Water pipes      04.03.2020

How to install ventilation in the bathroom. Ventilation in the toilet and in the bathroom - an overview of current schemes and how to implement them. Do-it-yourself fan installation in the bathroom

In the bathroom and toilet, condensation forms more strongly than in other rooms, and unpleasant odors appear. Therefore, here arrangement proper ventilation extremly necessary. A high-quality extract contributes to the normalization of the indoor microclimate, ensures its compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and requirements.

Ventilation in the bathroom and toilet avoids the appearance of dampness and fungus. This contributes to the normal well-being of people living in the house. Finishing, plumbing, furniture, which is located in such premises, will last much longer. All work can be done independently. For this, you need to familiarize yourself with existing rules creating ventilation in the toilet and bathroom.

Ventilation Requirements

Proper ventilation in the bathroom and toilet is one of the important factors, which allow you to fully exploit the premises. It is as important as heating, lighting and water supply. The quality of the equipped ventilation depends on the compliance of the oxygen environment inside the dwelling with the existing requirements.

The bathroom and toilet are enclosed, poorly ventilated areas. Here there is an increased probability of reproduction of pathogenic bacteria and fungi. SNiP establishes air exchange indicators. Its intensity per hour should be 25 m³ for the bathroom. The air flow per hour for a combined bathroom should be 50 m³.

To check the operation of the hood, you need to bring a burning match to the ventilation grill. If the flame is not drawn in by the channel, then the ventilation in the bathroom and toilet is not functioning. In old-style multi-storey buildings, such a picture is observed due to clogging of the channel. If a similar problem is detected in a new house, then the system was designed incorrectly.

The best solution to the problem would be the arrangement of a new forced ventilation. Such a system has many advantages over passive exhaust. It is able to quickly solve the problem of dampness and the appearance of fungus, bad smell in such premises.

Air exchange type

Ventilation in the bathroom and toilet, which options are offered to property owners today, can be natural and artificial. In ordinary high-rise buildings built in the last century, the first type of systems is used. From windows and doors, fresh air in this case enters the room. Then he exits through ventilation ducts.

The movement of air masses during natural ventilation is achieved due to the pressure difference between indoors and outdoors. IN modern apartments windows and doors are characterized by high levels of tightness. This disrupts the natural circulation of air in the room. Therefore, when purchasing new plastic windows and sealed doors, it is necessary to provide for the presence of ventilation devices in them.

Forced or artificial ventilation requires special equipment. It is built into the air exchange system. Exists a large number of various fans for forced ventilation. They relieve pressure inside the bathroom and toilet. Air is pulled out. This process leads to the flow of oxygen into these rooms from other rooms.

The arrangement of forced exhaust in the bathroom can solve the problem of inefficient natural ventilation. It requires more time and cost during installation. Over time, the effort spent is fully compensated. All interior items and decoration in such rooms last much longer than with a natural type of air exchange. Human health will not be threatened by various pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, forced extraction is preferable today.

Types of ventilation

Sanitation and building codes state that forced ventilation in the bathroom and toilet is preferable. However, it should be noted that there are several other features by which such systems are distinguished.

According to the purpose, supply, exhaust and mixed ventilation are distinguished. In the first case, additional equipment provides fresh air into the room. This creates excess pressure. It forces the old air masses to leave the room through the outlet ventilation ducts.

The exhaust type of the system provides for the presence of a fan directly on the channel shaft. In some cases, a combined method is used. It assumes both types of arrangement of systems.

Ventilation also differs in design. There is a channel and channelless hood. The second option involves the movement of air masses through equipped holes in the walls between rooms. For example, it can be the ventilation of the bathroom through the toilet or vice versa. In one of these rooms there is an exit to the exhaust shaft common throughout the house. Air from the second room first enters the first room through a hole in the wall, and after that the mixed masses leave the apartment through the channel.

However, duct ventilation is more efficient. It involves bringing the exhaust shaft directly to rooms with high humidity. This ensures complete air exchange in the bathroom.

Fan type

Forced ventilation in the bathroom and toilet involves the use of additional equipment. It may vary in installation method and design. Fans provide sufficient air exchange rate for combined and separate bathrooms.

According to the method of installation, equipment is distinguished between radial and channel type. In the first case, the fan is mounted at the shaft outlet. Its body has an aesthetic body. Channel varieties are installed directly in the mine itself.

According to the type of design, a diametrical, axial, centrifugal and centrifugal-axial fan is distinguished. In the first version, the product has a drum-type impeller. This design has a low efficiency. An axial fan pumps air through the blades. Such equipment is applicable for ductless ventilation.

The centrifugal fan has a spiral housing. This is the most productive, but also the noisiest equipment. The centrifugal axial fan has the highest performance. It is compact, efficient and has a low noise level. Today, equipment has appeared on sale in which humidity sensors are built in, a timer. This allows you to ventilate the room as efficiently as possible.

ventilation duct

There are certain requirements on how to do it (ventilation in the bathroom and toilet with your own hands must be carried out with high accuracy) correct system. They must be considered before starting work.

The ventilation duct in a private house works simply. It is attached to special equipment or is displayed on the roof. This is an easy job. The creation of the project must be completed at the stage of preparation for the construction of the building.

The highest quality ventilation is obtained in houses made of natural wood. This is due to the ability of the material to "breathe". In this case, it will be enough to equip natural ventilation. The construction of logs and timber is considered not only beautiful, but also practical.

