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Beautiful and simple garden gazebos: selected design ideas and proven options. Beautiful country gazebos, photos of original designs Designer gazebos for summer cottages

In the country, it is not customary to sit in a house when it is sunny and warm outside. Only during bad weather can a summer resident hide under a roof. However, you can resort to another option. You can stock up on great experiences at outdoors if you build your own gazebo.

Such a building will become an ornament garden plot as well as a place for pleasant communication with family and friends. There are many ready-made schemes of light arbors. If you assemble the structure yourself, its cost will be 50% lower than that of the finished building. The simplest do-it-yourself gazebo is assembled quickly enough. With unhurried work, it can be built in 2-3 days.

Materials and designs

Cheap and practical option- a gazebo made of wood. Such material looks beautiful and is easily processed. If wooden elements are impregnated with special solutions, they can serve for a long time. In addition, the construction of a country gazebo will not take more than 3 days, even if the work is done slowly.

Another material that is used for the construction of such structures is metal. When making a frame from profile pipe and steel corners gazebo can serve for many decades. It can be built with your own hands. The work is done quickly enough, and the materials are quite cheap.

DIY gazebo

How to build a simple gazebo with a minimum of cost and effort? For the construction of such a structure, it will be necessary to create a frame and a floor. If it is wooden, the bases are made of bars. Flooring built from boards. As a base, it is better to pour a concrete screed. This version of the foundation will be simple affordable. Before work, it is necessary to choose the right place for installing the gazebo. The area for concreting should also be leveled.

Important! For a simple gazebo, you should not combine wooden and metal frame elements.

Practice has shown that even when protecting wooden supports with roofing material or bitumen, when placed in concrete, the elements begin to rot. Subsequently, this can lead to their destruction. For this reason, it is better to immediately exclude the contact of wood and concrete.

For this purpose, you should:

  • Concrete round metal pipes.
  • Then fasten wooden posts to them. Metal rods should come out of concrete base by 30 cm.
  • Holes are made in them for fastenings.

On such supports, the gazebo can stand for more than a dozen years. Any roof can be mounted on the obtained supports. Building a wooden structure with your own hands is quite simple.

For regular light gazebos do not need to build brick fences. You can limit yourself to a simple fence from eurolining. Its height usually does not exceed 90 cm. Such a fence is attached to longitudinal bars. The gazebo will help to hide from the scorching sun, and will also avoid blowing your back with a strong wind. The fence for the walls of the structure is fixed to wooden poles using self-tapping screws.

Eurolining can be replaced with cellular polycarbonate. This material looks great and does not obscure the gazebo space too much. It is also easy to install. The material is not afraid of sudden changes in temperature and high humidity.


For the roof frame, it is better to find a beam of 50x50 mm. From it it is necessary to create a frame on which the crate will be installed, and then roofing material. The frame is installed on the top harness. The roof is covered with such materials:

  • ondulin;
  • metal tile;
  • slate.

When choosing the optimal width of the roof, it is worth calculating it in such a way that you do not have to cut the sheets when installing the roofing. To do this, you first need to measure the dimensions of the panels used, and then subtract the sheets overlapping each other, which will be performed during installation. The result will be taken into account when calculating the length and width of the roof. It is also worth considering the side overhangs and end overlap. You can make a gazebo with your own hands quite quickly. The main thing is to choose the right materials, including for roofing.

For example, for a slate with 8 waves in each panel, the length of the gazebo is chosen as a multiple of 1 meter. In this case, the length of the slopes can be equal to 1.75 m. If several panels are laid along the slope, the estimated length of each of them is reduced by 15 cm - this is necessary to create an overlap.

Choosing best option for roofing Special attention give polycarbonate.

Distinctive features of the material:

  • It is an excellent option for the construction of lightweight structures.
  • It also makes a fence.
  • Polycarbonate is a transparent plastic with a small mass.
  • In combination with it, a metal profile is often used.

Such gazebos are especially attractive and practical if they are located in the shade of trees. In the presence of a translucent roof and the shadow created by dense foliage, the atmosphere in the gazebo will be as comfortable as possible for relaxation.

Garden gazebos made of polycarbonate are simple and affordable. To create them, you need to have several tens of meters of steel angle, as well as polycarbonate panels and a steel strip. Also, before erecting such a structure, it is worth preparing planed boards, which will be needed for the manufacture of benches and a table. The original photo of the gazebo can be seen below.

Manufacturing steps

To understand how to make a gazebo with your own hands, you should get acquainted with the main stages of work. It is better to choose an easier option. First you need to equip the foundation. In it, the support posts of the gazebo are concreted. After that, they should be scalded with a corner of 25x25 mm. After that, 2 belts of corners are welded to the racks. One of them is placed in the middle of the supports. The second should be put on top - the roof will rest on it.

Polycarbonate sheets have the ability to bend perfectly. For this reason, they can be used as an arched roof. For this purpose, steel strips must be welded to the racks, which have a width of 50 mm. They are mounted on support stands. And then holes are made in them to fix the polycarbonate. You can assemble a simple gazebo for a summer house with your own hands (as in the photo) quickly enough.

