over houses by prior arrangement.

about the project

Buy a standard project or order an individual one?

Buy a finished project.

  • The plus is the price.
  • Minus - it will not provide for all your wishes regarding materials and layouts. Also, it will require refinement for the features of your site.

Buy a finished project and modify it.

It all depends on the changes you want to make. It is possible that it will be more profitable for you to develop an individual project than to modify a typical one.

The cost of such improvements should be discussed at the meeting.

Development individual project Houses.

  • Pros: all your wishes regarding all the characteristics of the house and the site are taken into account.
  • Minus - the cost of such a project is higher than a typical one.

BUT! You can develop an individual project for free. If our company builds, then the development of an individual project is free of charge for you.

How is the development of an individual project?

  • The development of an individual project begins with the signing of the contract and the first meeting with the architects, at which the client voices his wishes. As a result of the meeting, a design task is drawn up, which is an annex to the contract.
  • Architects prepare several versions of sketches and decide with the client in which direction to move on. During the entire design period, there are several meetings with the client, at which all architectural and design solutions are worked out in detail until the client is satisfied with everything, which he confirms with a signature on the Draft Design.
  • Next, a Working Draft is being developed. This is the calculation stage of each design solution, in which the client is not involved.
  • This whole process takes from 2 weeks to 2 months, after which the client receives a finished project with ready-made detailed calculations, which is necessary when applying for a building permit.

About construction

Will you travel to the site where the construction is planned?

Yes. When inspecting the site, we take into account the dimensions, the entrance from the road and its width, the proximity of neighbors' buildings, the presence of a slope or difference, cardinal points and what kind of soil is on the site.

Do you help with the selection of a building site?

Yes. Our experts help with site selection. They will help you find it according to your requirements on the Internet with ads.

What affects the final price of a home?

The cost of building a house is affected by:

  • site features: relief, conditions of entry, location
  • materials used in construction
  • house architecture features
  • conditions for the production of work (limitations on work time)

What guarantees do you give?

We give a guarantee of 3 years for our work. The warranty is given by the manufacturer and it is different in each case. There are materials for which the manufacturer gives a lifetime warranty.

How can I control construction?

  • We send each client step by step photo work report.
  • We install online video surveillance of the object 24 hours a day, you and the company's specialists have access to it (paid service).
  • You can also use the services of companies that carry out technical control.
  • The construction is being delivered in stages, you always see which stage, and only after accepting one, we proceed to the next.

When is the contract signed?

  • The design contract is signed at the meeting, before the first communication with the architect.
  • The construction contract is signed after the development and approval of the estimate.

When do I have to pay for your work?

For design, an advance payment must be made within 5 days after signing the contract in the amount of 70% of the total amount. The balance is paid when the finished project is handed over to the client.

Payment for construction is broken down according to the stages that are specified in the estimate. Each stage of construction is also divided into payments, the amount of which may be different (usually this is due to the need to purchase materials)

How are builders placed?

  1. It will be convenient if you have the opportunity to place builders next to the construction site, suitable garden house, construction trailer, an old house or any other building with a roof.
  2. If there is nothing like that, then we are ready to bring our change house for FREE.
  3. IN extreme cases we will accommodate our builders in a nearby hostel

What communications are needed to start construction: electricity, water?

Electricity with a capacity of at least 5 kW and industrial water.

If not, we will bring our generators for FREE. Water in most cases wooden construction used only for domestic needs, we will provide its delivery on our own.

What time of year do you build?

We build all year round, one of important conditions in the spring-autumn period, this is a suitable road for vehicle access.


We will help you save money by correctly calculating the estimate and choosing high-quality materials.

Run a quality project documentation, thanks to which you can not worry about the design decisions made.

We work throughout the Moscow region

Volokolamsky district, Voskresensky district, Dmitrovsky district, Egorevsky district, Zaraisky district, Istra district, Kashirsky district, Klinsky district, Kolomensky district, Krasnogorsky district, Leninsky district, Lotoshinsky district, Lukhovitsky district, Luberetsky district, Mozhaysky district, Mytishchi district, Naro-Fominsk district, Noginsky district, Odintsovo district, Ozersky district n, Orekhovo-Zuevsky district, Pavlovsky-Posadsky district, Podolsky district, Pushkinsky district, Ramensky district, Ruzsky district, Sergiev Posadsky district, Serebryano-Prudsky district, Serpukhov district, Solnechnogorsk district, Stupinsky district, Taldom district, Chekhov district, Shatursky district, Shakhovskoy district, Schelkovsky district.

Houses are built from a wide variety of materials - it can be concrete or brick, timber, blocks, etc. Each material has its own advantages. Of great importance is the price of the material, as well as its reliability and practicality. Sandwich panels for building a house are a convenient building material that allows you to quickly, easily and inexpensively build a house for anyone.

Private housing construction

Sandwich panels - a fairly broad concept. In any case, it denotes two outer layers, between which the insulation is fixed. The outer sheets can be wood, metal or composite materials. Insulation - mineral wool, polyurethane foam, fiberglass or. For housing construction, they are usually used, made from expanded polystyrene as a heater.

A private house from SIP panels
SIP panels are very durable, withstand a load of more than 2.5 tons

Wall sandwich panels are quite light, normal or suitable for them. A metal or wooden frame is installed on the foundation, to which the panels are attached. A frame is not needed for assembly, since the panels themselves and the beam connecting them do a good job of this role. Panels are suitable for mounting not only bearing walls, but also internal partitions. withstand large longitudinal loads, so they can be considered wall. For roofs and ceilings, if sandwich panels are used, then with additional frame from beams.


  • erection speed;
  • lack of requirements for the foundation;
  • thermal protection is many times better than that of traditional buildings;
  • ease of installation - you can build a house from sandwich panels yourself;
  • mobility - sandwich panels can be replaced at any time, the house can be expanded;
  • fire safety;
  • strength;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • low cost.

A house made of sandwich panels does not shrink; immediately after the walls are erected and under the roof, it can be connected to communications, engaged and moved in. This sandwich houses differ from brick or wooden ones.

prefabricated houses

Today we offer the most different projects houses for which enterprises produce a ready-made set of panels. A prefabricated house is built quickly, lasts a long time, and in the process of operation is in no way inferior to houses made of other materials. Such houses include - they are easily assembled as a designer - two or three people can handle such work without involving heavy equipment.

Such a prefabricated canadian house built in just 3 weeks

Prices for SIP panels from OSB-3 KALEVALA

Panel view Dimensions, mm OSB thickness, mm Price per panel Price per m 2