Owners of apartments in multi-storey buildings need to devote more time and attention to the arrangement of ventilation. All apartments in the entrance communicate with a common shaft, through which the air leaves the house to the street. If, for example, a bath and a toilet are one room (there is no forced ventilation), according to the norms of SNiP, air exchange per hour in the amount of 50 m³ is required. The higher the apartment is in the house, the more likely it is that this indicator will meet the established level.

Over time, the channels in apartment buildings become clogged. If they have not been cleaned for a long time, air exchange during natural ventilation is difficult. The lower the apartment is in the house, the worse the hood is. In this case, the installation of forced ventilation is simply necessary.

Fan power

To understand how to do (ventilation in the bathroom and toilet forced type- one of options in this case) the hood in the bathroom, you should consider the basic requirements for creating such a system. In this case, it is planned to install an electric small-sized fan. This device must be secure. It should not fail if steam or water enters the structural elements. You should also pay attention to the noise level of the fan. He should not annoy the owners of the house.

Particular attention is paid to the choice of equipment power. This indicator is influenced by the dimensions of the bathroom and the number of people permanently residing in the house. For calculations, it is necessary to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bathroom and toilet. Further, the result is multiplied by 6 if the number of users does not exceed 3 people. If there are 4 in the family and more people, which means that the dimensions of the bathroom are multiplied by 8. The result obtained will be the optimal fan power.

Fan installation rules

Do-it-yourself ventilation in the bathroom and toilet requires the correct installation of all elements of the system. There are several requirements for the location of equipment in the room.

The ventilation duct should be at the maximum height, preferably under the ceiling. It should also be located as far as possible from the source of air inflow in the bathroom. If this requirement is not met, only part of the room will be ventilated.

For forced ventilation, it is important to install the fan away from the water source. This will prevent accidental splashes.

If there is no ventilation in the room, and the exhaust duct is located in an adjacent room, it will be necessary to provide for the installation of additional ducts and pipelines. There are rigid plastic and movable corrugated structures.

Mounting methods

Most often, ventilation in the bathroom and toilet does not require the construction of additional air ducts. It is enough to install the selected fan at the entrance to the mine. In this case, the common exhaust duct should be located immediately behind the wall of the bathroom or shared bathroom.

It happens that the ventilation duct shaft is located behind the wall in the toilet. If it is separated from the bathroom by a partition, a hole can be made through it. Ventilation grilles are installed on both sides of the wall. This will be quite enough to create the required air exchange.

If there is access to the shaft both in the toilet and in the bathroom, separate ventilation should be made for each room.

One of the most effective approaches is the installation of gratings with slots at the entrance to the mine for the installation of forced ventilation equipment. In this case, the natural and intensive systems are combined.

Preparing for installation

At the renovation planning stage, a project is created in which ventilation in the bathroom and toilet is thought out. The advice of experienced builders will allow you to prepare and install correctly. Planning will allow you to hide the wires under the wall decoration, calculate the required characteristics of the equipment, as well as the location of all elements of the system.

If ventilation is created in a multi-storey apartment building, you should be responsible for cleaning the mine channel. If the property owners live on the upper floors, you can do this work yourself. On the roof is the exit of the exhaust shaft. You need to lower the weight into it. If the owners of the apartment live on the lower floors, it will not be possible to do without the help of representatives of the Housing Office or special services.

In a private house, it will be easier to clean the ventilation duct. Over time, dirt, cobwebs, debris from the roof, etc. accumulate here too. necessary elements system, you can proceed with the installation.

Fan mounting

Do-it-yourself ventilation in the bathroom and toilet is easy to install. First, to the equipment of the forced type of the system, electrical wire. It is selected in accordance with the selected fan power. Also, such conductors must have a high insulation class.

The fan is installed in a place prepared for it. It is attached with self-tapping screws. The grid is also installed using a special fastening material. This will eventually unscrew the grate and clean it from contamination.

If an additional ventilation duct is being arranged inside the room, it is possible to sew up the pipes under the ceiling with drywall. So appearance the premises will be aesthetic.

Having considered what ventilation is in the bathroom and toilet, as well as the rules for its installation, each owner of an apartment or a private house will be able to create a complete system in the bathroom on their own.

In each private residential building or apartment, ventilation is required in the bathroom and toilet. These two rooms, which have a sanitary and hygienic purpose, have a humid microclimate, burdened by sudden temperature changes and the presence of unpleasant odors.

In the absence of windows and a small area of ​​​​rooms, the air inside them stagnates, leading to wear and tear of the finish, the formation of dampness, and the spread of fungus. These problems are solved by the installation of ventilation equipment, which will force the air to circulate forcibly. This article will tell you what a ventilation system is, what requirements are placed on it, and also how to make it yourself.

The need for ventilation

The bathroom and toilet in each apartment are problem areas, the microclimate of which often leads to intensive wear of the interior decoration. When taking a bath or using a shower, a large amount of hot steam saturated with moisture is generated inside the bathroom, which condenses on the surface of the ceiling, walls or furniture.

This situation leads to the formation high humidity inside the bathroom and toilet, which can only be eliminated by properly equipped ventilation. If the system exists and works correctly, the air flows from the room are led to the street through a channel or shaft. The ventilation device consists of the following elements:

Note! The ventilation scheme in the bathroom or bathroom can be natural or forced. If no additional devices are used to remove air, the ventilation system is called natural. It should provide effective ventilation of the room due to the draft in the channel, if this does not happen, you can install fans with your own hands, increasing the draft.