Also roofing often made of tiles. For the basis for it, OSB sheets should be prepared. The material does an excellent job of holding shingles on the roof. The thickness of such sheets can be 10-12 mm. It has a fairly high strength and rigidity. That is why it does not have to assemble a spatial frame from wooden elements. It is only necessary to firmly attach it to the harness.

Features of simple gazebos

A simple gazebo for a summer residence does not have to be done with a frame frame. Its foundation is concrete screed which was reinforced with steel bars. On such a surface, you can put a barbecue. The safety of this design is quite high, because the concrete floor is not afraid of hot coals. In the case of the winter version, it is better to equip the floor with planed boards, and sheathe the area around the barbecue with steel sheets. Such winter design looks simple and beautiful.

Inexpensive in construction and easy to install is a columnar foundation. In order not to overpay when building a gazebo for a summer house with your own hands, you can prepare a red brick. To install the foundation, it is necessary to dig holes for the supporting pillars, and then lay them in brickwork, place reinforcement and pour concrete. Anchor bolts of 20 cm are laid in the masonry. There should be a thread at their free end.

Supports are placed on the pillars. The frame is best made from a bar 50x100 mm. If you put antiseptic boards on it, you can get an excellent warm floor. Subsequently, the gazebo can be equipped with an open hearth. With such a finish in the room, it will be possible to rest comfortably even during severe frosts.

To figure out how to build a gazebo, you should get acquainted with the main features of simple structures, as well as learn more about popular materials. You should also understand the sequence of erecting simple arbors.


As you can see, you can build a simple structure with your own hands, without resorting to the help of professional builders. Perform first precise drawing, and then, in accordance with it, all necessary work. It is important to consider the capacity of the gazebo, its location and materials. In order to avoid mistakes in the process of work, it is worth performing the correct calculations.

No more practical building on personal plot like a well-designed gazebo. Its functionality can vary - from a small fragment of a shadow to a full-fledged summer kitchen. open type. Today it is not customary to spend expensive building materials on a temporary temporary structure built somehow. In landscape design, the gazebo should be the central building that adorns a cozy garden corner. Do not rush with the construction project without learning about the types of gazebos, optimal sizes, decor and choice best place in the garden.

Wooden gazebo design in an unusual shape

This gazebo will become your favorite place to relax.

In a large gazebo you can gather guests and spend time outdoors

A functional gazebo in landscape design involves the practical use of the building. It can combine:

  • summer kitchen with barbecue or barbecue;
  • covered terrace with double swing;
  • landscaped private space with Internet in the open air;
  • a shady arena for secluded relaxation in a remote corner of the garden;
  • aesthetic frame mosquito net for sleeping outdoors in the summer;
  • a place for joint lunches in the country in the shade of climbing plants;
  • a small greenhouse for cultivating indoor plants in the warm season;
  • glazed terrace for weekends with a friendly company in the cold season.

The design of the gazebo made of stone and wood will last a very long time.

A small gazebo in the courtyard of a private house

The purpose of the summerhouse determines its design features, materials for its construction and decoration. Most often, natural wood and metal are used for the frame. Inexpensive roofing materials are suitable for the roof. Transparent fragments of the gazebo do:

  • made of tempered glass (for a heavy load from hail and other precipitation);
  • unbreakable plexiglass (prone to scratches);
  • polycarbonate;
  • transparent flexible slate and other polymers.

The type of building depends on whether it will be used in the cold season.

  1. If it is being built in a region where there is heavy snowfall in winter, it is better to make a peaked roof on which the snow cap will not linger.
  2. A collapsible design is also suitable - the roof is dismantled for the winter
  3. A gazebo in the form of a gallery under the vines is suitable for a warm climate. These and others climbing plants it is desirable to cover for the period of severe frosts, in the spring the vines are cut, some flowers are stopped.
  4. For lovers of winter visits to summer cottages, gazebos such as a glazed house are built for lunch with barbecue, which are fried nearby.
  5. A gazebo under polycarbonate or flexible slate can adjoin a blank wall of the house, combining the functions of a covered gallery. Here it is convenient to cook and dine in the shade, and houseplants and seedlings will be protected from climatic troubles.

Aesthetics of the building is an important factor. It is better to spend a little more time building it than to settle for years with something second-rate. There are many examples when designer gazebos, built with their own hands, become not only a decoration for a summer house and a source of pride in front of friends and neighbors.

Design of a wooden gazebo in the yard

Design project of a wooden gazebo

For maximum comfort, the gazebo can be glazed

The successful appearance of the covered structure encourages the transformation of everything suburban area. But it's better to start with a project landscape design:

  • ponds;
  • gazebos;
  • benches;
  • lighting;
  • alleys and paths;
  • hedges, flower beds and alpine slides.

Any gazebo should be not just a "gatehouse" to protect the garden from birds and wild animals, which often happens in places far from the city near the forest. The building must fully meet the aesthetic needs of the owners and the ideas of comfort and functionality.

