Well      07.03.2020

Frame house bath 6x6 with an attic. Do-it-yourself frame bath: step-by-step construction instructions. The relevance of the construction of the building

Many adherents to take a steam bath sincerely dream of acquiring a good, but inexpensive private bath. A place where you can wash, and relax, and get a good charge of vivacity. One of the available budget options- do-it-yourself frame bath: step-by-step instruction construction will reveal the secrets frame technology, will become an example for self-construction starting from the foundation and ending the right choice thermal insulation materials.

Having the skill of assembling frame structures, you can quite simply and quickly do it yourself

Before building a frame bath with their own hands, many people ask themselves: what material to use for its construction? After all, many baths are associated with structures made of logs or bricks. But such buildings are quite expensive for their owners, and the time required to warm up, for example, a chopped bath, is about 6 hours.

Benefits of frame technology

construction frame bath solves several problems at once, as it: simple technique construction, the availability of materials used and the rapid speed of construction. The advantages of frame technology include the following:

  • the most budgetary cost of construction;
  • the use of lightweight types of foundation;
  • low thermal conductivity of the structure contributes to rapid heating;
  • the possibility of conducting communications inside the walls, which positively affects the aesthetic component of the construction of the bath;
  • the absence of shrinkage makes it possible to operate the bath immediately after its erection and finishing;
  • use of environmentally friendly materials;
  • there is no need to attract special construction equipment;
  • no special building skills required self erection frame bath. Videos posted online demonstrate this perfectly;
  • the absence of wet construction cycles makes it possible to carry out construction regardless of air temperature and water availability;
  • many ways of finishing the building.

All these advantages contribute to the increasing popularity of frame baths. Feedback from the owners who used this technology in the construction indicates that such structures are economical and, if properly erected, can create excellent conditions for comfortable use.

Weaknesses of frame baths, owner reviews

To weigh the pros and cons of the technology for building a frame bath, you can ask about the reviews of the owners. There is a lot of information on Internet forums from those who already have such a bath and have been using it for some time. Some leave negative reviews: frame baths, in their opinion, tend to quickly lose appearance due to the formation of fungus on the walls. This is due to the rapid cooling of the room, no matter how well it is insulated.

This disadvantage can be eliminated by using only high-quality insulation for thermal insulation. It is necessary to approach the choice of thermal insulation material with all seriousness. After all, cheap foam or mineral wool will not perform their functions properly. The use of economy class foam can cause a fire in the structure due to the easy flammability of the insulation.

One of the negative points described in the reviews is the shrinkage of the bath. Many testify that over time (approximately within 1.5-2 years) frame structure shrinks, the value of which reaches 8-10 cm. This, in turn, can cause deformation of the interior and exterior finishes of the building.

Helpful advice! To minimize the effects of frame bath shrinkage, kiln-dried lumber should be used in construction.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that the main disadvantages are the significant costs of warming the walls of the frame bath, the need for thorough antiseptic treatment and low fire resistance. However, given the huge list of advantages, the construction of frame baths is not inferior in popularity to structures made of logs or bricks.

You can familiarize yourself with some of the nuances of the assembly and reviews of the owners by watching a video of the construction of a frame bath with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself frame bath projects. Photos of the best buildings

Getting acquainted with the photo and video of frame baths with their own hands, many decide on self-build structures. Having some experience in construction and taking into account the positive practice of building objects using frame technology, you can build such a bath quite quickly. However, as in any construction, a competent project is needed to avoid serious mistakes.

Projects, photos of do-it-yourself frame baths 3x4, 4x4 m

When building a 3x4 m frame bath with your own hands, it must be borne in mind that the space inside the room should be used as ergonomically as possible. Such mini-baths can be built on small dacha or area with country house where there is a need to save space. No more than two people can indulge in bath procedures here.

Before you build a frame bath quickly and inexpensively, you need to have a ready-made project that you can focus on during construction. In principle, a bathhouse can consist of one room, in which a steam room, a shower room and a dressing room will be combined. This is not very convenient, since dressing after taking procedures in a room with high temperature air and high humidity is not very comfortable.

Typical projects of 3x4 m frame baths provide for such layouts, where separate rooms are allocated for the steam room, washing room and rest room. Heating of such a bath can be done with one wood burning stove or boiler. Drawings of a frame bath can also take into account the presence of a modest veranda.