Ventilation in the bathroom and toilet can be exhaust, supply and combined. The exhaust scheme provides for the presence of a channel that removes "exhaust" air with a high moisture content to the outside. The device of the supply system is different in that it takes in atmospheric air, which increases the pressure inside the room, displacing warm and humid steam.

The combined ventilation scheme combines the air intake from the street with the outlet ventilation duct. The standard ventilation system that apartments in typical high-rise buildings are equipped with is exhaust. It has the following varieties:

Experienced craftsmen they say, no matter what scheme of ventilation of the room is used, it is necessary to monitor its condition. To check the effectiveness, you need to do a simple test: bring a lit candle to the ventilation grill, if the flame does not deviate towards the channel, then there is no draft in the system. To increase traction, you can make forced ventilation with your own hands.


Ventilation in the bathroom and toilet is subtly organized system, on the work of which the microclimate of these premises depends. The cause of problems in the functioning of equipment is most often errors in the design and installation of do-it-yourself. Experienced craftsmen advise to clean the ventilation duct before changing the device of the system. The following requirements are imposed on the design of ventilation in a sanitary room:

Requirements for the bathroom ventilation system are regulated by SNiP 41-01-2003. This regulation describes the maximum content of dust, carbon dioxide and the rate of air exchange. If the air in the sanitary rooms does not meet the requirements, it is necessary to clean the ventilation duct and assess whether additional equipment is required.

Video instruction

The health and well-being of the residents of a private house largely depends on the quality characteristics of the air they breathe. In apartment buildings, the ventilation of residential premises is designed and installed by the developer company. In your own house, the owner should take care of this on his own. The ventilation system installed in the bathroom of a private house can be natural and forced. Which one to choose is up to you.

Natural ventilation is suitable for houses built with breathable materials. Forced ventilation is mandatory for houses built using modern hermetic materials. A forced hood is selected for a bathroom in a private house, taking into account the square footage of the bathroom and the number of residents.

For effective work natural ventilation systems in country house it is necessary to organize the inflow of fresh street air and the outflow of air masses through the ventilation shafts. In a house with wooden windows, fresh air can seep through microscopic cracks in the frames.

The optimal height of the ventilation inlet valve in outer wall at home, a distance of 2 to 2.1 meters is considered. It is advisable to install climate valves for regular inflow of outdoor air into plastic windows with multi-chamber double-glazed windows. Replace these devices on the windows can supply valves installed in bearing walls under window sills above batteries or on the side of window openings.

At the same time, cold air currents coming from the street will mix with warm air heated by batteries. This means that unpleasant and dangerous drafts will not appear in the house.

How does air get into the bathroom?

Portions of new air enter the bathroom from other living quarters of the house through a 2-2.5-cm gap between the floor and door leaf provided when installing the door to the bathroom. Another option for getting air into the bathroom is to buy and install special doors, in the canvas of which the presence of ventilation holes in the form of gratings or round windows is provided in the lower part. Sometimes, for these purposes, the bathroom door is not tightly closed, especially when it is not being used.

Interior doors for the bathroom, equipped with four round holes, covered with decorative lattice elements

Where does the steam and smells from the bathroom go?

The exhaust ducts are ventilation shafts directed vertically upwards. The bathroom should have its own separate ventilation duct, the side exit to which is designed at the top of the wall in the sanitary room.

Direct access to the ventilation duct is cut directly into the ceiling of the bathroom. It is in these channels that steam is drawn in, as well as all extraneous odors. The ventilation window is closed with a decorative grille. In no case should ventilation windows be sealed with wallpaper or other finishing materials.

At correct installation natural ventilation in the bathroom will dry the air. Due to the timely removal of moist air, you will not face the problems of mold and rotting of the materials from which your house is built.

The ventilation window in the bathroom wall has a round shape and is covered with a light decorative grille to match the white ceiling.

Ventilation device for two rooms

In a two-story cottage house, through the ventilation shaft coming from the bathroom located on the first floor of the object, it is possible to organize air exhaust from the premises on the second floor.

At the same time, they cut into the ventilation duct not immediately at a right angle, but through a small elbow, part of which runs parallel to the exhaust riser.

It turns out that air is drawn in through a hole located below the entrance to the ventilation shaft. This is done in order to prevent suction of the elongated moist air from the bathroom into living room On the second floor.

Installation of the ventilation duct

It is possible to assemble and install a ventilation duct in a private house that discharges exhaust air directly to the street from ready-made insulated elements. Such ventilation systems are produced by well-known manufacturers and are assembled as a designer. Their cost is high.

Choosing the Right Materials

Help solve the problem in a cheaper way sewer pipes orange color, which are used to conduct the outer part of the network autonomous sewerage. The walls of these pipes do not crack in the cold.

Choose the diameter of the pipe from the area of ​​​​the room: 100 or 150 mm. The length of the entire pipe is calculated based on the fact that the ventilation duct should be located half a meter above the roof. The higher the pipe, the stronger the thrust.

Cutting ventilation holes

Put a plug on the upper end of the pipe so that precipitation does not get inside the ventilation pipe-channel. For venting at the top plastic pipe make oblong slots in a circle, the width of which is 20 mm, and the distance between adjacent holes is 30 mm. The length of the sawn rectangular windows should reach 250 mm.