Near the gazebo you can put flower pots

Japanese style wooden gazebo design

The main types of light buildings

The generally accepted classification of country arbors:

  • open structures on supports under a canopy;
  • classic buildings of a semi-closed type;
  • closed buildings (summer kitchens, barbecue or grill houses).

In the gazebo, intended for cooking, it is desirable to supply water and lighting. Then it will be convenient to use it in any weather, in the daytime in the evening.

Attention! Professional chefs are often invited to a spacious, well-arranged gazebo to organize a picnic with friends or a family holiday in nature. The usual requirement for hired cooks is hygiene (a washbasin with running water) and a well-equipped catering unit - an oven, a barbecue, a barbecue and a table for cutting meat.

When drawing up a project, it is imperative to decide in advance what the design style will be - an important aesthetic component. Bricks - traditional material For suburban buildings. The bases of arbors for a personal plot, where everything is built from this material, are best done in one design.

In the gazebo you can put a sofa and relax there in your free time

Japanese gazebo design

An unusual version of a gazebo without a roof with a sofa

A temporary gazebo is a frame under an awning, draped with fabric. Such vestments can be removed unnecessarily and used when the family periodically comes to the country house on rare weekends. She gets filled garden furniture with soft seats, which are then brought into the house.

If food is prepared elsewhere, then you can limit yourself to a simple gazebo of an open shooting gallery. For example, forged options metal structures under climbing plants - photo of gazebos in landscape design.

Location, shape and size of gazebos

With the current level of technology, covered country pavilions can be built in any configuration:

  • one-story;
  • multilevel;
  • tower type (convenient for contemplating a magnificent panorama or landscaping a garden).

The building must be raised high on a stone foundation if it is periodically threatened by spring floods. This also happens when flooding from showers, when the summer cottage is on a lowland or near a flooding river.

Arbor design made of wood and stone

In a large gazebo you can gather guests in the warm season

The shape and design of the gazebo in the country depends on personal preferences:

  • rectangular shape;
  • octagon;
  • square;
  • rectangle;
  • trapezium (widest wall to the south for a larger area of ​​afternoon shade);
  • an elongated gallery with benches along a paved path for climbing plants;
  • round rotundas or bungalows with a light roof under reeds on pillars;
  • the buildings combined type(with adjoining awnings for outside benches).

Attention! When planning a hearth for cooking near the gazebo, keep in mind that building from flammable materials is dangerous!

The roof and supports of a building with a barbecue must be made of fireproof materials. Sparks from fire should not fall on nearby trees. The gazebo should be built on a tree-free site, or it is better to remove tall trees (especially coniferous and with phytoncides).

light buildings in country garden or in the backyard for cooking is a popular option. But it is important to take into account all the points in order to prevent a fire in the summer cottage.

The internal equipment of the gazebo varies significantly, and it is tied to its functionality. Most often these are benches or comfortable benches with soft backs for several people.

Today, sofa swings are in fashion, which have become an indispensable attribute. summer holidays in the garden. A large selection of models with and without awnings is a great opportunity to improve a remote corner of the garden or a new gazebo.

You can decorate the gazebo very beautifully with flowers and curtains.

The base of the gazebo is made of stone, and the roof is made of metal tiles.

Wooden gazebo design with barbecue inside

In a spacious building, you can even organize a tiny oasis according to the oriental model. In the center of the octagonal arbor there is a small fountain with fish in the tank. Draped panels of mattress fabric - excellent shelter from summer heat for those sitting on benches with soft seats along the partitions of the gazebo.

Option without textiles - carved inserts or lattices can be made under the roof for additional shade and luxurious decor. In the center of the gazebo, if there is no fountain, it is convenient to put a table. There is an option to change the content of the building - folding countertops and light garden furniture.

The classic dimensions of a country gazebo are 3x3 m or 3x4 m if it is rectangular. A large terrace or covered area, if space permits, can really be expanded to 8-16 sq.m., more building materials will be required. But in such an indoor arena, a large soft corner made of natural or artificial rattan and a table with treats for several people will fit.

According to generally accepted standards, for a comfortable summer pastime, 1.2-2 sq.m. is enough for 1 vacationer. gazebos. The height must be at least 2 meters, so that even the tallest guests are comfortable.

Design metal gazebo with benches

You can plant flowers next to the gazebo

What is important to know about building a gazebo?

The most comfortable for the location of the summer building is such a corner of landscape design, where the gazebo is removed from the main house, but is clearly visible from the yard. A well-paved path or garden path should lead to it. It is better if the design project is handled by a professional who is able to take into account everything important points and wishes of the customer.

If there is only one likely place for the gazebo, and the site has already been landscaped, then it makes no sense to start with planning the territory, you can come to grips with the design of the building. But it is important that all buildings are in the same style.

The size and shape are not the main thing, the type of construction determines the materials, costs, scope of work, functionality and design of the gazebo.

A large building requires a solid foundation. It can be columnar or tape. How deep it should be depends on the soil and the massiveness of the structure. On unstable soils and in marshy regions with flooding, it is better to build on piles.