Do-it-yourself construction of frame baths 4x4 or 3x4, due to their small size, has its advantages:

  • decent savings on building materials - if the length of the wall of the structure is 3 m, a six-meter beam is cut in half and there is practically no waste;
  • construction speed - having a project and a drawing of a frame bath available, it is possible to erect a structure within 2 weeks;
  • strength and durability - given that a minimum of materials is required, you can not save on the quality of wood and choose a solid material with good impregnation.

Helpful advice! Any new building on your site, even a small bath, is subject to mandatory registration in the cadastral register.

To get acquainted with the projects and choose the option to your liking, a review of the photo of frame baths of a small area will help.

Projects of frame baths 6x6 with an attic

If you are the owner of a large garden plot, it makes sense to build a beautiful and spacious bathhouse. In it you can take a steam bath yourself and invite friends - there is enough space for everyone. In the projects of frame baths with an attic, a layout has been developed, where a relaxation room, as a rule, occupies up to 20 square meters. m. In the same room there is a staircase leading to attic floor, which is usually used as a bedroom.

Many users post photos of the stages of building a frame bath with their own hands on the network. Photo reports will help to visually familiarize yourself with the nuances of self-construction.

Scheme of warming frame bath

One of the important points in the assembly of a frame bath is its thermal insulation. Both the selection of material and its installation should be approached with all responsibility. Mineral wool can be used as a heater. This material is characterized by high vapor permeability, it is non-combustible and the walls with such a heater "breathe". This achieves the effect of a bath from a log house.

It is possible to lay mineral fiber formed into slabs or rolls, however, it is preferable to use the first option. Insulation plates are laid between the racks. If in the corners of the frame niche the sheets are deformed and do not fit snugly, it is necessary to straighten the sheets with a knife. The insulation must be in close contact with the wooden elements of the frame around the entire perimeter, as well as with each other.

Helpful advice! Experts recommend insulating the frame bath with two layers of 5 cm each: the first layer of insulation in the slabs, the second - of roll material. Thus, all connecting lines will be blocked.

between insulation boards and outer skin frame lay a layer of waterproofing. To do this, you can use, for example, Tektoten film. The fact is that during operation, an open insulation is partially blown through in the ventilation gap, which leads to a decrease in the thickness of the insulation and its deterioration. thermal insulation properties. Laying a wind and waterproof protection from a vapor-permeable membrane will guarantee the effectiveness of the heat-insulating layer.

WITH inside arrange a vapor barrier made of polyethylene aluminum foil. The joints of the film are glued with adhesive tape, after which they proceed to the interior decoration. The process of warming the frame is quite laborious and requires careful execution. If the technology is not maintained, mineral wool can shrink over time, which will affect the thermal insulation parameters of the entire structure.

The video below will demonstrate in more detail the technology of structural insulation during the construction of a frame bath.

Roof arrangement

For a small baths will do gable or four-pitched roof shape. More simple in execution - gable. The rafter system of such a roof is made of wooden beams 15x5 cm. For convenience and safety, all structural elements should be assembled on the ground. In order to avoid errors during assembly, it is recommended to make a layout, the shape of which will be repeated by all truss elements.

In order to make a layout, it is necessary to connect the upper ends of the two rafters with a nail. The lower edges of the rafter legs are placed and fixed at the points where the supports are planned. The resulting figure is fixed with a transverse jumper - a crossbar. The crossbar is connected to the rafters with screws.

When all the roof trusses are assembled, they begin to install them in place. The first step is to fix the frontal elements, between which a construction cord is pulled for a guide. Its location will coincide with the line of passage of the roof ridge. The remaining elements are mounted according to its level. The step between truss trusses is usually taken 1.2 m, although it can be changed up or down.

Helpful advice! Taking the step of the rafter legs, it is necessary to take into account the location of the chimney. It should be centered between the rafters.

When installing each roof trusses, you should check the verticality of the installation using a plumb bob. If there are deviations from the vertical, it is necessary to align their position with the help of a lining under rafter leg pieces of board of appropriate thickness. Next, arrange the crate. If as roofing ondulin or another will be used soft material, the distance between the elements of the crate should be no more than 1 cm.

Roof insulation is produced by materials used for the thermal insulation of the frame. The roof is covered roofing material. The ridge is protected by a corner made of galvanized sheet or a factory-made element.

Floor arrangement and finishing

A feature of the floors in the bath is that their design may be different depending on the purpose of the room in which they are laid. In rooms that are in direct contact with water, they arrange a pouring floor. Its design is a flooring made of boards, between which gaps are left to let drains into the ground. There is no need to insulate such floors.