Insulation of the walls of the ventilation pipe

In order to prevent condensation from forming in the installed ventilation duct due to the temperature difference in the attic and on the street, its walls must be well insulated. Suitable basalt wool or isolon.

  • We wrap the entire pipe with foil insulation with the shiny side to the walls.
  • We glue the connecting seam with foil tape.
  • Then we wrap it with insulation again so that the seam falls on the other side of the pipe.
  • And again glued with tape.
  • After that, a home-made ventilation pipe-mine is wrapped around in a circle all completely with adhesive tape.

Air vent device

A hole is made in the ceiling of the bathroom in a private house, equal to the diameter of the insulated pipe. The exhaust pipe with its upper end is inserted into the opening made in the roof, and the lower end is inserted into ventilation window cut into the ceiling.

A home-made ventilation duct must be fixed in a strictly vertical position with clamps to the roof rafters or to other structures in the attic of the house. In the bathroom, a hole in the ceiling is decorated with a lattice, matched in size and color. For fastening use self-tapping screws or liquid nails.

Installing the fresh air damper

The natural ventilation system in a private house works with the greatest efficiency only if a way is thought out to ensure a constant supply of fresh air from the street. This problem is perfectly solved by installing a valve in the wall of a private house. Outdoor air enters the house even when tightly closed plastic windows, passes through all rooms and is discharged through the exhaust outlet in the bathroom, closed with a decorative grille.

Thus, a constant air exchange is carried out, which is necessary to eliminate unpleasant odors from the bathroom, saturate the enclosed space with oxygen, and remove heavy humidified air outside the house to the street.

The design of the supply valve allows you to understand how fresh air is supplied from the street to the house and in what volume

For valve mounting supply ventilation V log house will need:

  • ordinary drill;
  • crown with a diameter of 133 mm with a center drill;
  • chisel;
  • hammer;
  • tow or polyurethane foam;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screwdriver

In the living room of a private house-cottage, a hole with a diameter of 133 mm is drilled in the upper part of the log wall using a drill and a crown nozzle with a center drill. Work is carried out in several steps, chipping the drilled part of the tree with a chisel and a hammer. The hole in the outer wall is given a slight slope towards the street in order to drain condensate.

The supply ventilation valve kit includes a meter metal-plastic pipe, the inner walls of which are insulated with basalt heat-insulating material. The insulation does not allow the wall to freeze in the area of ​​the drilled hole. A piece is cut from this pipe, the length of which corresponds to the thickness of the log.

The pipe is inserted into a hole in the wall. Small gaps are insulated with tow, which fills the gaps over the entire thickness of the wall. Can the tow be replaced mounting foam. Further, from the street side, a grate equipped with an insect net is put on the pipe. The decorative grille comes with the valve.

Installation of the supply valve in wooden house it is possible to do it on your own without the involvement of ventilation specialists

The valve itself is installed last. To install it, you need to remove the headband and free access to the mounting lugs. The valve consists of two petals that open at several angles of inclination. There is an arrow on the body, the direction of which is taken into account when installing the valve in a plastic pipe.

Additionally, we fix the valve to the wall with self-tapping screws. Then we put the headband, snapping it onto the fixed part. We return to its place the wheel that regulates the degree of opening of the valve petals.

Forced ventilation of the bathroom

If the draft in the ventilation shaft is weak, then you can increase the outflow of heavy, moist air from the bathroom using an electric exhaust fan. Check the traction force with a sheet of thin paper or a lit match. If the leaf sticks to the exhaust window, and the flame stretches towards the hood, then the draft is good.

With little or no draft, the only way out is to install an exhaust fan. At the moment, you can choose exhaust fans for a variety of situations, in various sizes and colors. It is advisable to calculate and install a fan of the required power, then your time spent in the bathroom will be comfortable.

Very popular models of fans with a check valve in exhaust ventilation. As a rule, the check valve is already initially provided in the design of the fan. The damper shutters automatically open with even a small flow of air from the room and slam shut when there is a reverse flow of air into the room.

Transparent shutters of the non-return valve operate on the “nipple” system. The air flow to the ventilation system is free, the back is completely blocked

This design is very important in a situation where, due to errors in the calculation and installation, a reverse flow of air from the exhaust ventilation into the room is possible. Moreover, the curtains are autonomous and work when the fan is off.

Choosing a household fan with a check valve

Before buying a fan, you need to unscrew decorative panel and measure the dimensions of the hole, if it was provided during the construction of a private house. With the data received, they are sent to the store in order to select and buy a device with a non-return valve that is suitable in size. When choosing, take into account the smaller of the measurements so that the round body enters the window.

Among models that are suitable in size, a fan is already being chosen according to a number of other criteria:

  • design;
  • electric motor power;
  • power consumption class;
  • the presence of a check valve;
  • noiselessness;
  • curtain movement, etc.

A variety of models of bathroom exhaust fans allow the buyer to choose a device that perfectly matches the interior of the bathroom

Exhaust fan connection options

There are several ways to connect the hood to the mains. The device can be turned on by sensors (motion or humidity), as well as simultaneously with the light. The shutdown of the fan can also be set in several ways - by a timer after a specified time or by a switch, which must be located inside the bathroom. check valve automatic and its operation does not depend on electricity.

Connecting the hood to the light circuit ensures that it starts functioning at the moment the light is turned on. At the same time, the fan must have its own separate switch, with which it will be possible to disconnect, if necessary, the lighting and ventilation of the bathroom. The switch can be mounted on the wall or located on the fan housing.