Floors paved with natural wood look luxurious. Nose paving slabs it will turn out cheaper and more practical, especially when the floor area is solid.

Arbor can be decorated with flowers

The design of the gazebo is made of wood

Design of a wooden gazebo with a fireplace

When constructing the foundation of garden arbors, keep in mind that the soil often contains the roots of trees growing nearby and other plant inclusions. You have to deal with uprooting stumps or removing large boulders.

Do not rush to take the stones dug out on the site outside the cottage, they can be used for landscape design. The Japanese were the first to think of this, their type of landscaping near the house is called the “rock garden”.

Variants of country arbors

The color of landscape design with a gazebo largely depends on the type of building and the overall stylistic decision. For do-it-yourself construction, they usually choose structures that are easy to assemble on their own from ready-made wooden blocks or welded from metal gratings and poles.

Those who have artistic skills often decorate their new wooden creations with original decor:

  • openwork wood carving;
  • objects from roots, snags and knots;
  • light gratings of thin slats.

The appearance of the building should correspond to the concept of the architectural ensemble, if professionals were engaged in the landscaping of the territory. Some of the work can be done independently, and responsible nodes can be entrusted to specialists, such as a gazebo with fairy-tale characters made of artistic concrete.

If you want to fulfill your dream of an aesthetic shaded corner, it is better to limit yourself to a “live gazebo”. At minimal cost this design of concrete pillars, corner and wire can be made peaked slate roof. Fast-growing climbing plants planted around benches with backs will quickly decorate the building on a metal frame with flowers.

Solid closed or "winter" gazebos are still rare. But it all depends on the imagination of the builder or designer. A small “troll house” (or gnome) will look great on a plot in scandinavian style, with all the decor and mythical paraphernalia. Inside there can be a real hearth (stove or fireplace), a table, stools and a stove bench.

You can plant flowers around the gazebo

Wooden gazebo design

Peaks, cornices, canopies, rotundas, covered galleries - light summer houses. They easily turn into gazebos if you arrange garden wicker furniture or plastic chairs. A south-facing backdrop is easy to organize with old blinds or a tarpaulin awning.

TABLE Choosing a gazebo for landscape design

A variety of modern gazebos for landscape design - in our photo gallery.

Video: Arbor design options

50 photos of design ideas for gazebos in the courtyard of a private house:

Not without reason, for many centuries in a row, gazebos have been the most popular and functional decoration. garden decor. Under the roof of a garden gazebo, you can hide from the scorching sun and light rain, retire, read a book or work, drink soft drinks. Or you can gather the whole family for lunch or invite friends to an outdoor party. Any vacation becomes more pleasant under the chirping of birds and the chirping of insects, surrounded by a beautiful landscape filled with the scents of nature.

At present, gazebos for a personal plot have ceased to be just light structures designed to protect from the sun or rain, but have become real miniature works of architectural art.

Properly and carefully selected gazebo model will transform any landscape design, becoming its main decoration. When designing an open structure, it is important to consider the material and style of the main building, and the landscaping of your garden or backyard. If the gazebo is designed in a common design style with the house, combined with other buildings on the site, then you can achieve the effect of a single architectural ensemble.

Pergolas with a stone oven

Homeowners pursue different goals by installing a gazebo in their summer cottage or even on the roof of a city house, but often in addition to shelter from the weather, many people want to organize a place for cooking on fire. By installing a stone stove or fireplace under the roof, you can protect yourself from the vagaries of nature and enjoy delicacies at the dining table directly in the fresh air.

The use of stone and wood to create country masterpieces has been a favorite technique of all designers for many years now. This alliance will serve homeowners faithfully for a long time to come.

The warm and cozy atmosphere of the gazebo was created not only thanks to natural materials used in the construction, but also comfortable wicker furniture with soft pillows and the soft light of pendant street lamps.

This spacious wooden gazebo is literally created for relaxation, as evidenced by the inscription on the stone stove. A cozy seating area and a small bar with high stools. Suitable for family gatherings during the day, and for a party with friends at a later time.

The unique design of this wooden gazebo looks very harmonious with an unusually shaped stove, with carved street lamps, with comfortable wicker chairs, creating a homely atmosphere of comfort.

Street lighting of the gazebo is an important detail that is best thought out at the design stage of the building. Whether it will be a large chandelier, a lamp or several pendant lights, or maybe an imitation of a garland - there are many options, it all depends on the breadth of your ideas, financial budget and the size of the gazebo itself and the space adjacent to it.

The design of this gazebo is unusual in everything - the structure is almost entirely made of stone, only the beams of the ceiling are made of wood, the stove is also extraordinary, it is an open bowl with a high chimney. Interesting street furniture of a strict geometric shape also adds originality to the ensemble.

This chic room is difficult to mistake for a country house. Being inside, one gets the feeling of being in a respectable living room with a fireplace, comfortable sofas, a creative coffee table and decorative elements. Only the furniture material returns to reality - wicker structures instead of wooden ones.

The play of contrasts in this garden gazebo, which looks more like a chic snow-white tent, is literally breathtaking. Light shades of the cover and stove, upholstered furniture and flower beds are in harmony with the dark shades of wicker furniture and forged decor elements.