The construction of the frame bath floor begins with the laying of the log. If the distance between the reference points is more than 3 m, it is recommended to erect support posts. In places where the logs come into contact with the tape base and posts, waterproofing from several layers of roofing material is used. Boards are mounted on the logs.

Helpful advice! To be able to dry the pouring floor, its floorboards are not fixed to the logs.

Boards in the construction of the pouring floor are placed with a gap of 3 to 4 mm. The interval should also be between the flooring line and the bath wall (about 2 cm). If the soil under the building is sandy, you can limit yourself to backfilling a gravel layer of 25 cm. The distance from the gravel surface to the subfloor should be 10-12 cm. If the soil is clayey, it is necessary to build a pan from which water will be directed to the drain pit.

For recreation areas, a floor of a “non-leaking” structure is equipped. His device begins with a subfloor of two rows of boards. From above lay a continuous flooring from pine boards. At first they are simply baited. And only when all the work on the interior decoration is completed and the room is properly dried, the floor boards are finally adjusted and completely fixed.

It should be noted that the floorboards should be located with a slope to the point of collection of wastewater and their discharge into the sewer. A hole is made at the lowest point of the wooden flooring, it is connected to drain siphon. A non-leaking floor needs a heater, which is placed before the final coating.

Video: do-it-yourself frame baths from the foundation to the roof

For those who first encountered the construction of a frame bath, it is very important not only to familiarize yourself with the step-by-step installation instructions, but also to get a visual representation of all stages of construction. On the Internet, you can find dozens of training videos on how to build a frame bath with your own hands. Video materials contain a lot useful information and can become a kind of reference point in the production of works.

By studying the video instructions, you can learn about the features of laying and types of foundation for the design of the bath, as well as the feasibility of using one or another type of foundation. Here you can get answers to all the questions that arise regarding the strapping, installation of the frame, roofing and equipping the bath with one or another heating equipment.

Watching video tutorials will help you learn useful advice regarding the use of material for insulation and its installation. After all, the main thing for a bath is heat, which must be preserved inside the structure. The advice of professionals will help to properly distribute and mount the insulation, depending on the seasonal use of the bath, which will affect the durability and appearance of the structure.

Many videos are devoted to the finishing section of the frame bath. Here are the advantages and disadvantages various materials for decoration. Consultations experienced craftsmen reveal features and operational properties each type of material. It will also be useful practical advice from those who built and use their own frame bath.

Although the construction of frame technology is not particularly difficult, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the basic recommendations. Some videos contain information about the most common mistakes in the construction of a bath. Reviewing the material will help to avoid them in the future. This will guarantee the rapid construction of a reliable and durable structure.

A good bath is a source of not only physical health, but also improves the morale of visitors. This contributes internal arrangement premises, well-designed room designs and the use of modern building materials.

The first projects of baths with an attic were created for wooden houses. Eco-friendly material has a considerable number of advantages. Now projects of frame baths with an attic or a bath project with an attic and a terrace made of bricks or foam blocks are also popular.

The relevance of the construction of the building

A bath with an attic and a veranda, the projects of which are presented on our website, allows you to significantly save space on personal plot. The presence of the second floor allows you to add additional space, which you can use at your discretion. Therefore, these buildings are relevant for those who have a significant shortage of space.

Most often, the room is used as a guest room, a recreation area, a billiard room, or sports simulators are placed in it. Even construction companies include log bath projects with an attic in their list of proposals. They are offered in several standardized versions.

While compiling own project baths made of timber or brick with an attic, you should pay attention to some factors:

  • often a 6x6 bath project with an attic can include windows built into the roof, this solution provides the space with plenty of light and reduces the cost of installing additional ventilation;
  • the room provides space for a staircase, which is made of wood or metal; to save heat, it is often mounted directly from the steam room;
  • the shape of the roof is used in a broken form in order to maximize the usable space under it; steep side slopes are combined with vertical strict gables;
  • since the premises are characterized high humidity and significant temperature differences, it is necessary to provide for high-quality thermal insulation and waterproofing in the project of a bath with a 6x4 or 6x8 attic.

Compliance with these conditions will provide the most comfortable result.

Modern building technology allow you to build mobile baths, which can literally be transported from place to place. Their advantages and features of operation can be seen in the video.

VIDEO: The most cheap bath turnkey transportable mobile baths from a bar

Compact dimensions 6x4 m

It is generally accepted that the 4x6 bath project with an attic (photo below) is the most popular option for implementation in small areas. The building is compact, but at the same time functionality is not reduced. This footage is enough to take full advantage of it for a small family.