One of the possible schemes for connecting a fan in a bathroom with a separate switch for the appliance

In the latter case, the device is turned off by pulling the rope or chain. Choose a model with a long cord so that the hood can be safely turned off by family members who are not tall. In principle, you can always make a long one out of a short lace by building it up.

Timer shutdown has its pros and cons. You don't have to worry about forgetting to turn off the appliance. If it is necessary to reduce the operating time of the hood or, conversely, increase it in comparison with the set value, then there are inconveniences. Therefore, choose a model with a switch so that the fan runs when you need it.

Do-it-yourself fan installation in the bathroom

Before installation, carefully read the installation instructions for the axial fan. Remove the device and all accessories that come with it from the box. These are, as a rule, fasteners in the form of four dowel-nails. Not to drill tile, you can replace the dowel fastening with adhesive connection. However, it will be very difficult to remove the glued fan for cleaning and repair.

The value of the minimum distance at which the exhaust fan is fixed to the wall using self-tapping screws screwed with a conventional screwdriver

Therefore, we will take a closer look at how to make a forced exhaust from the bath in the house using a miniature wall fan fixed with self-tapping screws.

  • remove the decorative grille from the device by unscrewing the screw or simply snapping it off (different models have different ways);
  • insert the cylindrical part of the fan housing into the exhaust hole;
  • with a marker we mark the places for drilling tiles for dowels or self-tapping screws, depending on the material of the wall;
  • we remove the device to the side and proceed to drilling the tiles;
  • you can drill a tile with a drill using a special drill bit, or a perforator, which is a little more difficult;
  • plastic dowels are inserted into the holes obtained;
  • in a special opening provided by the manufacturer, lead wires to connect the motor to the mains;
  • if the location of this opening does not suit you, then we drill a new hole in the body panel;
  • install a household fan, combining the lugs in the case with drilled holes;
  • twist the screws diagonally so that the plastic case of the device does not warp;
  • remove the fan impeller, freeing access to the contacts inside the device;
  • we put the stripped ends of the wires into the terminal block and clamp them with bolts;
  • we put the terminal block in place, laying the wires in a special groove;
  • we check the operability of the installed fan by turning on the light when connected in parallel or by pressing the device’s own switch;
  • after checking, we snap the decorative grille on the fan housing.

The forced extractor is mounted and ready to deal with damp and polluted air in the bathroom.

The wires are connected using various terminal blocks. For safety reasons, it is not allowed to twist the wires by insulating them with electrical tape

Note! The wires must be run in advance under the tiles during wall cladding in case of installation of forced ventilation. If this has not been done, then the wiring is carried out along the tiles in plastic boxes, which are glued to the tiles with polymer glue.

This video shows the installation of a ceiling extractor fan in the bathroom, which is projected to be located on the lower floor of a private two-story house.

Ways to combine two types of ventilation

When the hood is turned on, the volume of incoming and outgoing air increases. During the shutdown of the device, the process of ventilation of the living room is practically absent. This happens due to the fact that the fan housing completely blocks the lumen of the ventilation window. The propeller blades interfere with the natural outflow of air from the bathroom. The problem is solved in two ways.

We insert a double grille into a large ventilation window-hole, in which there is a round window for the fan and several additional slotted curtains for natural air outflow.

There are fans on the market with different case diameters, so you can choose a device that is smaller than the vent. When the fan is off, the air will escape through a simple grate located under the appliance.

If the ventilation window small size, then to ensure a natural outflow of air, they put a fan on legs of 1.5-2 cm. The legs do not allow the appliance grille to fit snugly against the wall. Air is drawn into the resulting space under the action of the traction force generated in the shaft, and leaves through openings that are not closed by the round fan casing.

The legs are made by hand from ordinary foam. Self-tapping screws go well through given material. The foam legs also serve as a shock absorber, reducing the degree of vibration of the operating hood.

An example of integrating two types of ventilation - forced and natural - in the bathroom of a private house

Having learned in detail about how to make a bathroom hood in a private house, you can decide for yourself whether this task is within your power or not. Maybe, best solution will contact a company that provides services in your area for the installation of all known types of ventilation.

Wrong installed ventilation in the bathroom leads to the formation of fungus and mold in the room. As a result, bathroom owners get spoiled Decoration Materials and aesthetically unattractive appearance of the room. That's why, proper organization ventilation system in the bathroom should be given Special attention, we will consider how to make ventilation in the bathroom further.

Bathroom ventilation: requirements and functions

The process of installing ventilation in the bathroom, first of all, is to check the existing ventilation system for performance. Proper air exchange in the room is very important not only for finishing the walls and maintaining their attractiveness, but above all for human health. Since a properly organized microclimate improves general condition and well-being of the people living in it.

A bathroom is a closed room, which is under the periodic influence of moisture, requiring indispensable removal. To check already existing system on correct work you should set fire to an ordinary match and bring it to the grate of the ventilation duct. If the flame goes out, then the system is working properly, otherwise, it needs to be adjusted. The same should be done with a small piece of paper. If the paper near the grate sticks to it, then the system is in good condition. If problems are found in the performance of the ventilation system, first of all, it is necessary to clean the existing fans and ventilation ducts.

For proper organization of ventilation in the bathroom, care should be taken to install an exhaust fan of the required power. Before installing an exhaust fan, we recommend doing the following to improve an existing ventilation system:

1. Install the fan in the ventilation duct.

2. Install the fan on the surface of the exhaust shaft located on the roof.

3. It is possible to install a ventilation valve in a window.

4. To improve the heating in the bathroom and to remove excess moisture, heated towel rails, warm water floor systems or conventional radiators are installed.