It is difficult to call a gazebo this open structure with antique columns, light, pastel shades of which create an incredibly sophisticated atmosphere of elegant comfort. A small reservoir next door, a large stone oven, light wicker furniture with soft pillows - everything here works to create the elegance of an outdoor structure for relaxation.

Gazebo - comfortable outdoor dining

It is not surprising that when developing a plan for building a gazebo on a personal plot, homeowners are considering the possibility of organizing a place for eating at any time of the day. We have selected several interesting design options for the gazebo, for those who plan to use this outdoor summer cottage specifically for the purpose of organizing a dining area.

An arbor open on all sides near a small pond has become a great place to organize a dining area, and barbecue equipment is also located here.

Stone and wood are everywhere in this cozy corner for relaxing and eating. A large group of guests can be accommodated at any time of the day.

The atmosphere of a cozy living room is recreated in a small gazebo thanks to a variety of lighting - hanging chandelier, Wall lights and floor sconces create a romantic mood.

This wood-beamed pergola on concrete supports sits in the corner of a high fence to create a cozy, wind-sheltered dining area. If desired, you can draw light-colored outdoor curtains and protect from the sun or create an intimate atmosphere.

The domed roof of this wooden gazebo with carved columns just needed a round dining table and a traditional chandelier above it. Such a table can accommodate a considerable number of guests for a pleasant dinner among the greenery of many plants.

A small dining area is located in a wooden gazebo, made in oriental style. Bright metal chairs look contrasted against the warm shades of wood. A hedge creates the mood of a small, cozy corner for relaxation.

Another example of creating a comfortable place for lunch and dinner with the help of living plant walls. Arbor created from wooden slats, includes a cover to protect from the sun during the day.

This country gazebo, representing, in fact, a wooden canopy can be used as a place for lunch and a corner for relaxation, as well as a barbecue base.

Fully lined with wood pergola, with a built-in lighting system on the ceiling - a great place to organize a dinner or party in the dark.

The simple and concise design of such arbors will organically look in the landscape design of any personal plot.

Gazebo on the roof of a multi-storey building - an elegant stay in the city

Absence country house or the opportunity to visit it often is no reason to deprive yourself of the pleasure of outdoor recreation. The organization of small gazebos is a resurgent trend in large cities. A small paradise with living plants, a recreation area and even small ponds is not a luxury, but an objective reality of the present.

Among the realm of concrete, such a steel gray gazebo looks incredibly organic. The holiday atmosphere of being outdoors is created by bright wicker furniture and flowering plants in tubs.

Even with artificial turf and a lightweight gazebo design, this place of rest and relaxation looks luxurious. Light textiles and bright spots of fresh flowers bring a positive mood to the overall mood of the ensemble.

The gazebo in this case is a folding awning in the form of a huge, bright umbrella. Presence wooden finish and the presence of living plants dilutes the industrial atmosphere of a soft corner for relaxation.

The carved wooden gazebo, stylized as a Chinese pagoda, has become cozy place on rooftops to accommodate several people. Wooden flooring acts as a backdrop for unique elements street decor and evergreens.

The gazebo as an ideal place to relax: in harmony with the environment

The primary purpose of any gazebo is to provide homeowners with the opportunity to relax and unwind in its shade. We offer you a selection original variants pavilions for every taste.

To choose an inspiring option, you need to take into account only the functionality and visual appeal that corresponds exactly to your taste preferences and concepts of a harmonious and comfortable structure.

This gazebo seems to be created from snow-white wooden lace. Classic shape The octagon will compactly fit into even the smallest nook on your backyard and decorate its appearance.

The so-called "live" arbors are created using steel or metal-plastic construction, near which climbing plants are planted, which can later create the effect of green walls.

Small gazebos in the forest or rustic style they are used, as a rule, in large gardens, spacious personal plots with the effect of neglected landscape design. Often such structures are made from tree branches, sometimes unprocessed. Their shape and appearance often create the image of a forest house or hut.

This modest square-shaped gazebo looks great in alliance with a flower bed, “trimmed” with seating.

In the realm of stone decoration, the wooden doors of this gazebo look very organic. Comfortable soft corner creates a truly comfortable place for relax.

Using wooden slats to create gazebo structures is a good way to not only give the structure airiness, but also stay within the budget. This is a very economical use of wood.

Arbors in oriental style

The east in the style of pavilions is manifested mainly in the construction of roofs, as well as intricate ornaments and oriental decor elements.

Eastern culture is not only a delicate matter, but also incredibly beautiful when it comes to examples of architecture and ways of organizing landscape design.

Simplicity, peace, clarity of forms and lines - the basis of the concept of oriental garden structures.

Calm pastel shades of the structure and its finishes are diluted with bright spots of textiles and outdoor furniture upholstery.

Unusual hanging lamp introduces an element of futurism into the overall oriental style of the structure. A wall lighting creates a cozy atmosphere of home relaxation in a luxurious setting.