The first floor contains the following rooms:

  • steam room;
  • shower or washing;
  • rest room;
  • small veranda.

The veranda area is usually filled with chairs, benches and dining table. This open space creates an atmosphere of simplicity and naturalness. However, they can be sacrificed to expand the usable interior space by enlarging one of the built-in rooms.

The attic is used as a bedroom, lounge or even a pantry. In the latter case, a cozy corner is equipped on the ground floor, combined with the hallway.

During the drafting of wooden baths with an attic, the height of the ceilings in the rooms is 2-2.5 m, in order to ensure their comfortable use.

Bath design 6x6

One of the most demanded from the practical side is the project of a 6x6 bath with an attic made of timber. Thanks to additional meters area, a significant increase in usable space is obtained. This allows you to expand the layout options of the rooms to satisfy all the wishes of the owners of the bath.

In addition to the usual rooms for a bath, such as a washing room, a steam room or a dressing room, in this case, you can also place a small pool inside. It is installed as a built-in structure in the floor or as an additional container above the floor level.

The resulting terrace becomes more spacious, which is important for the summer period. If you plan to use the sauna often in winter, then the terrace can be reduced.

Construction stages

You can independently implement any project from a 6 by 6 bath with an attic to a 6 by 9 bath project with an attic. It is only necessary to stock up on a sufficient amount of materials and choose the right site for construction.

The sequential construction algorithm consists of the following steps:

  • The territory is being cleared and the foundation is being installed, which is selected based on the load: either tape or pile-screw.
  • The base is covered with a waterproofing coating. To do this, rolls of roofing material are used, on which the logs of the lower trim are laid. A layer of genital logs is sewn on top of such a durable array. Next, a frame is placed.
  • One of the costly items in the project of a bath house with an attic is the laying of metal tiles. A double crate with mandatory insulation is formed under it. A double layer of overlapping roofing material is also laid on top.
  • crash ceiling beams, and the ceiling is mounted.
  • Wooden frame must be caulked and blown from the inside and outside.
  • Since an open fire is used in the process of heating the baths, all wooden elements must be impregnated with several layers of fire-resistant antiseptic. From the outside, from the effects of moisture, they are covered with two layers of facade varnish.
  • A floating-type piping is carried out and, according to the project, baths made of logs with an attic are mounted on their meta platbands.
  • The next step is the installation of floors. For their insulation, a layer of expanded clay is often used.
  • wooden wall it is enough to grind well inside and they may not be processed anymore.
  • At the final stages of the implementation of the project of a log house with an attic, window and door blocks are being installed.
  • The steam room is securely insulated and the stairs are mounted in the place prepared for it.

Application of frame technology

There are successful implementations frame projects baths 6x8 m with an attic. In this case, the role of the supporting structure is performed by a wooden skeleton made of timber. The racks are mounted on the lower trim at a given equal interval of 0.6-0.8 m.

The selection of the dimensions of the timber for the frame is calculated based on the estimated size of the future insulation.

The base drains at the corners are used in the form of a beam of 100x100 mm, and for intermediate ones it will be enough to mount racks of 100x50 mm. heat insulating layer modern materials it will keep the internal temperature of the room in a comfortable range much better, since the coefficient of thermal conductivity of such materials is significantly lower than that of wood.

outer skin building is carried out using OSP sheets. This material specially designed for such conditions. Popular heat insulators in such projects of baths with an attic (photo is on the page) are mineral wool and polystyrene foam. Intermediate gaps between them are filled with mounting foam.

With open terrace

Some craftsmen prefer to seal cracks with dry moss, tow or flax. With all the benefits of these natural materials they have a number of significant drawbacks. The first is desiccation. Over time, moss and tow shrink, decrease in size, as a result of which drafts and moist air begin to penetrate through the cracks. The second is the favorite raw material construction material for birds. Already during the first 5 years they take it away for their own nests, which also, of course, does not add airtightness to the bath. By the best means for sealing cracks are modern interventional heaters, in particular, Polyterm or Konsil - a latex sealant.

One of the advantages of wireframe models is wide choose By outdoor decoration. They are sheathed with siding, all types of tiles, clapboard or block house. Conduct external processing frame structure can be immediately, and for the log house you need to wait 1 year for shrinkage. Even under the condition that the bath will be built on pile foundation, you still need to wait at least 12 months for a complete and uniform shrinkage of the entire structure.