Varieties of ventilation in the bathroom

In relation to air exchange, ventilation in the bathroom is:

  • natural;
  • forced.

The first option involves the removal and circulation of air in a natural way. For this, doors, open windows are used. The air moves from the bathroom to the outside through the difference in pressure. Improved double-glazed windows, which have high tightness, contribute to the violation of natural ventilation. To solve this problem it is recommended to purchase windows and doors that have parts for microcirculation.

The second option is artificial ventilation, which is created by installing a fan in the bathroom that promotes air circulation. The main function of this system is the rarefaction of air, that is, pulling it out into the street, and new air, enters the bathroom from the adjacent room. By using forced systems Ventilation allows you to get rid of not only high humidity in the bathroom, but also from the unpleasant smell in the room.

In relation to the purpose of ventilation, it happens:

  • exhaust;
  • supply;
  • combined.

The first option involves the removal of air by ventilation ducts. The second type of ventilation is based on ensuring the entry of new air into the room, with the help of which high pressure, removing the old air through the ventilation ducts.

The combined option involves the use of the first two types of ventilation in the same room.

Depending on the design features, ventilation in the bathroom can be:

  • channel;
  • channelless.

With the help of duct-type ventilation, rooms that need intensive air purification from high moisture, steam or foreign odors are cleaned.

The channelless version of ventilation involves its supply with wall holes that have already been installed in the room.

How to check the ventilation system for performance

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the instructions for checking the ventilation in the bathroom:

1. Open the window and doors in the bathroom.

2. Take thin sheet paper, in the form of a napkin.

3. Install it over an existing vent.

4. If the sheet is firmly attached to its surface, then the system is working properly.

Otherwise, remove the fan and check the air duct for debris or other objects.

Instead of a napkin, use matches, lighters or candles. They should dodge at an angle to the shaft. It is not recommended to check on a very hot day, since the air is quite heavy at this time, and even a working system will not show the correct result.

In order to find out about the need to make micro-ventilation niches in doors or windows, repeat the above steps with closed windows and vents.

In the absence of air flow, small grilles are installed on the window or door.

Tip: Even if natural ventilation works flawlessly, it is recommended to install forced ventilation in the bathroom, which will speed up the process of removing moisture from the room and help maintain the integrity of the repair.

Do-it-yourself ventilation in the bathroom: choosing a fan

In relation to the installation method, fans are:

  • channel - installed in duct systems;
  • radial - mounted on the output part air systems, differs in aesthetically attractive case.

In relation to the design features, fans are:

  • axial;
  • diametrical;
  • centrifugal;
  • axial centrifugal.

The first version of the fan involves the injection of axial flow with the help of blades, thus it will be possible to create a pressure of more than 40 Pa. This type of fan is suitable for installation in a ductless system.

Among the advantages of axial fans it should be noted:

  • affordable cost;
  • ease of installation;
  • high efficiency.

Among the shortcomings noted high noise performance, low pressure.

The second version of the fan is distinguished by the presence of an impeller in the form of a drum. However, such fans do not have high efficiency.

The centrifugal type fan features a spiral housing that helps to achieve high performance, but at the same time produces quite little noise.

Among the advantages we note:

  • high cost;
  • installation in channels whose length is more than 500 cm;
  • high power;
  • low noise level.

Centrifugal axial fans are small in size, low in noise and have excellent performance.

Buying a fan is a rather complicated process, during which, first of all, you need to pay attention to its power. The optimal indicator power for a standard bathroom is a value of one hundred cubic meters in 60 minutes.

However, this figure is average. When choosing power, you should be guided by such factors:

  • the number of people living in the house;
  • room size;
  • the number of windows and doors in the bathroom and their size;
  • availability of additional natural ventilation;
  • frequency of use of the bathroom.

In addition, an important factor is the level of noise that the fan reproduces. The most comfortable indicator is forty decibels.

There are fans additional features in the form of a timer automatic start and shutdown. If there are additional funds, it is possible to purchase them, since the use of such a fan brings maximum comfort.

A hydrostat is a device that turns the fan on and off when there is a high level of humidity in the room.

Some types of fans are equipped with special protection against moisture ingress, which has the designation IP, the moisture resistance of the device depends on the value of the number after the marking.

If you plan to install a fan near a shower or bath, it is recommended to choose a device with the highest class protection. The case of such a fan provides reliable protection engine from moisture, thus improving the life of the fan.

The scheme of ventilation in the bathroom, its arrangement

Most often, ventilation ducts are equipped on the walls or ceiling. In the absence of air ducts, they must first be built in order to install a fan.

  • install the hood so that it is located opposite the door, so you can increase the air circulation in the room, otherwise, the air currents will move very slowly;
  • further actions should be aimed at cleaning the existing duct from debris;
  • if there is a hole that is too narrow, take care to expand it with a perforator; if the hole, on the contrary, is large enough, then a plastic fan pipe should be installed for its equipment, which is fixed in it with cement mortar;
  • to close the cavities in the pipe, it is enough to use mounting foam;
  • keep in mind that the hood deepens completely in the hole, only the grate remains on the wall, behind which it is hidden;
  • for mounting the hood, self-tapping screws, dowels or sealant-based materials are used, the latter option is the most successful, as it is able to dampen the vibrations that occur during the operation of the device;
  • extractor must be connected to electrical network, therefore, a special cable is brought to it, of an energy-supplying direction;
  • it is possible to equip an automatic hood, which works only when the light is turned on.