Bungalow-style gazebos

It is enough to equip a spacious gazebo with thatch on the roof with a seating area with many pillows and the atmosphere of a Hawaiian holiday is provided to you. Here are some examples of luxurious summer cottages in the stylistic direction of the bungalow.

Pergolas in the form of covered canopies

Sometimes such simple form organizing a gazebo can be a real gem of landscape design. Usage various materials, shapes and colors allows you to create many options for this simple design.

An upscale vacation spot covered canopy can be equipped both on a personal plot and on the roof of a large building.

The original design of the gazebo-canopy with a built-in sandbox is a great way out for homeowners with children

In the summer, the cottage becomes a favorite vacation spot for many people. For a comfortable organization of leisure in the fresh air, such a structure as a gazebo is perfect. It will become a cozy corner for tea parties, family gatherings, as well as friendly meetings surrounded by nature. A simple summer gazebo in the country does not take up much space, but will bring many benefits during the holidays.

Options for gazebos for summer cottages

Regardless of whether they build a gazebo with their own hands or with the help of professionals, you first need to think through everything. The choice of gazebo design for a summer residence depends on the landscape of the site and the style of buildings on it. It must be in harmony with existing design to be part of the surrounding atmosphere. At the same time, country gazebos must meet the requirements of their functionality and the desires of the owner of a country house. You can consider different options for gazebos for summer cottages, but the best will be the one in which it will only complement the positive atmosphere of the yard and will not interfere with various works.

Garden summer arbors for summer cottages are of three types:

  • open;
  • semi-open;
  • closed.

Open variant

Open gazebos for summer cottages, the photo below is a simple example, frame structure, represent a canopy resting on support pillars playing the role of a framework. They can be wooden, metal, less often brick or stone. Such lightweight construction will fit into almost any landscape, will not look bulky even in a small area.

The open type of construction allows the use of a light foundation and provides for a small amount of material, which makes it more affordable in comparison with other types.

Also, open buildings have a lot of advantages:

  • ease of construction;
  • lightness and aesthetics of construction;
  • variety of forms and design options;
  • possibility of outdoor recreation.

When planning a wooden gazebo for an open-type summer house, you need to choose the right location. It should be closed from the wind, located on the sunny side of the site.

closed type

A closed gazebo for a summer residence, the photo of which is placed below, is more complex structure, it is enclosed on all sides by walls with glazing, is a light garden house. characteristic feature is the ability to be in it in all weather conditions. It will be more difficult to build such a gazebo in the country with your own hands.

The style of the structure can be any, as well as the material. The shape of this type of gazebo is most often rectangular or multifaceted. According to the style decision, the design should correspond to the house and landscape. The main thing is that at least two walls must open. Subject to insulation, such a gazebo provides for the possibility of use in the winter.

Summer arbors can have different shapes and designs, the main emphasis when choosing them is on a harmonious combination with the house.

The main materials for the construction of a country gazebo

Today the market offers a large selection of different materials for the construction and decoration of garden arbors.

wooden buildings

Tree- environmentally friendly, breathable, easy-to-use material, the main advantages of which are:

  • environmental Safety, no toxic effects;
  • strength - at proper processing and protection from decay, a wooden building will last for more than a dozen years;
  • does not lose its attractiveness and presentability when cracks and chips appear - you can get a beautiful gazebo for many years
  • The use of tree trunks of different thicknesses is a great idea for a gazebo for a summer residence, a photo example is a direct proof of this:

    A wooden gazebo for a summer residence can be built in a short time even with your own hands. The tree is easy to process, allows you to realize many design ideas. At the same time, it is durable correct operation has an unlimited service life.

    Appearance wooden buildings blends in perfectly with the environment. The structure retains heat well and protects from the cold.

    Natural material always creates a special comfort inside the building. When designing the appearance wooden structures, designers are trying to preserve the natural look of the material, not to use bright colors, not to disturb the texture of the wood. The main rule that should be followed when building a wooden gazebo is harmony and naturalness.

    Metal constructions

    Metal gives the building an expensive look, lightness and texture. The ability to create various openwork forms makes this design attractive, intricate in appearance. It is better to build summer arbors from metal. The advantages of the material include:

    • strength and long service life;
    • the ability to create various forms;
    • unlimited choice design ideas;
    • ease of care.

    brick buildings

    brick construction looks good against the background of a house or cottage made of similar material. Advantages of brick buildings:

    • strength and resistance to factors environment;
    • no shrinkage;
    • minimal care;
    • fire resistance;
    • environmental Safety;
    • the possibility of winter use of the building.

    Fabric gazebos

    Using fabric to build a gazebo- This modern idea which is only gaining popularity. The most common cover material is tarpaulin, as it has water-repellent properties. Such structures can be disassembled and stored in winter time in places protected from the adverse effects of external factors.

    Sizes can be varied, depending on the estimated number of people who will be in the gazebo. In addition to tarpaulins, modern fabrics are used for covering: acrylic, awning, awning.

    All fabrics used have the following properties:

    • protection from wind and UV rays;
    • moisture protection;
    • resistance to fading;
    • health safety.