VIDEO: Bath project with an attic 6x6 m

Bath - a trump card in any country house, in the yard of a private or country house. Even those who go to bathe irregularly, but consider such a pastime more like a vacation, and they agree: having your own bathhouse is great. In addition, building it with your own hands is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, thanks to modern ways and materials. A classic log house will require certain skills for assembly, but a frame wooden bath in the yard it will look no worse, and you can build it with your own hands in just a few days.


We design a 6x6 bath with an attic: layout

The first thing to take care of before the start of all work and the purchase of materials is the preparation of a project for the future building. Ideally, this should be contacted by specialists, since professionals will quickly draw up a project that will have a number of advantages over a home-made one:

  • the long service life of the bath is ensured by qualified calculations of the load on the frame;
  • correct selection of materials depending on their weight and operational properties;
  • professional budgeting (avoid overspending material, but you don’t have to buy extra);
  • trouble-free registration of a bathhouse in cadastral documents;
  • an increase in the price of a house / cottage along with a bathhouse upon sale.

You can order professional documentation from bureaus and companies that deal with frame buildings, or when buying a ready-made set of materials for a bath right size. In the latter case, you will immediately have everything you need to start the build.

Note! It is not necessary to choose only finished projects available at specific bureaus. Specialists can draw up a 6 by 6 bath project with or without an attic, taking into account all your requirements. Deviations from the standard plan, of course, will affect the price of the project, but the result will please you for many years.

In principle, the project only sounds so official, but in fact, you can simply plan the room so that during the construction process there is no desire to redo everything, replace the already purchased material with another. Important point in frame construction - correctly calculate the load on support structure. If you manage to do this, then you will surely cope with the rest of the design aspects.

If you decide to do your own calculations, keep in mind that:

  • the load on the soil from such a bath is small, so the foundation is made with a shallow tape;
  • bath frame with fast way installation in standard projects is assembled in increments of 95-100 centimeters;
  • the main material for assembly is a board 15x5 or a bar 10x10 or 10x5 centimeters;

Note! At self-selection wood for construction, carefully check its moisture content. Wood with a moisture content of more than 20% is highly likely to lead during operation, and deformations can be so strong that a complete replacement of the material is required.

  • the layout of the 6x6 bath with an attic should take into account the placement of the steam room, washing department, dressing rooms and dressing room on the ground floor;
  • the size of the washing and steam rooms comes from the expected number of vacationers;
  • sink, steam room and dressing room are separated frame partitions from the main material of the bath + insulation and vapor barrier;
  • safety requirements require the placement of the stove-heater not in the steam room or sink, but in the dressing room;
  • access to the attic is made from the dressing room;
  • if desired, a terrace or veranda can be placed in the attic.

How to assemble a frame bath 6x6 m with an attic with your own hands

The easiest way to do this is if you have purchased a ready-made "constructor". In this case, each element has already been selected and measured by professionals, and a very accurate step-by-step instruction is attached to the whole set.

If the building is supposed to be done by hand from beginning to end, then after completing the project and choosing a place for construction, you can begin to prepare all the necessary materials.

You will need:

  • edged board 50x120;
  • square standard timber 120x120;
  • unedged board and timber for lathing;
  • timber 40x75;
  • lining, siding or other lightweight finishing material for walls;
  • cement mortar;
  • roofing material;
  • ruberoid;
  • mineral wool;
  • expanded clay;
  • fasteners.

Consider step by step the process of assembling a frame bath 6x6 meters:

Step 1. We prepare the place. The allocated site is leveled, marked out for construction.

Step 2. A foundation is installed along the perimeter of the markup belt type. It should be remembered that it must pass as under outer walls, and under load-bearing partitions.

Step 3. A frame is mounted from beams, rafters and transfers (four frames in total). The frames are attached to the harness near the ground above the waterproofing layer.

Step 4. Wall components are attached to the processed and dried strapping with anchor bolts.

Step 5 mounting foam it is necessary to insulate all arising joints in order to avoid blowing through the building.

Step 6. On the frame is being erected rafter system and crate.

Step 7. Plates (for example, osb) are mounted to the crate, on which thermal insulation is laid out.

Step 8. The roof is attached to the rafters.

Step 9. All internal partitions are installed.

Step 10. The partition near the furnace must be overlaid with heat-resistant bricks.

Step 11. Interior decoration: mineral wool is laid in the walls, vapor barrier and they are sewn up with clapboard; expanded clay is poured on the floor and a vapor barrier is laid, after which the floor is also sewn up with boards.