Ventilation in the bathroom in a private house: work in the space under the ceiling

If the ceiling in the bathroom is suspended or false panels, stretch ceilings and other types of materials were used for its decoration, as a result of which the subceiling space increased, then it is recommended to equip ventilation during the repair of the room.

When located air vent below the false ceiling, a small hole should be arranged in the subceiling space, with a grate attached to it, with the help of which moisture from this area will be removed into the room.

If there is ventilation in the subceiling space, in order to organize air circulation between the main ceiling and the suspended or stretch material, care should be taken to arrange several gratings that will remove excess moisture.

In addition, the arrangement of a small gap, right above the surface of the door, is welcome, it will help improve natural ventilation and extend the life of the ceiling.

Tip: Some bathroom owners remove thresholds to improve ventilation. It is categorically not recommended to do this, since it is the threshold that protects other rooms from water, in the event of malfunctions leading to a flood.

Please note that any ventilation system needs careful maintenance, the fan and its grill require frequent washing because a large amount of dust accumulates on their surface. If the fan malfunctions, it should be checked for corrosion due to high humidity.

Ventilation in the apartment in the bathroom and how to arrange it

For the installation of ventilation in the bathroom in the apartment, it is not required to construct air ducts, since they are necessarily present in it.

Installing a fan, in this case, involves only mounting the device itself on the surface of the duct.

If there is a channel in the toilet, between which there is a wall and the bathroom, one or two holes should be made in it to help the air circulate evenly.

Please note that some ventilation systems are characterized by the presence of special passages that provide both natural and forced ventilation. This option is the most appropriate, as it has a good performance.

If there is no ventilation duct in the room, care should be taken to bring a special box to it, in which the hood will be installed.

In relation to the design features, ventilation ducts are:

  • made of plastic - they have a round or rectangular cross section, are characterized by low noise output, transport air well and are easy to install;
  • corrugated boxes are of two types: hard or soft, used with a small distance between the ventilation duct or bath.

After mounting the box, a fan is installed in it and checked for operability.

Ventilation in the bathroom and toilet, in which there is always an increased level of humidity that provokes the appearance of mold, must be sufficiently effective. If in modern and older multi-storey buildings, such as Khrushchev, its presence is provided standard project, then in a private house the owner himself has to think about this even at the beginning of construction. Lacking specific knowledge and not understanding the intricacies installation work, it is difficult to install it yourself without errors, but by adopting the existing rules, this will become possible.

The principle of operation of air exchange systems

Even at the design stage of a private house, one should adhere to the norms for the installation and operation of ventilation ducts, according to which:

  • The air inlet should be at the bottom, and the exhaust at the top, as close to the ceiling as possible. To ensure ventilation of the entire room, they are placed in opposite corners.
  • Their inner surface is made as smooth as possible, and the direction of air movement is carried out in a straight line.
  • Sharp bends are avoided at arranged turns.
  • The fan should not be placed near water, next to a bathtub, sink, toilet bowl.
  • Separate air ducts are laid for different floors.

All ventilation systems are divided according to the principle of operation - with natural draft and mechanical impulse. If the bathroom is modest in size and a small number of residents use its services, then the first type of ventilation is equipped, in other cases - the second.

The natural system works due to the difference in the density of air masses and temperature, when warmed and lighter air, tending upward, passes through exhaust channels and is on the street. At the same time, it is replaced by a denser cold air entering the room through supply system air ducts. How more difference values, the higher the potential and the better the thrust.

Such a scheme works well in winter, but with the onset of warm days, the temperature difference becomes minimal and its efficiency drops. Forced ventilation is devoid of these disadvantages, since a fan is installed in the system, which is responsible for moving air masses.

Ventilation device in a private house

Previously, normal air exchange in the apartment was provided by natural gaps in wooden windows, along the doorway, and if a private house was from a bar, then also interventional voids. But today, in the construction of housing, modern energy-saving technologies are widely used, which reduce heating costs and at the same time prevent free air circulation.

Therefore, many owners leave the door ajar, and use the micro-ventilation function in plastic windows, which implies the presence of a small gap. Once inside, fresh outdoor air is warmed up and removed through the fireplace chimney, furnace heating or existing ventilation ducts. But this scheme is not without drawbacks - dust, midges get into the house, noise penetrates, and in winter frosty air, which provokes the appearance of drafts.

As a modern and affordable solution, many homeowners choose to install a vent valve. The advantages of using it are obvious:

  • providing the necessary air exchange;
  • installation is easy to do with your own hands;
  • crashes directly into the wall in a convenient place for this.

Depending on the type and equipment of the water, electrical system air heating device provides comfortable conditions residence at any time of the year.

But a complete system will consist of several elements, such as:

  1. 1. Ventilation channel. It is a shaft of round or square section leading to the roof of the house. So that nothing interferes with the advancement of the air flow, it is made as direct as possible. A horizontal insert is allowed, but with a length not exceeding 1–2 m.
  2. 2. Ventilation outlet - an opening in the wall connected to a duct. To receive large volumes of air, it is made of sufficient size, no less than that of the central duct.
  3. 3. Ventilation grill. Made of plastic, metal, it serves as a decoration and, closing the exit, prevents the penetration of water and debris into it.