    Fabric is one of the most available material for finishing gazebos. It's simple cheap way, allowing you to equip a place of rest in the country, give it an attractive look and style. A beautiful gazebo for a summer residence, the photo of which is posted below, can be installed in the shortest possible time and does not require a large amount of money.

    In addition to fabric pvc film is used to decorate gazebos, which has the following characteristics:

    • keeps heat well;
    • has a light weight;
    • easy to install;
    • affordable;
    • easy to clean;
    • does not fade in the sun.

    Much less often, stone, glass, plastic, plywood are used for the construction of country arbors.

    When choosing a material, it is worth considering the design and size of the site. It will not be superfluous, also, to study the pros and cons of the chosen type of construction, see ready-made options buildings.

    The shape and style of the gazebo

    In their form, gazebos can be made in the form of a rectangle, circle or polyhedron. And also, to be complex structures with a complex design and original appearance.

    The choice of form depends only on the personal wishes of the owner. suburban area. The round arbor is considered the most difficult to erect, it requires accurate calculations, and not any material is suitable for it. For a hexagonal building, more material is needed, which greatly complicates the structure. The classic shape is a rectangle, the construction of which is not difficult.

    Rectangular building

    The rectangular design is the simplest and most common. In most cases, such a building has an area of ​​\u200b\u200bmore than 10m2.

    The main advantages of a rectangular gazebo are:

    • possibility of accommodation a large number of people;
    • availability of space for the arrangement of the table and chairs;
    • the possibility of zoning space;
    • the possibility of installing heaters or stoves.

    Also, you can arrange a two-level gazebo by organizing several zones with different purposes. With proper construction of the building and its proper arrangement, it will last for many years and become a favorite gathering place for a noisy company or a quiet corner for a secluded getaway from the bustle of the city.

    Round structure

    Such structures are quite rare, their feature in the original appearance. Most often, round structures are created from forged metal or brick.

    The advantages of the round shape design include:

    • attractive aesthetic appearance;
    • lightness and airiness, even when using heavy materials;

    Arbors of a round shape are quite difficult to erect, and therefore this form is used less often.

    Today, an original type of building has appeared - a two-story gazebo. The lower floor is a closed space, and the upper one is a viewing platform. The design of a two-story round gazebo can be arranged in various styles, and the advantage will be the use of the area of ​​​​a small area as functionally as possible.

    In addition to variations in form, gazebos can be decorated in various styles:

    Everything appears now more options design of country arbors. Unusual designs differ in originality, and will become the highlight of the suburban area. However, in any case, the building must be combined with the facade of the house and match the landscape of the site on which it is located.

    Live gazebos

    This is a light frame structure with a metal base surrounded by plants braiding it. A distinctive feature is the absence of a floor, walls and ceiling. They are completely replaced by branches, trunks and leaves of trees. As a "hedge" any climbing plants can be used with the exception of conifers and shrubs with thorns.

    Such structures are used only in summer and are a decorative part of the landscape. They perfectly protect from rain, wind and sun. On a hot day, such a gazebo will keep a comfortable cool.

    You can create a living structure even on small plot, providing good illumination of the location of the building. However, growing walls takes time and patience - it can take more than one year to build a "living gazebo".

    Barbecue gazebos

    The main purpose of this type of building is the preparation of barbecue and barbecue. They have the appropriate arrangement and are equipped with a barbecue. The materials must be practical, easy to clean, resistant to the operating conditions: metal, wood or stone.

    Often, gazebos with barbecue facilities are equipped with a place for cooking, a sink and a table, thereby giving the gazebos the function of a summer kitchen. Must be placed inside dinner Zone from the table and benches, fenced off from the cooking area. To maintain the temperature, you can hang thick curtains.

    In such a gazebo, it is better to install additional light sources. Lighting will help create coziness and harmony, artificial light is especially needed in the cooking area.

    It is better to locate this building at a distance from the house, this will create its own unique atmosphere in it.

    The purpose of the future building

    The main thing to consider when choosing a shape and design summer gazebo is her purpose. It also depends on the size and style of the building.

    For some, the goal is to get a quiet cozy corner to relax alone with nature. For others, space is important to gather friends and organize parties. And someone just needs to create a family atmosphere for dinner with the family.

    It will be enough for a married couple to install a small canopy with a soft sofa or a pair of sun loungers. Then the gazebo will be a great place where you can be together.

    A large family with children who wants to have breakfast and dinner outdoors will appreciate the advantages of a design with a kitchen.

    Barbecue lovers will love the gazebo with a barbecue.

    If on a hot day you want to hide in the shade of trees while reading a book, a live gazebo will do.

    Creation and implementation of the project

    Before starting the preparation of the project, it is necessary to consider the following nuances:

    • location;
    • style future construction;
    • the need for a kitchen area;
    • the number of people for whom the building will be designed;
    • supply of engineering communications.

    If you do not plan a frequent arrival of guests, then the gazebo can be made small. This will save time and money for its construction. It is important to determine the type of building in advance: a closed gazebo for a summer residence is suitable for all seasons, an open one is more suitable for the warm season.