Step 12. If necessary, perform exterior finish baths with siding or clapboard.

After the frame bath 6 by 6 meters is assembled, you can proceed to interior design, install equipment and try out the results of your work.

Foundation: support-columnar surface of concrete blocks height 400 mm(block 200x200x400 mm), on a concrete reinforced slab (400x400 mm) and sandy base. In blocks, waterproofing - roofing material. Corner posts from blocks in dressing (for 1 post - 4 blocks). Strapping on blocks of timber 150x100mm.

Walls: frame 125 mm thick; bottom trim- strapping on the foundation of the timber. Upper strapping from a board 40x100 mm. Racks from a board 40x100 with a pitch of 600 mm, Knauf insulation 100 mm thick, vapor barrier in 2 layers. External wall cladding with clapboard (for imitation of timber), inner lining clapboard walls.

Attic: frame, from a board 100x40 mm with a step of 600 mm, sheathing with clapboard from the side of the room, from the side of the street with clapboard (for imitation of timber). Attic insulation"Knauf" 100 mm thick, with vapor barrier gasket.

Partitions of the 1st floor: lower strapping - strapping on the foundation of the timber. Upper strapping from a board 40x100. Intermediate racks from a board 40x100 with a pitch of 600 mm, Knauf insulation 100 mm thick, vapor barrier in 2 layers. Sheathing of partitions on both sides with clapboard.

Attic gables: frame 112 mm thick from a board 100x40 mm with a step of 600 mm, sheathing from the side of the street with clapboard (under the imitation of timber) with a vapor barrier in 1 layer.

outdoor and interior decoration: outer lining of chamber drying (for imitation of timber) wide (110x12.5 mm), inner lining of chamber drying (88x12.5 mm).

Steam room: the walls and ceiling are sheathed with clapboard (linden) class A with foil lining, the canopy is made of linden.

Internal height of rooms: 1st floor: 2.3 m, attic: 2.2 m.

Floors: logs from a board 150x50 mm with a step of 600 mm. Draft floor from edged boards 20-22 mm thick along cranial bars. Floor insulation "Knauf" 100 mm thick. Flooring - floor board with a thickness of 26-28 mm., on the veranda flooring from a "deck" board without a tongue, mounted with a gap. Antiseptic log, subfloor, and lower trim.

Covers: overlapping of the 1st floor of the bath from a board 150x50 mm with a step of 600 mm, the ceiling is hemmed with clapboard with Knauf insulation 100 mm thick with a vapor barrier in 2 layers.

Rafter part, crate: the rafter part is made of a board 100x40 mm with a pitch of 600 mm, the crate is sparse from a board edged with a thickness of 20-22 mm.

Roof covering: Ondulin (color to choose from: red, green, brown). Lining of the roof with a platband with a gap for ventilation.

Window blocks: PVC, single glazing.

Door blocks: interior - deaf wooden, the door to the steam room is made of linden, Entrance door metal with a lock.

Staircase to the attic: steps, fencing, planed board handrail.

Bath equipment: in a wood burning steam room oven "Rus 18L" with a screen for stones or a water tank (optional), on the side of the firebox - brickwork. In the attic container for water 80 liters with electric heater and thermostat. Shower tray with shower head and shower wiring. Perimeter shower tray lined with PVC panels.

Electrical: UZO, automatic devices, a shield, switches, sockets, cartridges, plafonds, wires, boxes.

Delivery: to the customer's site (up to 100 km) from the production base of LLC "Master": Moscow region, s. Zavorovo. Unloading and assembly works.

classical bath 6x6 with an attic with an excellent layout at an inexpensive price - the dream of any person who owns land plot. Therefore, many lovers of country rest immediately after the cottage get themselves an excellent Russian bath. The layout of this bath includes a toilet.

The company offers its customers to buy classic Russian baths of any size with and without decoration. Bar baths turnkey from the company SK Domostroy - this is the best that can be found on the market dacha construction to date. In terms of "price / quality" for buildings from SK Domostroy

Why are projects of 6x6 bathhouses with turnkey attics from SK Domostroy so cheap?

Don't think it's cheap bath project 6x6 with an attic indicates that they are of poor quality or assembled in violation of technology.

Such a low price is due to the fact that SK Domostroy has its own sawmill. This allows you to reduce the price to very low values. As practice shows, the cost of a bath in Domostroy is 15% lower than that of the nearest competitors.

In addition, the assembly of log cabins is carried out by teams of professional craftsmen who can cope with work of any complexity in the shortest possible time.