Purpose and types of construction

Given the characteristics of the system, there are several types:

  • Exhaust. Air is removed through a special outlet channel.
  • Supply. The air supply to the room is overpressure, as a result of which the waste streams are removed outside through the mine.
  • Mixed. This system combines the above types of ventilation and is the most efficient.

In addition, considering the features structural elements, they are divided into channel and non-channel. In the first case, air is supplied through special boxes. This type of ventilation is used if the air flow must be directed to remote areas and simultaneously cleaned of condensate, dust, and other pollutants.

Channelless. In this case, the air flow moves through the air ducts built into the walls and is supplied (discharged) to the bathroom through an opening, usually closed with a decorative grille. Such a device is typical for typical multi-storey buildings, in which there is a ventilated window between the bathroom and the toilet, and in one of the rooms there is an exit to the central ventilation duct.

By installing a fan, you can combine forced and natural systems and get best option– mixed type of ventilation. If the channel is far away, then rectangular, round or corrugated boxes are thrown to it. The walls of products made of plastic are absolutely smooth and do not impede the movement of air, moreover, they dampen noise waves caused by the operation of the fan. Soft corrugated sections are well suited for avoiding difficult obstacles.

In order for the hood to effectively cope with its purpose, installation is carried out adhering to the following rules:

  • the place of its installation is chosen opposite from front door wall;
  • the fan is recessed into the shaft, securely fixed, and all cracks are filled with sealant;
  • electrical wiring for safety reasons is closed.

The fan control in the bathroom is connected directly to the light switch, then the smells will be removed immediately, but in the bathroom it is preferable to have a separate switch.

Often in the bathroom, suspended, tension structures are mounted on the ceiling. If the shaft is located below their level, then a grate is installed near the vent to ventilate the space between the ceilings. If the shaft is higher than the false ceiling, then several ventilation holes are made in the latter and a fan is installed in one of them, and the rest are covered with gratings.

natural ventilation

A device of this type must be planned at the stage of preparation for the construction of a house or cottage, when drawing up a project that specifies the location of all rooms and office space. The main reason is the correct installation, when even during the construction of walls, special ventilation ducts must be laid through their internal structure. Usually start from the first floor towards the attic. Ventilation ducts can be made of brick, plastic material special form.

Planning the laying natural system ventilation, you should follow a few recommendations:

  • each room must be equipped with air ducts, the installation of which is carried out vertically;
  • if the bathroom with the toilet is on the same floor, moreover, nearby, then the use of combined hoods is allowed;
  • when several service rooms are located close to each other, it is possible to combine their air ducts into one common one without underestimating its outlet diameter;
  • the walls of the box should be smooth, and there should be no obstacles in the way of the air flow.

The presence of natural ventilation, which provides comfortable living conditions, is mandatory for every private house and other buildings. In the future, the system can be upgraded by additionally installing a fan, and thereby increase its efficiency.

Forced ventilation

The modern forced ventilation system consists of a heat exchanger, filters, fans. Therefore, the air coming from the street is first cleaned, and in cold weather it is preheated, and only then it is distributed among the rooms, displacing the exhaust air outside.

The system includes the following components:

  • A fan that moves air masses.
  • Air ducts. They are made of branch pipes 0.5, 1 and 2 meters long and are used to move air flows.
  • Couplings. With their help, individual sections are collected into a single whole.
  • Swivel outlets. Redirect the flow in the right direction.
  • Check valve. Prevents the return of exhaust air.
  • Brackets, fasteners. Installed on the walls and ceiling, they hold the entire structure.

To organize an effective exhaust hood in the bathroom, toilet, there are enough fans, to which the main requirement is presented - the noise level is not higher than 35 dB. Devices on bearings have a large resource, and on bushings they are quieter in operation and more affordable.

Axial type fans have an average noise level and are well suited for installation in a ductless system. The centrifugal device is louder than the rest, but has high performance. Paying attention to the listed characteristics, products of the centrifugal-axial type, which are characterized by low weight, noiselessness and high efficiency, look more attractive.

Several types of connection are common - to a light switch, a separate switch, which is located near the device on the wall (or on its body), using a motion sensor. The latter is triggered when someone enters the room.

The use of a filtration system improves the quality of the incoming air, but it needs to be permanent care and increases operating costs. The filter must be periodically checked for contamination and changed, as accumulated substances can provoke the growth of dangerous bacteria and organisms.

For this reason, it is recommended to install air humidity sensors for forced ventilation, especially in the bathroom. Then the mechanism will be triggered when the specified parameter is reached.

If the installation of forced ventilation is planned only in the bathroom, and the rest of the rooms are simply subject to ventilation, then for these purposes it is advisable to install a ductless system with a fan inserted into it. It is fixed to special mounting terminals and connected to the power supply using a two-wire wire.

The arrangement of forced-type ventilation throughout the house requires the purchase of special equipment - a special unit responsible for supplying, extracting, cleaning, filtering and heating air. The installation site is an attic or technical room. Power is calculated by the number of residents based on the size of the house and the material of the walls, but on average this figure is 200-600 m3 / h.

Air ducts are assembled by the constructor method, using ready-made sections, adapters. As far as possible, they are hidden from view behind suspended, stretch ceilings, taken to the attic. If everything is assembled correctly, then normally working ventilation will provide good air exchange not only in the bathroom, toilet, but throughout the house, and, maintaining the required level of humidity, will reduce the likelihood of mold and mildew on the walls.