    Having decided on all the listed characteristics, you can begin designing.

    The project must include following points future construction:

    • the location of the gazebo on the site;
    • the size and area of ​​the building;
    • lighting layout;
    • calculation of materials and costs;
    • construction type;
    • type of foundation;
    • stages of building walls and roofs.

    Modern gazebos have various shapes and designs. The choice of design depends on the wishes and preferences of the owner. The main thing for obtaining the desired result is the observance of the technology and rules for the construction of such buildings. Then, regardless of its type and material, the gazebo will be strong, reliable and durable. With the right professional approach to construction, a summerhouse will become a favorite place to spend time outdoors.

    The more comfortable and diverse the territory adjacent to a residential or country house, the more pleasant it is to spend time outdoors: with relatives and children, with friends and colleagues, inviting them to visit, or to celebrate an event. And here you can not do without the main attribute of gatherings - a beautiful gazebo.

    Beauty is a loose concept, it is different for everyone, because we all differ from each other in tastes, passions, education and income.

    But a building built with love, whether it is a gazebo with a barbecue or an ordinary canopy that protects from the scorching sun or rain, will certainly become our pride and will delight us for many years.

    From simple to complex

    The traditional materials for creating the frame of a gazebo or canopy are wood and metal, and for the roof: ondulin, polycarbonate sheets, metal tiles, or a lattice base tightly entwined with vines. Everyone is looking for their own option that matches their tastes and needs.

    The simplest version of a do-it-yourself gazebo is a frame made of metal poles and rods or from wooden bars and planks, entwined with climbing plants. Such a building, of course, will not save from the rain, but it will perfectly shelter from the heat, creating a pleasant coolness.

    In addition, such a design without a doubt looks original and beautiful. Decorative or cultivated grapes, ivy, as well as blooming creepers e.g. kobe.

    A cozy, but at the same time simple gazebo can be made from a metal frame. The roof is made of wooden crate to which sheets of metal are attached.

    The originality and unusualness of this seemingly simple gazebo lies in its curved shape.

    The flexibility and wide range of colors of polycarbonate makes it very popular in construction.

    Similarly, you can make a gazebo out of wood, covering the roof shingles, sheets of corrugated board or any other roofing materials.

    If the house built on the site is made of logs, then a gazebo made of the same material will look quite harmonious. In plan, it can be square, rectangular or in the form of a polygon. Such a construction is solid and will require considerable investments, but it will last for more than a dozen years.

    The walls can be decorated with a vine, which looks equally good with both wooden and metal frame buildings. As a roofing material, it will organically fit in, gaining in Lately popularity - wooden shingles(shingle).

    Another roofing material that has not been fairly forgotten for many years is straw or reed. Very original, from the point of view of architecture, buildings with a roof made of this material. Cane harvesting begins with the onset of frost. Roofs from it are quite durable. In addition, it is a natural and environmentally friendly material.

    A beautiful gazebo for a summer residence, or a stationary place for installing a barbecue, is able to gather a large company without isolating a person who cooks barbecue from society. Most often, this building is enough large sizes brick, concrete block or stone.

    Almost everyone can make a simple gazebo, but not everyone is able to make it beautifully and in an original way. And it's not a lack of skill or skill. Sometimes it just lacks imagination. True, in our time it is much easier to find information, interesting ideas than just a few years ago. Perhaps this article will inspire someone to create a masterpiece in their backyard or summer cottage.

    A cube-shaped gazebo with two round entrances is easy to make, but very original.

    Forging masters or just lovers of “openwork metal” will certainly think about installing such a masterpiece on the site. Forged design can be supplemented with textiles in the form of curtains, decorative pillows thus making it more comfortable.

    For those who believe that a stationary gazebo is not needed, or the place for its installation has not yet been determined, a mobile collapsible tent model is suitable, which can be moved at will and dismantled for the winter.

    Pergolas in various styles

    An oriental-style gazebo will certainly become a decoration of the garden, especially if it is designed in the same style. The basis of the Japanese garden is stones and a pond that balance each other.

    Such gazebos in a tropical style with oriental features will create an atmosphere of lightness and relaxation on the site, which is inherent in relaxing in warm countries.

    Belvedere - a light building for admiring the surrounding nature and secluded relaxation, usually built on a hill in a place remote from home, surrounded beautiful plants. Suitable for a garden in Provence style.

    A gazebo in the Russian style is, first of all, a structure made of wood (beam), embodying the traditions of Russian architecture, often decorated with carvings.

    Country style reflects character village life, and for each country they have their own characteristics. However, it is always natural natural materials and some simplicity.

    And finally, a few tips:

    • the size of the gazebo directly depends on the size of the site and the house located on it, the buildings should not be discordant;
    • dimensions also depend on the estimated number of people who will be in it;
    • to achieve harmony, the material chosen for the building must be combined with the main buildings, primarily with the house;
    • be guided by the same principles when determining the style of the future building.

    Remember that the gazebo is not only a place for eating or drinking tea, but also a real decoration of the garden.